09 Chapter 4
09 Chapter 4
09 Chapter 4
H.V. Nagaraja Rao was born on 10th September 1942 at Somenahalli, a village in
Kolar District of Karnataka. Staryalakshamma and Vehkatanarayanappa are his
After the primary education in the village, he had his High School studies at
Gudibande, the Taluka Headquarters. Being encouraged by his Sanskrit teacher
N. V. Anantaramaiah, he moved to Mysore to persue Sanskrit studies and joined
the Maharaja’s Sanskrit College in 1958. He studied Vyakaranasastra and
Alankarasastra. He has also passed the Vidvad Uttama examination with
distinction securing the first rank in both subjects. He went to the United States in
1971 and got the M.A. degree in Asian Languages from the University of
Washington, Seattle, U.S.A. He also passed the M.A. (Sanskrit) examination of
the University of Mysore, securing four gold medals.
As a student, he participated in the All India Sanskrit Education
competitions held at Varanasi (1964) and Delhi (1966) obtaining gold medals in
Sahitya, Antyaksari and Samasyapurti.
H. V. Nagaraja Rao is a versatile and talented author. He has written on rare and
neglected themes and has contributed to new genres. He joined the Oriental
Research Institute, Mysore as a Research Assistant and edited Sanskrit works. He
worked as the Deputy Editor of the Ancient Indian Literature project of the
Sahitya Akademi. In 1995, 1996 and 2001, he was invited by the University of
Chicago to teach Sanskrit as a Visiting Professor. In 2003-04, he was invited by
the Hebrew University of Jerusalem to be a Fellow at the Institute for Advanced
1 Op. tit, p. 70
stories of Premchand, one of the greatest short story writers of our age, under the
title Vipancika. He has also rendered several works from Sanskrit into Kannada,
such as Varadarajastavah of Appaya Dlksita, Rdmayanasdrasamgraha and
Raghuvirastutih of Nllakantha Dlksita, Bhavanalahari of Gaurisankara SvamI,
and Sivapadddikesantastotram of Sankaracarya.3
3 Ibid
4 Op. cit, pp 70-71
3. Varadaraja-Stavah
4. Anyapadesasatakam (Anyopadesasatakam)
5. Asmakam Grhasya Dipah
6. Subhasitakaustubha
7. Rupaka CatustayT (Four Sanskrit Dramas)
8. Haribhattana Subhasita (Kannada translation)
9. Dasdvatdrastotra (Translation - Sanskrit & Kannada)
10 .Vipahcikd
11 .Sukti-Dvisati (with Kannada Translation) and many more
12 .Kathdlaharl
13 .Rnavimuktih
14. Vicaralahari
Here, we can see the modern and readable style, even the beginners can
understand easily.
3TFT35 | WTW ^frT I ^ <RcfT 3# rFf 3FWEf 15
Even in the following quotation of RldHvifKl also, we can see the language
®f^RcFp<it ?fRRT^ I 6
In our History and Puranas, many Arunis, Naciketas, Dhruvas etc. showed
there incredible strength. Astavakra is also one of them. He defeated his father on
the strength of knowledge. He was very intelligent. In the Vanaparva of
Mahabhdrata there is the story of Astavakra.
l^crr cT5T ^@cbc<H ^crcfHFT 3niHt fccn SHFTT?! KTTccIT Mukllellcl: «#: STPIcMH I7
Thus, Dr. Nagaraja Rao has made valuable contribution to the field of
Modem Sanskrit Literature. He is a distinguished scholar, writer and poet.