Civil Estimate With Boq

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Sl no Description Qty Unit Rate

Fly Ash Brick Masonry in cement mortar of mix (1:6)

using Fly Ash bricks of size 25c.m x 12 c.m x 8 c.m in
Superstructure having crushing strength not less than 75
kg per square c.m. with cement and screened & washed
sharp sand for mortar after immersing the bricks for 6
(Six) hours in water before use in works with all necessary
projections, splays cutting, circular moulding, corbelling,
1 chamfering, watering and curing etc. including cost,
coveyance,stacking, loading, unloading, royalties , all
taxes ,cost of all labour,Labour cess ,scaffolding, sundries
and T&P required for the works etc. complete in all respect
as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Ground floor 84.64 cum 3967.35

First floor 207.15 cum 4210.44
Second floor 207.15 cum 4489.99
Third floor 207.15 cum 4849.84
Fourth floor 207.15 cum 5219.55
Terrace floor 112.86 cum 5644.71

Fly Ash Brick Masonry in cement mortar of mix (1:4)

using Fly Ash bricks of size 25c.m x 12 c.m x 8 c.m in
Superstructure having crushing strength not less than 75
kg per square c.m. with cement and screened & washed
sharp sand for mortar after immersing the bricks for 6
(Six) hours in water before use in works with all necessary
projections, splays cutting, circular moulding, corbelling,
2 chamfering, watering and curing etc. including cost,
coveyance,stacking, loading, unloading, royalties , all
taxes ,cost of all labour,Labour cess ,scaffolding, sundries
and T&P required for the works etc. complete in all respect
as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Ground floor 16.82 cum 4160.67

First floor 2.98 cum 4403.76
Second floor 110.01 cum 4683.32
Third floor 110.01 cum 5043.16
Fourth floor 110.01 cum 5412.87
Providing 12mm. Thick cement plaster in cement mortar or
mix(1:6) in all floors at all height with cement & screened
and washed sharp river sand for mortar and finished
smooth to the rough surface of the brick masonary walls
after racking out the joints (alongwith providing grooves
wherever necessary) including watering and
3 curing,rounding of corners etc. complete with cost,
conveyance, loading, unloading, royalities and taxes of all
materials,cost of all labour,T&P, and scaffolding required
for the work etc. as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Ground floor 1359.88 sqm 127.0

First floor 3256.51 sqm 132.1
Second floor 3256.51 sqm 137.4
Third floor 3256.51 sqm 143.0
Fourth floor 3256.51 sqm 148.8
Terrace floor 1098.771 sqm 154.9

Providing 16mm. Thick cement plaster in cement mortar or

mix(1:6) in all floors at all height with cement & screened
and washed sharp river sand for mortar and finished
smooth to the rough surface of the brick masonary walls
after racking out the joints (alongwith providing grooves
wherever necessary) including watering and
4 curing,rounding of corners etc. complete with cost,
conveyance, loading, unloading, royalities and taxes of all
materials,cost of all labour,T&P, and scaffolding required
for the work etc. as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Ground floor 1300.74 sqm 180.38

First floor 2228.02 sqm 184.87
Second floor 2228.02 sqm 189.5
Third floor 2228.02 sqm 194.26
Fourth floor 2228.02 sqm 199.17
Terrace floor 1180.485 sqm 204.23

Providing 6 mm thick cement plaster in cement mortar of

mix (1:4) at all height using screened & washed sharp
river sand for mortar with approved quality of cement to
the ceiling of the Roof Slab, Staircase, Beams,
Columns,Landings, Railings,Chajja ,Fins ,Walls ,Jally and
Shelves etc. including roughening, scraping, chiseling,
cleaning, closed deep chipping with slurry treatment and
5 finished smooth to all R.C.C. Surface including cost,
conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties ,stacking and
all taxes , cost of all Labour,Labour cess ,Sundries, T&P,
Scaffolding, Watering, Curing etc. complete in all respect
as directed by the Engineer- in- charge.

Ground floor 1691.52 sqm 135.6

First floor 1114.89 sqm 139
Second floor 1114.89 sqm 142.4
Third floor 1114.89 sqm 145.9
Fourth floor 1114.89 sqm 149.6
Terrace floor 80.25 sqm 153.3

Priming one coat with water bound wall cement primer.

6 (Inside & Outside)
Ground floor 4352.15 sqm 56.8
First floor 6599.42 sqm 59.1
Second floor 6599.42 sqm 61.4
Third floor 6599.42 sqm 63.9
Fourth floor 6599.42 sqm 66.5
Terrace floor 2359.501 sqm 69.3

Finishing wall surface of walls with cement based wall

putty ( water based) of approved make and finished
smooth and even surface to receive painting including
7 cost, conveyance ,taxes of all materials , cost of all
Labour , Labour cess,scaffoldings, staging, sundries,T&P
etc. required for the work complete as directed by the

Ground floor 2992.27 sqm 65.2

First floor 3342.91 sqm 65.2
Second floor 3342.91 sqm 65.2
Third floor 3342.91 sqm 65.2
Fourth floor 3342.91 sqm 65.2
Terrace floor 1260.73 sqm 65.2

Painting 2 (Two) or more coats with Weather Coat Paint

of premium brand Such as Asian/ Berger/ ICI paints or
equivalent of approved quality & colour, using required
quantities of paint as specified by the manufacturer to give
an even shade over a coat of wall priming(water based)
on the finished external plastered surface at all height ,
watering the surface before applying the Weather Coat
8 Paint and curing for the required period including cost,
coveyance, loading , unloading ,stacking and all taxes ,
cost of all Labour, Labour cess, Sundries ,Scafffolding
,Staging and T&P etc. required for the work complete in
all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Ground floor 1359.88 sqm 70.40

First floor 3256.51 sqm 72.80
Second floor 3256.51 sqm 75.40
Third floor 3256.51 sqm 78.00
Fourth floor 3256.51 sqm 80.90
Terrace floor 1098.771 sqm 83.80
Wall painting two coats with Acrylic paint(plastic
emulsion) of approved quality of premium brand such as
Asian/ Berger/ ICI paints or equivalent of approved quality
& colour at all heights to the interior surface of the wall to
make an even finished surface including sand papering,
applying putty wherever necessary including cost,
9 conveyance, loading, unloading, stacking, all taxes , cost
of all Labour , Labour cess,scaffoldings, staging,
sundries,T&P etc. required for the work complete as
directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Ground floor 2992.27 sqm 75.9

First floor 3342.91 sqm 77.3
Second floor 3342.91 sqm 78.8
Third floor 3342.91 sqm 80.3
Fourth floor 3342.91 sqm 81.8
Terrace floor 1260.73 sqm 83.5

Providing vitrified tile flooring using vitrified tiles having

thickness of 8mm to 10mm conforming to IS 13755 of
600mmx600mm (Plain Ivory) (homogeneous) of premium
quality of approved makes in floors, treads on steps and
landings on 20mm thick bed of cement mortar of mix (1:4)
laid in proper slope and gradient with screened and
washed sharp sand for mortar and fixing with neat white
cement slurry,grouting the joints with neat white cement
slurry mixed with required quantities of pigments of
10 approved make to match the shades of the vitrified tile if
required , watering and curing for 21 days, including cost,
conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all
materials, cost of all labour,Labour cess , sundries, T&P
required for the work, complete in all respect as per
specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Ground floor 268.14 sqm 824.0

First floor 859.96 sqm 833.0
Second floor 859.96 sqm 842.5
Third floor 859.96 sqm 852.5
Fourth floor 859.96 sqm 863.0
Providing vitrified tile in dado/ skirting using vitrified tiles
having thickness of 8mm to 10mm conforming to IS 13755
of 600mmx600mm, (Plain Ivory) (homogeneous) in dado/
skirting,riser of steps,wall on on 12mm thick bed of
cement mortar of mix (1:3) laid in proper slope and
gradient with screened and washed sharp sand for mortar
and fixing with neat white cement slurry,grouting the joints
with neat white cement slurry mixed with required
11 quantities of pigments of approved make to match the
shadesof the vitrified tile if required watering and curing
for 21 days, including cost, conveyance, loading,
unloading, royalties and taxes of all materials, cost of all
labour, Labour cess ,sundries, T&P required for the work,
complete in all respect as per specification and direction
of Engineer-in-charge.

Ground floor 45.34 sqm 918.6

First floor 206.61 sqm 932.2
Second floor 206.61 sqm 946.5
Third floor 206.61 sqm 961.5
Fourth floor 206.61 sqm 977.3

Providing Granite stone prepolished 20mm thick of area

above 0.40 Sqm in flooring of approved quality, colour and
size in floors, treads on steps and landings in all floors at
all height on 20mm thick bed of cement mortar of mix (1:4)
laid in proper slope and gradient with screened and
washed sharp sand for mortar and fixing with neat white
cement slurry,grouting the joints with neat white cement
slurry mixed with required quantities of pigments of
approved make to match the shades of the granite tile if
12 required watering and curing for 21 days, including cost,
conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all
materials, cost of all labour, Labour cess ,sundries, T&P
required for the work etc. complete in all respect as per
specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Ground floor 88.43 sqm 2381.4

First floor 199.51 sqm 2400.9
Second floor 199.51 sqm 2421.3
Third floor 199.51 sqm 2442.8
Fourth floor 199.51 sqm 2465.4
Terrace floor 7.80 sqm 2489.1
Providing Granite stone prepolished 10mm thick of area
above 0.40 Sqm in dado/skirting,riser of steps of
approved quality, colour and size in dado/ skirting,riser of
steps,wall on 12mm thick bed of cement mortar of mix
(1:3) laid in proper plumb and line with screened and
washed sharp sand for mortar and fixing with neat white
cement slurry,grouting the joints with neat white cement
slurry mixed with required quantities of pigments of
approved make to match the shades of the granite tile if
13 required watering and curing for 21 days, including cost,
conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all
materials, cost of all labour, Labour cess ,sundries, T&P
required for the work etc. complete in all respect as per
specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Ground floor 77.09 sqm 1860.5

First floor 106.8201 sqm 1888.5
Second floor 106.8201 sqm 1918
Third floor 106.8201 sqm 1948.9
Fourth floor 106.8201 sqm 1981.4
Terrace floor 18.95 sqm 2015.4

14 Ceramic tile flooring

Ground floor 22.99 sqm 692.87
First floor 104.37 sqm 701.94
Second floor 104.37 sqm 711.45
Third floor 104.37 sqm 721.45
Fourth floor 104.37 sqm 731.94

15 Ceramic tile Dado/Skirting

Ground floor 75.07 sqm 1138.8
First floor 208.90 sqm 1223.5
Second floor 208.90 sqm 1312.4
Third floor 208.90 sqm 1405.8
Fourth floor 208.90 sqm 1503.8

16 Chequered tile flooring 1327.392 sqm 728.9

Providing 16mm. thick finished kota stone flooring using
kota stone of approved quality, colour and size above 0.10
sqm in floors, treads on steps and landing on 20mm. thick
bed of cement mortar mix of (1:4) with screened and
washed sharp river sand for mortar and cement of
approved quality, grouted with neat white cement slurry
17 laid in proper slope joining the Kota stone with neat white
cement slurry mixed with required quantity of pigment of
approved marks to match the shades of the kota stone to
kota colour if required, watering and curing for the
required period , including cost, conveyance, loading,
unloading, royalties, and taxes of all materials, cost of all
labour, sundries, T&P required for the work including cost
of rubbing mechanically and wax polishing etc complete
in all floors at all height in all respect as directed by the
10.82099 sqm 919.9

Providing 16mm. thick finished kota stone in dado/skirting

using kota stone slab above 0.10 sqm of approved quality,
colour and size in dado, risers of steps on 12mm. thick
bed of cement mortar mix of (1:3) with screened and
washed sharp river sand for mortar and cement of
approved quality, grouted with neat white cement slurry
18 laid in proper slope mixed with required quantity of
pigment of approved marks to match the shades of the
kota tiles to kota colour if required, watering and curing
for thr required period, including cost, conveyance,
loading, unloading, royalties, and taxes of all materials,
cost of all labour, sundries, T&P required for the work
including rubbing mechanically and wax polishing etc. in
all floors at all height complete in all respect as directed
by the Engineer-in-charge.
4.15 sqm 1094.1
Supplying, fitting and fixing of M.S grills, grill gates with
top and bottom rails, steel windows, steel doors, steel
frames for doors and windows ( as per I.S. specification
and as per approved drawings ) in proper position in all
floors and at all height including making holes to brick
walls/ R.C.C structure/wood work etc. and making good to
the damaged walls/ structures with cement concrete
(1:2:4) with black hard crusher broken granite stone chips
19 of 12mm to 20mm size ( 20mm size not to exceeds 25% )
including watering and curing including cost, conveyance,
loading, unloading, stacking, royalties and taxes of all
materials, cost of all Labour, Labour cess ,Sundries, T&P
required for the work etc.complete as per the direction of
Engineer in charge ( W.I. / M.S. windows grills, grill gates,
collapsible gates with top and bottom rails, steel windows,
steel doors, steel frames for doors and windows, staircase
and parapet railings square bar along with required nos.
of nails and screws and other required materials of
approved quality and approved size shall be supplied by
the contractor at his own cost.) 11548.3 kg 65.1955

Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved colour,

shade and brand on New steel work in two or more coats
as required to give an even shade including an under coat
of suitable primer of approved brand and manufacturer
20 including cost of all materials with taxes and
transportation, loading, unloading, scaffolding, all labour,
Labour cess, sundries, T&P, etc. complete as per the
direction of the Engineer-in-charge including filling gaps
with putties, scrapping, sand papering and cleaning the
surface to make free from rusts, dusts and oily
substances before applying primer etc. complete.
Ground floor 15.75 sqm 180.3
First floor 53.88 sqm 183.5
Second floor 53.88 sqm 186.9
Third floor 53.88 sqm 190.3
Fourth floor 53.88 sqm 193.8
Terrace floor 1.95 sqm 197.4

Dressed seasoned sal wood work framed and

fixed(wrought and put up) in truses, purlins, frames of
doors, windows, ventilator including cost, conveyance,
21 loading, unloading, stacking, royalties , all taxes, cost of
all Labour, Labour cess , T&P etc. complete in all respect
as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
17.68 cum 48200.76
Providing , fitting & fixing of 32mm thick flush door shutter
with 32mm thick BWR block board and paisting 4 mm
thick veneer to both sides with adhesive and polishing
throughly to its both sides including fitting & fixing of all
fixtures like godrej make ofice lock haveing model. No.
22 9168. Godrej make door clouser having model no- 8340.
including cost of all materials, all labour, all T&P etc.
required for the work complete in all respect as per the
direction of the Engineer-in-Charge

721.83 sqm 7521.75

Providing and fixing of UPVC (Un Plasticized Poly Vinyl

Chloride) Sliding windows 2 Track Windows made out of
hollow- chambered UPVC Sections having isolated
drainage and reinforced throughout with galvanized steel.
The 2 track outer frame of the window shall be made out of
UPVC sections having an overall size of 60mm x 60mm x
2mm thickness or Equivalent for shutter frames of 60mm x
50mm x 2mm thickness mounting single glazing system.
Structurally Reinforced with hot dip galvanized up to 50
microns of minimum thickness of 1.2mm with moldings
glazing Beading (up 5mm to 18mm) with interlocking
23 system. Prefabricated & welded through fusion welding
the window outer frame & sash shall be fitted with 6mm
thickness Clearglass of reputed brand (Saint Gobain
Glass) make duly fixed with EPDM rubber, weathering
sealant & Accessories like touch lock made by brand. The
outer frame & sash is to be installed at the side using
anchor fastener, Silicon Rubber Sealant, easy glazing at
the side. At least 10 years manufacturing warranty for
discoloration, wrapping, mechanical failures, Shrinkages,
Rooting Corrosion etc. with a quality Certificate from
relevant departments of that government through the
Dealers including of all materials and abounds etc.
Complete as per directions of Engineer in-charge. 403.84 sqm 8232.01

Providing and fixing of louvered Ventilators of approved

24 make having 4 mm thick frostedglass with all taxes
complete. 58.71 sqm 7464.95
Factory made single leaf rigid FRP(alternately called GRP)
sandwich composite door shutter of 32mm thick laminated
with two GRP skins with wood grain finish fabricated
using UV-stabilised Isopthalic Gelcoat and one layer of
450 gsm E-glass Chopped Strand Mat (CSM) impregnated
with orthopthalic palyester resin. The thickness of the
skins shall not be less than 3.00mm Expanded
Polystyrone(EPS) structural foam panel of 29mm
thickness and a density of 20kg/ shall be used as
core material. Wooden reinforcements made of seasoned
sal wood block of cross section not less than
28mmx32mm and also necessary sal wood reinforcements
25 for fitting the metal fittings such as tower bolts, aldrops,
handles etc shall be provided. A structural adhesive
compatible with (EPS) foam shall be used for bending the
core material, the sal wood reiforcements and the skins.
The material and process for manufacturing the door
shutters shall conform to RV-TIFAC composites Design
Centre's standards and specifications and the door
shutters tested in conformation to IS: 4020-1998. The
finish of door shutter will be plain colour white/ Ivory/
Beige/ Light grey/ Mahogany/ Teak wood or any other
colour using high quality pigments. Three heavy whight
mild steel butt hinges type-I(ISI marked) size 100mm are to
be fitted on one side of shutter with FRP frame of size 360.92 sqm 5500

Providing & fixing of UPVC (Un Plastisized Poly-Vinyl

Chloride) Casement door made out of hollow chambered
UPVC sections having isolated drainage & reinforced
through out with Galvanized steel. The casement outer
frame of the door shall be made out of UPVC section
having & overal size of 60mmX60mmX2mm thickness or
equivalent for casement shutter frames of
108mmX60mmX2mm thickness mounting single glazing
system. Structurally reinforced with hot dip galvanized up
to 50microns of minimum thickness of 1.2mm with
moldings glazing beadings (up to 5mm-18mm) with 3D key
locking system. Pre fabricated & welded through fusion
26 welding the window outer frame & sash shall be fitted with
6mm thickness clear glass of reputated brand (Saint
gobain glass) make duly fixed with EPDM rubber,
weathering sealant & accessories like touch lock made by
brand. The outer frame & sash is to be installed at the side
using anchor fasterner, silicon rubber sealant, easy
glazing at the side. Atleat 10 year manufacturing warranty
for dis-coloration, wrapping, mechanical failure,
shrinkages, rooting corrosion etc with a quality certificate
from relevant departments of that government through the
dealers including cost of all materials, all labour, all T&P
etc. required for the work complete in all respect as per
the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge . (Casement Door 3.90 sqm 9550

27 Aluminium Sliding door 416.19 sqm 5800

Providing and fixing 1mm thick M.S. sheet door with frame
of 40x40x6 mm angle iron and 3 mm M.S. gusset plates at
the junctions and corners, all necessary fittings complete,
20 including applying a priming coat of
approved steel primer.
19.49 sqm 4500
Grand total



















Sl no Description No Length Breadth Height

Fly Ash Brick Masonry in cement mortar of mix (1:6) using Fly Ash bricks of size 25c.m x 12 c.m x 8
c.m in Superstructure having crushing strength not less than 75 kg per square c.m. with cement and
screened & washed sharp sand for mortar after immersing the bricks for 6 (Six) hours in water befo
use in works with all necessary projections, splays cutting, circular moulding, corbelling, chamfering,
1 watering and curing etc. including cost, coveyance,stacking, loading, unloading, royalties , all taxes
,cost of all labour,Labour cess ,scaffolding, sundries and T&P required for the works etc. complete in
respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Stilt floor (Block A, B, C & D) = 1x 255.62 x 0.66 x 7.76 =

Ground floor (Block E cum Society hall) = 1x 394.14 x 0.66 x 7.76 =
W1 = 15 x 4.0 x 0.66 x 4.5=
W2 = 4x 3.0 x 0.66 x 3.75=
D1 = 4x 3.5 x 0.66 x 7.0=
V1 = 6x 2.0 x 0.66 x 2.0=
D7 = 1x 6.0 x 0.66 x 7.0=
D4 = 8x 5.0 x 0.66 x 7.0=
Total =
or =

First floor
(Block A, B, C & D) = 1x 1392.8 x 0.66 x 7.76 =
Block E = 1x 288.76 x 0.66 x 7.76 =
Parapet wall = 1x 178.44 x 0.66 x 3.0 =
W1 = 15 x 4.0 x 0.66 x 4.5 =
W2 = 4 x 3.0 x 0.66 x 3.75 =
W3 = 28 x 5.0 x 0.66 x 4.5 =
W4 = 4 x 3.5 x 0.66 x 4.5 =
D6 = 20 x 5.5 x 0.66 x 7.0 =
D5 = 16 x 3.5 x 0.66 x 7.0 =
D4 = 8 x 5.0 x 0.66 x 7.0 =
D1 = 4 x 3.5 x 0.66 x 7.0 =
V1 = 38 x 2.0 x 0.66 x 2.0 =
D7 = 1 x 6.0 x 0.66 x 7.0 =
Total =
or =
Second floor
Qty same as First floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Third floor
Qty same as Second floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Fourth floor
Qty same as Third floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Terrace floor
Parapet wall = 1 x 1332.72 x 0.66 x 3.0 =
Head room = 1 x 210.09 x 0.66 x 6.17 =
Machine room(Ht upto 4'0") = 1 x 84.00 x 0.66 x 2.5 =
Machine room(Ht upto 8'6") = 1 x 84.00 x 0.66 x 6.17 =
D8 = 8x 3.33 x 0.66 x 7.0 =
W5 = 4x 3.5 x 0.66 x 3.0 =
Total =
or =
Fly Ash Brick Masonry in cement mortar of mix (1:4) using Fly Ash bricks of size 25c.m x 12 c.m x 8
c.m in Superstructure having crushing strength not less than 75 kg per square c.m. with cement and
screened & washed sharp sand for mortar after immersing the bricks for 6 (Six) hours in water befo
use in works with all necessary projections, splays cutting, circular moulding, corbelling, chamfering,
2 watering and curing etc. including cost, coveyance,stacking, loading, unloading, royalties , all taxes
,cost of all labour,Labour cess ,scaffolding, sundries and T&P required for the works etc. complete in
respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Ground floor (Block E cum Society hall) = 1x 210.55 x 0.41 x 7.76 =

D3 = 16 x 3.0 x 0.41 x 7.0 =
D2 = 6x 2.5 x 0.41 x 7.0 =
Total =
or =
First floor
(Block A, B, C & D) = 1 x 1232.56 x 0.41 x 7.76 =
(Block E ) = 1 x 210.55 x 0.41 x 7.76 =
Open terrace parapet wall = 1 x 102.22 x 0.41 x 3.08 =
D3 = 64 x 3.0 x 0.41 x 7.0 =
D2 = 54 x 2.5 x 0.41 x 7.0 =
Total =
or =
Second floor
Qty same as First floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Third floor
Qty same as Second floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Fourth floor
Qty same as Third floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Providing 12mm. Thick cement plaster in cement mortar or mix(1:6) in all floors at all height with ceme
& screened and washed sharp river sand for mortar and finished smooth to the rough surface of the
brick masonary walls after racking out the joints (alongwith providing grooves wherever necessary)
3 including watering and curing,rounding of corners etc. complete with cost, conveyance, loading,
unloading, royalities and taxes of all materials,cost of all labour,T&P, and scaffolding required for the
work etc. as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Ground floor
Block E & Society hall
= 1x 733.78 x x 10.0 =
Block A, B, C & D
Stilt floor = 1x 728.76 x x 10.0 =
W1 = 15 x 4.0 x x 4.5=
W2 = 4x 3.0 x x 3.75=
D4 = 8x 5.0 x x 7.0=
D3 = 16 x 3.0 x x 7.0=
D2 = 6x 2.5 x x 7.0=
D1 = 4x 3.5 x x 7.0=
V1 = 6x 2.0 x x 2.0=
D7 = 1x 6.0 x x 7.0=
Take 50% of total qty =
Total =
or =
First floor
Block E = 1x 613.9 x x 10.0 =
Block A, B, C & D = 1 x 3028.24 x x 10.0 =
Parapet wall = 1 x 178.44 x x 3.0 =
W1 = 15 x 4.0 x x 4.5=
W2 = 4 x 3.0 x x 3.75=
W3 = 28 x 5.0 x x 4.5=
W4 = 4 x 3.5 x x 4.5=
D6 = 20 x 5.5 x x 7.0=
D5 = 16 x 3.5 x x 7.0=
D4 = 8 x 5.0 x x 7.0=
D3 = 64 x 3.0 x x 7.0=
D2 = 54 x 2.5 x x 7.0=
D1 = 4 x 3.5 x x 7.0=
V1 = 38 x 2.0 x x 2.0=
D7 = 1 x 6.0 x x 7.0=
Take 50% of total qty =
Total =
or =
Second floor
Qty same as First floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Third floor
Qty same as Second floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Fourth floor
Qty same as Third floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Terrace floor
Parapet wall = 1 x 1332.72 x x 3.0 =
Head room = 4x 39.16 x x 8.5 =
Machine room = 4x 120.0 x x 12.5 =
Head room = 1X 74.0 X X 8.5 =
D8 = 9x 3.33 x x 7.0 =
W5 = 5x 3.5 x x 3.0 =
Take 50% of total qty =
Total =
or =
Providing 16mm. Thick cement plaster in cement mortar or mix(1:6) in all floors at all height with ceme
& screened and washed sharp river sand for mortar and finished smooth to the rough surface of the
brick masonary walls after racking out the joints (alongwith providing grooves wherever necessary)
4 including watering and curing,rounding of corners etc. complete with cost, conveyance, loading,
unloading, royalities and taxes of all materials,cost of all labour,T&P, and scaffolding required for the
work etc. as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Ground floor
Block E & Society hall = 1x 670.12 x x 10.0 =
Block A, B, C & D
Stilt floor = 1x 728.76 x x 10.0 =
W1 = 15 x 4.0 x x 4.5 =
W2 = 4x 3.0 x x 3.75 =
D4 = 8x 5.0 x x 7.0 =
D3 = 16 x 3.0 x x 7.0 =
D2 = 6x 2.5 x x 7.0 =
D1 = 4x 3.5 x x 7.0 =
V1 = 6x 2.0 x x 2.0 =
D7 = 1x 6.0 x x 7.0 =
Take 50% of total qty =
Total =
or =
First floor
Block E = 1x 613.9 x x 10.0 =
Block A, B, C & D = 1 x 1796.24 x x 10.0 =
Parapet wall = 1 x 178.44 x x 10.0 =
W1 = 15 x 4.0 x x 4.5 =
W2 = 4 x 3.0 x x 3.75 =
W3 = 28 x 5.0 x x 4.5 =
W4 = 4 x 3.5 x x 4.5 =
D6 = 20 x 5.5 x x 7.0 =
D5 = 16 x 3.5 x x 7.0 =
D4 = 8 x 5.0 x x 7.0 =
D3 = 64 x 3.0 x x 7.0 =
D2 = 54 x 2.5 x x 7.0 =
D1 = 4 x 3.5 x x 7.0 =
V1 = 38 x 2.0 x x 2.0 =
D7 = 1 x 6.0 x x 7.0 =
Take 50% of total qty =
Total =
or =
Second floor
Qty same as First floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Third floor
Qty same as Second floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Fourth floor
Qty same as Third floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Terrace floor
Parapet wall = 1 x 1332.72 x x 3.0 =
Parapet wall top = 1 x 1332.72 x 0.66 x =
Head room = 4x 39.16 x x 8.5 =
Machine room = 4x 120.0 x x 12.5 =
Head room = 1X 74.0 X X 8.5 =
D8 = 9x 3.33 x x 7.0 =
W5 = 5x 3.5 x x 3.0 =
Take 50% of total qty =
Total =
or =
Providing 6 mm thick cement plaster in cement mortar of mix (1:4) at all height using screened &
washed sharp river sand for mortar with approved quality of cement to the ceiling of the Roof Slab
Staircase, Beams, Columns,Landings, Railings,Chajja ,Fins ,Walls ,Jally and Shelves etc. including
roughening, scraping, chiseling, cleaning, closed deep chipping with slurry treatment and finished
5 smooth to all R.C.C. Surface including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties ,stacking and
all taxes , cost of all Labour,Labour cess ,Sundries, T&P, Scaffolding, Watering, Curing etc. complete
all respect as directed by the Engineer- in- charge.

Ground floor
Block E & Society hall
Society hall = 1 x 930.0 x sft x =
Pantry = 1 x 26.64 x sft x =
Room = 8 x 12.0 x 3.58 x =
= 8 x 10.0 x 5.91 x =
Verandah = 4 x 11.41 x 4.0 x =
Hall = 4 x 9.0 x 13.0 x =
Space near lift = 1 x 6.0 x 1.66 x =
Below Staircase area = 2 x 13.66 x 8.58 x =
Corridor = 2 x 21.83 x 5.0 x =
Kitchen = 4 x 9.0 x 6.08 x =
Kitchen platform = 4 x 8.58 x 2.0 x =
Toilet = 1 x 5.0 x 4.0 x =
Toilet = 4 x 6.0 x 5.08 x =
Block A, B, C & D
Parking = 1 x 272.16 x 52.5 x =
Electrical main panel room = 4 x 4.16 x 7.0 x =
Staircase = 4 x 7.0 x 10.16 x =
Staircase = 1 x 12.16 x 8.0 x =
Total =
or =
First floor
Block E
Room = 8 x 12.0 x 3.58 x =
= 8 x 10.0 x 5.91 x =
Verandah = 4 x 11.41 x 4.0 x =
Hall = 4 x 9.0 x 13.0 x =
Space near lift = 1 x 6.0 x 1.66 x =
Corridor = 2 x 21.83 x 5.0 x =
Kitchen = 4 x 9.0 x 6.08 x =
Kitchen platform = 4 x 8.58 x 2.0 x =
Toilet = 4 x 6.0 x 5.08 x =
Block A, B, C & D
Bed room (Cupboard portion) = 16 x 4.0 x 2.0 x =
= 16 x 10.0 x 11.0 x =
Bed room (Cupboard portion) = 16 x 4.0 x 2.0 x =
= 16 x 10.0 x 11.0 x =
Passage from bed room to Dining = 16 x 4.83 x 3.33 x =
Dining = 16 x 6.0 x 7.75 x =
Drawing = 16 x 8.5 x 14.0 x =
Balcony near Drawing room = 16 x 5.58 x 5.08 x =
Corridor = 4 x 21.33 x 5.0 x =
Kitchen = 16 x 10.0 x 6.0 x =
Utility = 16 x 5.83 x 4.0 x =
Toilet = 32 x 7.0 x 4.0 x =
Total =
or =
Second floor
Qty same as First floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Third floor
Qty same as Second floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Fourth floor
Qty same as Third floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Terrace floor
Headroom = 4x 7.0 x 14.0 x =
Machine room = 4x 10.41 x 11.33 x =
Total =
or =
6 Priming one coat with water bound wall cement primer. (Inside & Outside)
Ground floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
First floor
= x x x =
Total =
or =
Second floor
Qty same as First floor = x x x =
Total =
or =

Third floor
Qty same as Second floor = x x x =
Total =
or =

Fourth floor
Qty same as Third floor = x x x =
Total =
or =

Terrace floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Finishing wall surface of walls with cement based wall putty ( water based) of approved make a
finished smooth and even surface to receive painting including cost, conveyance ,taxes of all materi
7 , cost of all Labour , Labour cess,scaffoldings, staging, sundries,T&P etc. required for the wo
complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Ground floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
First floor
= x x x =
Total =
or =
Second floor
Qty same as First floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Third floor
Qty same as Second floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Fourth floor
Qty same as Third floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Terrace floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Painting 2 (Two) or more coats with Weather Coat Paint of premium brand Such as Asian/ Berger/ IC
paints or equivalent of approved quality & colour, using required quantities of paint as specified by t
manufacturer to give an even shade over a coat of wall priming(water based) on the finished externa
plastered surface at all height , watering the surface before applying the Weather Coat Paint and
8 curing for the required period including cost, coveyance, loading , unloading ,stacking and all taxes
cost of all Labour, Labour cess, Sundries ,Scafffolding ,Staging and T&P etc. required for the work
complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Ground floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
First floor
= x x x =
Total =
or =
Second floor
Qty same as First floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Third floor
Qty same as Second floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Fourth floor
Qty same as Third floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Terrace floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Wall painting two coats with Acrylic paint(plastic emulsion) of approved quality of premium brand suc
as Asian/ Berger/ ICI paints or equivalent of approved quality & colour at all heights to the interior
surface of the wall to make an even finished surface including sand papering, applying putty wherev
necessary including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, stacking, all taxes , cost of all Labour ,
9 Labour cess,scaffoldings, staging, sundries,T&P etc. required for the work complete as directed by th

Ground floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
First floor
= x x x =
Total =
or =
Second floor
Qty same as First floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Third floor
Qty same as Second floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Fourth floor
Qty same as Third floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Terrace floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Providing vitrified tile flooring using vitrified tiles having thickness of 8mm to 10mm conforming to IS
13755 of 600mmx600mm (Plain Ivory) (homogeneous) of premium quality of approved makes in floors
treads on steps and landings on 20mm thick bed of cement mortar of mix (1:4) laid in proper slope an
gradient with screened and washed sharp sand for mortar and fixing with neat white cement
slurry,grouting the joints with neat white cement slurry mixed with required quantities of pigments of
5 approved make to match the shades of the vitrified tile if required , watering and curing for 21 days,
including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all materials, cost of all
labour,Labour cess , sundries, T&P required for the work, complete in all respect as per specification
and direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Ground floor
Block E & Society hall
Society hall = 1 x 930.0 x sft x =
Pantry = 1 x 26.64 x sft x =
Room = 8 x 12.0 x 3.58 x =
= 8 x 10.0 x 5.91 x =
Verandah = 4 x 11.41 x 4.0 x =
Hall = 4 x 9.0 x 13.0 x =
Space near lift = 1 x 6.0 x 1.66 x =
Below Staircase area = 2 x 13.66 x 8.58 x =
Corridor = 2 x 21.83 x 5.0 x =
Total =
or =
First floor
Block E
Room = 8 x 12.0 x 3.58 x =
= 8 x 10.0 x 5.91 x =
Verandah = 4 x 11.41 x 4.0 x =
Hall = 4 x 9.0 x 13.0 x =
Space near lift = 1 x 6.0 x 1.66 x =
Corridor = 2 x 21.83 x 5.0 x =
Block A, B, C & D
Bed room (Cupboard portion) = 16 x 4.0 x 2.0 x =
= 16 x 10.0 x 11.0 x =
Bed room (Cupboard portion) = 16 x 4.0 x 2.0 x =
= 16 x 10.0 x 11.0 x =
Passage from bed room to Dining = 16 x 4.83 x 3.33 x =
Dining = 16 x 6.0 x 7.75 x =
Drawing = 16 x 8.5 x 14.0 x =
Balcony near Drawing room = 16 x 5.58 x 5.08 x =
Corridor = 4 x 21.33 x 5.0 x =
Total =
or =
Second floor
Qty same as First floor = x x x =
Total =
or =

Third floor
Qty same as Second floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Fourth floor
Qty same as Third floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Providing vitrified tile in dado/ skirting using vitrified tiles having thickness of 8mm to 10mm
conforming to IS 13755 of 600mmx600mm, (Plain Ivory) (homogeneous) in dado/ skirting,riser of
steps,wall on on 12mm thick bed of cement mortar of mix (1:3) laid in proper slope and gradient with
screened and washed sharp sand for mortar and fixing with neat white cement slurry,grouting the join
with neat white cement slurry mixed with required quantities of pigments of approved make to match
6 the shadesof the vitrified tile if required watering and curing for 21 days, including cost, conveyance,
loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, Labour cess ,sundries, T&P
required for the work, complete in all respect as per specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Ground floor
Block E & Society hall
Society hall = 1 x 140.0 x x 0.5 =
Pantry = 1 x 22.25 x x 0.5 =
Room = 4 x 43.0 x x 0.5 =
Room = 4 x 43.0 x x 0.5 =
Hall = 4 x 44.0 x x 0.5 =
Corridor = 1 x 43.66 x x 3.0 =
Verandah = 4 x 8.0 x x 0.5 =
Total =
or =
First floor
Block E
Room = 4 x 43.0 x x 0.5 =
Room = 4 x 43.0 x x 0.5 =
Hall = 4 x 44.0 x x 0.5 =
Corridor = 1 x 43.66 x x 3.0 =
Verandah = 4 x 8.0 x x 0.5 =
Block A, B, C & D
Bed room = 16 x 46.0 x x 0.5 =
Bed room = 16 x 45.32 x x 0.5 =
Passage from bed room to Dining = 16 x 15.24 x x 0.5 =
Dining = 16 x 13.75 x x 0.5 =
Drawing = 16 x 37.25 x x 0.5 =
Balcony near Drawing room = 16 x 5.58 x x 0.5 =
Corridor = 4 x 42.66 x x 3.0 =
Total =
or =
Second floor
Qty same as First floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Third floor
Qty same as Second floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Fourth floor
Qty same as Third floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Providing Granite stone prepolished 20mm thick of area above 0.40 Sqm in flooring of approved qual
colour and size in floors, treads on steps and landings in all floors at all height on 20mm thick bed of
cement mortar of mix (1:4) laid in proper slope and gradient with screened and washed sharp sand for
mortar and fixing with neat white cement slurry,grouting the joints with neat white cement slurry mixe
with required quantities of pigments of approved make to match the shades of the granite tile if
6 required watering and curing for 21 days, including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties a
taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, Labour cess ,sundries, T&P required for the work etc. complet
in all respect as per specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Ground floor
Block E & Society hall
Entrance verandah (Society hall) = 1x 90.7 x sft x =
Entrance step
Riser = 2x 24.49 x x 0.54 =
Tread = 1x 24.49 x 0.83 x =
Riser = 19 x 3.5 x x 0.54 =
Tread = 16 x 3.5 x 0.83 x =
Landing = 2x 3.5 x 3.5 x =
Kitchen = 4x 9.0 x 6.08 x =
Kitchen platform = 4x 8.58 x 2.0 x =
Block A, B, C & D
Stilt floor
Staircase (4 nos)
Riser = 72 x 3.5 x x 0.54 =
Tread = 64 x 3.5 x 0.83 x =
Landing = 4x 7.0 x 3.5 x =
Total =
or =
First floor
Block E
Riser = 19 x 3.5 x x 0.54 =
Tread = 16 x 3.5 x 0.83 x =
Landing = 2x 3.5 x 3.5 x =
Kitchen = 4x 9.0 x 6.08 x =
Kitchen platform = 4x 8.58 x 2.0 x =
Block A, B, C & D
Staircase (4 nos)
Riser = 72 x 3.5 x x 0.54 =
Tread = 64 x 3.5 x 0.83 x =
Landing = 4x 7.0 x 3.5 x =
Kitchen = 16 x 10.0 x 6.0 x =
Utility = 16 x 5.83 x 4.0 x =
Total =
or =
Second floor
Qty same as First floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Third floor
Qty same as Second floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Fourth floor
Qty same as Third floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Terrace floor
Head room = 4x 3.0 x 7.0 x =
Total =
or =
Providing Granite stone prepolished 10mm thick of area above 0.40 Sqm in dado/skirting,riser of step
of approved quality, colour and size in dado/ skirting,riser of steps,wall on 12mm thick bed of cement
mortar of mix (1:3) laid in proper plumb and line with screened and washed sharp sand for mortar and
fixing with neat white cement slurry,grouting the joints with neat white cement slurry mixed with
required quantities of pigments of approved make to match the shades of the granite tile if required
7 watering and curing for 21 days, including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes o
all materials, cost of all labour, Labour cess ,sundries, T&P required for the work etc. complete in all
respect as per specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Block E & Society hall

Ground floor (Stair case) = 1x 29.0 x x 3.0 =
Lift facia = 1x 9.32 x x 7.0 =
Kitchen platform wall tile = 4x 8.58 x x 2.0 =
Block A, B, C & D
Stilt floor (Stair case) = 4x 29.0 x x 3.0 =
Lift facia = 4x 9.32 x x 7.0 =
Total =
or =
First floor
Block E & Society hall
Ground floor (Stair case) = 1x 29.0 x x 3.0 =
Lift facia = 1x 9.32 x x 7.0 =
Kitchen platform wall tile = 4x 8.58 x x 2.0 =
Block A, B, C & D
Stilt floor (Stair case) = 4x 29.0 x x 3.0 =
Lift facia = 4x 9.32 x x 7.0 =
Kitchen platform wall tile = 16 x 10.0 x x 2.0 =
Total =
or =
Second floor
Qty same as First floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Third floor
Qty same as Second floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Fourth floor
Qty same as Third floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Terrace floor
Head room = 4x 17 x x 3.0 =
Total =
or =
7 Ceramic tile flooring
Ground floor
Block E & Society hall
Toilet = 1x 5.0 x 4.0 x =
Toilet = 4x 6.0 x 5.08 x =
Total =
or =
First floor
Block E
Toilet = 4x 6.0 x 5.08 x =
Block A, B, C & D
Toilet = 32 x 7.0 x 4.0 x =
Total =
or =
Second floor
Qty same as First floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Third floor
Qty same as Second floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Fourth floor
Qty same as Third floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
8 Ceramic tile Dado/Skirting
Ground floor
Block E & Society hall
Toilet = 1x 18.0 x x 2.1 =
Toilet = 4x 22.16 x x 2.1 =
Total =
or =
First floor
Block E
Toilet = 4x 22.16 x x 2.1 =
Block A, B, C & D
Toilet = 32 x 22.0 x x 2.1 =
Total =
or =
Second floor
Qty same as First floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Third floor
Qty same as Second floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Fourth floor
Qty same as Third floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
8 Chequered tile flooring
Block A, B, C & D
Stilt floor = 1x 272.16 x 52.5 x =
Total =
or =

Providing 16mm. thick finished kota stone flooring using kota stone of approved quality, colour and s
above 0.10 sqm in floors, treads on steps and landing on 20mm. thick bed of cement mortar mix of (1:
with screened and washed sharp river sand for mortar and cement of approved quality, grouted with
neat white cement slurry laid in proper slope joining the Kota stone with neat white cement slurry mix
with required quantity of pigment of approved marks to match the shades of the kota stone to kota
colour if required, watering and curing for the required period , including cost, conveyance, loading,
9 unloading, royalties, and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, sundries, T&P required for the work
including cost of rubbing mechanically and wax polishing etc complete in all floors at all height in all
respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Block A, B, C & D
Stilt floor
Electrical main panel room = 4x 4.16 x 7.0 x =
Total =
or =

Providing 16mm. thick finished kota stone in dado/skirting using kota stone slab above 0.10 sqm of
approved quality, colour and size in dado, risers of steps on 12mm. thick bed of cement mortar mix of
(1:3) with screened and washed sharp river sand for mortar and cement of approved quality, grouted
with neat white cement slurry laid in proper slope mixed with required quantity of pigment of approve
marks to match the shades of the kota tiles to kota colour if required, watering and curing for thr
10 required period, including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties, and taxes of all materials,
cost of all labour, sundries, T&P required for the work including rubbing mechanically and wax
polishing etc. in all floors at all height complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Block A, B, C & D
Stilt floor
Electrical main panel room = 4x 22.32 x x 0.5 =
Total =
or =

Supplying, fitting and fixing of M.S grills, grill gates with top and bottom rails, steel windows, steel
doors, steel frames for doors and windows ( as per I.S. specification and as per approved drawings ) i
proper position in all floors and at all height including making holes to brick walls/ R.C.C
structure/wood work etc. and making good to the damaged walls/ structures with cement concrete
(1:2:4) with black hard crusher broken granite stone chips of 12mm to 20mm size ( 20mm size not to
exceeds 25% ) including watering and curing including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, stacking
royalties and taxes of all materials, cost of all Labour, Labour cess ,Sundries, T&P required for the wo
11 etc.complete as per the direction of Engineer in charge ( W.I. / M.S. windows grills, grill gates,
collapsible gates with top and bottom rails, steel windows, steel doors, steel frames for doors and
windows, staircase and parapet railings square bar along with required nos. of nails and screws and
other required materials of approved quality and approved size shall be supplied by the contractor at
his own cost.)

Stilt cum Ground floor(Block A,B,C,D & E with

Society hall)
W1 = 15 x 4.0 x x 4.5 =
W2 = 4x 3.0 x x 3.75 =
V1 = 6x 2.0 x x 2.0 =
Take 2.3kg/sft Total =

First floor
W1 = 15 x 4.0 x x 4.5 =
W2 = 4x 3.0 x x 3.75 =
W3 = 28 x 5.0 x x 4.5 =
W4 = 4x 3.5 x x 4.5 =
V1 = 38 x 2.0 x x 2.0 =
Take 2.3kg/sft Total =

Second floor
Qty same as First floor = x x x =
Total =
Third floor
Qty same as Second floor = x x x =
Total =

Fourth floor
Qty same as Third floor = x x x =
Total =
Terrace floor
Head room(W5) = 4x 3.5 x x 3.0 =
Take 2.3kg/sft Total =
Grand total =

Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved colour, shade and brand on New steel work in two o
more coats as required to give an even shade including an under coat of suitable primer of approved
brand and manufacturer including cost of all materials with taxes and transportation, loading,
unloading, scaffolding, all labour, Labour cess, sundries, T&P, etc. complete as per the direction
12 the Engineer-in-charge including filling gaps with putties, scrapping, sand papering and cleaning the
surface to make free from rusts, dusts and oily substances before applying primer etc. complete.

Stilt cum Ground floor(Block A,B,C,D & E

with Society hall)
W1 = 15 x 4.0 x x 4.5 =
W2 = 4x 3.0 x x 3.75 =
V1 = 6x 2.0 x x 2.0 =
Take 0.5 times of total qty Total =
or =
First floor
W1 = 15 x 4.0 x x 4.5=
W2 = 4x 3.0 x x 3.75=
W3 = 28 x 5.0 x x 4.5=
W4 = 4x 3.5 x x 4.5=
V1 = 38 x 2.0 x x 2.0=
Take 0.5 times of total qty Total =
or =
Second floor
Qty same as First floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Third floor
Qty same as Second floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Fourth floor
Qty same as Third floor = x x x =
Total =
or =
Terrace floor
Head room(W5) = 4x 3.5 x x 3.0 =
Take 0.5 times of total qty Total =
or =
Dressed seasoned sal wood work framed and fixed(wrought and put up) in truses, purlins, frames of
doors, windows, ventilator including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, stacking, royalties , all
13 taxes, cost of all Labour, Labour cess , T&P etc. complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-i

Stilt cum Ground floor

D1 = 4x 17.5 x 0.25 x 0.41 =
D3 = 16 x 17.0 x 0.25 x 0.41 =
Total =
First floor
D5 = 16 x 17.5 x 0.25 x 0.41 =
D1 = 4x 17.5 x 0.25 x 0.41 =
D3 = 64 x 17.0 x 0.25 x 0.41 =
Total =
Second floor
Qty same as First floor = x x x =
Total =
Third floor
Qty same as Second floor = x x x =
Total =

Fourth floor
Qty same as Third floor = x x x =
Total =
S.toal =
Or =
Providing , fitting & fixing of 32mm thick flush door shutter with 32mm thick BWR block board and
paisting 4 mm thick veneer to both sides with adhesive and polishing throughly to its both sides
including fitting & fixing of all fixtures like godrej make ofice lock haveing model. No. 9168. Godrej ma
14 door clouser having model no- 8340. including cost of all materials, all labour, all T&P etc. required for
the work complete in all respect as per the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge

Stilt cum Ground floor

D1 = 4x 3.5 x x 7.00 =
D3 = 16 x 3.0 x x 7.00 =
Total =
First floor
D5 = 16 x 3.5 x x 7.00 =
D1 = 4x 3.5 x x 7.00 =
D3 = 64 x 3.0 x x 7.00 =
Total =
Second floor
Qty same as First floor = x x x =
Total =
Third floor
Qty same as Second floor = x x x =
Total =
Fourth floor
Qty same as Third floor = x x x =
Total =
S.toal =
Or =

Providing and fixing of UPVC (Un Plasticized Poly Vinyl Chloride) Sliding windows 2 Track Windows
made out of hollow- chambered UPVC Sections having isolated drainage and reinforced throughout w
galvanized steel. The 2 track outer frame of the window shall be made out of UPVC sections having a
overall size of 60mm x 60mm x 2mm thickness or Equivalent for shutter frames of 60mm x 50mm x 2m
thickness mounting single glazing system. Structurally Reinforced with hot dip galvanized up to 50
microns of minimum thickness of 1.2mm with moldings glazing Beading (up 5mm to 18mm) with
interlocking system. Prefabricated & welded through fusion welding the window outer frame & sash
shall be fitted with 6mm thickness Clearglass of reputed brand (Saint Gobain Glass) make duly fixed
15 with EPDM rubber, weathering sealant & Accessories like touch lock made by brand. The outer frame
sash is to be installed at the side using anchor fastener, Silicon Rubber Sealant, easy glazing at the
side. At least 10 years manufacturing warranty for discoloration, wrapping, mechanical failures,
Shrinkages, Rooting Corrosion etc. with a quality Certificate from relevant departments of that
government through the Dealers including of all materials and abounds etc. Complete as per direction
of Engineer in-charge.

Stilt cum Ground floor

W1 = 15 x 4.0 x x 4.5 =
W2 = 4x 3.0 x x 3.75 =
Total =
First floor
W1 = 15 x 4.0 x x 4.5 =
W2 = 4x 3.0 x x 3.75 =
W3 = 28 x 5.0 x x 4.5 =
W4 = 4x 3.5 x x 4.5 =
Total =
Second floor
Qty same as First floor = x x x =
Total =
Third floor
Qty same as Second floor = x x x =
Total =
Fourth floor
Qty same as Third floor = x x x =
Total =
S.toal =
Or =

Providing and fixing of louvered Ventilators of approved make having 4 mm thick frostedglass with all
16 taxes complete.

Stilt cum Ground floor

V1 = 6x 2.0 x x 2.0 =
Total =
First floor
V1 = 38 x 2.0 x x 2.0 =
Total =
Second floor
Qty same as First floor = x x x =
Total =
Third floor
Qty same as Second floor = x x x =
Total =
Fourth floor
Qty same as Third floor = x x x =
Total =
S.toal =
Or =
Factory made single leaf rigid FRP(alternately called GRP) sandwich composite door shutter of 32mm
thick laminated with two GRP skins with wood grain finish fabricated using UV-stabilised Isopthalic
Gelcoat and one layer of 450 gsm E-glass Chopped Strand Mat (CSM) impregnated with orthopthalic
palyester resin. The thickness of the skins shall not be less than 3.00mm Expanded Polystyrone(EPS)
structural foam panel of 29mm thickness and a density of 20kg/ shall be used as core material.
Wooden reinforcements made of seasoned sal wood block of cross section not less than 28mmx32mm
and also necessary sal wood reinforcements for fitting the metal fittings such as tower bolts, aldrops,
handles etc shall be provided. A structural adhesive compatible with (EPS) foam shall be used for
bending the core material, the sal wood reiforcements and the skins. The material and process for
17 manufacturing the door shutters shall conform to RV-TIFAC composites Design Centre's standards an
specifications and the door shutters tested in conformation to IS: 4020-1998. The finish of door shutte
will be plain colour white/ Ivory/ Beige/ Light grey/ Mahogany/ Teak wood or any other colour using hig
quality pigments. Three heavy whight mild steel butt hinges type-I(ISI marked) size 100mm are to be
fitted on one side of shutter with FRP frame of size 45x90mm.(Darwaja /Exon Door make)

Stilt cum Ground floor

D2 = 6x 2.5 x x 7.0 =
Total =
First floor
D2 = 54 x 2.5 x x 7.0 =
Total =
Second floor
Qty same as First floor = x x x =
Total =
Third floor
Qty same as Second floor = x x x =
Total =
Fourth floor
Qty same as Third floor = x x x =
Total =
S.toal =
Or =
Providing & fixing of UPVC (Un Plastisized Poly-Vinyl Chloride) Casement door made out of hollow
chambered UPVC sections having isolated drainage & reinforced through out with Galvanized steel. T
casement outer frame of the door shall be made out of UPVC section having & overal size of
60mmX60mmX2mm thickness or equivalent for casement shutter frames of 108mmX60mmX2mm
thickness mounting single glazing system. Structurally reinforced with hot dip galvanized up to
50microns of minimum thickness of 1.2mm with moldings glazing beadings (up to 5mm-18mm) with 3
key locking system. Pre fabricated & welded through fusion welding the window outer frame & sash
shall be fitted with 6mm thickness clear glass of reputated brand (Saint gobain glass) make duly fixed
with EPDM rubber, weathering sealant & accessories like touch lock made by brand. The outer frame &
18 sash is to be installed at the side using anchor fasterner, silicon rubber sealant, easy glazing at the sid
Atleat 10 year manufacturing warranty for dis-coloration, wrapping, mechanical failure, shrinkages,
rooting corrosion etc with a quality certificate from relevant departments of that government through
the dealers including cost of all materials, all labour, all T&P etc. required for the work complete in all
respect as per the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge . (Casement Door with 6mm Clear glass)

Ground floor
D7 = 1x 6.0 x x 7.0 =
Total =
Or =

19 Aluminium Sliding door

Ground floor
D4 = 8x 5.0 x x 7.0 =
Total =
First floor
D6 = 20 x 5.5 x x 7.0 =
D4 = 8x 5.0 x x 7.0 =
Total =
Second floor
Qty same as First floor = x x x =
Total =
Third floor
Qty same as Second floor = x x x =
Total =
Fourth floor
Qty same as Third floor = x x x =
Total =
S.toal =
Or =

20 M.S Sheet door

Terrace floor
D8 = 9x 3.33 x x 7.0 =
Total =
Or =
= x x x
= x x x =
= x x x =
= x x x =
= x x x =
= x x x =
= x x x =
= x x x =
= x x x =
= x x x =
= x x x =
= x x x =
= x x x =
= x x x =
= x x x =
= x x x =
= x x x =
= x x x =
= x x x =
Qty Unit

s of size 25c.m x 12 c.m x 8

uare c.m. with cement and
r 6 (Six) hours in water before
ing, corbelling, chamfering,
oading, royalties , all taxes
the works etc. complete in all

3327.8 cft

500.9 cft
2826.9 cft
80.0 cum

8965.6 cft

1809.7 cft
7155.9 cft
202.5 cum

7155.9 sft
202.5 cum

7155.9 sft
202.5 cum

7155.9 sft
202.5 cum

3975.0 cft

150.8 cft
3824.2 cft
108.2 cum
s of size 25c.m x 12 c.m x 8
uare c.m. with cement and
r 6 (Six) hours in water before
ing, corbelling, chamfering,
oading, royalties , all taxes
the works etc. complete in all

669.9 cft

180.8 cft
489.1 cft
13.8 cum

4720.5 cft

938.5 cft
3782.0 cft
107.0 cum

3782.0 0.25
3782.0 cft 0.083333
107.0 cum

3782.0 1
3782.0 cft 0.08 0.04
107.0 cum 0.16 0.5
3782.0 cft 0.25
107.0 cum
loors at all height with cement
o the rough surface of the
oves wherever necessary)
, conveyance, loading,
scaffolding required for the


14625.4 sft

1200.0 sft
600.0 sft
14025.4 sft
1303.0 sqm

36956.7 sft
5031.0 sft
2515.5 sft
34441.2 sft
3199.6 sqm

34441.2 sft
3199.6 sqm

34441.2 sft
3199.6 sqm

34441.2 sft
3199.6 sqm

11958.6 sft

262.3 sft
131.1 sft
11827.5 sft
1098.8 sqm
loors at all height with cement
o the rough surface of the
oves wherever necessary)
, conveyance, loading,
scaffolding required for the


13988.8 sft

1200.0 sft
600.0 sft
13388.8 sft
1243.8 sqm

25885.8 sft

5031.0 sft
2515.5 sft
23370.3 sft
2171.1 sqm

23370.3 sft
2171.1 sqm

23370.3 sft
2171.1 sqm

23370.3 sft
2171.1 sqm

12838.2 sft

262.3 sft
131.1 sft
12707.1 sft
1180.5 sqm
height using screened &
he ceiling of the Roof Slab,
and Shelves etc. including
y treatment and finished
ng, royalties ,stacking and
ering, Curing etc. complete in


18102.4 sft
1681.7 sqm


11895.3 sft
1105.1 sqm

11895.3 sft
1105.1 sqm

11895.3 sft
1105.1 sqm
11895.3 sft
1105.1 sqm

863.8 sft
80.2 sqm

45516.6 sft
4228.5 sqm

69706.9 sft
6475.8 sqm

69706.9 sft
6475.8 sqm

69706.9 sft
6475.8 sqm

69706.9 sft
6475.8 sqm

25398.3 sft
2359.5 sqm
based) of approved make and
eyance ,taxes of all materials
P etc. required for the work

31491.2 sft
2925.5 sqm

35265.6 sft
3276.2 sqm

35265.6 sft
3276.2 sqm

35265.6 sft
3276.2 sqm

35265.6 sft
3276.2 sqm
13570.8 sft
1260.7 sqm
nd Such as Asian/ Berger/ ICI
es of paint as specified by the
ed) on the finished external
Weather Coat Paint and
ing ,stacking and all taxes ,
etc. required for the work

14025.4 sft
1303.0 sqm

34441.2 sft
3199.6 sqm

34441.2 sft
3199.6 sqm

34441.2 sft
3199.6 sqm

34441.2 sft
3199.6 sqm
11827.5 sft
1098.8 sqm
uality of premium brand such
all heights to the interior
ring, applying putty wherever
axes , cost of all Labour ,
k complete as directed by the

31491.2 sft
2925.5 sqm

35265.6 sft
3276.2 sqm

35265.6 sft
3276.2 sqm

35265.6 sft
3276.2 sqm

35265.6 sft
3276.2 sqm
13570.8 sft
1260.7 sqm
m to 10mm conforming to IS
of approved makes in floors,
(1:4) laid in proper slope and
neat white cement
d quantities of pigments of
ng and curing for 21 days,
materials, cost of all
espect as per specification

3.15 0.41
0.0125 0.5
930.0 0.58
26.6 0.05 0.66
343.7 0.025 0.175 0.75
472.8 0.83
182.6 0.91
468.0 1
2886.3 sft
268.1 sqm


9256.8 sft
860.0 sqm

9256.8 sft
860.0 sqm

9256.8 sft
860.0 sqm

9256.8 sft
860.0 sqm
s of 8mm to 10mm
n dado/ skirting,riser of
per slope and gradient with
ment slurry,grouting the joints
of approved make to match
ncluding cost, conveyance,
Labour cess ,sundries, T&P
ction of Engineer-in-charge.

488.1 sft
45.3 sqm


2224.0 sft
206.6 sqm

2224.0 sft
206.6 sqm

2224.0 sft
206.6 sqm
2224.0 sft
206.6 sqm
n flooring of approved quality,
eight on 20mm thick bed of
and washed sharp sand for
eat white cement slurry mixed
es of the granite tile if
ding, unloading, royalties and
ed for the work etc. complete



218.88 10

136.08 0.04 0.54
185.92 9.72
951.89 sft
88.4 sqm


2147.53 sft
199.5 sqm

2147.53 sft
199.5 sqm

2147.53 sft
199.5 sqm

2147.53 sft
199.5 sqm

84.00 sft
7.8 sqm
n dado/skirting,riser of steps
12mm thick bed of cement
d sharp sand for mortar and
ment slurry mixed with
the granite tile if required
oading, royalties and taxes of
e work etc. complete in all


829.8 sft
77.1 sqm

1149.8 sft
106.8 sqm

1149.84 sft
106.8 sqm

1149.84 sft
106.8 sqm

1149.84 sft
106.8 sqm

204.00 sft
19.0 sqm

141.9 sft
13.2 sqm


1017.9 sft
94.6 sqm

1017.92 sft
94.6 sqm

1017.92 sft
94.6 sqm

1017.92 sft
94.6 sqm

223.94 sft
20.8 sqm


1664.54 sft
154.6 sqm

1664.54 sft
154.6 sqm

1664.54 sft
154.6 sqm

1664.54 sft
154.6 sqm

14288.4 sft
1327.4 sqm

proved quality, colour and size

of cement mortar mix of (1:4)
oved quality, grouted with
eat white cement slurry mixed
of the kota stone to kota
cost, conveyance, loading,
, T&P required for the work
all floors at all height in all
116.48 sft
10.8 sqm

ne slab above 0.10 sqm of

bed of cement mortar mix of
approved quality, grouted
ntity of pigment of approved
ering and curing for thr
, and taxes of all materials,
mechanically and wax
by the Engineer-in-charge.

44.64 sft
4.1 sqm

ails, steel windows, steel

s per approved drawings ) in
ck walls/ R.C.C
res with cement concrete
mm size ( 20mm size not to
loading, unloading, stacking,
es, T&P required for the work
ws grills, grill gates,
eel frames for doors and
os. of nails and screws and
upplied by the contractor at

339.0 sft
779.7 kg

1160.0 sft
2668.0 kg

2668.00 kg

2668.00 kg

2668.00 kg

42.0 sft
96.6 kg
11548.3 kg

on New steel work in two or

suitable primer of approved
nsportation, loading,
plete as per the direction of
papering and cleaning the
ng primer etc. complete.

339.0 sft
169.5 sft
15.7 sqm

1160.0 sft
580.0 sft
53.9 sqm
580.00 sft
53.9 sqm

580.00 sft
53.9 sqm

580.00 sft
53.9 sqm

42.0 sft
21.0 sft
2.0 sqm
n truses, purlins, frames of
g, stacking, royalties , all
s directed by the Engineer-in-

35.06 cft

147.40 cft

147.40 cft

147.40 cft

147.40 cft
624.64 cft
17.68 cum
ck BWR block board and
ughly to its both sides
model. No. 9168. Godrej make
our, all T&P etc. required for

434.00 sft

1834.00 sft

1834.00 sft

1834.00 sft

1834.00 sft
7770.00 sft
721.83 sqm

windows 2 Track Windows

and reinforced throughout with
of UPVC sections having an
ames of 60mm x 50mm x 2mm
ot dip galvanized up to 50
up 5mm to 18mm) with
indow outer frame & sash
ain Glass) make duly fixed
e by brand. The outer frame &
ealant, easy glazing at the
, mechanical failures,
departments of that
c. Complete as per directions

315.0 sft
1008.0 sft

1008.00 sft

1008.00 sft

1008.00 sft
4347.00 sft
403.84 sqm

m thick frostedglass with all

24.0 sft

152.0 sft

152.00 sft

152.00 sft

152.00 sft
632.00 sft
58.71 sqm
posite door shutter of 32mm
g UV-stabilised Isopthalic
regnated with orthopthalic
Expanded Polystyrone(EPS)
ll be used as core material.
n not less than 28mmx32mm
uch as tower bolts, aldrops,
) foam shall be used for
material and process for
esign Centre's standards and
98. The finish of door shutter
or any other colour using high
ked) size 100mm are to be
on Door make)

105.0 sft

945.0 sft

945.00 sft

945.00 sft

945.00 sft
3885.00 sft
360.92 sqm
door made out of hollow
out with Galvanized steel. The
ng & overal size of
of 108mmX60mmX2mm
t dip galvanized up to
gs (up to 5mm-18mm) with 3D
indow outer frame & sash
obain glass) make duly fixed
by brand. The outer frame &
alant, easy glazing at the side.
anical failure, shrinkages,
of that government through
for the work complete in all
ith 6mm Clear glass)

42.0 sft
3.90 sqm

280.0 sft

1050.0 sft

1050.00 sft

1050.00 sft

1050.00 sft
4480.00 sft
416.19 sqm

209.8 sft
19.49 sqm
Sl no Description No Length Breadth Height

Fly Ash Brick Masonry in cement mortar of mix (1:6) using Fly Ash bricks of size 25c.m x 12 c.m x 8
in Superstructure having crushing strength not less than 75 kg per square c.m. with cement and
screened & washed sharp sand for mortar after immersing the bricks for 6 (Six) hours in water befo
use in works with all necessary projections, splays cutting, circular moulding, corbelling, chamfering
1 watering and curing etc. including cost, coveyance,stacking, loading, unloading, royalties , all taxes
,cost of all labour,Labour cess ,scaffolding, sundries and T&P required for the works etc. complete in
respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Ground floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 2.61 x 0.2 x 2.36 =

V1 = 4 x 0.6 x 0.2 x 0.6 =
Total =

First floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 2.61 x 0.2 x 2.36 =

V1 = 4 x 0.6 x 0.2 x 0.6 =
Total =
Second floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 2.61 x 0.2 x 2.36 =

V1 = 4 x 0.6 x 0.2 x 0.6 =
Total =
Third floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 2.61 x 0.2 x 2.36 =

V1 = 4 x 0.6 x 0.2 x 0.6 =
Total =
Fourth floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 2.61 x 0.2 x 2.36 =

V1 = 4 x 0.6 x 0.2 x 0.6 =
Total =
Fly Ash Brick Masonry in cement mortar of mix (1:4) using Fly Ash bricks of size 25c.m x 12 c.m x 8
in Superstructure having crushing strength not less than 75 kg per square c.m. with cement and
screened & washed sharp sand for mortar after immersing the bricks for 6 (Six) hours in water befo
use in works with all necessary projections, splays cutting, circular moulding, corbelling, chamfering
2 watering and curing etc. including cost, coveyance,stacking, loading, unloading, royalties , all taxes
,cost of all labour,Labour cess ,scaffolding, sundries and T&P required for the works etc. complete in
respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Ground floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 3.82 x 0.1 x 2.36 =
Door = 4 x 0.75 x 0.1 x 2.1 =
Total =
First floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 3.82 x 0.1 x 2.36 =
Door = 4 x 0.75 x 0.1 x 2.1 =
Total =
Second floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 3.82 x 0.1 x 2.36 =
Door = 4 x 0.75 x 0.1 x 2.1 =
Total =
Third floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 3.82 x 0.1 x 2.36 =
Door = 4 x 0.75 x 0.1 x 2.1 =
Total =
Fourth floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 3.82 x 0.1 x 2.36 =
Door = 4 x 0.75 x 0.1 x 2.1 =
Total =

Providing 12mm. Thick cement plaster in cement mortar or mix(1:6) in all floors at all height with cem
& screened and washed sharp river sand for mortar and finished smooth to the rough surface of the b
masonary walls after racking out the joints (alongwith providing grooves wherever necessary) includ
watering and curing,rounding of corners etc. complete with cost, conveyance, loading, unloading,
royalities and taxes of all materials,cost of all labour,T&P, and scaffolding required for the work etc. a
directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
Ground floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 6.44 x x 2.36 =
Door = 4 x 0.75 x x 2.1 =
V1 = 4 x 0.6 x x 0.6 =
Take 50% of total qty =
Total =

First floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 6.44 x x 2.36 =
Door = 4 x 0.75 x x 2.1 =
V1 = 4 x 0.6 x x 0.6 =
Take 50% of total qty =
Total =

Second floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 6.44 x x 2.36 =
Door = 4 x 0.75 x x 2.1 =
V1 = 4 x 0.6 x x 0.6 =
Take 50% of total qty =
Total =

Third floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 6.44 x x 2.36 =
Door = 4 x 0.75 x x 2.1 =
V1 = 4 x 0.6 x x 0.6 =
Take 50% of total qty =
Total =

Fourth floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 6.44 x x 2.36 =
Door = 4 x 0.75 x x 2.1 =
V1 = 4 x 0.6 x x 0.6 =
Take 50% of total qty =
Total =

Providing 16mm. Thick cement plaster in cement mortar or mix(1:6) in all floors at all height with cem
& screened and washed sharp river sand for mortar and finished smooth to the rough surface of the b
masonary walls after racking out the joints (alongwith providing grooves wherever necessary) includ
4 watering and curing,rounding of corners etc. complete with cost, conveyance, loading, unloading,
royalities and taxes of all materials,cost of all labour,T&P, and scaffolding required for the work etc. a
directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Ground floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 6.44 x x 2.36 =
Door = 4 x 0.75 x x 2.1 =
V1 = 4 x 0.6 x x 0.6 =
Take 50% of total qty =
Total =

First floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 6.44 x x 2.36 =
Door = 4 x 0.75 x x 2.1 =
V1 = 4 x 0.6 x x 0.6 =
Take 50% of total qty =
Total =

Second floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 6.44 x x 2.36 =
Door = 4 x 0.75 x x 2.1 =
V1 = 4 x 0.6 x x 0.6 =
Take 50% of total qty =
Total =

Third floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 6.44 x x 2.36 =
Door = 4 x 0.75 x x 2.1 =
V1 = 4 x 0.6 x x 0.6 =
Take 50% of total qty =
Total =

Fourth floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 6.44 x x 2.36 =
Door = 4 x 0.75 x x 2.1 =
V1 = 4 x 0.6 x x 0.6 =
Take 50% of total qty =
Total =

Providing 6 mm thick cement plaster in cement mortar of mix (1:4) at all height using screened &
washed sharp river sand for mortar with approved quality of cement to the ceiling of the Roof Slab
Staircase, Beams, Columns,Landings, Railings,Chajja ,Fins ,Walls ,Jally and Shelves etc. including
roughening, scraping, chiseling, cleaning, closed deep chipping with slurry treatment and finished
5 smooth to all R.C.C. Surface including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties ,stacking and
taxes , cost of all Labour,Labour cess ,Sundries, T&P, Scaffolding, Watering, Curing etc. complete in
respect as directed by the Engineer- in- charge.

Ground floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 1.22 x 2.01 x =
Total =

First floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 1.22 x 2.01 x =
Total =

Second floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 1.22 x 2.01 x =
Total =

Third floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 1.22 x 2.01 x =
Total =

Fourth floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 1.22 x 2.01 x =
Total =
6 Priming one coat with water bound wall cement primer. (Inside & Outside)
Ground floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = x x x =
Total =

First floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = x x x =
Total =

Second floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = x x x =
Total =

Third floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = x x x =
Total =

Fourth floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = x x x =
Total =

Finishing wall surface of walls with cement based wall putty ( water based) of approved make and
finished smooth and even surface to receive painting including cost, conveyance ,taxes of all mater
7 cost of all Labour , Labour cess,scaffoldings, staging, sundries,T&P etc. required for the work comple
as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Ground floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) (Inside) = x x x =
Total =

First floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) (Inside) = x x x =
Total =

Second floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) (Inside) = x x x =
Total =

Third floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) (Inside) = x x x =
Total =

Fourth floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) (Inside) = x x x =
Total =

Painting 2 (Two) or more coats with Weather Coat Paint of premium brand Such as Asian/ Berger/ I
paints or equivalent of approved quality & colour, using required quantities of paint as specified by
manufacturer to give an even shade over a coat of wall priming(water based) on the finished externa
plastered surface at all height , watering the surface before applying the Weather Coat Paint and cu
8 for the required period including cost, coveyance, loading , unloading ,stacking and all taxes , cost o
Labour, Labour cess, Sundries ,Scafffolding ,Staging and T&P etc. required for the work complete in
respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Ground floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) (Inside) = x x x =
Total =

First floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) (Inside) = x x x =
Total =

Second floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) (Inside) = x x x =
Total =

Third floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) (Inside) = x x x =
Total =

Fourth floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) (Inside) = x x x =
Total =

Wall painting two coats with Acrylic paint(plastic emulsion) of approved quality of premium brand suc
as Asian/ Berger/ ICI paints or equivalent of approved quality & colour at all heights to the interior
surface of the wall to make an even finished surface including sand papering, applying putty wherev
9 necessary including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, stacking, all taxes , cost of all Labour ,
Labour cess,scaffoldings, staging, sundries,T&P etc. required for the work complete as directed by th

Ground floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) (Inside) = x x x =
Total =

First floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) (Inside) = x x x =
Total =
Second floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) (Inside) = x x x =
Total =

Third floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) (Inside) = x x x =
Total =

Fourth floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) (Inside) = x x x =
Total =

10 Ceramic tile flooring

Ground floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 1.22 x 2.01 x =
Total =
First floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 1.22 x 2.01 x =
Total =
Second floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 1.22 x 2.01 x =
Total =
Third floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 1.22 x 2.01 x =
Total =
Fourth floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 1.22 x 2.01 x =
Total =

11 Ceramic tile Dado/Skirting

Ground floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 6.46 x x 2.1 =
Total =
First floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 6.46 x x 2.1 =
Total =
Second floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 6.46 x x 2.1 =
Total =
Third floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 6.46 x x 2.1 =
Total =
Fourth floor
Additional toilet (Attached to bed room) = 4 x 6.46 x x 2.1 =
Total =
= x x x =
Qty Unit

ze 25c.m x 12 c.m x 8 c.m

with cement and
x) hours in water before
orbelling, chamfering,
royalties , all taxes
orks etc. complete in all

4.93 cum

0.29 cum
4.64 cum

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3.61 cum

0.63 cum
2.98 cum

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ed for the work etc. as
60.79 sqm

7.74 sqm
3.87 sqm
56.92 sqm

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ed for the work etc. as

60.79 sqm

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9.81 sqm

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123.66 sqm

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66.73 sqm

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and all taxes , cost of all
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56.92 sqm

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56.92 sqm

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56.92 sqm

of premium brand such

ghts to the interior
pplying putty wherever
cost of all Labour ,
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66.73 sqm

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66.73 sqm

9.81 sqm

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54.26 sqm

54.26 sqm

54.26 sqm

54.26 sqm
54.26 sqm

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