John Locke
John Locke
John Locke
Rationalist or Empiricist
-Locke believed that we gain knowledge by experience, this is called empiricism
-Locke agreed with Aristotle that we are not born with innate ideas, and that we learn through
Issues with Knowledge
-Locke’s theory was that the only way we learn is by tasting, smelling, touching, and hearing
the external world
-Locke believed that there were two types of ideas, Simple and Complex
Locke disagreed with Rene Descartes, he believed that humans are born without any
knowledge of the world. Descartes borrowed ideas from Plato, he believed that we are
all born with innate ideas
Locke agreed with Aristotle’s theory that humans are born with a clean slate, and that
we learn while we grow, experiencing the world as we go. Aristotle believed that we
gain knowledge by experiencing the world with our senses .
Vocabulary SENSE: Sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch SENSATION: The operation or function
of the senses; perception or awareness of stimuli through the senses REFLECTION: Thinking
about what you experienced, processing the information IMPRESSION: The first and immediate
effect of an experience or perception upon the mind QUALITIES: Essential or distinctive
characteristic, property, or attribute