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All living organisms generate wastes. It follows therefore that regardless of the

social and economic status, every individual is obliged in proper waste management.

Humans must of necessity generate wastes with various forms which can be solid and

liquid on a daily basis. While it is truly manifesting, everyone is in a position to make a

difference in their environment.

Most of the time, people throw litter and dust on the food paths and roads instead

of throwing it in dustbins. This is how litter slowly accumulates and transforms into huge

garbage. Small unit of problem causes more problems due to its continuous cycle. To

address the waste problem in the Philippines, Republic Act No. 9003, or the Ecological

Waste Management Act of 2000, sets guidelines and implementing mechanisms for the

proper segregation, collection, storage, treatment and processing towards a waste-free


According to the legislation, the government is able to institutionalize a national

program that at present manages the “control, transfer, transport, process and disposal” of

wastes in the country. Raising influence and providing measures that will improve the

community stability and intensify citizens’ responsibility in waste management is

necessary to keep the environment clean in order to prevent bad circumstances such as

arrival of diseases, flash floods, and electrical shortages. Waste management conflict is

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
the nation’s worst environmental problem, and based on the framework provided, its

management is the simplest, and perhaps, the single most important thing people can do

to their environment.

In accordance with this, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources

(DENR) stated that “environmental drives and campaigns have also been organized to

make Filipinos more knowledgeable of the benefits of proper waste management, not

only on how it can help the environment but also on how to improve the citizenry’s

health and state of living”. Some communities have successfully run a waste management

program at maximum benefit. What it took really was the readiness to do it and the

patience to get it done.

It is truly believed that health is wealth. To help individuals and groups to acquire

an awareness of waste management and its problem is an objective of leading the public.

Thus, people need to be acquainted of the implications of their actions on the

environment, most especially that those may affect their health.

As of this year, the Municipality of San Juan envisions preserving the integrity

and balanced ecology and healthy environment by sustained implementation of the R.A.

9003 and the above sustainable principle of DENR. By taking interest with such

objectives of strengthening partnership among stakeholders in the public and private

sectors, seminar and training in a form of discussion on waste management could be

making the first step in saving, not just the environment, but a lot of people’s lives in the

community as well.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
1.1 Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to recognize how seminar and training as interventions will take

heed in such objective of raising awareness on proper waste management in Sitio

Tagurtor, Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas. As aforementioned, a qualitative approach will be

used. The following research questions will be designed to address the study’s focus:

1.1.1 General Problem

The collection of refuse is irregular and inefficient in Sitio Tagurtor, especially it

is near the San Juan Cemetery. Litter and refuse are often accumulated along roads and

public places, creating breeding grounds mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches and rodents

responsible for the spread of many diseases. The result reveals whether the public are

aware of the health implications of indiscriminate refuse dump. The study would be

beneficial in the area of policy formulation, most especially in the area of educating

public in the school and out-of-school through seminar and training.

1.1.2 Specific Problem

The study aims to:

1. find out whether the inhabitants of Sitio Tagurtor are aware of the implications of

current indiscriminate waste disposal in their environment;

2. evaluate the level of efficiency in the control and management of waste in Sitio


Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
3. investigate whether the techniques/methods used by the researchers are

adequately creating awareness about the health implications of indiscriminate

waste disposal in Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas;

4. identify various ways the environmentalist/ policy makers could help in changing

human behaviour and responses to environmental options that will promote waste

management; and

5. identify various ways the researchers could help in changing human behaviour

and responses to environmental options that will promote waste management

1.2 Significance of the Study

The whole community are involved in refuse disposal. Each member of the local

government controls a specific action in the process. Refuse disposal is generally seen as

the responsibility of the municipality. While that is generally true, the researchers

believed that the study would be beneficial to the people below:

To the citizens of Sitio Tagurtor, Lipahan. This would become their great tool to

guide everyone to be responsive of physical, mental and social well-being and not merely

the absence of disease or infirmity. Being a citizen of Sitio Tagurtor evokes love and

commitment to the environment that is why what is expected of the citizenry is a positive

contribution to the progress and wellbeing of the community.

To the barangay officials. This would further help them to know the significance

of eco-life on the development of their community.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
To the local institutions. The research paper would assist them when formulating

laws that will promote human health and protection of their environment. This will give

ideas on how to resolve the said problem and how to prevent conflicts about waste

management. Other non-governmental organizations will also benefit because this will

guide them in the areas of production and distribution of educational materials to the


To the researchers. They themselves would understand the relationship of waste

management with the different climate problems. Since they are charged of awareness

creation, they would be able to emphasize the link between good health and clean

environment in the school as an institution.

To the future researchers. This will serve as a reference in conducting their own

research paper and in providing information that may be helpful in the future.

1.3 Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study focused on raising people’s awareness on proper waste management

through seminar and training in Sitio Tagurtor, Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas. The study is

delimited to the waste management in Sitio Tagurtor. It is intended to investigate the

people’s ability to maintain a sanitarily clean environment and to emphasize what efforts

are to be taken in order to solve environmental problem and why they need to be


Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
The respondents will be 20 parents, 5 barangay officials, and 5 barangay health

workers with a total of 30 respondents ranging from the age of 25 and below, 26-35, 36-

45, 46-55 and 56 and above years old. This includes their demographic profile such as

age, gender and position in the community, if any. However, this study will also cover

the approaches of the people towards community services filed in their community so the

researchers decided to interview two officials from Municipal Environment and Natural

Resources Office (MENRO). This will be an avenue to determine how waste

management can prevent the social conflicts in their locality.

This study is delimited to the people living inside Sitio Tagurtor Lipahan, San

Juan, Batangas. The result of the research is delimited to the people living outside Sitio

Tagurtor Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas.

1.4 Definition of Terms

awareness -having or showing realization, perception, or knowledge;

-public health education that promotes change in knowledge,

attitude, and behaviour

biodegradable -any material that can be reduced into finer particles;

-degraded or decomposed by microbiological enzymes

cleanliness -the state of being free from pollution or other dangerous


Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
-the state of being free from contamination or disease

collection -act of removing solid waste from the source;

-act of removing solid waste from a communal storage point

communication -the way of sending information to people;

-a process by which information is exchanged between individuals

through a platform, medium;

-an example is seminar or training program.

disposal -shall refer to the discharge, deposit, dumping and leaking;

-placing of solid waste into or any in land

equilibrium -a state in which opposing forces or action are balanced so that one

is not stronger or greater than the other;

-a state of emotional balance or calmness

ecosystem -everything that exists in a particular environment;

-the complex of a community of organisms and its environment

functioning as an ecological unit

global warming -the recent increase in the world’s temperature that is believed to

be caused by the increase of certain gases such as carbon dioxide

in the atmosphere;

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
-an increase in the Earth’s atmospheric and oceanic temperatures

widely predicted to occur due to an increase in the greenhouse

effect resulting especially from pollution

pollution -the action or process of making land, water, air, etc. dirty and not

safe or suitable to use;

-the action of polluting especially by environmental contamination

with manmade waste

spillage -an occurrence in which something is spilled accidentally;

-the act or process of spilling

explosion -the sudden loud and violent release of energy that happens when

something such as bomb breaks apart in a way that sends parts

flying outward;

-a sudden and very fast increase

petroleum -an oily flammable bituminous liquid but may vary from almost

colorless to black occurs in many places in the upper strata of the

Earth, is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons with small amounts

of other substances and is prepared for use as gasoline, naphta, or

other products by various refining processes;

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
-a kind of oil that comes below the ground; source of gasoline and

other products

storage -shall refer to the interim containment of solid waste after

generation and prior to collection for ultimate recovery or disposal

stakeholders -a person, group, organization who affects a community;

-can be affected by organization’s actions project

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas


According to a book published by Olaniran (1995), health is defined as a state of

equilibrium between humans. It is the physical, biological, and social environment,

compatible with full functional activity, recognizes the interactions and interdependence

of man and the environment in a complex ecosystem. Good health is the desire of every

human as it is the basic determinant of what they can do. The ecological definition of

health as put forward by lust is app and comprehensive.

The protection of human health and environment from the potential hazard arising

from inappropriate waste disposal and its consequential environmental pollution has been

a crusade in human history.

As mentioned by Amoah and Kosoe (2014), proper waste management is

understood as supervised handling of waste materials from source through recovery

processes to disposal. It involves control of generation, storage, collection, transportation,

processing and disposal of waste with the aim of protecting environmental quality,

human health and preservation of natural resources. In addition, it can be differentiated

between solid and liquid waste.

Solid waste refers to non-liquid material that is no longer valuable to the owner as

including rubbish, garbage, trash, or refuse; examples include kitchen waste, paper

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
products, rags, plastics, rubber, leather, bone, glass, crockery, pots, sweepings, metal and

old furniture as generated by households, offices, hotels, shopping complexes/shops,

markets, yards, schools, institutions and street cleaning; categorized as

household/domestic, commercial, institutional, industrial and agricultural waste; and,

excluding semisolid waste such as sludge and night-soil (liquid waste) and clinical waste

produced by hospitals.

As argued by Ramachandra (2011), instead of a linear process, sustainable waste

management uses a cyclical process, to manage waste today without jeopardizing the

prospects of future generations; a complete deviation from conventional waste

management approaches towards waste management by seeking stakeholder

participation; and, with the purpose of ensuring environmental quality. Meanwhile, solid

waste management which is done along the lines of a systematic utilization of reducing,

reusing and recycling depends on managerial procedures, practical choices and state-of-

the-art strategies.

On a journal, Lenox and King (2004) found that effective reduction, reusing and

recycling of waste are achieved with the support of relevant equipment and use of

experienced personnel; the reverse is true, lack of equipment for waste crushing or

refining processes derails the process; while, inexperience personnel decreases the

success rate.

ADB Study (2003) stated that each day, every inhabitant living generates an

average of half a kilo of trash. This means 7,000 tons of garbage need to be hauled to the

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
landfills every day. This is equivalent to 875 garbage trucks that can carry eight tons

each. With this weight, just imagine the billions of pesos of taxpayers’ money spent to

collect haul and dispose trash. That’s just like literally throwing away good money that

could have been used more productively, like building more schools and hospitals, hiring

more teachers and policemen, and providing more medicines for the poor.

Estimately, P3.8 billion-peso are the total spending for garbage collection. This

translates to P1, 500 per ton of garbage or P10.5 million per day. Over P3.61 billion will

be saved only if recyclables and biodegradables are segregated at source and do not end

up in dumpsites. This translates to cost savings of 95%.

The secret to proper waste management is segregating at source. When discussed

and practiced in every household and establishment, segregating at source will simplify

the barangay’s work in managing waste which will lead to substantial cost of savings.

Recyclable can be sold to junk shops. Biodegradables can be turned into compost

and used in the garden. Residual wastes are hauled off to the dumpsite. Special or toxic

waste also comes from households, hospitals, factories, and other establishments, but

cannot be hauled off to the dumpsites as they require special disposal.

On a study, Peprah et al (2015) cited that wastes are generated by human

activities; the unavoidable outcomes of domestic and/or industrial production; and,

exerting physical, social, economic and political effects on all sectors of society.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
The problem has to do with the quantum of solid waste generated and effective

ways of management; while, the solution lies in the laid down policy or conceptual

framework, configured as ‘3Rs’ or ‘RRR’, that is, ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’; in which,

responsibility is spread across the individual, household members, production firms,

municipal authorities and the private sector.

A. M. Hilburn (2015), in his magazine, quoted that “for the municipal waste

managers, a comprehensive understanding of the ‘3Rs’ model is critical.” Used as

conservation approach, the emphasis is laid on reduction, reusing and recycling of bio-

degradable and non-biodegradable waste; and, providing an environmentally friendly

option to manage waste.

The first R (reduce) involves prevention and reduction of waste. To reduce waste

means to minimize amount of waste generated. Waste reduction could be achieved

through legislation, product design, local programmes to keep recyclables and

compostable from the waste. Waste reduction stresses upon judicious use of resources in


The second R (reuse) involves secondary and subsequent uses of waste materials

either in part or whole. Reuse of waste is exemplified by trade in second-hand goods:

cloths, electronics, automobiles, furniture and other merchandise. ‘Reuse’ is achieved

through sorting done at source rather than disposal site; and, through detailed processes

of checking, cleaning, refurbishing, repairing whole items or spare parts.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
The third R (recycle) depends on waste materials which cannot be reused directly

but can be converted to new product or raw material through the processes of


Providing further support to the ‘3Rs’ policy tool, the national urban policy, inter

alia entreats municipal assemblies to deal specifically with: enforcement of legislation;

regular evaluation of waste producers; choice of technology and engineering options;

creation and use of landfill; observance of environmental protection agency guideline;

public education through various campaigns; capacity enhancement of municipal

authorities; involvement of the private sector in the provision of sanitation; and mapping

of the sources in the municipalities.

Proper waste management is a global concern. While it is generally true, it is a

serious concern of the Local Government of San Juan (SWM, 2015-2025). With the ever-

growing development, burgeoning population and the constituent’s ever reliance on

agriculture, commerce, tourism and industry, tons of wastes are being generated.

The Municipal Government implements Solid Waste Management prior to the

enactment of Republic Act 9003. Wastes collection is done regularly. However, the

disposal method used was an open dump system. In the year 2012, an authority to close

was issued and subsequently rehabilitation and clean-up operation of the existing open

dumpsite was undertaken by the Municipal Local Government.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
There are nine key issues facing the community as identified by different

stakeholders. One of those issues is the lack and inactive community participation. Solid

Waste Management is one of the activities where community participation is the key to

success. A minimum participation of the community is putting the garbage at the street

for collection. However, the community fails to segregate their waste according to its

classification. Bad littering habits, lack of support and public interest in waste

management are also issues facing the community.

The second one is the lack of discipline among waste generator. Dumping off

solid waste in public places (public market, parks and plaza, side streets and lane) and

street corners. The third one is the inadequate law enforcement to waste management.

The Republic Act 9003 was adopted by a local ordinance however due to inadequate

resources, it is not fully implemented.

The fourth issue is the inability of barangay to perform their function due to

inadequate resources and funding. Activation of Barangay Materials Recovery Facility

entails a lot of cost for manpower, equipment and logistics. The fifth one is the

insufficient funds for Solid Waste Management system. It was followed by the

incapacitated SWM personnel, BSWMC, Purok leaders, and Sangguniang barangay

members in terms of SWM.

Another key issue is the ineffective management system. In terms of management

factors, there is no permanent office for the continuity of existing environmental

programs and projects specifically the solid waste management. Inadequate provisions of

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
facilities for waste management like the sanitary landfill and acquisition of alternative

technologies. Lack of solid waste management personnel and lack of monitoring and

supervision of all activities associated with waste management, inadequate operation and

maintenance structure for machinery and equipment, proper disposal and handling for

special waste.

The eighth issue is the absence of market for finished product from residual

waste. This includes low marketability of products from residual waste. Other factors

include scarcity of land for waste disposal.

Starting a proper waste management program in the barangay need not be

complicated. The barangay is expected to create a solid waste management committee

where various sectors are represented; draw up a waste management plan; and appoint a

person to oversee operations and compliance. They are also ordained to pass an ordinance

supporting plan; announce a collection schedule in coordination with the LGU, and start a

communications campaign informing the community of segregation and waste pick-up


They must also set up a material recovery system (MRS) for recyclable material;

link up with junk dealers and recyclers for the purchase of recyclables; set up a

composting facility or push for backyard composting; and monitor results, enforcement

and compliance.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
In connection to this, a communication campaign should be started. This should

include briefings with homeowners associations, schools and business establishments.

Posters can be put up and information materials such as flyers can be distributed in the

community. The amount of effort should be similar to running an election campaign- it

must be creative, thorough and comprehensive. The materials should communicate with

what the collection schedules are, and the penalties and sanctions for non-compliance.

In the scheme of things, NSWMC (2004) believed that the barangay is in the

middle of everything. Various sectors play distinctive roles and also have duties to fulfil

in proper waste management.

Households are the barangays main “customers.” Segregation begins at this level.

It is crucial for the barangay to teach households on how to segregate their waste

properly. This also applies to households in depressed areas where narrow roads make

garbage collection difficult.

Commercial, institutional, and industrial establishments are heavy producers of

waste. These include restaurants, malls, schools, offices, hospitals, factories, and farms.

The barangay should monitor the compliance of these sectors with the law. They make

good partners in the campaign on waste segregation.

Local government units are responsible for providing a collection system and

appropriate waste disposal facility. LGUs are to collect residual waste and provide

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
disposal facilities in accordance with the guidelines set by the National Solid Waste

Management Commission (NSWMC).

Private sector contractors can take care of barangay’s requirements in collection,

transfer, treatment, and disposal of solid waste. They can even fund and run sanitary

landfills, in partnership with the LGU.

Non-government organizations can be a barangay’s dependable partner in raising

people’s awareness on proper waste management. It can also provide technical assistance

to individuals and groups in running grass roots-level activities that are related to waste


The National Government and the agencies under it support LGUs in

implementing the law- its main agency is the NSWMC, an inter-agency body chaired by

the DENR. It was created under RA 9003 to see it that the law is implemented in every

barangay, city, and municipality nationwide.

What the government needs to do is actually covered by what is called “5 Es”-

engineering, education, enforcement, environmental organization, and equity. The 5 Es

are components of Ecological Solid Waste Management.

Engineering covers setting up the support systems, such as the 3rs and

segregation. Education covers information dissemination, education and promotion of the

program. This includes printed materials such as brochures, flyers, posters newsletters as

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
well as seminars. Enforcement covers the policy support and guidelines, monitoring,

compliance, sanction, rewards, and incentives.

Meanwhile, environmental organization covers the program’s organization,

administration, and delegation of roles and responsibilities. Equity covers funds sourcing

and generating revenues.

Opara (2003) identified that awareness can be created through mass media and

seminar. It could be through electronic, print and other traditional means of creating

awareness. The protection of human health and environment from the potential hazard

arising from inappropriate waste disposal and its consequential environmental pollution

has been a crusade in human history.

The fact that the essence of waste management is to maintain acceptable

environmental quality, some public health and creation of aesthetic value, the behavioural

pattern and awareness of the people dictates how they treat about the environment, and

then the solution to the problem of indiscriminate refuse dump will be a mirage.

In order to protect human health and environment from the potential hazards

arising from inappropriate waste disposal and its consequential environmental pollution,

a systematically supervised and controlled management of the waste is a necessity

through communication.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
Communication from the perspective of this study goes beyond the mere

provision of information by technical means. Communication as used in this study also

included a way of approaching and explaining processes in society.

Kurtyez (2005) study the role of communication in influencing the adoption of

responsible environmental behaviour. It dates back to early 1990s; the need to manage

the problem of water shortage arose.

It was clear then, that in order to develop methodologies to deal with water

environmental problems, it was necessary to carry along the populace using the

communication perspective. Communication can help individuals to understand the

interaction between resources (natural) and the environment.

Communication in this study through public health awareness, public health

education or promotion, and environmental health discussion are synonymous terms,

which are often used interchangeably. Public health awareness is an intervention, which

may be directed towards helping individuals, or groups realize and maintain healthful

behaviours that are currently practiced. It involves knowledge of the need for personal

hygiene, community hygiene and environmental sanitation.

Akpan cited by Opara (2003) sees public health education (awareness) as a

process with intellectual, psychological, and social dimensions relating to activities which

increase the abilities of people to make informed decisions affecting their personal,

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
family and community well-being. This process, based on scientific principles facilitates

learning and behavioural change in people.

Public health awareness promotes change in knowledge, attitude, and behaviour.

The function of public health awareness therefore is to foster the integrity of the

individuals and involves only strategies that promote voluntary change. The focus of

public health education (awareness) is on people and on action.

Awareness is somewhat broad and vague term yet one that is intuitively widely

stood. All awareness-campaigns aim to influence behaviour and hence, they are useful to

understand how communication influences behaviour. In awareness campaign, policy

makers and other interested groups aim for behavioural changes based on new social

norms and attitude towards a particular course.

Awareness influences people’s attitude. A person’s attitude describes the way he

or she thinks about a proposed behaviour and its usefulness the essence of public health

awareness about the health implication of indiscriminate refuse dump.

Public awareness can be seen as a process by which a community strives to

acknowledge the existence of an issue. It constitutes the preliminary phase of political or

social change. It is the first step in facing public issue. Change, which results from public

awareness could be significant or minor, with general or specific impact.

Raising public awareness level about health implication of indiscriminate refuse

dump is a way of educating the public. This will make people to see the need for safe

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
disposal of refuse. Public awareness is all about the demand for change. Awareness and

being motivated to change are essential in participatory interventions. Participation is

based on the idea that people have the right to be involved in issues concerning them.

Raising awareness and education can help stimulate active and informed

involvement. Indiscriminate refuse dump must be abated and collaborative effort must be

designated. The importance of social norms and attitudes in the management of refuse

must be recognized. The main thrusts of awareness rising in these regards are to

positively influence individual’s values, attitudes and behaviours towards a cleaner


In sanitation and hygiene sector, awareness of hygiene is considered a necessary

complement to various methods of waste management and its technologies. Without an

understanding of hygiene-related issues, the use of safe sanitary facilities including

municipal refuse receptacles is likely to be suboptimal. Public health awareness raising

can also help create social pressure on government to provide more municipal refuse

receptacle: more well managed dumping sites: build more modern incinerators; and

ensure prompt clearance of refuse from the municipal refuse receptacles.

Raising public health awareness today will help in building a more waste aware

building generation. Since school children todays will be leaders and adults of tomorrow,

it is wiser to make waste management and invariably environmental education to be part

of their school curricular.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
World Bank states that for changed in environmental management systems to

occur, there must be awareness of both the need and the opportunity for changed.

Initiatives to raise public health awareness should focus on the desirability of clean

environment and the health impact of indiscriminate refuse dump and the direction to


According to the legal framework prepared by the Municipal Solid Waste

Management Board Technical Working Group and Municipal Environment and Natural

Resources Office (2015-2025), the community members are motivated to participate in

the program through various mechanisms. The stakeholders were invited in several

workshops for the management plan. Public hearings were also conducted through the

Barangay Assembly to present the plan.

The intensive mass information drive has also encouraged the community

members to be well informed and cooperation is achieved on matters of Solid Waste


A continuous information and education campaign is one of the strengths in the

implementation of RA 9003 and other environmental laws and ordinances. Through this

activity, environmental awareness is highly promoted accompanied by action among

citizens. All sectors will be targeted on a scheduled basis. Meetings shall be conducted

per sector. Establishment of MRFs within the schools will also be required to ensure that

wastes are recovered and properly managed. This will also increase the diversion rate of

the municipality (SWM 2015-2025).

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
2.1 Conceptual Framework



 Lack of education
 Poor equipment
 Lack of public awareness
 Negligence of Duty
 Inadequate Trained Personnel
 Insufficient implementation instructions
 Increasing population
 Poor enforcement of waste management regulation
 Lack and inactive community participation
 Lack of discipline


Survey and interview Seminar and training
to determine the solutions to raise people’s awareness
needed to defy poor waste in proper waste management

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
The conceptual paradigm shown above presents the assumptions of the

researchers. Based on the Solid Waste Management Plan of LGU-San Juan (2015-2025),

lack of education, poor equipment, lack of public awareness, negligence of duty,

inadequate trained personnel, insufficient implementation instructions, increasing

population, poor enforcement of waste management regulation, lack and inactive

community participation, and lack of discipline are the key issues to address as identified

by the stakeholders. Most of the issues talked about the lack of awareness of the

individuals. Thus, the researchers conducted survey and interview to determine the

solutions needed to defy poor waste management.

The gathered results and findings pointed out that seminar and training are

making the first step to raise people’s awareness on proper waste management.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas


3.1 Research Design

The purpose of the study is to strengthen people’s awareness on waste

management through seminar and training in Sitio Tagurtor Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas.

The descriptive design of research, through a qualitative method, was utilized in this

study since it focused on the present condition and involved evaluating behaviour to

gather information needed to serve its purpose. Descriptive research primarily concerns

with describing the present condition. The truth may have different forms such as

increased quantity knowledge, a new generalization or a new law, an increased insight

unto factors which are operating the discovery of new causal relationship, a more

accurate formulation of the problem to be solved and many others.

3.2 Research Locale

The survey was designated to Sitio Tagurtor Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas- a

certain barangay in San Juan which further experienced waste management conflicts and

known to have variation when it comes to the stability of the community. However, the

research project, seminar and training, was conducted in the barangay chapel in Sitio

Tagurtor, Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
3.3 Respondents of the Study

The subject in this research project encompassed the members of Sitio Tagurtor

Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas. One of the objectives is to intensify the possible results of

proper waste management. Specifically, in the area of their development, the problem as

a point of reference has a big involvement to the betterment of the community. The

respondents were 20 parents, 5 barangay officials, and 5 barangay health workers with a

total of 30 respondents ranging from the age of 25 and below, 26-35, 36-45, 46-55 and 56

and above years old. The researchers also decided to interview two officials from

Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office (MENRO). They were

familiarized of the factors available to assist them on sufficiently defying waste

management conflicts.

3.4 Research Instruments

A survey and interview was utilized as its research instrument in data gathering.

The instrument was given before the execution of the program. The questionnaire

answered the background information about the respondents and their communal

behaviour on waste management. The retrieval of the questionnaire and the accurate

tabulation of data were the basis for the treatment of the statements. To enrich the

content, the researchers also interviewed two officials from Municipal Environment and

Natural Resources Office (MENRO). The researchers also formulated an evaluation form

on the basis of the program’s effectiveness. It was given and consolidated only after the

implementation of the proposed project.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
3.5 Data Collection Procedure

Before the execution of the research project, the researchers decided to do the

following measures:

Construction of the topic. The researchers tried to be specific in their area of

interest such as social services. They had a brainstorming of the topic which was

forwarded to their advisers for some comments and suggestions.

Validation of the research paper. In order to achieve the proposed project, the

researchers tackled the problem or case, reasons for the existence of the topic and its

importance. Since San Juan is facing broad challenges, the researchers evaluated the

content validity of research paper, pre-assisted for correction and recommendation. All

the comments were taken and incorporated and is made ready for distribution.

Construction of the proposed program or project. The researchers finalized the

proposed project before doing tangible output. The researchers believed that it will take

time and will consume lots of efforts if there is withhold within the proposed project. To

establish cogency and credibility, the researchers seek the approval of their adviser.

Administration of the proposed program or project. The researchers

acknowledged the permission of all that is involved in the study. To be précised, they

personally asked for the approval of the barangay personnel so they will also be

acquainted of the go-throughs.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
3.6 Data Analysis Procedure

The first draft of the questionnaire was presented to the adviser for the corrections

and suggestions. After that, the second draft was made considering the corrections and

suggestions of the adviser.

The researchers sought for the assistance of the experts for the validation of the

questionnaire. The researchers believed that their comments, suggestions and

recommendations were worthy to be considered in the data analysis. The researchers

retrieved the accomplished copies of the questionnaires to the respondents. The responses

were tallied, tabulated, analysed, and interpreted base on the items found in the

questionnaire. The researchers gathered information through convenient sampling

technique wherein all individuals in the sample answered voluntarily.

The result were examined through the following statistical tools:

Frequency. This was used to determine the number of the respondents according

to their profile (age, sex, etc.).

Percentage. This was used to determine the percentage of the respondents who

answered the statements respectively on the choices provided.

Ranking. This was used to determine what statement is most pressing for the


Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas



The answers of a total number of 30 respondents and two interviewees

were found accountable and usable for data analysis. The items and responses were

grouped on their relevance and relatedness to each of the research question under


A. Demographic Profile


Demographic Characteristics No %

Gender Male 3 10%

Female 27 90%

The data from the demographic section yielded information about the

respondent’s demographic characteristics (Table 1) above. Majority of the respondents

were females (90%) while others were males (10%). This implies that a reasonable

number of waste managers at the household levels are females. It has been proven that

women demonstrated greater enthusiasm in environmental issues than men.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas

Demographic Characteristics No %

Marital Status Single 4 13.33%

Married 25 83.33%

Widowed 1 3.33%

Majority of the respondents were married (83.33%) while others are single

(13.33%) and widowed (3.33%). This indicates that most of the active citizens in Sitio

Tagurtor are family heads. This suggests that family heads are more functional as

compared with the other members of the community.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas

Demographic Characteristics No %

Age 25-below 1 3.33%

26-35 7 23.33%

36-45 9 30%

46-55 5 16.67%

56-above 8 26.67%

Majority of the respondents were in the age ranging from 36-45 (30%) while

others are ranging below 25 (3.33%), 26-35 (23.33%), 46-55 (16.67%), and 56 and above

(26.67%). Invariably, that may be the reason why many respondents were married and

only few are single and widowed.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas

Demographic Characteristics No %

Occupation Barangay health workers 5 16.67%

Barangay counsellors/officials 5 16.67%

Vendors 2 6.67%

Construction Workers 2 6.67%

Housewife 2 6.67%

Saleslady 2 6.67%

Others 12 40%

Most of the respondents are barangay health workers (17%), barangay counsellors

and officials (17%), vendors (6.67%), construction workers (6.67%), housewife (6.67%),

and saleslady (6.67%). Meanwhile, some have not written their occupations (40%).

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
B. Waste Management


Waste Management System Mean % Rank

Recycling 71 15.78% 5

Re-use 80 17.78% 4

Composting 92 20.44% 3

IEC 100 22.22% 2

Enforcement 107 23.78% 1

When the respondents were asked specifically to indicate accordingly the types of

waste management systems according to its level of exposure in Sitio Tagurtor, Lipahan,

San Juan, Batangas, their responses are presented in Table 5.

Interestingly, enforcement (23.78%) was highly rated while IEC or acceptance

and resistance towards implementation (22.22%) and composting (20.44%) were rated

second and third respectively.

The enforcement of the proper waste management in the municipality indicates

that the people are aware of the implications of current indiscriminate waste disposal in

their environment.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
However, re-using (17.78%) and recycling (15.78%) are not much manifesting in

the community.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
C. Causes of Poor Waste Management


Items Mean % Rank

Lack of proper education by people 147 8.9% 10

Poor equipment 182 11.03% 1

Lack of adequate awareness on the part of 172 10.42% 4

the public on management of wastes

Negligence of Duty 168 10.18% 8

Inadequate trained personnel 163 9.88% 5

Insufficient implementation instructions 157 9.52% 6

Increasing population 174 10.55% 3

Poor enforcement of the waste management 154 9.33% 9


Lack and inactive community participation 177 10.73% 2

Lack of discipline among waste generator 156 9.45% 7

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
The table above shows the factors that contribute to poor waste management.

Poor equipment (11.03%) and lack and inactive community participation (10.73%) were

rated first and second respectively.

It was followed by the increasing population (10.55%), lack of adequate

awareness on the part of the public on management of wastes (10.42%), inadequate

trained personnel (9.88%), insufficient implementation instructions (9.52%), lack of

discipline among waste generator (9.45%), negligence of duty (10.18%), poor

enforcement of the waste management regulation (9.33%), and lack of proper education

by people (8.9%).

D. Factors Militating the Level of Efficiency of Sitio Tagurtor, Lipahan, San

Juan, Batangas in terms of Waste Disposal

When the interviewees were asked to precisely state the major factors militating

against the level of efficiency of Sitio Tagurtor in terms of waste disposal, they reveal the

following descriptions:

1. Lack of sustainability of public utilities

2. Poor funding

3. Poor strategies for raising environmental awareness

4. The monitoring team and garbage collector are not consistently vising the site,

which causes improper control of waste disposal.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
5. Because of the absence of garbage collector, no one is being punished by the

regulation in Sitio Tagurtor.

E. Government’s Efforts in Creating Awareness of Proper Waste Management

The interviewees confirmed the statement that solid waste management causes

danger in public health and aggravate environmental degradation. In relation with these,

there are efforts and measures provided by the government that will create awareness of

proper waste management. These are the following:

 Source reduction and segregation

Involvement of various stakeholders in the full implementation of existing

ordinances related to segregation at source composting of waste reduction will be

a key to achieve the goals of the plan.

 Collection and Transport

Intensification of the cost recovery mechanism for solid waste management

system through imposition of fees from garbage collection to widen the service

collection area

 Storage, Processing, and Recovery

Upgrading of the alternative technologies in the existing CMRF is required.

Capacitating the key leaders in solid waste management is also essential in this

endeavour and sharing of best practices of other local government unit an

strengthen its implementation.

 Final Disposal

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
Strengthen linkages or partnerships with different stakeholders, with private

sector, national government agencies, and other local agencies.

F. Impact of Seminar and Training

1. I learned the implications of indiscriminate waste disposal to my environment.



Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid 2.00 30 100.0 100.0 100.0

Out of 30 respondents, 100% agreed that seminar and training helped them learn

the implications of indiscriminate waste disposal to my environment.

2. There is an increase level of efficiency in the control and management of waste.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid 2.00 30 100.0 100.0 100.0

Out of 30 respondents, 100% agreed that through seminar and training, there is an

increased level of efficiency in the control and management of waste.

3. There is an upsurge desire of engagement between the residents and local officials for

the improvement of the community environmental services.



Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid 2.00 30 100.0 100.0 100.0

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
Out of 30 respondents, 100% agreed that through seminar and training, there is an

upsurge desire of engagement between the residents and local officials for the

improvement of the community environmental services.

4. I became knowledgeable of my responsibilities and accountabilities as a citizen of




Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid 2.00 30 100.0 100.0 100.0

Out of 30 respondents, 100% agreed that through seminar and training, they

became knowledgeable of their responsibilities and accountabilities as a citizen of


Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
5. I understand the causes and prevalence of environmental problems due to poor waste




Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid 2.00 30 100.0 100.0 100.0

Out of 30 respondents, 100% agreed that through seminar and training, they

understand the causes and prevalence of environmental problems due to poor waste


6. I was able to update myself to the current events in my area.



Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid 2.00 30 100.0 100.0 100.0

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
Out of 30 respondents, 100% agreed that through seminar and training, they were

able to update themselves on the current events in their area

7. I have better knowledge upon which to base my decision/s and action/s in the practice




Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid 2.00 30 100.0 100.0 100.0

Out of 30 respondents, 100% agreed that through seminar and training, they have

better knowledge upon which to base their decision/s and action/s in the practice setting.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
8. I am reconsidering my views towards the topic/s presented.



Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid 2.00 30 100.0 100.0 100.0

Out of 30 respondents, 100% agreed that through seminar and training, they are

reconsidering their views towards the topic/s presented.

9. I can foresee the impact of this training in my community.



Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid 2.00 30 100.0 100.0 100.0

Out of 30 respondents, 100% agreed that they can foresee the impact of this

training in their community.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
10. The training was appropriate, and I am decided to my own views after the confab of

the topic.



Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid 2.00 30 100.0 100.0 100.0

Out of 30 respondents, 100% agreed that the training was appropriate, and they

are decided to their own views after the confab of the topic.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas

Questions Frequency % Ranking

1. I learned the implications of 30

indiscriminate waste disposal to my

Ranking not

as all the

2. There is an increase level of 30
recorded 100%
efficiency in the control and
management of waste.

3. There is an upsurge desire of 30

engagement between the residents

and local officials for the

improvement of the community

environmental services.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
4. I became knowledgeable of my 30

responsibilities and accountabilities

as a citizen of Lipahan.
Ranking not


5. I understand the causes and 30 as all the

prevalence of environmental questions

problems due to poor waste recorded 100%

management. rate.

6. I was able to update myself to the 30

current events in my area.

7. I have better knowledge upon 30

which to base my decision/s and

action/s in the practice setting.

8. I am reconsidering my views 30

towards the topic/s presented.

Ranking not

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas

as all the
9. I can foresee the impact of this 30
training in my community.
recorded 100%


10. The training was appropriate, and I 30

am decided to my own views after

the confab of the topic.

Generally, the respondents had positive reviews about the seminar and training.

They had improved knowledge on their responsibilities to the community and renewed

engagement between other residents for the improvement of their environment. The

training generally made a positive impact on the implementation of environmental

protection, sanitation, and maintenance objectives.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas

The purpose of the study is to raise people’s awareness on proper waste

management through seminar and training in Sitio Tagurtor, Lipahan, San Juan,

Batangas. The study has become necessary because deposition of wastes has become a

crucial task facing the local government and residents in Sitio Tagurtor. This study

assessed the attitudes and actions of the citizenry with respect to proper waste

management. In Sitio Tagurtor, the presence of waste has become a common feature due

to poor equipment and lack and inactive community participation.

In view of the above, the study was designed to assess the behavioural pattern and

factors affecting waste management in order to form an effective strategy on raising

people’s awareness.

Relevant issues were examined and discussed. Research questions were

formulated and tested. Review of the existing body of knowledge on the topic was

related. Related literature discussing about integrated waste management plan, key issues

to address, relationship between sectors and the barangays were reviewed.

Survey method of research was adopted. The researchers also interview two

respondents known in the field of environmental management in order to validate the

given information.

Frequency, percentage and ranking were the statistical tools used for the analysis

of data. These tools provided the basis for the decision to reject and accept the items that

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
answer the research questions. And based on the results, the following are some of the

findings of this study:

When the residents of Sitio Tagurtor were asked to specify the types of waste

management system in the list presented to them, their responses are as presented in

Table 5. Remarkably, enforcement ranked first while IEC or acceptance and resistance

towards implementation and composting were ranked second and third respectively. This

finding is consistent with the work of A.M. Hilburn (2015). Enforcement “covers the

policy support and guidelines, monitoring, compliance, sanction, rewards, and

incentives.” Thus, the number of respondents indicating that they are aware of the waste

management system in their environment is a clear indication of the existence of such


Meanwhile, Table 6 revealed a lot of factors that contribute to the level of

efficiency in the control and management of waste in Sitio Tagurtor. Based on the

respondents, poor equipment, highly rated, is a major factor. This statement links to the

answer of the interviewees. Both contribute to the case, they reveal that poor equipment

is due to lack of sustainability of public utilities and poor funding. To be successful,

every waste management needs funding.

Lack and inactive community participation is another significant reason identified

by the residents. This is in line with the finding of SWM (2015-2025) that a minimum

participation of the community “is putting their community at stake”.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
Essentially, one factor affecting the indiscriminate waste disposal is due to

inadequate trained personnel. Authority increasingly finds it difficult to manage and

perform its functions thereby turning residents into lacking of adequate awareness on the

management of wastes.

Increasing population is multifaceted. Houses are most closely built than before,

which has been resulted in the dumping of wastes on the streets. Due to this factor, lack

of discipline among waste generator, another exhibiting factor, arises. This is in relation

with Opara (2003) suggesting that “in order to protect human health and environment

from the potential hazards arising from inappropriate waste disposal and its consequential

environmental pollution, a systematically supervised and controlled management of the

waste is a necessity through communication.”

However, poor enforcement of the waste management regulation and lack of

proper education by people are least manifesting in Sitio Tagurtor.

The inhabitants of Sitio Tagurtor believed that the researchers’ techniques and

methods, seminar and training specifically, are making a significant impact in awareness

creation of proper waste management. However, much effort is barely needed for the full

intensification of awareness. To indicate accordingly, the result is presented in Table 1 to

Table 4 and Statement No.1 to Statement No. 10.

Prominently based on Table 1 to Table 4, majority of the adults, specifically

females, do reasonable waste managers at household levels. As stated also with regards to

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
culturally inherited gender role stereotypes, this entails the statement of NSWMC (2004)

that “various sectors play distinctive roles and also have duties to fulfil in proper waste

management.” This implies that every individual, male and female, has a role to play in

their community.

Exceptionally, lack of proper education by people was rated as second to the least

serious problem encountered by Sitio Tagurtor. This means that the residents are willing

to learn and recognize the health implications of indiscriminate waste disposal.

Meanwhile, all of the respondents show that they are mindful of the effects of

indiscriminate waste disposal. However, more strategies and plans are required to create a

meaningful impact on the behaviour of the people.

Based on the responses in Table 6, lack and inactive community participation was

rated second to the most serious factors restricting proper waste management. This

implies that promoting effective waste management through community engagement is of

necessity. For this cause, the researchers interview two officials from the local

government unit and there were proposed environmental options promoting waste


The environmentalist and policy makers suggested initiating waste appraisal. The

LGU and representatives of each barangay should first determine the profile waste in the

city or municipality using a list of buyers and residuals generated. They should identify

the problems related to social, cultural, political, and economic issues, and find out how

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
each barangay practices solid waste management. The LGU and citizens must also build

a consensus. With the help of workshop facilitator, local leaders and citizens should agree

on a vision, strategies and first steps to address the problems. From this workshop, the

LGU must be able to come up with consolidated lists that could be used for composts,

recyclables, and residual waste management.

Multi-stakeholder must plan and organize, set standards, objectives and targets,

actions plans, and budgets. This must result in doable actions for managing compost,

recyclable and residual waste. Assign key people with corresponding roles and

responsibilities that are time-bound and come up with a list of recyclable buyers not

residuals. They must also be able for the implementation of doable.

The LGU should carry out designated roles, and enact policies to support program

objectives. It should promote the three Rs (recycling, reuse, reduction) through

information and education campaign materials. Aside from that, they ought to monitor

citizen’s compliance. The barangay council and a multi-sectorial community of

volunteers must update validates sitio/purok maps and the recyclable and residual lists

and conduct appraisals.

The appraisal should determine: the number of households complying with RA

9003, the volume of segregated waste collected in a given time, recycling efforts being

made, and waste reduction schemes; update map lists and have them validated by the

community to increase public participation and support.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
People’s awareness on proper waste management could be heightened by

coercion of policy makers, government officials, parents and students. This stresses the

vital roles of education in safeguarding the public awareness and promoting

environmental quality since the two of them are intertwined. Based on the responses of

the interviewees, individuals should see it as a part of their civic responsibility to begin

waste management practices. While there is a need to intensify awareness, students must

influence their parents and parents their children in complying with simple waste

management habits.

As for the part of the researchers, the interviewees suggested the following:

• Promotion of proper waste management in school- taking situational factors into

consideration, the researchers must share the information about the effects of

inappropriate waste management

• Promoting effective waste management practices in their locality- the researchers

must take part to their community projects such as clean up drive to measure the progress

of waste management in their area.

• Initiate an activity that would promote proper waste management- the

interviewees agreed that seminar and training are both making the first step to start proper

waste management.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas

Inappropriate management of wastes has always been a problem of the

environment. Many are being affected by the consequences they make. Because of the

improper administration of waste, different diseases occur that lead to society’s poor

health consent.

With this, raising people’s awareness on proper waste management became the

solution. By means of this it enlightens the mind of the people towards proper

management of waste.

Seminar and training serves as the tool to raise people’s awareness on proper

waste management. This tackled the citizens about the implication of indiscriminate

waste disposal to the environment.

Through the help of seminar and training, the citizens become knowledgeable

enough on their responsibilities and accountabilities. Based on their evaluation, there is

an increase level of efficiency in the control and management of waste. Aside from this,

there is an upsurge desire of engagement between the residents and local officials for the

improvement of the community environmental services.

On the other hand, they were able to update themselves to the current events in

their area. They have better knowledge upon which to base their decisions and actions in

the practice setting. For this reason, they are reconsidering the views towards the topic

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
presented by the researchers. They can also foresee the impact of this training in their

community. Overall, the seminar and training was appropriate.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas



The purpose of the study is to raise people’s awareness on proper waste

management through seminar and training in Sitio Tagurtor, Lipahan, San Juan,

Batangas. Specifically, it sought answers to the following problems: (1) whether the

inhabitants of Sitio Tagurtor are aware of the implications of current indiscriminate waste

disposal in their environment; (2) their level of efficiency in the control and management

of waste; (3) whether the techniques/methods used by the researchers are adequately

creating awareness; (4) various ways the environmentalist/ policy makers could help in

changing human behaviour and responses to environmental options that will promote

waste management; (5) and various ways the researchers could help in changing human

behaviour and responses to environmental options that will promote waste management.

Research Question 1

Do the inhabitants of Sitio Tagurtor, Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas are aware of

the implications of current indiscriminate waste disposal in their environment?

The residents of Sitio Tagurtor are aware of the consequences of current

indiscriminate waste disposal in their environment. The number of respondents indicating

that they are aware of the effects of waste in their environment is a clear indication of the

existence of such problems.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
Research Question 2

What is the level of efficiency in the control and management of waste in Sitio


There is a poor strategy for raising environmental awareness. The monitoring

team and garbage collector are not consistently vising the site, which causes improper

control of waste disposal. Because of the absence of garbage collector, no one is being

punished by the regulation in Sitio Tagurtor. Those to be successful, every proper waste

management plan or program need to sustain public utilities and funding in order to fulfil

poor equipment. Meanwhile, a new strategy must be utilized to defy inactive community


Research Question 3

Are the techniques/methods used by the researchers adequately creating

awareness about the health implications of indiscriminate waste disposal in Lipahan, San

Juan, Batangas?

Adequate public enlightenment will prevent the problem of indiscriminate waste

disposal in Sitio Tagurtor and promoting effective environmental sanitation through

communicating responsible environmental behaviour is of necessity. In order to promote

waste management, awareness must be increased, and coercion between government,

parents and students must be practiced.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
Seminar and training are making the first step on raising awareness in Sitio

Tagurtor. Significant purposes were achieved, but additional monitoring and sustained

program over a longer time is necessary.

Research Question 4

What ways could the environmentalist/ policy makers help in changing human

behaviour and responses to environmental options that will promote waste management?

 The LGU and citizens must also build a consensus.

 The environmentalist and policy makers suggested initiating waste appraisal.

 Multi-stakeholder must plan and organize, set standards, objectives and targets,

actions plans, and budgets.

 The LGU should carry out designated roles, and enact policies to support program


 The appraisal should determine: the number of households complying with RA

9003, the volume of segregated waste collected in a given time, recycling efforts being

made, and waste reduction schemes; update map lists and have them validated by the

community to increase public participation and support.

Research Question 5

What are the ways the researchers could help in changing human behaviour and

responses to environmental options that will promote waste management?

 Promotion of proper waste management in school

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
Taking situational factors into consideration, the researchers must share the information

about the effects of inappropriate waste management

 Promoting effective waste management practices in their locality

The researchers must take part to their community projects such as clean up drive to

measure the progress of waste management in their area.

 Initiate an activity that would promote proper waste management

The interviewees agreed that seminar and training are both making the first step to start

proper waste management.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas

1. Seminar and training can help the citizens to become knowledgeable and well-

trained towards proper waste management. It will also help them to become aware

on the things to do in reducing and managing different wastes.

2. This research recommends the barangay officials to consistently conduct a

program on proper waste management. It is advantageous to their side since it will

help them to evaluate if their plans are really effective and accommodating to the

people as well as to their community. In addition, it will let them know if there is

something they need to improve towards the said issue.

3. The students must be able to know this topic since they are the so-called today’s

generation or the millennial per se. They are the ones who will profit to the

environment someday. Aside from that, they have a large influence to the whole

community, especially global. They are more capable in spreading and

disseminating information. Likewise, they were the ones who always used social

media. With this, they can spread the information they have towards proper waste

management through the use of social media sites.

4. This research is also recommended to the different organizations that are

responsible in creating public awareness. Participating in community service in

their various localities is necessary in making the environment clean as they go

along in creating awareness in the locality.

5. This research paper is also recommended to the local government especially to the

department that is assigned in environmental management. Through this, they can

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
have an idea to formulate new rules and regulations to be implemented to the

community. It will serve as their guidelines on how they are going to make an

effective policy. This paper will be a great help to the department who is assigned

in environmental management.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas


ADB Study (2003). Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project (TA3848-PHI).

Republic of the Philippines: Department of Environment and Natural Resources and

Asian Development Bank, revised.

Kurtyez, A (2005). Understanding Environmental Behaviour Change Through

Communication: A New Perspective of Environmental Education. Int. J. Environment

and Sustainable Development.

Olaniran, N. S. (1995). Environment and Health: Introduction. In Olaniran, N.S, Akpan,

E.A., Ikpeme, E.E., Udofia, G.A. (eds) Environment and Health. Lagos: Mac Millan

Nigeria Publisher.

Ramachandra, T. V. (2011). Integrated Management of Municipal Solid Waste. In: S.R.

Garg, (Ed.), Environmental Security: Human and Animal Health. India: IBDC


Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
e-book from an e-reader

Peprah, K. (2015). World Environment [PDF Version]. Retrieved from DOI:


Magazine article in print

Hilburn, A.M. (2015). Participatory Risk Mapping Of Garbage-Related Issues In A Rural

Mexican Municipality. Geographical Review 105 (7) 41-60.

(2005). Ecological Solid Waste Management in Theory and Practice. A publication of

the Zero Waste Recycling Movement of the Philippines Foundation, Inc.


Amoah, S.T. and Kosoe, E.A. (2014) Solid Waste Management in Urban Areas of

Ghana: Issues and Experiences from Wa. Journal of Environment Pollution and Human

Health (2) 110-117.

Lenox, M. and King, A. (2004) Prospects for Developing Absorptive Capacity through

Internal Information Provision. Strategic Management Journal (25) 331-345.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
Opara, J.A. (2003). Fertilizer Usage and Its Effects on Environmental Health: Issues and

Challenges. Journal of Environmental Management and Education 1 (1), pp. 103-110.


Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan (2015-2025). San Juan, Batangas :LGU-San


Republic Act 9003: The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 and its

Implementing Rules and Regulations

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas

Enviro Discussion for Today’s Generation:

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management through Seminar and

Training in Sitio Tagurtor, Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas

Direction: Kindly answer the following to the best of your ability with the needed

information, rest assured that your responses will be kept with confidentiality.

A. Demographic Profile

Name (Optional): Gender:

Marital Status: Age:


B. Waste Management

Arrange the following waste management system/s according to its level of

exposure in the community, 1 being the least applicable and 5 being the most


( ) Recycling (pagreresiklo ng mga basura)

( ) Re-use (muling paggamit ng mga basurang pwede pang mapakinabangan)

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
( ) Composting (pag-aabono o paggamit ng nabubulok na basura bilang pataba)

( ) IEC (pagtanggap at pakikiisa sa implementasyon)

( ) Enforcement (pagtanggap at pakikiisa sa mga ordinansa ng lokal na


C. Causes of Poor Waste Management

On the list indicated, arrange the following factors that contribute to poor waste

management, 1 being the least serious and 10 being the most serious case.

( ) Lack of proper education by people (kakulangan sa edukasyon)

( ) Poor equipment (kakaunti ang kagamitan)

( ) Lack of adequate awareness on the part of the public on management of wastes

(walang sapat na kaalaman sa tamang pagkontrol ng basura)

( ) Negligence of Duty

(kawalan ng tungkulin)

( ) Inadequate trained personnel

(hindi sapat ang mga bihasang kawani)

( ) Insufficient implementation instructions

(hindi sapat ang implementasyon)

( ) Increasing population

(pagtaas ng populasyon)

( ) Poor enforcement of the waste management regulation

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
(mababa ang antas ng pagpapatupad ng mga regulasyon ukol sa pagkontrol ng


( ) Lack and inactive community participation

(hindi garantiya ang pakikilahok ng mga mamamayan sa mga gawaing


( ) Lack of discipline among waste generator

(kakulangan sa disiplina)

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas

Enviro Discussion for Today’s Generation:

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management through Seminar and

Training in Sitio Tagurtor, Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas

Direction: Kindly answer the following to the best of your ability with the needed

information, rest assured that your responses will be kept with confidentiality.

A. Demographic Profile

Name (Optional):

B. Seminar

Please choose what best defines your experience in the seminar by putting a check

mark (/) on a scale 1-5. 5 being the excellent and 1 if it needs improvement.

5- Excellent

4- Very Good

3- Good

2- Poor

1- Needs Improvement

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
5 4 3 2 1

Program Content



Information Imparted

C. Training

Put a check mark (/) to indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with the

degree to which environmental objectives were met after the training.


1. I learned the implications of indiscriminate waste disposal to

my environment.

(Naging malinaw sa akin ang implikasyon ng tamang

segregasyon ng basura sa kalagayan ng aking kapaligiran)

2. There is an increase level of efficiency in the control and

management of waste.

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
(Nadagdagan ang lebel ng kaayusan sa pagkokontrol at

administrasyon ng mga basura)

3. There is an upsurge desire of engagement between the

residents and local officials for the improvement of the

community environmental services.

(Nalaman ko ang mithiin ng mga lokal na lider at opisyal na

mapabuti at paghusayin ang aming komunidad sa

pamamagitan ng karanasang ito)

4. I became knowledgeable of my responsibilities and

accountabilities as a citizen of Lipahan.

(Nagkaroon ng kamalayan sa aking responsibilidad at

pananagutan bilang mamamayan ng Lipahan)

5. I understand the causes and prevalence of environmental

problems due to poor waste management.

(Naunawaan ko ang mga sanhi at pagkalat ng iba’t-ibang

problemang pangkapaligiran dahil sa kakulangan ng

organisadong pagkontrol ng basura)

6. I was able to update myself to the current events in my area.

(Nakikiisa ako sa mga bagong pangyayari sa aking


Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas
7. I have better knowledge upon which to base my decision/s and

action/s in the practice setting.

(Dahil sa aking mga natutunan, mas napalawak ko ang aking

perspektibo pagdating sa mga desisyon at mga kilos na aking


8. I am reconsidering my views towards the topic/s presented.

(Nagbago ang aking pananaw sa komunidad matapos ang

naganap na programa)

9. I can foresee the impact of this training in my community.

(Naniniwala akong malaki ang magiging tulong ng

programang ito sa pag-unlad ng aking bayan)

10. The training was appropriate, and I am decided to my own

views after the confab of the topic.

(Angkop ang isinagawang seminar at training sa

napapanahong isyu sa bansa. Gayundin, nag-iwan ito sa akin

ng positibong pananaw)

Overall I would rate this seminar and training as:

( ) Excellent

( ) Very Good

( ) Good

( ) Poor

Raising People’s Awareness on Proper Waste Management

through Seminar and Training in Sitio Tagurtor,
Lipahan, San Juan, Batangas

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