All Silabus MTI Semester I

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Concepts, Techniques, Methods and Applications

Course Syllabus


Prof. Zainal A. Hasibuan

Panca Hadi Putra
Farisya Setiadi

Academic Staff
Faculty of Computer Science
University of Indonesia
September 2018

Version: 3.6 1

Instructor : Prof. Zainal A. Hasibuan, PhD. Office : MTI, Salemba UI

Class hours : Tue: 14:00-16:30, 19:00-21:30 Fasilkom R. 3201, Depok
Thu: 19:00-21:30 Office hours :Tue, 17:00-18:00
E-mail :

This course focuses on the System Requirements Analysis, Design, and Implementation
of Information Systems (SRADIIS). SRADIIS involves understanding the nature of
user’s and organization’s information needs and how to capture those needs and use them
for the Design and Implementation of Information System in order to achieve
organization’s objectives. The SRADIIS should be an integrated approach of human-
computer interaction which may result in adaptable Information Systems. It is cannot be
considered as a one-sided or single component. It is an interrelated process as it evolves
to respond to growth and changes in technologies advancement, organization’s
environment, organization’s mission and objectives, organization’s management and
users’ information needs.

The course will to a large extent deal with concept of SRADIIS, methodologies of how to
conduct SRADIIS so that organization’s performances can be improved. Various
approaches used in the methodology will be discussed including the use of various
methods, techniques, processes, procedures, and tools. Beside that, this course will
explore the role of SRADIIS that have moved from having a peripheral stand alone
function in an organization (just a support systems) e.g. like catering, to having a core
function (enabler) in driving profitability and competitiveness in many ways - producing
quality of information, improve decision making and improve resource sharing. The
Analysis, Design and Implementation of Information Systems should be able to improve
competitiveness and sustain strategic position of an organization.

Evaluation will be based on participation, individual assignments, group project, quizzes,

presentations, and exams.

Course Objectives

The objectives of the course are 1) to understand the basic concept of SRADIIS, 2) to
understand various approaches in SRADIIS and, 3) to exercise a full cycle of SDLC in
the SRADIIS in the real world.

Required Reading

Dennis, et. al., “Systems Analysis & Design: An Object Oriented Approach with UML
5th ed”, John Wiley & Sons, 2015.

Version: 3.6 2
Additional Reading

 Satzinger, John W., Robert B. Jackson, and Stephen D. Burd. Systems analysis
and design in a changing world. Cengage learning, 2011.
 Bentley, Lonnie D., and Jeffrey L. Whitten. Systems analysis and design for the
global enterprise. Vol. 417. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007.
 Knapp, Jake, John Zeratsky, and Braden Kowitz. Sprint: How to solve big
problems and test new ideas in just five days. Simon and Schuster, 2016.
 Other reading materials will be assigned in class.

Method of Teaching Delivery

The lecture will be delivered using dual-mode (combination of face-to-face and online
through SCELE). All the class materials will be available on SCELE.


Readings. Readings are an essential part of your effort to understand the materials. I
suggest that you read ahead and use class time to ask questions that weren’t clear in the
readings or to share your thoughts with the class.

Participation. Your present in the class, in SCELE, and involve in subject matter
discussion are count toward your class participation. You are invited to respond to the
course materials. Please share your comment, question, experience, etc., and be the first
to invoke discussion—in class as well in discussion forum in SCELE.

IS Project Initiation. IS project initiation is one-page responses to a particular need of IS

in an organization. The assignment will be handed one week prior to when they are due.
The purpose of this exercise is to hone your critical thinking skills to initiate IS project in
an organization.

Quizzes. There will be quizzes delivered in class as well as through SCELE. It may no
notification being made in advance to deliver quiz. Quizzes provide immediate feedback
on previous materials and will be administered at the end of each topic. You have to be
ready anytime for a short time quiz as a medium for immediate feedback. Quizzes
account for a portion of your participation grade, which constitutes 10 percent of your

Final Project and Class Presentation. Each group of students will develop a new project.
The project shall address a particular problems and a particular methodology in the
SRADIIS: actions proposed to address the problem, steps involved, methods and
techniques used, a description of how the project meets the technical and business needs
of the requirements, and the implementation. The project shall include a working
prototyping system, report and contain approximately 20-25 pages (1.5 spaced, plus
bibliography and appendices).

Exam. The mid-term exam will cover the topics discussed in the class of the semester.

Version: 3.6 3

Your final grade will not rest on one or two assignments but will be based on how many
points you accumulate throughout the semester. My view is that this would better reflect
your learning process and would minimize anxiety associated with exam. The weights
assigned to each component are as follows:

Participation 7.5%
Quiz 1 5%
Quiz 2 5%
Mid-term examination 15%
Project Initiation 7.5%
Project Plan & Feasibility Analysis (Group) 10%
System Proposal (Group) 20%
System Design & Implementation (Group) 20%
Group presentation 10%
Total 100%

Class Policies and Teaching Delivery

Attendance Students are expected to attend class regularly. There are 75% minimum
attendance requirements (UI’s policy!), and attendance sheets will be passed out and will
be factored into your participation grade. In the case of absence, students are responsible
to stay current on information regarding materials covered in class and any changes in

Late Assignments. For each day an assignment is turned late, the total grade will be
deducted 5 (five) points. If you have a justified reason for not turning the assignment on
time (e.g., due to extenuating circumstances), please let me know prior to the due date. I
want to be flexible, yet fair to other students in the class. All late assignments are to be
turned in to the secretary or to special different digital box.

Academic dishonesty and Incompletes. Each student should be familiar with the
guidelines set in the “Code of Student Ethics” for issues pertaining to academic
dishonesty. No incompletes (I) will be assigned. There will be no makeup exams unless
prior notice is given and documentation of emergency is given.

Dual-mode teaching delivery is adopted, face-to-face teaching and through SCELE.There

will be an intensive class and electronic discussions on the course’s topics.

Grades (rounded to the nearest number):

A >90
A- >85 – 90
B+ >80 – 85

Version: 3.6 4
B > 75 – 80
B- > 70 – 75
C 65 – 70
D <65

Version: 3.6 5
Lesson Plan (16 weeks)

Week Topic Learning Outcomes Assessment Readings

1 Course Overview  To understand the basic concept of IS Assignment #1 Satzinger
 Course syllabus  To understand the evolution of system (Announced) ch. 1,
development methodologies
Introduction  Understand the fundamental systems Bentley
 System, information systems development life cycle ch. 1,
(IS), and types of IS  Define the roles and skills of a system analyst
 The systems development life  Describe and explain the differences between Dennis
cycle two overall approaches to IS development ch. 1-2
 Evolution of systems  Understand the importance of linking the
development methodologies information systems to business needs
 System analyst roles and  Be able to create a system request
skills  Understand how to assess technical, economic,
 The traditional method vs. and organizational feasibility.
object-oriented method  Be able to perform a feasibility analysis.
 Understand how projects are selected in some
IS Project Planning & organizations.
Management  Become familiar with estimation.
 Project identification  Be able to create a project workplan (WBS,
 Feasibility analysis Gantt Chart, Pert chart).
 Project selection  Become familiar with how to staff a project.
 Creating and managing  Understand how computer-aided software
workplan engineering, standards, and documentation
 Staffing the project improve the efficiency of a project.
 Understand how to reduce risk on a project.
2 Requirements Analysis  Understand how to create a requirements Assignment #1 (Due) Dennis
 Requirements definition definition. ch. 3

Version: 3.6 6
Week Topic Learning Outcomes Assessment Readings
 Requirements analysis  Become familiar with requirements analysis Assignment #2
strategies techniques. (Announced)
 Requirements gathering  Understand when to use each requirements
techniques analysis technique.
 The system proposal  Understand how to gather requirements using
interviews, JAD sessions, questionnaires, Quiz #1
document analysis, and observation.
 Understand when to use each requirements-
gathering technique.
3 Functional Modeling  Understand the rules and style guidelines for Dennis
 Use-case diagram activity diagrams. ch. 4
 Use-case description  Understand the rules and style guidelines for
 Activity diagram use cases and use-case diagrams.
 Verifying and validating  Understand the process used to create use cases
functional models and use-case diagrams
 Be able to create functional models using
activity diagrams, use cases, and use-case
 Be able to verify and validate functional
4 Structural Modeling  Understand the rules and style guidelines for Assignment #2 (Due Dennis
 CRC cards creating CRC cards, class diagrams, and object date) ch. 5
 Class diagram diagrams.
 Object diagrams  Understand the processes used to create CRC
cards, class diagrams, and object diagrams. Assignment #3
 Be able to create CRC cards, class diagrams, (Announced)
and object diagrams.
 Understand the relationship between the
structural and use case models.

Version: 3.6 7
Week Topic Learning Outcomes Assessment Readings
5 Behavioral Modeling  Understand the rules and style guidelines for Dennis
 Crude analysis sequence and communication diagrams and ch. 6
 Interaction diagram behavioral state machines.
 Behavioral state machines  Understand the processes used to create
sequence and communication diagrams and
behavioral state machines.
 Be able to create sequence and communication
diagrams and behavioral state machines.
 Understand the relationship between the
behavioral models and the structural and
functional models.
6. Moving on to Design  Understand the verification and validation of Assignment #3 (Due Dennis
 Verifying and validation the the analysis models. date) ch. 7
analysis models  Understand the transition from analysis to
 Design strategies design. Assignment #4
Selecting an acquisition strategy  Be familiar with the custom, packaged, and (Announced)
outsource design alternatives.
 Be able to create an alternative matrix.
7. User Experience Design &  Understand several fundamental user interface - Dennis
Human-Computer Interaction (UI) design principles. ch. 9
 Principles for user interface  Understand the process of UI design.
design  Understand how to design the UI structure.
 User interface design process  Understand how to design the UI standards.
 Navigation design  Understand commonly used principles and
 Input design techniques for navigation design
 Output design  Understand commonly used principles and
 Mobile computing and social techniques for input design.
media user interface design  Understand commonly used principles and
 International and cultural techniques for output design.

Version: 3.6 8
Week Topic Learning Outcomes Assessment Readings
issues  Be able to design a user interface.
Non-functional requirements in Understand the effect of nonfunctional
user interface design requirements on the human-computer interaction
8. Mid semester test  - Midterm test -
9 Physical Architecture Design  Understand the different physical architecture Dennis
 Elements of the physical components. ch. 10
architecture  Understand server-based, client-based, and
 Cloud computing client–server physical architectures.
 Ubiquitous computing and  Be familiar with distributed objects computing.
the Internet of Things (IOT)  Be able to create a network model using a
 Greet IT deployment diagram.
 Infrastructure design  Understand how operational, performance,
 Nonfunctional requirements security, cultural, and political requirements
in physical architecture affect the design of the physical architecture
design layer.
 Be familiar with how to create a hardware and
software specification.
10 Construction, Testing,  Be familiar with the system construction Quiz #2 Dennis
Installation and Operations process. ch. 12, 13
 Understand different types of tests and when to
 Managing programming use them.
 Developing documentation  Understand how to develop documentation.
 Designing tests  To be familiar with system installation process
 Cultural issues and  To understand different types of conversion
information systems adoption strategies and when to use them
 System conversion plan  Understanding techniques for managing change
 Change management  Be familiar with post-installation processes
 System support and such as system support and system

Version: 3.6 9
Week Topic Learning Outcomes Assessment Readings
maintenance maintenance.
11 - Dennis
ch. 13
12 Agile (Scrum)  Be familiar with contemporary agile technique, Sutherland
 Understanding when to use Scrum compared to
other methodologies
13 Design Sprint  Two-hour workshop Knapp
 30-minute prototype demonstration
13 Course Review and Summary - Assignment #4 (Due)
14 Assignment Presentation - -
15 Assignment Presentation - -
16 Assignment Presentation - -

Version: 3.6 10
Document Revision History

No. Version Date Description Author

1. 2.0 20th August 2017 - Zainal A. Hasibuan
2 3.0. 24th August 2017 New lesson plan with learning outcomes and additional reading. Panca Hadi Putra
3. 3.1. 25th August 2017 Assessment component. Panca Hadi Putra
3. 3.2. 29th August 2017 Assessment schedule. Panca Hadi Putra
4. 3.3. 4th September 2017 Assessment component (removed final exam) and assessment Panca Hadi Putra
5. 3.4. 2nd October 2017 Assessment component. Panca Hadi Putra
6. 3.5. 26th January 2018 Week 1 and 2 combined. New material for week 12. Panca Hadi Putra
7. 3.6 1st September 2018 Added agile (scrum) in week 12. Panca Hadi Putra


Version: 3.6 11




Dr. Achmad Nizar Hidayanto

Yova Ruldeviyani, M.Kom

Program Studi Magister Teknologi Informasi

Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia
Jakarta 2018

Version: 3.6 12

LEMBAR PENGESAHAN................................................................................................................................ 2

PENGANTAR ............................................................................................................................... 3

BAB 1 INFORMASI UMUM ....................................................................................................... 4

BAB 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 6

CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN ............................................................................................................ 6

A. Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK) atau Course Learning Outcome (CLO)................... 6

B. Sub CPMK / Sub CLO (Kemampuan pada Akhir Tahap Pembelajaran) ..................................... 6

C. Subkompetensi, Pokok Bahasan, Subpokok Bahasan, Estimasi Waktu, dan Rujukan .... 8

Daftar Rujukan ......................................................................................................................10

BAB 4 .......................................................................................................................................10

RANCANGAN TUGAS DAN PELATIHAN ..........................................................................................10

BAB 5 EVALUASI HASIL PEMBELAJARAN........................................................................................12






Dr. Ahmad Nizar Hidayanto

Yova Ruldeviyani, M.Kom

Jakarta, 31 Agustus 2018


KaProdi Magister Teknologi Informasi

Betty Purwandari, S.Kom., M.Sc., Ph.D.


Era revolusi industri kini memasuki era digitalisasi dimana hal ini dikenal dengan era industri
4.0. Bergesernya era industri tersebut harus secara cepat direspon oleh perguruan tinggi di
Indonesia untuk dapat menghadapi perubahan yang terjadi. Sebagai upaya meningkatkan
kualitas pendidikan tinggi pada era industri 4.0, perubahan paradigma pemelajaran ikut
menyesuaikan. Paradigma pemelajaran di perguruan tinggi bergeser dari pemelajaran yang
berpusat pada pengajar (teacher-centered learning) menjadi pemelajaran yang berorientasi
pada peserta didik/pemelajar (student-centered learning).
Universitas Indonesia (UI) secara cepat merespon setiap perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi.
Paradigma pemelajaran yang berorientasi pada peserta didik/ pemelajar menjadi prioritas agar
tujuan pemelajaran beserta sasarannya dapat tercapai. Untuk mencapai tujuan dan sasaran
yang diharapkan, maka diperlukan suatu rancangan pemelajaran yang secara spesifik,
sistematis, dan layak untuk diimplementasikan oleh seluruh civitas akademik di Universitas
Buku Rancangan Pengajaran (BRP) untuk mata kuliah Manajemen Data disusun sebagai
panduan bagi pengajar beserta tim pengajar. Buku ini diharapkan agar proses pemelajaran
dapat dimplementasikan secara efektif. Panduan ini akan terus disempurnakan mengikuti
perkembangan pengetahuan yang dibutuhkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pemelajaran.
Mata kuliah Manajemen Data ini memberikan pengetahuan dasar terkait pengelolaan data
kepada mahasiswa, terutama terkait fungsi, terminology dan best practice. Pengelolaan data
ini akan mengikuti prinsip-prinsip dalam Data Management Body Of Knowledge (DMBOK) dari
Dama Internasional.

Jakarta, 30 Agustus 2018

Dosen Manajemen Data


1. Nama Program Studi/ jenjang studi : Magister Teknologi Informasi/ Magister

2. Nama mata kuliah : Manajemen Data
3. Kode mata kuliah : CSIM801013
4. Semester ke- :1
5. Jumlah SKS :3
6. Metode pembelajaran :
 Tatap muka, on line learning melalui SCELE, tutorial dan praktikum, studi kasus,
7. Mata kuliah yang menjadi prasyarat :-
8. Menjadi prasyarat untuk mata kuliah : Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi
9. Integrasi antara mata kuliah : Mata kuliah Manajemen Data merupakan
prasyarat untuk dapat mengambil mata kuliah Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi.
Keterkaitan antar mata kuliah mini dapat dilihat pada bagan dibawah ini.

Strategis Sistem

Kuliah wajib

10. Dosen pengampu : Dr. Achmad Nizar Hidayanto, Yova Ruldeviyani

11. Deskripsi mata kuliah :
Data merupakan salah satu komponen yang harus dikelola oleh organisasi dalam
menunjang proses pengambilan keputusan. Data dengan kualitas yang baik merupakan
kunci untuk memperoleh pengetahuan dalam menghadapi persaingan bisnis yang semakin

Paradigma lama dalam pengelolaan data berfokus pada bagaimana memodelkan
kebutuhan data pada organisasi. Seiring semakin kompleksnya data dan sistem informasi
yang harus dikelola organisasi, tantangan dalam pengelolaan data semakin meningkat
untuk menjamin tercapainya kualitas data di tingkat enterprises. Ukuran organisasi yang
terus bertambah, sistem yang masih silo-silo, sumber-sumber data yang semakin beragam
dan semakin besar ukurannya, menyebabkan organisasi dituntut untuk mengelola datanya
dengan lebih baik.
Mata kuliah Manajemen Data memberikan pengetahuan dasar terkait pengelolaan data
terutama terkait fungsi, terminology dan best practice. Pengelolaan data yang dimaksud
akan mengikuti prinsip-prinsip yang tertuang dalam Data Management Body of Knowledge
(DMBOK) dari DAMA International.


A. Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK) atau Course Learning

Outcome (CLO)

Setelah menyelesaikan mata kuliah Manajemen Data, mahasiswa diharapkan memiliki

kompetensi sebagai berikut:
1. Menjelaskan fungsi-fungsi dari pengelolaan data dalam organisasi.
2. Mampu menganalisis, merancang, dan mengevaluasi kebutuhan data dalam organisasi.
3. Mampu mengindentifikasi atau menganalisis berbagai permasalahan pengelolaan data
dalam organisasi, merumuskan solusi terhadap permasalahan pengelolaan data, dan
menuangkannya menjadi sebuah tulisan ilmiah.

B. Sub CPMK / Sub CLO (Kemampuan pada Akhir Tahap Pembelajaran)

Subkompetensi yang terkait mata kuliah Manajemen

Data dijelaskan sebagai berikut:
1.1. Menjelaskan fungsi-fungsi utama dalam pengelolaan data.
1.2. Menjelaskan komponen-komponen dari tata kelola data / data governance dan
merancang data stewardship dalam organisasi.
1.3. Menjelaskan aktivitas dalam mengelola arsitektur data / data architecture management.
1.4. Menjelaskan tahapan dalam pengembangan data / data development management.
1.5. Menjelaskan aktivitas dan isu dalam pengelolaan operasional data / data operation
1.6. Menjelaskan aktivitas dan isu dalam pengelolaan keamanan data / data security
1.7. Menjelaskan aktivitas dan isu dalam pengelolaan data referensi dan master / reference
and master data management.

1.8. Menjelaskan aktivitas dan isu dalam pengelolaan data warehouse dan business
1.9. Menjelaskan aktivitas dalam pengelolaan dokumen dan konten / Document and Content
Data Management.
1.10. Menjelaskan aktivitas dalam pengelolaan metadata / Metadata Management.
1.11. Menjelaskan aktivitas dan isu dalam pengelolaan kualitas data / Data Quality
2.1. Menganalisis kebutuhan dan merancang arsitektur data.
2.2. Mengevaluasi dan memperbaiki kualitas data.
2.3. Merancang dan mengimplementasikan data warehouse dan business intelligence.
3.1. Mengindentifikasi atau menganalisis berbagai permasalahan pengelolaan data dalam
3.2. Merumuskan solusi terhadap permasalahan pengelolaan data.
3.3. Memimpin dan bekerja dalam tim, mandiri dan bertanggung jawab terhadap
3.4. Menulis karya ilmiah terkait dengan solusi yang sudah dibuat.

C. Subkompetensi, Pokok Bahasan, Subpokok Bahasan, Estimasi Waktu, dan Rujukan

KI Kuliah Interaktif
BM Belajar Mandiri
SK Studi Kasus
R Riset
T Tutorial
O Orientasi
Lat Latihan
U Umpan balik

M Hari Sub Bahan Kajian Metode Waktu Pengalam Bobot Indikator Rujukan/Referensi
i /Tgl CPMK Pembela yang an Belajar penerap Pencapaian
n /Sub jaran dibutuh (*O-L-U) an sub sub CPMK
u pada
1 S/3 1.1 Introduction to Data KI, BM 3x50 O=KI [1] Chap 1 & 2
R/5 Management U=U, BM
2 S/10 1.2 Data Governance KI, BM 3x50 O=KI [1] Chap 3
R/12 U=U, BM
3 S/17 1.3 Data Architecture KI, BM 3x50 O=KI [1] Chap 4
R/19 Management U=U, BM
4 S/24 1.4 Data Development KI, BM 3x50 O=KI [1] Chap 5
R/26 Management U=U, BM [2] Chap 10
5 S/1 2.1 Database Design KI, BM 3x50 O=KI [2] Chap 12, 13, 17
R/3 U=U, BM

6 S/8 1.5 Data Operation KI, BM 3x50 O=KI [1] Chap 6
R/10 Management U=U, BM
7 S/15 3.1, Presentasi tugas 1 SK 3x50 O=O,
R/17 3.2, 3.3 L=Lat,
9 S/29 1.6 Data Security KI, BM 3x50 O=KI [1] Chap 7
R/31 Management U=U, BM [2] Chap 20
10 S/5 1.7 Reference and Master KI, BM 3x50 O=KI [1] Chap 8
R/7 Data Management U=U, BM [3]
11 S/12 1.8 Data Warehouse and KI, BM 3x50 L=T, Lat [1] Chap 9
R/14 Business Intelligence [2] Chap 31, 33
12 S/19 1.9 Document, Content, KI, BM 3x50 O=KI [1] Chap 10, 11
R/21 1.10 Metadata U=U, BM
13 S/26 1.11 Data Quality KI, BM 3x50 O=KI [1] Chap 12
R/28 Management U=U, BM
14 S/3 Dosen tamu KI 3x50 O=KI
R/5 U=U, BM
15 S/10 3.1, Presentasi tugas 2 SK, R O=O,L=Lat
R/12 3.2, 3.3 U=U
16 S/17 3.1, Presentasi tugas 2 SK, R O=O,L=Lat
R/19 3.2, 3.3 U=U

*) O : Orientasi
L : Latihan

U : Umpan Balik

Daftar Rujukan
[1] The Data Management Association. (2009). Data Management Body of Knowledge. Bradley Beach, NJ: Technics Publications.
[2] Connoly and Begg. Database System.
[3] Loshin, D. (2009). Master Data Management. Amsterdam: Morgan Kaufmann.
[4] Gordon, K. (2013). Principles of Data Management, Facilitating information sharing (2nd ed.). London: BCS, The Chartered
Institute for IT.

Software Pendukung
1. Pentaho


Minggu Nama Sub CPMK Penugasan Ruang Cara Batas Luaran Tugas yang
ke Tugas Lingkup Pengerjaan Waktu Dihasilkan

5 Tugas 1 2.1,2.2, 3.1, Melakukan perancangan Data Kelompok 2 Dokumen tugas

3.2, 3.3 pengembangan data Design minggu
2 Tugas 2 3.1, 3.2, 3.3,3.4 Membuat tulisan Seluruh Kelompok 3 bulan Paper yang siap
makalah ilmiah topik disubmit pada jurnal

kuliah atau conference
11 Tugas lab 2.1, 2.2,2.3 Mengerjakan di lab Mandiri 2 Laporan tugas
berdasarkan assignment minggu
9 Tutorial 2.3 Mengerjakan instruksi Mandiri Laporan tugas
tutorial di lab


Bentuk Evaluasi Sub CPMK Instrumen/Jenis Frekuensi Bobot Evaluasi

Asesmen (%)
Quiz 1 Soal pilihan 3x 22,5
Tugas 1 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, Penulisan dan 1x 17,5%
3.2, 3.3 rancangan solusi
Tugas 2 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, Penulisan dan 1x 17,5%
3.4 rancangan solusi
Tugas Lab 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 Pemrograman 1x 17,5%
UTS 1.1 – 1.6 Soal pilihan 1x 25%
ganda dan essai
Total 100

Seluruh proses pembelajaran selain didukung oleh

media online yaitu Student Center eLearning (SCeLE),
juga didukung oleh media offline seperti diskusi secara
tatap muka dengan para asisten. Seluruh materi
perkuliahan dapat diakses secara penuh oleh para
mahasiswa melalui SCeLE dengan cara meng-enroll
mata kuliah yang diinginkan. Tugas mandiri sangat
berperan besar dalam mencapai kompetensi yang
diinginkan. Para mahasiswa juga diharapkan lebih aktif

dan memanfaatkan kesempatan untuk berdiskusi
dengan para asisten agar mencapai hasil yang maksimal.

Tugas 1:
Pada tugas 1 ini, mahasiswa diminta untuk membuat rancangan atau pemodelan arsitektur data
(kebutuhan data) pada sebuah organisasi. Organisasi yang menjadi studi kasus tugas ini bisa dari
lingkungan Pemerintahan maupun Swasta (bisa diambil dari salah satu tempat kerja anggota
kelompok). Untuk menghasilkan Arsitektur Data yang baik dan komprehensif, analisis kondisi
perusahaan dilakukan terhadap minimal 2 (dua) departemen / divisi yang memiliki alur
pertukaran data dan informasi yang sangat erat. Struktur organisasi yang dianalisis bisa terdiri
dari unit kerja dengan proses bisnis inti dan pendukung. Misalnya: Divisi Penjualan, Divisi HRD
dan Divisi Keuangan. Dalam penyusunan tugas ini, mahasiswa juga perlu melihat regulasi
internal maupun eksternal (jika ada) yang mengikat dan berpengaruh pada pembuatan arsitektur
data, misal: pada bagian integrasi data harus menggunakan standar tertentu. Output yang
diharapkan dari tugas ini adalah:
 Analisis kondisi saat ini (dalam bentuk deskripsi)
 Struktur Tata Kelola Data
 Data Modelling atau Pemodelan Data, yang meliputi: subject area model, data ownership
dan Kamus Data (atribut, constraint, business rule).
 Definisi user berserta Role atau peran (data steward, IT People dll)
 Information Value Chain (berdasarkan informasi dan unit organisasi; berisi CRUD)
 Kebutuhan Integrasi Data

Tugas 2:

Pada tugas 2 ini, mahasiswa akan diminta untuk membuat riset mini terkait Manajemen Data.
Topik bisa diambil dari semua area Manajemen Data yang dipelajari dalam mata kuliah ini. Mini
riset bisa dilakukan pada sebuah studi kasus atau multi studi kasus. Peserta akan diminta mulai
dari menentukan topik, merumuskan metodologi, mengumpulkan data, dan menyajikan hasil
penelitian yang sudah dilakukan. Di akhir dari tugas ini, mahasiswa diharapkan bisa mensubmit
tulisan yang sudah dibuatnya pada sebuah jurnal nasional atau konferensi internasional.

Tugas Lab:
Pada tugas Lab ini, mahasiswa diminta untuk menganalisis kebutuhan data untuk pengambilan
keputusan. Hasil analisis tersebut sebagai dasar dalam perancangan dan pengembangan data
warehouse, yang juga menjadi salah satu output yang harus diserahkan oleh mahasiswa.
Mahasiswa menyampaikan hasil pengembangannya kepada asisten.

Silabus Kuliah

Sistem Informasi Perusahaan
Enterprise System

Fakultas Ilmu Komputer

Universitas Indonesia
Kata Pengantar dan Catatan Perubahan:

Versi 5.0 – Januari 2018 – Fasilkom UI

Disusun Oleh: Muhammad Rifki Shihab, Yudho Giri Sucahyo, Panca OHP, Indra Budi,
Riri Satria & Putu Wuri Handayani,,,,

Versi 4.0 – Agustus 2017 – Fasilkom UI

Disusun Oleh: Muhammad Rifki Shihab, Yudho Giri Sucahyo, Panca OHP & Indra Budi, &

Versi 3.0 – Februari 2017 – Fasilkom UI

Disusun Oleh: Muhammad Rifki Shihab & Indra Budi &

Versi 2.0 – Agustus 2016 – Fasilkom UI

Disusun Oleh: Muhammad Rifki Shihab & Indra Budi &

Versi 1.0 – Maret 2016 – Fasilkom UI

Disusun Oleh: Muhammad Rifki Shihab
Bab 1

Paparan Umum

Nama Kuliah : Sistem Informasi Enterprise

(Enterprise Systems)

Kode Kuliah : CSIM801014

Target Peserta : Mahasiswa/i Magister Teknologi Informasi

Satuan Kredit : 3 sks

Prasyarat : --

Kuliah Terkait : --

Penanggung Jawab : --

Deskripsi Singkat : Sistem enterprise adalah kategori dari sistem informasi

yang telah banyak diadopsi dalam praktek sejak tahun
1990-an. Sistem enterprise biasanya didasarkan dari
produk perangkat lunak jadi yang dikemas. Pada
umumnya, sistem enterprise ditujukan untuk
mewujudkan integrasi lintas fungsional—oleh karenanya
membutuhkan sumber daya dari seluruh lini organisasi
untuk pelaksanaannya .
Siklus hidup sistem enterprise termasuk pengembangan,
pelaksanaan, penggunaan dan evaluasi yang sering kali
melibatkan perusahaan entitas eksternal (misalnya
vendor perangkat lunak atau perusahaan konsultasi)
serta unit kerja entitas internal (misalnya departemen IT
atau pengguna akhir). Sistem enterprise memberi
dampak ke beragam jenjang di dalam maupun luar
organisasi, mulai dari individu karyawan, unit unit dalam
organisasi dan bahkan ke jaringan bisnis external.
Mengingat kondisi diatas, memperkenalkan sistem
enterprise untuk perusahaan adalah sebuah tantangan
yang menarik untuk dipelajari.
Bab 2

Sasaran Pemelajaran

Daftar Buku Text:

Buku Text Wajib
Motiwalla, L.F. and Thompson, J., 2012. Enterprise systems for management 2nd ed.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

Buku Text Tambahan (opsional)

Dave, Chaffey. E-Business and E-Commerce Management. 5th Ed., 2011, Prentice
Laudon, J.P. & Laudon, K.C., 2006. Essentials of Business Information Systems,
Prentice Hall.

Daftar Sasaran Pembelajaran: (Expected Learning Outcomes - ELO)

1. ELO 1: Peserta kuliah dapat mengetahui dasar-dasar tentang sistem enterprise

2. ELO 2: Peserta kuliah dapat mengenali bentuk arsitektur sebuah sistem enterprise
dan menentukan cara implementasi yang paling baik.
3. ELO 3: Peserta kuliah dapat merumuskan sebuah strategi implementasi dari sistem
4. ELO 4: Peserta kuliah dapat mengidentifikasikan dan mengenali kapabilitas dari
beberapa aplikasi utama dari sebuah sistem enterprise
5. ELO 5: Peserta kuliah dapat menjabarkan daur hidup sebuah sistem enterprise dari
pembangunan, implementasi, pemanfaatan dan evaluasi.
Daftar Topik:
Course Activity Description Nama Pengajar

Week-1 IB/PWH
Part 1: Understanding Enterprise Systems
3/5 Sept
Introduction To Enterprise Systems
-Textbook Chapter 1
Week-2 IB/PWH
Part 1: Understanding Enterprise Systems
10/12 Sept
Systems Integration & Enterprise Systems Architecture
- Textbook Chapter 2 & 3
Week-3 IB/PWH
Part 1: Understanding Enterprise Systems
17/19 Sept
Development Life Cycle & Implementation Strategies
- Textbook Chapter 4 & 5
Week-4 Part 1: Understanding Enterprise Systems IB/PWH
24/26 Sept Software and Vendor Selection & Operations and Post
2018 Implementation
- Textbook Chapter 6 & 7
Week-5 IB/PWH
Part 1: Understanding Enterprise Systems
1/3 Oct
Project Management, Organizational Change & Ethical Issues
-Textbook Chapter 8, 9 & 10
Week-6 IB/PWH
In-Class Discussion Session: Group Assignment 1 Sharing Session
8/10 Oct
Pengumuman Group Assignment 3
Quiz 1
15/17 Oct
Individual Assignment 1: Lab/Hands-On Experience

Mid-Term Exam
20 - 27 Oct
Conduct an exam which covers all the topics from week-1 until

Week-9 Part 2: Defining major application software packages RS/PWH

29/31 Oct - Supply Chain Management & e-Procurement
- Textbook Chapter Ch 11
Week-10 Part 2: Defining major application software packages RS/PWH
5/7 Nov - Customer Relationship Management & E-Marketing
- Textbook Chapter Ch 12
Week-11 RS/PWH
Part 2: Defining basic definitions and capabilities of major
12/14 Nov
application software packages
- Enterprise Resource Planning & Business Intelligence
In-Class Discussion Session: Group Assignment 2 Sharing Session RS/PWH
Quiz 2
19/21 Nov

Week-13 RS/PWH
26/28 Nov
Dosen TAMU: Emerging Topics in Enterprise Systems

Week-14 RS/PWH
3/5 Dec
Presentasi Akhir: Group Assignment 3

Week-15 RS/PWH
10/12 Dec
Presentasi Akhir: Group Assignment 3

15 - 22 Dec Final Exam
2018 Conduct an exam which covers all the topics after mid-term exam
Bab 3

Mekanisme Evaluasi

Skema Penilaian:

20% PR/Tugas
10% Kuis
25% UTS
25% UAS
15% Presentasi
5% Lab/Hands-on

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