Network Analysis
Network Analysis
Network Analysis
Network Analysis
Q.5 Derive the equivalent circuit with voltage source in series with resistance by using
source transformation technique.
Q.16 State and Explain Thevenin’s Theorem and Norton’s Theorem with suitable
Q.17 Explain the following,
(I) Linear Network (II) Passive Network (III) Active network (IV) Bilateral and
Unilateral Element (V) Node and Mesh (VI) Ideal Voltage Source
Q.18 How inductor and Capacitor will have at t=0 and t=.Draw equivalent
Q.19 State and Explain Kirchoff’s current Law and Kirchoff’s voltage law.
Q.20 Explain the rules for source transformation technique.
Q.21 What are Y-Parameters and Z-Parameters? Derive the Expression for ZParameters
in terms of Y-parameters and vice – versa.
Q.22 Explain the concept of the complex frequency.
Q.23 Explain in brief the concept of initial conditions.
Q.24 What is network function? Define the terms “Driving point impedance” and “driving
point admittance” of a one port network.
Q.25 Draw the dual network of given network.
Draw the graph, tree and co-tree for the figure given.
Q.37 How inductor and Capacitor will have at t=0 and t=.Draw equivalent networks.
Q.38 A series RLC circuit with R = 2 ohm, L = 1 H and C = 0.5 Farad with the applied
voltage V (t) = sint. Find i(t) if the switch is closed at t= 0. Use Laplace transform
Q.39 What is time constant? Explain its significance through one suitable example.
Q.40 Obtain the transform representation of an inductor with initial current i(0-) in term
of (i) Impedance (II) Admittance.