Modeling Interactions and Navigation in Web Applications
Modeling Interactions and Navigation in Web Applications
Modeling Interactions and Navigation in Web Applications
This work presents a method that bridges the gap between requirements elicitation and conceptual,
interaction and navigation design for Web applications.
This method is based on user scenarios, use cases, and a new graphical notation, called User
Interaction Diagrams. From these specifications, it is shown how to derive a conceptual model, and
then how to derive the navigational structure of a Web application that supports the set of tasks
identified in the scenarios.
1. Introduction
Most current hypermedia (and web) design methods such as HDM [6], RMM [9], EORM [11], or even
earlier versions of OOHDM [14, 13] provide the designer with models and a corresponding notation to
specify the design and implementation of applications. Little guidance is given as to how a designer
should interact with all the stakeholders involved, capturing their requirements and eventually
developing the actual design.
In this work we present an approach to address this problem, based on a method that employs User
Scenarios [1], Use Cases [10] and User Interaction Diagrams (UIDs) [16, 17]. Whereas the first two
techniques are well known in the literature, the former is a new primitive specifically designed to
capture the externally observable interactions between a user and an interactive application.
The method described in the remainder of the work shows how to gather requirements, how to
synthesize a conceptual design and a navigation design of an application from these requirements, as
represented in Figure 1.
Figure 1 – Phases in the Design and Implementation of Web Applications. The shaded area is
addressed by the method discussed in this work.
The presentation in the work will use as an example a website designed for the Intranet of a large
corporation, which has offices in several cities geographically spread out over a large territory,
focusing specifically on its Training Division. This unit is responsible for offering course and training
activities for the entire company, fulfilling demands from all other units, designing new courses, hiring
instructors when necessary, providing the infrastructure and actually running classes.
The remainder of the work is organized as follows. Section 2 describes how to first gather and specify
requirements through user scenarios, use cases and UIDs, and how to use the collected models to
derive a conceptual design for the application. Section 3 shows how to continue the design process by
Daniel Schwabe and Natacha Güell are partially supported by grants from CNPq; Patricia Vilain is partially
supported by a grant from CAPES.
synthesizing the navigation design; Section 4 briefly compares the new method with existing work,
and draws some conclusions.
In this phase, the designer interacts with the domain to identify the roles1 users play and tasks the
application supports. This interaction is achieved through analysis of documents and interviews of
Users can play several roles, in which the user exchanges information with the application. In the
example, an initial examination revealed several possible roles in the design of the website for the
training division: Student, Manager, Administrative Coordinator, Didactic Coordinator, and Human
Resources Coordinator. Later, during the specification of the use cases, we verified that administrative
coordinators and didactic coordinators could be unified into single role, Coordinator. We also
identified that all other roles had the same tasks, so they were eventually unified into the role
For each role, we identify the tasks the web application must support, such as (for the role Student):
Search information about a course; Search information about an instructor; Get the course material in
In this phase, each user specifies textually or verbally the scenarios that describe his tasks. If a user
plays several roles, these roles must be identified. Scenarios are narrative descriptions of how the
application may be used [1]. Although the designers also can produce scenarios, we will concentrate
on those produced by users.
The tasks identified in the previous phase can guide users in determining relevant scenarios.
In Figure 3, we present some scenarios, specified by students and managers in our case study,
describing the search for a course given a subject.
The term “role” used in this work is similar to the term “actor” used in [10].
AL3.4 – Browsing courses given a subject
Courses can be searched by their subjects. I am a software developer. Some subjects are of interest to
me, for example, “compilers” and “languages”. For an administrator, subjects such as “operating system”
and “tools” are interesting. So, the courses must be classified by the kinds of users.
GA4.4 - Search for a course given a subject
Sometimes when an employee looks for a course, he doesn’t have the name of the course. Therefore, the
search by the course name is not sufficient. It is also important to allow the search by subject. Thus, an
employee can choose a subject and find all courses related to that subject. In the “Earth Sciences” area,
we can find 10 related subjects, “Geophysics”, “Geophysical Computing”, “Inversion”, “Photography”, and
so on. Each subject can be associated with two or more courses. There are courses associated to one or
more subjects.
GA5.2 – Finding information about a course
To decide if an employee can take a course, we need to get the information about the course. We would
like to find the following information in the course page: program, instructor and course material. The
course material is important because it can show us the organization and depth of the course.
A use case is a way of using the application [10]. They present the interaction between the user and the
application, without considering the internal aspects of the application.
Scenarios describing the same task are grouped into a single use case. The description of a use case
has to include the information presented in all related scenarios. The designer must identify which data
items shown in the scenarios are relevant. A use case can also be augmented by information from
other use cases or by using design patterns [12].
If several types of users perform the same task, the scenarios for these types of user are grouped into a
use case, identifying the roles it belongs to.
In Figure 4, we present the use case “Browsing courses given a subject” derived from all scenarios that
deal with browsing courses given a subject.
2.4 User Interaction Diagram Specification
For each use case, we define a user interaction diagram (UID) [16]. UIDs graphically represent the
interaction between the user and the application, described textually in the use cases. This diagram
only describes the exchange of information between the user and the application, without considering
specific user interface aspects. UML (Unified Modeling Language) [2] does not present similar
diagram. UML diagrams representing the interaction, such as the sequence diagrams, collaboration
diagrams, statechart diagrams, and activity diagrams, consider the exchange of messages between the
objects of the system. So, they are more appropriately used in the design phase since in the
requirement gathering we do not have knowledge about the objects yet. Figure 5 shows the UID that
has been defined to represent the interaction in the task “Browsing a course given a subject”.
Starting Point Exihibited Attribute Operation
Required input
name or part of the
subject’s name name, program, weekly_hours,
1 (download_ftp)
...Subject (name)
… Course Material * ( title, summary, table_of_contents ),
1 (show)
… Teacher ( name, institution, e-mail,
1 photo*, curriculum)
…Subject Subject X 1
…Course suggestion
Application Optional input
Single Choice
Figure 5 – User interaction diagram, use case "Browsing courses given a subject"
The ellipses represent the interaction between the user and the application, showing the information
exchanged between them. Arrows, denoting that processing in the application occurs before the next
information is presented, connect the ellipses. An arrow without a source represents the first
interaction. A line represents operations that do not require the interaction exchange with a black
bullet in one end.
In this example, the user begins the interaction by entering a subject of interest, or part of it. This input
is required and is represented by a rectangle with a continuous border. Next, the application presents
the set of subjects related to the input, within which the user selects one subject, represented by the
number 1 attached to the arrow. Next the application shows the set of courses related to the chosen
subject, and the user selects one course. The application shows all the information related to this
course, and it is also possible to get the course material via ftp or visualize it (download_ftp() and
show()). If the user wishes to, he can also enter suggestions about the course.
In this phase, the designer interacts with each user to validate the use cases and UIDs showing them to
the users to ascertain if they agree with them. The user validates only those use cases and diagrams
related with the roles he plays. Before beginning the validation with any user, the use cases have been
modified according to result of the validation with the previous user, and a table is used to keep track
of the successive alterations
2.6 Conceptual Schema Specification
The conceptual design is composed of one single phase, the specification of the conceptual schema.
The conceptual schema is obtained from UIDs according to some rules. Some of these rules are just an
adaptation of standard schema normalization techniques [4] so that these rules can be applied to UIDs.
The most important rules are presented below (other details can be found in [16]).
1. For each UID, define a class for each element, set element and specific element. For each defined
class, assume the existence of an identifier attribute OID.
2. For each data item of the set elements that appears in each UID, or data item input by the user,
define an attribute according to the following:
• Verify that the data item is functionally dependent (see [4]) on the attribute OID in each class,
i.e., that OID → data items. Verify that the data item is not transitively dependent (see [4]) on
the OID. If these conditions are satisfied, then the data item must become an attribute of the
• Verify that the data item is functionally dependent, but not transitively dependent, on the
attribute OID of two or more different classes and that the data item is not transitively
dependent on the OIDs. If these conditions are satisfied, then the data item must become an
attribute of a relationship between these classes.
3. For each data item entered by the user, represented by an single rectangle, define an attribute
according to the following:
• Verify that the data item is functionally dependent (see [4]) on the attribute OID in each class,
i.e., that OID → data items. Verify that the data item is not transitively dependent (see [4]) on
the OID. If these conditions are satisfied, then the data item must become an attribute of the
• Verify that the data item is functionally dependent, but not transitively dependent, on the
attribute OID of two or more different classes and that the data item is not transitively
dependent on the OIDs. If these conditions are satisfied, then the data item must become an
attribute of a relationship between these classes.
4. For each attribute that appears in a set different from its class, tentatively define a relationship
between its class and the class of the set elements. If the attribute class is not related to the class
representing the set, then verify that the attribute class is related to the class of another attribute
present in the set. Verify that this resulting relationship is semantically correct (i.e. if it makes
sense in the domain being modeled).
5. For each interaction flow (represented by an arrow), if there are different classes in the source
interaction and the target interaction, define a relationship between these classes. Verify if this
relationship is semantically correct (i.e. if it makes sense in the domain being modeled).
6. For each operation that appears in the UIDs, verify that it is an operation of the corresponding
At the end of the process, do the necessary adjustments in the resulting class diagram, for instance,
identify generalizations and missed relationship cardinalities.
Figure 6 shows the part of the class diagram that results from these steps, for the example:
External to the Company Person Subject
teaches >
name: String 1..*
institution: String e-mail: String name: String
photo*: Picture,
0..* Employee curriculum: Text
evaluation: Text
v is_associated_to
1..* 0..* 0..*
v is_enrolled_in suggestion: Text 1..*
v coordinates
makes_comment > 0..*
0..* 0..*
name: String
program: Text
weeklyHours: Real
< takes_place_in name: String
suggest (author, content)
status: String
1 0..* beginningDate*: Date 1
endDate*: Date
has > Course Material
Venue evaluationType: String
name: String typeOfAudience: String 1..* 1..* v has
program: Text title: String 0..*
objective: Text summary: Text
totalHours: Real contentTable: Text
section: [morning, afternoon, full time] download_ftp()
places: Integer show()
Weekly Schedule suggest(author, content)
beginningDate: Date
endDate: Date
1.* < is_organized_into
activities: Array [2,7] of Text
In our study case, the training division offers courses to train company employees. Courses are
organized into modules. Each module takes place in a certain period, in some venue. The module
activities are organized into a weekly schedule. The employees of the company can enroll in several
modules and some employees will be module coordinators. Each course is associated with one or more
subjects, and it may have course materials. Course teachers may be company employees or people
external to the company.
3.1 Overview
The previous phases have produced, for each task, several scenarios, a use case and a UID. We
describe next a method (first proposed in [7]) to derive the navigational topology of an application that
supports each task, allowing the designer to reuse solutions or apply design patterns, according to his
own experience. In suite, the navigational solutions of the different tasks are unified into a general
solution for the application. The goal is to obtain the OOHDM Navigation Model of the application.
The four fundamental phases of the navigational design are shown in Figure 7 below.
class schema
In the first stage, the navigation of each task (represented by a use case) is designed, represented in a
context diagram and the corresponding specification cards. The necessary navigational information for
this specification can be obtained either by analysis of the scenarios or through the reuse of (previous)
project solutions known to the designer.
At this point the designer already possesses a navigational vision of all the individual parts of the
system. The navigation design of the whole application is obtained by unifying the solutions for each
task. Once the union process is concluded the navigation will be completely specified.
Each of these (sub) tasks are examined in more detailed in the next sub-sections.
For each task, the most appropriate navigation sequence that supports the user is determined. The
designer can base himself on the UID, since it was validated with the users and represents, therefore,
an acceptable form of carrying out the task. In spite of this, the designer should not adopt the UID as
its only guide, but also consult the scenario descriptions, since these contain the knowledge that users
have about the task at hand. The designer can also reuse solutions either based on his own experience
or by applying design patterns [12].
There are tasks where the user needs to work with sets of objects, which can be explored in different
ways according to the user's objective. OOHDM has a design primitive for such sets, called
navigational context. The navigational structure of an application is characterized as a group of
contexts in which the objects will be accessed. This is specified in the context diagram, as exemplified
in Figure 8.
Course Class
Access structure
Courses Alphabetical
Courses by
Subjects by Subject Solution for
UID in Fig. 5
The context diagram in Figure 8 represents three access structures (“Courses”, “Subjects” and
“Courses by Subjects”) and two contexts for the class Course (“Alphabetical” and “by Subject”). The
sub-diagram composed of “Subjects”, “Courses by Subject” and the context “Course by Subject”
represents a possible navigational solution for the task described in the UID of Figure 5.
The main steps in the task navigation design the are represented in the Figure 9:
scenario Determination of
lists, contexts diagram
use case and access
structures. context Specification of
UID diagram lists, contexts specification Validation of
Sketch of the card the task
task’s context and access
conceptual structures navigation
diagram user
3.2.1 Determination of lists, contexts and access structures; sketch of individual task
context diagram
Each set represented in the UID is analyzed to determine the type of primitive it will become: an
access structure, a context or a list attribute (an ordered set of elements). The solution will be
represented in a context diagram.
The following rules can be applied during the analysis of each UID:
Rule 1: Mapping of the interaction that presents an object, into a context of the object class
Every object is navigated within a context. Therefore, any interaction that presents an object should be
mapped into the context where the object will be navigated. In the diagram in Figure 10 the third
interaction presents an object of the class Module, and the following interaction presents an object of
the class Course. Each must then be mapped into contexts: a context of class Module and another of
class Course. (Professor, revise o ingles de esta ultima oracion)
Subject X Course
subject 1
...Module(name) name, program, weekly_hours, 1 (download _ftp)
… Course Material* (title, summary,
Module 1 table_of_contents)
… Teacher (name, institution, e-mail, 1 (show)
name, status, venue, beginning_date*, photo*, curriculum)
end_date*, evaluation_type, type_of_audience,
program, objective, total_hours, section Suggestion
... Subject (name)
... Contact (name, room, phone, e-mail)
... Weekly Schedule (beginning_date, end_date,
activities) 1
Figure 10 – User interaction diagram of the use case “Browsing modules given a subject”
The next step is to determine the elements of each context. The elements of a context generally have
some common characteristic: they belong to the same class, they have attributes with the same value,
or they are linked to a given object through the same relationship. Otherwise, the set is arbitrary, so
each element must be enumerated.
To determine the elements of a context we analyze the source of the interaction in the UID. The
following guidelines can be used:
§ If the source of the interaction is within a set of objects that have a common characteristic, the
natural elements of the target context are these same objects. In the example, the interaction that
presents the object of class Module is accessed from the interaction that presents the set of
modules of a certain subject. Therefore, the objects of this context will be the modules with the
same subject. Similarly, the objects of the Course context will be the courses in a certain module.
§ If the source of the interaction is another object, the elements of the context are those that are
linked to the source object through a certain relationship.
§ If it is an initial interaction, it is not yet possible to specify the objects of the context. We adopt the
convention of labeling these contexts with “<Class name> by ?”.
Figure 11 represents the mapping of the interactions of the diagrams in Figure 5Figure 10 that were
analyzed according to rule 1:
Module Course
by Subject by Module
Figure 11 – Part of the context diagram of the use case “Browsing modules given a subject”
Rule 2: Mapping of a set that is part of the information of an object, into an access structure, or into a
context, or into a list attribute
In the diagram of interaction of Figure 10, the information about a module includes the following sets:
Subject (subjects of the courses in the module), Contact (employees of the training center that
coordinate the module), Weekly Schedule (weekly activities of the module) and Courses (courses that
will be taught in the module). The information about a course includes the sets: Subject (subjects
associated with the course), Course Materials and Teacher (people who teach the course).
To decide the mapping of each set we analyze the importance of its information with respect to the
execution of the tasks that will use the object. To determine this degree of importance, it is necessary
to analyze the descriptions of the use case and its scenarios, in order to better understand the task and
users' goals.
• Very important information should appear integrally as lists that are attributes of the object:
According to the scenarios described by the students in the example, they would not choose to attend a
course without previously knowing its subjects, nor who are its teachers. Thus, all the information
about the subjects and about its teachers will be shown together with the information about the course.
• Important information may appear as access structures tied to the object. In this case the designer
should decide the attributes that will be presented in the structure:
The “Course Material” set was considered important but not essential information, for the task of
choosing the course. Some users described that the course material is important because it shows the
organization and depth of the course. On the other hand, the students will access the course material
when they are about to attend it, i.e., when they are already registered for the module. Therefore, the
course material will be accessed through an access structure as part of the course description.
• Complementary information can appear as an anchor, that points to an access structure or to an
element in context:
The module’s activity schedule does not constitute decisive information for the choice of a module, so
it will be accessed by means of an anchor that points to the object that details it.
Figure 12 represents the mapping of ’s diagram after the module and course sets have been analyzed.
In the schema, for each context, a card is included that describes its object vision and its access
permissions. It may happen that the same object can be accessed in different contexts and it may be
necessary that in each context the object presents the information in different ways, as well as that it
allows different navigations. This will be solved through In Context classes.
Weekly Schedule Weekly Schedule by Module –
beginning_date, end_date, activities
by Module Employee - read
Module by Subject –
Module name, status, venue, beginning_date*, end_date*, evaluation_type,
type_of_audience, program, objective, total_hours, section, Subjects,
by Subject Contacts, AncWeeklySchedule, IdxCourses, suggest(author, content)
Employee - read
Course by Module –
name, program, weekly_hours, Subjects, Teacher, IdxMaterials*:
Course Materials by Course (self), suggest(author, content)
Employee - read
Rule 3 Mapping of a data entry interaction followed by an interaction that presents a set of objects,
into an access structure of the set's objects
The choice of the access structure depends on the possibility of the data entered by the user being
generated by the application, and whether this data belong to the objects of the target set or to the other
objects linked to them.
The diagram in Figure 13 shows the search of modules given a keyword. The user can enter a
keyword, also selecting the attributes where it will be searched; the application returns the modules
that match the search.
In this case, the system is not able to generate the results of the user's entry beforehand. In such cases,
the data entry interaction and the resulting set are mapped into an access structure whose elements will
be computed from the user's input (dynamic structure). Figure 14 represents the mapping of Figure
13’s UID:
In the case of Figure 10, the user must enter a subject, and the system returns the courses associated
with that subject. Since in this case the application knows beforehand all possible valid inputs by the
user, it could generate all the subjects stored in the knowledge base for the user to choose one, without
having to actually enter it. Therefore, both interactions are mapped into an access structure. The users
explained that they wanted to enter the subject because the number of subjects is large and to select
one could be cumbersome. Such feedback will be taken into account during the design of the interface
for the access structure.
The type of the access structure, simple or hierarchical, will depend on the data entry and on the
objects of the destination set. A hierarchical access structure is a sequence of simple structures where
the selection of each structure is the input parameter for the succeeding one [14].
In the diagram of Figure 10, the user enters a subject and the target set is formed of courses linked to
this subject. Therefore, both interactions are mapped into a hierarchical access structure. In the first
level, the subjects are presented ordered alphabetically and in the second level the courses for each
subject selected in the first level are presented. Figure 15 represents the mapping of the initial
interactions of the diagram represented in Figure 10:
Weekly Schedule
by Module
Subjects : Modules by Subject
by Module by Course
Figure 15 – Context diagram mapped from the “Browsing modules given a subject” UID.(Figure 10)
Figure 17 illustrates the specification card for the context “Module by Subject”:
Context: Module by Subject
Type: static
Parameters: s: Subject
Elements: m: Module WHERE m is_associated_to s
Conceptual rule: m: Module WHERE (m has c) AND (c is_associated_to s)
In context Classes :
Ordering: by name, ascending
Internal navigation : by index (Modules by Subject )
Users: Employee Permissions: read
The selection rule of the context's elements is derived from the context diagram. When this rule does
not map directly from the conceptual model, the conceptual mapping rule should also be recorded in
the card, in order to facilitate the mapping of the navigational classes from the conceptual model,
discussed later on.
An example of that is the selection rule of the context “Module by Subject”. From the contexts
diagram (Figure 15) the rule will be:
m: Module FROM s: Subject WHERE m is_associated_to a.
According to the conceptual model there is no relationship between the classes Module and Subject.
The rule derived from the conceptual model is:
m: Module FROM s: Subject, c: Course WHERE (m has c) AND (c is_ associated_to s).
Figure 18 illustrates the specification card of the class “Course Materials for Course”, that is the type
of the access structure of the attribute IdxMaterials, that appears in the class Course, in the context
“Course by Module”.
3.2.3 Validation of each task navigation
Once the task navigations have been designed, the designer can validate them with the users, using
context diagrams as a communication tool between the designer and the users. An intermediate
notation may also be used: the user navigation diagram. This is an extension of the UID that allows
representing navigational information. The notation of this diagram can be found in [16].
During validation the designer will maintain a copy of each solution to record each interview, drawing
changes or writing comments. Later on, based on these records, and on his own experience, the
designer will opt for a solution, trying to reconcile the changes proposed by the various users. If the
validation results in significant changes, the context diagram is sketched again and the process is
repeated. Otherwise, the designer can continue on to the next step of the process.
If the users present conflicting opinions about the solutions presented, this may actually indicate that
different applications may be needed to accommodate this group of users.
The application’s context diagram will be synthesized through the successive union of the context
diagrams of the individual tasks. For each union step, a new context diagram is built, defining its
contexts, its access structures and the object visions for each context.
We start by unifying the solutions of each user group, beginning with the group that performs the main
tasks. Tasks in which the same navigational object is accessed are unified in sequence. Instead of
maintaining the solution for each group separately until the end, we prefer to unify them as soon as
each solution is defined.
The same navigational class may appear in contexts originating in different partial diagrams, so we
analyze if some of these contexts may be replaced by a single context. We analyze the tasks that each
context supports, as well as the object visions and users permissions in these contexts. We will replace
them by a single context only if the resulting context supports all such tasks, and if the object visions
and the user permissions do not conflict.
We also analyze the possibility of unifying the access paths leading to the original contexts and if it is
possible to generalize the original navigations of these contexts within the resulting diagram. Since
they are now part of the same diagram, it is necessary to explore the possible navigations between
As an example, we will unify the previously discussed tasks, starting with Employee. We will unify
the solutions for the use cases “Browsing modules given a subject” (Figure 15) and “Searching
modules by keyword”(Figure 14), since class Module is accessed in both.
Contexts, and their superset, when present, may be both replaced by a single context. The context
“Module by Keyword” (modules whose name, program, subject or objective contains a certain
keyword) includes the context “Module by Subject”, therefore "Module by Subject" could be replaced
by "Module by Keyword".
After analyzing the tasks, we opt to maintain both contexts (Figure 19). Search based on a keyword is
useful for users that know the module's characteristics, while navigation guided by access structures
leading to “Module by Subject” is useful for beginners.
We must then analyze how will the joint navigation of these contexts be in the resulting diagram.
According to the conceptual model, every module can have activities and courses associated to it
(contexts “Weekly Schedule by Module” and “Course by Module”). Evidently, these navigations can
be generalized for all contexts of class Module, including “Module by Keyword” as shown in Figure
19. Notice that the union with use case “Browsing courses given a subject” (Figure 8) was also
represented, so the diagram in Figure 19 is the union of the all employee’s tasks.
Modules by Keyword Module Weekly Schedule
<by name, subject, objective
and/or program> by Keyword by Module
Figure 19– Resulting context diagram, including the employee’s tasks.Error! Reference source not
Next, we must join the sole coordinator’s task (Figure 20): “Browsing coordinator’s module”. None of
the contexts represented in this diagram is a subset of some context in the diagram in Figure 19 so
once again both diagrams are united. Since there is a new context for class Module (“Module by
Coordinator”), we must once again analyze their joint navigation.
by Module
The navigation from “Module by Coordinator” to “Employee by Module” is based on the fact that
every module has several enrolled students who are employees. This navigation cannot be generalized
due to the class visions and to the user permissions for these contexts. In fact, within “Employee by
Module”, evaluation data about students (employees) can only be accessed by the coordinator. In
addition, in “Module by Coordinator” it is possible to send official announcements to the students.
On the other hand, in “Module by Subject” and “Module by Keyword”, students can send suggestions
about the course to the coordinator. Therefore, due to the differences of the data and navigations of
context "Module by Coordinator" with respect to the others contexts of class Module, the navigation
between these contexts is not allowed (represented by dashed line in Figure 21).
In the Main Menu there are options for the different groups of users. Its interface must indicate to each
user type, employees or coordinators, what are its options. The context diagram in Figure 21
represents it through the access restriction to the access structure “Modules by Coordinator”.
Subjects : Modules by Subject Course Material
by Course
Main Modules by Keyword by Keyword
Menu <by name, subject, objective
and/or program>
by Coordinator
by Module
Modules by Coordinator
by Subject
Employee Weekly Schedule
by Module by Module
Subjects :
The context diagram of Figure 21 supports all tasks that were previously discussed: “Browsing courses
given a subject”, “Browsing modules given a subject”, “Searching modules by keyword” and
“Browsing coordinator’s module”.
The OOHDM navigational design specification is a set of models, enumerated here in the same order
that the project documentation should be presented: one conceptual-navigational mapping table, one
navigational classes schema, several In Context classes schemas, one context diagram, and several
specification cards. The context diagram and the cards were obtained in the union process.
"Weekly Schedule by Module" and "Employee by Module", and from Course to "Course Material by
Course"). The selection rule of the context "Course by Module" (Parameter: m: Module | Elements: c:
Course WHERE m has c), indicates that the context is integrated by the courses of the module that is
passed as a parameter, therefore there should be a link from Module to Course.
The Figure 22 shows all the nodes and links in the resulting navigational classes schema.
1..* 1..* 1..* 1 0..*
Module Course Course Material
has 4 has 4
1 name: String title: String
program: Text summary: Text
is_organized_into Link weeklyHours: Real contentTable: Text
6 Subjects: list of <name: String>
1..* IdxMaterials*: Course Materials download_ftp()
by Course(self) show()
Weekly Schedule Teachers: list of <name: String,
institution: String, e-mail: String,
beginningDate: Date photo*: Picture, curriculum: Text>
endDate: Date
activities: Array [2,7] of Text suggest (author, content) Employee
Module Module for Employee Class name
name: String
suggest(author, content)
status: String Operations
venue: String
beginningDate*: Date Module by Subject
Module by Keyword Contexts
endDate*: Date
evaluationType: String
typeOfAudience: String
program: Text Module for Coordinator
objective: Text
totalHours: Real
section: [morning, afternoon or full time] places: Integer
Subjects: list of <name: String> IdxStudents: Employees by Module (self)
Contacts list of <name: String, room: String,
phone: String, e-mail: String> send_announcements_students()
AncSchedule: Anchor(
Weekly Schedule by Module (self)) Module by Coordinator
IdxCourses: Courses by Module (self)
Nodes that do not have In Context classes are specified only in the navigational class schema. All
nodes are represented in the navigational class schema, but only the class name is given, for nodes that
have In Context classes (in which the full specification is found).
Objects Mapping Rules
FROM s: Subject, m: Module, c: Course
Conceptual: -
WHERE (m has c) AND (c is_associated_to s)
Navigational:,, SELECT,,, e.e-mail, FROM e: Employee, m: Module
Module.Contacts.e-mail WHERE e is_coordinator_of m
Conceptual: - ORDER BY
Most links are directly derived (i.e., one-to-one) from conceptual relations. In some cases, however,
certain links correspond to the composition of conceptual relations, and their derivation rules must
also be specified in the conceptual-navigational mapping table. In the example in Figure 22Error!
Reference source not found., all links are directly derived.
The elements, parameters and selection rules of the contexts and access structures specification cards,
should be based on the navigational classes (nodes and links). The conceptual rules do not appear in
these cards anymore, since they were created only to aid the conceptual mapping.
In this step, the specification cards are revised with the goal of eliminating any difference with the
navigational model. For example, the context “Module by Subject” was specified initially with the
node “Subject”, but at the end of the design; “Subject” wasn’t defined as a navigational class. In fact,
it was turned into an attribute of node Module, specified in the conceptual-navigational mapping table.
The selection rule in the card therefore must be updated to eliminate de differences between the
conceptual model and the navigational model (Figure 25).
4. Conclusions
We have presented a method that allows requirements gathering, conceptual design and navigation
design of Web applications, based on scenarios, use case and UIDs. This method combines, in a
unique way, traditional concepts, such as scenarios and use cases, and new concepts, such as the UIDs,
in the navigation of hypermedia application development.
Several approaches also use scenarios and use cases for gathering requirements, but in a different way.
In [15], scenarios are used to validate the requirements and are automatically generated from use cases
elicited from the users. The scenarios used in [5], different from our scenarios, describe interface and
navigation aspects, since they are used in the redesign of an existing web site.
In [8] the requirements gathering is based on use cases derived from user stories. A user story can be
seen as a simpler scenario, where an agent performs a physical action on an object. However, in both
users stories and use cases, the interactions between the users and the system are specified only as a
textual description.
In the Unified Process [10], the requirements are also defined by use cases, but scenarios are not used
to specify them. If necessary, user interface prototypes can be used to understand and specify the
requirements, but there are no diagrams that focus specifically on the interaction between the user and
The method WSDM [3], for designing read-only web sites, proposes a similar approach than the one
presented here. In WSDM the navigation for each audience class is designed separately and the
navigational model of the web site is the collection of disjoint navigation tracks of the several
audience classes, linked by an initial element. Since different user groups could need to navigate
through the same track, the navigational structure of a application should not be disjoint. In our
approach different user groups can navigate through the same track, because OOHDM models permit
specifying applications with complex navigations and behavior and not simply read-only.
Although OOHDM currently allows a simple form of navigation customization according to a user
role, a more complete model is needed. We are currently developing an extension to OOHDM that
will allow the specification of customized user views, based on user roles and identity.
The approach presented here has been used in several real-life applications being developed, with
encouraging results. For the example mentioned in this work, 23 users of six different classes were
interviewed, eliciting 169 tasks in 364 scenarios, later filtered down by the project managers into 63
tasks and 128 scenarios. The final application has 39 UIDs, resulting in 61 conceptual classes, 29
navigation classes, 47 InContext classes, 45 contexts, and 41 access structures.
The formal validation of this approach type is extremely difficult, but it was observed that, besides the
easy adoption by the users in the validation process, it was possible to execute applications project in
smaller time, and with fewer revisions than in previous projects of similar dimensions.
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