IOT Notes

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The key takeaways are the definition, characteristics and conceptual framework of IoT.

The fundamental characteristics of IoT are interconnectivity, things-related services, heterogeneity, dynamic changes and enormous scale.

The layers of IoT architecture are the smart device/sensor layer, network layer, edge computing layer, data layer and application layer.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Subject Notes
BTCS-602 Elective-III (IOT) Internet of Things
Unit -1
Topics to be covered

Introduction: Definition, Characteristics of IOT, IOT Conceptual framework, IOT Architectural view, Physical
design of IOT, Logical design of IOT, Application of IOT.

Definition-The Internet of Things, also called The Internet of Objects, refers to a wireless network between
objects. By embedding short-range mobile transceivers into a wide array of additional gadgets and
everyday items, enabling new forms of communication between people and things, and between things
themselves. The term Internet of Things has come to describe a number of technologies and research
disciplines that enable the Internet to reach out into the real world of physical objects. Things having
identities and virtual personalities operating in smart spaces using intelligent interfaces to connect and
communicate within social, environmental, and user contexts. From any time, any place connectivity for
anyone, we will now have connectivity for anything.

Fig. 1.1 Internet of Things Accessibility

Characteristics of IOT-The no-need-to-know in terms of the underlying details of infrastructure,

applications interface with the infrastructure via the APIs.The flexibility and elasticity allows these systems
to scale up and down at will utilizing the resources of all kinds CPU, storage, server capacity, load
balancing, and databases The “pay as much as used and needed” type of utility computing and the “always
on!, anywhere and any place” type of network-based computing. The fundamental characteristics of the
IoT are as follows:
 Interconnectivity: With regard to the IoT, anything can be interconnected with the global
information and communication infrastructure.
 Things-related services: The IoT is capable of providing thing-related services within the constraints
of things, such as privacy protection and semantic consistency between physical things and their
associated virtual things. In order to provide thing-related services within the constraints of things,
both the technologies in physical world and information world will change.
 Heterogeneity: The devices in the IoT are heterogeneous as based on different hardware platforms
and networks. They can interact with other devices or service platforms through different
 Dynamic changes: The state of devices change dynamically, e.g., sleeping and waking up,
connected and/or disconnected as well as the context of devices including location and speed.
Moreover, the number of devices can change dynamically.
 Enormous scale: The number of devices that need to be managed and that communicate with each
other will be at least an order of magnitude larger than the devices connected to the current
Internet. Even more critical will be the management of the data generated and their interpretation
for application purposes. This relates to semantics of data, as well as efficient data handling.
 Safety: As we gain benefits from the IoT, we must not forget about safety. As both the creators and
recipients of the IoT, we must design for safety. This includes the safety of our personal data and
the safety of our physical well-being. Securing the endpoints, the networks, and the data moving
across all of it means creating a security paradigm that will scale.
 Connectivity: Connectivity enables network accessibility and compatibility. Accessibility is getting
on a network while compatibility provides the common ability to consume and produce data.

IOT architectural view-IOT architecture consists of different layers of technologies supporting IOT. It serves
to illustrate how various technologies relate to each other and to communicate the scalability, modularity
and configuration of IOT deployments in different scenarios. The functionality of each layer is described
 Smart device / sensor layer: The lowest layer is made up of smart objects integrated with sensors.
The sensors enable the interconnection of the physical and digital worlds allowing real-time
information to be collected and processed. There are various types of sensors for different
purposes. The sensors have the capacity to take measurements such as temperature, air quality,
speed, humidity, pressure, flow, movement and electricity etc. In some cases, they may also have a
degree of memory, enabling them to record a certain number of measurements. A sensor can
measure the physical property and convert it into signal that can be understood by an instrument.
Sensors are grouped according to their unique purpose such as environmental sensors, body
sensors, home appliance sensors and vehicle telemetric sensors, etc
 Gateways and Networks-Massive volume of data will be produced by these tiny sensors and this
requires a robust and high performance wired or wireless network infrastructure as a transport
medium. Current networks, often tied with very different protocols, have been used to support
machine-to-machine (M2M) networks and their applications. With demand needed to serve a
wider range of IOT services and applications such as high speed transactional services, context-
aware applications, etc, multiple networks with various technologies and access protocols are
needed to work with each other in a heterogeneous configuration. These networks can be in the
form of a private, public or hybrid models and are built to support the communication
requirements for latency, bandwidth or security. Various gateways (microcontroller,
microprocessor) & gateway networks (WI-FI, GSM, GPRS).
 Management Service Layer-The management service renders the processing of information
possible through analytics, security controls, process modeling and management of devices. One of
the important features of the management service layer is the business and process rule engines.
IOT brings connection and interaction of objects and systems together providing information in the
form of events or contextual data such as temperature of goods, current location and traffic data.
Some of these events require filtering or routing to post-processing systems such as capturing of
periodic sensory data, while others require response to the immediate situations such as reacting
to emergencies on patient’s health conditions. The rule engines support the formulation of decision
logics and trigger interactive and automated processes to enable a more responsive IOT system.
 Application Layer-The IoT application covers “smart” environments/spaces in domains such as:
Transportation, Building, City, Lifestyle, Retail, Agriculture, Factory, Supply chain, Emergency,
Healthcare, User interaction, Culture and tourism, Environment and Energy.
Fig. 1.2 IOT Architecture
IOT conceptual view
The main tasks of this framework are to analyze and determine the smart activities of these intelligent
devices through maintaining a dynamic interconnection among those devices. The proposed framework
will help to standardize IoT infrastructure so that it can receive e-services based on context information
leaving the current infrastructure unchanged. The active collaboration of these heterogeneous devices and
protocols can lead to future ambient computing where the maximum utilization of cloud computing will be
ensured. This model is capable of logical division of physical devices placement, creation of virtual links
among different domains, networks and collaborate among multiple application without any central
coordination system. IaaS can afford standard functionalities to accommodate and provides access to
cloud infrastructure. The service is generally offered by modern data centers maintained by giant
companies and organization. It is categorized as virtualization of resources which permits a user to install
and run application over virtualization layer and allows the system to be distributed, configurable and
Total infrastructure system can be categorized into 4 layers to receive context supported e-services out of
raw data from the Internet of Things. These 4 layers establish a generic framework that does not alter the
current network infrastructure but create an interfacing among services and entities through network
Fig. 1.3 IOT Conceptual View
1. Connectivity Layer
This layer includes all the physical devices involved in the framework and the interconnection among them.
Future internet largely depends on the unification of these common objects found everywhere near us and
these should be distinctly identifiable and controllable.
This layer also involves assigning of low range networking devices like sensors, actuators, RFID tags etc and
resource management checks the availability of physical resources of all the devices and networks involved
in the underlying infrastructure. These devices contain very limited resources and resource management
ensures the maximum utilization with little overhead. It also allows sharing and distribution of information
among multiple networks or single network divided into multiple domains.

2. Access Layer
Context Data will be reached to internet via IoT Gateway as captured by short range devices in form of raw
data. Access layer comprises topology definition, network initiation, creation of domains etc. This layer also
includes connection setup, intra-inter domain communication, scheduling, packet transmissions between
flow-sensors and IoT gateway. The simulation was run later in this paper for different scenario based on
this layer. Feature management contains a feature filter which accepts only acceptable context data and
redundant data are rejected. Large number of sensor maintains lots of features but only a small subset of
features is useful generate a context data.
Feature filter helps to reduce irrelevant data transmission, increases the data transfer rate of useful data
and reduce energy and CPU consumption too. Number of features can be different based on the
application requirements and context data types.

3. Abstraction Layer
One of the most important characteristics of OpenFlow is to add virtual layers with the preset layers,
leaving the established infrastructure unchanged. A virtual link can be created among different networks
and a common platform can be developed for various communication systems. The system is fully a
centralized system from physical layer viewpoint but a distribution of service (flow visor could be utilized)
could be maintained. One central system can monitor, control all sorts of traffics. It can help to achieve
better band-width, reliability, robust routing, etc. which will lead to a better Quality of Services (QoS).
In a multi-hopping scenario packets are transferred via some adjacent nodes. So, nodes near to access
points bears too much load in comparison to distant nodes in a downstream scenario and inactivity of
these important nodes may cause the network to be collapsed. Virtual presence of sensor nodes can solve
the problem where we can create a virtual link between two sensor networks through access point
negotiation. So, we can design a three a three layer platform, where common platform and virtualization
layer are newly added with established infrastructure. Sensors need not to be worried about reach-ability
or their placement even in harsh areas. Packet could be sent to any nodes even if it is sited on different

4. Service Layer
Storage management bears the idea about all sorts of unfamiliar and/or important technologies and
information which can turn the system scalable and efficient. It is not only responsible for storing data but
also to provide security along with it. It also allows accessing data effectively; integrating data to enhance
service intelligence, analysis based on the services required and most importantly increases the storage
efficiency. Storage and management layer involves data storage & system supervision, software services
and business management & operations. Though they are included in one layer, the business support
system resides slightly above of cloud computing service whereas Open-Flow is placed below of it as
presented to include virtualizations and monitor management.
Service management combines the required services with organizational solutions and thus new
generation user service becomes simplified. These forthcoming services are necessitated to be co
interrelated and combined in order to meet the demand socio- economic factors such as environment
analysis, safety measurement, climate management, agriculture modernization etc.
Iot Functional View-The Internet of Things concept refers to uniquely identifiable things with their virtual
representations in an Internet-like structure and IoT solutions comprising a number of components such as
(1) Module for interaction with local IoT devices. This module is responsible for acquisition of observations
and their forwarding to remote servers for analysis and permanent storage.
(2) Module for local analysis and processing of observations acquired by IoT devices.
(3) Module for interaction with remote IoT devices, directly over the Internet. This module is responsible
for acquisition of observations and their forwarding to remote servers for analysis and permanent storage.
(4) Module for application specific data analysis and processing. This module is running on an application
server serving all clients. It is taking requests from mobile and web clients and relevant IoT observations as
input, executes appropriate data processing algorithms and generates output in terms of knowledge that is
later presented to users.
(5) User interface (web or mobile): visual representation of measurements in a given context (for example
on a map) and interaction with the user, i.e. definition of user queries. The Designs are shown below:

Physical Design of IOT

The Internet of Things will become part of the fabric of everyday life. It will become part of our overall
infrastructure just like water, electricity, telephone, TV and most recently the Internet. Whereas the
current Internet typically connects full-scale computers, the Internet of Things (as part of the Future
Internet) will connect everyday objects with a strong integration into the physical world.
1. Plug and Play Integration
If we look at IoT-related technology available today, there is a huge heterogeneity. It is typically deployed
for very specific purposes and the configure requires significant technical knowledge and may be
cumbersome. To achieve a true Internet of Things we need to move away from such small-scale, vertical
application silos, towards a horizontal infrastructure on which a variety of applications can run
simultaneously. This is only possible if connecting a thing to the Internet of Things becomes as simple as
plugging it in and switching it on. Such plug and play functionality requires an infrastructure that supports
it, starting from the networking level and going beyond it to the application level. This is closely related to
the aspects discussed in the section on autonomy. On the networking level, the plug & play functionality
has to enable the communication, features like the ones provided by IPv6 are in the directions to help in
this process. Suitable infrastructure components have then to be discovered to enable the integration into
the Internet of Things. This includes announcing the functionalities provided, such as what can be sensed
or what can be actuated.
2. Infrastructure Functionality
The infrastructure needs to support applications in finding the things required. An application may run
anywhere, including on the things themselves. Finding things is not limited to the start-up time of an
application. Automatic adaptation is needed whenever relevant new things become available, things
become unavailable or the status of things changes. The infrastructure has to support the monitoring of
such changes and the adaptation that is required as a result
of the changes.
3. Semantic Modeling of Things
To reach the full potential of the Internet of Things, semantic information regarding the things, the
information they can provide or the actuations they can perform need to be available. It is not sufficient to
know that there is a temperature sensor or an electric motor, but it is important to know which
temperature the sensor measures: the indoor temperature of a room or the temperature of the fridge, and
that the electric motor can open or close the blinds or move something to a different location. As it may
not be possible to provide such semantic information by simply switching on the thing, the infrastructure
should make adding it easy for users. Also, it may be possible to derive semantic information, given some
basic information and additional knowledge, e.g. deriving information about a room, based on the
information that a certain sensor is located in the room. This should be enabled by the infrastructure.
4. Physical Location and Position
As the Internet of Things is strongly rooted in the physical world, the notion of physical location and
position are very important, especially for finding things, but also for deriving knowledge. Therefore, the
infrastructure has to support finding things according to location (e.g. geo-location based discovery).
Taking mobility into account, localization technologies will play an important role for the Internet of Things
and may become embedded into the infrastructure of the Internet of Things.
5. Security and Privacy
In addition, an infrastructure needs to provide support for security and privacy functions including
identification, confidentiality, integrity, non-repudiation authentication and authorization. Here the
heterogeneity and the need for interoperability among different ICT systems deployed in the infrastructure
and the resource limitations of IoT devices (e.g., Nano sensors) have to be taken into account.

Logical design of Iot

The Logical design of IOT is however too abstract to be used for building directly concrete architectures. In
order to implement a compliant IoT solutions, Reference Architectures must be defined, describing
essential building blocks as well as design choices able to select specific constructs able to deal with
converging requirements regarding functionality, performance, deployment and security, to name a few.
Interfaces among different technological functional blocks should be standardized; best practices in terms
of functionality and information usage need to be provided.
Existing literature provides methodologies for dealing with system architectures (hereafter called Concrete
Architectures) based on Views and Perspectives. The way that the IoT-A project illustrates the Reference
Architecture (RA) is through a matrix that provides clear technological choices in order to develop concrete
architectures. To establish the contents of this matrix we need to analyze all possible functionalities,
mechanisms and protocols that can be used for building any concrete IoT-related architecture and to show
how interconnections could take place between selected design and technological choices. A system
architect should then have a tool to make a rational selection of protocols, functional components, and
architectural options, needed to build specific IoT systems.
The IoT-A project sees views as a representation of one or more structural aspects of an architecture that
illustrates how the architecture addresses one or more concerns held by one or more of its stakeholders.
Some typical examples for viewpoints are Functional, Information, Concurrency, Development,
Deployment and Operational viewpoints. However, architectural decisions often address concerns that are
common to more than one view. These concerns are often related to non-functional or quality properties.
The approach that the project is following is to define special perspectives to address these aspects of a
concrete architecture, emphasizing the importance of stakeholder requirements. Therefore we are define
a perspective as a collection of activities, tactics, and guidelines that are used to ensure that a system
exhibits a particular set of related quality properties that require consideration across a number of the
system’s architectural views, where a quality property is defined as an externally visible, non-functional
property of a system such as performance, security, or scalability.

Fig. 1.4 IOT Logical View

IoT applications-Potential applications of the IoT are numerous and diverse, permeating into practically all
areas of every-day life of individuals, enterprises, and society as a whole. The IoT application covers smart
environments/spaces in domains such as: Transportation, Building, City, Lifestyle, Retail, Agriculture,
Factory, Supply chain, Emergency, Healthcare, User interaction, Culture and tourism, Environment and
Energy. Below are some of the IOT applications.
 IOsL (Internet of smart living)-Remote Control Appliances: Switching on and off remotely
appliances to avoid accidents and save energy, Weather: Displays outdoor weather conditions such
as humidity, temperature, pressure, wind speed and rain levels with ability to transmit data over
long distances, Smart Home Appliances: Refrigerators with LCD screen telling what’s inside, food
that’s about to expire, ingredients you need to buy and with all the information available on a
Smartphone app. Washing machines allowing you to monitor the laundry remotely, and. Kitchen
ranges with interface to a Smartphone app allowing remotely adjustable temperature control and
monitoring the oven’s self-cleaning feature, Safety Monitoring: cameras, and home alarm systems
making people feel safe in their daily life at home, Intrusion Detection Systems: Detection of
window and door openings and violations to prevent intruders, Energy and Water Use: Energy and
water supply consumption monitoring to obtain advice on how to save cost and resources.
 IOsC ( Internet of smart cities)-Structural Health: Monitoring of vibrations and material conditions
in buildings, bridges and historical monuments, Lightning: intelligent and weather adaptive lighting
in street lights, Safety: Digital video monitoring, fire control management, public announcement
systems, Transportation: Smart Roads and Intelligent High-ways with warning messages and
diversions according to climate conditions and unexpected events like accidents or traffic jams,
Smart Parking: Real-time monitoring of parking spaces availability in the city making residents able
to identify and reserve the closest available spaces, Waste Management: Detection of rubbish
levels in containers to optimize the trash collection routes. Garbage cans and recycle bins with RFID
tags allow the sanitation staff to see when garbage has been put out.
 IOsE (Internet of smart environment)-Air Pollution monitoring: Control of CO2 emissions of
factories, pollution emitted by cars and toxic gases generated in farms, Forest Fire Detection:
Monitoring of combustion gases and preemptive fire conditions to define alert zones, Weather
monitoring: weather conditions monitoring such as humidity, temperature, pressure, wind speed
and rain, Earthquake Early Detection, Water Quality: Study of water suitability in rivers and the sea
for eligibility in drinkable use, River Floods: Monitoring of water level variations in rivers, dams and
reservoirs during rainy days, Protecting wildlife: Tracking collars utilizing GPS/GSM modules to
locate and track wild animals and communicate their coordinates via SMS.
 IOsI (Internet of smart industry)-Explosive and Hazardous Gases: Detection of gas levels and
leakages in industrial environments, surroundings of chemical factories and inside mines,
Monitoring of toxic gas and oxygen levels inside chemical plants to ensure workers and goods
safety, Monitoring of water, oil and gas levels in storage tanks and Cisterns, Maintenance and
repair: Early predictions on equipment malfunctions and service maintenance can be automatically
scheduled ahead of an actual part failure by installing sensors inside equipment to monitor and
send reports.
 IOsH (Internet of smart health)-Patients Surveillance: Monitoring of conditions of patients inside
hospitals and in old people’s home, Medical Fridges: Control of conditions inside freezers storing
vaccines, medicines and organic elements, Fall Detection: Assistance for elderly or disabled people
living independent, Dental: Bluetooth connected toothbrush with Smartphone app analyzes the
brushing uses and gives information on the brushing habits on the Smartphone for private
information or for showing statistics to the dentist, Physical Activity Monitoring: Wireless sensors
placed across the mattress sensing small motions, like breathing and heart rate and large motions
caused by tossing and turning during sleep, providing data available through an app on the
 IOsE (internet of smart energy)-Smart Grid: Energy consumption monitoring and management,
Wind Turbines/ Power house: Monitoring and analyzing the flow of energy from wind turbines &
power house, and two-way communication with consumers’ smart meters to analyze consumption
patterns, Power Supply Controllers: Controller for AC-DC power supplies that determines required
energy, and improve energy efficiency with less energy waste for power supplies related to
computers, telecommunications, and consumer electronics applications, Photovoltaic Installations:
Monitoring and optimization of performance in solar energy plants.
 IOsA (internet of smart agriculture)-Green Houses: Control micro-climate conditions to maximize
the production of fruits and vegetables and its quality, Compost: Control of humidity and
temperature levels in alfalfa, hay, straw, etc. to prevent fungus and other microbial contaminants,
Animal Farming/Tracking: Location and identification of animals grazing in open pastures or
location in big stables, Study of ventilation and air quality in farms and detection of harmful gases
from excrements, Offspring Care: Control of growing conditions of the offspring in animal farms to
ensure its survival and health, field Monitoring: Reducing spoilage and crop waste with better
monitoring, accurate ongoing data obtaining, and management of the agriculture fields, including
better control of fertilizing, electricity and watering.

Physical View-It defines different layered level component required to create the device as mentioned in

Fig. 1.5 Physical View

Unit -2
Topics to be covered

Machine-to-machine (M2M), SDN (software defined networking) and NFV (network function virtualization)
for IOT, data storage in IOT, IOT Cloud Based Services.

Machine-to-machine (M2M)

Machine to machine (M2M) is a broad label that can be used to describe any technology that enables
networked devices to exchange information and perform actions without the manual assistance of
humans. M2M communication is often used for remote monitoring. In product restocking, for example, a
vending machine can message the distributor when a particular item is running low. M2M communication
is an important aspect of warehouse management, remote control, robotics, traffic control, logistic
services, supply chain management, fleet management and telemedicine. It forms the basis for a concept
known as the Internet of Things (IoT). Key components of an M2M system include sensors, RFID, a Wi-Fi or
cellular communications link and autonomic computing software programmed to help a networked device
interpret data and make decisions. The most well-known type of M2M communication is telemetry, which
has been used since the early part of the last century to transmit operational data. Pioneers in telemetric
first used telephone lines and later, on radio waves -- to transmit performance measurements gathered
from monitoring instruments in remote locations. The Internet and improved standards for wireless
technology have expanded the role of telemetry from pure science, engineering and manufacturing to
everyday use in products like home heating units, electric meters and Internet-connected appliances.
Products built with M2M communication capabilities are often marketed to end users as being smart.

Fig. 2.1 M2M Communication

SDN (software defined networking)-SDN deployment will enable Internet of Things devices to share
network resources efficiently and reliably, and further cut hardware investment, but the possibilities are
still emerging. Software-defined networking will meet the Internet of Things (IoT) at the crossroads of VPN
exhaustion, uptime challenges and limited network resources. The expected result is that SDN will help
drive the expansion of IoT-enabled devices, enable more efficient network resource sharing and improve
IoT service-level agreements (SLAs)
SDN Benefits-SDN brings three important capabilities to IoT:
 Centralization of control through software that has complete knowledge of the network, enabling
automated, policy-based control of even massive, complex networks. Given the huge potential
scale of IoT environments, SDN is critical in making them simple to manage.
 Abstraction of the details of the many devices and protocols in the network, allowing IoT
applications to access data, enable analytics and control the devices, and add new sensors and
network control devices, without exposing the details of the underlying infrastructure. SDN
simplifies the creation, deployment and ongoing management of the IoT devices and the
applications that benefit from them.
 The flexibility to tune the components within the IoT (and manage where data is stored and
analyzed) to continually maximize performance and security as business needs and data flows
change. IoT environments are inherently dispersed with many end devices and edge computing. As
a result, the network is even more critical than in standard application environments. SDN’s ability
to dynamically change network behavior based on new traffic patterns, security incidents and
policy changes will enable IoT environments to deliver on their promise.

Features of SDN-SDN will make it easier to find and fight security threats through the improved visibility
they provide into network traffic right to the edge of the network. They also make it easy to apply
automated policies to redirect suspicious traffic to, for example, a honey net where it can be safely
examined. By making networking management less complex, SDN allows IT to set and enforce more
segmented access controls.SDN can provide a dynamic, intelligent self-learning layered model of security
that provides walls within walls and ensures people can only change the configuration of the devices
they’re authorized to “touch.” This is far more useful than the traditional “wall” around the perimeter of
the network, which won’t work with the IoT because of its size and the fact the enemy is often inside the
firewall, in the form of unauthorized actors updating firmware on unprotected devices.SDN will allow IT to
effectively program the network to make automatic, real-time decisions about traffic flow. They will allow
the analysis of not only sensor data, but data about the health of the network, to be analyzed close to the
network edge to give IT the information it needs to prevent traffic jams and security risks. The centralized
configuration and management of the network, and the abstraction of network devices, also makes it far
easier to manage applications that run on the edge of the IoT.
For example, SDN will allow IT to fine-tune data aggregation, so data that is less critical is held at the edge
and not transmitted to core systems until it won’t slow critical application traffic. This edge computing can
also perform fast, local analysis and speed the results to the network core if the analysis indicates an
urgent situation, such as the impending failure of a jet engine.

NFV (network function virtualization) for IOT-Utilizing NFV (network function virtualization) capabilities is
one way to address the IoT network challenges providing secure network resources for IoT. Network
functions virtualization (also Network function virtualization or NFV) is a network architecture concept that
uses the technologies of IT virtualization to virtualizes entire classes of network node functions into
building blocks that may connect, or chain together, to create communication services.NFV relies upon, but
differs from, traditional server-virtualization techniques, such as those used in enterprise IT. A virtualized
network function, or VNF, may consist of one or more virtual machines running different software and
processes, on top of standard high-volume servers, switches and storage devices, or even cloud computing
infrastructure, instead of having custom hardware appliances for each network function. For example, a
virtual session border controller could be deployed to protect a network without the typical cost and
complexity of obtaining and installing physical network protection units. Other examples of NFV include
virtualized load balancers, firewalls, intrusion detection devices and WAN accelerators.

The NFV framework consists of three main components:

 Virtualized network functions (VNFs) are software implementations of network functions that can
be deployed on a network functions virtualization infrastructure (NFVI).
 Network functions virtualization infrastructure (NFVI) is the totality of all hardware and software
components that build the environment where VNFs are deployed. The NFV infrastructure can span
several locations. The network providing connectivity between these locations is considered as part
of the NFV infrastructure.
 Network functions virtualization management architectural framework (NFV-MANO Architectural
Framework) is the collection of all functional blocks, data repositories used by these blocks, and
reference points and interfaces through which these functional blocks exchange information for the
purpose of managing and orchestrating NFVI and VNFs.

Software defined networking (SDN) and Network Virtualization (NV) is two of the most prominent
technologies to serve as key enablers for the IoT networks of the near future. The main idea behind SDN is
to separate the control plane (where the logical procedures supporting the networking protocols are
executed and all the relevant decisions are taken) from the data plane (where the forwarding of packets on
the most suitable interface towards the intended destination is executed). As illustrated in Figure 1, the
main entity behind this separation is the controller, which communicates with the network applications
through the so-called northbound interface and translates their requirements into appropriate network
decisions. The controller also communicates with the network switches that forward packets according to
the controller-installed rules. This way, SDN provides increased possibilities to smartly route traffic, for
example to balance the load over the network or to exploit underutilized network resources in an optimal
way, thereby alleviating the burden on the network by the data onslaught of IoT. The term network
virtualization concerns a network that allows multiple service providers to form multiple separate and
isolated virtual networks by sharing physical resources provided by one or more different physical network
infrastructure providers.
SDN (software defined networking) is another element that works in combination with NFV while creating
IoT network infrastructure. NFV in combination with SDN enable network to utilize distributed intelligence
capacity to analyze and manage traffic flows across the network. NFV enables SPs to assemble and provide
cost effective and secure IoT networks along with ISV partners. The complexity part can be handled with
effective implementation of NFV capabilities with IoT network.

Relevance of NFV in IoT System-NFV can play a crucial role in achieving the goal with IoT network
combining both hardware and software network features in a single virtual network. NFV helps accelerate
the deployment of new services, operations, and maintenance of a network allowing high level of network
optimization. It brings multiples benefits to service operators and service providers including ROI. The
relevance of NFV lies with the promise of benefits across network architecture.

NFV to Enhance IoT Networking Capacity-NFV leverages couple of IT technologies to build flexible and
agile IoT network such as virtualization, standard servers, and open software. It distributes intelligence
throughout the IoT network enabling real time analytics and business intelligence. NFV creates menu for
virtual network functions (VNFs) that includes gateways, mobile core, deep packet inspection (DPI),
security, routing, and traffic management that helps delivering customized network services for IoT.
Conversely IoT drives NFV opportunity for service providers too financially and technologically.

Data storage in IOT-The Internet of Things is creating an enormous amount of data. To manage, access,
and make use of this data, digital storage becomes a critical factor. Data management is a broad concept
referring to the architectures, practices, and procedures for proper management of the data lifecycle
needs of a certain system. In the context of IoT, data management should act as a layer between the
objects and devices generating the data and the applications accessing the data for analysis purposes and
services. The devices themselves can be arranged into subsystems or subspaces with autonomous
governance and internal hierarchical management. The functionality and data provided by these
subsystems is to be made available to the IoT network, depending on the level of privacy desired by the
subsystem owners.
 IoT data has distinctive characteristics that make traditional relational-based database
management an obsolete solution. A massive volume of heterogeneous, streaming and
geographically-dispersed real-time data will be created by millions of diverse devices periodically
sending observations about certain monitored phenomena or reporting the occurrence of certain
or abnormal events of interest . Periodic observations are most demanding in terms of
communication overhead and storage due to their streaming and continuous nature, while events
present time-strain with end-to-end response times depending on the urgency of the response
required for the event. Furthermore, there is metadata that describes “Things” in addition to the
data that is generated by “Things”; object identification, location, processes and services provided
are an example of such data. IoT data will statically reside in fixed- or flexible-schema databases
and roam the network from dynamic and mobile objects to concentration storage points. This will
continue until it reaches centralized data stores. Communication, storage and process will thus be
defining factors in the design of data management solutions for IoT.
 A data management framework for IoT is presented that incorporates a layered, data-centric, and
federated paradigm to join the independent IoT subsystems in an adaptable, flexible, and seamless
data network. In this framework, the “Things” layer is composed of all entities and subsystems that
can generate data. Raw data, or simple aggregates, are then transported via a communications
layer to data repositories. These data repositories are either owned by organizations or public, and
they can be located at specialized servers or on the cloud. Organizations or individual users have
access to these repositories via query and federation layers that process queries and analysis tasks,
decide which repositories hold the needed data, and negotiate participation to acquire the data. In
addition, real-time or context-aware queries are handled through the federation layer via a sources
layer that seamlessly handles the discovery and engagement of data sources. The whole framework
therefore allows a two-way publishing and querying of data. This allows the system to respond to
the immediate data and processing requests of the end users and provides archival capabilities for
later long-term analysis and exploration of value-added trends.

IoT Data Management-Traditional data management systems handle the storage, retrieval, and update of
elementary data items, records and files. In the context of IoT, data management systems must summarize
data online while providing storage, logging, and auditing facilities for offline analysis. This expands the
concept of data management from offline storage, query processing, and transaction management
operations into online-offline communication/storage dual operations. We first define the data lifecycle
within the context of IoT and then outline the energy consumption profile for each of the phases in order
to have a better understanding of IoT data management.

IoT Data Lifecycle-The lifecycle of data within an IoT system proceeds from data production to
aggregation, transfer, optional filtering and preprocessing, and finally to storage and archiving. Querying
and analysis are the end points that initiate (request) and consume data production, but data production
can be set to be pushed to the IoT consuming services. Production, collection, aggregation, filtering, and
some basic querying and preliminary processing functionalities are considered online, communication-
intensive operations. Intensive preprocessing, long-term storage and archival and in-depth
processing/analysis are considered offline storage-intensive operations.
Fig 2.2 data Production

Storage operations aim at making data available on the long term for constant access/updates, while
archival is concerned with read-only data. Since some IoT systems may generate, process, and store data
in-network for real-time and localized services, with no need to propagate this data further up to
concentration points in the system, edges that combine both processing and storage elements may exist as
autonomous units in the cycle. In the following paragraphs, each of the elements in the IoT data lifecycle is
 Querying: Data-intensive systems rely on querying as the core process to access and retrieve data.
In the context of IoT, a query can be issued either to request real-time data to be collected for
temporal monitoring purposes or to retrieve a certain view of the data stored within the system.
The first case is typical when a (mostly localized) real-time request for data is needed. The second
case represents more globalized views of data and in-depth analysis of trends and patterns.
 Production: Data production involves sensing and transfer of data by the “Things” within the IoT
framework and reporting this data to interested parties periodically (as in a subscribe/notify
model), pushing it up the network to aggregation points and subsequently to database servers, or
sending it as a response triggered by queries that request the data from sensors and smart objects.
Data is usually time-stamped and possibly geo-stamped, and can be in the form of simple key-value
pairs, or it may contain rich audio/image/video content, with varying degrees of complexity in-
 Collection: The sensors and smart objects within the IoT may store the data for a certain time
interval or report it to governing components. Data may be collected at concentration points or
gateways within the network where it is further filtered and processed, and possibly fused into
compact forms for efficient transmission. Wireless communication technologies such as Zigbee, Wi-
Fi and cellular are used by objects to send data to collection points.
 Aggregation/Fusion: Transmitting all the raw data out of the network in real-time is often
prohibitively expensive given the increasing data streaming rates and the limited bandwidth.
Aggregation and fusion techniques deploy summarization and merging operations in real-time to
compress the volume of data to be stored and transmitted.
 Delivery: As data is filtered, aggregated, and possibly processed either at the concentration points
or at the autonomous virtual units within the IoT, the results of these processes may need to be
sent further up the system, either as final responses, or for storage and in-depth analysis. Wired or
wireless broadband communications may be used there to transfer data to permanent data stores.
 Preprocessing: IoT data will come from different sources with varying formats and structures. Data
may need to be preprocessed to handle missing data, remove redundancies and integrate data
from different sources into a unified schema before being committed to storage. This preprocessing
is a known procedure in data mining called data cleaning. Schema integration does not imply brute-
force fitting of all the data into a fixed relational (tables) schema, but rather a more abstract
definition of a consistent way to access the data without having to customize access for each
source's data format(s). Probabilities at different levels in the schema may be added at this phase
to IoT data items in order to handle uncertainty that may be present in data or to deal with the lack
of trust that may exist in data sources.
 Storage/Update—Archiving: This phase handles the efficient storage and organization of data as
well as the continuous update of data with new information as it becomes available. Archiving
refers to the offline long-term storage of data that is not immediately needed for the system's
ongoing operations. The core of centralized storage is the deployment of storage structures that
adapt to the various data types and the frequency of data capture. Relational database
management systems are a popular choice that involves the organization of data into a table
schema with predefined interrelationships and metadata for efficient retrieval at later stages.
NoSQL key-value stores are gaining popularity as storage technologies for their support of big data
storage with no reliance on relational schema or strong consistency requirements typical of
relational database systems. Storage can also be decentralized for autonomous IoT systems, where
data is kept at the objects that generate it and is not sent up the system. However, due to the
limited capabilities of such objects, storage capacity remains limited in comparison to the
centralized storage model.
 Processing/Analysis: This phase involves the ongoing retrieval and analysis operations performed
and stored and archived data in order to gain insights into historical data and predict future trends,
or to detect abnormalities in the data that may trigger further investigation or action. Task-specific
preprocessing may be needed to filter and clean data before meaningful operations take place.
When an IoT subsystem is autonomous and does not require permanent storage of its data, but
rather keeps the processing and storage in the network, then in-network processing may be
performed in response to real-time or localized queries.

Data Management Framework for IoT-Most of the current data management proposals are targeted to
WSNs, which are only a subset of the global IoT space, and therefore do not explicitly address the more
sophisticated architectural characteristics of IoT. WSNs are a mature networking paradigm whose data
management solutions revolve mainly around in-network data processing and optimization. Sensors are
mostly of stationary, resource-constrained nature, which does not facilitate sophisticated analysis and
services. The main focus in WSN-based data management solutions is to harvest real-time data promptly
for quick decision making, with limited permanent storage capacities for long-term usage. This represents
only a subset of the more versatile IoT system, which aims at harnessing the data available from a variety
of sources; stationary and mobile, smart and embedded, resource-constrained and resource-rich, real-time
and archival. The main focus of IoT-based data management therefore extends the provisions made for
WSNs to add provisions of a seamless way to tap into the volumes of heterogeneous data in order to find
interesting global patterns and strategic opportunities.

IOT Cloud Based Services-As these devices start to become connected, we need a place to send, store,
and process all of the information. Setting up your own in-house system isn’t practical anymore. The cost
of maintaining, upgrading and securing a system is just too high, and there are some great services
 Amazon Web Services Iot Platform-Amazon dominates the consumer cloud market. They were the
first to really turn cloud computing into a commodity way back in 2004. Since then they’ve put a lot
effort into innovation and building features, and probably have the most comprehensive set of
tools available.
 Microsoft Azure Iot Hub-Microsoft is taking their Internet of Things cloud services very seriously.
They have cloud storage, machine learning, and IoT services, and have even developed their own
operating system for IoT devices. This means they intend to provide a complete IoT solution
 IBM Watson Iot Platform-IBM is another IT giant trying to set itself up as an Internet of Things
platform authority. They try to make their cloud services as accessible as possible to beginners with
easy apps and interfaces. You can try out their sample apps to get a feel for how it all works. You
can also store your data for a specified period, to get historical information from your connected
 Google Cloud Platform-Search giant Google is also taking the Internet of Things very seriously.
They claim that Cloud Platform is the best place to build IoT initiatives, taking advantage of
Google’s heritage of web-scale processing, analytics, and machine intelligence.

Unit -3
Topics to be covered
Design Principles for Web Connectivity: Web Communication Protocols for connected devices, Message
Communication Protocols for connected devices, SOAP, REST, HTTP Restful and Web Sockets. Internet
Connectivity Principles: Internet Connectivity, Internet based communication, IP addressing in IOT, Media
Access control.
Web Communication Protocols for connected devices-The protocols are used for communication between
machines or between a machine and server. Due to constraints in processing capabilities and the low
power requirements of IoT devices (which are generally meant to be deployed in environments with
constant battery power) with limited bandwidth capabilities, a need was felt for dedicated standards and
protocols especially designed for IoT. Since those who manufacture IoT devices and those who create the
IoT platforms are different, this required industry standards and protocols that were not high on power
consumption, bandwidth usage, or processing power and could be adopted easily by all IoT players—
hardware manufacturers, software developers or cloud solutions/service providers.

List of IoT communication protocols:

 CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol)-Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) is an Internet
application protocol for constrained devices (defined in RFC 7228). It enables constrained devices to
communicate with the wider Internet using similar protocols. CoAP is designed for use between devices on
the same constrained network, between devices and general nodes on the Internet, and between devices
on different constrained networks joined by the Internet. It is an application layer protocol designed for
network constrained IoT devices like wireless sensor network nodes, and is often termed the lightweight
version of HTTP with support for REST APIs. It can run on most devices that support UDP or a UDP
analogue. It implements the REST architectural style which can be transparently mapped to HTTP.
However, CoAP also provides features that go beyond HTTP such as native push notifications and group
communication. While a usual HTTP header can be around 100 bytes, a CoAP standard header can be as
light as just 4 bytes. Unlike MQTT, CoAP doesn’t require a broker server to function.

 Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy-While MQTT and CoAP are infrastructure-independent, which
means that it doesn’t matter whether you’re connected to a wired or a wireless network, Bluetooth
provides only wireless communication over radio frequency (2.4GHz spectrum in the ISM band) using an
industry standard that was initially used to share files between mobile phones and is now powerful enough
to play music (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile/A2DP), stream data, or build your next IoT device.
Bluetooth, generally, is divided into three categories.
o Bluetooth Classic: This is meant for high data rate applications like streaming audio wirelessly.
o Bluetooth Smart or Low Energy/BLE: This is meant for low powered battery-operated devices that
stream low packets of data.
o Bluetooth SmartReady: These are essentially the ‘hub’ devices such as computers, smartphones,
etc. They support both the ‘classic’ and ‘smart’ devices.
Bluetooth is a sophisticated ad hoc networking protocol, and is now especially designed from the ground
up for IoT. It provides a stable connection and communication channel, which is extremely low profile and
low powered. An obvious example is fitness trackers, which even though powered on throughout the day,
can last for months on a single charge or run on a coin cell battery, all thanks to BLE (Bluetooth Low
Energy). Bluetooth Classic has fixed profiles like UART over Bluetooth class and A2DP class for audio
streaming. On the other hand, Bluetooth Low Energy provides GATT or Generic Attribute Profile, which
allows users to define their own profile using Bluetooth, like in the case of a heart rate monitor. BLE is
extremely flexible and useful in the IoT space. Bluetooth 5.0 is already out and is maturing, offering more
range, more data rates and double the transmission speeds.
Message Communication Protocols for connected devices:
 MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport)-It was created about 15 years back for monitoring remote
sensor nodes, and is designed to conserve both power and memory. It is based on the ‘Publish Subscribe’
communication model, where a broker is responsible for relaying messages to MQTT clients. This allows
multiple clients to post messages and receive updates on different topics from a central server known as
the MQTT broker. This is similar to subscribing to a YouTube channel, where you get notified whenever a
new video is posted.
Using MQTT, a connected device can subscribe to any number of topics hosted by an MQTT broker.
Whenever a different device publishes data on any of those topics, the server sends out a message to all
connected subscribers of those topics, alerting them to the new available data. It is overall a lightweight
protocol that runs on embedded devices and mobile platforms, while connecting to highly scalable
enterprise and Web servers over wired or wireless networks. It is useful for connections with remote
embedded systems, where a small code footprint is required and/or network bandwidth is at a premium or
connectivity is unpredictable. It is also ideal for mobile applications that require a small size, low power
usage, minimized data packets, and efficient distribution of information to one or many receivers. It is an
ISO standard (ISO/IEC PRF 20922) protocol. The good performance and reliability of MQTT is demonstrated
by Facebook Messenger, Amazon IoT (AWS-IoT), IBM Node-Red, etc—organisations that are using it to
serve millions of people daily.
An MQTT-SN or MQTT sensor network allows you to use MQTT over a wireless sensor network, which is
not generally a TCP/IP based model. The MQTT broker can be run locally or deployed on the cloud. It is
further enhanced with features like user name/password authentication, encryption using Transport Layer
Security (TLS) and Quality of Service (QoS).

SOAP-OAP (originally Simple Object Access Protocol) is a protocol specification for exchanging structured
information in the implementation of web services in computer networks. Its purpose is to induce
extensibility, neutrality and independence. It uses XML Information Set for its message format, and relies
on application layer protocols, most often Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol (SMTP), for message negotiation and transmission.
SOAP allows processes running on disparate operating systems (such as Windows and Linux) to
communicate using Extensible Markup Language (XML). Since Web protocols like HTTP are installed and
running on all operating systems, SOAP allows clients to invoke web services and receive responses
independent of language and platforms. SOAP provides the Messaging Protocol layer of a web services
protocol stack for web services. It is an XML-based protocol consisting of three parts:
 an envelope, which defines the message structure and how to process it
 a set of encoding rules for expressing instances of application-defined datatypes
 a convention for representing procedure calls and responses

SOAP has three major characteristics:

 extensibility (security and Web Services Addressing are among the extensions under development)
 neutrality (SOAP can operate over any protocol such as HTTP, SMTP, TCP, UDP, or Java Message Service)
 independence (SOAP allows for any programming model)
As an example of what SOAP procedures can do, an application can send a SOAP request to a server that
has web services enabled—such as a real-estate price database—with the parameters for a search. The
server then returns a SOAP response (an XML-formatted document with the resulting data), e.g., prices,
location, features. Since the generated data comes in a standardized machine-parsable format, the
requesting application can then integrate it directly.
The SOAP architecture consists of several layers of specifications for:
 message format
 Message Exchange Patterns (MEP)
 underlying transport protocol bindings
 message processing models
 protocol extensibility
REST-REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style for developing web services. REST is
popular due to its simplicity and the fact that it builds upon existing systems and features of the internet's
HTTP in order to achieve its objectives, as opposed to creating new standards, frameworks and

Advantages of REST-A primary benefit of using REST, both from a client and server's perspective, is REST-
based interactions happen using constructs that are familiar to anyone who is accustomed to using the
internet's Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
An example of this arrangement is REST-based interactions all communicate their status using standard
HTTP status codes. So, a 404 means a requested resource wasn't found; a 401 code means the request
wasn't authorized; a 200 code means everything is OK; and a 500 means there was an unrecoverable
application error on the server. Similarly, details such as encryption and data transport integrity are solved
not by adding new frameworks or technologies, but instead by relying on well-known Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL) encryption and Transport Layer Security (TLS). So, the entire REST architecture is built upon concepts
with which most developers are already familiar.

Disadvantages of REST-The benefit of REST using HTTP constructs also creates restrictions, however. Many
of the limitations of HTTP likewise turn into shortcomings of the REST architectural style. For example,
HTTP does not store state-based information between request-response cycles, which means REST-based
applications must be stateless and any state management tasks must be performed by the client.

HTTP Restful-In REST architecture, a REST Server simply provides access to resources and the REST client accesses
and presents the resources. Here each resource is identified by URIs/ Global IDs. REST uses various representations
to represent a resource like Text, JSON and XML. JSON is now the most popular format being used in Web Services.
HTTP Methods
The following HTTP methods are most commonly used in REST based architecture.
 GET − Provides a read only access to a resource.
 PUT − Used to create a new resource.
 DELETE − Used to remove a resource.
 POST − Used to update an existing resource or create a new resource.
 OPTIONS − Used to get the supported operations on a resource.

Restful Web Services-A web service is a collection of open protocols and standards used for exchanging
data between applications or systems. Software applications written in various programming languages
and running on various platforms can use web services to exchange data over computer networks like the
Internet in a manner similar to inter-process communication on a single computer. This interoperability
(e.g., between Java and Python, or Windows and Linux applications) is due to the use of open standards.
Web services based on REST Architecture are known as Restful Web Services. These web services use HTTP
methods to implement the concept of REST architecture. A Restful web service usually defines a URI
(Uniform Resource Identifier), which is a service that provides resource representation such as JSON and a
set of HTTP Methods.

WebSockets-WebSocket is a computer communications protocol, providing full-duplex communication

channels over a single TCP connection. The WebSocket protocol was standardized by the IETF as RFC 6455
in 2011, and the WebSocket API in Web IDL is being standardized by the W3C.
WebSocket is a different TCP protocol from HTTP. Both protocols are located at layer 7 in the OSI
model and, as such, depend on TCP at layer 4. Although they are different, RFC 6455 states that
WebSocket "is designed to work over HTTP ports 80 and 443 as well as to support HTTP proxies and
intermediaries" thus making it compatible with the HTTP protocol. To achieve compatibility, the
WebSocket handshake uses the HTTP Upgrade header to change from the HTTP protocol to the WebSocket
The WebSocket protocol enables interaction between a browser and a web server with lower overheads,
facilitating real-time data transfer from and to the server. This is made possible by providing a standardized
way for the server to send content to the browser without being solicited by the client, and allowing for
messages to be passed back and forth while keeping the connection open. In this way, a two-way (bi-
directional) ongoing conversation can take place between a browser and the server. The communications
are done over TCP port number 80 (or 443 in the case of TLS-encrypted connections), which is of benefit
for those environments which block non-web Internet connections using a firewall. Similar two-way
browser-server communications have been achieved in non-standardized ways using stopgap technologies
such as Comet.
The WebSocket protocol is currently supported in most major browsers including Google
Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Opera. WebSocket also requires web
applications on the server to support it.

Internet Connectivity-It defines various concepts mentioned below:

Internet Service Providers (ISP)-Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a company offering access to internet.
They offer various services:
 Internet Access
 Domain name registration
 Dial-up access
 Leased line access
ISP Types-ISPs can broadly be classified into six categories as shown in the following diagram:

Fig 3.1 ISP

Access Providers-They provide access to internet through telephone lines, cable Wi-Fi or fiber optics.

Mailbox Provider-Such providers offer mailbox hosting services.

Hosting ISPS-Hosting ISPs offers e-mail, and other web hosting services such as virtual machines, clouds
Virtual ISPS-Such ISPs offer internet access via other ISP services.
Free ISPS-Free ISPs do not charge for internet services.
Connection Types-There exists several ways to connect to the internet. Following are these connection
types available:
 Dial-up Connection
 Cable TV Internet connections
 Satellite Internet connections
 Wireless Internet Connections
Dial-up Connection-Dial-up connection uses telephone line to connect PC to the internet. It requires a
modem to setup dial-up connection. This modem works as an interface between PC and the telephone
line.There is also a communication program that instructs the modem to make a call to specific number
provided by an ISP.
Dial-up connection uses either of the following protocols:
 Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP)
 Point to Point Protocol (PPP)
The following diagram shows the accessing internet using modem:

Fig 3.2.1 Connections

ISDN-ISDN is acronym of Integrated Services Digital Network. It establishes the connection using the phone
lines which carry digital signals instead of analog signals.
There are two techniques to deliver ISDN services:
 Basic Rate Interface (BRI)
 Primary Rate Interface (PRI)
Key points:
 The BRI ISDN consists of three distinct channels on a single ISDN line: t1o 64kbps B (Bearer) channel and
one 16kbps D (Delta or Data) channels.
 The PRI ISDN consists of 23 B channels and one D channels with both have operating capacity of 64kbps
individually making a total transmission rate of 1.54Mbps.
The following diagram shows accessing internet using ISDN connection:

Fig 3.2.2 Connections

DSL-DSL is acronym of Digital Subscriber Line. It is a form of broadband connection as it provides

connection over ordinary telephone lines.
Following are the several versions of DSL technique available today:
 Asymmetric DSL (ADSL)
 Symmetric DSL (SDSL)
 High bit-rate DSL (HDSL)
 Rate adaptive DSL (RDSL)
 Very high bit-rate DSL (VDSL)
All of the above mentioned technologies differ in their upload and download speed, bit transfer rate and
level of service.
The following diagram shows that how we can connect to internet using DSL technology:

Fig 3.2.3 Connections

Cable TV Internet Connection

Cable TV Internet connection is provided through Cable TV lines. It uses coaxial cable which is capable of
transferring data at much higher speed than common telephone line.
Key Points:
 A cable modem is used to access this service, provided by the cable operator.
 The Cable modem comprises of two connections: one for internet service and other for Cable TV signals.
 Since Cable TV internet connections share a set amount of bandwidth with a group of customers,
therefore, data transfer rate also depends on number of customers using the internet at the same time.
The following diagram shows that how internet is accessed using Cable TV connection:
Fig 3.2.4 Connections

Satellite Internet Connection-Satellite Internet connection offers high speed connection to the internet.
There are two types of satellite internet connection: one way connection or two way connection.
In one way connection, we can only download data but if we want to upload, we need a dialup access
through ISP over telephone line.
In two way connection, we can download and upload the data by the satellite. It does not require any
dialup connection.
The following diagram shows how internet is accessed using satellite internet connection:

Fig 3.2.5 Connections

Wireless Internet Connection-Wireless Internet Connection makes use of radio frequency bands to
connect to the internet and offers a very high speed. The wireless internet connection can be obtained by
either Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.
Key Points:
 Wi-Fi wireless technology is based on IEEE 802.11 standards which allow the electronic device to connect
to the internet.
 Bluetooth wireless technology makes use of short-wavelength radio waves and helps to create personal
area network (PAN).

Internet based communication-In much of the world the Internet is becoming the primary medium for
communication in business. Internet communication tools save money in a variety of ways. Email, instant
messaging and social networking are all free. There are many different kinds of Internet communications
tool, such as email, VoIP, forums, online chat and social networking among others. Using the latest tools
and methods of communicating over the Internet is essential for bringing your business into the modern
age of communication and marketing.

VoIP and Internet Telephony-It is common for voice communications to be carried out over the Internet
using voice over Internet protocol software. VoIP allows you to call a telephone -- either a fixed or mobile
phone -- over the Internet. This is often considerably cheaper than calling from a telephone, particularly
with international calls. One of the most popular Internet telephony tools is Skype. With Skype and similar
Internet telephony tools, you can conduct free voice conversations between two computers. Skype can
also be used for videoconferencing, webcam calls, instant messaging and sending SMS messages.
 Email-The original Internet communication tool, email is still an essential tool every business should
have. In spite of this, with the rise of messaging through social networking sites and instant messages,
email is not quite as important as it used to be.
 Social Networking-Social networking is all about forming groups, sharing online content and exchanging
information. In addition to being a major part of social life in the modern world, social networking is an
invaluable tool for Internet marketing since it provides a user-friendly and highly accessible platform upon
which to exchange information on products and services. For example, if someone likes an article on your
business blog or website, he may decide to share it with his friends over Facebook or Twitter.
 Forums-Forums, like email, have also been around since the dawn of the Internet. Forums provide a
place to exchange messages and participate in conversations. The main differences from instant messaging
are that forums are generally public and the communications are not in real time. Forums and their regular
posters and readers form communities that can be valuable to your business. Many businesses and
individuals advertise their websites in signatures that are automatically attached to every post they make
in a forum.

IP addressing in IOT- We can connect Internet of Thing or device to the Internet. How we connect depends
ultimately on what we actually want to do with the device. Shown below is a typical home network. This would
normally consist of a router / firewall that connect to your ISP (Internet Service Provider). The connection to your ISP
could by via ADSL or Ethernet using a fiber service for example.

Fig 3.3 Home Networks

When the home router connects to the ISP it will be assigned an IP address which is what is used to
communicate with servers or other service on the Internet. This is a public IP address and is addressable by
the internet. In the diagram above the public IP address is
This is your public IP address you used to connect to the server to view this page.
(If there is more than one IP then you might be connecting using a proxy server or VPN service),Be aware
that this IP address will change every time that your home router is rebooted or reconnects to the ISP.
Some ISP's allow you to pay extra for a fixed IP address. However most will not for home internet services.
Usually your home router functions as a DHCP server which is used to automatically assign IP addresses to
any device that plugs into your home network. The home router would normally assign an IP address that
is from a private range of IP addresses. In the case of the diagram above it is using the private address
range of 192.168.1.X. The internet standards define a range of private IP addresses. Routers will not route
private IP addresses.
Normally a PC, iPad or laptop when connected to your network would use DHCP to automatically assign it a
dynamic address. The PC shown above is assigned but this could change the next time it
connects or plugs into your home network. DHCP would be assigned a range of IP addresses to dynamically
assign. For example we could use the range of to for dynamic assignment to
For our IoT device we can either use DHCP to assign an IP or we can use a fixed IP address. If our device is
just sending data to the cloud then we could use DHCP to assign the address. However if your are running a
web server on your device it is recommended that you use a static IP address. Here we used If we used DHCP then this address could change and we would not know what ip address to
enter into the url.
Generally a router will automatically assign itself to the first IP in the range. In this case it is
This would also be the Gateway IP.
Connect to a Web Server-When we enter a URL into our browser it will use a DNS server to convert the
name to an IP address. The DNS server would normally be provided by your ISP. In the example above we
are using for the URL. The DNS server would then return the IP address of The
browser will then try to connect to the server via the router. The router will connect to the remote server
using the public IP address assigned to your router. The server hosting will then send data back to
your router using your public ip address ( The router will then transmit this data back to
your PC using the private IP address of

Connect to an Internal IoT Device-We can connect to a web server running on our IoT device by entering
the IP address of into the browser url. The connection will be made in this case via the
switch built into the home router. The switch knows what port the IoT device is connected to and transmits
and receives data via this port. The router has no role in this network request as it's a private IP address
and the PC and IoT device are on the same network.

How to connect my device to the Internet

This all depends on the role of the device and we have the following options:
 Option 1) We access this device only on the home / business network
 Option 2) The device only connects to a local / remote server
 Option 3) We access this device from the Internet using a Static Public IP Address
 Option 4) We access this device from the Internet using a Dynamic Public IP Address
Option 1) Access this device only on the home / business network-In this scenario the IoT device is
configuring as a server. The easiest way is to assign a static IP address. This address is coded into the
Fig 3.4 Business Network

When a client connects to the IoT device it passes through the switch and out to the device it is connected
to. No routing is required here.
Option 2) Device connects to a local / remote server-For this scenario the IoT device initiates a connection
to a local or remote server. This could be using a http REST POST or configured as MQTT client. It could also
be a custom connection method as long as it initiates the connection to the remote service.
Because the device is creating the connection it allows us to use DHCP and a dynamically assigned IP
Fig 3.5 Client Server Connections

In the diagram above two of the devices send a HTTP REST Post to a server in the cloud. If the remote
server accepts the connection and data it will generally respond with a 200 OK. The client will then close
the connection until the next post is sent.

Option 3) Access the Device from the Internet with Static Public IP Address
The world is running out of IPV4 IP addresses. This means ISP's are pretty strict on giving out static IP
addresses. It's much easier for them to use a dynamic pool of IP addresses to assign to their clients.
Generally home internet services are not available with a static IP address. However you might be able to
pay extra for this functionality. Some business accounts are available with a static IP address. The most
common reason for wanting a static ip is for hosting a email server.
To connect from the home / office router to your IoT device we need to perform Network Address
Translation or Port Forwarding on this router. Through the router administration console we need to tell
the router to forward any data packets it receives on its WAN interface (Internet) using a specific port
number is forwarded onto the internal IP address we have assigned to the IoT device.
So when a browser sends a request using the public IP address it hits the router. The router
will check its NAT / Port forwarding table and find a match for port 80 or alternatively port 49155. It will
then forward the data packet to the internal IP address that was setup in the routers
Fig 3.6 Static IP Example

In this diagram above we could use or to connect to the IoT
server. In the first url we do not specify a port number so the browser will use the default port of 80. In the
second url we use the port 49155. By using a random private port number we improve the security for our
IoT server. If someone does a port scan they will always check port 80 as it's a default. They might not
bother scanning private port numbers
If you have multiple IoT devices you can setup port forwarding on the router to recognize different port

Option 4) Access the Device from the Internet with Dynamic Public IP Address-One of the most common
ways of dealing with a dynamic public (WAN) IP addresses is to use a Dynamic DNS Service provider. Some
of these services are free but most require a monthly payment. Most routers these days support third
party Dynamic DNS service providers. You configure the router with the provider, username and password.
When the router detects a WAN interface IP address change it updates the DDNS service provider with the
new IP details.
Fig 3.7 Public IP Address

When you sign up with one of these providers you provide a domain name you would like to use. In the
example below the name we used is cactusio. This is a sub domain for When we enter into the browser it will do a dnslookup on If its a valid
domain it will respond with the IP address which just happens to be the public (WAN) IP address of the
home / office router.
The office router will detect the data packet matches a record in the port forwarding table and pass the
data onto the IoT device using the static ip of The IoT device will respond with the
appropriate html to view in the internet client browser.

Media Access control-Media access control (MAC) is a sub layer of the data link layer (DLL) in the seven-
layer OSI network reference model. MAC is responsible for the transmission of data packets to and from
the network-interface card, and to and from another remotely shared channel.
The basic function of MAC is to provide an addressing mechanism and channel access so that each node
available on a network can communicate with other nodes available on the same or other networks.
Sometimes people refer to this as the MAC layer.
Unit -4
Topics to be covered
Sensor Technology, Participatory Sensing, Industrial IOT and Automotive IOT, Actuator, Sensor data
Communication Protocols, Radio Frequency Identification Technology, Wireless Sensor Network


Sensor Technology
A sensor is a device that detects and responds to some type of input from the physical environment. The
specific input could be light, heat, motion, moisture, pressure, or any one of a great number of other
environmental phenomena. The output is generally a signal that is converted to human-readable display at
the sensor location or transmitted electronically over a network for reading or further processing.
Here are a few examples of the many different types of sensors:
In a mercury-based glass thermometer, the input is temperature. The liquid contained expands and
contracts in response, causing the level to be higher or lower on the marked gauge, which is human-
An oxygen sensor in a car's emission control system detects the gasoline/oxygen ratio, usually through a
chemical reaction that generates a voltage. A computer in the engine reads the voltage and, if the mixture
is not optimal, readjusts the balance.
Motion sensors in various systems including home security lights, automatic doors and bathroom fixtures
typically send out some type of energy, such as microwaves, ultrasonic waves or light beams and detect
when the flow of energy is interrupted by something entering its path.
A photo sensor detects the presence of visible light, infrared transmission (IR), and/or ultraviolet (UV)

Participatory Sensing-Participatory sensing is the concept of communities (or other groups of people)
contributing sensory information to form a body of knowledge.
A growth in mobile devices, for example Smartphones, Tablet computers or Activity trackers, which have
multiple sensors, has made participatory sensing viable in the large-scale. Participatory sensing can be used
to retrieve information about the environment, weather, urban mobility, congestion as well as any other
sensory information that collectively forms knowledge. Such open communication systems could pose
challenges to the veracity of transmitted information. Individual sensors may require a trusted platform or
hierarchical trust structures. It also includes effective incentives for participation, security, reputation and

Industrial IOT -The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is the use of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in
manufacturing. Also known as the Industrial Internet, IIoT incorporates machine learning and data
technology, harnessing the sensor data, machine-to-machine (M2M) communication and automation
technologies that have existed in industrial settings for years. The driving philosophy behind the IIoT is
that smart machines are better than humans at accurately, consistently capturing and communicating
data. This data can enable companies to pick up on inefficiencies and problems sooner, saving time and
money and supporting business intelligence efforts. In manufacturing specifically, IIoT holds great potential
for quality control, sustainable and green practices, supply chain traceability and overall supply chain
efficiency. Industrial Internet makes a connected enterprise by merging the information and operational
department of the industry. Thus improving visibility, boosting operational efficiency, increases
productivity and reduces the complexity of process in the industry. Industrial IoT is a transformative
manufacturing strategy that helps to improve quality, safety, productivity in an industry.

Automotive IOT-With the number of networked sensors increasing across production, supply chains and
products, manufacturers are beginning to tap into a new generation of systems that enables real-time,
automatic interactions among machines, systems, assets and things. The pervasiveness of connected
devices is finding applicability across multiple segments of manufacturing and Supply chain throughout the
value chain.
 Ability to view the status of the Assets at anytime, Anywhere & Faster service response from dealer.
 By hooking equipment into the IoT, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) or dealers could use that
stream of data to adjust preventative maintenance schedules based on actual wear and be able to better
optimize uptime
 Understand, monitor, predict and control process variability
 Enhance equipment and process diagnostics capabilities
 IoT helps more hands-off way to track goods and the progress of work. RFID tags and readers can play a
role in this by allowing materials, locations, or tooling to essentially talk with each other.
 Faster Response time and less operations cost for machine configuration requests that could be services
 Ability to view the entire population of connected products together marketing data and product trends
& increased trouble shooting ability for Manufacturer’s tech support
 Real-time remote monitoring of performance
 Multi site monitoring improving the operational efficiency and reducing the site downtime
 Availability of real time data for the production environment and alerts generated to the local
administrators mobile phone reducing the clean room downtime
 Full manufacturing & SCM traceability
 Predictive Maintenance and quality

Actuator-An actuator is a component of a machine that is responsible for moving or controlling a

mechanism or system, for example by actuating (opening or closing) a valve; in simple terms, it is a mover.
An actuator requires a control signal and a source of energy. The control signal is relatively low energy and
may be electric voltage or current, pneumatic or hydraulic pressure, or even human power. The supplied
main energy source may be electric current, hydraulic fluid pressure, or pneumatic (gas pressure). When
the control signal is received, the actuator responds by converting the energy into mechanical motion.
An actuator is the mechanism by which a control system acts upon an environment. The control system
can be simple (a fixed mechanical or electronic system), software-based (e.g. a printer driver, robot control
system), a human, or any other input.

Communications Protocols
Sensor data Communication Protocols-Wireless sensors networks are networks of tiny, battery powered
sensor nodes with limited on –board processing storage and radio capabilities. Nodes sense and send their
reports towards a processing centre which is called “sink”. The design of protocols and applications for
such network has to be energy aware in order to prolong the lifetime of the network, because the
replacement of the embedded batteries is a very difficult process once these nodes have been deployed.
the regular nodes sense the field, generate the data, and send them to associated nodes. Then the after
performing some processes transmit them to the BS in a multi-hop approach. Eventually the user receives
the data from the BS through the Internet.
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are composed of a huge number of sensor nodes. There are many
applications for WSNs and depending on the application, different types of sensors are used, such as
sensors measuring moisture, temperature, pressure and movement. WSNs have themselves characteristics
that make them different from other types of networks. One for example is that the applicability of the
networks is related to energy supply of the nodes, so energy conservation is one of the most important
challenges in these networks. Different types of protocols for WSN are following:

Direct transmission protocols-Using a direct communication protocol, each sensor sends its data directly
to the base station. If the base station is far away from the nodes, direct communication will require a
large amount of transmit power from each node. This will quickly drain the battery of the nodes and
reduce the system lifetime. How- ever, the only receptions in this protocol occur at the base station, so if
either the base station is close to the nodes, or the energy required receiving data is large, this may be an
acceptable method of communication.
Minimum transfer energy protocols-In these protocols, nodes act as routers for other nodes’ data in
addition to sensing the environment. These protocols differ in the way the routes are chosen. Some of
these protocols only consider the energy of the transmitter and neglect the energy dissipation of the
receivers in determining the routes. Depending on the real time costs of the transmit amplifier and the
radio electronics, the total energy expended in the system might actually be greater using MTE routing
than direct transmission to the base station.
Clustering protocol -A final conventional protocol for wireless networks is clustering, where nodes are
organized into clusters that communicate with a local base station, and these local base stations transmit
the data to the global base station, where it is accessed by the end-user. This greatly reduces the distance
nodes need to transmit their data, as typically the local base station is close to all the nodes in the cluster.
Thus, clustering appears to be an energy-efficient communication protocol. However, the local base station
is assumed to be a high-energy node; if the base station is an energy-constrained node, it would die
quickly, as it is being heavily utilized. Thus, conventional clustering would perform poorly for our model of
micro sensor networks.
Genetic Algorithm- a genetic algorithm (GA) is used to create energy efficient clusters for data
dissemination in wireless sensor networks. A GA is used at the base station, which provides energy
efficient solutions to the optimizer. This provides the base station with the ability to determine the best
cluster formation that will give minimum energy consumption during run time. The base station analyses
the current network condition and applies the GA after every iteration. The optimizer at the base station
selects the best solution based on the acquired knowledge through the GA fitness function. The proposed
fitness function is based on parameters such as energy consumption, number of clusters, cluster size,
direct distance to sink, and cluster distance. Upon completion of iteration, the optimizer improves its
decisions by receiving feedback, which is then used to adjust the weights of the parameters of the fitness
function for the next iteration
Hierarchical Cluster-Based Routing (HCR) Protocol- In HCR nodes self organize into clusters and each
cluster is managed by a set of associates called head-set. Using round-robin technique, each associate acts
as a cluster head (CH).[3] The sensor nodes transmit data to their cluster heads, which transmit the
aggregated data to the base station. Moreover, the energy-efficient clusters are retained for a longer
period of time; the energy-efficient clusters are identified using heuristics-based approach.
Radio Frequency Identification Technology-Radio-frequency identification (RFID) uses electromagnetic
fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects. The tags contain electronically stored
information. Passive tags collect energy from a nearby RFID reader's interrogating radio waves. Active tags
have a local power source (such as a battery) and may operate hundreds of meters from the RFID reader.
Unlike a barcode, the tag need not be within the line of sight of the reader, so it may be embedded in the
tracked object. RFID is one method for Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC).
RFID tags are used in many industries, for example, an RFID tag attached to an automobile during
production can be used to track its progress through the assembly line; RFID-tagged pharmaceuticals can
be tracked through warehouses; and implanting RFID microchips in livestock and pets allows for positive
identification of animals.

Wireless Sensor Network Technology-Wireless sensor network (WSN) refers to a group of spatially
dispersed and dedicated sensors for monitoring and recording the physical conditions of the environment
and organizing the collected data at a central location. WSNs measure environmental conditions like
temperature, sound, pollution levels, humidity, wind, and so on.
These are similar to wireless ad hoc networks in the sense that they rely on wireless connectivity and
spontaneous formation of networks so that sensor data can be transported wirelessly. Sometimes they are
called dust networks, referring to minute sensors as small as dust. WSNs are spatially
distributed autonomous sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions, such
as temperature, sound, pressure, etc. and to cooperatively pass their data through the network to a main
locations. The more modern networks are bi-directional, also enabling control of sensor activity. The
development of wireless sensor networks was motivated by military applications such as battlefield
surveillance; today such networks are used in many industrial and consumer applications, such as industrial
process monitoring and control, machine health monitoring, and so on.

A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a wireless network consisting of spatially distributed autonomous
devices using sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions. A WSN system incorporates a
gateway that provides wireless connectivity back to the wired world and distributed nodes (see Figure 1).
The wireless protocol you select depends on your application requirements. Some of the available
standards include 2.4 GHz radios based on either IEEE 802.15.4 or IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) standards or
proprietary radios, which are usually 900 MHz.

Fig 4.1 WSN Components, Gateway, and Distributed Nodes

Potential Applications-Engineers have created WSN applications for areas including health care, utilities,
and remote monitoring. In health care, wireless devices make less invasive patient monitoring and health
care possible. For utilities such as the electricity grid, streetlights, and water municipals, wireless sensors
offer a lower-cost method for collecting system health data to reduce energy usage and better manage
resources. Remote monitoring covers a wide range of applications where wireless systems can
complement wired systems by reducing wiring costs and allowing new types of measurement applications.
Remote monitoring applications include:
 Environmental monitoring of air, water, and soil
 Structural monitoring for buildings and bridges
 Industrial machine monitoring
 Process monitoring
 Asset tracking

WSN System Architecture

Fig 4.2. WSN System Architecture Combines Wired and Wireless

Wireless technology offers several advantages for those who can build wired and wireless systems and
take advantage of the best technology for the application. To do this, you need flexible software
architecture like the NI Lab VIEW graphical system design platform. Lab VIEW offers the flexibility needed
to connect a wide range of wired and wireless devices.

WSN Network Topologies-WSN nodes are typically organized in one of three types of network topologies.
In a star topology, each node connects directly to a gateway. In a cluster tree network, each node connects
to a node higher in the tree and then to the gateway, and data is routed from the lowest node on the tree
to the gateway. Finally, to offer increased reliability, mesh networks feature nodes that can connect to
multiple nodes in the system and pass data through the most reliable path available. This mesh link is often
referred to as a router.

Fig 4.3. Common WSN Network Topologies

Components of a WSN Node-A WSN node contain several technical components. These include the radio,
battery, microcontroller, analog circuit, and sensor interface. When using WSN radio technology, you must
make important trade-offs. In battery-powered systems, higher radio data rates and more frequent radio
use consume more power. Often three years of battery life is a requirement, so many of the WSN systems
today are based on ZigBee due to its low-power consumption. Because battery life and power
management technology are constantly evolving and because of the available IEEE 802.11 bandwidth, Wi-
Fi is an interesting technology.
The second technology consideration for WSN systems is the battery. In addition to long life requirements,
you must consider the size and weight of batteries as well as international standards for shipping batteries
and battery availability. The low cost and wide availability of carbon zinc and alkaline batteries make them
a common choice. To extend battery life, a WSN node periodically wakes up and transmits data by
powering on the radio and then powering it back off to conserve energy. WSN radio technology must
efficiently transmit a signal and allow the system to go back to sleep with minimal power use. This means
the processor involved must also be able to wake power up, and return to sleep mode efficiently.
Microprocessor trends for WSNs include reducing power consumption while maintaining or increasing
processor speed. Much like your radio choice, the power consumption and processing speed trade-off is a
key concern when selecting a processor for WSNs. This makes the x86 architecture a difficult option for
battery-powered devices.
Fig 4.4 WSN Sensor Node Components
Unit -5
Topics to be covered
IOT Design methodology: Specification -Requirement, process, model, service, functional & operational
view.IOT Privacy and security solutions, Raspberry Pi & arduino devices. IOT Case studies: smart city
streetlights control & monitoring.

The IoT methodology:

IoT Strategy Execution-This perspective looks at IoT strategy from an enterprise perspective, including IoT
strategy definition, IoT opportunity identification, IoT business case and IoT programme management.
IoT Solution Delivery-This perspective looks at the individual IoT solution and the related project. Note
that it defines the interfaces to the related asset and its organization, but usually excludes design and
manufacturing of the asset itself.

Requirement and Process

Fig. 5.1 Requirement and Process

Fig .5.2 Service, Model and Functional View

IOT Privacy and security solutions-The IoT has to protect against attacks from the following categories:
authentication, access control, confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Authentication involves the
mutual verification of routing peers before they share route information and ensures shared data origin is
accurate. In the IoT, authentication has to be strong and highly automated. Access control is the
prevention of unauthorized node use, i.e. making sure nodes are not compromised. Confidentiality is the
protection of information, especially when shared over a publicly accessible medium such as air for
wireless. Integrity involves the protection of data and confirms no unauthorized modifications occur.

Fig .5.3 Privacy and security Architecture

A major difference between traditional Internet and the IoT is the amount of data being collected about
the user. Data is collected universally in the IoT and this data can be used to build an invasive profile of the
consumer. The organizations recognized three major privacy concerns: facilitation of the collection of large
amounts of consumer data, using that data in ways unexpected by the consumer, and security of data. This
ubiquitous data collection makes the Internet of Things a much more data driven economy. With massive
quantities of continuous data, new discoveries can be made, but little to no regulation can by harmful to
the consumers. Privacy issues are especially hard to discuss because, by nature, privacy is subjective. The
organizations aim to promote three best practices: privacy by design, simplified consumer choice,
transparency. Companies have to make an effort to build consumer protection in from the beginning.
With such an asymmetry of power between businesses and their consumers, the organizations are looking
for ways to protect users against abuse of their data. The IoT, a data-driven ecosystem, requires a trust
between the business and consumer that exists even now. A user shares data with a business and in return
receives a service. The organizations is seeking to push businesses and companies towards built-in security
and designing security into new devices. For the IoT, the data is usually passively and ubiquitously
collected. As a result, the organizations believes businesses will have to earn user trust and at a data level,
which means involving the user. A similar problem exists in the energy industry. A Green Button was
created in order to standardize energy usage information, allow the consumers to download the
information, and enlighten the users how their data is being used. Empowering and educating the
consumer would help facilitate the integration of the IoT into our everyday lives.

Raspberry Pi-The Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit-card sized computer that plugs into a computer
monitor or TV, and uses a standard keyboard and mouse. It is a capable little device that enables people of
all ages to explore computing, and to learn how to program in languages like Scratch and Python. It’s
capable of doing everything you’d expect a desktop computer to do, from browsing the internet and
playing high-definition video, to making spreadsheets, word-processing, and playing games.
What’s more, the Raspberry Pi has the ability to interact with the outside world, and has been used in a
wide array of digital maker projects, from music machines and parent detectors to weather stations and
tweeting birdhouses with infra-red cameras. We want to see the Raspberry Pi being used by kids all over
the world to learn to program and understand how computers work.
Arduino devices
Arduino is an open source computer hardware and software company, project, and user community that
designs and manufactures single-board microcontrollers and microcontroller kits for building digital
devices and interactive objects that can sense and control objects in the physical world. The project's
products are distributed as open-source hardware and software, which are licensed under the GNU Lesser
General Public License (LGPL) or the GNU General Public License (GPL), permitting the manufacture of
Arduino boards and software distribution by anyone. Arduino boards are available commercially in
preassembled form, or as do-it-yourself (DIY) kits.
Arduino board designs use a variety of microprocessors and controllers. The boards are equipped with sets
of digital and analog input/output (I/O) pins that may be interfaced to various expansion boards (shields)
and other circuits. The boards feature serial communications interfaces, including Universal Serial
Bus (USB) on some models, which are also used for loading programs from personal computers. The
microcontrollers are typically programmed using a dialect of features from the programming
languages C and C++. In addition to using traditional compiler tool chains, the Arduino project provides
an integrated development environment (IDE) based on the Processing language project.

IOT Case studies: smart city streetlights control & monitoring.

Introduction-Automate street lights are necessary while we are trying to survive in the era of smart world.
As automation provides perfection and efficiency. In this paper we are focusing on automated street
lighting, as current system is facing many problems. Here we are considering the problems which are done
manually. A user has to deal with numerous problems like maintenance problem, timer problem,
connectivity problem, display problem. The solution to this problems is IoT Based Street Lights, which
allows This template, modified in MS Word 2007 and saved as a “Word 97-2003 Document” for the PC,
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concurrent or later production of electronic products, and (3) conformity of style throughout conference
proceedings. Margins, column widths, line spacing, and type styles are built-in; examples of the type styles
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incorporating the applicable criteria that follow.
Street lights are one of the main city’s assets which provide safe roads, inviting public areas, and enhanced
security in homes, businesses, and city centers. As they use in average 40% of a city’s electricity spending
which leads to power consumption. Following are the issues of existing electric system. Connectivity issue-
In existing system, connections of street light are done manually. As each connection requires different
contractors and if any one of them is not available then it will leads to functionality problem of street
lights. Timer Problem-Contractors needs to manage timer settings manually. As timer requires twelve hour
of continuous electricity supply, and if in case it is not available, it will delay further timer settings.
Maintenance problem-If any of the streets light gets failed or any problem occurs, it’s not resolved
immediately. Incorrect Readings-Sometimes exact readings are not shown on to the display. So we cannot
conclude how much energy is being consumed which give rise in high billing. Streetlights are among a city’s
strategic assets providing safe roads, inviting public areas, and enhanced security in homes, businesses,
and city centers. However they are usually very costly to operate, and they use in average 40% of a city’s
electricity spending. As the cost of electricity continues to rise and as wasting energy is a growing concern
for public and authorities, it’s becoming crucial that municipalities, highway companies and other
streetlight owners deploy control systems to dim the lights at the right light level at the right time, to
automatically identify lamp and electrical failures and enable real time control. Street Light Monitoring &
control is an automated system designed to increase the efficiency and accuracy of an industry by
automatically timed controlled switching of street lights. This project describes a new economical solution
of street light control systems. The control system consists of wireless technology. Base server can control
the whole city’s street lights by just sending a notification using network. The main motive behind
implementing this project to save energy.

Literature Survey and Current Issues

Energy efficiency using SSL-SSL is nothing but the smart street light system. The SSL system, a framework
for fast, reliable, and power efficient street lamp switching based on pedestrians’ location and personal
desires of safety . In the developed prototype user location, detection as well as safety zone definition and
announcement of other configuration information is accomplished using standard Smartphone capabilities.
An application on the phone is periodically sending location and other information to the SSL server. For
street lamp control, each and every lamppost is extended with a ZigBee-based radio device, receiving
control information from the SSL server via multi-hop routing.

Embedded Platform for IoT applications-For embedded platforms, CoAP (Constraint Application protocol)
is used for IOT applications. The main idea of this protocol is to provide a lightweight protocol for resource-
oriented applications run on constrained networks. For reducing the burdens of manufacturers, we have
designed our software framework for embedded system nodes to allow IoT service development with
minimal efforts. As this framework supports application-layer API, which does not affect the existing codes
and hides network-layer functions, product manufacturers only need to append a simple CoAP service
definition, network driver, and physical network adapter to start IoT services on nodes.

Electrical power saving using VANET-The huge amount of electrical power of many countries is consumed
in lighting the streets. However, vehicles pass with very low rate in specific periods of time and parts of the
streets are not occupied by vehicles over time. an efficient autonomous street lighting control and
monitoring system based on the innovative technology named as Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANET) is
proposed. The system can be integrated with VANET to reduce the cost and use the rich services and
communication features of VANET. Huge energy can be saved without affecting the visibility and the safety
of the drivers. It can extend the lifetime of the lamps. It can automatically monitor the street lighting
equipment’s and warn the maintenance traffic authority upon failure detection in any place of the streets.

Fully controlled street lights using Raspberry-pi and Zigbee-The Raspberry-Pi has been chosen for its low
costs and for the possibility to drive also a WiMAX modem/router which allows to make the data system
visible by a web site accessible by Internet also for areas very far from the city and not reached neither by
the ADSL line nor by 3G signals. Intelligent lighting of the lamp, the storage of the functioning data, and
their sharing by a local communication wireless mesh realized by ZigBee devices that send information to
the coordinator lamp equipped with a RaspberryPi card.

System-Raspberry-Pi is used to provide interface between user and system. It is connected to wireless
network and relay circuit which will pass the operational admin’s message to the system. Then relay circuit
operate the commands like ON Lights, OFF Lights, Alter ON, Alter OFF onto the connected array of street
light. Our system includes two admins: System admin and Operational admin. System admin handles log
messages and operational admin. System admin can add, delete and view operational admin. Once the
operational admin added to the system by the system admin then operational admin can log in to the
system.For example, operational admin choose the city and area from database to ON or OFF the street
lights. And if any fault occurs in the functioning of street lights then relay circuit will send the faulty street
light’s IP address to the operational admin then operation admin will resolve the problem.
Fig 5.4: System architecture of system


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