2 Chapters
2 Chapters
2 Chapters
1st generation computer used vacuum tube 3rd generation computer used IC chips
Speed was very slow and memory was very IC chips increased the speed and memory of
small computer.
They were huge in size taking entire room They were small in size
Were very expensive and unreliable Cheaper and reliable than 1st generation
They consumed lot of power and generated Computer consumed less electricity
lot of heat.
Machine language was used in these High level programming language was
computers used.
Analog computer represent and process Digital computer works with digits.
data by measuring qualities such as Every thing in digital computers is
voltage and current to solve a problem. represented with binary digit ‘0’ and ‘1’.
They work on supply of continuous
signals as input and display output
Analogue computers are special purpose Digital computers are general purpose
computers designed to perform specific computers used in various fields
Accuracy of analog computer is low but Accuracy of digital computer is very high
they are faster than digital computer. than analog computer
3 Ahmed a class ix student is asking his father to replace his home computer crt monitor
and LCD monitor . how will you justify his demand?
Ahmed is asking his father to replace his computer CRT monitor with LCD monitor because
LCD has very high display quality and low weight than CRT monitor.
4 What will happen if storage device are removed from a computer?
There will be no place available to store/save data in a computer.
5 Differentiate between system software and application software?
System Software is a collection of program which makes the use computer easy and
efficient. System software is for the system’s own use only. Example: operating system,
device deriver , utility programs, language processor.
Application Software is developed for computer user to solve their problems such as
preparing a letter, creating a presentation or managing a database. Examples: productivity
software , business software , entertainmenet software and education software.
6 How student can use computer to improve academic performance.
➢ By using internet.
➢ Listening video lectures.
➢ Reading E books.
7 Give any three uses of computer in a school library?
Computer is used in school library for following purposes.
➢ To learn any type of software.
➢ To practice any software.
➢ To learn about related subjects.
➢ Perform computer practical’s.
8 Name few household appliances in which microprocessor is used?.
➢ Automatic security gates.
➢ Device controlled by remote control.
➢ Automatic washing machine.
➢ Mobile phone.
➢ Any device that is automated, use microprocessor.
9 What are the tasks performed by operating system?
➢ It loads programs into memory.
➢ It provides interface between computer user and hardware.
➢ It provides file management.
➢ It provides coordination between all components of computer.
Chapter 2
Why operating system is important software for a computer? Give any three reasons?
Name two operating system which are used in modern mobile phones?
What difficulties a student may face if he is not familiar with operating system of a
A student may face the following difficulties if he/she is not familiar with operating system.
It is multi user CLI operating system introduced in 1969. It allows multiple user to run different
programs at the same time . UNIX was developed for use on large computer system(Mainframe).
It uses a command line interface but later graphical user interface was also introduced.
Windows was popular operating system used on micro computer. It was developed by Microsoft.
Many different version of operating system were developed and used successfully in the past.
Some of these versions are windows 95, windows 98, windows millennium, windows XP.
Operating system that is used by single Operating system that is used by multi
user at a time user at a time
It requires less memory and costless It requires powerful CPU , large memory
and hard derive.
Examples are: DOS, Window XP, Example are: window NT , UNIX and
Window 7 LINUX
Managing data means storing file in secondary storage devices such as hard disk or USB
flash derive, in an organized way. This helps in finding files easily and quickly. Files are
stored in folder.
Resources of the computer means memory, CPU , I/O devices. Operating system assign
resources to every program during execution.
What type of problem may student face if no antivirus is not installed in his computer
If there is no anti virus installed on a student PC then there is chance of virus attack, data
present in that system is unsecure , it may be corrupted, destructed or stolen by the hackers.
Theory Of Ch2
Process management
In computer system multiple processes are executing concurrently or waiting for their turn to be
executed. OS allocate the resources (such as memory, I/O device, CPU) to the process. Enable
the process to share and exchange information. Protect the resources of one process from other
Memory management
It is the process of allocating space to the user program in main memory. OS loads the user
program in main memory and execute them. OS free the memory space after execution.
I/O management
it is the process of controlling the operation of all the Input/Output devices attached to the
computer such as keyboard, Mouse, Printer. Management of these devices is the responsibility of
the OS.
File management
➢ OS organizes ,stores and keep the tracks of computer files and folders..
➢ OS control the common operation performed on files.such as creating , editing , deleting,
copying and moving files.
Resource management
OS manage the resources of the computer , when application programs are executed by the
computer. Resources includes Microprocessor , Memory, I/O devices. Resource management
enhances the performance of computer.
User management.
➢ It is difficult to use.
➢ It is a command line interface, but later graphical user interface was also introduced.
Novell’s netware
It is menu driven interface operating sysem used in past. it was released in 1993
It is menue driven interface operating system . used on some apple computers.
➢ Allow the user to run more than one program at the same time.
Ans:- Batch OS
➢ In this , jobs are grouped in batches and computer executes them one by one .
➢ When current job terminates, computer automatically loads another job and execute it.
➢ Batch OS are suitable for the tasks where large amount of data has to be collected and
➢ Example: in credit card billing system all the data of credit card holder is collected and
held until processed as a batch at the end of billing cycle.
What is time sharing OS?
➢ Time sharing is feature of OS in which multiple user can use different programs on a
large scale computers.
➢ In a timesharing system , CPU is switched rapidly between the programs so that all
the user programs are executed simultaneously.
➢ Timesharing OS are used in organization such as banks, airline, hotels
➢ Real time operating system must process information and produce a response within
specified time.
➢ Real time systems are used in industries to produce immediate response within specified
➢ Used in industries such as Oil Refining Factory , Military and Space Research.
➢ For example : real time system is used to monitor the position of rocket in the space.
Ans:- A GUI provides a user friendly interface. This makes it easier for people with little
computer skills to operate the computer.
Ans:- All the information displayed on the screen is presented inside a window.
What is icon?
Ans:- small graphical symbols known as Icons are used to represent files , folders , drivers
What is Menu?.
Ans:- Menu presents various commands from which the user makes a selection with a pointing
What is Mouse?
Ans :- Mouse is a pointing device for performing different tasks such as selecting an option or
opening a file , folder or program.
Ans:- It is temporary place for items that the user deletes from the hard disk. When a file or
folder is deleted it goes to the Recycle Bin.
Ans:- Computer icon allows the user to access the contents of the computer drivers and manage
files and folders. It is used to navigate and manage the computer resources.
Ans folder icon resembles a physical file folder. It is used to store files. Folders are used to store
files in an organized manner on a storage device.
Ans :- Short cut icons are created to access a program file or folder quickly. They have an arrow
at the bottom of left corner and name below it.
Managing data means storing file in secondary storage devices such as hard disk , USB Flash
drive in an organized way. This helps in finding files quickly and easily.
Office automation refers to modern technology used to create store process and
communicate information for a accomplishing basic tasks performed in office. The system that
facilitate office automation is known as office automation system(OAS). Office automation system
consist of computer hardware , software and network.
The software used for office automation consist of word processing, spreadsheet, database
management , presentation graphics and electronic mail. The most commonly used office
automation software is Microsoft office . it is an office suit of application. It consist of ms word ,
ms excel, ms power point and ms outlook. It was fist announced by Bill Gates 1st aug, 1988.
Ans : Word processing refer to the use of computer to create , edit , format and print the document.
Ans: It is a computer application software that is used for creating different types of documents on
the computer.
Advantage of word processor over type writer that a document can be changed without retyping
the entire document. The document can be corrected easily . if there is a typing mistake word
processor can move sections of text from one place to another place
The four types of document that can be prepared in Microsoft word include letters, reports, resumes
and newsletters.
There are nine tabs on a ribbon. Names are File, home, insert, page layout, references, mailing,
review, view and Add-ins.
Define formatting?
Text alignment determines the place of text between left and right margin of the page. The text
can be aligned in the many ways such as left , right, center, and justify.
The amount of space between two line of text is called line spacing. Line spacing can be increased
and decreased.
The white spaces before and after a paragraph is known as paragraph spacing.
What is alignment?
Alignment is position of text on the page. There are three types of alignment 1) Right align 2) Left
align 3) Center align 4) Justify
What is indentation?
Header is used to display information on the top of the page . while footer is used to display
information on the bottom of the page.
A page break in a document indicates the end of one page and start of next page. While section
break indicates end of one section and starts of next section. Properties changed in one section
don’t effects the other section.
Spread sheet is a widely used application software . it allows the user to organize data in rows and
columns . it can be used to perform different type of calculations on data. It is used to display data
in tabular form.to understand the data easily. It provides many formulas and built in function to
perform different and difficult calculations quickly and easily.
Advantage of protecting an excel worksheet is that other users can only view its contents but cannot
delete and modify it .
data filtering is a process of narrowing down the data in worksheet and hide some parts of it . it
can be applied on text, dates and numbers. For example data filtering can used to display only
those students who have passed the examination
Data validation is a process of controlling the values or types of data that can be entered in the
cells. It can be used in excel to make a list of values that are allowed in a cell . for example the
data validation can restrict the user to enter only whole numbers in a cell.
Conditional formatting is the type of formatting that takes effect when the data in the cell satisfies
a specific condition. It can be used to highlight specific values. For example the color of the cell
can set to red if the marks are less than 33.