ST4000+ Wheel and Tiller OwnerHandbook
ST4000+ Wheel and Tiller OwnerHandbook
ST4000+ Wheel and Tiller OwnerHandbook
Wheel & Tiller
Document number: 81131-8
Date: November 2004 Page ii Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Preface iii
Important Information ...................................................... vii
Warranty ....................................................................................vii
Safety notices ............................................................................vii
EMC conformance ...................................................................viii
Handbook information .............................................................viii
Chapter 1: Introduction ............................................................1
1.1 Features ..................................................................................... 1
1.2 Extended systems ...................................................................... 2
Chapter 2: Basic Operation .......................................................3
2.1 Using the control unit ................................................................ 3
Key functions ............................................................................ 3
Display layout ........................................................................... 4
2.2 Using Auto mode ...................................................................... 5
Engaging the autopilot (Auto mode) ......................................... 5
Disengaging the autopilot (Standby mode) .............................. 6
Changing course in Auto mode ................................................. 7
Dodging obstacles in Auto mode .............................................. 7
Automatic tack (AutoTack) ...................................................... 8
Making major course changes .................................................. 8
Gusting conditions .................................................................... 9
2.3 Adjusting autopilot performance .............................................. 9
Changing the response level (AutoSeastate) ............................ 9
Changing the rudder gain ........................................................ 10
2.4 Autopilot alarms ..................................................................... 11
Responding to alarms .............................................................. 11
2.5 Adjusting display and keypad lighting ................................... 14
Chapter 3: Advanced Operation ............................................15
3.1 Using Track mode ................................................................... 15
Selecting Track mode ............................................................. 15
Exiting Track mode ................................................................. 17
Cross track error ...................................................................... 17
Tidal stream compensation ..................................................... 18
Waypoint arrival and advance ................................................. 19
Dodges in Track mode ............................................................ 20
Safety in Track mode .............................................................. 21
3.2 Using Wind Vane mode .......................................................... 22
Selecting Wind Vane mode ..................................................... 22
Exiting Wind Vane mode ........................................................ 23 Page iv Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Preface v
Preface vii
Important Information
This handbook contains important information about installing,
using and maintaining your new Raymarine product. To get the best
from the product, please read this handbook thoroughly.
To register your new Raymarine product, please take a few minutes to
fill out the warranty card. It is important that you complete the owner
information and return the card to us to receive full warranty benefits.
Safety notices
WARNING: Product installation
This equipment must be installed and operated in accordance
with the instructions contained in this handbook. Failure to do so
could result in poor product performance, personal injury
and/or damage to your boat.
WARNING: Electrical safety
Make sure the power supply is switched off before you make any
electrical connections.
WARNING: Calibration
We supply this product calibrated to default settings that should
provide stable performance for most boats. To ensure optimum
performance on your boat, you must complete Chapter 6:
Setting-up the ST4000+ before use.
WARNING: Navigation aid
Although we have designed this product to be accurate and
reliable, many factors can affect its performance. As a result, it
should only be used as an aid to navigation and should never
replace common sense and navigational judgement. Always
maintain a permanent watch so you can respond to situations as
they develop. Page viii Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
EMC conformance
All Raymarine equipment and accessories are designed to the best
industry standards for use in the recreational marine environment.
The design and manufacture of Raymarine equipment and
accessories conform to the appropriate Electromagnetic
Compatibility (EMC) standards, but correct installation is required to
ensure that performance is not compromised.
Handbook information
To the best of our knowledge, the information in this handbook was
correct when it went to press. However, Raymarine cannot accept
liability for any inaccuracies or omissions it may contain. In addition,
our policy of continuous product improvement may change
specifications without notice. As a result, Raymarine cannot accept
liability for any differences between the product and the handbook. Page 1 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Chapter 1: Introduction
1 Introduction
1.1 Features
The Raymarine ST4000 Plus (ST4000+) is a SeaTalk® compatible
autopilot available in versions suitable for boats with either tiller or
wheel steering systems. This autopilot system will steer your boat to
a heading automatically, accurately and reliably.
The ST4000+ has four main operating modes:
1. Standby: autopilot off (see page 6)
2. Auto: autopilot engaged and locked onto a heading (see page 5)
3. Track: autopilot engaged and maintaining a track between two
waypoints created using a navigation system (see page 15)
4. Wind Vane: autopilot engaged and maintaining a course relative
to an apparent wind angle (see page 22)
The ST4000+ also provides the following features:
• automatic tack facility (AutoTack) in Auto and Wind Vane modes
• automatic compass deviation correction
• Northerly/Southerly heading compensation
• automatic heading deadband – seastate control
• waypoint advance feature
• setup and calibration options to optimize performance on your boat Page 2 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
2 Basic Operation
• You can return to manual steering at any time by pressing
standby and disengaging the autopilot (see page 6).
-1 plus +1
Press for Response level
-1 plus -10 Press for 1 second +1 plus +10
Press together for Rudder Gain Press together
for AutoTack for AutoTack
to port to starboard
Press for Press for Track
Data Page mode from Auto
Press for 1 second Press to accept
for lamp control waypoint advance
Press for 1 second
to skip waypoint
Display layout
The ST4000+ autopilot display provides the following information:
Heading indicators
Distance units
Response level indicator
Autopilot mode
2 Basic Operation
Calibration mode
2 Basic Operation
Wheel pilot
Tiller pilot
3. Press auto:
• in Auto mode, the display shows the locked autopilot heading
D3560-2 Page 6 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Autopilot course control makes it easier to sail a boat, but it is
NOT a substitute for good seamanship. ALWAYS maintain a
permanent watch, no matter how clear the sea appears to be.
Port Starboard
2 Basic Operation
or or
Wind Wind
2 Basic Operation
AutoTack AutoTack
angle angle
Gusting conditions
In gusting conditions, the course may tend to wander slightly,
particularly if the sails are badly balanced. If you take the following
precautions, the autopilot will be able to maintain competent control
even in gale force conditions:
• You can significantly improve course keeping by improving the
2 Basic Operation
sail balance:
• do not allow the boat to heel over excessively
• ease the mainsheet traveller to leeward to reduce heeling and
weather helm
• if necessary, reef the mainsail a little early
• In very strong winds and large seas, you should avoid sailing with
the wind dead astern:
• ideally, bring the wind at least 30° away from a dead run
• in severe conditions, you may also need to remove the
mainsail and sail under headsail only
Note: If you have set up the RESPONSE screen as a default data page
(see page 94) you can also access it by pressing disp and then
scrolling through the data pages.
2. Press -1 or +1 to change the response level.
3. Press disp or wait for 5 seconds to return to the previous display.
Decrease Increase
rudder gain rudder gain
1 second
D5400-2 Page 11 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
2 Basic Operation
Responding to alarms
The ST4000+ activates the alarms listed on the following pages:
• Unless otherwise stated, you should deal with alarms by pressing
standby to clear the alarm and return to hand steering.
• In some situations, the autopilot will raise more than one alarm.
When you have dealt with the first alarm, the autopilot will
display the next alarm.
= deviation to port
= deviation to starboard
D3315-4 Page 12 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
The ST4000+ activates this alarm when the boat has been off course
from the locked heading by more than the specified angle* for longer
than 20seconds. It shows whether the deviation is to port or starboard.
Note: * You can adjust this specified alarm angle in Dealer setup
(see page 96).
1. To cancel the off course alarm, press standby.
2. Check whether your boat is carrying too much sail, or whether the
sails are badly balanced. You can usually significantly improve
course keeping by improving the sail balance.
Note: The ST4000+ also clears the alarm if the heading recovers, if
you change the course, or if you change the operating mode.
2 Basic Operation
2 Basic Operation
• you activate the Man Overboard (MOB) function in Track mode
When the alarm sounds, the pilot continues on its current heading but
• the bearing to the next waypoint
• the direction the boat will turn to take up that bearing
system. It displays the text MOB instead of the waypoint number for
the XTE, DTW and BTW data pages.
If the autopilot is in Track mode, it will sound the Waypoint Advance
alarm to notify you of the change in waypoint.
3 Advanced Operation
any course changes to keep your boat on track, automatically
compensating for tidal streams and leeway.
Current Previous
heading heading
From auto mode, press track to enter Track mode . . . . . . then press track again to turn boat to waypoint.
3 Advanced Operation
Cross track error
Cross track error (XTE) is the distance between the current position
and a planned route. The autopilot receives the cross track error
information from the navigation equipment, and displays the XTE in
nautical miles (nm), statute miles (SM) or kilometres. Page 18 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Waypoint 1
If the cross track error is greater than 0.3 nm, the ST4000+ will sound
the Large Cross Track Error alarm and shows whether you are to the
port (Pt) or starboard (Stb) of the planned track.
To cancel the Large Cross Track Error alarm:
• press standby to return to hand steering, or
• press auto to return to Auto mode and retain the current heading
3 Advanced Operation
Note: When the Large Cross Track Error alarm sounds, it usually
means that the cross tide is too great for your boat’s current speed.
Waypoint 2
Waypoint 1
As the boat arrives at the target waypoint the navigation aid should
manually or automatically select the next target waypoint. The
ST4000+ will then detect the new target waypoint number, sound the
Waypoint Advance alarm and display the Waypoint Advance screen.
This shows the new bearing to the next waypoint and the direction the
3 Advanced Operation
boat will turn to acquire the new track.
When the ST4000+ sounds the Waypoint Advance alarm, it suspends
Track mode and maintains the current boat heading.To advance to the
next waypoint:
1. Check that it is safe to turn onto the new track.
2. Press the track key. This will cancel the Waypoint Advance
alarm and turn the boat towards the next waypoint. Page 20 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Note: If you do not press track to accept the Waypoint Advance, the
ST4000+ will maintain the current heading and continue sounding
the alarm.
Waypoint arrival and advance
Note: When you reach the last waypoint in the track, the NO DATA
3 Advanced Operation
3 Advanced Operation
Confirming position at the start of a journey
At the start of a journey you must always use an easily identifiable
fixed object to confirm the fix given by the navigation system. Check
for fixed positional errors and compensate for them.
Plot frequency
• In open water, you should make plots at least every hour.
• In confined waters or when near to potential hazards, you should
make plots more frequently. Page 22 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Setting waypoints
• Local variations in radio signal quality and changes in the tidal
stream can produce deviations from the desired track. When
setting waypoints, remember that deviations can occur.
• Thoroughly check along each track. Check up to 0.5 nm each side
of the track to ensure that there are no hazards within this zone.
Note: For the waypoint advance function to work, the last four
characters of adjacent waypoint names must be different.
turbulence and short term wind variations. This provides smooth and
precise performance with minimal power consumption.
When the ST4000+ is in Wind Vane mode it uses the fluxgate
compass as the primary heading reference. As changes in the
apparent wind angle occur, the ST4000+ adjusts the locked compass
heading to maintain the original apparent wind angle.
The ST4000+ will then adjust the boat’s heading to maintain the
locked apparent wind angle.
3 Advanced Operation
angle and locked heading will both change by 10°
• the autopilot will then adjust the locked heading as required to
maintain the new apparent wind angle
Note: Because turning the boat affects the relationship between the
true and apparent wind angles, you should only use this method to
make minor adjustments to the apparent wind angle. For major
changes, return to Standby mode, steer onto the new heading, then
reselect Wind Vane mode.
• press standby to return to hand steering, steer onto the
required heading, and press standby and auto together to
return to Wind Vane mode with the new apparent wind angle
AutoTack to Port
3 Advanced Operation
standing helm.
• Reef the headsail and mainsail a little early rather than too late.
• In Wind Vane mode the pilot will react to long-term wind shifts,
but will not correct for short-term changes such as gusts.
• In gusty and unsteady inshore conditions, it is best to sail a few
degrees further off the wind so that changes in apparent wind
direction can be tolerated.
2. Select the data page you want to use as the principle display on the
control unit:
• the current autopilot mode is shown at the left of the display
and the autopilot bar graph remains in use
• if you then select a new mode or make a course change, the
autopilot mode screen appears as a ‘pop-up’ for 5 seconds
Three data pages are set in the factory as a default (see diagram).
Within User setup you can select up to seven pages and control the
information they display (see page 92):
• if the autopilot system cannot obtain the required information for
a data page, the display will show dashes instead of a value
• the ‘direction-to-steer’ arrows relate to the data page information
• most data pages show repeated data so you cannot adjust them:
the exceptions are the RESPONSE and RUDDER GAIN data pages
(if you have selected them for display) which you can adjust
using the -1 and +1 keys
Autopilot mode
3 Advanced Operation
The control unit display is blank No power – check the fuse/circuit breaker.
The displayed compass heading does You have not corrected the compass for
not agree with the boat’s compass deviation – carry out the deviation and
alignment procedures (see page 83 and
page 86).
Boat turns slowly and takes a long Rudder gain too low (see page 87).
time to come onto course
Boat overshoots when turning onto a Rudder gain too high (see page 87).
new course
The autopilot appears to be unstable in If tide speed exceeds 35% of boat speed, and
Track mode, or track-holding is slow boat speed is not available via SeaTalk, change
the Cruise Speed setting in Dealer Setup to the
boat’s cruising speed (see page 102).
4 Maintenance & Fault Finding
The autopilot will not ‘talk’ to other Cabling problem – make sure all the cables are
SeaTalk instruments connected properly.
Position information not received Navigator not transmitting the correct position
The autopilot will not auto advance to No bearing to waypoint information received
the next waypoint from the navigator.
The control unit display shows a series Compass deviation correction is running (see
of rotating dashes page 83).
The control unit display shows a series The control unit is not receiving data – check the
of stationary dashes cabling.
The control unit display shows NO DATA The signals received by the navigator are too
weak for reliable navigation – refer to the
navigator handbook for further action.
Wind trim data is not available – check the
connection to the wind instrument.
Wheel drive: drive belt slips in Auto Tighten the clutch – see page 29.
mode (motor operates but drive does
not turn wheel)
Wheel drive: drive belt drags in Loosen the clutch – see page 29.
Standby mode
Wheel drive
Routine maintenance
After each trip, flush inside the drive unit by inserting a hose pipe
in the free slot on the back cover. Page 29 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Loosen the screw
(2 turns) To loosen
the clutch
(4 clicks)
To tighten
Tighten the screw
the clutch
(2 turns)
(4 clicks)
1 2 3
Control unit
Routine checks
The control unit is a sealed unit. As a result, user maintenance is
limited to the following routine checks:
• make sure all cable connectors are firmly attached
• examine the cables for signs of wear or damage – replace any
damaged cables
EMC advice
4 Maintenance & Fault Finding
Software version
If you cannot trace or rectify the fault, contact your nearest
Raymarine distributor or Service Representative, specifying:
• the product serial number, which is printed on the rear cover of the
• the software version number:
• press standby for 4 seconds to display the software version
4 Maintenance & Fault Finding
D5334-1 Page 33 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Wheel drive
Tiller drive
Boat's electrical
distribution panel
Fluxgate compass control unit
D5332-2 Page 34 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
M4 x
25 mm
connector (x12)
Sun cover
Control unit
power cable
No8 x 3/4 in 1 m (3 ft 3 in)
screw (x4)
! Compass
Fluxgate compass label
with 8 m (26 ft) cable
Also packed: Handbook, Quick Reference Card, Worldwide Distributor List D5438-1
Socket screw
Tiller No 4 x 3/4 in (x2)
pin (D001)
socket (D002)
6 mm 4 mm
drill bit drill bit
3 mm
allen key
Cable clip
Power cable and screw,
Ball joint (x2) 4.5 m (15 ft) No 6 x 1/2 in
Nut (x2)
No 8 x ¾ inch
Countersunk head screw (x2)
The guidelines given here describe the conditions for optimum EMC
performance, but it is recognized that it may not be possible to meet
Mounting procedure
Control units are available in surface mount and flush mount styles.
Cable connectors
With the exception of the SeaTalk cables, spade connectors are used
to make all connections to the control unit.
When fitting the spade connectors, make sure the connector fits
securely over the blade and not between the connector and its plastic
insulating cover. Incorrect fitting will give intermittent contact which
will lead to faulty autopilot operation. Page 42 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
12 A fuse
(or equivalent
circuit breaker)
cable Blue (-)
Brown (+) Blue (-) +12 V
Brown (+) D3287-2
Note: If you need to extend the cable, you MUST use the correct cable
size.A lighter gauge cable might cause a voltage drop between the
supply and the control unit. This will reduce the power to the drive,
causing slower response to course changes and corrections.
SeaTalk connections
You will not need any SeaTalk cables to install the standard ST4000+
autopilot system.
However, if you want to connect your ST4000+ control unit to other
SeaTalk equipment, you will need to purchase the necessary cables
from your Raymarine dealer.
The following illustration shows the range of available SeaTalk
Autopilot control
unit (rear)
SeaTalk bus
Power supply
NMEA connections
ST4000+ can receive wind and navigation data in NMEA 0183
format for use in Track and Wind Vane modes.
Data Data
out (-ve) out (+ve)
Red (data in -ve)
(data in +ve)
D3374-2 Page 45 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Note: If you need to connect more than one item of NMEA equipment,
you will need to connect one of them to the SeaTalk system using a
The compass contains a self-levelling mechanism. This enables the
compass to provide accurate readings with pitch and roll movements
up to +/- 35°.
Note: The rattle that the fluxgate compass makes when shaken is
normal. It is caused by the pendulum weight hitting the inside of
the case.
76 mm (3 in)
76 mm (3 in)
Standard location
The compass is primarily designed for below deck, bulkhead
mounting. On steel-hulled boats you must mount it above deck.
To achieve the best performance from the compass, mount it:
• as near as possible to the boat’s pitch and roll center to minimize
compass disturbance
• at least 0.8 m (2 ft 6 in) away from the boat’s steering compass to
prevent deviation of either compass
• away from the front third of the boat (otherwise shock motion will
affect compass performance)
• away from potential sources of magnetic interference, such as:
motors, drive units, loudspeakers, alternators/starters, electric
cables, large ferrous objects (such as the engine, ballast, keel, gas
bottles and tool boxes)
Note: Because you align the compass after installation (see
page 86),you can mount it so it faces in any direction. Page 47 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
L D5401-1
Steel-hulled boats
On steel-hulled boats you must mount the compass at least 1.2 m (4 ft)
above the main deck or wheelhouse. Otherwise the compass will not
work correctly because the hull will prevent it from sensing the
Earth’s magnetic field. The following illustration shows
recommended mounting positions for steel-hulled boats.
Note: The higher above the waterline you mount the compass, the
more the boat’s pitch and roll will affect compass performance. Page 48 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
6 ft (1.8 m)
4 ft (1.2 m)
4 ft (1.2 m)
You must mount the fluxgate compass on a vertical bulkhead,
with the cable exiting at the base.
1. Hold the compass against the mounting location.
2. Mark the four mounting holes, then remove the compass.
3. Drill four pilot holes using a 3 mm (1/8 in) drill bit. Page 49 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
4. Making sure the cable exits at the bottom of the compass, secure
the fluxgate compass using the self-tapping screws provided
D3282-2 Page 50 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Critical dimensions
Installing the tiller drive involves mounting it between the tiller and a
fixed point on the boat’s structure. Two dimensions are critical for
correct installation:
• Dimension A = 620 mm (24.5 in): the distance from the
mounting socket to the tiller pin. Pull out the drive pushrod to this
Note: If your installation requires a pushrod extension (see page 52)
or cantilever mount (see page 56),this dimension will increase.
• Dimension B = 460 mm (18 in): the distance from the rudder
stock’s center line to the tiller pin.
38 mm
(1.5 in)
620 mm (24.5 in)
44 mm
(1.7 in)
'B' in)
m (18
460 mm 0m
(18 in) 'B'
Rudder axis
Sloping rudderstock
D5339-1 Page 51 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
1. Clamp the tiller on the boat’s center line and mark dimensions A
and B.Use masking tape to locate the fixing points for the tiller pin
Basic installation
After establishing the control dimensions A and B, you can usually
mount the tiller drive directly onto the cockpit seat.
12.5 mm
(0.5 in)
As the tiller pilot is capable of generating high pushrod loads,
you MUST:
• drill holes to the specified size and reinforce where necessary
• allow the epoxy to harden completely before apply a load
Installation accessories
If you are not able to install the drive unit directly onto the cockpit seat
or tiller as described, use one (or a combination) of the following
• pushrod extensions
• tiller brackets
• cantilever sockets
• pedestal sockets
Pushrod extensions
If you need to increase the pushrod length (because of the distance
from the mounting socket location to the center line), use a
Raymarine pushrod extension.
Tiller brackets
5 Installing the ST4000+
If the tiller is higher or lower than the mounting socket, you can use a
Raymarine tiller bracket to vary the tiller pin offset so the drive is
D287-2 Page 56 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
90 degrees
Cantilever mounting
If you need to attach the tiller drive to a vertical face (such as the
cockpit sidewall), use a Raymarine cantilever socket assembly
(part number D031):
• the maximum possible extension offset is 254 mm (10 in)
• you cut the cantilever to the exact length during mounting
Cutting the cantilever rod to length
1. Clamp the tiller on the boat’s center line.
2. Measure dimension F (actual).
3. Refer to the table to establish a cutting length for the cantilever
rod – double check measurements before cutting.
4. Measure the rod from threaded end, then cut the cantilever rod
to length L using a hacksaw. Remove any sharp edges with a file.
Dimension F Cut length L
686 mm (27 in) 51 mm (2 in)
711 mm (28 in) 75 mm (3 in)
737 mm (29 in) 102 mm (4 in)
762 mm (30 in) 127 mm (5 in)
787 mm (31 in) 152 mm (6 in)
813 mm (32 in) 178 mm (7 in)
838 mm (33 in) 203 mm (8 in) Page 57 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
If you need to raise the height of the drive unit mounting socket to
keep the tiller drive horizontal, use a Raymarine pedestal socket
Tiller pins
Your Raymarine dealer can also supply the following lengths of tiller
pin for other non-standard installations.
1. Measure the total length of cable run from the control unit to the
socket location.
Use this table to identify the appropriate power cable size:
2. Route the cable from the control unit to the socket location.
3. Use a suitable tool to crimp the spade receptacles (supplied) to the
two cores.
4. Connect them as shown to the Drive terminals on the control unit. Page 60 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Brown Blue
To the
control unit
Bracket pin
Cable plug
Cable socket
Motor tube
Installation stages
Installing the wheel drive involves four stages:
1. Drilling the spoke clamp holes in the front cover.
2. Securing the wheel drive to the wheel.
3. Attaching the pedestal bracket.
4. Connecting the drive to the control unit. Page 62 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
2. Identify the appropriate spoke clamp holes for your wheel. With
the arrow at the top, refer to the following diagrams:
• the holes are numbered inside the cover (e.g. if you have a 5
spoke wheel, you need to drill the 4 locations marked with ‘5’)
• mark the appropriate spoke clamp holes and check them by
holding the cover against your wheel
D5348-1a Page 63 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
D5347-1 Page 64 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Drive ring
Front cover Drive unit
D5405-1 Page 65 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
5.3 in
4. Repeat step 3 to fit the other 2 spoke clamps. As you fit each one,
adjust the position of the wheel relative to the wheel drive so the
holes in the clamp line up with the holes in the cover. As you do
this, the wheel drive will self-center on the wheel.
5. After fitting all 3 spoke clamps, fully tighten the screws. Page 66 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
If you use slot 2 and you have a pedestal-mounted compass, the
drive motor may affect compass readings. Page 67 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Note: You can install the pedestal bracket either way up. In the
standard orientation the pin is at the bottom (below the mounting
5 Installing the ST4000+
5. Making sure the slot is central at the bottom of the drive unit
(6 o’clock position) and the pin is in the middle of the slot,
carefully draw around the bracket.
6. Remove the wheel, then hold the bracket on the pedestal in the
location you have marked.
7. Check the position and alignment of the pedestal bracket:
• the bracket pin should be 154 mm (6.1 in) below the pedestal
spindle (see the following diagram)
• the bracket pin should be aligned so it is directly below the
pedestal spindle (see the following diagram) Page 69 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
10. Hold the bracket in place then lightly tighten the four cross-head
screws (No 10 x 3/4 in). As you do this, make sure the bracket is
correctly aligned.
11. Replace the wheel, making sure that you locate the pin in the
correct slot (slot 1 or slot 2).
12. Turn the wheel with the clutch off to check that the bracket is
correctly positioned and aligned. Page 70 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Note: If the wheel is bent or the wheel drive is off center, the pin will
move up and down in the back plate slot. As long as the pin does not
5 Installing the ST4000+
hit the top or bottom of the slot, this pin movement will not affect the
drive unit’s performance.
13. When you have checked alignment, fully tighten all four screws.
2. Route the cable through the pedestal (or guard rail) and back to the
control unit:
3. Run the drive cable back to the control unit and connect the two
cores to the Drive terminals as shown.
Brown Blue
D3284-2 Page 72 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
The rudder position sensor connects directly to the boat’s tiller arm or
quadrant. Installing the sensor involves five main steps:
• ensuring correct alignment
• securing the sensor to the boat
• attaching the sensor to the tiller arm
• checking alignment
• connecting to the control unit
Rudder position
60˚ 60˚
90˚ permitted
travel: +/- 60˚
Minimum: 75 mm (3 in)
Maximum: 310 mm (12 in) D5387-1
Horizontal alignment
When viewed from above (as shown in the illustration above):
• the sensor arm must be between 75 mm (3 in) and 310 mm (12 in)
from the tiller arm
• with the rudder amidships, the sensor arm should be at 90° to the
connecting rod and directly opposite the cable entry point on the
sensor body
• when the rudder moves from hardover to hardover:
• the sensor arm and the tiller arm must remain parallel to each
other at all times
• sensor arm movement must not exceed +/- 60°: if the steering
system drives the sensor arm beyond these limits it will
damage the rudder position sensor Page 74 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Mount the rudder position sensor on a suitable base alongside the
rudder stock and tiller arm.
Note: If necessary, you can install the sensor upside down. If you
mount the sensor in this way, you must swap the red and green cable
connections at the control unit.
Checking alignment
Move the rudder from hardover to hardover and check that at all
rudder angles:
• all moving parts of the sensor remain free from any obstructions
• the sensor and connecting rod remain accurately aligned
• the ball joints do not bind
D3283-3 Page 76 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
• If the head does not beep, check the fuse/circuit breaker.
• If the display shows the SEATALK FAIL alarm message, check the
SeaTalk connections. Page 78 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Wheel pilot
Tiller pilot
2. Press the +10 key. The helm should move to produce a turn to
starboard. Page 79 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
SeaTalk interface
If you have connected the ST4000+ to other SeaTalk instruments or
control units, check the links as follows:
1. Press standby.
2. Select display lighting level 3 (LAMP 3) on any other SeaTalk
instrument or control unit.
the unit at the factory to provide safe and stable autopilot control for
the majority of boats.
You should perform the initial sea trial:
• when you have successfully completed all of the installation,
functional tests and rudder sensor checks
• before making any other changes to default calibration settings:
check and, if necessary, reset the values to the recommended
levels described in Chapter 7: Customizing the ST4000+
• in conditions of light wind and calm water, so you can assess
autopilot performance without the influence of strong winds or
large waves
• in waters that are clear of any obstructions
Note: You can return to hand steering at any time during the sea
trial by disengaging the wheel drive clutch, or removing the tiller
drive pushrod from the tiller pin.
EMC conformance
Always check the installation before going to sea to make sure that it
is not affected by radio transmissions, engine starting etc. Page 83 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
If you fail to complete the deviation correction, your autopilot’s
performance will be impaired on some compass headings.
The deviation correction procedure (swinging the compass) involves
Note: If you see CAL LOCK, you need to turn off the calibration lock in
Dealer Setup (see page 98).
3. Press the DISP key so you see the SWING COMPASS page. Page 84 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
4. Press the -1 or +1 key to change the setting from OFF to YES. You
will then see the TURN BOAT page.
6 Setting-up the ST4000+
5. Keeping the boat speed below 2 knots, turn your boat in slow
circles. You should take at least 3 minutes to complete each 360°.
8. Use -1 and +1 or -10 and +10 to adjust the displayed heading until
it matches boat’s steering compass or a known transit bearing.
9. Press and hold standby for 2 seconds to exit calibration and save
the new settings.
Note: Setup options are always saved on exit.
Rudder gain A
too low
Rudder gain heading
too high
6 Setting-up the ST4000+
rudder gain
The next step is to adjust the rudder gain, as described on page 87.
Note: See page 32 for more information about the software version
screen. Page 92 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
D3341-2 Page 94 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Mode Bar
Standby Rudder bar (for systems with a rudder position sensor)
Auto Heading error bar
Track Cross track error (XTE) bar
Wind Vane Wind angle error bar
page initially shows the title DATA PAGE. After 1 second, the text
changes to the title of the data currently set for that page.The default
settings are:
• Press disp to move to the next data page you want to change, or
press and hold standby for 2 seconds to exit and save changes.
The available pages are:
Data Displayed as
Speed Knots SPEED KTS
Average Speed, Knots AV. SPD KTS
Wind Direction e.g. WIND PORT
Wind Speed WIND KTS
Depth Metres* DEPTH M
Depth Feet* DEPTH FT
Depth Fathoms* DEPTH FA
Water Temperature, Degrees C* WATER °C
Water Temperature, Degrees F* WATER °F
Course Over Ground COG
Speed Over Ground, Knots SOG KTS
Adjusting Dealer
setup values
D5333-1 Page 98 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
This limits your boat’s rate of turn under autopilot control. The value
must be within the range 5° to 40°.
Boat heading
15˚ minimum
The AutoTrim setting determines the rate at which the autopilot
applies ‘standing helm’ to correct for trim changes caused by varying
wind loads on the sails or superstructure. The possible settings are:
Setting Effect
Off No trim correction
1 Slow trim correction
2 Medium trim correction
3 Rapid trim correction
4 Very rapid correction
• increase the AutoTrim level if the autopilot hangs off course for
excessive periods of time
The patented AutoAdapt feature allows the ST4000+ to compensate
for heading errors at higher latitudes, which are caused by the
increasing dip of the earth’s magnetic field.
The increased dip has the effect of amplifying rudder response on
northerly headings in the northern hemisphere, and on southerly
headings in the southern hemisphere.
rth compensation
Latitude (LATITUDE)
The ST4000+ only displays this screen if you have set AutoAdapt to
nth or Sth.
Use the -1 and +1 keys to set the value to your boat’s current latitude,
to the nearest degree.
Note: If valid latitude data is available via SeaTalk or NMEA, the
ST4000+ will use this data instead of the calibration value. Page 102 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Specifications 103
ST4000+ autopilot system
Nominal supply voltage: 12 V DC
Operating voltage range: 10 V to 15 V DC
Note: reduced voltages will severely degrade drive performance.
Autopilot power consumption Standby: 0.72 W
Auto: 10 W at 25% duty cycle
(depending on boat trim, helm load and sailing conditions)
CE approvals: Autopilot system conforms to: 89/336/EC (EMC), EN60945:1997
Compass and rudder position sensor: 94/25/EC, EN28846:1993
Control unit
Operating temperature: 0 °C to +70 °C (32 °F to 158 °F)
Water protection: waterproof to CFR46
Overall dimensions: width: 110 mm (4.33 in)
height: 115 mm (4.53 in)
depth: 41 mm (1.62 in)
(see next page for other dimensions)
Keypad: Eight button illuminated keypad
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD): shows heading, locked course and navigational data, data pages
(as selected - see page 94); three brightness levels + off
Input connections: SeaTalk, power, fluxgate compass, rudder position sensor and
NMEA 0183
Output connections: SeaTalk and motor drive
Drive unit
Maximum boat displacement:
Wheel drive: 8,500 kg (18,700 lb)
Tiller drive: 6,000 kg (13,000 lb)
GP Tiller Drive 7,500 kg (16,500 lb)
Helm speed: Wheel drive: 9 rpm (designed for systems with 1–3.5 turns lock to lock)
Tiller drive: 4.0 sec (lock to lock)
Operating conditions:
Wheel drive: -10 °C to +55 °C (14 °F to 131 °F); waterproof to CFR46
Tiller drive: 0 °C to +60 °C (32 °F to 140 °F)
Overall dimensions:
Wheel drive: outer diameter: 361 mm (14.2 in)
depth: 171 mm (6.7 in) (without spoke clamps)
Tiller drive: midstroke length: 620 mm (24.5in); diameter: 44 mm (1.7in)
(see next page for other dimensions) Page 104 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
38 mm
(1.5 in)
620 mm (24.5 in) D5436-1
135 mm
(5.3 in)
152 mm
(6.0 in)
154 mm
(6.1 in)
motor tube:
171 mm (6.7 in) 48 mm (1.9 in)
361 mm (14.2 in) diameter [plus 60 mm (2.4 in) diameter
for cable clearance] D5370-2 Page 105 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Glossary 105
Term Meaning
° Degrees
A Amp
AutoTrim The AutoTrim setting determines the rate at which the autopilot applies
‘standing helm’ to correct for trim changes caused by varying wind loads on
the sails or superstructure.
AWG American Wire Gauge
CE Marked on products that comply with defined European Community
counter rudder Counter rudder is the amount of rudder the autopilot applies to try to prevent
the boat from yawing off course. Higher counter rudder settings result in
more rudder being applied.
DC Direct current
EMC When powered up, all electrical equipment produces electromagnetic fields.
(Electromagnetic These can cause adjacent pieces of electrical equipment to interact with one
Compatibility) another, and this can degrade their performance. By following the EMC
guidelines in this handbook, you can minimize these effects by ensuring
optimum Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) between equipment.
Fluxgate Standard Raymarine compass supplied with ST4000+ autopilot system
ft Foot (1 ft = 305 mm)
GPS Global Positioning System
Hz Hertz (cycles per second)
in Inch (1 in = 25.4 mm)
kg Kilogram (1 kg = 2.2 lb)
km Kilometre
lb Pound (1 lb = 0.45 kg)
m Metre (1 m = 39.4 inches)
mm Millimeter (1 mm = 0.04 inches)
nm Nautical mile
Nm Newton metre
NMEA The NMEA (National Maritime Electronics Association) protocol is an
internationally accepted serial communication interface standard for
sharing data between electronic equipment. Raymarine products can share
information with non-SeaTalk equipment using the NMEA 0183 protocol. Page 106 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Term Meaning
oz Ounce (1 oz = 0.028 kg)
response The autopilot response level controls the relationship between course
keeping accuracy and the amount of helm/drive activity.
rudder gain Rudder gain is a measure of how much helm the autopilot will apply to
correct course errors. The higher the setting the more rudder will be applied.
rpm Revolutions per minute
SeaTalk SeaTalk is Raymarine’s proprietary communication system. It links the
products to provide a single, integrated system sharing power and data.
SeaTalk bus This refers to the continuous SeaTalk system connecting together a series of
Raymarine units.
SM Statute (land) mile
SSB Single Side Band (radio)
V Volt
VHF Very High Frequency (radio)
W Watt
Yaw The boat’s rate of turn Page 107 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Index 107
A Connections 58
Adjusting autopilot performance Deviation correction 102
Response level 12 Deviation display 102
Rudder gain 13 Installation 55
Alarms 14 Steel-hulled boats 56
DRIVESTOP 15 Control unit installation 48
LARGE XTE 15 Course changes 8
LOW BATT 16 Major course changes 10
MOB 17 Cross track error (XTE) 22
NEXT WPT? 15 Cruise speed 112
NO DATA 15 Customizing the autopilot 101
OFFCOURSE 14 Dealer setup 106
SHALLOW 17 User setup 102
WINDSHIFT 15 Data pages 31
Apparent wind angle Setting up 104
Adjusting 28 Deadband 12
Auto mode 6 Dealer setup 106
AutoAdapt 111 Deviation 94
Automatic deadband 12 Deviation display 102
Automatic track acquisition 20 Disengaging the autopilot 7
AutoSeastate 12 Display layout 5
AutoTack 10 Dockside procedure 90
Default angle 109 Dodging obstacles
Wind Vane mode 30 Auto mode 8
AutoTrim Track mode 25
Default setting 110 Wind Vane mode 29
Drive stopped alarm (DRIVESTOP) 15
B Drive type 110
Bar graph
Selecting bar type 104 E
C Installation guidelines 46
Calibration Servicing and safety guidelines 39
Calibration lock 108 Engaging the autopilot 6
Calibration techniques 98
Changing course 8 F
Clutch (wheel drive) adjustment 37 Fault finding 34
Compass Fluxgate compass 55
Alignment 94 Functional test 86
Automatic deviation correction 92 Page 108 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
G Connections 53
Gusty conditions 11 Data formats 54
No data alarm (NO DATA) 15
Heading 9 O
Heading alignment 102 Off course alarm (OFFCOURSE) 14
Adjustment 95 Default angle 109
Heading mode 102 Operating modes 1
Auto mode 6
I Standby mode 7
Illumination 18 Track mode 20
Initial sea trial 91 Watch mode 16
Installation 43 Wind Vane mode 27
Compass 55 Operating sense 86
Control unit 48
EMC guidelines 46 P
NMEA connections 53 Pilot type 108
Power supply 51 Previous heading 9
Rudder position sensor 81 Product support 40
SeaTalk connections 52
Tiller drive 59 R
Wheel drive 70 Response level 12
Default setting 108
K Rudder alignment 108
Key functions 4 Rudder bar 104
Rudder damping 112
L Rudder gain 13, 96, 108
Large cross track error alarm (LARGE Rudder limit 109
XTE) 15, 21, 23 Rudder position sensor
LAST HDG 9 Installation 81
Latitude 111 Operating sense 90
Lighting 18
Low battery alarm (LOW BATT) 16 S
Sea trial 91
M SeaTalk
Maintenance 33 Connections 52
Man overboard alarm (MOB) 17 Data displays 31
Manual track acquisition 21 Fail alarm (STLK FAIL) 14
Minimum deadband 12 Interface 89
Servicing 39
N EMC guidelines 39
Navigation Shallow alarm (SHALLOW) 17
Data pages 31 Specifications 113
Interface 88 Standby mode 7
NMEA Steering bar 104 Page 109 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Index 109
Steering direction 86
Swinging the compass 92
Testing autopilot operation 95
Testing the system 86
Tidal stream compensation 23
Tiller drive installation 59
Track mode 20
Safety advice 25
Turn limit 108
User setup 102
Vane mode
see Wind Vane mode
Variation 110
Watch mode
Watch alarm (WATCH) 16
Waypoint advance alarm (NEXT WPT?)
15, 20
Waypoint arrival and advance 24
Wheel drive
Clutch adjustment 37
Installation 70
Maintenance 36
Wind instrument interface 88
Wind shift alarm (WINDSHIFT) 15, 29
Wind Vane mode 27
Adjusting apparent wind angle 28
Previous apparent wind angle 28
WindTrim 27 Page 110 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Machine hole
90 mm (3.55 inch)
TOP 4 holes
6 mm (0.25 in)
D4437-3 Page 114 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM Page 115 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Spoke clamp
Spoke clamp
insert Spoke diameters
16 mm (5/8 in)
135 mm (5.3 in)
12 mm (1/2 in)
of wheel
D5410-1 Page 116 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM Page 117 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
travel: +/- 60˚
Cable position
D3440-2 Page 118 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM Page 3 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
Warranty Registration
Please register your warranty on-line at to ensure smooth warranty
2. On-board Warranty
Raymarine will authorize on-board warranty service by the nearest Raymarine approved service agent,
subject to maximum mileage and travel times refereed to in Section 4, on products where proof of
installation, or commission by Raymarine certified installers is shown.
The warranty provides for on-board repair or exchange of the product, by Raymarine or its approved
service agents, for a period of 1 year (12 months), subject to the limits contained in this warranty.
In the case of a product installed by a Raymarine certified installer or boat-builder, the warranty
commences on date of installation or from the date of sale of the boat to the original end user, subject to
the limitations set forth in this warranty.
(b) A warranty card completed by the seller of the product containing the information required in (a)
In cases where the customer is making a warranty claim on a Raymarine product under this warranty,
and where the product has been installed by a Raymarine certified installer, (boat-builder, installer
dealer etc.) i.e. On-board Warranty, the nearest Raymarine approved service agent should be
contacted and on-board service requested (which will be subject to the mileage and travel time limits
referred to in Section 4 hereof). Before the installed warranty service is performed, the customer must
have available, either:
(a) Proof of purchase showing the date of purchase, the name of the seller and the serial number of the
affected product and proof of installation by a Raymarine certified installer; or
(b) A warranty card completed by the seller of the product containing the information required in (a)
Subject to the limitations and other provisions set forth in this warranty, the product will be either
repaired or replaced by Raymarine within a reasonable period of time and at no further cost to the
customer. the determination of whether to repair or replace a product shall be at the sole discretion of
Raymarine, and shall be the sole remedy of the customer under this warranty.
4. Warranty Limitations
Raymarine warranty does not apply to equipment that has been subjected to accident, abuse or mis-use,
shipping damage, alterations, corrosion, incorrect and/or non-authorized service, or to a product on
which the serial number has been altered, mutilated or removed.
Raymarine assumes no responsibility for damage incurred during installation or as a result of incorrect
This warranty does not cover routine system checkouts, alignment or calibration, sea-trials or
commissioning, unless required by replacement of part(s) in the area being aligned.
Magnetrons, cathode ray tubes (CRTs), thin film transistor (TFT) liquid crystal displays (LCDs) and cold
cathode fluorescent lamps (CCFLs, hailer horns and transducers are warranted for 1 year (12 months)
from date of sale.
Raymarine is not liable and assumes no responsibility for damage caused by or to other equipment,
systems or components occasioned by improper or unauthorized connection, or use of the product.
Consumable items, including, but not limited to; fuses, batteries, drive belts, radar mixer diodes, snap-in
impeller carriers, impellers, impeller bearings, and impeller shafts are specifically excluded from this
Overtime/premium labor portion of services outside of normal working hours is not covered by this
If repairs are necessary under the warranty, the affected product must be forwarded to a Raymarine
facility or an approved Raymarine service agent, at the owners expense in a manner set forth in Section
3 hereof. Page 5 Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:03 AM
This warranty does not cover any differences in material, coloring or size between those alluded to in
corporate advertising, literature or published on the Internet, which is not specifically objected to at the
time of delivery.
Travel costs other than those qualifying for on-board warranty (up to a maximum of 100 auto miles, tolls
and two (2) hours travel time), are specifically excluded from the warranty and shall be the responsibility
of the customer. Costs, which are excluded from the coverage of this warranty, include, but are not
limited to: taxi fares, launch fees, aircraft rental, subsistence, customs, shipping and communication
charges etc.
To the extent consistent with State and Federal Law:
The foregoing warranty is Raymarines sole warranty and is applicable only to products sold as new. The
remedies provided herein are in lieu of:
any and all other remedies and warranties, whether express or implied including but not limited to, any
implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
all obligations of Raymarine for damages including, but not limited to accidental, consequential or
special damages (including punitive or multiple), or any financial loss, loss of profit, business, contracts,
opportunity, goodwill or other similar loss arising out of or in connection with the purchase, use or
performance of any Raymarine product, even if Raymarine has been advised of the possibility of such
damages, and no case shall exceed the cost of the product. The remedies to the customer are herein
Some jurisdictions do not allow exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the
above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and
you may also have other rights, which vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
The Raymarine warranty terms and conditions as described herein do not affect the customers statutory
rights and comply with EU Directive 1999/44/EC.
Raymarine is the sole author of this policy and makes no further warranties, express or implied unless a
separate, specific warranty has been written and provided to the customer. This warranty supersedes
and replaces all previous warranties.
All Raymarine products are merely aids to navigation. It is the responsibility of the user to exercise
discretion and proper navigational skill, independent of any Raymarine equipment.
Technical Support
Telephone: +1 800 539 5539 Ext: 2444 or
+1 603 881 5200 Ext:2444
Dealer address
Commissioned by
Commissioning date
Owners name
Mailing address