Figure 3. Diagram of scissors and material to be cut, with constants and variables used in haptic rendering.
respect to ground, a collision is detected if (xc + xs) > xm. 30
Empty Scissors
force (N)
force (N)
simulation data
determined by one of the three cutting algorithms 10 10
force (N)
force (N)
exceeded, the material edge position moves, maintaining 10 10
xm = xc + xs. Translational forces are displayed as
0 0
f t = kt ( xm − xc − xs ) , (3) -10
0 10 20 30
0 10 20 30
angle (deg) angle (deg)
20 20
original data
force (N)
force (N)
simulation data
10 10
0 0
-10 -10
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
angle (deg) angle (deg)
30 30
Skin Tendon
20 20
force (N)
force (N)
10 10
0 0
-10 -10
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
angle (deg) angle (deg)
collection process (e.g., forces not directly in the plane of are assumed to be a summation of forces from friction at
the scissors’ motion generated inadvertently by the hand the scissor pivot, friction at the scissor blades, and cutting
of the experimenter) that the empirical model does not force at the cutting point xc.
include. The piecewise linear models used for this The effect of torsional friction at the pivot point is
experiment are those shown in Figure 6, demonstrating computed from a simple moment arm:
that a small number of line segments (2 to 7) is generally τ pf
sufficient. f h − pf = , (6)
Figure 6 shows the data taken from cutting real tissues lh
overlaid with the scissors closing empirical model. Note where fh-pf is the force felt at the handle due to pivot
the visual similarity between these plots and the haptic friction, τpf is the torsional friction at the pivot, and lh is
recordings shown in Figure 4. For the scissors opening the length of the scissor handle as shown in Figure 3.
segment of each loop a frictional simulation model of Blade friction arises from a small contact area between
scissors opening was displayed to the user. This model the two blades. The scissor blades are shaped so that this
was equal to -½ the model for Empty Scissors (pictured area, approximated as a point, is the only source of blade
above). All users agreed that this felt realistic. friction. The friction at the handle is
f bf xc
3.3 Analytical Models f h −bf = , (7)
Preliminary work on analytical modeling has been where fh-bf is the force felt at the handle due to pivot
performed to characterize the effect of the changing friction, fbf is the friction at the blade contact point, and xc
cutting point on forces sensed at the handle. The model is the cutting point, as shown in Figure 3.
presented here is based on the assumption that the force The force necessary to cut a homogeneous material is
required to cut the material (at the exact location of the assumed to be a constant, fcf. Thus, the force felt at the
cut) is constant. Thus, it is a simplified model that does handle is
not take into account the material variations present in
biological tissues. The forces felt by the user at the handle
2.5 analytical model. This would certainly yield insights for
basic research in tissue modeling, and robot-controlled
2 cutting. In future work, more cutting data must be
obtained. This data should be acquired by a system with
controlled position, velocity, and grip force. Further
force (N)
0 20 40 60 80
theta (deg) The authors acknowledge Paul Stemniski and Vanessa
Chial for their work in the design of the haptic scissors.
Figure 7. Handle forces versus scissor angle for a This material is based on work supported by the National
constant velocity scissor closing (blank). Science Foundation (grants IIS0136344 and
EEC9731478), a Howard Hughes Fellowship, and a
f cf xc Department of Defense Fellowship.
f h −cf = . (8)
lh References
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