Hrading Lecture
Hrading Lecture
Hrading Lecture
British Tunnelling Society
Harding Lecture 15th April 2010
by Alastair Biggart
By Robert Ibell,
British Tunnelling Society Chairman.
The paper that follows is the 2010 Sir Harold Harding Memorial Lecture. This lecture is
the latest in the series of lectures given by eminent speakers on tunnelling and related
subjects at the British Tunnelling Society.
The history of this event commences some 40 years ago; in the April 1971 edition of
‘Tunnels and Tunnelling’, it notes that the British Tunnelling Society (BTS) has been
formed with Harold Harding as its provisional Chairman. At the first BTS AGM in
September 1971, a draft constitution was formally adopted, and its first committee of 9
members was elected. That committee included other eminent tunnellers who have
delivered Harding Lectures and also James Clarke, whose memory is honoured by the
BTS by the award of the James Clarke medal to those who have made a major
contribution to tunnelling.
The BTS and the British tunnelling industry has changed over the years, but it is a
much changed world we live and work in. It is good to note that there is ongoing
consideration of the nature of the BTS role and objectives because there is a
tremendous resurgence of interest in tunnelling. This is mainly because of the need for
improved transport links across adverse terrain and across (beneath) densely
populated cities not only in the UK but across the world. The demand for the transfer of
clean water remains along with foul water disposal. We also have the storm relief
sewers whose role becomes so important as we experience more extremes of drought
and rainfall.
This forecast need for tunnelling skills has given impetus to the BTS to take forward
initiatives related to education and training of young and older engineers who would
be tunnellers. We are promoting an MSc course at Warwick University and supporting
National Vocational Qualifications and Underground Safety Passports with TunnelSkills.
We have a Young Members section that started full of enthusiasm and are in the
process of converting enthusiasm into achievements. They will succeed; I have no
doubt, because all these initiatives are being led by industry rather than government or
educationists and the pendulum is swinging towards greater need for, and recognition
of, technical skills. So much of what needs to be achieved in terms of sustainable
infrastructure requires advancements in technology to achieve it.
The BTS has a very important role to play in the future if standards of tunnel
engineering, tunnel construction and tunnel safety are to be maintained. Tunnelling is,
and always has been, about understanding the forces of nature and combining the
theoretical, the technical and the practical. The BTS seeks to bring these together at all
times, keeping a balance between our academics, our consulting engineers, and our
This Harding Lecture is given by Alastair Biggart, whom I was fortunate enough to
work with on the Channel Tunnel and who taught me personally a lot about tunnelling.
The lecture not only brings us up to date with the latest developments but also brings
out some good lessons learnt which have particular relevance for anyone
contemplating tunnelling in an urban environment.
Dr Alastair Biggart
Alastair took his degree in Civil Engineering at Loughborough University back in the early
1950s. After university he flew as a pilot in the Royal Air Force during his National Service.
After leaving the RAF he worked for three different contractors for 4 years and gained
practical experience on tunnelling projects, a dry dock and roadworks. This was followed
by 6 years with tunnelling contractor Mitchell Brothers, followed by 12 years with Edmund
Nuttall. He served as a director with both these companies and was mainly involved with
tunnelling works. It was whilst he was with Nuttalls that he was put in charge of the New
Cross experiment to develop the Bentonite Tunnelling Machine, patented by John Bartlett
of Mott Hay and Anderson. This started a 38 year involvement with closed face tunnelling
machines. During the last 2 years with Nuttalls he served as Managing Director of a Nuttall
subsidiary, Robert L Priestley, who designed and manufactured TBMs, including the 1973
Channel Tunnel TBM.
In 1982 he joined Lilley Construction and worked on the Cairo Wastewater Project as
Technical Director. Three Slurry Tunnelling Machines (STMs) were used in water bearing
sands and gravels. This was followed by 5 years on the Channel Tunnel, where he first
worked as Assistant Construction Director for the contractor, Trans Manche Link, looking
after the tunnelling on the UK side and then as Operations Director in charge of strategic
planning, the various interfaces between construction and fixed equipment and also the
interface with France.
In 1992 Alastair changed from being a contractor to being a consultant and joined Mott
MacDonald on the Storebaelt Eastern Tunnel Project. He became Project Director for the
Owner on this very difficult sub aqueous project which used 4 Earth Pressure Balance
Machines (EPBMs). This was followed by 4 years as Project Manager on the North
Hollywood Extension of the Los Angeles Metro, where rock tunnelling TBMs were used.
Since retiring from full time work in 2001he has acted as a consultant on twelve
tunnelling projects. These include, Malmo Citytunnel in Sweden, the Copenhagen Metro,
Buenos Aires Water Tunnel, 4 Australian projects, the Channel Tunnel Rail Link,
Hallandsaas Railway Tunnel in Sweden, the Silicon Valley Rapid Transit Project in San Jose,
California and the Dublin Metro North project. On all of these projects closed face TBMs
were used or are proposed for use.
Alastair chaired the British Tunnelling Society Committee which produced “Closed Face
Tunnelling Machines and Ground Stability” in 2005. He has also written a number of papers
on tunnelling.
He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the Institution of Civil
Engineers and a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. He was twice
awarded the ICE Telford Medal (1974 and 1997), the ICE Gold Medal (1995), the ICE
Overseas Medal (2000) and the BTS James Clark Memorial Medal (1991). He was awarded
an honorary Doctor of Technology of Loughborough University in 1995.
1/ " plate
Screw worked
with ratchet brace
21/2" diameter
60 H.P. Shove Ram 81/2" Bore, Shove Ram 7" Bore, Sides of arms
Motor Stroke 2' 8" Stroke 2' 4" shaped to
Adjustable form scoops
Cutter Cutting
Arm Head
Spoil Digging Bearing
Conveyor Teeth Rollers
Gear Ring
Swiveling Annular
Ram Shoe Pick-up
50 H.P. Thrust
Motor Bearing
Compressed Air
Balancing Reservoir Tail-Skin Tail-Seal Grouted Void
Air/Bentonite Compressed Primary Personnel Adjustable
Separation Baffle Air Lock Segmental Lining Access Door Vanes
Lining 5.52m I.D.
6.12m Ext. Dia.
Figure 12: Typical Earth Pressure Balance TBM Figure 13: Anacostia EPBM-1985
% 50
0.002 0.05 2 10
the capability of controlling volume loss to less than 1%. I Specifying and Designing Closed
would suggest that 0.5% is now a figure that engineers Face TBMs
and contractors should be aiming at today. There is quite
a lot of case history, as shown on Figure 35, to support There are some important details that must be considered
this figure. The Channel Tunnel Rail Link is a good when specifying or designing closed face tunnel boring
example. It achieved an overall average of approximately machines. It is vital that all the necessary facilities are
0.6% volume loss. On the St Clair River Tunnel in Canada, fitted to a TBM before it leaves the factory. It must leave
using a 9.5m EPBM it was less than 1%. Interestingly the factory as it were “all singing and all dancing” and
enough on the Warrington Sewer project, which was ready for any eventuality below ground. It’s too late if you
carried out in the mid 1970’s, and used a prototype STM, are trying to modify the machine below ground- it will
Nuttalls managed to keep the volume loss down to cause delay and very large expense:
1.37%. On the Heathrow tunnel where they used
compressed air in the face of an EPBM instead of a full ■ The Permanent Lining. The technology has had to keep
face of conditioned spoil, which is a departure from pace with the development of these sophisticated
normal, they kept volume loss to 0.5%. machines. On the Victoria Line on the London Tube in the
Other factors to consider, that would not normally lead 1960s the transition happened almost overnight between
to distinguishing between STMs and EPBMs, are the the use of cast iron and the use of concrete, which is
presence of boulders and the ability to measure virtually uniform nowadays, except for special
excavated quantities accurately. But the overriding need is requirements such as the junctions between running
to select a TBM that can control ground movement and tunnels and cross passages. Figure 17 shows the 9.5m
volume loss. internal diameter trial rings on the Hallandsaas Project.
To conclude on the subject of choosing the type of Each of these rings is 2.25m long and uses tapered
closed face TBM, it should be said that the choice is dowels on the circle joints. This has enabled the building
sometimes extremely difficult. of an extremely accurate ring below ground.
Control of Settlement
There are a number of key factors when using a closed
face TBM which are important in terms of controlling
description of some major projects. This has been quite problem was wear to the cutter tools and cutterhead and
remarkable. The first really large ones were for Trans the difficulty of entering the excavation chamber under
Tokyo Bay Highway Tunnel, at 14.14m, where there were 8 very high pressures of compressed air. It was on that
STMs. Then on the 4th Elbe tunnel at 14.2m. It was on the project I first became a consultant and also a gentleman
3rd Elbe tunnel in the mid 1970’s that the modern type of after 35 years as a contractor - with apologies to all
EPDM gaskets for pre-cast linings were originally contractors!
developed. This revolutionised the water tightness of
tunnels. Before that, all tunnellers would say that you can’t
make a tunnel perfectly watertight. Nowadays we aim to
make tunnels totally watertight. Then the Groene Hart
tunnel in Holland used a 14.87m diameter TBM which was
quite a breakthrough for the Dutch. Then further down is
shown the current world record in Chong Ming in China.
A mixshield at 15.42m diameter. So it can be seen that the
growth in size of closed face TBMs has been considerable
over the last 16 years. There are also TBMs of over 16m
and 19m now on the drawing board. Soft ground
machines would never have reached this size without the
development of closed face TBMs.
■ The growth in maximum working pressure has also been
considerable. On the French side of the Channel Tunnel it
was up to 10 bar. On the 4th Elbe tunnel it was 4.5 bar, on
Storebaelt it was 7.5 bar and on the Hallandsaas project,
the machine has been designed for 13 bar. Currently on
Lake Mead in the USA they are proposing to use a Figure 21: Storebaelt EPBM – 8.75m
machine beneath the lake at 13 bar.
■ The Trans Tokyo Bay Highway tunnels constructed in
the early 1990s used the first of the really large STMs at
Major Projects using Closed face TBMs 14.14m diameter. This was a very exciting project at the
time and was given a great deal of international attention.
The following projects are a selection of projects carried Eight STMs were supplied for the project by Kawasaki,
out during the last quarter of a century. Some of these Mitsubishi, Hitachi and IHI. Figure 22 shows one of these
projects could not have been carried out before the large TBMs.
introduction of closed face TBM technology.
The machines had extreme difficulty in excavating tunnels under the river Thames and below the suburbs of
because the spoil was jamming within the cutterhead. East London during the period from 2002 to 2004. When
Some modifications were made, in particular burning off comparing the Kawasaki EPBM, the Wirth EPBM, the
the grizzly bars. Lovat EPBM and the Herrenknecht STM it can be seen
that the Kawasaki TBM cutterhead has a large open area
of 40%, whereas the Wirth machine was below 30%,
which did cause a few problems in the dense dewatered
sands at the start. This resulted in the need for
modifications. Overall the tunnelling on this project was a
major success.
in the need to repair cutters and to enter the excavation succintly what an extraordinarily large tunnel it is.
chamber. The use of cutters before and after the change ■ The Sheppard line in Toronto was constructed during
has improved from 200 m3/cutter to 325m3/cutter. the period 1996 to 1999 using two 5.9m diameter Lovat
■ In San Diego, California, an outfall tunnel was EPBMs. They were supplied by the metro authority using
constructed using a 3.98m diameter Mitsubishi EPBM. the OPP. Currently the metro authority is designing a new
Because of the high sub sea hydrostatic pressure of 7 bar line, the Spadina line, which may also use the OPP.
they used a 47m long screw conveyor, which may be a ■ Crossrail in London is just starting and it will be
world record. They also used 2,000 tonnes of thrust, which interesting to see what type of machines are going to be
is comparatively large for a 3.98m diameter machine. used for that project.
■ The Smart tunnel in Kuala Lumpur was constructed ■ In Seattle, Washington State USA, they are replacing the
using two 13.21m diameter Herrenknecht Mixshield. The Alaskan Way Viaduct with a tunnel under the city. It is
concept for this tunnel is very interesting. There are two currently proposed to use a 16.2m diameter closed face
road decks at the top and a water flood control area TBM. So who knows where these size increases are going
below the bottom deck. If there are high floods the whole to stop.
tunnel can be closed to traffic and flooded.
■ The Groene Hart tunnel in Holland was constructed in the
early 2000s using a 14.87m diameter NFM STM, see Figure Conclusion
25. The Dutch are great maritime engineers, so for some of
their early metro works they used maritime solutions, such I strongly recommend that if a closed face machine is
as a line of compressed air caissons through Amsterdam. being used, it should be used in closed mode at all times,
They turned to tunnelling methods fairly recently. But have unless it has been designed as a mixshield. Use an
now taken it up seriously. They have also constructed the accurate means of measuring the excavated volume, as a
Westerschelde tunnel using Mixshields, which was again a means of controlling settlement. Make the TBM all
very difficult tunnel to construct. singing, all dancing within the factory and do not be left
■ The Rio Subterraneo water tunnel was constructed in trying to modify it below ground. Always use tail skin
Buenos Aires, Argentina during the period 1997 to 2000, grouting and make sure that grouting is taking place
using two 4.37m diameter Herrenknecht EPBMs. These whenever the TBM is moving forward. Make sure that
machines were supplied by the owner using the OPP. The settlement monitoring is in real-time and is not catching
machines had difficulty steering when the contractor used up when it is too late. Always carry out a thorough ground
open mode at the start of driving. It was concluded that investigation, it saves everyone money, especially the
this was due to the lack of the backward force of the earth owner. Make the correct choice of tunnel boring machine
pressure acting at the machine centre creating a turning type at the start. Use an adequate open area of cutter
moment in combination with the shove rams. Once the head. Double check the design of the main bearing seals,
contractor turned to the use of closed mode the machines as these are extremely difficult or impossible to change
operated extremely well and broke some weekly records. below ground. And finally always be prepared for boulders
■ The Chong Ming Highway tunnels in China are currently of the unexpected kind.
the largest use of closed face TBMs. The tunnels were The safety of the work force is considerably improved,
constructed in the period 2005 to 2008 using two tunnels can be constructed where none could be
Herrenknecht Mixshields. In Figure 26 can be seen a constructed before and settlement control has improved
picture of the Chong Ming lining which illustrates very beyond recognition. Finally closed face machines give
considerable assistance with the achievement of the five
important criteria necessary for any form of construction
namely: cost, schedule, quality, safety and the protection
of the environment.
We have come a very long way in the 185 years since
the Brunels started the Thames tunnel in 1825 and in the
46 years since John Bartlett brought out his patent for the
Bentonite Tunnelling Machine in 1964. None of us involved
at the start in the 1960s and 1970s envisaged that these
TBMs could be used for the size and complexity of
projects that I have described in this paper.
The future of this particular tunnelling art is in your
hands. Make sure that it is done safely, to a high quality
and with absolutely minimum effect on the ground. If you
are currently about 25 years old who knows what you
might be building in another 50 years. Just to speculate on
this I find it really quite exciting. I hope that you all agree.
So ladies and gentlemen, the future is yours. So I would
say keep your eyes on the horizon and this art will
continue to evolve over time.
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