Department of Civil Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Lecture Notes
(BINOD.J:, 9645222964)
[You are free to contact me through mobile for clarification of doubts]
Since the problem is having symmetry about both x and y axes, only one quarter of the
tension strip may be considered. About the symmetric axes, transverse displacements of all
nodes are to be made zero.
The various steps involved in the finite element analysis of this problem are discussed
Step 1: Four noded isoparametric element is selected for the analysis.
Step 3: The displacement of any point inside the element is approximated by suitable
functions in terms of the nodal displacements of the element. For a typical element
displacements at P are
u = ΣNiui = N1u1 + N2u2 + N3u3 + N4u4
and v = ΣNivi = N1v1 + N2v2 + N3v3 + N4v4
The approximating functions Ni are called shape functions or interpolation
functions. Usually they are derived using polynomials.
Step 4: Now the stiffness characters and consistent loads are to be found for each
element. There are four nodes and at each node degree of freedom is 2. Hence degree
of freedom in each element is 4 × 2 = 8. The relationship between the nodal
Step 7: The above 96 simultaneous equations are solved using the standard numerical
procedures like Gauss elimination or Choleski’s decomposition techniques to get the
96 nodal displacements.
Step 8: Now the interest of the analyst is to study the stresses at various points. In
solid mechanics the relationship between the displacements and stresses are well
established. The stresses at various points of interest may be found by using shape
functions and the nodal displacements and then stresses are calculated. The stress
concentrations may be studies by comparing the values obtained at various points in
the fillet zone with the values at uniform zone, far away from the fillet.
4. Different types of elements
Based on the shapes elements can be classified as
Lecture notes on FEM, Binod J, Lr., MMCET, Paliyodu 5
1. One dimensional elements
2. Two dimensional elements
3. Axi-symmetric elements and
4. Three dimensional elements.
One Dimensional Elements:
These elements are suitable for the analysis of one dimensional problem and may be
called as line elements also. Figure shows some of typical one dimensional element.
Six noded and ten noded triangular elements are also used by the analysts. Six noded
triangular element is known as Linear Strain Triangle (LST) or as Quadratic
Displacement Triangle.
Rectangular elements of higher order also can be used. Figure shows a family of
Lagrange rectangle in which nodes are in the form of grid points.
Quadrilateral Elements are also used in finite element analysis. Initially quadrilateral
elements were developed by combining triangular elements. But it has taken back
stage after isoparametric concept was developed. Isoparametric concept is based on
using same functions for defining geometries and nodal unknowns.
Axi-symmetric elements
These are also known as ring type elements. These elements are useful for the
analysis of axi-symmetric problems such as analysis of cylindrical storage tanks,
shafts, rocket nozzles. Axi-symmetric elements can be constructed from one or two
In the figure the natural coordinates L1 and L2 are worked out as L1 = l1/l and L2 = l2/l
l. What are the elements usually used for finite element analysis of 3D stress problem
Refer 3D elements above
m. What is the difference between hermite polynomial and hermitian polynomial necessary
for a beam element.
There are two types of interpolation functions. In the Lagrange interpolation the assumed
function takes on the same values as the given function at specified points. In the
Hermitian type of function the slopes of the function also takes the same value as the
given function at specified points. Obviously since beam is involved with slope deflection
type of deformations we need Hermitian interpolation for beam element and Lagrange
polynomial can not handle slope.
n. What are the different elements used in 2d problems
Refer 2D elements above
o. Static indeterminacy
If the unknown reactions in a structure can not be found out by the equations of static
equilibrium alone, then the structure is said to be statically indeterminate. The degree of
static indeterminacy is defined as the number of unknowns more and above the number of
equilibrium conditions available. (Give an example)
p. Compare FEM with classical methods.