Packaging Fruit Practices
Packaging Fruit Practices
Packaging Fruit Practices
R S Matche
Chapter 6
is not used, deleterious result occurs—for damage, sustained during harvesting, will
example, tomatoes will not ripen if chilled appear as visual defects several hours later
below 4°C, bananas will turn black below and can be detected. Storing field-warm
11°C and potatoes develop a sweet flavour produce for few hours in a cool place, such
below 4°C. An additional reason for the as cold storage corridors, whereby produce
necessity of refrigeration for fresh produce temperature is reduced by several degrees
is the heat generated due to metabolism or before processing will help reducing
respiration. For example, green beans, sweet subsequent spoilage and damage in the
corn, broccoli, green peas, spinach, and packaging line.
strawberries generate from 15,000 to 50,000
The most important process in fresh
Btu of energy per ton per 24 hours of storage
produce is respiration, a biochemical
at 15°C. Even when chilled to 00 - 40C, they
oxidation of all living cells. Respiration rate
still evolve 2,500-17,000 Btu per ton per 24
is proportional to temperature, approxi-
hours. This heat must be taken into
mately doubling every 10°C. Due to high
consideration in the design of refrigeration
respiration, heat build up will be more,
equipment. Some types of fresh produce
which in turn increases the temperature
give off volatile compounds during ripening
and respiration of produce. This reduces
which will impart unacceptable odour and
shelf-life of the produce. The heat produced
flavour if not allowed to escape, or they
may be calculated by
may prematurely ripen the fruit.
1 mg CO2/kg hr. = 61.2 day =
For the most part, packaging cannot The term, precooling, refers to several
delay or prevent fresh fruits and vegetables practices whereby the temperature of the
from spoilage. Incorrect packaging can freshly harvested produce is quickly
accelerate spoilage. However, packaging lowered to shorten the period of initial high
can serve to protect against contamination, respiration rate as well as to reduce the
damage and, most importantly, against loads on the long-term cold storage facilities.
excess moisture loss. Too much of a moisture Success of efficient precooling depends
barrier will cause an excessively high upon fast removal of field heat from all
relative humidity in the package and result fruits, preferably within 2 to 3 hours.
in accelerated spoilage due to micro- Regular cold storage room with about 150
organisms or in skin splitting on some fruits. air changes per hour gives best result, but
PACKING HOUSE OPERATIONS with danger of excess moisture loss.
Hydrocooling consist of drenching field-
The packaging line begins with warm produce with a stream of cold water
unloading of harvested produce. Bulk bins taking care of chilling injury caused
of 200-500 kg capacity are used for big especially to leafy vegetables. There are
packaging houses but in India, reusable three types of hydrocoolers: immersion,
plastic crates are used. Freshly harvested flooding and spraying. Another precooling
produce is stacked up for interim storage. method is vacuum cooling. This system
Interim storage may serve several purposes, uses hermetically sealed vacuum chambers
depending on the type of produce. Latest whereby the pressure is reduced until the
The package in which consumer receives
the produce is called consumer packaging.
The term prepackaging of produce refers to
consumer units prior to its presentation to
the final consumer. Prepackaging may be
undertaken at any stage throughout the
distribution chain from the field to the
retailer's premises, depending upon the
need of produce for protection, expected
transport and storage time, required shelf-
life, packaging material costs and costs of
packaging and sorting at different points,
transport and storage cost and latest
knowledge of the market requirements.
Types of Consumer Package
4. Excellent printability.
Sea pallet
Fig.6.11. Unitization of pallets using corner
Fig. 6.10. Pallet types posts and straps
package destruction. CO2 absorbers might Two widely different approaches have
therefore be useful. The active compound been used to buffer the humidity in the cartons
Ca(OH)2 of FreshLock® reacts at sufficiently in order to prevent condensation while not
high humidity with the CO2 to produce concurrently causing desiccation of the
CaCO3. Multiform Desiccants have patented produce. One is to include micro-porous
(US 5322701) a CO 2 absorbent sachet bags or pads of inorganic salts and the other
including a porous envelope containing CaO is to line the carton with a protected layer of
and a hydrating agent such as silica gel on a solid polymeric humectant.
which water is adsorbed. The main purpose of moisture control is
to lower water activity (aw), thereby reducing
Humidity Regulators the growth of moulds, yeast and spoilage
bacteria on foods with high aw. The shelf life
This approach allows the food packer to of packaged tomatoes at 200C was extended
reduce the surface concentration of water in from 5 to 15-17 days with a pouch containing
a food by reducing the in-pack relative NaCl, mainly by retardation of surface mould
humidity. This can be done by placing one or growth. Another application is in the removal
more humectants between two layers of a of melting water from frozen foods. A third
plastic film which is highly permeable to reason for moisture control is to prevent
water vapour. An example of this type of condensation when fresh horticultural
product is “Pitchit” manufactured by Showa produce respires. Drip-absorbent sheets such
Denko in Japan. The film duplex is described as Thermarite® (Australia), Toppan TM
as containing an alcohol, as propylene glycol (Japan) or Peaksorb® (Peakfresh Products,
and a carbohydrate, both of which are Australia) for liquid water control in high aw
humectants. foods such as meat, fish, poultry, fruits and
vegetables, basically consist of a super
A different approach to humidity absorbent polymer in between two layers.
buffering is being developed for use in the The preferred polymers for absorbing water
distribution of horticultural produce which are polyacrylate salts and graft copolymers
is normally distributed in fibreboard cartons, of starch.
usually with a polyethylene liner or made
Oxygen Scavenging
from very expensive waxed fibreboard
without a liner. A recent development has Oxygen is such a broadly effective agent
been the water-barrier coating of the inside of of deterioration in foods that a substantial
fibreboard cartons to allow moist produce to industry has been established to provide a
be placed directly into the carton. Besides the wide range of alternative means of oxygen
introduction of liquid water with the produce, removal from package headspace to reduce
packing into closed spaces allows the build- chemical deterioration.
up of water vapour. Since temperature cycling Technologies for thin films typically used
is very difficult to avoid during handling in MAP systems need an additional feature
there is every likelihood of condensation to prevent premature reaction, if they are to
and with this the growth of microorganisms provide maximum scavenging capacity. The
on fruits and vegetables. transition-metal-catalyzed (optionally light-
activated) process patented by W.R. Grace, in outer layers of laminates by use of modified
Inc. approaches this by pre-planned printing presses.
activation involving generation of full
capacity by consumption of antioxidants. Release of antimicrobial agents will be
This type of film, involving side-chain restricted by regulatory approval as
oxidation of a polydiene, appears to be intended food additives. The concept has
designed as a permeation barrier for chilled, been advanced in the case of an edible
short shelf life processed meats. Amoco coating. An alternative approach which
Chemicals have reported some has been developed in Japan by Mitsubishi
performance data for their Amosorb®, is based on the inclusion of zeolite particles
water-activated masterbatch for blending on the surface of the food-contact layer in
into a variety of plastics. laminates. The zeolite has some of its surface
atoms replaced by silver which appears to
Examples of light-activated scavengers, release silver ions as aqueous solution from
incorporated in the packaging film, are the food enters the exposed cavities of the
Zero2 TM developed by CSIRO and marketed porous zeolite structure. The water then
by Southcorp Packaging (Australia) and appears to leach traces of silver from the
OS1000 developed by Cryovac Sealed Air. particles giving the highly efficient
Oxygen scavengers can be used alone antimicrobial activity of this ion. The use of
or in combination with MAP. Their use edible coatings to apply relatively constant
alone eliminates the need for MAP machi- concentrations of permitted antimicrobial
nery and can increase packaging speeds. agents at the food surface has been
However, it is usually more common in developed. The relative rates of diffusion
commercial applications to remove most of within the coating and within the food
the atmospheric O2 by MAP and then use a itself are very important. Such a process
relatively small and inexpensive scavenger could be important where antimicrobials,
to remove the residual O2 within the food such as sorbate, are lost by degradation.
package. For an O2 absorber to be effec- Application of antimicrobial via edible
tive, the packaging material needs to have coatings is likely to gain importance with
an O2 barrier of intermediate performance minimally processed foods distributed
(20 ml/m2.d.atm), otherwise the scavenger under MAP conditions.
will rapidly become saturated and lose its
To control undesirable microorganisms
ability to trap O2.
on foods, antimicrobial substances can be
Antimicrobial Packaging incorporated in or coated onto food
packaging materials. The principle action of
Substantial recent research has been antimicrobial films is based on the release of
directed at determining how the surfaces antimicrobial entities, some of which could
of plastics can be made not only sterile but pose a safety risk to consumers if the release
also capable of having an antimicrobial is not tightly controlled by some mechanisms
effect on the packaged food or beverage. within the packaging material. The major
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