Allen Rothwarf On Aether
Allen Rothwarf On Aether
Allen Rothwarf On Aether
Allen Rothwarf
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Drexel University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 U.S.A.
electrons and positrons in a negative energy state relative to the null state or true vacuum, is
proposed and its consequences are explored for physics and cosmology. The model
provides both insight and quantitative results for a large number of phenomena for which
treated are: wave-particle duality, the nature of spin (a vortex in the aether), the derivation
of HubbleÕs law; electric fields (polarization of the aether); Zitterbewegung (a bare particle
orbiting within a vortex core); inflation in cosmology; the arrow of time; the Pauli exclusion
principle (repulsion between parallel spin vortices); the nature of the photon (a region of
rotating polarized aether propagating with a screw-like motion); neutrinos (a spin vortex
with no particle in its core); redshifts; g-ray bursters; and a number of other topics. A key
assumption is that the speed of light is the Fermi velocity of the degenerate electron-
positron plasma that dominates the aether. As a consequence the speed of light decreases
dissolved, and an oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere with water vapor and other trace gases are
readily accepted, the third fluid, the aether, which penetrates everything is ridiculed as a
relic of a bygone era in science. Yet, while rejecting an aether, the science establishment
cosmological constants, vacuum fluctuations that can generate anything, and time and space
expanding and shrinking. To the true believer, the fact that Òthey workÓ is the only
justification for the major theories in physics; MaxwellÕs equations, the Schrodinger
equation, and Relativity, and is used as evidence that we know everything, that ÒScience is
DeadÓ, and humanityÕs brightest should move on to more challenging tasks. Some of us,
however, are heretics. We would actually like to ÒunderstandÓ the physics, rather than just
also ridiculed by the establishment as asking meaningless questions, we have found that the
aether is not only a useful concept, but that it is a real substance with an origin that
coincides with the birth of our universe and whose properties determine the speed of light,
the other physical constants, and the missing insight lacking in present theories.
Before expounding upon the aether and how it explains so many phenomena in a
simple way, let me point out that contrary to popular belief, science is not logically based.
Instead, it, like all human activity is based upon chance and trial and error. The chimp who
accidentally cracked the first nut with a stick or the baboon who first cracked an oyster or
clam with a rock, didnÕt ask about how much force needed to be applied or the properties
of shells. It was enough for them and those that followed that Òit workedÓ. In our text
books we mostly read about the approaches that worked. Occasionally failed approaches,
such as the aether, are mentioned to show how much better the current approach works.
Once something works there may be all sorts of explanations for why it works, but they are
irrelevant since they all necessarily result in what is known to work or they are discarded.
because it had no medium in which to act and hence was action-at-a-distance, are not a
problem, nor does the notion that if light is a wave in what medium is it a wave. For
gravity we distort space-time (another mysterious property of the vacuum) and for light we
have the concepts of electric and magnetic fields (which have no clear pictures). For the
origin of our universe we have a big bang which originated not only all the matter but also
space-time itself. It is the expansion of space-time that gives us the expanding universe and
the redshift of light from distant galaxies. As to why space-time is expanding or what
determines the speed of light, thatÕs just the way it is. Still more mysterious is Quantum
Mechanics where the particles are also waves, and waves are also particles (photons, etc),
and the wave function is not in a medium but is a probability wave of some sort. The key
constant in Quantum Mechanics is PlanckÕs constant, h, and the key constant in Relativity
is, c, the speed of light. Conventional physicists wouldnÕt think of asking what determines
In the subsequent sections we will give our model for the aether and then show
how it affords us deeper insight into many areas of physics. In section 2 we give the
physical model for the aether and mention some of the conceptual problems it resolves.
Section 3 details the mathematical model for the aether and derives the rate of expansion of
the universe, the variation of the speed of light with time, HubbleÕs law, and treats the
inflationary period of growth of the universe. Section 4 treats the relation of the aether to
Quantum Mechanics. Section 5 relates the aether to electricity and magnetism, gives a
detailed description of the photon, a plausible coupling mechanism between particles and
the aether, and another possible mechanism for the redshift of light from distant sources.
Section 6 discusses spin and statistics, with a model for spin as a vortex centered on a
ÒporeÓ in the aether, and shows how the magnetic moment of the electron is related to the
Zitterbewegung of the electron. Section 7 discusses our concerns about Relativity and
suggests a test of our model using the LIGO apparatus. Section 8 contains a long list of
topics ranging from the mechanism for energy production in the early universe, to the
arrow of time, the collapse of the wavefunction in Quantum Mechanics, and a possible
steady state universe that includes many mini big bangs. In section 9 we summarize our
results, and present our conclusion that our aether approach represents a fruitful approach
While I had never really swallowed Quantum Mechanics, and had harbored the
notion of a medium in which the particles moved and created waves that could interact with
obstacles and act back on the particle, the nature and origin of such a medium was not
obvious. Indeed, this has always been the problem with the aether. In ÒThe Evolution of
PhysicsÓ by Einstein and Infeld(1) at the end of section 2 - The Decline of the Mechanical
View, in their summary they state, ÒWaves spreading in a medium consisting of particles,
with mechanical forces acting between them, are certainly a mechanical concept. But what
is the medium through which light spreads and what are its mechanical properties? There is
no hope of reducing the optical phenomena to mechanical ones before this question is
answered. But the difficulties in solving this problem are so great that we have to give it up
and thus give up the mechanical view as wellÓ. Hence, it is necessary to have a specific
model for the aether, if we hope to explain the complex phenomena of electricity,
It is also of interest to note that Dirac in 1951 published a Letter to Nature titled ÒIs
There an Aether?Ó(2) in which he showed that the objections to an aether posed by Relativity
were removed by Quantum Mechanics, and that in his reformulation of electrodynamics the
vector potential was a velocity.(3) He concludes the Letter with ÒWe have now the
natural to regard it as the velocity of some real physical thing. Thus with the new theory of
electrodynamics we are rather forced to have an aetherÓ. Others have worked on aether
models, some similar to ours in many ways, and we will refer to their work later.
The key insight that our model presents is that it gives a natural origin to the aether
and hence links a vast array of phenomena that are often treated in disjointed ways or not at
all. In brief, the aether stems from the big-bang origin of our universe. During the period
of the big-bang, particles and anti-particles were created in great numbers. Conventional
physics asserts that almost all of these annihilated themselves, giving rise to radiation.(4)
Our picture differs from the conventional one in that particles and anti-particles do not
annihilate one another. Instead they form a bound state which is actually at a lower energy
than if they had annihilated. This lower energy results from the collective correlation
energy of the particles and anti-particles interacting with many others at high density. An
analogous state exists in semiconductors irradiated by a high intensity laser.(5) There, such
a high density of electrons and holes (absence of an electron in the bonding states) are
created, that degenerate gases of electrons and holes are formed. This Òelectron-hole dropÓ
shows a much longer lifetime and a large shift in energy, compared to those for an isolated
electron-hole pair. Extrapolating the electron-hole state to much higher density one can
expect a situation where the electron and hole plasma would be stable relative to
recombination and hence would persist after the laser was turned off. While such a state
hasnÕt been realized in semiconductors, we propose that the aether is such a state. We will
argue that electrons and positrons dominate the aether plasma, and from this deduce a
number of quantitative and qualitative results that greatly enhance our understanding of the
natural world.
At this point it may be occurring to the reader that when particles and antiparticles
come together and energy is released that equals the rest mass of the particles, then how can
we claim that the particles havenÕt recombined? Consider an isolated electron or positron.
One can show that the energy associated with the electric field around these charges is
given by
lim e2 1
U= (1)
r ® 0 8p Î0 r
and hence diverges if r ® 0. Here e is the charge on the electron, Î 0 the permittivity of
free space, and r the distance from the charged particle. In standard treatments of electricity
this energy is called the self energy of the particle, and the divergence is avoided by setting
this energy equal to the rest mass energy moc2, and defining a cutoff distance or radius for
We will deal with the infinity in another way later. Here, we simply point out that
ordinarily as the electron and positron approach one another the field energy is greatly
reduced, and at a distance on the order of r0 the reduction in energy is sufficient for each to
emit a g-ray equal in energy to the particleÕs rest mass energy m oc2. Hence there is no
positron pair at a distance of ~ ro would be in a negative energy state relative to the free
particles, just as the electron-proton hydrogen atom is in a negative energy state relative to
the free particles. For our case we also claim that the electrons and positrons interact with
other pairs and reach an energy negative with respect to the null state. The null state is the
absence of the aether, is what one would classify as the ÒtrueÓ vacuum. (7)
It is already possible at this point to preview some of the results. First, since the
aether is a plasma of particles which obey Fermi-Dirac statistics, they will have a velocity,
and hence the region containing these particles will expand even after new particle-
antiparticle production ceases. Hence, in our picture the expansion of the aether replaces
the expansion of space-time, and indeed our aether replaces space-time. From the
mathematical model of the aether which we will present below, HubbleÕs law(4) for the
expanding universe is easily obtained. Another conceptual problem that the aether removes
is the particle-wave duality that arises from Quantum Mechanics. An object moving
through the aether creates a wave in the aether just as one moving through air or water
creates a wave. The wave also acts back on the object to determine its path. Thus, a flat-
faced boat approaching a solid dock has difficulty reaching the dock due to the water it
pushes ahead bouncing back, and moving the boat back. For a moving particle in Quantum
Mechanics there will be a disturbance in the aether that accompanies the particle and acts
back on it. Hence in the double slit experiment the aether waves enter both slits, while the
particle passes through only one. This is the approach taken by Bohm(8, 9, 10)
, but Bohm
still considered the waves to be probability waves rather than waves in a real medium.
The interference between the components of the aether waves then determines where the
particle will strike the detector. Since the particle and its wave disturbance are linked, what
affects one affects the other, giving the reason why the particle seems to be simultaneously
negative energy state (relative to the annihilation or null state), we would like to put this
picture on a quantitative basis and see what quantitative predictions can be obtained. First
we will assume that the aether is dominated by electrons and positrons. This is based upon
the standard picture of cosmology (even though we will be changing parts of that picture)
in which, as the big-bang cools down, there is a period during which electrons and
positrons dominate the matter in the universe, before annihilating to form g-rays. (4,7) We
envision that the ÒannihilationÓ is really a condensation into the aether. While we will be
electron-positron plasma is subject to Quantum Mechanics, and will for high enough
density form a degenerate Fermi fluid, similar to the situation in metals, neutron stars, or
liquid He3.(11)
A universal feature of a degenerate Fermi fluid (gas or liquid) is the existence, due
to the Pauli exclusion principle of a highest energy (at zero temperature) for the particles
called the Fermi level, and a velocity associated with this level called the Fermi velocity.(11)
h kF h
vF = = (3p 2 n )1 / 3 (2)
m m
where h is PlanckÕs constant divided by 2p, m is the mass of the electron (positron), k F
the wavevector of electrons at the Fermi energy, and n is the density of the electrons
(positrons). One thing that becomes apparent from equation (2) is that once particle
production ceases as the big-bang cooled, n should decrease as the aether expands, and
hence vF should also decrease. The question arises at this point as to the significance of v F
We had mentioned in the introduction that others have considered an aether similar
to ours. There is a vast literature of recent work, which is most readily accessed through
the world wide web, as well as, through conventional journals. (12) We will mention only
two of these approaches to give the flavor of what is being considered by others, and
because they have some features in common with our model. Meno has an aether
composed of particles called gyrons, that are oblong in shape, and matter consists of
rotational flows (vortices) involving these gyrons. All phenomena are explained in terms
of various excitations of the aether. MenoÕs aether satisfies the necessary symmetry and
invariance conditions. Sinha et al showed that a particle-anti particle aether would satisfy
all the necessary symmetry and invariance relations to be consistent with known
physics.(12) They, however, tried to show the relevance of their aether to known
of the known properties of superconductors to draw analogies to those of the aether. This
approach has had some success, but our assumption as to the physical meaning of v F
appears to be more fruitful, namely, we equate vF to the speed of light, c, and consider the
consequences! The rationale behind this assumption is that one can show that excitations in
such a system travel at velocities limited by v F . (13) Using equation (2) and v F = c, we
i) c depends upon the density of the particles in the aether, it isnÕt simply a
ii) Since n decreases with time as the aether expands, c will also be a
Taking equation (2) and v F = c0 the present speed of light, we can calculate n0 the
present value of the density of the aether electrons (positrons). This yields n0 =
electron and holes in the Electron-Hole Drops,(5, 11) that was the model for our aether, of
2 ´ 1017/cm3, we see that we are many orders of magnitude denser, and hence, this is at
least consistent with the hypothesis that at high density the correlations could increase the
the null state. For the electron-hole plasma in Ge at 2 ´ 1017/cm3 the added binding energy
is 2 meV compared to the free exciton.(5, 11)
To extrapolate 12 powers of ten is not
possible, so the true energy diagram for the aether is not available yet. However, we do
know that the condensation energy is the present rest mass energy of the electron-positron
pair or 2 (0.511 MeV) = 1.02 MeV, and that the kinetic energy of the electrons and
1 2
positrons in the aether at the top of the distribution (the Fermi level) is mc » 0.25MeV.
We can thus picture the free electron and positron condensing with each releasing 0.51
MeV and gaining 0.25 MeV in kinetic energy. This suggests that the potential energy of
the aether particles at the Fermi level relative to free particles is given by:
1 2 3
mc + V = - mc2 or V = - mc2 (3)
2 2
We will leave this for now and return to it later when we treat the energy balance of
the universe.
There are other results that follow from Eq. (2) with v F = c, that have a direct
bearing on cosmology. First if we consider that as the aether expands and the big-bang
cools, particle production ceases at some point, and leaves a total number of electrons (or
positrons) N o in the aether. If R(t) is the radius of the aether, (also the radius of the
universe) then n = N 0 / pR 3 ( t ). Since the fastest particles in the aether are moving with
velocity c(t) some will always be crossing the outer radius, and thus expanding R(t). The
Ç ( t ) is
where c0 is the present speed of light and R0 the present radius of the universe and R
R( t ) RÇ ( t ) = a c 0 R 0 (5)
Ç (t ) = 1 d R 2 (t ) :
The solution of this equation is, using R( t ) R ( )
2 dt
1/ 2
R( t ) = 2ac 0 R 0 ( t - t i ) + R 2i ] , t > ti (6)
where ti is the time at which particle production ceased and Ri is the radius of the universe
at that time. Since the present time t0 is much greater than ti and R0 is much greater than R i,
Eq. (6) predicts that the universe is expanding with a t1/2 time dependence.
Also from Eq. (6) and the second form of Eq (4) we see that the speed of light is
decreasing as t-1/2. These results have assumed that h and m have values independent of
time. The time dependence for R(t) given by Eq. (6) is nearly identical to that found from
unorthodox assumption of a real aether, our predictions are similar to those of traditional
theory at least for some properties. However, the speed of light is not considered as
variable in traditional theory, but the expansion rate of the universe does change with time
Another result that arises naturally from the aether fluid is HubbleÕs law. (4, 7) This
law which was deduced from experimental observations states that the farther away from
us a galaxy is, the greater is its velocity away from us. Mathematically this is
For a fluid, conservation of the mass of the fluid gives the continuity equation
¶n r
= - Ñ · ( nv) (8)
r r
where n is the density and vthe velocity of the fluid and Ñ · ( nv) is the divergence of the
particle current. The velocity of the fluid is the coherent or drift velocity of the fluid, rather
than the velocity of the particles individually. In our treatment so far we have neglected any
spatial dependence of the density of the aether. The rationale for this is that the velocity of
the particles in the Fermi Dirac distribution range in each volume, from 0 to the speed of
light, and hence the fluid is well mixed. This will fail to some extent at the edge of the
expanding universe where particles are diffusing into the true vacuum. We will treat n as
independent of r in Eq (8). The time dependence of n follows from its definition and Eq.
¶n dn d æ N 0 ö RÇ
= = ç4 = - 3n ( t ) (9)
¶t dt dt è 3 p R( t )3 ÷ø R
If we assume that v(r) depends only on r, then we need only consider the term in the
RÇ ( t ) 2 ¶v( r )
3 = v( r ) + = K( t ) (11)
R( t ) r ¶r
1 d 2
( r v( r )) = K( t ) (12)
r 2 dr
The general solution of this is:
K( t )r c1 R Ç (t) c
v( r ) = + 2 = r + 21 (13)
3 r R( t ) r
where c1 is a constant of integration, which from the second form of Eq (13) can be set to
zero, since v(R) = RÇ ( t ) satisfies the boundary condition at the edge of the universe. With
Ç (t ) a c R
R a c0 1
H( t ) = = 20 0 = @ (14)
R( t ) R (t ) R0 2t
Where the second form of Eq. (14) is obtained using Eq (5), and the third by setting R(t) =
R0 i.e. t = t0 the present time, and the final form using Eq. (6) in the limit t >> ti. The time t
is since the start of the big-bang (or more correctly, the time since particle production
While Eqs. (13) and (14) are an apparent derivation of HubbleÕs law assuming that
the galaxies are swept along with the expanding aether, there are several loose ends that
need to be tied. First is the issue of where r is measured from. The observations measure
the distance to the light sources from earth, while the derivation in assuming that v was a
function of r only, implicitly took the origin for r to be the position of the big-bang, since it
assumption. Second is the fact that the light being observed, and from which the velocity
is determined via the redshift of the wavelengths, was emitted at an earlier time. From Eqs.
(13) and (14) a higher velocity would have occurred for a given distance at an earlier time.
If there is a one to one correspondence between the time the light was emitted and the
distance computed to the source, then we would expect HubbleÕs constant to be smaller for
nearby sources since the light was emitted at a later time compared to distant sources.
Indeed, there seems to be some controversy about HubbleÕs constant, with values derived
from nearby sources differing by about a factor of two from those from distant sources. (4)
Other problems that must be addressed are related to the speed of light being a
function of time, and the possibility that other physical constants may also vary with time.
This raises the possibility that the redshift is not due to the expansion of space-time (the
aether) but is due to the fact that the emitted photons were already shifted when emitted,
since the physical constants at that time were different. Also it is possible that some distant
galaxies were formed not in our big-bang, but in another that overlaps ours, and have
aether properties different from ours that would produce discontinuities in redshifts from
The above treatment considered the situation after the big-bang had cooled
sufficiently so that particles were no longer being created and the aether had a fixed number
of particles N0. The natural question is whether anything can be said about the period prior
to ti. The answer is yes, if we return to the continuity equation and allow a generation term
¶n r
= - Ñ · ( nv) + g( t ) (15)
where g(t) describes the process through which new particles enter the aether. Later, we
will discuss a mechanism, through which the presence of the aether as a negative energy
state, provides the energy for additional particle production that results in an increase in the
density of the aether. Since the energy available for particle production depends upon the
density of the aether, we assume that g is proportional to a power of the density. Thus we
g = g nb (16)
Since the generation process occurs at short times after the initiation of the big-bang when
the universe is very small and uniform we will consider what Eqs. (15) and (16) predict
when the divergence term is dropped. In particular if we take the case b = 1, we find(17)
where ni is the density at which the generation term g dominates in Eq. (15). From Eq(2)
and the assumption that RÇ ( t ) = a v F = ac the exponential growth in n given by Eq. (17)
translates into the exponential growth of the radius of the universe (aether) during the time t
< ti when particle production is occurring. Thus, a period of inflationary growth or
ÒinflationÓ occurs naturally in the aether model. Other models of cosmology have
introduced inflation as an ad hoc assumption, (18) in our picture it can emerge in a natural
In summary, in this section we have demonstrated that the aether model can be put
into mathematical form and makes reasonable predictions, in agreement with experiment
and previous models, in relation to cosmology. It also introduces new concepts and
results, such as the time dependence of the speed of light on a cosmological scale.
The key features of Quantum Mechanics are the Schrodinger Equation(19) and the
rules for determining the predicted value for observables. The quantity that the
Schrodinger Equation describes is the wavefunction Y ( r , t ) ; and the rules tell what
information can be determined once Y has been found. From the point of view of
predicting and accounting for experimental results in atoms, molecules and condensed
matter, Quantum Mechanics has been a very successful theory. Where it is flawed is in its
foundations, which are heuristic, and in the meaning of Y . (20) The usual interpretation of
particle within the volume dV. An alternate approach is the ensemble picture, which states
that if one had a large number of identical systems, then |Y|2dV would represent the
fraction of the systems that would be found to have a particle in the volume dV. Quantum
Mechanics is excellent in predicting energy levels in ÒstationaryÓ states such as the energy
levels of electrons in atoms or allowed energy bands in solids, and similar problems.
However, for the seemingly trivial case of a free particle it is incapable of providing a
reasonable solution.(20) Also there is no ÒderivationÓ of the Schrodinger Equation, and the
probability amplitude is not a wave in a real medium but rather an abstract concept.
h2 2 r r ¶Y r r
- Ñ Y ( r , t ) + V( r ) Y ( r , t ) = i h ( r , t ) = EY ( r , t ) (18)
2m ¶t
where Ñ 2 is the Laplacian operator V(r) is the potential energy function, h is PlanckÕs
constant divided by 2p, and i = -1. For stationary states with constant energy E, such as
electrons in atoms, molecules, or condensed systems, the last equality is valid. Hence,
given V(r) one can solve for Y(r, t), and E, once the boundary conditions have been
specified. While there are a very limited number of potentials for which exact solutions can
be found for Y(r, t), these were the foundation of Quantum Mechanics for several
generations. But now one can routinely use computers to obtain solutions for even quite
formulated.(21) Others, such as Einstein, deBroglie, Bohm, Dirac, Bell and many many
others, find the lack of a convincing derivation for the Schrodinger Equation, the
Mechanics are defects that require a search for a more fundamental theory.(8, 9, 10)
To the
list of objections to Quantum Mechanics, the fact that there is no way of determining h , the
key constant in Quantum Mechanics, from any more fundamental considerations should be
added. The aether model affords the opportunity to at least address some of these flaws in
Quantum Mechanics.
Since the aether is a fluid, one would expect that a particle moving through it would
generate waves which could interact with other particles or objects in the aether and act
back on the particle. This view is reasonable since this is just what one sees for objects
moving through water or air. Hence, one would expect the Schrodinger Equation to be the
description of the motion of a particle through the aether. The natural variable to describe a
If we use the density n, then the continuity equation (Eq. (8)) is a natural starting point.
The key question is how to relate the motion of the particle to the velocity of the fluid.
There are analogous problems in other fluids, such as the Brownian motion(22, 23) of small
particles in a gas, or the motion of particles through a metal. These are well-known
problems in statistical physics but are non-trivial mathematically. One well known result is
¶n ¶2 n
=D 2 (19)
¶t ¶x
where D is the diffusion coefficient determined by the properties of the fluid and n is the
density of the particles in the fluid which are diffusing. A very similar equation(22, 23)
¶z ¶2z
=D 2 (20)
¶t ¶x
represents the probability density z (x, t) of finding a particle at x at time t, and D is again
These equations are very similar to the Schrodinger Equation (Eq. 18) for a free
particle (V = 0), particularly Eq. (20) where the probability density is involved, while the
Schrodinger Equation is for the probability amplitude. A further point of interest is that if a
long cylinder is placed in a flowing fluid, classical hydrodynamics would predict that there
is no force on it.(24) Since this is at variance with observations for macroscopic objects, it
is necessary to introduce a boundary layer, which is related to frictional forces at the
surface. However, for a microscopic situation with irrotational flow and no friction, D
would need to be related to some other property of the fluid. If we compare Eqs. (19) and
(20) with Eq. (18) in one dimension they would be the same differential equation for V = 0
if D = i h (25)
Is there any way of showing how this can arise from our aether model?
The answer is probably yes, but we have not done it. It is sufficient at this point to note the
similarity of the form of the Schrodinger Equation to Brownian motion and diffusion in
D= (21)
6 phR
where k is BoltzmannÕs constant, T the absolute temperature h the viscosity of the fluid
and R the particle radius. The temperature enters because kT is the characteristic energy of
the particles in the fluid. For the aether, T is zero and some other energy must control the
For a picture of what is occurring one can visualize the particle being struck by
aether particles from all sides as it moves, with the reflected aether particles changing the
distribution in the aether from its equilibrium state. This disturbance is the y function of
the Schrodinger Equation. For the case of a potential energy term, V(r), it may polarize the
aether and hence affect y or scatter aether particles and affect y. The mass of the particle
would enter through its effectiveness in scattering, similar to the radius R in Eq. (21).
Thus we approach the Schrodinger equation from a physical point of view that stresses the
fluid in which the wave exists, rather than the mathematical approach through heuristic
One of the points that we mentioned previously, was that in Quantum Mechanics it
is only with great difficulty that a free particle can be represented, and then only by
violating conservation of energy. To quote Griffiths(20) after showing that the solutions for
Hy = Ey (the plane wave solutions) are not normalizable and hence not physically
realizable states; ÒA free particle cannot exist in a stationary state; or, to put it another way,
there is no such thing as a free particle with a definite energyÓ. Since this occurs early in
the Quantum Mechanics book, and the course goes on without batting an eye about this,
each generation of physicists is simply bulldozed into accepting what should have
precluded the validity of Quantum Mechanics in its present interpretation. In the aether
model, energy is shared between the particle and the aether, and the above result poses no
Anyone who has considered electric or magnetic fields is confused by what these
concepts are. By definition these fields produce forces on electric charges or magnetic
poles respectively, but by what means is left unexplained.(26) Here we move the issue one
step further in understanding. The electric field exists when an electric polarization of the
aether occurs, whereby the minus charges (primarily electrons) in the aether are separated
from the plus charges (primarily positrons) in the aether by a distance that differs from the
materials, where the separation between the electrons and plus charge in the nuclei in atoms
and molecules reduce an applied electric field.(6) An object in the aether would experience a
force due to the stress in the aether that constitutes an electric field. This is similar to the
view that relativity takes with respect to gravity, namely that it is a bending of space
produced by mass.(4) The electric field is thus a disturbance of the aether that results from
changing the spacing in the aether between positive and negative charges. The picture of
the potential energy surfaces as peaks or valleys about plus and negative charges is
Magnetic fields on the other hand appear to be related not to the polarization of the
aether but rather to a flow in the aether. MaxwellÕs equations that pertain to magnetic fields
are: (6)
r r - ¶B
(a) Ñ · B = 0, (b) Ñ´E= , (22)
r r
r æ ¶P ¶E ö
and (c) Ñ ´ B = m 0 ç jtrue + + Ñ ´ M + e0
è ¶t ¶t ÷ø
where B is the magnetic induction, E the electric field, P the electric polarization, M the
magnetization, m 0 the permeability, and e 0 the permittivity of space (aether) and jtrue the
r r
current carried by charges. It is common to write B in terms of the vector potential, A , as:
r r
B=Ñ´A (23)
since then (22a) is automatically satisfied by the vector identity Ñ · (Ñ ´ u) = 0 for any
r r
vector u. It was long thought obvious that A could have no physical significance in itself,
since it was merely a mathematical artifact, and all physical effects should occur through B
alone. However, the Aharonov-Bohm Effect(20, 27) showed that A can affect the quantum
r r
behavior of charged particles in regions of space where B and E are zero. In addition,
prior to Aharonov and Bohm, the London equation(11, 28) indicated that the supercurrent in
superconductors was directly proportional to the vector potential A . Also Dirac had
pointed out that in electrodynamics the vector potential is the velocity of something,
presumably the aether. (2, 3) Thus, we expect A to represent a flow in the aether with the
magnetic induction B given by Eqs. 23 and 22b).
In regard to 22b it is common to write
r ¶A
E = -Ñj - (24)
where j is known as the scalar potential, and hence, since Ñ ´ Ñj = 0 for any scalar j ,
the left-hand side of Eq. 22b) together with the definition Eq. (23) give the right-hand side
of Eq. 22b). Thus, for time dependent problems, the vector potential determines both the
1 æ B2 ö
U = òç + e 0 E 2 ÷ dV (25)
2 è m0 ø
Where the integral is over all space. Indeed, it is common to use the Maxwell stress
tensor(6) to represent the effects of electric and magnetic fields upon materials in such
fields, and also to discuss energy and momentum balance in electromagnetic waves. In
particular, the Poynting vector, N , is given by:
r r r 1 r r
N=E´H= E ´ B (in free space), (26)
and its integral over a surface determines the rate that energy is being carried into or out of a
region. The stress tensor Ta b (a, b are coordinate axes designations i.e., Tx x , Tx y , etc.)
can be used to find the volume force through its divergence, and one finds that the
where c2 = (m 0 e 0 ) -1 and k and k m are respectively, the relative dielectric constant and
permeability of the material in question. Fev only exists in the presence of material bodies.
However, the second term exists even in free space where k = k m = 1. This caused a
problem, since it would fit a theory in which an aether capable of transmitting elastic waves
and sustaining a body force exists.(6) To avoid this, while accepting all other conclusions
drawn from MaxwellÕs equation, the second term is subtracted. To quote Panofsky and
Phillips,(6) Òin the absence of measurable physical properties for the ether, we are thus
appears in a dual role, as carrying energy and also as carrying momentum.Ó Furthermore,
r r
Panofsky and Phillips note that by defining a momentum density g = N c2 which is
required to conserve momentum Ò..., the assumption of conservation of momentum and the
absence of an aether can be used to derive the mass-energy equivalence. In this way, the
relation E = mc2 can be obtained without introducing the entire relativistic kinematics.Ó
Hence, rather than traditional physics simply saying that an aether isnÕt necessary
and having everything turn out consistently, the absence of an aether causes problems, and
ad hoc changes have been introduced to hide the possible existence of an aether.
The question of what form of energy exists in these fields can be addressed in the
aether model. In essence the electric fields are a strain energy in the aether, analogous to
1 2
that in a solid, kx , with k a spring constant and x the displacement from equilibrium.
The magnetic field energy is analogous to kinetic energy, mv2 . As in other condensed
media, combinations of displacement and motion produce waves. Water and air are two of
the fluids with which we are intimately acquainted, and they can sustain a number of
different types of waves or excitations. In air there are sound waves, pressure waves
(highs and lows of weather fronts), hurricanes, tornadoes, wind patterns (trade winds, jet
stream), vortices, and possibly others. For water there are transverse surface waves,
longitudinal sound waves, whirlpools, ocean currents (gulf stream) and possibly others.
In the electron-ion plasma in condensed matter there are also a variety of excitations
including sound, spin waves, charge density waves, helicons, polaritons, plasmons,
etc.(11) We would expect the aether to exhibit an equally rich spectrum of excitations.(26)
The most important excitation in the aether is the photon, since we perceive the
visual world through optical photons, and receive much of our communications through
electromagnetic waves (radio, TV). Consider how an optical photon is generated in the
hydrogen atom. Here we picture the Bohr model for the electron orbiting the proton.(29)
What do we expect based upon the aether picture? Clearly the electron is moving so one
expects it to disturb the aether, and hence a wavefunction is produced. At the same time
there exists a strain in the aether due to the fixed electric field of the proton and the rotating
electric field of the electron. In addition to this the spins of the proton and electron produce
flow patterns in the aether. Hence this ÒsimpleÓ case is in reality quite complex. If the
electron is in an excited state there is energy in the system that can be released. First we
need to ask what form the energy takes. Above we have mentioned the field energy
ò e 0 E 2 dV . (Eqs. (1) and (25)). However, only differences in this energy are considered
in conventional treatments because the total energy diverges unless artificial cutoff radii are
introduced for the electron and proton. When considered, the total energy is somehow
unresolved infinities which the student is to dutifully ignore; the emperor has no clothes,
but it isnÕt polite to mention it. How does the aether model address this same problem? In
the model there is a finite density of particles in the aether and hence a natural Òpore sizeÓ in
which there is no aether. Particles thus have no aether around them within a distance equal
to this pore size, and hence no electric field in the sense defined above. The field is
essentially transmitted by the particle ÒrattlingÓ around within the pore and transmitting the
impulse that polarizes the aether. As we will see later the pore is also the core of a vortex
which constitutes the spin of the particle. Hence, by different reasoning we conclude, as
do conventional treatments, that there is a field energy U0 that is carried by the electron and
When the electron orbits the proton, there is a region between them along the line
connecting them where the field is enhanced, and hence the energy is higher, and a region
beyond them where the fields tend to cancel lowering the energy compared to the isolated
electron and proton. In conventional theory, using the potential energy of the electron in
the presence of the proton, and its kinetic energy, one shows that the energy of the system
is lower than for a free electron or proton. The potential energy approach replaces the field
energy calculation, and is simpler, but it masks the true physics of the situation, namely
that there is a high energy dipole field region between the electron and proton that is
One can show that the closer the electron is to the proton, the lower the total energy
of the system, however the kinetic energy, T, actually increases. By the virial theorem(30)
T = -E; with E measured relative to the free particles, E is negative. Hence the more tightly
bound the system the higher its kinetic energy, and the higher its angular frequency. This
1 1
follows since T = mv2 = mr 2w 2 with w = v/r. Hence for larger T at smaller r, w = v/r
2 2
increases due to the rise in v and the decrease in r. The reason for the interest in w and the
rotating dipole field in the atom, is that to understand what a photon is we need to visualize
how it is generated.
The emission of the photon is mysterious, since in classical theory the radiation is
continuous, and in Quantum Mechanics (QM) it is discontinuous, but no details of the
process are available even in principle! In QM the quantized energy of the photon is E = hn
= hw, and it has an angular momentum h , usually referred to as right and left circular
w is or what the significance of h as a multiplier for w is, or what the photon is physically.
QM gives results ex-cathedra, and one is not encouraged to ask questions. In the aether
model, the photon can be visualized as a rotating polarized region of the aether that has
broken loose from the rotating dipole region in the atom that was described above. It is
emitted perpendicular to the plane of the orbit of the electron, when the electron is pulled in
closer to the proton. As it moves through the aether with the speed of light c, the rotating
polarized region completes a cycle in a time 2p/w = 1/n during which the disturbance has
traveled a distance l = c/n. The angular momentum of the aether region is along the
direction of or opposite to the direction of propagation, since one has clockwise or counter
clockwise motion for the rotating polarized region in the atom. A natural question is how
One can show a mathematical relation between the frequency of the emitted photon
and the angular velocities in the initial and final orbits of the electron namely from the Bohr
model: (29)
w if = (n f w f - n i w i ) (28)
where the nÕs are the principal quantum numbers of the orbits and w ns the angular
velocities. The value of the wnÕs go as n-3 and hence wf is greater than w i. For ni = 2 and
¥ and nf > 2, w¥f > wf. The states of the H atom are quantized according to the rule:
En = nhw n (29)
From these results it is clear that the angular velocities of the electron in Bohr orbits
are similar in magnitude to the angular frequency of the emitted photon and support the
picture presented above. What is lacking in the standard picture of QM is how the angular
momentum is carried. We have mentioned, that because the aether was dismissed as a real
r r r
entity,(6) the Poynting vector N = E ´ H must be given the task of carrying not only the
r r
energy of a wave but also the momentum density per unit volume g = N c2 , where c is the
r r
speed of light. The cross product of r , the position vector, and g integrated over all space
gives the angular momentum of the electromagnetic field. Yet despite the importance of
photons, to our knowledge no treatment of the region over which the E and H (or B) fields
exist in the photon (i.e., the length and transverse extent) nor the magnitudes of the fields,
appear in texts on light or QM. Since the aether is not supposed to exist, no account of
clue from the volume force on the vacuum that comes out of the Maxwell stress tensor,
kk m ¶( E ´ H)
c2 ¶t
as well as other terms which previously have been ascribed to media only i.e.(6)
e0 2 m
- E Ñk - 0 H 2Ñk m (31)
2 2
where k and k m are the relative dielectric and magnetic permeabilities of a material. These
terms, depend on the density of a medium, which is modified by the passage of particles
and waves. Hence, since we consider the aether to be a fluid with a density of electric and
magnetic dipoles that determine k and km, we expect forces from the terms in Eq(31) when
a particle moves through the aether. We thus, have a plausible mechanism for the
interaction between particles and waves and the aether. In particular, we have pointed out
that there are ÒporesÓ in the aether due to the finite density of the electrons and positrons, in
which particles are trapped within vortices. Clearly there will be gradients in k and km near
such ÒporesÓ and the forces will tend to keep any trapped particles in the pores.
To return to the nature of the photon, the electron in orbit in an atom with its
rotating polarization field is pulled in from an outer orbit to an inner orbit shrinking the
rotating polarized region while simultaneously increasing its angular velocity. At some
point in this process a rotating polarized region of aether breaks away, carrying with it
energy hw and angular momentum h . The rotating polarized region constitutes the
photon. Based upon this picture we expect the lateral extent of the photon to be on the
order of the size of the initial atomic orbit or less. Yet interference experiments done with
light from distant stars with lenses or mirrors spaced meters apart and an average of one
photon at a time coming in, suggest an entity of much larger in extent(26) (meters, compared
to the 10-10 meters size of the atom). How can we reconcile these seemingly contradictory
results? The entity, which we identified as the photon as it travels through the aether
particle does. While the rotating aether region that constitutes the photon remains localized
as it moves, the aether disturbance can spread out creating a pattern which can steer the
photon when these waves encounter lenses or diffraction gratings, etc. his is basically
what HuygenÕs principle states. That the photon is small and localized is attested to by the
photoelectric effect,(31) where a single photon ejects an electron locally from a material, and
also by photographic plates where the photon deposits its energy locally to produce a
chemical change. We can thus account for the non-intuitive behavior of photons
A further question about the disturbance in the aether caused by either photons or
particles, is whether these disturbances carry energy and momentum, distinct from the
particle or photon. It would be logical to assume that they do, and that under proper
theory when scattering occurs. There it is known, that other non-radiating fields exist,
these Ònear-fieldsÓ (or induction or quasi-stationary fields) die out quickly and hence donÕt
carry energy in the conventional sense.(6) However, their presence can be demonstrated
and measured. In the case of photons from distant sources,(26) we have mentioned the very
large transverse width over which coherence has been demonstrated, and attributed this to
the disturbance in the aether generated by the photon. Since this disturbance has energy, it
must have drawn this energy from the photon, and hence lowered the photonÕs energy,
giving a redshift to the light.(32) This redshift explanation differs from other approaches,
such as of the expansion of the universe,(4) or the Doppler shift due to relativity,(4) and to
the different physical constants in distant regions, which we will treat subsequently.
6. Spin and Statistics
One of the earliest indications of the non-classical properties of particles is the spin
numbers per electron in the atom, n, l, and ml. These, respectively, determine the orbit an
electron is in, its orbital angular momentum magnitude, and the orientation of that angular
momentum with respect to a coordinate axis, usually the z-axis. In addition, the electron
was found to have an internal coordinate.(33) This internal coordinate could have two
values, and also had a magnetic moment associated with it, and by inference an angular
momentum. In analogy with the planets which not only revolve about the sun, but also
spin about their axes, the electron was postulated to have an intrinsic spin with an angular
moment could align primarily with the field or against the field, giving two possible states.
This picture gives excellent agreement with a host of properties in atoms and solids. There
is just one flaw in the picture; there is no way of having the intrinsic angular momentum of
h and a mass m and an acceptable radius without violating the limit on the speed of light,
i.e. for a spinning sphere.(20)
1 2
For Iw = h = mvr one finds on setting v £ c,
2 5
r³ = 1.25 l c = 4.8 ´ 10 -11 cm (32)
4 mc
where lc is the Compton wavelength. This value of r is larger than r 0 (2.82 ´ 10 -13 cm) the
so-called classical radius of the electron and much larger than the radius deduced by
The proton, neutron, neutrino, muon, and many other particles also have spin (in units
of h ) and are called Fermions. The reason spin particles are called Fermions is because
the statistics they obey is Fermi Dirac statistics(20) which stem from the Pauli exclusion
principle.(20) This principle states that no two interacting spin particles can have the
same set of quantum numbers (n, l, ml, s), and hence in an atom at most two electrons can
have the same n, l, ml values since the spin quantum number is either + 1/2 or - 1/2. This
principle explains the Periodic Table of Elements and in its more mathematical form
explains many of the properties of metals and other condensed matter.(11) The only flaw in
this picture is there is no physical reason given why identical Fermions with the same spin
momentum of h oriented along or opposite to its direction of motion (right and left
circularly polarized). The photon is an example of a class of particles, bosons, which have
integer values of angular momentum (in units of h ) and obey Bose-Einstein statistics.(20)
There is no prohibition against having an arbitrary number of bosons in the same quantum
state. No explanation of why particles with spin 1 should behave so differently from those
with spin 1/2 is provided in present theories. Since Fermions are embedded in vortices
which ineract, while bosons have no vortices, a difference in behavior is expected from the
aether model.
particle. For the photon, which has no rest mass, conventional theory assigns the
r r r 2
momentum to the Poynting vector N, through the relation ò rxN c dv , while excluding
the term in Eq (27) or Eq (30) due to disbelief in the aether. Our aether picture viewed the
fields as polarizations and flows in the aether, with the photon being a region of polarized
aether rotating about the direction of propagation. The angular momentum is clearly carried
by the aether. For the electron with mass m 0, one could assert that it could have a
mechanical angular momentum, although we saw above accounting for it reasonably was
not acceptable.(20) However, for the neutrino which has no rest mass (34) (although theories
giving it mass arise from time to time) conventional theory can only be silent as to where
the angular momentum resides. In our aether model we propose that the spin of the
momentum h 2. Thus, the electron is a charged particle that is trapped in the core of a
vortex, and the neutrino is a vortex with angular momentum h 2 with no particle within its
There are immediate predictions from such a picture, namely that aligned vortices or
spins will stay away from each other due to the repulsion of the flow patterns of the
vortices. Such a repulsion is seen between the current distribution of vortices in type II
This interaction between the aether flows of the vortices can be used to account for the
Pauli exclusion principle for spin 1/2 particles, since the flow pattern is expected to persist
The magnetic moment M of a spinning charge is related to its angular momentum
L classically by the relation: (36)
r q r
M= L (33)
where q is the charge and m the mass of the object. Experimentally for the electron the
factor relating M and the spin angular momentum is q/m, or twice the classical value. In
since one canÕt think of the spin as arising from a spinning charge in the standard theory, it
is hard to know what the factor should be. For the aether model we picture the bare
electron as not spinning but moving around within the core radius of the vortex. In steady
state we would expect the electron to be correlated with the velocity of the aether at the core
radius rc. To account for the factor of 2 between the observed intrinsic angular momentum
of h 2 and the observed magnetic moment M = h we consider that the electron is
ÒorbitingÓ within the core radius rc with angular momentum mvrc = h and that the vortex
has an angular momentum in the opposite direction of h 2. Thus, the total intrinsic angular
momentum would be h 2. For the total magnetic moment we use Eq. (33) for the electron
part and assume the vortex to carry no magnetic moment. The result is that the total
One could raise the question of why the vortex angular momentum should be
opposite to that of the electron in the core and whether our assumption of zero magnetic
moment for the vortex is justified. Since we are claiming that a neutrino is the vortex
without a particle, what are its properties and are they consistent with our assumptions?
First is the fact that despite extensive searches for it the neutrino has no magnetic
moment.(34) Second is a strange property of the neutrino namely that it always has its spin
aligned opposite to its direction of motion.(37) This is contrary to the situation for the
photon where right and left circular polarizations occur. The assumptions that the electron
and its vortex have oppositely oriented magnetic moments is to be expected from energy
considerations, since generally the lower the total angular momentum, the lower the
It is known that for the electron the factor in the magnetic moment to angular
momentum ratio is not exactly 2. This correction is referred to as the anomalous magnetic
moment of the election.(36) The factor of 2 was simply accepted as one of the quirks of
nature, but that it differed from exactly 2 was taken to be of great significance. The
difference from 2 is 2.319 ... x 10 -3, and is known to seven significant figures. The
magnitude and cause of this correction can be obtained in the above picture. Since the
electron has a charge, its electric field polarizes the aether, and since the aether in the vortex
is moving, the magnetization is caused by the rotating polarized aether. A correction of the
Since the calculation of the exact values of this correction is viewed Ò... as one of the
Another interesting point is that if the particle in the core had its angular momentum
and that of the vortex in the same direction, one would have a particle with spin 3/2.
Particles with spin 3/2 do exist, namely, the omega particles.(34) However, its spin of 3/2
Let us now turn to the question of the vortex core radius rc and why it exists. In a
vortex the velocity varies with radius as r -1 and hence would diverge as r goes to zero
unless something changes as r gets smaller.(38) In any real fluid there are material
properties and forces that come into play. Thus, if we consider the force needed to keep a
particle in circular motion, the so-called centripetal force, it is mv2/r, and in a fluid this
force would be supplied by pressure gradients and produce density variations or vice versa
(density variations that produce pressure gradients). For v ~ r -1, the force needed as r
becomes small becomes too great, and when the pressure and density drop near the center
to nearly zero there is no longer a velocity. Hence, we expect a low pressure region at the
center of a vortex. Indeed, a tornado acts like a giant vacuum cleaner, the lower the
centerÕs pressure the stronger the storm is, since it can sustain higher velocity winds.(38)
If one assumes a continuous medium, then one finds for a vortex in a Fermion fluid
a cutoff radius that occurs when the velocity of the fluid reaches the highest velocity of the
particle in the fluid v F , which for the aether is c the speed of light, and at that radius the
density has dropped to zero. The expression for the particle density can be found to be:
é æ rc ö 2 ù
n( r ) = n 0 ê1 - ; r > rc (34)
è rø ú
ë û
where n0 is the density of Eq. (2) that holds far from the vortex. If we knew the length of
the vortex and its behavior at long distances, we could calculate the angular momentum in
the vortex directly and calculate rc. The only condition we can obtain is that:(24)
rc = (35)
where K is the circulation of the vortex and c the speed of light.
In the aether model, the fluid is made up primarily of electrons and positrons and
hence is not continuous at small distances on the order of n 0 -1/3 . There are thus, natural
ÒporesÓ in the aether that make it multiply connected, and able to support irrotational flow
while at the same time contain vortices centered on the pores. We thus propose that the
radius of the vortex core, rc, and the radius of the pores due to the finite density of the
aether coincide.
In contrast to the situation in crystalline solids, where for a given crystal structure
and atom size, one can determine the placement and size of interstices, for a fluid one can
only get an estimate based upon the average spacing of the particles. From Eq. (2) with v F
4 pr13
= c one can write = n 0 -1 and find r1 = 1.92 lc = 1.92 h mc, where r1 is the radius of
a sphere that would on average contain one electron-positron pair. Hence for distances
smaller than r1 one expects to find regions with no electron or positron. If we compare this
value to the r in Eq. (32) we see that r1 is greater than the r given there. However, in
discussing Eq. (32) we were thinking of a spinning spherical electron. Here we are
looking at a particle contained within a vortex core with an angular momentum mvr = h. If
h c
we set v = c, then r = h mc = lc = 0.52 r1. If we set r = r 1 , then v = = =0.52c.
mr1 1.92
within the core equal to c, we find K = 2pc lc = h m. The choice may seem arbitrary, and
the whole picture of the electron running around within a vortex core of radius lc highly
the Dirac equation, there is a curious result in solving for the position of a free particle as a
function of time. There are three terms.(39) ÒThe first two terms on the right-hand side
describe simply the uniform motion of a free particle. The last term is a feature of
of the particle with frequency @ mc 2 h and amplitude h mc, the Compton wavelength of
the particle.Ó In this quote m is the mass of the particle and the frequency given is its
with the amplitude the radius of the core l c. We thus have a physical picture for the
frequency between positive and negative energy states, but the amplitude is completely
unexplained. Schršdinger interpreted this as showing that the particle moved in a tight
spiral, but when he found its angular momentum to be h instead of h 2 he abandoned the
Let us review what this picture seems to accomplish. By taking the neutrino which
has no mass or charge, but has an angular momentum of h , to be a vortex in the aether,
we have a physical picture for the origin of the spin of the Fermions, and from the
interaction between vortices an explanation for the Pauli Exclusion Principle, and hence
Fermi-Dirac statistics. For the electron we picture the charged particle as trapped in the
core of the vortex and moving with it. However, the electron has a magnetic moment that
canÕt be explained in conventional theory, if one attributes it only to a spinning charge with
angular momentum h 2. Its magnetic moment would have the right value if it
corresponded to a charge with angular momentum h . To account for this we assumed that
the electron circulates in the vortex with velocity c in a direction counter to the spin on the
vortex so that the total angular momentum of the vortex and electron in the core is h 2,
while the magnetic moment has the correct value, since the magnetic moment of the vortex
as illustrated by the neutrino has no magnetic moment (at least in a field free region). The
core radius we demonstrated should have a value of lc = h mc and the electron an angular
frequency of mc2 h. These last two results ÒaccidentallyÓ coincide with a prediction of the
ÒZitterbewegungÓ of particles.
Thus, we have plausibly explained spin, the Pauli Exclusion Principle, the magnetic
moment of the electron, and Zitterbewegung by simply pursuing where the aether picture
aether. Yet we expect that protons and antiprotons and perhaps other particle-antiparticle
pairs may exist, if they are stable. For the sake of argument we will assume that a proton-
antiproton p - p component exists in the aether. The questions that arise are what fraction
difference between electron and proton, if the p - p component were uniformly distributed
and also had a Fermi velocity equal to the speed of light, Eq. (2) would indicate a density
on the order of 1010 that of the electron-positron aether. This is contrary to our assumption
based upon the energy to create the particle in a hot big bang,(4) that electrons and positrons
mimicking the known situation in matter where the nuclear particles are separated from the
electrons. The question then remains what are the size and distribution of such regions,
and what role do they play in the properties of the aether and other phenomena? The
answers to these questions are not obvious, but we can make some suggestions.
Since the assumption that spin 1/2 particles were contained within a vortex with angular
momentum h 2 worked so well for the electron we would like to retain it. But now we can
ask what happens if instead of a particle being trapped in the core of the vortex we have a
the aether with no mass or charge, this new entity is also a neutrino but of a different type.
In the standard model there are thought to be three types of neutrinos,(34) one related to the
electron, one related to the muon, and one related to the tau meson. The purpose of the
muon which is 208 times the mass of the electron and the tau which is about 17 times
heavier than the muon or about 3500 times heavier than the electron remains unexplained in
the standard model of fundamental particles. The added feature of the inclusion of regions
of p - p aether within the core radius of the spin vortex is that these regions by interacting
with the electron, could conceivably create the muon and tau meson, but such a pattern is
not obvious at this time. If one takes the neutrino as a vortex in the electron-positron
aether, the m-neutrino as a vortex with mixed electron-positron and p - p components, and
the t neutrino as purely a vortex in the p - p component of the aether, with the electron
within the core giving the particles themselves, one can account for the known situation.
For the proton we propose that the spin vortex is within the p - p component of the
aether, with the bare proton moving around to give angular momentum h in opposition to
the vortex angular momentum. Here, however, since the p - p aether is embedded within
the electron-positron aether the magnetic moment is not as simple as for the electron case.
If we assume that the p - p aether has a relatively large dielectric constant compared to that
of the electron-positron aether which has a dielectric constant of unity, then the correction
term due to the rotating aether is no longer small, and one can account for the proton g-
factor. In the standard model the proton g-factor comes from a similar source, only there it
is said to be due to Òvacuum fluctuations of the pion field and other fields of strongly
interacting particles.Ó(41)
It is apparent that given the complexity of the field of elementary particles, with 3
leptons (electron, muon, and tau) with mass, and their 3 massless neutrinos, plus 3 sets of
quarks, and their antiparticles, and all the particles that can be constructed from the quarks,
that one person working with a new theory is not instantaneously going to account for all
the known phenomena. However, the aether model provides a possible means of doing so
Relativity is one of the areas of physics which was instrumental in the demise of the
traditional aether, and is also one which could benefit most from a plausible aether. Among
the questions that an aether can hope to answer for Relativity are: why is the speed of light
the same in all frames of reference? what determines the speed of light? what causes the
apparent increase in mass as an object approaches the speed of light? what causes the time
dilation and space contraction in moving systems? and how can Relativity and Quantum
Mechanics be reconciled? The last question has remained as the outstanding problem in
In our opinion Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, despite their apparent attention
common failing is the lack of a medium in which the particles they hope to describe move.
Hilbert space, and Relativity has an abstract curved space-time. Neither of these spaces is
based upon a ÒrealÓ world. We have already discussed how we believe Quantum
disturbance in the aether caused by the motion or presence of particles or objects. For
relativity the procedure will be similar. Observers and objects move through the aether
which is a real medium. In some experiments the aether is pulled along and in other cases
the aether, by using the proposed Laser Interference Gravitational Observatory (LIGO),
In many of the elementary discussions of Relativity(6) and in deriving the space and
time relations, light beams are designated which give misleading results. In one of the
classic derivations, a moving train has a light beam, which to an observer on the train
observer on the ground, the light beam is seen as traveling at an angle striking the mirror
and being reflected at an angle back to the source which has now moved with the train a
distance d = vt, in the time it took the light to make the round trip. The fallacy in this
experiment is in the nature of the light beam which is assumed to spread in all directions. If
one were to do the experiment with a well collimated vertical beam with a small mirror,
then if the light doesnÕt have a component of velocity in the direction of the trainÕs motion it
will miss the mirror and not be reflected. If the train is in fact stationary then the beam is
indeed vertical. However, an observer moving relative to the train in either case will see
the beam make an angle to the vertical. Contrary to relativity, we claim that these situations
are quite different, and a careful analysis will either show that relativity is wrong or deduce
Consider a stationary train and a moving observer, whether there is a light source or
simply a rod with a light at its tip that moves vertically upward and then stops and moves
down, the moving observer will ÒseeÓ the lighted tip moving at an angle to the vertical.
Clearly in the case of the rod, only vertical motion occurs and the horizontal component of
its velocity is an ÒillusionÓ caused by the motion of the observer. For a moving train and a
stationary observer things are a little more complex. The example of a light source and the
rising vertical rod with a light at its end are now not necessarily equivalent. For the rod,
since its carried along with the train, the tip has both a vertical and a horizontal component
which the stationary observer will correctly ÒseeÓ, while the observer on the train will only
ÒseeÓ the vertically moving rod just as when the train was stationary. For an actual light
beam or a single photon, two situations, at least, can occur. The first is that by virtue of
the trainÕs motion, as it is emitted the photon has a component of velocity in the direction of
the train that is independent of its vertical component, so that it can travel vertically with
velocity c and simultaneously with any velocity v in the horizontal direction. This would
mean that its actual velocity exceeded c. This case would correspond to the tip of the rod
case discussed above. A second possibility is that the photon emitted is limited to velocity
c, and hence, when the observer on the train orients the beam to appear vertical, it actually
has a horizontal component as well, and thus a velocity less than c in the vertical direction.
These are the only possibilities in the absence of an aether and neither one corresponds to
EinsteinÕs assertion that both observers should be able to measure the velocity of the light
beam to be c, since in the first case the observer on the train would measure c, and the
stationary observer would measure a velocity greater than c, and in the second case the
observer on the train would find a smaller velocity than c. This analysis assumes ÒtimeÓ is
the same for both observers and so is distance. In Relativity these assumptions are
When an aether is present and the train is moving, additional possibilities arise. If c
is the velocity of light relative to its local aether, then for the moving train one can ask
whether the train is ÒopenÓ or ÒclosedÓ with respect to the aether, in analogy with an open
or closed train in air, i.e. does the train carry the aether with it, or does the aether flow
through it, the way air would for an open train. If the train is ÒclosedÓ and carries the
aether with it, then a photon traveling vertically will also have the local aether velocity
imposed upon it similar to the first case mentioned above or the tip of the vertically moving
rod. For the stationary observer a velocity greater than c should be measured. For the
ÒopenÓ train the aether is stationary for both observers, the photon doesnÕt acquire the
trainÕs velocity from the aether and we appear to have case two again. However, there is
another possibility that since the atom emitting the photon is moving with respect to the
aether the emitted photon will have this added velocity in addition to its propagation
velocity c. This would take us back to the first case again. The stationary train and moving
observer with an aether, raises the issues of the state of the aether for the observer, and
how the moving observer ÒseesÓ what is happening on the train. As the vertical rodÕs
illuminated tip illustrated, the moving observer is mistaken in attributing a lateral motion to
the photon.
If one analyzes the length measurement which purportedly ÒderivesÓ the Lorentz
contraction(6) similar fallacious arguments are found. They are most readily seen when the
bar is stationary and the observer is moving, i.e., the moving observer perceives that the
light has traveled a greater distance, when in fact the observer has moved an additional
If the standard derivations are in fact faulty for relativity, what is its content and
terms of the aether model we have no general picture such as for Quantum Mechanics, that
allows us to take the whole theory as correct subject to a reinterpretation of some concept in
the theory. Hence, we must consider separately the various mathematical and conceptual
aspects of relativity and see how and if they can fit into the aether model.
warping of space-time to visualize the effects of gravity or other forces can be transferred to
the aether model. The increase of inertial mass as a particleÕs speed increases can likewise
be visualized in the aether model as due to the inability of the aether particles to move fast
enough to get out of the way of a speeding particle. (Deriving the standard form found
from relativity is not easily accomplished). The concepts of the dilation of time and the
natural consequence, so far, from the aether picture. The constancy of the speed of light in
all reference frames would follow only if one assumes that the aether is not dragged along
by any object. If one assumes that only an extremely small displacement of the aether is
produced by an object, i.e., primarily the nuclear particles which comprise roughly 10 -12 of
the volume of the atom, then no aether drag would occur for most objects. However,
massive bodies would have a region of aether moving with them, the thickness of which
depends upon the precise displacement factor. For the earth, if the displacement factor is
indeed only 10-12, then a ÒskinÓ of aether on the order of a few microns would move with
the earth. However, if the polarized aether region between the positively charged nucleus
of atoms and their electrons is dragged along, and/or the vortices in the aether, which
comprise the spin of the particles, are dragged along, then the displacement factor can
become on the order of unity, and a region of thickness on the order of the radius of the
Hence, depending upon whether the aether is dragged along with the earth or not,
the Michelson-Morely experimental results agree or disagree with the aether model
Yet there are supposedly experiments that show the time dilation. In particular, the
decay time of unstable particles in their Òrest frameÓ is much shorter than that observed in
the laboratory frame of reference. Since the ÒcauseÓ of the decay of particles may indeed be
affected by the impact of aether particles as the particle moves through the aether, a change
in lifetime may be a real phenomenon. However, for two observers to note the ÒsameÓ
event and one to say my clock says it took x seconds, and the other to say it took x
multiplied by some factor seconds, has no physical content, unless one proposes a
mechanism for how the aether affects the aging process or clock mechanisms. What is
missing from Relativity is any rationale for why nature should behave the way it does.
What is missing as yet from our aether model is the derivation of the equations of Relativity
from the basic properties of the aether. Despite this failing of the aether picture, it at least
allows one to pursue a deeper level of nature, rather than to simply state that thatÕs the way
One can view Relativity as in some sense similar to thermodynamics before the
advent of the kinetic theory and statistical mechanics. Globally true statements can be
deduced, but detailed mechanisms are lacking. The equivalence of mass and energy arises
in Relativity from several points of view. In our aether model the energy levels discussed
in Eq. (3) explicitly used this and we will return to it in section 8a.
We have stated that it should be possible to test whether the aether is present. If
one considers a long evacuated tube such as those proposed for the LIGO (Laser
construction, and if sections of their walls were moveable, then the following experiment
could be carried out: With two laser beams being bounced back and forth within the
evacuated tube and interfering to show optical path differences, ÒcompressÓ the aether in
one of those paths by suddenly moving the walls in. With a higher aether density the speed
of light increases, and hence an imbalance in the two paths should be recorded. The
sensitivity of the method is such that even with a 10-12 displacement factor the effect should
be easily observed. In addition the LIGO apparatus can easily measure the speed of light to
very high accuracy. Since our model predicts that c is changing with time according to Eqn
(4), we can see that its present rate of change is: cÇ = - 0 2 t , where c0 is the present speed
of light and t0 the time since the big bang. (t0 ~ 1010 years). Hence c is changing by about
1 part in 1010 per year, and depending upon the accuracy of the LIGO (or any other)
We have shown in section 3 that at present the expanding aether has a fixed
number of particles N0, but that a period of particle production preceded this
to in the standard theories as inflation.(4) We have also pointed out that in
Òcorrelation energyÓ are in an energy state lower than the null state or true
vacuum. Here we will expand upon these points, and speculate on some of
If we maintain that the aether has a total energy below that of the true
vacuum, where has the energy released in forming the aether gone? One
place that it has gone, is into the cosmic background radiation(4, 43) (CBR)
in addition to CBR the aetherÕs total negative energy equals the positive
energy of the universe. We can envision the process by noting that photons
were created in the big-bang, if they recombined to give g-rays, the g-rays
would not have been able to propagate away, and one would expect the
shortly after t = 0, and assume that an aether has formed but the initial spark
that initiated the process has disappeared leaving a hot region that continues
particles will generate g-rays and other decay products. But since the g-
rays are reflected at the boundary of the expanding aether they return to the
central region. With the aether at a lower energy than the null state, the
energy content of the g-rays emitted exceeds the energy needed to generate
the particles that gave rise to the g-rays. This is an exothermic reaction
which releases energy, which then generates more reactants. This Òchain
reactionÓ can proceed until the expansion of the aether lowers the
called ÒinflationÓ and Eqs. (15-17) controlled the evolution of the aether.
Given that the density of the aether prior to time ti and radius R i, was much
greater than the present value, the negative energy per aether particle pair
was much greater, as was the speed of light. Hence the Òenergy gainÓ per
cycle could have been very high with a rapid build-up of positive energy in
particles and radiation, as the energy of the aether became more negative.
After particle production ceased the aether continued to expand, since its
expands its density decreases, which lowers the kinetic energy, but an
absolute zero of energy corresponding to the null state or true vacuum. The
energy into the present aether, but as we have demonstrated c depends upon
the density of the aether, and m may also. From Eq. (2) the density of the
mc / h changes with time. Since at this juncture we have no clear origin for
mass nor for h, their dependence on aether density remains unsettled. One
angular momentum of an electron in the core of a vortex given by
æ ö
mcrc = h, h is a constant. We expect rc to vary with r1 ç n = 3 3 ÷ so
è (4p r1 )ø
that mcr1 is also a constant from Eq.(2). This still allows m to vary as well
but we have no explicit indication of this. The issue of variation of the fine
reaction is treated in reference 14, where a limit for a change of less than
To return to the importance of the null energy level, we note that the net
energy of the universe in our model is essentially zero relative to this null
energy. The particleÕs rest mass energy, the CBR and anything else with
the negative energy aether. The negative energy of the aether stems from its
aether expands the magnitude of its negative energy decreases, and so does
leads to the possibility that at some future time the universe will simply fade
longer at a negative energy relative to the null state, and the aether
defines not only when the aether ceases to exist, but also when the aether
comes into existence during the start of the universe. While theories of
dense Fermi fluids exist, the correlation energy is not one of the properties
is not possible. However, it is certainly greater than the value of 1023/cm3
seen in metals. Since the critical time, tc, is related to the present density no
1/ 3
and age of the universe, to, by tc = to æè 0 n öø ,unless we are very close
than no, the universe would last to at least twice its present age.
If we accept as plausible the scenario that the net energy of the universe is
essentially zero, then the barrier to creating the universe is low. We may
then contemplate that there have been and continue to be mini big-bangs
(MBB) outside of our expanding universe. The reason for stipulating that
they occur outside our universe is that the inflationary period requires that
operative, since the g-rays would escape through the existing aether.
trace. Is there any evidence for such mini big-bangs? Yes. We will
b) Gamma-ray bursters
At a rate of one or two events per day, sources of high energy g-rays are
directions, and recent data seems to confirm that the sources are at distances
near the edge of our universe.(45, 46) The intensity of these g-rays is such
that if theenergy detected had been radiated in all directions, the integrated
Given the picture we have presented of the early universe with g-rays
trapped by the limited extent of the aether, consider what would have
aether. The g-rays would be transmitted into the region of aether emptying
the universe of radiation in a time on the order of R(t)/c(t), where R(t) is the
radius of the universe at a time t after the big-gang, and c(t) the speed of
light at that time. Since it is unlikely that the densities of the aethers would
coefficient at the interface which would send the g-rays on additional trips
around the universe extending the duration of the g-ray burst. If the
universe had been in the inflationary stage, any further development would
have ceased once the recycling of the g-rays was no longer possible.
Depending upon the stage of the universeÕs development other radiation (x-
rays, optical, microwave) would have been present and also would have
What the recent well-documented g-burst has shown is that the initial burst
that continued for days. (45,46) The slow arrival of the longer radiation is
what one would expect due to the dispersion in the index of refraction of the
interstellar medium. Since the speed of light in a medium depends upon its
index of refraction, and the longer the wavelength the slower the speed, a
few days delay in a trip that took on the order of 109 years amounts to a one
part in 1012 difference in index of refraction between g-rays and optical
radiation. This is consistent with what one would expect in the very
giving the g-rays, followed later by a fireball, that generated the optical
rays in any detail, i.e., the time scale, and has a separate explanation for the
Based upon the picture above we propose that the g-bursterÕs are evidence
that MBBs exist and are constantly being incorporated into our universe.
Does this picture imply any other observable consequences? Yes, the
existence of blackholes.
One of the tenets of modern cosmology is, that at the center of the big-bang
where conventional physical laws are no longer valid, and what occurs is
packed into such a small region that their gravitational attraction prevents
even light from escaping. While the big-bang and blackholes have
Given our picture of MBBs being incorporated into our universe, one can
answer is that they are still present and constitute the singularities in
gives the distribution of galaxies in the universe. The reasoning is that there
must have been some precursor inhomogeneties that gave rise to the
galaxies. Hence in the studies of the CBR, variations were sought that
would trace the structure back to the time before matter and radiation
nuclei for the galaxies attracting stars around them, and have been
incorporated into our universe at random times and places since the
Òbeginning.Ó The quotation marks on the word are to indicate that we have
In cosmology the theories have alternated between the big-bang picture and
possible steady state models. Einstein had originally thought that only a
static universe was possible and even added an ad hoc constant to his
could be true.(4) When HubbleÕs law was discovered, and time dependent
solutions to EinsteinÕs equations were found, the world view shifted toward
around 1950 gained support for a while, but current evidence and theories
We have, so far, explicitly embraced the big-bang picture of cosmology. In
our local part of the universe which includes as far as our instruments can
supplies of aether and matter into our universe. If our big-bang is not
than the time since our local big-bang. This may already have happened.
where the then accepted time since our big-bang, appeared to be less than
the age of some feature dated by accepted techniques. In each case the age
of the universe has been increased and the discrepancy removed. At present
the accepted age of the universe (the time since our big-bang) is 10-15
billion years, and there are structures which are believed to be at least that
bangs occur which initiate the growth of an aether and matter which expand
and link with other big-bangs and incorporate mini-big bangs. Eventually
these regions expand to the point that the aether fades away or its density
reaches a critical value and that part of the universe reverts to a true vacuum.
Since the big-bang can only grow in the presence of the true vacuum, that
part of the universe can restart the process. The singularities that start the
regrowth of areas after a major forest fire, where long dormant seeds
such a picture of the universe there is no big crunch and no missing dark
The accepted explanation for the blue shift, which is rarely seen, is that it is
one a lower frequency. For light the issue is more complex, since the
based upon the motion of the receiver? For the redshift, the expansion of
the universe is the supposed cause, but the explanations are postulatedrather
than proved, since the Doppler effect and Relativity are invokedwithout
critical evaluation of whether they are in fact applicable. Since others have
different have been made.(52) Our aether model lends itself to an alternate
picture of the origin of the redshift. Indeed there are several possible causes
i) We have indicated that the speed of light changes with time due to the
expansion of the aether, with the subsequent decrease in its density and
assumed is the value of c(t). Light which is reaching earth now was emitted
at earlier times when c(t) and perhaps other physical constants m and e had
different values. The more distant the light source, the earlier in time its
light was emitted, and the greater the difference in physical constants from
our values it would be expected to have. Since in the hydrogen atom the
me 4
E= (36)
8 Î20 h 2
the past. Since, HubbleÕs law as derived from the aether model shows
more distant sources moving with higher velocity (assuming the galaxies are
carried along with the expanding aether), one would have the ingredients for
agreement, since the time dependences of m and e, if any, are not yet
ii) The mini-big-bang picture raises the possibility that there are and were
regions that have an aether that is not yet in equilibrium with the aether that
differing from those expected at a given distance, since the origin in time
and space of a MBB is different than for our big-bang. Hence, the redshift
from such a region would differ from its neighbors at equal distances from
galaxies have been found. (52,53) The aether model with the redshift due to
the physical constants being different rather than velocity or the expansion
controlling the wavelength, can account for such phenomena more readily
iii) The third explanation for the redshift that the aether model allows, is as
mentioned earlier, that as the photons travel through the aether they lose
energy to the disturbance that they create as they move. This allows the
ÒparticleÓ part of the photon to remain localized on the scale of the atom,
while the accompanying wave disturbance can extend over a region meters
in diameter. Thus, light from distant stars can show interference effects
since both the classical and quantum laws of physics seem to be symmetric
that entropy increases in all natural processes.(54) The aether model gives a
natural direction to time through the fact that as the aether expands, the
Hence, at a later time the universe has changed, and in reversing a process
literally impossible.
g) PlanckÕs Constant -
One of our hopes in developing the aether model was to obtain a
In our expression for the speed of light Eq. (2), we have used the quantum
theory and hence h appears immediately without any prior definition. The
vortex perhaps the relation between h and the aether density could be
polarized region of aether with angular momentum h and energy hw. The
momentum of a particle generates a disturbance in the aether, with a spatial
disturbance i.e. Ñ y » k = 2 p l .
in the aether. As we have seen there are ÒporesÓ in the aether with a size on
lc. This would give a ÒnaturalÓ gradient in the particle density on the order
of l-1
c and a ÒnaturalÓ momentum on the scale of mc. Indeed, the
momentum of the particles in the aether that can move at the Fermi surface,
if the particle were stationary and the aether streaming by with velocity v.
There exists a vortex around the particle with a coherent velocity that
extends many times rc (3.84 ´ 10-11 cm). It is interesting to note that the
a = e 4 p Î hc = 1137.036 .
It is likely that the vortex patterns that extend out from the electron and the
indicted above.
from the pore size or core size of the vortex in the aether, which is tied to
the density of the aether, which changes with time as the aether expands.
aether expands then h could remain constant with time (Section 8a). This
would mean that h is set by factors not contained within the aether model.
This is also the situation for the particle masses, although we will discuss
mass below.
the spin vortex around the center or ÒpositionÓ of the particle, the closer one
comes to the center the higher the aether velocity, and the stronger the
interaction with any probe that is present there, and the larger the change in
momentum the particle will sustain. The faster a top spins the greater its
Bohr model for stationary states. If we note that the moving electron and its
aether vortex will cause a disturbance in the aether along the path of the
electron, that for steady state should smoothly mesh with the spin vortex,
we have a criterion for why only certain stationary orbits are permitted.
These concepts are at the heart of all substance and yet remain unexplained
in all theories. The fact that there are three charged leptons with different
masses, the electron, the muon, and the tau meson, and that these also have
different neutrinos associated with them still lie outside of the standard
model of particle physics. From the point of view of our aether model
where the neutrino is a vortex in the aether, there may be a way to account
for three different neutrinos, and perhaps the three different masses for the
charged leptons.
positrons in a bound Fermion fluid, but that embedded within the electron-
its core, and the tau meson neutrino is a vortex entirely within a region of
Having proposed this for the associated neutrinos, what constitutes the
the band structure of the material and the chemical constituents. An electron
in an ionic material polarizes a region around it, thus distorting the lattice.
Hence, when it moves it has a high inertial mass (13), because the
polarization must move with it. This polaron idea can be carried over into
the masses of the elementary particles. Thus, for the electron we can picture
us me the observed electron mass, while the same bare electron within a
vortex consisting of both electron and positron and proton and anti-proton
aether gives the mass of the muon. When the bare electron is within the
While this picture would give some systematics to the lepton masses, if we
would still not tell us what the bare mass is numerically or what mass is
conceptually. In addition, all the particles that have mass also have charge
Hence, we also need to consider the nature of charge and why there is a
the electronic charge, but are not directly observable.) The existence of
charge is known through the fact that a charge has an electric field, around
The fact that charge and mass seem to be closely connected, and that Eq. (1)
the field energy associated with the charge to the rest mass energy of the
most of the field energy occurs at very small distances, even the neutron
with no long range field could also be treated this way. However, mass and
origins, i.e., while the electron and proton have equal and opposite charges,
or positron and proton have identical charge, their masses differ by a factor
times smaller would be required for the proton (and neutron). Indeed we
have asserted that the vortex core radius for the proton is smaller i.e. the
doesnÕt coincide with the ÒclassicalÓ radius needed when field energy is set
equal to rest mass. Hence, if the concept of the field energy equaling the
rest mass energy were true, we would be forced to introduce artificially the
ÒclassicalÓ radius.
subscribed to the rest mass being equal to the field energy concept, the
unique value of the electronic charge (1.6 ´ 10-19 Coulomb) still remains to
be accounted for, and also the difference in rest mass for electron (positron)
exist. Hence at this stage in the evolution of the aether model the charge and
mass of the electron and proton must be considered to arise from an even
more basic model, which has yet to be devised. Of course this same issue
collapse of the wavefunction. The question is in what state was the system
prior to the measurement? Can the aether model resolve this issue? It can at
In the aether model a particle has a definite position and produces a
disturbance pattern in the aether. The particle and its disturbance (or wave
wavefunction must interact with the measuring apparatus in some way. One
acts back on the particle to direct its motion or other properties. The
the same way a roulette wheel in stopping forces the ball to pick a definite
number. Prior to coming to rest the ball was not in a particular slot, it was
traveling around passing all the possible numbers until it used up its kinetic
energy by bouncing in and out of the slots before coming to rest in one of
apparatus, and acting back on the particle (or quantum system) determines
In this work we have replaced the abstract aether of the nineteenth century with a
specific fluid composed primarily of electrons and positrons in a negative energy state
relative to the null state. We have thus replied to the Einstein and Infeld(1) objection to a
mechanical view of the universe. This model of the aether allows insights into many
phenomena in physics and cosmology for which conventional theory provides no answers
i) wave-particle duality (the particle creates a disturbance in the aether which
travels with the particle while interacting with the environment and back
iv) Zitterbewegung (bare particle orbits within the core of the spin vortex);
v) HubbleÕs law (solution of the continuity equation for the expanding aether,
vi) Inflation (solution of the continuity equation for the aether during the period
vii) the arrow of time (due to the expansion of the aether the speed of light
changes with time and perhaps also some of the other fundamental
constants, changing the universe monatonically with time, and removing the
viii) Pauli exclusion principle (repulsive interaction between parallel spin vortices
ix) Photon (a region of rotating polarized aether propagating through the aether
x) redshift (the shift to longer wavelengths in the light from distant sources is
time the light was emitted due to the earlier stage of the universe, or due to
than ours; and loss of energy of the photon to its expanding aether
Other important results include the mechanism by which the aether is formed, which can
explain the source of energy and matter in our universe, and the likelihood that other mini-
big-bangs (MBBs) have occurred and continue to occur outside our expanding universe.
We have also speculated that evidence for such MBBs is in the g bursters that are observed
to occur at the rate of about one per day, and that the remnants of these MBBS that have
been incorporated into our universe are the singularities associated with black holes, which
have then attracted galaxies around them. Mass, charge, PlanckÕs constant, relativity, the
three types of neutrinos, the magnetic moments of electrons and protons, possible models
for muon and t meson masses, and the collapse of the wavefunctions in Quantum
While our treatment of the various topics is quite uneven, with quantitative results
in some and qualitative results and speculation for others, the aether model proposed
enables one to pose questions and answer them in ways that are unaccessible in the
It is unlikely that all the features of the model and all our speculations will turn out
that has been largely prohibited for the past century. From our results it appears to be a
fruitful approach.
References and Endnotes
1. A Einstein and L. Infeld, ÒThe Evolution of PhysicsÓ (Simon and Schuster, N.Y.
1951) P126.
(Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. Inc. Reading, MA 1955;) P 164, 271, 315, 300.
10. D. Bohm, Phys. Rev. 85, 166 (1952); 85, 180 (1952); 89, 1458 (1953).
11. C. Kittel, ÒIntroduction to Solid State PhysicsÓ 5th ed. (John Wiley & Sons,
12. K.P. Sinha, E.C.G. Suarshan, and J.P. Vigier, Phys. Lett. 114A, 298 (1986): F .
13. C. Kittel, ÒQuantum Theory of SolidsÓ, (John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1963,) P144.
14. P.A.M. Dirac, Nature, 139, 323 (1937). Proc. Roy Soc. A165, 199 (1938).
Recently Dyson has summarized the evidence on whether the fundamental constants
have varied with time in the paper T. Damour and F. Dyson, Nuclear Physics
B480, 37 (1996).
15. P. Coles and F. Lucchin, ÒCosmologyÓ (Wiley & Sons 1995,) P53, 35.
17. The choice of b = 1 is to keep the calculations simple, b = 2 or 3 are more likely at
18. A. Guth and P. Steinhardt, ÒThe Inflationary UniverseÓ (Scientific American, Jan
1990,) P 116.
24. See for instance G. Joos ÒTheoretical PhysicsÓ, (G. E. Stechert & Co. N. Y.,
(Thomas Nelson and Sons. Ltd. London, 1951,) Vol II (Philosophical Library,
New York 1954.) These volumes cover aether theories and the development of
(Pergomon, 1972).
27. Y. Aharonov and D. Bohm, Phys Rev. 115, 485 (1959).
28. F. London and H. London, Proc. Roy, Soc. (London) A 149, 72 (1935).
29 . BohrÕs model for the atom is treated in most elementary physics texts, and is
30. For Central forces with potential energy V = a rn+1 the average kinetic energy T is
n +1
related to the average potential energy V by T = 2 V. Hence for an inverse
ÒClassical MechanicsÓ, 2nd ed., (Addison Wesley Pub. Co. Inc. 1980,) P 82.
31. A. Einstein, Ann Phys. 17, 132 (1905) (See English translation in D. Ter Haar,
32. Any mechanism by which a photon loses energy will shift the light to longer
34. See any text on elementary particles; also Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
(CRC Press Inc.,) any recent edition for tables of particle properties.
38. See texts on fluid dynamics, also ÒFluid VorticesÓ G. J. Green (Ed.) (Kliwer
39. E. Merzbacher, ÒQuantum MechanicsÓ, 2nd ed. (John Wiley & Sons, New York
1961) P 597-98.
40. See ref 19 P 256-58.
42. See for instance the discussion of twenty-six dimensional string theory in ÒThe End
of PhysicsÓ, David Lindley (Basic Books, Harper Collins Pub. Inc. 1993;) P 224-
43. G. Smoot and K. Davidson, ÒWrinkles in TimeÓ, (William Morrow and Co. Inc.,
44. See July 1997 Physics Today (Vol 50, no. 7, P 17) for a brief description of the
50. S. W. Hawking and Penrose, Proc. Royal Soc. Lond., A314, 529 (1970).
51. K. S. Thorne, ÒBlack Holes & Time WarpsÓ, (W. W. Norton & Co., N. Y.
1994,) P 354.
52. See papers in ÒNew Ideas in AstronomyÓ editors F. Bertola, J. W. Sulentic, and
223, mentions suggestion by Hoyle and Narlikar that mass of electron was different
53. See also in ÒNew Ideas in AstronomyÓ, paper by W. Tifft P. 173.