Programm Guide BSW English PDF
Programm Guide BSW English PDF
Programm Guide BSW English PDF
‘‘The University sends study materials and assignments, wherever prescribed, to the students by
registered post and if a student does not receive the same for any reason whatsoever, the University
shall not be held responsible for that.’’
‘‘In case a student wants to have assignments, he/she can obtain a copy of the same from the Study
Centre or Regional Centre or may download it from the IGNOU website -’’
‘‘The students are specifically instructed to send Examination Forms to Registrar (SED) only and to no
other place and they are also advised to submit the Registration/Re-registration Forms only at the
respective Regional Centres and nowhere else. If any student sends the Registration/Re-registration
Forms, Examination Forms at wrong places and thereby misses the scheduled date and consequently a
semester/year, he/she will have no claim on the University for regularization.’’
December, 2015
Indira Gandhi National Open University, 2015
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form, by mimeograph or any other means, without
permission in writing from the Indira Gandhi National Open University.
Further information about the School of Health Sciences and Indira Gandhi National Open University courses may be
obtained from the University’s Office at Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068.
Printed and published on behalf of the Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, by Director, School of Social
Work, IGNOU, New Delhi.
Laser Typeset by : Graphic Printers, 204 Pankaj Tower, Mayur Vihar Phase I, Delhi-110091
Printed by :
5. Scheme of Study............................................................................................................................... 9
8. Instructional System....................................................................................................................... 11
9. Evaluation ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Student support services are provided by the University through a network of study centres scattered all over
the country. Study centres are the actual focal points to enable you to receive regular information and
learning support. Each study centre provides you with library, audio and video facilities to further help you in
the learning process. Senior and experienced academics are engaged in face-to-face counseling at study
centres. The study centres are generally located in existing educational institutions and normally function on
all holidays and Sundays and also in the evenings on working days. Each study centre is supervised by a
Coordinator. Regional centres have been set up in different parts of the country to coordinate the functioning
of study centres.
to in-service candidates and engages a large number of practitioners for field supervision.
Objectives of SOSW
To promote human resources aiming at improving the quality of life of poorest of the poor.
To meet the growing demand for professionally trained social workers across the country.
To provide social work education and training based on indigenous knowledge and uniform curriculum
across the country.
To help the learner acquire professional skills and knowledge to help the clients to deal with their
emotional and psychological problems.
To help the learner acquire professional skills and develop capacity in helping people to solve various
social and economic problems.
To help the learner to develop required attitudes in understanding people’s problem solving
4.1 Foundation Courses
Foundation Courses are compulsory for all students who want to obtain BSW degree. You have to earn 24
credits of foundation courses. The list of foundation courses is given below.
* Foundation course in Modern Indian Languages will be despatched by concerned Regional Centres as
follows : Assami - Guwahati, Bangla - Calcutta, Gujarati - Ahmedabad, Kannada -Bangalore, Malyalam -
Cochin, Marathi - Pune, Oriya - Bhubaneswar, Punjabi - Khanna, Tamil - Chennai, Telegu - Hyderabad,
Urdu - Lucknow. For non receipt of these you should write to concerned Regional Director. Foundation
course in English and Hindi will be despatched by MPDD, Delhi.
If you do not get material in time write to Registrar, MPDD, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-
4.2 Elective Courses in Social Work
The elective courses are basically discipline oriented courses. Under the category of elective courses, you
have to earn 48 credits.
IInd year
1. Foundation Course in Science and Technology (FST-01) 8
2. Social Work Intervention with individuals and groups
(BSWE-02) 8
3. Social Work Practicum-II (BSWL-02) 8
4. Introduction to Family Life Education (BSWE-04) 8
IIIrd Year
1. Social Work intervention with communities and
institutions (BSWE -03) 8
2. Social Work Practicum-1II (BSWL -03) 8
3. Introduction to HIV/ AIDS (BSWE-05) 8
4. Substance Abuse and Counselling (BSWE-06) 8
Total credits: 32 3 = 96
For electronic version of the prospectus
For further information contact any IGNOU Regional Centre Or write to:
Dr. Sayantani Guin
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068
In order to enable you to complete BSW Programme within the minimum period of three years, you are
allowed to take 32 credits worth of courses in each year. In the first year of study you should take 16 credits
in Foundation Courses (BSHF-101, FEG-1 or FHD-2 and FEG-2 or BHDF-101 or any one of MILs), 8 credits
of Elective Course in BSW namely, BSWE-001 and 8 credits of Field Work Practicals namely, BSWL-001.
In the second year you should take 8 credits in Foundation Course (FST-01) and 16 credits of Elective
Courses in Social Work namely, BSWE-002 and BSWE-004 and 8 credits of Field Work Practicals namely,
BSWL-002. In the third year you should take 24 credits in Elective Courses in Social Work namely,
BSWE-003, BSWE-005 and BSWE-006 and 8 credits of Field Work Practicals namely, BSWL-003.
Year-wise Scheme of Study
Year of Foundation Elective Courses
Study Courses in Social Work
After the first year, whether you pass/attempt the first year examinations or not, you can seek
admission for the second year by submitting the course registration form with requisite programme
fee within the re-registration schedule as notified by the university. Similarly, at the end of the
second year, irrespective of the fact that you have passed the second year or not, you can seek
admission to third year by submitting the course registration form for the third year along with the
third year programme fee.
Note: Even if the university does not send any communication for re-registration in IInd year &
IIIrd year, you are advised to make use of the Course Registration form printed in this
programme guide.
Foundation Courses
All the foundation courses of 24 credits are compulsory. You might have indicated your choice for the foundation
courses. In first year you have to opt foundation courses of 16 credits only.
1. BSHF-101 8 Credit
2. FEG-1 or FHD-2 4 Credits
3. FEG-2 or BHDF-101 or/any one of the Modern Indian Language (MIL) 4 Credits
4. The balance 8 credits foundation course FST-1 would be available in IInd Year.
If you want to make any change in the choice of MIL number 3 stated above, you can do it within one
month of the receipt of study material according to the procedure explained under section 9 of this
programme guide.
The University will keep changing the see from time to time and one will have to find out the details from
the study centre/regional centre. Programme fee is to be paid in lump sum at the time of registration along
with the filled in application form. You have to pay programme fee three times i.e., Ist year, 2nd year and
3rd year as per the schedule without waiting for any communication from the university. For the first year
you have already paid the fee at the time of admission. For second and third year, concerned Regional
Directors will sent you Course Registration Form along with proper guidelines in the month of July. If you
do not get the form, you may contact your Regional Centre before 30th September. Copies of the forms
for registration in 2nd and 3rd years are printed in this programme guide. You can take photocopies and use
them when needed.
The programme fee should be paid only by means of demand draft drawn in favour of IGNOU and
payable at the city where your Regional Centre is situated (to identify your Regional Centre, please
see the list printed in this programme guide. Please write your name (in Capitals) and programme code and
period for which fee is paid at the back of your demand draft to ensure proper credit to your fee account.
Admission and Re-registration forms along with the draft are to be submitted at Regional Centres and
NOT at headquarter.
Timely payment of programme fees is your responsibility. You are expected to remit fee as early as
possible without waiting for the last date. Late payments will not be entertained. In case you fail to remit
the fee as per above schedule you will have to wait for next cycle of admission after a year. Non-payment
of fee results in discontinuation of the despatch of study material. Such students will not be permitted to
write the examinations and their admission may be cancelled. In case any student willfully appears in an
examination without proper registration for a course, disciplinary action shall be taken against him as per
rules of the University. Fee once paid is not refundable.
The Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work is offered by the university through the medium of both Hindi and
English. You have to give your option for the medium of instruction. Printed course material and
assignments are sent to you in the medium of your option. Similarly, you have to submit the assignments
and attempt the term-end examinations in the language you have opted for. Audio-Video programmes and
counselling are also provided through the medium you prefer.
The methodology of instruction in this University is different from that in the conventional universities. The
Open University System is more learner-oriented, and the student is an active participant in the teaching-
learning process. Most of the instruction is imparted through distance rather than face-to-face communication.
The University follows a multi-media approach for instruction. It comprises:
self-instructional print material
audio and video-cassettes
audio-video programmes transmitted through Doordarshan and Radio
face-to-face counselling at Study Centres by academic counsellors
gyan darshan channel
Each Unit is structured to facilitate self study for you. The section on Objectives briefly states what we
expect you to attain when you have completed the Unit. In Introduction, there is an attempt to forge a link
with the topics of the previous Units and the topic to be covered in the present Unit. This is followed by the
main body of the Unit, which is divided into various sections and subsections. In the main body there are a few
self-check exercises under the caption Check Your Progress. Enough space is given for you to write your
answers to the questions set in the self-check exercises. Answers to these exercises are given in the section
Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises at the end of the Unit.
The section Let Us Sum Up summarises what has been said in the whole Unit. This summary enables you
to recall the main points covered in the Unit. To facilitate comprehension, important words/terms covered in
the Unit are explained in the section Key Words. Some books for additional reading are suggested in the
section Further Readings and References. For your reference purpose some of these books may be
available in the study centre. The section Terminal Questions/Exercises is intended to give you an idea about
the nature of question that may be asked in term end examinations. These question and Check Your Progress
Exercises are for your practice only, and you should not submit answers to these questions to the
University for assessment.
Read the Units carefully and note down the important points. You can use the space in the margin of the
printed pages for making notes and writing your comments. While reading the Units mark the words that you
do not fully understand. Look for the meaning of such words under the section Key Words or in a dictionary.
Read the Unit again and again until you have understood the point. You may also try to find it in earlier Units
as it may be explained there. However, if you still do not understand something, consult your counsellor during
the face-to-face sessions at the Study Centre for clarification.
Try to answer ‘Check Your Progress’ questions. These exercises will help you to reinforce the information/
knowledge you gain through your first reading of the text. Proper comprehension of the units and the points/
notes made by you while reading through the Units would help you in answering the Check Your Progress
Exercises given in the Units. Once you have written the answer in the blank space provided for each question,
you can compare your answers with the answers given in the section ‘Answers to Check Your Progress
8.2 Audio-Video Material
In addition to the print material, audio and video tapes have been prepared for each course. The audio-
video material is supplementary to the printed material. Hence, we advise you to make use of it, as that
will help you to understand the subject better. The students can take all information regarding Doordarshan
programme through sending emails :, All the programme
details can be taken out from IGNOU website i.e. The information will also be available
at your regional and study centres. The schedule of transmission is communicated to you through
the IGNOU Newsletter.
Audio programmes are broadcast in some select states also through Radio stations. Information about
these would be available at your Regional Centre.
The telecast schedule for transmission of programmes through Gyan Darshan is communicated through
a monthly booklet. Audio-video material will not be supplied individually but will be made available to you
at the Study Centres. You can watch these programmes during counselling sessions. Students desirous of
buying the audio-video tapes can procure them from: Director, Electronic Media Production Centre,
IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068.
8.3 Interactive Radio Counselling
The University has started interactive counselling through AIR network all over India. You can participate in
it by tuning in to your area Radio station. Experts from various discipline areas are available for this counselling.
Students can put across their questions to these experts by using the telephone. The telephone numbers are
announced by respective Radio Stations. This counselling is available on every Sunday between 4 and 5 in the
8.6 Counselling
In distance education, face-to-face contact between the learners and their tutors/counsellors is an important
activity. The purpose of such a contact is to answer some of your questions and clarify your doubts which
may not be possible through any other means of communication. It is also intended to provide you an opportunity
to meet fellow students. There are experienced academic counsellors at the Study Centres to provide counselling
and guidance to you in the courses that you have chosen for study. The counselling sessions for each of the
courses will be held at suitable intervals throughout the academic session. The counselling sessions are
not compulsory. However, they may be very useful in certain respects such as: to share your views on the
subject with teachers and fellow participants, comprehend some of the complex ideas or difficult issues, and
get clarifications for many doubts which you would not otherwise try to raise, and consult academic counsellors
for selecting courses of study.
Face-to-face counselling will be provided to you at the study centre assigned to you. You should note that the
counselling sessions will be very different from the usual classroom teaching or lectures. Counsellors will not
be delivering lectures or speeches. They will try to help you to overcome difficulties (academic as well as
personal) which you face while studying for this programme. In these sessions you must look into the subject-
based difficulties and any other issues arising out of such difficulties. Besides, some of the audio and video
cassettes that are available at that time will be played in the counselling sessions.
Before you go to attend the counselling sessions, please go through your course material and note down the
points to be discussed. Unless you have gone through the Units, there may not be much to discuss. Try to
concentrate on the relevant and the most important issues. Also try to understand each other’s points of view.
You may also establish personal contact with your fellow participants to get mutual help for academic purposes.
Try to get the maximum possible help from your counsellors.
Generally there will be 10 counselling sessions for an 8 credit course and 5 sessions for a 4 credit course. For
Field Work guidance, details are given in the Field Work Journal.
1) The Evaluation for each course covers two aspects :
a) Continuous evaluation through assignments (Tutor Marked Assignment (TMAs)
b) Term-end examinations.
In the final results all the assignments of a course carry 30% weightage while 70% weightage is given
for term-end examination.
2) All the assignments and term-end examinations will be scored as a numerical marking scheme. Any
component, which has not been attempted would be treated as having a score of 0 (zero) marks
3) To claim BSW degree, the requirement for pass would be at least 35% marks (Grade D) in both
continuous evaluation (assignments) as well as term-end examination of each course. The scores of
continuous evaluation and term-end examination are not complementary to each . The above condition
is mandatory for all courses of BSW.
4) Depending on the percentage of marks secured by a candidate, the divisions will be awarded as follows :
Ist Division - 60% and above
IInd Division - 50% and 59.9%
Pass - 35% to 49.9%
Unsuccessful - Below 35%
The notional correlates of the letter grades and percentage of marks are as under:
Letter Grade Qualitative Value Point Grade
A Excellent 5
B Very Good 4
C Good 3
D Satisfactory 2
E Unsatisfactory 1
5. Students who do not qualify in the term-end examination are also allowed to take up the term-end
examination of courses in the next year. It means you can take the term-end examination of the first
year courses in the second year of study. But you can appear in examination for not more than 48
credits in one examination. Similarly the first and second year courses can be carried over to the third
There is only one Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) which will be evaluated by the counsellor. For 8 credit
course, there is only one tutor workd assignment.
Whenever you receive a set of material and assignments, check them immediately and ask for
missing pages, if any, from Material Production and Distribution Division, (IGNOU, Maidan Garhi,
New Delhi – 110068).
The assignment responses should be complete in all respects. Before submission you should ensure that you
have answered all the questions in all assignments. Incomplete answer sheets bring you poor grades.
The University/Co-ordinator of the Study Centre has the right to reject the assignments submitted after the
due date. You are, therefore, advised to submit the assignments before the due date.
For your own record, retain a copy of all the assignment responses which you submit to the Coordinator. If
you do not get back your duly evaluated tutor marked assignments along with a copy of assessment sheet
containing comments of evaluator on your assignment within a month after submission, please try to get it
personally from your study centre. This may help you to improve upon future assignments. Also maintain an
account of the corrected assignment responses received by you after evaluation. This will help you to represent
your case to the University in case any problem arises.
In case of tutor-marked assignments, you have to submit your response sheets to the Coordinator of the
Study Centre assigned to you. After evaluation these tutor marked assignments will be sent back to you
with comments and marks (grade).
Do not forget to get back your duly evaluated tutor marked assignments alongwith a copy of the assessment
sheet containing comments of the evaluator on your performance. This may help you to improve future
If you do not get pass grade in any assignment, you have to submit it again. To get fresh assignments you
should write to Registrar, MPDD, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068. However, once you get the
pass grade in an assignment, you cannot re-submit it for improvement of grade. Assignments are not subject
to re-evaluation except for factual errors, if any, committed by the evaluator. The discrepancy noticed by you
in the evaluated assignments should be brought to the notice of the Coordinator of the Study Centre, so that
the correct score is forwarded by him to the Student Evaluation Division at Headquarters. Score communicated
by the study centre through any mode other than the award list will not be acceptable to the university for
taking your score of assignments on your record.
In case you find that the score indicated in the assignment sheet of your Tutor marked assignment has not
been correctly reflected or is not entered in your grade card, you are advised to contact the coordinator of
your study centre with a request to forward correct award list to the SE Division at the Headquarters.
Do not enclose or express doubts for clarification if any about study material or assignment alongwith
the assignment. Send your doubts in a separate cover to the Director of the concerned School at
IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi - 110068. Give your complete enrolment number, name, address, title
of the course, and the number of the Unit or the assignment, etc. on top of your letter
1) Write your Enrolment Number, Name, Full Address, Signature and Date on the top right hand corner of
the first page of your response sheet.
2) Write the Programme Title, Course Code, Course Title, Assignment Code and Name of your Study
Centre on the left hand corner of the first page of your response sheet.
Course Code and Assignment Code may be reproduced from the assignment.
The top of the first page of your response sheet should look like this:
PROGRAMME TITLE: .............................. NAME: .................................................
COURSE CODE: .............................. ADDRESS: .................................................
.............................. .................................................
COURSE TITLE: .............................. .................................................
ASSIGNMENT CODE: .............................. SIGNATURE: .................................................
STUDY CENTRE: .............................. DATE: .................................................
All Tutor Marked Assignments are to be submitted at the study centre assigned to you.
3) Read the assignments carefully and follow the specific instructions, if any given on the assignment itself
about the subject matter or its presentation.
4) Go through the Units on which assignments are based. Make some points regarding the question and
then rearrange those points in a logical order and draw up a rough outline of your answer. While
answering an essay type question give adequate attention to introduction and conclusion. The introduction
must offer your brief interpretation of the question and how you propose to develop it. The conclusion
must summarise your response to the question. Make sure that the answer is logical and coherent, and
has clear connections between sentences and paragraphs. The answer should be relevant to the question
given in the assignment. Make sure that you have attempted all the main points of the question. Once
you are satisfied with your answer, write down the final version neatly and underline the points you wish
to emphasise. While solving numericals, use proper format and give working notes wherever necessary.
5) Use only foolscap size paper for your response and tie all the pages carefully. Avoid using very thin
paper. Allow a 4 cm margin on the left and at least 4 lines in between each answer. This may facilitate
the evaluator to write useful comments in the margin at appropriate places.
6) Write the responses in your own hand. Typed assignments are also acceptable. Do not copy your
answers from the Units/Blocks sent to you by the University. If you copy, you will get zero marks for
the respective question.
7) Do not copy from the response sheets of other students. If copying is noticed, the assignments of such
students will be rejected.
8) Write each assignment separately. All the assignments should not be written in continuity.
9) Write the question number with each answer.
10) The completed assignment should be sent to the Coordinator of the Study Centre allotted to you. Under
any circumstances do not send the tutor marked response sheets to the Student Evaluation Division at
Head Quarters for evaluation.
11) After submitting the assignment at the Study Centre get the acknowledgement from the Coordinator on
the prescribed assignment remittance-cum-acknowledgement card.
12) In case you have requested for a change of Study Centre, you should submit your Tutor Marked
Assignments only to the original Study Centre until the change of Study Centre is notified by the
13) If you find that there is any factual error in evaluation of your assignments e.g. any portion of assignment
response has not been evaluated or total of score recorded on assignment response is incorrect you
should approach the coordinator of your study centre for correction and transmission of correct score
to headquarters.
14) While submitting assignments and field work journals to the study centre, you must ensure that each
time an acknowledgement receipt is taken from the study centre. If the academic counsellor refuses
to provide acknowledgement receipt, the matter must be reported to the study centre co-ordinator.
If the co-ordinator also refuses to provide the acknowledgement receipt the matter must be reported
to the programme co-ordinator by e-mail or telephone call followed by a written complaint to Director,
SOSW, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068
Study Centre is the contact point for you. The University cannot send communication to all the students
individually. All the important communications are sent to the Coordinators of the Study Centres and Regional
Directors. The Coordinators would display a copy of such important circular/notification on the notice board
of the Study Centre for the benefit of all the Students. You are, therefore, advised to get in touch with your
Coordinator for day-to-day information about assignments, submission of examination forms, date-sheet, list
of students admitted to a particular examination, declaration of result, etc.
While communicating with the University regarding examination, please clearly write your enrolment number
and complete address. In the absence of such details, we will not be able to attend to your problems.
Evaluation of Social Work Practicum
Evaluation of BSWL-001, BSWL-002 and BSWL-003 will be done by your supervisor (50 out of 100 marks)
and by External Evaluation (50 out of 100 marks). You must score 35% separately in both internal (supervisor)
and external evaluation.If you fail in any one, you will have to repeat the practicum.
For change of medium, you should address your form (given in this programme guide) to concern Regional
Director along with the draft for requisite fee.
Change or Correction of Address
There is a printed card for the change/correction of address. This card is normally sent to you along with the
study material a copy of the same is given in this programme guide. In case there is any correction or change
in your address, you are directed to make use of that printed card addressed to Registrar, SRD, IGNOU,
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068. You are advised not to write letter to any other officer in the University in
this regard. Normally, it takes four to six weeks to effect the change. Therefore, you are advised to make your
own arrangements to redirect the mail to the changed address during this period.
Change of Study Centre
The candidates are required to opt only such study centres which are activated for the programme. As far as
possible the university will allot the study centre opted by the candidate. However, the university may change
the study centre at its convenience without concurrence of the student at any time.
For the purpose of change of Study Centre you have to send request to the Director of your Regional Centre.
A copy of the same may be sent to SRD at the headquarters.
Counselling facilities for a programme may not be available at all the Centres. As such you are advised to
make sure that counselling facilities are available for the programme you have chosen, at the new Centre
opted for. As far as possible the request for change of Study Centre is considered favourably. However, the
allotment of new Study Centre is subject to availability of seats for the programme at the new Centre asked
Course Registration (II year/III year)
You have to submit the Registration form, for II year/III year. Only at your respective Regional Centre and
however else. If any student sends the Registration/Re-registration Forms, Examination Forms at wrong
places and thereby misses the scheduled date and consequently a semester/year, he/she will have not claim
on the University for regularization
Change of Regional Centre
When you want transfer from one Region to another Region, you have to write to that effect to the Regional
Centre from where you seek a transfer marking copies to the Regional Centre where you would like to be
transferred to and also to Registrar (SRD), New Delhi. Further, you have to obtain a certificate from the
Coordinator of the Study Centre from where you are seeking transfer regarding the number of assignments
submitted. The Regional Director from where you are seeking the transfer will transfer all records to the
Regional Centre where you seek transfer under intimation to you and Registrar (SRD). The records are
normally sent by Registered Post to guard against loss in the postal transit.
Issue of Duplicate Grade Card/Mark sheet
A duplicate Grade Card is issued after a request is made on the prescribed form along with a draft of
relevent fee to be paid in favour of IGNOU, New Delhi. The form for the purpose is given in this Programme
If you are not able to complete the programme in a maximum of 6 years, University has made a special
provision for re-admission. The form and the guidelines are available in this Programme Guide. Kindly fill
and submit it as per instructions.
Simultaneous Registration
Students who are already enrolled in a programme of one year or loger duration can also simultaneously
register themselves for any certificate programme of 6 months duration. However, if there is any clash
of dates of counselling or examination schedule between the two programmes taken. University will not
be in a position to make adjustment.
Official Transcripts
The University provides the facility of official transcripts on request made by the learners on plain paper
addressed to Registrar (SED), IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068. A prescribed fee per transcript
payable through DD in favour of IGNOU is charged for this purpose. The students are required to pay
additional fee in case of request for sending transcript outside India. The amount may change from time
to time when the University revises its fee structure.
Improvement in Division/Class
Keeping the interest of students who have completed their Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree programme, but
falling short of 2% marks for securing 1st and 2nd Division the University has made a provision for allowing
such students to improve their performance. The improvement is permissible only in theory papers and the
student may apply for improvement of their performance on the prescribed application format alongwith
relevent fee per course, a bank draft drawn in favour of IGNOU payable at New Delhi and submit the
application and fee to the Registrar, Student Evaluation Division, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi – 110068.
Early Declaration of Result
The student can apply for early declaration of Term-End-Examination result with relevent fee per course. The
application for early declaration of result shall be entertained only if the student has been selected for
anypost orapplied forfurther studies. Thestudent must compulsorilysubmit documentaryevidence(proof)
EarlyDeclarationispermissibleinTerm-End-Examinationonly. ThisfacilityisnotapplicableforLab/Practical
courses, Project,Assignment,Workshop,Seminaretc. basedcourses. TheApplicationforEarlyDeclarationof
Re-evaluation of Term-End-Examination
After the declaration of result, if the students are not satisfied with the marks awarded, they can request the
University to re-evaluate their Answer Scripts on payment of relevent fee per course. The request for re-
evaluation by the student must be made within one month from the date of declaration of result to the concerned
Evaluation Centre in the prescribed format alongwith relevent fee per course in the form of Demand Draft in
favour of IGNOU payable at the city where submitting the Re-evaluation form. Format is available in the
Programme Guide or IGNOU website:
Obtaining Photocopy of Answer Scripts
After the declaration of result, if the students are not satisfied with the marks awarded, they can request the
University for obtaining Photocopy of Answer Scripts on payment of Rs.100/- per course. The request for
obtaining Photocopy of Answer Scripts by the student must be made within 45 days from the date of declaration
of result to the concerned Evaluation Centre in the prescribed format along with relevent fee per course in
the form of Demand Draft in favour of IGNOU payable at the city where submitting the Photocopy form.
Format is available in the Programme Guide or IGNOU website:
Refund of Fees
Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances programme fee may however be refunded if
admission is not offered by IGNOU for any reason.
Migration Certificate
For Migration Certificate, requisition may be sent to the Regional Director alongwith the following
1) Application (can be obtained from the Head Office or photocopy of the one given in programme
guide could be used.)
3) Relevent fee in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of IGNOU payable at the city where
Regional Centre is located.
Samples of various forms currently used in the University are provided in this Programme Guide. Whenever
you need any of these please take a photocopy, fill it and send it to us.
“Credit transfer” means allowing a student of another university to get admitted to IGNOU for completing
any equivalent degree/diploma programme on the basis of credits obtained by him/her from that University. A
student thus admitted need to write IGNOU examinations for such courses which are found equivalent to and
for which appropriate credits would be deemed to have been acquired for and purposes for fulfilling the
IGNOU requirements for award of a degree/diploma. Credit transfer on Electives in Social Work and Field
Work Practicals is not permitted for BSW students.
The credit transfer scheme is applicable only to those candidates who have not completed their degree from
any other recognized University yet willing to complete through IGNOU as per rules provided.
The place of jurisdiction for filling of a Suit if necessary will be only at New Delhi/Delhi.
During the course of your study you might require some further information or knowledge about rules and
regulations. You must know whom to contact for a specific information. We are providing information about
these matters below under the heading Some Useful Addresses.
The information about the suitable forms for specific purpose is also provided in section 9 of this programme
guide. Whenever you need take a copy of the relevant form and send as per instructions given in the form.
1) Academic Matters Dr. Sayantani Guin
School of Social Work
Indira Gandhi National Open University, Maidan Garhi
New Delhi 110 068
2) Non-receipt of study material, assignments Registrar (MPDD)
and for fresh assignments IGNOU
Maidan Garhi
New Delhi – 110 068
3) Change of course/programme, Registrar (SED)
Examinations Centres, IGNOU
results, and other exam related Maidan Garhi
matters. New Delhi – 110 068
4) Change of course/programme,
Admissions, fees, scholarships, Regional Director of your Region
exam. schedule, Migration certificate and
change of address.
In this Section we are enclosing the sample of some forms which are useful to you. Whenever you have to
correspond with the University, please get the photocopy of the relevant form, fill it carefully and send as per
instructions therein. The detailed instructions for all these forms are provided in this programme guide in
different sections. The following forms are enclosed:
1) Application for credit transfer and instructions in Bachelor’s Degree Programme.
2) Assignment remittance-cum-acknowledgement form/change/correction of address/study centre.
3) Change of medium/courses/programme of study.
4) Requisition for fresh set of assignments and instructions.
5) Term-end examination form and instructions.
6) Non-receipt of study material/assignments.
7) Application form for re-evaluation of answer script.
8) Form for duplicate grade card/Mark-sheet.
9) Migration certificate form and instructions.
10) Form for provisional certificate.
11) Application form for obtaining photocopy of the answer script.
12) Application form for early declaration of term-end-examination.
13) Re-admission form and guidelines.
14) Application form for improvement in Division/Class.
15) Application form for issue of official transcript.
Please see instructions overleaf
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068
Application for Credit Transfer in Bachelor Degree Programme
Details of courses applied for Credit Transfer : IGNOU Credit Equivalence desired
S. No. Subject (s) Maximum Percentage Marks Year of Course Course Title Credits
Qualified Marks of Marks Obtained Passing Code
All of the Information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge Student Signature & Date :
(For Office use only)
Recommendations of Schools :
Credit Transfer recommended for the following Credit Transfer for the following courses not recommended
Course Signature of Course Reasons for Signature of
Course Title Credits Marks Percentage Course Title Credits
Code Director of School Code Rejection Director of School
1. Read the instructions given in your Programme Guide carefully.
2. For BSW Credit Transfer is allowed only for foundation courses and language age courses.
4. Pay the credit transfer fee at the rate of Rs. 100/- per course or part thereof through a crossed Demand Draft in
favour of ‘India Gandhi National Open University’ payable at New Delhi.
Name :
Enrolment No. : Programme :
Course Code : Medium : Name : ___________________________________
S.No. Assignment No. For Office Use Only Course Code : ______________________________
Medium :
Sr. No. : ___________________________ _________________________________________
S. No. Assignment No.
Date of Receipt : ____________________ _________________________________________ FOROFFICEUSEONLY
Name of Evaluator : _________________ Sr. No. : _______________________________
Signature of the receiver
Date of despatch _________________________________________
to the Evaluator : ___________________ Date : _________________________________
Signature of the
Student ___________________________________ __________________________________ Seal
Sig. of dealing Accountant Date of receipt from
Date : ____________________________________
Date : Evaluator :
Notes : 1. Submit this form to the coordinator of your study centre alongwith the assignment.
2. When you submit the assignment by post, enclose a self-addressed stamped stamped envelop along with this.
complete the form using
block capitals and indicating : Programme Code
Enrolment No.
Foundation Courses
Elective Courses
Application Oriented
Fee Details : Demand draft is to be made in the name of IGNOU payable at Delhi
Name ................................................................
Address .............................................................
Please read the Instructions overleaf before filling up this form.
Programme of Study
Name Shri/Smt./Km..........................................................................................................................
Please indicate course code, assignment code and course title for which you need the assignments in the following
columns. The assignments of the course which you have already passed should not be mentioned.
1. Read instructions for submission of assignments given in your Programme Guide carefully.
2. Assignments should be demanded only if your registration for that course (subject) is valid.
3. Please ensure that you have mentioned your correct Enrolment No. (it consists of 9 digits), Name, Course Code,
and Course Title, Semester/year, wherever applicable, and Study Centre Code on your assignment responses
before submitting to the concerned authorities.
4. Submission of assignments within due dates is a pre-requisite for appearing in the term-end examination. You are,
therefore, advised to submit your TMAs at your Study Centre and within the prescribed dates. Assignments
received after due dates will be summarily rejected.
5. In case you have failed to get the overall qualifying grade for a course; you may choose to either appear in the
term end examination or attempt the assignments for that course again.
6. Assignments should not be demanded to improve your score if you have secured minimum qualifying score in a
course (subject).
7. Please do not submit your assignment responses twice either at the same Study Centre or at different Study
Centres for evaluation.
Control No.
1. Please submit your exam form at the concerned Regional Centre under which your examination centre falls.
2. Write in CAPITAL LETTERS only within the box without touching the lines as shown in the sample below.
Name of the Candidate: (Leave one box empty between First Name, Middle Name and Surname)
Address for Correspondence (Do not give Post Box No. Leave box blank between each unit of address like House No., Street Name, PO, etc.
City District
Course codes for which appearing for the first time OR failed in the earlier TEEs including Practical Courses for BCA, MCA, BIT / ADIT / PGDLAN / BLIS
Programmes FEE @ Rs. 60/- PER COURSE (Demand draft in favour of IGNOU and payable at Regional Centre under which your exam centre falls.
S.No. Course Code S.No. Course Code
1. 9.
2. 10.
3. 11.
4. 12.
5. 13.
6. 14.
7. 15.
8. 16.
FEE DETAILS (Please write your Name & Enrolment No. at the back of the Draft)
1. Draft No.
Total No. of Total Amount
Courses × 60 Amount
TOTAL Date / /
Issuing Branch ———————————————————————
(within the Box only) Payable at (Regional Centre under
which your exam centre falls)
Dates for Submission of Exam Forms
1 March to 31 March NIL 1 Sept. to 30 Sept. NIL
1 April to 20 April 300/- 1 Oct. to 20 Oct. 300/- REGIONAL CENTRE UNDER
21 April to 30 April 500/- 21 Oct. to 31 Oct. 500/- CENTRE FALLS
1 May to 15 May 1000/- 1 Nov. to 15 Nov. 1000/-
It is to certify that the student has submitted all the assignment(s) for the course(s) filled in the examination form.
Enrolement No.
I have remitted all the dues towards the course fee and there is No change is may address given as follows
Name and Address : .................................. Signature : .........................................
Date : ..........................................
Student Evaluation Division
1. Name:…………………………………………………………………………….
2. Programme: Enrolment No.
3. Address: …………………………………………………………………………..
1. The request for re-evaluation by the student must be made before 31st March for December TEE
and 30th September for June TEE or within one month of declaration of results, whichever is later.
2. The date of declaration of result will be calculated from the date on which the result are placed on
the IGNOU website.
3. After re-evaluation, the better of the two scores of original marks/grade and marks/grade after re-
evaluation will be considered.
4. The revised marks/grade after re-evaluation shall be communicated to the student on receipt pf re-
evaluation result and result of re-evaluation will also made available on the IGNOU website at The minimum time required for re-evaluation shall be 30 days from the date of
receipt of application.
5. Re-evaluation is permissible in TEE only and not in the Project Dissertation Practicals/Lab courses,
Workshops, Assignments & Seminar etc.
6. On the top of the envelope containing the prescribed application form. ‘Please mention
7. Application form must reach within the prescribed dates at the following address:-
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068
Name ...............................................................................................
Enrolment No.
Address ............................................................................
Programme ................................................................................................................................................
Dated .......................................................................
Note : Fee for duplicate grade card Rs.150. The duplicate grade card/mark sheet will be sent by Registered
The filled in form with the requisite fee is to be sent to :
The Registrar (SED)
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan Garhi,
New Delhi-110 068
(To be submitted at the concerned Regional Director)
1. Name .................................................................................................................................................
Draft Details
Amount Rs. ____________________ D.D. No. _______________________ Date _____________
1. I hereby declare that the information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge and I have paid all
the fee due to the University.
2. I have not taken any migration certificate from the University before this.
3. I further certify that I have not enrolled with any other University/Institution after passing out from
IGNOU up to this date.
4. In the event of any of the above information being found incorrect, the Certificate shall be liable for
cancellation by the University.
1. A fee of Rs. 300/- should be remitted by way of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of IGNOU and payable
at New Delhi.
2. At the time of submission of the application for issue Migration Certificate the applicant should attach xerox copy
of consolidated Statement of Marks of Provisional Certificate issued by this University (duly attested)
for verification.
3. Duplicate Migration Certificate can be issue on payment of Rs. 300/- only in case the same has been lost,
destroyed or mutilated on submission of an Affidavit drawn up on a non-judicial stamp paper of the value
of Rs. 10/- to be sworn before a Magistrate on the following format.
to me by the ________ to enable me to join __________________________________ University has been lost and
I did not join any other University of the basis of the same nor have I submitted the same for joining
any other University’’.
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068
Enrolment No.
Programme Title...............................................................................
Name .......................................................................................................
Registrar (SED)
Maidan Garhi,
New Delhi-110 068
Date........................................ ............................................
(Rules & regulations are mentitned on the reverse side of this form. Please go through them carefully
before filling up the form).
Prescribed dates for submission of form:- 1st March to 15th April for June Term-end Exam.
1st September to 15th October for December Term-end Exam.
1. Name .....................................................................................................................
3. Address : .........................................................................................................................................
...............................................................................................Pin Code
4. Detail of the course(s), for which photocopy of the answer script(s) is/are required:
3. Address: ..........................................................................................................................................
(Enclose a copy of the documentary evidence specifying the reason for early declaration)
1. Request for early declaration of results will be entertained for final semester/year or maximum of 4 backlog
courses only, subject to the following conditions:-
i) The student has been selected for higher study/employment and statement of marks/grade card is required
to be produced to the institute by a particular date, which is before the prescribed dates of declaration of
the University’s results.
ii) The student has completed all the other prescribed components except the term-end examination of the
courses, for which early evaluation has been sought.
2. Application for early declaration, for the reasons such as to apply for recruitment/higher study/post and
promotion purpose etc. will not be entertained.
3. Application without enclosing documentary evidence specifying the reason for early declaration will not be
4. Application form must reach at the following address before the date of the examination for the course (s) for
which early evaluation is sought:-
Date of submission :
1st Aug to 31st Oct.
MAIDAN GARHI. NEW DELHI-110068 1st Feb. to 30th April
3. Enrol. No.
Total Rs.
7. Details of re-registration for the missed year(s)/semester(s), if any:
Year(s) Course Code(s) of the missed year(s)/semester(s) Re-registration fee a
semester(s) per current rate (Rs.)
8. Toal Fee (col. no. 6+7) Rs. ___________ enclosed vide Demand Draft No. __________________________
Date____________________of_____________________________________________(Name of Bank)
(DD should be drawn in favour of ‘‘IGNOU’’ payable at New Delhi)
Main this Re-admission Form along Signature of the student
with DD to Registrar, Student
Registration Division, IGNOU, Maidan
Garhi, New Delhi-110 068 on or before
the last date mentioned above. Note : Please retain a copy of this form for any future reference.
1. Re-admission is permissible in the following cases:
(a) Students who failed to complete the requirements in full or in part within the maximum span period prescribed.
(b) Students who failed to complete the requirement of attendance in practicals as prescribed in
Programme curriculum within the maximum span period prescribed.
2. Students who did not register for all years/semesters of a Programme and fail to pay the prescribed full Programme
fee during the maximum duration of the Programme are also eligible for Readmission, provided they pay full fee for
the missed year(s)/ semester(s) as per rate applicable for the session for which they seek re-admission, in addition
to the pro-rata course fee for re-admission as per rate given in Table-A for each of the course(s) they failed to
successfully complete within the maximum period prescribed.
3. Course fee paid for re-admission would be valid for a period of six months/one year/two consecutive academic
years or four consecutive semesters only, as given below:
a) Six months - for all Certificate Programmes of six months duration
b) One year - for all Diploma / PG Dip. / PG Certificate Prog. of one year duration (including BLlS, MLlS,
MADE, ADIT etc.)
c) Two years for all undergraduate and post-graduate programmes whose minimum duration is of 2 years
and above.
4. The additional period indicated at point no.3 above will commence from the date of completion of the maximum
duration of the Programme for which the registration was done initially, even if the re-admission is sought at a later
5. Students shall not be on rolls of the university beyond the additional period indicated at point no.3 above.
6. The credit earned by the student towards his/her courses and assignments successfully completed shall be retained
for the revalidated period, provided the syllabus and methodology now in vogue are similar to the course(s)
successfully completed earlier.
7. No study material will be supplied on re-admission. If the earlier study material is replaced, the student will be
required to buy changed course material.
8. The students will be allowed to take re-admission in the old course(s) as long as the examination in the old course(s)
is conducted by the University and subject to validity of re-admission period indicated at point number 3 above.
9. For the Programmes containing practical component, the norms of fee payable will be as decided by the respective
10. Students are required to pay the pro-rata Re-admission fee as per details given ill Table-A, in lump-sum, for
all the courses tiley failed to successfully complete earlier. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any
circumstances. Students of BCA-MCA Integrated Programme should pay the prorata re-admission fee, in
lump-sum, for all those courses of SeA & Me A not successfully completed during the max. duration of 8 years.
11. Pro-rata fee for Re-admission would be changed as and when the University revises the Programme fee for
various Programmes.
12. Other conditions as prescribed by the University relating to the admission and re-admission shall remain the same.
13. The Demand Draft for Re-admission fee together with the re-registration fee of the missed year(s)/semester(s), if any,
should be drawn in favour of IGNOU payable at New Delhi. Please write your Enrol. No., Name and Programme code
and also the words ‘Re-admission’ on the reverse of the DO.
I. As per policy decision taken by the Academic Council at its 40th meeting held on 17.05.2007, BCA students
registered in the pre-revised syllabus in Jan.1996, Jan.1997 & Jan. 1998 batches are allowed to complete all the
requirements for the award of BCA Degree by Dec. 2010 Term-end examination due to winding up of BCA (old
syllabus); subject to remittance of pro-rata fee once again.
2. Similarly, students of stand alone MCA pre-revised syllabus and B.Sc. (Nursing) old syllabus are also allowed to
complete all the requirements for the award of the respective Degree by Dec.2010 Term-end examination because
of winding up of these programme; subject to remittance of pro-rata fee once again. However, MLIS old syllabus
students would be allowed to complete all the requirements for the award of Degree by Dec. 2009 TEE.
3. Besides above, BCA (revised syllabus) students admitted in July 1998 and up to Jan. 2002 batches, either in stand
alone BCA programme or under Integrated MCA Programme are also eligible to complete all the requirements for
the award of Degree of BCA and/or MCA; subject to revalidation of the left-over courses up to Dec.20lO by remitting
the pro-rata fee once again, in lump-sum.
4. No term-end examination will be conducted after Dec.2010 TEE for the courses of BCA (old syllabus) as well as
MCA(old syllabus).
(Rules & regulations are mentioned on the reverse side of this form. Please go through them carefully before
filling up the form).
Prescribed dates for submission of form: 1st to 30th April for June Term-end Exam.
1st to 31st October for December Term- end Exam.
1. Name: .......................................................................................................................................................
3. Address: ...................................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................... Pin
1. The improvement of marks/grades is applicable only for the Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Programmes, who
have completed the programme. The eligibility is as under:-
a) The students of Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Programmes who fall short of 2% marks to secure 2nd and 1st
b) The students of Master’s Degree Programmes only, who fall short of 2% marks to secure overall 55%
3. The improvement is permissible only in theory papers. No improvement is permissible in Practicals/Lab courses,
Projects, Workshops and Assignments etc.
4. Under the Provision of improvement, a maximum of 25% of the maximum credits required for successful
completion of a programme shall be permitted.
5. Students wishing to improve the marks will have to apply within six months from the date of issue of final
statement of marks/grade card to them, subject to the condition that their registration for the programme/
course being applied for improvement, is valid till the next term-end examination in which they wish to appear
for improvement.
6. No student will be permitted to improve if maximum duration to complete the programme, including the re-
admission period, has expired.
7. After appearing in the examination for improvement, better of the two examinations, i.e. marks/grade already
awarded and the marks/grade secured in the improvement examination will be considered.
8. In case of improvement, the month and year of completion of the programme will be changed to the Term-end
examination, in which students appeared for improvement.
9. Students will be permitted for improvement of marks/grades provided the examination for the particular course,
in which they wish to improve, is being conducted by the University at that time.
10. On the top of the envelope containing the prescribed application form, Please mention “APPLICATION
11. Application form must reach within the prescribed dates at the following address:-
The Registrar,
Student Evaluation Division,
Indira Gandhi National Open University,
Maidan Garhi,
New Delhi-110068
3. Address: ...................................................................................................................................................
..................................................................................................... Pin
4. Purpose for which: ....................................................................................................................................
transcript is required .................................................................................................................................
5. Fees detail:
Fees for the official transcript:-
Rs. 200/- per transcript, if to be sent to the student/Institute in India.
Rs. 400/- per transcript, if required to be sent to the Institute outside India by the University.
(The requisite fee is required to be paid through demand draft drawn in favour of ‘IGNOU’ & payable at
‘New Delhi’)
No. of transcript(s): …………..…… X Rs. 200/ Rs. 400/- = Total Amount: Rs......................required
7. Name & address of the University/Institute/Employer in capital letters to whom transcript is required to be
sent (attached a separate list, if required)
The Registrar,
Student Evaluation Division,
Indira Gandhi National Open University,
Maidan Garhi,
New Delhi-110068.
Note: The students are required to enclose same number of legible photocopies of both sides of the statement of
marks/grade card issued to them, as the number of transcripts required.
56 Blank
I. Foundation Course in Humanities and Social Sciences (BSHF-101) 8 credits
Humanities and Social Sciences are disciplines which offer us the methodology to understand social reality. They also
contribute towards analyzing the process of evolution and accordingly help us in shaping the future course of human
development. It is by taking note of this role of these disciplines that the Foundation Course in Humanities and Social
Sciences (FHS-1) has been introduced as a compulsory course for the Bachelor’s Degree.
The course is aimed at offering a basic notion of most of the social, economic, political, cultural and other related
humanistic problems. We go back to the study of the primitive human beings and gradually take into account the
evolutionary processes by studying the march to great ancient Civilisations, social formations and systems i.e., from
slavery to the present day democratic world. In certain fields the perspective is based on a world view of the various
problems like apartheid, nuclear disarmament, ecology, pollution, etc. Yet, within this framework the main concern
remains the search for our own past, an analysis of our present, and mankind’s plan for the future. Thus, our unique
struggle against colonialism, cultural renaissance, etc., are the themes related to social transformation and national
integration. An attempt has also been made to familiarize you with the process of economic planning in India. This takes
into account the strategies adapted and the problems related to economic development and growth.
II. Foundation Course in Science and Technology (FST-1) 8 credits
In the first few units of this course, we trace the history of science from very ancient times to the modern period. We then
describe the interaction between science and society – the way science has grown in particular socio-economic conditions
and, in turn, how it has influenced changes in the society. We explain the special nature of scientific knowledge, as also
the scientific method. The units that follow deal with the world we live in, how it came into being, how life came into
existence, the resources we have and our environmental concerns. We then go on to examine how science and technology
can help us to solve some of the problems that we face in India like those of food, agriculture, health, etc. The study of
the human mind and social behaviour will then be taken up along with the crucial role that information and communication
play in the present day world. We will also explore the potentialities of modern scientific and technological developments.
We will sum up by describing the role of science and technology in national development, especially in the Indian
In other words, this course attempts to make you aware of what science is and what it can do; how it has always been an
integral part of human life and endeavour and its immense potential in solving out problems.
Block 1: History of Science Block 5: Agriculture, Nutrition and Health
Unit 1 Science as a Human Endeavour Unit 19 Food and Agriculture
Unit 2 Science in the Ancient World Unit 20 Scientific Possibilities and Social Realities
Unit 3 Iron Age Unit 21 Food and Nutrition
Unit 4 The Golden Age of Science in India Unit 22 Health and Disease
III. Foundation Course in English 1 (FEG-1) 4 credits
The main objective of this course is to improve your proficiency in English by developing your skills in reading, writing,
listening and speaking.
The course is divided into four blocks of six units each. The first four units in each block deal with (i) reading comprehension,
(ii) vocabulary, (iii) grammar and usage, and (iv) writing. The last two units deal with listening and speaking. The units
on listening and speaking have cassette recordings to accompany them. You can listen to them at the Study Centre
assigned to you by the University.
Block 1: Units 1 – 4
Reading Comprehension : Passages from George Orwell: Animal Farm, and Indira Gandhi’s
speech on Human Environment.
Grammar and Usage : Concord of number and person: be, do, have and other verbs, Tenses:
the past indefinite, the past continuous, the present perfect continuous.
Unit 5 – 6
Block 2: Units 7 – 10
Reading Comprehension : Stories 1) Norah burke: “The Baby-sitter” and 2) O. Henry - “Witches
Loaves” Autobiography: from Indira Gandhi “A Page from the Book of
Memory”, Passage on “The Five Kinds of Workers”.
Exercises on Vocabulary
Grammar and Usage : Use of the past perfect tense, the simple present tense and the Present
continuous tense; ways of expressing the future; Articles; types of
Writing : Rewriting a story in an abridged form with the help of given sentences;
writing short essays.
Unit 11 – 12
Block 3: Units 13 – 16
Exercises on Vocabulary
Grammar and Usage : Question Patterns, prepositional phrases, participial phrases, Phrasal
verbs, relative clauses, adverbial clauses, direct and indirect speech
Unit 17 – 18
Conversation : A dialogue between a teacher and a student who has just passed the
higher secondary examination; asking for permission.
Block 4: Units 19 – 22
Reading comprehension : Bertrand Russell: “Science and Human Life”, L.P. Hartley: “A High
Dive” Jawaharlal Nehru “The Voice of India”.
Exercises on Vocabulary
Grammar and Usage : The passive voice; non-finite verbals; modal auxiliaries; revision.
Block 4: Unit 23 – 24
IV. Foundation Course in English – 2 (FEG-2) 4 credits
The foundation course in English 2 is meant for students who do not take the Foundation Course in Hindi or any other
Modern Indian Language. The main objective of the course is to develop your composition skills in English, but practice
will be given in other language skills also. The different kinds of composition included in this course are:
expository composition
argumentative composition
narrative composition
descriptive composition
Block 1 Block 3
Unit 1 Writing Paragraphs 1 The topic sentence, Unit 13 Writing Paragraphs: 3 Chronological
developing the topic, coherence, sequence: spatial relationship; class
punctuation relationships
Unit 2 Writing paragraphs 2 The development of a Unit 14-15 Narrative Composition
paragraph Unit 16 Writing Reports: 3 Reporting Interviews
Unit 3 Writing a Composition Unit 17 Writing Reports: 4 Reporting Surveys
Unit 4 Expository Composition Unit 18 Writing Summaries: 3
Unit 5 Note-taking: 1
Unit 6 Writing Reports: 1 Reporting Events Block 4
Unit 19 Descriptive Composition: 1 Describing
Block 2 persons
Unit 7 Argumentative composition: 1 Unit 20 Descriptive Composition: 2
Unit 8 Argumentative Composition: 2 Note-taking: Unit 21 Descriptive Composition: 3
2 Unit 22 Note-taking: 3
Unit 10 Writing Reports: 2 Reporting meetings and Unit 23 Writing Reports: 5 Reporting Experiments
speeches Unit 24 Summing Up
Unit 11 Writing Summaries: 1
Unit 12 Writing Summaries: 2
Videos: 1. Reporting Events and Interviews Audios: 1. Writing of Paragraphs (Block 1)
(Block 1-3) 2. Argumentative Composition (Block 2)
2. Describing Persons, Places and 3. Note Taking from Lectures (Block 4)
Objects (Block 4)
bl ikB~; e esa pkj [kaM gSa vkSj izR;sd [kaM esa Ng&Ng bdkb;k¡¡gSaA ;s pkSchl bdkb;k¡ [kaMokj vkidks pkj iqfLrdkvksa eas miyC/k gkasxhA
ikB~; oLrq dk [kaMksa vkSj bdkb;ksa esa foHkktu fuEu izdkj ls gS%
[kaM 1 % Hkk"kk rRo vkSj cks/ku [kaM 3 % lkfgR; dk vkLoknu
bdkbZ 1 fganh dh fyfi vkSj orZuh dk ifjp; bdkbZ 13 dgkuh % iwl dh jkr …izsepan‰
2 fganh dh /ofu;k¡ 14 miU;kl % ekul dk gal …ve‘ryky ukxj‰
3 foKku ds fo"k; dk cks/ku 15 ukVd % panzxqIr …t;’kadj izlkn‰
4 laLd fr fo"k; dk cks/ku vkSj ’kCndks’k dk mi;ksx 16 fuca/k % ks/k …jkepanz ’kqDy‰
5 lekt foKku fo"k; dk cks/ku vkSj fuca/k jpuk dk 17 vkRedFkk % xka/khth dh vkRedFkk
ifjp; 18 dfork,¡
6 Hkk"k.k ’kSyh
[kaM 4 % O;kogkfjd fganh vksj ys[ku
[kaM 2 % okpu vkSj fofo/k fo"k; bdkbZ 19 ’kCn vksj eqgkojs
bdkbZ 7 lkekftd foKkuksa dh Hkk"kk …bfrgkl ds lanHkZ‰ 20 laokn ’kSyh
rFkk orZuh ds dqN fu;e 21 ljdkjh i=kpkj rFkk fVIi.k vkSj izk:i.k
8 lkekftd foKkuksa dh Hkk"kk …jktuhfr foKku‰ 22 lekpkj ys[ku vkSj laikndh;
rFkk ’kCn jpuk 23 vuqokn
9 ekufodh dh Hkk"kk …yfyr dyk‰ rFkk fo’ks"k.k 24 la{ksi.k] Hkko iYyou vkSSj fuca/k ys[ku
10 foKku dh Hkk"kk rFkk ikfjHkkf"kd ’kCn
11 foKku dh Hkk"kk dk Lo:i
12 fof/k ,oa iz’kklu dh Hkk"kk rFkk ikfjHkkf"kd ’kCn
vkSj vFkZ
ohfM;ks dk;Z e % 1 /ofu] fyfi vkSj orZuh vkWfM;ks dk;Z e % 1 Hkk"k.k ’kSfy;k¡
2 Hkkjrh; Lok/khurk laxzke vkSj tu
vka n ks y u
3 jktHkk"kk fganh
4 izsepan dk lkfgR;
5 fganh lkfgR; dk ifjp; Hkkx 1 - 2
ikB~; e 120 ?kaVs dk gksxk vkSj blesa 4 [kaM gksaxsA ;g 24 bdkb;ksa esa foHkkftr gksxk] gj bdkbZ ds v/;;u ds fy, 5 ?kaVs gksaxsA
ikB~; e dh jpuk
bl ikB~; e esa 4 [kaM gSa vkSj izR;sd [kaM esa 6&6 bdkb;k¡ gSaA ;s 24 bdkb;k¡ [kaMokj 4 iqfLrdkvksa esa miyC/k gksaxhA
ikB~; oLrq dk [kaMkas vkSj bdkb;ksa esa foHkktu fuEu izdkj gksxk %
ikB~; fooj.k
[kaM 1 % Hkk"kk vkSj lEiz"s k.k 4 lEizs"k.k ds fofo/k :i …lk{kkRdkj] Hkk"kk] laokn
bdkbZ 1 lEizs"k.k ds ewy rRo vkfn‰
2 mPpfjr vkSj fyf[kr Hkk"kk % lEizs"k.k ds rRo 5 Hkkf"kd dyk ds fofHkUu i{k
3 vkafxd Hkk"kk vkSj lEizs"k.k 6 laokn dyk ds fofHkUu i{k
[kaM 2 % ys[ku dkS’ky 16 ;k=k o‘ kakr
bdkbZ 7 izHkkoh ys[ku 17 thouh@js[kkfp=
8 jpuk …daiksft’ku dh rS;kjh‰ 18 laLej.k
9 iqujZpuk …la{ksi.k] Hkko iYou vkfn‰
10 o.kkZukRed ys[ku (Descriptive Writing) [kaM 4 % fyf[kr lEiz"s k.k
11 vk[;kuijd ys[ku (Narrative Writing) bdkbZ 19 i= ys[ku …vkSipkfjd‰
12 rkfdZd ys[ku (Expository Writing) 20 lapkj ds fy, ys[ku
21 dk;kZy;h ys[ku …fjiksVZ] dk;Zo‘ k vkfn‰
[kaM 3 % lkfgR; % fofo/k fo/kk,¡ 22 ltZukRed ys[ku …Qhpj] fuca/k] dgkuh vkfn‰
bdkbZ 1 3 Mk;jh 23 oS;fDrd ys[ku …laLej.k] Mk;jh] ;k=ko‘ kkar‰
14 i = 24 Hkk"k.k ds fy, ys[ku …okrkZyki] jsfM;ks
15 fjiksrkZt okrkZyki] lekpkj] okn&fookn
VII. Foundation Courses in Modern Indian Languages (MIL) 4 credit each
Foundation Courses in the following Modern Indian Languages have been prepared by Indira Gandhi National Open
University for the convenience of students who may find it difficult to do the Foundation Course in Hindi.
Foundation Course in Assamese FAS-1 4 credits
Foundation Course in Bengali FBG-1 4 credits
Foundation Course in Gujarati FGT-1 4 credits
Foundation Course in Kannada FKD-1 4 credits
Foundation Course in Malayalam FML-1 4 credits
Foundation Course in Marathi FMT-1 4 credits
Foundation Course in Oriya FOR-1 4 credits
Foundation Course in Punjabi FPB-1 4 credits
Foundation Course in Tamil FTM-1 4 credits
Foundation Course in Telugu FTG-1 4 credits
Foundation Course in Urdu FUD-1 4 credits
Foundation Course in Sanskrit BSKF-1 4 credits
Foundation Course in Bhojpuri BBHF-1 4 credits
The objectives of the Foundation Course in these Modern Indian Languages is to help you improve your proficiency in
the languages you opt by developing your skills in reading, comprehension and writing. The general approach followed
in these courses is to teach you language through different kinds of textual materials taken from a number of disciplines
pertaining to Humanities, Social Sciences and different forms of Literature. Due importance has been given to the use of
language for administrative purposes as well.
The broad outline of the syllabus of our Foundation Courses in Modern Indian Languages is as under:
1. Essentials of the language
Scripts, vocabulary, word formation, sentence structure, idioms, proverbs, etc.
a) Humanities Ethics, Philosophy, Religion, Fine Arts, Culture, Folk Lore, etc.
b) Social Sciences History, Political Science, Sociology, Economics, Law, etc.
c) Sciences Space Biology Ecology, Environment, Geography, Geology, Physics,
Astronomy, Science Computer Science, Energy etc.
2. Learning Language through Literary texts
a) Poems-Old & Modern Poetry
b) Short-story
c) One-act Play
d) Essay
e) Biography
3. Language for Administrative Purposes
Precis Writing
Noting and Drafting
Note: A detailed break up of the syllabus into blocks and units is given in Block 1 booklet of the printed course
material of each of the Modern Indian Languages.
1. BSWE-001 : Introduction to Social Work (8 credits)
Block 1: Emergence of Professional Social Work
Unit 1 Introduction to Social Work Concepts-I
Unit 2 Introduction to Social Work Concepts-II
Unit 3 Emergence of Professional Social Work Abroad
Unit 4 Evolution of Social Work and Tradition and Education in India.
Block 2: Basics of Social Work
Unit 1 Professional Social Work: Nature, Scope Goals and Functions
Unit 2 Professional Social Work: Generic Principles, Values and their Application
Unit 3 Social Service and Social Welfare Programme in Five Year Plans
Unit 4 Voluntary Action and Social Work in India.
Unit 5 Social Work Ethics in Indian Context
Block 3: Introduction to Society
Unit 1 Basic Social Concepts
Unit 2 Evolution of Human Society: Nature and Characteristics
Unit 3 Social Processes
Unit 4 Social Change: Concept and Factors Involved in Social Change
Unit 5 Social Control
Block 4: Social System and Social Sub-system
Unit 1 Marriage and Family
Unit 2 Society and Culture: Plurality of Culture in India
Unit 3 Social Stratification
Unit 4 The State as a Social Institution: Its Role and Impact on Other Institutions
Block 5: Human Growth and Development
Unit 1 Personality Development
Unit 2 Determinants of Personality: Role of Heredity and Environment
Unit 3 Different Stages of Human Development
Unit 4 Theories of Personality
Unit 5 Psycho-Sexual Development: Freudian Concept.
Block 6: Basics of Psychology for Social Workers
Unit 1 Relevance of Psychology in Social Work Practice
Unit 2 Basic Psychological Concepts in Human Behaviour
Unit 3 Defence Mechanism
Unit 4 Normality and Abnormality
Unit 5 Basic Concepts of Social Psychology
2. BSWE-002 : Social Work Intervention with Individuals
and Groups (8 credits)
Block 1 : Social Work with Individuals
Unit 1 Introduction to Social Case Work: Historical Development
Unit 2 Basics of Social Case Work
Unit 3 Practice of Social Case Work
Unit 4 Interviewing in Social Case Work I
Unit 5 Interviewing in Social Casework II
Unit 6 Fields of Social CaseWork Practice
Block 2 : Social Work with Groups
Unit 1 Social Group Work: Historical Development
Unit 2 Characteristics and Significance of Groups
Unit 3 Principles, Skills, and Models of Group Work Practice
Unit 4 Group Formation: Stages of the Development of Groups
Unit 5 The Social Group Worker's Role in Group Work Process.
Block 3 : Social Problems and Services
Unit 1 Introduction to Social Problem
Unit 2 Contemporary Social Problems I
Unit 3 Contemporary Social Problems II
Unit 4 Social Defense
Block 4 : General Areas of Social Work Practice
Unit 1 Social Work with Family
Unit 2 Social Work in Educational Settings
Unit 3 Social Work in Health Care Sector
Unit 4 Social Work in Industrial Sector
Unit 5 Social Work among Communities
Unit 6 Social Work in Correctional Settings
Block 5: Social Development and Social Work
Unit 1 Development and Under Development
Unit 2 Concept and Dynamics of Social Development.
Unit 3 Concepts and Type of Economic Systems
Unit 4 Social Planning and Social Policy
Unit 5 Human Development
Block 6 : Basics of legal literacy
Unit 1 Indian Constitution
Unit 2 Indian Legal System and its Relevance for Marginalized and Disadvantaged Groups.
Unit 3 Public Interest Litigation (PIL)
Unit 4 Basic Understanding of Criminal Procedures
Unit 5 Social Legislation and Role of Social Worker in Legal Assistance.
5. BSWE-05: Introduction To HIV/AIDS (8 Credits)
Block 1: Basic Facts of HIV/AIDS
Unit 1 Global and National Scenario of HIV/AIDS
Unit 2 HIV/AIDS Disease Profile
Unit 3 Misconceptions of HIV/AIDS/STDs
Unit 4 History of HIV/AIDS
6. BSWE-06: Substance Abuse and Counselling (8 credits)
Block 1: Factual Information on Substance Abuse
Unit 1 Relevance of Substance Abuse and HIV/AIDS
Unit 2 Commonly used Drugs and Target Groups
Unit 3 Extent of Prevalence of Substance Abuse and Trafficking in India
Unit 4 The Drugs Scenario: Global, Regional and National
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