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The document discusses best practices for configuring and troubleshooting the Cisco Firepower Threat Defense system, including the Next-Generation Firewall, Intrusion Prevention System, and Advanced Malware Protection capabilities.

Some of the troubleshooting tools discussed include the packet-tracer and real packet capture utilities.

The document discusses disk provisioning options, ESXi vs VI deployment, supported virtual environments, and prerequisites for deploying virtual appliances.

Cisco Firepower Threat

Defense (FTD)
Configuration and Troubleshooting Best
Practices for the Next-Generation Firewall
(NGFW), Next-Generation Intrusion
Prevention System (NGIPS), and Advanced
Malware Protection (AMP)

Nazmul Rajib

Cisco Press
800 East 96th Street

Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 USA

ii Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD)

Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD)

Configuration and Troubleshooting Best Practices for
the Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW), Next-Generation
Intrusion Prevention System (NGIPS), and Advanced Malware
Protection (AMP)
Nazmul Rajib

Copyright © 2018 Cisco Systems, Inc.

Published by:
Cisco Press
800 East 96th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46240 USA

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage
and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher, except for the inclusion of brief
quotations in a review.

Printed in the United States of America

1 17

Library of Congress Control Number: 2017953843

ISBN-13: 978-1-58714-480-6

ISBN-10: 1-58714-480-8

Warning and Disclaimer

This book is designed to provide advanced information about the Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW),
Next-Generation Intrusion Prevention System (NGIPS), and Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) system
using the Cisco Firepower technologies. Every effort has been made to make this book as complete and as
accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied.

The information is provided on an “as is” basis. The authors, Cisco Press, and Cisco Systems, Inc.
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iv Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD)

About the Author

Nazmul Rajib is a senior engineer and leader of the Cisco Global Technical Services
organization focusing on next-generation security technologies. He leads cybersecurity
training initiatives, develops internal training programs, and trains the current generation
of Cisco engineers who support Cisco security solutions around the world. He also
reviews design specifications, tests security software, and provides solutions to business-
critical networking issues. Nazmul has authored numerous technical publications at and in the Cisco support community.

Nazmul is a veteran engineer of Sourcefire, Inc., which developed Snort—the most

popular open-source intrusion prevention system in the world. He created and managed
the global knowledge base for Sourcefire and designed Sourcefire security certifications
for partner enablement. Nazmul trained security engineers from many managed security
service providers (MSSP) in the United States. He supported the networks of numerous
Fortune 500 companies and U.S. government agencies.

Nazmul has a master of science degree in internetworking. He also holds many

certifications in the areas of cybersecurity, information technology, and technical
communication. He is a Sourcefire Certified Expert (SFCE) and Sourcefire Certified
Security Engineer (SFCSE).

About the Technical Reviewers

John Groetzinger is a member of the Global TAC Security Technical Leadership team,
supporting Firepower, AMP for Endpoints, Threat Grid, and third-party integrations.
He has been a leader in developing tools and procedures for supporting the Cisco
Firepower and AMP security software platforms. He has worked closely with the various
engineering teams in the Cisco security space to improve quality and serviceability. He
holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering with a minor in computer science.
John’s primary areas of interest are enterprise security, open source software,
API development/integration, and automation.

Foster Lipkey is a member of the Global TAC Security Technical Leadership team.
He has been supporting Firepower technologies since 2012. He is responsible for
many automated tools leveraged by the Global Technical Assistance Center (TAC).
Prior to working for Sourcefire and Cisco, he was an application solution specialist for
the National Cancer Institute (NCI), supporting Java Enterprise applications for the
NCI Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (CBIIT). Foster’s
primary areas of interest are enterprise security and security automation. He was a
technical editor of Cisco Next-Generation Security Solutions: All-in-One Cisco ASA
FirePOWER Services, NGIPS, and AMP.
vi Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD)

I am me, because of…

My grandparent’s blessings

My mom’s inspiration

My dad’s support

My wife’s devotion

My children’s love

My teacher’s advice

This book is dedicated to all of them,

with my sincere gratitude.


Thank you, God, for giving me the ability to write this book.

I am grateful to two technical support managers of the Cisco Global Technical Services
team, Andrew Firman and Maurice Spencer, for their encouragement and support
throughout the process of authoring this book.

I am thankful to the technical leaders of the Cisco Firepower technology, John

Groetzinger and Foster Lipkey, who are also the technical editors of this book. Their
commitment and thorough reviews have been indispensable to this book.

I appreciate the time Principal Engineer Gonzalo Salgueiro took to review the draft
proposal for this book. Many thanks to Senior Vice President Tom Berghoff and
Senior Director Marc Holloman for sending me their words of appreciation for writing
this book.

I would also like to acknowledge the daily cooperation of my colleagues in the

Research Triangle Park (RTP), North Carolina. Shout-out to all of my fellows, students
and readers in Fulton, Richardson, San Jose, Mexico City, Krakow, Sofia, Bangalore,
Sydney, Beijing, Tokyo (and many other cities), for providing me feedback on my internal
training and publications.

Finally, I recognize all of the editors at Pearson Education and Cisco Press for working
with me diligently and keeping me on track to get this book published.
viii Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD)

Contents at a Glance
Introduction xxv

Part I Troubleshooting and Administration of

Hardware Platform
Chapter 1 Introduction to the Cisco Firepower Technology 1

Chapter 2 FTD on ASA 5500-X Series Hardware 13

Chapter 3 FTD on the Firepower eXtensible Operating System (FXOS) 55

Chapter 4 Firepower Management Center (FMC) Hardware 97

Chapter 5 Firepower System Virtual on VMware 135

Part II Troubleshooting and Administration of Initial Deployment

Chapter 6 The Firepower Management Network 173

Chapter 7 Firepower Licensing and Registration 199

Chapter 8 Firepower Deployment in Routed Mode 231

Chapter 9 Firepower Deployment in Transparent Mode 251

Part III Troubleshooting and Administration of Traffic Control

Chapter 10 Capturing Traffic for Advanced Analysis 277

Chapter 11 Blocking Traffic Using Inline Interface Mode 311

Chapter 12 Inspecting Traffic Without Blocking It 347

Chapter 13 Handling Encapsulated Traffic 373

Chapter 14 Bypassing Inspection and Trusting Traffic 409

Chapter 15 Rate Limiting Traffic 445

Part IV Troubleshooting and Administration of Next-Generation

Security Features
Chapter 16 Blacklisting Suspicious Addresses by Using Security Intelligence 463

Chapter 17 Blocking a Domain Name System (DNS) Query 497

Chapter 18 Filtering URLs Based on Category, Risk, and Reputation 523


Chapter 19 Discovering Network Applications and Controlling

Application Traffic 553

Chapter 20 Controlling File Transfer and Blocking the Spread of Malware 577

Chapter 21 Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts 617

Chapter 22 Masquerading the Original IP Address of an Internal

Network Host 667

Appendix A Answers to the Review Questions 707

Appendix B Generating and Collecting Troubleshooting Files Using the GUI 713

Appendix C Generating and Collecting Troubleshooting Files Using the CLI 717

Index 721
x Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD)

Introduction xxv

Part I Troubleshooting and Administration of Hardware Platform

Chapter 1 Introduction to the Cisco Firepower Technology 1

History of Sourcefire 1
Evolution of Firepower 2
FirePOWER Versus Firepower 3
Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) 6
FirePOWER Service Versus Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) 6
Firepower System Software Components 7
Firepower System Hardware Platforms 9
Firepower Accessories 10
Summary 11

Chapter 2 FTD on ASA 5500-X Series Hardware 13

ASA Reimaging Essentials 13
Best Practices for FTD Installation on ASA Hardware 14
Installing and Configuring FTD 16
Fulfilling Prerequisites 16
Upgrading Firmware 18
Installing the Boot Image 26
Installing the System Software 32
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 44
Navigating to the FTD CLI 44
Determining the Version of Installed Software 46
Determining the Free Disk Space on ASA Hardware 47
Deleting a File from a Storage Device 48
Determining the Availability of Any Storage Device or SSD 48
Determining the Version of the ROMMON Software or Firmware 50
Summary 52
Quiz 52

Chapter 3 FTD on the Firepower eXtensible Operating System (FXOS) 55

Firepower 9300 and 4100 Series Essentials 55
Architecture 57
Software Images 58
Firepower Extensible Operating System (FXOS) 59
Contents xi

FTD Software 60
Firmware 60
Web User Interfaces 61
Best Practices for FTD Installation on Firepower Hardware 62
Installing and Configuring FTD 64
Fulfilling Prerequisites 64
Deleting Any Existing Logical Devices 64
Upgrading the FXOS Software 65
Enabling Interfaces 67
Installing FTD 71
Uploading the FTD Software Image 72
Adding a Logical Device for FTD 73
Completing the Initialization of FTD 77
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 79
Navigating to the FTD CLI 79
Verifying the FXOS Software 81
Verifying the Status of a Security Application 82
Verifying the Security Modules, Adapters, and Switch Fabric 84
Verifying the Hardware Chassis 87
Verifying the Power Supply Unit (PSU) Modules 90
Verifying the Fan Modules 92
Summary 94
Quiz 94

Chapter 4 Firepower Management Center (FMC) Hardware 97

FMC Component Essentials 97
On-Box Managers 98
Off-Box Managers 99
Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC) 101
Internal USB Storage for the System_Restore Image 104
User Interfaces 104
Best Practices for FMC Reimage 105
Pre-installation Best Practices 105
Post-installation Best Practices 108
Installing and Configuring the FMC 109
Fulfilling Prerequisites 109
Configuration Steps 110
xii Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD)

Step 1: Load the System_Restore Image 111

Step 2: Configure the Network Settings 114
Step 3: Choose a Transport Protocol 114
Step 4: Download and Mount an ISO File 116
Step 5: Run the Installation 117
Step 6: Initialize the System 120
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 122
Identifying the FMC on a Rack 122
Determining the Hardware and Software Details of the FMC 124
Determining the RAID Battery Status 124
Determining the Status of a Power Supply Unit (PSU) 125
Checking Logs on the CLI 125
Enabling Alerts on the GUI 127
Performing a Complete Power Cycle 129
PSU Checklist 129
Verifying the Fans 129
Summary 132
Quiz 132

Chapter 5 Firepower System Virtual on VMware 135

FMC and FTD Virtual Essentials 135
Supported Virtual Environments 135
ESXi Versus VI 136
VMware Installation Package in a Tarball 136
Disk Provisioning Options 137
Best Practices for Firepower Virtual Appliance Deployment 138
Pre-deployment Best Practices 138
Post-deployment Best Practices 140
Installing and Configuring a Firepower Virtual Appliance 141
Fulfilling Prerequisites 142
Creating a Virtual Network 144
Creating a Network for FMC Virtual 145
Creating a Network for FTD Virtual 148
Using Promiscuous Mode 152
Deploying an OVF Template 154
Initializing an Appliance 160
Initializing an FMC Virtual Appliance 161
Initializing an FTD Virtual Appliance 162
Contents xiii

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 163

Determining the Status of Allocated Resources 164
Determining the Status of a Network Adapter 165
Upgrading a Network Adapter 166
Summary 170
Quiz 170

Part II Troubleshooting and Administration of Initial Deployment

Chapter 6 The Firepower Management Network 173

Firepower System Management Network Essentials 173
The FTD Management Interface 173
Designing a Firepower Management Network 176
Best Practices for Management Interface Configuration 180
Configuring a Management Network on FMC Hardware 180
Configuration Options 180
Using the GUI During the First Login 180
Using the GUI On Demand 182
Using the Command-Line Interface 183
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 184
Configuring a Management Network on ASA Hardware 186
Configuration 186
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 187
Configuring a Management Network on a Firepower Security Appliance 190
Configuring the FXOS Management Interface 190
Verification of the FXOS Management Interface Configuration 191
Configuring the FTD Management Interface 192
Verification of the FTD Management Interface Configuration 194
Summary 197
Quiz 197

Chapter 7 Firepower Licensing and Registration 199

Licensing Essentials 199
The Smart Licensing Architecture 199
Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM) 200
CSSM Satellite 201
Firepower Licenses 202
Best Practices for Licensing and Registration 203
xiv Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD)

Licensing a Firepower System 203

Licensing Configuration 204
Evaluation Mode 205
Registering with the CSSM 206
Verifying a Smart License Issue 209
Registering a Firepower System 211
Registration Configuration 211
Setting Up FTD 211
Setting Up the FMC 212
Verifying the Registration and Connection 215
Analyzing the Encrypted SFTunnel 221
Summary 229
Quiz 230

Chapter 8 Firepower Deployment in Routed Mode 231

Routed Mode Essentials 231
Best Practices for Routed Mode Configuration 233
Configuring Routed Mode 233
Fulfilling Prerequisites 234
Configuring the Firewall Mode 234
Configuring the Routed Interface 235
Configuring an Interface with a Static IP Address 235
DHCP Services 238
FTD as a DHCP Server 240
FTD as a DHCP Client 241
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 243
Verifying the Interface Configuration 243
Verifying DHCP Settings 246
Summary 249
Quiz 249

Chapter 9 Firepower Deployment in Transparent Mode 251

Transparent Mode Essentials 251
Best Practices for Transparent Mode 252
Configuring Transparent Mode 253
Fulfilling Prerequisites 254
Changing the Firewall Mode 254
Deploying Transparent Mode in a Layer 2 Network 255
Contents xv

Configuring the Physical and Virtual Interfaces 256

Verifying the Interface Status 261
Verifying Basic Connectivity and Operations 264
Deploying an FTD Device Between Layer 3 Networks 267
Selecting the Default Action 268
Adding an Access Rule 269
Creating an Access Rule for SSH 272
Verifying Access Control Lists 274
Summary 276
Quiz 276

Part III Troubleshooting and Administration of Traffic Control

Chapter 10 Capturing Traffic for Advanced Analysis 277

Traffic Capture Essentials 277
Best Practices for Capturing Traffic 278
Configuring Firepower System for Traffic Analysis 278
Capturing Traffic from a Firepower Engine 279
tcpdump Options 280
Downloading a .pcap File Generated by Firepower Engine 285
Capturing Traffic from the Firewall Engine 288
Downloading a .pcap File Generated by Firewall Engine 291
Enabling HTTP Service in FTD 293
Capturing Traffic from the FMC 298
Downloading a .pcap File Generated by FMC 299
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 302
Adding an Access Rule to Block ICMP Traffic 302
Analyzing the Traffic Flow by Using a Block Rule 303
Packet Processing by an Interface 306
Summary 309
Quiz 309

Chapter 11 Blocking Traffic Using Inline Interface Mode 311

Inline Mode Essentials 311
Inline Mode Versus Passive Mode 312
Inline Mode Versus Transparent Mode 314
Tracing a Packet Drop 314
Best Practices for Inline Mode Configuration 316
xvi Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD)

Configuring Inline Mode 316

Fulfilling Prerequisites 317
Creating an Inline Set 317
Verifying the Configuration 321
Verifying Packet Flow by Using packet-tracer 324
Verifying Packet Flow by Using Real Packet Capture 328
Enabling Fault Tolerance Features 333
Configuring Fault Tolerance Features 334
Verifying Fault Tolerance Features 335
Blocking a Specific Port 336
Configuring Blocking a Specific Port 337
Verifying Blocking of a Specific Port 339
Analyzing a Packet Drop by Using a Simulated Packet 340
Analyzing a Packet Drop by Using a Real Packet 342
Summary 344
Quiz 345

Chapter 12 Inspecting Traffic Without Blocking It 347

Traffic Inspection Essentials 347
Passive Monitoring Technology 347
Inline Versus Inline Tap Versus Passive 350
Best Practices for Detection-Only Deployment 352
Fulfilling Prerequisites 352
Inline Tap Mode 352
Configuring Inline Tap Mode 353
Verifying an Inline Tap Mode Configuration 354
Passive Interface Mode 357
Configuring Passive Interface Mode 357
Configuring Passive Interface Mode on an FTD Device 357
Configuring a SPAN Port on a Switch 359
Verifying a Passive Interface Mode Configuration 359
Analyzing Traffic Inspection Operation 362
Analyzing a Connection Event with a Block Action 362
Analyzing Live Traffic 362
Analyzing a Simulated Packet 364
Analyzing an Intrusion Event with an Inline Result 366
Summary 370
Quiz 371
Contents xvii

Chapter 13 Handling Encapsulated Traffic 373

Encapsulation and Prefilter Policy Essentials 373
Best Practices for Adding a Prefilter Rule 375
Fulfilling Prerequisites 375
Transferring and Capturing Traffic on the Firewall Engine 377
Scenario 1: Analyzing Encapsulated Traffic 379
Configuring Policies to Analyze Encapsulated Traffic 379
Prefilter Policy Settings 379
Access Control Policy Settings 381
Verifying the Configuration and Connection 382
Analyzing Packet Flows 385
Scenario 2: Blocking Encapsulated Traffic 391
Configuring Policies to Block Encapsulated Traffic 391
Verifying the Configuration and Connection 392
Analyzing Packet Flows 395
Scenario 3: Bypassing Inspection 397
Configuring Policies to Bypass Inspection 397
Custom Prefilter Policy 397
Access Control Policy Settings 401
Verifying the Configuration and Connection 403
Analyzing Packet Flows 405
Summary 407
Quiz 407

Chapter 14 Bypassing Inspection and Trusting Traffic 409

Bypassing Inspection and Trusting Traffic Essentials 409
The Fastpath Rule 409
The Trust Rule 410
Best Practices for Bypassing Inspection 412
Fulfilling Prerequisites 412
Implementing Fastpath Through a Prefilter Policy 413
Configuring Traffic Bypassing 413
Configuring a Prefilter Policy 413
Invoking a Prefilter Policy in an Access Control Policy 418
Verifying the Prefilter Rule Configuration 420
Enabling Tools for Advanced Analysis 421
Analyzing the Fastpath Action 422
xviii Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD)

Establishing Trust Through an Access Policy 427

Configuring Trust with an Access Policy 427
Verifying the Trust Rule Configuration 429
Enabling Tools for Advanced Analysis 430
Analyzing the Trust Action 432
Using the Allow Action for Comparison 440
Summary 442
Quiz 442

Chapter 15 Rate Limiting Traffic 445

Rate Limiting Essentials 445
Best Practices for QoS Rules 447
Fulfilling Prerequisites 448
Configuring Rate Limiting 449
Verifying the Rate Limit of a File Transfer 454
Analyzing QoS Events and Statistics 458
Summary 462
Quiz 462

Part IV Troubleshooting and Administration of Next-Generation Security


Chapter 16 Blacklisting Suspicious Addresses by Using Security

Intelligence 463
Security Intelligence Essentials 463
Input Methods 466
Best Practices for Blacklisting 468
Fulfilling Prerequisites 468
Configuring Blacklisting 468
Automatic Blacklist Using Cisco Intelligence Feed 468
Manual Blacklisting Using a Custom Intelligence List 472
Immediate Blacklisting Using a Connection Event 477
Adding an Address to a Blacklist 477
Deleting an Address from a Blacklist 479
Monitoring a Blacklist 480
Bypassing a Blacklist 482
Adding an Address to a Whitelist 483
Deleting an Address from a Whitelist 484
Contents xix

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 485

Verifying the Download of the Latest Files 486
Verifying the Loading of Addresses into Memory 489
Finding a Specific Address in a List 491
Verifying URL-Based Security Intelligence Rules 491
Summary 494
Quiz 494

Chapter 17 Blocking a Domain Name System (DNS) Query 497

Firepower DNS Policy Essentials 497
Domain Name System (DNS) 497
Blocking of a DNS Query Using a Firepower System 499
DNS Rule Actions 500
Actions That Can Interrupt a DNS Query 500
Actions That Allow a DNS Query 502
Sources of Intelligence 504
Best Practices for Blocking DNS Query 506
Fulfilling Prerequisites 507
Configuring DNS Query Blocking 508
Adding a New DNS Rule 508
Invoking a DNS Policy 510
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 511
Verifying the Configuration of a DNS Policy 511
Verifying the Operation of a DNS Policy 515
Summary 520
Quiz 520

Chapter 18 Filtering URLs Based on Category, Risk, and Reputation 523

URL Filtering Essentials 523
Reputation Index 523
Operational Architecture 525
Fulfilling Prerequisites 526
Best Practices for URL Filtering Configuration 529
Blocking URLs of a Certain Category 532
Configuring an Access Rule for URL Filtering 532
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 534
xx Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD)

Allowing a Specific URL 537

Configuring FTD to Allow a Specific URL 538
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 540
Querying the Cloud for Uncategorized URLs 543
Configuring FMC to Perform a Query 544
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 546
Summary 550
Quiz 550

Chapter 19 Discovering Network Applications and Controlling Application

Traffic 553
Application Discovery Essentials 553
Application Detectors 553
Operational Architecture 555
Best Practices for Network Discovery Configuration 557
Fulfilling Prerequisites 558
Discovering Applications 560
Configuring a Network Discovery Policy 561
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 564
Analyzing Application Discovery 564
Analyzing Host Discovery 566
Undiscovered New Hosts 567
Blocking Applications 570
Configuring Blocking of Applications 570
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 572
Summary 575
Quiz 576

Chapter 20 Controlling File Transfer and Blocking the Spread of Malware 577
File Policy Essentials 577
File Type Detection Technology 579
Malware Analysis Technology 579
Licensing Capability 582
Best Practices for File Policy Deployment 583
Fulfilling Prerequisites 584
Configuring a File Policy 586
Creating a File Policy 586
Applying a File Policy 592
Contents xxi

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 593

Analyzing File Events 594
Analyzing Malware Events 599
The FMC Is Unable to Communicate with the Cloud 599
The FMC Performs a Cloud Lookup 603
FTD Blocks Malware 607
Overriding a Malware Disposition 610
Summary 615
Quiz 615

Chapter 21 Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts 617

Firepower NGIPS Essentials 617
Network Analysis Policy and Preprocessor 619
Intrusion Policy and Snort Rules 621
System-Provided Variables 624
System-Provided Policies 626
Best Practices for Intrusion Policy Deployment 632
NGIPS Configuration 637
Configuring a Network Analysis Policy 637
Creating a New NAP with Default Settings 637
Modifying the Default Settings of a NAP 639
Configuring an Intrusion Policy 641
Creating a Policy with a Default Ruleset 641
Incorporating Firepower Recommendations 642
Enabling or Disabling an Intrusion Rule 646
Setting Up a Variable Set 648
Configuring an Access Control Policy 650
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 654
Summary 665
Quiz 665

Chapter 22 Masquerading the Original IP Address of an Internal

Network Host 667
NAT Essentials 667
NAT Techniques 669
NAT Rule Types 670
Best Practices for NAT Deployment 672
Fulfilling Prerequisites 673
xxii Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD)

Configuring NAT 676

Masquerading a Source Address (Source NAT for Outbound
Connection) 676
Configuring a Dynamic NAT Rule 677
Verifying the Configuration 681
Verifying the Operation: Inside to Outside 683
Verifying the Operation: Outside to Inside 690
Connecting to a Masqueraded Destination (Destination NAT for Inbound
Connection) 695
Configuring a Static NAT Rule 695
Verifying the Operation: Outside to DMZ 696
Summary 706
Quiz 706

Appendix A Answers to the Review Questions 707

Appendix B Generating and Collecting Troubleshooting Files Using the GUI 713
Generating Troubleshooting Files with the GUI 713

Appendix C Generating and Collecting Troubleshooting Files Using the CLI 717
Generating Troubleshooting Files at the FTD CLI 717
Downloading a File by Using the GUI 718
Copying a File by Using the CLI 719
Generating Troubleshooting Files at the FMC CLI 719

Index 721

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xxiv Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD)

Icons Used in This Book

Laptop Terminal WWW Server Cloud Attacker

Firepower Load Balancer Firepower Switch Router

Management Threat Defense

Satellite Server Repeater Third Party Internet Service Server


Server Farms Database

Command Syntax Conventions

The conventions used to present command syntax in this book are the same conventions
used in the IOS Command Reference. The Command Reference describes these conven-
tions as follows:

■ Boldface indicates commands and keywords that are entered literally as shown. In
actual configuration examples and output (not general command syntax), boldface
indicates commands that are manually input by the user (such as a show command).

■ Italic indicates arguments for which you supply actual values.

■ Vertical bars (|) separate alternative, mutually exclusive elements.

■ Square brackets ([ ]) indicate an optional element.

■ Braces ({ }) indicate a required choice.

■ Braces within brackets ([{ }]) indicate a required choice within an optional element.

Cisco introduces next-generation security technologies in the unified Firepower
Threat Defense (FTD) software. It offers the Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW), Next-
Generation Intrusion Prevention System (NGIPS), Advanced Malware Protection (AMP),
and many more features—all in a single software image.

This book provides best practices, demonstrates configurations, analyzes debugs, and
illustrates GUI screenshots from real-world deployment scenarios. It empowers you to
configure your own Firepower system with confidence. The book summarizes complex
operations in a simple flowchart, and presents many diagnostic tools that allow you to
investigate any potential technical issues by yourself. In other words, it could serve you
as a “personal technical support engineer.”

Who Should Read This Book?

Any network engineer, security engineer, security analyst, firewall specialist, or system
administrator who wants to configure and manage a Cisco Firepower System should read
this book. Any technical support engineers, advanced services engineers, professional
services engineers, field engineers, network consulting engineers, sales engineers, and
security engineers who would like to diagnose any technical issues by their own will find
this book very useful.

This book is an important resource to channel partners and managed security service
providers (MSSPs) who want to provide technical support to their own customers.

This book is invaluable to the administrators of classified environments, such as U.S.

government agencies, who are not allowed to share troubleshooting data due to security
restriction, and therefore want to troubleshoot their own issues.

Any students or candidates who want to take a Cisco security certification exam will
find valuable information in this book. This book covers Firepower next-generation
security-related topics that are included in the CCNA Security, CCNP Security, and CCIE
Security exam curricula.

This book is not a replacement for an official Cisco Firepower publication, such as a user
guide or an installation guide. It is, rather, a supplement to the official publications.

How This Book Is Organized

■ Chapter 1, “Introduction to the Cisco Firepower Technology”: The book begins
with the history and evolution of the Cisco Firepower technology. This chapter
introduces various software components that may be installed on a Firepower
system. It also provides a quick overview of the hardware that supports the Cisco
Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) technology.
xxvi Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD)

■ Chapter 2, “FTD on ASA 5500-X Series Hardware”: This chapter describes

the differences between various software images that may be installed on
ASA 5500-X Series hardware. It demonstrates the detailed process of reimaging
ASA 5500-X Series hardware to the FTD software. In addition, this chapter
provides the command-line tools you can use to verify the status of the hardware
and software.

■ Chapter 3, “FTD on the Firepower eXtensible Operating System (FXOS)”: This

chapter describes the architecture, implementation, and installation of FTD on
a Firepower security appliance running Firepower eXtensible Operating System
(FXOS). It demonstrates several command-line tools you can use to determine the
status of various components of the appliance.

■ Chapter 4, “Firepower Management Center (FMC) Hardware”: This chapter

discusses and compares various hardware platforms for the FMC. It illustrates the
complete reimaging process (also known as System Restore) and describes the best
practices for doing it. You can also learn many different command-line tools to
determine any issues with FMC hardware.

■ Chapter 5, “Firepower System Virtual on VMware”: This chapter describes various

aspects of the Firepower virtual appliance, such as how to deploy a virtual appliance,
how to tune the resources for optimal performance, and how to investigate issues
with a new deployment.

■ Chapter 6, “The Firepower Management Network”: This chapter describes the best
practices for designing and configuring a management network for the Firepower
System. It also discusses the tools you can use to verify any communication issues
between the management interfaces of the FMC and FTD. Before you begin the
registration process, which is described in Chapter 7, you must ensure that the FMC
and FTD are successfully connected through your network.

■ Chapter 7, “Firepower Licensing and Registration”: This chapter discusses licens-

ing and registration—two important initial tasks in a Firepower system deployment.
It describes the capabilities of different Firepower licenses and the steps involved in
registering the FMC with a Smart License Server. It also demonstrates the registra-
tion process and the tools to investigate any communication issues.

■ Chapter 8, “Firepower Deployment in Routed Mode”: This chapter explains

Routed Mode, which is a widely deployed firewall mode. It describes the steps
involved in configuring the routed interfaces with static IP addresses as well as
dynamic IP addresses. In addition, this chapter discusses various command-line tools
you can use to determine any potential interface-related issues.

■ Chapter 9, “Firepower Deployment in Transparent Mode”: This chapter discusses

another mode, Transparent Mode, including how to configure the physical and virtu-
al interfaces, and how to use various command-line tools to investigate any potential
configuration issues.
Introduction xxvii

■ Chapter 10, “Capturing Traffic for Advanced Analysis”: This chapter describes the
processes involved in capturing live traffic on an FTD device by using the system-
provided capturing tool. To demonstrate the benefit of the tool, this chapter shows
how to use various tcpdump options and BPF syntaxes to filter and manage packet

■ Chapter 11, “Blocking Traffic Using Inline Interface Mode”: This chapter demon-
strates how to configure an FTD device in Inline Mode, how to enable fault tolerance
features on an inline set, and how to trace a packet in order to analyze the root cause
of a drop. This chapter also describes various command-line tools that you can use
to verify the status of an interface, an inline pair, and an inline set.

■ Chapter 12, “Inspecting Traffic Without Blocking It”: This chapter explains the
configuration and operation of various detection-only modes of an FTD device,
such as Passive Mode, Inline Tap Mode, and Inline Mode with the Drop When Inline
option disabled. It also provides various command-line tools that you can use to
determine the status of interfaces and traffic.

■ Chapter 13, “Handling Encapsulated Traffic”: This chapter shows you how to ana-
lyze and block traffic that is encapsulated with the GRE protocol. This chapter also
demonstrates the steps to bypass an inspection when the traffic is transferred over a
tunnel. Besides showing configurations, this chapter also shows various tools to ana-
lyze an action applied by the Prefilter and Access Control policy of an FTD device.

■ Chapter 14, “Bypassing Inspection and Trusting Traffic”: This chapter discusses
the techniques to bypass an inspection. It provides the steps to configure different
methods. The chapter also analyzes the flows of bypassed packets to demonstrate
how an FTD device acts during different bypassing options. You will learn how to
use various debugging tools to determine whether the bypass process is working as

■ Chapter 15, “Rate Limiting Traffic”: This chapter goes through the steps to config-
ure QoS policy on an FTD device. It also provides an overview to the common rate-
limiting mechanisms and the QoS implementation on an FTD device. This chapter
also provides the command-line tools to verify the operation of QoS policy in an
FTD device.

■ Chapter 16, “Blacklisting Suspicious Addresses by Using Security Intelligence”:

This chapter illustrates the detection of a malicious address by using the Security
Intelligence feature. It describes how to configure an FTD device to block, monitor,
or whitelist an address when there is a match. This chapter also discusses the back-
end file systems for the Security Intelligence feature. You can apply this knowledge
to troubleshoot an issue with Security Intelligence.

■ Chapter 17, “Blocking a Domain Name System (DNS) Query”: This chapter demon-
strates various techniques to administer DNS queries using a Firepower DNS policy.
Besides using traditional access control rules, an FTD device can incorporate the
Cisco Intelligence Feed and dynamically blacklist suspicious domains. This chapter
xxviii Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD)

shows various ways to configure and deploy a DNS policy. This chapter also demon-
strates several command-line tools you can run to verify, analyze, and troubleshoot
issues with DNS policy.

■ Chapter 18, “Filtering URLs Based on Category, Risk, and Reputation”: This chap-
ter describes techniques to filter traffic based on the category and reputation of a
URL. It illustrates how a Firepower system performs a URL lookup and how an FTD
device takes action based on the query result. This chapter explains the connection
to a URL through debugging messages, which is critical for troubleshooting.

■ Chapter 19, “Discovering Network Applications and Controlling Application

Traffic”: This chapter shows how a Firepower system can make you aware of the
applications running on your network and empowers you to control access to any
unwanted applications. It also shows the techniques to verify whether an FTD device
can identify an application properly.

■ Chapter 20, “Controlling File Transfer and Blocking the Spread of Malware”:
Cisco integrates the Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) technology with the
Firepower technology. This chapter explains how the technologies work together
to help you detect and block the spread of infected files across your network. In
this chapter, you will learn the configurations and operations of a file policy on a
Firepower system. This chapter also demonstrates various logs and debugging mes-
sages, which are useful for determining issues with cloud lookup and file disposition.

■ Chapter 21, “Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts”: This

chapter describes the well-known feature of a Firepower system: the Snort-based
next-generation intrusion prevention system (NGIPS). In this chapter, you will
learn how to configure an NGIPS, how to apply any associated policies, and how
to drill down into intrusion events for advanced analysis. This chapter discusses
the Firepower Recommendations feature and demonstrates how the recommended
ruleset can reduce system overhead by incorporating discovery data.

■ Chapter 22, “Masquerading the Original IP Address of an Internal Network

Host”: This chapter discusses various types of NAT on an FTD device. It shows
the steps to configure a NAT rule and demonstrates how FTD can leverage
NAT technology to masquerade internal IP addresses in a real-world scenario.
Chapter 1

Introduction to the Cisco

Firepower Technology

This book describes various components of next-generation security solutions. Each

chapter walks you through a unique feature of the Cisco Firepower security technologies.
Before diving into the technical details, this chapter helps you become familiar with the
Firepower technologies by providing an overview.

History of Sourcefire
Cisco acquired Sourcefire in 2013. At that time, Sourcefire was one of the top leaders in
the cybersecurity industry for its intrusion detection system (IDS), intrusion prevention
system (IPS), and next-generation firewall (NGFW) solutions. The Sourcefire IPS was
based on Snort, an open source network intrusion detection and prevention system. In
fact, Martin Roesch, the creator of Snort, founded Sourcefire in 2001.

Since acquiring Sourcefire, Cisco has leveraged its technologies on various existing Cisco
appliances, such as ASA 5500-X Series and Integrated Services Router (ISR) devices.
Cisco has also released new hardware platforms, such as the Firepower 2100 Series, 4100
Series, and 9300 Series, which also implement the Sourcefire technologies. Integration
of the Sourcefire technologies has made Cisco one of the leaders in the Gartner Magic
Quadrant for IDS and IPS. Gartner is an advisory company that performs research on
various branches of information technology and publishes numerous research papers
every year.

Figure 1-1 shows the Cisco leadership position in the IDS and IPS spaces since the
Sourcefire acquisition. This graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger
research document and should be evaluated in the context of the entire document. The
Gartner document is available upon request from Cisco. Go to
2 Chapter 1: Introduction to the Cisco Firepower Technology

Figure 1-1 Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for IDS and IPS as of January 2017

Note Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product, or service depicted in its research
publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with
the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the
opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of
fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research,
including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Evolution of Firepower
A Firepower System deployment primarily consists of two types of appliances: a manage-
ment appliance and a sensor. Basically, a sensor inspects network traffic and sends any
events to its management appliance. A management appliance, as the name implies, man-
ages all kinds of security policies for a sensor.

Figure 1-2 shows the workflow of a Firepower System deployment.

History of Sourcefire 3

Sourcefire originally had two different software trains—Version 4.x (primarily for IPS)
and Version 5.x (with NGFW functionalities). Depending on the software train, the man-
agement appliance had two different names. In Version 4.x, it was known as Sourcefire
Defense Center. In Version 5.x, it was known as FireSIGHT System or FireSIGHT
Management Center (FMC). Similarly, a sensor was known as a 3D sensor in Version 4.x
and a FirePOWER appliance in Version 5.x. Therefore, it would be correct to say that, in
Version 4.x, the Sourcefire Defense Center manages the 3D sensors, whereas in Version
5.x, the FireSIGHT Management Center manages the FirePOWER appliances.

Security Engineer
Analyzes Event Report

Applies Management Sensors Send
Policies to Appliance Events to the
the Sensors Management

Sensor Sensor Sensor


Figure 1-2 Block Diagram of a Firepower System Deployment

FirePOWER Versus Firepower

In the previous section, did you notice that different words, FireSIGHT and FirePOWER,
are used to refer to different types of appliances in different versions? Did you notice the
word POWER with all uppercase letters?

To make the nomenclature simple as well as to maintain brand reputation, Cisco

rebranded the Sourcefire technologies with one simple word, Firepower. (Cisco did not
retrospectively change the names of the legacy Sourcefire software and hardware from
FirePOWER to Firepower; only hardware and software released since the Cisco acquisi-
tion use the new nomenclature.) Figure 1-3 shows the evolution of the Firepower Threat
Defense (FTD) technology from the pre-acquisition period to post-integration.

Some examples of new Firepower products are the Cisco Firepower 9300 appliance hard-
ware and the Cisco FTD software. Similarly, Cisco FirePOWER 8000 Series appliances
have been available since the pre-acquisition period.
4 Chapter 1: Introduction to the Cisco Firepower Technology

Classic FirePOWER 2015
7000 Series and
FirePOWER Services 2016
8000 Series Firepower Threat
on ASA 5500-X
Appliances, VMware Defense on ASA 2017
5500-X (Excludes Firepower Threat
5585-X), Firepower Defense on
9300, VMware, Firepower Threat
Firepower 4100
Amazon Web Defense on
Services (AWS) Firepower 2100

Figure 1-3 Evolution of FTD Technology

Table 1-1 shows various names of management appliances in different software versions.

Table 1-1 Evolution of Firepower Management Center

Software Version Management Appliance
Version 4.x Defense Center (DC)
Version 5.x FireSIGHT System or FireSIGHT Management Center (FMC)
Version 6.x Firepower System or Firepower Management Center (FMC)

Figure 1-4 shows the login page for a management appliance running Version 5.x.
This page displays the legacy name FireSIGHT and the Sourcefire Support contact

Figure 1-5 shows the login page of a management appliance running Version 6.x. As
you can see, this version displays the name Firepower and does not provide the legacy
Sourcefire Support contact information.

Despite the differences already mentioned, the login pages for Version 5.x and 6.x look
almost identical. As you can see in Figure 1-6, the Defense Center login page for Version
4.x is totally different from the login pages for Version 5.x or 6.x.
History of Sourcefire 5

Figure 1-4 The Login Page for FireSIGHT Management Center Running Version 5.x

Figure 1-5 The Login Page for Firepower Management Center Running Version 6.x
6 Chapter 1: Introduction to the Cisco Firepower Technology

Figure 1-6 The Login Page for Defense Center Running Version 4.x

Firepower Threat Defense (FTD)

Now is the time to learn about the FTD. Before we dig into the software components and
hardware platforms, let’s try to identify the difference between the FirePOWER Services
and Firepower Threat Defense (FTD).

FirePOWER Service Versus Firepower Threat Defense (FTD)

As you might have guessed, FirePOWER Services refers to features that are similar to the
pre-acquisition period software releases, such as Next-Generation Intrusion Prevention
System Virtual (NGIPSv). In FTD, Cisco converges all the Sourcefire FirePOWER fea-
tures, ASA firewall features, and some additional new features into one single unified
software image.

Figure 1-7 illustrates the convergence of Cisco ASA software with Sourcefire
FirePOWER software into the FTD code. Due to this convergence, FirePOWER Services
no longer runs as a separate service module, which reduces overhead and increases
Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) 7


Cisco ASA Threat New
Software Defense Features

Figure 1-7 Logical Representation of the FTD Software

Note This book is written based on Firepower Version 6.1 running on FTD. Although this
book uses the ASA 5500-X Series hardware, managed using the Firepower Management
Center (FMC), you can still apply this knowledge on other platforms running Firepower

Firepower System Software Components

The Firepower System offers lot of security features. Unlike with traditional Cisco ASA
firewall software, the security features of the Firepower System are delivered as multiple
software components:

■ Firepower core software: The core part of the software includes the Snort
engine for intrusion detection and prevention, a web server for the graphical user
interface (GUI), a database to store events, firmware for the hardware, and so on.
The core software image for the Firepower System depends on the hardware
platform you are using.

■ Software patches and hotfixes: Cisco releases software patches periodically to

address any security vulnerabilities and to fix any defects with the Firepower System.
When an issue demands resolution earlier than a scheduled maintenance update,
Cisco may release a hotfix for it, on case-by-case basis.

■ Snort/Sourcefire rules: The Snort engine uses a special ruleset to detect and pre-
vent intrusion attempts. Each rule considers certain conditions. When a packet goes
through a sensor and matches a condition in a Snort rule, the Snort engine takes the
appropriate action.

■ Vulnerability database (VDB): A VDB stores vulnerability information and finger-

prints of various applications, services, and operating systems (OSs). The Firepower
8 Chapter 1: Introduction to the Cisco Firepower Technology

System uses the fingerprints to discover the application, service, and OS running on
a network host, and then it correlates the application and network discovery data
with the vulnerability information on a VDB.

■ Geolocation database (GeoDB): A GeoDB stores geographical information and asso-

ciated IP addresses. For example, when the Firepower System displays an intrusion
event in the GUI, you can view the name and flag of the country that originated that
intrusion attempt. This information allows you to make decisions quickly, without
performing reverse lookups for IP addresses.

Figure 1-8 illustrates the various software components installed on the Firepower
System. All these software components are explained in later chapters of this book.

Geolocation Firepower
Database License

Vulnerability Snort URL

Database Rule Filtering

Firepower Cisco
Core Software Cloud

Third Party ClamAV
Integration Signature

Patch and SHA Lookup

Hotfix (AMP)

Figure 1-8 Firepower System Software Components

■ URL filtering database: The Firepower System can categorize websites based on
their targeted audiences or business purposes. To give you more granular control,
the system also enables you to control access to a certain type of website, based on
its reputation or known risk level. All this information is stored in the URL filtering
database. Unlike with Firepower software components, any updates for the URL
filtering database are provided directly through the Cisco cloud, so your FMC must
be connected to the Internet.

■ Security Intelligence Feed: Talos, the Cisco threat intelligence team, is continuously
researching the Internet to identify potential malicious IP addresses, domain names,
and URLs. For Firepower System users, Talos shares intelligence data through the
Security Intelligence Feed. The FMC can download the feed directly from the cloud.
Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) 9

■ Local malware detection: With a malware license, FTD can detect viruses in your
files. This allows you to block the spread of malware across your network. FTD uses
the ClamAV engine to analyze files locally. The FMC obtains the signatures of the
latest viruses through the local malware detection updates.

■ Integration: You can integrate the Firepower System with various products and tech-
nologies, such as Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE), Microsoft Windows Active
Directory Server, Event Streamer (eStreamer), and Syslog Server. This empowers you
with unlimited opportunities to monitor and secure your network. (This book focus-
es on core Firepower technologies, and features related to integration are beyond the
scope of this book. Please read the official Firepower user guide to learn more about

Firepower System Hardware Platforms

FTD Version 6.1 is available on a wide variety of hardware platforms. The internal
architecture of each platform is different. There are, of course, differences in form factor,
throughput, and price. Later in this book, you will learn more about the architectures and
operations of the Firepower System.

Table 1-2 summarizes the hardware platforms (available as of this writing) that support
FTD software. All of the following platforms support Version 6.1, except Firepower 2100
Series (Version 6.2.1 or greater) and Microsoft Azure (Version 6.2 or greater).

Table 1-2 Hardware Platforms That Support FTD Software

Hardware Category Platform Name/Model Number
Cisco ASA 5500-X Series ASA5506-X, 5506H-X, 5506W-X, 5508-X, 5516-X,
5512-X, 5515-X, 5525-X, 5545-X, 5555-X
Firepower 2100 Series Firepower 2110, 2120, 2130, 2140
Firepower 4100 Series Firepower 4110, 4120, 4140, 4150
Firepower 9000 Series Firepower 9300
Virtual VMWare ESXi/vSphere, Kernel-Based Virtual
Machine (KVM), Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Microsoft Azure

Figure 1-9 illustrates the placement of various ASA and Firepower platforms in different
types of networking environments. The throughput of appliances varies significantly
depending on the number of enabled features, such as firewall (FW) only, firewall
along with Cisco Application Visibility and Control (AVC), next-generation intrusion
prevention system (NGIPS), URL filtering, SSL decryption, and so on.
10 Chapter 1: Introduction to the Cisco Firepower Technology

9000 Series

4100 Series

2100 Series

ASA 5500-X

Branch Office to Internet Edge Internet Edge to Data Center Service Providers

Figure 1-9 Placement of ASA and Firepower Appliances in Various Networking

Environments with Different Needs

Note To find out what hardware models support FTD and the throughput of each
hardware model, please check the Cisco Firepower NGFW data sheet at or
contact your account representative.

Firepower Accessories
When you open a brand-new Firepower appliance box, you will find various accessories
along with the actual appliance. The accessories are necessary to configure the initial
setup and obtain a license. Figure 1-10 shows an example of the accessories that come
with a Cisco ASA 5506-X appliance:

■ The ASA 5506-X appliance (see #1 in Figure 1-10)

■ A DB-9 to RJ-45 console cable (see #2)

■ Envelope with the product activation key (PAK) (see #3)

■ Power adapter (see #4)

■ Power cord to connect with the power adapter (see #5)

Summary 11

1 3

4 5

Figure 1-10 Cisco ASA 5506-X Appliance Accessories Example

Note The accessories in a box are subject to change, depending on various factors. In
your box, you may receive more or fewer items than are shown in this example.

Tip Read the Installation Guide for your appliance model (available at to learn
how to install it into a rack and power it up.

This chapter discusses the history and evolution of the Cisco Firepower technology. It
introduces various software components that may be installed on the Firepower System.
This chapter also provides a quick overview of the supported hardware for the Cisco
Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) technology.

The next few chapters demonstrate how to install the FTD software on various hardware
platforms. You also learn how to identify hardware-related issues before taking on a more
advanced configuration.
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Chapter 2

FTD on ASA 5500-X Series


If your ASA is currently running FirePOWER Services as a separate module and you
want to deploy Firepower Threat Defense (FTD), you must reimage your ASA with the
unified FTD image. This chapter discusses the steps required to reimage and troubleshoot
any Cisco ASA 5500-X Series hardware.

ASA Reimaging Essentials

To reimage ASA hardware with FTD, you need to use more than one type of image on
the same hardware. This section describes the purposes of those images.

Figure 2-1 shows the subsets of a Firepower Threat Defense software image that you
install or upgrade on the Cisco ASA 5500-X Series hardware platforms during the FTD
reimaging process:



Figure 2-1 Subsets of a Firepower Threat Defense Software Image

■ ROMMON software: The ROMMON software is the firmware of an ASA. In an

ASA, you enter the ROMMON mode to perform all the necessary tasks to copy a
14 Chapter 2: FTD on ASA 5500-X Series Hardware

boot image from an external server. If you are reimaging one of the low-end ASA
hardware platforms, such as ASA 5506-X, 5506W-X, 5506H-X, 5508-X, or 5516-X,
you must update the firmware to Release 1.1.8 or greater. If you are running one of
the midrange ASA hardware platforms, such as 5512-X, 5515-X, 5525-X, 5545-X, or
5555-X, and want to reimage it to the FTD software, you do not need to update the
default firmware.

■ Boot image: The FTD boot image is a subset of the FTD system software. After
you load your ASA with an FTD boot image, you can use the CLI of the boot image
to prepare your ASA for downloading the FTD system software and beginning the

■ System software: All the features of FTD are packaged in a system software image.
You begin the FTD system software installation from the CLI prompt of the boot
image. This is the last step of a basic reimaging process.

Table 2-1 summarizes various types of software that you might have to install to
complete the FTD reimaging process.

Table 2-1 Software Images Required to Complete an FTD Reimage

ROMMON Boot Image System Software
Purpose To update the To load an ASA To install the
firmware of an with the network features of the
ASA. config, download FTD system.
the system software,
and begin setup.
Low-end ASA Firmware release Use a *.lfbff file to Use a *.pkg file
(5506-X, 5508-X, 1.1.8 or greater load a low-end ASA to install the FTD
5516-X) is required. Use with the FTD boot system software
the *.SPA file to image. package. You
upgrade firmware. can use the same
system software
Midrange ASA Not necessary to Use a *.cdisk file
package on any
(5512-X, 5515-X, update the default to load a midrange
low-end and
5525-X, 5545-X, firmware version. ASA with the FTD
midrange ASA
5555-X) boot image.
hardware models.

Best Practices for FTD Installation on ASA Hardware

Consider the following best practices before reimaging ASA 5500-X Series hardware:

■ If you have just received a new ASA 5500-X, it might already have the FTD software
preinstalled. In this case, you just need to update the FTD to the latest release and
complete the configurations. However, reimaging is necessary when the hardware
Best Practices for FTD Installation on ASA Hardware 15

has traditional ASA software installed or when FirePOWER Services is running as a

separate module.

■ You should perform reimaging during a maintenance window because the process
interrupts the network traffic.

■ Prior to the maintenance window when you plan to do the reimaging, make sure you are
able to access the website and can download all the FTD software.
If needed, register for a Cisco account. If after the self-registration process you cannot
download any of the desired software, you might need to get further assistance from
your Cisco channel partner or the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC).

■ The reimaging process may take about an hour, depending on the hardware model.
However, you should plan for additional time to fulfill any prerequisites.

■ After you download any software from, always verify the MD5
or SHA512 checksum of the files you have downloaded to confirm that the file is
not corrupt and has not been modified during download. Figure 2-2 shows how the
MD5 and SHA512 checksum values are displayed at when you
hover your mouse over a filename.

Figure 2-2 Checksum Values of a Boot Image File

■ Reimaging an ASA with FTD software wipes out all the previous configurations, so
make a backup of the existing configurations before you start the reimaging.

■ Never power off, shut down, or reboot ASA hardware when reimaging is in progress.
A login prompt appears after all the reimaging processes are complete.

■ Read the release notes to determine any known issues and any special requirements
or instructions.
16 Chapter 2: FTD on ASA 5500-X Series Hardware

Installing and Configuring FTD

In this section, you learn the detailed steps involved in installing the FTD software
on ASA 5500-X Series hardware. Before you install anything on an ASA, there are
some prerequisites. Once you fulfill them, you can perform the remaining tasks of the
reimaging process.

Figure 2-3 summarizes the steps involved in reimaging ASA 5500-X hardware to the FTD
system software.

• Follow the best practices and fulfill the prerequisites.

Step 0

• Upgrade the ROMMON software only if the ASA is a low-end hardware model
Step 1 (use the *.SPA file).

• Update the boot image (use the *.lfbff file for low-end hardware and *.cdisk file
Step 2 for midrange hardware).

• Install the system software (for any ASA model, use the *.pkg file).
Step 3

Figure 2-3 Major Steps in Reimaging ASA 5500-X Series Hardware

Fulfilling Prerequisites
You must fulfill storage and connectivity requirements before you begin reimaging.
The following are the storage prerequisites:

■ To install FTD software, an ASA requires at least 3 GB free space plus additional
space to store an FTD boot image (which is usually about 100 MB). See the
“Verification and Troubleshooting Tools” section, later in this chapter, to learn how
to determine how much free disk space an ASA has.

■ Make sure the ASA has a solid state drive (SSD) installed. See the “Verification
and Troubleshooting Tools” section, later in this chapter, to learn how to determine
whether an SSD is installed in an ASA.

Caution If you have installed an SSD for the first time or replaced an SSD in midrange
ASA hardware, you must reload your ASA and then reimage or reinstall any software.
Installing and Configuring FTD 17

The following are the connectivity prerequisites:

■ Using a console cable, connect your computer to the console port of the ASA that
you want to reimage.

■ Ensure that you have access to TFTP and HTTP servers. You use the TFTP server to
copy the firmware and boot image files to the ASA during the reimaging process.
You copy the FTD system software from the HTTP server to the ASA. You can use
an FTP server in lieu of an HTTP server, but you might find that a basic HTTP server
is easier to set up.

Figure 2-4 shows a topology in which the management network is segregated from the
data traffic, according to security best practice. An administrator computer is directly
connected to an ASA through a console cable, and it also has access to the management
File Server
Management Center

Firepower Threat
Console Cable Defense (FTD)

Data Traffic Inside Outside Data Traffic

End Users Interface Interface
Internet Service

Figure 2-4 A Simple Topology in Which an ASA Inspects Data Traffic and Keeps
Management Traffic Isolated

Figure 2-5 shows the simplest topology that provides both console and IP connectivity
between an ASA and a computer and allows an administrator to perform reimaging and
basic configuration.
18 Chapter 2: FTD on ASA 5500-X Series Hardware

A direct console connection is

used to enter commands on
the ASA, without any IP address
Console Port

Management Interface
Administrator Computer
Firepower Threat
(Also Works as a File Server)
Defense (FTD)

A connection to the management

interface is used to transfer files
from a file server to an ASA
through an IP network.

Figure 2-5 The Most Basic Connectivity Between an ASA and a Server for Performing
Reimaging and Basic Setup

Upgrading Firmware
If you plan to reimage a low-end ASA hardware model, such as 5506-X, 5508-X, or
5516-X, to the FTD software, you must make sure that the firmware version of the ASA
is 1.1.8 or greater. See the “Verification and Troubleshooting Tools” section, later in this
chapter, to learn how to determine the firmware version.

Note You do not need to upgrade the default firmware of any midrange ASA hardware
models, such as 5512-X, 5515-X, 5525-X, 5545-X, and 5555-X. Therefore, you can skip
this section if you are running a midrange ASA model.

Follow these steps to upgrade the firmware (ROMMON software) of a low-end ASA

Step 1. Download the ROMMON software from and store it to

your TFTP server. Figure 2-6 shows the ROMMON software file asa5500-
firmware-1108.SPA that you use to upgrade the firmware of low-end ASA
5500-X Series hardware before you begin the reimaging process.
Installing and Configuring FTD 19

Figure 2-6 The ROMMON Software File Information

Step 2. Copy the file from your TFTP server to your ASA storage. To copy a file from
a TFTP server to an ASA, run the following command:

ciscoasa# copy tftp://TFTP_server_address/filename disk0:

Example 2-1 shows that the ROMMON software file asa5500-firmware-

1108.SPA is successfully copied from a TFTP server (IP address, for
example) to the storage of ASA 5506-X hardware.

Example 2-1 Copying a File from a TFTP Server to ASA Hardware

ciscoasa# copy tftp:// disk0:

Address or name of remote host []?

Source filename [asa5500-firmware-1108.SPA]?
Destination filename [asa5500-firmware-1108.SPA]?

Accessing tftp://!!!!!!!!!!!
Computed Hash SHA2: d824bdeecee1308fc64427367fa559e9

Embedded Hash SHA2: d824bdeecee1308fc64427367fa559e9

20 Chapter 2: FTD on ASA 5500-X Series Hardware

Digital signature successfully validated

Writing file disk0:/asa5500-firmware-1108.SPA...
9241408 bytes copied in 8.230 secs (1155176 bytes/sec)

Step 3. Once the file is copied successfully, begin the upgrade by running the
following command:

ciscoasa# upgrade rommon disk0:/asa5500-firmware-1108.SPA

Example 2-2 shows the command to upgrade the firmware of ASA hardware.
After the ROMMON software file is verified, the ASA prompts for a
confirmation to reload.

Example 2-2 Running the Command to Begin the ROMMON Upgrade

ciscoasa# upgrade rommon disk0:/asa5500-firmware-1108.SPA

Verifying file integrity of disk0:/asa5500-firmware-1108.SPA

Computed Hash SHA2: d824bdeecee1308fc64427367fa559e9


Embedded Hash SHA2: d824bdeecee1308fc64427367fa559e9


Digital signature successfully validated

File Name : disk0:/asa5500-firmware-1108.SPA
Image type : Release
Signer Information
Common Name : abraxas
Organization Unit : NCS_Kenton_ASA
Organization Name : CiscoSystems
Certificate Serial Number : 55831CF6
Hash Algorithm : SHA2 512
Signature Algorithm : 2048-bit RSA
Key Version : A
Verification successful.
Proceed with reload? [confirm]
Installing and Configuring FTD 21

Step 4. Press the Enter key to confirm. Example 2-3 shows the reloading of the ASA
hardware after the firmware upgrade starts.

Example 2-3 Reloading ASA Hardware After an Upgrade Starts

*** Message to all terminals:
*** Performing upgrade on rom-monitor.
Shutting down isakmp
Shutting down webvpn
Shutting down sw-module
Shutting down License Controller
Shutting down File system
*** --- SHUTDOWN NOW ---
*** Message to all terminals:
*** Performing upgrade on rom-monitor.
Process shutdown finished
Rebooting... (status 0x9)
INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal
Stopping OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshdno /usr/sbin/sshd found; none killed
Deconfiguring network interfaces... done.
Sending all processes the TERM signal...
Sending all processes the KILL signal...
Deactivating swap...
Unmounting local filesystems...

During the firmware upgrade process, the ASA reboots automatically a few
times. Example 2-4 shows the ASA completing the first two steps of the
ROMMON upgrade process. The system reloads every time it completes a step.

Note Do not reboot an ASA manually while the ROMMON or firmware upgrade is in
22 Chapter 2: FTD on ASA 5500-X Series Hardware

Example 2-4 Upgrading the ROMMON Software

Rom image verified correctly

Cisco Systems ROMMON, Version 1.1.01, RELEASE SOFTWARE
Copyright (c) 1994-2014 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 10/20/2014 15:59:12.05 by builder

Current image running: Boot ROM0

Last reset cause: PowerCycleRequest
DIMM Slot 0 : Present
INFO: Rommon upgrade state: ROMMON_UPG_START (1)
INFO: Reset code: 0x00002000
Firmware upgrade step 1...
Looking for file 'disk0:/asa5500-firmware-1108.SPA'
Located 'asa5500-firmware-1108.SPA' @ cluster 1608398.
Image base 0x77014018, size 9241408
LFBFF signature verified.
Objtype: lfbff_object_rommon (0x800000 bytes @ 0x77014238)
Objtype: lfbff_object_fpga (0xd0100 bytes @ 0x77814258)
INFO: FPGA version in upgrade image: 0x0202
INFO: FPGA version currently active: 0x0202
INFO: The FPGA image is up-to-date.
INFO: Rommon version currently active: 1.1.01.
INFO: Rommon version in upgrade image: 1.1.08.
Active ROMMON: Preferred 0, selected 0, booted 0
Switching SPI access to standby rommon 1.
Please DO NOT reboot the unit, updating ROMMON......
INFO: Duplicating machine state......
Reloading now as step 1 of the rommon upgrade process...

Toggling power on system board...

Rom image verified correctly

Cisco Systems ROMMON, Version 1.1.01, RELEASE SOFTWARE

Copyright (c) 1994-2014 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 10/20/2014 15:59:12.05 by builder
Current image running: Boot ROM0
Last reset cause: RP-Reset
DIMM Slot 0 : Present
INFO: Rommon upgrade state: ROMMON_UPG_START (1)
Installing and Configuring FTD 23

INFO: Reset code: 0x00000008

Active ROMMON: Preferred 0, selected 0, booted 0
Firmware upgrade step 2...
Detected current rommon upgrade is available, continue rommon upgrade process
Rommon upgrade reset 0 in progress
Reloading now as step 2 of the rommon upgrade process...

Step 5. After Step 1 and Step 2 of the upgrade process, when the ASA reloads, the
ROMMON version shows 1.1.8 (see Example 2-5). The process, however, is
still in progress. When the ASA prompts for a manual or automatic reboot,
just wait a few seconds and let the system reboot itself.

Example 2-5 The Last Stage of the ROMMON Upgrade Process

Rom image verified correctly

Cisco Systems ROMMON, Version 1.1.8, RELEASE SOFTWARE
Copyright (c) 1994-2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 06/18/2015 12:15:56.43 by builders

Current image running: *Upgrade in progress* Boot ROM1

Last reset cause: BootRomUpgrade
DIMM Slot 0 : Present
INFO: Rommon upgrade state: ROMMON_UPG_START (1)
INFO: Reset code: 0x00000010
PROM B: stopping boot timer
Active ROMMON: Preferred 0, selected 0, booted 1
INFO: Rommon upgrade state: ROMMON_UPG_TEST

!! Please manually or auto boot ASAOS now to complete firmware upgrade !!

Platform ASA5506 with 4096 Mbytes of main memory

MAC Address: a4:6c:2a:e4:6b:bf
Using default Management Ethernet Port: 0

Use BREAK or ESC to interrupt boot.

Use SPACE to begin boot immediately.
Boot in 5 seconds.

Example 2-6 shows the confirmation message you get for a successful
ROMMON upgrade, after the final reboot. At this stage, the ROMMON
software is fully upgraded, and you are ready to begin the next step of the
reimage process.
24 Chapter 2: FTD on ASA 5500-X Series Hardware

Example 2-6 Completion of a Successful Upgrade

Located '.boot_string' @ cluster 1607965.

Attempt autoboot: "boot disk0:/"
Located '' @ cluster 10.

LFBFF signature verified.
INIT: version 2.88 booting
Starting udev
Configuring network interfaces... done.
Populating dev cache
dosfsck 2.11, 12 Mar 2005, FAT32, LFN
There are differences between boot sector and its backup.
Differences: (offset:original/backup)
Not automatically fixing this.
Starting check/repair pass.
Starting verification pass.
/dev/sdb1: 104 files, 811482/1918808 clusters
dosfsck(/dev/sdb1) returned 0
Mounting /dev/sdb1
Setting the offload CPU count to 0
IO Memory Nodes: 1
IO Memory Per Node: 205520896 bytes

Global Reserve Memory Per Node: 314572800 bytes Nodes=1

LCMB: got 205520896 bytes on numa-id=0, phys=0x10d400000, virt=0x2aaaab000000

LCMB: HEAP-CACHE POOL got 314572800 bytes on numa-id=0, virt=0x7fedbc200000
Processor memory: 1502270072

Compiled on Fri 04-Mar-16 10:50 PST by builders

Total NICs found: 14
i354 rev03 Gigabit Ethernet @ irq255 dev 20 index 08 MAC: a46c.2ae4.6bbf
ivshmem rev03 Backplane Data Interface @ index 09 MAC: 0000.0001.0002
en_vtun rev00 Backplane Control Interface @ index 10 MAC: 0000.0001.0001
en_vtun rev00 Backplane Int-Mgmt Interface @ index 11 MAC: 0000.0001.0003
en_vtun rev00 Backplane Ext-Mgmt Interface @ index 12 MAC: 0000.0000.0000
en_vtun rev00 Backplane Tap Interface @ index 13 MAC: 0000.0100.0001
Installing and Configuring FTD 25

Rom-monitor was successfully upgraded.

Verify the activation-key, it might take a while...
! Licensing and legal information are omitted for brevity
Cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, California 95134-1706

Reading from flash...

Cryptochecksum (unchanged): 868f669d 9e09ca8b e91c32de 4ee8fd7f

INFO: Power-On Self-Test in process.

INFO: Power-On Self-Test complete.
INFO: Starting HW-DRBG health test...
INFO: HW-DRBG health test passed.

INFO: Starting SW-DRBG health test...

INFO: SW-DRBG health test passed.
Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.

When an ASA is running, you can also manually check its ROMMON
software version, as discussed in the “Verification and Troubleshooting Tools”
section, later in this chapter. Example 2-7 shows that the current firmware
version is upgraded to 1.1.8.

Example 2-7 The Upgraded Firmware Version

ciscoasa> enable
Password: *****
ciscoasa# show module

Mod Card Type Model Serial No.

---- -------------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------
1 ASA 5506-X with FirePOWER services, 8GE, AC, ASA5506 JAD191100HG
sfr Unknown N/A JAD191100HG

Mod MAC Address Range Hw Version Fw Version Sw Version

---- --------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------------
1 a46c.2ae4.6bbf to a46c.2ae4.6bc8 1.0 1.1.8 9.6(1)50
sfr a46c.2ae4.6bbe to a46c.2ae4.6bbe N/A N/A
26 Chapter 2: FTD on ASA 5500-X Series Hardware

Mod SSM Application Name Status SSM Application Version

---- ------------------------------ ---------------- --------------------------

Mod Status Data Plane Status Compatibility

---- ------------------ --------------------- -------------
1 Up Sys Not Applicable
sfr Unresponsive Not Applicable


Installing the Boot Image

You begin the setup of the FTD software from the command line interface (CLI) of a
boot image. To access the CLI of the boot image, you need to reload the ASA with the
FTD boot. This section discusses the steps that are necessary to reload an ASA with an
appropriate boot image on any ASA 5500-X Series hardware:

Step 1. Download the appropriate boot image for your ASA hardware:

■ For low-end ASA hardware, use the *.lfbff file.

■ For midrange hardware, use the *.cdisk file.

Figure 2-7 shows the boot image file ftd-boot- that you use during
the reimaging of ASA 5506-X, 5508-X, or 5516-X hardware.

Figure 2-7 The *.lfbff Boot Image File for Low-End ASA 5500-X Series Hardware
Installing and Configuring FTD 27

Figure 2-8 shows the boot image file ftd-boot- that you use
during the reimaging of ASA 5512-X, 5515-X, 5525-X, 5545-X, or 5555-X

Figure 2-8 The *.cdisk Boot Image File for Midrange ASA 5500-X Series Hardware

Step 2. Reload the ASA. As shown in Example 2-8, the ASA shuts down all its
processes before it gracefully reboots.

Example 2-8 Reloading ASA Hardware

ciscoasa# reload
Proceed with reload? [confirm]
Shutting down isakmp
Shutting down webvpn
Shutting down sw-module
Shutting down License Controller
Shutting down File system
*** --- SHUTDOWN NOW ---
Process shutdown finished
Rebooting... (status 0x9)
INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal
Stopping OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshdno /usr/sbin/sshd found; none killed
28 Chapter 2: FTD on ASA 5500-X Series Hardware

Deconfiguring network interfaces... done.

Sending all processes the TERM signal...
Sending all processes the KILL signal...
Deactivating swap...
Unmounting local filesystems...

Step 3. Interrupt the bootup process by pressing the Esc key. Example 2-9 shows that
the bootup process is interrupted and the ASA enters ROMMON mode.

Example 2-9 Interrupting the Bootup Process

Rom image verified correctly

Cisco Systems ROMMON, Version 1.1.8, RELEASE SOFTWARE

Copyright (c) 1994-2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 06/18/2015 12:15:56.43 by builders

Current image running: Boot ROM1

Last reset cause: PowerCycleRequest
DIMM Slot 0 : Present

Platform ASA5506 with 4096 Mbytes of main memory

MAC Address: a4:6c:2a:e4:6b:bf
Using default Management Ethernet Port: 0

Use BREAK or ESC to interrupt boot.

Use SPACE to begin boot immediately.
Boot in 7 seconds.
Boot interrupted.
rommon 1 >

Step 4. To see the ROMMON configuration mode’s limited command options,

run the help command. Example 2-10 shows the available commands in the
ROMMON configuration mode, with the commands used to install the boot
image highlighted.

Example 2-10 Available Commands in the ROMMON Configuration Mode

rommon 1 > help

? Display this help menu
address Set the local IP address
boot Boot an application program
confreg Configuration register contents display and management
console Console BAUD rate display and configuration
Installing and Configuring FTD 29

dev Display a list of available file system devices

dir File directory display command
erase erase the specified file system
file Set the application image file path/name to be TFTPed
gateway Set the default gateway IP address
help "help" for this menu
"help <command>" for specific command information
history Show the command line history
netmask Set the IP subnet mask value
ping Test network connectivity with ping commands
server Set the TFTP server IP address
show Display system device and status information
tftpdnld Download and run the image defined by "FILE"
reboot Reboot the system
reload Reboot the system
repeat Repeat a CLI command
reset Reboot the system
set Display the configured environment variables
sync Save the environment variables to persistent storage
unset Clear a configured environment variable

Step 5. Configure the network by using the commands shown in Example 2-11. You
must configure these options to ensure successful network communication
between the ASA, FMC, and other servers.

Example 2-11 Commands to Configure the Network Settings in ROMMON Mode

rommon 2 > address

rommon 3 > netmask
rommon 4 > gateway
rommon 5 > server

Note The IP addresses in the configuration shown in Example 2-11 are based on the
topology shown in Figure 2-4. Here, the ASA, FMC, and all other servers are in the same
switching network, which means their IP addresses are in the same subnet. If the ASA,
FMC, and servers are in different subnets, the ingress interface of the router (where the
ASA is deployed) becomes the gateway for the ASA.

Step 6. Test the connectivity from the ASA to the TFTP server where the image files
are stored, as shown in Example 2-12. You get confirmation that the ASA can
communicate with the TFTP server.
30 Chapter 2: FTD on ASA 5500-X Series Hardware

Example 2-12 A Successful ping Test from the ASA to the TFTP Server

rommon 6 > ping

Sending 10, 32-byte ICMP Echoes to timeout is 4 seconds
Success rate is 100 percent (10/10)

Step 7. Once connectivity is established, provide the name of the boot image
file you want to download from the TFTP server, save the changes, and begin
the download. Example 2-13 shows that the ASA 5506-X has successfully
downloaded the boot image file ftd-boot- from a TFTP server.

Caution If you are reimaging midrange ASA hardware, such as 5512-X, 5515-X, 5525-X,
5545-X, or 5555-X, you must use the ftd-boot- file instead of the ftd-boot- file.

Example 2-13 Commands to Select and Download a File from a TFTP Server to ASA

rommon 7 > file ftd-boot-

rommon 8 > sync
rommon 9 > tftpdnld
IMAGE: ftd-boot-
MACADDR: a4:6c:2a:e4:6b:bf
PHYMODE: Auto Detect

Receiving ftd-boot- from!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

File reception completed.
Installing and Configuring FTD 31

The ASA boots up automatically with the FTD boot CLI, as shown in
Example 2-14.

Example 2-14 Bootup Process of ASA Hardware with an FTD Boot Image

Boot buffer bigbuf=348bd018

Boot image size = 100921600 (0x603f100) bytes
[image size] 100921600
[MD5 signature] 0264697f6f1942b9bf80f820fb209ad5
LFBFF signature verified.
INIT: version 2.88 booting
Starting udev
Configuring network interfaces... done.
Populating dev cache
Detected PID ASA5506.
Found device serial number JAD191100HG.
Found USB flash drive /dev/sdb
Found hard drive(s): /dev/sda
fsck from util-linux 2.23.2
dosfsck 2.11, 12 Mar 2005, FAT32, LFN
There are differences between boot sector and its backup.
Differences: (offset:original/backup)
Not automatically fixing this.
/dev/sdb1: 52 files, 811482/1918808 clusters
Launching boot CLI ...
Configuring network interface using static IP
Bringing up network interface.
Depending on your network, this might take a couple of minutes when using DHCP...
ifup: interface lo already configured
Using IPv4 address:
INIT: Starting system message bus: dbus.
Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd
generating ssh RSA key...
generating ssh ECDSA key...
generating ssh DSA key...
Starting Advanced Configuration and Power Interface daemon: acpid.
acpid: starting up
acpid: 1 rule loaded
acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off
Starting ntpd: done
Starting syslog-ng:[2016-09-19T19:43:24.781411] Connection failed; fd='15',
server='AF_INET(', local='AF_INET(', error='Network is
unreachable (101)'
32 Chapter 2: FTD on ASA 5500-X Series Hardware

[2016-09-19T19:43:24.781508] Initiating connection failed, reconnecting;

Starting crond: OK

Cisco FTD Boot 6.0.0 (9.6.2.)

Type ? for list of commands

Step 8. Optionally press the ? key to see the list of the available commands on the
FTD boot CLI, as shown in Example 2-15. (In the next section of this chapter,
you will see the commands highlighted in this example used to install an FTD
software system image.)

Example 2-15 The Command Options on the FTD Boot CLI

ciscoasa-boot> ?
show => Display system information. Enter show ? for options
system => Control system operation
setup => System Setup Wizard
support => Support information for TAC
delete => Delete files
ping => Ping a host to check reachability
traceroute => Trace the route to a remote host
exit => Exit the session
help => Get help on command syntax

Installing the System Software

Installing the FTD software is the last step of the reimaging process. This section
describes the steps to install the FTD system software on any ASA 5500-X series

Step 1. Download the FTD system software package file from
and copy it to an HTTP or FTP server. Figure 2-9 shows the FTD system
software package ftd-6.1.0-330.pkg that you install on any low-end or
midrange ASA 5500-X Series hardware during the reimaging process.

Note This book uses an HTTP server in lieu of an FTP server. You can use either one,
though. You may find that the setup of an HTTP server is easier than the setup of an
FTP server.
Installing and Configuring FTD 33

Figure 2-9 The *.pkg File Installed on Any Low-End or Midrange ASA Hardware

Step 2. As shown in Example 2-16, run the setup command to configure or update
the network settings so that the ASA can download the FTD system software
package from the HTTP server. During the installation of the boot image, you
configured the network settings. Now you either verify the existing configu-
ration or provide any missing information that was not entered before.

Tip When a default value (shown in square brackets, [ ]) is acceptable, press Enter to keep
the settings unchanged.

Example 2-16 A Complete Walk-through of the Network Setup Process

ciscoasa-boot> setup

Welcome to Cisco FTD Setup

[hit Ctrl-C to abort]
Default values are inside []

Enter a hostname [ciscoasa]:

Do you want to configure IPv4 address on management interface?(y/n) [Y]:
Do you want to enable DHCP for IPv4 address assignment on management interface?(y/n)
34 Chapter 2: FTD on ASA 5500-X Series Hardware

Enter an IPv4 address []:

Enter the netmask []:
Enter the gateway []:
Do you want to configure static IPv6 address on management interface?(y/n) [N]:
Stateless autoconfiguration will be enabled for IPv6 addresses.
Enter the primary DNS server IP address:
Do you want to configure Secondary DNS Server? (y/n) [n]:
Do you want to configure Local Domain Name? (y/n) [n]:
Do you want to configure Search domains? (y/n) [n]:
Do you want to enable the NTP service? [Y]:
Enter the NTP servers separated by commas:

Please review the final configuration:

Hostname: ciscoasa
Management Interface Configuration

IPv4 Configuration: static

IP Address:

IPv6 Configuration: Stateless autoconfiguration

DNS Configuration:
DNS Server:

NTP configuration:

You have selected IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration, which assigns a global address
based on network prefix and a device identifier. Although this address is unlikely
to change, if it does change, the system will stop functioning correctly.
We suggest you use static addressing instead.
Apply the changes?(y,n) [Y]:
Configuration saved successfully!
Restarting network services...
Press ENTER to continue...

Step 3. Test the connectivity, as shown in Example 2-17. This example also shows that
the ASA can successfully ping from the FTD boot CLI to the HTTP server.
Installing and Configuring FTD 35

Example 2-17 ping Test Between the ASA and the HTTP Server

ciscoasa-boot> ping

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.364 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.352 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.326 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.313 ms
--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 2997ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.313/0.338/0.364/0.030 ms


Step 4. Download the FTD system software package from the HTTP server, as
shown in Example 2-18. After a successful download, the file is extracted

Example 2-18 Downloading the FTD System Software

ciscoasa-boot> system install

######################## WARNING ############################

# The content of disk0: will be erased during installation! #

Do you want to continue? [y/N] Y

Erasing disk0 ...

Step 5. When prompted, press Y to start the upgrade process. Example 2-19 shows
the extraction of the FTD system software package ftd-6.1.0-330.pkg and the
beginning of the upgrade process.

Caution Extracting the FTD system software package can take approximately 10 min-
utes. In addition, the system takes 6 minutes to populate the system image. ASA hardware
does not show any progress status while it is extracting or populating a file. Be patient and
do not interrupt the process or reboot the ASA. Doing so might make your ASA unstable.
36 Chapter 2: FTD on ASA 5500-X Series Hardware

Example 2-19 Starting the Upgrade Process

Package Detail
Description: Cisco ASA-FTD 6.1.0-330 System Install
Requires reboot: Yes

Do you want to continue with upgrade? [y]:

Warning: Please do not interrupt the process or turn off the system.
Doing so might leave system in unusable state.

Starting upgrade process ...

Populating new system image..

Step 6. When the image is populated and the system prompts you to reboot the
system, press Enter to reboot. Example 2-20 shows the ASA hardware
rebooting after the image is populated.

Example 2-20 Rebooting the ASA Hardware to Complete the Upgrade

Reboot is required to complete the upgrade. Press 'Enter' to reboot the system.

Broadcast mStopping OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshdstopped /usr/sbin/sshd (pid 1723)
Stopping Advanced Configuration and Power Interface daemon: stopped /usr/sbin/acpid
(pid 1727)
acpid: exiting

Stopping system message bus: dbus.
Stopping ntpd: stopped process in pidfile '/var/run/' (pid 1893)
Stopping crond: OKs
Deconfiguring network interfaces... done.
Sending all processes the TERM signal...
Sending all processes the KILL signal...
Deactivating swap...
Unmounting local filesystems...

Rom image verified correctly

Cisco Systems ROMMON, Version 1.1.8, RELEASE SOFTWARE

Installing and Configuring FTD 37

Copyright (c) 1994-2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc.

Compiled Thu 06/18/2015 12:15:56.43 by builders

Current image running: Boot ROM1

Last reset cause: PowerCycleRequest
DIMM Slot 0 : Present

Platform ASA5506 with 4096 Mbytes of main memory

MAC Address: a4:6c:2a:e4:6b:bf
Using default Management Ethernet Port: 0

Use BREAK or ESC to interrupt boot.

Use SPACE to begin boot immediately.
Boot in 5 seconds.

Located '.boot_string' @ cluster 260097.

Attempt autoboot: "boot disk0:os.img"
Located 'os.img' @ cluster 235457.

LFBFF signature verified.
INIT: version 2.88 booting
Starting udev
Configuring network interfaces... done.
Populating dev cache
Detected PID ASA5506.
Found device serial number JAD191100HG.
Found USB flash drive /dev/sdb
Found hard drive(s): /dev/sda
fsck from util-linux 2.23.2
dosfsck 2.11, 12 Mar 2005, FAT32, LFN
/dev/sdb1: 7 files, 24683/1919063 clusters

After bootup, the initialization of the FTD software begins automatically.

Example 2-21 shows the launch of FTD software and the execution of various
scripts throughout the installation process.
38 Chapter 2: FTD on ASA 5500-X Series Hardware

Caution Depending on the ASA hardware model, initialization may take about an hour
to complete. At a certain point, you might think the process is hung, but it is not. The
system does not display progress status, but be patient. Do not interrupt the process or
reboot the ASA. Doing so might make your ASA unstable. Once the FTD is completely
installed, a login prompt appears.

Example 2-21 The FTD Initialization Process

Use ESC to interrupt boot and launch boot CLI.

Use SPACE to launch Cisco FTD immediately.
Cisco FTD launch in 21 seconds ...

Cisco FTD launch in 0 seconds ...

Running on kenton
Mounting disk partitions ...
Initializing Threat Defense ... [ OK ]
Starting system log daemon... [ OK ]
Stopping mysql...
Sep 19 20:29:33 ciscoasa SF-IMS[2303]: [2303] pmtool:pmtool [ERROR] Unable to connect
to UNIX socket at /ngfw/var/sf/run/PM_Control.sock: No such file or directory
Starting mysql...
Sep 19 20:29:33 ciscoasa SF-IMS[2304]: [2304] pmtool:pmtool [ERROR] Unable to connect
to UNIX socket at /ngfw/var/sf/run/PM_Control.sock: No such file or directory
Flushing all current IPv4 rules and user defined chains: ...success
Clearing all current IPv4 rules and user defined chains: ...success
Applying iptables firewall rules:
Flushing chain 'PREROUTING'
! Omitted the messages related to iptables flushing for brevity
Flushing chain 'OUTPUT'
Applying rules successed
Starting nscd...
mkdir: created directory '/var/run/nscd' [ OK ]
Starting , please wait...grep: /ngfw/etc/motd: No such file or directory
Firstboot detected, executing scripts
Executing S01reset_failopen_if [ OK ]
Executing S01virtual-machine-reconfigure [ OK ]
Executing S02aws-pull-cfg [ OK ]
Executing S02configure_onbox [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing S05set-mgmnt-port [ OK ]
Installing and Configuring FTD 39

Executing S06addusers [ OK ]
Executing S07uuid-init [ OK ]
Executing S08configure_mysql [ OK ]

************ Attention *********

Initializing the configuration database. Depending on available

system resources (CPU, memory, and disk), this may take 30 minutes
or more to complete.

************ Attention *********

Executing S09database-init [ OK ]
Executing S11database-populate [ OK ]
Executing S12install_infodb [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing S19cert-tun-init [ OK ]
Executing S20cert-init [ OK ]
Executing S21disable_estreamer [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing S50install-remediation-modules [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing S85patch_history-init [ OK ]
Executing S90banner-init [ OK ]
Executing S95copy-crontab [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]

********** Attention **********

Initializing the system's localization settings. Depending on available

system resources (CPU, memory, and disk), this may take 10 minutes
or more to complete.
40 Chapter 2: FTD on ASA 5500-X Series Hardware

********** Attention **********

Executing S96localize-templates [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing S97compress-client-resources [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing S97install_cas [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing S98htaccess-init [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing S99start-system [ OK ]
Executing S99z_db_restore [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Firstboot scripts finished.
Configuring NTP... [ OK ]
fatattr: can't open '/mnt/disk0/.private2': No such file or directory
fatattr: can't open '/mnt/disk0/.ngfw': No such file or directory
Model reconfigure detected, executing scripts
Pinging mysql
Found mysql is running
Executing [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Starting xinetd:
Mon Sep 19 20:59:07 UTC 2016
Starting MySQL...
Pinging mysql
Pinging mysql, try 1
Pinging mysql, try 2
Found mysql is running
Running initializeObjects...
Stopping MySQL...
Killing mysqld with pid 22285
Wait for mysqld to exit\c
Mon Sep 19 20:59:32 UTC 2016

Starting sfifd... [ OK ]
Starting Cisco ASA5506-X Threat Defense, please wait...No PM running!
INIT: Starting system message bus: dbus.
Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd
Installing and Configuring FTD 41

generating ssh RSA key...

generating ssh ECDSA key...
generating ssh DSA key...
Starting Advanced Configuration and Power Interface daemon: acpid.
Starting crond: OK
Sep 19 20:59:42 ciscoasa SF-IMS[22997]: [22997] init script:system [INFO] pmmon
Setting affinity to 0-3...
pid 22993's current affinity list: 0-3
pid 22993's new affinity list: 0-3
Sep 19 20:59:42 ciscoasa SF-IMS[22999]: [22999] init script:system [INFO] pmmon The
Process Manager is not running...
Sep 19 20:59:42 ciscoasa SF-IMS[23000]: [23000] init script:system [INFO] pmmon
Starting the Process Manager...
Sep 19 20:59:42 ciscoasa SF-IMS[23001]: [23001] pm:pm [INFO] Using model number 75J

IO Memory Nodes: 1
IO Memory Per Node: 205520896 bytes

Global Reserve Memory Per Node: 314572800 bytes Nodes=1

LCMB: got 205520896 bytes on numa-id=0, phys=0x2400000, virt=0x2aaaac200000

LCMB: HEAP-CACHE POOL got 314572800 bytes on numa-id=0, virt=0x7fa17d600000
Processor memory: 1583098718

Compiled on Tue 23-Aug-16 19:42 PDT by builders

Total NICs found: 14

! Omitted the MAC addresses, licensing and legal messages for brevity
Cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, California 95134-1706

Reading from flash...

Cryptochecksum (changed): f410387e 8aab8a4e f71eb8a9 f8b37ef9

INFO: Power-On Self-Test in process.

INFO: Power-On Self-Test complete.

INFO: Starting HW-DRBG health test...

42 Chapter 2: FTD on ASA 5500-X Series Hardware

INFO: HW-DRBG health test passed.

INFO: Starting SW-DRBG health test...

INFO: SW-DRBG health test passed.
Type help o '?' for a list
Cisco ASA5506-X Threat Defense v6.1.0 (build 330)
firepower login:

Step 7. At the Firepower login prompt, which indicates that the installation is com-
plete, enter the default login credentials (username admin and password
Admin123), as shown in Example 2-22.

Example 2-22 Entering the Default Login Credentials

firepower login: admin

Password: Admin123

Step 8. When prompted to accept the End User License Agreement (EULA), press
Enter to display the agreement and to accept it. Example 2-23 shows the sys-
tem prompts for the EULA. The detailed legal messages are omitted from this
example for brevity.

Tip To exit the EULA at any time, press q.

Example 2-23 Agreeing to the EULA

You must accept the EULA to continue.

Press <ENTER> to display the EULA:
!The EULA messages are omitted for brevity
.Please enter 'YES' or press <ENTER> to AGREE to the EULA:

Step 9. As the system initialization process begins, change the password for the
admin user and set up the network by pressing Enter to accept the default
values in brackets ([ ]). Example 2-24 illustrates the configuration of the
password and network settings.
Installing and Configuring FTD 43

Example 2-24 Configuring the Network After the First Login to FTD

System initialization in progress. Please stand by.

You must change the password for 'admin' to continue.
Enter new password:
Confirm new password:
You must configure the network to continue.
You must configure at least one of IPv4 or IPv6.
Do you want to configure IPv4? (y/n) [y]:
Do you want to configure IPv6? (y/n) [n]:
Configure IPv4 via DHCP or manually? (dhcp/manual) [manual]:
Enter an IPv4 address for the management interface []:
Enter an IPv4 netmask for the management interface []:
Enter the IPv4 default gateway for the management interface []:
Enter a fully qualified hostname for this system [firepower]:
Enter a comma-separated list of DNS servers or 'none' []:
Enter a comma-separated list of search domains or 'none' []:
If your networking information has changed, you will need to reconnect.
For HTTP Proxy configuration, run 'configure network http-proxy'

Step 10. When the question about local management (also known as on-box
management) appears, enter no.

Note The option for FTD local management enables a built-in Firepower Device Manager
(FDM) application, which can be used to manage only a single FTD system—itself. This
book uses a standalone version of a manager, known as Firepower Management Center
(FMC), which can manage multiple FTD systems that might be deployed in different
geographical locations.

Example 2-25 shows the configurations related to how to manage this FTD
and how to deploy it in the network. In this example, the system is config-
ured to be managed by a dedicated management appliance (the FMC) and is
deployed in routed mode.

Example 2-25 Configuring the Deployment Type and Modes

Manage the device locally? (yes/no) [yes]: no

Configure firewall mode? (routed/transparent) [routed]:
Configuring firewall mode ...
Update policy deployment information
- add device configuration
- add network discovery
- add system policy
44 Chapter 2: FTD on ASA 5500-X Series Hardware

You can register the sensor to a Firepower Management Center and use the
Firepower Management Center to manage it. Note that registering the sensor
to a Firepower Management Center disables on-sensor Firepower Services
management capabilities.

When registering the sensor to a Firepower Management Center, a unique

alphanumeric registration key is always required. In most cases, to register
a sensor to a Firepower Management Center, you must provide the hostname or
the IP address along with the registration key.
'configure manager add [hostname | ip address ] [registration key ]'

However, if the sensor and the Firepower Management Center are separated by a
NAT device, you must enter a unique NAT ID, along with the unique registration
'configure manager add DONTRESOLVE [registration key ] [ NAT ID ]'

Later, using the web interface on the Firepower Management Center, you must
use the same registration key and, if necessary, the same NAT ID when you add
this sensor to the Firepower Management Center.

The > prompt at the end of Example 2-25 confirms that the initial network
configuration is complete. The next step is to verify network connectivity on
the management interface and then begin the registration process. (Chapter 6:
“The Firepower Management Network,” explains the management connection,
and Chapter 7, “Firepower Licensing and Registration,” describes the
registration process.)

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools

This section describes the commands you can use to verify the status of ASA hardware
before and after the FTD software is installed.

Navigating to the FTD CLI

After a reboot following a successful installation of FTD software, your ASA hardware
should automatically display the > prompt. This prompt is different from the
traditional prompt ciscoasa> that you see on classic software running on ASA hardware.
Furthermore, when ASA hardware runs the FTD software, you can enter various consoles
or shells, including the following:

■ FTD default shell: You can configure most of the necessary items and view their
status by using this shell.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 45

■ ASA console: This console allows you to perform advanced commands for
diagnostic purposes.

■ Firepower Linux shell: This shell lets you enter the back end of the operating system
and is used by Cisco for advanced troubleshooting.

Figure 2-10 shows different types of consoles and command prompts of an ASA running
the FTD software.

ASA Is Just Rebooted or Is

Turned On for the First Time

Most of the settings can be configured

from the default command prompt >.

First, press the Ctrl+A Type the exit command,
keys, and then press D. and then press Enter.

ASA Console Advanced Console

> system support diagnostic-cli > expert

firepower> enable admin@firepower:~$


Figure 2-10 Command Prompts on ASA Hardware Running FTD Software

Example 2-26 shows the commands that allow you to navigate various modes of an

Example 2-26 Commands to Connect to the Various Shells of the FTD CLI


! The > prompt confirms that you are on the FTD default shell. Run the following
command to connect to the ASA console:

> system support diagnostic-cli

46 Chapter 2: FTD on ASA 5500-X Series Hardware

Attaching to ASA console ... Press 'Ctrl+a then d' to detach.

Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.


! Now you have entered the ASA console. Run the enable command to enter the privi-
lege exec mode.

firepower> enable
firepower# exit

Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.


! If you want to quit from the ASA console, the exit command logs you off from the
ASA console, but does not let you return to the FTD default shell. To disconnect
from the ASA console, press the Ctrl+a keys together, then press d separately.


Console connection detached.


! To connect to the Firepower Linux shell, run the expert command. To return to the
FTD default shell, run the exit command.

> expert
admin@firepower:~$ exit

Determining the Version of Installed Software

From the default command prompt > in FTD, you can determine what FTD software
version is running on ASA hardware.

Example 2-27 shows ASA 5506-X hardware running FTD Version 6.1.0.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 47

Example 2-27 Finding the Software Version Running on an ASA After a Fresh FTD

> show version

-------------------[ firepower ]--------------------

Model : Cisco ASA5506-X Threat Defense (75) Version 6.1.0
(Build 330)
UUID : c84ceb32-7ea7-11e6-a7ad-94bcd8f36790
Rules update version : 2016-03-28-001-vrt
VDB version : 270


Tip The Model field for the show version command output must show “Cisco
ASA55XX-X Threat Defense Version 6.1.0”. If the Model field shows “ASA55XX Version
6.1.0”—without the “Threat Defense” keyword—it means the ASA is running Firepower
Version 6.1 as a separate service, not in a unified image.

Determining the Free Disk Space on ASA Hardware

Before you install FTD on ASA hardware, you must check whether the currently available
space is sufficient. To do so, you can run one of the following commands on your ASA
software in privileged exec mode:

ciscoasa# dir
ciscoasa# show flash:

Example 2-28 shows the amount of free space on the same ASA hardware from two dif-
ferent command outputs. The shaded portion of the example shows that the ASA hard-
ware has free space of 4544851968 bytes, which is equal to 4438332 KB, or 4334.3 MB,
or 4.23 GB. The first command output uses disk0: to indicate internal flash memory. If
there were external flash memory, it would be denoted by disk1:.

Example 2-28 Finding the Amount of Free Space on ASA Hardware

ciscoasa# dir

Directory of disk0:/

88 -rwx 91290240 11:04:08 May 12 2016

89 -rwx 63 16:25:14 Sep 19 2016 .boot_string
11 drwx 4096 12:14:22 May 12 2016 log
48 Chapter 2: FTD on ASA 5500-X Series Hardware

19 drwx 4096 12:15:12 May 12 2016 crypto_archive

20 drwx 4096 12:15:16 May 12 2016 coredumpinfo

7859437568 bytes total (4544851968 bytes free)


ciscoasa# show flash:

--#-- --length-- -----date/time------ path

88 91290240 May 12 2016 11:04:08
89 63 Sep 19 2016 16:25:14 .boot_string
11 4096 May 12 2016 12:14:22 log
13 0 May 12 2016 12:14:22 log/asa-appagent.log
19 4096 May 12 2016 12:15:12 crypto_archive
20 4096 May 12 2016 12:15:16 coredumpinfo
21 59 May 12 2016 12:15:16 coredumpinfo/coredump.cfg

7859437568 bytes total (4544851968 bytes free)


Deleting a File from a Storage Device

When you want to delete a file to free up disk space, run the following command in the
privileged exec mode:

ciscoasa# delete flash:/filename

Example 2-29 shows the command to delete a file named output.txt.

Example 2-29 Deleting a File from ASA Hardware

ciscoasa# delete flash:/output.txt

Determining the Availability of Any Storage Device or SSD

From the CLI, you can determine the type of a storage device that is installed on an ASA.
Example 2-30 shows that the ASA 5506-X hardware has one SSD installed.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 49

Example 2-30 Viewing the Storage Device Information on ASA 5500-X Series

ciscoasa# show inventory

Name: "Chassis", DESCR: "ASA 5506-X with FirePOWER services, 8GE, AC, DES"
PID: ASA5506 , VID: V01 , SN: JMX1916Z07V

Name: "Storage Device 1", DESCR: "ASA 5506-X SSD"

PID: ASA5506-SSD , VID: N/A , SN: MSA190600NE


Example 2-31 shows ASA 5545-X hardware with two storage devices.

Example 2-31 Determining the List of Storage Devices on ASA 5500-X Series

ciscoasa# show inventory

Name: "Chassis", DESCR: "ASA 5545-X with SW, 8 GE Data, 1 GE Mgmt"
PID: ASA5545 , VID: V02 , SN: FTX1841119Z

Name: "power supply 0", DESCR: "ASA 5545-X/5555-X AC Power Supply"


Name: "Storage Device 1", DESCR: "Model Number: Micron_M550_MTFDDAK128MAY"

PID: N/A , VID: N/A , SN: MXA183502EG

Name: "Storage Device 2", DESCR: "Model Number: Micron_M550_MTFDDAK128MAY"

PID: N/A , VID: N/A , SN: MXA183502FW


Table 2-2 summarizes the default availability of SSDs in various ASA 5500-X Series
hardware. It also shows whether an SSD is hot-swappable on a particular model in case
of a failure.
50 Chapter 2: FTD on ASA 5500-X Series Hardware

Table 2-2 Availability and Replacement of SSD on ASA 5500-X Series Hardware
ASA 5500-X Series Availability of SSD Hot-Swappable?
5506-X, 5506W-X, Comes with an SSD. No.
5508-X, 5516-X Comes with an SSD. Yes, requires a
5512-X, 5515-X, Might not come with an SSD, if not Yes, easy to hot-swap.
5525-X ordered separately. You can install A button is available
one Cisco SSD. to push and release
the locking lever.
5545-X, 5555-X Might not come with an SSD, if not
ordered separately. You can install
up to two Cisco SSDs with RAID 1.

Determining the Version of the ROMMON Software or Firmware

The version information for the ROMMON software (also known as firmware) is dis-
played during the bootup process for ASA 5500-X hardware. Example 2-32 shows the
initial messages that appear after ASA 5506-X hardware is turned on. It shows that the
ROMMON version is 1.1.01.

Example 2-32 Messages That Appear During the Bootup Process

Cisco Systems ROMMON, Version 1.1.01, RELEASE SOFTWARE

Copyright (c) 1994-2014 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 10/20/2014 15:59:12.05 by builder

Current image running: Boot ROM0

Last reset cause: PowerCycleRequest
DIMM Slot 0 : Present

Platform ASA5506 with 4096 Mbytes of main memory

MAC Address: a4:6c:2a:e4:6b:bf
Using default Management Ethernet Port: 0

Use BREAK or ESC to interrupt boot.

Use SPACE to begin boot immediately.

Located '.boot_string' @ cluster 1607965.

Attempt autoboot: "boot disk0:/"
Located '' @ cluster 10.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 51


LFBFF signature verified.

INIT: version 2.88 booting
Starting udev
Configuring network interfaces... done.

If ASA hardware is running in a production environment, and you do not want to reboot
it, you can still determine the version of the ROMMON software by running the show
module command. Example 2-33 shows that the ROMMON version of the ASA 5506-X
hardware is 1.1.01.

Example 2-33 Command That Displays the ROMMON Software Version of an ASA

ciscoasa# show module

Mod Card Type Model Serial No.

---- -------------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------
1 ASA 5506-X with FirePOWER services, 8GE, AC, ASA5506 JAD191100HG
sfr Unknown N/A JAD191100HG

Mod MAC Address Range Hw Version Fw Version Sw Version

---- --------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------------
1 a46c.2ae4.6bbf to a46c.2ae4.6bc8 1.0 1.1.1 9.6(1)50
sfr a46c.2ae4.6bbe to a46c.2ae4.6bbe N/A N/A

Mod SSM Application Name Status SSM Application Version

---- ------------------------------ ---------------- --------------------------

Mod Status Data Plane Status Compatibility

---- ------------------ --------------------- -------------
1 Up Sys Not Applicable
sfr Init Not Applicable

52 Chapter 2: FTD on ASA 5500-X Series Hardware

This chapter describes the differences between various images that may be installed on
ASA 5500-X hardware. It demonstrates the detailed process of reimaging ASA 5500-X
Series hardware to the FTD software. In addition, this chapter shows the command-line
tools you can use to verify the status of the hardware and software.

After installation, the next step in deploying FTD in a network is to register it with an
FMC. Part II of this book describes that.

1. What would be the correct workflow for reimaging ASA 5506-X hardware to FTD?
i. Upgrade the ROMMON software.
ii. Reload the ASA hardware with a boot image.
iii. Install the FTD system software.
iv. Copy the image files to a server.

a. ii > i > iii > iv

b. iv > ii > iii
c. ii > iii
d. iv > i > ii > iii

2. What would be the correct workflow for reimaging ASA 5545-X hardware to FTD?
i. Upgrade the ROMMON software.
ii. Reload the ASA hardware with a boot image.
iii. Install the FTD system software.
iv. Copy the image files to a server.

a. ii > i > iii > iv

b. iv > ii > iii
c. iii > ii
d. iv > i > ii > iii

3. When reimaging ASA 5516-X hardware to FTD, which type of file is not necessary?
a. *.spa
b. *.lfbff
c. *.cdisk
d. *.pkg

4. What kind of server should you use to transfer a boot image file to ASA hardware?
a. TFTP server
b. FTP server
c. Web server
d. Secure copy server
Quiz 53

5. Which protocol is used in this chapter to transfer the system software image to
ASA hardware?
c. FTP
d. SCP

6. Which command do you run to confirm whether an SSD is installed on ASA

a. show flash
b. show inventory
c. show run
d. show module

7. Which command displays the firmware version of an ASA?

a. show firmware
b. show rommon
c. show module
d. show inventory

8. Which of the following is the default command prompt in the FTD software?
a. ciscoasa#
b. ciscoasa-boot>
c. firepower>
d. >
This page intentionally left blank
Chapter 3

FTD on the Firepower

eXtensible Operating System

Within the ASA 5500-X Series models, the ASA 5585-X hardware is designed for a
data center network. However, an ASA 5585-X device does not support the Firepower
Threat Defense (FTD) software. To meet the needs of a service provider network, Cisco
introduced a new career-class Firepower hardware platform that runs FTD on top of a
supervisor. The supervisor runs on an independent operating system called the Firepower
eXtensible Operating System (FXOS). This chapter discusses the deployment of the
FTD software on FXOS.

Firepower 9300 and 4100 Series Essentials

Cisco introduced the Firepower 9300 Series and the Firepower 4100 Series hardware
models in 2015 and 2016, respectively. In 2017, it added the Firepower 2100 Series
hardware models to the Firepower hardware family. The new Firepower hardware
platforms are designed to deliver better performance than the traditional ASA 5500-X
hardware. While the architecture of every Firepower hardware series is unique, every
model in this family runs FTD on FXOS.

Note This book uses FTD Version 6.1 as the baseline; however, the Firepower 2100
Series hardware supports FTD Version 6.2.1 or greater. Therefore, the configuration
examples in this chapter focus on the Firepower 9300 and 4100 Series models, which
support Version 6.1. However, the command-line tools described in this chapter are useful
for any Firepower hardware series running FTD software on FXOS.
56 Chapter 3: FTD on the Firepower eXtensible Operating System (FXOS)

Table 3-1 shows the hardware specifications of the Firepower 4100 Series and the
Firepower 9300 Series platforms.

Table 3-1 Specifications of the Firepower 4100 and 9300 Hardware

4100 Series 9300 Series
CPU Single 12-core (4110)

Dual 12-core (4120) Dual 12-core (Module 24)

Dual 18-core (4140) Dual 18-core (Module 36)

Dual 22-core (4150) Dual 22-core (Module 44)

Memory 64 GB (4110) 256 GB of memory per
security module
128 GB (4120)

256 GB (4140, 4150)

Storage 200 GB (4110, 4120) 800 GB of solid state drive
(SSD) storage per security
400 GB (4140, 4150)
module (RAID-1 set up
(The SSD slot 2 is used to install the with two SSDs)
optional Malware Storage Pack)
Security module 1 (embedded) 3 (online insertion and
removal supported)
Form factor 1 rack unit 3 rack units

Figure 3-1 shows various modules on a Cisco Firepower 9300 Series chassis.

Console Port Management 8 x Ethernet

2 x Network
Port Ports (Embedded) Modules

Module 1 Security
Module 3
Module 2

2 x Power Supply Modules

Figure 3-1 Front Panel of a Cisco Firepower 9300 Series Chassis

Firepower 9300 and 4100 Series Essentials 57

Figure 3-2 shows the console, management, and other network ports on a Cisco
Firepower 4100 Series chassis.

Management Port
Console 8 x Ethernet Ports (Embedded)

2 x Network Modules

Figure 3-2 Front Panel of a Cisco Firepower 4100 Series Chassis

The Cisco Firepower 9300 Series and 4100 Series chassis use modular hardware
components. You can leverage the modular architecture to upgrade, troubleshoot,
or replace any particular modules without replacing an entire Firepower chassis.

A Firepower security appliance has various modules (for example, network module,
security module, power supply module, fan module). All these modules interact with
two major components—the supervisor and the security module:

■ Supervisor: A supervisor uses FXOS to manage the configuration of network

modules, security modules, and chassis. It also monitors all the hardware
components, such as power supplies, fans, and so on.

■ Security module: A security module runs the security application, such as the FTD
software. The adapters on a security module receive traffic from the external net-
work modules through a switch fabric and send them to the FTD for any necessary

Note For ease of understanding, you can compare a security module with a blade
server. The Firepower Chassis Manager of the 9300 Series and of the 4100 Series use two
different terms to refer to this blade server: security module (9300 Series) and security
engine (4100 Series).

Figure 3-3 shows the architecture of a Firepower 9300 Series appliance and demonstrates
the connections between the supervisor and a security module. In Firepower 4100 Series
hardware, the number of security engines is one.
58 Chapter 3: FTD on the Firepower eXtensible Operating System (FXOS)

Security Module 1 Security Module 2 Security Module 3

Secur ty Modu e
Firepower Threat Firepower Threat Firepower Threat
Defense (FTD) Defense (FTD) Defense (FTD)

Adapter Adapter Adapter Adapter Adapter Adapter

1 2 1 2 1 2

Superv sor
Switch Fabric

Fixed Ethernet Ports Network Module 1 Network Module 2

Traffic Traffic Traffic

Figure 3-3 Architecture of a Cisco Firepower 9300 Security Appliance

Note The Firepower 2100 Series hardware introduces an additional processor, called the
network processing unit (NPU). The NPU is designed to process any traffic that is not
intended for advanced inspection. The other x86 CPU processes traffic that matches an
advanced next-generation security policy.

Software Images
At, you can find a variety of software for a Firepower security
appliance. For a core FTD deployment on a Firepower appliance, you need only two
types of software:


■ FTD software

Figure 3-4 highlights the software images that are necessary to install FTD on FXOS. The
screenshot displays the software that you can download from the Cisco support site for a
Firepower 9300 Series appliance. A 4100 Series appliance supports all of them except the
third-party software Radware Virtual Defense Pro (as of this writing).
Firepower 9300 and 4100 Series Essentials 59

Figure 3-4 Types of Software for a Firepower Security Appliance

Firepower Extensible Operating System (FXOS)

The FXOS software, also known as the platform bundle, contains software for the
supervisor and the hardware components on a Firepower security appliance. The bundle
includes the essential components of the FXOS except for any security applications.

Figure 3-5 shows the fxos-k9. file, which is a platform bundle for a Firepower
security appliance. It installs FXOS Release 2.0.1.

Figure 3-5 The Platform Bundle for a Firepower Security Appliance

60 Chapter 3: FTD on the Firepower eXtensible Operating System (FXOS)

FTD Software
The FTD software, also called the application package, is one of the security
applications that you can install on a security module of a Firepower appliance. Once the
FTD software is installed and registered with the Firepower Management Center (FMC),
you can manage the security policies of an FTD through the FMC.

Figure 3-6 shows the cisco-ftd. file, which is an application package

for the FTD. When you upload a .csp file to a Firepower appliance, it is stored on the
supervisor, but when you install a .csp file, it is deployed on a security module.

Figure 3-6 An Application Package for the FTD Software

Cisco also occasionally releases firmware images for Firepower appliances. Upgrading
the firmware is not a mandatory requirement for FTD software installation. It is, however,
necessary when you want to enable any enhanced or new hardware features. For example,
to enable the Firepower two-port 100 GB network module double-wide, you need to
upgrade the firmware to Version 1.0.10 or greater.

Note Read the official FXOS guides, published at, to learn when and how to
install firmware on a Firepower security appliance.
Firepower 9300 and 4100 Series Essentials 61

Web User Interfaces

The Firepower 9300 Series and 4100 Series security appliances have their own web
interface, called Firepower Chassis Manager. To install, upgrade, or downgrade any
security application on a Firepower appliance, you can either log in to the Firepower
Chassis Manager or access the CLI of the Firepower appliance through Secure Shell (SSH)
or a console connection.

To access the web interface, enter the management IP address of the Firepower security
appliance in a supported browser, like this:


Figure 3-7 shows the login page that appears when you enter the Firepower Chassis
Manager management IP address in a browser.

Figure 3-7 Login Page of the Firepower Chassis Manager

Note If you are running Firepower 2100 Series hardware with FTD Version 6.2.1 or
higher, you can choose one of the two web user interfaces to configure and manage FTD:
You can register it with a standalone Firepower Management Center (FMC) and manage
it through the FMC, or you can enable local management capability and manage the FTD
directly via an on-box manager called Firepower Device Manager (FDM).
62 Chapter 3: FTD on the Firepower eXtensible Operating System (FXOS)

Best Practices for FTD Installation on Firepower

Consider the following best practices when you install the FTD software on a Firepower
security appliance running FXOS:

■ Perform the installation tasks during a maintenance window so that any network
interruption does not impact your business. You should also plan for additional time
to complete any post-installation setup.

■ Prior to the maintenance window when you plan to do the installation, make sure
you are able to access the website and can download all the necessary
FXOS and FTD images. If needed, register for a Cisco account. If after the
self-registration process you cannot download any of the desired software, you
might need to get further assistance from your Cisco channel partner or the Cisco
Technical Assistance Center (TAC).

■ After you download any software from, always verify the MD5 or
SHA512 checksum of the files you have downloaded to confirm that the file is not
corrupt and has not been modified during download. Figure 3-8 shows how the
MD5 and SHA512 checksum values are displayed at when you hover your
mouse over a filename.

Figure 3-8 Checksum Values of FTD Software

■ If your Firepower chassis is already running with a good configuration, make

a backup of the existing configuration before you make any changes. Go to
System > Configuration > Export on the Firepower Chassis Manager to export
the configuration. Figure 3-9 shows the options to export the configuration of a
Firepower security appliance.
Best Practices for FTD Installation on Firepower Hardware 63

Caution The export of a configuration is stored in XML file format. Do not alter the
contents of an XML file, or it may fail an import attempt.

Figure 3-9 Configuration Export Page in Firepower Chassis Manager

■ During an import, the software version of FXOS must match with the version when
a configuration (XML file) was exported. Similarly, any detail of the hardware, such
as platform model and network module installed (including the slot number), must be
the same during export and import.

Caution A configuration export using Firepower Chassis Manager includes the configu-
ration settings of FXOS. It does not include any configurations from the FTD software.

■ Do not power off, shut down, reboot, or reinitialize a Firepower chassis or a security
module when the FTD installation is in progress.
■ If you need to power down a Firepower chassis that has FTD software already
installed, you must gracefully shut down the FTD application beforehand.
An ungraceful power-down of a Firepower chassis can corrupt the FTD data and
file system.
■ Some of the modules on a Firepower appliance support the Online Insertion and
Removal (OIR) feature (for example, the security module, power supply module, and
fan module). However, to replace a network module that does not support OIR (as of
this writing), you must gracefully shut down the FTD software and then power down
the Firepower chassis.
■ Before you deploy FTD on a Firepower chassis, read the hardware installation guide
to learn the latest information about any hardware features.
64 Chapter 3: FTD on the Firepower eXtensible Operating System (FXOS)

Installing and Configuring FTD

In this section, you will learn the detailed steps involved in installing the FTD system
software on Cisco Firepower 9300 Series hardware. The process is identical for Firepower
4100 Series hardware.

Fulfilling Prerequisites
Before you install the FTD application, you must fulfill any prerequisites. For example,
be sure to delete any existing logical devices from FXOS, upgrade the FXOS software
version, and enable necessary interfaces. The following sections elaborate on these

Deleting Any Existing Logical Devices

If your Firepower appliance is currently running any logical devices with different types
of software, such as any ASA software or an earlier version of FTD software, you need to
delete them. The installation of multiple types of software on a single Firepower appliance
is not supported (as of this writing). To delete a logical device, follow these steps:

Step 1. Go to the Logical Devices tab in Firepower Chassis Manager. Figure 3-10
shows that the ASA security application is running as a logical device on a
Firepower 9300 appliance.

Figure 3-10 Logical Devices Page on a Firepower Appliance

Step 2. Click the recycle bin icon next to a logical device to delete it.

Step 3. In the confirmation window that appears, click Yes to delete the logical

Step 4. Click Yes once again when the system asks whether you want to delete its
application configuration (see Figure 3-11).
Installing and Configuring FTD 65

Figure 3-11 Confirmation Window During Deletion of a Logical Device

When all the logical devices are deleted, Firepower Chassis Manager displays the
message “No logical devices available. Click on Add Device to add a new logical device.”
(See Figure 3-12.) You see this message in a brand-new system or when you delete all the
existing logical devices.

Figure 3-12 Confirmation of the Deletion of All the Logical Devices

Upgrading the FXOS Software

To install FTD Version 6.1, a Firepower appliance must be running FXOS Version 2.0.1 or
greater. If your appliance runs an earlier release, follow these steps to upgrade the FXOS

Step 1. Download an appropriate FXOS platform bundle from the Cisco support site.

Step 2. Log in to Firepower Chassis Manager and go to System > Updates.

Step 3. Click the Upload Image button, and then click Browse to find the FXOS
platform bundle image. Select an image and click the Upload button to begin
the upload process (see Figure 3-13).
66 Chapter 3: FTD on the Firepower eXtensible Operating System (FXOS)

Figure 3-13 Uploading an Image

Step 4. In the confirmation window that appears after a successful upload, click OK
to close the window (see Figure 3-14).

Figure 3-14 Confirmation of a Successful Upload

Step 5. In the System > Updates page, click the Upgrade icon next to the image you
have just uploaded (see Figure 3-15).

Upgrade Icon

Figure 3-15 Icon for the FXOS Platform Bundle Upgrade

Installing and Configuring FTD 67

Step 6. Click Yes when a confirmation window appears, asking if you want to
proceed (see Figure 3-16).

Figure 3-16 Update Bundle Image Confirmation Window

After the upgrade begins, the web interface does not show any progress status, and the
connection to the GUI is lost for some time. When it comes back, the status of the new
software is Installed (see Figure 3-17).

Figure 3-17 The System Updates Page with a List of Available Update Files

Tip During an upgrade, you can access the console terminal to determine the upgrade
status. See the “Verification and Troubleshooting Tools” section, later in this chapter, to
learn the CLI commands for it.

Enabling Interfaces
Before installing FTD software, you must enable the network interfaces on your
Firepower appliance (the physical chassis) that will be used by the FTD (a logical device)
to transfer traffic. The options to configure interfaces can be categorized into two
types—mandatory and optional:

■ Mandatory configurations: When you enable an interface, you must define

whether the interface will be used to transfer management traffic or data traffic.
68 Chapter 3: FTD on the Firepower eXtensible Operating System (FXOS)

The interfaces on a Firepower appliance carry only one type of traffic at a time.
A Firepower appliance does not share the same data interface between two logical
devices, but it can share a management interface between multiple logical devices.

■ Optional configurations: You can, optionally, use the built-in FTD features to
segregate or aggregate traffic. For example, you can enable an interface with the
Firepower-eventing option to segregate events from the management traffic, which
means you can use an interface exclusively to transfer events.

You can also bundle multiple physical interfaces and aggregate their traffic into a
single logical port, known as a port channel or an EtherChannel. The FXOS software
uses Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) to bundle up to 16 interfaces.

Enabling the Management and Data Interfaces

To enable an interface with an existing configuration, go to the Interfaces page of
Firepower Chassis Manager. By default, you should be at the All Interfaces tab. Here,
you can just click on the Disabled button in the Admin State column (see Figure 3-18).

Enable or Disable Only Edit Settings

Figure 3-18 Options to Change the Settings of an Interface

If, however, you want to modify any existing settings, such as changing the type from
data traffic to management traffic or vice versa, follow these steps:

Step 1. Navigate to the Interfaces page of Firepower Chassis Manager.

Installing and Configuring FTD 69

Step 2. On the All Interfaces tab, click the pencil icon for the interface you want to
modify. The Edit Interface dialog appears. Figure 3-19 shows the Ethernet1/1
interface enabled and configured with the management (mgmt) type traffic.

Figure 3-19 The Configurable Options for an Interface

Step 3. From the Type drop-down, select the type of traffic you want the interface to
carry. Optionally, you can also modify the speed.
Step 4. Select the Enable check box if you want to enable this interface immediately
with the updated settings.
Step 5. Click the OK button to save the changes. The Interfaces page reflects the
changes you have just made.

Figure 3-20 shows that the Operation State is Up and the Admin State is Enabled after
the Ethernet1/1 interface is configured and enabled. The first port on Network Module 1
also becomes green.

Cable Is Connected

Interface Is
Interface Is Up Enabled

Figure 3-20 Changes to the User Interface After an Interface Is Enabled

70 Chapter 3: FTD on the Firepower eXtensible Operating System (FXOS)

Adding a Port Channel or an EtherChannel

A port channel or an EtherChannel is a logical group of up to 16 physical ports. It can
aggregate traffic from individual interfaces into a logical port so that the appliance
can have an aggregated higher bandwidth. It is also fault-tolerant: When one of the links
in a logical group fails, the remaining links in the group stay up. The Firepower security
appliance natively supports port channels. You can configure a port channel by following
these steps:

Step 1. On the Interfaces page, click the Add Port Channel button. The Add Port
Channel configuration window appears.

Step 2. Assign a number in the Port Channel ID box. The valid values range from
1 to 47.

Step 3. Select the Enable check box if you want to activate the port channel as soon
as the configuration is saved.

Figure 3-21 shows Ethernet2/1 and Ethernet2/2 being grouped together in a

port channel (ID = 20) to carry data traffic.

Figure 3-21 Configuring a Port Channel

Step 4. Define the purpose of the channel by selecting an appropriate option from
the Type dropdown: Data, Mgmt, Cluster, or Firepower-eventing.
Installing and Configuring FTD 71

Note The Cluster type is used exclusively by clustered devices as a cluster control link.
You can cluster multiple security modules of a Firepower 9300 appliance to gain higher
throughput and redundancy.

Step 5. Select the interfaces that you want to bundle together in a channel and click
the Add Interface button after each one. The selected interfaces move to the
Member ID box. You can bundle up to 16 interfaces in one port channel.

Step 6. Click the OK button to save your configuration. On the Interfaces page, you
can view the status of the port channel you have just created, along with its
member interfaces. For example, Figure 3-22 shows port channel 20 with two
member interfaces, Ethernet2/1 and Ethernet2/2.

Figure 3-22 Checking the Status of a Port Channel on the Interfaces Page

Note This section describes the process of creating a port channel for demonstration
purposes only. The examples in the remainder of this chapter do not use any port channels.
To learn more about port channels and additional Firepower hardware-specific features,
please read the “Cisco FXOS Firepower Chassis Manager Configuration Guide.”

Installing FTD
Once your Firepower appliance runs FXOS Version 2.0.1 or later and the necessary
interfaces are enabled, you are ready to install FTD Version 6.1. The following sections
describe the FTD installation process:
72 Chapter 3: FTD on the Firepower eXtensible Operating System (FXOS)

Uploading the FTD Software Image

Follow these steps to upload the FTD software image:

Step 1. Download FTD Version 6.1 from the Cisco support site.

Step 2. Log in to Firepower Chassis Manager and go to System > Updates.

Step 3. Click the Upload Image button, and then click Browse and find the FTD soft-
ware image. Select an image and click the Upload button to begin the upload
process (see Figure 3-23).

Figure 3-23 Uploading an FTD Software Image

Step 4. Accept the End User License Agreement (EULA) window that appears after a
successful upload and click Ok (see Figure 3-24). The FTD software image is
now stored on the appliance but is not yet installed.
Installing and Configuring FTD 73

Figure 3-24 The Appearance of the EULA Message Indicates a Successful Upload

Adding a Logical Device for FTD

If you have completed all the steps described in the previous sections, you are now ready
to add a logical device for FTD. While you’re adding a logical device, FTD Version 6.1
is installed on FXOS Release 2.0.1. Here is the process, step by step:

Step 1. In Firepower Chassis Manager, navigate to the Logical Devices page and click
the Add Device button. The Add Device window appears.

Step 2. Provide a name for the logical device you are going to deploy on FXOS and
select the FTD template and the image version 6.1.x. Figure 3-25 shows a new
FTD logical device called FTD_610 being added.
74 Chapter 3: FTD on the Firepower eXtensible Operating System (FXOS)

1 2

Figure 3-25 Navigating to the Add Device Window

Step 3. Choose the Standalone device mode and click OK. A configuration page
appears, where you provision the standalone FTD logical device.

Note Standalone mode enables you to create a unique logical device on each security
module, whereas Cluster mode enables you to bundle multiple security modules into one
logical device.

Figure 3-26 shows the three major steps to provision an FTD logical device.

Step 4. On the right-hand side, click the FTD icon. A configuration window appears.

Step 5. In the General Information section of the configuration window, select a

security module where you want to install the FTD software and configure
the management network, as shown in Figure 3-27. When you are finished,
click OK to return to the provisioning page. Figure 3-27 indicates that secu-
rity module 1 (SM 1) is selected for the FTD installation, and Ethernet1/1 is
configured as the management interface for the FTD.
Installing and Configuring FTD 75

Finally, Save

First, Configure FTD


Next, Select Interface


Figure 3-26 Workflow for Provisioning an FTD Logical Device

Figure 3-27 Configuring the FTD Management Network

Tip This example skips the configurable items in the Settings and Agreement sections for
now; they reappear on the CLI of the FTD, during the initialization process. You can con-
figure them at that time through the CLI.
76 Chapter 3: FTD on the Firepower eXtensible Operating System (FXOS)

Step 6. On the provisioning page, as shown in Figure 3-28, select the interfaces or port
channels that will be transferring data traffic to and from FTD. In Figure 3-28,
the Ethernet2/3 and Ethernet2/4 interfaces of the Firepower chassis are
selected as the data interfaces, and the Ethernet1/1 interface is configured as a
management interface.

Figure 3-28 Graphical Representation of an FTD Logical Device

Step 7. When you are finished with the provisioning settings, click the Save button.
The Logical Devices page returns, and the FTD installation process begins.
As shown in Figure 3-29, the installing status indicates that the FTD
installation is in progress.

Figure 3-29 The FTD Installation Process in Progress

Installing and Configuring FTD 77

Figure 3-30 shows the FTD software installation complete and online. From
the time the FTD installation begins, the system takes about 5 to 10 minutes
to get to the online state.

Figure 3-30 The Fully Complete FTD Installation Process

Completing the Initialization of FTD

After the installation is complete, the FTD logical device begins initialization by itself
and applies the settings you configured in the FTD provisioning page. Using the CLI, you
can now view the progress of initialization and configure any additional settings, such as
the password for the admin user.

To access the CLI of the FTD, first you have to access the CLI via Secure Shell (SSH)
or the console terminal. Then you can connect to the security module where FTD is
installed and then complete any necessary steps.

Example 3-1 shows an example of the process of accessing the CLI of the FTD software
from the CLI of the FXOS and completing the system initialization.

Example 3-1 Accessing the FTD CLI for the First Time

! Run the following command on the CLI of the FXOS

Firepower-9300# connect module 1 console

Telnet escape character is '~'.
Connected to
Escape character is '~'.
CISCO Serial Over LAN:
Close Network Connection to Exit

! Now, run the following command to connect to the CLI of the FTD:

Firepower-module1> connect ftd

Connecting to ftd console... enter exit to return to bootCLI
78 Chapter 3: FTD on the Firepower eXtensible Operating System (FXOS)

! The following network settings should auto-populate, if you configured them in the
FTD provisioning page. In such case, no action necessary. Please be patient.

You must configure the network to continue.

You must configure at least one of IPv4 or IPv6.
Do you want to configure IPv4? (y/n) [y]: y
Do you want to configure IPv6? (y/n) [n]: n
Configure IPv4 via DHCP or manually? (dhcp/manual) [manual]: manual
Enter an IPv4 address for the management interface []:
Enter an IPv4 netmask for the management interface []:
Enter the IPv4 default gateway for the management interface []:
Enter a fully qualified hostname for this system [Firepower-module1]: Firepower-module1
Enter a comma-separated list of DNS servers or 'none' [none]: none
Enter a comma-separated list of search domains or 'none' [none]: none
If your networking information has changed, you will need to reconnect.
For HTTP Proxy configuration, run 'configure network http-proxy'

Configure firewall mode? (routed/transparent) [routed]: routed

Configuring firewall mode ...

Update policy deployment information

- add device configuration
- add network discovery
- add system policy

You can register the sensor to a Firepower Management Center and use the
Firepower Management Center to manage it. Note that registering the sensor
to a Firepower Management Center disables on-sensor Firepower Services
management capabilities.

When registering the sensor to a Firepower Management Center, a unique

alphanumeric registration key is always required. In most cases, to register
a sensor to a Firepower Management Center, you must provide the hostname or
the IP address along with the registration key.
'configure manager add [hostname | ip address ] [registration key ]'

However, if the sensor and the Firepower Management Center are separated by a
NAT device, you must enter a unique NAT ID, along with the unique registration
'configure manager add DONTRESOLVE [registration key ] [ NAT ID ]'

Later, using the web interface on the Firepower Management Center, you must
use the same registration key and, if necessary, the same NAT ID when you add
this sensor to the Firepower Management Center.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 79

The > prompt at the end of Example 3-1 confirms that the installation is complete. The
next step is to verify the network connectivity on the management interface, and then
you can begin the registration process.

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools

This section describes the commands you can run to verify the status of Firepower hard-
ware before and after an FTD logical device is added.

Navigating to the FTD CLI

To determine the status of various hardware and software components, you need to know
how to go back and forth between the FXOS CLI and FTD CLI. Figure 3-31 shows how
to access various levels of the FTD CLI from the FXOS CLI.

You are on the CLI of

the Firepower FXOS# connect module 1 console
Firepower Module1> ~
appliance (FXOS).

Exit Path
telnet> quit

You are on Service
Module 1 where Firepower Module1> connect ftd
FTD is installed. > exit
Exit Path

Firepower Module1>
You are on the CLI
of the FTD software. >

First, press the Ctrl+A Type the exit command,

keys, and then press D. and then press Enter.

ASA Console Advanced Firepower Console


> system support diagnostic-cli > expert

firepower> enable admin@firepower:~$


Figure 3-31 FTD CLI Navigation

Example 3-2 demonstrates the use of the commands to connect to the FTD software and
then return to the FXOS software.
80 Chapter 3: FTD on the Firepower eXtensible Operating System (FXOS)

Example 3-2 Entering and Exiting the CLI of FTD and FXOS

! Assuming you are on the CLI of FXOS, first run the following command to connect to
the Security Module (SM 1) where FTD software is installed.

Firepower-9300# connect module 1 console

Telnet escape character is '~'.
Connected to
Escape character is '~'.
CISCO Serial Over LAN:
Close Network Connection to Exit


! Now, you are on the CLI of the Security Module 1 (SM 1). Run the following command
to connect to the CLI of the FTD:

Firepower-module1> connect ftd

Connecting to ftd console... enter exit to return to bootCLI


! Now, you are on the CLI of the FTD software where you perform most of the FTD
related tasks. If you want to ASA console, run the following command on the CLI of
the FTD:

> system support diagnostic-cli

Attaching to ASA console ... Press 'Ctrl+a then d' to detach.
Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.


! Now, you are on the CLI of the ASA software. Run the following command to access
the privileged mode. Press the enter key when you are prompted for a password.

firepower> enable

! To exit from the ASA console, press 'Ctrl+a then d' to detach.

Console connection detached.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 81

! You are now back to the CLI of FTD. To exit from the FTD CLI, run the following

> exit

! You have now returned to the Service Module CLI. To exit, press the escape
character '~', run the 'quit' command.

Firepower-module1> ~
telnet> quit
Connection closed.


! You are now back to the CLI of the FXOS software.

Verifying the FXOS Software

By using the CLI of the FXOS, you can verify the version, settings, and status of various
software components, such as firmware, host operating system, guest operating system, and
so on. You can also enter the modular components of the Firepower hardware independently
by changing the modes on the CLI. The command to change the current mode is scope.
To find the available modes and their descriptions, type ? after the scope command. A mode
(scope) can also have a submode—a child mode within a parent mode.

Example 3-3 shows that the Firepower security appliance is running Version 1.0.10 of the

Example 3-3 Verifying the Firmware Version and Its Status

Firepower-9300# scope chassis 1

Firepower-9300 /chassis # show sup version detail
Running-Vers: 1.0.10
Package-Vers: 1.0.10
Activate-Status: Ready
Upgrade Status: SUCCESS
Running-Vers: 1.05
Package-Vers: 1.0.10
Activate-Status: Ready

Firepower-9300 /chassis #
82 Chapter 3: FTD on the Firepower eXtensible Operating System (FXOS)

Example 3-4 shows Firepower Chassis Manager running FXOS Release 2.0.1. However,
the FXOS software on Security Module 3 is currently being upgraded from Release 1.1.4
to Release 2.0.1.

Example 3-4 Determining the Status of the FXOS Software

Firepower-9300# scope system

Firepower-9300 /system # show firmware monitor
Package-Vers: 2.0(1.86)
Upgrade-Status: Ready

Fabric Interconnect A:
Package-Vers: 2.0(1.86)
Upgrade-Status: Ready

Chassis 1:
Server 1:
Package-Vers: 2.0(1.86)
Upgrade-Status: Ready
Server 3:
Package-Vers: 2.0(1.86),1.1(4.95)
Upgrade-Status: Upgrading

Firepower-9300 /system #

Verifying the Status of a Security Application

When you add an FTD logical device on a Firepower appliance, it installs the FTD soft-
ware as an application. If you suspect that there is an issue with the FTD software opera-
tion, you need to check the status of the application.

Example 3-5 shows the status of the FTD_610 logical device. As you can see, the device is
operational and running on Security Module 1 (slot ID 1) on a Firepower 9300 appliance.

Example 3-5 Verifying the Status of the Logical Device

Firepower-9300 /ssa # show logical-device

Logical Device:
Name Description Slot ID Mode Operational State Template Name
---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- -------------
FTD_610 1 Standalone Ok ftd

Firepower-9300 /ssa #
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 83

Example 3-6 shows the status of an FTD application. The output first confirms that the
application is being installed. The output then shows when the FTD installation is com-
plete and the application comes online.

Example 3-6 Verifying the Status of the FTD Application Instance

! The following output confirms that FTD application is being installed.

Firepower-9300# scope ssa

Firepower-9300 /ssa # show app-instance detail

Application Name: ftd

Slot ID: 1
Admin State: Disabled
Operational State: Installing
Running Version:
Startup Version:
Cluster Oper State: Not Applicable
Current Job Type: Install
Current Job Progress: 0
Current Job State: Queued
Clear Log Data: Available
Error Msg:
Externally Upgraded: No

Firepower-9300 /ssa #

! The following output proves that the FTD application is up and running.

Firepower-9300# scope ssa

Firepower-9300 /ssa # show app-instance detail

Application Name: ftd

Slot ID: 1
Admin State: Enabled
Operational State: Online
Running Version:
Startup Version:
Cluster Oper State: Not Applicable
Current Job Type: Start
Current Job Progress: 100
Current Job State: Succeeded
Clear Log Data: Available
Error Msg:
Externally Upgraded: No

Firepower-9300 /ssa #
84 Chapter 3: FTD on the Firepower eXtensible Operating System (FXOS)

Verifying the Security Modules, Adapters, and Switch Fabric

FTD software is installed on a security module. If you experience an issue with the FTD,
you should check the status of the security module where the FTD software is installed.

Note As noted earlier in this chapter, the terms security module and security engine
refer to the same hardware component but are used on two different platforms—Firepower
9300 and 4100, respectively.

You can verify the status of a security module from the Firepower Chassis Manager as

■ On a Firepower 9300 Series appliance, go to the Security Modules page.

■ On a Firepower 4100 Series appliance, go to the Security Engine page.

Figure 3-32 shows three security modules on a Firepower 9300 appliance. If you run a
Firepower 4100 Series appliance, you see only one security engine. For demonstration
purposes, the icons for the security modules are highlighted in this figure.

Status Icons
To Acknowledge a To Reinitialize a
Security Module Security Module
(Second Icon) (Fourth Icon)

Useful for Troubleshooting

Figure 3-32 Different Hardware and Service States of the Service Modules
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 85

Tip Read the “Cisco FXOS Firepower Chassis Manager Configuration Guide” to learn
more about the possible hardware and service states.

To determine the status of a service module from the CLI, you can run the show server

Example 3-7 shows that Service Modules 1 and 2 are equipped, but only Service
Module 1 is up and Service Module 2 is faulty. Service Module 3 is mismatched, which
means this module is decommissioned, unacknowledged, or newly installed.

Example 3-7 Verifying the Overall Status of the Security Modules

Firepower-9300# show server status

Server Slot Status Overall Status Discovery
------- --------------------------------- --------------------- ---------
1/1 Equipped Ok Complete
1/2 Equipped Degraded Complete
1/3 Mismatch

Table 3-2 describes various scenarios for a security module and the action you should
take to bring the module into an operational state.

Table 3-2 Operating a Security Module in Various States

Scenario Action
Security module is new and installed Acknowledge the security module.
into a slot.
Security module has existing data, Reinitialize the security module before
but you want to place it in a new or you deploy a logical device on it.
different slot.
Security module is decommissioned Acknowledge the security module.
in order to discontinue its use temporarily.
Error in a security module. Try restarting the security module.
Security module shows “mismatch” Acknowledge the security module. If it is
or “token mismatch” status. not fixed, reinitialize the security module.

Example 3-8 shows that Security Modules 1 and 3 are operable, which means they are in
good health. Security Module 1 is running, and Security Module 3 is booting up (config
state). However, Security Module 2 is inoperable.
86 Chapter 3: FTD on the Firepower eXtensible Operating System (FXOS)

Example 3-8 Determining the Health of a Security Module

Firepower-9300# show server environment

Server 1/1:
Overall Status: Ok
Operability: Operable
Oper Power: On

Server 1/2:
Overall Status: Degraded
Operability: Inoperable
Oper Power: On

Server 1/3:
Overall Status: Config
Operability: Operable
Oper Power: On

In the architectural diagram of a Firepower appliance (refer to Figure 3-3), you can see
that each security module is connected to two adapters, which are connected to a switch
fabric. When you are troubleshooting, it is also important to determine whether the
adapter and the switch fabric are operational.

Example 3-9 shows two adapters on each security module. All the adapters are in good

Example 3-9 Finding Overall Status of the Adapters

Firepower-9300# show server adapter

Server 1/1:
Adapter PID Vendor Serial Overall Status
------- ---------- ----------------- ------------ --------------
1 FPR-C9300-MP Cisco Systems Inc XXXXXXXXXXX Operable
2 FPR-C9300-MP-MEZZ Cisco Systems Inc XXXXXXXXXXX Operable

Server 1/3:
Adapter PID Vendor Serial Overall Status
------- ---------- ----------------- ------------ --------------
1 FPR-C9300-MP Cisco Systems Inc XXXXXXXXXXX Operable
2 FPR-C9300-MP-MEZZ Cisco Systems Inc XXXXXXXXXXX Operable


Example 3-10 shows that the switch fabric Interconnect A is operable.

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 87

Example 3-10 Determining the Operability of the Switch Fabric

Firepower-9300# show fabric-interconnect environment

Fabric Interconnect A:
Operability: Operable

Fabric Card 1:
Threshold Status: N/A
Overall Status: Operable
Operability: Operable
Power State: Online
Thermal Status: N/A
Voltage Status: N/A


Verifying the Hardware Chassis

You can determine the FXOS software versions of a Firepower appliance by selecting
Help > About. Alternatively, you can select System > Updates to see any software
installed on a system. However, the Firepower Chassis Manager web interface does not
show the details of the Firepower hardware. To find more detailed information about
hardware components, run the show chassis detail command, as shown in Example 3-11.

Example 3-11 shows the detailed hardware information of a Firepower 4110 appliance. It
also shows an operable condition of the appliance.

Example 3-11 Verifying the Hardware of a Firepower Security Appliance

Firepower-4110# show chassis detail

Chassis: 1
User Label:
Overall Status: Operable
Oper qualifier: N/A
Operability: Operable
Conf State: Ok
Admin State: Acknowledged
Conn Path: A
Conn Status: A
Managing Instance: A
Product Name: Cisco Firepower 4110 Security Appliance
PID: FPR-4110-K9
VID: V00
Part Number: XX-XXXXXX-XX
88 Chapter 3: FTD on the Firepower eXtensible Operating System (FXOS)

Vendor: Cisco Systems Inc

Model: FPR-4110-K9
HW Revision: 0
Mfg Date: 2015-12-05T00:00:00.000
Power State: Ok
Thermal Status: Ok
SEEPROM operability status: Operable
Dynamic Reallocation: Chassis
Reserved Power Budget (W): 600
PSU Capacity (W): 0
PSU Line Mode: Lower Line
PSU State: Ok
Current Task:


You can view a summary of the hardware operations on the Overview page of Firepower
Chassis Manager. This page displays any hardware errors, along with severity level,
description, cause, occurrence, and time of each incident.

Figure 3-33 shows the Overview page for a Firepower 9300 appliance. While the top of the
page shows an overall operational state, below this you can see more detailed information.

Figure 3-33 Identifying Hardware Errors in Firepower Chassis Manager

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 89

Similarly, if you choose to use the CLI, you can run multiple commands to determine
whether there has been a failure of any major hardware components on a Firepower
Example 3-12 shows the same errors you just saw in the web interface in Figure 3-33.

Example 3-12 Identifying Hardware Errors from the CLI of FXOS

Firepower-9300# show fault

Severity Code Last Transition Time ID Description
--------- -------- ------------------------ -------- -----------
Critical F999690 2016-11-19T16:36:09.980 15304334 [FSM:FAILED]: downloading image
fxos-k9-fpr4k-firmware.1.0.10.SPA from (FSM:sam:dme:FirmwareDownloaderDownload)
Major F0327 2016-11-16T18:14:00.622 15234559 Service profile ssp-sprof-2
configuration failed due to compute-unavailable,insufficient-resources
Warning F0528 2016-08-05T19:17:42.663 44431 Power supply 1 in chassis 1
power: off


You can also view the system event log (SEL) of a Firepower appliance from the CLI.
The show sel command on FXOS provides output similar to what you can see with the
ipmitool command on a Linux system.

Example 3-13 shows events from the Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC)
and basic input/output system (BIOS). The 1/1 parameter with the show sel command
represents chassis1/module1.

Example 3-13 Viewing the SEL of a Firepower Security Appliance

Firepower-9300# show sel 1/1

1 | 12/22/2016 00:03:52 | CIMC | Drive slot(Bay) LED_BLADE_STATUS #0xa6 | Drive
Presence | Asserted
2 | 12/22/2016 00:03:55 | CIMC | Voltage P2V63_VPP_EF #0x1c | Lower critical - going
low | Asserted | Reading 2.48 <= Threshold 2.48 Volts
3 | 12/22/2016 00:03:55 | CIMC | Platform alert LED_SYS_ACT #0xa4 | LED color is
amber | Asserted
4 | 12/22/2016 00:04:29 | BIOS | System Event #0x00 | Timestamp clock synch | SEL
timestamp clock updated, event is first of pair | Asserted
5 | 12/22/2016 00:05:53 | BIOS | System Event #0x83 | OEM System Boot Event | |
6 | 12/22/2016 00:18:26 | CIMC | Entity presence MAIN_POWER_PRS #0x55 | Device
Absent | Asserted
7 | 12/22/2016 00:37:15 | CIMC | Temperature GPU1_TEMP_SENS #0x59 | Upper
Non-critical - going high | Asserted | Reading 136 >= Threshold 136 degrees C
90 Chapter 3: FTD on the Firepower eXtensible Operating System (FXOS)

8 | 12/22/2016 00:37:35 | CIMC | Temperature GPU1_TEMP_SENS #0x59 | Upper

Non-critical - going high | Deasserted | Reading 134 <= Threshold 136 degrees C


Verifying the Power Supply Unit (PSU) Modules

You can find an issue with a power supply unit (PSU) from the Overview page of
Firepower Chassis Manager. In addition, you can run several commands on the CLI to
investigate power-related issues.

Example 3-14 uses the show fault command to confirm that one of the PSUs is not
turned on.

Example 3-14 Determining the Overall Operational Status of a Firepower Appliance

Firepower-9300# show fault

Severity Code Last Transition Time ID Description
--------- -------- ------------------------ -------- -----------
Warning F0528 2016-08-05T19:17:42.663 44431 Power supply 1 in chassis 1
power: off
Major F0408 2016-08-05T19:17:42.662 44430 Power state on chassis 1 is


Example 3-15 uses the show chassis environment command to show whether there is a
power problem. In this case, there is a power problem: The Firepower 9300 appliance has
a power redundancy failure.

Example 3-15 Determining the Overall Operational Status of a Firepower Security


Firepower-9300# show chassis environment

Chassis 1:
Overall Status: Power Problem
Operability: Operable
Power State: Redundancy Failed
Thermal Status: Ok

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 91

Example 3-16 shows filtered output of the show sel command. It shows events with the
power keyword only. The events in this example were generated when the main power
was disconnected and then reconnected.

Example 3-16 Viewing the SEL of a Firepower Appliance

Firepower-9300# show sel 1/1 | egrep ignore-case power

1 | 12/13/2016 16:37:52 | CIMC | Entity presence MAIN_POWER_PRS #0x55 | Device
Absent | Asserted
2 | 12/13/2016 16:39:23 | CIMC | Entity presence MAIN_POWER_PRS #0x55 | Device
Present | Asserted


Example 3-17 confirms that the Firepower appliance is equipped with two power supply
units, but PSU 1 has no power.

Example 3-17 Viewing the Details of Two PSUs

Firepower-9300# show chassis psu detail

PSU: 1
Overall Status: N/A
Operability: N/A
Threshold Status: N/A
Power State: Off
Presence: Equipped
Thermal Status: OK
Voltage Status: N/A
Product Name: Cisco Firepower 9000 Series AC Power Supply
VID: V01
Part Number: 341-0723-01
Vendor: Cisco Systems Inc
Serial (SN): ART1918F298
HW Revision: 0
Firmware Version: N/A
Type: Unknown
Wattage (W): 0
Input Source: Unknown

PSU: 2
Overall Status: Operable
Operability: Operable
Threshold Status: OK
92 Chapter 3: FTD on the Firepower eXtensible Operating System (FXOS)

Power State: On
Presence: Equipped
Thermal Status: OK
Voltage Status: OK
Product Name: Cisco Firepower 9000 Series AC Power Supply
VID: V01
Part Number: 341-0723-01
Vendor: Cisco Systems Inc
Serial (SN): ART1918F28X
HW Revision: 0
Firmware Version: N/A
Type: Unknown
Wattage (W): 2500
Input Source: Unknown


Verifying the Fan Modules

A Firepower 9300 Series appliance has four fan modules, and a 4100 Series appliance has
six fan modules. There are a few ways to determine the status of any fan modules on a
Firepower security appliance:

■ You can look at the LED on a fan module. If the color of the LED is amber, you
know there has been a failure.

■ In Firepower Chassis Manager, you can go to the Overview page to identify the
status of the fans.

■ You can run several commands at the CLI to investigate any fan-related issues.

Example 3-18 shows a warning for a missing fan module. One of the fan modules was
removed to demonstrate this alert.

Example 3-18 Warning Message When a Fan Module Is Missing or Inoperable

Firepower-9300 /chassis # show fault

Severity Code Last Transition Time ID Description
--------- -------- ------------------------ -------- -----------
Warning F0377 2016-12-02T18:06:24.196 15575670 Fan module 1-2 in chassis 1
presence: missing

Firepower-9300 /chassis #
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 93

Example 3-19 shows the overall status of the fan modules on a Firepower 9300 appliance.
If you were to run the same command on a 4100 Series appliance, you would find six
modules in the output.

Example 3-19 Determining the Overall Health Status of the Fan Modules on a
Firepower 9300 Appliance

Firepower-9300 /chassis # show fan-module

Fan Module:
Tray Module Overall Status
---------- ---------- --------------
1 1 Operable
1 2 Removed
1 3 Operable
1 4 Operable

Firepower-9300 /chassis #

Example 3-20 shows detailed information about the fan modules on a Firepower 9300
appliance. The first module is equipped and operational, and the second module is

Example 3-20 Viewing Detailed Information About the Fan Modules

Firepower-9300 /chassis # show fan-module detail

Fan Module:
Tray: 1
Module: 1
Overall Status: Operable
Operability: Operable
Threshold Status: OK
Power State: On
Presence: Equipped
Thermal Status: OK
Product Name: Cisco Firepower 9000 Series Fan
VID: 01
Part Number: XX-XXXXX-XX
Vendor: Cisco Systems Inc
HW Revision: 0
Mfg Date: 2015-05-28T00:00:00.000
94 Chapter 3: FTD on the Firepower eXtensible Operating System (FXOS)

Tray: 1
Module: 2
Overall Status: Removed
Operability: N/A
Threshold Status: N/A
Power State: Off
Presence: Missing
Thermal Status: N/A
Product Name:
VID: 01
Part Number: XX-XXXXX-XX
Serial (SN):
HW Revision: 0
Mfg Date: 2015-05-28T00:00:00.000


Firepower-9300 /chassis #

This chapter describes the architecture, implementation, and installation of FTD on a
Firepower security appliance running FXOS. It demonstrates several command-line tools
you can use to determine the status of various components of the appliance.

After installation, the next step in deploying an FTD in a network is to register it with a
Firepower Management Center. Part II of this book describes that.

1. A Firepower 4100 Series security appliance has various hardware components. In
which component is FTD software installed?
a. Switch fabric
b. Security engine
c. Supervisor
d. Adapter
Quiz 95

2. The “mismatch” status of a security module indicates

a. that the module has been decommissioned.
b. that the module was recently installed.
c. that the module has prior data that does not match.
d. all of the above.

3. Which command can you run at the CLI to see any hardware errors that you could
also view on the Overview page of Firepower Chassis Manager?
a. show environment
b. show fault
c. show status
d. show chassis

4. Which command is necessary to access the ASA console if you are currently on the
a. connect module 1 console
b. connect ftd
c. system support diagnostic-cli
d. All of the above

5. A Firepower 9300 appliance is currently running FXOS Release 1.1.4. If you want to
install FTD Version 6.1 on it, what is the correct order of action?
a. Install firmware Version 1.1.10 and then install FTD Version 6.1.
b. Install FXOS Release 2.0.1 and then install FTD Version 6.1.
c. Install FTD Version 6.0 and then upgrade to Version 6.1.
d. Install FTD Version 6.1 only.
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Chapter 4

Firepower Management Center

(FMC) Hardware

In the previous chapters, you have learned how to install Firepower Threat Defense (FTD)
on various hardware platforms. You cannot, however, define and apply any security poli-
cies for your network without assistance from a manager. This chapter discusses different
options for deploying managers for FTD. It describes the process of reimaging a manager
with the FTD software and describes various tools used for troubleshooting hardware.

FMC Component Essentials

To manage FTD, you need a manager. Depending on the deployment scenario and
hardware model, you can choose either an on-box manager or an off-box manager
(see Table 4-1). This section provides an overview of both types of Firepower managers.
Table 4-1 shows the key differences between the two available options for managing FTD
and provides reasons for choosing an off-box manager over an on-box solution.

Table 4-1 Major Differences Between an On-Box Manager and an Off-Box Manager
On-Box Off-Box
GUI software Firepower Device Firepower Management
Manager (FDM) Center (FMC)
Management capability 1 FTD system Depending on the model,
can manage hundreds of
FTD systems
Supported FTD Low-end and midrange Any platforms that support
platform ASA 5500-X Series FTD software
Deployment Small to medium Large enterprise network
business (SMB)
98 Chapter 4: Firepower Management Center (FMC) Hardware

On-Box Off-Box
Cost Free; no additional Need to purchase additional
hardware necessary hardware or a license for a
virtual appliance
Policy configuration Limited functionality Full functionality
Number of stored events Can store only few Can store millions of events
hundred events
API integration Does not support Fully supports integration
third-party integration with various APIs

Note This book uses the user interface of an off-box manager to demonstrate advanced
configurations. The user interface of an on-box manager, which is different from the
interface of an off-box manager, is beyond the scope of this book.

In addition, in this section, you will learn about some of the key hardware components of
a Firepower manager, such as the Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC) and
internal storage for system restoration. This section also introduces you to the different
types of user interfaces in Firepower manager hardware.

On-Box Managers
The FTD software introduces a new user interface, called the Firepower Device Manager
(FDM), that you can run from a web browser, without any requirement for a third-party
client. As of this writing, the FDM supports the ASA 5500-X Series (low-end and mid-
range platforms), Firepower 2100 Series hardware, and FTD Virtual (on VMware plat-
form). However, it does not support the Firepower 4100 Series, or the 9300 Series.

Tip To determine whether a new Firepower feature is supported on your Cisco hardware,
you can read the “Cisco Firepower Compatibility Guide.”

The FDM can manage one FTD at a time. If you have more than one FTD system, you
cannot use the FDM to manage all the FTD systems. Therefore, using the FDM is a good
solution for small to medium business (SMB) networks but is not a scalable solution for
large enterprise networks. The FDM is designed to be simple and intuitive, and its use is
targeted to users who are not experts on the Firepower System.

Figure 4-1 shows a simple topology in which FTD could be managed by an on-box
manager such as the FDM.
FMC Component Essentials 99

Firepower Threat Defense

On-Box Management

(Management Traffic Is Out of Band

While Data Traffic Is Being Inspected)

Administrator Connection to Firepower

Mgmt. Device Manager (FDM)

Firepower Threat
Defense (FTD)
Data Data
Traffic Inside Outside Traffic
End Users Interface Interface
Internet Service

Management/Server Traffic
Data Traffic

Figure 4-1 FTD Managed by an FDM

Off-Box Managers
An off-box manager, as the name implies, is located outside an FTD appliance. It is
designed to configure, monitor, and administer multiple FTD systems using just a single
user interface. The Firepower Management Center (FMC) is an off-box manager, a dedi-
cated standalone appliance.

The FMC is available as physical hardware or as a virtual appliance. You may find that
a virtual FMC is easier and cheaper to deploy because it allows you to use your existing
virtual machine’s infrastructure. On the other hand, although a physical FMC requires
you to purchase and deploy additional hardware for your network, it is able to man-
age more FTD systems, process additional hosts and users in a network, and store
more events.

Figure 4-2 shows a typical topology in which multiple FTD appliances from different
geographical locations are managed by one off-box manager—the FMC.

Table 4-2 shows the specifications for various FMC hardware. It compares the two latest
FMC models that are based on the Cisco UCS C220 M3 chassis, with an FMC virtual
100 Chapter 4: Firepower Management Center (FMC) Hardware

Firepower Threat Defense

Off-Box Management

(Management Traffic Is Out of Band

While Data Traffic Is Being Inspected)

Center (FMC)
Mgmt. Network
Traffic FTD at
Data Location A
Traffic Inside Outside Data
End Users Interface Interface Traffic
Network A

FTD at Data
Data Location B Traffic Internet
Traffic Inside Outside Service
Interface Interface Provider
End Users
Network B

FTD at Data
Data Location n Traffic
Traffic Inside Outside
End Users Interface Interface
Network n

Management/Server Traffic
Data Traffic

Figure 4-2 Multiple FTD Appliances Managed by the FMC

Table 4-2 Hardware Specifications of Various FMC Appliances

Specification FMC 2000 FMC 4000 Virtual
Processor Intel Xeon CPU Intel Xeon CPU 64-bit with
E5-2630 v2 E5-2660 v2 virtualization support
@ 2.60 GHz @ 2.20 GHz
Thread/core × Core/ 24 (2×6×2) 40 (2×10×2) 4 to 8 virtual CPUs
socket × Socket
Memory 64 GB 128 GB 8 GB (minimum)
Storage 4 × 600 GB SAS 6 × 960 GB SSD 250 GB
FMC Component Essentials 101

Table 4-3 shows the differences in performance for various FMC appliances. The differ-
ences are based on the hardware resources available in each appliance.

Table 4-3 Performance of Various FMC Appliances

Maximum… FMC 2000 FMC 4000 Virtual
Managed FTD 250 300 2, 10, 25
Event storage 1.8 TB 3.2 TB 250 GB
Hosts 150,000 600,000 50,000
Users 150,000 600,000 50,000
IPS events 60 million 300 million 10 million
Flow rate 12,000 fps 20,000 fps Resource dependent
Support for high Yes Yes No

Note As of this writing, Cisco supports additional FMC models. For example, prior to
FMC 2000 and FMC 4000 models, the FMC 750, FMC 1500, and FMC 3500 models were
released, supporting any trains of Version 6.x. After the FMC 2000 and FMC 4000 mod-
els, Cisco introduced the FMC 1000, FMC 2500, and FMC 4500 models, which support
Version 6.2 or later. While new hardware models and software versions are continuously
being developed, you can apply the knowledge you learn from this book to any FMC hard-
ware models running Firepower Version 6.1 or later.

Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC)

The two latest FMC models, FMC 2000 and FMC 4000, are based on the Cisco Unified
Communication System (UCS) C220 M3 chassis. One of the hardware components of a
UCS C220 server is the CIMC. CIMC uses the Intelligent Platform Management Interface
(IPMI) to monitor a UCS server. One of the advantages of CIMC is that it runs on a sepa-
rate chip. Therefore, if a UCS server fails, you should still be able to connect to the CIMC
to troubleshoot any hardware issues.

Figure 4-3 shows an architectural overview of the CIMC. It shows how the hardware-
related information is exchanged with the IPMI and is viewed through the syslog, SNMP,

You can access the CIMC Configuration Utility by pressing F8 during the power-on
self-test (POST) operation. Using the Configuration Utility, you can assign an IP address
for the CIMC interface. You can either use a web browser to access the CIMC GUI or a
Secure Shell (SSH) client to connect to the CIMC CLI.
102 Chapter 4: Firepower Management Center (FMC) Hardware



Fault Engine


Storage Intelligent Platform
Daemon Management Interface

Storage Controller System Board

Disk 1 Disk 2 Disk 3 Disk 4 Processor Memory

Disk 5 Disk 6 Disk 7 Disk 8 Fan PSU PCI Adapter

Figure 4-3 Interaction of the CIMC with Various Server Components

Figure 4-4 shows the IP address assigned to the CIMC interface. In the
Additional Settings page (which you access by pressing F1), you can change the default
login password of the CIMC interface.

One of the useful features of the CIMC is the keyboard, video, and mouse (KVM) con-
sole. Using the KVM console, you can directly connect to the console of the FMC, with-
out the need for dedicated KVM-based hardware.

Figure 4-5 shows the KVM Console option in the CIMC GUI. To access this GUI, use
the default username/password (admin/password), or reset these default credentials from
the CIMC Configuration Utility.
FMC Component Essentials 103

Figure 4-4 The CIMC Configuration Utility

Figure 4-5 Launching the KVM Console Option in the CIMC GUI
104 Chapter 4: Firepower Management Center (FMC) Hardware

Internal USB Storage for the System_Restore Image

The UCS C-Series server has internal USB storage that is used to store an image for the
system restoration. You can select the System_Restore image from the LILO boot menu.

Note Linux Loader (LILO) is one of the most popular default boot loaders for Linux.
A boot loader is a small program that loads an operating system when you turn on a
computer system.

Figure 4-6 shows the System_Restore image in the LILO boot menu.

Figure 4-6 Selecting the System_Restore Image in the LILO Boot Menu

User Interfaces
After you power on any computer system, you need an interface that allows you to interact
with the system. This is the case with the FMC. In fact, the FMC has many different types
of user interfaces, depending on what you want to do. For example, you can use the GUI to
apply security policy and monitor events, you can use the CLI for advanced troubleshooting,
and you can use the text-based user interface (TUI) to configure any specific components
when the actual operating system is not loaded or installed. Figure 4-7 illustrates different
types of user interfaces for the FMC. Each dark box represents a unique type of interface.
Best Practices for FMC Reimage 105

Turn On an FMC

Yes Want to set up No

the hardware?

BIOS setup? CIMC setup? RAID setup? Setup Complete LILO Boot
Press <F2> Press <F8> Press Ctrl+H Menu

Yes Reimage the No


Load the System_Restore Load an Installed

Image Software Image

Configuration Menu Command Graphical User

(Text based UI/TUI) Line Interface (CLI) Interface (GUI)

Figure 4-7 Different Types of User Interfaces for the FMC

Best Practices for FMC Reimage

This section discusses some of the best practices you should follow when you reimage
the FMC to Version 6.1. It also provides you with a list of items you should verify on the
FMC hardware after reimaging is complete.

Pre-installation Best Practices

If your FTD system is running Version 6.1, the FMC must be running Version 6.1 or later.
Consider the following best practices when you reimage the FMC to Version 6.1:

■ Prior to the maintenance window when you plan to do a reimaging or a fresh

installation, make sure you are able to access the website and can
download any necessary software. If needed, register for a Cisco account. If after
the self-registration process you cannot download any of the desired software, you
might need to get further assistance from your Cisco channel partner or the Cisco
Technical Assistance Center (TAC).
106 Chapter 4: Firepower Management Center (FMC) Hardware

■ Depending on the appliance model, a fresh installation or system restoration process

can take about an hour. However, you should plan for additional time to fulfill any
■ Do not rename any files after you download them from the For FMC
2000 and FMC 4000 models, the name of the ISO file is Sourcefire_Defense_
■ After you download any software from, always verify the MD5 or
SHA512 checksum of the files you have downloaded to confirm that the file is not
corrupt and has not been modified during download. Figure 4-8 shows how the
MD5 and SHA512 checksum values are displayed at when you hover your
mouse over a filename.

Figure 4-8 Checksum Values of an ISO Image File Displayed in a Popup Box

■ Before you reimage currently operational FMC hardware or redeploy a virtual

machine, you should prepare a backup plan. Make a backup of the existing events
and configurations. During a backup, take a note of the detailed software versions
and hardware models of the FMC because they must match during restore. After a
backup, make sure you copy the backup file to external storage because a reimage
erases backup files along with any other data on an FMC. Figure 4-9 illustrates the
backup management page in the FMC. It is located at System > Tools > Backup/
Best Practices for FMC Reimage 107

Figure 4-9 The Backup Management Page

■ You can use the Import/Export tool to copy any policies running on your FMC.
During an import, the versions of a restored system must match with the FMC from
where any policies are originally exported. Therefore, when you export, you must
remember the software and rule update version information of the original FMC.
Figure 4-10 shows the Import/Export page, which is located at System > Tools >

Figure 4-10 The Import/Export Page

■ If the FMC was previously licensed through the Cisco Smart Software Manager,
deregister the FMC gracefully from the user interface of the FMC. Otherwise,
periodic communication attempts from the Cisco License Authority may trigger
alerts for the Out-of-Compliance state. Figure 4-11 shows a red octagonal icon in the
Smart License Status page, which is located at System > Licenses > Smart Licenses.
This icon deregisters an FMC from the Smart License cloud.
108 Chapter 4: Firepower Management Center (FMC) Hardware

Button to de-register
FMC from the Cisco
Smart Software Manager

Figure 4-11 The Smart License Management Page

■ Never power off, shut down, or reboot the FMC when reimaging is in progress.
A login prompt appears after all the reimaging processes are complete.

■ Read the release notes to determine any known issues and any special requirements
or instructions before you begin reimaging or performing system restoration.

Post-installation Best Practices

After the software is installed, take some time to perform the following tests:

■ Determine the status of the RAID battery.

■ Verify the status of the power supply units.

■ Identify the status of the fans.

■ Check for any errors with the IPMI.

■ Access the GUI. You must use a supported browser. The list of supported browsers
for a particular version is available in the release notes.

Performing these tests will help you determine whether there are any hardware issues
before you deploy the FMC in a production environment and hence will help you avoid
any potential downtime.

Tip To learn the commands and tools that allow you to perform these tests, see the
“Verification and Troubleshooting Tools” section, later in this chapter.
Installing and Configuring the FMC 109

Installing and Configuring the FMC

In this section, you will learn how to restore or reimage the FMC.

Fulfilling Prerequisites
You must fulfill the following requirements before you begin a new installation:

■ Upload the necessary software image to an HTTP server from where the FMC down-
loads it during reimaging. You can use an SCP or FTP server in lieu of an HTTP
server. However, you might find that an HTTP server is easier to set up and use to
host files.

■ If you choose to use an IP-based KVM console to connect to the FMC you want to
reimage, do not use any KVM with USB storage because the FMC may assume that
the USB storage is a boot device. Please read the official Hardware Installation Guide
to find out about any hardware-specific limitations.

Tip Although you can, you do not need to obtain a dedicated KVM switch for the FMC
because the CIMC of an FMC provides built-in KVM console functionality. See the sec-
tion “Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC),” earlier in this chapter, to learn

■ For reimaging purposes, if you want to connect your computer directly to the man-
agement interface (eth0) of the FMC with an RJ-45 cable, make sure the computer is
disconnected from the Internet (after you have downloaded any necessary software
from and has the following network settings:

■ IP address:

■ Subnet/netmask:

■ Default gateway:

■ You need to be able to access the System_Restore image of the FMC to perform
reimaging. If the image is missing in the LILO boot menu or the LILO boot menu
itself does not appear, you will not be able to begin reimaging. Follow these steps to
access the System_Restore image:

Step 1. Reboot the FMC.

Step 2. During the POST operation, press the F6 key to enter the boot menu.

Step 3. When the boot selection window appears, select HV. The hypervisor
(HV) partition stores the System_Restore image. If you are running an
older FMC model, you may see a different option, such as USB DISK

Figure 4-12 shows HV as an option in the boot menu of the FMC. You can
enter this boot menu by pressing the F6 key during the POST operation.
110 Chapter 4: Firepower Management Center (FMC) Hardware

Figure 4-12 Hypervisor (HV)—The Internal Storage Option in the Boot Menu

Step 4. Press Enter to boot the FMC with HV. The FMC should now load the
System_Restore image.

Configuration Steps
To reimage or restore the FMC with a Firepower software image, you must complete the
following key steps:

Step 1. Load the System_Restore image.

Step 2. Configure the network settings.

Step 3. Choose a transport protocol.

Step 4. Download and mount the ISO file.

Step 5. Run the installation.

Step 6. Reboot the system to initialize.

Figure 4-13 shows the steps to restore or reimage the FMC with a Firepower software
release. The following sections provide more details about these steps.
Installing and Configuring the FMC 111

Reimage 1. Load the FMC with

Process the System_Restore
Is Complete image.

Yes, it 8. If only the System_Restore 2. Configure the network

shows the is displayed, complete settings, such as IP address,
desired/ this cycle again. Go to Step 1. subnet, and default gateway.
updated No, it shows only
version. System_Restore.
7. During the bootup, watch the Steps to
LILO boot menu. Does it show 3. Choose a transport
Reimage protocol, such as
the desired version you an FMC
want to update to? HTTP, SCP, or FTP.

6. Reboot the
system to initialize 4. Download and
when it prompts. mount the ISO.

5. Run the installation,

and wait for the prompt
when it asks to reboot.

Figure 4-13 Restoring the FMC to Factory Default Software

Step 1: Load the System_Restore Image

Follow these steps to load the System_Restore image:

Step 1. Download an appropriate ISO image for your FMC hardware model and store
it in a server from where the FMC will download the image. The example in
this chapter uses an HTTP server.

Step 2. Turn on the FMC. If the FMC is already running, reboot it. Example 4-1
shows that if you enter the reboot command with sudo (with root privilege),
you are prompted for the root password.

Example 4-1 Rebooting the FMC from the CLI

admin@FMC4000:~$ sudo reboot

We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

#1) Respect the privacy of others.

#2) Think before you type.
#3) With great power comes great responsibility.
112 Chapter 4: Firepower Management Center (FMC) Hardware


The system is going down for reboot NOW!

INIT: Switching to runlevel: 6
INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal
Stopping Sourcefire Defense Center 4000......ok
<command output>

Step 3. During the initial bootup, BIOS displays several options, such as setup,
boot menu, and diagnostic. Unless you want to configure a hardware compo-
nent, do not press any key. The system displays the LILO boot menu in red.
Figure 4-14 shows the System_Restore image selected as the boot option. If
you do not select the System_Restore image within three seconds, the system,
by default, loads the pre-installed software image 6.1.0.

Figure 4-14 The LILO Boot Menu with the System_Restore Image Selection

Step 4. When the LILO boot menu appears, select the System_Restore option by
using an arrow key, then press the Enter key.

Step 5. Choose an appropriate display mode to boot. Example 4-2 shows the wel-
come message for the Sourcefire Linux operating system. This is what you see
after the System_Restore image is loaded. The example in this chapter uses
option 0—Load with standard console—as the display mode. Select option 0
for a keyboard and monitor connection. Option 1 is used for serial, Serial over
LAN (SOL), or Lights Out Management (LOM) connections.
Installing and Configuring the FMC 113

Example 4-2 Choosing a Console Type

boot: System_Restore
Loading System_Restore

SYSLINUX 3.35 2007-01-28 EBIOS Copyright (C) 1994-2007 H. Peter Anvin

Welcome to the Sourcefire Linux Operating System

0. Load with standard console

1. Load with serial console

Please select a display mode to boot. If no option is selected after

a timeout of 30 seconds, the default will be display mode 0 (Load with
standard console). Press any key to cancel the timeout

boot: 0

Step 6. A text-based user interface (TUI) starts and shows a copyright notice. Select
OK and press the Enter key to continue. The Cisco Firepower Appliance
Configuration Menu appears. Figure 4-15 shows a TUI for the Cisco
Firepower Appliance configuration menu.

Figure 4-15 The Cisco Firepower Appliance Configuration Menu

114 Chapter 4: Firepower Management Center (FMC) Hardware

Step 2: Configure the Network Settings

Follow these steps to configure the network settings:

Step 1. Select IP Configuration and press the Enter key. The Pick Device window

Figure 4-16 shows the eth0 interface selected as the management interface.

Figure 4-16 Selection of a Management Interface

Step 2. Use the Spacebar to select eth0 as the management interface and press Enter.
The IP Configuration window appears.
Step 3. Select IP information, such as IPv4 or IPv6, Static or DHCP, and so on. (The
example in this chapter uses the IPv4 and Static options.)
Step 4. Enter an IP address, a netmask, and a default gateway for the FMC. At the end
of the IP configurations, when a verification window appears, press the Enter
key to return to the main configuration menu.

Step 3: Choose a Transport Protocol

Follow these steps to choose a transport protocol:

Step 1. Enter the Choose the Transport Protocol option from the main configuration
menu (see Figure 4-17) to define a file transfer method.

Step 2. Select HTTP as the transport protocol (see Figure 4-18). You could select FTP
or SCP instead, but you may find that an HTTP server is easier to build.

Step 3. Input the IP address of the HTTP server and press the Enter key.

Step 4. Enter the path on the HTTP server and press the Enter key. Keep it blank if
you stored the ISO file in the default directory of your web server.

Step 5. Use the Spacebar to select an ISO that you want to download and load into
your FMC. Figure 4-19 shows two ISO images. Both images are downloaded
from the to the HTTP server. Select the Sourcefire_Defense_
Center_S3-6.1.0-330-Restore.iso image for FMC hardware.
Installing and Configuring the FMC 115

Figure 4-17 Selecting the Choose the Transport Protocol Option

Figure 4-18 Three Available Protocols for an ISO File Transfer

Figure 4-19 Selecting an ISO Image During the Reimaging Process

116 Chapter 4: Firepower Management Center (FMC) Hardware

Step 6. Select OK and press the Enter key.

Step 7. In the window that prompts to confirm the HTTP configuration, select Yes
if everything looks good, and you will be returned to the main configuration

Step 4: Download and Mount an ISO File

Follow these steps to download and mount an ISO file:

Step 1. In the main configuration menu, select the Download and Mount ISO option
(see Figure 4-20).

Figure 4-20 Selecting the Download and Mount ISO Option

Step 2. Select Yes in the message that warns you that all existing data will be
destroyed (see Figure 4-21).
Step 3. Press the Enter key to continue. The ISO file is downloaded from the HTTP
server, and the main configuration menu reappears.
Installing and Configuring the FMC 117

Figure 4-21 The Repartition Process in Progress

Step 5: Run the Installation

Follow these steps to run the installation:

Step 1. Select the Run the Install option from the main configuration menu
(see Figure 4-22). The FMC begins the installation process.

Depending on the state of the internal USB storage (that is, the System_
Restore image), output at this stage could be one of the following:

■ A prompt to press Enter to restart

■ A prompt to confirm the restore (Yes/No)

Figure 4-22 Selecting the Run the Install Option

118 Chapter 4: Firepower Management Center (FMC) Hardware

If the system does not ask for a confirmation to restore but instead prompts
you to press the Enter key to reboot the FMC from the internal USB, this
indicates that you have imaged just the internal storage, not the hard drive,
with the latest version of the System_Restore software.

Example 4-3 shows a confirmation message indicating that the USB device,
not the hard drive, is imaged. It also instructs you to reboot the FMC from
the USB device to continue installation.

Example 4-3 Confirmation Message for a Successful Image of the Internal USB

Restore CD Sourcefire Fire Linux OS 6.1.0-37 x86_64

Sourcefire Defense Center S3 6.1.0-330

Checking Hardware

The USB device was successfully imaged. Reboot from the USB device to continue
The system will restart after you press enter.

This happens when the FMC has been running an older version than the ver-
sion you are trying to reimage to. If the internal storage of the FMC does not
have a System_Restore image from the same software version you are trying
to reimage to, the FMC reimages the internal storage, and then it reloads the
FMC with the upgraded System_Restore image.
Step 2. Select System_Restore and repeat all the steps one more time. That is,
redownload and remount the ISO file from your server, rerun the installation
on the FMC, and so on.

Step 3. If the system prompts for your confirmation to restore, type yes and press the
Enter key to continue.

Step 4. After you press the Enter key, let the system know if you want to preserve
the existing license and network settings. If you want to redeploy the FMC in
exactly the same network and want to reuse the previously used license and
network settings, enter no. If you plan to deploy the FMC in a completely
new environment and want to wipe out the previous settings, enter yes.

Step 5. Enter yes when the final confirmation message appears. The software installa-
tion begins.

Caution If you choose to delete the previous license and network settings, make sure you
have a copy of the licenses or that you are able to regenerate the licenses from
Installing and Configuring the FMC 119

Example 4-4 shows the questionnaire before the installation begins. The sys-
tem warns you about the permanent data loss and provides an option to keep
the already configured license and network.

Example 4-4 Questionnaire Before an Installation Begins

Restore CD Sourcefire Fire Linux OS 6.1.0-37 x86_64

Sourcefire Defense Center S3 6.1.0-330

Checking Hardware

This CD will restore your Defense Center S3
to its original factory state. All data will be destroyed
on the appliance.

Restore the system? (yes/no): yes

During the restore process, the license file and basic

network settings are preserved. These files can also be
reset to factory settings

Delete license and network settings? (yes/no): no


Are you sure? (yes/no): yes

Example 4-5 shows the beginning of an installation.

Caution Do not reboot or power off a system while the installation is in progress.

Example 4-5 The Software Installation Has Begun

Restore CD Sourcefire Fire Linux OS 6.1.0-37 x86_64

Sourcefire Defense Center S3 6.1.0-330

(1) Preparing Disk


(2) Installing System

120 Chapter 4: Firepower Management Center (FMC) Hardware

Step 6. When the system confirms that the installation is complete and prompts you
to reboot, press the Enter key to reboot the system.

Step 6: Initialize the System

Follow these steps to initialize the system:

Step 1. After the reboot, the FMC should display the LILO boot menu and should
load the 6.1.0 image automatically. Figure 4-23 shows that Firepower Version
6.1.0, which has just been installed, is loaded automatically after a three-
second timeout.

Figure 4-23 Loading the Firepower Version 6.1.0

Tip If the LILO boot menu does not show an option for Version 6.1.0 and only shows an
entry for System_Restore, reload the FMC with the upgraded System_Restore image and
repeat all the earlier steps one more time.

Step 2. The system automatically begins the initialization process, which takes some
time. Be patient.

Caution Do not reboot or power off a system while the initialization is in progress.

Example 4-6 shows many scripts executing during the initialization process.
The process may take more than 30 minutes to complete.
Installing and Configuring the FMC 121

Example 4-6 Initialization of the Firepower Software

<command output>
********** Attention **********

Initializing the configuration database. Depending on available

system resources (CPU, memory, and disk), this may take 30 minutes
or more to complete.

********** Attention **********

Executing S09database-init [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing S11database-populate [ OK ]
<command output>
<command output>
Executing S50install-remediation-modules [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing S85patch_history-init [ OK ]
Executing S90banner-init [ OK ]
Executing S95copy-crontab [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing S96install_sf_whitelist [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]

********** Attention **********

Initializing the system's localization settings. Depending on available

system resources (CPU, memory, and disk), this may take 10 minutes
or more to complete.

********** Attention **********

Executing S96localize-templates [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
Executing S97compress-client-resources [ OK ]
Executing [ OK ]
<command output>
122 Chapter 4: Firepower Management Center (FMC) Hardware

Step 3. When the initialization is complete, the Firepower login prompt appears.
Enter the default username (admin) and password (Admin123) to log in to the
CLI (see Example 4-7).

Example 4-7 Logging In to the CLI of the FMC After the Initialization Is Complete

Cisco Firepower Management Center 4000 v6.1.0 (build 330)

Sep 28 23:20:53 firepower SF-IMS[5124]: [5124] init script:system [INFO] pmmon
Starting the Process Manager...
Sep 28 23:20:53 firepower SF-IMS[5125]: [5125] pm:pm [INFO] Using model number 66F
sfpacket: module license 'Proprietary' taints kernel.
Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
Sourcefire Bridging Packet Driver - version 6.0.0
Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Sourcefire, Inc.

Cisco Firepower Management Center 4000 v6.1.0 (build 330)

Firepower login:admin

Copyright 2004-2016, Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco is a registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc.
All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Cisco Fire Linux OS v6.1.0 (build 37)

Cisco Firepower Management Center 4000 v6.1.0 (build 330)


The command prompt at the end of Example 4-7 confirms that the installation is com-
plete. The next step is to verify the network connectivity on the management interface
and begin the registration process.

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools

This section describes the commands and tools you can run in the FMC to investigate
any issues with the FMC.

Identifying the FMC on a Rack

If your rack is full of various hardware that is not labeled on the outside, it might be
challenging to identify the FMC. However, when necessary, you can turn on an LED on
your desired FMC, which will allow you locate the FMC on your rack on demand. Follow
these steps to enable or disable the locator LED on the FMC:

Step 1. Log in to the CIMC of your FMC through Secure Shell (SSH). Example 4-8
shows a successful login attempt from a Linux host to the CIMC of the FMC.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 123

Example 4-8 Logging In to the CIMC CLI

localhost:~@ ssh admin@

admin@'s password:

Tip If you are unable to remember the IP address or the password, you can change it
from the CIMC configuration utility (by pressing F8 during the POST operation).

Step 2. When you are in the CIMC shell, enter the chassis command mode:

CIMC# scope chassis

CIMC /chassis#

Step 3. Run the set locator-led command to enable or disable the LED:

CIMC /chassis# set locator-led {on | off}

CIMC /chassis *#

Step 4. Apply the new settings:

CIMC /chassis *# commit

CIMC /chassis #

Example 4-9 shows the whole process of managing the locator LED on
the FMC.

Example 4-9 Commands to Enable and Disable a Locator LED

! Run the following commands to enable the locator LED

CIMC# scope chassis
CIMC /chassis# set locator-led on
CIMC /chassis *# commit
! Run the following commands to disable the locator LED
CIMC# scope chassis
CIMC /chassis# set locator-led off
CIMC /chassis *# commit
124 Chapter 4: Firepower Management Center (FMC) Hardware

Determining the Hardware and Software Details of the FMC

After a successful login, the FMC displays a banner where you can find the software
version and hardware model information.

Example 4-10 shows a successful login to the FMC.

Example 4-10 Logging In to the FMC CLI

login as: admin


Copyright 2004-2016, Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco is a registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc.
All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Cisco Fire Linux OS v6.1.0 (build 37)

Cisco Firepower Management Center 4000 v6.1.0 (build 330)


However, you can also run the sfcli command on demand to get all types of software ver-
sions and hardware model information as output. Example 4-11 confirms the hardware
model as well as the software, rule update, and VDB versions of the FMC.

Example 4-11 Output of the show version Command

admin@FMC4000:~$ show version

------------[ FMC4000 ]-------------
Model : Cisco Firepower Management Center 4000 (66) Version 6.1.0
(Build 330)
UUID : 5bac032c-8bf5-11e6-a7c8-99be23cbc50d
Rules update version : 2016-10-05-001-vrt
VDB version : 270


Determining the RAID Battery Status

To determine the status of the RAID battery in the FMC, use the MegaCLI command
with the necessary parameters. Example 4-12 shows confirmation that the battery status
is good, and no replacement is necessary.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 125

Example 4-12 The RAID Battery Status Displayed in the MegaCLI Command Output

admin@FMC4000:~$ sudo MegaCLI -AdpBbuCmd -aAll | grep -i battery

BatteryType: CVPM02
Battery Pack Missing : No
Battery Replacement required : No
Battery backup charge time : 0 hours
Battery FRU: N/A


Determining the Status of a Power Supply Unit (PSU)

Before you deploy the FMC in your production network, it is a best practice to check the
status of the PSUs and make sure they are operational. Look at the rear panel of your FMC.
What is the color of the power supply fault LED? If the color is amber, is it blinking or solid?

Table 4-4 explains the meaning of the power supply fault LED that is located at the rear
of an FMC (FMC 2000 or FMC 4000 chassis).

Table 4-4 Power Supply Fault LED States

LED State Condition
Off Operational
Blinking amber Operational with warning
Solid amber Critical condition

Checking Logs on the CLI

You can check the LED status when you have physical access to the FMC, but how do
you check the LED status if an FMC is in a remote location? Well, you could ask some-
one at that location to check the LED, or you could send someone there, which might
take several hours or as long as several days, depending on the location.

Apart from checking the LED status, you can also investigate an issue with a PSU from
the CLI or the GUI (assuming that the FMC is turned on and receives power from at least
one of the PSUs). Example 4-13 shows that Power Supply 1 (PS1) has lost power, and
Power Supply 2 is working.

Example 4-13 Checking the Status of FMC PSUs

admin@FMC4000:~$ cat /var/sf/run/power.status

PS1: 0x08: Power Supply input lost

PS2: 0x01: Presence detected

126 Chapter 4: Firepower Management Center (FMC) Hardware

You can also confirm a failure event by using the IPMI tool. Example 4-14 demonstrates
redundancy as soon as one PSU loses power. The FMC in this example receives power
from the second PSU.

Example 4-14 Events Generated When a PSU Loses Power

admin@FMC4000:~$ sudo ipmitool sel list | grep -i power

2cf | 10/12/2016 | 18:42:33 | Power Supply #0x26 | Power Supply AC lost | Asserted
2d0 | 10/12/2016 | 18:42:33 | Power Supply #0x3a | Redundancy Degraded | Asserted
2da | 10/12/2016 | 18:43:58 | Power Supply #0x3a | Non-Redundant: Sufficient from
Redundant | Asserted


Example 4-15 shows many different components (such as voltage, temperature, and so
on) related to FMC power supplies, their values, and their current statuses.

Example 4-15 Statuses of Various Components of FMC PSUs

admin@FMC4000:~$ sudo ipmitool sdr | egrep -i "power|ps"

MAIN_POWER_PRS | 0x00 | ok
POWER_ON_FAIL | 0x00 | ok
PSU1_STATUS | 0x00 | ok
PSU2_STATUS | 0x00 | ok
PSU1_PWRGD | 0x00 | ok
PSU1_AC_OK | 0x00 | ok
PSU2_PWRGD | 0x00 | ok
PSU2_AC_OK | 0x00 | ok
LED_PSU_STATUS | 0x00 | ok
PS_RDNDNT_MODE | 0x00 | ok
POWER_USAGE | 128 Watts | ok
PSU1_VOUT | 0 Volts | ok
PSU1_IOUT | 0 Amps | ok
PSU1_POUT | 0 Watts | ok
PSU2_VOUT | 12 Volts | ok
PSU2_IOUT | 9 Amps | ok
PSU2_POUT | 112 Watts | ok
PSU1_PIN | 0 Watts | ok
PSU2_PIN | 128 Watts | ok
PSU1_TEMP | 30 degrees C | ok
PSU2_TEMP | 32 degrees C | ok
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 127

Enabling Alerts on the GUI

When a PSU fails, the FMC can display a health alert for it if the Power Supply health
module is enabled in the current Health Policy. Figure 4-24 shows the health module
setting for monitoring power supplies. To find this configuration page, go to System >
Health > Policy and edit the active health policy.

Figure 4-24 Health Module to Monitor Power Supply Units

When an alert appears, click on the health status icon. A red exclamation point indicates
a critical alert, and a yellow triangle indicates a warning.

Figure 4-25 shows a critical health status icon when an FMC detects a PSU failure. After
you click on the icon, a small window appears on top of the regular GUI. Select the
Health tab to find the cause for an alert.

Figure 4-26 shows an alternative way to find descriptions for any health alerts—by
navigating to the Health Monitor page at System > Health > Monitor.
128 Chapter 4: Firepower Management Center (FMC) Hardware

Figure 4-25 Health Alert in the Top-Right Corner of the GUI

Figure 4-26 Health Monitor Page of the FMC

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 129

Performing a Complete Power Cycle

If both PSUs are connected but generate health alerts, performing a complete power cycle
might resolve the issue. To perform a complete power cycle, follow these steps:

Step 1. Gracefully shut down the FMC.

Step 2. Unplug all the power cords from the device.

Caution Pulling a power cord without a graceful shutdown can corrupt the database and
file system of the FMC. You may have to reimage the whole system to recover from any
database issues.

Step 3. Wait five minutes.

Caution The waiting period is necessary to discharge any internal electrical charges.

Step 4. Reconnect the power cords to the FMC.

Step 5. Turn on the FMC.

PSU Checklist
You have learned various techniques to investigate issues with PSUs. The following is a
list of the items that need to be verified:

■ Determine whether the power supply fault LED is amber.

■ Ensure that the cords are properly connected to a power outlet.

■ Verify whether a power cord is faulty.

■ Confirm whether the power outlet is working.

■ Check to see whether the fan on the faulty power supply unit is running.

■ Try a complete power cycle to see whether it fixes the issue.

Verifying the Fans

The chassis of the FMC has a fan status LED. You can determine the fan status by look-
ing into the front panel of the chassis. Table 4-5 explains the states of the fan status LED
located at the front panel of an FMC (FMC 2000 or FMC 4000 chassis).
130 Chapter 4: Firepower Management Center (FMC) Hardware

Table 4-5 Fan Status LED States

LED State Condition
Green Operating properly
Solid amber One of the fan modules has failed
Blinking amber More than one fan modules have failed

You can also confirm the status of a fan from the CLI. There are two ways to determine
the status of the fans: by reading a log file and by running a command. Example 4-16
shows the information that is logged into the fans.status file.

Example 4-16 Output of a Log File That Shows the Status of Various Fans on the FMC

admin@FMC2000:~$ cat /var/sf/run/fans.status

$fan_status = {
FAN11_name => 'FAN1_TACH1',
FAN11_alertlevel => 'Green',
FAN11_unit => 'RPM',
FAN11_value => '3200',
FAN12_name => 'FAN1_TACH2',
FAN12_alertlevel => 'Green',
FAN12_unit => 'RPM',
FAN12_value => '3200',
FAN21_name => 'FAN2_TACH1',
FAN21_alertlevel => 'Green',
FAN21_unit => 'RPM',
FAN21_value => '3200',
FAN22_name => 'FAN2_TACH2',
FAN22_alertlevel => 'Green',
FAN22_unit => 'RPM',
FAN22_value => '3200',
FAN31_name => 'FAN3_TACH1',
FAN31_alertlevel => 'Green',
FAN31_unit => 'RPM',
FAN31_value => '3200',
FAN32_name => 'FAN3_TACH2',
FAN32_alertlevel => 'Green',
FAN32_unit => 'RPM',
FAN32_value => '3200',
FAN41_name => 'FAN4_TACH1',
FAN41_alertlevel => 'Green',
FAN41_unit => 'RPM',
FAN41_value => '3200',
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 131

FAN42_name => 'FAN4_TACH2',

FAN42_alertlevel => 'Green',
FAN42_unit => 'RPM',
FAN42_value => '3200',
FAN51_name => 'FAN5_TACH1',
FAN51_alertlevel => 'Green',
FAN51_unit => 'RPM',
FAN51_value => '3200',
FAN52_name => 'FAN5_TACH2',
FAN52_alertlevel => 'Green',
FAN52_unit => 'RPM',
FAN52_value => '3200',

If the output is too long, you can use the grep command, which is a regular expression
tool that allows you to view concise output with desired keywords.

Example 4-17 shows the alert levels (green or amber) of the fans in the FMC. This is a
concise view of the fans.status log file.

Example 4-17 Determining the Fan Status LED from the CLI

admin@FMC2000:~$ grep -i alert /var/sf/run/fans.status

FAN11_alertlevel => 'Green',
FAN12_alertlevel => 'Green',
FAN21_alertlevel => 'Green',
FAN22_alertlevel => 'Green',
FAN31_alertlevel => 'Green',
FAN32_alertlevel => 'Green',
FAN41_alertlevel => 'Green',
FAN42_alertlevel => 'Green',
FAN51_alertlevel => 'Green',
FAN52_alertlevel => 'Green',

You can also see the current status of the fans by running the ipmitool command with
specific parameters. Example 4-18 shows the alert levels (green or amber) of the fans in
the FMC. This is a concise view of the fans.status log file.
132 Chapter 4: Firepower Management Center (FMC) Hardware

Example 4-18 The RPM and Status of Each Fan in an FMC

admin@FMC2000:~$ sudo ipmitool sdr list | grep -i fan | grep -i tach

FAN1_TACH1 | 7490 RPM | ok
FAN1_TACH2 | 7062 RPM | ok
FAN2_TACH1 | 7704 RPM | ok
FAN2_TACH2 | 7276 RPM | ok
FAN3_TACH1 | 7704 RPM | ok
FAN3_TACH2 | 7276 RPM | ok
FAN4_TACH1 | 7704 RPM | ok
FAN4_TACH2 | 7062 RPM | ok
FAN5_TACH1 | 7704 RPM | ok
FAN5_TACH2 | 7062 RPM | ok

This chapter discusses and compares various hardware platforms for the FMC. It illustrates
the complete reimaging (also known as system restore) process and describes best practices
for reimaging. This chapter also shows many different commands and tools that can help
you determine whether you have any issues with FMC hardware.

1. Which step is unique when reimaging the FMC from an older 5.x version to 6.1
a. FMC supports reimaging from 5.x to 6.1 with zero downtime.
b. You need to go through the System_Restore reimage process twice.
c. Reimaging an FMC from 5.x to 6.1 is not supported.
d. There is no need to reimage; just download the single Version 6.1 upgrade file and
install it directly.

2. Which command shows the status of the RAID battery on the FMC?
a. sudo megacli -AdpBbuCmd -aAll | grep -i battery
b. megacli -AdpBbuCmd -aAll | egrep -i battery
c. MegaCLI -AdpBbuCmd -aAll | grep battery
d. sudo MegaCLI -AdpBbuCmd -aAll | grep -i battery

3. Which command would you run to determine the status of fans?

a. cat /var/log/run/fans.log | grep -i status
b. cat /var/sf/run/fans | grep status
c. cat /var/log/run/fans.status
d. cat /var/sf/run/fans.status
Quiz 133

4. What does a blinking amber fan status LED mean?

a. The fans are operational but the temperature is high.
b. The fans are operational but one of the fan modules has failed.
c. Two or more fan modules have failed.
d. The fans are not working at all.

5. Which command confirms whether an FMC is running on a redundant power

supply unit?
a. sudo ipmitool sdr | egrep -i "power|ps"
b. sudo ipmitool sel list | grep -i power
c. cat /var/sf/run/power.status
d. cat /var/sf/run/power.log.status

6. What does a blinking amber PSU LED mean?

a. Overheated
b. Critical condition
c. Operational but has warning
d. No problem as long as it is not solid amber

7. Which command shows the Firepower software version and hardware platform
a. show version
b. sfcli version
c. show sfr version
d. show version
This page intentionally left blank
Chapter 5

Firepower System Virtual on


In the previous chapters, you have learned how to install the Firepower System software
on Cisco hardware. If you choose not to purchase any additional hardware, you can still
deploy the Firepower System in your existing virtual infrastructure. You can choose to
virtualize both or one of the Firepower appliances—either the Firepower Management
Center (FMC) or Firepower Threat Defense (FTD). This chapter discusses the
implementation of FMC Virtual and FTD Virtual in VMware—one of the most popular
virtual environments.

FMC and FTD Virtual Essentials

An FMC virtual appliance can manage any FTD physical appliance. Similarly, an
FTD virtual appliance is fully interoperable with an FMC virtual appliance as well as
FMC physical hardware. Before deploying a Firepower virtual appliance, let’s take a
moment to look at the key deployment options.

Supported Virtual Environments

Beginning with Version 6.1, the Firepower software supports a wide variety of virtual
environments, such as VMware, Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM), and Amazon
Web Services (AWS). This chapter uses VMware to demonstrate the deployment of a
Firepower virtual appliance.

Table 5-1 provides a list of virtual environments that are compatible with Firepower
Version 6.1.
136 Chapter 5: Firepower System Virtual on VMware

Table 5-1 Virtual Environments for Firepower Version 6.1

Virtual Environment Supported Platform
VMware ESXi 5.5, 6.0
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
KVM Tested on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Note The Firepower software Version 6.1 does not support Microsoft virtualization
platforms. The support of Azure begins from the Firepower software Version 6.2 or greater.

To manage a virtual appliance on a VMware ESXi server, you can use vCloud Director,
vCenter, or vSphere Client. vSphere Client has two different variations—web and
desktop—both of which are supported by the Firepower virtual appliances.

To host a Firepower virtual appliance, you can use VMware ESXi 5.5 and 6.0, but the
following solutions are unsupported:

■ VMware Workstation

■ VMware Server

■ VMware Player

■ VMware Fusion

ESXi Versus VI
The tarball (.tar.gz file) of a Firepower virtual appliance includes templates for ESXi or the
virtual infrastructure (VI). The key difference between them is the initial setup process,
which includes configuring the network, setting up a password for the admin account,
and so on.

In a VI template deployment, you configure the initial system settings by using a

deployment wizard, before a Firepower virtual software is deployed. In an ESXi template,
however, you configure the initial settings from the VMware console after an appliance
is deployed.

The examples in this chapter use the ESXi OVF template to deploy a Firepower virtual
appliance on VMware.

VMware Installation Package in a Tarball

The VMware installation package for Firepower virtual appliance comes in a .tar.gz file
format, which includes three different types of files:

■ Open Virtual Format (.ovf) file: An XML file that stores references to many
elements of a Firepower System installation package
FMC and FTD Virtual Essentials 137

■ Virtual Machine Disk (.vmdk) file: A compressed virtual disk that stores the
Firepower System software

■ Manifest (.mf) file: A clear-text file that stores the SHA1 digests of any OVF and
VMDK files in a package

Figure 5-1 shows the files that are packaged in a tarball for a Firepower virtual appliance
Version 6.1.

Figure 5-1 Files in a Tarball for an FMC Virtual Appliance

Disk Provisioning Options

During the deployment of a Firepower virtual appliance, you can choose one of the
following options for provisioning your virtual disk:

■ Thick Provision Lazy Zeroed: Space for a virtual disk is allocated during its creation
but zeroed out later.

■ Thick Provision Eager Zeroed: The space allocation and zeroing out of the data are
performed at the time of virtual disk creation. Therefore, this method might take
more time.

■ Thin Provision: Disk space is allocated on an on-demand basis. The size of a virtual
disk grows whenever there is a need, up to the maximum allocated limit.

Figure 5-2 shows these three options for provisioning a virtual disk on an ESXi host
using the vSphere Client software. The examples in this book use the Thick Provision
Lazy Zeroed option.
138 Chapter 5: Firepower System Virtual on VMware

Figure 5-2 Virtual Disk Provisioning Options

Best Practices for Firepower Virtual

Appliance Deployment
If you plan to deploy FMC Virtual and FTD Virtual Version 6.1, the FMC must be
running Version 6.1 or greater. This chapter describes the process of reimaging the FMC
to Version 6.1.

Pre-deployment Best Practices

Consider the following best practices before you deploy a Firepower virtual appliance:

■ Depending on the hardware resources of a server, the process of deploying a new

Firepower virtual appliance may take about an hour. You should plan for additional
time to fulfill any prerequisites and post-deployment setup.

■ Using an ISO file to build a Firepower appliance in a virtual environment is not

supported. If your virtual network is based on VMware, use the Open Virtualization
Format (OVF) file, which is compressed into a .tar.gz file. If your infrastructure is
KVM-based, use the QEMU Copy On Write (.qcow2) file. Figure 5-3 shows a.tar.gz
Best Practices for Firepower Virtual Appliance Deployment 139

file and a .qcow2 file that are packaged for VMware and KVM, respectively. You can
download them from the Cisco Software Download page.

Figure 5-3 FMC Virtual Appliance Installation Packages at

■ After you download an appropriate file for a Firepower virtual appliance from, always verify the MD5 or SHA512 checksum of the files you have
downloaded to confirm that the file is not corrupt and has not been modified during
download. Figure 5-4 shows how the MD5 and SHA512 checksum values for the
FTD Virtual installation package are displayed at when you hover your
mouse over a filename.

Figure 5-4 Checksum Values of the FTD Installation Package Displayed in a Popup Box
140 Chapter 5: Firepower System Virtual on VMware

Tip Inside a tarball, you will find a manifest file (*.mf) that stores the individual SHA1
checksum values of the *.vmdk and *.ovf files in a tarball.

■ Read the release notes to determine any known issues, any special requirements, and
any instructions before you begin reimaging or performing a system restoration.

■ Never power off a virtual appliance when the deployment or initialization is in

progress. Upon a successful initialization, you will find a Firepower login prompt at
the VMware console.

Post-deployment Best Practices

Consider the following best practices after you deploy a Firepower virtual appliance:

■ If your ESXi server has unused resources, you can allocate them to your Firepower
virtual appliance. Allocating additional resources can enhance system performance.
However, reducing any resources from the minimum requirement is unsupported.
You can find the minimum requirements in the “Fulfilling Prerequisites” section, later
in this chapter.

■ You can replace the E1000 network adapters with the VMXNET3 adapters for
higher throughput.

Tip The steps to upgrade a default E1000 adapter with a VMXNET3 adapter are
described in the “Verification and Troubleshooting Tools” section, later in this chapter.

■ As a part of the disaster recovery plan, you should periodically make a backup of
the existing events and configurations. Do not use any VMware-provided built-in
features to make a backup of a Firepower virtual appliance. Instead, use the FMC’s
Backup/Restore tool. Figure 5-5 shows the FMC Backup Management page. It is
located at System > Tools > Backup/Restore.

Figure 5-5 The FMC’s Backup Management Page

Installing and Configuring a Firepower Virtual Appliance 141

Table 5-2 shows some of the backup tools provided by VMware. The Firepower
virtual appliances do not support these tools.

Table 5-2 VMware Backup and Migration Tools (Not Supported by Firepower)
Feature VMware Purpose
vMotion Migration of a running virtual machine from one physical server to
another, without any downtime
Cloning Duplication of a virtual machine with the same configurations and
Snapshot Saving of any particular state of a virtual machine

■ You can also use the Import/Export tool in the FMC to copy a policy. During an
import, the versions of a restored system must match with the FMC from which
any policies were originally exported. Therefore, when you export, you must
remember the software and Rule Update version information of the original FMC.
Figure 5-6 shows the Import/Export page, which is located at System > Tools >

Figure 5-6 The FMC Import/Export Page

Installing and Configuring a Firepower

Virtual Appliance
Deployment of a Firepower virtual appliance in VMware is not a one-click process. After
you download a tarball for Firepower software from and extract it onto your
desktop, you need to complete the following steps:

Step 1. Build an ESXi host that is compatible with Firepower.

Step 2. Build a virtual Layer 2 network on the ESXi host.

142 Chapter 5: Firepower System Virtual on VMware

Step 3. Deploy the OVF file for the desired Firepower appliance.

Step 4. Verify the resource allocation and network mapping.

Step 5. Power on the Firepower appliance and initialize it.

Figure 5-7 shows the key steps in deploying a Firepower virtual appliance on a VMware
ESXi host.

Create a Deploy an Verify the Initialize

Build an
Virtual OVF for Resource Firepower
ESXi Host
Network Firepower Settings Appliance

Figure 5-7 Major Steps in Deploying a Firepower Virtual Appliance

Fulfilling Prerequisites
You must fulfill the following requirements before you install a Firepower virtual

■ To deploy any Firepower software, your server must have a 64-bit CPU that supports
the virtualization technology.

■ You must enable the virtualization functionality from the BIOS setup utility.

Figure 5-8 shows Intel Virtualization Technology enabled in the BIOS setup utility.
Depending on the hardware vendor of an ESXi server, a setup utility may look
different from this.

Figure 5-8 Enabling the Virtualization Technology in the BIOS

Installing and Configuring a Firepower Virtual Appliance 143

■ After you build an ESXi host, connect to the host by using vSphere Client. You can
use either a web client or a desktop client.

Figure 5-9 shows the default home page of an ESXi host. To view this page, enter the
IP address of your ESXi server into a browser. This page provides you with a link to
download the vSphere Client software.


Click to Save
the File

Figure 5-9 Download Link for vSphere Client on an ESXi Home Page

■ Whether your ESXi host runs Version 5.5 or Version 6.0, ensure that your Firepower
virtual appliance is allocated the minimum amount of resources. Do not reduce the
settings from the minimum requirements. Table 5-3 shows the minimum requirements
for a Firepower virtual appliance.

Table 5-3 Minimum Resource Allocation for a Firepower Virtual Appliance

Resource Type FMC FTD
CPU Four Four
Memory 8 GB 8 GB
Disk space 250 GB 48.25 GB
Network interface One Four
144 Chapter 5: Firepower System Virtual on VMware

Tip Read the “Verification and Troubleshooting Tools” section, later in this chapter, to
learn how to add an additional resource.

Creating a Virtual Network

Let’s say that you have just built an ESXi host. Now you want to deploy both of the
Firepower virtual appliances—an FMC virtual appliance and an FTD virtual appliance. You
need to create a Layer 2 virtual topology using vSwitch and VMware network adapter.

Figure 5-10 shows a topology created inside a virtual network. An ESXi host, FMC, and
FTD are connected to a management network, and data from inside the network can
traverse to the Internet. All the servers are placed in a DMZ network.

Logical Deployment of the

Management Network Firepower System on an
ESXi Virtual Network

vmnic0 VMware ESXi



Virtual Virtual Host OS

End Users
Inside Network
Network vmnic1 vSwitch1 vSwitch2 vmnic2
vSwitch3 Provider


DMZ Network

Traffic Inside ESXi Host

Data Traffic

Server Farm

Figure 5-10 A Virtual Network Topology on a VMware ESXi Host

Installing and Configuring a Firepower Virtual Appliance 145

The number of steps to create a virtual topology could be different, depending on the
number of required interfaces on a particular appliance you want to deploy. For example,
by default, FMC Virtual requires only one interface for management communication,
whereas FTD Virtual requires four interfaces—one interface for management
communication and three interfaces for traffic inspection.

In the next few pages, you will learn how to create the virtual network shown in
Figure 5-10 on a VMware ESXi host, using vSphere Client software.

Creating a Network for FMC Virtual

By default, a virtual switch is created on a new ESXi installation. To view a virtual switch,
go to Configuration > Networking in vSphere Client.

Figure 5-11 shows a default virtual switch vSwitch0 that is created by the ESXi host.
A physical adapter vmnic0 is connected with two default virtual ports: Management
Network and VM Network.

Figure 5-11 Default Virtual Switch on an ESXi Host

The Management Network port is automatically mapped with the management interface
of the ESXi host. The VM Network port is available for use. You can use it as the
146 Chapter 5: Firepower System Virtual on VMware

management interface for your FMC virtual appliance. To make it clear and meaningful,
you could optionally rename the default labels by following these steps:

Step 1. Click the Properties option next to Standard Switch: vSwitch0. The vSwitch0
Properties window appears. Figure 5-12 shows two virtual ports created by
the ESXi host during installation.

Ports with
Default Label

Figure 5-12 The Ports Tab in the vSwitch0 Properties Window

Step 2. Select the VM Network port and click the Edit button. The VM Network
Properties windows appears, as shown in Figure 5-13. This is where you can
edit the default port VM Network.

Step 3. Change Network Label from VM Network to FMC Management and

click OK.
Installing and Configuring a Firepower Virtual Appliance 147

Figure 5-13 The VM Network Properties Window

Step 4. Optionally, select the Management Network port, click the Edit button,
and then change Network Label from Management Network to VMware
Management and click OK.

Figure 5-14 shows the vSwitch0 Properties window with both of the ports
renamed. From the new labels, it is now easy to see the purpose of each port.

Step 5. Click Close to return to the Networking view, where you can find the newly
labeled virtual ports connected to the same physical adapter.

If you plan to deploy FTD Virtual, read the next section. Otherwise, proceed to the
section “Deploying an OVF Template.”
148 Chapter 5: Firepower System Virtual on VMware

Ports with
Custom Label

Figure 5-14 The New Labels of the Two Virtual Ports

Creating a Network for FTD Virtual

Earlier in this chapter, in the section “Fulfilling Prerequisites,” you learned that an
FTD virtual appliance requires at least four interfaces—one interface for management
traffic and three interfaces for data traffic. Now you can follow these steps to add a
network adapter for a virtual appliance:

Note FTD Virtual can support up to 10 interfaces in total.

Step 1. Go to the Configuration > Networking page in vSphere Client.

Step 2. Select the Add Networking option, as shown in Figure 5-15. (In this window,
you can also see the new labels of the default virtual ports that you renamed
in the previous section. Both of them are connected to the vmnic0 physical
adapter.) The Add Network Wizard window appears.
Installing and Configuring a Firepower Virtual Appliance 149

Figure 5-15 The Default Virtual Switch vSwitch0 After the Label Change

Step 3. Select Virtual Machine as the connection type, as shown in Figure 5-16.

Figure 5-16 Different Types of Connection Types in the Add Network Wizard

Step 4. Select an existing virtual switch (vSwitch) or create a new one that can map
a physical adapter with a virtual port. You can configure each vSwitch to
represent a segregated virtual network. Figure 5-17 shows that vmnic0 is
mapped with vSwitch0, which connects the FTD Virtual management port.
150 Chapter 5: Firepower System Virtual on VMware

Figure 5-17 Virtual Switch Mapping a Virtual Port with a Physical Adapter

Step 5. Replace the default Network Label setting with a meaningful name
(see Figure 5-18). Note that this window allows you to preview the mapping
of a virtual port with a physical adapter.

Step 6. Click Next to view a summary. Click Finish to complete the configuration of
the vSwitch port group for the FTD Management network.

Step 7. Repeat Steps 1–6 at least three more times to create the remaining three
vSwitches that are mandatory on an FTD virtual appliance.
Installing and Configuring a Firepower Virtual Appliance 151

Figure 5-18 Connection Settings and Port Group Properties for the Network Adapters

Table 5-4 shows the mapping between the virtual ports and physical adapters that is used
in the configuration example of this chapter.

Table 5-4 Mapping Between the Virtual Ports and Physical Adapters
Virtual Port Physical Adapter Purpose
FTD Management vmnic0 For management traffic
Inside Network vmnic1 For internal network
Outside Network vmnic2 Toward the outside world
DMZ Network vmnic3 Network for the server farm

Figure 5-19 shows the final view of the networking configuration page after you create
four virtual ports and map them with four individual physical adapters. Each vSwitch can
be configured separately by using the Properties option.
152 Chapter 5: Firepower System Virtual on VMware

Figure 5-19 Four Virtual Ports Mapped with Four Separate Physical Adapters

Using Promiscuous Mode

Promiscuous mode allows a vSwitch to see any frames that traverse it. It allows an
interface to see any packet in a network segment—even the packets that are not aimed
for that interface. By default, this mode is disabled on a vSwitch. You must enable this
mode on all the virtual ports of an FTD virtual appliance.

The following steps describe how to enable promiscuous mode on the management
interface of an FTD virtual appliance. You can also use these steps to enable promiscuous
mode on any data interfaces:

Step 1. Select the Properties option next to vSwitch0. The vSwitch0 Properties
window appears, as shown in Figure 5-20. (In this window, you can select any
virtual port to find the Promiscuous Mode status, which is Reject, by default.)

Step 2. Select the port on which you want to enable promiscuous mode and click
Edit. The Properties window appears.

Step 3. Select the Security tab. All the options, including the Promiscuous Mode
option, are unchecked by default.
Installing and Configuring a Firepower Virtual Appliance 153

Figure 5-20 The Properties Option That Allows You Edit a vSwitch

Step 4. Check all the boxes and select Accept from each dropdown, as shown in
Figure 5-21.

Step 5. When you are done, click OK to return to the vSwitch Properties window.
Click the Close button to complete the configuration.

Step 6. Repeat Steps 1–5 for all the interfaces on an FTD virtual appliance.

Caution Enabling all the above options on all the FTD interfaces is a requirement.
Failure to enable any single option on a single FTD interface can lead to an unexpected
technical issue.
154 Chapter 5: Firepower System Virtual on VMware

Figure 5-21 Promiscuous Mode and Other Options Enabled

Deploying an OVF Template

After building a Layer 2 topology in VMware, the next step is to deploy an OVF template
file in an ESXi host. Use the following steps to deploy an OVF file:

Step 1. In vSphere Client, from the File menu, select the Deploy OVF Template
option (see Figure 5-22). The Deploy OVF Template window appears.

Step 2. Click Browse and choose an appropriate OVF file for your virtual appliance.
(Figure 5-23 shows the Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-
ESXi-6.1.0-330.ovf file selected for deployment.) Click Next to continue.

Note If you want to deploy FMC Version 6.1 on an ESXi host, select the Cisco_Firepower_
Management_Center_Virtual_VMware-ESXi-6.1.0-330.ovf file. Similarly, to deploy FTD
Version 6.1, select the Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-ESXi-6.1.0-330.ovf file.
Installing and Configuring a Firepower Virtual Appliance 155

Figure 5-22 Navigating to the Deploy OVF Template Option in vSphere Client

Figure 5-23 Selection of an OVF File in the Deploy OVF Template

156 Chapter 5: Firepower System Virtual on VMware

Step 3. Verify that all the information in the OVF Template Details window is correct
(see Figure 5-24). If everything looks good, click Next to continue.

Figure 5-24 Detail Description of an OVF Template

Step 4. Specify a unique name for your virtual appliance. Figure 5-25 shows the
custom name FTD for the virtual appliance. Keep in mind that this name must
be unique within the inventory. Click Next.

Step 5. Select a disk format type for the virtual disk, such as the Thick Provisioned
Lazy Zeroed (as shown in Figure 5-26), and click Next.

Tip Refer to the section “Disk Provisioning Options,” earlier in this chapter, to learn
about different types of disk formats.

Step 6. In the Network Mapping window, shown in Figure 5-27, map the destination
networks (virtual ports) with the source networks (interfaces on a virtual
appliance). Use the dropdown to find an appropriate interface. Figure 5-27
shows the selection of the FTD Management virtual port for the management
interface of an FTD virtual appliance.

Note The number of networks you need to map depends on the type of virtual appli-
ance. Remember that an FMC virtual appliance must have at least one interface, and an
FTD virtual appliance must have at least four interfaces.
Installing and Configuring a Firepower Virtual Appliance 157

Figure 5-25 Custom Name for a Deployed Template

Figure 5-26 Disk Format Options for a Virtual Appliance

158 Chapter 5: Firepower System Virtual on VMware

Figure 5-27 Selecting a Virtual Port

Figure 5-28 shows all the interfaces on an FTD virtual appliance after they are
mapped with separate virtual ports.

Figure 5-28 Complete Mapping of All the Networks

Installing and Configuring a Firepower Virtual Appliance 159

Step 7. When you finish mapping the network, click Next. A summary of all the
settings is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-29. If everything looks good, click
Finish to complete the configuration.

Figure 5-29 Final Prompt to Confirm the Settings of an FTD Virtual Deployment

Figure 5-30 shows an example of the pre-deployment settings of an

FMC virtual appliance. A screenshot of the Ready to Complete window
is provided here, so that you can compare Figure 5-30 (FMC Virtual
deployment) with Figure 5-29 (FTD Virtual deployment). You can confirm
that FMC allocates more spaces on disk and requires only one interface for
management connection.

The deployment begins. The time it takes to complete a deployment depends

on various factors, such as the type of Firepower virtual appliance you are
deploying, the amount of resources available in the ESXi host, and the con-
nection speed between the ESXi server and the endpoint where the OVF file
is stored. Once complete, a confirmation message appears in a Deployment
Completed Successfully window, as shown in Figure 5-31.
160 Chapter 5: Firepower System Virtual on VMware

Figure 5-30 Example of Settings for an FMC Virtual Deployment

Figure 5-31 Completion of a Successful FTD Deployment

Initializing an Appliance
Use the following process to begin the initialization of any Firepower virtual appliances
(either FMC or FTD):

Step 1. Select the desired virtual appliance from the inventory, as shown in
Figure 5-32.
Installing and Configuring a Firepower Virtual Appliance 161

1 4

Figure 5-32 Beginning an Initialization Process and Watching the Status on the
Console Tab

Step 2. Go to the Getting Started tab.

Step 3. Click the Power On the Virtual Machine option.

Step 4. When the initialization begins, view the status in the Console tab.

Initializing an FMC Virtual Appliance

On an FMC virtual appliance, the initialization process ends automatically after 40 to 50
minutes. You can view the status on the Console tab. At the end of the process, a login
prompt appears.

Example 5-1 shows the completion of the Firepower software initialization on VMware.
As you can see, you can enter the CLI by using the default credentials—username admin
and password Admin123.

Example 5-1 Login Prompt for an FMC Virtual Appliance After Initialization

Cisco Firepower Management Center for VMWare v6.1.0 (build 330)

Oct 18 13:20:23 firepower SF-IMS[616]: [616] init script:system [INFO] pmmon
Starting the Process Manager...
Oct 18 13:20:23 firepower SF-IMS[617]: [617] pm:pm [INFO] Using model number
66ESad7: WRITE SAME failed. Manually zeroing.

Cisco Firepower Management Center for VMWare v6.1.0 (build 330)

Firepower login:admin
162 Chapter 5: Firepower System Virtual on VMware

Copyright 2004-2016, Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco is a registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc.
All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Cisco Fire Linux OS v6.1.0 (build 37)

Cisco Firepower Management Center for VMWare v6.1.0 (build 330)


Initializing an FTD Virtual Appliance

On an FTD virtual appliance, the initialization process ends in approximately 20 minutes.
At the end of the process, a login prompt appears. You can enter the CLI by using the
default credentials—username admin and password Admin123.
Example 5-2 shows the initialization process for an FTD virtual appliance on VMware.
The process prompts you to accept the end user license agreement (EULA) and configure
the network before a login prompt appears.

Example 5-2 Accepting the EULA and Configuring the Network to Get to the CLI
Prompt of an FTD Virtual

Cisco Firepower Threat Defense for VMWare v6.1.0 (build 330)

Firepower login:admin
You must accept the EULA to continue.
Press <ENTER> to display the EULA:
Output Omitted
Please enter 'YES' or press <ENTER> to AGREE to the EULA:

System initialization in progress. Please stand by.

You must change the password for 'admin' to continue.
Enter new password:
Confirm new password:
You must configure the network to continue.
You must configure at least one of IPv4 or IPv6.
Do you want to configure IPv4? (y/n) [y]:
Do you want to configure IPv6? (y/n) [n]:
Configure IPv4 via DHCP or manually? (dhcp/manual) [manual]:
Enter an IPv4 address for the management interface []:
Enter an IPv4 netmask for the management interface []:
Enter the IPv4 default gateway for the management interface []:
Enter a fully qualified hostname for this system [firepower]:
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 163

Enter a comma-separated list of DNS servers or 'none' []: none

Enter a comma-separated list of search domains or 'none' []: none
If your networking information has changed, you will need to reconnect.
For HTTP Proxy configuration, run 'configure network http-proxy'
Configure firewall mode? (routed/transparent) [routed]:
Configuring firewall mode ...
Update policy deployment information
- add device configuration
- add network discovery
- add system policy

You can register the sensor to a Firepower Management Center and use the
Firepower Management Center to manage it. Note that registering the sensor
to a Firepower Management Center disables on-sensor Firepower Services
management capabilities.

When registering the sensor to a Firepower Management Center, a unique

alphanumeric registration key is always required. In most cases, to register
a sensor to a Firepower Management Center, you must provide the hostname or
the IP address along with the registration key.
'configure manager add [hostname | ip address ] [registration key ]'

However, if the sensor and the Firepower Management Center are separated by a
NAT device, you must enter a unique NAT ID, along with the unique registration
'configure manager add DONTRESOLVE [registration key ] [ NAT ID ]'

Later, using the web interface on the Firepower Management Center, you must
use the same registration key and, if necessary, the same NAT ID when you add
this sensor to the Firepower Management Center.

The > prompt at the end of Example 5-2 confirms that the installation is totally complete.

The next step is to verify the network connectivity on the management interface and
then begin the registration process. (Chapter 6, “The Firepower Management Network,”
explains the management connection, and Chapter 7, “Firepower Licensing and
Registration,” describes the registration process.)

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools

In this section, you will learn how to investigate some common issues with Firepower
virtual appliances. If you experience any issues with the ESXi host operating system, you
should find a troubleshooting guide at the VMware website and read it.
164 Chapter 5: Firepower System Virtual on VMware

Determining the Status of Allocated Resources

The amount of resources allocated to a Firepower virtual appliance is very critical for
its system performance. You can verify resource allocation in two different places in
vSphere Center:

■ Summary page: The Summary page of a virtual appliance provides an overview

of the deployed OVF template and its allocated resources. Figure 5-33 shows the
allocated CPU, memory, storage, and so on for an FMC virtual appliance.

CPU and Memory Storage

Network Port/Interface

Figure 5-33 Summary of Resource Allocations

■ Virtual machine settings editor: This editor allows you to view, add, or remove
resources allocated to a virtual machine. There are two ways to navigate to the
virtual machine settings editor (see Figure 5-34):

■ Option 1: Right-click the name of a virtual appliance from the inventory list and
select the Edit Settings option. The Virtual Machine Properties window appears.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 165

■ Option 2: Go to the Getting Started page and click on the Edit Virtual Machine
Settings option under Basic Tasks. The Virtual Machine Properties window

Option 1

Option 2

Figure 5-34 Navigating to the Virtual Machine Settings Editor

Determining the Status of a Network Adapter

If the management interface or data interface on a Firepower virtual appliance does not
show up or stays always down, you need to verify the network adapter configuration of
that virtual appliance. To verify an adapter using vSphere Client, follow these steps:

Step 1. From the inventory list, select the virtual appliance that does not display an
interface properly.

Step 2. Open the Virtual Machine Properties window for a virtual machine, using one
of the two options described in the previous section.

Step 3. From the Hardware list, select the network adapter that is not functioning
properly, as shown in Figure 5-35.

Step 4. Under Device Status on the right side of the window, make sure both
options—Connected and Connect at Power On—are checked. Figure 5-35
shows the status of the FTD management interface. It is currently connected,
and it is configured to be connected when the FTD virtual appliance is
powered on.
166 Chapter 5: Firepower System Virtual on VMware

Figure 5-35 The Connected and Connect at Power On Options of a Network Adapter

Tip If you are still experiencing an issue with a network adapter, did you complete
all the steps when you enabled promiscuous mode? Go back to the windows shown in
Figure 5-20 and Figure 5-21 and verify whether your vSwitch properties match the settings
shown in those images.

Upgrading a Network Adapter

When you deploy a virtual appliance, VMware uses the E1000 network adapter by
default. You can also choose a VMXNET3 adapter for your Firepower virtual appliance.
The difference between an E1000 adapter and a VMXNET3 adapter is in throughput. The
throughput of a VMXNET3 adapter is 10 Gbps, whereas an E1000 adapter supports up
to 1 Gbps.

On any given virtual appliance, all the adapters have to be the same type. In other words,
if you want to upgrade the type of an adapter, you must upgrade it for all the interfaces
on any single virtual interface. It is, however, not a requirement to have the same type
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 167

of network adapters on all the virtual appliances in any network. For example, if the
management interface of an FMC virtual appliance is an E1000 adapter, it should be
able to communicate with an FTD virtual appliance that has VMXNET3 type network

To upgrade a network adapter from the default type E1000 to VMXNET3, follow
these steps:

Step 1. Gracefully shut down the virtual appliance on which the new adapter will be
added by running the shutdown command on the VMware console:
admin@FMCv:~$ sudo shutdown -h now

Caution Do not power off a virtual appliance manually. Doing so could corrupt the
Firepower System database. Instead, issue the shutdown command from the VMware

Step 2. Edit the virtual machine settings and open the Virtual Machine Properties
window. Figure 5-36 shows all the hardware resources that are allocated to an
FTD virtual appliance in the FTD – Virtual Machine Properties window.

Figure 5-36 The FTD – Virtual Machine Properties Window

168 Chapter 5: Firepower System Virtual on VMware

Step 3. Click the Remove button and delete the network adapter that you want to
upgrade from E1000 to VMXNET3.

Step 4. Add a new VMXNET3 interface by clicking the Add button in the Virtual
Machine Properties window. Then, in the Add Hardware window that appears
(see Figure 5-37), select Ethernet Adapter from the device list.

Figure 5-37 The Add Hardware Window

Step 5. Select VMXNET3 from the Adapter Type drop-down. Figure 5-38 shows
three types of network adapters: E1000, VMXNET2 (Enhanced), and
VMXNET3. As of this writing, Firepower software does not support the
VMXNET2 (Enhanced) adapter.

Step 6. Make sure the Network Label setting (that is, the association of a network
with an adapter) is accurate and ensure that Connect at Power On is checked.
Click Next when you are done.

Step 7. In the Ready to Complete window, shown in Figure 5-39, check all the adapter
settings and click Finish if everything looks good.

Step 8. If your virtual appliance has more than one network adapter (for example, an
FTD virtual appliance must have at least four interfaces), repeat Steps 1–7 as
many times as needed to upgrade all the other adapters to the same type.

Figure 5-40 shows the Virtual Machine Properties window after the manage-
ment interface is replaced with a VMXNET3 adapter.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 169

Figure 5-38 Available Adapter Types in VMware ESXi

Figure 5-39 An Overview of the Ethernet Adapter Options

170 Chapter 5: Firepower System Virtual on VMware

Figure 5-40 Replacement of an E1000 Adapter with VMXNET3

Step 9. Click OK in the Virtual Machine Properties window to save the changes and
power on the virtual appliance.

This chapter describes various aspects of Firepower virtual appliances. You have learned
how to deploy a virtual appliance, how to tune the resources for optimal performance,
and how to investigate issues with a new deployment.

1. Which file can be deployed directly into an ESXi host?
a. tar.gz
c. OVF
d. MF
Quiz 171

2. Which of the following network adapters provides the maximum throughput?

a. E1000
b. VMXNET2 (Enhanced)

3. Which of the following options should not contribute to any connectivity issues
between two Firepower virtual appliances?
a. The network adapter is configured as connected.
b. The Connected at Power On option is checked.
c. Promiscuous mode is enabled.
d. The network adapter types of two appliances are different.

4. Which of the following resources should not be adjusted on the FMC?

a. Network adapter
b. Storage
c. Memory
d. CPU

5. Which of the following statements is false?

a. An OVF file for VI completes the initial setup before deployment.
b. You cannot adjust the resource allocations on an FTD virtual appliance to
improve its performance.
c. An FTD virtual appliance needs at least four interfaces.
d. A large deployment can be scaled by cloning an FTD virtual appliance by using
This page intentionally left blank
Chapter 6

The Firepower Management


After you install the Firepower software, you might wonder how to manage a Firepower
Threat Defense (FTD) system. For a smaller network, you can use the browser-based
on-box application—the Firepower Device Manager (FDM)—which can manage one
FTD device with limited functionalities. However, for a medium- to large-scale network,
you must use the Firepower Management Center (FMC). Regardless of how you manage
FTD, it is important that you properly design and configure the management network to
secure the control traffic.

Firepower System Management Network Essentials

Before you begin the registration process, it is important to ensure that the FMC
and FTD can communicate with each other and that they are deployed in appropriate
locations in the network. In this section, you will learn about the anatomy of the
Firepower management interface and various design scenarios for the Firepower
management network.

The FTD Management Interface

The Firepower System uses the management interface to send and receive the control
traffic. The implementation of a management interface differs, depending on the hardware
platform. This section describes how a management interface works on FTD with two
different platforms: Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) hardware, and Firepower Security
Appliance hardware.

■ On an Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA): On Cisco ASA 5500-X Series hardware,

the management interface is located at the rear panel of the ASA hardware, next to
the console port (see Figure 6-1).
174 Chapter 6: The Firepower Management Network

Management Interface

Lower-End ASA 5500-X Models

Midrange ASA 5500-X Models

Figure 6-1 Location of the Management Interface on ASA Hardware

A physical management interface on an ASA comprises two logical interfaces: a

logical management interface and a logical diagnostic interface.

FTD uses the logical management interface to complete the registration process with
the FMC and to establish a secure tunnel with the FMC. The tunnel, thereafter, is used
to set up the FTD, apply policies to the FTD, and transfer events from FTD to the
FMC. During the FTD installation process, when you provide an IP address for the
FTD management interface, it is actually assigned to the logical management interface.

Figure 6-2 illustrates the relationships between different logical interfaces with
different software codes and how they are displayed on the CLI.

Inside Interface

Outside Interface

Connected to
Mgmt. Interface

Logical Management
Firepower code.
(Phys ca )

CLI shows as br1.
Connected to ASA
Logical Diagnostic
code. CLI shows
as Management x/x.

Figure 6-2 ASA Logical Interfaces

Firepower System Management Network Essentials 175

The diagnostic interface, on the other hand, is an optional logical interface. Cisco
recommends that you not configure the diagnostic interface with an IP address if
there is no router between the management network and the inside network. This
also simplifies your network design and reduces configuration overhead.

Note Each of the FTD data interfaces is required to be on a different network. When
a diagnostic interface is configured with an IP address, FTD considers it to be a data
interface. Therefore, the diagnostic interface (which must be on the same subnet as the
logical management interface, br1) and the inside interface must be on two different
subnets. To transfer traffic between two different subnetworks, a router is necessary.

■ On a Firepower Security Appliance: Each Firepower security appliance has one

fixed management interface on the front panel of the chassis. Using this interface,
you can administer the Firepower eXtensible Operating System (FXOS). An FTD
logical device, however, does not use this interface to communicate with the FMC.
For the management communication between FTD and the FMC, you can select
any of the remaining Ethernet ports and configure them (with the mgmt. type) by
using the Firepower Chassis Manager. (The configuration steps are described later
in this chapter, in the section “Configuring a Management Network on a Firepower
Security Appliance.”)

Figure 6-3 shows the location of the management interface on the Firepower security
FXOS Management Interface

Firepower 9300

Firepower 4100

Figure 6-3 Location of the Management Interface on Firepower Security Appliances

176 Chapter 6: The Firepower Management Network

Designing a Firepower Management Network

As long as the management interfaces can communicate with each other, the FMC
can manage FTD from any location—either a local area network (LAN) or a wide area
network (WAN). Depending on the placement and configuration of the management
interfaces, a Firepower management network can be designed various ways.

Figure 6-4 categorizes the possible scenarios for deploying FTD with the FMC:

Management Network

Management interfaces of Management interfaces of

the FMC and FTD are on the the FMC and FTD are on a
same subnet. different subnet.

Management network is Management interfaces

Management network Management network is deployed on an intranet. are connected via the
is out-of-band. combined with DMZ. Management traffic is Internet. Management
not self-inspected. traffic is self-inspected.

Figure 6-4 Options for Firepower Management Network Design

■ Management interfaces are on the same subnet: You can configure the management
interfaces of the FMC and FTD on the same subnetwork and connect them through
a Layer 2 switch. The Layer 2 switch for a management network could be completely
out-of-band or placed in a network where other servers are currently deployed.

Figure 6-5 shows a deployment in which the management interfaces of the FMC and
FTD are configured out-of-band.

■ Management interfaces are on different subnets: The FMC and FTD can be
deployed in two different subnets or branch offices of your company, or even in two
different countries. In such a case, you need a router to route the management traffic
between Firepower systems.
Firepower System Management Network Essentials 177

Management Communication
Server Farm
from FTD to FMC
DMZ Network

FTD Same Subnet (Out of Band)

Inside Outside
Interface Interface

Management Network

Layer 2 Device
Same Subnet
FMC Internet

Inside Network

Inside Outside
Interface Interface

End Users (LAN)

Figure 6-5 Out-of-Band Firepower Management Network

Figure 6-6 shows a design where the management interface of the FMC is connected
to two FTD systems that are located at two different networks—one FTD system
is in the same DMZ network as the FMC, and the other FTD system is in a separate
inside network.

If you do not assign an IP address to the logical diagnostic interface, you can con-
figure the logical management interface and inside interface within the same Layer 2
network and use the inside interface as the gateway for the logical management inter-
face. This allows the FTD to communicate with the FMC over the Internet. However,
if you configure the logical diagnostic interface with an IP address anyway (which is
not recommended), you end up adding a router between your management network
and inside network.
178 Chapter 6: The Firepower Management Network

Management Communication
Server Farm Layer 2 Device from FTD to FMC
Same Subnet FTD Combination of Same and
Inside Outside
Different Subnets
DMZ Network

Interface Interface

FMC Interface


Layer 3 Device
Administrator Different Subnet
Inside Network

Inside Outside
Interface Interface

End Users (LAN)

Figure 6-6 FMC Connected with FTDs Simultaneously at Different and Same Subnets

Caution Be mindful when you consider sending Firepower management traffic through
the FTD inside interface. If the inside interface flaps, FTD and the FMC can experience
intermittent communication failures. If the inside interface goes down, FTD loses its
connection to the FMC completely. In this circumstance, a console connection to FTD is
critical for investigating the connectivity issue. If console access is not provisioned,
you cannot troubleshoot further until physical access to the FTD is possible.

Note When a Firepower appliance uses a private IP address for its management interface
and needs to communicate with another Firepower appliance over the Internet, the private
IP address has to be translated to a publicly routable IP address. It is usually performed
by a router or firewall using Network Address Translation (NAT). When an intermediate
device translates the management IP address of a Firepower appliance, the FMC and FTD
must use a unique NAT ID during the registration process.

Figure 6-7 shows FTD systems positioned in various locations in a company and
connected through the Internet.
Firepower System Management Network Essentials 179

Management Communication
Server Farm from FTD to FMC
FTD Through the Internet
Inside Outside
Data Center

Interface Interface

Mgmt. Router


Mgmt. Router

Corporate Office
Branch Office


Inside Outside
Interface FTD Interface

End Users FMC


Figure 6-7 FMC and FTD Communicating over the Internet

Until an FTD system is registered with the FMC, the web interface does not let you con-
figure the inside and outside interfaces. Hence, you are unable to select the inside inter-
face as a gateway for the management interface until the inside interface is configured and
enabled. To address this challenge, follow these steps:

Step 1. Register FTD with the FMC without sending the management traffic through
an inside interface. At this point, you can connect the management interfaces
of FTD and the FMC directly through a Layer 2 or Layer 3 device. (Refer to
Figure 6-5.)

Step 2. After the registration is complete, configure the inside and outside interfaces.

Step 3. When the inside and outside networks are able to communicate with each
other, gracefully delete the existing registration between the FMC and FTD.

Step 4. Connect the management interface to the inside network.

Step 5. Reregister the FTD with the FMC. This time, the management traffic should
go through the inside network to the FMC in the outside network.
180 Chapter 6: The Firepower Management Network

Best Practices for Management Interface

You can configure a management interface when the Firepower System prompts you to
set up the network automatically at the end of the software installation. If you miscon-
figure at that time or later want to modify the initially configured settings, you can also
do that. When you design and configure a Firepower management network, there are a
couple best practices you should consider:

■ You should segregate the management traffic from the data traffic. Keeping the
management network out-of-band secures the control-plane traffic in the event that
the data network is attacked.

■ Although the Firepower System allows you to change the default port for
management communication, Cisco strongly recommends that you use the default
port TCP 8305.

Configuring a Management Network on

FMC Hardware
A brand-new FMC, out of the box, uses as its management IP address. To
connect to the FMC through the web interface for the first time, your computer must be
able to reach the FMC management network Once your computer is able
to communicate with the FMC management interface, enter in
your browser to access the GUI.

Note When you reimage a previously configured FMC, the FMC prompts you to con-
firm whether you want to keep the prior network settings during the reimaging process.
Chapter 4, “Firepower Management Center (FMC) Hardware,” describes the reimaging
process in detail.

Configuration Options
You have several options for configuring or modifying the management IP address of the
FMC. You can change the IP address during your first login to the FMC web interface or,
later, you can use the GUI or CLI to modify the management IP address. These options
are detailed in the following sections.

Using the GUI During the First Login

After reimaging, when you log in to the web interface of the FMC for the first time, the
initialization page appears. In this page, you can change the default password, network
settings, and so on. You can skip the licensing configuration on this page, as you will
learn more about licensing in Chapter 7, “Firepower Licensing and Registration.”
Configuring a Management Network on FMC Hardware 181

Note The default username and password for the FMC are admin and Admin123,

Figure 6-8 shows the initial landing page of the FMC. This page appears when you enter
the management IP address on a browser for the first time.
Management IP Address

DNS Server Is Used to

Resolve Domain

Figure 6-8 System Initialization Page for the FMC

After updating the default settings, you need to accept the end user license agreement
(EULA) and click the Apply button.

Caution As soon as you apply a new management IP address, any SSH or HTTPS session
to the FMC is disconnected. You have to reconnect to the FMC by using the updated IP

Figure 6-9 shows the check box that you must select to accept the EULA and complete
the system initialization.
182 Chapter 6: The Firepower Management Network

You can skip adding

any licenses for now.

Click the Apply button

to commit changes.

Figure 6-9 Accepting the FMC End User License Agreement (EULA)

Using the GUI On Demand

Instead of using the GUI during the first login, you can change the management
IP address of the FMC whenever you need to. To change the existing network settings
of the FMC via the GUI, follow these steps:

Caution If the FMC is currently managing any FTDs, deregister them from the FMC
before you change the management IP address. After you apply the new IP address,
reregister them with FMC. Doing this helps you avoid any potential registration or
communication issues.

Step 1. Log in to the web interface of the FMC.

Step 2. Go to System > Configuration.

Configuring a Management Network on FMC Hardware 183

Step 3. Select the Management Interfaces option in the left panel, as shown in
Figure 6-10.

Figure 6-10 Configurable Items for the Management Interface of an FMC

Step 4. In the Configuration page, use the pencil icon to modify the IP addresses.
In the Interfaces section, you can enter an IP address for the management
interface. Similarly, in the Routes section, you can provide the gateway
IP address.

Step 5. When all the necessary network settings are entered, click the Save button
at the bottom of the page to save your changes. You are done, and now you
should be able to access the FMC by using the new IP address.

Using the Command-Line Interface

To change the network settings on the FMC via the CLI, access the CLI by using Secure
Shell (SSH) or the console terminal and run the configure-network command.

Example 6-1 shows the network configuration of a management interface on the FMC. It
manually assigns for the interface address and for the gateway.
184 Chapter 6: The Firepower Management Network

Example 6-1 Configuring Network Settings from the FMC CLI

admin@firepower:~$ sudo configure-network

We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

#1) Respect the privacy of others.

#2) Think before you type.
#3) With great power comes great responsibility.


Do you wish to configure IPv4? (y or n) y

Management IP address? []

Management netmask? []
Management default gateway?

Management IP address?

Management netmask?
Management default gateway?

Are these settings correct? (y or n) y

Do you wish to configure IPv6? (y or n) n

Updated network configuration.

Updated comms. channel configuration.

Please go to or https://[]/ to finish installation.


Verification and Troubleshooting Tools

Before the registration process, if you experience any connectivity issues between the
management interfaces of the FMC and FTD, you can run a couple of command-line
tools to verify the network connectivity between your Firepower systems.

First, run the ping test from the CLI of the FMC to the management interface of your
FTD device.

Example 6-2 shows a successful ping test from the FMC to—the IP address of
the management interface. The ping command on the FMC requires root privilege, so you
need to run sudo with the ping command.
Configuring a Management Network on FMC Hardware 185

Example 6-2 Successful Ping Test Between the FMC and FTD

admin@FMC:~$ sudo ping

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=0.615 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.419 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=64 time=0.536 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=4 ttl=64 time=0.613 ms
--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 2999ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.419/0.545/0.615/0.084 ms

If the ping test from the FMC to FTD is unsuccessful, check whether the FMC can
ping the gateway. Example 6-3 confirms the IP address of the gateway,,
for eth0—the management interface of the FMC.

Example 6-3 Verifying the Routing Table

admin@FMC:~$ route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface UG 0 0 0 eth0 U 0 0 0 eth0

If the FMC can successfully ping the gateway but fails to ping FTD, there must be a
routing issue between the FMC and FTD. You can run the traceroute tool on the
Firepower System to investigate this issue further, or you can check the configuration
on any intermediate routers. The syntax to run the traceroute command on an FMC is as

admin@FMC:~$ sudo traceroute IP_Address_of_FTD

If the connectivity between the FMC and the gateway fails, there is no reason for the
FMC to connect to FTD successfully. You should see if the interface is up and connected
with a cable. Also, you should make sure the IP address and subnet mask are configured
properly. Run the ifconfig command to verify the settings and status.

Example 6-4 shows the assignment of IP address and subnet mask The status of the management interface, eth0, is up. This output also
confirms whether the packets are dropped or have errors.
186 Chapter 6: The Firepower Management Network

Example 6-4 Verifying Interface Status and IP Address Assignment

admin@FMC:~$ ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0C:29:ED:37:B1
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:feed:37b1/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:2190 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:197 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:150210 (146.6 Kb) TX bytes:25196 (24.6 Kb)

lo Link encap:Local Loopback

inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:9789370 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:9789370 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:2482195842 (2367.2 Mb) TX bytes:2482195842 (2367.2 Mb)


Configuring a Management Network on

ASA Hardware
FTD does not offer a GUI when you want to manage it from the FMC. Therefore, to
configure or reconfigure the management interface for FTD, you need to access the CLI.

Once you access the CLI, you can run the configure network command to configure all
kinds of basic network settings, such as DHCP, manual, IPv4, IPv6, and so on.

To obtain an IP address from the DHCP server, run the following command:

> configure network ipv4 dhcp

To assign an IP address manually, use the following syntax:

> configure network ipv4 manual IP_Address Subnet_Mask Gateway_Address

Note The configure network ipv4 command changes the IP address of the logical
management interface, br1. It does not assign or make any changes on the logical diagnostic
Configuring a Management Network on ASA Hardware 187

Example 6-5 shows the command to configure a static IP address and a gate-
way IP address for the FTD management interface br1.

Example 6-5 Configuring an IPv4 Address on the FTD Management Interface

> configure network ipv4 manual

Setting IPv4 network configuration.
Network settings changed.

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools

Like the FMC, FTD provides various tools to test network settings and connectivity;
however, the command syntax is different for FTD. The following examples show some
useful FTD commands.

Example 6-6 shows the network settings and the status of the logical management inter-
face br1. The output proves the assignment of port 8305 for transferring management
traffic and events. The IP address and MAC address of the logical management interface
(br1) are and A4:6C:2A:E4:6B:BE, respectively.

Example 6-6 Verifying the Status of the Logical Management Interface br1

> show network

===============[ System Information ]===============
Hostname : firepower
Management port : 8305
IPv4 Default route
Gateway :

======================[ br1 ]=======================

State : Enabled
Channels : Management & Events
Mode : Non-Autonegotiation
MTU : 1500
MAC Address : A4:6C:2A:E4:6B:BE
----------------------[ IPv4 ]----------------------
Configuration : Manual
Address :
Netmask :
Broadcast :
----------------------[ IPv6 ]----------------------
188 Chapter 6: The Firepower Management Network

Configuration : Disabled

===============[ Proxy Information ]================

State : Disabled
Authentication : Disabled


Did you notice that the command output shown in Example 6-6 does not show the status
of the logical diagnostic interface, Management x/x? To determine the status of the
diagnostic interface and any other interfaces, run the show interface ip brief command at
the FTD CLI.

Example 6-7 shows an overview of all the interfaces. The output confirms that there is no
IP address assigned to the logical diagnostic interface Management1/1.

Example 6-7 A Brief Overview of the FTD Interfaces

> show interface ip brief

Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
Virtual0 YES unset up up
GigabitEthernet1/1 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/2 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/3 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/4 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/5 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/6 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/7 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/8 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
Internal-Control1/1 YES unset up up
Internal-Data1/1 unassigned YES unset up up
Internal-Data1/2 unassigned YES unset down down
Internal-Data1/3 unassigned YES unset up up
Internal-Data1/4 YES unset up up
Management1/1 unassigned YES unset up up

Tip The diagnostic interface Management1/1 is an optional logical interface. Cisco

recommends that you not configure the diagnostic interface with an IP address if there is
no router between the management network and the inside network. This also simplifies
your network design and reduces configuration overhead and any potential mistakes.
Configuring a Management Network on ASA Hardware 189

In your output, if you do not see 1/1 with the management interface name, it is okay. The
numbering scheme of a management interface depends on the hardware platform you
are running. Table 6-1 shows the management interface numbering for different hardware

Table 6-1 Management Interface Numbering

Hardware Platform Interface Numbering
ASA 5506, 5508, 5516 Management1/1
ASA 5512, 5515, 5525, 5545, 5555 Management0/0
Firepower 4100, 9300 Management0

Example 6-8 shows that FTD is running a successful ping test to its manager, using the IP
address of the FMC management interface,

Example 6-8 Running a Ping Test Appropriately

> ping system

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.593 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.654 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.663 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.699 ms
--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 2999ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.593/0.652/0.699/0.042 ms

Example 6-9 shows that FTD fails to ping the management IP address of the FMC
when the ping request is sent from the diagnostic CLI instead of the default CLI. This
happens because the diagnostic interface has no IP address. (Use the command as shown
in Example 6-8 when you want to run a proper ping test from FTD.)

Example 6-9 Ping Test Showing No Success Although the Connection Is Established

> system support diagnostic-cli

Attaching to ASA console ... Press 'Ctrl+a then d' to detach.
Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.

firepower> enable
firepower# ping
190 Chapter 6: The Firepower Management Network

Type escape sequence to abort.

Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
No route to host

Success rate is 0 percent (0/1)


Configuring a Management Network on a Firepower

Security Appliance
To manage FTD, you have to configure one of the interfaces from the network modules for
management communication. This section describes the steps to configure and verify the
status of a management interface for both FXOS and FTD on a Firepower security appliance.

Configuring the FXOS Management Interface

The embedded management interface that is located on the front panel of a Firepower
security appliance is used to manage FXOS. You can configure that interface by using the
To configure the network settings for a management interface that provides administra-
tive access to the FXOS software, run the set out-of-band command at the CLI. After
any changes, you must apply the configuration in order for it to take effect.
Example 6-10 shows how to assign an IP address and gateway to the FXOS management

Example 6-10 Setting Up an IP Address and Gateway for the FXOS

Management Interface

Firepower-9300# scope fabric-interconnect a

Firepower-9300 /fabric-interconnect # set out-of-band ip netmask gw
Warning: When committed, this change may disconnect the current CLI session
Firepower-9300 /fabric-interconnect* #

! The above command does not take an effect until you run the following command and
commit the changes.

Firepower-9300 /fabric-interconnect* # commit-buffer

Firepower-9300 /fabric-interconnect #

! If you misconfigured or do not want to apply a recent change, you could discard it
from the buffer as well. To discard, run the following command.

Firepower-9300 /fabric-interconnect* # discard-buffer

Firepower-9300 /fabric-interconnect #
Configuring a Management Network on a Firepower Security Appliance 191

Verification of the FXOS Management Interface Configuration

The command syntax on FXOS is different from the syntax on an ASA or FTD software.
In FXOS, when you run a particular command, you must enter an appropriate module
or scope. The following are some testing tools that are run on the FMC or ASA hardware
earlier in this chapter. Now you can see these tests performed once again, but this time
with different command syntax that works only on FXOS.

Example 6-11 shows the command to connect to the local-mgmt module and how to
run a ping test from there.

Example 6-11 Successful Ping Test from FXOS to the FMC Management Interface

Firepower-9300# connect local-mgmt

Firepower-9300(local-mgmt)# ping
PING ( from eth0: 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.298 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=0.412 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=0.392 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=0.390 ms
--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3007ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.298/0.373/0.412/0.044 ms

Example 6-12 shows the command to verify the network settings and the status of the
FXOS management interface.

Example 6-12 Status of a Management Interface

Firepower-9300# connect local-mgmt

Firepower-9300(local-mgmt)# show mgmt-port
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr B0:AA:77:2F:84:71
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::b2aa:77ff:fe2f:8471/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:4980815 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:2680187 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:1124575588 (1.0 GiB) TX bytes:1921268851 (1.7 GiB)

Example 6-13 shows the command to determine the IP address of the gateway for the
FXOS management interface.
192 Chapter 6: The Firepower Management Network

Example 6-13 Default Gateway for the FXOS Management Interface

Firepower-9300# show fabric-interconnect

Fabric Interconnect:
ID OOB IP Addr OOB Gateway OOB Netmask OOB IPv6 Address OOB IPv6 Gateway
Prefix Operability
-- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------------- ----------------
------ -----------
A :: :: 64

Configuring the FTD Management Interface

You cannot select the embedded management interface as the FTD management interface.
This section describes how to set up a management interface for an FTD logical device.

To configure a new physical interface for management communication or to change the

administrative state (enable/disable) of a management interface, follow these steps:

Step 1. Go to the Interfaces page of the Firepower Chassis Manager. By default, you
should be at the All Interfaces tab.

Step 2. Click the pencil icon (at the right-hand side) for the interface you want to
modify. The Edit Interface window appears.

Step 3. Using the Type dropdown, select the type of traffic that you want the
interface to carry. For example, if you want to select an interface for
management communication between an FTD and FMC, select mgmt from
the dropdown. Figure 6-11 shows that the Ethernet1/1 interface is enabled and
configured for the mgmt (management) type of traffic.

Figure 6-11 The Configurable Options for an Interface

Step 4. Select the Enable check box if you want to enable this interface immediately
with the updated settings.
Configuring a Management Network on a Firepower Security Appliance 193

Step 5. Click the OK button to save the changes. The Interfaces page returns, and it
now reflects the changes you have made.

Figure 6-12 shows the status of each of the two types of management
interfaces—one for FXOS and the other for FTD—after they are configured,
administratively enabled, and physically connected.




Edit Options for the

Modular Interfaces

Figure 6-12 Visual Changes in the GUI for Both Types of Management Interfaces

If you want to modify the management IP address of an already configured FTD or

intend to use a different physical management interface for an FTD, follow these steps:

Step 1. On the Firepower Chassis Manager, go to the Logical Devices page. The FTD
logical device, if configured, should appear.

Step 2. Click the pencil icon (at the right-hand side) for the FTD logical device you
want to modify. An FTD Provisioning page appears.

Step 3. Click the Click to Configure rectangular box. A configuration window

appears. Figure 6-13 shows the FTD configuration window. In it, you can
modify the settings of an FTD management interface.

Step 4. When you are done with any modification, click OK, and then click the Save
button to apply the changes.
194 Chapter 6: The Firepower Management Network

Save settings

Click this box
to configure

Change settings as needed.

Figure 6-13 Changing the Network Settings of an FTD Logical Device

Caution After you change the FTD management IP address and commit changes using
the Firepower Chassis Manager, the FTD logical device reinitializes and resets all bootstrap

Verification of the FTD Management Interface Configuration

Example 6-14 shows the interfaces for an FTD logical device. By running the show
configuration command within the scope of ssa, you can verify whether the selected
physical interfaces are properly mapped with a logical device.

Example 6-14 Mapping Physical Interfaces with an FTD Logical Device

Firepower-9300# scope ssa

Firepower-9300 /ssa # show configuration
scope ssa
enter logical-device FTD_61 ftd 1 standalone
enter external-port-link Ethernet11_ftd Ethernet1/1 ftd
set decorator ""
set description ""
Configuring a Management Network on a Firepower Security Appliance 195

set port-name Ethernet1/1

enter external-port-link Ethernet23_ftd Ethernet2/3 ftd
set decorator ""
set description ""
set port-name Ethernet2/3
enter external-port-link Ethernet24_ftd Ethernet2/4 ftd
set decorator ""
set description ""
set port-name Ethernet2/4
enter mgmt-bootstrap ftd
enter ipv4 1 firepower
set gateway
set ip mask
set description ""
set res-profile-name ""
<Output Omitted>

Firepower-9300 /ssa #

Example 6-15 shows the administrative and operational status of each of the interfaces
on a Firepower security appliance (except the member interfaces of a port channel). The
output shows that the FTD management interface (Ethernet1/1) and both data interfaces
(Ethernet2/3 and Ethernet2/4) are enabled and up.

Example 6-15 Status of Each Fixed and Modular Interface from the FXOS CLI

Firepower-9300# scope eth-uplink

Firepower-9300 /eth-uplink # scope fabric a
Firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric # show interface

Port Name Port Type Admin State Oper State State Reason
--------------- ------------------ ----------- ---------------- ------------
Ethernet1/1 Mgmt Enabled Up
Ethernet1/2 Data Disabled Sfp Not Present Unknown
196 Chapter 6: The Firepower Management Network

Ethernet1/3 Data Disabled Sfp Not Present Unknown

Ethernet1/4 Data Disabled Sfp Not Present Unknown
Ethernet1/5 Data Disabled Sfp Not Present Unknown
Ethernet1/6 Data Disabled Sfp Not Present Unknown
Ethernet1/7 Data Disabled Sfp Not Present Unknown
Ethernet1/8 Data Disabled Sfp Not Present Unknown
Ethernet2/3 Data Enabled Up
Ethernet2/4 Data Enabled Up
Ethernet2/5 Data Disabled Sfp Not Present Unknown
Ethernet2/6 Data Disabled Sfp Not Present Unknown
Ethernet2/7 Data Disabled Sfp Not Present Unknown
Ethernet2/8 Data Disabled Sfp Not Present Unknown
Ethernet3/1 Data Disabled Sfp Not Present Unknown
Ethernet3/2 Data Disabled Sfp Not Present Unknown
Ethernet3/3 Data Disabled Sfp Not Present Unknown
Ethernet3/4 Data Disabled Sfp Not Present Unknown
Ethernet3/5 Data Disabled Sfp Not Present Unknown
Ethernet3/6 Data Disabled Sfp Not Present Unknown
Ethernet3/7 Data Disabled Sfp Not Present Unknown
Ethernet3/8 Data Disabled Sfp Not Present Unknown
Firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric #

Example 6-16 shows how to connect to the FTD logical device from the FXOS CLI and
then verify the network settings on the FTD logical device.

Example 6-16 Verifying Network Settings That Are Specific to the FTD Application

Firepower-9300# connect module 1 console

Telnet escape character is '~'.
Connected to
Escape character is '~'.
CISCO Serial Over LAN:
Close Network Connection to Exit

Firepower-module1> connect ftd

Connecting to ftd console... enter exit to return to bootCLI

> show network

===============[ System Information ]===============
Hostname : Firepower-module1
Management port : 8305
Quiz 197

IPv4 Default route

Gateway :

==================[ management0 ]===================

State : Enabled
Channels : Management & Events
Mode : Non-Autonegotiation
MTU : 9210
MAC Address : B0:AA:77:2F:84:5D
----------------------[ IPv4 ]----------------------
Configuration : Manual
Address :
Netmask :
Broadcast :
----------------------[ IPv6 ]----------------------
Configuration : Disabled

===============[ Proxy Information ]================

State : Disabled
Authentication : Disabled

In this chapter, you have learned the best practices for designing and configuring a
management network for the Firepower System. This chapter discusses the tools you can
use to verify any communication issues between the management interfaces of the FMC
and FTD. Before you begin the registration process, which is described in Chapter 7,
you must ensure that the FMC and FTD are successfully connected through your

1. To run a ping test from FTD to the FMC, which command syntax would be correct?
a. ping IP_Address
b. sudo ping IP_Address
c. ping system IP_Address
d. ping host IP_Address
198 Chapter 6: The Firepower Management Network

2. Which port does the Firepower System use for management communication
by default?
a. 22
b. 443
c. 8080
d. 8305

3. During FTD software initialization, you have to configure a network. Which

interface on an ASA device is assigned with an IP address from that initial
a. GigabitEthernet0/0
b. Management0/0
c. Management1/1
d. br1

4. Per Cisco recommendation, one of the interfaces on an ASA device should have no
IP address configured. Which interface is this?
a. Management0/0
b. Management1/1
c. br1
d. Both a and b

5. To investigate a communication issue between the FMC and FTD, which of the
following tools could be used?
a. ifconfig
b. ping
c. traceroute
d. All of the above

6. Which of the following statements is false?

a. Segregation of management traffic improves security policy.
b. The default Firepower management port should not be changed.
c. The logical management interface is labeled Management0/0 on an ASA platform.
d. FTD does not offer any web interface when it is configured for remote
Chapter 7

Firepower Licensing and


At this point, you have the Firepower software running and the management interface
configured. You are ready to begin the next steps: installing the licenses, enabling
the Firepower features, and registering FTD with the FMC. The registration process
takes place through an encrypted tunnel that is established between the management
interfaces of the FMC and FTD. You cannot, however, register FTD with the FMC
unless the FMC is licensed. This chapter shows you all the necessary steps for an initial

Licensing Essentials
The FMC accepts two types of licenses: Classic License and Smart License. To manage
FTD, you must use a Smart License. A Classic License is used for earlier implementations
of the Sourcefire technology, such as FirePOWER Services on ASA and legacy Sourcefire
products. Because this book focuses on FTD, this section covers the Smart Licensing

The Smart Licensing Architecture

The Smart Licensing architecture offers two major benefits over the Classic License. It
enables you to administer all your Firepower licenses from a single place and oversee their
usage in real time. It also allows you to enable the full functionalities of the FMC and
FTD without installing any licenses for the first 90 days of an initial deployment. This
grace period allows you to complete any logistic or business processes related to your
new Firepower deployment.

In the Smart Licensing architecture, the Firepower manager uses a process—Smart

Agent—to communicate and register with the Cisco License Authority. After a successful
registration, the License Authority issues an ID certificate. The Smart Agent process uses
this certificate to communicate with the Cisco License Authority from time to time and
track the status of entitlements.
200 Chapter 7: Firepower Licensing and Registration

Cisco offers two options to connect a Firepower manager to the Cisco License Authority.
Depending on the security and connectivity policies of your organization, you can either
choose to connect to the Cisco License Authority directly over the Internet or via a
satellite server.

Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM)

After purchase, your Firepower Smart Licenses are assigned to an account that is created
exclusively for your organization. You can manage any Smart Licenses your company owns
by using the Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM)—a web-based application at

If you have administrative access to your account, the CSSM allows you to create
additional virtual accounts within your company’s master account. Doing this helps you
organize Firepower licenses based on departments or locations. When necessary, you can
also transfer licenses and devices between the virtual accounts.

Tip To get access to the CSSM, contact the Cisco channel partner, sales representative, or
Global Licensing Operations (GLO) team.

Figure 7-1 shows that the Smart Agent process of an FMC connects to the Cisco License
Authority through the Internet, and an administrator can manage the licenses through the
Internet by connecting to the CSSM application.

Cisco License
Connection to the License Authority Through the Authority
Cisco Smart Software Manager

( License Portal)


Connection to the Authority

Through the Internet



Figure 7-1 Network Connectivity Between an FMC and the Cisco License Authority
Licensing Essentials 201

CSSM Satellite
Because the Cisco License Authority is hosted at, you need Internet con-
nectivity from the FMC to obtain a Smart License. For security or other reasons, if you
cannot connect the management interface of the FMC to the Internet, you can use the
CSSM satellite—a virtual version of the CSSM deployed from an OVA image. In a CSSM
satellite deployment, the FMC is connected to a CSSM satellite server, and the CSSM
satellite server is registered to the Cisco License Authority through the Internet.

Note The CSSM application or a satellite server is designed to integrate a wide range of
Cisco products. Describing the configuration of the CSSM satellite is beyond the scope
of this book. Cisco publishes various documents on Smart Licensing, which you can
download free from Please read them to learn more.

Figure 7-2 illustrates the connection of an FMC with the Cisco License Authority
through the CSSM satellite server and Internet.

Cisco License

Connection to the License Authority Through the

Cisco Smart Software Manager Satellite

Smart to the Authority
Through the Satellite
Administrator Satellite


Figure 7-2 Connection of an FMC with the Cisco License Authority via CSSM Satellite
202 Chapter 7: Firepower Licensing and Registration

Firepower Licenses
The Cisco Firepower technology, an evolution from the Sourcefire technology, offers
various features to protect your network from malicious activities. Firepower, by default,
comes with a base license. A base license, however, does not enable all the security
features. To enable all the functionalities, separate feature licenses are necessary.

Tip If you turn on the Evaluation Mode on the Firepower System, it enables all the
security features on the FMC. You can apply these features on FTD for a 90-day period.
Before the evaluation period expires, you must purchase a valid license and register the
FMC with the Cisco License Authority for continuous operation.

Table 7-1 describes the functionalities of each Firepower license. Keep in mind that a
Threat license is a prerequisite for a Malware license or a URL Filtering license.

Table 7-1 Capabilities of the Firepower Licenses

License It Allows You to…
Base Update the Firepower system
Control applications and users
Perform switching, routing, and NAT
Threat Detect and prevent intrusion attempts
Blacklist traffic based on intelligence
Block transfer of certain types of files
Malware Protect the network from malware, enable AMP for the network,
and enable AMP Threat Grid features
URL Filtering Filter URLs based on reputation and category

Table 7-2 describes the license subscription codes—T, TM, TMC, AMP, and URL—that
you might notice during a purchase order. The Malware and URL Filtering licenses are
available in two formats: as an add-on or in a bundle with a Threat license.

Table 7-2 Firepower License Subscription Purchase Options

License Expiration Which License to Purchase
Base Permanent No separate purchase; included automatically
during a device purchase.
Threat Term-based T: Threat license only.
Licensing a Firepower System 203

License Expiration Which License to Purchase

Malware Term-based TM: Threat and Malware licenses in a bundle.
AMP: Malware license only; purchased if a Threat
license is already available.
URL Term-based TMC: Threat, Malware, and URL Filtering licenses
Filtering in a bundle.
URL: URL Filtering license only; purchased if a
Threat license is already available.

Best Practices for Licensing and Registration

When you register the FMC with FTD, there are a few things to consider:

■ If you are in the middle of procuring a Firepower Smart License, you can avoid any
delay by turning on the Evaluation Mode on the FMC. It enables all the security
features on the FMC for 90 days and allows you to register FTD with the FMC

■ If there is an intermediate device that translates the management IP addresses of

your Firepower systems, use a unique NAT ID during the registration process.

■ Before you begin the registration process, make sure the network settings on
Firepower appliances are correct. FMC and FTD should be able to communicate
with each other using IP addresses. If you choose to perform a registration using
host names or domain names, verify the name resolution before you attempt
to register. You can run a simple ping test between the FMC and FTD by using
their fully qualified domain names (FQDNs). If the ping test fails due to name
resolution failure, check to ensure that the Firepower appliances are configured
with an appropriate DNS server and also make sure the DNS server is responding to
the queries.

Licensing a Firepower System

Enabling a feature on Firepower is not a straightforward process. First, you need to
purchase the necessary subscriptions. Then, you need to obtain the Smart Licenses by
registering the FMC with the Smart Licensing Server. Finally, you have to enable a feature
by applying the licenses to FTD from the web interface of the FMC.
204 Chapter 7: Firepower Licensing and Registration

Figure 7-3 summarizes the steps to obtain and apply a Smart License on the Firepower

Purchase a Firepower Smart License.

The license is assigned to a virtual account created

in the CSSM for your organization.

Generate a product instance registration token in the CSSM.

Enter the token into the FMC.

The FMC is registered with the Cisco License Authority

and becomes associated with the virtual account
for your organization.

Register FTD devices with the FMC. Apply the Smart License
on an FTD during registration.

Figure 7-3 Workflow to Purchase, Generate, and Apply a Smart License

Licensing Configuration
You cannot register FTD with the FMC until you register the FMC with a Smart
Licensing Server or enable the evaluation mode.

Figure 7-4 shows a notification in the Add Device window. This message appears when
you attempt to register an FTD without registering the FMC with a Smart Licensing
Server or without enabling Evaluation Mode.

If you are in the middle of procuring a Firepower Smart License, you can avoid any
delay by turning on the Evaluation Mode on the FMC. It enables all the security features
on the FMC for 90 days and allows you to register FTD with the FMC immediately.
The following section describes how to enable Evaluation Mode on the FMC.
Licensing a Firepower System 205

Figure 7-4 Notification for Registering an FMC with the Smart Licensing Server

Evaluation Mode
To enable Evaluation Mode, follow these steps:

Step 1. Go to the System > Licenses > Smart Licenses page. Figure 7-5 shows the
Evaluation Mode button that appears on the Smart Licenses page.

Note The Evaluation Mode button does not appear after the 90-day period expires;
however, you can retrieve the button by reimaging the FMC.

Step 2. Click the Evaluation Mode button. A confirmation message appears, remind-
ing you that Evaluation Mode is a one-time option and available for a 90-day
period (see Figure 7-6).

Step 3. Click Yes to begin the 90-day period.

206 Chapter 7: Firepower Licensing and Registration

Figure 7-5 Enabling Evaluation Mode

Figure 7-6 Evaluation Mode Confirmation Window

Registering with the CSSM

To register the FMC with the CSSM, follow these steps:

Step 1. Log in to the support portal and navigate to the CSSM.
Licensing a Firepower System 207

Step 2. Access the virtual account created for your organization and click New Token
to generate a new token (see Figure 7-7). A long string is randomly generated,
and you can copy it by selecting the Actions option.

Figure 7-7 View of a Virtual Account on the CSSM Web Portal

Step 3. Copy the token from the CSSM and paste it in the Smart Licensing Product
Registration form on the FMC (see Figure 7-8). To access the form, click the
Register button on the Smart Licenses page.

Step 4. Click the Apply Changes button to begin the registration process with the
Cisco License Authority. A confirmation message appears when registration
is successful. Figure 7-9 confirms that the FMC is successfully registered with
the Cisco License Authority. The Smart License Status shows healthy states
(green checkmarks) and the name of the virtual account of your organization.
208 Chapter 7: Firepower Licensing and Registration

Figure 7-8 Smart Licensing Product Registration Form

Note You can apply your desired license on an FTD device during the registration
process. Later, you can click the Edit License button on the Smart Licenses page to
manage the associations of licenses with any managed devices.
Licensing a Firepower System 209

Figure 7-9 Confirmation of Registering the FMC with the Smart License Authority

Verifying a Smart License Issue

If the FMC is unable to communicate with the Smart Licensing Server, make sure the
FMC is configured to connect directly to the CSSM. You can confirm the setting from
the System > Integration > Smart Software Satellite page.

Figure 7-10 shows two options to connect the FMC. By default, Connect Directly to
Cisco Smart Software Manager is selected.

Figure 7-10 Options to Connect an FMC with Different Types of License Servers
210 Chapter 7: Firepower Licensing and Registration

The web interface of an FMC displays notifications when it successfully registers, or fails
to register, with a License Server. To investigate any communication error, you can debug
any related processes from the FMC CLI. Example 7-1 shows that the FMC can success-
fully connect and register with the Cisco License Authority.

Example 7-1 Syslog Messages That Confirm a Successful Connection Between the FMC
and a License Server

admin@FMC:~$ sudo tail –f /var/log/sam.log


[timestamp] PID : 12133 Process : [SAM-DBG-LOG]:

registerIdToken start: token(NGJmZThZjItZjVkNZC00TcyLWI5MTAAtNGRhMzExZDM5MzVmLTE0O
[timestamp] PID : 12133 Process : [SAM-DBG-LOG]: [socket conn]
compose msg header: type[7], len[147], seq[1]
[timestamp] PID : 12133 Process : [SAM-DBG-LOG]: [socket conn]
establishConnection start
[timestamp] PID : 12133 Process : [SAM-DBG-LOG]: [socket conn]
Connected to server
[timestamp] PID : 12133 Process : [SAM-DBG-LOG]: [socket conn]
'/var/sf/run/smart_agent.sock' Exiting the loop
[timestamp] PID : 12133 Process : [SAM-DBG-LOG]: [socket conn]
Connection successful!
[timestamp] PID : 12133 Process : [SAM-DBG-LOG]: [socket conn]
initSequence: 3
[timestamp] PID : 12133 Process : [SAM-DBG-LOG]: [socket conn]
establishConnection done
[timestamp] PID : 12133 Process : [SAM-DBG-LOG]: [socket conn]
sendMsg: successfully sent the msg!
[timestamp] PID : 12133 Process : [SAM-DBG-LOG]: [socket conn]
recvMsg get: type[1007], len[141], seq[0], msg[error:0 authorization:AUTHORIZED,
1483970615 registration:REGISTERED,1483970610 virtual_acct:Firepower Threat
Defense export_control:1]

Example 7-2 demonstrates a scenario where the FMC can connect to the Smart Licensing
Server successfully but fails to register with the server due to a token being invalid.

Example 7-2 Debugging a Registration Failure Between the FMC and a License Server

[timestamp] PID : 463 Process : [SAM-DBG-LOG]: [socket conn] Closing

[timestamp] PID : 13540 Process : [SAM-DBG-LOG]:
registerIdToken start: token(NGJmZThhZjItZjVkZCooyTcyLWI5MTAtNGRhMzExZDM5MzVmLTE0O
[timestamp] PID : 13540 Process : [SAM-DBG-LOG]: [socket conn]
compose msg header: type[7], len[147], seq[1]
[timestamp] PID : 13540 Process : [SAM-DBG-LOG]: [socket conn]
establishConnection start
[timestamp] PID : 13540 Process : [SAM-DBG-LOG]: [socket conn]
Connected to server
Registering a Firepower System 211

[timestamp] PID : 13540 Process : [SAM-DBG-LOG]: [socket conn]

'/var/sf/run/smart_agent.sock' Exiting the loop
[timestamp] PID : 13540 Process : [SAM-DBG-LOG]: [socket conn]
Connection successful!
[timestamp] PID : 13540 Process : [SAM-DBG-LOG]: [socket conn]
initSequence: 9
[timestamp] PID : 13540 Process : [SAM-DBG-LOG]: [socket conn]
establishConnection done
[timestamp] PID : 13540 Process : [SAM-DBG-LOG]: [socket conn]
sendMsg: successfully sent the msg!
[timestamp] PID : 13540 Process : [SAM-DBG-LOG]: [socket conn]
recvMsg get: type[1003], len [203], seq[0], msg[Response error: {"token":
["The token 'NGJmZThhZjItZjVkZCooyTcyLWI5MTAtNGRhMzExZDM5MzVmLTE0ODY1NjMz%0AODk-
1MDN8RmZweWJ5eG9ZY is not valid."]}]
[timestamp] PID : 13540 Process : [SAM-DBG-LOG]: [socket conn]
Closing Connection
[timestamp] PID : 13540 Process : [SAM-DBG-LOG]:
registerIdToken return: $VAR1 = {
'error' => 17

Registering a Firepower System

Registration of a Firepower System is a two-step process. You must begin the registration
process from FTD. At first, you enter the FMC information in FTD, and then you provide
the FTD information on the FMC.

Registration Configuration
To register FTD with the FMC, you need to have access to the FTD CLI and also to the
web interface of the FMC. This section describes the entire process of completing a

Setting Up FTD
After you install FTD software successfully, you should be able to connect to the FTD
CLI through Secure Shell (SSH) or a console terminal. When you can successfully access
the FTD software, you see the default CLI prompt, >.

Example 7-3 confirms that a fresh installation of FTD has no connection with a manage-
ment appliance.

Example 7-3 Output of the show managers Command

> show managers

No managers configured.
212 Chapter 7: Firepower Licensing and Registration

To add the FMC to FTD, run the configure manager add command along with the
management IP address of the FMC. You also have to provide a one-time registration
key that is used only during the registration process. A unique NAT ID is necessary
only if there is an intermediate networking device that translates the IP addresses of the
Firepower System. The command syntax is as follows:

> configure manager add IP_Address_of_FMC Registration_Key NAT_ID

Example 7-4 demonstrates a successful addition of the FMC with management IP address The configuration uses RegKey as the one-time temporary registration key and
NatId as a NAT ID. The use of a NAT ID is optional when the management IP addresses
are not translated by any intermediate devices.

Example 7-4 Adding the FMC to FTD

> configure manager add RegKey NatId

Manager successfully configured.
Please make note of reg_key as this will be required while adding Device in FMC.

The configuration on your FTD is complete. The next step is to add FTD on the FMC.
Before you go to the next step, you can optionally check the current status of the
registration. Example 7-5 shows the pending registration status after you add the FMC
to FTD. The registration status changes to completed after you perform the next step

Example 7-5 Pending Status After Adding the FMC to FTD

> show managers

Host :
Registration Key : ****
Registration : pending
RPC Status :

Setting Up the FMC

The second step of the registration process is to enter the details of FTD on the web
interface of the FMC. When you add FTD, you must use the same registration key (and
the same NAT ID, if used) that you configured on the FTD previously. Here are the steps
you have to follow:

Step 1. Log in to the web interface of the FMC and go to Devices > Device
Management > Add Device (see Figure 7-11). The Add Device window
appears. You must add the FMC on FTD before you attempt to add the FTD
details on this window.
Registering a Firepower System 213

Figure 7-11 Navigating to the Add Device Window

Step 2. In the Host field, enter the IP address of the FTD management interface.
Step 3. In the Display Name field, provide a name that will be displayed on the FMC
web interface to indicate this FTD.
Step 4. In the Registration Key field, enter RegKey—the same key you used when
you added the FMC on FTD earlier.
Step 5. Use the Access Control Policy dropdown to select an access control policy
that you want to initially apply to FTD. If this is a new deployment, the FMC
may not have any preconfigured access control policy. You can, however, create
a policy on the fly by choosing the Create New Policy option from the Access
Control Policy dropdown. The New Policy window appears (see Figure 7-12).

Figure 7-12 A Simple Access Control Policy Created On the Fly During Registration
214 Chapter 7: Firepower Licensing and Registration

Caution The registration process can fail if you select an access control policy that was
created for a different device model or configured with a component that is unsupported
in FTD. Therefore, if you are not sure about the configuration of an old access control
policy, you should create a new policy on the fly and select it to ensure that the
registration will not fail due to an incompatible access control policy.

Figure 7-12 shows the creation of a new access control policy called AC Policy.
This figure shows a very basic configuration that is good for a successful
registration. You can edit and enhance this policy later. For now, click Save.

Step 6. In the Smart Licensing section of the Add Device dialog, select the features
that you want to apply, such as Malware, Threat, and URL Filtering.

Step 7. In the Advanced section of the Add Device dialog, provide a unique NAT ID
if there is an intermediate device that translates the management IP addresses
of your Firepower systems. This is an optional step if there is no NAT device
between the FMC and FTD. Figure 7-13 shows that the Add Device window
is populated with the details of the FTD. Note that the same registration key
(RegKey) and NAT ID (NatId) are used on the FMC and FTD.

Figure 7-13 Filling the Fields in the Add Device Window

Registering a Firepower System 215

Step 8. Ensure that the Transfer Packets option is selected to allow FTD to send the
associated packets to the FMC when any security events are generated.

Step 9. Click the Register button. The registration process begins, through an
encrypted tunnel. Figure 7-14 demonstrates the in-progress registration
process on the web interface.

Figure 7-14 Registration Process in Progress (Spinning Icon)

Figure 7-15 shows the confirmation you get after a successful registration.
The FTD device model, software version, and applied feature licenses are
displayed after a successful registration.

Figure 7-15 Registration Process Complete (Spinning Icon Turns to Solid Icon)

Verifying the Registration and Connection

If the registration process between FTD and the FMC is unsuccessful, the FMC
displays an error message for it. In addition, you can run various commands to verify the
communication status between FTD and the FMC.

Figure 7-16 shows an error message that can appear when a registration attempt fails
due to a communication issue, an incompatible software version, or a mismatched
registration key.

Example 7-6 shows two different registration statuses—pending and completed—that

appear in the FTD CLI. The pending status appears after you add the FMC in the FTD
CLI. The registration status changes to completed after you add FTD on the FMC web
216 Chapter 7: Firepower Licensing and Registration

Figure 7-16 Error Message on the GUI due to a Registration Failure

Example 7-6 Displaying the Registration Status from the FTD CLI

! Registration status: After you complete the first step (Add an FMC on FTD CLI)

> show managers

Host :
Registration Key : ****
Registration : pending
RPC Status :

! Registration status: After you complete the second and final step (Add an FTD on

> show managers

Type : Manager
Host :
Registration : Completed
Registering a Firepower System 217

As soon as you enter the FMC information in FTD, the FTD TCP port 8305 starts listen-
ing for incoming connections; it expects packets from the FMC. Similarly, as soon as you
enter the FTD information on the FMC, the FMC begins listening on TCP port 8305.
Example 7-7 shows the transition of TCP port 8305 on FTD and the FMC during the
registration process.

Example 7-7 Verifying the Management Port Status

! First, on the CLI of an FTD, when you enter the FMC detail, it opens the TCP port
8305 on FTD.

admin@FTD:~$ sudo netstat -antp | grep -i 8305

tcp 0 0* LISTEN

! Then, on the GUI of an FMC, when you enter the FTD detail, the FMC begins
listening on TCP port 8305. FMC responses the FTD's registration request from a
random port 49707.

admin@FMC:~$ sudo netstat -antp | grep -i 8305

tcp 0 0* LISTEN

! Upon a successful registration, the connections appear fully established on the


admin@FMC:~$ sudo netstat -antp | grep -i 8305


If the port status does not change from the listening state to the established state, the
FMC may not have received any registration requests from FTD, or FTD may have not
received any acknowledgements from the FMC. Let’s take a look at what happens at the
packet level during the registration process.
218 Chapter 7: Firepower Licensing and Registration

Caution The following two examples use the built-in packet capture tools in FTD and
the FMC to display the transactions of packets. Capturing packets in a product system can
impact system performance. Therefore, if necessary, you should run this tool only during a
maintenance window or in a lab environment.

Example 7-8 shows the exchange of packets right after you begin the registration pro-
cess, which is after adding the FMC in the FTD CLI. Because at this stage you have not
yet entered the details of FTD on the FMC, the FMC (IP address keeps sending
the RESET packets in response to the SYN packets from the FTD (IP address

Example 7-8 Packet Transaction After Adding an FMC on the FTD CLI

! Capturing Packets on the FTD Management Interface

> capture-traffic

Please choose domain to capture traffic from:

0 - br1

Selection? 0

Please specify tcpdump options desired.

(or enter '?' for a list of supported options)
Options: host

tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on br1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 96 bytes

[timestamp] IP FTD.46373 > Flags [S], seq 1709676008, win 14600,
options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 87180 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
[timestamp] IP > FTD.46373: Flags [R.], seq 0, ack 1709676009, win 0,
length 0
[timestamp] IP FTD.58441 > Flags [S], seq 3021847438, win 14600,
options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 87380 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
[timestamp] IP > FTD.58441: Flags [R.], seq 0, ack 3021847439, win 0,
length 0
[timestamp] IP FTD.46814 > Flags [S], seq 1334198689, win 14600,
options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 88317 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
[timestamp] IP > FTD.46814: Flags [R.], seq 0, ack 1334198690, win 0,
length 0
[timestamp] IP FTD.45854 > Flags [S], seq 1274367969, win 14600,
options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 88517 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
[timestamp] IP > FTD.45854: Flags [R.], seq 0, ack 1274367970, win 0,
length 0
Registering a Firepower System 219

<Output Omitted>

! Capturing Packets on the FMC Management Interface

admin@FMC:~$ sudo tcpdump -i eth0 host


tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 96 bytes

[timestamp] IP > FMC.8305: Flags [S], seq 1709676008, win 14600,
options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 87180 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
[timestamp] IP FMC.8305 > Flags [R.], seq 0, ack 1709676009, win 0,
length 0
[timestamp] IP > FMC.8305: Flags [S], seq 3021847438, win 14600,
options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 87380 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
[timestamp] IP FMC.8305 > Flags [R.], seq 0, ack 3021847439, win 0,
length 0
[timestamp] IP > FMC.8305: Flags [S], seq 1334198689, win 14600,
options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 88317 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
[timestamp] IP FMC.8305 > Flags [R.], seq 0, ack 1334198690, win 0,
length 0
[timestamp] IP > FMC.8305: Flags [S], seq 1274367969, win 14600,
options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 88517 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
[timestamp] IP FMC.8305 > Flags [R.], seq 0, ack 1274367970, win 0,
length 0
<Output Omitted>

Example 7-9 shows the next phase of the registration process. As soon as you enter the
FTD details on the web interface of the FMC, the FMC stops sending RESET packets.

Example 7-9 Packet Transaction After Adding the FTD on the FMC GUI

! On the FMC Interface

<Output Omitted>
220 Chapter 7: Firepower Licensing and Registration

[timestamp] IP FMC.51509 > Flags [S], seq 1804119299, win 14600,
options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 258976 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
[timestamp] IP > FMC.51509: Flags [S.], seq 4103916511, ack
1804119300, win 14480, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 93418 ecr 258976,nop,
wscale 7], length 0
[timestamp] IP FMC.51509 > Flags [.], ack 1, win 115, options
[nop,nop,TS val 258976 ecr 93418], length 0
[timestamp] IP FMC.51509 > Flags [P.], ack 1, win 115, options
[nop,nop,TS val 258985 ecr 93418], length 247
[timestamp] IP > FMC.51509: Flags [.], ack 248, win 122, options
[nop,nop,TS val 93422 ecr 258985], length 0
[timestamp] IP > FMC.51509: Flags [.], ack 248, win 122, options
[nop,nop,TS val 93423 ecr 258985], length 1448
[timestamp] IP > FMC.51509: Flags [P.], ack 248, win 122, options
[nop,nop,TS val 93423 ecr 258985], length 774
<Output Omitted>

! Press the Control+C keys to exit and stop capturing.

! On the FTD Interface

<Output Omitted>
[timestamp] IP > FTD.8305: Flags [S], seq 1804119299, win 14600,
options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 258976 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
[timestamp] IP FTD.8305 > Flags [S.], seq 4103916511, ack
1804119300, win 14480, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 93418 ecr 258976,nop,
wscale 7], length 0
[timestamp] IP > FTD.8305: Flags [.], ack 1, win 115, options
[nop,nop,TS val 258976 ecr 93418], length 0
[timestamp] IP > FTD.8305: Flags [P.], ack 1, win 115, options
[nop,nop,TS val 258985 ecr 93418], length 247
[timestamp] IP FTD.8305 > Flags [.], ack 248, win 122, options
[nop,nop,TS val 93422 ecr 258985], length 0
[timestamp] IP FTD.8305 > Flags [.], ack 248, win 122, options
[nop,nop,TS val 93423 ecr 258985], length 1448
[timestamp] IP FTD.8305 > Flags [P.], ack 248, win 122, options
[nop,nop,TS val 93423 ecr 258985], length 774
<Output Omitted>

! Press the Control+C keys to exit and stop capturing.

Registering a Firepower System 221

If you do not notice any activity on the management interfaces, check whether the TCP
port 8305 is bidirectionally allowed on any intermediate network devices between the
FMC and FTD. You can test this by connecting to the TCP port 8305 of FTD from the
FMC directly.

Example 7-10 shows a successful telnet connection from the FMC to FTD port 8305. It
confirms that FTD port 8305 (IP address is allowed by any intermediate router
or firewall.

Example 7-10 Successful Telnet Connection from the FMC to FTD Port 8305

admin@FMC:~$ telnet 8305

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
^] ! Press the Ctrl and ] keys together
telnet> quit
Connection closed.

Analyzing the Encrypted SFTunnel

The FMC and FTD complete their registration process through the SFTunnel—an
encrypted communication channel between the management interfaces of the FMC and
FTD. Using TCP port 8305, FTD and the FMC establish this channel to complete any
administrative tasks between them, such as registering FTD with the FMC, exchanging
keepalive heartbeats, receiving new security policies and configurations from the FMC,
sending security events to the FMC, synchronizing time with the FMC, and so on.

The netstat or tcpdump command that you ran earlier confirms the establishment of a
tunnel between the FMC and FTD. However, it does not display what happens inside an
encrypted tunnel at the application level. The Firepower System provides a command-line
tool, sftunnel-status, that shows the status of each of the services running through an
encrypted secure tunnel.

Example 7-11 shows output of the sftunnel-status command on FTD. From the
output, you can conclude that the logical management interface of FTD (name br1,
IP address is connected to the management interface of the FMC (name eth0,
IP address Two channels, A and B, are connected for control packets and event
traffic, respectively. The tunnel is encrypted using the AES256-GCM-SHA384 cipher.
222 Chapter 7: Firepower Licensing and Registration

Example 7-11 Output of the sftunnel-status Command in FTD

> sftunnel-status

SFTUNNEL Start Time: Sun Dec 11 23:51:56 2016

Both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity is supported

Broadcast count = 2
Reserved SSL connections: 0
Management Interfaces: 1
br1 (control events),


**RUN STATUS*****************
Cipher used = AES256-GCM-SHA384 (strength:256 bits)
ChannelA Connected: Yes, Interface br1
Cipher used = AES256-GCM-SHA384 (strength:256 bits)
ChannelB Connected: Yes, Interface br1
Registration: Completed.
IPv4 Connection to peer '' Start Time: Mon Dec 12 00:13:44 2016

sw_version 6.1.0
sw_build 330
Management Interfaces: 1
eth0 (control events),
Peer channel Channel-A is valid type (CONTROL), using 'br1', connected
to '' via ''
Peer channel Channel-B is valid type (EVENT), using 'br1', connected to
'' via ''

TOTAL TRANSMITTED MESSAGES <24> for Health Events service

RECEIVED MESSAGES <12> for Health Events service
SEND MESSAGES <12> for Health Events service
HALT REQUEST SEND COUNTER <0> for Health Events service
STORED MESSAGES for Health service (service 0/peer 0)
STATE <Process messages> for Health Events service
REQUESTED FOR REMOTE <Process messages> for Health Events service
REQUESTED FROM REMOTE <Process messages> for Health Events service

TOTAL TRANSMITTED MESSAGES <3> for Identity service

RECEIVED MESSAGES <2> for Identity service
Registering a Firepower System 223

SEND MESSAGES <1> for Identity service

HALT REQUEST SEND COUNTER <0> for Identity service
STORED MESSAGES for Identity service (service 0/peer 0)
STATE <Process messages> for Identity service
REQUESTED FOR REMOTE <Process messages> for Identity service
REQUESTED FROM REMOTE <Process messages> for Identity service


RECEIVED MESSAGES <38> for RPC service
SEND MESSAGES <38> for RPC service
STORED MESSAGES for RPC service (service 0/peer 0)
STATE <Process messages> for RPC service
REQUESTED FOR REMOTE <Process messages> for RPC service
REQUESTED FROM REMOTE <Process messages> for RPC service


RECEIVED MESSAGES <27> for IP(NTP) service
SEND MESSAGES <14> for IP(NTP) service
STORED MESSAGES for IP(NTP) service (service 0/peer 0)
STATE <Process messages> for IP(NTP) service
REQUESTED FOR REMOTE <Process messages> for IP(NTP) service
REQUESTED FROM REMOTE <Process messages> for IP(NTP) service


RECEIVED MESSAGES <0> for service IDS Events service
SEND MESSAGES <5> for IDS Events service
HALT REQUEST SEND COUNTER <0> for IDS Events service
STORED MESSAGES for IDS Events service (service 0/peer 0)
STATE <Process messages> for IDS Events service
REQUESTED FOR REMOTE <Process messages> for IDS Events service
REQUESTED FROM REMOTE <Process messages> for IDS Events service
<Output omitted for brevity>
Heartbeat Send Time: Mon Dec 12 00:28:17 2016
Heartbeat Received Time: Mon Dec 12 00:29:35 2016
224 Chapter 7: Firepower Licensing and Registration

**RPC STATUS*****************
'ip' => '',
'uuid' => '7d3aa42c-95c7-11e6-a825-2c6c588f5f38',
'ipv6' => 'IPv6 is not configured for management',
'name' => '',
'active' => '1',
'uuid_gw' => '',
'last_changed' => 'Wed Oct 19 17:56:43 2016'

Check routes:


You can view similar statistics on an FMC by running the tool.
By comparing the data on both devices, FMC and FTD, you can determine any potential
issues with the SFTunnel. This is the command syntax on the FMC:

admin@FMC:~$ sudo <Management_IP_Address_of_the_FTD>

Example 7-12 shows output of the tool in the FMC. It confirms
that the FMC (IP address is registered with FTD (IP address and is
communicating actively.

Example 7-12 Output of the Tool in the FMC

admin@FMC:~$ sudo


Check peer at /usr/local/sf/bin/ line 19

SFTUNNEL Start Time: Mon Dec 12 01:17:21 2016

Key File = /etc/sf/keys/sftunnel-key.pem

Cert File = /etc/sf/keys/sftunnel-cert.pem
CA Cert = /etc/sf/ca_root/cacert.pem
FIPS,STIG,CC = 0,0,0
Both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity is supported
Broadcast count = 1
Reserved SSL connections: 0
Management Interfaces: 1
eth0 (control events),

Registering a Firepower System 225

**RUN STATUS*****************
Cipher used = AES256-GCM-SHA384 (strength:256 bits)
ChannelA Connected: Yes, Interface eth0
Cipher used = AES256-GCM-SHA384 (strength:256 bits)
ChannelB Connected: Yes, Interface eth0
Registration: Completed.
IPv4 Connection to peer '' Start Time: Mon Dec 12 02:58:54 2016

sw_version 6.1.0
sw_build 330
Management Interfaces: 1
br1 (control events),
Peer channel Channel-A is valid type (CONTROL), using 'eth0', connected to
'' via ''
Peer channel Channel-B is valid type (EVENT), using 'eth0', connected to
'' via ''

TOTAL TRANSMITTED MESSAGES <20> for Health Events service

RECEIVED MESSAGES <10> for Health Events service
SEND MESSAGES <10> for Health Events service
HALT REQUEST SEND COUNTER <0> for Health Events service
STORED MESSAGES for Health service (service 0/peer 0)
STATE <Process messages> for Health Events service
REQUESTED FOR REMOTE <Process messages> for Health Events service
REQUESTED FROM REMOTE <Process messages> for Health Events service

TOTAL TRANSMITTED MESSAGES <3> for Identity service

RECEIVED MESSAGES <1> for Identity service
SEND MESSAGES <2> for Identity service
HALT REQUEST SEND COUNTER <0> for Identity service
STORED MESSAGES for Identity service (service 0/peer 0)
STATE <Process messages> for Identity service
REQUESTED FOR REMOTE <Process messages> for Identity service
REQUESTED FROM REMOTE <Process messages> for Identity service
<Output omitted>

After comparing the SFTunnel statistics on the FMC and FTD, if you notice any anomaly,
you can use the tool in FTD to restart the channels between the FMC
and FTD.
226 Chapter 7: Firepower Licensing and Registration

Caution If you run the tool on the FMC, and the FMC is currently
managing many FTD devices, it restarts the communication channel between the FMC
and all the FTD devices at the same time. If you need to restart the channel between the
FMC and one particular FTD device only, you should run the tool on the
Expert Mode of the desired FTD.

Example 7-13 shows the operation of the tool on the Expert Mode of
FTD. Select option 3 to restart the communication channel.

Example 7-13 Menu of the Tool

> expert
admin@FTD:~$ sudo
**************** Configuration Utility **************

1 Reconfigure Correlator
2 Reconfigure and flush Correlator
3 Restart Comm. channel
4 Update routes
5 Reset all routes
6 Validate Network
0 Exit

Enter choice: 3

**************** Configuration Utility **************

1 Reconfigure Correlator
2 Reconfigure and flush Correlator
3 Restart Comm. channel
4 Update routes
5 Reset all routes
6 Validate Network
0 Exit

Enter choice: 0
Thank you
Registering a Firepower System 227

While the channel restarts, the system generates debug logs for stopping and starting
various services. These logs provide detailed insight about the Firepower System’s
communication at the application level and allow you to determine any complex
communication issues.

Example 7-14 shows the debugging of a restart process from the FMC CLI. As soon as
you begin the process in FTD, the FMC fails to connect to FTD. After the connection to
FTD (IP address is closed, the FMC (IP address automatically begins
the connection reestablishment process with the FTD.

Example 7-14 Debugging Logs Generated During Communication Channel Restart

admin@FMC:~$ sudo tail -f /var/log/messages | grep


! The following message appears on an FMC as soon as you begin the process on the
FTD. It confirms that the FMC is unable to connect to the FTD.

[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Unable to receive message from peer
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] >> ChannelState dropChannel peer /
channelA / CONTROL [ msgSock & ssl_context ] <<
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Exiting channel (recv). Peer
closed connection on interface eth0.
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Failed to send in control channel for
peer (eth0)
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] >> ChannelState dropChannel peer /
channelA / DROPPED [ msgSock & ssl_context ] <<
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] >> ChannelState freeChannel peer /
channelA / DROPPED [ msgSock & ssl_context ] <<
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Need to send SW version and Published
Services to
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] >> ChannelState do_dataio_for_heartbeat peer / channelB / EVENT [ msgSock2 & ssl_context2 ] <<
[timestamp] sftunneld:control_services [INFO] Successfully Send Interfaces info to
peer over eth0
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Unable to receive message from peer
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] >> ChannelState dropChannel peer /
channelB / EVENT [ msgSock2 & ssl_context2 ] <<
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Exiting channel (recv). Peer
closed connection on interface eth0.
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Failed to send in control channel for
peer (eth0)
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] >> ChannelState dropChannel peer /
channelB / DROPPED [ msgSock2 & ssl_context2 ] <<
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] >> ChannelState freeChannel peer /
channelB / DROPPED [ msgSock2 & ssl_context2 ] <<
228 Chapter 7: Firepower Licensing and Registration

[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] ChannelState Peer TOP OF THE

[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ShutDownPeer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
[timestamp] sfmgr:sfmanager [INFO] Exiting child-sftunnel for peer ''.
(relocated unix socket?)
[timestamp] sfmgr:sfmanager [INFO] Exiting child thread for peer
[timestamp] sfmgr:sfmanager [INFO] WRITE_THREAD:Terminated sftunnel write thread for
[timestamp] sftunneld:stream_file [INFO] Stream CTX destroyed for
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] >> ChannelState ShutDownPeer peer /
channelA / DROPPED [ msgSock & ssl context ] <<
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] >> ChannelState ShutDownPeer peer /
channelB / NONE [ msgSock & ssl_context ] <<
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Peer needs re-connect
[timestamp] sfmbservice:sfmb_service [INFO] Bad read/Connection closed to host
[timestamp] sfmbservice:sfmb_service [INFO] Connection closed to host
[timestamp] sfmbservice:sfmb_service [INFO] (4)Exiting child for peer
[timestamp] sfmbservice:sfmb_service [INFO] (2)Exiting child for peer

! Shortly after the FMC closes connection with the FTD, it automatically starts
accepting connections from the FTD, and reestablishes connections with the FTD.

[timestamp] sftunneld:tunnsockets [INFO] Accepted IPv4 connection from
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_ssl [INFO] Processing connection from
(socket 10)
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_ssl [INFO] Accepted SSL connection from:
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_peers [INFO] Peer needs the first connection
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_ssl [INFO] Verify accepted: Need a new connection for peer (1)
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_ssl [INFO] Peer supports multiple ports
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_ssl [INFO] Peer supports separate events
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_ssl [INFO] Peer registration is complete remotely
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_peers [INFO] Peer needs the first connection
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_ssl [INFO] Accept: Will start a child thread for peer
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_ssl [INFO] Accept: Start child thread for peer ''
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] >>>>>>> initChannels peer: <<<<<<
[timestamp] sftunneld:stream_file [INFO] Stream CTX initialized for
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Peer main thread started
[timestamp] sftunneld:control_services [INFO] Successfully Send Interfaces info to
peer over eth0
Summary 229

[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_heartbeat [INFO] Saved SW VERSION from peer


[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Need to send SW version and Published

Services to
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] >> ChannelState do_dataio_for_heartbeat peer / channelA / CONTROL [ msgSock & ssl_context ] <<
[timestamp] sftunneld:control_services [INFO] Interface br1 from supports
'control events'
[timestamp] sftunneld:control_services [INFO] Interface br1 from supports
[timestamp] sftunneld:control_services [INFO] Interface br1 ( from
is up
[timestamp] sftunneld:control_services [INFO] Peer Notified that it is NOT
configured for dedicated events interface
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Need to send SW version and Published
Services to
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] >> ChannelState do_dataio_for_heartbeat peer / channelA / CONTROL [ msgSock & ssl_context ] <<
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_heartbeat [INFO] Saved SW VERSION from peer
[timestamp] sfmgr:sfmanager [INFO] Established connection to sftunnel for peer (fd 8)
<Output omitted for brevity>
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_heartbeat [INFO] Identity Service is published for peer
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_peers [INFO] Using a 20 entry queue for - 7770
[timestamp] sfmbservice:sfmb_service [INFO] Start getting MB messages for
[timestamp] sfmbservice:sfmb_service [INFO] Established connection to peer
[timestamp] sftunneld:sf_heartbeat [INFO] Message Broker Service is published for

This chapter describes licensing and registration—two important initial tasks in
Firepower deployment. In this chapter, you have learned the capabilities of different
Firepower licenses and the steps to register the FMC with a Smart Licensing Server. This
chapter also discusses the registration process and the tools you can use to investigate
communication issues.
230 Chapter 7: Firepower Licensing and Registration

1. Which tool is used in FTD to view the statistics of events inside the encrypted
tunnel between FTD and the FMC?
a. > sftunnel
b. > sftunnel-status
c. > sftunnel_status
d. > sftunnel status

2. Which command confirms whether FTD is registered with the FMC?

a. > show fmc
b. > show console
c. > show managers
d. > show registration

3. Which statement about registration is incorrect?

a. Always begin the registration process from FTD.
b. NAT ID is necessary only when there is an intermediate NAT device between the
FMC and FTD.
c. Before registering FTD, the FMC must be connected to a license server.
d. FTD and FMC use port 8305 for registration and management communication

4. Which command shows the logs between the FMC and a Smart Licensing Server?
a. sudo tail -f /var/log/messages
b. sudo tail -f /var/log/messages.log
c. sudo tail -f /var/log/cssm.log
d. sudo tail -f /var/log/sam.log

5. Which tool allows you to restart the communication channel between the
FMC and FTD?

6. Which statement is correct about the Smart Licensing architecture?

a. Evaluation Mode allows you to test certain features but not all of them.
b. FTD connects to the Smart Licensing Server to obtain licenses.
c. The Cisco satellite server is an on-premises virtual machine.
d. To register the FMC with the Smart Licensing Server, run the command configure
manager add <IP_Address_of_the_CSSM>
Chapter 8

Firepower Deployment in
Routed Mode

You can deploy a Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) device as a default gateway for your
network so that the hosts can communicate with the FTD device in order to connect to
any different subnet or the Internet. You can also deploy an FTD device transparently, so
that it becomes invisible to the hosts in your network. In short, you can deploy an FTD
device in two ways—Routed Mode and Transparent Mode. This chapter describes the
processes involved in deploying an FTD device in routed mode. Chapter 9, “Firepower
Deployment in Transparent Mode,” covers Transparent Mode.

Routed Mode Essentials

In Routed Mode, FTD performs like a Layer 3 hop. Each interface on an FTD device
connects to a different subnet. If configured to do so, an FTD device can act as a default
gateway for any particular subnet and can route traffic between different subnets.

Figure 8-1 shows how a host interacts with an FTD device as its next Layer 3 hop. In
Routed Mode, each FTD interface connects to a unique subnet.

Figure 8-2 shows the default gateways on each segment when an FTD device is deployed
in a typical real-world network. The end users on a LAN use the FTD physical interface
as their gateway. An FTD device can also use its inside interface as the default gateway
for its management communication.
232 Chapter 8: Firepower Deployment in Routed Mode

Next Hop
Host FTD
Inside Interface Outside Interface


Figure 8-1 Communication of a Host with an FTD Device in Routed Mode

FTD uses the gateway router

as the default gateway.
Inside Outside
Interface Interface

FTD Gateway Router

End Users

Both the management traffic and the The gateway router uses the
inside users’ traffic use the inside Internet service provider (ISP) FMC is
interface as their default gateway. as its default gateway. deployed
in a remote


Figure 8-2 Deploying an FTD Device in Routed Mode

Configuring Routed Mode 233

Best Practices for Routed Mode Configuration

If you want to deploy FTD in Routed Mode, consider the following suggestions:

■ Cisco recommends that you not configure the diagnostic interface with an IP
address. This simplifies the network design and reduces configuration overhead.
When a diagnostic interface is configured with an IP address, FTD considers it a data
interface. Each data interface on an FTD device is required to be on a different net-
work. Therefore, the diagnostic interface (which must be on the same subnet as the
logical management interface, br1) and the inside interface must be on two different
subnets. To transfer traffic between two different subnetworks, a router is required.

■ Changing the firewall mode wipes out any existing FTD configurations. Therefore,
before you change the firewall mode from Transparent to Routed or vice versa, take
note of your FTD configuration settings for future reference, in case you want to
revert the FTD to the initial state. To view the current FTD configuration, run the
show running-config command in the CLI.

If you just want to change the firewall mode on an FTD device, performing a backup
of your security policy configuration is not necessary because the next-generation
security policies are defined and stored on the FMC. After you configure the
policies, FMC allows you to deploy the same policies to one or more FTD devices.

Configuring Routed Mode

Do you remember the last part of the FTD installation and initialization process? During
the initialization, FTD prompts to confirm the firewall mode, and you can select between
Routed Mode and Transparent Mode (see Example 8-1).

Example 8-1 Configuring the Firewall Mode During the Initialization

<Output Omitted>
Manage the device locally? (yes/no) [yes]: no
Configure firewall mode? (routed/transparent) [routed]:
Configuring firewall mode ...
Update policy deployment information
- add device configuration
- add network discovery
- add system policy
<Output Omitted>

If you selected Routed Mode during the system initialization, you can skip the next
two sections and read the section “Configuring the Routed Interfaces.” If you selected
Transparent Mode, read on.
234 Chapter 8: Firepower Deployment in Routed Mode

Fulfilling Prerequisites
If you selected Transparent Mode during the system initialization and now you want to
reconfigure FTD to Routed Mode, you must unregister FTD from the FMC. You cannot
change the firewall mode when a manager is configured. To verify whether FTD is cur-
rently registered with the FMC, run the show managers command at the FTD CLI.

Example 8-2 shows that FTD is currently registered with the FMC with IP address

Example 8-2 Verifying the Registration Status—FTD Is Currently Registered

> show managers

Type : Manager
Host :
Registration : Completed

If you find that FTD is currently registered with the FMC, you can unregister it from
the FMC web interface. To delete registration, go to the Devices > Device Management
page and click the delete icon next to FTD (see Figure 8-3).

Figure 8-3 Deleting a Firepower Registration

Example 8-3 shows confirmation that FTD is currently not registered with the FMC.

Example 8-3 Verifying the Registration Status—FTD Is Not Registered

> show managers

No managers configured.

Configuring the Firewall Mode

If FTD is currently not registered with the FMC, you can change the firewall deployment
mode. To configure an FTD with Routed Mode, log in to the FTD CLI and run the
configure firewall routed command (see Example 8-4).
Configuring Routed Mode 235

Example 8-4 Configuring the Routed Mode

> configure firewall routed

This will destroy the current interface configurations, are you sure that you want
to proceed? [y/N] y
The firewall mode was changed successfully.

After configuring FTD with the desired mode, you can determine the status from the
CLI. Example 8-5 shows confirmation that FTD is configured to Routed Mode.

Example 8-5 Verifying the Firewall Deployment Mode

> show firewall

Firewall mode: Router

Alternatively, upon a successful registration, the web interface of the FMC also dis-
plays the current firewall deployment mode. You can view it at the Devices > Device
Management page. Figure 8-4 indicates that FTD is configured in Routed Mode.

Figure 8-4 Checking the Current FTD Deployment Mode

Configuring the Routed Interface

In FTD, you can configure a data interface with a static IP address. FTD can also work
as a DHCP client and obtain an IP address from a DHCP server. Furthermore, you can
enable DHCP service on FTD to enable it to assign an IP address dynamically to its host.

Configuring an Interface with a Static IP Address

To configure a routed interface with a static IP address, follow these steps:

Step 1. Navigate to the Devices > Device Management page. A list of the managed
devices appears.
236 Chapter 8: Firepower Deployment in Routed Mode

Step 2. Click the pencil icon that is next to the FTD device you want to configure.
The device editor page appears, showing all the physical interfaces of an
FTD device on the Interfaces tab (see Figure 8-5).

Figure 8-5 The Interfaces Tab of the Device Editor Page

Step 3. On the Interfaces tab, click the pencil icons next to GigabitEthernet1/1 and
GigabitEthernet1/2 to configure these interfaces for the inside and outside
networks. Use the settings shown in Table 8-1 to configure these two

Table 8-1 Configuration Settings for GigabitEthernet1/1 and GigabitEthernet1/2

GigabitEthernet1/1 GigabitEthernet1/2
Security zone (optional) INSIDE_ZONE OUTSIDE_ZONE
IP address

Note To enable an interface, giving it a name is a requirement. However, configuring a

security zone is an optional step.
Configuring Routed Mode 237

Figure 8-6 shows these interfaces, which are each connected to two different


Interface: Gi1/1 Interface: Gi1/2

IP Address: IP Address:


Security Zone: INSIDE_ZONE Security Zone: OUTSIDE_ZONE

Management Interface (br1)

IP Address:

Figure 8-6 Overview of FTD Interface Configurations

Figure 8-7 shows the configurations on the GigabitEthernet1/1 interface that

can act as the default gateway for the inside network.

Figure 8-7 Configurations of the Inside Interface GigabitEthernet1/1

238 Chapter 8: Firepower Deployment in Routed Mode

Figure 8-8 shows the configurations on the GigabitEthernet1/2 interface that

is connected to the outside network.

Figure 8-8 Configurations of the Outside Interface GigabitEthernet1/2

Step 4. After you configure both interfaces, click the Save button to save the configu-

Step 5. Click the Deploy button to apply the configurations to FTD (see Figure 8-9).

DHCP Services
FTD can function as a DHCP server as well as a DHCP client. For example, if you deploy
an FTD device between your inside and outside networks, the device can obtain an IP
address dynamically for its outside interface from an ISP router. Simultaneously, FTD can
act as a DHCP server and provide IPv4 addresses dynamically to the hosts it inspects.

Note Configuring FTD as a DHCP server is an optional choice; it does not influence the
deep packet inspection capability. The DHCP implementation on the Firepower software
has limitations. It depends on various factors, such as the Internet Protocol version (IPv4
versus IPv6), FTD firewall mode (Routed versus Transparent), and the type of services
(DHCP server versus DHCP relay). Read the official Cisco Firepower publications to find
any version-specific limitations and enhancements.
Configuring Routed Mode 239

2 1

Figure 8-9 Saving the Configuration and Clicking the Deploy Button to Apply Changes

Figure 8-10 illustrates two scenarios: The inside network obtains an IP address from the
DHCP service running on FTD, while the outside interface of the FTD device gets an
IP address from a service provider.

Inside Interface Provides Outside Interface Obtains IP Address

DHCP Service to the Inside Hosts FTD from the DHCP Service of the ISP Router

FTD Functions as FTD Functions as

a DHCP Server a DHCP Client

Host Router

Figure 8-10 FTD as a DHCP Server as well as a DHCP Client

240 Chapter 8: Firepower Deployment in Routed Mode

FTD as a DHCP Server

The following steps describe how to enable the DHCP service on an FTD device and
allow the inside interface to provide IPv4 addresses to its connected host computers:

Step 1. Go to the Devices > Device Management page and click the pencil icon to
edit the FTD configuration.

Step 2. Assign the static IP address on GigabitEthernet1/1—the inside

interface of FTD—as shown in Figure 8-11. Your end users (DHCP clients)
will be using this IP address as their default gateway.

Figure 8-11 Static IP Address Configuration on the Inside Interface

Step 3. In the device editor page, go to the DHCP tab. By default, the DHCP Server
page appears.

Step 4. Click the Add button in the Server tab (located in the bottom part of the
DHCP Server page). The Add Server window appears.

Step 5. In the Add Server window, select the inside interface from the dropdown list
as it will be offering IP addresses to the inside network.

Step 6. Create an address pool for the DHCP server. Remember that the addresses
in the pool must be within the same subnet as the connected interface. For
example, if you assign to the inside interface, the DHCP
address pool should be between and
Configuring Routed Mode 241

Figure 8-12 shows that a DHCP server is enabled on the FTD inside interface
with the address pool to

Figure 8-12 DHCP Server FTD Configuration

Step 7. Select the Enable DHCP Server check box to enable the service and click
OK. You are returned to the device editor page.

Step 8. Optionally, through the DHCP service, transfer any DNS-related information
to your DHCP clients. The DHCP Server page allows you to enter domain
name and DNS addresses manually. Alternatively, you can select the
Auto-Configuration check box to let FTD obtain any DNS information
automatically from a DHCP client connected to a predefined interface.

Step 9. Click the Save button to save the configuration, and then click the Deploy
button to apply the changes.

FTD as a DHCP Client

If you connect the outside interface of FTD with an Internet service provider (ISP), FTD
can accept any dynamic IP address assigned by an ISP. To accept a DHCP offer from an
external server, perform the following tasks in FTD:

Step 1. Go to the Devices > Device Management page and click the pencil icon next
to the FTD device that you want to configure.
242 Chapter 8: Firepower Deployment in Routed Mode

Step 2. Edit the interface that is connected to an external DHCP server—in this
example, the outside interface GigabitEthernet1/2.

Step 3. In the Edit Physical Interface window, select the check box to enable
the interface. Specify a name and a security zone for this interface.
(Skip this step if you configured these items previously during the static
IP address configuration.)

Figure 8-13 shows the configurations on the outside interface that will be
able to obtain an IP address from a DHCP server.

Figure 8-13 Interface Configuration to Obtain an IP Address as a DHCP Client

Step 4. On the IPv4 tab, choose Use DHCP from the dropdown list and select the
Obtain Default Route Using DHCP check box.

Step 5. Click OK to exit the Edit Physical Interface window.

Step 6. Click the Save button to save the configuration, and then click the Deploy
button to apply the changes.

The outside interface now should see an offer from an external DHCP server.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 243

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools

Once the ingress and egress interfaces are successfully configured and enabled, you
should be able to ping from the inside network to the outside network and vice versa.
While you run ICMP traffic, you can view the transaction of packets going through
FTD by using the debug command.

Example 8-6 shows ICMP requests and replies exchanged between two computers
located in inside and outside networks.

Example 8-6 Debugging ICMP Traffic in FTD

> debug icmp trace

debug icmp trace enabled at level 1
ID=4101 seq=1 len=56
ID=4101 seq=1 len=56
ID=4101 seq=2 len=56
ID=4101 seq=2 len=56
<Output Omitted>

> undebug all


If the ping test fails, you need to determine the status of the interfaces. You can run a
couple commands in FTD to verify the configurations you applied from the FMC to the
FTD. As shown in the following sections, command outputs are slightly different depend-
ing on the configuration method (static versus dynamic).

Verifying the Interface Configuration

The following commands are useful for verifying the interface configuration and status:

■ show ip

■ show interface ip brief

■ show interface interface_ID

■ show running-config interface

244 Chapter 8: Firepower Deployment in Routed Mode

Example 8-7 shows output of the show ip command. You can view the mapping between
the interface, logical name, and IP address in this output. You cannot, however, view the
current status in the output.

Example 8-7 Output of the show ip Command

> show ip
System IP Addresses:
Interface Name IP address Subnet mask Method
GigabitEthernet1/1 INSIDE_INTERFACE manual
GigabitEthernet1/2 OUTSIDE_INTERFACE manual
Current IP Addresses:
Interface Name IP address Subnet mask Method
GigabitEthernet1/1 INSIDE_INTERFACE manual
GigabitEthernet1/2 OUTSIDE_INTERFACE manual

Example 8-8 confirms that both the GigabitEthernet1/1 and GigabitEthernet1/2 interfaces
are up and configured manually (using static IP addresses). The show interface ip brief
command provides an overview, including the current status, of each of the interfaces.

Example 8-8 Overview of the Interface Status

> show interface ip brief

Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
Virtual0 YES unset up up
GigabitEthernet1/1 YES manual up up
GigabitEthernet1/2 YES manual up up
GigabitEthernet1/3 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/4 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/5 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/6 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/7 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/8 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
Internal-Control1/1 YES unset up up
Internal-Data1/1 unassigned YES unset up up
Internal-Data1/2 unassigned YES unset down down
Internal-Data1/3 unassigned YES unset up up
Internal-Data1/4 YES unset up up
Management1/1 unassigned YES unset up up
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 245

Example 8-9 shows detailed statistics of the GigabitEthernet1/1 interface. By using the
show interface interface_ID command, you can determine any errors and drops that
may have occurred on an interface.

Example 8-9 Detailed Statistics of Packets in the Interface Level

> show interface GigabitEthernet 1/1

Interface GigabitEthernet1/1 "INSIDE_INTERFACE", is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is Accelerator rev01, BW 1000 Mbps, DLY 10 usec
Auto-Duplex(Full-duplex), Auto-Speed(1000 Mbps)
Input flow control is unsupported, output flow control is off
MAC address a46c.2ae4.6bc0, MTU 1500
IP address, subnet mask
3541 packets input, 379530 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 54 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
0 pause input, 0 resume input
0 L2 decode drops
2875 packets output, 292832 bytes, 0 underruns
0 pause output, 0 resume output
0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets
0 late collisions, 0 deferred
0 input reset drops, 0 output reset drops
input queue (blocks free curr/low): hardware (938/895)
output queue (blocks free curr/low): hardware (1023/1022)
Traffic Statistics for "INSIDE_INTERFACE":
3534 packets input, 315149 bytes
2875 packets output, 240884 bytes
658 packets dropped
1 minute input rate 2 pkts/sec, 168 bytes/sec
1 minute output rate 2 pkts/sec, 168 bytes/sec
1 minute drop rate, 0 pkts/sec
5 minute input rate 2 pkts/sec, 168 bytes/sec
5 minute output rate 2 pkts/sec, 168 bytes/sec
5 minute drop rate, 0 pkts/sec

Example 8-10 displays the interface configurations from the CLI. You can find all the set-
tings you configured on the FMC and applied to FTD. The system, however, adds some
commands automatically when you apply the final configurations.
246 Chapter 8: Firepower Deployment in Routed Mode

Example 8-10 Running Configurations of GigabitEthernet1/1 and GigabitEthernet1/2

> show running-config interface

interface GigabitEthernet1/1
cts manual
propagate sgt preserve-untag
policy static sgt disabled trusted
security-level 0
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet1/2
cts manual
propagate sgt preserve-untag
policy static sgt disabled trusted
security-level 0
ip address
<Output Omitted for Brevity>

Verifying DHCP Settings

If an FTD device does not offer an IP address to its DHCP clients, or if the FTD device
cannot obtain an IP address from any external DHCP server, you can verify the configu-
rations and debug any DHCP packets to and from the DHCP server. Let’s take a look.

Example 8-11 confirms that GigabitEthernet1/2, connected to the outside network, can
obtain the IP address from a DHCP server.

Example 8-11 Status of an Outside Interface—Configured with a Dynamic IP Address

> show interface ip brief

Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
Virtual0 YES unset up up
GigabitEthernet1/1 YES manual up up
GigabitEthernet1/2 YES DHCP up up
GigabitEthernet1/3 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/4 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/5 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 247

GigabitEthernet1/6 unassigned YES unset administratively down down

GigabitEthernet1/7 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/8 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
Internal-Control1/1 YES unset up up
Internal-Data1/1 unassigned YES unset up up
Internal-Data1/2 unassigned YES unset down down
Internal-Data1/3 unassigned YES unset up up
Internal-Data1/4 YES unset up up
Management1/1 unassigned YES unset up up

Example 8-12 shows the differences between the configurations of two interfaces: The
inside interface GigabitEthernet1/1 is configured with the static IP address,
whereas the outside interface GigabitEthernet1/2 is configured to obtain an address from
a DHCP server.

Example 8-12 The Difference Between Static and DHCP Configurations in the CLI

> show running-config interface

interface GigabitEthernet1/1
cts manual
propagate sgt preserve-untag
policy static sgt disabled trusted
security-level 0
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet1/2
cts manual
propagate sgt preserve-untag
policy static sgt disabled trusted
security-level 0
ip address dhcp setroute
<Output Omitted for Brevity>

Example 8-13 proves that FTD has dynamically assigned the IP address to a
host with MAC address C4:2C:03:3C:98:A8. This IP address is the first address from the
DHCP address pool to
248 Chapter 8: Firepower Deployment in Routed Mode

Example 8-13 Verifying the IP Address Assignment from a DHCP Address Pool

> show dhcpd binding

IP address Client Identifier Lease expiration Type c42c.033c.98a8 3580 seconds Automatic

If you do not see any DHCP binding, you can debug the DHCP packets on the FTD

Example 8-14 demonstrates the process of a DHCP server assigning an IP address. In the
debug output, you can analyze the four major stages of the DHCP protocol—Discovery,
Offer, Request, and Acknowledgement (DORA).

Example 8-14 Exchanging DHCP Packets Between FTD and a DHCP Server

> debug dhcpd packet

debug dhcpd packet enabled at level 1

DHCPD/RA: Server msg received, fip=ANY, fport=0 on INSIDE_INTERFACE interface

DHCPD: DHCPDISCOVER received from client c42c.033c.98a8 on interface INSIDE_INTERFACE.
DHCPD: send ping pkt to
DHCPD: ping got no response for ip:
DHCPD: Add binding to radix tree
DHCPD/RA: Binding successfully added to hash table
DHCPD: Sending DHCPOFFER to client c42c.033c.98a8 (

DHCPD: Total # of raw options copied to outgoing DHCP message is 0.

DHCPD/RA: creating ARP entry (, c42c.033c.98a8).
DHCPD: unicasting BOOTREPLY to client c42c.033c.98a8(
DHCPD/RA: Server msg received, fip=ANY, fport=0 on INSIDE_INTERFACE interface
DHCPD: DHCPREQUEST received from client c42c.033c.98a8.
DHCPD: Extracting client address from the message
DHCPD: Client c42c.033c.98a8 specified it's address
DHCPD: Client is on the correct network
DHCPD: Client accepted our offer
DHCPD: Client and server agree on address
DHCPD: Renewing client c42c.033c.98a8 lease
DHCPD: Client lease can be renewed
DHCPD: Sending DHCPACK to client c42c.033c.98a8 (
Quiz 249

DHCPD: Total # of raw options copied to outgoing DHCP message is 0.

DHCPD/RA: creating ARP entry (, c42c.033c.98a8).
DHCPD: unicasting BOOTREPLY to client c42c.033c.98a8(


In this chapter, you have learned about the widely deployed firewall mode Routed Mode.
This chapter describes the steps involved in configuring routed interfaces with static IP
addresses as well as dynamic IP addresses. In addition, this chapter discusses various
command-line tools you can use to determine any potential interface-related issues.

1. Which of the following commands is used to debug and analyze ping requests?
a. debug icmp
b. debug ip icmp
c. debug icmp trace
d. debug icmp reply

2. Which of the following commands is used to configure FTD from Transparent Mode
to Routed Mode?
a. configure routed
b. configure firewall routed
c. configure firepower routed
d. configure transparent disable

3. Which of the following statements is true?

a. FTD in Transparent Mode cannot be configured by the FMC.
b. You can change the firewall deployment mode by using the FMC.
c. You cannot change the firewall mode until you unregister FTD from the FMC.
d. When you change the firewall mode, FTD saves the running configurations.

4. Which of the following commands allows you to determine any interface-related

a. show interface ip brief
b. show interface interface_ID
c. show running-config interface
d. All of the above
This page intentionally left blank
Chapter 9

Firepower Deployment in
Transparent Mode

FTD Transparent Mode allows you to control your network traffic like a firewall,
while the FTD device stays invisible to the hosts in your network. This chapter discusses
the configuration of FTD Transparent Mode.

Transparent Mode Essentials

In Transparent Mode, FTD bridges the inside and outside interfaces into a single Layer 2
network and remains transparent to the hosts. When FTD is in Transparent Mode,
the FMC does not allow you to assign an IPv4 address to a directly connected interface.
As a result, the hosts are unable to communicate with any connected interfaces. Unlike
with Routed Mode, you cannot configure the connected interfaces as the default gateway
for the hosts.
You can, however, assign an IP address to the Bridge Virtual Interface (BVI) that comes
with each bridge group. A bridge group represents a unique Layer 2 network. You can
create multiple bridge groups on a single FTD device, but the hosts within different
bridge groups cannot communicate with each other without a router. Within a bridge
group, both the BVI and the hosts must have IP addresses from the same subnet.
FTD uses the IP address of the BVI when it communicates with its hosts.

Figure 9-1 shows how a host finds a router, not an FTD device, as its next hop when
you configure FTD in Transparent Mode.

Figure 9-2 shows an example of a real-world deployment of FTD in Transparent Mode.

The management interfaces of the FMC and FTD are connected to the end users through
the subnet. The default gateway for the subnet is the gate-
way router IP address
252 Chapter 9: Firepower Deployment in Transparent Mode

Next Hop
Inside Interface Outside Interface
FTD BVI Interface

Figure 9-1 Host Communicating with Its Next Hop When FTD Is Transparent

End users and the Firepower management

interfaces are on the same subnet. All of them
use as their default gateway.

Mgmt. Interface Default Gateway


Inside Outside
Interface Interface Internet

End User FTD Gateway BVI: Router


Figure 9-2 Real-World Deployment Example of FTD in Transparent Mode

Best Practices for Transparent Mode

Consider the following when you plan to deploy FTD in Transparent Mode:

■ Changing the firewall mode wipes out any existing FTD configurations. Therefore,
before you change the firewall mode from Routed to Transparent or vice versa, take
note of your FTD configuration settings for future reference, in case you want to
revert the FTD to the initial state. To view the current FTD configuration, run the
show running-config command in the CLI.
Configuring Transparent Mode 253

If you just want to change the firewall mode on an FTD device, performing a backup
of your security policy configuration is not necessary because the next-generation
security policies are defined and stored on the FMC. Once configured, FMC can
deploy the same policies to one or more FTD devices.

■ Do not use the BVI IP address as the default gateway for the connected hosts.
Instead, use any connected router as the default gateway for the hosts in the bridged

■ Do not forget to add access rules to allow any necessary network management traf-
fic. By default, FTD in Transparent Mode blocks the DHCP traffic, multicast traffic,
and dynamic routing protocol traffic (such as RIP, OSPF, EIGRP, BGP, and so on).
If you select Access Control: Block All Traffic as the default action, make sure
you have added access rules explicitly to allow any essential traffic. If you are not
sure, you can use Intrusion Prevention: Balanced Security and Connectivity as the
default action; it allows any unmatched traffic, as long as there are no malicious
activities found.

■ If your ultimate goal is to perform transparent inspection, you can choose the Inline
IPS mode instead of the Transparent firewall mode. While both modes allow you to
deploy FTD as a bump in the wire, Inline Mode has less configuration overhead than
Transparent Mode. In addition, a dedicated IP address for each BVI is not necessary.
To learn more, read Chapter 11, “Blocking Traffic Using Inline Interface Mode.”

Configuring Transparent Mode

During system initialization, FTD provides you an option to choose between Routed
Mode and Transparent Mode (see Example 9-1). To set up FTD with Transparent Mode,
just type transparent when the system prompts and press Enter.

Example 9-1 Configuring Transparent Firewall Mode During Initialization

<Output Omitted>
Manage the device locally? (yes/no) [yes]: no
Configure firewall mode? (routed/transparent) [routed]: transparent
Configuring firewall mode ...
<Output Omitted>

If you selected Transparent Mode during the system initialization, you can skip the next
two sections and read the section “Deploying Transparent Mode in a Layer 2 Network.”
If you selected Routed Mode, read on.
254 Chapter 9: Firepower Deployment in Transparent Mode

Fulfilling Prerequisites
You cannot change the firewall mode if FTD is currently registered with the FMC.
If you initially configured FTD to Routed Mode and now you want to reconfigure it to
Transparent Mode, you must unregister FTD from the FMC. To verify the registration
status, run the show managers command at the FTD CLI.

Example 9-2 shows that FTD is currently registered with the FMC with IP address

Example 9-2 Verifying the Registration Status—FTD Is Currently Registered

> show managers

Type : Manager
Host :
Registration : Completed

If you find that FTD is currently registered with the FMC, unregister it by using the FMC
web interface. To delete the registration, go to the Devices > Device Management page
and click the delete icon next to the appropriate FTD device (see Figure 9-3).

Figure 9-3 Deleting a Firepower Registration

Example 9-3 shows confirmation that FTD is currently not registered with the FMC.

Example 9-3 Verifying the Registration Status—FTD Is Not Registered

> show managers

No managers configured.

Changing the Firewall Mode

If an FTD device is currently not associated with a manager, you can change the firewall
deployment mode. To configure an FTD device with Transparent Mode, log in to the
FTD CLI and run the configure firewall transparent command (see Example 9-4).
Configuring Transparent Mode 255

Example 9-4 Configuring Transparent Mode

> configure firewall transparent

This will destroy the current interface configurations, are you sure that you want
to proceed? [y/N] y
The firewall mode was changed successfully.

After configuring FTD with the desired mode, you can determine the status from the
CLI, as shown in Example 9-5.

Example 9-5 Verifying Firewall Deployment Mode

> show firewall

Firewall mode: Transparent

Alternatively, upon a successful registration, the web interface of the FMC also displays
the current firewall deployment mode. You can view it on the Devices > Device
management page (see Figure 9-4).

Figure 9-4 Checking the Current FTD Deployment Mode

Deploying Transparent Mode in a Layer 2 Network

An FTD device in Transparent Mode can control traffic as a firewall and inspect traffic
as an intrusion prevention system while it stays transparent in the network, like a Layer 2
switch. A transparent FTD supports the following deployment scenarios:

■ You can deploy it in a single Layer 2 network, where all the hosts reside in the
same subnet and can communicate without a dynamic routing protocol. This type
of deployment works when you configure the physical and virtual interfaces in a
bridge group.

■ You can also deploy an FTD device between the Layer 3 networks, where hosts
from different subnets communicate using a routing protocol. By default, when you
256 Chapter 9: Firepower Deployment in Transparent Mode

configure an FTD device in Transparent Mode, it blocks any underlying dynamic

routing protocol traffic. Therefore, to allow this traffic, you need to add access rules

Configuring the Physical and Virtual Interfaces

To configure the interfaces when an FTD device is in Transparent Mode, follow
these steps:

Step 1. Navigate to the Devices > Device Management page. A list of the managed
devices appears.

Step 2. Click the pencil icon that is next to the FTD device you want to configure.
The device editor page appears, showing all the physical interfaces of an FTD
device on the Interfaces tab (see Figure 9-5).

Figure 9-5 The Interfaces Tab of the Device Editor Page

Step 3. On the Interfaces tab, click the pencil icons next to GigabitEthernet1/1 and
GigabitEthernet1/2 to configure these interfaces for the inside and outside
networks. Use the settings shown in Table 9-1 to configure these two
Configuring Transparent Mode 257

Table 9-1 Configuration Settings for GigabitEthernet1/1 and GigabitEthernet1/2

GigabitEthernet1/1 GigabitEthernet1/2
Security zone (optional) INSIDE_ZONE OUTSIDE_ZONE
IP address In Transparent Mode, an IP address is not required on a
data interface. Instead, assign an address to the BVI.

Note To enable an interface, giving it a name is a requirement; however, configuring a

security zone is an optional step.

Figure 9-6 shows the configurations on the GigabitEthernet1/1 interface. Note

that there is no option to configure an IPv4 address.

Figure 9-6 Configuring the Inside Interface—GigabitEthernet1/1

Figure 9-7 shows the configurations on the GigabitEthernet1/2 interface that

is connected to the outside network.
258 Chapter 9: Firepower Deployment in Transparent Mode

Figure 9-7 Configuring the Outside Interface—GigabitEthernet1/2

Step 4. After you configure both interfaces, click the Save button to save the changes
you have made so far (see Figure 9-8). The configuration is now saved on the
FMC for future use. The FMC applies the configuration to an FTD device
only when you click the Deploy button, which you will do soon.

Click the Save Button

Figure 9-8 Saving a Configuration

Configuring Transparent Mode 259

Step 5. To configure a BVI, on the right side of the Interfaces tab, click the Add
Interfaces button. A list of different types of interfaces appears.

Step 6. Select Bridge Group Interface from the list of interfaces (see Figure 9-9). The
Add Bridge Group Interface window appears.

Select Bridge
Group Interface.

After a successful configuration,

a Bridge Virtual Interface (BVI) appears here.

Figure 9-9 Navigating to the Bridge Group Interface Configuration

Step 7. On the Interfaces tab of the Add Bridge Group Interface window, provide a
bridge group ID between 1 and 250 and select the interfaces that are part of
the bridged network—in this case GigabitEthernet1/1 and GigabitEthernet1/2,
as shown in Figure 9-10.
260 Chapter 9: Firepower Deployment in Transparent Mode

Figure 9-10 Selecting Interfaces for a Bridge Group

Step 8. On the IPv4 subtab, configure the address for the BVI
(see Figure 9-11). The IP address must be on the same subnet as the hosts
and default gateway router, and in this case it is within the same /24 subnet as
its hosts.

Figure 9-11 Configuring an IP Address for the BVI

Configuring Transparent Mode 261

Step 9. Click OK to exit the Add Bridge Group Interface window. Figure 9-12
confirms the setup of a bridge group BVI1.

Then, Deploy
2 1 First, Save

You have just created this

Bridge Virtual Interface (BVI).

Figure 9-12 Applying Configurations to FTD

Step 10. Click the Save button to save the changes, and then click the Deploy button
to apply the changes to the FTD device.

Verifying the Interface Status

After deploying an FTD device by using the FMC web interface, you can verify any
configuration settings from the FTD CLI.

Example 9-6 shows the interface configuration of FTD in Transparent Mode. Both of the
member interfaces are in bridge group 1 and have no IP addresses. Only BVI1 has an IP
address (
262 Chapter 9: Firepower Deployment in Transparent Mode

Example 9-6 Interface Configurations on an FTD in Transparent Mode

> show running-config interface

interface GigabitEthernet1/1
cts manual
propagate sgt preserve-untag
policy static sgt disabled trusted
bridge-group 1
security-level 0
interface GigabitEthernet1/2
cts manual
propagate sgt preserve-untag
policy static sgt disabled trusted
bridge-group 1
security-level 0
<Output Omitted for Brevity>
interface Management1/1
nameif diagnostic
cts manual
propagate sgt preserve-untag
policy static sgt disabled trusted
security-level 0
interface BVI1
ip address

Example 9-7 highlights the status of the interfaces on a Transparent Mode FTD device.
Although you do not configure IP addresses for the member interfaces of a bridge
group, they use the same IP address as the BVI when you communicate with any
connected hosts.
Configuring Transparent Mode 263

Example 9-7 Interface Status of FTD in Transparent Mode

> show interface ip brief

Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
Virtual0 YES unset up up
GigabitEthernet1/1 YES unset up up
GigabitEthernet1/2 YES unset up up
GigabitEthernet1/3 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/4 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/5 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/6 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/7 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/8 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
Internal-Control1/1 YES unset up up
Internal-Data1/1 unassigned YES unset up up
Internal-Data1/2 unassigned YES unset down down
Internal-Data1/3 unassigned YES unset up up
Internal-Data1/4 YES unset up up
Management1/1 unassigned YES unset up up
BVI1 YES manual up up

Example 9-8 shows the status of the logical management interface br1, which is not
displayed in the previous example. FTD uses the IP address of br1 to communicate with
the FMC.

Example 9-8 Status of the Logical Management Interface br1

> show network

===============[ System Information ]===============
Hostname : firepower
Management port : 8305
IPv4 Default route
Gateway :

======================[ br1 ]=======================

State : Enabled
Channels : Management & Events
Mode : Non-Autonegotiation
MTU : 1500
MAC Address : A4:6C:2A:E4:6B:BE
----------------------[ IPv4 ]----------------------
Configuration : Manual
Address :
264 Chapter 9: Firepower Deployment in Transparent Mode

Netmask :
Broadcast :
----------------------[ IPv6 ]----------------------
Configuration : Disabled

===============[ Proxy Information ]================

State : Disabled
Authentication : Disabled


Verifying Basic Connectivity and Operations

After configuring an FTD device to Transparent Mode, you might want to verify whether
the transparent FTD is working. Is it invisible in the network? You can prove this by using
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). When a host computer communicates through an
FTD device, the host cannot see the FTD device. Instead, it can see the devices deployed
on the other side of the FTD device.

Before testing the functionality, let’s determine the MAC and IP addresses of all the
participating interfaces. Figure 9-13 details the Layer 1, Layer 2, and Layer 3 addresses
of the network devices in the OSPF area 1 network. Instead of seeing the FTD inside
interface, the inside router sees the outside router as its next hop.

Inside Router Sees That Its Next Hop Has Default Gateway in
MAC: 000c.2965.d399 and IP: Transparent Mode

GigabitEthernet2 GigabitEthernet3
Mac: 000c.2943.7b76 Mac: 000c.2965.d399

GigabitEthernet1/1 GigabitEthernet1/2
Inside a46c.2ae4.6bc0 a46c.2ae4.6bc1
End Outside
IP Is Not Required IP Is Not Required
Users Router Router

OSPF Area 1

Inside Router Does Not See the FTD Interface

in Transparent Mode
(but It Would See It in Routed Mode)

Figure 9-13 Traffic Flow Between an Inside Router and a Default Gateway
Configuring Transparent Mode 265

Example 9-9 shows the commands that allow you to find the MAC and IP addresses of
an interface on an FTD device and a router.

Example 9-9 Determining the MAC and IP Addresses

! On FTD:

> show interface GigabitEthernet1/1 | include address

MAC address a46c.2ae4.6bc0, MTU 1500
IP address, subnet mask

> show interface GigabitEthernet1/2 | include address

MAC address a46c.2ae4.6bc1, MTU 1500
IP address, subnet mask

! On Router:

Inside-Router# show interfaces GigabitEthernet2 | include address

Hardware is CSR vNIC, address is 000c.2943.7b76 (bia 000c.2943.7b76)
Internet address is

Outside-Router## show interfaces GigabitEthernet3 | include address

Hardware is CSR vNIC, address is 000c.2965.d399 (bia 000c.2965.d399)
Internet address is

If you configured the interfaces according to the instructions in the previous section, you
should be able to successfully ping from the inside router to the outside router.

Example 9-10 shows a successful ping test from the inside router to the outside router
through the FTD. The dropping of the first packet is an expected behavior. It happens
because the ARP table is empty at the beginning.

Example 9-10 Sending a Successful Ping Request from Inside to Outside

Inside-Router# ping

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 80 percent (4/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 5/5/6 ms
266 Chapter 9: Firepower Deployment in Transparent Mode

The ping test by the inside router (shown in Example 9-10) does not prove whether the
ping replies come from the outside router or from the BVI of the FTD. You can determine
this by enabling debugging on FTD for ICMP traffic, like this:

> debug icmp trace

debug icmp trace enabled at level 1

Once again, you can send the ping requests to the IP address of the outside router from the inside router. The requests go through the FTD device as in the
previous example. However, this time, the FTD device shows a log for the through
traffic. There are two lines for each ping request—one for sending a request and one for
receiving a reply:

ICMP echo request from INSIDE_INTERFACE: to OUTSIDE_

INTERFACE: ID=8 seq=1 len=72
INTERFACE: ID=8 seq=1 len=72

Now check the ARP table on the inside router to view the mapping of IP addresses with
the inside interface. Compare the entries in the table with the MAC addresses that you
found in the command output shown in Example 9-9.

Example 9-11 displays the mapping of the MAC addresses with the IP addresses. Besides
the MAC address of its own interface (000c.2943.7b76), the ARP table of the inside
router shows the MAC address of its next hop—the outside router (000c.2965.d399), not
the FTD (a46c.2ae4.6bc0), which is transparent in the network.

Example 9-11 Inside Router ARP Table—After Pinging from the Inside Router to the
Outside Router

Inside-Router# show arp

Protocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface
Internet - 000c.2943.7b76 ARPA GigabitEthernet2
Internet 2 000c.2965.d399 ARPA GigabitEthernet2

If you send a ping request from the FTD device, FTD uses its BVI IP address to send that
request. In that case, the ARP table on the router shows the MAC address of the FTD
interface that communicates with the router.

Example 9-12 demonstrates that when you ping from FTD to the inside router, it uses the
BVI address as its IP address. Remember that in Transparent Mode, you do
not configure any IPv4 address on the FTD physical interface.
Configuring Transparent Mode 267

Example 9-12 BVI IP Address Used When Traffic Originates from the FTD Itself

> debug icmp trace

debug icmp trace enabled at level 1

> ping

ICMP echo request from to ID=52779 seq=30330 len=72
ICMP echo reply from to ID=52779 seq=30330 len=72
<Output Omitted for Brevity>

! To disable the debug of ICMP traffic:

> no debug icmp trace
debug icmp trace disabled.

! Alternatively, to disable all of the running debug processes:

> undebug all

Example 9-13 shows a new entry in the ARP table after you send the ping requests
to the inside router from the FTD device. It now displays the MAC address of the
GigabitEthernet1/1 interface (a46c.2ae4.6bc0) in FTD.

Example 9-13 Inside Router ARP Table—After Pinging from FTD to the Inside Router

Inside-Router# show arp

Protocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface
Internet 1 a46c.2ae4.6bc0 ARPA GigabitEthernet2
Internet - 000c.2943.7b76 ARPA GigabitEthernet2
Internet 5 000c.2965.d399 ARPA GigabitEthernet2

Deploying an FTD Device Between Layer 3 Networks

After configuring the physical and virtual interfaces, you can communicate with any
hosts, through an FTD device, within the same subnet. However, if you want to commu-
nicate with hosts that are in different subnets, a routing protocol is necessary.

When you configure a dynamic routing protocol across the network, FTD blocks the
underlying routing traffic until you allow it in an access control policy. You can choose
one of following options:

■ Select a nonblocking policy as the default action.

■ Add a custom access rule to allow desired traffic.

268 Chapter 9: Firepower Deployment in Transparent Mode

Figure 9-14 shows an FTD device deployed between an inside router and an outside
router. Both routers use loopback interfaces to simulate a host and the Internet. The
loopback and routing interfaces are on different subnets, and all of them are included in
OSPF area 1.

BVI1: GigabitEthernet2 GigabitEthernet3
Host Host
GigabitEthernet1/1 GigabitEthernet1/2
Loopback0 Loopback0
Inside Outside
Router IP Address Is Not Necessary for
the Interfaces on Transparent FTD
OSPF Area 1

Figure 9-14 Transparent FTD Deployment in an OSPF Network

Selecting the Default Action

The default action in an access control policy determines how an FTD device handles
traffic when there is no matching access rule. To define the default action, you can either
go to the Policies > Access Control page to create a new policy or you can edit an
existing policy. Figure 9-15 shows the options to create a new access control policy and
to modify an existing one.

Create a New Access

Control Policy

Edit an Existing Policy

Figure 9-15 Options to Create a New Access Control Policy and to Modify an
Existing One

When you are on the policy editor page, select the desired policy from the Default
Action dropdown. You can select one of the system-provided policies that does not
Configuring Transparent Mode 269

block traffic or a policy that you have created (if any). If you are not sure about selecting
a policy, you can select the Intrusion Prevention: Balanced Security and Connectivity
policy, which allows any unmatched traffic to go through an FTD device after being
inspected for malicious activities.

Figure 9-16 shows a list of system-provided policies that you can select for default action.
Once you select a policy, save the changes and deploy it on your FTD.

List of Policies for Default Action

Figure 9-16 System-Provided Policies That Are Available for Default Action

Adding an Access Rule

If you select the Access Control: Block All Traffic policy as the default action, traffic
is blocked when it does not match with any custom access rules. Only the traffic
that exclusively matches a rule is allowed through the FTD device.

If you create an access rule to allow a particular routing protocol, such as OSPF, and
select the Access Control: Block All Traffic policy as the default action, the FTD device
allows only OSPF management traffic. Any other data traffic, however, is dropped due
to the default blocking action. In this scenario, two routers can build an OSPF neighbor
relationship through an FTD device, but you are unable to ping the inside router from
the outside router and vice versa. Similarly, you cannot use Secure Shell (SSH) to access
a router from the other router even though the neighbor relation is established. To allow
270 Chapter 9: Firepower Deployment in Transparent Mode

any additional traffic, you need to add the related protocols in the access rule and select
the Allow action.

In the following configuration example, you will see how to create two access rules—one
for the routing traffic (OSPF) and one for the data traffic (SSH).

To create an access rule for OSPF traffic, follow these steps:

Step 1. Go to the Policies > Access Control page. Click the New Policy button to
create a new policy, or click on the pencil icon to edit an existing policy. The
policy editor page appears.

Step 2. To create a new access rule, on the policy editor page, click the Add Rule
button (see Figure 9-17). The Add Rule window appears.

Figure 9-17 Navigating to the Add Rule Button

Step 3. Give a name to this particular access rule, select the Enabled check box, and
set the action to Allow. Figure 9-18 shows how to enable a new access rule
called Routing Access with the rule action set to Allow.

Figure 9-18 The Add Rule Window, Where You Define a Rule for Access Control
Configuring Transparent Mode 271

Warning Routers exchange keepalives to determine the states of the neighbors. If an

FTD device deployed between two routers inspects a very high volume of traffic, it may
delay the traverse of keepalive packets even if you add an access rule to allow them. As a
result, a router may take a longer time to call its neighbor down, which makes any reach-
ability issues worse.

Tip The Firepower System offers two unique rule actions—Trust and Fastpath—that can
expedite the traverse of management traffic. In an access rule, you can set the action to
Trust to let the OSPF traffic go through the FTD device without any further inspection.
However, the more optimal method for bypassing an inspection is to add a prefilter rule for
the OSPF protocol and set the action for it to Fastpath. To learn about the details of both
options, see Chapter 14, “Bypassing Inspection and Trusting Traffic.”

Step 4. Go to the Ports tab and navigate to the Protocol dropdown that is under the
Selected Destination Ports field.

Step 5. Select the OSPF/OSPFIGP protocol and click the Add button next to the
protocol dropdown. The selected protocol should be listed under the Selected
Destination Ports box. Figure 9-19 shows the sequence for adding an access
rule called Routing Access to allow the OSPF protocol.

1 2

Figure 9-19 Allowing OSPF in an Access Rule

Step 6. Click the Add button to return to the policy editor page, where you can see
the rule you just created.
272 Chapter 9: Firepower Deployment in Transparent Mode

Creating an Access Rule for SSH

You can create a rule to allow data traffic through the SSH protocol. The following steps
show how to allow destination port 22—the default port for SSH:

Step 1. Click the Add Rule button once again. In the Add Rule window, provide a
name for the rule, select the Enabled check box, and set the Allow action.

Step 2. In the Available Ports section, select SSH and click the Add to Destination
button. The SSH protocol appears under the Selected Destination Ports box.
Figure 9-20 shows the steps to create an access rule named Shell Access to
allow the SSH traffic via port 22.

Figure 9-20 Allowing the Default SSH Port 22 in an Access Rule

Note Step 2 allows SSH traffic that is destined for port 22, which is also the default
port for the SSH protocol. If you want to allow any SSH application traffic, regardless
of its destination port, you need to create a rule by using the Applications tab. To learn
more about the Firepower application control, read Chapter 19, “Discovering Network
Applications and Controlling Application Traffic.”

Step 3. Click the Add button to return to the policy editor page and select the
Access Control: Block All Traffic policy as the Default Action. Figure 9-21
shows that two rules—Routing Access and Shell Access—are added. As the
default action, Access Control: Block All Traffic is added.

Step 4. Add more access rules as necessary. For now, in this configuration example,
just create the above two access rules, save the policy, and deploy the new
configuration on the FTD. Figure 9-22 shows that the new access control
policy is being deployed. It may take several minutes to complete the
Configuring Transparent Mode 273

Figure 9-21 Selecting a Default Action

Figure 9-22 Status of a New Policy Deployment

274 Chapter 9: Firepower Deployment in Transparent Mode

Verifying Access Control Lists

When traffic is not blocked or allowed according to the configurations on the FMC, you
can use the FTD CLI to verify whether the desired access rules are applied. You can run
the show access-list command to view the custom access rules you created, as well as
any implicit or system-generated rules that are applied to the FTD.

Example 9-14 shows the system-generated access rules when an access control policy
with no custom rule is applied. The last rule on line 10, permit ip any any, is applied
implicitly when you select a nonblocking default action. The following example uses the
Balanced Security and Connectivity policy as the default action.

Example 9-14 No Custom Rule with the Balanced Security and Connectivity
Default Policy

> show access-list

access-list cached ACL log flows: total 0, denied 0 (deny-flow-max 4096)
alert-interval 300
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_; 6 elements; name hash: 0x4a69e3f3
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 1 remark rule-id 9998: PREFILTER POLICY: Default Tunnel
and Priority Policy
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 2 remark rule-id 9998: RULE: DEFAULT TUNNEL ACTION RULE
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 3 advanced permit ipinip any any rule-id 9998
(hitcnt=0) 0xf5b597d6
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 4 advanced permit 41 any any rule-id 9998 (hitcnt=0)
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 5 advanced permit gre any any rule-id 9998 (hitcnt=0)
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 6 advanced permit udp any eq 3544 any range 1025 65535
rule-id 9998 (hitcnt=0) 0x46d7839e
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 7 advanced permit udp any range 1025 65535 any eq 3544
rule-id 9998 (hitcnt=0) 0xaf1d5aa5
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 8 remark rule-id 268434432: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy -
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 9 remark rule-id 268434432: L4 RULE: DEFAULT ACTION
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 10 advanced permit ip any any rule-id 268434432
(hitcnt=3281) 0xa1d3780e

Example 9-15 shows two custom access rules on lines 10 and 13, along with other sys-
tem-generated rules, that are created on the FMC and applied to FTD. These rules allow
FTD to permit OSPF and SSH traffic. The last rule on line 16, deny ip any any, is applied
implicitly when you select Access Control: Block All Traffic as the default action.
Configuring Transparent Mode 275

Example 9-15 Two Custom Rules with Block All Traffic as the Default Policy

> show access-list

access-list cached ACL log flows: total 0, denied 0 (deny-flow-max 4096)
alert-interval 300
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_; 8 elements; name hash: 0x4a69e3f3
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 1 remark rule-id 9998: PREFILTER POLICY: Default Tunnel
and Priority Policy
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 2 remark rule-id 9998: RULE: DEFAULT TUNNEL ACTION RULE
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 3 advanced permit ipinip any any rule-id 9998
(hitcnt=0) 0xf5b597d6
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 4 advanced permit 41 any any rule-id 9998 (hitcnt=0)
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 5 advanced permit gre any any rule-id 9998 (hitcnt=0)
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 6 advanced permit udp any eq 3544 any range 1025 65535
rule-id 9998 (hitcnt=0) 0x46d7839e
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 7 advanced permit udp any range 1025 65535 any eq 3544
rule-id 9998 (hitcnt=0) 0xaf1d5aa5
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 8 remark rule-id 268437504: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy -
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 9 remark rule-id 268437504: L7 RULE: Routing Access
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 10 advanced permit ospf any any rule-id 268437504
(hitcnt=4) 0x385cc1f6
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 11 remark rule-id 268437505: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy -
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 12 remark rule-id 268437505: L7 RULE: Shell Access
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 13 advanced permit tcp any any object-group SSH rule-id
268437505 (hitcnt=8) 0x030eea01
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 13 advanced permit tcp any any eq ssh rule-id
268437505 (hitcnt=8) 0xf8ca4a86
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 14 remark rule-id 268434432: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy -
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 15 remark rule-id 268434432: L4 RULE: DEFAULT ACTION
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 16 advanced deny ip any any rule-id 268434432 event-log
flow-start (hitcnt=826) 0x97aa021a

If you set the default action to block all traffic and do not permit the OSPF traffic
through an access list, the neighbor relationship breaks. When a neighbor goes down,
FTD triggers an alert on the CLI similar to the following:

Jan 31 04:00:51.434: %OSPF-5-ADJCHG: Process 1, Nbr on GigabitEthernet2

from FULL to DOWN, Neighbor Down: Dead timer expired
276 Chapter 9: Firepower Deployment in Transparent Mode

This chapter discusses the Transparent firewall mode and how to configure the physical
and virtual interfaces. Furthermore, you have learned about various command-line tools
that enable you to investigate any potential configuration issues.

1. Which of the following statements is true about deployment?
a. You can replace a Layer 2 switch with a transparent FTD device; there is no
difference between them.
b. Switching between Transparent Mode and Routed Mode requires a restart.
c. You can use the FMC to configure an FTD device from Routed Mode to
Transparent Mode.
d. Changing the firewall deployment mode erases any existing configuration.

2. Which of the following statements is true about an IP address?

a. You should use the IP address of a BVI as the default gateway for the hosts in a
bridged network.
b. The IP address of a BVI should be on a different subnet than any hosts in the
bridge group.
c. The BVI’s IP address is used as the source IP address for packets that originate
from an FTD device.
d. You can configure an IPv4 address on any physical interface.

3. Which of the following statements is true when you select the Access Control: Block
All Traffic policy as the default action?
a. It overrides any “allow” access rules deployed on an FTD device.
b. It blocks the traffic when the intrusion prevention system of an FTD device finds
no malicious activities.
c. This policy is equivalent to the deny tcp any any access rule.
d. It blocks any traffic that does not match an existing access rule.

4. Which of the following commands displays the access rule entries?

a. show access-control
b. show access-control-rule
c. show access-list
d. show access-list-config
Chapter 10

Capturing Traffic for Advanced


After deploying an FTD device, if your network exhibits any connectivity issues,
one of the first steps is to verify the configurations. If, however, you cannot find any
configuration errors, you might want to capture live traffic and analyze it. This chapter
discusses the processes of capturing traffic using the built-in FTD tools.

Traffic Capture Essentials

As you have learned, Cisco introduces a unified image on the FTD software. It converges
the features of a traditional Cisco ASA firewall and next-generation Firepower services,
including various advanced security technologies, such as security intelligence, network
discovery, application control, file control, and a Snort-based intrusion prevention

When FTD blocks the traverse of a packet from ingress to egress interface, this is
actually performed by either the Firewall engine, or the Firepower engine. Therefore,
if two hosts experience any connectivity issues while sending traffic through an FTD
device, it is essential to analyze packets from both engines to determine the root cause
of the problem. For example, to investigate any registration or communications issues
between FTD and the FMC, capturing traffic from the Firepower management interfaces
is one of the key troubleshooting steps.

Figure 10-1 provides a high-level overview of the flow of traffic through an FTD device.
The Firewall Engine receives a packet from the ingress interface and redirects to the
Firepower engine.

You can utilize any third-party packet sniffer to capture traffic from the Firepower
interfaces. However, both Firepower systems—FMC and FTD—offer a native
packet-capturing tool within the operating system.
278 Chapter 10: Capturing Traffic for Advanced Analysis

Firepower Engine

Firewall Engine
Inbound Ingress Interface Egress Interface Outbound
Packet Packet

Figure 10-1 Flow of Traffic Between Ingress and Egress Interfaces of FTD

Best Practices for Capturing Traffic

Before you consider capturing traffic, make sure you understand the following:

■ The primary objective of a Firepower system is not to capture live traffic all the
time. Besides controlling and inspecting traffic, a Firepower system supports capture
of live traffic only for troubleshooting purposes. If you need to capture traffic for a
long period, you should find a dedicated system designed for this purpose.

■ Capturing live traffic on a production system can degrade system performance.

If necessary, you should capture traffic during a maintenance window.

■ Instead of displaying the packets on the console, redirect them into a file, copy the
file from the Firepower system to your computer, and open it by using any packet
analyzer. If you decide not to store the packet in a file anyway, you should limit the
number of packets that you capture.

Configuring Firepower System for Traffic Analysis

The process of capturing traffic varies depending on where you want to probe. In the fol-
lowing sections, you will learn how to capture packets from the following hardware and
software components:

■ The Firepower engine

■ The Firewall Engine

■ The FMC

Figure 10-2 shows the lab topology that is used in this chapter to capture traffic with
various options.
Configuring Firepower System for Traffic Analysis 279

Host FTD Server

Inside Interface Outside Interface


Figure 10-2 Topology for the Packet Capture Lab

Capturing Traffic from a Firepower Engine

To capture traffic from a Firepower engine, use the following steps:

Step 1. Log in to the FTD CLI.

Step 2. Run the capture-traffic command on the shell.

Step 3. When the system prompts you to choose a domain, select the Router domain
to capture traffic from the data interfaces. (The br1 domain captures traffic
from the management interface.) Enter your selection to continue.

Example 10-1 shows the selection of a domain during traffic capturing.

The option 1 - Router is selected, which enables the capture from the data

Example 10-1 Running the capture-traffic Command for the Data Interfaces

> capture-traffic

Please choose domain to capture traffic from:

0 - br1
1 - Router

Selection? 1

Please specify tcpdump options desired.

(or enter '?' for a list of supported options)
280 Chapter 10: Capturing Traffic for Advanced Analysis

Step 4. When FTD prompts you to specify the tcpdump options, use the tables
shown in the following section to determine the options you need. If you do
not provide any options, you capture traffic without any filter by default.

Step 5. After you add options, press Enter to begin the capture. To terminate a
capture at any time, press Ctrl+C.

tcpdump Options
tcpdump offers a wide variety of options you can use to manage captured packets.
It also supports Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF), which allows you to control and enhance
the display of packet data.

Table 10-1 provides a list of some useful options that you can use during packet capture.
Some of these options allow you to collect additional information from each packet, such
as -e, -n, -v, and -X. The other options, such as -c, -s, and -w, enable you to manage the
capturing process.

Table 10-1 Useful tcpdump Options

Option Description
-c Stops after a certain number of packets are captured.
-e Displays the Ethernet header in the capture.
-n Does not resolve the host name and port name.
-s Defines the size (snaplength) of the captured packets.
-v Shows extra packet data. -vv shows even more data.
-w Saves the captured packets in a file instead of displaying them on the console.
-X Shows packet contents in hex and ASCII.

Table 10-2 lists some of the useful BPF syntax that you can apply to filter traffic that
you capture.

Table 10-2 BPF Syntax to Filter Live Traffic During a Traffic Capture
Options Usage
host, net Filters traffic to and from a single host or the entire network,
port, portrange Filters traffic to and from a single or range of ports, respectively.
src, dst Selects a direction for traffic flow—source or destination. Used in
conjunction with the host and port options.
and, or, not Combines or isolates traffic with a precise condition.
vlan Captures traffic related to a particular VLAN. To capture VLAN tagged
traffic, you must enter the vlan option followed by the desired vlan_id.
Configuring Firepower System for Traffic Analysis 281

Tip Whenever you capture traffic, you should view the actual IP address and port
number (using the -n option) in the packet. You should also either save the capture
(-w option) into a file or limit the number of packets you want to capture (-c option).

Example 10-2 shows the traffic capture using various tcpdump options. The packets in
this example are captured by running the capture-traffic command separately. Remember
that you can press Ctrl+C to exit a capture process.

Example 10-2 Capturing Traffic Using tcpdump Options

! To capture the 5 HTTP transactions between a web server and a host with IP address

Options: -n -c 5 host and port 80

03:42:23.479970 IP > Flags [S], seq 2622260089, win

29200, options [mss 1380,sackOK,TS val 2174057 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
03:42:23.479970 IP > Flags [S.], seq 2877405527,
ack 2622260090, win 28960, options [mss 1380,sackOK,TS val 1270689 ecr
2174057,nop,wscale 7], length 0
03:42:23.479970 IP > Flags [.], ack 1, win 229,
options [nop,nop,TS val 2174058 ecr 1270689], length 0
03:42:23.479970 IP > Flags [P.], ack 1, win 229,
options [nop,nop,TS val 2174058 ecr 1270689], length 436
03:42:23.479970 IP > Flags [.], ack 437, win 235,
options [nop,nop,TS val 1270689 ecr 2174058], length 0

! To capture the client side traffic—originated by a host, destined to a web server:

Options: -n -c 5 src and dst port 80

03:47:07.529956 IP > Flags [S], seq 3873637979, win

29200, options [mss 1380,sackOK,TS val 2245066 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
03:47:07.529956 IP > Flags [.], ack 3924903157, win
229, options [nop,nop,TS val 2245066 ecr 1341696], length 0
03:47:07.529956 IP > Flags [P.], ack 1, win 229,
options [nop,nop,TS val 2245066 ecr 1341696], length 436
03:47:07.529956 IP > Flags [.], ack 1369, win 251,
options [nop,nop,TS val 2245067 ecr 1341697], length 0
03:47:07.529956 IP > Flags [.], ack 2737, win 274,
options [nop,nop,TS val 2245067 ecr 1341697], length 0

! To capture the server side traffic—originated by a web server, destined to host

Options: -n -c 5 dst and src port 80

282 Chapter 10: Capturing Traffic for Advanced Analysis

03:49:11.779943 IP > Flags [S.], seq 212338482,

ack 2358717416, win 28960, options [mss 1380,sackOK,TS val 1372759 ecr
2276129,nop,wscale 7], length 0
03:49:11.789952 IP > Flags [.], ack 437, win 235,
options [nop,nop,TS val 1372759 ecr 2276129], length 0
03:49:11.789952 IP > Flags [.], ack 437, win 235,
options [nop,nop,TS val 1372759 ecr 2276129], length 1368
03:49:11.789952 IP > Flags [.], ack 437, win 235,
options [nop,nop,TS val 1372759 ecr 2276129], length 1368
03:49:11.789952 IP > Flags [P.], ack 437, win 235,
options [nop,nop,TS val 1372759 ecr 2276129], length 789

Example 10-3 shows the options to print additional data while you capture traffic.

Example 10-3 Displaying Additional Packet Data by Using the tcpdump Tool

! First, look at the following capture with default packet data:

Options: -n -c 5 host

04:36:10.329969 IP > Flags [S], seq 193723078, win

29200, options [mss 1380,sackOK,TS val 392486 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
04:36:10.329969 IP > Flags [S.], seq 2078424703,
ack 193723079, win 28960, options [mss 1380,sackOK,TS val 2077347 ecr
392486,nop,wscale 7], length 0
04:36:10.329969 IP > Flags [.], ack 1, win 229,
options [nop,nop,TS val 392486 ecr 2077347], length 0
04:36:10.329969 IP > Flags [P.], ack 1, win 229,
options [nop,nop,TS val 392486 ecr 2077347], length 436
04:36:10.329969 IP > Flags [.], ack 437, win 235,
options [nop,nop,TS val 2077347 ecr 392486], length 0

! The -vv option prints additional data including the checksum of a packet.

Options: -n -c 5 -vv host

04:36:44.729957 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 27818, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6),
length 60) > Flags [S], cksum 0x730b (correct), seq
2112778772, win 29200, options [mss 1380,sackOK,TS val 401086 ecr 0,nop,
wscale 7], length 0
04:36:44.729957 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6),
length 60)
Configuring Firepower System for Traffic Analysis 283 > Flags [S.], cksum 0x0515 (correct), seq

2199066473, ack 2112778773, win 28960, options [mss 1380,sackOK,TS val 2085945
ecr 401086,nop,wscale 7], length 0
04:36:44.729957 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 27819, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6),
length 52) > Flags [.], cksum 0xa3cc (correct), seq 1,
ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 401086 ecr 2085945], length 0
04:36:44.729957 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 27820, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6),
length 488) > Flags [P.], cksum 0xf6e9 (correct), seq
1:437, ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 401086 ecr 2085945], length 436
04:36:44.729957 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 65408, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6),
length 52) > Flags [.], cksum 0xa212 (correct), seq 1,
ack 437, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 2085945 ecr 401086], length 0

! The -e option displays the layer 2 header in the capture.

Options: -n -c 5 -e host

04:37:21.909941 c4:2c:03:3c:98:a8 > a4:6c:2a:e4:6b:c0, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800),
length 74: > Flags [S], seq 1691712365, win
29200, options [mss 1380,sackOK,TS val 410383 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
04:37:21.919935 00:23:24:72:1d:3c > a4:6c:2a:e4:6b:c1, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800),
length 74: > Flags [S.], seq 3252338695,
ack 1691712366, win 28960, options [mss 1380,sackOK,TS val 2095242 ecr
410383,nop,wscale 7], length 0
04:37:21.919935 c4:2c:03:3c:98:a8 > a4:6c:2a:e4:6b:c0, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800),
length 66: > Flags [.], ack 1, win 229, options
[nop,nop,TS val 410383 ecr 2095242], length 0
04:37:21.919935 c4:2c:03:3c:98:a8 > a4:6c:2a:e4:6b:c0, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800),
length 502: > Flags [P.], ack 1, win 229, options
[nop,nop,TS val 410383 ecr 2095242], length 436
04:37:21.919935 00:23:24:72:1d:3c > a4:6c:2a:e4:6b:c1, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800),
length 66: > Flags [.], ack 437, win 235, options
[nop,nop,TS val 2095242 ecr 410383], length 0

! The -X option prints the hex and ASCII values of each packet. For example, the
fourth packet in the following example shows the GET request to a HTTP server.

Options: -n -c 5 -X host

04:40:50.069988 IP > Flags [S], seq 3090457163, win

29200, options [mss 1380,sackOK,TS val 462423 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
284 Chapter 10: Capturing Traffic for Advanced Analysis

0x0000: 4500 003c ac1c 4000 4006 1fe3 c0a8 0102 E..<..@.@.......
0x0010: ac10 0102 e564 0050 b834 a24b 0000 0000 .....d.P.4.K....
0x0020: a002 7210 18f0 0000 0204 0564 0402 080a ..r........d....
0x0030: 0007 0e57 0000 0000 0103 0307 ...W........
04:40:50.069988 IP > Flags [S.], seq 1195208673,
ack 3090457164, win 28960, options [mss 1380,sackOK,TS val 2147276 ecr
462423,nop,wscale 7], length 0
0x0000: 4500 003c 0000 4000 4006 cbff ac10 0102 E..<..@.@.......
0x0010: c0a8 0102 0050 e564 473d 6fe1 b834 a24c .....P.dG=o..4.L
0x0020: a012 7120 9ec3 0000 0204 0564 0402 080a ..q........d....
0x0030: 0020 c3cc 0007 0e57 0103 0307 .......W....
04:40:50.069988 IP > Flags [.], ack 1, win 229,
options [nop,nop,TS val 462423 ecr 2147276], length 0
0x0000: 4500 0034 ac1d 4000 4006 1fea c0a8 0102 E..4..@.@.......
0x0010: ac10 0102 e564 0050 b834 a24c 473d 6fe2 .....d.P.4.LG=o.
0x0020: 8010 00e5 3d7b 0000 0101 080a 0007 0e57 ....={.........W
0x0030: 0020 c3cc ....
04:40:50.069988 IP > Flags [P.], ack 1, win 229,
options [nop,nop,TS val 462423 ecr 2147276], length 436
0x0000: 4500 01e8 ac1e 4000 4006 1e35 c0a8 0102 E.....@.@..5....
0x0010: ac10 0102 e564 0050 b834 a24c 473d 6fe2 .....d.P.4.LG=o.
0x0020: 8018 00e5 9098 0000 0101 080a 0007 0e57 ...............W
0x0030: 0020 c3cc 4745 5420 2f20 4854 5450 2f31 ....GET./.HTTP/1
0x0040: 2e31 0d0a 486f 7374 3a20 3137 322e 3136 .1..Host:.172.16
0x0050: 2e31 2e32 0d0a 5573 6572 2d41 6765 6e74 .1.2..User-Agent
0x0060: 3a20 4d6f 7a69 6c6c 612f 352e 3020 2858 :.Mozilla/5.0.(X
0x0070: 3131 3b20 5562 756e 7475 3b20 4c69 6e75 11;.Ubuntu;.Linu
0x0080: 7820 7838 365f 3634 3b20 7276 3a34 382e x.x86_64;.rv:48.
0x0090: 3029 2047 6563 6b6f 2f32 3031 3030 3130 0).Gecko/2010010
0x00a0: 3120 4669 7265 666f 782f 3438 2e30 0d0a 1.Firefox/48.0..
0x00b0: 4163 6365 7074 3a20 7465 7874 2f68 746d Accept:.text/htm
0x00c0: 6c2c 6170 706c 6963 6174 696f 6e2f 7868 l,application/xh
0x00d0: 746d 6c2b 786d 6c2c 6170 706c 6963 6174 tml+xml,applicat
0x00e0: 696f 6e2f 786d 6c3b 713d 302e 392c 2a2f ion/xml;q=0.9,*/
0x00f0: 2a3b 713d 302e 380d 0a41 6363 6570 742d *;q=0.8..Accept-
0x0100: 4c61 6e67 7561 6765 3a20 656e 2d55 532c Language:.en-US,
0x0110: 656e 3b71 3d30 2e35 0d0a 4163 6365 7074 en;q=0.5..Accept
0x0120: 2d45 6e63 6f64 696e 673a 2067 7a69 702c -Encoding:.gzip,
0x0130: 2064 6566 6c61 7465 0d0a 436f 6e6e 6563 .deflate..Connec
0x0140: 7469 6f6e 3a20 6b65 6570 2d61 6c69 7665 tion:.keep-alive
0x0150: 0d0a 5570 6772 6164 652d 496e 7365 6375 ..Upgrade-Insecu
0x0160: 7265 2d52 6571 7565 7374 733a 2031 0d0a re-Requests:.1..
0x0170: 4966 2d4d 6f64 6966 6965 642d 5369 6e63 If-Modified-Sinc
0x0180: 653a 2054 7565 2c20 3134 2046 6562 2032 e:.Tue,.14.Feb.2
0x0190: 3031 3720 3136 3a32 343a 3339 2047 4d54 017.16:24:39.GMT
Configuring Firepower System for Traffic Analysis 285

0x01a0: 0d0a 4966 2d4e 6f6e 652d 4d61 7463 683a ..If-None-Match:
0x01b0: 2022 3263 3339 2d35 3438 3830 3030 3333 ."2c39-548800033
0x01c0: 3730 6463 2d67 7a69 7022 0d0a 4361 6368 70dc-gzip"..Cach
0x01d0: 652d 436f 6e74 726f 6c3a 206d 6178 2d61 e-Control:.max-a
0x01e0: 6765 3d30 0d0a 0d0a ge=0....
04:40:50.069988 IP > Flags [.], ack 437, win 235,
options [nop,nop,TS val 2147276 ecr 462423], length 0
0x0000: 4500 0034 1e39 4000 4006 adce ac10 0102 E..4.9@.@.......
0x0010: c0a8 0102 0050 e564 473d 6fe2 b834 a400 .....P.dG=o..4..
0x0020: 8010 00eb 3bc1 0000 0101 080a 0020 c3cc ....;...........
0x0030: 0007 0e57 ...W

Downloading a .pcap File Generated by Firepower Engine

In addition to using the live view on a console, you can also redirect a capture into
a .pcap file. Later, you can retrieve the file by using packet analyzer software for further

Example 10-4 shows the options to capture traffic to and from host While
the packets are being captured, the system stores them in the traffic.pcap file.

Example 10-4 Options to Save Packets into a .pcap File

Options: -w traffic.pcap -s 1518 host

Caught interrupt signal


! The following command confirms that the pcap file is created and stored on the

> file list

Feb 15 05:03 886 /traffic.pcap

Once the traffic is captured and a .pcap file is created, you can download the file by
using either the GUI or the CLI.

Using the FMC GUI to Download a File

FTD does not have its own GUI. You can, however, use the FMC GUI to download a file,
as shown in the following steps.
286 Chapter 10: Capturing Traffic for Advanced Analysis

Step 1. Log in to the FMC GUI and navigate to the System > Health > Monitor page.
The Appliance Status Summary chart appears.

Step 2. Find the FTD device where you captured traffic. If you do not see your appli-
ance, expand the arrow icon next to the health status. Figure 10-3 shows this
icon next to the Normal status. You can expand this arrow icon to see all the
appliances that have normal health status.

Figure 10-3 Appliance Status Summary

Step 3. When you find the FTD device on this page, click on the appliance name, and
the Health Monitor page for the FTD appears.

Step 4. Click the Advanced Troubleshooting button (see Figure 10-4). The File
Download page appears.

Step 5. On the File Download page, in the field where you can enter the name of a
.pcap file, enter the filename with .pcap file extension (for example, traffic.
pcap, as shown in Figure 10-5).

Step 6. Click the Download button to begin the file download.

Configuring Firepower System for Traffic Analysis 287

Figure 10-4 Advanced Troubleshooting Button

Enter the
Click the
Download button.

Save the file.

Figure 10-5 The File Download Page Appears in the Advanced Troubleshooting Page
288 Chapter 10: Capturing Traffic for Advanced Analysis

Using the CLI to Copy a File to an External Computer

You can use the CLI to copy a file to an external system if the system runs the SSH dae-
mon. To transfer files, FTD uses the Secure Copy (SCP) protocol, which is based on the
Secure Shell (SSH) protocol. To copy a file, use the following command syntax:

file secure-copy IP_Address Username Path Filename

Example 10-5 show the traffic.pcap file being copied from FTD to an external computer.

Example 10-5 Copying a File Securely from FTD to a Computer

> file secure-copy admin /var/tmp traffic.pcap

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is 71:cf:b1:17:86:78:bf:10:41:7d:60:75:87:c3:6b:f4.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
copy successful.


Note You can also run the file copy command to transfer files over FTP.

When the .pcap file is transferred to the desired location, you can delete the original
.pcap file in FTD to maintain free disk space. Use the file delete command from the CLI,
as shown here, to delete a .pcap file:

> file delete traffic.pcap

Really remove file traffic.pcap?
Please enter 'YES' or 'NO': YES

Capturing Traffic from the Firewall Engine

In the previous section, you learned how to capture traffic from a Firepower engine.
However, you cannot run the same command on a Firewall Engine. Follow these steps to
capture traffic from the Firewall Engine:

Step 1. Determine the name of the interface from which you want to capture traf-
fic. Example 10-6 shows one of the ways to identify the name of an FTD
interface. In this example, you will run the capture on the GigabitEthernet1/1
interface that is named INSIDE_INTERFACE.
Configuring Firepower System for Traffic Analysis 289

Example 10-6 Using the nameif Command to See the Interfaces with Names

> show nameif

Interface Name Security
GigabitEthernet1/1 INSIDE_INTERFACE 0
GigabitEthernet1/2 OUTSIDE_INTERFACE 0
Management1/1 diagnostic 0

Step 2. Run the capture command along with the interface name, using the following

capture capture_name interface int_name match protocol_name source_

detail destination_detail

The following command captures ICMP traffic from a single host,, to any destinations. This particular capture process, labeled
icmp_traffic, captures traffic only from INSIDE_INTERFACE.

> capture icmp_traffic interface INSIDE_INTERFACE match icmp host any

Figure 10-6 clarifies the difference between the capture and capture-traffic
commands. To capture traffic from the Firewall Engine, you use the cap-
ture command. The capture-traffic command captures the traffic from the
Firepower engine.

To capture from the

Firepower engine,
use the command
Firepower Engine

Firewall Engine
Inbound Ingress Interface Egress Interface Outbound
Packet Packet

To capture traffic
from the Firewall engine,
use the command capture.

Figure 10-6 The Difference Between the capture and capture-traffic Tools

Step 3. After you enter the capture command, run some ping tests through FTD.
When the test traffic goes through, you can view it by running the show
capture command in FTD.
290 Chapter 10: Capturing Traffic for Advanced Analysis

Example 10-7 confirms that the condition in the icmp_traffic capture process
is matching and capturing traffic. You can view the captured traffic on an on-
demand basis.

Example 10-7 Viewing Captured Traffic

! Run the following command to view the condition within a capture process.

> show capture

capture icmp_traffic type raw-data interface INSIDE_INTERFACE [Capturing - 1140
match icmp host any
! Run the following command to view the captured traffic for a particular matching

> show capture icmp_traffic

6 packets captured

1: 05:47:38.406457 > icmp: echo request

2: 05:47:38.407205 > icmp: echo reply
3: 05:47:39.407617 > icmp: echo request
4: 05:47:39.408258 > icmp: echo reply
5: 05:47:40.408731 > icmp: echo request
6: 05:47:40.409478 > icmp: echo reply
6 packets shown

Step 4. The icmp_traffic capture process keeps growing as it matches more ICMP
traffic. You can remove any previous captures and start capturing similar
traffic by using the clear command. When you want to stop capturing com-
pletely, use the no capture command, as shown in Example 10-8. As you can
see, this command clears the packets from an existing capture process and
also stops the traffic capture.

Example 10-8 Deleting a Capture

! Run the following command to remove the previous captures.

> clear capture /all


! The following command confirms that all of the previously captured packets are
Configuring Firepower System for Traffic Analysis 291

> show capture icmp_traffic

0 packet captured
0 packet shown

! To stop capturing any traffic that might match the icmp_traffic capturing condi-
tion, run the following command:

> no capture icmp_traffic interface INSIDE_INTERFACE


! To confirm that a capture instance no longer runs on an interface, run the com-
mand below. Note that an interface name is no longer associated the icmp_traffic

> show capture

capture icmp_traffic type raw-data [Capturing - 1140 bytes]
match icmp host any

! To delete the icmp_traffic capture instance, run the following command:

> no capture icmp_traffic


! Now, if you try again, it ends with an error as the capture itself is deleted.

> show capture icmp_traffic

ERROR: Capture <icmp_traffic> does not exist

Downloading a .pcap File Generated by Firewall Engine

You can download a capture from a Firewall Engine to your desktop, save it as a .pcap
file, and retrieve it by using a packet analyzer for further analysis. Instead of looking at
simple ICMP traffic, let’s examine how to capture TCP traffic and download the capture
to your desktop. Later in this section, you can view the full TCP handshakes of an HTTP
session. For now, follow these steps:

Step 1. Create a capture for INSIDE_INTERFACE that will match any HTTP traffic
(TCP port 80):

> capture http_traffic interface INSIDE_INTERFACE match tcp any any eq 80

292 Chapter 10: Capturing Traffic for Advanced Analysis

Step 2. Go to a website in your browser. If the host computer is unable to access the
website, check whether the host can communicate with INSIDE_INTERFACE.

Step 3. After you access a website successfully, check the status of the capture in
FTD. Example 10-9 confirms that the FTD is currently capturing HTTP traf-

Example 10-9 Matching the HTTP Traffic

> show capture

capture http_traffic type raw-data interface INSIDE_INTERFACE [Capturing - 5777
match tcp any any eq www

Example 10-10 shows that an FTD device captures 15 packets by using the
http_traffic matching condition. The capture demonstrates a complete TCP
handshake process. Note the SYN, SYN-ACK, and ACK at the beginning of
the session.

Example 10-10 Capturing HTTP Traffic Through an FTD

> show capture http_traffic

15 packets captured

1: 09:19:38.442726 > S 1558097726:

1558097726(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 4644956 0,nop,wscale 7>
2: 09:19:38.444007 > S 1776867665:
1776867665(0) ack 1558097727 win 28960 <mss 1380,sackOK,timestamp 6329332
4644956,nop,wscale 7>
3: 09:19:38.444129 > . ack 1776867666 win
229 <nop,nop,timestamp 4644956 6329332>
4: 09:19:38.444267 > P 1558097727:
1558098163(436) ack 1776867666 win 229 <nop,nop,timestamp 4644956 6329332>
5: 09:19:38.444999 > . ack 1558098163 win
235 <nop,nop,timestamp 6329332 4644956>
6: 09:19:38.446601 > . 1776867666:
1776869034(1368) ack 1558098163 win 235 <nop,nop,timestamp 6329332 4644956>
7: 09:19:38.446616 > . 1776869034:
1776870402(1368) ack 1558098163 win 235 <nop,nop,timestamp 6329332 4644956>
8: 09:19:38.446662 > P 1776870402:
1776871191(789) ack 1558098163 win 235 <nop,nop,timestamp 6329332 4644956>
9: 09:19:38.446800 > . ack 1776871191 win
284 <nop,nop,timestamp 4644957 6329332>
10: 09:19:38.488011 > P 1558098163:
1558098553(390) ack 1776871191 win 284 <nop,nop,timestamp 4644967 6329332>
Configuring Firepower System for Traffic Analysis 293

11: 09:19:38.489354 > P 1776871191:

1776871371(180) ack 1558098553 win 243 <nop,nop,timestamp 6329343 4644967>
12: 09:19:38.489476 > . ack 1776871371 win
305 <nop,nop,timestamp 4644968 6329343>
13: 09:19:43.397013 > F 1776871371:
1776871371(0) ack 1558098553 win 243 <nop,nop,timestamp 6330570 4644968>
14: 09:19:43.397486 > F 1558098553:
1558098553(0) ack 1776871372 win 305 <nop,nop,timestamp 4646195 6330570>
15: 09:19:43.397821 > . ack 1558098554 win
243 <nop,nop,timestamp 6330570 4646195>
15 packets shown

Step 4. Download the packets shown in Example 10-10 by using a web browser. Use
the following URL syntax in your browser to access FTD:


For example, if the IP address of the inside interface is, and the
name of the capture is http_traffic, enter the following URL in your browser:

If the browser is unable to connect to FTD, run the following command to check whether
the HTTP service is running:

> show running-config http


If this command shows no output, the HTTP service is disabled. You need to enable it to
access FTD through a bowser and download a capture in .pcap file format.

Enabling HTTP Service in FTD

Before you enable HTTP service in FTD, you can optionally turn on debugging. When
you do, you get a confirmation when the HTTP server starts, which helps you determine
the status of the service:

> debug http 255

debug http enabled at level 255.

By deploying a new platform setting policy from the FMC, you can enable the HTTP
service on an FTD device. Here are the steps:

Step 1. Go to the Devices > Platform Settings page, click the New Policy button,
and select the Threat Defense Settings option. Figure 10-7 confirms that
there is no current Platform Settings policy available.
294 Chapter 10: Capturing Traffic for Advanced Analysis

Figure 10-7 Platform Settings Page Showing the Threat Defense Settings Option

Step 2. When the New Policy window appears, name the policy FTD Platform
Settings, select an FTD device where you want to apply this new policy, and
save the settings (see Figure 10-8).

Figure 10-8 Creating a New Platform Settings Policy

Step 3. In the FTD Platform Settings policy editor page, select HTTP from the left
panel, and then select the check box for Enable HTTP Server. Figure 10-9
shows the HTTP service being enabled through port 443.

Step 4. Click the Add button. The Add HTTP Configuration window appears.
Configuring Firepower System for Traffic Analysis 295

Figure 10-9 Enabling the HTTP Service

Step 5. Select the zones (INSIDE_ZONE) and IP addresses ( that are
allowed to access the HTTP service on FTD, as shown in Figure 10-10.

Figure 10-10 Add HTTP Configuration Page

296 Chapter 10: Capturing Traffic for Advanced Analysis

Step 6. Click OK to return to the policy editor page. You should now see the zone
and IP address you just selected.

Step 7. Click the Save button to save the changes, and then click the Deploy button
to commit the changes to the FTD device (see Figure 10-11).

Figure 10-11 Deploying the Platform Settings with the HTTP Service

You can now use the CLI to verify the deployment status. When the HTTP service starts
in FTD, it generates a debug message (if you enabled debug http already) and changes the
running configurations.

Example 10-11 confirms that the HTTP server has been enabled. Per this configuration,
users who are connected to INSIDE_INTERFACE are able to access FTD by using a
browser if the requests originate from the network.

Example 10-11 Verifying HTTP Server Configuration in FTD

! As soon as the HTTP service starts, FTD generates the following debug message:

http_enable: Enabling HTTP server

HTTP server starting.

! To verify the current HTTP server configuration:

> show running-config http

http server enable
Configuring Firepower System for Traffic Analysis 297

After the deployment is verified, run the undebug all command to disable debugging. Now,
in a browser, enter the IP address of the inside interface as a URL with the following syntax:


For example, if the IP address of the FTD inside interface is, and the name
of the capture is http_traffic, then enter the following URL in your browser:

A browser, upon successful connection to the FTD, should prompt you to save the
traffic.pcap file. After you save the file on your computer, you can use a third-party
packet analyzer to view the packets.

Figure 10-12 shows the same HTTP traffic that you viewed earlier in this section.
Previously, you viewed this traffic on the FTD console. Now, you are viewing the traffic
using the third-party packet analyzer Wireshark.

Figure 10-12 HTTP Traffic Capture in the Wireshark Packet Analyzer

When you finish working with a packet capture, delete the rule to prevent the FTD
device from capturing any further traffic. This ensures that the system will not be wasting
any resources by capturing unwanted traffic in the future.

> no capture http_traffic

298 Chapter 10: Capturing Traffic for Advanced Analysis

Capturing Traffic from the FMC

To investigate any complicated communication issue between the FMC and FTD,
analysis of the management traffic is one of the key troubleshooting tools. You cannot
run exactly the same commands to capture traffic on the FMC and FTD. This section
describes a different process for capturing traffic from the management interface of
the FMC.

First, you need to determine the name of the FMC management interface. Example 10-12
indicates two interfaces on the FMC. The first one, eth0 with, is the manage-
ment interface. The second one, lo with, is a loopback interface.

Example 10-12 Output of the ifconfig Command

admin@FMC:~$ ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0 C:29:ED:37:B1
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:feed:37b1/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:99519 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:591461 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:21356354 (20.3 Mb) TX bytes:145518227 (138.7 Mb)

lo Link encap:Local Loopback

inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:79815237 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:79815237 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:32518661679 (31012.2 Mb) TX bytes:32518661679 (31012.2 Mb)


Then you need to run the tcpdump command on the management interface to capture
traffic. You can apply BPF syntax and filtering options similar to the ones you used on a
Firepower engine earlier in this chapter.

Example 10-13 shows a capture of ICMP traffic between FTD and the FMC. The host
option, in this example, limits the capture of traffic only from a particular host,,
which is an FTD device. The -i eth0 option allows the tcpdump tool to listen to only the
eth0 management interface.
Configuring Firepower System for Traffic Analysis 299

Example 10-13 Capturing Traffic on the eth0 Interface of the FMC

admin@FMC:~$ sudo tcpdump -i eth0 host

tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 96 bytes

11:11:52.121238 IP > FMC: ICMP echo request, id 16625, seq 1, length 64
11:11:52.121293 IP FMC > ICMP echo reply, id 16625, seq 1, length 64
11:11:53.121786 IP > FMC: ICMP echo request, id 16625, seq 2, length 64
11:11:53.121856 IP FMC > ICMP echo reply, id 16625, seq 2, length 64
4 packets captured
4 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

Downloading a .pcap File Generated by FMC

To analyze a capture using a third-party packet analyzer, you need to save the packets in
.pcap file format and then transfer the file to your computer.

Example 10-14 shows 10 packets captured into the traffic.pcap file. When you redirect
packets into a .pcap file, it is no longer displayed in a console and thus reduces resource

Example 10-14 Saving the Packet Capture into a .pcap File

admin@FMC:~$ sudo tcpdump -i eth0 host -w /var/common/fmc_traffic.pcap

tcpdump: listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 96 bytes
10 packets captured
10 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

Note To store any user-generated file, use the /var/common directory on the FMC. If you
save a file on this directory, the FMC allows you to download it directly using the GUI.
300 Chapter 10: Capturing Traffic for Advanced Analysis

You can use either the GUI or CLI to download a packet capture. If you want to use the
GUI to download a .pcap file, the file should be located in the /var/common directory of
the FMC.
To download a file from the FMC by using its GUI, use the following steps:

Step 1. Go to the Health > Monitor page and find the FMC in the appliance health
status list.

Step 2. Click on the FMC name. A detail view of the FMC health status appears.

Step 3. Click the Advanced Troubleshooting button (see Figure 10-13). The File
Download tab appears.

Figure 10-13 Health Module Status and Details of Alerts on the FMC

Step 4. Enter the name of the .pcap file (including the file extension) in the File field.

Step 5. Click the Download button. (Figure 10-14 shows the sequence to download
the fmc_traffic.pcap file by using the Advanced Troubleshooting page.) The
browser prompts you to save the file on your computer.

Alternatively, you can use the CLI to copy a file to an external system if the system runs
SSH daemon. To transfer files, the FMC uses the Secure Copy (SCP) protocol, which is
based on the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol.
Configuring Firepower System for Traffic Analysis 301

Enter the
Click the
Download button.

Save the file.

Figure 10-14 Downloading a User-Generated File by Using the GUI

Example 10-15 shows the command to copy a file from the FMC to an external computer
by using SCP.

Example 10-15 Transferring a .pcap File from the FMC to an External Computer

admin@FMC:~$ scp /var/common/fmc_traffic.pcap admin@

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:HBe6vA5zp014kDANRmJuAUxwW5Q5z/9Hy9B4nF+TVWA.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
admin@'s password:
fmc_traffic.pcap 100% 886
0.9KB/s 00:00

Once the .pcap file is transferred to the desired location, you can delete the original
.pcap file on the FMC to maintain free disk space.
302 Chapter 10: Capturing Traffic for Advanced Analysis

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools

By deploying a simple access rule that can block ICMP traffic, you can verify how
a Firewall Engine receives traffic from a physical interface and then redirects it to a
Firepower engine for further inspection.

Adding an Access Rule to Block ICMP Traffic

To create a rule that can block ICMP traffic, follow these steps:

Step 1. Navigate to Policy > Access Control > Access Control. A list of available
access control policies appears.

Step 2. Click the pencil icon next to the policy called AC Policy that you created in
Chapter 9, “Firepower Deployment in Transparent Mode.” The policy editor
page opens.

Step 3. On the Rules tab, click the Add Rule button. The Add Rule window appears,
and in it you can define the conditions for a rule.

Step 4. Assign a name for the rule that suits its purpose (for example, Ping Access).
Select the Enabled check box, and select Block from the Action dropdown
(see Figure 10-15).

Figure 10-15 Creating an Access Rule with the Block Action

Step 5. On the Ports tab, select the ICMP (1) protocol as the destination port.

Step 6. In the Logging tab, select the Log at Beginning of Connection check box.
Send the connection events to the Event Viewer to view them in the FMC GUI.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 303

Figure 10-16 shows the options to enable logging. This optional step gener-
ates events and displays them in the FMC when the Ping Access access rule
blocks any ICMP traffic.


Figure 10-16 Enabling Logging for an Access Rule

Step 7. Click the Add button to create the Ping Access rule. You return to the policy
editor page.

Step 8. Click the Save button to save the changes, and then click the Deploy button
to apply the new access control policy on the FTD device.

Figure 10-17 shows the final view of the access control policy editor page.
Because Default Action is set to Balanced Security and Connectivity, any
nonmalicious traffic except the ICMP traffic is permitted by this access
control policy.

Analyzing the Traffic Flow by Using a Block Rule

Right after you click the Deploy button, you can start sending ICMP requests from
an inside host to the outside network. At the beginning, both the ASA and Firepower
engines can see the ICMP echo requests and echo replies. As soon as the new ICMP rule
is activated on the FTD device, the Firewall Engine begins to see the echo requests only,
and no echo replies are received.

Example 10-16 shows what happens after a new access control policy with an ICMP
block rule is deployed. The Firewall Engine stops seeing any ICMP replies because the
requests cannot even reach the outside network.
304 Chapter 10: Capturing Traffic for Advanced Analysis

Access Rule to Block Any ICMP Traffic

Figure 10-17 Access Control Policy to Block Only ICMP Traffic and Permit
Other Traffic

Example 10-16 Capturing Traffic on a Firewall Engine During the Deployment of an

ICMP Block Rule

> capture icmp_traffic interface INSIDE_INTERFACE match icmp any any

> show capture icmp_traffic

20 packets captured

1: 16:39:55.255159 > icmp: echo reply

2: 16:39:56.255769 > icmp: echo request
3: 16:39:56.256548 > icmp: echo reply
4: 16:39:57.257127 > icmp: echo request
5: 16:39:57.257753 > icmp: echo reply
6: 16:39:58.258333 > icmp: echo request
7: 16:39:58.259019 > icmp: echo reply
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 305

8: 16:39:59.259630 > icmp: echo request

9: 16:39:59.260286 > icmp: echo reply
10: 16:40:00.260835 > icmp: echo request
11: 16:40:00.262315 > icmp: echo reply
12: 16:40:01.262971 > icmp: echo request
13: 16:40:02.273759 > icmp: echo request
14: 16:40:03.279663 > icmp: echo request
15: 16:40:04.287735 > icmp: echo request
16: 16:40:05.295776 > icmp: echo request
17: 16:40:06.303664 > icmp: echo request
18: 16:40:07.311919 > icmp: echo request
19: 16:40:08.320006 > icmp: echo request
20: 16:40:09.328031 > icmp: echo request
20 packets shown

Example 10-17 confirms that as soon as the new ICMP block rule is activated, the
Firepower engine stops seeing any ICMP traffic.

Example 10-17 Capturing Traffic on a Firepower Engine During the Deployment of

an ICMP Block Rule

> capture-traffic

Please choose domain to capture traffic from:

0 - br1
1 - Router

Selection? 1

Please specify tcpdump options desired.

(or enter '?' for a list of supported options)
Options: icmp
16:39:57.249971 IP > ICMP echo request, id 12845, seq 148,
length 64
16:39:57.249971 IP > ICMP echo reply, id 12845, seq 148,
length 64
16:39:58.249971 IP > ICMP echo request, id 12845, seq 149,
length 64
16:39:58.249971 IP > ICMP echo reply, id 12845, seq 149,
length 64
16:39:59.249971 IP > ICMP echo request, id 12845, seq 150,
length 64
306 Chapter 10: Capturing Traffic for Advanced Analysis

16:39:59.259965 IP > ICMP echo reply, id 12845, seq 150,
length 64
16:40:00.259965 IP > ICMP echo request, id 12845, seq 151,
length 64
16:40:00.259965 IP > ICMP echo reply, id 12845, seq 151,
length 64
Caught interrupt signal


You see this behavior because of the Ping Access rule you deployed earlier. You can con-
firm this by navigating to the Analysis > Connection Events page, where you should find
an event generated by the Ping Access rule. Figure 10-18 shows a connection event that is
generated when the Firewall Engine blocks the ICMP traffic by using the Ping Access rule.

Figure 10-18 An Event with the Block Action—Triggered by the Ping Access Rule

Figure 10-19 shows the behavior of the traffic flow before and after an ICMP block rule
is deployed. The Firepower engine does not see Packet 12 in the capture because this
packet matches an access rule condition, and the ASA firewall engine blocks it.

Packet Processing by an Interface

If you do not see any desired packets in the capture, make sure the filtering condition in
the capture or capture-traffic command is correct. If the condition looks correct, and
there are no underlying networking issues, it is important that you check the statistics of
the FTD interface and determine whether any packets are dropped by the interface.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 307

Packet 11 goes
through both the ASA
and Firepower engines.
Firepower Engine

Packet 11 Packet 11
Block Rule Is Applied Firewall Engine
Packet 12

The Firewall engine sees and Packet The block action is

blocks Packet 12, but the Blocked logged on the GUI
Firepower engine does not see it. if logging is enabled.

Packet 12

Figure 10-19 Traffic Flow Before and After a Block Rule Is Activated

Example 10-18 shows confirmation that the FTD ingress interface is not dropping traffic
due to the filling of the FIFO queue (no buffer) or the memory (overrun).

Example 10-18 Verifying Packet Drops from the Interface Statistics

> show interface GigabitEthernet 1/1

Interface GigabitEthernet1/1 "INSIDE_INTERFACE", is down, line protocol is down
Hardware is Accelerator rev01, BW 1000 Mbps, DLY 10 usec
Auto-Duplex, Auto-Speed
Input flow control is unsupported, output flow control is off
MAC address a46c.2ae4.6bc0, MTU 1500
IP address, subnet mask
5200 packets input, 531929 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 68 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
0 pause input, 0 resume input
0 L2 decode drops
2922 packets output, 2340459 bytes, 0 underruns
0 pause output, 0 resume output
0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets
0 late collisions, 0 deferred
0 input reset drops, 0 output reset drops
input queue (blocks free curr/low): hardware (985/891)
output queue (blocks free curr/low): hardware (1023/997)
308 Chapter 10: Capturing Traffic for Advanced Analysis

Traffic Statistics for "INSIDE_INTERFACE":

5153 packets input, 432852 bytes
2922 packets output, 2285241 bytes
3023 packets dropped
1 minute input rate 0 pkts/sec, 0 bytes/sec
1 minute output rate 0 pkts/sec, 0 bytes/sec
1 minute drop rate, 0 pkts/sec
5 minute input rate 0 pkts/sec, 33 bytes/sec
5 minute output rate 0 pkts/sec, 1 bytes/sec
5 minute drop rate, 0 pkts/sec

While traffic is being received, if an FTD device is not fast enough in pulling the packets
from its ingress interface, the interface that uses the FIFO queuing algorithm becomes
full. Therefore, any further incoming packets get dropped. When this occurs, you can
find the number of these dropped packets in the overrun counter.

Similarly, when an FTD device has to process more traffic than a particular model
is designed to handle, FTD can run out of memory, and any incoming packets are
dropped as a consequence. The no buffer counter in the interface statistics provides the
number of dropped packets.

Figure 10-20 illustrates the processing of incoming packets by an FTD device. In this
example, Packet 16 is dropped due to lack of space in the FIFO queue, and Packet 10 is
dropped due to lack of memory or buffer.

Packets move from the FIFO

Packet queue to the buffer via RX ring.
20 When the buffer is full, packets
are dropped and cause no buffer.





13 0 1 Packet 9 Packet 8 Packet 7
Packet Packet RX
Packet 14 Packet 6 Packet 5 Packet 4
16 15 Ring
Packet 3 Packet 2 Packet 1

Packets arrive at the tail of the

FIFO queue of an interface.
When the queue is full, packets CPU
are dropped and cause overrun.

Figure 10-20 Packet Processing by an FTD Ingress Interface

Quiz 309

This chapter describes the processes of capturing live traffic on an FTD device using
the system-provided capturing tool. To demonstrate the benefit of the tool, this chapter
shows various tcpdump options and BPF syntax to filter and manage packet capture.

1. In terms of system performance, which of the following statements about capturing
traffic is true?
a. When capturing traffic, always display the packets on the console to avoid system
b. Capturing traffic on a production system has no impact on system performance.
c. Redirecting traffic into a file can increase the utilization of resources.
d. None of the above.

2. Which of the following filters captures HTTP client traffic only from the client host
a. src and src port 80
b. host or src port 80
c. src and dst port 80
d. host or dst port 80

3. Which option would prevent tcpdump from oversubscribing an FTD for a long
a. -c 10
b. -e
c. -vv
d. -X

4. To copy a .pcap file from the FMC to your local computer using the GUI, which of
the following conditions must be fulfilled?
a. You must enable the HTTP service through the Platform Settings policy.
b. The FMC must be registered with an FTD device.
c. The .pcap file must be stored in the /var/common directory.
d. All of the above
This page intentionally left blank
Chapter 11

Blocking Traffic Using Inline

Interface Mode

An FTD device in Inline interface mode can block unintended traffic while it remains
invisible to the network hosts. However, in Chapter 9, “Firepower Deployment in Transparent
Mode,” you learned about Transparent Mode, which can also block traffic and keeps itself
transparent in the network. So, why would someone choose Inline Mode? This chapter
explores the advantages of Inline Mode and demonstrates its action and configuration.

Inline Mode Essentials

FTD supports a wide variety of block actions, such as simple blocking, blocking with
reset, interactive blocking, and interactive blocking with reset. However, a block action
cannot drop any suspicious packet if the interfaces are not set up properly.

Figure 11-1 shows a list of the actions that you can apply to an access rule. Note the
different types of block actions FTD supports.

Figure 11-1 Available Actions, Including Blocking Actions

312 Chapter 11: Blocking Traffic Using Inline Interface Mode

FTD enables you to choose any interface mode, regardless of the underlying deployment
mode—Routed or Transparent. However, ultimately, the capability of an interface mode
defines whether FTD is able to block any suspicious traffic it sees.

Table 11-1 lists various FTD modes and describes their abilities to block traffic. The
deployment mode in this table defines how FTD functions as a firewall. The interface
mode defines how FTD acts on the traffic in case of any suspicious activities.

Table 11-1 Ability to Block Traffic in Various Modes

Deployment Mode Interface Mode Able to Block Traffic?
Routed Yes
Transparent Yes
Inline Yes
Inline-tap No
Passive No
Passive (ERSPAN) No

Inline Mode Versus Passive Mode

An intrusion detection and prevention system detects suspicious activities and prevents
network attacks. You can deploy an FTD device either as an intrusion detection system
(IDS) or to function as an intrusion prevention system (IPS). To prevent any potential
intrusion attempt in real time, you must deploy an FTD device in Inline Mode. In Inline
Mode, the ingress and egress interfaces are bundled into an interface pair. Each pair must
be associated with an inline set, which is a logical group of one or more interface pairs.
Figure 11-2 illustrates how two interfaces (GigabitEthernet1/1 with GigabitEthernet1/2
and GigabitEthernet1/3 with GigabitEthernet1/4) can build the inline pairs. Note that
both of the inline pairs are included in Inline Set 1 in this illustration.

An FTD device in Passive Mode, on the contrary, can only detect intrusion attempts.
A switch or tap mirrors all the packets it receives and sends a copy of each packet to the
FTD device using port mirroring. Because the original traffic does not go through
an FTD device, FTD is unable to take any action on a packet. In other words, an FTD
device in Passive Mode cannot block any intrusion attempt; it can only detect an attempt
based on the traffic it sees.

Figure 11-3 provides an example of a typical FTD deployment. The topology shows two
FTD devices deployed in two different modes—Inline (IPS) and Passive (IDS).
Inline Mode Essentials 313


GigabitEthernet1/1 GigabitEthernet1/3
Inline Pair 1

Inline Pair 2
GigabitEthernet1/2 GigabitEthernet1/4

Inline Set 1

Figure 11-2 Understanding an Inline Interface, Interface Pair, and Inline Set

Difference Between a
Typical Inline and
Passive Deployment

FTD as an IDS
Deployed in FTD
Passive Mode Traffic Is
to FTD
End Users



Inside Outside
Interface Interface
FTD as an IPS
Deployed in
Inline Mode FTD

Inline Pair
End Users

Figure 11-3 Deployment Scenarios—FTD in Inline and Passive Modes

314 Chapter 11: Blocking Traffic Using Inline Interface Mode

Inline Mode Versus Transparent Mode

Both Inline Mode and Transparent Mode work like bumps in the wire, which means they
are invisible to the connected devices. However, they are two different techniques.
In Inline Mode, the interfaces on an interface pair are network agnostic. They can send
and receive any traffic, as long as the policies permit. In addition, you do not need to
configure IP addresses on any of the member interfaces of an inline-pair.
In contrast, an FTD device in Transparent Mode places the inside and outside networks
into a virtual bridge group and creates a Layer 2 bridging network. Traffic originates from
an FTD device using a Bridged Virtual Interface (BVI) as its source interface. The BVI,
inside network, and outside network must all be configured with the IP addresses from a
single subnet.
You can enable Network Address Translation (NAT) in the Transparent Mode; however,
FTD does not support NAT in the Inline Mode.

Tracing a Packet Drop

After receiving a packet from the ingress interface, FTD processes the packets and
takes an action based on the deployed access rules and intrusion rules. In Chapter 10,
“Capturing Traffic for Advanced Analysis,” you learned how to capture live traffic from
an interface. In this chapter, you are going to leverage the capturing tool to trace a drop
of a packet through an FTD device.
Figure 11-4 illustrates the potential reasons for a packet drop by an FTD device. After FTD
filters traffic using its traditional firewall rules, the Firepower/Snort engine inspects traffic.
To record additional tracing data during a capture, you need to use the trace parameter
with the capture command. For example, to capture any HTTP traffic received on an
inside interface, you used the following command in Chapter 10:
> capture http_traffic interface INSIDE_INTERFACE match tcp any any eq 80

Now, to capture tracing data for each packet, you can add the trace parameter, as shown
> capture http_traffic trace interface INSIDE_INTERFACE match tcp any any eq 80

To view the additional tracing data for a specific packet, add the number of that packet
with the trace keyword, as shown here:
> show capture http_traffic packet-number 1 trace

Moreover, FTD provides a tool called packet-tracer, which can generate simulated
packets using the information of five tuples: source IP address, destination IP address,
source port number, destination port number, and protocol. By considering the deployed
rule conditions, this tool simulates traffic flow from the ingress interface to the egress
interface, as if a client and server were communicating using a network protocol through
the FTD. Here is an example:
> packet-tracer input INSIDE_INTERFACE tcp 10000 80
Fastpath Rule Match wh
i c h Ap P
Ingress Ta plie refil
Interface ke s a ter
sP F P
lac ast olic
wh Acc e B pa y
Blocking of Traffic by the Prefilter Policy

Trust Rule Match efo th R

ich ess re u
Security Access Control Is Co an le,
Intelligence Su nt yA
ACL: L3 L4 bje rol
Overrun Buffer Overflow

ct Po na
(IP Address) to l lys
Passed Identity Check Ide icy A is
Security nti pp

Blocking of Traffic Based on Five Tuples

Intelligence t y l i e
Ch s a
(DNS, URL) ec Tr
k a us
Blacklisting of P Address

nd t R
Ra ule
Rate Limited te ,
Access Control it

Blacklisting of DNS URL File Policy

User dentity Check

Application Control

File Control Malware

Snort Rule

ntrusion Attempt
Rate Limit
Next Hop Lookup
L3 L2


Inline Mode Essentials

Dropped Due to the Firepower Engine
Blocked by the Firewall Engine

Figure 11-4 Possible Reasons for a Packet Drop

316 Chapter 11: Blocking Traffic Using Inline Interface Mode

This command generates a virtual packet flow from the INSIDE_INTERFACE with the
following header information:

Source IP Address:

Destination IP Address:
Source Port: 10000
Destination Port: 80
Protocol: TCP

Later in this chapter you will use both capture trace and packet-trace tools to determine
where a packet gets dropped. For now, just keep this concept in mind.

Best Practices for Inline Mode Configuration

When you create an inline set, consider the following during configurations:

■ If your network uses asynchronous routing, and the inbound and outbound traffic
go through two different interface pairs, you should include both interface pairs
in the same interface set. Doing so ensures that FTD does not see just half of the
traffic; it can see the flows from both directions and recognize them when they are
part of a single connection.

■ If the interfaces of an inline pair are connected to switches that run Spanning Tree
Protocol (STP), you should enable PortFast on the associated switch ports. It allows
those switch ports to transition to the forwarding state immediately and reduces
hardware bypass time.

■ You should enable the FailSafe feature on the inline interface set. In case of a
software failure, this feature allows FTD to continue its traffic flow through the
device by bypassing the detection.

■ You should allow the inline set to propagate its link state. This reduces the routing
convergence time when one of the interfaces in an inline set goes down.

The configuration examples in this chapter discuss the steps to enable FailSafe and the
Propagate Link State feature on an inline set.

Configuring Inline Mode

In this section, you are going to configure and verify three important elements of an
inline interface:

■ You will create a simple inline set and verify traffic flow.

■ You will enable the fault tolerance features on an inline set to avoid downtime in
case of a failure.

■ You will learn how to block a particular service or port through an inline interface.
Configuring Inline Mode 317

Figure 11-5 provides an overview of the lab topology that is used in this chapter.
The configuration examples and the command outputs in this chapter are based on this


Administrator Management Management Network Traffic
Data Traffic

Host FTD Server
Inside Interface Outside Interface

Figure 11-5 Lab Topology Used in the Configuration Examples in This Chapter

Fulfilling Prerequisites
If you previously configured an FTD device as a firewall in routed mode, you need to
remove any platform settings, the IP address, and DHCP server configurations from the
FTD data interfaces, as they are not necessary in Inline Mode.

Creating an Inline Set

An inline set is a logical group of one or more interface pairs. Before you add an inline
set, you must create an inline interface pair and associate the pair with the inline set you
want to add.

To create an inline set, follow these steps:

Step 1. Navigate to the Devices > Device Management page. A list of all the devices
that are registered with FMC appears.

Step 2. Click the pencil icon next to the FTD device (see Figure 11-6).

Step 3. Select the Interfaces tab. A list of the available interfaces appears, and you
can set up or modify interface settings by using this page.
318 Chapter 11: Blocking Traffic Using Inline Interface Mode

Figure 11-6 The Device Management Page of the FMC

Step 4. Select the pencil icon next to each interface that will be part of an inline
pair—in this case, the GigabitEthernet1/1 and GigabitEthernet1/2 interfaces
(see Figure 11-7).

Figure 11-7 Available Interfaces on an FTD Device

Step 5. In the Edit Physical Interface window, the default value of the Mode drop-
down is None. Keep it unchanged, as this represents Inline Mode. Then assign
a name to the interface and click the Enabled check box to enable it. An IP
address is not necessary.
Configuring Inline Mode 319

Figure 11-8 shows the settings on the GigabitEthernet1/1 interface. This

for the GigabitEthernet1/1 and GigabitEthernet1/2 interfaces, respectively.

Figure 11-8 The Edit Physical Interface Window

Step 6. Click OK to return to the Interfaces tab and repeat Steps 4 and 5 for the other
interface of the pair.

Step 7. After both interfaces are named and enabled, click the Save button to save the

Figure 11-9 shows an overview of each interface configuration. Note that the
IP address or security zone is not configured. Only the logical interface is
necessary for an inline interface.
320 Chapter 11: Blocking Traffic Using Inline Interface Mode

Security zones and

IP addresses are not
necessary for inline sets.

Figure 11-9 Overview of the Interface Configuration

Now, begin the second part of the configuration—adding the interface pair to an inline
set—by following these steps:

Step 1. On the Devices > Device Management page, go to the Inline Sets tab and
click the Add Inline Set button. The Add Inline Set window appears.

Step 2. In the Add Inline Set window, give a name to the inline set, select an interface
pair, and add it to the inline set (see Figure 11-10).

Note Do not configure any additional settings at this moment. You will come back here
when you learn the fault tolerance configuration later in this chapter.

Step 3. Click OK to return to the Inline Sets tab.

Step 4. Click Save to save the configuration, and click Deploy to deploy it to FTD
(see Figure 11-11).
Configuring Inline Mode 321


Figure 11-10 Settings of an Inline Set

Figure 11-11 Deploying an Inline Set Configuration

Verifying the Configuration

Upon a successful deployment, you should be able to ping from your inside host to the outside server

Figure 11-12 shows the table view of a connection event. The event confirms that host is able to send ICMP echo requests to
322 Chapter 11: Blocking Traffic Using Inline Interface Mode

Figure 11-12 Connection Event for the ICMP Traffic

If a ping test fails but the FMC does not show any reason for a failure, you can
troubleshoot by checking the interface status.

Example 11-1 shows the output of the show inline-set command on the FTD CLI. This
command provides various components of an inline set configuration, such as member
interfaces of an inline pair, the status of each interface, and advanced settings.

Example 11-1 Status of the INSIDE_OUTSIDE_PAIR Inline Set

> show inline-set

Mtu is 1500 bytes
Failsafe mode is off
Failsecure mode is off
Tap mode is off
Propagate-link-state option is off
hardware-bypass mode is disabled
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/1 "INSIDE_INTERFACE"
Current-Status: UP
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/2 "OUTSIDE_INTERFACE"
Current-Status: UP
Bridge Group ID: 500

Example 11-2 shows the overall status of the available interfaces on an FTD device. It
confirms that the GigabitEthernet1/1 and GigabitEthernet1/2 interfaces are up and config-
ured with no IP address. However, it does not confirm if they are part of an inline pair.
Configuring Inline Mode 323

Example 11-2 Summary of the FTD Interface Status

> show interface ip brief

Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
Virtual0 YES unset up up
GigabitEthernet1/1 unassigned YES unset up up
GigabitEthernet1/2 unassigned YES unset up up
GigabitEthernet1/3 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/4 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/5 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/6 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/7 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/8 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
Internal-Control1/1 YES unset up up
Internal-Data1/1 unassigned YES unset up up
Internal-Data1/2 unassigned YES unset down down
Internal-Data1/3 unassigned YES unset up up
Internal-Data1/4 YES unset up up
Management1/1 unassigned YES unset up up

Example 11-3 confirms that the GigabitEthernet1/1 interface is in Inline Mode, and
it is included in an inline pair called INSIDE_OUTSIDE_PAIR. It also provides detailed
statistics about the traffic.

Example 11-3 Detailed Statistic About the GigabitEthernet1/1 Interface

> show interface GigabitEthernet1/1

Interface GigabitEthernet1/1 "INSIDE_INTERFACE", is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is Accelerator rev01, BW 1000 Mbps, DLY 10 usec
Auto-Duplex(Full-duplex), Auto-Speed(1000 Mbps)
Input flow control is unsupported, output flow control is off
MAC address a46c.2ae4.6bc0, MTU 1500
IPS Interface-Mode: inline, Inline-Set: INSIDE_OUTSIDE_PAIR
IP address unassigned
2382 packets input, 258694 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 142 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
0 pause input, 0 resume input
0 L2 decode drops
2079 packets output, 234133 bytes, 0 underruns
0 pause output, 0 resume output
0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets
0 late collisions, 0 deferred
0 input reset drops, 2 output reset drops
324 Chapter 11: Blocking Traffic Using Inline Interface Mode

input queue (blocks free curr/low): hardware (946/894)

output queue (blocks free curr/low): hardware (1023/1020)
Traffic Statistics for "INSIDE_INTERFACE":
592 packets input, 53381 bytes
530 packets output, 63776 bytes
11 packets dropped
1 minute input rate 1 pkts/sec, 85 bytes/sec
1 minute output rate 1 pkts/sec, 88 bytes/sec
1 minute drop rate, 0 pkts/sec
5 minute input rate 1 pkts/sec, 79 bytes/sec
5 minute output rate 0 pkts/sec, 103 bytes/sec
5 minute drop rate, 0 pkts/sec

Verifying Packet Flow by Using packet-tracer

If the interface status and configuration seem correct but the hosts in the inside and
outside networks are still unable to communicate, you can use a simulated packet to
determine the flow of a packet through an FTD device. The packet-tracer command can
generate a virtual packet based on the parameters you enter with it. In the next example,
you will simulate the flow of an ICMP packet using the following syntax:

packet-tracer input source_interface protocol_name source_address ICMP_type ICMP_

code destination_address

Note The packet-tracer command syntax is different for a TCP packet. You will learn
how to use it near the end of this chapter, when the blocking of a TCP service/port is

In an ICMP header, the type and code fields contain the control messages. There
are many different types of ICMP control messages available. In the following exercise,
however, you are going to use two types of messages—echo request and echo reply.

Figure 11-13 shows the format of an ICMP packet. The 8-bit type and 8-bit code fields
carry the ICMP control messages.

ICMP Header

Type Code Checksum

IP Header
Rest of the Header

Figure 11-13 Type and Code Fields on an ICMP Header

Configuring Inline Mode 325

Table 11-2 shows the values of the type and code fields. Using these values, you can
generate a particular ICMP control message.

Table 11-2 Values for the Echo Request and Echo Reply Messages
Control Message Type Code
Echo request 8 0
Echo reply 0 0

Example 11-4 demonstrates the simulation of ICMP traffic, sent from the inside inter-
face. The host from the inside network sends an ICMP echo request to an
outside system, The ingress and egress interfaces of this simulated packet
are determined by the inline set configuration of the FTD device.

Example 11-4 Simulating an ICMP Echo Request

> packet-tracer input INSIDE_INTERFACE icmp 8 0

Phase: 1
Result: ALLOW
Implicit Rule
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 2
Subtype: ngips-mode
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
The flow ingressed an interface configured for NGIPS mode and NGIPS services will be

Phase: 3
Subtype: log
Result: ALLOW
access-group CSM_FW_ACL_ global
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ advanced permit ip any any rule-id 268434432
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268434432: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy - Default/1
326 Chapter 11: Blocking Traffic Using Inline Interface Mode

access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268434432: L4 RULE: DEFAULT ACTION RULE

Additional Information:
This packet will be sent to snort for additional processing where a verdict will be

Phase: 4
Subtype: Resolve Egress Interface
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Ingress interface INSIDE_INTERFACE is in NGIPS inline mode.
Egress interface OUTSIDE_INTERFACE is determined by inline-set configuration

Phase: 5
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
New flow created with id 269, packet dispatched to next module

input-interface: INSIDE_INTERFACE
input-status: up
input-line-status: up
Action: allow


Example 11-5 concludes that an ICMP echo reply packet, originated by the host, should be able to reach its destination,

Example 11-5 Simulating an ICMP Echo Reply

> packet-tracer input OUTSIDE_INTERFACE icmp 0 0

Phase: 1
Result: ALLOW
Implicit Rule
Additional Information:
MAC Access list
Configuring Inline Mode 327

Phase: 2
Subtype: ngips-mode
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
The flow ingressed an interface configured for NGIPS mode and NGIPS services will be

Phase: 3
Subtype: log
Result: ALLOW
access-group CSM_FW_ACL_ global
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ advanced permit ip any any rule-id 268434432
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268434432: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy - Default/1
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268434432: L4 RULE: DEFAULT ACTION RULE
Additional Information:
This packet will be sent to snort for additional processing where a verdict will be

Phase: 4
Subtype: Resolve Egress Interface
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Ingress interface OUTSIDE_INTERFACE is in NGIPS inline mode.
Egress interface INSIDE_INTERFACE is determined by inline-set configuration

Phase: 5
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
New flow created with id 271, packet dispatched to next module

input-interface: OUTSIDE_INTERFACE
input-status: up
input-line-status: up
Action: allow
328 Chapter 11: Blocking Traffic Using Inline Interface Mode

Verifying Packet Flow by Using Real Packet Capture

In the previous section, you used virtually generated packets to simulate the flow of
packets. In this section, you are going to use real ping requests to determine the flow of a
packet through an FTD. Follow these steps:

Step 1. Enter two capture rules with tracing capability, as shown in Example 11-6.
They begin capturing ICMP traffic. To trace packets from both directions,
you need to capture traffic from both of the interfaces of an inline pair.

Example 11-6 demonstrates the use of the trace keyword with the capture
command. The example uses the capture command twice, to capture traffic
from the ingress and egress interfaces separately. The Capturing - 0 bytes
message on the show capture command confirms that the process is running
but has not seen any packets yet.

Example 11-6 Creating and Verifying Matching Conditions for Packet Captures

> capture inside_icmp trace interface INSIDE_INTERFACE match icmp any any

> capture outside_icmp trace interface OUTSIDE_INTERFACE match icmp any any

> show capture

capture inside_icmp type raw-data trace interface INSIDE_INTERFACE [Capturing - 0

match icmp any any
capture outside_icmp type raw-data trace interface OUTSIDE_INTERFACE [Capturing - 0
match icmp any any

Step 2. Send a few ping requests from your inside host to the outside system. After
sending and receiving two to four ICMP packets, stop the ping request. You
should now be able to see the capture between the inside and outside sys-
tems. Example 11-7 shows the captures of ICMP traffic from both directions
on both interfaces.

Example 11-7 Captures of the ICMP Traffic

> show capture inside_icmp

4 packets captured

1: 21:52:25.988428 > icmp: echo request

2: 21:52:25.989405 > icmp: echo reply
3: 21:52:26.989862 > icmp: echo request
4: 21:52:26.990412 > icmp: echo reply
Configuring Inline Mode 329

4 packets shown

> show capture outside_icmp

4 packets captured

1: 21:52:25.989038 > icmp: echo request

2: 21:52:25.989252 > icmp: echo reply
3: 21:52:26.990106 > icmp: echo request
4: 21:52:26.990305 > icmp: echo reply
4 packets shown

Step 3. From Example 11-7, select a packet you want to trace, using its associated
number on the left. In this lab scenario, the host sends the echo
request packet from the inside interface. That’s why you use the inside_icmp
capture to view the tracing data. Similarly, when you want to trace the echo
reply packet from the host, you need to use the outside_icmp

Example 11-8 shows the flow of packet number 1 from Example 11-7. You
must use the trace keyword to view the tracing data.

Example 11-8 Tracing an Echo-Request Packet Originated by the Host

> show capture inside_icmp packet-number 1 trace

4 packets captured

1: 21:52:25.988428 > icmp: echo request

Phase: 1
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 2
330 Chapter 11: Blocking Traffic Using Inline Interface Mode

Result: ALLOW
Implicit Rule
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 3
Subtype: ngips-mode
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
The flow ingressed an interface configured for NGIPS mode and NGIPS services will be

Phase: 4
Subtype: log
Result: ALLOW
access-group CSM_FW_ACL_ global
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ advanced permit ip any any rule-id 268434432
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268434432: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy - Default/1
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268434432: L4 RULE: DEFAULT ACTION RULE
Additional Information:
This packet will be sent to snort for additional processing where a verdict will be

Phase: 5
Subtype: Resolve Egress Interface
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Ingress interface INSIDE_INTERFACE is in NGIPS inline mode.
Egress interface OUTSIDE_INTERFACE is determined by inline-set configuration

Phase: 6
Result: ALLOW
Configuring Inline Mode 331

Additional Information:
New flow created with id 279, packet dispatched to next module

Phase: 7
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Application: 'SNORT Inspect'

Phase: 8
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Snort Verdict: (pass-packet) allow this packet

Phase: 9
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

input-interface: OUTSIDE_INTERFACE
input-status: up
input-line-status: up
Action: allow

1 packet shown

Example 11-9 shows two different outputs for tracing the same packet. Only the second
command shows the desired detail because the outside interface receives the echo reply
332 Chapter 11: Blocking Traffic Using Inline Interface Mode

Example 11-9 Tracing an Echo Reply Packet Originated by the Host

> show capture inside_icmp packet-number 2 trace

4 packets captured

2: 21:52:25.989405 > icmp: echo reply

1 packet shown

> show capture outside_icmp packet-number 2 trace

4 packets captured

2: 21:52:25.989252 > icmp: echo reply

Phase: 1
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 2
Result: ALLOW
Implicit Rule
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 3
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Found flow with id 279, using existing flow

Phase: 4
Configuring Inline Mode 333

Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Application: 'SNORT Inspect'

Phase: 5
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Snort Verdict: (pass-packet) allow this packet

Phase: 6
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

input-interface: INSIDE_INTERFACE
input-status: up
input-line-status: up
Action: allow

1 packet shown

Tip To learn how to inactivate a capture on an interface or how to delete a capture

process permanently, see Chapter 10.

Enabling Fault Tolerance Features

In Inline Mode, traffic goes through an FTD device. FTD can interrupt the traffic flow
in case of any software or hardware failure. To avoid any network outage, the Firepower
system offers various fault tolerance features, such as FailSafe and Link State Propagation,
as described in the following sections.
334 Chapter 11: Blocking Traffic Using Inline Interface Mode

Configuring Fault Tolerance Features

This section assumes that you have already configured your FTD device in basic Inline
Mode by following the steps described in the previous section. Now, you are going to
edit that configuration to enable two fault tolerance features:

■ FailSafe: In the event of any software failure, if FTD stops processing traffic, and the
buffer becomes full, FTD drops traffic. The FailSafe feature watches the use of the
buffer. When the buffer is full, FailSafe allows the traffic to go through FTD without
any inspection. Hence, users do not experience any permanent network outage.

■ Propagate Link State: If one of the links of an inline pair goes down, the second
link can stay up and able to receive traffic. However, FTD cannot transfer traffic
through an interface that has no link. The Propagate Link State feature automatically
brings the remaining interface down if one of the interfaces in an inline pair goes
down. This feature improves routing convergence time by not sending traffic through
a failed link.

Follow these steps to enable FailSafe and Propagate Link State:

Step 1. Navigate to the Devices > Device Management page. Click the pencil icon
next to the FTD device where you created the inline set.

Step 2. In the device editor page, go to the Inline Sets tab. Click the pencil icon next
to the inline set that you want to modify. The Add Inline Set window appears.

Step 3. Go to the General tab and select the FailSafe check box (see Figure 11-14).

Figure 11-14 The FailSafe Feature on the General Tab

Step 4. Go to the Advanced tab and select the Propagate Link State check box
(see Figure 11-15).
Configuring Inline Mode 335

Figure 11-15 The Propagate Link State Feature on the Advanced Tab

Step 5. Click the OK button to return to the device editor page.

Step 6. Click Save to save the changes, and click Deploy to deploy the settings to FTD.

Verifying Fault Tolerance Features

After you reconfigure an inline set with the FailSafe and Propagate Link State features,
you can run the show inline-set command to verify the changes. Example 11-10 confirms
that the FailSafe and Propagate Link State features are enabled successfully.

Example 11-10 Viewing the Inline Set Configuration from the CLI

> show inline-set

Mtu is 1500 bytes
Failsafe mode is on/activated
Failsecure mode is off
Tap mode is off
Propagate-link-state option is on
hardware-bypass mode is disabled
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/1 "INSIDE_INTERFACE"
Current-Status: Down(Propagate-Link-State-Activated)
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/2 "OUTSIDE_INTERFACE"
Current-Status: Down(Down-By-Propagate-Link-State)
Bridge Group ID: 500
336 Chapter 11: Blocking Traffic Using Inline Interface Mode

To verify that the Propagate Link State feature works as expected, you can unplug the
cable from one of the interfaces and run the show interface command to determine
the status. Example 11-11 shows the output of the show interface command. After
unplugging the cable from the GigabitEthernet1/1 interface, the second interface,
GigabitEthernet1/2, has also gone down.

Example 11-11 Viewing the Status of the Propagate Link State Feature

> show interface GigabitEthernet1/1

Interface GigabitEthernet1/1 "INSIDE_INTERFACE", is down, line protocol is down
Hardware is Accelerator rev01, BW 1000 Mbps, DLY 10 usec
Auto-Duplex, Auto-Speed
Input flow control is unsupported, output flow control is off
MAC address a46c.2ae4.6bc0, MTU 1500
IPS Interface-Mode: inline, Inline-Set: INSIDE_OUTSIDE_PAIR
IP address unassigned
14779 packets input, 1512926 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 147 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants
<Output Omitted for Brevity>

> show interface GigabitEthernet1/2

Interface GigabitEthernet1/2 "OUTSIDE_INTERFACE", is administratively down, line
protocol is down
Hardware is Accelerator rev01, BW 1000 Mbps, DLY 10 usec
Auto-Duplex, Auto-Speed
Input flow control is unsupported, output flow control is off
MAC address a46c.2ae4.6bc1, MTU 1500
IPS Interface-Mode: inline, Inline-Set: INSIDE_OUTSIDE_PAIR
IP address unassigned
15397 packets input, 1558479 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 930 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants
<Output Omitted for Brevity>

Blocking a Specific Port

Now that you have configured the inline interface pair, you will try to block a particular
port or service using an FTD device. In the previous section, you used ICMP to
determine the traffic flow. In this section, you will configure an FTD device to block
the cleartext Telnet traffic—a TCP protocol that uses port 23.
Configuring Inline Mode 337

Configuring Blocking a Specific Port

The following steps describe how to add an access rule that can block any packets
destined for port 23:

Step 1. Navigate to the Policies > Access Control > Access Control page.

Step 2. Click the pencil icon next to an access control policy that you want to deploy
to an FTD device.

Step 3. When the policy editor page appears, click the Add Rule button to create a
new rule. The Add Rule window appears. Figure 11-16 shows the addition of
an access rule that blocks traffic destined for port 23 (the Telnet service port).

Figure 11-16 Access Rule to Block the Telnet Port

Step 4. Give the access rule a name, enable the rule, and select the Block action.

Step 5. In the Ports tab, find the Telnet service in the Available Ports list and add the
Telnet port to the destination.

Step 6. Go to the Logging tab and select Log at Beginning of Connection.

This optional step allows you to view an event when a Telnet connection is
blocked. Figure 11-17 shows logging being enabled for the Shell Access
access rule. When this access rule blocks a Telnet connection, the web
interface displays a Block event for it.

Step 7. Click the Add button to return to the policy editor page.
338 Chapter 11: Blocking Traffic Using Inline Interface Mode

Figure 11-17 Enabling Logging for an Access Rule

Step 8. To define a default action, select Balanced Security and Connectivity from
the dropdown. This allows any nonmalicious traffic other than the Telnet
traffic to go through.
Figure 11-18 shows the policy editor page after you add the rule to block
Telnet traffic.

Figure 11-18 The Access Control Policy Editor Page

Step 9. Click Save to save the configuration, and click Deploy to deploy the Access
Control Policy to FTD.
Configuring Inline Mode 339

Verifying Blocking of a Specific Port

After a successful deployment of the updated access control policy, you can go to your
inside host to access the outside system using Telnet. Your
attempt to connect through the Telnet port should not work because FTD is now block-
ing any traffic destined for port 23. For a blocked connection, the FMC should also log a
connection event.
Figure 11-19 illustrates two types of connection events—block and allow. The Telnet
traffic is blocked by the Shell Access rule, while any other traffic (such as ping requests)
is allowed by the Default Action rule.

Only Telnet traffic is blocked.

Other traffic (ICMP) is allowed.

Figure 11-19 Events Logged for a Blocked Telnet Connection

Example 11-12 displays the Shell Access rule that you created to block Telnet traffic. In
the line following this rule, you can find the default action to permit any other traffic.
The hitcnt value increases as more Telnet traffic is blocked by FTD.

Example 11-12 Viewing the Access Control Rules from the CLI

> show access-list

access-list cached ACL log flows: total 0, denied 0 (deny-flow-max 4096)
alert-interval 300
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_; 7 elements; name hash: 0x4a69e3f3
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 1 remark rule-id 9998: PREFILTER POLICY: Default Tunnel
and Priority Policy
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 2 remark rule-id 9998: RULE: DEFAULT TUNNEL ACTION RULE
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 3 advanced permit ipinip any any rule-id 9998 (hitcnt=0)
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 4 advanced permit 41 any any rule-id 9998 (hitcnt=0)
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 5 advanced permit gre any any rule-id 9998 (hitcnt=0)
340 Chapter 11: Blocking Traffic Using Inline Interface Mode

access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 6 advanced permit udp any eq 3544 any range 1025 65535
rule-id 9998 (hitcnt=0) 0x46d7839e
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 7 advanced permit udp any range 1025 65535 any eq 3544
rule-id 9998 (hitcnt=0) 0xaf1d5aa5
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 8 remark rule-id 268440576: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy -
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 9 remark rule-id 268440576: L4 RULE: Shell Access
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 10 advanced deny tcp any any object-group TELNET
rule-id 268440576 event-log flow-start (hitcnt=2) 0xae7f8544
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 10 advanced deny tcp any any eq telnet rule-id
268440576 event-log flow-start (hitcnt=2) 0x2bcbaf06
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 11 remark rule-id 268434432: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy -
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 12 remark rule-id 268434432: L4 RULE: DEFAULT ACTION RULE
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 13 advanced permit ip any any rule-id 268434432
(hitcnt=134) 0xa1d3780e

Analyzing a Packet Drop by Using a Simulated Packet

You can use the packet-tracer tool to generate a virtual TCP packet and simulate the
flow of the packet through an FTD device. It allows you to analyze any potential packet
drop due to the access control policy.

Example 11-13 simulates the requests for Telnet traffic access from both networks—
inside and outside—in two packet-tracer outputs. Both requests are blocked by the Shell
Access rule that you created earlier. This example uses port 23 as the destination port
and assumes port number 10000 as a randomly generated source port.

Example 11-13 Simulating a TCP Packet Drop

! Packet originates from the inside network, Telnet server is located at the outside

> packet-tracer input INSIDE_INTERFACE tcp 10000 23

Phase: 1
Subtype: ngips-mode
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
The flow ingressed an interface configured for NGIPS mode and NGIPS services will be
Configuring Inline Mode 341

Phase: 2
Subtype: log
Result: DROP
access-group CSM_FW_ACL_ global
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ advanced deny tcp any any object-group TELNET rule-id
268440576 event-log flow-start
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268440576: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy -
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268440576: L4 RULE: Shell Access
object-group service TELNET tcp
port-object eq telnet
Additional Information:

input-interface: INSIDE_INTERFACE
input-status: up
input-line-status: up
Action: drop
Drop-reason: (acl-drop) Flow is denied by configured rule


! Packet originates from the outside network, Telnet server is located at the inside

> packet-tracer input OUTSIDE_INTERFACE tcp 10000 23

Phase: 1
Subtype: ngips-mode
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
The flow ingressed an interface configured for NGIPS mode and NGIPS services will be

Phase: 2
Subtype: log
Result: DROP
342 Chapter 11: Blocking Traffic Using Inline Interface Mode

access-group CSM_FW_ACL_ global

access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ advanced deny tcp any any object-group TELNET rule-id
268440576 event-log flow-start
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268440576: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy -
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268440576: L4 RULE: Shell Access
object-group service TELNET tcp
port-object eq telnet
Additional Information:

input-interface: OUTSIDE_INTERFACE
input-status: up
input-line-status: up
Action: drop
Drop-reason: (acl-drop) Flow is denied by configured rule


Analyzing a Packet Drop by Using a Real Packet

If your network experiences any connectivity issue, and you do not see any configura-
tion errors, you can capture the live traffic with the tracing feature enabled. This allows
you to analyze a real packet—how it goes through an FTD device and how it is blocked
by an access rule when it matches a condition. The following steps describe the process:

Step 1. Create a rule that can capture any traffic destined for port 23. You must apply
the rule on the interface that sees the incoming requests.

Example 11-14 shows a command that is able to capture any traffic with
destination port 23. You must use the trace keyword to capture additional
tracing data. After you enter the command, you can view the status of a
capture by using the show capture command.

Example 11-14 Capturing Telnet Traffic with Tracing Data

> capture inside_telnet trace interface INSIDE_INTERFACE match tcp any any eq 23
> show capture
capture inside_telnet type raw-data trace interface INSIDE_INTERFACE [Capturing - 0
match tcp any any eq telnet

Step 2. Try to access the Telnet server. Although it fails due to the Shell Access
rule, your failure attempt generates Telnet traffic that you will analyze next.
Configuring Inline Mode 343

Example 11-15 displays four packets with destination port 23. They are
captured using the command provided in Example 11-14.

Example 11-15 FTD Capturing Four Telnet Packets

> show capture inside_telnet

4 packets captured

1: 01:24:06.440422 > S 2986077586:

2986077586(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 3482899 0,nop,wscale 7>
2: 01:24:07.437965 > S 2986077586:
2986077586(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 3483149 0,nop,wscale 7>
3: 01:24:09.442009 > S 2986077586:
2986077586(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 3483650 0,nop,wscale 7>
4: 01:24:13.450217 > S 2986077586:
2986077586(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 3484652 0,nop,wscale 7>
4 packets shown

Step 3. Select a packet by using its number and view the packet by using the show
capture command. Add the trace parameter with the command in order to
view additional tracing data. Example 11-16 shows the dropping of a TCP
packet through an FTD device. The tracing data confirms that the packet was
dropped due to an access rule.

Example 11-16 Viewing a Captured Packet with Tracing Data

> show capture inside_telnet packet-number 2 trace

4 packets captured

2: 01:24:07.437965 > S 2986077586:

2986077586(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 3483149 0,nop,wscale 7>
Phase: 1
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
MAC Access list
Phase: 2
Result: ALLOW
344 Chapter 11: Blocking Traffic Using Inline Interface Mode

Implicit Rule
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 3
Subtype: ngips-mode
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
The flow ingressed an interface configured for NGIPS mode and NGIPS services will be

Phase: 4
Subtype: log
Result: DROP
access-group CSM_FW_ACL_ global
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ advanced deny tcp any any object-group TELNET rule-id
268440576 event-log flow-start
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268440576: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy -
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268440576: L4 RULE: Shell Access
object-group service TELNET tcp
port-object eq telnet
Additional Information:

input-interface: INSIDE_INTERFACE
input-status: up
input-line-status: up
Action: drop
Drop-reason: (acl-drop) Flow is denied by configured rule

1 packet shown

In this chapter, you have learned how to configure an FTD device in Inline Mode, how
to enable fault tolerance features on an inline set, and how to trace a packet in order to
analyze the root cause of a drop. This chapter also describes various command-line tools
that you can use to verify the status of an interface, an inline pair, and an inline set.
Quiz 345

1. Which of the following statements is true?
a. The configuration steps for Inline Mode and Transparent Mode are the same.
b. An inline pair uses a loopback IP address for communication.
c. The FailSafe feature is enabled on an inline set by default.
d. The Propagate Link State feature is not enabled by default on an inline set.

2. Which of the following statements is true?

a. You should include both interface pairs in the same inline set to ensure the
recognition of asynchronous traffic.
b. The FailSafe feature allows an FTD device to continue its traffic flow through the
device by bypassing the detection.
c. Propagate Link State reduces the routing convergence time when one of the
interfaces in an inline set goes down.
d. All of the above.

3. Which command provides an overview of the various components of an inline

interface set?
a. show interface ip brief
b. show inline-set
c. show interface detail
d. show interface inline detail

4. To determine whether a packet is dropped by an access rule, which of the following

options is provided by FTD?
a. Capture traffic in .pcap file format and open the file in an external packet
b. Use the packet-tracer tool to trace a live packet directly.
c. Capture the traffic and use the trace functionality, and view the packets by using
the capture command.
d. None of the above.
This page intentionally left blank
Chapter 12

Inspecting Traffic Without

Blocking It

An FTD device can block packets when you deploy it in Inline Mode. However, there
are some scenarios where you may not want to block a packet right away but instead
want to watch the traffic pattern, determine the effectiveness of your access rules or
intrusion rules on live traffic, and then tune the overall access control policy accordingly.
Sometimes, you want to analyze any suspicious activities on your honeypot and detect
any potential attacks. Occasionally, the business continuity policy of your organization
may demand passive detection rather than inline protection. In this chapter, you will
learn how to deploy FTD to inspect traffic and detect any suspicious activities without
dropping the traffic in real time.

Traffic Inspection Essentials

When you consider deploying FTD for detection-only purposes, you mainly have two
choices—Passive Mode and Inline Tap Mode. The following sections emphasize the
differences between various interface modes and monitoring technologies.

Passive Monitoring Technology

To understand the architecture of a passive deployment, you must be familiar with the
underlying technologies, including the following:

■ Promiscuous Mode: On an FTD device, when you configure an interface in passive

mode, you set the interface into Promiscuous Mode. Promiscuous Mode allows
an interface to see any packet in a network segment—even packets that are not
aimed at that interface. This capability empowers an FTD device to monitor the
network activities without being an active part of a network.
348 Chapter 12: Inspecting Traffic Without Blocking It

Figure 12-1 introduces Promiscuous Mode and SPAN port, which are technologies
used in a passive FTD deployment.

End User
Switch Router


Traffic Is
to FTD
on a Switch

FTD Interface in
Promiscuous Mode

Figure 12-1 Basic Architecture of a Passive Deployment

■ SPAN port: Some switch models can replicate traffic from multiple switch ports
and send the copies to a specific switch port. An FTD device can monitor a
network without being an active part of the network flow; this feature is called port
mirroring. A switch port enabled with the port mirroring feature is known as the
switch port analyzer (SPAN) port.

A SPAN port can receive mirrored traffic from the same Layer 2 switch. However,
if you want to send the replicated traffic to multiple switches, you can use the
Encapsulated Remote Switched Port Analyzer (ERSPAN) technology. ERSPAN
transports mirrored traffic over a Layer 3 network by encapsulating it using
the Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) tunneling protocol.

FTD supports inspection of both SPAN and ERSPAN traffic. However, the
configuration examples in this chapter use only SPAN port.

Figure 12-2 illustrates the differences between two types of passive deployments—
using SPAN and ERSPAN ports.
Traffic Inspection Essentials 349

Network Is

End Users
Traffic from SPAN Port GRE
to Promiscuous Port Tunnel

Network Internet

Network Is

End Users

Figure 12-2 Difference Between a SPAN Port and an ERSPAN Port

■ TAP: A TAP is a network device that copies and transfers traffic to another system.
Unlike a SPAN port on a switch, which is configured at the software level, a network
TAP is dedicated hardware that is designed to replicate and transfer traffic. For an
additional cost, a TAP offers numerous advantages over a SPAN port. One of the
most important benefits is that a TAP is able to capture and copy all the traffic
(including any errors) from a highly utilized network and transfer it to a monitoring
device, such as FTD, without any packet drop.

A SPAN port, in contrast, drops packets if the utilization of a SPAN link exceeds its
capacity. In a highly utilized network, if a SPAN port fails to transfer all the traffic
from all the switch ports, an FTD device loses the complete visibility of a network
and may miss detecting any suspicious activities.

Figure 12-3 shows two types of cabling that an FTD device supports. Both deployments
are operational in detection-only mode.
350 Chapter 12: Inspecting Traffic Without Blocking It

Deployed in FTD
Passive Mode

End Users
Traffic from SPAN Port
to Promiscuous Port

Network Internet


Inside Outside
Interface Interface
Deployed in
Inline Tap Mode FTD

Inline Tap
End Users

Figure 12-3 Cabling of Interfaces in Passive Mode and Inline Tap Mode

Inline Versus Inline Tap Versus Passive

In Chapter 11, “Blocking Traffic Using Inline Interface Mode,” you learned about the
operation of an FTD device in Inline Mode, which can block traffic based on the access
control and intrusion rules you enable.

In contrast, if you apply a rule to block packets with certain conditions, an FTD device
does not actually block the original traffic when you configure it in Inline Tap Mode or
Passive Mode. It only generates an event and lets the packet go through the FTD.

Figure 12-4 provides a flowchart of various security components of the Firepower

software that can block a packet. However, the Passive Mode and Inline Tap Mode
deployments do not block any traffic; they only generate an event when a packet
matches a rule.
Fastpath Rule Match wh
i c h Ap P
Ingress Ta plie refil
Interface ke s a ter
sP F P
lac ast olic
wh Acc e B pa y
Blocking of Traffic by the Prefilter Policy

Trust Rule Match efo th R

ich ess re u
Security Access Control Is Co an le,
Intelligence Su nt yA
ACL: L3 L4 bje rol
Overrun Buffer Overflow

ct Po na
(IP Address) to l lys
Passed Identity Check Ide icy A is
Security nti pp

Blocking of Traffic Based on Five Tuples

Intelligence t y l i e
Ch s a
(DNS, URL) ec Tr
k a us
Blacklisting of P Address

nd t R
Ra ule
Rate Limited te ,
Access Control it

Blacklisting of DNS URL File Policy

User dentity Check

Application Control

File Control Malware

Snort Rule

ntrusion Attempt
Rate Limit
Next Hop Lookup
L3 L2

Traffic Inspection Essentials

Dropped Due to the Firepower Engine
Blocked by the Firewall Engine

Figure 12-4 Overview of the FTD Components That Can Trigger a Block Action

352 Chapter 12: Inspecting Traffic Without Blocking It

From a user standpoint, a block or drop action on both modes—Passive and Inline
Tap—has the same effect. For example, if a packet matches an access rule with a Block
action, it triggers a connection event displaying the Block action, while the original
packet goes through. Likewise, if a packet matches an intrusion rule with the Drop and
Generate Event rule state, FTD displays the matching packets with the Would Have
Dropped action and lets the traffic go through the FTD.

Although the outcomes are the same, the big advantage of Inline Tap Mode over
Passive Mode is the ease of transition to the inline mode, when necessary. The physical
cabling of Inline Mode and Inline Tap Mode is exactly same. If your FTD is currently
deployed in Inline Tap mode, and you decide to switch to Inline Mode to block traffic in
real time, you can do it simply by changing a setting in the GUI.

Best Practices for Detection-Only Deployment

Consider the following best practices before you deploy an FTD in Passive Mode:

■ If your plan is to deploy an FTD device in Detection-Only Mode, so that you could
observe any network activities and tune the security policies accordingly, you may
choose Inline Tap Mode over the traditional Passive Mode. This allows you to switch
to Inline Mode faster, without touching any physical cables.

■ If your ultimate plan is to deploy an FTD device in Detection-Only Mode

permanently, you can choose Passive Mode over Inline Tap Mode to eliminate any
chance of traffic interruption due to an accidental outage of the FTD device.

■ If the utilization of a network is medium to high, use a TAP instead of a SPAN port.

■ Although an FTD device in Passive Mode cannot block traffic, you should still select
an FTD model based on the throughput specification to ensure that the FTD device
inspects all the traffic without dropping it.

Fulfilling Prerequisites
If you previously configured an FTD device as a firewall in Routed Mode, you
need to remove any platform settings, IP addresses, and DHCP server configurations
from the FTD data interfaces, as they are not necessary in Inline, Inline Tap, and
Passive Modes.

Inline Tap Mode

Inline Tap Mode comes as an add-on feature to an inline set configuration.
To enable Inline Tap Mode, at first, you have to perform all the steps to add an
inline set in Inline Mode.
Inline Tap Mode 353

Configuring Inline Tap Mode

The following steps are necessary to create an inline set with Inline Tap Mode and to
verify the operation:

■ Part 1: Configuration

Step 1. Build an inline pair.

Step 2. Associate an inline pair with the inline set.

Step 3. Turn on the fault tolerance features.

Step 4. Enable Inline Tap Mode.

Step 5. Save the changes, and deploy the new settings.

■ Part 2: Verification

Step 1. Add an access rule with Block action.

Step 2. Save the changes, and deploy the new settings.

Step 3. Run traffic that matches the access rule.

Note Except for Step 4 in Part 1—enabling Inline Tap Mode—all of the above steps are
described and configured in Chapter 11. If you skipped that chapter, please read it now.
This section discusses only the additional step—enabling Inline Tap Mode.

If your FTD is currently running in Inline Mode, follow these steps to enable Inline
Tap Mode:

Step 1. Log in to the FMC GUI.

Step 2. Navigate to the Devices > Device Management page. A list of managed
devices appears.

Step 3. Click the pencil icon next to the FTD device where you want to enable Inline
Tap Mode. The device editor page appears.

Step 4. Select the Inline Sets tab. If you configured an inline set earlier, it appears
here (see Figure 12-5).

Step 5. Click the pencil icon next to the inline set to modify the existing settings. The
Edit Inline Set window appears.

Step 6. Select the Advanced tab.

Step 7. Enable the Tap Mode check box (see Figure 12-6).

Step 8. Click OK to return to the Inline Sets tab.

Step 9. Click Save to save the settings, and click Deploy to deploy them.
354 Chapter 12: Inspecting Traffic Without Blocking It

Figure 12-5 Option to Modify an Existing Inline Pair Configuration

Figure 12-6 Advanced Settings for an Inline Set Configuration

Verifying an Inline Tap Mode Configuration

Upon a successful deployment, you should be able to communicate from your inside host to the outside server The examples in this chapter use a TCP
service, Telnet, to test connectivity and generate a Block event for it.

Note This section assumes that the FTD device is running the same access control
policy that you created in Chapter 11, which blocks any traffic destined for port 23
(Telnet). If you revoked that policy or skipped Chapter 11, please read it now to learn
how to block Telnet traffic in Inline Mode.
Inline Tap Mode 355

After you deploy an access control policy to block traffic with destination port 23, try to
Telnet into the outside system from the inside host You should
be able to access the system successfully. You should also be able to view an event for the
corresponding connections.

FTD generates only one event—for its Block action—when it is in Inline Mode because
it logs an event at the beginning of a connection and is unable to see the rest of the
connection. However, when an FTD device is in Detection-Only Mode, it generates
multiple events—for Block and Allow actions—because it can see the entire connection
without interrupting the flow.

Figure 12-7 shows two Block events that are generated in Inline Tap Mode and Inline
Mode at the beginning of a Telnet connection.

Block Event in Inline Mode

Block Event in Inline Tap Mode

Figure 12-7 Connection Events for a Block Action in Inline Tap Mode and Inline Mode

If a communication attempt fails and the FMC does not indicate an error for it, you can
begin troubleshooting by using the FTD CLI.

Example 12-1 confirms that the interface set is in Inline Tap Mode. The command output
displays various components of an inline set configuration, such as member interfaces of
an inline pair, their statuses, and advanced settings.
356 Chapter 12: Inspecting Traffic Without Blocking It

Example 12-1 Tap Mode Enabled on the INSIDE_OUTSIDE_PAIR Inline Set

> show inline-set

Mtu is 1500 bytes
Failsafe mode is on/activated
Failsecure mode is off
Tap mode is on
Propagate-link-state option is on
hardware-bypass mode is disabled
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/1 "INSIDE_INTERFACE"
Current-Status: UP
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/2 "OUTSIDE_INTERFACE"
Current-Status: UP
Bridge Group ID: 0

Example 12-2 demonstrates that the GigabitEthernet1/1 and GigabitEthernet1/2

interfaces are in Inline Tap Mode. Both of them are part of an inline pair called INSIDE_
OUTSIDE_PAIR. The command output also provides detailed statistics about the packets.

Example 12-2 Status of Each Interface of an Inline Pair

> show interface GigabitEthernet 1/1

Interface GigabitEthernet1/1 "INSIDE_INTERFACE", is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is Accelerator rev01, BW 1000 Mbps, DLY 10 usec
Auto-Duplex(Full-duplex), Auto-Speed(1000 Mbps)
Input flow control is unsupported, output flow control is off
MAC address a46c.2ae4.6bc0, MTU 1500
IPS Interface-Mode: inline-tap, Inline-Set: INSIDE_OUTSIDE_PAIR
IP address unassigned
9241 packets input, 945431 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 89 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants

> show interface GigabitEthernet 1/2

Interface GigabitEthernet1/2 "OUTSIDE_INTERFACE", is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is Accelerator rev01, BW 1000 Mbps, DLY 10 usec
Auto-Duplex(Full-duplex), Auto-Speed(1000 Mbps)
Input flow control is unsupported, output flow control is off
MAC address a46c.2ae4.6bc1, MTU 1500
Passive Interface Mode 357

IPS Interface-Mode: inline-tap, Inline-Set: INSIDE_OUTSIDE_PAIR

IP address unassigned
9065 packets input, 924609 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 30 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants

Passive Interface Mode

A passive interface is simpler to configure than an inline set. You can use just one inter-
face to receive traffic from a mirror port. An egress interface is not necessary, as an FTD
does not forward traffic in Passive Mode.

Configuring Passive Interface Mode

An FTD device supports both SPAN and ERSPAN ports, but the ports require additional
configuration on a switch or router. However, you can install a plug-and-play TAP that
can mirror traffic without any additional software configuration.

The following section details the steps to connect an FTD passive interface with a SPAN
port on a switch—one of the most common port mirroring options.

Configuring Passive Interface Mode on an FTD Device

To configure a passive interface on an FTD device, follow these steps:

Step 1. Log in to the FMC GUI.

Step 2. Navigate to the Devices > Device Management page. A list of managed
devices appears.

Step 3. Click the pencil icon next to the device name where you want to enable the
passive interface mode. The device editor page appears.

Step 4. On the Interfaces tab, select an interface that will function in Promiscuous
Mode. The interface connects to a SPAN port on a switch. The Edit
Physical Interface window appears. Figure 12-8 shows the configuration of
GigabitEthernet1/1 interface as a passive interface.
Step 5. From the Mode dropdown, select Passive.

Step 6. Give the interface a name and select the Enabled check box.

Step 7. Click OK to return to the device editor page.

Step 8. Click Save to save the configuration, and click Deploy to deploy it.

Figure 12-9 shows an overview of the FTD interfaces. Note that you do not need to copy
an IP address and security zone for a passive interface.
358 Chapter 12: Inspecting Traffic Without Blocking It

Figure 12-8 The Edit Physical Interface Window

2 1

Security Zones and IP Address Are Not

Necessary for a Passive Interface

Figure 12-9 Overview of FTD Interface Configurations

Passive Interface Mode 359

Configuring a SPAN Port on a Switch

If you are using a Cisco switch to transmit mirrored traffic to an FTD device, you have to
define the source ports (the ports from which the traffic is copied) and a destination port
(the port that sends duplicated traffic to an FTD device).

Example 12-3 shows the setup of a SPAN port on a Cisco switch. According to the
following configuration, this switch receives traffic on the GigabitEthernet0/1 and
GigabitEthernet0/2 interfaces, duplicates them, and retransmits the duplicated traffic
through the GigabitEthernet0/8 interface.

Example 12-3 Essential Commands to Configure a SPAN Port

Switch(config)# monitor session 1 source interface gigabitEthernet 0/1

Switch(config)# monitor session 1 source interface gigabitEthernet 0/2

Switch(config)# monitor session 1 destination interface g0/8

Verifying a Passive Interface Mode Configuration

After you deploy configuration, initiate a Telnet connection from inside to outside sys-
tems. You will notice that, although the access control policy is configured to block
Telnet traffic, FTD does not block any traffic in Passive Mode; it just generates events.

Figure 12-10 shows three Block actions that are generated in three different interface
modes during three Telnet connection attempts.

If a passive interface on an FTD device does not see traffic, you need to check both
devices—FTD and switch. The following examples demonstrate some commands that
you run during investigation.

Example 12-4 offers two useful commands that you can run on an FTD device. First,
enter the show nameif command to determine the active interfaces. Then you can run the
show interface command with the interface to identify the interface status, mode, traffic
statistics, and so on
360 Chapter 12: Inspecting Traffic Without Blocking It

Block During Passive Mode

Block During Inline Tap Mode Block During Inline Mode

Figure 12-10 Block Actions of a Telnet Connection in Different Interface Modes

Example 12-4 Verifying a Passive Interface

> show nameif

Interface Name Security
GigabitEthernet1/1 PASSIVE_INTERFACE 0
Management1/1 diagnostic 0

> show interface GigabitEthernet 1/1

Interface GigabitEthernet1/1 "PASSIVE_INTERFACE", is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is Accelerator rev01, BW 1000 Mbps, DLY 10 usec
Auto-Duplex(Full-duplex), Auto-Speed(1000 Mbps)
Input flow control is unsupported, output flow control is off
MAC address a46c.2ae4.6bc0, MTU 1500
IPS Interface-Mode: passive
IP address unassigned
289 packets input, 30173 bytes, 0 no buffer
Passive Interface Mode 361

Received 7 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants

0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
0 pause input, 0 resume input
0 L2 decode drops
161 packets output, 17774 bytes, 0 underruns
0 pause output, 0 resume output
0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets
0 late collisions, 0 deferred
0 input reset drops, 24 output reset drops
input queue (blocks free curr/low): hardware (991/894)
output queue (blocks free curr/low): hardware (1023/1018)
Traffic Statistics for "PASSIVE_INTERFACE":
104 packets input, 6520 bytes
0 packets output, 0 bytes
104 packets dropped
1 minute input rate 0 pkts/sec, 0 bytes/sec
1 minute output rate 0 pkts/sec, 0 bytes/sec
1 minute drop rate, 0 pkts/sec
5 minute input rate 0 pkts/sec, 0 bytes/sec
5 minute output rate 0 pkts/sec, 0 bytes/sec
5 minute drop rate, 0 pkts/sec

Example 12-5 provides two useful commands that can confirm the SPAN port status on
a switch.

Example 12-5 Configuring and Verifying a SPAN Port

Switch# show running-config | include monitor

monitor session 1 source interface Gi0/1 - 2
monitor session 1 destination interface Gi0/8

Switch# show monitor session 1

Session 1
Type : Local Session
Source Ports :
Both : Gi0/1-2
Destination Ports : Gi0/8
Encapsulation : Native
Ingress : Disabled

362 Chapter 12: Inspecting Traffic Without Blocking It

Analyzing Traffic Inspection Operation

If a host experiences any connectivity issues despite the FTD device being deployed in
Detection-Only Mode, you can determine the root cause of an issue by analyzing the
tracing information of a packet, as described in the following sections.

Analyzing a Connection Event with a Block Action

The following sections show how to analyze the packets that trigger connection events.
There are two ways to analyze them: by capturing live traffic with the trace functionality
and by running the packet-tracer tool.

Analyzing Live Traffic

Follow these steps to capture live Telnet traffic and analyze the flow of packets in Inline
Tap Mode:

Step 1. Enter a capture rule with the trace keyword. Example 12-6 shows the use of
the trace keyword with the capture command. It probes the inside interface
and matches any packets with destination port 23. The Capturing - 0 Bytes
message on the show capture command confirms that the process is running
but has not seen a packet yet.

Example 12-6 Capturing Telnet Traffic with Tracing Information

> capture telnet_inside trace interface INSIDE_INTERFACE match tcp any any eq 23

> show capture

capture telnet_inside type raw-data trace interface INSIDE_INTERFACE [Capturing - 0
match tcp any any eq telnet

Step 2. Initiate a Telnet request from the inside host to the outside server. Although
you enabled an access rule to block Telnet traffic, the traffic is able to go
through because the interface is in Inline Tap Mode.

Example 12-7 shows the capture of 13 packets with destination port 23

(Telnet). The output displays only three packets for brevity. Each packet has a
sequence number on its left.
Analyzing Traffic Inspection Operation 363

Example 12-7 Capturing Telnet Traffic

> show capture telnet_inside

13 packets captured

1: 01:56:01.756735 > S 1923550801:

1923550801(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 2340482 0,nop,wscale 7>
2: 01:56:01.757101 > . ack 2745314499
win 229 <nop,nop,timestamp 2340483 1541951>
3: 01:56:01.757239 > P 1923550802:
1923550829(27) ack 2745314499 win 229 <nop,nop,timestamp 2340483 1541951>

Step 3. From the show capture output shown in Example 12-6, select a packet you
want to trace by using its associated number on the left. Example 12-8 shows
the tracing data for a Telnet packet. Note the final action of the flow: Access-
list would have dropped, but packet forwarded due to inline-tap.

Example 12-8 Detail Tracing Data of a Telnet Packet

> show capture telnet_inside packet-number 1 trace

13 packets captured

1: 01:56:01.756735 > S 1923550801:

1923550801(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 2340482 0,nop,wscale 7>
Phase: 1
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 2
Result: ALLOW
Implicit Rule
Additional Information:
MAC Access list
364 Chapter 12: Inspecting Traffic Without Blocking It

Phase: 3
Subtype: ngips-mode
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
The flow ingressed an interface configured for NGIPS mode and NGIPS services will be

Phase: 4
Subtype: log
access-group CSM_FW_ACL_ global
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ advanced deny tcp any any object-group TELNET rule-id
268441600 event-log flow-start
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268441600: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy -
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268441600: L4 RULE: Shell Access
object-group service TELNET tcp
port-object eq telnet
Additional Information:

input-interface: INSIDE_INTERFACE
input-status: up
input-line-status: up
Action: Access-list would have dropped, but packet forwarded due to inline-tap

1 packet shown

Analyzing a Simulated Packet

You can also use the packet-tracer tool to simulate the flow of a Telnet packet through
the FTD. The tool uses the active access control policy to simulate the packet flow.

Example 12-9 simulates a Telnet packet that would have dropped, but FTD forwards it
due to the Inline Tap Mode setting.
Analyzing Traffic Inspection Operation 365

Example 12-9 Simulating Telnet Traffic Through Inline Tap Mode

> packet-tracer input INSIDE_INTERFACE tcp 10000 23

Phase: 1
Result: ALLOW
Implicit Rule
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 2
Subtype: ngips-mode
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
The flow ingressed an interface configured for NGIPS mode and NGIPS services will be

Phase: 3
Subtype: log
access-group CSM_FW_ACL_ global
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ advanced deny tcp any any object-group TELNET rule-id
268441600 event-log flow-start
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268441600: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy -
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268441600: L4 RULE: Shell Access
object-group service TELNET tcp
port-object eq telnet
Additional Information:

input-interface: INSIDE_INTERFACE
input-status: up
input-line-status: up
Action: Access-list would have dropped, but packet forwarded due to inline-tap

366 Chapter 12: Inspecting Traffic Without Blocking It

Analyzing an Intrusion Event with an Inline Result

So far, you have seen how to analyze the connection events when an FTD device is
deployed in Passive Mode or Inline Tap Mode. For an access rule with a Block action, the
FMC shows a connection event with a Block action, while FTD allows the traffic to go
through without an interruption. However, when a packet matches against an intrusion
rule with Drop and Generate Events state, the FMC shows a reason for logging the
connection as well.

Note Because this chapter is about inspecting traffic without blocking it, this section
takes an opportunity to demonstrate the behavior of an FTD device when you deploy an
intrusion policy in Detection-Only Mode. It will help you understand and compare dif-
ferent actions in different interface modes. However, to learn about the configuration and
troubleshooting of an intrusion policy, read Chapter 21, “Preventing Cyber Attacks by
Blocking Intrusion Attempts.”

To understand various actions on connections and the reasons for their logging, this section
shows how to deploy and analyze an FTD device in various interface modes with different
intrusion policy settings. You will notice different behaviors on FTD when host
attempts to connect to a Telnet server in different deployment scenarios.

Table 12-1 highlights the deployment scenarios (1, 2, and 6) when the FTD device would
have dropped a packet. A gray down arrow in the Inline Result column confirms it (refer to
Figure 12-12, which appears after the table). However, an FTD device blocks a connection
when it meets all three conditions together—Interface Mode is inline, the intrusion rule state
is set to Drop and Generate Events, and the intrusion policy is configured with the Drop
When Inline option enabled. In this case (Scenario 5), the down arrow turns black.

Table 12-1 Inline Result Behavior in Various Deployment Scenarios

Scenario Interface Intrusion Drop When Connection Intrusion
Mode Rule Inline Event (Action, Event (Inline
State Option Reason) Result)
1 Inline Tap Drop and Enabled Allow, Intrusion Down arrow
Generate Block (Gray)
2 Inline Tap Drop and Disabled Allow, Intrusion Down arrow
Generate Block (Gray)
3 Inline Tap Generate Enabled Allow, Intrusion Blank
4 Inline Tap Generate Disabled Allow, Intrusion Blank
5 Inline Drop and Enabled Block, Intrusion Down arrow
Generate Block (Black)
Analyzing Traffic Inspection Operation 367

Scenario Interface Intrusion Drop When Connection Intrusion

Mode Rule Inline Event (Action, Event (Inline
State Option Reason) Result)
6 Inline Drop and Disabled Allow, Intrusion Down arrow
Generate Block (Gray)
7 Inline Generate Enabled Allow, Intrusion Blank
8 Inline Generate Disabled Allow, Intrusion Blank

Figure 12-11 shows different types of connection events in different deployment sce-
narios. Although the reasons for logging show Intrusion Block, FTD “allows” all these
connections (in Scenarios 1, 2, and 6) due to its interface modes and intrusion policies.

Scenarios Where Connection Is Allowed Although Reason Shows Intrusion Block:

Scenario 1 and 2: Interface Is In Inline Tap Mode
Scenario 6: Inline Mode with Drop When Inline Option Is Disabled

Figure 12-11 Connection Event—Action Versus Reason

368 Chapter 12: Inspecting Traffic Without Blocking It

Figure 12-12 shows three types of inline results—blank, gray arrow, and black arrow.
Inline results appear blank when FTD does not drop the original packet but generates an
event only. The gray down arrow (Scenarios 1, 2 and 6) indicates that the packet would
have dropped, and the black arrow (Scenario 5) denotes a drop of the original packet.
Modes that can trigger “Would Have Dropped” events are Passive Mode, Inline Tap
Mode, and Inline Mode with the “Drop When Inline” option disabled. All the events in
this example (and in the previous example) are created using the same client host, the
same server host, and the same application protocol.


Figure 12-12 Intrusion Event—Inline Result Appears as Blank, Gray Arrow,

and Black Arrow

Example 12-10 confirms that the intrusion policy (Snort rule) of an FTD device would
have dropped a Telnet packet, but FTD forwards it due to the Inline Tap Mode setting.

Example 12-10 Analyzing Telnet Traffic Through Inline Tap Mode

> show capture telnet_inside packet-number 1 trace

36 packets captured

1: 19:39:24.086177 > S 2884265905:

2884265905(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 6199376 0,nop,wscale 7>
Analyzing Traffic Inspection Operation 369

Phase: 1
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 2
Result: ALLOW
Implicit Rule
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 3
Subtype: ngips-mode
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
The flow ingressed an interface configured for NGIPS mode and NGIPS services will be

Phase: 4
Subtype: log
Result: ALLOW
access-group CSM_FW_ACL_ global
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ advanced permit ip any any rule-id 268434432
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268434432: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy -
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268434432: L4 RULE: DEFAULT ACTION RULE
Additional Information:
This packet will be sent to snort for additional processing where a verdict will be

Phase: 5
Subtype: Resolve Egress Interface
Result: ALLOW
370 Chapter 12: Inspecting Traffic Without Blocking It

Additional Information:
Ingress interface INSIDE_INTERFACE is in NGIPS inline mode.
Egress interface OUTSIDE_INTERFACE is determined by inline-set configuration

Phase: 6
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
New flow created with id 257, packet dispatched to next module

Phase: 7
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Application: 'SNORT Inspect'

Phase: 8
Result: DROP
Additional Information:
Snort Verdict: (block-packet) drop this packet

input-interface: INSIDE_INTERFACE
input-status: up
input-line-status: up
Action: Access-list would have dropped, but packet forwarded due to inline-tap

1 packet shown

This chapter explains the configuration and operation of various detection-only modes
of an FTD device, such as Passive Mode, Inline Tap Mode, and Inline Mode with drop
when the inline option is disabled. It also shows various command-line tools you can use
to determine the status of interfaces and traffic.
Quiz 371

1. Which of the following interface modes does not block a packet?
a. Transparent Mode
b. Routed Mode
c. Inline Tap Mode
d. All of the above

2. Which of the following actions ensures the analysis of maximum traffic when it goes
through an FTD device?
a. Using a SPAN port on a switch
b. Deploying a TAP to replicate traffic
c. Configuring Inline Tap Mode instead of Passive Mode
d. Any FTD model can handle all of the traffic and ensures 100% detection.

3. Which of the following statements is true?

a. Passive Mode can work with just one interface, whereas an inline set requires at
least two interfaces.
b. An inline interface does not require that port mirroring features—such as TAP or
SPAN port—be available.
c. Transition between Detection-Only Mode and Prevention Mode is faster and
easier in Inline Tap Mode.
d. All of the above.

4. Which of the following commands shows whether an interface is set to Inline Tap
a. show inline-tap
b. show inline-set
c. show interface ip brief
d. show interface inline-tap
This page intentionally left blank
Chapter 13

Handling Encapsulated Traffic

FTD can analyze encapsulated traffic. It can take an action based on the outermost and
innermost headers of an encapsulated packet. As of this writing, FTD supports the Generic
Routing Encapsulation (GRE), IP-in-IP, IPv6-in-IP, and Teredo encapsulation protocols. This
chapter demonstrates how an FTD device handles an encapsulated packet over a tunnel.

Encapsulation and Prefilter Policy Essentials

An encapsulation protocol, also known as a tunneling protocol, is used to mask the original
IP header of a packet and encapsulate the packet with a completely different IP header.
Routers can leverage this protocol to transport certain types of traffic that may not be
allowed via the underlying network. Some of that traffic includes (but is not limited to) mul-
ticast traffic, nonroutable IP traffic, and non-IP traffic. Through encapsulation technology, a
user is able to access a network or service that may be denied in the original network.
This chapter uses the GRE encapsulation protocol in its configuration examples. In GRE,
one tunnel endpoint encapsulates data packets with an additional header and forwards them
to another tunnel endpoint for decapsulation. A router acts as a GRE tunnel endpoint.

Figure 13-1 shows how a GRE header and an IP header (outer) encapsulate a TCP header
and its original IP header (inner).

Encapsulated Tunnel Packet

Non-Encapsulated Original Packet

Outer Inner
Ethernet Inner IP Header GRE Ethernet Inner IP Header TCP/UDP Application Payload
Header Protocol No: 47 Header Header Protocol No: 6 Header Telnet, HTTP, etc.

Figure 13-1 GRE Encapsulated Packet

Chapter 13: Handling Encapsulated Traffic
Fastpath Rule Match wh
i c h Ap P
Ingress Ta plie refil
Interface ke s a ter
sP F P
lac ast olic
wh Acc e B pa y
Blocking of Traffic by the Prefilter Policy
Trust Rule Match efo th R
ich ess re u
Security Access Control Is Co
Su nt an le,
Intelligence ACL: L3 L4 bje rol yA
Overrun Buffer Overflow

(IP Address) ct Po na
to l lys
Passed Identity Check Ide icy A is
nti pp

Blocking of Traffic Based on Five Tuples

Intelligence ty lie
Ch s a
(DNS, URL) ec Tr
k a us
Blacklisting of P Address

nd t R
Ra ule
Rate Limited te ,
Access Control it

Blacklisting of DNS URL

File Policy

User dentity Check

Application Control

File Control Malware

Snort Rule

ntrusion Attempt
Rate Limit
Next Hop Lookup
L3 L2

Dropped Due to the Firepower Engine
Blocked by the Firewall Engine

Figure 13-2 Position of a Prefilter Policy in the Workflow

Fulfilling Prerequisites 375

You can deploy a prefilter policy in FTD to analyze the encapsulated packets based
on their outermost headers. When a packet matches with a rule on a prefilter policy,
FTD takes an appropriate action before the packet hits any other security policies.
Figure 13-2 illustrates how a prefilter policy can act as a gatekeeper to the rest of the
security policies.

FTD, by default, enables a default prefilter policy. You can change the settings of
the default policy. However, you cannot delete this system-provided policy, nor
can you add a new rule to this policy. The only configurable option is the default
action against the traffic. There are two choices for the default action—Analyze All
Tunnel Traffic and Block All Tunnel Traffic. These default actions are illustrated later
in the "Prefilter Policy Settings” section of this chapter (see Figure 13-5).

A custom prefilter policy allows you to add a tunnel rule, which can offer granular
control over the tunnel traffic. By using a custom tunnel rule, you can bypass the
encapsulated pass-through traffic from any further inspection.

This chapter uses both the default policy and a custom policy to demonstrate the flow of
an encapsulated packet in various conditions.

Best Practices for Adding a Prefilter Rule

You can deploy a prefilter policy on an FTD device to define how the FTD should
handle any encapsulated traffic. When a prefilter rule matches encapsulated traffic,
the remaining non-encapsulated traffic is automatically forwarded to the next
level of inspection. You do not need to create a separate prefilter rule to allow the
non-encapsulated traffic.

Fulfilling Prerequisites
This chapter assumes that you have prior experience with GRE protocol implementation.
In addition, to prepare a lab to implement the examples in this chapter, you need to
complete the following tasks:

■ Deploy an FTD device between two routers and configure a simple GRE tunnel
between them. FTD must be able to see all the traffic between the routers.

■ Build two pairs of subnetworks, where one subnet pair transfers traffic over
an encapsulated tunnel, and the other pair uses a regular non-encapsulated
network. You can use either physical hosts or loopback interfaces to represent the

Figure 13-3 shows two subnets in each location—a branch office and a data center.
Network 2 in the branch office and Network 200 in the data center are connected
over a GRE tunnel. The remaining subnets (Network 1 and Network 100) use the
non-encapsulated route.
Chapter 13: Handling Encapsulated Traffic
interface GigabitEthernet1 interface GigabitEthernet1
ip address ip address
ip route GE 1 ip route GE 1
ip route Tunnel 1 GRE Tunnel ip route Tunnel 1
Traffic between Network 2
and 200 goes via the GRE
FTD 1 tunnel and bypasses any FTD 2
Network 1 further inspection by Network 100
GE1 enabling a fastpath rule. GE1
GE2 GE2 Traffic between Network 1
Branch and 100 does not go through Data
Office the tunnel, and is subject to Center
Network 2 Router further inspection. Router Network 200

Branch Office Data Center

interface Tunnel 1 interface Tunnel 1

ip address ip address
tunnel source GigabitEthernet 1 tunnel source GigabitEthernet 1
tunnel destination tunnel destination

Figure 13-3 Lab Topology and Router Configuration Used in This Chapter
Fulfilling Prerequisites 377

Table 13-1 provides a summary of the addressing scheme used in this chapter. The
lab exercises in this chapter demonstrate that when Network 2 and Network 200
communicate, the traffic uses the GRE tunnel and is subject to the action in a prefil-
ter policy. The packet flow between Network 1 and Network 100 always remains the
same, regardless of any action you define for tunnel traffic.

Table 13-1 Overview of the IP Addresses Used in This Lab

Network Location Subnet Packet Header
Network 1 Branch Not encapsulated
Network 2 Branch Encapsulated
Network 100 Data center Not encapsulated
Network 200 Data center Encapsulated

■ To demonstrate a TCP connection between the subnetworks, this chapter uses

Telnet service. The method to initiate a Telnet connection varies, depending on
the Telnet client or operating system you use. This book assumes that you know
how to establish a Telnet connection.

Transferring and Capturing Traffic on the Firewall Engine

To examine the flows of both encapsulated and non-encapsulated packets through an
FTD device, enable two independent capture processes—one for GRE encapsulated
packets and the other one for non-encapsulated Telnet packets:

> capture gre_traffic trace interface INSIDE_INTERFACE match gre any any
> capture telnet_traffic trace interface INSIDE_INTERFACE match tcp any any eq 23

Make sure the capture is running but not capturing any data until you manually send
traffic. Example 13-1 shows confirmation that the capture process is running. The
“0 bytes” output indicates that the FTD device has not received any packets.

Example 13-1 The Capture Process Is Running but FTD Has Not Received Any
Packets to Capture

> show capture

capture gre_traffic type raw-data trace interface INSIDE_INTERFACE [Capturing - 0
match gre any any
capture telnet_traffic type raw-data trace interface INSIDE_INTERFACE [Capturing - 0
match tcp any any eq telnet
378 Chapter 13: Handling Encapsulated Traffic

To transfer and capture traffic on the firewall engine, follow these steps:

Step 1. Connect to host from host, using the

Telnet application. It should generate non-encapsulated Telnet packets. You
can verify this by viewing the capture process, as shown in Example 13-2,
which demonstrates that the Telnet connection between and triggers the telnet_traffic access rule and generates 3572
bytes of traffic.

Example 13-2 Capture is Running—FTD has Captured Telnet Packets

> show capture

capture gre_traffic type raw-data trace interface INSIDE_INTERFACE [Capturing - 0
match gre any any
capture telnet_traffic type raw-data trace interface INSIDE_INTERFACE
[Capturing - 3572 bytes]
match tcp any any eq telnet

Note The method to initiate a Telnet connection varies, depending on the Telnet client
you use. You can use any tool or an operating system to establish a Telnet connection.

Step 2. Connect to host from host by using the

Telnet application. This should generate GRE encapsulated packets. Although
you have used the Telnet application, the packets have TCP headers inside and
the GRE headers outside. You can verify this by viewing the GRE traffic sta-
tistics in the capture process. Example 13-3 shows that the Telnet connection
between and triggers the gre_traffic access
rule instead of the telnet_traffic access rule. It proves that the Telnet connec-
tion between these two subnets uses the GRE tunnel.

Example 13-3 FTD Capturing GRE Packets After Sending Traffic over the Tunnel

> show capture

capture gre_traffic type raw-data trace interface INSIDE_INTERFACE [Capturing - 4748
match gre any any
capture telnet_traffic type raw-data trace interface INSIDE_INTERFACE
[Capturing - 3572 bytes]
match tcp any any eq telnet
Scenario 1: Analyzing Encapsulated Traffic 379

Note Hosts in this lab use two different paths to transfer encapsulated and
non-encapsulated traffic. The “Fulfilling Prerequisites” section of this chapter describes
the router configurations in Figure 13-3.

To clear the previously captured packets from memory and to begin the capture again,
run the clear capture command:

> clear capture /all

Scenario 1: Analyzing Encapsulated Traffic

This first scenario shows how to enable the analysis of encapsulated traffic. Here is a
summary of the steps you need to perform:

Step 1. Configure prefilter and access control policies on the FMC and deploy
them in FTD.

Step 2. Transfer traffic through the encapsulated tunnel and the non-encapsulated path.

Step 3. Capture packets with tracing data for further analysis.

Configuring Policies to Analyze Encapsulated Traffic

To analyze encapsulated traffic, Firepower uses the settings from both a prefilter policy
and an access control policy. A prefilter policy allows you to select an encapsulation pro-
tocol and an action on encapsulated traffic. An access control policy invokes a prefilter
policy and deploys it on an FTD device. By default, a new access control policy invokes
the settings from the system-provided default prefilter policy.

Tip If your goal is to simply analyze or block all tunnel traffic, select a default action in
the default prefilter policy to keep the configuration simple. However, if you need separate
tunnel rules for different types of encapsulated traffic, create a custom prefilter policy.
A default prefilter policy does not allow you to add custom rules.

Prefilter Policy Settings

To verify the settings of the default prefilter policy, go to the Policies > Access Control >
Prefilter page. Use the pencil icon to edit the default prefilter policy. Figure 13-4 shows
the Prefilter Policy page. By default, FTD provides the default prefilter policy, and uses it
in an access control policy.

To analyze encapsulated traffic, select the Analyze All Tunnel Traffic option. This allows
an FTD device to forward an encapsulated packet to the next level of inspection.
380 Chapter 13: Handling Encapsulated Traffic

Use the pencil icon to edit.

Note that the delete icon is disabled.

Figure 13-4 The Prefilter Policy Page Shows the System-Provided Default Policy

Figure 13-5 shows the configurable options in the default prefilter policy. You cannot
add rules to the default prefilter policy; you can only select a default action from the

Message Confirms the Limitation

Default Action Is the Only Configurable Option

on a Default Prefilter Policy

Figure 13-5 Settings for the Default Prefilter Policy

Scenario 1: Analyzing Encapsulated Traffic 381

Access Control Policy Settings

By default, FTD does not generate a connection event when an access control policy has
no access rule. You can change this behavior by enabling logging for the default action of
an access control policy. Receiving connection events for a default action indicates that
traffic is going through the access control policy. Therefore, this chapter does not use a
custom access rule.

Figure 13-6 shows the selection of Intrusion Prevention: Balanced Security and
Connectivity as the default action. Select the logging icon located next to the Default
Action dropdown. The Logging window appears.

This Access Control Policy

Invokes the Default Prefilter Policy

Use This Logging Icon to Enable

Logging for the Default Actions

Figure 13-6 The Access Control Policy Editor Page

Figure 13-7 shows the Logging window. You can enable logging either at the beginning
or at the end of a connection, but not for both because doing so could affect the system
382 Chapter 13: Handling Encapsulated Traffic

Figure 13-7 Enabling Logging for the Default Action

After you make any changes to the prefilter or access control policies, you must save the
settings and redeploy the access control policy to activate the new changes.

Verifying the Configuration and Connection

After you have configured the policies to generate connection events for both types
of traffic—encapsulated and non-encapsulated—to verify their operation, you need to
capture traffic from the ASA firewall engine. If a capture is already running, you can
remove the previously captured packets by running the clear capture command:

> clear capture /all

Note The steps for capturing Telnet and GRE traffic are described earlier in this chapter,
in the section “Transferring and Capturing Traffic on the Firewall Engine.” To learn more
about the packet capture option, read Chapter 10, “Capturing Traffic for Advanced

Once you enable the captures, use Telnet to connect to Network 100 from Network 1.
Similarly, connect to Network 200 from Network 2. Both connection attempts should be
successful. You can view the associated connection events in the FMC.

Figure 13-8 shows two connection events for two separate Telnet connections—
originated from Network 1 and Network 2. Because FTD can analyze the inner header of
an encapsulated packet, the FMC shows the original IP address—not the address on the
outermost header—in a connection event.

If you do not see the events as shown in Figure 13-8, make sure you have enabled logging
for the default action. You can verify the logging settings by running the show access-
control-config command (see Example 13-4). If you did not enable logging, read the
section “Configuring Policies to Analyze Encapsulated Traffic,” earlier in this chapter.
Scenario 1: Analyzing Encapsulated Traffic 383

Although the packets between Network 2 and 200 are

encapsulated, the FTD can inspect the innermost IP header.

The default action under the Tunnel/Prefilter Rule column confirms that a
prefilter policy allowed this traffic for further inspection.

Figure 13-8 Connection Events Due to Encapsulated and Non-encapsulated Traffic

Example 13-4 shows confirmation that the default action of the access control policy is
configured to generate a log at the beginning of a connection.

Example 13-4 Verifying the Setting for the Default Action

> show access-control-config

===================[ AC Policy ]====================

Description :
Default Action : Allow
Default Policy : Balanced Security and Connectivity
Logging Configuration
DC : Enabled
Beginning : Enabled
End : Disabled
Rule Hits : 0
Variable Set : Default-Set
! Type 'q' to quit
<Output Omitted for Brevity>
384 Chapter 13: Handling Encapsulated Traffic

If you do not see an expected connection event, you can turn on the firewall-engine-
debug tool to determine if (and why) a packet goes through the engines. As an access
rule inspects a packet, the tool displays the internal ID for an active rule and its
associated action in real time.
Example 13-5 shows debug messages for both encapsulated and non-encapsulated Telnet
connections. If FTD generates debug messages during both connection attempts, it con-
firms that the Firepower inspection engines are able to see and inspect traffic inside and
outside a tunnel.

Example 13-5 Debugging the Firewall Engine

> system support firewall-engine-debug

Please specify an IP protocol: tcp

Please specify a client IP address:
Please specify a client port:
Please specify a server IP address:
Please specify a server port:
Monitoring firewall engine debug messages

! The following messages appear when you connect to from the host over the non-encapsulated path. It triggers the default action
(rule id: 268434432) on the Access Control policy:
. > 6 AS 5 I 1 New session > 6 AS 5 I 1 using HW or preset rule order 2,
id 268434432 action Allow and prefilter rule 0 > 6 AS 5 I 1 allow action > 6 AS 5 I 1 Deleting session
! The following output appears when you connect to from the host over the GRE tunnel. It triggers the prefilter rule id 9988:
. > 6 AS 5 I 0 New session > 6 AS 5 I 0 using prefilter rule 9998 with
tunnel zone -1 > 6 AS 5 I 0 Starting with minimum 0, id 0 and
SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0, sgt tag: untagged,
svc 0, payload 0, client 0, misc 0, user 9999997, url , xff > 6 AS 5 I 0 match rule order 2, id 268434432
action Allow > 6 AS 5 I 0 allow action
<Output Omitted for Brevity>
Scenario 1: Analyzing Encapsulated Traffic 385

If you want to know exactly which rule will trigger a message on the firewall-engine-
debug output, first take note of the rule ID from the debug output, and then find it in the
list of active access rules. Example 13-6 shows the list of active access rules on an FTD
device. You can find any tunnel, prefilter, and access rules with their associated internal
rule IDs in this list.

Example 13-6 Verifying Prefilter Policy Configuration by Using the CLI

> show access-list

access-list cached ACL log flows: total 0, denied 0 (deny-flow-max 4096)
alert-interval 300
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_; 6 elements; name hash: 0x4a69e3f3
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 1 remark rule-id 9998: PREFILTER POLICY: Default Tunnel
and Priority Policy
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 2 remark rule-id 9998: RULE: DEFAULT TUNNEL ACTION RULE
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 3 advanced permit ipinip any any rule-id 9998
(hitcnt=0) 0xf5b597d6
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 4 advanced permit 41 any any rule-id 9998 (hitcnt=0)
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 5 advanced permit gre any any rule-id 9998 (hitcnt=3)
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 6 advanced permit udp any eq 3544 any range 1025 65535
rule-id 9998 (hitcnt=0) 0x46d7839e
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 7 advanced permit udp any range 1025 65535 any eq 3544
rule-id 9998 (hitcnt=0) 0xaf1d5aa5
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 8 remark rule-id 268434432: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy -
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 9 remark rule-id 268434432: L4 RULE: DEFAULT ACTION RULE
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 10 advanced permit ip any any rule-id 268434432
(hitcnt=2) 0xa1d3780e

Analyzing Packet Flows

Now that you have captured Telnet and GRE packets, you can retrieve any particular
captured packets directly on the CLI of the FTD device. Remember that in order to view
the detailed tracing data of a packet, you must add the trace keyword with the capture
command. To learn more, read the section “Transferring and Capturing Traffic on the
Firewall Engine,” earlier in this chapter.

Example 13-7 shows the output of the show capture command, which enables you
to view the three-way handshake (SYN, SYN-ACK, and ACK) of a TCP connection.
Each packet is assigned a number (on the left side of each row) that you can use for
further analysis.
386 Chapter 13: Handling Encapsulated Traffic

Example 13-7 Retrieving Non-encapsulated Telnet Packets

> show capture telnet_traffic

49 packets captured

1: 12:57:33.942105 > S 636710801:

636710801(0) win 4128 <mss 536>
2: 12:57:33.945706 > S 1516450804:
1516450804(0) ack 636710802 win 4128 <mss 536>
3: 12:57:33.947140 > . ack 1516450805
win 4128
4: 12:57:33.947186 > P 636710802:
636710814(12) ack 1516450805 win 4128
<Output Omitted for Brevity>

Example 13-8 shows the detailed flow of a captured packet. This example uses packet
number 1, which is a SYN packet from to

Example 13-8 Analyzing a Non-encapsulated Telnet Packet

> show capture telnet_traffic packet-number 1 trace

49 packets captured

1: 12:57:33.942105 > S 636710801:

636710801(0) win 4128 <mss 536>
Phase: 1
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 2
Result: ALLOW
Implicit Rule
Additional Information:
MAC Access list
Scenario 1: Analyzing Encapsulated Traffic 387

Phase: 3
Subtype: ngips-mode
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
The flow ingressed an interface configured for NGIPS mode and NGIPS services will be

Phase: 4
Subtype: log
Result: ALLOW
access-group CSM_FW_ACL_ global
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ advanced permit ip any any rule-id 268434432
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268434432: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy -
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268434432: L4 RULE: DEFAULT ACTION RULE
Additional Information:
This packet will be sent to snort for additional processing where a verdict will be

Phase: 5
Subtype: Resolve Egress Interface
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Ingress interface INSIDE_INTERFACE is in NGIPS inline mode.
Egress interface OUTSIDE_INTERFACE is determined by inline-set configuration

Phase: 6
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
New flow created with id 102, packet dispatched to next module

Phase: 7
Result: ALLOW
388 Chapter 13: Handling Encapsulated Traffic

Additional Information:
Application: 'SNORT Inspect'

Phase: 8
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Snort Verdict: (pass-packet) allow this packet

input-interface: INSIDE_INTERFACE
input-status: up
input-line-status: up
Action: allow

1 packet shown

Example 13-9 shows the packets encapsulated with GRE headers (IP number 47). The
external IP address represents the internal host Each packet
has a reference number (on the left side of each row) that you can use later, during
flow analysis.

Example 13-9 Retrieving the Encapsulated GRE Packets

> show capture gre_traffic

49 packets captured

1: 12:59:01.441536 > ip-proto-47, length 48

2: 12:59:01.444190 > ip-proto-47, length 48
3: 12:59:01.446525 > ip-proto-47, length 44
4: 12:59:01.446571 > ip-proto-47, length 56
5: 12:59:01.446601 > ip-proto-47, length 44
6: 12:59:01.449378 > ip-proto-47, length 44
7: 12:59:01.450156 > ip-proto-47, length 56
8: 12:59:01.450217 > ip-proto-47, length 84
<Output Omitted for Brevity>
Scenario 1: Analyzing Encapsulated Traffic 389

Example 13-10 shows tracing data for a GRE-encapsulated packet. Because this is tunnel
traffic, the default prefilter policy forwards it to the inspection engine for further analysis.

Example 13-10 Analyzing a GRE-Encapsulated Packet

> show capture gre_traffic packet-number 1 trace

49 packets captured

1: 12:59:01.441536 > ip-proto-47, length 48

Phase: 1
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 2
Result: ALLOW
Implicit Rule
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 3
Subtype: ngips-mode
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
The flow ingressed an interface configured for NGIPS mode and NGIPS services will be

Phase: 4
Subtype: log
Result: ALLOW
access-group CSM_FW_ACL_ global
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ advanced permit gre any any rule-id 9998
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 9998: PREFILTER POLICY: Default Tunnel and
Priority Policy
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 9998: RULE: DEFAULT TUNNEL ACTION RULE
390 Chapter 13: Handling Encapsulated Traffic

Additional Information:
This packet will be sent to snort for additional processing where a verdict will be

Phase: 5
Subtype: Resolve Egress Interface
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Ingress interface INSIDE_INTERFACE is in NGIPS inline mode.
Egress interface OUTSIDE_INTERFACE is determined by inline-set configuration

Phase: 6
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
New flow created with id 103, packet dispatched to next module

Phase: 7
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Application: 'SNORT Inspect'

Phase: 8
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Snort Verdict: (pass-packet) allow this packet

input-interface: INSIDE_INTERFACE
input-status: up
input-line-status: up
Action: allow

1 packet shown
Scenario 2: Blocking Encapsulated Traffic 391

Scenario 2: Blocking Encapsulated Traffic

In this second scenario, FTD blocks tunnel traffic due to a configuration on the
default prefilter policy. The physical topology or the router configurations remains

Configuring Policies to Block Encapsulated Traffic

To block all tunnel traffic, you can use the FTD default prefilter policy. However, if you
want to block tunnel traffic from a particular source and destination, you need to add a
prefilter rule for it. This exercise uses the default prefilter policy because the goal is to
analyze the flow of a blocked packet over the tunnel:

Step 1. Go to Policies > Access Control > Prefilter.

Step 2. Click the pencil icon to edit the default prefilter policy.

Step 3. In the policy editor page, from the Default Action dropdown select Block All
Tunnel Traffic (see Figure 13-9).

Use the logging

The default prefilter policy is
icon to enable
configured to block all tunnel traffic.
logging block action.

Figure 13-9 Setting the Prefilter Policy to Block All Tunnel Traffic

Step 4. Optionally, use the logging icon, next to the dropdown, to enable logging
when the default prefilter policy blocks any tunnel traffic (see Figure 13-10).
392 Chapter 13: Handling Encapsulated Traffic

Figure 13-10 Logging for the Block Action on the Default Prefilter Policy

Step 5. Click Save to save the policy, and click Deploy to deploy it to the FTD device.

Verifying the Configuration and Connection

After you have reconfigured the prefilter policy to block all tunnel traffic, to verify its
operation, enable two independent captures for Telnet and GRE traffic. If the FTD device
has been running capture, you can remove any previously captured packets by running
the clear capture command:

> clear capture /all

Note The steps for capturing Telnet and GRE traffic are described in the section
“Transferring and Capturing Traffic on the Firewall Engine,” earlier in this chapter. If you
want to learn more about packet capture option, read Chapter 10.

In addition, run the firewall-engine-debug tool at the FTD CLI. It allows you to analyze
any activities in real time as the traffic comes.

When you enable both the capture and the firewall-engine-debug tools, you can generate
live traffic through the FTD device by attempting to establish Telnet connections to
Network 100 and Network 200 from Network 1 and Network 2, respectively. In this scenario,
Scenario 2: Blocking Encapsulated Traffic 393

Network 1 and Network 100 should be able to establish a Telnet connection, but Network 2
should fail to connect to Network 200 due to the Block action on the prefilter policy.

Example 13-11 does not show any tunnel traffic in the firewall-engine-debug output.
Because the traffic is blocked before it hits an inspection engine, the firewall-engine-
debug tool cannot see and log the Block action.

Example 13-11 Debugging Connections When a Prefilter Policy Blocks

All Tunnel Traffic

! The non-encapsulated traffic from to is allowed by a

rule (id 268434432).

> system support firewall-engine-debug

Please specify an IP protocol: tcp

Please specify a client IP address:
Please specify a client port:
Please specify a server IP address:
Please specify a server port:

Monitoring firewall engine debug messages

! An action on the traffic from to is logged below: > 6 AS 5 I 0 New session > 6 AS 5 I 0 using HW or preset rule order 2, id
268434432 action Allow and prefilter rule 0 > 6 AS 5 I 0 allow action > 6 AS 5 I 0 Deleting session

! Traffic from to does not appear here; because they are
encapsulated and therefore, blocked by the Prefilter policy.

Caught interrupt signal


The firewall-engine-debug output shows rule ID 268434432 with the Allow action, but
it does not display the condition that triggers this particular rule. To learn about a rule
condition, you can view the list of all active access rules and find the associated rule ID
for a specific rule.

Example 13-12 elaborates the default actions of both the prefilter and access control
policies. The tunnel traffic is denied by rule 9998, and any other traffic is permitted by
rule 268434432 and forwarded for Firepower deep packet inspection.
394 Chapter 13: Handling Encapsulated Traffic

Example 13-12 List of Access Rules by the Prefilter and Access Control
Default Actions

> show access-list

access-list cached ACL log flows: total 0, denied 0 (deny-flow-max 4096)
alert-interval 300
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_; 6 elements; name hash: 0x4a69e3f3
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 1 remark rule-id 9998: PREFILTER POLICY: Default Tunnel
and Priority Policy
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 2 remark rule-id 9998: RULE: DEFAULT TUNNEL ACTION RULE
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 3 advanced deny ipinip any any rule-id 9998 event-log
flow-start (hitcnt=0) 0x128a09cb
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 4 advanced deny 41 any any rule-id 9998 event-log
flow-start (hitcnt=0) 0x6e21b1ba
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 5 advanced deny gre any any rule-id 9998 event-log
flow-start (hitcnt=4) 0xe9c037af
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 6 advanced deny udp any eq 3544 any range 1025 65535
rule-id 9998 event-log flow-start (hitcnt=0) 0x77ac07e0
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 7 advanced deny udp any range 1025 65535 any eq 3544
rule-id 9998 event-log flow-start (hitcnt=0) 0x3054708b
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 8 remark rule-id 268434432: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy -
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 9 remark rule-id 268434432: L4 RULE: DEFAULT ACTION RULE
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 10 advanced permit ip any any rule-id 268434432
(hitcnt=12) 0xa1d3780e

For the successful and unsuccessful Telnet attempts, the FMC should display connection
events. You can find them in the Analysis > Connections > Events page.

Table 13-2 summarizes the actions in a lab network when FTD is configured to block all
tunnel traffic.

Table 13-2 Expected Behavior in Lab Scenario 2 When the Tunnel Traffic Is Blocked
Network Policy Action Event Log
Non-encapsulated traffic The prefilter policy does not An Allow event is logged
between Network 1 and interrupt traffic because the by the default action of
Network 100 traffic is non-encapsulated. It the access control policy.
is allowed by the default action
of the access control policy.
Encapsulated traffic The prefilter policy blocks all A Blocked event is logged
between Network 2 and of the tunnel traffic, per by the default action of
Network 200 configuration, before it hits the prefilter policy.
any inspection engines.
Scenario 2: Blocking Encapsulated Traffic 395

Figure 13-11 shows that the default action of the default prefilter policy blocks a GRE
connection. Because the packet is blocked and not analyzed afterward, FTD does not
reveal the innermost IP header. As a result, the connection event shows the IP addresses
of the router interfaces.

GRE Tunnel Rule triggers the

Block action.

The default action of the access control policy

triggers the Allow action.

Figure 13-11 Connection Events Showing the Blocking of a GRE Connection

If you do not see an event that you expect to see, make sure you enabled logging for the
default actions on both the prefilter and access control policies. In addition, you must
check to make sure the latest access control policy where you saved the recent changes is
active. You can verify it by checking the status of the access control policy, at Policies >
Access Control > Access Control.

Analyzing Packet Flows

The packet flows between and are identical in Scenario 1
and Scenario 2—regardless of the default action you choose for tunnel traffic—because
these hosts transfer traffic over a non-encapsulated path. However, in Scenario 2, FTD
blocks traffic between the hosts and because they
attempt to route their traffic over the tunnel.

Example 13-13 displays the Telnet traffic over a tunnel. First, it shows the encapsulation
of a packet with a GRE header (IP number 47). Then it analyzes the blocking of a GRE
packet due to the default tunnel action rule 9998.
396 Chapter 13: Handling Encapsulated Traffic

Example 13-13 Analyzing the GRE-Encapsulated Traffic When It Is Blocked by FTD

> show capture gre_traffic

4 packets captured

1: 18:46:45.801670 > ip-proto-47, length 48

2: 18:46:47.802708 > ip-proto-47, length 48
3: 18:46:51.802952 > ip-proto-47, length 48
4: 18:46:59.803165 > ip-proto-47, length 48
4 packets shown

> show capture gre_traffic packet-number 1 trace

4 packets captured

1: 18:46:45.801670 > ip-proto-47, length 48

Phase: 1
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 2
Result: ALLOW
Implicit Rule
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 3
Subtype: ngips-mode
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
The flow ingressed an interface configured for NGIPS mode and NGIPS services will be
Scenario 3: Bypassing Inspection 397

Phase: 4
Subtype: log
Result: DROP
access-group CSM_FW_ACL_ global
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ advanced deny gre any any rule-id 9998 event-log flow-start
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 9998: PREFILTER POLICY: Default Tunnel and
Priority Policy
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 9998: RULE: DEFAULT TUNNEL ACTION RULE
Additional Information:

input-interface: INSIDE_INTERFACE
input-status: up
input-line-status: up
Action: drop
Drop-reason: (acl-drop) Flow is denied by configured rule

1 packet shown

Scenario 3: Bypassing Inspection

In this third scenario, FTD bypasses only the tunnel traffic, while any other
non-encapsulated traffic can still go through the FTD device, as in Scenarios 1 and 2.
The physical topology or the router configurations remain untouched.

Configuring Policies to Bypass Inspection

The default prefilter policy can allow or block the tunnel traffic, but it does not offer an
option to bypass inspection. To bypass, you need to create a custom prefilter policy and
invoke it in an access control policy that you want to deploy.

Custom Prefilter Policy

Use the following steps to create a custom prefilter policy:

Step 1. Navigate to Policies > Access Control > Prefilter.

Step 2. In the Prefilter Policy page that appears, click the New Policy button to create
a new prefilter policy. Figure 13-12 shows the name of a new policy—Custom
Tunnel and Prefilter Policy. In the background, you can see the New Policy
button as well.
398 Chapter 13: Handling Encapsulated Traffic

Figure 13-12 The New Policy Window

Step 3. When the New Policy window appears, name the policy and click the Save
button for the policy. The policy editor page appears.

Step 4. On the policy editor page, click the Add Tunnel Rule button. The Add Tunnel
Rule configuration window appears. Figure 13-13 shows the prefilter policy
editor page. A user-created policy offers two additional options—Add Tunnel
Rule and Add Prefilter Rule.

The default prefilter policy does not

show these two buttons.

Figure 13-13 Buttons to Add Custom Tunnel and Prefilter Rules

Scenario 3: Bypassing Inspection 399

Step 5. Assign a name to your custom tunnel rule and select Fastpath from the
Action dropdown.

Step 6. Make sure the rule is enabled, and select the radio button Match Tunnels
from Source and Destination.

Step 7. Click the Encapsulation & Ports tab and enable GRE in the list of
encapsulation protocols. Optionally, you can go to the Tunnel Endpoints
tab and select the source and destination tunnel endpoints. These tunnel
endpoints are the IP addresses of both sides of the tunnels. You can configure
them the same way you would configure a network address within an access
rule or a prefilter rule.

Figure 13-14 shows the configuration of a tunnel rule named GRE Tunnel
Rule. The rule matches GRE tunnel traffic from source and destination, and it
uses Fastpath with them for any further inspection.

Figure 13-14 A Fastpath Rule to Bypass Only GRE Traffic

Step 8. Optionally, go to the Logging tab and enable logging at the beginning of a
connection (see Figure 13-15). This allows an FTD device to generate a log
when this particular rule triggers.
400 Chapter 13: Handling Encapsulated Traffic

Figure 13-15 Enabling Logging for a Custom Tunnel Rule

Step 9. Click the Add button. The GUI returns to the policy editor page.

Step 10. Click the Save button to save the policy. To activate the new custom prefilter
policy, you must invoke it in the current access control policy.

Figure 13-16 shows a basic but complete configuration of a tunnel rule. It

enables any GRE packets to bypass further inspection.

Figure 13-16 Adding a Tunnel Rule

Scenario 3: Bypassing Inspection 401

Access Control Policy Settings

FTD, by default, invokes the default prefilter policy. You can select a particular policy
using the access control policy editor page. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1. Go to Policies > Access Control. A list of available access control policies appears.

Step 2. Select the pencil icon to edit the desired policy. The access control policy
editor page appears.

Step 3. In the top-left corner, click the Default Prefilter Policy link.

Step 4. In the Prefilter Policy popup window that appears, select your desired policy
from the dropdown. Figure 13-17 shows the access control policy configura-
tions for Scenario 3. First, you must select a custom prefilter policy that has
the Fastpath rule. Then you need to enable logging for default action. Finally,
you can save and deploy the policy.

Click this link to change the default 4 3

prefilter policy to a custom prefilter policy.

Use this logging icon to enable

logging for the default actions. 2

Figure 13-17 Configuration Items on an Access Control Policy for Scenario 3

Step 5. Optionally, enable logging for the default action. This allows you to determine
whether a packet hits the default action of an access control policy or
bypasses the inspection before it hits the default action.
402 Chapter 13: Handling Encapsulated Traffic

Step 6. Finally, click Save to save the changes, and click Deploy to deploy the revised
access control policy to your FTD device. It should activate the revised
prefilter policy as well.

Now, connect to Network 200 from Network 2 via Telnet. Because these networks are
connected over the GRE tunnel, FTD allows the traffic between them to bypass any addi-
tional inspection. You can verify this by viewing the associated connection events on the
Analysis > Connection > Events page.

Figure 13-18 shows a Fastpath event that is triggered by the GRE tunnel rule. In this case,
because FTD does not analyze the inside of the encapsulated traffic, the connection
event shows the outermost headers (IP addresses of the router interfaces) instead of the
innermost headers.

GRE Tunnel Rule triggers the

Fastpath action.

The default action of the access control policy

triggers the Allow action.

Figure 13-18 Connection Event Triggered by the Fastpath Action

If FTD still does not bypass the tunnel traffic and acts based on the previous prefilter
policy, try clearing the existing connections on the FTD. This forces the hosts to establish
new connections by using the new policy.

To clear all the existing connections, run the following command:

> clear conn all

To clear connections from a certain host, run the following command:

> clear conn address IP_Address_of_a_Host

Scenario 3: Bypassing Inspection 403

Verifying the Configuration and Connection

You have just enabled a custom prefilter policy to bypass all tunnel traffic. To verify its
operation, enable two independent captures for the Telnet and GRE protocols. If FTD has
been running capture, you can remove any previously captured packets by running the
clear capture command:

> clear capture /all

Note The steps for capturing Telnet and GRE traffic are described in the section
“Transferring and Capturing Traffic on the Firewall Engine,” earlier in this chapter. If you
want to learn more about packet capture option, read Chapter 10.

In addition, run the firewall-engine-debug tool on the CLI of your FTD device to analyze
any activities in real time as the traffic comes.

Once you enable both the capture and the firewall-engine-debug tools, you can gener-
ate live traffic through the FTD device by trying to establish Telnet connections between
Network 1 and Network 100 and between Network 2 and Network 200. In Scenario 3, both
connection attempts are successful; however, the debug engine does not see traffic from
Network 2 and Network 200 because it is encapsulated and bypasses further inspection.

Example 13-14 shows the debugging of a connection between Network 1 and

Network 100. Although the Telnet connection was successful, the output does not
show any related debug message because a Fastpath rule in the custom prefilter policy
allows the encapsulated traffic to bypass any further inspection.

Example 13-14 Firewall Engine Debug Output—When the Tunnel Traffic

Bypasses FTD

> system support firewall-engine-debug

Please specify an IP protocol: tcp

Please specify a client IP address:
Please specify a client port:
Please specify a server IP address:
Please specify a server port:

Monitoring firewall engine debug messages

! Traffic from to is non-encapsulated, therefore it is

inspected by a rule (id 268434432). > 6 AS 5 I 1 New session > 6 AS 5 I 1 using HW or preset rule order 3,
id 268434432 action Allow and prefilter rule 0
404 Chapter 13: Handling Encapsulated Traffic > 6 AS 5 I 1 allow action > 6 AS 5 I 1 Deleting session

! Traffic from to are transferred over a GRE tunnel.

Therefore, they are bypassed from any further inspection, and do not appear here
in the firewall-engine-debug output.

Caught interrupt signal


Example 13-15 confirms the deployment of the Fastpath rule named GRE Tunnel Rule.
An FTD device trusts the traffic when the rule uses the Fastpath action.

Example 13-15 A Fastpath Rule Shows a Trust Action in the CLI Access List

> show access-list

access-list cached ACL log flows: total 0, denied 0 (deny-flow-max 4096)
alert-interval 300
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_; 7 elements; name hash: 0x4a69e3f3
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 1 remark rule-id 268438530: PREFILTER POLICY: Custom
Tunnel and Prefilter Policy
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 2 remark rule-id 268438530: RULE: GRE Tunnel Rule
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 3 advanced trust gre any any rule-id 268438530
event-log both (hitcnt=3) 0xbc125eb0
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 4 remark rule-id 268438529: PREFILTER POLICY: Custom
Tunnel and Prefilter Policy
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 5 remark rule-id 268438529: RULE: DEFAULT TUNNEL ACTION
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 6 advanced permit ipinip any any rule-id 268438529
(hitcnt=0) 0xf5b597d6
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 7 advanced permit 41 any any rule-id 268438529
(hitcnt=0) 0x06095aba
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 8 advanced permit gre any any rule-id 268438529
(hitcnt=0) 0x52c7a066
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 9 advanced permit udp any eq 3544 any range 1025 65535
rule-id 268438529 (hitcnt=0) 0x46d7839e
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 10 advanced permit udp any range 1025 65535 any eq 3544
rule-id 268438529 (hitcnt=0) 0xaf1d5aa5
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 11 remark rule-id 268434432: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy -
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 12 remark rule-id 268434432: L4 RULE: DEFAULT ACTION
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 13 advanced permit ip any any rule-id 268434432
(hitcnt=16) 0xa1d3780e
Scenario 3: Bypassing Inspection 405

Analyzing Packet Flows

The packet flows between and are the same in all three
scenarios in this chapter—regardless of any action you apply on the tunnel traffic—
because these hosts transfer traffic over a non-encapsulated path. However, in Scenario 3,
FTD allows the traffic between the hosts and to bypass
inspection, because these hosts transfer traffic over the GRE encapsulated tunnel.

Example 13-16 shows the capture of encapsulated packets with GRE headers
(IP number 47). Due to the Fastpath rule trust gre any any, FTD bypasses them without
any further inspection.

Example 13-16 Analyzing the Bypassing of a GRE-Encapsulated Packet

> show capture gre_traffic

49 packets captured

1: 01:17:27.046475 > ip-proto-47, length 48

2: 01:17:27.048871 > ip-proto-47, length 48
3: 01:17:27.050397 > ip-proto-47, length 44
<Output Omitted for Brevity>

> show capture gre_traffic packet-number 1 trace

49 packets captured

1: 01:17:27.046475 > ip-proto-47, length 48

Phase: 1
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 2
Result: ALLOW
Implicit Rule
Additional Information:
MAC Access list
406 Chapter 13: Handling Encapsulated Traffic

Phase: 3
Subtype: ngips-mode
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
The flow ingressed an interface configured for NGIPS mode and NGIPS services will be

Phase: 4
Subtype: log
Result: ALLOW
access-group CSM_FW_ACL_ global
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ advanced trust gre any any rule-id 268438530 event-log both
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268438530: PREFILTER POLICY: Custom Tunnel
and Prefilter Policy
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268438530: RULE: GRE Tunnel Rule
Additional Information:

Phase: 5
Subtype: Resolve Egress Interface
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Ingress interface INSIDE_INTERFACE is in NGIPS inline mode.
Egress interface OUTSIDE_INTERFACE is determined by inline-set configuration

Phase: 6
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
New flow created with id 131, packet dispatched to next module

input-interface: INSIDE_INTERFACE
input-status: up
input-line-status: up
Action: allow

1 packet shown
Quiz 407

In this chapter, you have learned how to analyze and block traffic that is encapsulated
with the GRE protocol, and how to bypass inspection when the traffic is transferred over
a tunnel. This chapter also presents various tools you can use to analyze the actions of
the prefilter and access control policies.

1. Which of the following statements is true?
a. To analyze any tunnel traffic, you must create and apply a prefilter policy.
b. An access control policy overrides the rules in a prefilter policy.
c. The Fastpath action in a prefilter policy bypasses the rules in an access control
policy; however, traffic is still subject to intrusion policy inspection.
d. None of the above.

2. Which of the following tunnel protocols is supported by FTD?

a. GRE
b. IP-in-IP
c. IPv6-in-IP
d. All of the above

3. Which of the following commands confirms whether logging is enabled for the
default action in an access control policy?
a. show logging
b. show access-list
c. show default-action
d. show access-control-config

4. The firewall-engine-debug tool shows debug-level messages for which of the

following components?
a. A tunnel rule
b. A prefilter rule
c. An access rule
d All of the above
This page intentionally left blank
Chapter 14

Bypassing Inspection and

Trusting Traffic

If you do not want FTD to inspect certain traffic, because, for example, it is completely
trusted, you can configure FTD to bypass inspection for that particular traffic while it
continues deep packet inspection for the rest of the network. Doing so offloads the FTD
hardware resources, reduces overall processing delay, and improves network performance. This
chapter describes the options for bypassing Firepower inspection of any particular traffic.

Bypassing Inspection and Trusting Traffic Essentials

A Firepower system offers the following tools to bypass deep packet inspection:
■ Fastpath rule: Enabled through a prefilter policy

■ Trust rule: Activated over an access control policy

While their goals are identical—to bypass deep packet inspection—the architecture and
implementation of each tool is different, as described in the following sections.

The Fastpath Rule

A prefilter policy allows you to bypass traffic before a packet even reaches the ASA
and Firepower engines. This functionality is known as Fastpath. A rule enabled with the
Fastpath action is also known as a fastpath rule. You can apply the Fastpath action on
the following rule types, which filter packets based on the outermost header data, and
therefore do not offer deep packet inspection:

■ Tunnel rule: A tunnel rule, as the name suggests, filters tunnel traffic that is encap-
sulated by an additional IP header. As of this writing, a tunnel rule supports GRE,
IP-in-IP, IPv6-in-IP, and Teredo encapsulation protocols, as discussed in Chapter 13,
“Handling Encapsulated Traffic.”

■ Prefilter rule: A prefilter rule is able to filter traffic based on basic networking
criteria. As of this writing, it supports a rule condition based on an IP address, a port
number, a VLAN tag, and an interface.
410 Chapter 14: Bypassing Inspection and Trusting Traffic

Rules in a prefilter policy support three types of actions—Fastpath, Analyze, and Block.
Whereas the Fastpath action bypasses traffic from further inspection, the Analyze action
forwards the traffic to the next level of inspection, and the Block action drops a packet
without any additional security check.

Figure 14-1 shows the position of a fastpath rule in an FTD workflow. When a packet
matches a fastpath rule, it bypasses the Firepower deep packet inspection completely.

Fastpath Rule Match

Interface wh
i c h Ap P
Ta plie refil
ke s a te
Access Control sP F rP
lac ast olic
ACL: L3 L4 e B pa y
efo th R
re u
an le,
Fir lys
Deep Packet nspection

Next Hop Egress

Lookup L3 L2 Interface

Dropped by the Firepower Engine

Blocked by the Firewall Engine

Figure 14-1 Workflow of the Fastpath Action in a Prefilter Policy

The Trust Rule

An access rule is known as a trust rule when you assign the Trust action to it. A trust rule
can bypass traffic without performing any deep packet inspection and network discovery.
To ensure the entitlements, the trusted traffic, however, checks for identity and quality of
service (QoS) requirements.
Besides the simple filtering conditions that are available in a prefilter rule, an access rule
offers additional granular filters. For example, you can match and trust traffic based
on network conditions, applications, URLs, users, and so on. Unlike a prefilter rule, an
access rule uses the innermost header of a packet to filter traffic.
Figure 14-2 shows the position of a trust rule and a fastpath rule in an FTD workflow. When
a packet matches a trust rule or a fastpath rule, it bypasses various inspection components.
Fastpath Rule Match wh
i c h Ap P
Ingress Ta plie refil
Interface ke s a ter
sP F P
lac ast olic
wh Acc e B pa y
Blocking of Traffic by the Prefilter Policy

Trust Rule Match efo th R

ich ess re u
Security Access Control Is Co an le,
Intelligence Su nt yA
ACL: L3 L4 bje rol
Overrun Buffer Overflow

ct Po na
(IP Address) to l lys
Passed Identity Check Ide icy A is
Security nti pp

Blocking of Traffic Based on Five Tuples

Intelligence t y l i e
Ch s a
(DNS, URL) ec Tr
k a us
Blacklisting of P Address

nd t R
Ra ule
Rate Limited te ,
Access Control it

Blacklisting of DNS URL

Bypassing Inspection and Trusting Traffic Essentials 411

File Policy

User dentity Check

Application Control

File Control Malware

Snort Rule

ntrusion Attempt
Rate Limit
Next Hop Lookup
L3 L2

Dropped Due to the Firepower Engine
Blocked by the Firewall Engine

Figure 14-2 Workflow of the Trust Action in an Access Control Policy

412 Chapter 14: Bypassing Inspection and Trusting Traffic

Best Practices for Bypassing Inspection

To bypass inspection, if you want to filter traffic based on simple conditions, such as net-
work address, port number, VLAN tags, and interface objects, you should use a prefilter
rule instead of an access rule with Trust action.

Fulfilling Prerequisites
This chapter assumes that an FTD device is deployed between a client and a server.
The client can access the server by using Secure Shell (SSH) and Telnet services. The
configuration examples in this chapter use both of these services to verify the action of
the fastpath and trust rules.

Note The method to initiate a Telnet or SSH connection varies, depending on the client
software or operating system you use. This book does not recommend any particular client,
and therefore it does not display any Telnet or SSH client commands.

Figure 14-3 shows a simple topology that is used in this chapter to demonstrate bypass-
ing inspection.


Administrator Management Management Network Traffic
Data Traffic

Client Server
Inside Interface Outside Interface

Figure 14-3 Topology Used in the Configuration Examples of This Chapter

Implementing Fastpath Through a Prefilter Policy 413

Implementing Fastpath Through a Prefilter Policy

The default prefilter policy that comes with an FTD device out of the box provides
limited configurable options. However, you can create your own prefilter policy, which
supports a custom prefilter rule based on basic filtering conditions, such as network
address, port numbers, VLAN tags, and interface objects.

A custom prefilter rule supports three types of actions: Analyze, Block, and Fastpath. As
an example, the following sections demonstrate how to create a custom prefilter policy,
add a custom prefilter rule to it, and fastpath any traffic over port 22—the default port
for the SSH protocol.

Configuring Traffic Bypassing

The configurations for bypassing traffic can be divided into two parts:

■ Configuring a prefilter policy

■ Invoking the prefilter policy into an access control policy

Configuring a Prefilter Policy

To configure a custom prefilter rule for traffic over port 22, follow these steps:
Step 1. Navigate to Policies > Access Control > Prefilter. The Prefilter Policy
page appears.
Step 2. Click the New Policy button to create a new prefilter policy. If you created
a custom tunnel and prefilter policy in Chapter 13, you can reuse that policy
for this exercise. Just use the pencil icon to edit the policy and delete any
tunnel rule you created earlier.
Figure 14-4 shows the list of available policies in the Prefilter Policy page.
The top one, custom tunnel and prefilter policy, is from Chapter 13. The bot-
tom one, default prefilter policy, comes with FTD by default. You can also
create a brand-new prefilter policy by clicking the New Policy button.

Figure 14-4 The Prefilter Policy Page Shows Available Policies and the New Policy Button
414 Chapter 14: Bypassing Inspection and Trusting Traffic

Step 3. In the prefilter policy editor page, click the Add Prefilter Rule button
(see Figure 14-5). A configuration window appears.

Use the Add Prefilter Rule

button to create a custom prefilter rule.

Keep the default action to

analyze all tunnel traffic.

Figure 14-5 The Prefilter Policy Editor Page

Step 4. Give a name to the rule and set the Action dropdown to Fastpath.

Step 5. Click the Port tab and select SSH from the Available Ports list.

Step 6. Click the Add to Destination button to select port 22 as the destination port.
Figure 14-6 shows the creation of a custom prefilter rule, named Shell
Prefilter. The rule uses Fastpath action, and selects the default port for the
SSH protocol (port 22) as the destination port.

Note You could save the rule right here, and it would enable any traffic that is transferred
over port 22 to bypass further inspection. However, if you want to enable traffic originated
from only a particular subnet to bypass inspection, proceed with the next steps.

Step 7. Select the Networks tab. By default, FTD has preconfigured objects for some
common networks, such as private IP addresses, multicast addresses, and so
on. If they match with your network-addressing scheme, you can select them
here. Alternatively, you can create a network object on the fly. Otherwise, you
can just add an IP address directly as a source or destination.

Figure 14-7 illustrates the options available for defining the source and
destination for a prefilter rule.
Implementing Fastpath Through a Prefilter Policy 415

Figure 14-6 Configuring a Prefilter Rule with Name, Action, and Destination Port

Button to Create a
New Network Object

Defining a Network Using Defining a Network

Network Object Using IP Address

Figure 14-7 The Network Tab’s Options for Adding Networks

416 Chapter 14: Bypassing Inspection and Trusting Traffic

Step 8. Click on the green plus icon. The New Network Objects popup
window appears.
Step 9. As shown in Figure 14-8, create a custom network object, Corporate-
Network, for the subnet and click Save.

Figure 14-8 A New Network Object

Step 10. Once you have saved a new network object, it is available for selection. You
may need to click the refresh icon for it to show up in the list. Click the Add
to Source button to select your custom network object as the source network.
This enables the FTD device to match traffic coming from your desired
subnet. Figure 14-9 shows a custom network object, Corporate-Network,
selected as the source network.
Step 11. Optionally, enable logging for every time a fastpath rule triggers. This helps
you to determine whether a policy is operational. To do this, go to the
Logging tab and select either Log at Beginning of Connection or Log at
End of Connection. (However, do not select both as doing so can affect the
system performance.)
Step 12. Click the Add button to complete the rule configuration, and you return to
the policy editor page. Click the Save button to save the changes.
Implementing Fastpath Through a Prefilter Policy 417

Caution Do not select the Deploy button at this stage because you have to make
sure this new prefilter policy is invoked by the required access control policy. The next
section, “Invoking a Prefilter Policy in an Access Control Policy,” describes how to do
that. For now, just click the Save button to store the changes.

Figure 14-10 shows a complete view of the Shell Prefilter rule. It also illustrates the
buttons that you should and should not click at this stage.

Figure 14-9 Configuring a Rule to Match as the Source Network

Figure 14-10 View of a Prefilter Rule That Can Bypass SSH Traffic from
418 Chapter 14: Bypassing Inspection and Trusting Traffic

Invoking a Prefilter Policy in an Access Control Policy

To invoke a custom prefilter policy in your desired access control policy, follow these steps:

Step 1. Navigate to Policies > Access Control > Access Control. The Access Control
Policy page appears.

Step 2. To edit the policy that you want to deploy on your FTD device, use the
pencil icon next to the name of a policy to open the access control policy
editor page.

Step 3. Look at the top-left side of the policy editor page. You should be able to find
a link to the currently selected prefilter policy. Click this link. By default, an
access control policy uses the default prefilter policy.

Figure 14-11 confirms that this access control policy invokes the prefilter
rules from the default prefilter policy. Click the name of the prefilter policy to
make a change.

The AC Policy invokes the

Default Prefilter Policy, by default.

Figure 14-11 By Default, An Access Control Policy Uses the Default Prefilter Policy

Step 4. After you click the link, the Prefilter Policy popup window appears.
It presents the available prefilter policies in a dropdown.

Step 5. Select Custom Tunnel and Prefilter Policy and click OK (see Figure 14-12).
Implementing Fastpath Through a Prefilter Policy 419

Figure 14-12 Prefilter Policy Dropdown

You could save and deploy the access control policy at this stage. However, to determine
whether an access control policy inspects a connection, you can enable the logging for the
default action. This helps in understanding the life cycle of a packet and troubleshooting
any potential issues. Here are the steps:

Step 1. Go to the Rules tab of the access control policy editor page.

Step 2. Select the logging icon that is next to the Default Action dropdown
(see Figure 14-13).

Step 3. Select either Log at Beginning of Connection or Log at End of Connection.

(However, do not select both as doing so can affect the system performance.)

Step 4. Click the OK button to return to the policy editor page.

Step 5. Click Save to save the changes, and then click Deploy to deploy the changes
to your FTD device.
420 Chapter 14: Bypassing Inspection and Trusting Traffic

The custom prefilter

policy is selected.

Click the Logging icon to enable

logging for the default action.

Figure 14-13 Logging Icon for the Default Action

Verifying the Prefilter Rule Configuration

By using the CLI, you can verify whether a prefilter rule is active on an FTD device.
Example 14-1 shows the list of access rules that are active on an FTD device. The custom
prefilter rule shell prefilter is positioned on top of any other access rules because a prefil-
ter policy acts on traffic before any security policies.

Example 14-1 Position of a Prefilter Rule on the Active Ruleset

> show access-list

access-list cached ACL log flows: total 0, denied 0 (deny-flow-max 4096)
alert-interval 300
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_; 7 elements; name hash: 0x4a69e3f3
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 1 remark rule-id 268440577: PREFILTER POLICY: Custom
Tunnel and Prefilter Policy
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 2 remark rule-id 268440577: RULE: Shell Prefilter
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 3 advanced trust tcp object Corporate-Network any
object-group SSH rule-id 268440577 event-log both (hitcnt=0) 0xe9257885
Implementing Fastpath Through a Prefilter Policy 421

access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 3 advanced trust tcp any eq

ssh rule-id 268440577 event-log both (hitcnt=0) 0xad5d48f9
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 4 remark rule-id 268438529: PREFILTER POLICY: Custom
Tunnel and Prefilter Policy
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 5 remark rule-id 268438529: RULE: DEFAULT TUNNEL ACTION
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 6 advanced permit ipinip any any rule-id 268438529
(hitcnt=0) 0xf5b597d6
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 7 advanced permit 41 any any rule-id 268438529
(hitcnt=0) 0x06095aba
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 8 advanced permit gre any any rule-id 268438529
(hitcnt=0) 0x52c7a066
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 9 advanced permit udp any eq 3544 any range 1025 65535
rule-id 268438529 (hitcnt=0) 0x46d7839e
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 10 advanced permit udp any range 1025 65535 any eq 3544
rule-id 268438529 (hitcnt=0) 0xaf1d5aa5
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 11 remark rule-id 268434432: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy -
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 12 remark rule-id 268434432: L4 RULE: DEFAULT ACTION
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 13 advanced permit ip any any rule-id 268434432
(hitcnt=34) 0xa1d3780e

Enabling Tools for Advanced Analysis

Before you run live SSH traffic, you need to enable a few debugging tools so you can
better understand the action of a rule and the flow of a packet. Follow these steps:

Step 1. Capture the SSH traffic from the ASA firewall engine:
> capture ssh_traffic trace interface INSIDE_INTERFACE match tcp any
any eq 22

You can run the show capture command to confirm that the capture process
is running. 0 bytes in the output indicates that the FTD has not received
any packets:
> show capture
capture ssh_traffic type raw-data trace interface INSIDE_INTERFACE
[Capturing - 0 bytes]
match tcp any any eq ssh

To clear any previously captured packets from the memory and to restart the
capture from the next matched packets, run the clear capture command.
> clear capture /all

Step 2. Begin the capture of TCP traffic from the Firepower Snort engine. This
helps you determine whether the Snort engine sees any bypassed traffic.
Example 14-2 shows the command to capture TCP traffic from an inline pair.
422 Chapter 14: Bypassing Inspection and Trusting Traffic

Example 14-2 Capturing Traffic from the Firepower Snort Engine

> capture-traffic

Please choose domain to capture traffic from:

0 - br1
1 - INSIDE_OUTSIDE_PAIR inline set

Selection? 1

Please specify tcpdump options desired.

(or enter '?' for a list of supported options)
Options: -n tcp

Because the current CLI terminal has entered the Packet Capture Mode, you
need to access the FTD from a different terminal. You can connect through
SSH or a console connection. On the second terminal connection to the FTD,
perform the following steps.
Step 3. Reset the counters for Snort statistics, which helps you determine the exact
number of events for your test traffic:
> clear snort statistics

Step 4. Enable debugging for the firewall engine, which allows you to determine the
actions applied to any traffic. Example 14-3 shows the command that gener-
ates debugging data when FTD inspects TCP traffic.

Example 14-3 Collecting Debugging Data from the Firewall Engine

> system support firewall-engine-debug

Please specify an IP protocol: tcp

Please specify a client IP address:
Please specify a client port:
Please specify a server IP address:
Please specify a server port:
Monitoring firewall engine debug messages

Analyzing the Fastpath Action

It’s a good idea to verify the action of the custom prefilter policy. Since the prefilter pol-
icy has a rule to bypass SSH traffic, you need to generate SSH traffic between the client
( and server ( to verify the Fastpath action. Follow these steps:

Step 1. Connect to the server ( from the host (, using an
SSH client. The FTD should fastpath the SSH traffic.
Implementing Fastpath Through a Prefilter Policy 423

Step 2. Go to the Analysis > Connection > Events page; you should be able view a
connection event for the Fastpath action. Figure 14-14 shows a connection
event triggered by the shell prefilter—a custom prefilter rule.

The Shell Prefilter rule bypasses inspection

when the traffic is transferred over port 22.

Figure 14-14 Connection Event for the Fastpath Action

Step 3. Go to the CLI terminal where firewall-engine-debug is running. Check the

status of the tool. You should see some logs (see Example 14-4).

Example 14-4 Bypassed Connection Generates Event Logs and Increases Counters

! The firewall-engine-debug tool receives events from hardware in real time.

> system support firewall-engine-debug

Please specify an IP protocol: tcp

Please specify a client IP address:
Please specify a client port:
Please specify a server IP address:
Please specify a server port:
Monitoring firewall engine debug messages > 6 AS 5 I 0 Got start of flow event from

hardware with flags 84000001 > 6 AS 5 I 0 Got end of flow event from hardware
with flags 84000001
Caught interrupt signal

424 Chapter 14: Bypassing Inspection and Trusting Traffic

! The Snort statistics keeps a record of these events under the Miscellaneous
Counters section.

> show snort statistics

Packet Counters:
Passed Packets 0
Blocked Packets 0
Injected Packets 0

Flow Counters:
Fast-Forwarded Flows 0
Blacklisted Flows 0
Flows bypassed (Snort Down) 0
Flows bypassed (Snort Busy) 0

Miscellaneous Counters:
Start-of-Flow events 1
End-of-Flow events 1
Denied flow events 0
Frames forwarded to Snort before drop 0
Inject packets dropped 0

Step 4. Go to the terminal where the capture-traffic command is running, and ana-
lyze the captured packets. Example 14-5 demonstrates that the Firepower
Snort engine does not see any SSH traffic. However, the ASA Firewall engine
can see and capture that traffic.

Example 14-5 Firewall and Firepower Engines Showing Different Behavior

During Capture

> capture-traffic

Please choose domain to capture traffic from:

0 - br1
1 - INSIDE_OUTSIDE_PAIR inline set

Selection? 1

Please specify tcpdump options desired.

(or enter '?' for a list of supported options)
Options: -n tcp
Implementing Fastpath Through a Prefilter Policy 425

! If the Firepower Snort engine would see traffic, it would appear here.
! Press the Control+C keys to exit from the capture-traffic tool.

Caught interrupt signal

! Check the status of the capture on the ASA Firewall engine.

> show capture ssh_traffic

61 packets captured

1: 13:00:22.730156 > S 1199563799:

1199563799(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 4732110 0,nop,wscale 7>
2: 13:00:22.730492 > S 2739603340:
2739603340(0) ack 1199563800 win 28960 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 1446067
4732110,nop,wscale 7>
3: 13:00:22.730659 > . ack 2739603341
win 229 <nop,nop,timestamp 4732110 1446067>
4: 13:00:22.730949 > P 1199563800:
1199563841(41) ack 2739603341 win 229 <nop,nop,timestamp 4732110 1446067>
5: 13:00:22.731132 > . ack 1199563841
win 227 <nop,nop,timestamp 1446067 4732110>
! You can see all of the SSH packets generated by your connection. The above output
shows only the first TCP three way handshake, as an example. The remaining outputs
are omitted for brevity.

Example 14-6 analyzes the flow of a packet that bypasses the FTD inspection due to the
Fastpath action on the shell prefilter rule. Note the absence of the Snort inspection phase
in this trace data.

Example 14-6 Analyzing a Packet Flow That Follows the Fastpath Action

> show capture ssh_traffic packet-number 1 trace

61 packets captured

1: 13:00:22.730156 > S 1199563799:

1199563799(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 4732110 0,nop,wscale 7>
Phase: 1
426 Chapter 14: Bypassing Inspection and Trusting Traffic

Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 2
Result: ALLOW
Implicit Rule
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 3
Subtype: ngips-mode
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
The flow ingressed an interface configured for NGIPS mode and NGIPS services will be

Phase: 4
Subtype: log
Result: ALLOW
access-group CSM_FW_ACL_ global
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ advanced trust tcp object Corporate-Network any object-group
SSH rule-id 268440577 event-log both
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268440577: PREFILTER POLICY: Custom Tunnel
and Prefilter Policy
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268440577: RULE: Shell Prefilter
object-group service SSH tcp
port-object eq ssh
Additional Information:

Phase: 5
Subtype: Resolve Egress Interface
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Ingress interface INSIDE_INTERFACE is in NGIPS inline mode.
Egress interface OUTSIDE_INTERFACE is determined by inline-set configuration
Establishing Trust Through an Access Policy 427

Phase: 6
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
New flow created with id 81, packet dispatched to next module

input-interface: INSIDE_INTERFACE
input-status: up
input-line-status: up
Action: allow

1 packet shown

Establishing Trust Through an Access Policy

A trust rule can bypass traffic without performing any deep packet inspection and net-
work discovery. It supports granular filters based on Security Intelligence data, applica-
tion fingerprints, URL filtering, user identities, and so on. In the following sections, you
will learn how to trust Telnet traffic as an example of trusting a TCP protocol.

Warning This chapter uses Telnet service to demonstrate the flow of a TCP packet.
However, you should not trust any connection unless you have a complete understanding
of the particular traffic and its source and destination.

Configuring Trust with an Access Policy

This section describes how to trust the default port of the Telnet protocol, port 23.
Follow these steps:

Step 1. Navigate to Policies > Access Control > Access Control. The access control
policy page appears.

Step 2. To edit the policy that you want to deploy on your FTD device, use the pencil
icon next to the name of a policy to open the access control policy editor page.

Step 3. Click the Add Rule button to create a new access rule (see Figure 14-15). The
Add Rule window appears.
428 Chapter 14: Bypassing Inspection and Trusting Traffic

The Prefilter Policy Is Custom, Button to Add a

Configured Earlier New Access Rule

No Access Rule Is Configured

Figure 14-15 Access Control Policy Editor Showing the Status and the Add Rule Button

Step 4. Give a name to the access rule and select the Trust action.

Step 5. To define the condition of the access rule, go to the Networks tab and select
Corporate-Network as the source network. Figure 14-16 shows the configu-
ration of the Telnet access rule, which trusts any Telnet traffic coming from, the internal corporate network.

Figure 14-16 Access Rule to Trust Telnet Traffic—Configuration of the Source Network

Step 6. On the Ports tab, select Telnet as the destination ports (see Figure 14-17).
Establishing Trust Through an Access Policy 429

Figure 14-17 Access Rule to Trust Telnet Traffic—Configuration of the Destination Port

Step 7. Optionally, go to the Logging tab to enable logging so that you can determine
when FTD trusts a connection. Select either Log at Beginning of Connection
or Log at End of Connection. (However, do not select both as doing so can
affect the system performance.)

Step 8. Click the Add button to complete the trust rule configuration. You are
returned to the policy editor page.

Step 9. Click the Save button to save the changes, and then click the Deploy button
to activate the rule.

Verifying the Trust Rule Configuration

Using the CLI, you can verify whether a trust rule is active on an FTD device.
Example 14-7 shows the list of access rules that are active on an FTD device. The trust
rule Telnet access is placed below the prefilter rule shell prefilter.

Example 14-7 Position of a Trust Rule on the Active Ruleset

> show access-list

access-list cached ACL log flows: total 0, denied 0 (deny-flow-max 4096)
alert-interval 300
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_; 8 elements; name hash: 0x4a69e3f3
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 1 remark rule-id 268440577: PREFILTER POLICY: Custom
Tunnel and Prefilter Policy
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 2 remark rule-id 268440577: RULE: Shell Prefilter
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 3 advanced trust tcp object Corporate-Network any
object-group SSH rule-id 268440577 event-log both (hitcnt=4) 0xe9257885
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 3 advanced trust tcp any eq
ssh rule-id 268440577 event-log both (hitcnt=4) 0xad5d48f9
430 Chapter 14: Bypassing Inspection and Trusting Traffic

access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 4 remark rule-id 268438529: PREFILTER POLICY: Custom

Tunnel and Prefilter Policy
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 5 remark rule-id 268438529: RULE: DEFAULT TUNNEL ACTION
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 6 advanced permit ipinip any any rule-id 268438529
(hitcnt=0) 0xf5b597d6
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 7 advanced permit 41 any any rule-id 268438529
(hitcnt=0) 0x06095aba
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 8 advanced permit gre any any rule-id 268438529
(hitcnt=0) 0x52c7a066
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 9 advanced permit udp any eq 3544 any range 1025 65535
rule-id 268438529 (hitcnt=0) 0x46d7839e
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 10 advanced permit udp any range 1025 65535 any eq 3544
rule-id 268438529 (hitcnt=0) 0xaf1d5aa5
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 11 remark rule-id 268440580: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy -
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 12 remark rule-id 268440580: L7 RULE: Telnet Access
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 13 advanced permit tcp object Corporate-Network any
object-group TELNET rule-id 268440580 (hitcnt=3) 0x388a3b9d
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 13 advanced permit tcp any eq
telnet rule-id 268440580 (hitcnt=3) 0x4a6c1f4c
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 14 remark rule-id 268434432: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy -
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 15 remark rule-id 268434432: L4 RULE: DEFAULT ACTION
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ line 16 advanced permit ip any any rule-id 268434432
(hitcnt=144) 0xa1d3780e

Enabling Tools for Advanced Analysis

Before you generate live Telnet traffic, you need to enable a few debugging tools,
which will help you understand the action of a rule and the flow of a packet. Follow these

Step 1. Capture the Telnet traffic from the ASA firewall engine:

> capture telnet_traffic trace interface INSIDE_INTERFACE match tcp any

any eq 23

You can run the show capture command to confirm that the capture process
is running. 0 bytes in the output indicates that the FTD device has not
received any packets:

> show capture

capture telnet_traffic type raw-data trace interface INSIDE_INTERFACE
[Capturing - 0 bytes]
match tcp any any eq telnet
Establishing Trust Through an Access Policy 431

If the FTD device is running a capture for SSH traffic that you enabled earlier,
you can remove it by using the no keyword with the capture command, as it
not necessary for this example:

> no capture ssh_traffic

To clear any previously captured packets from memory and to restart the
capture from the next matched packets, run the clear capture command.

> clear capture /all

Step 2. Begin the capture of TCP traffic from the Firepower Snort engine.
This helps you to determine whether the Snort engine sees any bypassed
traffic. Example 14-8 shows the command to capture TCP traffic from an
inline pair.

Example 14-8 Capturing Traffic from the Firepower Snort Engine

> capture-traffic

Please choose domain to capture traffic from:

0 - br1
1 - INSIDE_OUTSIDE_PAIR inline set

Selection? 1

Please specify tcpdump options desired.

(or enter '?' for a list of supported options)
Options: -n tcp

Because the current CLI terminal has entered the Packet Capture Mode,
you need to access the FTD from a new separate terminal. You can connect
through an SSH client or a console terminal. On the second terminal
connection to the FTD, perform the following steps.

Step 3. Reset the counters for Snort statistics, which helps you determine the exact
number of events for your test traffic:

> clear snort statistics

Step 4. Enable debugging for the firewall engine. This helps you determine the
actions applied to any traffic. Example 14-9 shows the command that gener-
ates debugging data when FTD inspects TCP traffic.
432 Chapter 14: Bypassing Inspection and Trusting Traffic

Example 14-9 Collecting Debugging Data from the Firewall Engine

> system support firewall-engine-debug

Please specify an IP protocol: tcp

Please specify a client IP address:
Please specify a client port:
Please specify a server IP address:
Please specify a server port:
Monitoring firewall engine debug messages

In the next section, you will generate traffic to analyze the action of a trust rule. Both
tools that you have just enabled on two different terminals—capture-traffic and firewall-
engine-debug—will display data in real time when the traffic will go through the FTD.

Analyzing the Trust Action

It’s a good idea to verify the action of the trust rule you created. Because the access con-
trol policy has a rule to bypass Telnet traffic, you need to generate Telnet traffic between
the client ( and server ( to verify the trust action.

Step 1. Connect to the server ( from the host (, using a
Telnet client. The FTD device should trust the Telnet traffic.

Step 2. Go to the Analysis > Connection > Events page; you should be able view a
connection event for the Trust action. Figure 14-18 shows a new connection
event triggered by the Telnet access rule—an access rule with a Trust action.

The Telnet access rule lets the FTD

trust Telnet traffic.

Figure 14-18 Connection Event for the Trust Action

Establishing Trust Through an Access Policy 433

Step 3. Go to the CLI terminal where firewall-engine-debug is running (you enabled

it in the previous section, “Enabling Tools for Advanced Analysis”). Check the
status of the tool. You should see some logs. Example 14-10 shows analysis of
the debugging data from an FTD when an access rule applies the Trust action
on the Telnet traffic.

Example 14-10 Trusted Connection Generating Event Logs

! The firewall-engine-debug tool shows that the "Telnet Access" rule applies Trust

> system support firewall-engine-debug

Please specify an IP protocol: tcp

Please specify a client IP address:
Please specify a client port:
Please specify a server IP address:
Please specify a server port:

Monitoring firewall engine debug messages > 6 AS 5 I 1 New session > 6 AS 5 I 1 using HW or preset rule order 3,
'Telnet Access', action Trust and prefilter rule 0 > 6 AS 5 I 1 Deleting session

Caught interrupt signal


Step 4. Go to the terminal where the capture-traffic command is running (you

enabled it in the previous section, “Enabling Tools for Advanced Analysis”),
and analyze the captured packets. Example 14-11 shows that the Firepower
Snort engine starts trusting the Telnet traffic after the initial TCP three-
way handshake is complete. Therefore, the traffic does not appear in
the capture-traffic output. However, the ASA firewall engine can see
and capture all the traffic.
434 Chapter 14: Bypassing Inspection and Trusting Traffic

Example 14-11 Firewall and Firepower Engines Showing Different Actions

During Capture

! The Firepower Snort engine stops seeing traffic after the initial TCP three-way

> capture-traffic

Please choose domain to capture traffic from:

0 - br1
1 - INSIDE_OUTSIDE_PAIR inline set

Selection? 1

Please specify tcpdump options desired.

(or enter '?' for a list of supported options)
Options: -n tcp
17:19:49.089991 IP > Flags [S], seq 1700253547,
win 29200, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 7177698 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
17:19:49.089991 IP > Flags [S.], seq 495495803,
ack 1700253548, win 28960, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 3421593 ecr 7177698,
nop,wscale 7], length 0
17:19:49.109979 IP > Flags [.], ack 1, win 229,
options [nop,nop,TS val 7177701 ecr 3421593], length 0
17:19:49.109979 IP > Flags [P.], ack 1, win 229,
options [nop,nop,TS val 7177701 ecr 3421593], length 27

! Nothing appears after the above packets, because they are trusted.

Caught interrupt signal


! However, the ASA Firewall engine sees all of the traffic generated by the telnet

> show capture telnet_traffic

78 packets captured

1: 17:19:49.096766 > S 1700253547:

1700253547(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 7177698 0,nop,wscale 7>
2: 17:19:49.109781 > S 495495803:
495495803(0) ack 1700253548 win 28960 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 3421593
7177698,nop,wscale 7>
Establishing Trust Through an Access Policy 435

3: 17:19:49.110086 > . ack 495495804

win 229 <nop,nop,timestamp 7177701 3421593>
4: 17:19:49.110391 > P 1700253548:
1700253575(27) ack 495495804 win 229 <nop,nop,timestamp 7177701 3421593>
5: 17:19:49.110651 > . ack 1700253575
win 227 <nop,nop,timestamp 3421596 7177701>
6: 17:19:49.116037 > P 495495804:
495495816(12) ack 1700253575 win 227 <nop,nop,timestamp 3421597 7177701>
7: 17:19:49.116159 > . ack 495495816
win 229 <nop,nop,timestamp 7177703 3421597>
! Output is Omitted for Brevity

When a packet matches a prefilter rule with the Fastpath action, the packet does not go
through the Snort inspection phase. You verified that earlier in this chapter by analyzing
the trace data of a captured packet.

Now, this section demonstrates that the Firepower Snort engine processes the initial TCP
handshake before it begins trusting the rest of a connection. Therefore, the initial packets
appear in the capture-traffic output. You can verify the cause of this behavior by look-
ing into the tracing data. You should see two different Snort verdicts: The first Telnet
packet is allowed, and the subsequent flows are fast-forwarded.

Example 14-12 shows an analysis of the first packet of a trusted TCP connection. The
Snort verdict is to allow this packet.

Example 14-12 Analyzing the First Packet of a Trusted Telnet Connection

> show capture telnet_traffic packet-number 1 trace

78 packets captured

1: 17:19:49.096766 > S 1700253547:

1700253547(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 7177698 0,nop,wscale 7>
Phase: 1
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 2
436 Chapter 14: Bypassing Inspection and Trusting Traffic

Result: ALLOW
Implicit Rule
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 3
Subtype: ngips-mode
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
The flow ingressed an interface configured for NGIPS mode and NGIPS services will be

Phase: 4
Subtype: log
Result: ALLOW
access-group CSM_FW_ACL_ global
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ advanced permit tcp object Corporate-Network any
object-group TELNET rule-id 268440580
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268440580: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy -
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268440580: L7 RULE: Telnet Access
object-group service TELNET tcp
port-object eq telnet
Additional Information:
This packet will be sent to snort for additional processing where a verdict will be

Phase: 5
Subtype: Resolve Egress Interface
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Ingress interface INSIDE_INTERFACE is in NGIPS inline mode.
Egress interface OUTSIDE_INTERFACE is determined by inline-set configuration

Phase: 6
Establishing Trust Through an Access Policy 437

Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
New flow created with id 282, packet dispatched to next module

Phase: 7
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Application: 'SNORT Inspect'

Phase: 8
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Snort Verdict: (pass-packet) allow this packet

input-interface: INSIDE_INTERFACE
input-status: up
input-line-status: up
Action: allow

1 packet shown

Example 14-13 shows an analysis of the third and fourth packets of a trusted TCP
connection. The Snort verdicts for both packets are to fast-forward them.

Example 14-13 Analyzing the Subsequent Packets of a Trusted Telnet Connection

! Packet Number 3:

> show capture telnet_traffic packet-number 3 trace

78 packets captured

3: 17:19:49.110086 > . ack 495495804

win 229 <nop,nop,timestamp 7177701 3421593>
438 Chapter 14: Bypassing Inspection and Trusting Traffic

Phase: 1
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 2
Result: ALLOW
Implicit Rule
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 3
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Found flow with id 282, using existing flow

Phase: 4
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Application: 'SNORT Inspect'

Phase: 5
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Snort Verdict: (fast-forward) fast forward this flow

input-interface: INSIDE_INTERFACE
input-status: up
input-line-status: up
Action: allow
Establishing Trust Through an Access Policy 439

1 packet shown

! Packet Number 4:

> show capture telnet_traffic packet-number 4 trace

78 packets captured

4: 17:19:49.110391 > P 1700253548:

1700253575(27) ack 495495804 win 229 <nop,nop,timestamp 7177701 3421593>
Phase: 1
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
MAC Access list
! Output is Omitted for Brevity
Phase: 5
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Snort Verdict: (fast-forward) fast forward this flow

input-interface: INSIDE_INTERFACE
input-status: up
input-line-status: up
Action: allow

1 packet shown
440 Chapter 14: Bypassing Inspection and Trusting Traffic

Example 14-14 shows statistics of the passed packet and fast-forwarded flows. In this
example, an FTD device passes two Telnet packets before it fast-forwards (trusts) the rest
of the flows of a connection.

Example 14-14 Counters for a Trusted Telnet Connection

! The Snort statistics keep a record of these events using two types of counters.

> show snort statistics

Packet Counters:
Passed Packets 2
Blocked Packets 0
Injected Packets 0

Flow Counters:
Fast-Forwarded Flows 1
Blacklisted Flows 0
Flows bypassed (Snort Down) 0
Flows bypassed (Snort Busy) 0

Miscellaneous Counters:
Start-of-Flow events 0
End-of-Flow events 0
Denied flow events 0
Frames forwarded to Snort before drop 0
Inject packets dropped 0

Using the Allow Action for Comparison

The Allow action passes a packet after it matches all the conditions in an access rule.
Unlike the Trust action, the Allow action does not fast-forward any packets. All the pack-
ets in a connection are subject to inspection. To verify this behavior, deploy an access
rule with the Allow action. As described here, you can redeploy the previously created
Telnet access rule by changing the action type from Trust to Allow.

Figure 14-19 shows an access rule with the Allow action. The rule allows Telnet traffic
when it originates from the corporate network

After deploying the Telnet access rule, if you connect from host to server, you should be able to access the server. This time, the FMC shows an
Allow action for it.

Figure 14-20 shows a connection event with the Allow action. FTD generates this event if
you enable logging for the Telnet access rule and the rule matches with a Telnet packet.
Establishing Trust Through an Access Policy 441

Figure 14-19 An Access Rule with the Allow Action

The Allow action makes the Telnet access rule permit

Telnet traffic upon all enabled inspections.

Figure 14-20 A Connection Event for Allowing a Telnet Connection

To verify the operation of the Allow action, you follow the same steps that you
performed earlier in this chapter for Fastpath and Trust actions. However, you can just
view the Snort statistics to determine whether the Allow action passed all the packets or
fast-forwarded them.

Example 14-15 proves that the Allow action inspects and passes all the packets. It does
not fast-forward any packets the way the Trust action does with traffic.
442 Chapter 14: Bypassing Inspection and Trusting Traffic

Example 14-15 Statistics of Packets After an Allowed Connection

> show snort statistics

Packet Counters:
Passed Packets 78
Blocked Packets 0
Injected Packets 0

Flow Counters:
Fast-Forwarded Flows 0
Blacklisted Flows 0
Flows bypassed (Snort Down) 0
Flows bypassed (Snort Busy) 0

Miscellaneous Counters:
Start-of-Flow events 0
End-of-Flow events 0
Denied flow events 0
Frames forwarded to Snort before drop 0
Inject packets dropped 0

This chapter discusses the techniques for bypassing packet inspection. It provides the
steps for configuring different methods. The chapter also shows how to analyze the flows
of bypassed packets to demonstrate how an FTD device acts with different bypassing
options. This chapter also shows various debugging tools, which help you to determine
whether the bypass process is working as designed.

1. Which of the following rules can bypass one or more types of security inspection?
a. Prefilter rule
b. Tunnel rule
c. Access rule
d. All of the above

2. Which of the following commands shows a statistic of the bypassed packets?

a. show trust statistics
b. show snort statistics
c. show bypass statistics
d. show fastpath statistics
Quiz 443

3. You are running the capture-traffic command on FTD. When you initiate a
connection between two hosts, you do not see any packet in the capture output, but
the hosts can connect successfully. Which of the following scenarios may be related?
a. Traffic between two hosts is inspected by the Snort engine, but events are
b. Traffic between two hosts is trusted by the access control policy.
c. Traffic between two hosts is fastpathed by the prefilter policy.
d. None of the above. If the traffic goes through an FTD device and the hosts are
connected, FTD must see the traffic.

4. What is the difference between a prefilter rule and an access rule?

a. A prefilter rule matches for traffic prior to an access rule.
b. A prefilter rule analyzes traffic based on the outermost header of a packet,
whereas an access rule analyzes the innermost header.
c. A prefilter rule supports limited options to create a rule condition, whereas an
access rule offers many granular options.
d. All of the above
This page intentionally left blank
Chapter 15

Rate Limiting Traffic

You can use FTD to limit the rate of network traffic after an access control rule allows
or trusts the traffic. An FTD device, however, does not regulate the rate of any particular
traffic when a Prefilter policy applies the Fastpath action on them. Limiting the rate of
traffic is a way to manage the bandwidth of a network and to ensure quality of service
(QoS) for business-critical applications. This chapter discusses the steps in configuring a
QoS policy on an FTD device and to verify its operations.

Rate Limiting Essentials

There are multiple ways to enable QoS in a network. FTD implements the traffic
policing mechanism to limit the rate of traffic. With this method, FTD drops excessive
traffic when the traffic rate reaches a predefined limit. As of this writing, FTD does not
support traffic shaping, where excessive traffic is queued in a buffer—rather than being
dropped—for later transmission.

Figure 15-1 illustrates the crests and troughs of the traffic pattern when an FTD device
rate limits traffic using the policing method.

Figure 15-2 shows a typical graph illustrating traffic that is rate limited by the shaping

At any given time, an FTD device can have only one active QoS policy. However, you
can add multiple QoS rules within a QoS policy. Each QoS rule must be associated with
a source interface and a destination interface, where both of them have to be routed
interfaces. You can set separate upload and download speed limits for the traffic that
match the conditions of a QoS rule. Furthermore, FTD allows you to define the QoS rule
conditions based on advanced networking characteristics, such as network address, port
number, application, URL, and user identity.
446 Chapter 15: Rate Limiting Traffic

Burst of Traffic Crests

Policing of Traffic to a
Predefined Rate Limit
Traff c

Traff c

Time Time

Figure 15-1 Traffic Policing Method Dropping Excessive Traffic

Burst of Traffic Plateau

Shaping of Traffic to a
Predefined Transfer Rate
Traff c

Traff c

Troughs Are Filled

with Queued Packets

Time Time

Figure 15-2 Traffic Shaping Queues Excessive Traffic for Later Transmission

The Firepower engine evaluates a QoS rule and classifies traffic. When a packet matches
with a QoS rule, the Firepower engine sends the ID of the matching rule to the Firewall
engine. The firewall engine limits the rate of individual flows based on the download and
upload speed limits defined on a QoS rule. You must enable logging at the end of a con-
nection to view QoS-related information.

Figure 15-3 shows a workflow of the QoS feature on the Firepower System. You use the
FMC to configure and apply a QoS policy and view any QoS events. FTD ensures that
the traffic conforms to the QoS rule.
Best Practices for QoS Rules 447

User Interface

Policy Event
Database Database

A QoS Policy Can Have QoS Event Is Logged at

Multiple Rule Conditions the End of Connection


A QoS Rule Is Activated Traffic Is Rate Limited

Through a QoS Policy per the QoS Policy

Firewall Engine

Packet Is Forwarded Packet Is Classified and

for Evaluation Returned with a QoS Rule ID

Firepower Engine

Figure 15-3 Architecture of the QoS Implementation on an FTD Device

Best Practices for QoS Rules

As of this writing, FTD supports up to 32 QoS rules within a single QoS policy. FTD
allows you to add different rule conditions for different network segments that are
connected to different FTD interfaces. However, you should enable a QoS rule as close
to the source as possible to ensure that the traffic does not consume the network and
system resources more than it should.

Figure 15-4 shows an example of a typical network where FTD enables different QoS
rules through the same QoS policy. Traffic is originated from different source networks
and rate limited by different QoS rules.
448 Chapter 15: Rate Limiting Traffic

The QoS policy on this

FTD has 3 QoS rules
that are configured to
handle a maximum of
Data Center Network

32 MBps traffic.
(Connected via VPN)

Server Farm
QoS Rule 1 (Telecommuters)
Up: 4 MBps, Down: 8 MBps
Management Network


Mgmt. Outside
Zone Internet

FMC Inside
QoS Rule 2 (Internet Users)
Up: 1 MBps, Down: 4 MBps
Corporate Network

QoS Rule 3 (Corporate Users)

Up: 5 MBps, Down: 10 MBps

Unknown User
(Connected via Internet)
End Users

Figure 15-4 Deploying Different QoS Rules on Different Network Segments

Fulfilling Prerequisites
Each interface participating in a QoS policy must be in Routed Mode and associated
with an interface object. You cannot apply a QoS policy to an interface that is in Inline
Mode, Passive Mode, or Switched Mode. (Read Chapter 8, “Firepower Deployment in
Routed Mode,” to learn about Routed Mode.)

Figure 15-5 shows the configuration of the FTD interface. Both of the participating
interfaces are in Routed Mode (assigned with IP addresses) and associated with security
zones (interface objects).
Configuring Rate Limiting 449

QoS policy requires the interfaces to be

QoS policy invokes the security in routed mode. Interfaces in routed
zones as the interface objects. mode are assigned with IP addresses.

Figure 15-5 Supported Interface Settings for a QoS Policy

Configuring Rate Limiting

Follow these steps to create a QoS policy and add a rule within it:

Step 1. Navigate to the Devices > QoS page. FTD does not provide a default policy,
so click the New Policy button to create one (see Figure 15-6). The New
Policy window appears.

Figure 15-6 Home Page for the QoS Policy

450 Chapter 15: Rate Limiting Traffic

Step 2. Give a name to the new policy and add a target device to which you want to
apply this policy. Click Save to save the changes. The QoS policy editor page

Step 3. As shown in Figure 15-7, select a device for the new QoS policy you want to
create and click Add to Policy. Then click Save.

Figure 15-7 Assigning a QoS Policy to FTD

Step 4. On the QoS policy editor page, notice that there is a link to the Policy
Assignments option that you can use to associate a new managed device with
this policy. Click the Add Rule button (see Figure 15-8). The Add Rule win-
dow appears, and in it you can define a rule condition.

Step 5. Give a name to the new QoS rule. Using the Apply QoS On dropdown, define
where you want to rate limit traffic. In addition, on the Interface Objects tab,
add a source and destination interface to the rule condition.

Tip You should rate limit traffic as close to the source as possible to ensure that the traf-
fic rate does not go beyond an entitled limit throughout the network.
Configuring Rate Limiting 451

Figure 15-8 The QoS Policy Editor Page

Figure 15-9 shows a new QoS rule, named Rate Limiting Rule, that is
applied on Interfaces in Source Interface Objects. This rule limits rates only
when the traffic originates from Inside_Zone interface and is destined for

This interface is where a

QoS rule is applied.

These interfaces are part of a rule condition.

Figure 15-9 Selecting an Interface Object in a Rule

452 Chapter 15: Rate Limiting Traffic

Step 6. Enter a desired traffic limit for the interface. FTD allows you to enter upload
and download limits separately. If you do not enter a value, FTD supports the
maximum throughput for that physical interface.

Table 15-1 provides a conversion chart for commonly used traffic rates. When
you enter a traffic limit, FTD considers the value as megabit per second
(Mbps), not megabytes per second (MBps). The highlighted rows of this table
are used in the configuration example in this chapter.

Table 15-1 Megabits per Second to Megabytes per Second Conversion Table
Megabits per Second Megabytes per Second
1 Mbps 0.125 MBps
4 Mbps 0.5 MBps
8 Mbps 1 MBps
10 Mbps 1.25 MBps
16 Mbps 2 MBps
40 Mbps 5 MBps
80 Mbps 10 MBps
100 Mbps 12.5 MBps

Note FTD supports the rate limit 0.008 to 1000 Mbps per interface. If you want to allo-
cate below 0.008 Mbps to any hosts, it implies that those hosts are not important to you.
You may just want to consider blocking them by using an access rule or a prefilter rule.

Figure 15-10 shows the traffic limits for download and upload flows, 40
Mbps and 8 Mbps, respectively.

Step 7. Optionally, add a precise rate limiting condition based on any additional net-
working characteristics, such as network address, port number, application,
URL, user identity, and so on.

Step 8. Once you outline a rule condition, click the OK button to create the QoS
rule. The browser returns to the QoS policy editor page. Click the Save but-
ton to preserve the QoS rules you have created.

Figure 15-11 shows the custom QoS rule you have just created.
Configuring Rate Limiting 453

Limits for Download Available Criteria That You

and Upload Can Use as a Rule Condition

Figure 15-10 Traffic Limit for a QoS Rule

Figure 15-11 The Overview of All of the QoS Rules on the QoS Policy Editor Page

At this point, you can click the Deploy button to activate a QoS rule, but
by default, FTD does not generate a log when a QoS rule triggers. A QoS
policy does not offer an option for logging. If you want to view QoS-related
statistics for any specific connection, you must identify the associated
access rule that triggers the QoS rule and enable logging at the end of that
connection. To accomplish that, you have to edit the access control policy
and redeploy the revised policy.
454 Chapter 15: Rate Limiting Traffic

Figure 15-12 shows the steps to enable logging. Because this exercise does not use any
custom access rules, you can enable logging for the default action to generate QoS data
when a connection hits the default action.


Figure 15-12 Enabling Logging at the End of Connection in an Access Control Policy

Verifying the Rate Limit of a File Transfer

After you successfully deploy a QoS policy, you can verify the deployment status from
the FTD CLI. Example 15-1 shows confirmation of the QoS policy configurations and
the interface where the policy is deployed.

Example 15-1 Policy Map Showing the Active QoS Policy on an Interface

! To view the rate-limiting settings:

> show running-config policy-map

policy-map type inspect dns preset_dns_map
message-length maximum client auto
message-length maximum 512
no tcp-inspection
Verifying the Rate Limit of a File Transfer 455

policy-map type inspect ip-options UM_STATIC_IP_OPTIONS_MAP

eool action allow
nop action allow
router-alert action allow
policy-map global_policy
class inspection_default
inspect dns preset_dns_map
inspect ftp
inspect h323 h225
inspect h323 ras
inspect rsh
inspect rtsp
inspect sqlnet
inspect skinny
inspect sunrpc
inspect xdmcp
inspect sip
inspect netbios
inspect tftp
inspect icmp
inspect icmp error
inspect dcerpc
inspect ip-options UM_STATIC_IP_OPTIONS_MAP
class class-default
set connection advanced-options UM_STATIC_TCP_MAP
policy-map policy_map_INSIDE_INTERFACE
match flow-rule qos 268442624
police input 8000000 250000
police output 40000000 1250000

! To determine where a policy is applied:

> show running-config service-policy

service-policy global_policy global
service-policy policy_map_INSIDE_INTERFACE interface INSIDE_INTERFACE

Now, you can verify the impact of the QoS policy you have deployed. First, download a
file from the server to a client system. Then upload a file from the client PC to the server.
You should notice two different traffic rates.
456 Chapter 15: Rate Limiting Traffic

Figure 15-13 shows the topology of a simple deployment that you can use to verify the
download and upload speeds through an FTD device.
Management Network



Data Network

Client Inside Outside Server Zone Zone

Download Limit: 40 Mbps (5 MBps) Download the software image.iso File from the Server via HTTP

Upload Limit: 8 Mbps (1 MBps) Upload the User Guide.pdf File to the Server via SFTP

Figure 15-13 A Simple Lab Topology to Test Rate Limiting of Traffic Through an
FTD Device

Figure 15-14 shows the download of a software image file. FTD enforces the download
rate within 5 MBps.

Figure 15-15 shows the upload of a PDF file. FTD regulates the upload rate below
1 MBps.

Both of these transfers—download of the ISO and upload of the PDF—are initiated by
a host that is located at the inside zone. Therefore, the traffic matches the QoS rule Rate
Limiting Rule, and FTD regulates the traffic rate. However, if the connection is initiated
by an outside system, it does not match the QoS rule condition. Hence, the QoS policy
does not limit the traffic rate; the source and destination should be able to utilize the full
capacity of the FTD interface bandwidth.
Verifying the Rate Limit of a File Transfer 457

Download Speed Is Within 5 MBps (4.8 MBps )

Figure 15-14 Compliance of the Download Rate with a QoS Policy

Upload Speed Is Within 1 MBps (0.952 MBps)

Figure 15-15 Compliance of the Upload Rate with a QoS Policy

458 Chapter 15: Rate Limiting Traffic

Analyzing QoS Events and Statistics

If you have enabled logging for the connections that also match your QoS rule condi-
tions, you can view the QoS-related statistics in the Connection Events page. Here are the
steps to view them:

Step 1. Navigate to the Analysis > Connections > Events page.

Step 2. Select the Connection Events as the table view.

Step 3. Expand the Search Constraints arrow on the left.

Step 4. Select the necessary QoS-related data points.

Figure 15-16 shows two sets of connection events. The bottom two connections are orig-
inated by an inside client; they match the conditions in the Rate Limiting Rule, and rate is
limited. However, the top two connections are not rate limited because they are initiated
by an outside system.

The top two connections are initiated by the outside server. Traffic is
not rate limited; therefore, no QoS rules are associated with events.

The bottom two events are originated by the inside client. They match
the conditions in Rate Limiting Rule, and traffic is rate limited.

Figure 15-16 Connection Events Showing Associated QoS Rules

Example 15-2 demonstrates the actions of a QoS policy on an FTD device. This example
provides two commands that you can use to determine any drop due to a rate limiting
rule during a file transfer.
Analyzing QoS Events and Statistics 459

Example 15-2 Statistics of Dropped Packets Due to a QoS Policy (Rule ID: 268442624)

! Record on the service policy statistics

> show service-policy police

Service-policy: policy_map_INSIDE_INTERFACE
Flow-rule QoS id: 268442624
Input police Interface INSIDE_INTERFACE:
cir 8000000 bps, bc 250000 bytes
conformed 334152 packets, 21168506 bytes; actions: transmit
exceeded 0 packets, 0 bytes; actions: drop
conformed 473456 bps, exceed 0 bps
Output police Interface INSIDE_INTERFACE:
cir 40000000 bps, bc 1250000 bytes
conformed 1129736 packets, 1618239735 bytes; actions: transmit
exceeded 127629 packets, 182986654 bytes; actions: drop
conformed 36194128 bps, exceed 4092744 bps

! Statistics of the Accelerated Security Path (ASP) counts

> show asp drop

Frame drop:
No route to host (no-route) 79
TCP packet SEQ past window (tcp-seq-past-win) 1
Output QoS rate exceeded (rate-exceeded) 127629
Slowpath security checks failed (sp-security-failed) 4
FP L2 rule drop (l2_acl) 18

Last clearing: 00:51:31 UTC Apr 10 2017 by enable_1

Flow drop:

Last clearing: 00:51:31 UTC Apr 10 2017 by enable_1

460 Chapter 15: Rate Limiting Traffic

Example 15-3 reveals the connections that are rate limited by a QoS rule. The flags asso-
ciated with a connection confirm whether it is going through a Firepower deep packet
inspection process.

Example 15-3 Identifying the Status of a Rate Limited Connection

! You can use a QoS Rule ID to view any associated active connections.

> show conn flow-rule qos 268442624

1 in use, 4 most used


0:00:00, bytes 1199375239, flags UIO N

! To determine the meaning of each flag, you can use the "detail" keyword. For exam-
ple, the flag 'N' confirms that the Firepower Snort engine inspects the connection.

> show conn detail

1 in use, 4 most used
Flags: A - awaiting responder ACK to SYN, a - awaiting initiator ACK to SYN,
b - TCP state-bypass or nailed,
C - CTIQBE media, c - cluster centralized,
D - DNS, d - dump, E - outside back connection, e - semi-distributed,
F - initiator FIN, f - responder FIN,
G - group, g - MGCP, H - H.323, h - H.225.0, I - initiator data,
i - incomplete, J - GTP, j - GTP data, K - GTP t3-response
k - Skinny media, M - SMTP data, m - SIP media, N - inspected by Snort, n - GUP
O - responder data, P - inside back connection,
q - SQL*Net data, R - initiator acknowledged FIN,
R - UDP SUNRPC, r - responder acknowledged FIN,
T - SIP, t - SIP transient, U - up,
V - VPN orphan, v - M3UA W - WAAS,
w - secondary domain backup,
X - inspected by service module,
x - per session, Y - director stub flow, y - backup stub flow,
Z - Scansafe redirection, z - forwarding stub flow


flags UIO N, qos-rule-id 268442624, idle 0s, uptime 4m42s, timeout 1h0m, bytes

Analyzing QoS Events and Statistics 461

Example 15-4 shows the real-time debug messages generated by the firewall and
Firepower engines, due to the match of a QoS rule (ID: 268442624).

Example 15-4 Debugging the QoS Rule–Related Events in Real Time

! Debug messages in the ASA Firewall Engine:

> system support firewall-engine-debug

Please specify an IP protocol: tcp

Please specify a client IP address:
Please specify a client port:
Please specify a server IP address:
Please specify a server port:

Monitoring firewall engine debug messages > 6 AS 1 I 0 New session > 6 AS 1 I 0 using HW or preset rule order 2, id
268434432 action Allow and prefilter rule 0 > 6 AS 1 I 0 allow action > 6 AS 1 I 0 Starting with minimum 0, id 0 and
SrcZone first with zones 2 -> 1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0, sgt tag: untagged, svc 0,
payload 0, client 0, misc 0, user 9999997, url , xff > 6 AS 1 I 0 match rule order 1, id 268442624 action
Rate Limit > 6 AS 1 I 0 QoS policy match status (match found),
match action (Rate Limit), QoS rule id (268442624) > 6 AS 1 I 0 Got end of flow event from hardware
with flags 40000001

Caught interrupt signal


! Debug messages in the Firepower Snort Engine:

> debug snort event

Flow from to matched qos_rule_id 268442624 flag
Regular flow
RL pkts = 0, RL Bytes = 0, Rv RL pkts = 153693, Rv RL Byt = 220395762, Qos_on_Src 1

> undebug all

462 Chapter 15: Rate Limiting Traffic

The statistics in these examples were captured when a client PC was downloading a large
ISO file from the server using a web browser. You could perform similar analysis on
uploaded traffic. Before you begin uploading a file from the client PC to the server, you
can run the following commands to reset the counters.

> clear service-policy interface INSIDE_INTERFACE

> clear asp drop

In this chapter, you have learned the steps to configure QoS policy on an FTD device.
This chapter also provides an overview to the common rate limiting mechanisms and how
an FTD device implements QoS. Finally, this chapter provides the command-line tools
you can use to verify the operation of QoS policies in FTD.

1. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. The Firepower engine not only evaluates but also enforces a QoS rule.
b. Snort rate limits traffic as soon as it receives it.
c. The ASA firewall engine enforces the actual rate limit.
d. All of the above.

2. Which step is necessary to view any QoS-related events?

a. In a QoS policy, enable logging at the beginning of a connection.
b. In a QoS policy, enable logging at the end of a connection.
c. In an access control policy, enable logging at the beginning of a connection.
d. In an access control policy, enable logging at the end of a connection.

3. To limit the download rate to 50 MBps, which value should you enter in a QoS rule?
a. 5
b. 50
c. 400
d. 500

4. Which of the following commands confirms whether traffic is rate limited by FTD?
a. show service-policy police
b. show conn detail
c. show asp drop
d. All of the above
Chapter 16

Blacklisting Suspicious
Addresses by Using Security

To compromise a network, an attacker uses various techniques, such as spam,

command-and-control (CNC) servers, phishing, and malware. The volume and sources of
new threats are increasing every day. As a security engineer, you might find it challenging
to keep the access control list of a firewall up to date with all the new suspicious
addresses. To make this job easier, FTD offers a unique threat defense mechanism called
Security Intelligence. This chapter describes the processes of configuring the Security
Intelligence technology and verifying its operations.

Security Intelligence Essentials

Security Intelligence enables you to blacklist a suspicious address without any manual
modification to the access control policy. It can block a packet before the packet goes
through a deep packet inspection by the Firepower Snort engine. Therefore, it helps
reduce the CPU utilization of an FTD device and hence improves performance.

Figure 16-1 shows that any traffic that is not prefiltered goes through the Security
Intelligence inspection.

Several enhancements have been made to the Security Intelligence technology since the
Firepower System introduced this feature. Besides blacklisting an IP address, which is one
of the most common uses of Security Intelligence, FTD also supports the blacklisting
of URLs and domain names. To demonstrate the operations of Security Intelligence, this
chapter primarily focuses on the blacklisting of IP addresses.

So far, you have been using the diagram shown in Figure 16-1 to understand the flows
and drops of packets through an FTD device. In this chapter, we zoom in on both firewall
and Firepower engines, view the low-level components of both engines, and determine
the flows of packets through them.

Figure 16-2 shows the low-level architecture of an FTD device. It shows that Security
Intelligence is one of the earliest lines of defense in a Firepower engine.
Chapter 16: Blacklisting Suspicious Addresses by Using Security Intelligence
Fastpath Rule Match wh
ich Ap P
Ingress Ta plie refil
Interface ke s a ter
sP F P
lac ast olic
wh Acc e B pa y
Blocking of Traffic by the Prefilter Policy
Trust Rule Match efo th R
ich ess re u
Security Access Control Is C an le,
Intelligence Su ont yA
ACL: L3-L4 r
bje ol
Overrun, Buffer Overflow

ct Po na
(IP Address) to licy lys
Passed Identity Check Ide is
Security nti App

Blocking of Traffic Based on Five Tuples

Intelligence t l
y C ies
he a T
(DNS, URL) ck r
an ust
Blacklisting of IP Address

d R Ru
ate le,
Rate Limited Lim
Access Control it

Blacklisting of DNS, URL

File Policy

User Identity Check

Application Control

File Control, Malware

Snort Rule

Intrusion Attempt
Rate Limit
Next Hop Lookup

Dropped Due to the Firepower Engine
Blocked by the Firewall Engine

Figure 16-1 Drops of Packets by an FTD—A High-Level Overview

Back Orifice,
Identity ACL (L7) QoS Host and User File Type Malware
Policy App, URL Classify Discovery Control Analysis
Blacklisted Restricted Type Malware Sensitive Data


Application Layer Transport and Transport and

Preprocessor Network Layer Network Layer
Black- ----------------------- Preprocessor Black- Preprocessor Intrusion
listed (DCE/RPC, DNS, -------------------- listed --------------------
Sec Intl. FTP/Telnet, HTTP, Application (IP Defragment, Sec Intl (L2-L4 Decode) Snort
URL, DNS Sun RPC, SIP, Discovery TCP/UDP Stream) IP Add Rule

Engine Data
Fast Path Acquisition
Ingress Existing No VPN UN-NAT/ Prefilter ACL Flow

Security Intelligence Essentials

Interface Conn. Decrypt Egress Int. Policy L3-L4 Update

Fastpath Trust

Egress Yes L2 L3 VPN QoS NAT ALG

Packet Add. Route Encrypt Enforce IP Header Check
No No

Figure 16-2 Flows of Packets Through the Firewall and Firepower Engines

466 Chapter 16: Blacklisting Suspicious Addresses by Using Security Intelligence

Input Methods
To input a potential suspicious address, Security Intelligence supports three methods:

■ Feed: Cisco has a dedicated threat intelligence and research team, known as Talos.
The team analyzes the behavior of Internet traffic, performs in-depth analysis on any
suspicious activities, categorizes the potential addresses based on their characteris-
tics, and lists these addresses in a file called the Cisco Intelligence Feed. One of the
processes running on the FMC, CloudAgent, periodically communicates with the
Cisco cloud to download the latest feed. When the FMC downloads a feed, it sends
the feed to its managed devices automatically; redeployment of the access control
policy is not necessary.

■ List: FMC also allows you to input custom addresses for blacklisting. You can list the
addresses in a text file (.txt format) and upload the file manually to the FMC through
a web browser. The file requires you to enter one address per line. Table 16-1 shows
the key differences between the feed and list types of Security Intelligence input.

Table 16-1 Security Intelligence Feed Versus Security Intelligence List

Feed List
Provider Created by the Cisco threat Created by you
intelligence team
Maintenance Automatically updates the You can manually update
existing feed an old list on demand
File transfer The update file is transferred You can upload an update
via HTTPS or HTTP file using a local web

■ Blacklist IP Now: You can blacklist a suspicious address instantly—without adding

a new access rule for it. In case of an immediate need, you can avoid the process of
scheduling a maintenance window for policy modification and use the Blacklist IP
Now option for an instant block. Any addresses that you blacklist using the Blacklist
IP Now option become part of the global blacklist.

Figure 16-3 illustrates the key operational steps of the Security Intelligence feature on
the FMC, FTD, and Cisco Cloud.
Administrator User Interface

Object Management
Whitelist Now

Download Upload Custom
Updates List of Address

FMC Periodically Feed Policy Event
Connects to the Cloud, Cisco Cloud Sends Database Database
If the FMC Has a Valid an Updated Feed
Threat License Enabled to FMC
Cisco Talos

Firewall Engine

Community Honeypot Data Correlator Loads


Security Intelligence Essentials

Discussion Sandbox the Security Intelligence
Information into Memory
Research by the Cisco Firepower Engine
Threat Intelligence Group

Figure 16-3 Architecture of the Security Intelligence Technology

468 Chapter 16: Blacklisting Suspicious Addresses by Using Security Intelligence

Best Practices for Blacklisting

Security Intelligence is an effective tool for controlling suspicious traffic that a traditional
firewall is unable to recognize. However, if your goal is to block or monitor traffic based
on five tuples—source port, destination port, source IP, destination IP, and protocol—
you should consider deploying an access rule with the Block or Monitor action. Do not
use Security Intelligence as the primary method of monitoring or blocking all traffic
because doing so can affect system performance.

Fulfilling Prerequisites
To use Security Intelligence, you need a Threat license. If that license expires after you
enable the Security Intelligence feature, the FMC stops communicating with the cloud
for the latest Cisco Intelligence feed. While you are in the process of purchasing a license,
you can enable Evaluation Mode to configure an access rule with the Security Intelligence
condition, and to deploy the associated access control policy to an FTD. To learn more
about Evaluation Mode, read Chapter 7, “Firepower Licensing and Registration.”

Configuring Blacklisting
Security Intelligence is enabled through an access control policy. However, you do not
need to add an additional access rule. There are three ways to blacklist an address, as
described in the following sections:

■ Automatic blacklist using the Cisco Intelligence Feed

■ Manual blacklist using a custom intelligence list
■ Immediate blacklist using a connection event

Figure 16-4 shows a simple topology that is used in this chapter to demonstrate the
configurations of Security Intelligence.

Automatic Blacklist Using Cisco Intelligence Feed

To blacklist suspicious traffic by using the Cisco Intelligence Feed, perform these steps:

Step 1. Navigate to Policies > Access Control > Access Control.

Step 2. Select an access control policy that you want to deploy to an FTD device and
click the pencil icon next to it to edit the policy.
Step 3. When the policy editor page appears, select the Security Intelligence tab.
A list of available objects and zones appears.

Note If you are configuring a newly installed system, the list of Security Intelligence objects
might not be available for selection. To populate the Security Intelligence categories in the
Available Objects field, you might need to update the Cisco Intelligence Feed from the cloud
at least once. Without populating these objects, you cannot use them as rule conditions.
Configuring Blacklisting 469

Management Network

Administrator FMC Phishing


Client FTD
Data Network Spam

Inside Outside
Zone Zone

Gateway Means for
Router Attackers

Figure 16-4 Topology Used in the Configuration Examples of This Chapter

Figure 16-5 shows the page to update the Security Intelligence feed and list.
The list of intelligence categories may not be available for selection until you
update the Cisco Intelligence Feed from the cloud.

Step 4. On the Network subtab, select a category that you want to blacklist. You can
also select a specific zone for inspection. By default, FTD inspects traffic
from Any zone.

Note This chapter shows how to enable the Security Intelligence feature based on
network and IP addresses. If you want to enable this feature based on URL conditions,
select the URL subtab. The remaining configuration steps are identical.

Step 5. Click the Add to Blacklist button. The categories appear inside the Blacklist
field. Figure 16-6 illustrates the detailed steps to add the Security Intelligence
categories for blacklist.
470 Chapter 16: Blacklisting Suspicious Addresses by Using Security Intelligence

After an update, the last Click this button Use the pencil icon to modify
updated date is shown. to update. the frequency of updates.

Figure 16-5 Update Page for the Security Intelligence Objects

Step 6. Next to the Blacklist field, click the logging icon to verify whether Log
Connections is checked for Security Intelligence events. Click OK to return to
the Security Intelligence tab. Figure 16-7 shows the steps to verify logging for
the connections that are subject to Security Intelligence blacklist.
Step 7. When the configuration is complete, click Save to save the changes, and click
Deploy to deploy the new access control policy to your FTD device.

Now if you attempt to access a malicious IP address that is included in the Cisco
Intelligence Feed, FTD should block the connection.

Tip The “Verification and Troubleshooting Tools” section of this chapter discusses how
to reverse engineer the Cisco Intelligence Feed data to identify the addresses that are
selected for blacklisting.

Figure 16-8 shows the action of Security Intelligence. After it is enabled, the host is
blocked from accessing certain addresses. These addresses, as of this writing, are known
for spreading malware and spam.
Configuring Blacklisting 471

Save Changes
5 4

3 Enable

1 2
Select Desired
Added to Blacklist

Figure 16-6 Workflow to Blacklist the Security Intelligence Categories

2 1

Figure 16-7 Logging for the Security Intelligence Events

472 Chapter 16: Blacklisting Suspicious Addresses by Using Security Intelligence

The same connections are blocked

after enabling the Security Intelligence.

The connections are allowed

before enabling the Security Intelligence.

Figure 16-8 Connection Events Page Shows the Security Intelligence Events

Figure 16-9 shows an individual page that allows you to find any connections that are
triggered due to Security Intelligence.

Figure 16-9 Security Intelligence Events Page Showing Only Its Own Events

Manual Blacklisting Using a Custom Intelligence List

As a security engineer, you always need to track the latest threats and vulnerabilities
to make sure your network is protected from zero-day threats. Let’s say, for example,
Configuring Blacklisting 473

that you have found a new security advisory in a security-related community forum or
website. While Cisco is investigating the new information, you just want to blacklist the
potential malicious address on your own without any delay. Using a text editor, you can
create a file to list any potential IP addresses. Firepower System enables you to input this
file to blacklist any custom list of IP addresses.

To blacklist a custom list of IP addresses, follow these steps:

Step 1. Write or copy the potential malicious addresses into a text editor, and save
the file in .txt format. When you create a list, enter one record per line.
Optionally, if you want to insert a comment on an IP address for future
reference, use the hash sign (#) at the beginning of a line.

Figure 16-10 shows the creation of a .txt file using notepad. The file contains
a custom list of IP addresses. These addresses are listed for demonstration
purpose only, and should not be considered as a definitive guideline. Perform
your own research before you consider an address for blacklisting; otherwise,
a legitimate site might get blocked.
474 Chapter 16: Blacklisting Suspicious Addresses by Using Security Intelligence

The comment is entered

with a hash (#) sign.

Figure 16-10 A Custom List of Potential Malicious IP Addresses Saved in a .txt File

Step 2. In the FMC, navigate to Object > Object Management.

Step 3. On the left panel, select an appropriate option under Security Intelligence. For
example, if you want to add a custom list of IP addresses, select the Network
Lists and Feeds option. Then click the Add Network Lists and Feeds but-
ton to upload your text file to the FMC. Figure 16-11 shows a configuration
window for a Security Intelligence list. After you select List from the Type
dropdown, you can browse your text file. Upon successful upload, the FMC
can show the number of addresses you uploaded.
Configuring Blacklisting 475

Figure 16-11 Uploading a Security Intelligence List File

Step 4. Once the file is uploaded, navigate to Policies > Access Control > Access
Control and edit the access control policy that you want to deploy to
an FTD.

Step 5. When the policy editor page appears, select the Security Intelligence tab.
A list of available objects and zones appears.

Step 6. On the Network subtab, select the custom object you want to blacklist.
You can also select a specific zone for inspection. By default, FTD inspects
traffic from Any zone.

Note This chapter enables the Security Intelligence feature based on network and IP
addresses. If you want to enable this feature based on URL conditions, select the URL
subtab. The remaining configuration steps are identical.
476 Chapter 16: Blacklisting Suspicious Addresses by Using Security Intelligence

Step 7. Click the Add to Blacklist button, and the custom object appears in the
Blacklist field.

Step 8. Next to the Blacklist field, click the logging icon to verify whether Log
Connections is checked for Security Intelligence events. Click OK to return
to the Security Intelligence tab. Figure 16-12 illustrates the workflow of
blacklisting a custom Security intelligence list.

5 4

Added to Blacklist

Select Custom Object

Figure 16-12 Addition of a Custom Intelligence Object for Blacklist

Step 9. When the configuration is complete, click Save to save the changes and
deploy the new access control policy to your FTD device. Now if you
attempt to access one of the addresses that you included in the text file, FTD
will block the connection.

Figure 16-13 shows the blocking of a connection due to a match with the Security
Intelligence list.
Configuring Blacklisting 477

The connection is blocked due to the

custom Security Intelligence list.

Figure 16-13 The Security Intelligence Category Column Confirms the

Matching List Name

Immediate Blacklisting Using a Connection Event

The Firepower System enables you to blacklist an address instantly by right-clicking
your mouse. This feature is useful when you notice a connection event for a suspicious
address but you cannot modify and reapply the access control policy without scheduling
a maintenance window.

Adding an Address to a Blacklist

Let’s say, for example, that you have noticed an event from an address that you believe
could potentially be malicious activity. Here are the steps to blacklist the address

Step 1. Navigate to Analysis > Connections > Events.

478 Chapter 16: Blacklisting Suspicious Addresses by Using Security Intelligence

Step 2. Right-click the address you want to blacklist. For example, if you want
blacklist an unknown suspicious address, right-click an address under the
Responder IP column.

Step 3. From the context menu that appears, select the Blacklist IP Now option.
A confirmation window appears. Click the Blacklist Now button to confirm.
Figure 16-14 shows the steps to blacklist an IP address using the context
menu. No additional configuration is necessary after these steps. The
configuration is complete. If you attempt to connect to that IP address, FTD
will block it.

1 Right-click on an address that

you want to blacklist.

Figure 16-14 Context Menu Displays the Blacklist IP Now Option

Figure 16-15 shows the result of an immediate blacklist. Although Action and
Reason look identical, Security Intelligence categorizes this event as a Global-
Blacklist event.
Configuring Blacklisting 479

The second connection is blocked

after selecting Blacklist IP Now.

The blacklisted IP address is included

in the Global-Blacklist category.

Figure 16-15 The FMC Displays a Block Event due to the Blacklist IP Now Action

Deleting an Address from a Blacklist

Any addresses that you blacklist by using the Blacklist IP Now option are included in the
Global-Blacklist category. If you want to remove the blacklisting attribute from an address
and allow the address again, go to the Object Management page and edit Global-Blacklist
to remove the address.

Warning If you delete the entire Global-Blacklist object by using the Security
Intelligence configuration page, the access control policy does not enforce the Blacklist IP
Now function.

Figure 16-16 shows the IP address that you blacklisted earlier by using the Blacklist IP
Now option. To allow this IP address once again, click Delete and then click Save to save
the changes.
480 Chapter 16: Blacklisting Suspicious Addresses by Using Security Intelligence

Figure 16-16 Steps to Remove Blacklisting of an Address

Monitoring a Blacklist
Occasionally, you might want to monitor the activities of certain hosts in a network
instead of blocking them completely. Doing so allows you to analyze the characteristics
of suspicious traffic and helps you build an appropriate defense. Follow these steps to
enable monitoring functionality using Security Intelligence:

Note The following steps assume that you have already blacklisted certain traffic by
using the instructions in the previous section. This time, you just want to change the action
(monitor only instead of block) for certain traffic.

Step 1. In the access control policy editor page, go to the Security Intelligence tab.

Step 2. From the Blacklist field, right-click a category that you want to monitor.

Note FTD does not support the Monitor-only mode for the Global-Blacklist category.
Configuring Blacklisting 481

Step 3. From the context menu that appears, select the Monitor-only (do not block)
option. The icon changes from a red × to a green down arrow.

Figure 16-17 shows the steps to enable Monitor-only mode for a certain
Security Intelligence category while leaving all other categories in Block

1 2
Right-click on the

Figure 16-17 Configuration of Monitor-only Mode

Step 4. When the configuration is complete, click Save to save the changes and
redeploy the access control policy.

This configuration changes the action from Block to Monitor-only for any addresses
in the custom list. To test the operation of Monitor-only mode, access one of the
addresses from the custom list, and FTD allows that connection and generates a
monitor event.
482 Chapter 16: Blacklisting Suspicious Addresses by Using Security Intelligence

Figure 16-18 shows the difference between the Block and Monitor-only actions. The first
connection attempt from host to was blocked; however, the sec-
ond attempt was allowed, and the connection was monitored.

The second connection 2 The same category experiences

is allowed. two different actions.

1 The icon for monitored

The first connection connection is different.
is blocked.

Figure 16-18 Security Intelligence Events in Monitor-only and Block Modes

Bypassing a Blacklist
If you find an address blacklisted by the Cisco Intelligence Feed, but it has been essential
for your regular business, you can report it to Cisco. If you want to access the address
anyway while Cisco reinvestigates, you can whitelist that particular address. Whitelisting
bypasses the Security Intelligence check, but traffic is still subject to any subsequent
inspection. If other components of an FTD device find any anomaly, they can still block
the connection, although Security Intelligence whitelists it initially.
Configuring Blacklisting 483

Adding an Address to a Whitelist

The process of whitelisting an address is identical to the process of blacklisting an
address. You can add a whitelist in the access control policy as a Security Intelligence
object. Alternatively, you can right-click an address and select the Whitelist IP Now
option from the context menu (see Figure 16-19).

Right-click on an address
that you want to whitelist.

Figure 16-19 Whitelisting an Address Without Modifying an Access Control Policy

Figure 16-20 shows an example of a successful whitelisted connection. After overriding

a blacklisted address with a whitelist action, a connection looks like a regular
allowed event.
484 Chapter 16: Blacklisting Suspicious Addresses by Using Security Intelligence


Because of whitelisting, the connection

Blocked is no longer considered malware.

Figure 16-20 A Whitelist Action Bypassing the Security Intelligence Check

Deleting an Address from a Whitelist

When you whitelist an address by using the Whitelist IP Now option, the address is
included in the Global-Whitelist object. If you want to stop whitelisting an address, you
need to delete the address from the Global-Whitelist object.

Warning If you delete the entire Global-Whitelist object by using the Security
Intelligence configuration page, the access control policy stops enforcing the Whitelist IP
Now function.

Figure 16-21 shows the steps to delete an address from the Global-Whitelist object.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 485

3 1

Figure 16-21 Deleting an Address from the Global-Whitelist object

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools

Before you begin investigating an issue with Security Intelligence, you should check the

■ Check whether Security Intelligence’s health module is enabled on the health policy.
This module allows the FMC to generate alerts if the system fails to download the
Security Intelligence data, and it loads the data into memory.

Figure 16-22 shows the option to enable the health module for Security Intelligence.
To find this page, go to System > Health > Policy, edit a health policy, and select
Security Intelligence from the left panel. You must redeploy a health policy if you
change any settings.
486 Chapter 16: Blacklisting Suspicious Addresses by Using Security Intelligence

Figure 16-22 Security Intelligence Health Module

■ Check whether the FMC has a valid Threat license and whether the license is applied
on the desired FTD device. If the Threat license is disabled or expired, the FMC
stops obtaining the latest Cisco Intelligence Feed from the Cisco cloud.

Figure 16-23 shows the device management page where you can enable and disable a
Threat license for a managed device.

Figure 16-23 Device Management Page with Options for License Administration

Verifying the Download of the Latest Files

By using the CLI, you can verify whether the FMC has downloaded the Cisco Intelligence
Feed from the Cisco cloud. Similarly, by accessing the FTD CLI, you can verify whether
an FTD device has received the latest Security Intelligence files from the FMC.

Example 16-1 shows the Security Intelligence files on the FMC before and after a Cisco
Intelligence Feed is downloaded.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 487

Example 16-1 Security Intelligence (for IP Address) Files on the FMC

! Right after a fresh installation, an FMC does not contain any blacklist files by

admin@FMC:~$ ls -halp /var/sf/iprep_download/

total 20K
drwxr-xr-x 5 www www 4.0K Apr 28 01:22 ./
drwxr-xr-x 64 root root 4.0K Apr 28 02:20 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 www www 0 Apr 28 01:22 IPRVersion.dat
drwxr-xr-x 2 www www 4.0K Apr 28 01:22 health/
drwxr-xr-x 2 www www 4.0K Apr 28 01:22 peers/
drwxr-xr-x 2 www www 4.0K Apr 28 01:22 tmp/

! After updating the Cisco Intelligence Feed from the cloud, FMC shows the blacklist

admin@FMC~$ ls –halp /var/sf/iprep_download/

total 7.3M
drwxr-xr-x 5 www www 4.0K Apr 28 16:39 ./
drwxr-xr-x 64 root root 4.0K Apr 28 02:20 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 225K Apr 28 16:23 032ba433-c295-11e4-a919-d4ae5275a468
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 37 Apr 28 16:23 1b117672-7453-478c-be31-b72e89ca1acb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 43K Apr 28 16:23 23f2a124-8278-4c03-8c9d-d28fe08b5e98
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5.3K Apr 28 16:23 2CCDA18E-DDFF-4F5C-AF9A-F009852183F4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9.4K Apr 28 16:23 2b15cb6f-a3fc-4e0e-a342-ccc5e5803263
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 52 Apr 28 16:23 30f9e69c-d64c-479c-821d-0e4edab8217a
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 682K Apr 28 16:23 3e2af68e-5fc8-4b1c-b5bc-b4e7cab598ba
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 48 Apr 28 16:23 5a0b6d6b-e2c3-436f-b4a1-48248b330a26
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 32 Apr 28 16:23 5f8148f1-e5e4-427a-aa3b-ee1c2745c350
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 47K Apr 28 16:23 60f4e2ab-d96c-44a0-bd38-830252b63f46
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 31 Apr 28 16:23 6ba968f4-7a25-4793-a2c8-7cc77f1ff437
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 165 Apr 28 16:23 A27C6AAE-8E52-4174-A81A-47C59FECC092
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www www 39 Apr 28 16:42 IPRVersion.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6.2M Apr 28 16:22 Sourcefire_Intelligence_Feed
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 30 Apr 28 16:23 b1df3aa8-2841-4c88-8e64-bfaacec7fedd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.7K Apr 28 16:23 d7d996a6-6b92-4a56-8f10-e8506e431ca5
drwxr-xr-x 2 www www 4.0K Apr 28 01:22 health/
drwxr-xr-x 2 www www 4.0K Apr 28 01:22 peers/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.6K Apr 28 16:22 rep_dd.yaml
drwxr-xr-x 2 www www 4.0K Apr 28 16:32 tmp/
488 Chapter 16: Blacklisting Suspicious Addresses by Using Security Intelligence

Example 16-2 shows the Security Intelligence blacklist (.blf) and whitelist (.wlf) files.
A new FTD installation comes with the global blacklist and whitelist files. The Cisco
Intelligence Feed files appear as soon as the FTD device receives an access control policy
from the FMC.

Example 16-2 Security Intelligence (for IP Address) Files on an FTD Device

! After a fresh installation, FTD shows only the empty blacklist (.blf) and
whitelist (.wlf) files. At this point, FMC has not applied a Cisco Intelligence
Feed yet:

> expert
admin@firepower:~$ ls -halp /var/sf/iprep_download/
total 40K
drwxr-xr-x 5 www www 4.0K Apr 28 10:44 ./
drwxr-xr-x 66 root root 4.0K Dec 12 00:19 ../
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www www 118 Apr 28 10:17 .zones
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www www 17 Apr 28 10:44 IPRVersion.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 40 Apr 28 10:17 c76556bc-6167-11e1-88e8-479de99bfdf1.blf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 40 Apr 28 10:17 d8eea83e-6167-11e1-a154-589de99bfdf1.wlf
drwxr-xr-x 2 www www 4.0K Sep 19 2016 health/
drwxr-xr-x 2 www www 4.0K Sep 19 2016 peers/
drwxr-xr-x 2 www www 4.0K Apr 28 10:44 tmp/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www www 151 Apr 28 10:44

! Upon a successful deployment of an Access Control policy, FTD received the

necessary blacklist (.blf) and whitelist (.wlf) files from an FMC. Each of these
files represent a Security Intelligence category.

admin@firepower:~$ ls -halp /var/sf/iprep_download/

total 1.1M
drwxr-xr-x 5 www www 4.0K May 7 16:05 ./
drwxr-xr-x 66 root root 4.0K Dec 12 00:19 ../
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www www 1003 May 7 16:04 .zones
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 225K May 7 16:04 032ba433-c295-11e4-a919-d4ae5275a468.blf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 37 May 7 16:04 1b117672-7453-478c-be31-b72e89ca1acb.blf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 43K May 7 16:04 23f2a124-8278-4c03-8c9d-d28fe08b5e98.blf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9.4K May 7 16:04 2b15cb6f-a3fc-4e0e-a342-ccc5e5803263.blf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5.3K May 7 16:04 2ccda18e-ddff-4f5c-af9a-f009852183f4.blf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 52 May 7 16:04 30f9e69c-d64c-479c-821d-0e4edab8217a.blf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 682K May 7 16:04 3e2af68e-5fc8-4b1c-b5bc-b4e7cab598ba.blf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 48 May 7 16:04 5a0b6d6b-e2c3-436f-b4a1-48248b330a26.blf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 32 May 7 16:04 5f8148f1-e5e4-427a-aa3b-ee1c2745c350.blf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 47K May 7 16:04 60f4e2ab-d96c-44a0-bd38-830252b63f46.blf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 31 May 7 16:04 6ba968f4-7a25-4793-a2c8-7cc77f1ff437.blf
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 489

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 373 May 7 16:04 808e55a2-2d33-11e7-ab29-ad43fb3c690a.blf

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 17 May 7 16:04 IPRVersion.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 165 May 7 16:04 a27c6aae-8e52-4174-a81a-47c59fecc092.blf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 30 May 7 16:04 b1df3aa8-2841-4c88-8e64-bfaacec7fedd.blf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 40 May 7 16:04 c76556bc-6167-11e1-88e8-479de99bfdf1.blf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.7K May 7 16:04 d7d996a6-6b92-4a56-8f10-e8506e431ca5.blf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 53 May 7 16:04 d8eea83e-6167-11e1-a154-589de99bfdf1.wlf
drwxr-xr-x 2 www www 4.0K Sep 19 2016 health/
drwxr-xr-x 2 www www 4.0K May 7 14:26 peers/
drwxr-xr-x 2 www www 4.0K May 7 16:04 tmp/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www www 1006 May 7 16:04

Tip If you have enabled Security Intelligence based on URL, you can find the list of
blacklisted and whitelisted URLs in similar format. The files are located in the /var/sf/
siurl_download directory.

Verifying the Loading of Addresses into Memory

Example 16-2 in the preceding section confirms that an FTD device has received the
Security Intelligence category files from the FMC. However, it does not prove that all the
blacklisted addresses are loaded successfully into the FTD memory. You can verify this
by looking at the debugging messages at the FTD CLI while an access control policy is
being deployed.

Example 16-3 shows the debugging messages in FTD when it loads the Security
Intelligence configuration and entries into the device’s memory. The following messages
confirm that the Custom-List object has loaded all 25 of the addresses into its memory.

Example 16-3 FTD Loads the Security Intelligence Data into Its Memory

admin@firepower:~$ sudo tail -f /var/log/messages | grep –i reputation

May 7 16:05:40 ciscoasa SF-IMS[12223]: Reputation Preprocessor: Size of shared

memory segment SFIPReputation.rt.0.0.1 is 134217728
May 7 16:05:40 ciscoasa SF-IMS[12223]: Reputation entries loaded: 1, invalid:
0, re-defined: 0 (from file /ngfw/var/sf/iprep_download/d8eea83e-6167-11e1-a154-
May 7 16:05:40 ciscoasa SF-IMS[12223]: Reputation entries loaded: 0, invalid:
0, re-defined: 0 (from file /ngfw/var/sf/iprep_download/c76556bc-6167-11e1-88e8-
May 7 16:05:40 ciscoasa SF-IMS[12223]: Reputation entries loaded: 25, invalid:
0, re-defined: 0 (from file /ngfw/var/sf/iprep_download/808e55a2-2d33-11e7-ab29-
490 Chapter 16: Blacklisting Suspicious Addresses by Using Security Intelligence

May 7 16:05:40 ciscoasa SF-IMS[12223]: Reputation entries loaded: 3310,

invalid: 0, re-defined: 7 (from file /ngfw/var/sf/iprep_download/60f4e2ab-d96c-
May 7 16:05:40 ciscoasa SF-IMS[12223]: Reputation entries loaded: 0, invalid:
0, re-defined: 0 (from file /ngfw/var/sf/iprep_download/6ba968f4-7a25-4793-a2c8-
May 7 16:05:40 ciscoasa SF-IMS[12223]: Reputation entries loaded: 3050,
invalid: 0, re-defined: 1 (from file /ngfw/var/sf/iprep_download/23f2a124-8278-
May 7 16:05:40 ciscoasa SF-IMS[12223]: Reputation entries loaded: 112, invalid:
0, re-defined: 0 (from file /ngfw/var/sf/iprep_download/d7d996a6-6b92-4a56-8f10-
May 7 16:05:40 ciscoasa SF-IMS[12223]: Reputation entries loaded: 1, invalid:
0, re-defined: 0 (from file /ngfw/var/sf/iprep_download/5a0b6d6b-e2c3-436f-b4a1-
May 7 16:05:40 ciscoasa SF-IMS[12223]: Reputation entries loaded: 0, invalid:
0, re-defined: 0 (from file /ngfw/var/sf/iprep_download/5f8148f1-e5e4-427a-aa3b-
May 7 16:05:40 ciscoasa SF-IMS[12223]: Reputation entries loaded: 676, invalid:
0, re-defined: 3 (from file /ngfw/var/sf/iprep_download/2b15cb6f-a3fc-4e0e-a342-
May 7 16:05:40 ciscoasa SF-IMS[12223]: Reputation entries loaded: 0, invalid:
0, re-defined: 0 (from file /ngfw/var/sf/iprep_download/1b117672-7453-478c-be31-
May 7 16:05:40 ciscoasa SF-IMS[12223]: Reputation entries loaded: 1, invalid:
0, re-defined: 0 (from file /ngfw/var/sf/iprep_download/30f9e69c-d64c-479c-821d-
May 7 16:05:40 ciscoasa SF-IMS[12223]: Reputation entries loaded: 48044,
invalid: 0, re-defined: 0 (from file /ngfw/var/sf/iprep_download/3e2af68e-5fc8-
May 7 16:05:40 ciscoasa SF-IMS[12223]: Reputation entries loaded: 15962,
invalid: 0, re-defined: 112 (from file /ngfw/var/sf/iprep_download/032ba433-c295-
May 7 16:05:40 ciscoasa SF-IMS[12223]: Reputation entries loaded: 0, invalid:
0, re-defined: 0 (from file /ngfw/var/sf/iprep_download/b1df3aa8-2841-4c88-8e64-
May 7 16:05:40 ciscoasa SF-IMS[12223]: Reputation entries loaded: 9, invalid:
0, re-defined: 0 (from file /ngfw/var/sf/iprep_download/a27c6aae-8e52-4174-a81a-
May 7 16:05:40 ciscoasa SF-IMS[12223]: Reputation entries loaded: 377, invalid:
0, re-defined: 0 (from file /ngfw/var/sf/iprep_download/2ccda18e-ddff-4f5c-af9a-
May 7 16:05:40 ciscoasa SF-IMS[12223]: Reputation Preprocessor shared memory
May 7 16:05:40 ciscoasa SF-IMS[12223]: Reputation total memory usage: 9442496
May 7 16:05:40 ciscoasa SF-IMS[12223]: Reputation total entries loaded: 71568,
invalid: 0, re-defined: 123
! <Output is Omitted for Brevity>
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 491

To determine whether the memory is loaded with the latest set of Security Intelligence
data, you can verify the timestamp of the FTD shared memory file. The timestamp
should record the UTC time of the latest access control policy applied:

admin@firepower:~$ ls -halp /dev/shm/ | grep -i reputation

-rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 128M May 7 16:05 SFIPReputation.rt.0.0.1

Finding a Specific Address in a List

Let’s say you have just learned about malware and its potential source address. You
want to confirm whether the address is included in the active Cisco Intelligence Feed or
whether you should consider blacklisting it manually. You can verify this from the FTD
CLI by following these steps:

Step 1. Run the following command to search for a specific IP address within the
list file:

admin@firepower:/var/sf/iprep_download$ egrep *.blf


This command uses the IP address as an example; replace it as


Step 2. The output from Step 1 shows the list file where the IP address is listed, but
it does not display the category. To determine the category type, run the fol-
lowing command to view the first line of the file:

admin@firepower:/var/sf/iprep_download$ head –n1 60f4e2ab-d96c-44a0-

#Cisco intelligence feed: CnC

Verifying URL-Based Security Intelligence Rules

You can leverage the Security Intelligence technology to blacklist, monitor, and whitelist
a suspicious website. The configuration of URL-based Security Intelligence is similar to
the configuration of IP address–based Security Intelligence. The only difference is that
instead of selecting the Network type intelligence object, you select the URL type intelli-
gence object. This section assumes that you have already selected URL-based intelligence
by following a procedure similar to the one you used for configuring IP-based Security
Intelligence. Now, you want to verify whether your deployment is successful.

Figure 16-24 shows the Security Intelligence configuration page. To blacklist or whitelist
malicious URLs, select the URL subtab (instead of the Network subtab, which you
selected for IP-based intelligence).
492 Chapter 16: Blacklisting Suspicious Addresses by Using Security Intelligence

Likewise, you can apply the same troubleshooting techniques to investigate issues
with URL-based Security Intelligence. You can find the blacklist and whitelist files for
URL-based Security Intelligence at /var/sf/siurl_download.
Example 16-4 shows the blacklist and whitelist files for URL-based Security Intelligence.
Unlike with IP-based Security Intelligence, all the URL-based Security Intelligence files
use .lf (list file) as their file extensions.

1 2

Select Desired Objects Added to Blacklist

The URL subtab allows you to blacklist URL Phishing is set to Monitor-only
or whitelist a malicious URL category. mode for demonstration purposes.

Figure 16-24 URL Subtab Showing the Categories of the Malicious Sites

Example 16-4 Blacklist and Whitelist Files for URL-Based Security Intelligence

admin@firepower:~$ ls -halp /var/sf/siurl_download/

total 31M
drwxrwxr-x 5 www detection 4.0K May 8 18:09 ./
drwxr-xr-x 66 root root 4.0K Dec 12 00:19 ../
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www www 930 May 8 18:08 .zones
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 422K May 8 18:08 032ba433-c295-11e4-a919-
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 82 May 8 18:08 127dc4a2-1ea3-4423-a02d-
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 493

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 69 May 8 18:08 1b117672-7453-478c-be31-

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 21M May 8 18:08 23f2a124-8278-4c03-8c9d-
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 56 May 8 18:08 2b15cb6f-a3fc-4e0e-a342-
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 147K May 8 18:08 2ccda18e-ddff-4f5c-af9a-
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 53 May 8 18:08 30f9e69c-d64c-479c-821d-
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8.8K May 8 18:08 3e2af68e-5fc8-4b1c-b5bc-
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 65 May 8 18:08 5915d129-0d33-4e9c-969a-
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 52 May 8 18:08 5a0b6d6b-e2c3-436f-b4a1-
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 48 May 8 18:08 5f8148f1-e5e4-427a-aa3b-
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 187K May 8 18:08 60f4e2ab-d96c-44a0-bd38-
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 47 May 8 18:08 6ba968f4-7a25-4793-a2c8-
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 17 May 8 18:08 IPRVersion.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20K May 8 18:08 a27c6aae-8e52-4174-a81a-
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2.2M May 8 18:08 b1df3aa8-2841-4c88-8e64-
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2.6M May 8 18:08 d7d996a6-6b92-4a56-8f10-
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 5.1M May 8 18:09 dm_url0.acl
drwxr-xr-x 2 www www 4.0K Sep 19 2016 health/
drwxr-xr-x 2 www www 4.0K May 1 17:18 peers/
drwxr-xr-x 2 www www 4.0K May 8 18:08 tmp/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www www 1015 May 8 18:08 url.rules

Because both blacklist and whitelist files use the same .lf extension, you cannot
distinguish the purpose of a file by looking at the extension. However, you can use the
url.rules file to determine this.

Example 16-5 shows the purpose of each list file. The first file is a whitelist file, and the
last file is set to Monitor-only mode. All other list files are configured to block traffic.

Example 16-5 The url.rules File, Showing the Action or Purpose of Each List File

admin@firepower:~$ cat /var/sf/siurl_download/url.rules

#security intelligence manifest file
494 Chapter 16: Blacklisting Suspicious Addresses by Using Security Intelligence


A list file uses a universally unique identifier (UUID) as its filename. It does not state the
type of intelligence category it contains. To find that answer, you can view the first line
of the list file. For example, the following example confirms that d7d996a6-6b92-4a56-
8f10- e8506e434dd6.lf stores the URLs of the phishing websites.

admin@firepower:~$ head -n1 /var/sf/siurl_download/d7d996a6-6b92-4a56-8f10-

#Cisco DNS and URL intelligence feed: URL Phishing

In this chapter, you have learned how to detect a malicious address by using the Security
Intelligence feature. When there is a match, you can ask an FTD device to block, monitor,
or whitelist an address. This chapter also describes the back-end file systems for the
Security Intelligence feature. You can apply this knowledge to troubleshooting issues
with Security Intelligence.

1. Security Intelligence is a first-level-defense mechanism implemented on which of the
a. Firewall engine
b. Firepower engine
c. Firepower Management Center
d. All of the above
Quiz 495

2. Which of the following statements is true?

a. FTD allows a whitelisted address to bypass any further inspection.
b. FTD requires a direct connection to the Internet in order to obtain the Cisco
Intelligence Feed.
c. The Blacklist IP Now option allows you to block an address without redeploying
an access control policy.
d. Monitor-only mode of Security Intelligence works only when FTD is deployed in
passive mode.

3. Which of the following commands displays the name of the Security Intelligence
category from a blacklist file?
a. tail -f filename.blf
b. tail filename.blf
c. head filename.blf
d. grep category_name filename.blf

4. Which of the following commands displays an exact IP address and confirms that
the address is included in the current blacklist file?
a. cat filename.blf
b. head ip_address filename.blf
c. grep ip_address *.blf
d. tail ip_address filename.blf
This page intentionally left blank
Chapter 17

Blocking a Domain Name

System (DNS) Query

Attackers often send phishing emails with links to malware websites. A user in your net-
work may be deceived by the hoax content and click on an obfuscated link by mistake.
Firepower can intelligently prevent a user from accessing a malicious website by blocking
its DNS query—one of the first things a client computer performs to access a website.
This chapter describes the implementation of a DNS policy on an FTD system.

Firepower DNS Policy Essentials

Before diving into DNS policy configuration, let’s take a look at how a host computer
learns the IP address of a website through a DNS query and how a Firepower system can
prevent a user from making a DNS query for a malicious domain.

Domain Name System (DNS)

When you want to call one of your friends, what do you usually do? You pick up your
phone, go to the Contacts app, find your friend in the app, and select his or her name.
You do not need to memorize or type the phone number. The phone originates a call for
you, using the number stored in the Contacts app. If you do not find the number you
need in your Contacts app, you ask someone who knows your friend for the phone num-
ber. This whole process is an analogy of how a DNS server works.

When you want to visit a website, you open a browser and enter the URL. However,
before your browser learns the IP address of a website, the following tasks happen behind
the scenes:

Step 1. The browser sends a query to the local DNS server in your network.

Step 2. If the local network has no internal DNS server or the DNS server has no
information about the site you want to visit, a query is sent to the recursive
498 Chapter 17: Blocking a Domain Name System (DNS) Query

DNS server of your Internet service provider (ISP). If the recursive server
has information about the IP address in its cache, your browser receives that
information. No additional queries are performed.
Step 3. However, if the recursive server does not know the IP address, the recursive
server sends the query to one of the 13 sets of root name servers located
worldwide. A root server knows the DNS information about a top-level
domain (TLD).

Step 4. The DNS server of a TLD sends information about the second-level domain
and its authoritative name server. An authoritative name server knows all the
addressing information for a particular domain.

Step 5. The authoritative name server responds to a query by returning the Address
Record (A record) to your ISP. The ISP’s recursive server stores the record
on its cache for a specific amount of time and sends the IP address to your

Figure 17-1 shows various levels of DNS queries for a domain. Depending on the records
on the intermediate server cache, the number of queries can be higher or lower. The pro-
cess can happen within less than a second.

13 Sets of Root Servers

2 3 c.root
Data Center Network

ISP i.root
Local DNS j.root
Server DMZ
Outside 4 l.root
Name m.root
Inside Recursive Space
Corporate Network

1 DNS Server
Top Level Domain
.com .org (TLD) DNS Server

Host cisco snort Authoritative

5 DNS Server

Figure 17-1 DNS Queries Throughout a Network

Firepower DNS Policy Essentials 499

Blocking of a DNS Query Using a Firepower System

You can add an access rule to an access control policy to block DNS traffic; however, a
traditional access rule is unable to identify a harmful domain based on the characteristics
of its web contents.

Figure 17-2 shows an access rule that blocks DNS traffic solely based on DNS service
ports. This static rule is unable to determine the risk level of a domain, and, therefore, it
cannot block an unsafe domain dynamically.

Figure 17-2 Identifying and Blocking DNS Traffic Based on Service Ports

The DNS-based Security Intelligence feature of Firepower allows you to identify a sus-
ceptible DNS query and blacklist the resolution of an unsafe domain name, while any
queries to legitimate websites are allowed. It leads to a browser not being able to obtain
the IP address of a website. FTD blocks the request for a website before a potential HTTP
connection is even established. Consequently, FTD does not need to engage its resources
for further HTTP inspection.

Figure 17-3 shows the workflow of a DNS query. It also shows where an FTD device
500 Chapter 17: Blocking a Domain Name System (DNS) Query

A DNS policy on an FTD

DNS Query by a device can block a query to
Local Browser a malicious domain.

Local DNS Server

at Internal Network

Recursive DNS
Server at ISP

Root Name Server The remaining steps of a DNS

Located Worldwide query do not take place if a
DNS rule blocks a query.

Top Level Domain

Name Server

Name Server

Figure 17-3 Placement of an FTD Device Within the Workflow of a DNS Query

DNS Rule Actions

Depending on your organization’s security policy, you can add a DNS rule to a blacklist
or to a whitelist, or you can monitor a DNS query.

Actions That Can Interrupt a DNS Query

Firepower offers various options for interrupting a DNS query (see Figure 17-4):

■ Drop: With this option, FTD simply drops the DNS query for a particular domain.

Warning A user may still access a website if the client computer caches the DNS records
and the existing records are not expired.
Firepower DNS Policy Essentials 501

Available Actions You Can

Select for a DNS Rule

Figure 17-4 DNS Rule Actions

Figure 17-5 illustrates the drop action on an FTD device. The device simply drops
the DNS query, and no response is provided to the client.

Local DNS


DNS Server Public IP Address
FTD drops the query.

Query: What is the IP address of



Figure 17-5 DNS Drop Action

■ Domain Not Found: With this option, as a response to a DNS query, a user receives
an NXDOMAIN (nonexistent domain name) message (see Figure 17-6). The
NXDOMAIN message indicates that the requested domain name does not exist.
502 Chapter 17: Blocking a Domain Name System (DNS) Query

The browser cannot resolve the IP address for a domain. Consequently, the user fails
to access the website.

Local DNS


Response: The domain DNS Server Public IP Address is not found.
Query: What is the IP address of


Figure 17-6 DNS Domain Not Found Action

■ Sinkhole: With this option, FTD responds to a DNS query with a false IP address.
A browser does not realize that an intermediate security device—FTD in this
example—acts as a spoof DNS server, and it responds to its query with a false IP
address. The IP address may or may not be assigned to an existing DNS server. Using
Sinkhole functionality, you can redirect malicious traffic to an alternate location for
further security analysis.

Figure 17-7 shows a spoof DNS server. FTD uses the IP address of this spoof DNS
server as a response to a DNS query only when the domain is categorized as harmful.

Figure 17-8 shows the implementation of a sinkhole without a physical spoof server.
You can assign any false IP address within a sinkhole object. Then FTD uses this
false address to respond to any query to a harmful domain.

Actions That Allow a DNS Query

Let’s say the Cisco Intelligence Feed blocks a query to your trusted domain. You have
asked Cisco to reinvestigate the domain. While you are waiting on Cisco, you can use
one of the following actions to allow a desired DNS query:

■ Whitelist: This action allows the traffic to bypass an intelligence-based check; how-
ever, the traffic is still subject to other security inspections.

■ Monitor: This action allows an FTD device to generate alerts when there is any
match, but FTD does not interrupt traffic flow.
Firepower DNS Policy Essentials 503

Local DNS 3
Server Host sends
the DNS query
to the sinkhole
afterward. ISP


Sinkhole DNS Server Public IP Address

Response: IP Address of is
Query: What is the IP address of


Figure 17-7 DNS Sinkhole Action (Fake Address Represents a Spoof DNS Server)

If you choose to select the sinkhole action

without a physical/real sinkhole server, select
the Block and Log Connections to Sinkhole
option to create a sinkhole object.

Local DNS


Response: IP Address of DNS Server Public IP Address is
Query: What is the IP address of


Figure 17-8 DNS Sinkhole Action (Fake Address Does Not Represent any Server)
504 Chapter 17: Blocking a Domain Name System (DNS) Query

Sources of Intelligence
To learn about the new suspicious domains, the Firepower System updates its intelligence
database from the following sources:

■ Feed: Cisco has a dedicated threat intelligence and research team, known as Talos,
that analyzes the behavior of Internet traffic, performs in-depth analysis on any sus-
picious activities, categorizes the potential domains based on their characteristics,
and lists the domains in a file.
One of the processes running on the FMC, CloudAgent, periodically communicates
with the Cisco cloud to download the latest feed. The frequency for updating the feed
is configurable. Once the FMC downloads a feed, it sends the feed to its managed
devices automatically. Redeployment of the access control policy is not necessary.
Figure 17-9 shows the configuration of the update frequency for the Cisco
Intelligence Feed. To find this page, go to Object > Object Management. Under
Security Intelligence, select DNS Lists and Feeds and edit Cisco-DNS-and-URL-
Intelligence-Feed by using the pencil icon.

Figure 17-9 Frequency of Cisco Intelligence Feed Update

Table 17-1 shows the key differences between the feed and list types of Security
Intelligence input.
■ List: FMC supports the blacklisting or whitelisting of custom lists of domains. You
can list the domains in a text file (.txt format) and upload the file manually to the
FMC. Upon a successful upload, a custom DNS object appears along with the sys-
tem-provided DNS objects. The process to add a DNS rule is described later in this
chapter, in the section “Configuring DNS Query Blocking.”
Firepower DNS Policy Essentials 505

Table 17-1 Intelligence Feed Versus Intelligence List

Feed List
Provider The Cisco threat intelligence team Created by you, based on
creates and manages the feed. your own research and
The FMC also supports the input
of custom domains through an
internal feed URL.
Maintenance The FMC can download the latest You can manually update
feed periodically. an old list on demand

Tip When you create your own list of domains for blacklisting, enter one domain name
per line. You can add a comment for future reference. Use the hash sign (#) at the begin-
ning of a line to enter a comment.

Figure 17-10 shows the DNS List/Feed configuration window. To find this window,
go to Object Management and select the DNS Lists and Feeds option under Security
Intelligence. Then click the Add DNS Lists and Feeds button. The DNS List/Feed
configuration window then appears when you select List from the Type dropdown.

Figure 17-10 Option to Upload a DNS List File

506 Chapter 17: Blocking a Domain Name System (DNS) Query

Best Practices for Blocking DNS Query

Depending on the placement of an FTD device in a network, you may have to wait some
time before you notice a new DNS policy take effect. For example, if your one and only
FTD device is placed at the perimeter edge—between your company network and ISP
network—your network hosts may continue resolving an undesired website until the
local DNS cache expires. The hosts can notice the effect of a new DNS policy once the
DNS cache of the client computer and local DNS server expires.

You can clear the cache of a DNS server manually. However, it may not be feasible to
clear the cache of all of the network hosts manually in real time. To expedite the enforce-
ment of a new Firepower DNS policy, you can consider the following best practices:

■ Enable IP address–based Security Intelligence as well.

■ Disable DNS caching on the local workstations. The system administrator of your
organization can confirm this setting.

■ Position your FTD device between the local area network (LAN) and the DNS server
so that any egress traffic from the LAN is subject to Firepower inspection. Placing
an FTD device at the perimeter edge allows the hosts to resolve an address by using
the cache of the internal DNS server.

Figure 17-11 shows different options for placement of an FTD device. In Network A, FTD
allows queries to an internal DNS server and blocks the queries to an external DNS server.
However, the FTD in Network B blocks queries to any DNS servers, local or external.
Network A

Local DNS Recursive DNS DNS Servers

Server Server at ISP on the Internet

FTD blocks a DNS query to

only the external name servers.
Network B

Local DNS Recursive DNS DNS Servers

Server Server at ISP on the Internet

FTD blocks a DNS query to local

and external name servers.

Figure 17-11 Effectiveness of a DNS Rule in Different FTD Deployments

Fulfilling Prerequisites 507

Fulfilling Prerequisites
Before you configure a DNS policy, make sure the following prerequisites are fulfilled:

■ If the DNS policy requires a Threat license and you are in the process of purchasing
a license, you can enable Evaluation Mode to avoid any logistic and administrative
delays. Evaluation Mode allows you to configure and deploy any features as if you
have already installed a paid license.

■ If you want to redirect a DNS query to a sinkhole, you must configure a sinkhole
object (with a real or fake IP address) before you select the Sinkhole action for a
DNS rule. You can create multiple sinkhole objects using different IP addresses and
use them for different purposes (for example, one object for malware, one object for
phishing, and so on).

Figure 17-12 shows the configuration of a sinkhole object. To find this configuration
window, navigate to Objects > Object Management > Sinkhole and click the Add
Sinkhole button.

Note If you want to set up the sinkhole functionality without a physical DNS server,
select the Block and Log Connections to Sinkhole option shown in Figure 17-12.

Figure 17-12 Configuring a Sinkhole Object

508 Chapter 17: Blocking a Domain Name System (DNS) Query

Configuring DNS Query Blocking

To block a DNS query using a Firepower System, you must perform the following two
tasks on your FMC:

■ Create a new DNS policy or edit an existing one by adding the necessary DNS rule

■ Invoke the desired DNS policy within an access control policy and deploy the
policies on an FTD device.

The following sections describe the process of enabling DNS policies successfully on an
FTD device. Figure 17-13 shows the lab topology that is used in this chapter to configure
DNS-based Security Intelligence (DNS policy).

Data Traffic
Management Network


Data Network
Client Inside Outside Zone Zone Internet

Gateway Router

Figure 17-13 Topology Used in the Configuration Examples of This Chapter

Adding a New DNS Rule

To add a new DNS rule, follow these steps:

Step 1. Navigate to Policies > Access Control > DNS. The system-provided Default
DNS Policy appears. You can edit this default policy and add your custom
DNS rules to it.
Configuring DNS Query Blocking 509

Alternatively, you can create a brand new DNS policy and customize it. To
do that, click the Add DNS Policy button. The system prompts you to name
your new DNS policy. After you save the name, the DNS policy editor page
appears. The remaining steps in this example describe how to customize a
new DNS policy.

Figure 17-14 shows a DNS policy editor page. Each DNS policy, by default,
comes with two items—a global whitelist and global blacklist—that have
higher precedence than a custom DNS rule.

Figure 17-14 DNS Policy Editor Page

Step 2. When the DNS policy editor page appears, click the Add DNS Rule button.
The Add Rule window appears.

Step 3. Give a name to your DNS rule and select a desired action from the Action
dropdown. The section “DNS Query Blocking Essentials,” earlier in this
chapter, describes the functions of each action.

Step 4. Select the Zones, Networks, and VLAN tabs and define the source and
destination traffic, as appropriate.

Step 5. Select the DNS tab, which shows the categories for unsafe DNS traffic. Add
the desired categories to your rule.
Figure 17-15 shows the DNS rule editor window, which allows you to select a
Security Intelligence category that you want to detect and to define an action
for any matching traffic.

Step 6. When the rule configuration is complete, click the OK button to exit the DNS
rule editor. Click the Save button to save the changes on your DNS policy.
510 Chapter 17: Blocking a Domain Name System (DNS) Query

Figure 17-15 DNS Rule Editor Window

Invoking a DNS Policy

Once you have created a DNS policy, to deploy this policy on an FTD device, you need
to invoke it manually within an access control policy. By default, an access control policy
invokes the system-provided default DNS policy.

To activate a desired DNS policy, follow these steps:

Step 1. Navigate to Policies > Access Control > Access Control. Edit the access
control policy that will be applied on an FTD device.

Step 2. In the access control policy editor page that appears, select the Security
Intelligence tab.

Step 3. In the Security Intelligence tab, from the DNS Policy dropdown select the
desired DNS policy (see Figure 17-16).
Step 4. Click Save to save the configuration and deploy the policy to your
FTD device.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 511

Figure 17-16 Invoking DNS Policy in the Security Intelligence Tab

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools

You can use the FTD CLI in Expert Mode to investigate an issue with DNS policy
configuration and inspection.

Verifying the Configuration of a DNS Policy

FTD generates logs in the syslog messages file when the FMC deploys a DNS policy on
it, and the FTD device loads the rules into its memory. You can review any historical logs
to determine any prior failure or debug the logs in real time.

To review the old logs that are related to DNS policy, run the following command:

admin@firepower:~$ sudo grep –i dns /var/log/messages

To debug the deployment of a DNS policy in real time, run the following command:

admin@firepower:~$ sudo tail -f /var/log/messages | grep -i dns

Example 17-1 shows confirmation that the DNS policy is allocated with a shared memory
of 5 MB, and the size of the DNS blacklisting database is 4.32 MB. There are 341440
rules on this DNS policy that are loaded from 13 blacklisting categories.
512 Chapter 17: Blocking a Domain Name System (DNS) Query

Example 17-1 Debugging Logs Related to a DNS Policy

admin@firepower:~$ sudo tail -f /var/log/messages | grep -i dns


May 21 20:56:35 ciscoasa SF-IMS[4397]: [4546] SFDataCorrelator:URLUserIP_

CorrelatorThread [INFO] Writer swap dns database 2
May 21 20:56:35 ciscoasa SF-IMS[4397]: [4546] SFDataCorrelator:ShmemDB [INFO] DNS
Blacklisting load database to segment 0 load mode 2
May 21 20:56:35 ciscoasa SF-IMS[4397]: [4546] SFDataCorrelator:ShmemDB [INFO]
loading firewall rule ID file: /var/sf/sidns_download/dns.rules
May 21 20:56:35 ciscoasa SF-IMS[4397]: [4546] SFDataCorrelator:ShmemDB [INFO] number
of SI category for DNS Blacklisting is 13
May 21 20:56:35 ciscoasa SF-IMS[4397]: [4546] SFDataCorrelator:ShmemDB [INFO]
reading dns/url memcap file /ngfw/etc/sf/dns_url.memcap
May 21 20:56:35 ciscoasa SF-IMS[4397]: [4546] SFDataCorrelator:ShmemDB [INFO]
Setting up shared memory memcap DNS Blacklisting 5242880
May 21 20:56:37 ciscoasa SF-IMS[4397]: [4546] SFDataCorrelator:ShmemDB [INFO]
DNS BL database size: 4532600, number of entries: 341440
May 21 20:56:37 ciscoasa SF-IMS[4397]: [4546] SFDataCorrelator:DMShmMgmt [INFO]
new database available, type:0, segment:0, path:/ngfw/var/sf/sidns_download/
May 21 20:56:37 ciscoasa SF-IMS[4397]: [4546] SFDataCorrelator:ShmemDB [INFO]
reading dns/url memcap file /ngfw/etc/sf/dns_url.memcap
May 21 20:56:45 ciscoasa SF-IMS[20862]: [20868] sfpreproc:DMShmMgmt [INFO]
successfully removed unused database /ngfw/var/sf/sidns_download/dm_dns1.acl
<Output Omitted for Brevity>

Upon a successful deployment, the DNS Security Intelligence rules are stored in the /var/
sf/sidns_download directory, in list file (.lf) format. The DNS policy configuration file,
dns.rules, is also located in this directory. FTD creates all these files at the time when you
deploy a DNS policy. Therefore, matching the timestamp, which uses the UTC time zone,
is an important indicator of whether the latest policy is deployed.
Example 17-2 shows the list files that contain the blacklisted and whitelisted DNS
addresses. These files are created at the same time the dns.rules file is created.

Example 17-2 List Files (.lf) That Store the Blacklisted and Whitelisted DNS Addresses

admin@firepower:~$ ls -halp /var/sf/sidns_download/

total 11M
drwxrwxr-x 5 www detection 4.0K May 21 20:58 ./
drwxr-xr-x 66 root root 4.0K Dec 12 00:19 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 400K May 21 20:56 032ba433-c295-11e4-a919-d4ae5275b77b.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 May 21 20:56 17a11eb0-ff56-11e4-9081-764afb0f5dcb.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 513

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 69 May 21 20:56 1b117672-7453-478c-be31-b72e89ca2dde.

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 May 21 20:56 1fca9c10-ff56-11e4-866e-ad4afb0f5dcb.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.9M May 21 20:56 23f2a124-8278-4c03-8c9d-d28fe08b71ab.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 145K May 21 20:56 2ccda18e-ddff-4f5c-af9a-f00985219707.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 53 May 21 20:56 30f9e69c-d64c-479c-821d-0e4edab8348d.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8.8K May 21 20:56 3e2af68e-5fc8-4b1c-b5bc-b4e7cab5abcd.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 52 May 21 20:56 5a0b6d6b-e2c3-436f-b4a1-48248b331d39.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 48 May 21 20:56 5f8148f1-e5e4-427a-aa3b-ee1c2745d663.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 187K May 21 20:56 60f4e2ab-d96c-44a0-bd38-830252b65259.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 66 May 21 20:56 663da2e4-32f4-44d2-ad1f-8d6182720d32.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 47 May 21 20:56 6ba968f4-7a25-4793-a2c8-7cc77f1f1074.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 17 May 21 20:56 IPRVersion.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20K May 21 20:56 a27c6aae-8e52-4174-a81a-47c59fecd3a5.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2.2M May 21 20:56 b1df3aa8-2841-4c88-8e64-bfaacec7111f.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.8M May 21 20:56 d7d996a6-6b92-4a56-8f10-e8506e432fb8.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 66 May 21 20:56 ded9848d-3580-4ca1-9d3c-04113549f129.
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 4.4M May 21 20:57 dm_dns1.acl
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.7K May 21 20:56 dns.rules
drwxr-xr-x 2 www www 4.0K Sep 19 2016 health/
drwxr-xr-x 3 www www 4.0K Apr 29 16:17 peers/
drwxr-xr-x 2 www www 4.0K May 21 20:56 tmp/

After you configure a DNS policy using the GUI and deploy it on an FTD device, the
FTD device writes the configurations into the dns.rules file. A dns.rules file saves the
DNS rule conditions and associates the actions with the related blacklist and whitelist
files. The file also records the time when the latest DNS policy is deployed.

Example 17-3 explains the contents of a dns.rules file. The example elaborates the sink-
hole rule as an example. The sinkhole rule (rule ID 7) matches the domain names on the
23f2a124-8278-4c03-8c9d-d28fe08b71ab.lf list file (list ID 1048587). When there is a
match, the rule responds to a DNS query with the sinkhole IP address
514 Chapter 17: Blocking a Domain Name System (DNS) Query

Example 17-3 DNS Policy Configurations—View from the CLI

admin@firepower:~$ cat /var/sf/sidns_download/dns.rules

#### dns.rules
# DNS Policy Name : Custom DNS Policy
# File Written : Sun May 21 20:56:42 2017 (UTC)
policy e5d989f8-3d01-11e7-8dc5-a7ffd42f66c2
revision e5d989f8-3d01-11e7-8dc5-a7ffd42f66c2

interface 1 e2b1d576-2cf5-11e7-8ea7-e184e4106fb3
interface 2 e295985c-2cf5-11e7-8ea7-e184e4106fb3

dnslist 1048594 663da2e4-32f4-44d2-ad1f-8d6182720d32.lf

dnslist 1048585 032ba433-c295-11e4-a919-d4ae5275b77b.lf
dnslist 1048599 ded9848d-3580-4ca1-9d3c-04113549f129.lf
dnslist 1048597 b1df3aa8-2841-4c88-8e64-bfaacec7111f.lf
dnslist 1048590 3e2af68e-5fc8-4b1c-b5bc-b4e7cab5abcd.lf
dnslist 1048587 23f2a124-8278-4c03-8c9d-d28fe08b71ab.lf
dnslist 1048598 d7d996a6-6b92-4a56-8f10-e8506e432fb8.lf
dnslist 1048595 6ba968f4-7a25-4793-a2c8-7cc77f1f1074.lf
dnslist 1048589 30f9e69c-d64c-479c-821d-0e4edab8348d.lf
dnslist 1048591 5a0b6d6b-e2c3-436f-b4a1-48248b331d39.lf
dnslist 1048592 5f8148f1-e5e4-427a-aa3b-ee1c2745d663.lf
dnslist 1048586 1b117672-7453-478c-be31-b72e89ca2dde.lf
dnslist 1048593 60f4e2ab-d96c-44a0-bd38-830252b65259.lf
sinkhole 1 7e550616-3e61-11e7-a338-d8a9a7208ff6 ::1

1 allow any any any 1048594

3 nxdomain any any any 1048599
5 nxdomain any any any 1048591
5 nxdomain any any any 1048592
5 nxdomain any any any 1048595
5 nxdomain any any any 1048593
6 block any any any 1048597
6 block any any any 1048586
6 block any any any 1048589
7 sinkhole any any any 1048587 (sinkhole: 1)
8 monitor any any any 1048598
8 monitor any any any 1048585
8 monitor any any any 1048590
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 515

To determine the category of domains that are listed in an .lf file, view the first line of
the file. For example, the following command confirms that the file 23f2a124-8278-4c03-
8c9d-d28fe08b71ab.lf (DNS list ID 1048587) lists all the domains that are susceptible for

admin@firepower:~$ head -n1 /var/sf/sidns_download/23f2a124-8278-4c03-8c9d-

#Cisco DNS and URL intelligence feed: DNS Malware

Figure 17-17 shows some of the contents in a dns.rules file on the GUI—accessible from
the DNS policy configuration editor. The example highlights the rule that enables the
sinkhole action.

dnslist 1048587 23f2a124-8278-4c03-8c9d-d28fe08b71ab.lf

7 sinkhole any any any 1048587 (sinkhole: 1)

Figure 17-17 DNS Policy Configurations—View from the GUI

Verifying the Operation of a DNS Policy

To verify the operation of a DNS policy and inspection of a DNS query, you need to
access a domain that is blocked by the current DNS policy. To help you better understand
516 Chapter 17: Blocking a Domain Name System (DNS) Query

this, this chapter uses three different websites that can trigger the Security Intelligence
events for three different categories.

Warning If your computer is connected to the Internet, you should not attempt to access
a malicious website until an FTD device is actively protecting your network.

The status of categorization or inclusion of a domain may vary in different versions of

a feed. If you want to determine the inclusion of any particular domain in the current
Cisco Intelligence Feed, search that particular domain within all the list files. The follow-
ing command can perform that search:

admin@firepower:~$ grep [domain_name] /var/sf/sidns_download/*.lf

Example 17-4 shows the DNS intelligence category for the domains that you will be test-
ing next.

Example 17-4 Identifying the DNS Intelligence Category for Certain Domains

admin@firepower:~$ egrep /var/sf/sidns_download/*.lf

admin@firepower:~$ head -n1 /var/sf/sidns_download/23f2a124-8278-4c03-8c9d-
#Cisco DNS and URL intelligence feed: DNS Malware

admin@firepower:~$ egrep /var/sf/sidns_download/*.lf

admin@firepower:~$ head -n1 /var/sf/sidns_download/60f4e2ab-d96c-44a0-bd38-
#Cisco DNS and URL intelligence feed: DNS CnC

admin@firepower:~$ egrep /var/sf/sidns_download/*.lf

admin@firepower:~$ head -n1 /var/sf/sidns_download/d7d996a6-6b92-4a56-8f10-
#Cisco DNS and URL intelligence feed: DNS Phishing

Table 17-2 summarizes the domains that you will query from a client computer to test the
DNS policy operation. As of writing this book, they are available in the current revision
of the Cisco Intelligence Feed and added in the DNS rule.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 517

Table 17-2 Selection of Domains from Three Different Intelligence

Categories (for Lab Test)
Domain Name DNS/Security Intelligence Category DNS Rule Action Malware Sinkhole Command and control (CnC) Domain not found Phishing Monitor

Before you begin testing, enable the firewall-engine-debug command on the FTD CLI
so that FTD device generates debug output while a client performs a DNS query. The
following pages show you how to access the selected domains one by one from a client
computer in your inside network.

Tip Depending on the placement of your FTD device, the DNS-based Security
Intelligence may not begin to function if the existing cache of your DNS server is not
cleared. Therefore, before you begin an investigation, wait until the existing cache expires
or manually delete the cache entries from your DNS server. Read the “DNS Query
Blocking Best Practices” section of this chapter for more information.

Example 17-5 shows the debugging messages that are generated by the firewall-
debug-engine tool on the FTD device. Each time a domain name is queried by the host, FTD matches the domain with the names on the list files. When there is a
match, FTD triggers the action configured on the matching DNS rule.

Example 17-5 Debugging the DNS Queries Through an FTD Device

> system support firewall-engine-debug

Please specify an IP protocol:

Please specify a client IP address:
Please specify a client port:
Please specify a server IP address:
Please specify a server port:

Monitoring firewall engine debug messages > 17 AS 4 I 1 DNS SI shared mem lookup returned 1

for > 17 AS 4 I 1 Starting SrcZone first with intfs -1
-> 0, vlan 0 > 17 AS 4 I 1 match rule order 1, id 1 action Allow > 17 AS 4 I 1 match rule order 2, id 3 action DNS
NXDomain > 17 AS 4 I 1 match rule order 3, id 5 action DNS
NXDomain > 17 AS 4 I 1 match rule order 4, id 6 action Block
518 Chapter 17: Blocking a Domain Name System (DNS) Query > 17 AS 4 I 1 match rule order 5, id 7 action DNS

Sinkhole > 17 AS 4 I 1 Got DNS list match. si list 1048587 > 17 AS 4 I 1 match rule order 6, id 8 action Audit > 17 AS 4 I 1 Firing DNS action DNS Sinkhole > 17 AS 4 I 1 DNS SI: Matched rule order 5, Id 7,
si list id 1048587, action 23, reason 2048, SI Categories 1048587,0 > 17 AS 4 I 1 DNS SI shared mem lookup returned 1

for > 17 AS 4 I 1 Starting SrcZone first with intfs -1
-> 0, vlan 0 > 17 AS 4 I 1 match rule order 1, id 1 action Allow > 17 AS 4 I 1 match rule order 2, id 3 action DNS
NXDomain > 17 AS 4 I 1 match rule order 3, id 5 action DNS
NXDomain > 17 AS 4 I 1 Got DNS list match. si list 1048593 > 17 AS 4 I 1 match rule order 4, id 6 action Block > 17 AS 4 I 1 match rule order 5, id 7 action DNS
Sinkhole > 17 AS 4 I 1 match rule order 6, id 8 action Audit > 17 AS 4 I 1 Firing DNS action DNS NXDomain > 17 AS 4 I 1 DNS SI: Matched rule order 3, Id 5,
si list id 1048593, action 22, reason 2048, SI Categories 1048593,0 > 17 AS 4 I 1 DNS SI shared mem lookup returned 1

for > 17 AS 4 I 1 Starting SrcZone first with intfs -1
-> 0, vlan 0 > 17 AS 4 I 1 match rule order 1, id 1 action Allow > 17 AS 4 I 1 match rule order 2, id 3 action DNS
NXDomain > 17 AS 4 I 1 match rule order 3, id 5 action DNS
NXDomain > 17 AS 4 I 1 match rule order 4, id 6 action Block > 17 AS 4 I 1 match rule order 5, id 7 action DNS
Sinkhole > 17 AS 4 I 1 match rule order 6, id 8 action Audit > 17 AS 4 I 1 Got DNS list match. si list 1048598 > 17 AS 4 I 1 Firing DNS action Audit > 17 AS 4 I 1 DNS SI: Matched rule order 6, Id 8,
si list id 1048598, action 6, reason 4096, SI Categories 1048598,0
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 519

Now, for the three DNS queries in Example 17-5, the FMC should log events. You can
view them on the Analysis > Connections > Security Intelligence Events page.

Figure 17-18 shows three types of DNS-based Security Intelligence actions. FTD trig-
gered these events when a client attempted to access three different matching websites.

Actions You Enabled Categories You Client and Server

Within Each DNS Rule Added to a Rule Communication

Figure 17-18 Security Intelligence Event Page Showing Events Triggered by DNS Rules

You can also use the nslookup command-line tool to resolve a domain name to its IP
address. The tools is available on both Windows and Linux operating systems. It allows
you to view the IP address of a domain without accessing the web contents.

Example 17-6 shows the resolutions of the same domain names used in the previous
examples from a network host. The client uses the nslookup command-line tool and
receives three different types of results.

Example 17-6 Resolving Domain Names by Using the nslookup Command

! The following answer demonstrates the "Sinkhole" action. It responses with IP

address, which is a non-authoritative spoof DNS server.

Users@Linux:~$ nslookup


Non-authoritative answer:
520 Chapter 17: Blocking a Domain Name System (DNS) Query

! The following answer reflects the "Domain Not Found" action. The DNS query fails
with NXDOMAIN message, which means the domain appears to be non-existent.

Users@Linux:~$ nslookup


** server can't find NXDOMAIN


! The following answer reflects the "Monitor" action. The DNS query is able to
resolve the domain name. It shows the public IP address for the domain.

Users@Linux:~$ nslookup



This chapter describes various techniques for administering DNS queries using a
Firepower DNS policy. Besides using a traditional access control rule, an FTD device can
incorporate Cisco Intelligence Feed and dynamically blacklist suspicious domains. In
this chapter, you have learned various ways to configure and deploy a DNS policy. This
chapter also demonstrates several command-line tools you can run to verify, analyze, and
troubleshoot issues with DNS policy.

1. Which of the following actions does not interrupt traffic flow immediately?
a. Domain Not Found
b. Whitelist
c. Blacklist
d. Monitor

2. Which of the following directories stores the files related to a DNS policy?
a. /var/sf/sidns_intelligence
b. /var/sf/sidns_download
c. /var/log/sidns_policy
d. /var/log/sidns_list
Quiz 521

3. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

a. Sinkhole configuration requires a unique type of sinkhole object.
b. DNS policy requires a Threat license.
c. FTD downloads the latest Cisco Intelligence Feed directly from the cloud.
d. The FMC supports the blacklisting of custom domain lists.

4. Which of the following actions sends an address of a spoof DNS server?

a. Domain Not Found
b. Sinkhole
c. Monitor
d. Drop
This page intentionally left blank
Chapter 18

Filtering URLs Based on

Category, Risk, and Reputation

New websites are coming out every day. A security analyst strives to determine the
relevance of a new website for business operations and its risk level for security reasons.
However, it is challenging to catch up with the exponentially growing number of new
websites every day. In this chapter, you will learn how Firepower can empower you with
automatic classification of millions of websites using the Web Reputation technology.

URL Filtering Essentials

The URL Filtering feature of a Firepower system is able to categorize millions of URLs
and domains. You can enable this feature to prevent your network hosts from accessing
a specific type of URL. This feature empowers you to enforce the IT security and legal
policies of your organization dynamically—without continually making manual changes
to the access rule conditions.

Reputation Index
You can download the Firepower URL database from the cloud by using the FMC GUI.
As of this writing, the cloud has analyzed more than 600 million domains and more
than 27 billion URLs and categorized them into more than 83 different classes. The
analysis engine in the cloud can categorize more than 2500 URLs per second. The URL
database maintains the Web Reputation Index (WRI), which is based on many different
data points, such as age and history of the site, reputation and location of the hosting
IP address, subject and context of the content, and so on.

Table 18-1 shows the WRI descriptions. WRI is calculated dynamically based on
collective intelligence from various sources.
524 Chapter 18: Filtering URLs Based on Category, Risk, and Reputation

Table 18-1 Web Reputation Index Used in a URL Database

Reputation Level Index Description
1. High risk 01–20 Sites are at high risk. Known for exposure to
malicious data.
2. Suspicious 21–40 Sites are suspicious. Threat level is higher than average.
3. Moderate risk 41–60 Benign sites but exposed to some unsafe characteristics.
4. Low risk 61–80 Benign sites but showed risks once or twice—though
very rarely.
5. Trustworthy 81–100 Well-known sites with very strong security features.

Figure 18-1 shows the implementation of URL categories and reputations in the FMC
web interface.

When you select the Block action, the FMC automatically selects all the
reputation levels that are riskier than your selected level.

URL Categories URL Reputations

Figure 18-1 URL Categories and Reputations in the Access Rule Editor

Based on the type of action—Allow or Block—you select for an access rule, the
FMC automatically adds extra URL reputation levels along with your original selection.
For example, when you select the Allow action for a certain reputation level, the FMC
allows all the URLs of that level as well as the URLs that are more benign than your
selected level. Likewise, if you select the Block action for a particular reputation level,
FMC blocks all the URLs of that level along with any URLs that are riskier than the level
you selected.
URL Filtering Essentials 525

Figure 18-2 shows different behaviors between the Allow and Block actions. Compare
this image with Figure 18-1. Note that both show the same reputation level selected
(3 - Benign sites with security risks), but the ultimate reputation selections are different
due to the actions—Allow versus Block.

When you select the Allow action, the FMC automatically selects all the
reputation levels that are more benign than your selected level.

Figure 18-2 FMC Selecting Extra URL Reputations—Depending on the Selected Action

Operational Architecture
The Firepower system loads the URL dataset into its memory for a faster lookup.
Depending on the size of available memory on a Firepower system, the cloud publishes
two types of datasets in a URL database—20 million URLs and 1 million URLs. After the
initial download of a database, the FMC receives updates from the cloud periodically, as
long as the automatic update is enabled. The periodic updates are incremental and smaller.
However, the total download time depends on the last URL database installed on the
FMC and, of course, the download speed.

Table 18-2 shows that the number of URLs included in a database depends on the
available memory on a Firepower system.

Table 18-2 Available Memory Versus the Number of URLs in a Dataset

Available Memory Number of URLs in the Dataset
More than 3.4 GB 20 million URLs
Less than or equal to 3.4 GB 1 million URLs
526 Chapter 18: Filtering URLs Based on Category, Risk, and Reputation

During traffic inspection, an FTD device can resolve most of the URLs the first time it
sees them. However, depending on other factors, an FTD device might have to go through
multiple steps to resolve a URL by category and reputation. Here are some steps, for

Step 1. The Firepower Snort engine on an FTD device performs an immediate lookup
on the local URL dataset. FTD is able to determine the category in most
cases. If the URL is unavailable in the FTD cache, FTD forwards the query to
the FMC.

Step 2. If the FMC can retrieve the URL category from its local database, it sends the
query result to the FTD device so that FTD can act on traffic according to the
access control policy. Figure 18-3 shows the steps to resolve an unknown new
URL into its category and reputation.

Step 3. If the FMC is unable to resolve the URL category from its local database, it
checks the Cisco Collective Security Intelligence (CSI) configuration:

■ If the query to the CSI is disabled, the FMC places the unknown URL
into the Uncategorized group.

■ If the query to the CSI is enabled, the FMC queries the cloud for the
unknown URL.

Fulfilling Prerequisites
Before you begin configuring an access rule with URL Filtering conditions, fulfill the
following requirements:

■ A URL Filtering license is necessary to use the URL classification and reputation
database of a Firepower system. Furthermore, as a prerequisite, the FMC requires
you to enable a Threat license before you enable URL Filtering.

Figure 18-4 shows the page where you can enable or disable any license for an
FTD device. To find this page, navigate to Devices > Device Management. Edit
the device where you want to enable URL Filtering license and then select the
Devices tab.

Without a URL Filtering license, you can create an access rule based on any
URL conditions; however, you cannot deploy an access control policy with the URL
conditions until you enable a URL Filtering license on your FTD device. Similarly,
if the URL license expires after you deploy an access control policy, FTD stops
matching any access rule with URL conditions, and the FMC stops updating the
URL database.
1. Two types of datasets are published for local
installation: 20 million URLs and 1 million URLs.
CSI Cloud
Capture and
9. If the FMC fails to resolve a URL, it can send the query
2. The cloud sends a URL dataset to the cloud. If the cloud lookup is disabled, the FMC
2 9 places an unknown URL into the Uncategorized category.
when the FMC requests it.
8. The FMC performs a lookup on its own URL database URLs
3. Depending on the size of available when it receives a request from FTD. Because the FMC
memory, the FMC installs a URL dataset 3 8 can have a larger URL dataset than FTD, it should Index Risk
locally and loads it into memory. be able to resolve most of the URLs. Levels

4. The FMC disseminates the URL

database updates to the FTD.

5. Depending on the size of available 7. FTD resolves a URL into its category and
memory, FTD installs a URL dataset 5 7 reputation by looking up its local URL cache. If it
locally and loads it into memory. cannot resolve it, it forwards the query to the FMC. Tracking of Millions Any new unknown
of Domains and URL can be resolved
6. FTD inspects the end-user traffic Billions of URLs and at a speed of 2500
and performs an immediate lookup 6 IP Addresses 0 URLs/second.
on its local URL database.

Fulfilling Prerequisites
Threat Traps and Third-Party
Database Honeypots Source

Figure 18-3 Architecture of the Firepower System URL Lookup

528 Chapter 18: Filtering URLs Based on Category, Risk, and Reputation

Edit Icon

URL Filtering
License Is Enabled

Figure 18-4 Enabling the URL Filtering License on an FTD Device

Tip If you are in the process of purchasing a license, you can enable Evaluation Mode to
avoid any administrative delays. Evaluation Mode allows you to configure and deploy any
features as if you have already enabled a paid license.

■ Make sure the URL Filtering and Cisco CSI communication are enabled. The FMC
should enable them automatically after you add a valid URL Filtering license.
Figure 18-5 confirms that URL Filtering and automatic updating of the URL
database have been enabled.
Best Practices for URL Filtering Configuration 529

Both Options Are Enabled

Figure 18-5 Enabling URL Filtering and Automatic Updating

Best Practices for URL Filtering Configuration

Consider the following best practices when enabling the URL Filtering feature in

■ Check whether the URL Filtering Monitor health module is enabled in the current
health policy. If this module is enabled, the FMC generates alerts if it fails to deploy
a URL dataset to the managed devices or fails to download the latest URL database
from the Cisco CSI.

Figure 18-6 shows the option to enable the health module for URL Filtering. To
find this page, go to System > Health > Policy, edit a health policy, and select URL
Filtering Monitor from the left panel. You must redeploy a health policy after you
change any settings.

■ The FMC communicates with Cisco CSI every 30 minutes to determine if a new
update for the URL Filtering database is available. Therefore, if the automatic update
option is enabled, you should not create a separate scheduled task for URL database
updates. However, a recurring scheduled task for URL database updates is useful if
you want to manage the URL database update manually.
530 Chapter 18: Filtering URLs Based on Category, Risk, and Reputation

Figure 18-6 Health Module for URL Filtering Monitor

Figure 18-7 shows the options to create a scheduled task for URL database updates.
In this configuration, the FMC updates the URL Filtering database daily at 5 a.m., as
opposed to the system default of every 30 minutes.

Figure 18-7 Scheduling a Recurring Task to Update the URL Filtering Database

■ To prevent access to any suspicious websites, you can consider blocking the DNS
queries to those domains. If an FTD device can block a connection during DNS reso-
lution, a URL lookup for that connection will no longer be necessary. Hence, it can
improve system performance.

Figure 18-8 highlights the positions of the Firepower engine components. The URL-
based Security Intelligence (DNS policy) can block a packet before it is categorized
and blocked by a URL Filtering rule.
Back Orifice,
Identity ACL (L7) QoS Host and User File Type Malware
Policy App, URL Classify Discovery Control Analysis
Blacklisted Restricted Type Malware Sensitive Data


Application Layer Transport and Transport and

Preprocessor Network Layer Network Layer
Black- ----------------------- Preprocessor Black- Preprocessor Intrusion
listed (DCE/RPC, DNS, -------------------- listed --------------------
Sec Intl. FTP/Telnet, HTTP, Application (IP Defragment, Sec Intl (L2-L4 Decode) Snort
URL, DNS Sun RPC, SIP, Discovery TCP/UDP Stream) IP Add Rule

Engine Data
Fast Path Acquisition

Best Practices for URL Filtering Configuration

Ingress Existing No VPN UN-NAT/ Prefilter ACL Flow
Packet Decrypt Egress Int. L3-L4 Update
Interface Conn. Policy
Path Trust

Egress Yes L2 L3 VPN QoS NAT ALG

Packet Add. Route Encrypt Enforce IP Header Check
No No

Figure 18-8 Workflow of URL Filtering Within a Firepower Engine

532 Chapter 18: Filtering URLs Based on Category, Risk, and Reputation

Blocking URLs of a Certain Category

You can block undesired URLs based on their categories and reputations. You can accom-
plish this by enabling an access rule with URL Filtering conditions.

Configuring an Access Rule for URL Filtering

The following steps describe how to add an access rule to block certain URL categories:

Step 1. Navigate to Policies > Access Control > Access Control and select an
existing access control policy to edit or create a new one.

Step 2. On the access control policy editor page, click the Add Rule button. The Add
Rule window appears.

Step 3. Give a name to the access rule and select an action for the rule.

Step 4. Click the URLs tab. A list of URL categories and reputations appear. Select
the categories and reputations you want to block and add them to the rule.

Figure 18-9 shows the creation of an access rule with a URL Filtering
condition. The rule blocks all the URLs that are related to the Job
Search category.

Figure 18-9 Selecting a URL Category for Any Reputation Levels

Blocking URLs of a Certain Category 533

Step 5. On the Logging tab, enable Log at Beginning of Connection. This step is
optional, but it allows you to view events when FTD blocks a connection due
to a URL Filtering condition.

Figure 18-10 shows how to enable logging at the beginning of a connection.

Once this is enabled, FTD generates a connection event whenever it blocks a
URL in the Job Search category.

Figure 18-10 Enabling Logging for an Access Rule with a URL Filtering Condition

Step 6. Click the Add button to create the access rule.

Step 7. Click Save to save the changes on the access control policy. Finally, activate
the policy by clicking the Deploy button.

Figure 18-11 shows the creation of a simple access rule called Job Search Rule.
This rule blocks any URLs that are within the Job Search category.
534 Chapter 18: Filtering URLs Based on Category, Risk, and Reputation

2 1

Only the URLs related to the Any other URLs are subject
Job Search category are blocked. to the default action.

Figure 18-11 Viewing a Simple URL Filtering Rule on the Access Control Policy Editor

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools

To verify the actions of the access rule that you created in the previous section, select
two URLs—one URL from the matching category, such as Job Search, and the other URL
from any nonmatching category. If an access rule with a URL condition is operational,
it only blocks the Job Search–related URLs, while the default action allows any other
URL categories.

Attempt to visit the following websites and notice the result in each case:

■ (a general search engine)

■ (a job search engine)

■ (a job search engine)

Blocking URLs of a Certain Category 535

Figure 18-12 shows the blocking of both job search engines, and However, because of the default action, FTD does not block the
general search engine

Blocking the Job Search URL Category

Allowing the General Search Engine Category

Figure 18-12 Access Rule with URL Filtering Conditions Blocking Desired Connections

You can also debug the actions in an FTD device and analyze the firewall-engine-debug
messages for troubleshooting purposes.

Example 18-1 shows the firewall-engine-debug messages when FTD allows you access to
a general search engine, such as The debug message shows that FTD can per-
form a URL lookup successfully, but the URL itself does not match with a URL Filtering
condition. The default action allows the URL.
536 Chapter 18: Filtering URLs Based on Category, Risk, and Reputation

Example 18-1 Debug Messages by an Access Rule with a URL Condition (Action: Allow)

> system support firewall-engine-debug

Please specify an IP protocol:

Please specify a client IP address:
Please specify a client port:
Please specify a server IP address:
Please specify a server port:
Monitoring firewall engine debug messages > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 New session > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 Starting with minimum 2, 'Job Search
Rule', and SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0, sgt tag:
untagged, svc 0, payload 0, client 0, misc 0, user 9999997, url , xff > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 pending rule order 2, 'Job Search
Rule', URL > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 Starting with minimum 2, 'Job Search
Rule', and SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0, sgt tag:
untagged, svc 0, payload 0, client 0, misc 0, user 9999997, url , xff > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 pending rule order 2, 'Job Search
Rule', URL > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 Starting with minimum 2, 'Job Search
Rule', and SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0, sgt tag:
untagged, svc 0, payload 0, client 0, misc 0, user 9999997, url , xff > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 pending rule order 2, 'Job Search
Rule', URL > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 URL SI:
ShmDBLookupURL("") returned 0 > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 Starting with minimum 2, 'Job Search
Rule', and SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0, sgt tag:
untagged, svc 676, payload 184, client 638, misc 0, user 9999997, url, xff > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1: DataMessaging_GetURLData: Returning
URL_BCTYPE for > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 rule order 2, 'Job Search Rule', URL
Lookup Success: waited: 0ms > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 no match rule order 2, 'Job Search
Rule', url=( c=50 r=81 > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 match rule order 3, id 268435458
action Allow > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 allow action > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 Deleting session

Example 18-2 shows the firewall-engine-debug messages when FTD denies you access
to a job search engine, such as The debug message confirms that FTD is able to
perform a URL lookup successfully, but the URL itself is blocked due to a matching
condition in the job search rule access rule.
Allowing a Specific URL 537

Example 18-2 Debug Messages by an Access Rule with a URL Condition (Action: Block)

> system support firewall-engine-debug

Please specify an IP protocol:

Please specify a client IP address:
Please specify a client port:
Please specify a server IP address:
Please specify a server port:
Monitoring firewall engine debug messages > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 New session > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 Starting with minimum 2, 'Job Search
Rule', and SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0, sgt tag:
untagged, svc 0, payload 0, client 0, misc 0, user 9999997, url , xff > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 pending rule order 2, 'Job Search
Rule', URL > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 Starting with minimum 2, 'Job Search
Rule', and SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0, sgt tag:
untagged, svc 0, payload 0, client 0, misc 0, user 9999997, url , xff > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 pending rule order 2, 'Job Search
Rule', URL > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 Starting with minimum 2, 'Job Search
Rule', and SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0, sgt tag:
untagged, svc 0, payload 0, client 0, misc 0, user 9999997, url , xff > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 pending rule order 2, 'Job Search
Rule', URL > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 URL SI:
ShmDBLookupURL("") returned 0 > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 Starting with minimum 2, 'Job Search
Rule', and SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0, sgt tag:
untagged, svc 676, payload 0, client 638, misc 0, user 9999997, url, xff > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0: DataMessaging_GetURLData: Returning
URL_BCTYPE for > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 rule order 2, 'Job Search Rule', URL
Lookup Success: waited: 0ms > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 rule order 2, 'Job Search Rule', URL Matched Category: 26:96 waited: 0ms > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 match rule order 2, 'Job Search Rule',
action Block > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 deny action > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 Deleting session

Allowing a Specific URL

If you do not want FTD to block a particular URL along with the other URLs that are in
the same category, you can override the default reputation score of that URL. To accom-
plish this, you just need to add a separate access rule with the Allow action.
538 Chapter 18: Filtering URLs Based on Category, Risk, and Reputation

Configuring FTD to Allow a Specific URL

The following steps describe how to create an access rule to allow a certain URL:

Step 1. Go to Objects > Object Management and create an object of type URL.
Figure 18-13 shows the workflow to create a new URL object. In this exam-
ple, the custom object represents the site.

1 3 2

5 4

Figure 18-13 Configuring a New URL Object

Step 2. Once a URL object is created, create a new access rule to allow this URL
object. Figure 18-14 shows an access rule that allows the URL-Object-for- object. Note that the job search whitelist rule is placed above the
existing rule #1. The custom URL object is located under the URLs subtab.

Note Because an FTD device analyzes rules top to bottom, a whitelist rule must
be positioned above a block rule. You can define the position as you add the rule.
Alternatively, after adding a rule, you can go to the access control policy editor page to
drag a rule to a desired position.
Allowing a Specific URL 539

Figure 18-14 Adding an Access Rule to Allow/Whitelist a Desired URL

Step 3. Optionally, go to the Logging tab and enable Log at Beginning of

Connection. This optional step allows an FTD to generate events due to any
matching URL Filtering condition.

Step 4. Click the Add button to complete the creation of the access rule. The browser
returns to the access control policy editor page.

Figure 18-15 shows all the access rules on a policy editor page. The rule that
allows/whitelists your desired URL is positioned above the rule that blocks
the entire Job Search category. This page allows you to drag a rule and place it
in a different order.

Step 5. Click Save to save the changes in the access control policy, and click Deploy
to deploy the policy to your FTD device.
540 Chapter 18: Filtering URLs Based on Category, Risk, and Reputation

FTD analyzes rules top to bottom, and an

Allow rule must be above a Block rule for early analysis.

Figure 18-15 Access Control Policy Editor Page Showing a Summary of the
Access Rules

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools

To verify the operation of the Allow action, perform the same test that you did in
the previous section: Attempt to visit three search engines. This time, FTD should allow
your access to, although this is a job search engine. However, FTD should
continue blocking access to other job search engines, such as Any
URL categories except Job Search are allowed.

Attempt to visit the same three websites once again and notice the difference:

Figure 18-16 shows that is now allowed, while the site
remains blocked. Because of the default action on the access control policy, FTD allows
the general search engine

You can use the firewall-engine-debug tool to debug the whitelisting actions.
The debugging messages are helpful for troubleshooting purposes.
Allowing a Specific URL 541

The field is blank because the traffic was

This connection is allowed; only is not evaluated by a rule that had
allowed via a custom URL object. to perform a URL category lookup.

This connection is blocked because all the URLs

in the Job Search category are blocked.

Figure 18-16 Whitelisting a URL by Using the Allow Action

Example 18-3 shows the firewall-engine-debug messages when FTD allows you to access
the whitelisted URL

Example 18-3 Debugging Messages When Access to Is Whitelisted/Allowed

> system support firewall-engine-debug

Please specify an IP protocol:

Please specify a client IP address:
Please specify a client port:
Please specify a server IP address:
Please specify a server port:
Monitoring firewall engine debug messages
542 Chapter 18: Filtering URLs Based on Category, Risk, and Reputation > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 New session > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 Starting with minimum 2, 'Job Search
Whitelist', and SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0, sgt tag:
untagged, svc 0, payload 0, client 0, misc 0, user 9999997, url , xff > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 pending rule order 2, 'Job Search
Whitelist', URL > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 Starting with minimum 2, 'Job Search
Whitelist', and SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0, sgt tag:
untagged, svc 0, payload 0, client 0, misc 0, user 9999997, url , xff > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 pending rule order 2, 'Job Search
Whitelist', URL > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 Starting with minimum 2, 'Job Search
Whitelist', and SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0, sgt tag:
untagged, svc 0, payload 0, client 0, misc 0, user 9999997, url , xff > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 pending rule order 2, 'Job Search
Whitelist', URL > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 URL SI:
ShmDBLookupURL("") returned 0 > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 Starting with minimum 2, 'Job Search
Whitelist', and SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0, sgt tag:
untagged, svc 676, payload 0, client 638, misc 0, user 9999997, url, xff > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 match rule order 2, 'Job Search
Whitelist', action Allow > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 allow action > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 Deleting session

Example 18-4 shows the firewall-engine-debug messages when FTD denies you access
to a job search engine, such as The debugging messages confirm that
FTD is able to perform a URL lookup successfully, but the URL itself is blocked due to a
matching condition in the job search rule access rule.

Example 18-4 Debugging Messages When Access to Is Blocked

> system support firewall-engine-debug

Please specify an IP protocol:

Please specify a client IP address:
Please specify a client port:
Please specify a server IP address:
Please specify a server port:
Monitoring firewall engine debug messages > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 New session > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 Starting with minimum 2, 'Job Search
Whitelist', and SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0, sgt tag:
untagged, svc 0, payload 0, client 0, misc 0, user 9999997, url , xff
Querying the Cloud for Uncategorized URLs 543 > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 pending rule order 2, 'Job Search

Whitelist', URL > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 Starting with minimum 2, 'Job Search
Whitelist', and SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0, sgt tag:
untagged, svc 0, payload 0, client 0, misc 0, user 9999997, url , xff > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 pending rule order 2, 'Job Search
Whitelist', URL > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 Starting with minimum 2, 'Job Search
Whitelist', and SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0, sgt tag:
untagged, svc 0, payload 0, client 0, misc 0, user 9999997, url , xff > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 pending rule order 2, 'Job Search
Whitelist', URL > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 URL SI:
ShmDBLookupURL("") returned 0 > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 Starting with minimum 2, 'Job Search
Whitelist', and SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0, sgt tag:
untagged, svc 676, payload 1491, client 638, misc 0, user 9999997, url, xff > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 no match rule order 2, 'Job Search
Whitelist', url=( c=0 r=0 > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1: DataMessaging_GetURLData: Returning
URL_BCTYPE for > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 rule order 3, 'Job Search Rule', URL
Lookup Success: waited: 0ms > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 rule order 3, 'Job Search Rule', URL Matched Category: 26:92 waited: 0ms > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 match rule order 3, 'Job Search Rule',
action Block > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 deny action > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 1 Deleting session

Querying the Cloud for Uncategorized URLs

In most cases, FTD resolves a URL into its category and reputation the first time it sees
the web request. If FTD is unable to resolve a URL, it forwards the query to the FMC.
The FMC performs a lookup on its own URL database. Because the FMC typically has a
larger URL dataset than FTD, it should be able to resolve most of the URLs.

If you enter a new and uncommon URL, the FMC may be unable to resolve the category
by looking up its local database. In such a case, it can send the query to the Cisco CSI
cloud. If the cloud lookup times out, or if the query to the CSI is disabled due to privacy
concerns, the FMC places the unknown URL into the Uncategorized group.

Warning When a host attempts to connect an uncategorized URL, FTD does not match
a connection against an access rule that uses the URL Filtering condition.
544 Chapter 18: Filtering URLs Based on Category, Risk, and Reputation

Figure 18-17 illustrates the reason for receiving an uncategorized URL event. When
the FMC is unable to query an unknown URL to the cloud, it marks that URL as

1. Two types of datasets are published for local

installation: 20 million URLs and 1 million URLs.
CSI Cloud 1

If the cloud lookup is disabled, the

2. The cloud sends a URL dataset FMC places an unknown URL into
2 the Uncategorized category.
when the FMC requests it.

8. The FMC performs a lookup on its own URL

3. Depending on the size of available database when it receives a request from FTD.
memory, the FMC installs a URL Because FMC can have a larger URL dataset
dataset locally and loads 3 8
than FTD, it should be able to resolve most of the
it into memory. URLs. If the FMC fails to resolve a URL, it can send
the query to the cloud.
4. The FMC disseminates the URL
database updates to the FTD.

5. Depending on the size of available 7. FTD resolves a URL into its category and
memory, FTD installs a URL dataset 5 7 reputation by looking up its local URL cache. If it
locally and loads it into memory. cannot find it, it forwards the query to the FMC.

6. FTD inspects the end-user traffic

and performs an immediate lookup 6
on its local URL database.

Figure 18-17 Workflow of an Uncategorized URL Event

Configuring FMC to Perform a Query

To allow the FMC to perform a cloud lookup for unknown URLs, follow these steps:

Step 1. Go to System > Integration > Cisco CSI.

Step 2. Enable the Query Cisco CSI for Unknown URLs option.

Step 3. Save the changes.

Figure 18-18 shows the configuration page to enable cloud lookup for unknown URLs.
Querying the Cloud for Uncategorized URLs 545

Figure 18-18 Enabling Cloud Lookup for Unknown URLs

While resolving a URL category, FTD does not let the uncategorized traffic pass until
the URL lookup is complete or a lookup process times out, whichever comes first. If the
volume of uncategorized traffic grows, FTD keeps holding the traffic in memory. FTD
considers a URL uncategorized until an appropriate category is determined during a
cloud lookup. FTD allows the initial flows, but for subsequent connections, it continues
to look up that URL with the hope of resolving and caching it.

This behavior, however, can lead to performance degradation. To avoid this situation, you
can let an FTD device pass traffic immediately whenever a URL appears uncached and
the URL category cannot be determined locally. The following steps show how to disable
a retry when a local cache fails the first lookup:

Step 1. Go to Policies > Access Control > Access Control and edit the access control
policy that is deployed on your FTD device.

Step 2. In the access control policy editor page that appears, select the Advanced tab.

Step 3. Select the pencil icon next to General Settings. The General Settings
configuration window appears.
546 Chapter 18: Filtering URLs Based on Category, Risk, and Reputation

Step 4. Disable the Retry URL Cache Miss Lookup option and click OK to return to
the access control policy editor page.

Step 5. Click Save to save the changes and click Deploy to redeploy the policy to
your FTD device.

Figure 18-19 shows an advanced setting in an access control policy that allows an FTD
device to pass uncategorized traffic immediately, without holding it for continuous
cloud lookups.

Click the Pencil icon to

change the general settings.

Figure 18-19 Disabling Any Retry When a Local Cache Misses URLs

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools

Find a URL that is new or unknown and try to access it. If the URL is found
uncategorized, the default action of the access control policy should allow you access
to that URL.

Figure 18-20 shows a connection event for accessing The URL category
is marked as Uncategorized.
Querying the Cloud for Uncategorized URLs 547

The URL category is Uncategorized.

Figure 18-20 Example of an Uncategorized URL Event

Example 18-5 displays the debugging messages that result from connecting to the
unknown URL First, the FTD device performs a lookup on its local
shared memory (see the keyword ShmDBLookupURL in the example). Then it attempts
to query the cloud (see the keyword useVendorService). Because the cloud lookup is dis-
abled in this example (see the keyword feature not set), the URL lookup eventually fails.

Example 18-5 Debugging a Connection to an Uncategorized URL

> system support firewall-engine-debug

Please specify an IP protocol:

Please specify a client IP address:
Please specify a client port:
Please specify a server IP address:
Please specify a server port:
Monitoring firewall engine debug messages
548 Chapter 18: Filtering URLs Based on Category, Risk, and Reputation > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 New session > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 Starting with minimum 2, 'Job Search
Whitelist', and SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0, sgt tag:
untagged, svc 0, payload 0, client 0, misc 0, user 9999997, url , xff > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 pending rule order 2, 'Job Search
Whitelist', URL > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 Starting with minimum 2, 'Job Search
Whitelist', and SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0, sgt tag:
untagged, svc 0, payload 0, client 0, misc 0, user 9999997, url , xff > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 pending rule order 2, 'Job Search
Whitelist', URL > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 Starting with minimum 2, 'Job Search
Whitelist', and SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0, sgt tag:
untagged, svc 0, payload 0, client 0, misc 0, user 9999997, url , xff > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 pending rule order 2, 'Job Search
Whitelist', URL > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 URL SI:
ShmDBLookupURL("") returned 0 > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 Starting with minimum 2,
'Job Search Whitelist', and SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0,
vlan 0, sgt tag: untagged, svc 676, payload 0, client 638, misc 0, user 9999997,
url, xff > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 no match rule order 2, 'Job Search
Whitelist', url=( c=0 r=0 > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0: DataMessaging_GetURLData:
useVendorService_feature not set, returning URL_FAILEDTYPE > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 rule order 3, 'Job Search Rule',
URL Lookup Failed: waited: 0ms > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 no match rule order 3, 'Job Search
Rule', url=( c=65534 r=0 > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 match rule order 4, id 268435458
action Allow > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 allow action > XX.XX.XX.XX-80 6 AS 4 I 0 Deleting session

If the Firepower System can’t categorize a URL, there are a couple items you can check
on both the FMC and FTD:

Step 1. Verify whether the FMC is updated with the latest URL database.

Example 18-6 shows two types of URL database files on the FMC
file system. The full_bcdb_rep_1m_5.174.bin file is smaller and applied
to an FTD device for an immediate URL lookup. It is 22 MB in size and
has approximately 1 million URLs. The larger database file,
full_bcdb_rep_5.174.bin, is used by the FMC when FTD misses a
URL lookup.
Querying the Cloud for Uncategorized URLs 549

Example 18-6 Two Types of URL Datasets Available on an FMC

admin@FMC:~$ ls -halp /var/sf/cloud_download/

total 450M
drwxr-xr-x 3 www www 4.0K Apr 28 23:18 ./
drwxr-xr-x 64 root root 4.0K Apr 28 02:20 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 78 Apr 28 23:18 cloudagent_dlupdate_health
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 22M Apr 28 16:24 full_bcdb_rep_1m_5.174.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 429M Apr 28 16:24 full_bcdb_rep_5.174.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 www www 5.4K Aug 26 2016 sfrep_catg
-rw-r--r-- 1 www www 433 Aug 26 2016 sfrep_index
drwxr-xr-x 2 www www 4.0K Apr 28 23:52 tmp/

If you do not see an up-to-date file, you should check whether the automatic
update of the URL database is enabled. If it is enabled, verify whether the
latest update attempt was successful. You can view the urldb_log file to deter-
mine the status of the URL database update. To view it, run the following
command on the FMC:

admin@FMC:~$ cat /var/log/urldb_log

The urldb_log file can contain the following keywords:

■ Successfully downloaded: This message confirms that the FMC was able
to download the latest database update. Along with this message, you
should also find the name of the update file, as in this example:

Successfully downloaded, applied and moved, full_bcdb_rep_5.174.bin,...

Success, called perl transaction,

■ Up to date: This message confirms that there is no new update available on

the cloud since the database on the FMC was updated last time.

■ Download failed: This message indicates that an attempt to download a

URL database file failed.

Step 2. Determine whether the current URL dataset on the FTD device is derived
from the latest URL database on the FMC. Example 18-7 confirms that
the FTD device can obtain a smaller version of the latest URL dataset
from the FMC.
550 Chapter 18: Filtering URLs Based on Category, Risk, and Reputation

Example 18-7 FTD Downloading a Subset of the URL Database from the FMC

admin@FTD:~$ ls -halp /var/sf/cloud_download/

total 22M
drwxr-xr-x 3 www www 4.0K Apr 28 22:01 ./
drwxr-xr-x 66 root root 4.0K Dec 12 00:19 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 78 Sep 19 2016 cloudagent_dlupdate_health
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 22M Apr 28 22:01 full_bcdb_rep_5.174.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 www www 5.4K Aug 26 2016 sfrep_catg
-rw-r--r-- 1 www www 433 Aug 26 2016 sfrep_index
drwxr-xr-x 2 www www 4.0K Apr 28 22:01 tmp/

Step 3. Check whether the shared memory of FTD loaded with the latest URL data-
set. Example 18-8 shows the URL database files on the shared memory of an
FTD device. The timestamp on the file indicates that the FTD is loaded with
the latest URL dataset.

Example 18-8 Loading the Latest URL Dataset on FTD Memory

admin@FTD:~$ ls -halp /dev/shm/ | grep -i bcdb

-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23M Apr 28 23:17 Global.bcdb1
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6.1M Apr 28 23:17 Global.bcdb1acc
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 256K Apr 28 23:17 Global.bcdb1cacheinx

This chapter describes techniques to filter traffic based on the category and reputation
of a URL. It illustrates how Firepower performs a URL lookup and how an FTD device
takes an action based on the query result. This chapter explains the connection to a URL
through debugging messages, which is critical for troubleshooting.

1. Which of the following licenses is necessary to block a URL based on its category
and reputation?
a. Threat
b. URL
c. Malware
d. Both A and B
Quiz 551

2. Which of the following statements is true about the URL lookup?

a. FTD, by itself, can resolve any URLs on the Internet within a millisecond.
b. Only the FMC can resolve any URLs on the Internet within a millisecond.
c. Neither the FMC nor FTD can resolve all the URLs on the Internet.
d. Both the FMC and FTD can resolve any URLs on the Internet independently.

3. Which of the following statements about URL database updates is true?

a. New URLs are packaged in a binary file and downloadable from the Cisco
b. A recurring scheduled task for URL database updates is required to update the
URL database.
c. The FMC communicates with CSI automatically every 30 minutes to check for a
new update and downloads an update if available.
d. All of the above.

4. Which of the following are true about uncategorized URLs?

a. FTD can hold uncategorized traffic in the buffer if the URL lookup is pending.
b. Connections associated with an uncategorized URL are not matched against an
access rule if the rule uses a URL Filtering condition.
c. Uncategorized URLs can be categorized if the FMC is able to communicate
with CSI.
d. All of the above.
This page intentionally left blank
Chapter 19

Discovering Network
Applications and Controlling
Application Traffic

The Firepower System can dynamically discover what applications are running in a
network. It can also identify the host and user who are running a particular application.
FTD can discover a network application with or without the help of any active scanner.
FTD allows you to block certain traffic solely based on the type of an application a
user might be running. This chapter describes how to configure network discovery policy
to enable Application Visibility and Control (AVC) with Firepower.

Application Discovery Essentials

When you access a website, you interact with at least three types of applications: a browser
on a client computer that originates the web communication, an underlying protocol that
establishes the communication channel to the web, and the web contents for which you
want to access a website. When an FTD device is configured and deployed properly, it is
able to discover all three of these applications in a network. Moreover, it can categorize
applications based on risk level, business relevance, content category, and so on.

Application Detectors
The Firepower System uses application detectors to identify the network applications
running on a monitored network. The detection capability can vary, depending on the
source of the detectors. There are mainly two sources for detectors:

■ System-provided detectors: The Firepower software, by default, comes with a set of

application detectors. However, for a precise detection of the latest applications, you
must update the Vulnerability Database (VDB).

The VDB contains the fingerprints of various applications, operating systems,

and client software. It also keeps a record of the known vulnerabilities. When a
Firepower system discovers an application, it can correlate the application with any
known vulnerabilities to determine its impact within a network.
554 Chapter 19: Discovering Network Applications and Controlling Application Traffic

■ User-created detectors: You can create your own detectors based on patterns you
notice on custom applications. The FMC provides full administrative control over
your custom detectors, so that you can modify or disable them as necessary. Behind
the scenes, it leverages OpenAppID—an open source application detection module.

Note When a host from a monitored network connects to a server in a nonmonitored

network, the FMC infers the application protocol (on the nonmonitored network) by using
the information on the client software (of the monitored network).

Table 19-1 shows the type of application detectors supported by Firepower. Except for
the built-in internal detectors, you can activate or deactivate any types of detector, as

Table 19-1 Types of Application Detector

Type of Detector Functions
Internal detector Detects protocol, client, and web applications.
Internal detectors are always on; they are built in
within the software.
Client detector Detects client traffic. It also helps to infer an
application protocol on a nonmonitored network.
Web application detector Detects traffic based on the contents in a payload
of HTTP traffic.
Port-based application protocol Detects traffic based on well-known ports.
Firepower-based application Detects traffic based on application fingerprints.
protocol detector
Custom application detector Detects traffic based on user-defined patterns.

Figure 19-1 shows the application detector page on the FMC. To find this page,
go to Policies > Application Detectors. You can search for any desired application
to determine its coverage. For example, Figure 19-1 shows retrieval of 69 detectors that
are related to Facebook. The total number of detectors can vary, depending on the VDB
version running on the FMC.
Application Discovery Essentials 555

Search for detectors that are

related to the Facebook application.

Currently, 69 detectors
are found for Facebook.

Figure 19-1 The Application Detector Page on the FMC

Operational Architecture
FTD can control an application when a monitored connection is established between
a client and server, and the application in a session is identified. To identify an
application, FTD has to analyze the first few packets in a session. Until the identification
is complete, FTD cannot apply an application rule. To ensure protection during the
analysis period, FTD inspects those early packets by using the default intrusion policy
of an active access control policy. Upon successful identification, FTD is able to act
on the rest of the session traffic based on the access rule created using an application
filtering condition. If a prefilter policy or an access control policy is configured to
block any particular traffic, FTD does not evaluate the traffic further against a network
discovery policy.

Figure 19-2 illustrates the operational workflow of the Firepower engine. It demon-
strates that a connection is subject to Application Visibility and Control (AVC) only if it
passes the Security Intelligence inspection.
Chapter 19: Discovering Network Applications and Controlling Application Traffic
Back Orifice,
Identity ACL (L7) QoS Host and User File Type Malware
Policy App, URL Classify Discovery Control Analysis
Rate Based,
Blacklisted Restricted Type Malware Sensitive Data


Application Layer Transport and Transport and

Preprocessor Network Layer Network Layer
Black Preprocessor Black Preprocessor Intrusion
listed (DCE/RPC, DNS, listed
Sec Intl. FTP/Telnet, HTTP, Application (IP Defragment, Sec Intl (L2 L4 Decode) Snort
URL, DNS Sun RPC, SIP, Discovery TCP/UDP Stream) IP Add Rule

Engine Data
Fast Path Acquisition
Ingress Existing No VPN UN NAT/ Prefilter ACL Flow
Packet Decrypt Egress Int. L3 L4 Update
Interface Conn. Policy
Path Trust

Egress Yes L2 L3 VPN QoS NAT ALG

Packet Add. Route Encrypt Enforce IP Header Check
No No

Figure 19-2 Firepower Engine Workflow for Application Visibility and Control
Best Practices for Network Discovery Configuration 557

Best Practices for Network Discovery Configuration

FTD discovers a network passively; it does not directly affect the traffic flow. However,
to ensure the performance of an FTD device, you should consider the following best
practices when you enable network discovery:

Note Network discovery policy on a Firepower system consists of three functionalities:

application discovery, host discovery, and user discovery. This chapter primarily focuses
on discovery and control of network applications. You can also learn how to perform host

■ Keep the VDB version up to date. Installing the latest version ensures the detection
of the latest software with more precise version information.

■ By default, the FMC comes with an application discovery rule, which uses
and ::/0 as the network address. This address enables a Firepower system to discover
applications from any observed networks. Do not remove this default rule, as Snort
leverages the application discovery data for intrusion detection and prevention by
detecting the service metadata of a packet.

■ When you add a custom rule for host and user discovery, include only the network
addresses you own. Do not add the network address and ::/0 to a host and
user discovery rule, because doing so can deplete the host and user licenses quickly.

■ Exclude the IP addresses of any NAT and load balancing devices from the list of
monitored networks. These types of IP address can represent multiple computers
running in a LAN, which leads an FTD device to generate excessive discovery events
whenever there are activities in the LAN. Exclusion of NAT and load balancing IP
addresses can improve the performance of FTD.

Figure 19-3 shows the positions of two types of intermediate devices—a router and
a load balancer—that can each represent multiple network hosts.

■ You can also exclude any ports from monitoring if you are sure about the service a
port might be running. Doing so reduces the number of discovery events for known
ports and services.

■ Avoid creating overlapping rules that include the same hosts multiple times to
prevent performance degradation.

■ Deploy the FTD device as close as possible to the hosts. The lower the hop count
between an FTD device and a host, the faster the FTD device detects the host and
with a higher confidence value.
558 Chapter 19: Discovering Network Applications and Controlling Application Traffic
Data Center Network

Data Center
Load FTD
Server Farm Balancer

Exclude the IP address of

the load balancer interface.

Exclude the outside IP address

of the NAT device.
Campus Network

LAN Router FTD

Figure 19-3 NAT Device (Router) and Load Balancer Interface Representing
Multiple Hosts

Fulfilling Prerequisites
Before you begin configuring a network discovery rule, fulfill the following requirements:

■ The Firepower System uses the Adaptive Profiles option to perform application
control. This option enhances detection capabilities of an FTD. The Adaptive Profile
Updates option leverages the service metadata and helps an FTD determine whether
a particular intrusion rule is pertinent to an application running on a particular host
and whether the rule should be enabled.
Fulfilling Prerequisites 559

By default, the Adaptive Profiles option is enabled (see Figure 19-4). You can verify
the configuration status in the Advanced tab of an access control policy, under
Detection Enhancement Settings.

Figure 19-4 Adaptive Profiles Setting for an Access Control Policy

■ Create network objects for the network addresses that you want to add to
a discovery rule. This helps you manage your configuration once you deploy a
network discovery policy. To create an object, go to Objects > Object Management
on the GUI. This page also enables you to modify the value of a custom object
if necessary. However, you cannot modify a system-provided network object.
To determine the type of an object, look at the rightmost column—a custom
network object shows a pencil icon (see Figure 19-5), which you can select
to modify the value of the object.
560 Chapter 19: Discovering Network Applications and Controlling Application Traffic

System Provided Object

Custom Object

Figure 19-5 Object Management Page

Tip The system also enables you to create an object on the fly directly from the rule
editor window (see Figure 19-8, later in the chapter).

Discovering Applications
In the following sections, you will learn how to configure a network discovery policy to
discover network applications as well as network hosts. To demonstrate the impact of an
intermediate networking device representing multiple internal hosts, a router has been
placed between the FTD device and the LAN switch in the topology.

Figure 19-6 shows the topology that is used in this chapter to demonstrate the
configuration of a network discovery policy.
Discovering Applications 561

Management Network

Data Traffic


Data Network
Inside Outside
Zone Zone Internet

Client LAN LAN Router Gateway Switch (Performing NAT) Router

Internal IP Translated IP Public IP

Figure 19-6 Topology to Demonstrate the Operation of a Network Discovery Policy

Configuring a Network Discovery Policy

To configure a network discovery policy, follow these steps:

Step 1. In the FMC, navigate to Policies > Network Discovery. The default rule
for application discovery appears (see Figure 19-7). It monitors traffic from
any network to discover applications.

The default discovery rule monitors application traffic from any network.

Figure 19-7 Default Rule for a Network Discovery Policy

562 Chapter 19: Discovering Network Applications and Controlling Application Traffic

Step 2. Click the Add Rule button. The Add Rule window appears.

Step 3. First, add a rule to exclude the IP address of any intermediate NAT and load
balancing devices. To do that, select Exclude from the Action dropdown, and
then select a network object that represents your desired IP address.

Tip If you did not create a network object previously in the Fulfilling Prerequisites sec-
tion, you can do it now on the fly using the green plus icon. Alternatively, you can add an
IP address directly on the rule editor window.

Figure 19-8 shows a discovery rule that excludes a network object,

NAT-Outside-IP. The object maps the IP address of the router’s outside
interface. The figure also highlights the available options to add an object or
address on the fly.

This plus icon enables you to

create an object on the fly.

Adding a Predefined Object This Add button enables you to

add an impromptu address.

Figure 19-8 Adding a Rule to Exclude a Network Object

Discovering Applications 563

Step 4. Click the Save button to return to the network discovery policy page.

Step 5. Next, to include the network you want to monitor, click the Add Rule button
again. The Add Rule window appears.

Step 6. Select Discover from the Action dropdown, and then select a network object
that represents your desired IP network.

Tip If you want to monitor a private network, you can select one of the system-provided
network objects.

Figure 19-9 shows a network discovery rule that can discover hosts and
applications running on a network with private IP addresses (RFC 1918).

Figure 19-9 Adding a Rule to Discover Hosts and Applications

Step 7. Click the Save button to return to the network discovery policy page, and
then click the Deploy button to deploy the network discovery policy on your
FTD device.

Figure 19-10 shows the two network discovery rules you have just created.
564 Chapter 19: Discovering Network Applications and Controlling Application Traffic

Figure 19-10 A New Exclusion Rule, a Custom Discovery Rule, and the Default
Discovery Rule

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools

Now you can verify the functionality of network discovery by passing network traffic
through an FTD device. First, from your client computers, go to various websites on the
Internet. Doing so generates traffic through the FTD device. If the network discovery
policy is properly configured and deployed, you will be able to view discovery events in
the FMC GUI.

Analyzing Application Discovery

You can view a summary of the application data by using the Application Statistics
dashboard, located at Overview > Dashboards > Application Statistics. The dashboard
shows several data points in different widgets. You can add, remove, or modify any
widgets, as desired.

Figure 19-11 shows six widgets in the Application Statistics dashboard. Each widget
displays a unique statistic of the application running in a monitored network.
Discovering Applications 565

Figure 19-11 Application Statistics Dashboard

Figure 19-12 shows different types of discovery events. They are generated when a user
connects an Apple Mac OS X to a network and opens a web browser, Safari. This figure
also shows subsequent discoveries of various applications on the Mac.
566 Chapter 19: Discovering Network Applications and Controlling Application Traffic

Discovery of a New Client Software and Its Update

These events appear when a user connects an Apple

Mac OS X to a network and opens the Safari browser.

Figure 19-12 Network Discovery Events

Analyzing Host Discovery

You can view the operating systems running on a monitored network from the Analysis >
Hosts > Hosts page. The Firepower System can identify most of the operating systems,
along with their version detail. Click the Summary of the OS Versions to view the version

If some operating systems appear as pending, it is because FTD is currently analyzing

the collected data or waiting on further packets to conclude. The unknown state indi-
cates that the pattern of packets does not match an application detector. Updating the
VDB to the latest version can reduce the number of unknown discovery events.

Figure 19-13 shows the name and version of operating systems running on a monitored
network. It also shows examples of unknown and pending operating system.
Discovering Applications 567

Operating systems on some of the

hosts are not yet discovered.

So far, FTD has discovered these operating

systems in a monitored network.

Figure 19-13 Operating Systems on the Monitored Hosts

Tip Remember this best practice: The lower the hop count between an FTD device and
a host, the faster the FTD device detects the host and with a higher confidence value.
Moreover, additional intermediate devices between an FTD device and hosts can alter or
truncate important packet data. Therefore, you should deploy an FTD device as close as
possible to the monitored hosts.

Undiscovered New Hosts

If you find a new host undetected by your FTD device, you should check a couple items:

■ Check whether the FMC generates any health alerts for exceeding the host limits.
To receive an alert due to the oversubscription of host discovery, the health monitor
module for Host Limit must be enabled.
568 Chapter 19: Discovering Network Applications and Controlling Application Traffic

Figure 19-14 shows the option to enable a health module that can trigger an alert
when the FMC exceeds its host limit. To find this page, go to System > Health >
Policy and edit a health policy you want to apply.

Figure 19-14 Health Module to Monitor Host Limit Usage

■ By analyzing the network map on the FMC, you can determine the number of
unique hosts identified by a Firepower system and compare the number with the
host limit for an FMC model. You can also recognize any hosts that might be repre-
senting multiple hosts, such as a router with NAT feature enabled or a load balancer.
It helps you to select an IP address for exclusion.

Table 19-2 shows the maximum number of hosts the FMC can discover at any time.

Table 19-2 FMC Limitation for Host Discovery

FMC Model Host Limit
FS 2000 150,000
FS 4000 600,000
Virtual 50,000
Discovering Applications 569

Note As of this writing, Cisco supports additional FMC models, such as FS750,
FS1500, and FS3500, which were designed prior to the Sourcefire acquisition. While this
book uses the latest hardware models, you can still apply this knowledge on any legacy
hardware models. For any specific information on the legacy hardware models, read the
official user guide.

Figure 19-15 demonstrates that, although there are only 3 hosts in an internal
network, FTD discovers more than 300 hosts in the external network within a
few minutes. This discovery consumes additional resources and licenses from the
Firepower System. To find this page, go to Analysis > Hosts > Network Map.

FTD discovers hundreds of hosts

from the Internet in few minutes.

However, only three hosts are discovered

in the internal private network.

Discovery of hosts in the external network can consume

additional resources and licenses from the Firepower System.

Figure 19-15 A Network Map on the FMC Shows All of the Hosts an
FTD Device Discovers

■ Check how the network discovery policy is configured to handle a host when
the FMC reaches the threshold for host limit. You can configure a policy to stop
discovering any new hosts or to drop the earliest discoveries when the FMC reaches
its limit.
570 Chapter 19: Discovering Network Applications and Controlling Application Traffic

Figure 19-16 shows the navigation to a dropdown where you can choose between
dropping an old host and locking down any new entries.

1 2

Figure 19-16 Advanced Network Discovery Settings

Blocking Applications
If an access control policy has no access rule with an application filtering condition, FTD
allows any applications as long as connections to an application are permitted by the pol-
icy on the default action. You can verify this default behavior by attempting to access an
application such as Facebook. However, if you want to restrict access to an application,
you need to add an access rule for it.

Configuring Blocking of Applications

To block access to an application, you need to create an access rule by following
these steps:

Step 1. Navigate to Policies > Access Control > Access Control. A list of available
access control policies appears.
Blocking Applications 571

Step 2. Use the pencil icon to edit the access control policy that you want to deploy
on an FTD device. The access control policy editor page appears.

Step 3. Click the Add Rule button. The rule editor window appears.

Step 4. Give a name to the rule and select a desired action for the matched traffic.

Step 5. Select the Applications tab. A list of available application filters appears.

Figure 19-17 shows an access rule with an application filtering condition.

FTD uses the rule to block a connection by sending reset packets whenever it
detects an application in the Social Networking category.

Figure 19-17 Access Rule to Block Any Applications in the Social Networking

Step 6. Use the search field in the Application Filter section to find a desired
application category. You can select traffic based on categories, business
relevance, risks, types, and so on. Alternatively, to find a specific application,
you can just enter the application name in the search field in the Available
Applications section.

Step 7. After you select the desired applications, add them to the rule.

Step 8. Go to the Logging tab to enable logging for any matching connections.
This is an optional step, but it allows you to view an event when FTD blocks a
572 Chapter 19: Discovering Network Applications and Controlling Application Traffic

Step 9. Click the Save button in the rule editor window to complete the creation of
an access rule with an application filtering condition.

Figure 19-18 shows this new access rule, which blocks any applications that
are related to the Social Networking category only. Any other applications are
subject to the default action.

Save Changes

Only the applications related to the Any non-social networking

Social Networking category applications are subject to the
are blocked. default action.

Figure 19-18 Access Control Policy Editor Page

Step 10. Finally, on the policy editor page, click Save to save the configurations, and
click Deploy to deploy the policy on an FTD device.

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools

After deploying the policy that you created earlier in this chapter, in this section you’ll
try to access the Facebook application once again. This time the connection should be
Blocking Applications 573

Figure 19-19 shows two types of connections to the Facebook application. When a
connection is allowed, it hits the default action. However, when the social networking
rule finds a match, it inspects the connection and blocks with reset packets.

The Facebook application is blocked

(with reset packet) by an access rule.

The application is allowed by the default action when

there is no access rule for application control.

Figure 19-19 Connection Events Displaying the Actions of Application Control

Example 19-1 shows the debugging data generated by the firewall engine. It confirms that
FTD is able to detect and then applies the rule action to block with reset.

Example 19-1 Debugging Messages Generated by the Firewall Engine

> system support firewall-engine-debug

Please specify an IP protocol: tcp

Please specify a client IP address:
Please specify a client port:
Please specify a server IP address:
Please specify a server port:
Monitoring firewall engine debug messages
574 Chapter 19: Discovering Network Applications and Controlling Application Traffic > 6 AS 4 I 1 New session > 6 AS 4 I 1 Starting with minimum 2, 'Social
Networking Rule', and SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0,
sgt tag: untagged, svc 0, payload 0, client 0, misc 0, user 9999997, url , xff > 6 AS 4 I 1 pending rule order 2,
'Social Networking Rule', AppId > 6 AS 4 I 1 Starting with minimum 2, 'Social
Networking Rule', and SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0,
sgt tag: untagged, svc 0, payload 0, client 0, misc 0, user 9999997, url , xff > 6 AS 4 I 1 pending rule order 2,
'Social Networking Rule', AppId > 6 AS 4 I 1 Starting with minimum 2, 'Social
Networking Rule', and SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0,
sgt tag: untagged, svc 0, payload 0, client 0, misc 0, user 9999997, url , xff > 6 AS 4 I 1 pending rule order 2,
'Social Networking Rule', AppId > 6 AS 4 I 1 URL SI: ShmDBLookupURL
("") returned 0 > 6 AS 4 I 1 Starting with minimum 2, 'Social
Networking Rule', and SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0,
sgt tag: untagged, svc 1122, payload 629, client 1296, misc 0, user 9999997, url, xff > 6 AS 4 I 1 match rule order 2,
'Social Networking Rule', action Reset > 6 AS 4 I 1 reset action > 6 AS 4 I 1 Deleting session

Example 19-2 shows the debugging of application data generated by the Firepower
engine. It displays the identification number (appID) of the application that is detected
by the FTD device.

Example 19-2 Debugging Messages for Application Identification

> system support application-identification-debug

Please specify an IP protocol: tcp

Please specify a client IP address:
Please specify a client port:
Please specify a server IP address:
Please specify a server port:
Monitoring application identification debug messages
. -> 6 R AS 4 I 1 port service 0 -> 6 AS 4 I 1 3rd party returned 847 -> 6 AS 4 I 1 SSL is service 1122,
portServiceAppId 1122
Summary 575 -> 6 AS 4 I 1 ssl returned 10 -> 6 AS 4 I 1 appId: 629
Caught interrupt signal

Example 19-3 shows a query from the FMC database. It retrieves the mapping of the
appID with an associated application name (appName). It confirms that the FTD device
was able to identify the Facebook application correctly.

Example 19-3 Mapping Application ID with an Application Name

admin@FMC:~$ sudo -db mdb -e "select appId,appName from appIdInfo where
getting filenames from [/usr/local/sf/etc/db_updates/index]
getting filenames from [/usr/local/sf/etc/db_updates/base-6.1.0]

| appId | appName |
| 629 | Facebook |

OmniQuery v2.1
(c) 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc.

mdb> exit

This chapter describes how the Firepower System can make you aware of the
applications running on your network and empower you to control access to any
unwanted applications. It also shows how to verify whether an FTD device can identify
an application properly.
576 Chapter 19: Discovering Network Applications and Controlling Application Traffic

1. Which of the following statements is true?
a. A network discovery policy allows you to exclude network addresses but not any
port numbers.
b. You cannot determine the number of unique hosts identified by a Firepower
system until it reaches the license limit.
c. If a prefilter policy or an access control policy is configured to block any
particular traffic, FTD does not evaluate the traffic further against a network
discovery policy.
d. All of the above.

2. Which of the following commands provides the ID for a discovered application?

a. system support app-id-debug
b. system support firewall-debug
c. system support firepower-engine-debug
d. system support application-identification-debug

3. Which of the following can affect the accuracy of network discovery?

a. Snort rule database
b. URL Filtering database
c. Vulnerability Database
d. Discovery event database

4. To improve the performance of network discovery, which of the following should

you consider?
a. Ensure that the network discovery policy is set to monitor the load balancer
b. Use the network address and ::/0 in any discovery rules you create.
c. Enable Firepower Recommendations in an intrusion policy.
d. Keep the Vulnerability Database (VDB) version up to date.
Chapter 20

Controlling File Transfer and

Blocking the Spread of Malware

As a security professional, you might not want your users to download and open random
files from the Internet. While you allow your users to visit certain websites, you might
want to block their attempts to download files from the sites they visit or to upload
files to external websites. Unsafe downloads can spread viruses, malware, exploit kits,
and other dangers on your network, and they can make the entire network vulnerable to
various types of attacks. Likewise, to comply with the policy of your organization, you
might not want your users to upload any particular types of files to the Internet from
your corporate network.

The Firepower system enables you to block the download and upload of files based on
file type (extension) and suspicious activity (malware).

File Policy Essentials

To govern the transfer of a file within a network, the Firepower System offers a
standalone policy known as a file policy. A file policy allows you detect any file type,
such as media files (.mp3, .mpeg), executable files (.exe, .rpm), and so on. In addition, an
FTD device can analyze a file for potential malware when the file traverses a network.
By design, FTD can detect and block files with a particular type before it performs
lookups for malware.

Figure 20-1 shows an architectural diagram of the Firepower engine. The figure highlights
both components of a file policy—file type control and malware analysis—which are
described in the following sections.
Chapter 20: Controlling File Transfer and Blocking the Spread of Malware
Back Orifice,
Identity ACL (L7) QoS Host and User File Type Malware
Policy App, URL Classify Discovery Control Analysis
Blacklisted Restricted Type Malware Sensitive Data


Application Layer Transport and Transport and

Preprocessor Network Layer Network Layer
Black- ----------------------- Preprocessor Black- Preprocessor Intrusion
listed (DCE/RPC, DNS, -------------------- listed --------------------
Sec Intl. FTP/Telnet, HTTP, Application (IP Defragment, Sec Intl (L2-L4 Decode) Snort
URL, DNS Sun RPC, SIP, Discovery TCP/UDP Stream) IP Add Rule

Engine Data
Fast Path Acquisition
Ingress Existing No VPN UN-NAT/ Prefilter ACL Flow
Packet Decrypt Egress Int. L3-L4 Update
Interface Conn. Policy
Path Trust

Egress Yes L2 L3 VPN QoS NAT ALG

Packet Add. Route Encrypt Enforce IP Header Check
No No

Figure 20-1 Placement of the File Policy Components in the Firepower Architecture
File Policy Essentials 579

File Type Detection Technology

The Firepower System uses special metadata about a file, known as a magic number,
to identify the file format. A magic number is a sequence of unique numbers that are
encoded within files. When a file traverses a network, FTD can match the magic numbers
from the stream of packets to determine the format of a file. For example, for a Microsoft
executable (MSEXE) file, the magic number is 4D 5A. To find this number, Snort uses the
following rule on FTD:

file type:MSEXE; id:21; category:Executables,Dynamic Analysis Capable,Local

Malware Analysis Capable; msg:"Windows/DOS executable file "; rev:1; content:
| 4D 5A|; offset:0;

Figure 20-2 demonstrates the magic number on a TCP packet. This packet is captured when
a client downloads an executable file from a website. After completing the TCP three-way
handshake, the server ( sends this information to the client (

Figure 20-2 Retrieval of the Magic Number from the Stream of Packets

Malware Analysis Technology

To empower a network with the latest threat intelligence, Cisco has integrated
the Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) technology with the Firepower System.
AMP enables an FTD device to analyze a file for potential malware and viruses while the
580 Chapter 20: Controlling File Transfer and Blocking the Spread of Malware

file traverses a network. To expedite the analysis process and to conserve resources, FTD
can perform both types of malware analysis—local and dynamic. Let’s take a look at the
technologies behind them.
Figure 20-3 illustrates the purposes of any interactions between the Firepower System
and the Cisco clouds.

The Cisco Clouds

Data Center (DC)

AMP Cloud
SHA-256 Lookup
to the FTD
Server Farm
Management Network

Talos Cloud
Internet Signature Update
or Local Analysis

FTD Sends
Files to the
Cloud Directly
for Dynamic
Campus Network


Threat Grid Cloud

Dynamic Analysis

End Users

Figure 20-3 Firepower Communications to the Cisco Clouds for Malware Analysis

FTD calculates the SHA-256 hash value (Secure Hash Algorithm with 256 bits) of a file
and uses the value to determine a disposition. The FMC performs a lookup on the cached
disposition before it sends a new query to the AMP cloud. It provides a faster lookup result
and improves overall performance. Depending on the action you select on a file policy, a
Firepower system can perform additional advanced analysis in the following order:

■ Spero analysis: The Spero analysis engine examines the MSEXE files only.
It analyzes the structure of an MSEXE file and submits the Spero signature to
the cloud.
File Policy Essentials 581

■ Local analysis: FTD uses two types of rulesets for local analysis: high-fidelity
rules and preclassification rules. The FMC downloads high-fidelity malware
signatures from Talos and disseminates the rulesets to FTD. FTD matches the
patterns and analyzes files for known malware. It also uses the file preclassification
filters to optimize resource utilization.

■ Dynamic analysis: The dynamic analysis feature submits a captured file to the threat
grid sandbox for dynamic analysis. A sandbox environment can be available in the
cloud or on premises. Upon analysis, the sandbox returns a threat score—a scoring
system for considering a file as potential malware. A file policy allows you to adjust
the threshold level of the dynamic analysis threat score. Thus, you can define when
an FTD device should treat a file as potential malware.

Dynamic analysis provides an option called capacity handling that allows a

Firepower system to store a file temporarily if the system fails to submit the file to
a sandbox environment. Some of the potential reasons for such a failure would be
communication issues between Firepower and the sandbox (cloud or on premises),
exceeding the limit for file submission, and so on.

Figure 20-4 shows an architectural workflow of the malware analysis techniques on a

Firepower system.

File Input Files and Archives Are Extracted

Local Cache (Cached Disposition)

Update Cache

Spero Analysis Engine (MSEXE Files)

The FMC downloads malware

signature updates from Cisco
ClamAV Engine 1 ClamAV Engine 2 Talos, which empowers the
(High Fidelity Signature) (Preclassification Filter) local malware analysis.


Submit a File to Cloud for

Dynamic Analysis The FMC sends a query to the
Capacity Handling
AMP cloud, which performs a
dynamic analysis and
returns a malware disposition.
Dynamic Analysis Service (Sandbox)

Figure 20-4 Architecture of the Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) Technology

582 Chapter 20: Controlling File Transfer and Blocking the Spread of Malware

Licensing Capability
With the installation of a Threat license, a Firepower system automatically enables the
file type control. This means that if you are currently using the security intelligence
and intrusion prevention features on an FTD device, you should be able to control
the transfer of a particular file type without the need for any new license. However,
to perform a malware analysis, Firepower requires an additional license, known as
a Malware license.

Figure 20-5 shows the actions and features you can enable by using the Threat and
Malware licenses.

File Type Control Rule Actions Malware Analysis

Requires Threat License on a File Policy Requires Malware

Malware Cloud Block

Detect Files Block Files
Lookup Malware

Spero Analysis for MSEXE

Local Malware Analysis
Can Store Files Regardless
of Malware Disposition
Dynamic Analysis

Malware Unknown Clean Custom

Can Store Files Based on Malware Disposition

Figure 20-5 Actions on a File Rule and Their Necessary Licenses

Table 20-1 summarizes the differences between the capabilities of a Threat license and a
Malware license.

Table 20-1 Differences Between a Threat License and a Malware License

When Only a Threat License Is When a Malware License Is Also
Applied… Applied…
FTD can block a file based on FTD can block a file based on its malware
its file type. dispositions.
FTD utilizes the file’s magic numbers FTD matches malware signatures to perform
to determine the file type. local malware analysis.
Best Practices for File Policy Deployment 583

When Only a Threat License Is When a Malware License Is Also

Applied… Applied…
FTD does not require a connection It needs to connect to the cloud for various
to the cloud for file type detection. purposes—for example, to update signature
of the latest malware, to send a file to the
cloud to perform dynamic file analysis, and
to perform a SHA-256 lookup.
You can apply only two rule actions: You can apply any rule actions available,
Detect Files and Block Files. including Malware Cloud Lookup and Block

Best Practices for File Policy Deployment

You should consider the following best practices when you configure a file policy:

■ When you want to block a file by using file policy, use the Reset Connection option.
It allows an application session to close before the connection times out by itself.

■ If you want to download a captured file to your desktop, make sure you take extra
precautions on your desktop before you download. The file might be infected with
malware that could be harmful to your desktop.

■ Keep the file size limit low to improve performance. An access control policy allows
you to limit the file size. It can impact the following activities:

■ Sending a file to the cloud for dynamic analysis

■ Storing a file locally

■ Calculating the SHA-256 hash value of a file

■ In case of a communication failure between the Firepower System and the Cisco
clouds, FTD can hold the transfer of a file for a short period of time when the file
matches a rule with the Block Malware action. Although this holding period is
configurable, Cisco recommends that you use the default value.
584 Chapter 20: Controlling File Transfer and Blocking the Spread of Malware

Figure 20-6 displays the advanced settings of an access control policy in which you can
define the file holding period and file size limits.

File Holding Period File Size Limits

Figure 20-6 Configuration of the File Holding Period and File Size Limits

Fulfilling Prerequisites
The following items are necessary for a successful file policy deployment:

■ Make sure to install an appropriate license. To control the transfer of a particular file
type, only a Threat license is necessary. To perform malware analysis, an additional
Malware license is required.

■ A file policy uses the adaptive profile feature. Make sure the feature is enabled in the
advanced settings of an access control policy (see Figure 20-7).
Fulfilling Prerequisites 585

Figure 20-7 Option to Enable Adaptive Profile Updates

■ Make sure the Enable Automatic Local Malware Detection Updates option is
checked (see Figure 20-8). It allows the FMC to communicate with Talos cloud every
30 minutes. When a new ruleset is available, the FMC downloads it to enrich the
local malware analysis engine.

■ A file policy leverages the application detection functionality to determine

whether an application is capable of carrying a file. Make sure a network discovery
policy is deployed to discover applications. To learn about application detection
and control, read Chapter 19, “Discovering Network Applications and Controlling
Application Traffic.”
586 Chapter 20: Controlling File Transfer and Blocking the Spread of Malware

Figure 20-8 Option to Enable the Automatic Local Malware Detection Updates

Configuring a File Policy

Deployment of a file policy is a multistep process. First, you need to create a file policy
and add any necessary file rules to it. A file rule allows you to select the file type
category, application protocol, direction of transfer, and action. However, you cannot add
any source or destination details on a file rule. To assign network addresses, you need to
create an access rule within an access control policy and invoke the file policy within the
access rule.

Creating a File Policy

To create a file policy, follow these steps:

Step 1. Navigate to Policies > Access Control > Malware & File. The Malware & File
Policy page appears.

Step 2. Click the New File Policy button, and the New File Policy window appears
(see Figure 20-9).

Step 3. Give a name to the policy and click the Save button. The file policy editor
Configuring a File Policy 587

1 2

Figure 20-9 Creating a New File Policy

Step 4. Click the Add Rule button. The file rule editor appears.

Step 5. Select Any from the Application Protocol dropdown to detect files over mul-
tiple application protocols.

Step 6. Make a selection from the Direction of Transfer dropdown. Depending on the
underlying application protocol for a file transfer, the direction can be limited.
For example, the HTTP, FTP or NetBIOS-ssn (SMB) protocol allows any
direction—upload or download. However, SMTP (upload only) and POP3/
IMAP (download only) support unidirectional transfer.

Figure 20-10 explains the reasons for unidirectional transfer with the SMTP,
POP3, and IMAP protocols. While SMTP is used for outbound transfers,
POP3/IMAP is used to download incoming emails and any attachments.

Step 7. Select the file type categories you want to block, and click Add to add them
to the rule. You can also search for a specific file type directly.
588 Chapter 20: Controlling File Transfer and Blocking the Spread of Malware

Mail Mail
Server SMTP SMTP Server


Application Protocol: SMTP

Direction of Transfer: Upload POP3/
Application Protocol: POP3/IMAP
Direction of Transfer: Download

Outbound Inbound
Mail Mail

Figure 20-10 Directions of Protocols Associated with Inbound and Outbound Emails

Step 8. Select an action from the Action dropdown. The following options are

Note A file policy does not evaluate a file rule based on its position; rather, it uses
the order of actions. The order of actions is Block Files, Block Malware, Malware Cloud
Lookup, and Detect Files. When performing an advanced analysis, FTD engages Spero
analysis, local malware analysis, and dynamic analysis, successively—if you have enabled
all of them in a particular file rule.

■ Detect Files: This action detects a file transfer and logs it as a file event
without interrupting the transfer.

■ Block Files: This action blocks certain files—depending on the file formats
selected on a file rule.

Tip If you want to block a file, select the Reset Connection option. It allows an applica-
tion session to close before the connection times out by itself.

Figure 20-11 displays a file rule that blocks the transfer of any system,
executable, encoded, and archive files without analyzing them for malware.
According to the configuration, when a file matches this rule, FTD stores
the file on local storage and sends reset packets to terminate any associ-
ated connection.
Configuring a File Policy 589

Click on the Add Rule button to open the file rule editor

Figure 20-11 File Rule with the Block Files Action

Figure 20-12 shows the creation of two file rules. The first rule blocks
system, encoded, executable, and archive files with reset packets and stores
the blocked file in local storage. The second rule detects the graphic, PDF,
multimedia, and Office document files but does not block or store them as
they traverse the network.

■ Malware Cloud Lookup: This action enables an FTD device to perform

malware analysis locally and remotely. FTD allows an uninterrupted file
transfer regardless of the malware disposition.

■ Block Malware: This action performs the same tasks as the Malware Cloud
Lookup action, with an addition of blocking the original file if the disposi-
tion is determined to be malware.

Note When you select the Malware Cloud Analysis or Block Malware action, the
Firepower System offers various analysis methods. Read the previous section for more
information on malware analysis methodologies.
590 Chapter 20: Controlling File Transfer and Blocking the Spread of Malware

Figure 20-12 Two File Rules for Different File Types Applying Different Actions

Figure 20-13 shows another option for a file rule (which requires a
Malware license). This rule enables an FTD device to block the transfer
of a file and to store it locally if the file has one of three criteria: infected
with malware, disposition is unknown, or matches a custom detection list.
When blocking the file transfer, FTD sends reset packets to terminate any
associated connection. This rule does not allow an FTD device to store a
file if the file appears to be clean. It prevents storage from getting full of
clean or benign files.

Step 9. Optionally, on the Advanced tab, you can enable additional features for
advanced analysis and inspection. Figure 20-14 shows the advanced settings
of a file policy. For example, here you can adjust the threshold level of the
dynamic analysis threat score, enable inspection for the archived contents,
define the depth of inspection for a nested archive file, and so on.

Step 10. Click the Save button on the policy editor to save the changes on the file
Configuring a File Policy 591

Figure 20-13 File Rule with a Block Malware Action

A lower threat score increases the number of

files that are going to be considered malware.

Figure 20-14 Advanced Settings of a File Policy

592 Chapter 20: Controlling File Transfer and Blocking the Spread of Malware

Applying a File Policy

To apply a file policy on an FTD device, you need to create an access rule within an access
control policy and invoke the file policy in the access rule. Here are the detailed steps:

Step 1. Navigate to Policies > Access Control > Access Control. The available access
control policies appear. You can modify one of the existing policies or click
New Policy to create a new one.

Step 2. On the policy editor page, use the pencil icon to modify an existing access
rule to invoke a file policy. If there are no rules created, click the Add Rule
button to create a new access rule.

Step 3. On the rule editor window, go to the Inspection tab. You will notice drop-
downs for Intrusion Policy, Variable Set, and File Policy. Figure 20-15 shows
the dropdowns on the Inspection tab. The file policy you configured earlier
should populate here, under the File Policy dropdown.

Figure 20-15 Selecting a File Policy for an Access Rule

Step 4. Choose a policy from the File Policy dropdown. Doing so automatically
enables logging for the file event. You can verify it by viewing the settings on
the Logging tab (see Figure 20-16). To view events for each connection that
matches a particular access rule condition, you can manually enable Log at
Beginning of Connection.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 593

Manually Enabled

Automatically Enabled

Figure 20-16 Options to Enable Logging for File Events and Connection Events

Step 5. Click the Add button to save the changes. You are returned to the access con-
trol policy editor page. If you are editing an existing access rule, you can click
the Save button instead.

Step 6. On the access control policy editor page, select a default action. You cannot
select a file policy as the default action of an access control policy. You can
only invoke a file policy within an individual access rule.

Step 7. Finally, click Save to save the changes, and click Deploy to deploy the con-
figuration to the FTD device.

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools

A file policy can generate two types of events: file events and malware events. FTD gen-
erates a file event when it detects or blocks a certain type of file without a malware look-
up. FTD generates a malware event when it performs an analysis for malware or blocks a
file due to malware disposition.
594 Chapter 20: Controlling File Transfer and Blocking the Spread of Malware

The following sections of this chapter demonstrate the operation of both policies—file
type detection and malware analysis. In this scenario, a client downloads files with two
different formats—Microsoft executable (MSEXE) file format and Portable Document
Format (PDF). As a security engineer, you need to verify whether a file policy is opera-
tional and whether the transfer of files complies with the active file policy.

Figure 20-17 shows the topology that is used in the configuration examples in this chapter.
To demonstrate various scenarios, the client computer ( downloads different
files from a web server (, and the FTD device in the LAN acts on them.

Management Traffic
Data Center (DC) Network

Server Data Traffic DC

Management Network


Campus (LAN) Network

End User LAN LAN Router FTD

Figure 20-17 Topology Used in This Chapter

Analyzing File Events

Using a web browser on your client computer, you can attempt to download two files—
7z1700.exe and userguide.pdf—from a web server. If the FTD device is running the
following file policy, it should block the download of the 7z1700.exe file and allow and
detect the download of userguide.pdf.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 595

Figure 20-18 shows the currently enabled rules on a file policy. The first rule detects and
blocks files in four categories, and the second rule only detects files in four different

Figure 20-18 Overview of the Active Rules Used in This Exercise

Navigate to Files > File Events to view the file events. By default, the FMC shows the File
Summary page. However, to find useful contextual information about file events, you
should also check the Table View of File Events page.

Figure 20-19 confirms the blocking and detection of an MSEXE file and a PDF file.
Because the Block Files action does not perform malware analysis, the Disposition
column is blank.

Figure 20-19 Summary View of File Events

Figure 20-20 shows detailed information about the detected and blocked files and their
associated source and destination hosts. The SHA256 and Threat Score columns are
blank because the FTD device does not perform any kind of malware analysis but detects
file type only.
596 Chapter 20: Controlling File Transfer and Blocking the Spread of Malware

Figure 20-20 Table View of File Events

Figure 20-21 shows the data of file events visually in various widgets. To find this dash-
board, go to Overview > Dashboards > Files Dashboard.

Figure 20-21 Dashboard of File Events

If you do not see a file event that you expected to see, you can use the CLI to debug
the action of a file rule and verify the operation of a file policy. If you run the system
support firewall-engine-debug command while you attempt to transfer a file, you see
detailed logs associated with file inspection and analysis.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 597

Example 20-1 shows the detailed debugging messages that appear when a client computer
attempts to download the executable file 7z1700.exe and the FTD device blocks it due to
the actions Block Files, Reset Connection, and Store Files.

Example 20-1 Blocking a Microsoft Executable (MSEXE) File

! First, run the debug command and specify necessary parameters.

> system support firewall-engine-debug

Please specify an IP protocol: tcp

Please specify a client IP address:
Please specify a client port:
Please specify a server IP address:
Please specify a server port:
Monitoring firewall engine debug messages

! Now, begin the transfer of an executable file. > 6 AS 4 I 0 New session > 6 AS 4 I 0 using HW or preset rule order 2,
'Access Rule for File Policy', action Allow and prefilter rule 0 > 6 AS 4 I 0 allow action > 6 AS 4 I 0 URL SI:
ShmDBLookupURL("") returned 0 > 6 AS 4 I 0 File Policy verdict is Type,
Malware, and Capture > 6 AS 4 I 0 File type verdict Unknown,
fileAction Block, flags 0x00203500, and type action Reject for type 21 of
instance 0

! At this stage, the file is being transferred through the FTD. The following
messages appear after the file is stored on the FTD. FTD blocks the file transfer
as soon as it detects the end-of-file marker on a packet. > 6 AS 4 I 0 File type storage finished within

signature using verdict Reject > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature reserved file data
of partial file with flags 0x00203500 and status Exceeded Max Filesize > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature verdict Reject and
flags 0x00203500 for partial file of instance 0 > 6 AS 4 I 0 File type event for file named
7z1700.exe with disposition Type and action Block > 6 AS 4 I 0 Archive childs been processed No > 6 AS 4 I 0 Deleting session
Caught interrupt signal
598 Chapter 20: Controlling File Transfer and Blocking the Spread of Malware

Example 20-2 shows the debugging messages that appears when a client computer
downloads the file userguide.pdf. FTD generates a log, but it does not block the PDF file
because the rule action is Detect Files.

Example 20-2 Detecting a Portable Document Format (PDF) File

> system support firewall-engine-debug

Please specify an IP protocol: tcp

Please specify a client IP address:
Please specify a client port:
Please specify a server IP address:
Please specify a server port:
Monitoring firewall engine debug messages > 6 AS 4 I 0 New session > 6 AS 4 I 0 Starting with minimum 0, id 0 and
SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0, sgt tag: untagged,
svc 0, payload 0, client 0, misc 0, user 9999997, url , xff > 6 AS 4 I 0 match rule order 2, 'Access Rule
for File Policy', action Allow > 6 AS 4 I 0 allow action > 6 AS 4 I 0 URL SI:
ShmDBLookupURL("") returned 0 > 6 AS 4 I 0 Starting with minimum 0, id 0 and
SrcZone first with zones -1 -> -1, geo 0(0) -> 0, vlan 0, sgt tag: untagged, svc
676, payload 0, client 638, misc 0, user 9999997, url
userguide.pdf, xff > 6 AS 4 I 0 match rule order 2, 'Access Rule
for File Policy', action Allow > 6 AS 4 I 0 allow action
<Output omitted for brevity>
. > 6 AS 4 I 0 File policy verdict is Type,
Malware, and Capture > 6 AS 4 I 0 File type verdict Log, fileAction
Log, flags 0x00001100, and type action Log for type 285 of instance 0 > 6 AS 4 I 0 File type event for file named
userguide.pdf with disposition Type and action Log
<Output omitted for brevity>
Caught interrupt signal
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 599

Analyzing Malware Events

In this section, when you attempt to download the same MSEXE file 7z1700.exe as
before by using a web server, you will notice different behavior on the FTD device
because it applies a different rule action—Block Malware instead of Block Files. You will
analyze the following scenarios in this section:

■ The FMC is unable to communicate with the cloud.

■ The FMC performs a cloud lookup.

■ FTD blocks malware.

Figure 20-22 shows a file rule that blocks the transfer of any malicious files. When FTD
determines that a file is a malicious file, this rule allows an FTD device to store the file in
local storage and send reset packets to terminate any associated connection. To conserve
disk space, files with clean disposition are not stored.

Figure 20-22 Defining the Active Rule Used in This Exercise

The FMC Is Unable to Communicate with the Cloud

After deploying a file policy with the Block Malware rule action, you can attempt to
download the same MSEXE file 7z1700.exe as before but now using a web server.
600 Chapter 20: Controlling File Transfer and Blocking the Spread of Malware

Unlike in the previous section, where you used file type detection, you will find the FTD
to calculate the SHA-256 checksum of the file. FTD later attempts to perform a cloud
lookup for the hash value.
Figure 20-23 shows a file event (table view) for downloading the same 7z1700.exe file.
Because the file policy enables malware analysis, FTD calculates the SHA-256 hash value.
However, the cloud lookup process times out.

Figure 20-23 Malware Analysis Verdict—Cloud Lookup Timeout

Figure 20-24 shows the summary view of the file events. Due to the cloud lookup time-
out, malware disposition is listed as Unavailable.

Figure 20-24 Malware Disposition Is Unavailable Due to Cloud Lookup Timeout

Example 20-3 demonstrates that the FTD device is able to calculate the SHA-256 check-
sum locally. However, when it sends the calculated hash value for a lookup, the query
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 601

times out (due to a communication failure to the Cisco cloud). This leads the FMC to
display the disposition as Unavailable.

Example 20-3 The FMC Calculates SHA-256 Hash Value but Is Unable to
Complete a Lookup

> system support firewall-engine-debug

Please specify an IP protocol: tcp

Please specify a client IP address:
Please specify a client port:
Please specify a server IP address:
Please specify a server port:

Monitoring firewall engine debug messages > 6 AS 4 I 0 New session > 6 AS 4 I 0 using HW or preset rule order 2,
'Access Rule for File Policy', action Allow and prefilter rule 0 > 6 AS 4 I 0 allow action > 6 AS 4 I 0 URL SI: ShmDBLookupURL("h
ttp://") returned 0 > 6 AS 4 I 0 File policy verdict is Type,
Malware, and Capture > 6 AS 4 I 0 File type verdict Unknown,
fileAction Malware Lookup, flags 0x01BDDA00, and type action Stop for type 21 of
instance 0

! Next, FTD calculates the SHA-256 hash value of the file, which is
2c8637b812f7a47802f4f91f8bfaccb978df9b62de558d038485ddb307ee982d. > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature verdict Unknown

and flags 0x01BDDA00 for partial file of instance 0 > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature cache query
returned Cache Miss for 2c8637b812f7a47802f4f91f8bfaccb978df9b62de558d038485dd-
b307ee982d with disposition Cache Miss, spero Cache Miss, severity 0, and transmit
Not Sent > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature reserved file data
of 2c8637b812f7a47802f4f91f8bfaccb978df9b62de558d038485ddb307ee982d with flags
0x01BDDA00 and status Exceeded Max Filesize > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature verdict Pending
and flags 0x01BDDA00 for 2c8637b812f7a47802f4f91f8bfaccb978df9b62de558d038485dd-
b307ee982d of instance 0 > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature cache query
returned Cache Miss for 2c8637b812f7a47802f4f91f8bfaccb978df9b62de558d038485dd-
b307ee982d with disposition Cache Miss, spero Cache Miss, severity 0, and transmit
Not Sent > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature reserved file data
of 2c8637b812f7a47802f4f91f8bfaccb978df9b62de558d038485ddb307ee982d with flags
0x01BDDA00 and status Exceeded Max Filesize
602 Chapter 20: Controlling File Transfer and Blocking the Spread of Malware > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature verdict Pending

and flags 0x01BDDA00 for 2c8637b812f7a47802f4f91f8bfaccb978df9b62de558d038485dd-
b307ee982d of instance 0 > 6 AS 4 I 0 File malware event for
2c8637b812f7a47802f4f91f8bfaccb978df9b62de558d038485ddb307ee982d named 7z1700.exe
with disposition Cache Miss and action Timeout > 6 AS 4 I 0 Archive childs been processed No > 6 AS 4 I 0 Deleting session
Caught interrupt signal

To find the root cause of a lookup failure, you can analyze the syslog messages on the
FMC. To view the messages, you can use any convenient Linux commands, such as less,
cat, or tail, as needed. Note that the timestamps of messages use coordinated universal
time (UTC).

Tip Cloud Lookup Timeout in the Action column indicates that the FMC is unable to
connect to the cloud. When you see this, check whether the management interface of the
FMC is connected to the Internet. If the Internet connectivity is operational, then make
sure the FMC can resolve a DNS query.

Example 20-4 shows various states of the FMC cloud communication. The syslog mes-
sages are automatically generated by the Firepower software. To view them in real time,
you can use the tail command with the -f parameter.

Example 20-4 Analyzing Syslog Messages for FMC Communications to the Cloud

admin@FMC:~$ sudo tail -f /var/log/messages

<Output is omitted for brevity>
! If FMC is connected to the internet, but fails to resolve a DNS query, the
following error message appears in the Syslog.
[timestamp] FMC stunnel: LOG3[3953:140160119551744]: Error resolving 'cloud-sa.amp.': Neither nodename nor servname known (EAI_NONAME)

! After you fix any communication issues, FMC should be able to connect to the
cloud. The following Syslog messages confirm a successful connection.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 603

[timestamp] FMC SF-IMS[25954]: [26657] SFDataCorrelator:FireAMPCloudLookup [INFO]

cloud server is
[timestamp] FMC SF-IMS[25954]: [26657] SFDataCorrelator:imcloudpool [INFO] connect
to cloud using stunnel

! Once the FMC is connected to the cloud, it begins the registration process. The
following messages confirm successful registrations to the Cisco Clouds.
[timestamp] FMC SF-IMS[25954]: [26657] SFDataCorrelator:FireAMPCloudLookup [INFO]
Successfully registered with fireamp cloud
[timestamp] FMC SF-IMS[25954]: [25954] SFDataCorrelator:FileExtract [INFO]
Successfully registered with sandbox cloud

! Upon successful registration, FMC is able to perform cloud lookup and obtains
updates. The following messages confirm a successful check for malware database
[timestamp] FMC SF-IMS[25275]: [25275] CloudAgent:CloudAgent [INFO] ClamUpd, time to
check for updates
[timestamp] FMC SF-IMS[25275]: [25298] CloudAgent:CloudAgent [INFO] Nothing to do,
database is up to date

Figure 20-25 shows the DNS setting on an FMC management interface. To find this page,
go to System > Configuration and select Management Interfaces. Make sure the FMC
can communicate with the configured DNS server and resolve a domain name using this
DNS server.

The FMC Performs a Cloud Lookup

If the FMC is able to resolve a DNS query, it should be able to connect and register with
the Cisco clouds as well. Registration with clouds allows the FMC to perform cloud look-
ups for malware disposition. As of this writing, Cisco uses
for Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) services.

This section assumes that you have fixed any connectivity or DNS issues you experi-
enced in the last section. Here you will download the MSEXE file 7z1700.exe once again.
You should notice a different type of event this time.

Figure 20-26 shows two different actions on file events for downloading the same file.
Because the FMC can communicate with the Cisco clouds, FTD returns Malware Cloud
Lookup instead of Cloud Lookup Timeout.
604 Chapter 20: Controlling File Transfer and Blocking the Spread of Malware

Figure 20-25 DNS Settings on the FMC

Different Actions Same File

Figure 20-26 Successful Malware Cloud Lookup

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 605

You can go to the File Summary view to find the malware dispositions. The Cisco clouds
can return one of the following dispositions for a query:

■ Malware: If Cisco determines that a file is malware

■ Clean: If Cisco finds no malicious pattern on a file

■ Unknown: If Cisco has not assigned a disposition (malware or clean) to a file

Figure 20-27 compares two types of dispositions—unknown and unavailable—for the

7z1700.exe file. Unknown confirms a successful cloud communication with no cloud-
assigned category, whereas Unavailable indicates an issue with cloud communication.

Unknown means the FMC connects to the cloud successfully,

but the cloud has not assigned a disposition to a file.

Unavailable means the FMC is unable to

connect to the cloud or perform a lookup for a file.

Figure 20-27 Malware Disposition—Unknown Versus Unavailable

Example 20-5 proves that the Firepower System checks its local cached disposition first
before it sends the query to the Cisco clouds.
606 Chapter 20: Controlling File Transfer and Blocking the Spread of Malware

Example 20-5 Firepower Queries Cached Disposition Before Performing a

Cloud Lookup

> system support firewall-engine-debug

Please specify an IP protocol: tcp

Please specify a client IP address:
Please specify a client port:
Please specify a server IP address:
Please specify a server port:

Monitoring firewall engine debug messages

! Now, begin the transfer of an executable file. > 6 AS 4 I 0 New session > 6 AS 4 I 0 using HW or preset rule order 2,
'Access Rule for File Policy', action Allow and prefilter rule 0 > 6 AS 4 I 0 allow action > 6 AS 4 I 0 URL SI:
ShmDBLookupURL("") returned 0 > 6 AS 4 I 0 File policy verdict is Type,
Malware, and Capture > 6 AS 4 I 0 File type verdict Unknown,
fileAction Malware Lookup, flags 0x01BDDA00, and type action Stop for type 21 of
instance 0

! First, Firepower System checks the cached disposition. > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature verdict Unknown

and flags 0x01BDDA00 for partial file of instance 0 > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature cache query returned
Cache Miss for 2c8637b812f7a47802f4f91f8bfaccb978df9b62de558d038485ddb307ee982d with
disposition Cache Miss, spero Cache Miss, severity 0, and transmit Not Sent > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature reserved file data
of 2c8637b812f7a47802f4f91f8bfaccb978df9b62de558d038485ddb307ee982d with flags
0x01BDDA00 and status Exceeded Max Filesize > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature verdict Pending
and flags 0x01BDDA00 for 2c8637b812f7a47802f4f91f8bfaccb978df9b62de558d038485dd-
b307ee982d of instance 0

! Here, Firepower System performs a query to the cloud for disposition. > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature cache query returned

Neutral for 2c8637b812f7a47802f4f91f8bfaccb978df9b62de558d038485ddb307ee982d with
disposition Neutral, spero Cache Miss, severity 0, and transmit Not Sent > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature reserved file data
of 2c8637b812f7a47802f4f91f8bfaccb978df9b62de558d038485ddb307ee982d for spero with
flags 0x01BDDA00 and status Exceeded Max Filesize
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 607 > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature reserved file data

of 2c8637b812f7a47802f4f91f8bfaccb978df9b62de558d038485ddb307ee982d with flags
0x01BDDA00 and status Exceeded Max Filesize > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature reserved file data
of 2c8637b812f7a47802f4f91f8bfaccb978df9b62de558d038485ddb307ee982d with flags
0x01BDDA00 and status Exceeded Max Filesize > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature verdict Log and
flags 0x01BDDA00 for 2c8637b812f7a47802f4f91f8bfaccb978df9b62de558d038485dd-
b307ee982d of instance 0 > 6 AS 4 I 0 File malware event for
2c8637b812f7a47802f4f91f8bfaccb978df9b62de558d038485ddb307ee982d named 7z1700.exe
with disposition Neutral and action Malware Lookup > 6 AS 4 I 0 Archive childs been processed No > 6 AS 4 I 0 Deleting session
Caught interrupt signal

FTD Blocks Malware

This section shows how to analyze Firepower actions on malware. To emulate a malicious
file, this chapter leverages an anti-malware test file available in the European Institute for
Computer Antivirus Research (EICAR) website. Cisco does not develop or maintain this
test file; however, you can download the latest copy from Alternatively, you can
create a test file by your own using a text editor. It consists of the following characters:


Figure 20-28 shows the creation of suspicious.exe, an anti-malware test file. The example
uses notepad—a text editor for Microsoft Windows—to create the file. The file
simply contains the test string. After you copy the string, save the file in the Windows
executable (.exe) format.

Figure 20-28 Creation of an Anti-Malware Test File, suspicious.exe, Using a Text Editor
608 Chapter 20: Controlling File Transfer and Blocking the Spread of Malware

To perform an experiment, at first, store the anti-malware test file (suspicious.exe) on

a web server in your lab network. Then attempt to download the test file to a client
computer by using a web browser. FTD should block the attempt.
Figure 20-29 demonstrates that FTD blocks a client’s attempt to download the
suspicious.exe file. The cloud lookup returns a very high threat score for this anti-malware
test file, because the cloud detects the test string within the file and considers it malware.

Figure 20-29 FTD Blocking a File with a Malware Signature

Example 20-6 details the operations of an FTD device when it analyzes a file, performs a
cloud lookup, and blocks the file based on its malware disposition.

Example 20-6 Blocking a File Due to Its Malware Disposition

> system support firewall-engine-debug

Please specify an IP protocol: tcp

Please specify a client IP address:
Please specify a client port:
Please specify a server IP address:
Please specify a server port:

Monitoring firewall engine debug messages

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 609

! First, client attempts to download the suspicious.exe file using a web browser. > 6 AS 4 I 0 New session > 6 AS 4 I 0 using HW or preset rule order 2,
'Access Rule for File Policy', action Allow and prefilter rule 0 > 6 AS 4 I 0 allow action > 6 AS 4 I 0 URL SI: ShmDBLookupURL
("") returned 0 > 6 AS 4 I 0 File policy verdict is Type,
Malware, and Capture > 6 AS 4 I 0 File type verdict Unknown,
fileAction Malware Lookup, flags 0x0025DA00, and type action Stop for type 273 of
instance 0

! Firepower System performs a lookup on cached disposition before sending a query to

the cloud. > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature cache

query returned Cache Miss for 275a021bbfb6489e54d471899f7db9d1663f-
c695ec2fe2a2c4538aabf651fd0f with disposition Cache Miss, spero Cache Miss,
severity 0, and transmit Sent > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature reserved file data
of 275a021bbfb6489e54d471899f7db9d1663fc695ec2fe2a2c4538aabf651fd0f with flags
0x0025DA00 and status Smaller than Min Filesize > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature verdict
Pending and flags 0x0025DA00 for 275a021bbfb6489e54d471899f7db9d1663f-
c695ec2fe2a2c4538aabf651fd0f of instance 0 > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature cache
query returned Cache Miss for 275a021bbfb6489e54d471899f7db9d1663f-
c695ec2fe2a2c4538aabf651fd0f with disposition Cache Miss, spero Cache Miss,
severity 0, and transmit Sent > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature reserved file data
of 275a021bbfb6489e54d471899f7db9d1663fc695ec2fe2a2c4538aabf651fd0f with flags
0x0025DA00 and status Smaller than Min Filesize > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature
verdict Pending and flags 0x0025DA00 for 275a021bbfb6489e54d471899f7db9d1663f-
c695ec2fe2a2c4538aabf651fd0f of instance 0

! At this stage, FMC receives a malware disposition from the cloud. FTD acts on the
file based on the File Policy. > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature cache

query returned Malware for 275a021bbfb6489e54d471899f7db9d1663f-
c695ec2fe2a2c4538aabf651fd0f with disposition Malware, spero Cache Miss, severity
76, and transmit Sent > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature reserved file data
of 275a021bbfb6489e54d471899f7db9d1663fc695ec2fe2a2c4538aabf651fd0f with flags
0x0025DA00 and status Smaller than Min Filesize > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature verdict
Reject and flags 0x0025DA00 for 275a021bbfb6489e54d471899f7db9d1663f-
c695ec2fe2a2c4538aabf651fd0f of instance 0
610 Chapter 20: Controlling File Transfer and Blocking the Spread of Malware > 6 AS 4 I 0 File malware event for

275a021bbfb6489e54d471899f7db9d1663fc695ec2fe2a2c4538aabf651fd0f named suspicious.
exe with disposition Malware and action Block Malware > 6 AS 4 I 0 Archive childs been processed No > 6 AS 4 I 0 Deleting session
<Output Omitted for Brevity>
Caught interrupt signal


Overriding a Malware Disposition

If you disagree with a file disposition—whether it is analyzed locally by the FTD device
or dynamically by the cloud—the FMC allows you to override an outcome by using a file
list. There are two types of file list:

■ Clean list: If FTD blocks a file due to its malware disposition, you could manually
allow the file by adding it to the clean list. This lets the file go through FTD moving

■ Custom detection list: If the local or dynamic analysis engine identifies a file as
clean or unknown and, therefore, FTD allows the file to transfer, you could change
this behavior by adding the file to the custom detection list. In the future, if a client
attempts to transfer the same file, FTD will block it, regardless of the disposition by
the local or dynamic analysis engine.

In short, the clean list allows you to whitelist a file, whereas you can blacklist a file by
adding it to the custom detection list.

To deploy a new file list, the FTD device must be running a file policy with the following
rule conditions:

■ The rule matches the same file type as your selected file format for a file list. For
example, if you want to add an executable file to the clean or custom detection list,
the rule on a file policy needs to match the executable file types as well.

■ The action of the rule is set to one of the malware analysis rules, such as malware
cloud lookup or block malware.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 611

Once these conditions are fulfilled, you can add a file to a file list in two ways: by using
the right-click context menu or by using a file list object. The context menu allows you to
add a file on the fly.
Figure 20-30 shows the addition of the 7z1700.exe file to the custom detection list
through the context menu.

Figure 20-30 Adding a File to the Custom Detection List by Using the Context Menu

Figure 20-31 shows the navigation to the file list object configuration page. Besides add-
ing the files and their SHA hash values, this page allows you to manage any previously
added files.
612 Chapter 20: Controlling File Transfer and Blocking the Spread of Malware

2 4

Figure 20-31 Adding a File to the Custom Detection List by Using the File List Object

Once you add your desired file to a file list, you can redeploy the file policy to FTD.
Then you can attempt to redownload the file you have just added. If you added the file to
the custom detection list, the client should no longer be able to download the file.

Figure 20-32 confirms the block of the latest download attempt due to custom detection.
This time, FTD blocks the same 7z1700.exe file that was allowed earlier due to unavail-
able and unknown dispositions.

Example 20-7 displays the debugging messages for a Custom Detection Block event.
Here, FTD blacklists the 7z1700.exe file due to its addition to the custom detection list.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 613

The File Is Blocked Due to Custom Detection

The File Is Allowed Both Click an icon to view the

Times Due to Disposition network file trajectory.

Figure 20-32 File Event for the Custom Detection Block

Example 20-7 Adding a File to the Custom Detection List Blacklists the File

> system support firewall-engine-debug

Please specify an IP protocol: tcp

Please specify a client IP address:
Please specify a client port:
Please specify a server IP address:
Please specify a server port:
Monitoring firewall engine debug messages > 6 AS 4 I 0 New session > 6 AS 4 I 0 using HW or preset rule order 2,
'Access Rule for File Policy', action Allow and prefilter rule 0
614 Chapter 20: Controlling File Transfer and Blocking the Spread of Malware > 6 AS 4 I 0 allow action > 6 AS 4 I 0 URL SI:
ShmDBLookupURL("") returned 0 > 6 AS 4 I 0 File policy verdict is Type,
Malware, and Capture > 6 AS 4 I 0 File type verdict Unknown,
fileAction Malware Lookup, flags 0x01BDDA00, and type action Stop for type 21 of
instance 0 > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature verdict Unknown
and flags 0x01BDDA00 for partial file of instance 0 > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature blacklist
2c8637b812f7a47802f4f91f8bfaccb978df9b62de558d038485ddb307ee982d > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature reserved file data
of 2c8637b812f7a47802f4f91f8bfaccb978df9b62de558d038485ddb307ee982d with flags
0x00A5DA00 and status Exceeded Max Filesize > 6 AS 4 I 0 File signature verdict Reject
and flags 0x00A5DA00 for 2c8637b812f7a47802f4f91f8bfaccb978df9b62de558d038485dd-
b307ee982d of instance 0 > 6 AS 4 I 0 File malware event for
2c8637b812f7a47802f4f91f8bfaccb978df9b62de558d038485ddb307ee982d named 7z1700.exe
with disposition Custom and action Custom Block > 6 AS 4 I 0 Archive childs been processed No > 6 AS 4 I 0 Deleting session
Caught interrupt signal


The FMC allows you to track and visualize the path of a file by using the network file
trajectory feature. This feature can save you analysis time when you want to determine
the spread of a suspicious file. You can look up a particular file by entering its SHA-256
hash value on the Files > Network Trajectory page. Alternatively, on the file event page,
you can click a disposition icon in the SHA256 column to open the file trajectory page
(as shown in the Figure 20-32).

Figure 20-33 shows the network file trajectory for the 7z1700.exe file. Throughout the
exercises on this chapter, the file has gone through various disposition states that you can
see on this page.
Quiz 615

Unavailable (12:58) > Unknown (13:51) > Custom Detection Block (14:33)

Figure 20-33 Network File Trajectory Page

Cisco integrates the Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) technology with the Firepower
technology. This chapter explains how these technologies work together to help you
detect and block the spread of infected files across your network. This chapter also shows
the configurations and operations of a file policy on a Firepower system, and it demon-
strates various logs and debugging messages that are useful for determining any issues
with cloud lookup and file disposition.

1. Which of the following does not require a Malware license?
a. Sending a file to the cloud for dynamic analysis
b. Enabling a local analysis engine
c. Performing a cloud lookup without blocking a file
d. Blocking a file transfer based on its file format
616 Chapter 20: Controlling File Transfer and Blocking the Spread of Malware

2. Which type of analysis requires a connection to the cloud?

a. Spero
b. Sandbox
c. High-fidelity
d. Prefilter

3. Which of the following is recommended?

a. Use the Reset Connection option on a file rule.
b. Avoid storing all the files that FTD detects.
c. Limit the file size for analysis.
d. All of the above.

4. Which of the following is not true?

a. FTD can interrupt traffic in case of a cloud lookup failure.
b. A file policy uses the adaptive profile feature.
c. The FMC sends a query to the cloud to detect a file type.
d. The FMC connects to the cloud to obtain new signatures for malware.
Chapter 21

Preventing Cyber Attacks by

Blocking Intrusion Attempts

One of the most popular features of Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) is that it can func-
tion as an intrusion detection system (IDS) as well as an intrusion prevention system (IPS).
FTD uses Snort, an open-source IDS/IPS, to perform deep packet inspection. Snort can
detect intrusion attempts and prevent cyber attacks in real time. When an FTD device
runs Snort along with many other next-generation security technologies (described in
recent chapters), the device turns into a next-generation intrusion prevention system
(NGIPS). In this chapter, you will learn how to configure and deploy an intrusion policy
on an FTD device.

Figure 21-1 shows a packet analyzed against a Snort ruleset as the last phase of the
Firepower engine inspection. However, any bypassed or trusted traffic is not subject to
Snort rule inspection.

Firepower NGIPS Essentials

To deploy an FTD as an NGIPS, you need to work with three different policies in
the FMC:

■ Network analysis policy: This policy works in conjunction with preprocessor rules
to normalize traffic.

■ Intrusion policy: This policy employs the Snort rules to perform deep packet

■ Access control policy: This policy invokes the network analysis policy and intrusion
policy for matching and nonmatching traffic.

The following sections describe all the essential components that are part of an intrusion
policy deployment.
Chapter 21: Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts
Fastpath Rule Match wh
ich Ap P
Ingress Ta plie refil
Interface ke s a ter
sP F P
lac ast olic
Blocking of Traffic by the Prefilter Policy
Trust Rule Match wh Acc e B pa y
ich ess e for h R
Security Access Control Is Co e a ule
Su nt ny ,
Intelligence ACL: L3-L4 bje rol An
Overrun, Buffer Overflow

(IP Address) ct Po aly

Passed Identity Check to licy sis
Ide A
Security nti pp

Blocking of Traffic Based on Five Tuples

Intelligence ty lies
(DNS, URL) ec a Tr
k a us
Blacklisting of IP Address

nd t R
Ra ule
Rate Limited te ,
Access Control it

Blacklisting of DNS, URL

File Policy

User Identity Check

Application Control

File Control, Malware

Snort Rule

Intrusion Attempt
Rate Limit
Next Hop Lookup

Dropped Due to the Firepower Engine
Blocked by the Firewall Engine

Figure 21-1 Snort Rule Drops a Packet at the Later Phase of Firepower Inspection
Firepower NGIPS Essentials 619

Network Analysis Policy and Preprocessor

Before performing deep packet inspection, Snort decodes a packet and streamlines its
header and payload into a format that a Snort rule can analyze easily. The component that
performs this normalization is called a preprocessor. Snort has various protocol-specific
preprocessors. They can identify anomalies within the stream of packets, detect evasion
techniques, and drop them when there is an inconsistency, such as an invalid checksum or
unusual ports.

The implementation of preprocessors on open source Snort and FTD are not exactly the
same. The Firepower engine normalizes traffic in various phases as a packet goes through
additional advanced security checks.
Figure 21-2 shows the position of preprocessor in the open source Snort architecture. All
the preprocessor plugins operate at the same level—after decoding a packet and before
the Snort rule inspection.

Data Log
Packet Packet Detection Output
Acquisition Preprocessor Alerts
Stream Decoder Engine Module
via Libpcap Events

Preprocessor Snort Logging

Plugins Ruleset Database

Figure 21-2 Implementing Preprocessor Plugins on Open Source Snort

Figure 21-3 illustrates the multiphase implementation of preprocessors on an FTD device.

You can enable any of these preprocessors from one place: the network analysis policy.

A network analysis policy on a Firepower system allows you to enable a certain prepro-
cessor and fine-tune any granular settings within. A preprocessor allows Snort to prepro-
cess, decode, and normalize traffic for advance inspection. If you disable a preprocessor
manually but Snort deems the preprocessor necessary, FTD can still engage that particu-
lar preprocessor in the backend to protect your network from a potential threat. However,
a network analysis policy configuration does not indicate when FTD enables an essential
preprocessor automatically. Visually, the preprocessor setting remains disabled on the

Figure 21-4 shows the network analysis policy editor page, where you can enable and dis-
able a desired preprocessor. Later in this chapter, you will learn how to create and deploy
a network analysis policy from scratch.
Chapter 21: Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts
Back Orifice,
Identity ACL (L7) QoS Host and User File Type Malware
Policy App, URL Classify Discovery Control Analysis
Blacklisted Restricted Type Malware Sensitive Data


Application Layer Transport and Transport and

Preprocessor Network Layer Network Layer
Black- ----------------------- Preprocessor Black- Preprocessor Intrusion
listed (DCE/RPC, DNS, -------------------- listed --------------------
Sec Intl. FTP/Telnet, HTTP, Application (IP Defragment, Sec Intl (L2-L4 Decode) Snort
URL, DNS Sun RPC, SIP, Discovery TCP/UDP Stream) IP Add Rule

Engine Data
Fast Path Acquisition
Ingress Existing No VPN UN-NAT/ Prefilter ACL Flow
Packet Decrypt Egress Int. L3-L4 Update
Interface Conn. Policy
Path Trust

Egress Yes L2 L3 VPN QoS NAT ALG

Packet Add. Route Encrypt Enforce IP Header Check
No No

Figure 21-3 Network Analysis Policy Acting in Multiple Phases Throughout an Engine
Firepower NGIPS Essentials 621

Figure 21-4 Enabling and Disabling Preprocessor Settings in the Network

Analysis Policy Editor

The Application Layer Preprocessors section of a network analysis policy editor allows
you to configure the advanced settings of various protocols traffic, such as DCE/RPC,
DNS, FTP and Telnet, HTTP, Sun RPC, SIP, GTP Command Channel, IMAP, POP, SMTP,
SSH, and SSL.

The Transport and Network Layer Preprocessors section of a network analysis

policy editor offers granular configurable options for checksum verification, inline
normalization, IP defragmentation, packet decoding, TCP stream configuration, UDP
stream configuration, and so on.

The FMC also provides preprocessors for very specific environments and detection.
For example, DNP3 and Modbus preprocessors have been developed for the Supervisory
Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) network environment. Similarly, three additional
preprocessors are designed to detect very specific traffic patterns and threats, including
Back Orifice, Portscan, and Rate-Based.

Intrusion Policy and Snort Rules

After decoding and normalizing a packet, FTD uses the intrusion ruleset to perform deep
packet inspection. An intrusion rule is written based on Snort rule syntax and contains
622 Chapter 21: Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts

the signature of a specific vulnerability. The Firepower System supports Snort rules from
various sources, including the following:

■ Standard text rules: The Cisco Talos security intelligence and research group
writes these rules in clear-text format. The Snort detection engine uses them to
analyze packets.

■ Shared object (SO) rules: Talos writes SO rules in the C programming language and
compiles them for Snort use. The content of an SO rule is made irretrievable for vari-
ous reasons, such as proprietary agreements between Cisco and third-party vendors.

■ Preprocessor rules: The Snort development team creates these rules, which the
Firepower engine uses to decode packets with various protocols.

■ Local rules: The FMC enables you to create a custom Snort rule by using its GUI.
You can also write your own rule in a text editor, save the file in .txt format, and
upload it to the FMC. When you create your own Snort rule and import it into the
FMC, the Firepower System labels it as a local rule. Similarly, if you obtain a Snort
rule from a community-based Internet forum, the system considers it a local rule as
well. The Firepower System supports text-based local rules only; it does not support
the creation and compilation of your own SO rules.

Warning Although the FMC enables you to import the community-provided rules
or to write your own local rules, you should always consider enabling a Cisco-provided
rule over a local rule. Cisco-provided rules are developed by Talos—a group of world-
class researchers who are primarily responsible for writing and improving Snort rules.
An ill-structured rule created by a new Snort user can affect the performance of an
FTD device.

Snort uses a unique generator ID (GID) and Snort rule ID (SID) to identify a rule.
Depending on who creates a rule, the numbering schemes of GIDs and SIDs are different.
Table 21-1 provides the identification numbers that you can use to distinguish one type
of Snort rule from another.

Table 21-1 Types of Snort Rules and Their Identification Numbers

Type of Rule Identification Number
Standard text rule GID is 1. SID is lower than 1,000,000.
Shared object rule GID is 3.
Preprocessor rule GID can be anything other than 1 or 3.
Local rule SID is 1,000,000 or higher.

Once you create an intrusion policy, you can enter the intrusion policy editor page to
find and enable a specific Snort rule or all of the rules within a category.
Firepower NGIPS Essentials 623

Figure 21-5 shows a search query for all the Snort rules with Telnet metadata. You can
perform a similar search to find rules with many other criteria. For now, just take a look
how the intrusion policy editor displays rules in a search query. Later in this chapter, you
will learn how to create, edit, and deploy an intrusion policy from scratch.

Rules Panel Option 2: Manually type the filtering condition.

Option 1: Select a criterion under Clicking on a rule pops the Show Details
the Rules panel. button at the bottom of this page.

Figure 21-5 Granular Options to Search for a Specific Snort Rule in the Intrusion
Policy Editor

Tip If you want to search for rule 718 directly, enter SID:718 in the filter—rather than
just 718. If you want to perform a new search, you should clear the existing search result
by clicking the X icon in the Filter bar.

Once you find a rule, you can select the rule and click the Show Details button to view
detailed information about it.
624 Chapter 21: Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts

Figure 21-6 shows the syntax of Snort rule 1:718. It also provides detailed rule documen-
tation. Later in this chapter, you will learn how to create an intrusion policy from scratch
and enable a desired rule within it.

Figure 21-6 Viewing Additional Information About a Rule

Note Throughout this chapter, Snort rule 1:718 is used as an example to demonstrate
various configurations. You can replace SID:718 with any desired rule.

System-Provided Variables
Besides using a static IP address or port number, a Snort rule can use variables to repre-
sent the source and destination information. This empowers you to enable a rule in any
network environment without modifying the original Snort rule.

Figure 21-7 illustrates Snort rule 1:718, which analyzes traffic from the $TELNET_
SERVERS variable to detect a potential brute-force attack. If you do not change the
default value of the $TELNET_SERVERS variable, Snort analyzes packets from additional
IP addresses—along with your real Telnet server—for the “Login incorrect” content with
the payloads.
Firepower NGIPS Essentials 625

Defines Select a Variable Source Operator Variable Destination

Action for Protocol That Port of Defines to Define Port of
Matching for Defines Packet Traffic Destination Packet
Packet Analysis Source IP Direction IP Address

alert tcp $TELNET_SERVERS 23 -> $EXTERNAL_NET any

Rule Header
msg:"PROTOCOL-TELNET login incorrect"; msg: Displays a message on the GUI when a rule triggers

flow:to_client,established; flow: Defines the traffic flows for which a rule is applied
Rule Options

content:"Login incorrect"; content: Searches for specific content in the packet payload

metadata:ruleset community, service telnet; metadata: Associates additional data with a rule for future use

classtype:bad-unknown; classtype: Categorizes a rule as a certain type of attack

sid:718; sid: Maps a rule with a unique number

rev:16; rev: Increases by one whenever a rule is revised


Figure 21-7 Anatomy of Snort Rule 1:718 (GID:1, SID:718)

You must define the $HOME_NET variable based on the network address used in your
LAN. If the default value of a variable that represents a specific server is set to any or
$HOME_NET, you must change it to a more specific value. It makes a Snort rule more
effective and reduces the probability of false positive alerts. Thus, a proper variable set-
ting can improve performance.
The purpose of a variable is explained by the variable’s name. The names ending with
$*_NET, $*_SERVERS and $*_PORTS define network addresses, IP addresses, and port
numbers, respectively. Consider these examples:

■ $HOME_NET, $EXTERNAL_NET: Defines the internal network and external

network addresses, respectively.
■ $HTTP_SERVERS, $DNS_SERVERS: Defines the IP addresses of the web servers
and domain name servers, respectively.
■ $FTP_PORTS, $HTTP_PORTS: Defines the port numbers of the FTP servers and
web servers, respectively.

Note In this chapter, the configuration examples use the Cisco-provided Snort rules. If
you want to write your own local rules, you need to know the usage of Snort variables and
rule options, which are beyond the scope of this chapter. To learn more about custom rule
writing, read the documentation on open-source Snort at
626 Chapter 21: Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts

Figure 21-8 shows a list of variables in the default variable set. You must redefine both
variables—$HOME_NET and $TELNET_SERVERS—to trigger SID:718 efficiently in
the appropriate condition. The list in this figure has been shortened to accommodate
both the $HOME_NET and $TELNET_SERVERS in one screenshot.

The list has been shortened to accommodate the

essential variables in one page.

Figure 21-8 Redefining the Default Values of Variables with Specific Values

System-Provided Policies
To help you expedite a deployment, Firepower software comes with several preconfig-
ured network analysis policies and intrusion policies. You can use one of the following
system-provided policies as the default security policy for your network or as a baseline
for a custom security policy:

■ Balanced Security and Connectivity: Cisco Talos recommends this policy for the
best system performance without compromising the detection of the latest critical

■ Connectivity over Security: This policy prioritizes connection speed while main-
taining detection of a few critical vulnerabilities.
Firepower NGIPS Essentials 627

■ Security over Connectivity: Security has higher priority than connection speed and

■ Maximum Detection: Security has supreme priority over business continuity. Due
to the deeper inspection of packets, end users may experience latency, and FTD may
drop some legitimate traffic.

Figure 21-9 shows four system-provided policies that you can use as a base policy for a
network analysis policy (NAP).

Four Base
Policies for NAP

Figure 21-9 System-Provided Base Policies for Network Analysis

Figure 21-10 shows five system-provided policies in the dropdown that you can use as a
base policy for an intrusion policy. The base policy No Rules Active allows you to create
an empty intrusion policy with all the rules disabled. You can use it for two purposes:
to create an intrusion policy from scratch or to investigate any technical issues with the
Snort engine.

Five Base
Policies for IPS

Figure 21-10 System-Provided Base Policies for Intrusion Detection and Prevention
628 Chapter 21: Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts

The number of rules enabled by default in a system-provided policy varies. Cisco

uses a Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) score that is associated with a
vulnerability to determine whether a rule should be part of any system-provided policy.
Table 21-2 shows the criteria to determine the inclusion of an intrusion rule in a
system-provided policy.

Table 21-2 System-Provided Policies and Their Associations with CVSS Scores
Intrusion Policy CVSS Score Age of Vulnerability
Connectivity over Security 10 Current year plus two prior years
Balanced Security and 9 or higher Current year plus two prior years
Security over Connectivity 8 or higher Current year plus three prior years
Maximum Detection 7.5 or higher All the years since 2005

Figure 21-11 shows the correlation among the system-provided intrusion policies, their
detection coverages, and processing overheads. The higher the threat coverage, the higher
the utilization of the FTD resources.

Number of Threat Coverage

CPU and Memory Usage

Age of Vulnerability

Rule Overhead

No Rules Active
Connectivity Over Security
Balanced Security and Connectivity
Security Over Connectivity
Maximum Detection


Figure 21-11 System-Provided Policies, Coverages, and Processing Overheads

Cisco releases rule updates periodically. The FMC can update the ruleset automatically
from the cloud through a scheduled task. You can also manually download a rule
update file and upload it to the FMC for installation. Each rule update comes with a
unique ruleset. While the exact number of available rules on a specific rule update is
unpredictable, the ratio of enabled rules among the system-provided policies is similar.
For example, the Security over Connectivity policy enables the highest number of
intrusion rules, whereas the Connectivity over Security policy enables the lowest number
of rules. (However, the No Rules Active policy has no rules enabled.)
Firepower NGIPS Essentials 629

Figure 21-12 shows the Policy Information page in an intrusion policy editor. Here you
can determine the number of enabled rules and the rule update version of a base policy.

Figure 21-12 Determining the Number of Enabled Rules on a Base Policy

Table 21-3 shows the number of rules enabled by default by Rule Update 2016-03-28-
001-vrt. Firepower Version 6.1 comes with rule update 2016-03-28-001-vrt preinstalled.

Table 21-3 Enabled Rules in the Default Ruleset of Rule Update 2016-03-28-001-vrt
Intrusion Policy Total Number of Rules to Rules to Drop and
Enabled Rules Generate Events Generate Events
No Rules Active 0 0 0
Connectivity over 459 9 450
Balanced Security 7142 84 7058
and Connectivity
Security over 10,069 235 9834
Maximum 5533 39 5494
630 Chapter 21: Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts

Table 21-4 shows the number of rules enabled by default by Rule Update 2017-06-15-
001-vrt. You can compare the statistics shown here with the number of rules enabled on
2016-03-28-001-vrt, as shown in Table 21-3. These rule updates were released one year
apart, but the ratio of the enabled rules is similar.

Table 21-4 Enabled Rules in the Default Ruleset of Rule Update 2017-06-15-001-vrt
Intrusion Policy Total Number of Rules to Rules to Drop and
Rules Enabled Generate Events Generate Events
No Rules Active 0 0 0
Connectivity over 474 9 465
Balanced Security 8779 71 8708
and Connectivity
Security over 12,716 245 12,471
Maximum 6732 40 6692

As the name suggests, the Maximum Detection policy is meant to enable the maximum
number of intrusion rules. However, the numbers in Tables 21-3 and 21-4 do not support
this assumption. Actually, the Security over Connectivity policy enables the maximum
number of rules. So, how does the Maximum Detection policy ensure the maximum
threat detection? It actually performs a much deeper analysis of packets to detect any
protocol anomalies.

Table 21-5 shows the number of preprocessors enabled on different system-provided

network analysis policies. The Maximum Detection policy has the highest number of
preprocessors enabled, by default.

Table 21-5 Number of Preprocessors Enabled on Rule Update 2017-06-15-001-vrt

Intrusion Policy Number of Enabled Preprocessors
Connectivity over Security 15
Balanced Security and Connectivity 15
Security over Connectivity 17
Maximum Detection 18
Firepower NGIPS Essentials 631

Figure 21-13 illustrates the default configuration settings of the HTTP preprocessor on
the Maximum Detection policy. As you can see, much deeper inspections are enabled.

Deeper HTTP

More preprocessors are enabled on More HTTP inspection

the Maximum Detection policy. options are enabled.

Figure 21-13 Analysis of HTTP Preprocessor Settings on the Maximum

Detection Policy

Figure 21-14 shows the default configuration settings of the HTTP preprocessor on the
Balanced Security and Connectivity policy. If you compare this figure with the previ-
ous one, you will find a milder HTTP inspection setting on the Balanced Security and
Connectivity policy.
632 Chapter 21: Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts

The depth of HTTP

inspection is shallow.

Fewer preprocessors are Advanced HTTP inspection

enabled on this policy. options are disabled.

Figure 21-14 HTTP Preprocessor Settings on the Balanced Security and

Connectivity Policy

Best Practices for Intrusion Policy Deployment

Note This section discusses various tips for optimal deployment and displays GUI
navigations to the related configuration pages. Later in this chapter, you will find detailed
configuration steps for each of these items.

Before you deploy an intrusion policy, you should consider the following best practices,
in general:

■ To match a packet using five tuples—source port, destination port, source address,
destination address, and protocol—you should consider using an access rule, not an
intrusion rule. The purpose of a Snort-based intrusion rule is to perform advanced
deep packet inspection.
Best Practices for Intrusion Policy Deployment 633

■ Select the Balanced Security and Connectivity policy as the default policy when
you create the network analysis policy and intrusion policy.

Figure 21-15 shows the selection of Balanced Security and Connectivity as the base
policy for both the network analysis policy (top) and intrusion policy (bottom).
Also, notice the check boxes for Inline Mode and Drop When Inline; you must
select both of them if you want FTD to block an intrusion attempt.

Network Analysis Policy

Intrusion Policy

Figure 21-15 Policy Creation Windows for the Network Analysis Policy and
Intrusion Policy

■ Use the Firepower Recommendations feature within the intrusion policy. This feature
can incorporate the network discovery data to determine the intrusion rules that are
related to the operating systems, services, and applications running in a network.

■ When you generate Firepower recommendations, define the networks to examine

and set Recommendation Threshold (by Rule Overhead) to Medium or Low for
optimal system performance.

Figure 21-16 shows the Firepower Recommendations configuration page within the
intrusion policy editor. The number of recommended rules can vary based on your
634 Chapter 21: Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts

Figure 21-16 Configuration Page to Generate Firepower Recommended Rules

■ Enable the Adaptive Profiles and Enable Profile Update features to leverage the
service metadata and allow FTD to apply the enabled intrusion rules to the relevant
traffic intelligently.

Figure 21-17 shows the advanced settings for an access control policy where you can
configure the Adaptive Profiles and Enable Profile Update settings.

Table 21-6 shows the differences between the Firepower Recommendations and
Enable Profile Update features. Although both features work together to enable
traffic-specific intrusion rules, there are some differences between them.
Best Practices for Intrusion Policy Deployment 635

Figure 21-17 Configuration Page for an Adaptive Profile

Table 21-6 Firepower Recommendations Versus Enable Profile Update

Firepower Recommendation Enable Profile Update
Recommends enabling and disabling Compares rule metadata with the applications and
intrusion rules, based on the operating systems of a host and determines whether
discovered applications and hosts. the FTD device should apply a certain rule to certain
traffic from that host.
Can enable a disabled rule if the Does not change the state of a disabled rule. Only
rule relates to a host and application works on the enabled rules in an intrusion policy.
in the network.
Configured within an intrusion policy. Configured within an access control policy.

Tip Enable both features—Enable Profile Update and Firepower Recommendations—at

the same time. Doing so enables an FTD device to enable or disable the intrusion rules that
are related to the hosts, applications, and services running on a network and then apply the
enabled rules to relevant traffic from those hosts.
636 Chapter 21: Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts

■ In the network analysis policy, configure the Inline Normalization preprocessor with
the Normalize TCP Payload option enabled to ensure consistent retransmission of
data (see Figure 21-18).

Figure 21-18 Option to Normalize TCP Payload

Some of the best practices are applicable to a particular deployment mode, and depend
on your traffic handling policy. For example:

■ If you want to prevent cyber attacks by blocking intrusion attempts, you need to
deploy FTD device bump in the wire (BITW). The BITW deployment requires an
inline interface pair—you include the ingress and egress interfaces to an inline inter-
face pair and then assign the interface pair to an inline set. To learn more about Inline
Mode, see Chapter 11, “Blocking Traffic Using Inline Interface Mode.”

■ If your goal is to deploy FTD for detection-only purposes—that is, you do not
want to block an intrusion attempt in real time—consider deploying an FTD device
in Inline Tap Mode instead of in Passive Mode. Doing so enables you to switch to
Inline Mode faster, without the need for a cabling change. This is critical in case
of an emergency. To learn more, read Chapter 12, “Inspecting Traffic Without
Blocking It.”
NGIPS Configuration 637

■ If you choose to deploy an FTD device in Passive Mode anyway, make sure the
Adaptive Profiles option is enabled on the advanced settings access control policy.
This option enables an FTD device to adapt intrusion rules dynamically based on the
metadata of the service, client application, and host traffic.

■ When FTD prompts you to select a firewall mode (during initialization after a reim-
age), choose Routed Mode. While Transparent Mode can block an intrusion attempt,
you could accomplish the same goal—transparency or a bump in the wire—by using
Inline Mode, which has less configuration overhead. Using the FTD CLI, you can
switch between Routed Mode and Transparent Mode. To learn more about Routed
Mode, read Chapter 8, “Firepower Deployment in Routed Mode.”

NGIPS Configuration
Configuring an FTD device as a next-generation intrusion prevention system (NGIPS) can
involve three different security policies: network analysis policy, intrusion policy, and
access control policy. In the following sections, you will learn how to configure all of
these policies in order to deploy an FTD device with NGIPS functionality.

Configuring a Network Analysis Policy

To create a network analysis policy (NAP), you need to navigate to the network analy-
sis policy configuration page. However, the FMC does not provide a direct menu to go
there. You can navigate to that page in two ways: through the access control policy con-
figuration page or through the intrusion policy configuration page.

Figure 21-19 shows the navigation to the network analysis policy through the intrusion
policy page. You will find a similar link on the access control policy page.

Figure 21-19 Link to Access the Network Analysis Policy Configuration Page

Creating a New NAP with Default Settings

Once you are on the network analysis policy configuration page, follow these steps:

Step 1. Click the Create Policy button. The Create Network Analysis Policy window
appears (see Figure 21-20).

Step 2. Give a name to the policy.

638 Chapter 21: Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts

Figure 21-20 Configuration Window to Create a Network Analysis Policy

Note By default, the Inline Mode option is enabled. It allows the preprocessors to
normalize traffic flows and drop any packets that contain anomalies.

Step 3. As the base policy, select Balanced Security and Connectivity. This policy
provides the best system performance without compromising the detection of
the latest and critical vulnerabilities.

Step 4. Click the Create Policy button to create a network analysis policy using the
default settings. You will return to the network analysis policy configuration
page. The network analysis policy you have just created should appear in the
list on this page.

Optionally, if you want to modify the default settings of the network analysis policy,
read on; otherwise, skip to the next section, “Configuring an Intrusion Policy”.
NGIPS Configuration 639

Modifying the Default Settings of a NAP

FMC enables you to enable or disable the default settings of a network analysis policy.
There are two ways to enter the policy editor page. During the network analysis policy
creation, you could select the Create and Edit Policy button instead of clicking the
Create Policy button. Alternatively, if you already created a network analysis policy, you
could find the policy on the network analysis policy configuration page and select the
pencil icon next to it. Both methods can take you to the policy editor page right way.

Step 1. On the network analysis policy editor page, select Settings in the panel on
the left. A list of preprocessors appears. Figure 21-21 shows the network anal-
ysis policy editor page, where you can enable, disable, and modify preproces-
sor configurations.

The extra preprocessors appear in this list after you enable them on demand.

Figure 21-21 Enabling Extra Preprocessors on Top of a Base Policy

Step 2. Enable (or disable) any desired preprocessors in addition to the preprocessors
enabled (or disabled) by default on the base policy.
640 Chapter 21: Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts

Tip Enable the Inline Normalization preprocessor with the Normalize TCP Payload
option to ensure consistent retransmission of data (refer to Figure 21-18).

Figure 21-22 shows the impact of your changes to the network analysis
policy. Although Inline Normalization and Rate-Based Attack Prevention
preprocessors are disabled on the base policy, your custom configuration
overrides the default behavior of the base policy.

Figure 21-22 Layered View of the Preprocessor Configurations

Step 3. When you are finished with modifications, make sure you save the changes.
On the left panel, select the Policy Information section, and click the
Commit Changes button (see Figure 21-23). This button is comparable
to a Save button, in that any modification is saved but not deployed on a
managed device.
NGIPS Configuration 641

Figure 21-23 Saving Configuration Changes

Configuring an Intrusion Policy

Intrusion policy configuration is the key part of an NGIPS deployment. This is where you
select a system-provided ruleset and enable any additional intrusion rules.

Creating a Policy with a Default Ruleset

To create an intrusion policy, follow these steps:

Step 1. Navigate to Policies > Access Control > Intrusion. The intrusion policy
configuration page appears.

Step 2. Click the Create Policy button. The Create Intrusion Policy window appears
(see Figure 21-24).
642 Chapter 21: Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts

Figure 21-24 Configuration Window to Create an Intrusion Policy

Step 3. Give a name to the policy.

Note By default, the Drop When Inline option is enabled, which means an FTD device
can drop packets when you deploy it in Inline, Routed, or Transparent Mode. This option,
however, does not affect the traffic flow if you deploy the FTD device in Inline Tap or
Passive Mode.

Step 4. Select Balanced Security and Connectivity as the base policy. This policy
provides the best system performance without compromising the detection of
the latest and critical vulnerabilities.

Step 5. Click the Create Policy button to create an intrusion policy using the default

Incorporating Firepower Recommendations

By default, the Firepower Recommendations feature is disabled, as it can consume
additional resources to analyze the network discovery data and associated vulnerabilities
NGIPS Configuration 643

and generate recommendations accordingly. You should leverage the Firepower

Recommendations feature, though, because it can suggest enabling or disabling
intrusion rules based on the operating systems, services, and applications running in
your network.

Tip Generate and use Firepower Recommendations after the majority of your network
hosts generate traffic and your FTD discovers them. If you apply recommendations with-
out waiting some time to perform the network discovery, FTD may recommend disabling
many intrusion rules, which may not be desired.

To generate and use Firepower Recommendations, follow these steps:

Step 1. Edit the intrusion policy where you want to enable Firepower
Recommendations. If you are currently in the process of creating an intrusion
policy, click the Create and Edit Policy button to enter the policy editor
page right away. If a policy is already created, you can enter the editor page
by using the pencil icon, which is next to the name of the intrusion policy
(see Figure 21-25).

Figure 21-25 Option to Edit an Intrusion Policy

Step 2. On the intrusion policy editor page, select Firepower Recommendations

from the blue panel on the left. The Firepower Recommended Rule
Configuration page appears.

Step 3. Define the networks to examine and set Recommendation Threshold

(by Rule Overhead) to low or medium so that the intrusion rules with higher
processing overhead are not considered in the recommended ruleset.
644 Chapter 21: Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts

Figure 21-26 shows the configuration of Firepower Recommendations. The

configuration in this example analyzes traffic from the net-
work and suggests intrusion rules based on the application, services, and
operating systems running on the network hosts.

Step 4. Click the Generate and Use Recommendations button. This button appears
if the FMC did not generate any recommendation before. If a recommen-
dation has already been generated, you will see different buttons, whose
labels are self-explanatory, such as Update Recommendations, Do Not Use
Recommendations, and so on.

Figure 21-27 shows the recommendations for 963 rules (20 rules to gener-
ate events, 943 rules to drop and generate events). These rules are suggested
based on the information on two hosts.

Figure 21-26 Firepower Recommended Rules Configuration

NGIPS Configuration 645

963 Rules Are Enabled

Rule Overhead Is Medium

Figure 21-27 Firepower Recommended Rules—Rule Overhead Is Medium

For testing purposes, you can try regenerating recommendations with low
rule overhead threshold. You will notice that, for the same network hosts, the
number of recommended rules is now significantly lower. Figure 21-28 shows
the recommendations for only three rules (two rules to generate events and
one rule to drop and generate events). The number of recommended rules for
the same two network hosts are significantly lower because the rule process-
ing overhead is set to low.
646 Chapter 21: Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts

Three Rules Are Enabled

Rule Overhead Is Low

Figure 21-28 Firepower Recommendations (for Testing Purposes)—Rule

Overhead Is Low

Step 5. Make sure to save any changes by clicking the Commit Changes button on
the Policy Information page.

Enabling or Disabling an Intrusion Rule

Optionally, if you want to enable or disable any intrusion rule from the default ruleset,
follow these steps:

Step 1. Edit the intrusion policy where you want to enable or disable an intrusion
rule. If you are currently in the process of creating an intrusion policy, click
the Create and Edit Policy button to enter the policy editor page right away.
If a policy has already been created, you can enter the editor page by using
the pencil icon, which is next to the name of the intrusion policy.

Step 2. On the intrusion policy editor page, select Rules in the panel on the left.
A list of rules appears.
NGIPS Configuration 647

Step 3. When you find a desired rule, select its check box and define the Rule State
to enable the rule.

Tip If you manually enable additional intrusion rules (on top of a base policy), and you
want FTD to block any matching packets, the state of those rules should be set to Drop
and Generate Events.

Figure 21-29 illustrates the steps to find and enable a desired rule using the
intrusion policy editor.

1 2 5

3 4
Steps to enable a rule
1. Select Rules on the left panel.
2-3. Select the criteria to find the desired rules.
4. Select the desired rules using the check box.
5. Define an action by selecting a rule state.

Figure 21-29 Enabling an Intrusion Rule

Step 4. Make sure you save any changes by clicking the Commit Changes button on
the Policy Information page.
648 Chapter 21: Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts

Setting Up a Variable Set

One of the important steps in configuring an intrusion policy is to define the values of a
variable set. Because a Firepower system does not make this configuration step manda-
tory, users may overlook this step.

You must define the $HOME_NET variable based on the network address used in your
LAN. If the default value of a variable that represents a specific server is set to any or
$HOME_NET, you must change it to a more specific value. Doing so makes a Snort rule
more effective and reduces the probability of false positive alerts. Thus, a proper variable
setting can improve performance.

To modify the system-provided default set or to add a new variable set, follow
these steps:

Step 1. Navigate to Objects > Object Management.

Step 2. Select Variable Set from the menu on the left. The list of available variable
sets appears.

Step 3. You can edit an existing variable set or create a new one. To create a new one,
click the Add Variable Set button, and the New Variable Set configuration
window appears.

Step 4. Find the variables that need updates. Click a variable’s pencil icon to edit the
value of the variable. To define a value, you can add a network address direct-
ly or select a predefined network object. The system also allows you to create
a new network object on the fly.

Figure 21-30 shows how to navigate to the New Variable Set configuration
window, where you can customize the default variables. For example, when
you click the pencil icon next to the HOME_NET variable, the Edit Variable
HOME_NET window, which is a variable editor, appears. Figure 21-30
shows the customized values for the HOME_NET, EXTERNAL_NET, and
TELNET_SERVERS variables. (You can see the variable editor in the back-
ground in Figure 21-31.)
NGIPS Configuration 649

1 2 4 3

Figure 21-30 Creating a Custom Variable Set

Figure 21-31 shows the definition of a new network object, Custom-Home-

Network, which will replace the default value of the HOME_NET variable. In
the background, you can see the green plus icon on the variable editor that
opens the New Network Objects configuration window also shown here.

Step 5. When the values of the necessary variables are updated with the new network
addresses or ports, save the configuration.
650 Chapter 21: Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts

Figure 21-31 Creating a Custom Network Object

Configuring an Access Control Policy

In the previous sections of this chapter, you have configured various components to
detect anomalies and intrusion attempts. However, they do not begin acting upon traffic
until and unless you deploy the necessary policies on an FTD device. On an access con-
trol policy, you should configure the following items for the best detection:

■ Adaptive Profiles: An access control policy allows you to enable Adaptive Profiles
and Enable Profile Updates features, which empower an FTD device to apply the
enabled intrusion rules intelligently to the relevant traffic.

Figure 21-32 shows the configuration window for the Adaptive Profiles and Enable
Profile Updates features. To find this window, go to the Advanced tab of the access
control policy and use the pencil icon next to Detection Enhancement Settings.

■ Invoking the policies: An access control policy invokes various Firepower policies that
you configure all over the GUI (for example, network analysis policy, intrusion policy).
NGIPS Configuration 651

First, on the Advanced tab, select an intrusion policy that is applied before an access
rule is determined for the traffic. Here, you can also select a variable set that is used by
the intrusion policy and a network analysis policy that the system uses by default.

Figure 21-32 Configuring the Adaptive Profile and Profile Update

Figure 21-33 shows the selection of an intrusion policy, a variable set, and a network
analysis policy with an access control policy.

Then, when you add an access rule, you can invoke an intrusion policy and a variable
set for the matching traffic. You can define this on the Inspection tab of the access
rule editor.

Figure 21-34 shows the selection of an intrusion policy and a variable set within an
access rule. When a packet matches the condition of this access rule, it is subject to
the inspection of this intrusion policy and variable set.
652 Chapter 21: Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts

Figure 21-33 Invoking an Intrusion Policy Before an Access Rule Is Determined

Figure 21-34 Invoking an Intrusion Policy When It Matches a Rule Condition

NGIPS Configuration 653

Finally, for any traffic that does not match an access rule condition, you can select
an intrusion policy as the default action.

Figure 21-35 shows the selection of a custom intrusion policy as the default action
for the traffic that does not match any of the access rule conditions.

Figure 21-35 Invoking an Intrusion Policy When Packets Do Not Match

Any Access Rules

Once you have invoked all the necessary policies and configurations in your access con-
trol policy, you must click the Save button to store the configurations locally. Finally, to
activate the new policies, click the Deploy button.

Figure 21-36 shows three places where you can connect an intrusion policy with an
access control policy. It also clarifies their relationships with traffic flow.
654 Chapter 21: Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts

Advanced Setting of Access Control Policy:

This intrusion policy is invoked before
traffic matches an access rule. 1

2 3
Inspection Tab of an Access Rule Editor: Default Action of an Access Control Policy:
This intrusion policy is invoked when This intrusion policy is invoked if traffic
traffic matches an access rule. does not match any access rule.

Figure 21-36 Various Places to Invoke an Intrusion Policy

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools

To verify whether an intrusion policy is active, you can run traffic to and from your net-
work host. However, if the traffic does not carry a signature of any vulnerability, FTD
does not trigger an intrusion alert for it.

To verify the action of an intrusion policy, this chapter uses a simple Snort rule 1:718.
Here is the rule syntax:


login incorrect"; flow:to_client,established; content:"Login incorrect";
metadata:ruleset community, service telnet; classtype:bad-unknown; sid:718;
rev:16; )
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 655

According to the syntax of this rule, when a Telnet server does not authenticate a client
and responds to the client with a “Login incorrect” message on its payload (due to an
incorrect login credential), an FTD device triggers this rule to prevent any potential
brute-force attack. Furthermore, if you define a variable set precisely, this rule is
applicable on the Telnet traffic to $EXTERNAL_NET. It should not apply on the Telnet
traffic to $HOME_NET.

Figure 21-37 shows the payload of a packet on a packet analyzer. A Telnet server sends
this packet when you enter an incorrect credential. Snort rule 1:718 can detect this

Figure 21-37 Packet Containing “Login incorrect” on the Payload

Figure 21-38 shows the lab topology that is used in the configuration examples in
this chapter.

If you attempt to connect to your Telnet server from an external network host and enter
a valid login credential, you will be able to access the server as usual. However, if you
enter an incorrect credential, the server sends the client a “Login incorrect” message
in a packet.
656 Chapter 21: Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts

Lab Topology
Data Center Network

Variable Set
Server Farm Has a
Telnet Server with
IP Address
Management Network


Mgmt. Internet

Corporate Network

End User External User

IP Address

Figure 21-38 Lab Topology Used in This Chapter

Example 21-1 shows the messages on the CLI when you attempt to connect to a Telnet
server running on a Linux-based system. Note the “Login incorrect” message when the
login attempt is unsuccessful.

Example 21-1 Telnet Server Connection Attempts

! When a login attempt is successful

external-user@Fedora:~$ telnet

Trying Open
Connected to

Ubuntu login: internal-user

Password: ********

Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-81-generic x86_64)

Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 657


! When a login attempt is unsuccessful

external-user@Fedora:~$ telnet

Trying Open
Connected to

Ubuntu login: internal-user

Password: <incorrect_password>

Login incorrect

Ubuntu login:

Tip Some Telnet servers may return a different failure message, such as “Login Failed.”
To detect this string, a different Snort rule, 1:492, is available.

Depending on the rule state, policy setting, and interface mode, a Firepower system can
act differently on the same Telnet traffic, and you may find different types of intrusion
events for the same Snort rule. For example, if the interface mode is set to Inline Mode,
the intrusion policy is set to Drop When Inline, and the rule state is Drop and Generate
Events, then an FTD device can block a matching packet. The FMC displays a “dropped”
event (indicated by a dark gray down arrow).

However, if the Drop When Inline option is unchecked in the intrusion policy, or if the
interface mode is Inline Tap Mode or Passive Mode, the FMC shows a “would have
dropped” event (indicated by a light gray down arrow). To find more scenarios for “would
have dropped” events, see Chapter 12.

Figure 21-39 shows three different types of intrusion events triggered by the same
Snort rule.

To analyze an intrusion event further, you can click on the down arrow at the beginning
of each row. It allows you to drill down into an intrusion event and the associated packet
data to determine whether an event is false positive.

Figure 21-40 shows various contextual information about an intrusion event (for example,
timestamp, priority, and classification of the event). You can also find the ingress and
egress interfaces, source and destination details, and any associated rule and policy
658 Chapter 21: Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts

Rule State: Drop and Generate Events

Interface Mode: Inline Tap, Passive, or Inline
Mode when the Drop When Inline option is disabled.

Rule State: Drop and Generate Events Rule State: Generate Events
Interface Mode: Inline Interface Mode: Inline, Inline Tap, or Passive

Figure 21-39 Snort Rule 1:718 Generating Intrusion Events

Figure 21-41 shows the packet information associated with an intrusion event. It allows
you to compare the rule content with the packet payload on the same page without the
need for any additional tool. This page also offers you an option to download any packet
for offline analysis on third-party software.

Figure 21-42 shows the option in the Device Management page that enables an FTD
device to capture a packet as it matches a Snort rule. You can disable this option if you
do not want to store a complete packet due to any privacy or security policy.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 659

Figure 21-40 Drill-down into an Intrusion Event—Displaying Event Information

Figure 21-41 Drill-down into an Intrusion Event—Displaying Packet Information

660 Chapter 21: Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts

Figure 21-42 Capturing a Packet That Triggers an Intrusion Event

By analyzing the tracing data of a packet, you can determine whether a packet is blocked
by Snort or any other component of the Firepower System. The process is described in
detail in Chapter 10, “Capturing Traffic for Advanced Analysis.”

First, run the capture tool to begin capturing Telnet packets, making sure to add the
trace keyword to collect the tracing data:

> capture telnet_inside trace interface INSIDE_INTERFACE match tcp any any eq 23

You can run the show capture command any time to see the status of the capture or to
view the captured packets:

> show capture

capture telnet_inside type raw-data trace interface INSIDE_INTERFACE
[Capturing - 0 bytes]
match tcp any any eq telnet

Now, you can attempt to access the Telnet server once again. To reproduce an intrusion
event, enter an incorrect credential. The capture tool captures all the packets on a Telnet
session—including the first three-way handshake, which is completely allowed by the
FTD device, per the current intrusion policy.
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 661

Example 21-2 shows the first few packets of a Telnet session. Later, it analyzes the tracing
data of the first packet. It reveals how an FTD device makes a decision and sends a packet
to Snort for deep packet inspection.

Example 21-2 Capturing Telnet Traffic with Tracing Information

> show capture telnet_inside

119 packets captured

1: 20:23:21.086802 > S

1751019501:1751019501(0) win 4128 <mss 1460>
2: 20:23:21.087229 > S
1751019501:1751019501(0) win 4128 <mss 1460>
3: 20:23:21.087565 > S
232306554:232306554(0) ack 1751019502 win 29200 <mss 1460>
4: 20:23:21.087702 > S
232306554:232306554(0) ack 1751019502 win 29200 <mss 1460>
5: 20:23:21.089717 > . ack 232306555
win 4128
6: 20:23:21.089762 > P
1751019502:1751019514(12) ack 232306555 win 4128
<Output Omitted for Brevity>

! Now view the tracing data of the first captured packet.

> show capture telnet_inside packet-number 1 trace

119 packets captured

1: 20:23:21.086802 > S

1751019501:1751019501(0) win 4128 <mss 1460>
Phase: 1
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 2
662 Chapter 21: Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts

Result: ALLOW
Implicit Rule
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 3
Subtype: ngips-mode
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
The flow ingressed an interface configured for NGIPS mode and NGIPS services will be

Phase: 4
Subtype: log
Result: ALLOW
access-group CSM_FW_ACL_ global
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ advanced permit ip any any rule-id 268435458
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268435458: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy -
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268435458: L4 RULE: DEFAULT ACTION RULE
Additional Information:
This packet will be sent to snort for additional processing where a verdict will be

Phase: 5
Subtype: Resolve Egress Interface
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Ingress interface OUTSIDE_INTERFACE is in NGIPS inline mode.
Egress interface INSIDE_INTERFACE is determined by inline-set configuration

Phase: 6
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
New flow created with id 848, packet dispatched to next module
Verification and Troubleshooting Tools 663

Phase: 7
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Application: 'SNORT Inspect'

Phase: 8
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Snort Verdict: (pass-packet) allow this packet

Phase: 9
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

input-interface: INSIDE_INTERFACE
input-status: up
input-line-status: up
Action: allow

1 packet shown

Example 21-3 shows the Snort verdict “drop this packet,” which appears in tracing output
when a packet matches a Snort rule syntax and the rule state is set to drop and generate
the event.
664 Chapter 21: Preventing Cyber Attacks by Blocking Intrusion Attempts

Example 21-3 Snippet of the Tracing Information When a Packet Is Blocked by Snort

<Output Omitted for Brevity>

Phase: 7
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Application: 'SNORT Inspect'

Phase: 8
Result: DROP
Additional Information:
Snort Verdict: (block-packet) drop this packet
<Output Omitted for Brevity>

Example 21-4 shows the statistics of a Snort drop. According to this output, Snort
requests to drop five frames after an incorrect credential was entered to authenticate a
Telnet server.

Example 21-4 Statistics of a Snort Drop

> show asp drop

Frame drop:
Snort requested to drop the frame (snort-drop) 5
FP L2 rule drop (l2_acl) 1

Last clearing: 20:23:14 UTC Jul 3 2017 by enable_1

Flow drop:

Last clearing: 20:23:14 UTC Jul 3 2017 by enable_1

Quiz 665

This chapter describes one of the most important and widely used features of a
Firepower system: the Snort-based next-generation intrusion prevention system (NGIPS).
In this chapter, you have learned how to configure an NGIPS, how to apply deploy
associated policies, and how to drill down into intrusion events for advanced analysis.
Most importantly, this chapter discusses the best practices for generating Firepower
recommendations and demonstrates how the recommended ruleset can reduce system
overhead by incorporating discovery data.

1. Which of the following policy configurations can influence the behavior of the
intrusion prevention functionality of an FTD?
a. Network analysis policy
b. Intrusion policy
c. Access control policy
d. All of the above

2. Which of the following numbering schemes is correct for a Snort rule?

a. Standard text rule uses GID 1. SID is lower than 1,000,000.
b. Preprocessor rule can use any GID other than 1 or 3.
c. Local rule uses SID 1,000,000 or higher.
d. All of the above.

3. Which of the following base policies enables the largest number of standard text
Snort rules by default?
a. Connectivity over Security
b. Balanced Security and Connectivity
c. Security over Connectivity
d. Maximum Detection

4. Which of the following options is mandatory if you want to drop an intrusion

attempt or block a packet that may constitute a potential cyber attack?
a. The interface set has to be in Inline, Routed, or Transparent Mode.
b. The intrusion policy must be enabled with the Drop When Inline option.
c. The rule state must be set to Drop and Generate Events.
d. All of the above.
This page intentionally left blank
Chapter 22

Masquerading the Original

IP Address of an Internal
Network Host

Any external user, whether an attacker or a legitimate Internet user, should have no
visibility into your internal network. You can hide the internal addresses of your network
by masquerading them into public addresses. However, assigning a dedicated public
address to each of the internal hosts is not a feasible option. You can meet this challenge
by enabling the Network Address Translation (NAT) functionality on an FTD device. This
chapter demonstrates how to configure NAT and how NAT can masquerade an internal
IP address as a public IP address.

Note In this chapter, the terms translation and masquerading refer to the same
operation and are interchangeable. In other words, translation of an address and
masquerading of an address refer to the same technology: NAT.

NAT Essentials
NAT allows FTD to translate an internal IP address into an address from a different
subnet. The NAT process is transparent to both internal and external hosts. When NAT
is in action, an internal host is unaware that its original IP address is being translated or
masqueraded to a public address, while the external host assumes that the public address
is the actual address of the internal host.

Figure 22-1 shows that the NAT operations of an FTD device take place on the
Firewall engine.
Chapter 22: Masquerading the Original IP Address of an Internal Network Host
Back Orifice,
Identity ACL (L7) QoS Host and User File Type Malware
Policy App, URL Classify Discovery Control Analysis
Blacklisted Restricted Type Malware Sensitive Data


Application Layer Transport and Transport and

Preprocessor Network Layer Network Layer
Black- ----------------------- Preprocessor Black- Preprocessor Intrusion
listed (DCE/RPC, DNS, -------------------- listed --------------------
Sec Intl. FTP/Telnet, HTTP, Application (IP Defragment, Sec Intl (L2-L4 Decode) Snort
URL, DNS Sun RPC, SIP, Discovery TCP/UDP Stream) IP Add Rule

Engine Data
Fast Path Acquisition
Ingress Existing No VPN UN-NAT/ Prefilter ACL Flow
Packet Decrypt Egress Int. L3-L4 Update
Interface Conn. Policy
Path Trust

Egress Yes L2 L3 VPN QoS NAT ALG

Packet Add. Route Encrypt Enforce IP Header Check
No No

Figure 22-1 Architectural Overview of an FTD Device, Highlighting the NAT Components
NAT Essentials 669

Another advantage of NAT is the ability to route private traffic to the Internet. Internal
hosts of an organization use private IP addresses, as defined in RFC 1918. However,
these addresses are not routable to the Internet unless you map or translate them into
public addresses. This “limitation” of private address space actually allows different orga-
nizations to reuse the same addresses within their internal networks and to maintain them
regardless of any changes of their public IP address. Thus, it conserves the use of public
IP addresses.

Table 22-1 shows the range of private IP addresses and the number of available hosts in
Classes A, B, and C.

Table 22-1 Private IP Addressing, as Defined in RFC 1918

Class Range of Private IP Addresses Number of Host
Class A– 224 − 2 = 16,777,214
Class B– 220 − 2 = 1,048,574
Class C– 216 − 2 = 65,534

NAT Techniques
NAT allows you to masquerade IP addresses in various scenarios, such as one-to-one,
one-to-many, many-to-one, many-to-many, few-to-many, and many-to-few. However,
before you enable NAT, you need to answer the following questions:

■ How does an FTD device select a masqueraded or translated address? Is it

predefined statically or allocated dynamically?

■ How many external or public addresses are available for selection? One or more?

Your answers to these questions can help you determine the type of translations to
enable. You can categorize NAT mainly into three types:

■ Static NAT: FTD permanently maps the original IP address with a translated
IP address. Because the mapping is permanent, either the internal or an external host
is able to initiate a connection.

■ Dynamic NAT: Instead of a permanent mapping, FTD selects an IP address from a

predefined address pool and translates an original internal address into the selected
IP address. The selection of an address is on a first-come, first-served basis.

■ Port Address Translation (PAT): If a dynamic address pool has fewer external
addresses than there are internal hosts, it is impossible for all the internal hosts
to connect to external networks at the same time. To address this issue, FTD can
translate both the IP address and port number of a connection (as opposed to just
the IP address) and can multiplex over 65,000 connections over a single IP address.
670 Chapter 22: Masquerading the Original IP Address of an Internal Network Host

RFC documents describe this feature as Network Address and Port Translation
(NAPT), but due to the nature of its operation, this feature is also known as Port
Address Translation (PAT), NAT overload, and IP masquerading. The Firepower
System calls it PAT.

Figure 22-2 shows the major differences between NAT and PAT.
1 19
68 .1.
192 1
2 .168 0
3 1
. 1 68. 192 .14 Port 1
6 8.1 2
2.1 Port 2 19 3 Port 3 Port 4 Port 5

Network Address Translation (NAT) Port Address Translation (PAT)

If the first three hosts are dynamically assigned, One address can multiplex more than 65,000
the last two hosts must wait until the timeout value connections over a single IP address before
expires. But if they are assigned statically, the last another address is selected from a pool.
two hosts have no chance.

Figure 22-2 NAT Versus PAT

FTD can use the IP address of the egress interface for PAT operation. This means that
when any internal host connects to a resource over the Internet, the source IP address
of the connection appears as the egress interface of the FTD device instead of as the
original internal host address. However, if the number of concurrent connections exceeds
its limit, any additional hosts are unable to connect to the external network. To address
this issue, you can combine the PAT functionality with a dynamic address pool. This
allows an FTD device to select a new IP address from the pool when the first selection
from the pool is no longer available for multiplexing a new connection.

NAT Rule Types

FTD offers two options to configure a NAT rule condition:

■ Auto NAT: An Auto NAT rule can translate one address—either a source or
destination address—in a single rule. This means that to translate both source
and destination addresses, two separate Auto NAT rules are necessary.
NAT Essentials 671

■ Manual NAT: A Manual NAT rule allows the translation of both source and
destination addresses within the same rule. A Manual NAT rule may be necessary
when you want to make an exception for translation.

Figure 22-3 compares the available translation options in the NAT rule editor. An Auto
NAT Rule supports the translation of one address per rule, while a Manual NAT Rule
allows you to translate both source and destination addresses in a single rule.

Auto NAT Rule Editor

(One Address Per Rule)

Manual NAT Rule Editor

(Both Addresses in One Rule)

Figure 22-3 Auto NAT Versus Manual NAT: Comparison of Rule Editor Windows

A NAT policy editor categorizes NAT rules into three groups: NAT Rules Before, Auto
NAT Rules, and NAT Rules After. In the CLI, you can find the rules under Section 1,
Section 2, and Section 3, respectively. During evaluation, FTD begins with the rules
under Section 1. Until there is a match, FTD continues evaluating the rules in the next

Any rules under the NAT Rules Before and NAT Rules After sections are part of manual
NAT policies. Their names and priorities are relative to the Auto NAT Rules, which allow
you to translate one type of address at a time. To translate destination addresses, a
separate Auto NAT rule is necessary.

Figure 22-4 describes the priority of each section in a NAT policy.

In this chapter, you will learn how to configure Auto NAT rules with both static and
dynamic types.
672 Chapter 22: Masquerading the Original IP Address of an Internal Network Host

To View This NAT Policy on the CLI:

> show nat detail

GUI: NAT Rules Before Manual NAT policies. Top
CLI: Section 1 priority, when available.

Top to GUI: Auto NAT Rules Static type has higher Longer prefix length has
Bottom CLI: Section 2 priority than Dynamic type. higher priority within type.

GUI: NAT Rules After Manual NAT policies. Lower

CLI: Section 3 priority than Auto NAT.

Figure 22-4 Priorities of Rules on a NAT Policy

Best Practices for NAT Deployment

Consider the following best practices when you plan to enable NAT on an FTD device:

■ Configuring an Auto NAT rule is simpler than configuring a Manual NAT rule. Cisco
recommends that you choose an Auto NAT rule, as you can easily implement most
of the common NAT scenarios with it. A Manual NAT rule may be necessary when
you want to make an exception for translation.

■ If you modify an existing NAT rule or redeploy a new NAT policy, you may find that
the new policy is not in action until the timer for any existing connections expires.
To have FTD act on the latest NAT policy immediately, you can clear the current
translations by running the command clear xlate.

■ The larger the translation table, the higher the processing overhead. If the number
of translated connections grows excessively, it can affect the CPU and memory
utilization of an FTD device.

■ To improve performance, prefer static NAT to dynamic NAT or PAT.

■ Review the addresses on dynamic and static NAT rules carefully before you apply
them. Avoid creating rules with overlapping IP addresses.
Fulfilling Prerequisites 673

■ Ensure that any applications running on a network terminate connections gracefully

to prevent an FTD device from handling stale connections.

■ Make sure the idle timeout values for Translation Slot (xlate) and Connection (Conn)
are set for optimal performance. You can adjust the timeout values on the Platform
Settings page of FTD.

Figure 22-5 shows the timeout values for an FTD. To find this configuration page, go to
Devices > Platform Settings. You can update an existing policy or create a new one.

Figure 22-5 Configuring FTD Timeout Values on the Platform Settings Page

Fulfilling Prerequisites
Before you add a NAT rule, ensure that you have understood and fulfilled the
following items:

■ Any associated interfaces that participate in a NAT configuration have to be in a

regular firewall mode. FTD does not support NAT on IPS-only interface types,
such as inline, inline-tap, and passive. Figure 22-6 shows the available configuration
modes for an FTD physical interface. Select None to enable the regular router
interface mode, which supports NAT.
674 Chapter 22: Masquerading the Original IP Address of an Internal Network Host

Figure 22-6 Using the None Option to Turn an Interface into a Regular
Firewall Interface

■ If you use an FTD device in an IPS-only mode, make sure all the associated
interfaces where you want to enable NAT are now configured with IP address and
security zones. Figure 22-7 shows the allocation of IP addresses and security zones
in FTD. The lab topology in this chapter uses three routed interfaces on FTD—
GigabitEthernet1/1, GigabitEthernet1/2, and GigabitEthernet1/3.

■ Before you begin the process of adding a NAT rule, define any network objects that
may be invoked within a NAT rule. To add a network object, go to the Objects >
Object Management page and select the Add Network menu. Figure 22-8 shows the
network objects that are used in the configuration examples in this chapter. You can
add any additional objects needed for your own deployment.
Fulfilling Prerequisites 675

Figure 22-7 Allocating IP Addresses and Security Zones on FTD Routed Interfaces

Figure 22-8 Network Object Configuration Page

676 Chapter 22: Masquerading the Original IP Address of an Internal Network Host

Configuring NAT
FTD enables you to accomplish translation in various ways. You can select any type
(static versus dynamic) with any combination of NAT rule (Auto versus Manual).
However, Cisco recommends that you use Auto NAT rule, as it is easier to configure and
simpler to troubleshoot. In the following sections, you will learn how to configure Auto
NAT to masquerade IP addresses in the following real-world deployment scenarios:

■ Masquerading a source address when an internal host initiates a connection to an

external server

■ Allowing an external host to connect to an internal host when an external host uses a
masqueraded destination address

Masquerading a Source Address (Source NAT for Outbound

When an internal host initiates a connection to the Internet, FTD can translate the
internal IP address to a public IP address. In other words, FTD can masquerade the source
addresses of outbound connections. This section describes various methods to select a
public IP address for an outbound connection.

Note This section assumes that you have already configured any necessary objects
described earlier in this chapter, in the “Fulfilling Prerequisites” section.

Figure 22-9 shows a scenario where an internal host connects to an external host through
an FTD device. When an end user initiates a connection using the original source IP
address, FTD translates (masquerades) the original source IP address into an address that
is predefined in an address pool.
Configuring NAT 677

DMZ Zone Translation in Forward Direction

Outbound Connection: Internal to External
Data Center Network

Source IP Destination IP
Original Packet
Server Farm

Masqueraded Packet Outside Interface

IP Address:
NAT Address Pool
IP Range:
Management Network


FTD Masquerades
the Original Internet
Source IP Address
Inside Interface Server Sees
IP Address: Masqueraded
Source IP

External Host
Campus Network

End User Initiates

Connection Using
End Users

Original Source IP

Inside Zone Outside Zone

Figure 22-9 Lab Topology Demonstrating Dynamic NAT for Outbound Traffic

Configuring a Dynamic NAT Rule

The FMC offers two types of NAT policies—Firepower NAT Policy and Threat Defense
NAT Policy. The former is used to enable NAT on classic Firepower hardware, such
as 7000 and 8000 Series models. To enable NAT on FTD, you need to deploy Threat
Defense NAT Policy on it. To do so, follow these steps:

Step 1. Navigate to Devices > NAT. The NAT Policy window appears.

Step 2. To create a new NAT policy for an FTD device, select Threat Defense NAT
Policy (see Figure 22-10).
678 Chapter 22: Masquerading the Original IP Address of an Internal Network Host

For Classic Device Models, For FTD Models

Such As 7000 and 8000 Series

Figure 22-10 NAT Policy Configuration Options for Different Hardware Models

Step 3. When the New Policy window appears, give a name to your policy and add your
FTD device from the list of available devices to the policy (see Figure 22-11).
Click the Save button. The NAT policy editor page appears.

Figure 22-11 Assigning a NAT Policy to an FTD Device

Configuring NAT 679

Step 4. On the policy editor page, click the Add Rule button to create a NAT rule.
The Add NAT Rule window appears.

Step 5. From the NAT Rule dropdown select Auto NAT Rule, and from the
Type dropdown select Dynamic. Depending on your selections in both
of these dropdowns, you will find different configurable options in
the Translation tab. For instance, for an Auto NAT Rule with Dynamic type,
you need to configure the Original Source and Translated Source.

Step 6. Use the Original Source dropdown to define the source IP addresses of the
packets that you want to masquerade. You can select a network object that
you defined in the section “Fulfilling Prerequisites,” earlier in this chapter. If
you did not create an object earlier, you can create one on the fly by clicking
the green plus icon next to a dropdown.

Step 7. Define a translated address—the address that appears as the source address
of a translated packet. You need to select one of the following translation
methods on the Translation or PAT Pool tab, depending on the type of NAT
(static or dynamic) you want to configure.

■ Destination Interface IP: This allows an FTD device to use the same IP
address as the egress interface of an FTD.

■ Address: This enables an FTD device to select an address from a

predefined address pool.

Table 22-2 shows a matrix of various Auto NAT rule selections. In this
section, you will implement dynamic NAT with an address pool
(highlighted row).

Table 22-2 Auto NAT Rule—Major Configurable Options

Type Translation Tab Translation Tab (Port PAT Pool Tab
(Translated Source) Translation)
Static Destination Interface IP Configurable Not Configurable
Static Address Configurable Not Configurable
Dynamic Destination Interface IP Not Configurable Not Configurable
Dynamic Address Not Configurable Unselected
Dynamic Address Not Configurable Enabled with Address
Dynamic Address Not Configurable Enabled with
Destination Interface IP
680 Chapter 22: Masquerading the Original IP Address of an Internal Network Host

Figure 22-12 shows the configuration of original and translated addresses in a

dynamic Auto NAT rule.

At this point, you could save the configuration and deploy the policy on
the FTD device. However, you may want to consider the following optional

On the Translation Tab:

1. Select Original Source.
2. Select Address from the Translated
Source dropdown, but do not select
an address or object here.

On the PAT Pool Tab:

3. Enable PAT Pool.
4. Select Address for
translated packet (Source IP).
5. Select optional properties.

Figure 22-12 Defining a Dynamic Auto NAT Rule

Step 8. On the PAT Pool tab, select Flat Port Range and Include Reserve Ports to
enable an FTD device to use the complete range of port numbers, 1 to 65535,
even though the same source port number is unavailable for mapping.

Step 9. On the Interface Objects tab, select the ingress and egress interfaces for the
traffic you want to translate. The Available Interface Objects field shows
the associated security zones that you assigned in the Devices > Devices
Management page.

When you complete all the steps, click the OK button on the NAT rule editor window to
create the NAT rule. The browser returns to the NAT policy editor, where you can see the
NAT rule you have just created. To activate the policy, first click Save to save the policy,
and then click Deploy to deploy it on your FTD device.
Configuring NAT 681

Figure 22-13 shows a dynamic Auto NAT rule that translates the source IP addresses of
any hosts from the INSIDE_ZONE to the OUTSIDE_ZONE. The translated packet uses
an address from the address pool, Pool-OUT-, as its source IP address.

Figure 22-13 Defining a Dynamic NAT Rule to Translate Outbound Connections

In the following sections, you will learn how to verify the configuration on the CLI and
how to determine whether an FTD device is translating addresses as expected.

Verifying the Configuration

After you deploy a NAT policy, you can run the show running-config nat command in
the CLI to view the latest NAT configurations and to confirm whether the desired policy
is active.

Example 22-1 exhibits the running configurations of NAT and the definitions of any
associated objects that are invoked in a NAT rule.
682 Chapter 22: Masquerading the Original IP Address of an Internal Network Host

Example 22-1 Defining a NAT Rule and Any Associated Objects

! To view the NAT configurations:

> show running-config nat

object network Net-IN-
flat include-reserve

! To determine the scope of an object:

> show running-config object

object network Net-IN-
object network Pool-OUT-

You can also run the show nat detail command to display more detailed information
about a NAT policy, such as the priority of a rule (Auto NAT versus Manual NAT) or
the type of a rule (static versus dynamic). The output of this command also displays the
number of matching connections in both forward and reverse directions, through the
translate_hits and untranslate_hits counters, respectively.

Example 22-2 shows an Auto NAT rule (dynamic PAT) for translating traffic from the network to the address pool to The zero hit count
indicates that the rule has not matched any connections.

Example 22-2 Output of the show nat detail Command

> show nat detail

Auto NAT Policies (Section 2)
pat-pool Pool-OUT- flat include-reserve
translate_hits = 0, untranslate_hits = 0
Source - Origin:, Translated (PAT):

Examples 22-1 and 22-2 display the source (INSIDE_INTERFACE) and destination
(OUTSIDE_INTERFACE) defined in a NAT rule. However, the output in these examples
does not show the status, IP address, or name of an interface. You can find them by run-
ning other commands, such as show nameif and show interfaces ip brief.
Configuring NAT 683

Example 22-3 shows how to map the physical interfaces with their logical names. It also
shows how to verify the IP address and status of an interface.

Example 22-3 Viewing Various Parameters of FTD Interfaces

! To view the mapping of physical interfaces with their logical names:

> show nameif

Interface Name Security
GigabitEthernet1/1 INSIDE_INTERFACE 0
GigabitEthernet1/2 OUTSIDE_INTERFACE 0
GigabitEthernet1/3 DMZ_INTERFACE 0
Management1/1 diagnostic 0

! To view the status and IP addresses of the FTD interfaces:

> show interface ip brief

Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
Virtual0 YES unset up up
GigabitEthernet1/1 YES CONFIG up up
GigabitEthernet1/2 YES CONFIG up up
GigabitEthernet1/3 YES CONFIG up up
GigabitEthernet1/4 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
GigabitEthernet1/5 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
<Output omitted for brevity>

Verifying the Operation: Inside to Outside

This section describes how to verify the NAT operation on an FTD device.
To demonstrate the translation process, this example uses SSH traffic.

Let’s initiate a connection from an internal host to an external SSH server If NAT is operational on FTD, the external SSH server sees
as the source IP address of the internal host instead of its original source IP address,

Example 22-4 shows an SSH connection between the internal client and the external
server. The connection table shows the original IP address ( of the internal
server with a translation (xlate) ID. However, you can determine the masqueraded or
translated address ( from the translation table.
684 Chapter 22: Masquerading the Original IP Address of an Internal Network Host

Example 22-4 Connection and Translation Table

> show conn detail

1 in use, 4 most used
Flags: A - awaiting responder ACK to SYN, a - awaiting initiator ACK to SYN,
b - TCP state-bypass or nailed,
C - CTIQBE media, c - cluster centralized,
D - DNS, d - dump, E - outside back connection, e - semi-distributed,
F - initiator FIN, f - responder FIN,
G - group, g - MGCP, H - H.323, h - H.225.0, I - initiator data,
i - incomplete, J - GTP, j - GTP data, K - GTP t3-response
k - Skinny media, M - SMTP data, m - SIP media, N - inspected by Snort,
n - GUP
O - responder data, P - inside back connection,
q - SQL*Net data, R - initiator acknowledged FIN,
R - UDP SUNRPC, r - responder acknowledged FIN,
T - SIP, t - SIP transient, U - up,
V - VPN orphan, v - M3UA W - WAAS,
w - secondary domain backup,
X - inspected by service module,
x - per session, Y - director stub flow, y - backup stub flow,
Z - Scansafe redirection, z - forwarding stub flow


flags UxIO N, idle 6s, uptime 18s, timeout 1h0m, bytes 6718, xlate id


> show xlate detail

1 in use, 2 most used
Flags: D - DNS, e - extended, I - identity, i - dynamic, r - portmap,
s - static, T - twice, N - net-to-net


FACE: flags ri idle 0:00:28 timeout 0:00:30 refcnt 1 xlate id

By looking at the output of the show nat detail command, you can determine whether
the traffic matches a particular NAT rule and how many times a rule finds a match.
Configuring NAT 685

Example 22-5 confirms that the Auto NAT rule found one matching connection when a

Example 22-5 Matching One Connection in the Forward Direction

> show nat detail

Auto NAT Policies (Section 2)

pat-pool Pool-OUT- flat include-reserve
translate_hits = 1, untranslate_hits = 0
Source - Origin:, Translated (PAT):

By capturing the traffic in real time when an address is translated, you can analyze the
FTD operation during address translation.

Example 22-6 demonstrates the capture of any SSH traffic on the inside interface. Later,
you will analyze the translation of these packets.

Example 22-6 Capturing SSH Traffic on the FTD Inside Interface

! Begin the capture of SSH traffic on inside interface.

> capture ssh_traffic_inside trace interface INSIDE_INTERFACE match tcp any any
eq 22

! Verify if the FTD is running a capture for SSH traffic.

> show capture

capture ssh_traffic_inside type raw-data trace interface INSIDE_INTERFACE
[Capturing - 0 bytes]
match tcp any any eq ssh

At this stage, you can initiate an SSH connection from the internal host to the external
SSH server. FTD should capture the traffic on the inside interface. You can view the pack-
ets in the CLI.

Example 22-7 shows the first few captured packets for an SSH connection. Later, it ana-
lyzes the first packet to demonstrate the detailed operation of an address translation.
686 Chapter 22: Masquerading the Original IP Address of an Internal Network Host

Example 22-7 Analyzing Captured Packets

! To view all of the captured packets (press Ctrl+C to exit from a long show):
> show capture ssh_traffic_inside

81 packets captured

1: 02:59:47.220310 > S

1482617093:1482617093(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 15243390
0,nop,wscale 7>
2: 02:59:47.221149 > S
1409789153:1409789153(0) ack 1482617094 win 28960 <mss 1380,sackOK,timestamp
17762742 15243390,nop,wscale 7>
3: 02:59:47.221256 > . ack 1409789154
win 229 <nop,nop,timestamp 15243390 17762742>
4: 02:59:47.221729 > P
1482617094:1482617135(41) ack 1409789154 win 229 <nop,nop,timestamp 15243391
5: 02:59:47.222186 > . ack 1482617135
win 227 <nop,nop,timestamp 17762742 15243391>
<Output is omitted for brevity>

! To analyze the first captured packet:

> show capture ssh_traffic_inside packet-number 1 trace

81 packets captured

1: 02:59:47.220310 > S

1482617093:1482617093(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 15243390
0,nop,wscale 7>
Phase: 1
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 2
Configuring NAT 687

Result: ALLOW
Implicit Rule
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 3
Subtype: Resolve Egress Interface
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
found next-hop using egress ifc OUTSIDE_INTERFACE

Phase: 4
Subtype: log
Result: ALLOW
access-group CSM_FW_ACL_ global
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ advanced permit ip any any rule-id 268435457
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268435457: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy -
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268435457: L7 RULE: Traffic Selection
Additional Information:
This packet will be sent to snort for additional processing where a verdict will be

Phase: 5
Result: ALLOW
class-map class-default
match any
policy-map global_policy
class class-default
set connection advanced-options UM_STATIC_TCP_MAP
service-policy global_policy global
Additional Information:

Phase: 6
Type: NAT
Result: ALLOW
688 Chapter 22: Masquerading the Original IP Address of an Internal Network Host

object network Net-IN-
flat include-reserve
Additional Information:
Dynamic translate to

Phase: 7
Type: NAT
Subtype: per-session
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:

Phase: 8
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:

Phase: 9
Type: NAT
Subtype: per-session
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:

Phase: 10
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:

Phase: 11
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
New flow created with id 442, packet dispatched to next module

Phase: 12
Configuring NAT 689

Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Application: 'SNORT Inspect'

Phase: 13
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Snort Verdict: (pass-packet) allow this packet

Phase: 14
Subtype: Resolve Egress Interface
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
found next-hop using egress ifc OUTSIDE_INTERFACE

Phase: 15
Subtype: next-hop and adjacency
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
adjacency Active
next-hop mac address 0023.2472.1d3c hits 139985869104448

Phase: 16
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

input-interface: OUTSIDE_INTERFACE
input-status: up
input-line-status: up
output-interface: OUTSIDE_INTERFACE
690 Chapter 22: Masquerading the Original IP Address of an Internal Network Host

output-status: up
output-line-status: up
Action: allow

1 packet shown

Verifying the Operation: Outside to Inside

The NAT rule you created earlier evaluates the forward traffic—the traffic that originates
from INSIDE_INTERFACE and is destined for OUTSIDE_INTERFACE. However, any
traffic in the reverse direction does not match this rule. You can verify this by capturing
SSH traffic on OUTSIDE_INTERFACE and by analyzing the trace data.

Example 22-8 shows how to enable the capture tool on the outside interface.

Example 22-8 Capturing SSH Traffic on the FTD OUTSIDE_INTERFACE

! Enable capture on the outside interface:

> capture ssh_traffic_outside trace interface OUTSIDE_INTERFACE match tcp any any
eq 22

! FTD begins capturing SSH traffic on the outside interface:

> show capture

capture ssh_traffic_inside type raw-data trace interface INSIDE_INTERFACE
[Capturing - 0 bytes]
match tcp any any eq ssh
capture ssh_traffic_outside type raw-data trace interface OUTSIDE_INTERFACE
[Capturing - 0 bytes]
match tcp any any eq ssh

Now if you attempt to connect from an external host to an internal host, regardless of
the destination IP address you choose—either original or masqueraded—the connection
attempt fails.

Example 22-9 shows the failed connection attempts from the external host
to the same internal host—through the masqueraded IP address and the origi-
nal IP address
Configuring NAT 691

Example 22-9 Captured Traffic on the FTD OUTSIDE_INTERFACE Shows

Only SYN (S) Packets

> show capture ssh_traffic_outside

8 packets captured

1: 03:56:51.100290 > S

3636330443:3636330443(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 18618684
0,nop,wscale 7>
2: 03:56:52.097269 > S
3636330443:3636330443(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 18618934
0,nop,wscale 7>
3: 03:56:54.101343 > S
3636330443:3636330443(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 18619435
0,nop,wscale 7>
4: 03:56:58.105478 > S
3636330443:3636330443(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 18620436
0,nop,wscale 7>

5: 03:57:22.069759 > S

1744936567:1744936567(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 18626426
0,nop,wscale 7>
6: 03:57:23.066250 > S
1744936567:1744936567(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 18626676
0,nop,wscale 7>
7: 03:57:25.070369 > S
1744936567:1744936567(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 18627177
0,nop,wscale 7>
8: 03:57:29.082469 > S
1744936567:1744936567(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 18628180
0,nop,wscale 7>
8 packets shown

Example 22-10 analyzes the trace data of the first captured packet, where the external
host tries to connect to the internal host using its masqueraded IP address,

Example 22-10 Trying to Connect to the Masqueraded IP Address of an Internal Host

> show capture ssh_traffic_outside packet-number 1 trace

8 packets captured

1: 03:56:51.100290 > S

3636330443:3636330443(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 18618684
0,nop,wscale 7>
Phase: 1
692 Chapter 22: Masquerading the Original IP Address of an Internal Network Host

Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 2
Result: ALLOW
Implicit Rule
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 3
Subtype: Resolve Egress Interface
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
found next-hop using egress ifc OUTSIDE_INTERFACE

input-interface: OUTSIDE_INTERFACE
input-status: up
input-line-status: up
output-interface: OUTSIDE_INTERFACE
output-status: up
output-line-status: up
Action: drop
Drop-reason: (nat-no-xlate-to-pat-pool) Connection to PAT address without pre-exist-
ing xlate

1 packet shown

Example 22-11 analyzes the trace data of the fifth captured packet where the external
host tries to connect to the internal host by using its original IP address,
Configuring NAT 693

Example 22-11 Trying to Connect to the Original IP Address of an Internal Host

> show capture ssh_traffic_outside packet-number 5 trace

8 packets captured

5: 03:57:22.069759 > S 1744936567:

1744936567(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 18626426 0,nop,wscale 7>
Phase: 1
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 2
Result: ALLOW
Implicit Rule
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 3
Subtype: Resolve Egress Interface
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
found next-hop using egress ifc INSIDE_INTERFACE

Phase: 4
Subtype: log
Result: ALLOW
access-group CSM_FW_ACL_ global
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ advanced permit ip any any rule-id 268435457
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268435457: ACCESS POLICY: AC Policy -
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268435457: L7 RULE: Traffic Selection
Additional Information:
This packet will be sent to snort for additional processing where a verdict will be
694 Chapter 22: Masquerading the Original IP Address of an Internal Network Host

Phase: 5
Result: ALLOW
class-map class-default
match any
policy-map global_policy
class class-default
set connection advanced-options UM_STATIC_TCP_MAP
service-policy global_policy global
Additional Information:

Phase: 6
Type: NAT
Subtype: per-session
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:

Phase: 7
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:

Phase: 8
Type: NAT
Subtype: rpf-check
Result: DROP
object network Net-IN-
flat include-reserve
Additional Information:

input-interface: OUTSIDE_INTERFACE
input-status: up
input-line-status: up
output-interface: INSIDE_INTERFACE
output-status: up
Configuring NAT 695

output-line-status: up
Action: drop
Drop-reason: (acl-drop) Flow is denied by configured rule

1 packet shown

Connecting to a Masqueraded Destination (Destination NAT for

Inbound Connection)
When external hosts access any services of your company, they should access through
the public IP address of your organization. Any internal addressing scheme must be invis-
ible to the external users. In this section, you will learn how to connect to an internal
host by using a masqueraded public IP address.

Figure 22-14 illustrates a scenario where an external host connects to an internal DMZ
server of a company. When an external host initiates a connection to a masqueraded pub-
lic address, FTD translates the address into an internal original address.

Configuring a Static NAT Rule

Because in the previous section you created an Auto NAT rule with dynamic type and
analyzed its detailed operation, this section does not duplicate the same procedures for
creating a NAT policy from scratch. You can just add a new NAT rule as illustrated in
Figure 22-15 and then redeploy the NAT policy. If the policy deployment is successful,
FTD should let an external host connect to an internal DMZ server using a masqueraded
public IP address. Because the FTD in this case translates a public destination address to
an internal address, this translation is known as destination NAT.

Figure 22-15 illustrates a static NAT rule that enables an outside host to connect to a
DMZ server (internal IP address via SSH service (internal port 22) without
knowing the internal addressing scheme. The outside host can access the DMZ server
only if the outside host uses the masqueraded IP address and port 2200 as its

Figure 22-16 shows two rules in a NAT policy—the static Auto NAT rule (bottom) has
just been created to translate inbound connections. The dynamic NAT rule (top) was
added earlier to translate outbound connections.

After you add a new NAT rule, you must click the Save and Deploy buttons to enable the
new NAT policy on your FTD device.
696 Chapter 22: Masquerading the Original IP Address of an Internal Network Host

DMZ Zone Outside Zone
Data Center Network

External Host
Server Farm

FTD Translates
Back into Original
Destination IP
Outside Interface
IP Address:
External Address for DMZ 1
IP Address:
------------------------------------- External Host
NAT Address Pool
IP Range: Initiates
Management Network



Connection Uses
Masqueraded Internet
Destination IP

DMZ Interface
IP Address:

Translation in Reverse Direction

Campus Network

Inbound Connection: External to Internal (DMZ)

End Users

Source IP Destination IP
Original Packet
Masqueraded Packet

Inside Zone

Figure 22-14 Lab Topology to Demonstrate Static NAT for Inbound Traffic

Verifying the Operation: Outside to DMZ

This section demonstrates the operation of a static Auto NAT rule on an FTD device.
As in the previous exercise, this one also uses SSH service to generate traffic. However,
unlike in the previous exercise, the SSH connection is initiated by an external host.

Before you begin, you should clear the NAT counters and any existing translations so that
you will be able to notice any new changes quickly:

> clear nat counters

> clear xlate
Configuring NAT 697

Figure 22-15 Defining a Static Auto NAT Rule for Inbound Connections

Figure 22-16 Dynamic NAT and Static NAT Rules for Outbound and Inbound Traffic
698 Chapter 22: Masquerading the Original IP Address of an Internal Network Host

Now you can try to access the internal DMZ server from an external host. Using an SSH
client, connect to port 2200 of the translated (masqueraded) IP address You
will be connected to the internal DMZ server, although the original IP address of the
server is, and the server listens to port 22 for SSH connections. This happens
due to the static NAT on the FTD device.

Example 22-12 shows confirmation that the inbound SSH traffic matches the first rule
on the Auto NAT policy. The untranslate_hits counter confirms the matching of one
connection in the reverse direction.

Example 22-12 Matching a Connection in the Reverse Direction

> show nat detail

Auto NAT Policies (Section 2)

1 (DMZ_INTERFACE) to (OUTSIDE_INTERFACE) source static Serv-Real-
Serv-Mask- service tcp ssh 2200
translate_hits = 0, untranslate_hits = 1
Source - Origin:, Translated:
Service - Protocol: tcp Real: ssh Mapped: 2200
pat-pool Pool-OUT- flat include-reserve
translate_hits = 0, untranslate_hits = 0
Source - Origin:, Translated (PAT):

Example 22-13 shows the status of the current translations. The flag confirms a static
port translation between an external host and an internal DMZ server.

Example 22-13 Real-time Translation Status

> show xlate detail

1 in use, 2 most used
Flags: D - DNS, e - extended, I - identity, i - dynamic, r - portmap,
s - static, T - twice, N - net-to-net
flags sr idle 0:00:54 timeout 0:00:00 refcnt 1 xlate id 0x7f516987ee00


To better understand the NAT operation, you can capture SSH traffic on an outside inter-
face (on the translated port) and analyze it (see Example 22-14).
Configuring NAT 699

Example 22-14 Capturing SSH Traffic on an Outside Interface (on a Translated Port)

! Enable capture on outside interface:

> capture ssh_traffic_outside_masked trace interface OUTSIDE_INTERFACE match tcp any

any eq 2200

! Verify that the capture is running:

> show capture

capture ssh_traffic_inside type raw-data trace interface INSIDE_INTERFACE
[Capturing - 0 bytes]
match tcp any any eq ssh
capture ssh_traffic_outside type raw-data trace interface OUTSIDE_INTERFACE
[Capturing - 0 bytes]
match tcp any any eq ssh
capture ssh_traffic_outside_masked type raw-data trace interface OUTSIDE_INTERFACE
[Capturing - 0 bytes]
match tcp any any eq 2200

! Now, initiate an SSH connection from the external host to the internal DMZ
server. Use the masqueraded IP address and port number. It generates the following

> show capture ssh_traffic_outside_masked

59 packets captured

1: 05:21:23.785436 > S

2089153959:2089153959(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 19887065
0,nop,wscale 7>
2: 05:21:23.786168 > S
29917599:29917599(0) ack 2089153960 win 28960 <mss 1380,sackOK,timestamp 19892875
19887065,nop,wscale 7>
3: 05:21:23.786336 > . ack 29917600
win 229 <nop,nop,timestamp 19887065 19892875>
4: 05:21:23.786855 > P
2089153960:2089154001(41) ack 29917600 win 229 <nop,nop,timestamp 19887066
5: 05:21:23.787312 > . ack 2089154001
win 227 <nop,nop,timestamp 19892876 19887066>
<Output is omitted for brevity>
700 Chapter 22: Masquerading the Original IP Address of an Internal Network Host

Example 22-15 shows how to analyze the tracing data of a captured packet.
FTD translates and allows the packet as you are connecting through IP address and port 2200.

Example 22-15 Analyzing a Translated Packet (Where the Packet Matches a Rule)

> show capture ssh_traffic_outside_masked packet-number 1 trace

59 packets captured

1: 05:21:23.785436 > S

2089153959:2089153959(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 19887065
0,nop,wscale 7>
Phase: 1
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 2
Result: ALLOW
Implicit Rule
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 3
Type: UN-NAT
Subtype: static
Result: ALLOW
object network Serv-Real-
nat (DMZ_INTERFACE,OUTSIDE_INTERFACE) static Serv-Mask- service
tcp ssh 2200
Additional Information:
NAT divert to egress interface DMZ_INTERFACE
Untranslate to

Phase: 4
Subtype: log
Configuring NAT 701

Result: ALLOW
access-group CSM_FW_ACL_ global
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ advanced permit ip any any rule-id 268435457
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268435457: ACCESS POLICY: AC
Policy - Mandatory/1
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268435457: L7 RULE: Traffic Selection
Additional Information:
This packet will be sent to snort for additional processing where a verdict will be

Phase: 5
Result: ALLOW
class-map class-default
match any
policy-map global_policy
class class-default
set connection advanced-options UM_STATIC_TCP_MAP
service-policy global_policy global
Additional Information:

Phase: 6
Type: NAT
Subtype: per-session
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:

Phase: 7
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:

Phase: 8
Type: NAT
Subtype: rpf-check
Result: ALLOW
object network Serv-Real-
702 Chapter 22: Masquerading the Original IP Address of an Internal Network Host

nat (DMZ_INTERFACE,OUTSIDE_INTERFACE) static Serv-Mask- service tcp

ssh 2200
Additional Information:

Phase: 9
Type: NAT
Subtype: per-session
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:

Phase: 10
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:

Phase: 11
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
New flow created with id 505, packet dispatched to next module

Phase: 12
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Application: 'SNORT Inspect'

Phase: 13
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
Snort Verdict: (pass-packet) allow this packet

Phase: 14
Configuring NAT 703

Subtype: Resolve Egress Interface

Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
found next-hop using egress ifc DMZ_INTERFACE

Phase: 15
Subtype: next-hop and adjacency
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
adjacency Active
next-hop mac address a4ba.db9f.9460 hits 5205

input-interface: OUTSIDE_INTERFACE
input-status: up
input-line-status: up
output-interface: DMZ_INTERFACE
output-status: up
output-line-status: up
Action: allow

1 packet shown

Instead of using the translated address, if you attempt to connect using the original IP
address, the connection attempt should fail. To verify it, you can use the command shown
in Example 22-16, which analyzes the tracing data of a captured packet. FTD captures
the packet when an external host attempts to connect to the internal DMZ server using
its original IP address, but the attempt fails.

Example 22-16 Analyzing a Packet (Where the Packet Does Not Match a Rule)

> show capture ssh_traffic_outside packet-number 1 trace

6 packets captured

1: 05:19:16.438255 >

S 1315278899:1315278899(0) win 29200 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 19855229 0,
nop,wscale 7>
Phase: 1
704 Chapter 22: Masquerading the Original IP Address of an Internal Network Host

Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 2
Result: ALLOW
Implicit Rule
Additional Information:
MAC Access list

Phase: 3
Subtype: Resolve Egress Interface
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:
found next-hop using egress ifc DMZ_INTERFACE

Phase: 4
Subtype: log
Result: ALLOW
access-group CSM_FW_ACL_ global
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ advanced permit ip any any rule-id 268435457
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268435457: ACCESS POLICY: AC
Policy - Mandatory/1
access-list CSM_FW_ACL_ remark rule-id 268435457: L7 RULE: Traffic Selection
Additional Information:
This packet will be sent to snort for additional processing where a verdict will be

Phase: 5
Result: ALLOW
class-map class-default
match any
Configuring NAT 705

policy-map global_policy
class class-default
set connection advanced-options UM_STATIC_TCP_MAP
service-policy global_policy global
Additional Information:

Phase: 6
Type: NAT
Subtype: per-session
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:

Phase: 7
Result: ALLOW
Additional Information:

Phase: 8
Type: NAT
Subtype: rpf-check
Result: DROP
object network Serv-Real-
nat (DMZ_INTERFACE,OUTSIDE_INTERFACE) static Serv-Mask- service tcp
ssh 2200
Additional Information:

input-interface: OUTSIDE_INTERFACE
input-status: up
input-line-status: up
output-interface: DMZ_INTERFACE
output-status: up
output-line-status: up
Action: drop
Drop-reason: (acl-drop) Flow is denied by configured rule

1 packet shown
706 Chapter 22: Masquerading the Original IP Address of an Internal Network Host

This chapter describes various types of NAT on an FTD device. It shows the steps to
configure a NAT rule and demonstrates how FTD can leverage NAT technology to
masquerade internal IP addresses in a real-world scenario.

1. Which NAT technique allows you to translate one external destination IP address to
multiple internal hosts?
a. Static NAT
b. Dynamic NAT
c. PAT
d. All of the above

2. Which NAT section has highest priority during rule evaluation?

a. NAT Rules Before
b. Auto NAT Rules
c. NAT Rules After
d. All of them have the same priority

3. Which command enables you to determine whether a connection matches a NAT

rule and how many times it has matched?
a. show nat
b. show nat detail
c. show xlate detail
d. show conn detail

4. After you deploy a new NAT policy, if a connection still uses a rule from the prior
version of the NAT policy, how could you ensure that FTD will use the new policy?
a. Deploy the NAT policy one more time.
b. Make the NAT rule more specific.
c. Clear the current translation table.
d. All of the above.
Appendix A

Answers to the Review


Chapter 2
1. d

2. b

3. c

4. a

5. a

6. b

7. c

8. d

Chapter 3
1. b

2. d

3. b

4. d

5. b

Chapter 4
1. b

2. d
708 Appendix A: Answers to the Review Questions

3. d

4. c

5. b

6. c

7. d

Chapter 5
1. c

2. c

3. d

4. b

5. d

Chapter 6
1. c

2. d

3. d

4. d

5. d

6. c

Chapter 7
1. b

2. c

3. c

4. d

5. c

6. c
Chapter 12 709

Chapter 8
1. c

2. b

3. c

4. d

Chapter 9
1. d

2. c

3. d

4. c

Chapter 10
1. d

2. c

3. a

4. c

Chapter 11
1. d

2. d

3. b

4. c

Chapter 12
1. c

2. b

3. d

4. b
710 Appendix A: Answers to the Review Questions

Chapter 13
1. d

2. d

3. d

4. c

Chapter 14
1. d

2. b

3. c

4. d

Chapter 15
1. c

2. d

3. c

4. d

Chapter 16
1. b

2. c

3. c

4. c

Chapter 17
1. d

2. b

3. c

4. b
Chapter 22 711

Chapter 18
1. d

2. c

3. c

4. d

Chapter 19
1. c

2. d

3. c

4. d

Chapter 20
1. d

2. b

3. d

4. c

Chapter 21
1. d

2. d

3. c

4. d

Chapter 22
1. a

2. a

3. b

4. c
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Appendix B

Generating and Collecting

Troubleshooting Files Using
the GUI

The Firepower System allows you to collect copies of various logs and configuration
files so that you can investigate any technical issues offline or send them to Cisco for
advanced analysis. In this appendix, you will learn the procedures to generate and col-
lect troubleshooting files from the Firepower Management Center (FMC) and Firepower
Threat Defense (FTD).

Generating Troubleshooting Files with the GUI

You can use the GUI to generate troubleshooting files from both the FMC and any man-
aged FTD device. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1. Navigate to System > Health > Monitor. The Appliance Status Summary
appears, in which you can view the overall health status of all the managed
devices as well as the FMC (see Figure B-1).

Step 2. Click on the name of an appliance from which you want to collect trouble-
shooting files. The Module Status Summary appears.

Tip If you do not see your device in the Appliance Status Summary, expand an arrow key
next to the status counts (refer to Figure B-1). This page does not display an appliance if
the health status is normal.

Step 3. When you see the buttons Generate Troubleshooting Files and Advanced
Troubleshooting next to the appliance name, click the Generate
Troubleshooting Files button. The Troubleshooting Options window
appears (see Figure B-2).
714 Appendix B: Generating and Collecting Troubleshooting Files Using the GUI

Figure B-1 Health Monitor Page Showing a Summary of the Appliance Health Status

Figure B-2 Clicking the Generate Troubleshooting Files Button to Get Data Choices
Generating Troubleshooting Files with the GUI 715

Step 4. In the Troubleshooting Options window, select the data you want to include
in the troubleshooting files. Click the Generate button to begin the process.
Depending on the volume of events in the database and the sizes of various
files, a Firepower system can take several minutes to complete the task.

Tip Selecting the All Data check box allows a Firepower system to include a copy of
all of the important configurations and log files in a compressed file (in .tar.gz format).
It ensures that any necessary troubleshooting data is not left unidentified during the
initial analysis.

Step 5. To view the status in real time, click the health status icon (in the right-top
corner), and go to the Tasks tab.

Step 6. When the troubleshooting files are generated, click the Click to retrieve
generated files download link to begin the download (see Figure B-3).

Click this link to download the files to your desktop.

Figure B-3 Tasks Status Window Showing the Status of the File Generation Process
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Appendix C

Generating and Collecting

Troubleshooting Files Using
the CLI

Although using the GUI is the preferred method of generating troubleshooting files,
in some circumstances, generating the files using the CLI may be the only choice (for
example, when the FMC is inaccessible via the GUI or when the registration between
the FMC and FTD fails).

The commands to generate troubleshooting files are different at the FMC CLI and at the
FTD CLI, as their shells are different. In addition, once the troubleshooting files are gen-
erated, there are multiple ways to transfer them from a Firepower system to your desktop.
In the following sections, you will learn the available options and see examples.

Generating Troubleshooting Files at the FTD CLI

To generate troubleshooting files on an FTD device using the CLI, run the system
generate-troubleshoot command at the shell. Use the all parameter with the command
to include all the data in the .tar.gz file.

Example C-1 demonstrates the use of the system generate-troubleshoot all command
that creates troubleshooting files at the FTD CLI.

Example C-1 Generating Troubleshooting Files at the FTD CLI

> system generate-troubleshoot all

Starting /usr/local/sf/bin/
Please, be patient. This may take several minutes.
The troubleshoot option code specified is ALL.
getting filenames from [/ngfw/usr/local/sf/etc/db_updates/index]
getting filenames from [/ngfw/usr/local/sf/etc/db_updates/base-6.1.0]
Troubleshooting information successfully created at /ngfw/var/common/
718 Appendix C: Generating and Collecting Troubleshooting Files Using the CLI

Once a .tar.gz file is created, you can view the file status by using the file list command.

> file list

Aug 10 20:23 73603794 /results-08-10-2017--201713.tar.gz

Any files you see in the file list command output can be copied into your desktop using
either of two methods:

■ Using the File Download functionality in the FMC GUI.

■ Using the file secure-copy command at the FTD CLI.

Downloading a File by Using the GUI

You can use the FMC GUI to copy a file from FTD. Here are the steps to accomplish that:

Step 1. Go to System > Health > Monitor and select the appliance from which you
want to copy the file.

Step 2. Click the Advanced Troubleshooting button. The File Download page

Step 3. Enter the name of the file you want to download (you do not need to include
the full path; just enter the filename). Click the Download button.

Step 4. When the system prompts you to download the file to your desktop, click Save.

Figure C-1 shows the steps to download the FTD troubleshooting files in the FMC GUI.
Note that only the filename is entered in the form.


Figure C-1 Downloading a File from an FTD via FMC

Generating Troubleshooting Files at the FMC CLI 719

Copying a File by Using the CLI

You can run the file secure-copy command at the FTD CLI to copy the troubleshooting
files directly to your desktop. Here is the command syntax:

> file secure-copy <remote_IP> <remote_username> <remote_folder> <local_filename_


And here is an example of using the command:

> file secure-copy admin /home/folder results-08-10-2017--201713.tar.gz

After you copy a file, you can delete it to free up the disk space. Run the file delete
command as below:

> file delete results-08-10-2017--201713.tar.gz

Really remove file results-08-10-2017--201713.tar.gz?
Please enter 'YES' or 'NO': YES

Generating Troubleshooting Files at the FMC CLI

To generate troubleshooting files at the FMC CLI, run the command
with administrative privilege.

Example C-2 shows the use of the command, which creates
troubleshooting files at the FMC CLI.

Example C-2 Generating Troubleshooting Files at the FMC CLI

admin@FMC:~$ sudo

Starting /usr/local/sf/bin/
Please, be patient. This may take several minutes.
getting filenames from [/usr/local/sf/etc/db_updates/index]
getting filenames from [/usr/local/sf/etc/db_updates/base-6.1.0]
Troubleshooting information successfully created at /var/common/

Once a .tar.gz file is created, it is stored in the /var/common/ directory. You can view the
file status by using the ls command.

Example C-3 shows confirmation that the troubleshooting file is generated and stored in
the /var/common folder in .tar.gz format.
720 Appendix C: Generating and Collecting Troubleshooting Files Using the CLI

Example C-3 Location of the FMC Troubleshooting File

admin@FMC:~$ ls -halp /var/common/

total 115M
drwxrwxr-x 2 admin detection 4.0K Aug 10 18:42 ./
drwxr-xr-x 17 root 4.0K Mar 28 2016 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 115M Aug 10 18:42 results-08-10-2017--184001.tar.gz

To copy the file from the FMC CLI to your desktop, you can use the File Download fea-
ture on the GUI of the FMC. The processes are identical to the steps you followed for the
FTD file transfer in the previous section. Alternatively, you can use the scp (Secure Copy
over SSH protocol) command at the FMC CLI, which has the following syntax:

admin@FMC:~$ sudo scp <local_filename_on_FMC><remote_username>@<remote_IP>:


Here is an example of using this command:

admin@FMC:~$ sudo scp /var/common/results-08-10-2017--184001.tar.gz


After you copy a file, you can delete it to free up disk space. To do so, run the rm
command with administrative privilege:

admin@FMC:~$ sudo rm /var/common/results-08-10-2017--184001.tar.gz


DNS query blocking, 302–304

Symbols configuration, 508–510
# (hash sign), 473, 505 prerequisites, 507
? (question mark), 32 rule actions, 500–502
sources of intelligence,
A traditional access rule
limitations, 499–500
A records, 498
verification of DNS policy
access control policy. See also access
configuration, 511–515
verification of DNS policy
configuration, 650–654
operation, 515–520
encapsulated traffic, analyzing,
Fastpath, 409–410, 413
advanced analysis tools,
FMC (Firepower Management
Center), 213
analysis of, 422–427
inspection, bypassing, 401–402
prefilter policy configuration,
Access Control Policy page, 337–338,
381, 418, 427, 572
prefilter policy verification,
access rules
ACLs (access control lists), verifying,
tunnel rule, 409
ICMP traffic blocking, 302–304
application blocking, 570
NAT (Network Address Translation)
configuration, 570–572
dynamic NAT rules,
configuring, 677–681
tools, 572–575
722 access rules

static NAT rules, configuring, Block Files, 588

695 Block Malware, 589
types of, 670–671 Detect Files, 588
OSPF access rules, 269–271 Domain Not Found, 501–502
prefilter rules, 373–375 Drop, 500
QoS (quality of service) Fastpath, 413
best practices, 447–448 advanced analysis tools,
configuration, 449–454 421–422
events and statistics, 458–462 analysis of, 422–427
prerequisites, 448–449 definition of, 409–410
verification, 454–456 prefilter policy configuration,
ways of enabling, 445–447 413–419
Snort, 7 prefilter policy verification,
SSH access rules, 272–273
tunnel rule, 409
traffic flow analysis with, 303–307
Malware Cloud Lookup, 589,
trust rules, 417–427
advanced analysis tools,
Monitor, 502
Sinkhole, 502–503, 507
Allow action, 440–442
trust rules, 417–427
analyzing, 432–440
advanced analysis tools,
configuration, 427–429
definition of, 410–411
Allow action, 440–442
verification, 429–430
analysis of, 432–440
URL Filtering, 532–537
configuration, 427–429
configuration, 532–534
verification, 429–430
specific URLs, allowing,
Whitelist, 502
adapters, verifying, 86
tools, 534–537 Adaptive Profile Updates option, 558
URL-based Security Intelligence Adaptive Profiles option, 558, 650
rules, verifying, 491–494 Adaptive Security Appliance.
viewing, 339–340 See ASA 5500-X Series hardware,
FTD on
accessories, 10–11
Add Device window, 212–215
ACLs (access control lists), verifying,
274–275 Add DNS Lists and Feeds button, 505
actions Add DNS Policy button, 508
Allow, 440–442 Add Hardware window, 168
Block, 362–365 Add Inline Set button, 320
analyzing 723

Add Network Lists and Feeds button, configuring interfaces with,

474 235–239
Add Network menu, 674 determining, 265
Add Port Channel window (Firepower masquerading. See masquerad-
Chassis Manager), 70 ing IP addresses
Add Prefilter Rule button, 414 private IP addressing, 669
Add Rule button, 587, 592, 679 MAC addresses, determining, 265
Add Rule window, 302, 427, 532, 562 whitelisting, 483–485, 491–492
Add Sinkhole button, 507 administration (FXOS), 62–63
Add to Blacklist button, 469, 476 Advanced Malware Protection (AMP)
Add to Destination button, 414 technology, 579–581. See also
malware protection with file policy
Add to Source button, 416
Advanced Troubleshooting button,
Add Tunnel Rule configuration
300, 718
window, 398
alerts (power supply unit), 127–128
Add Variable Set button, 648
allocated resources (Firepower virtual
Address Records (A records), 498
appliances), 164–165
addresses. See also NAT (Network
Allow action, 440–442
Address Translation)
AMP (Advanced Malware Protection)
technology, 579–581.
automatic blacklisting with See also malware protection with
Cisco Intelligence Feed, file policy
Analyze All Tunnel Traffic option, 379
best practices, 468
blacklisted DNS addresses,
application discovery, 564–566
viewing, 512–513
encapsulated traffic, 379
bypassing blacklists, 482–485
packet flows, 385–390
immediate blacklisting with
connection events, 477–480 policy settings, 379–382
input methods, 466–467 policy verification, 382–385
manual blacklisting with Fastpath, 422–427
custom intelligence lists, event logs and counters,
472–477 423–424
monitoring blacklists, 480–482 firewall and Firepower engine
prerequisites, 468 behavior, 424–425
verification, 485–494 packet flow, 425–427
IP addresses file events, 594–598
configuration on FTD malware events, 599
management interface, 187 FMC unable to communicate
configuration on FXOS with cloud, 599–604
management interface, 190
724 analyzing

FTD malware blocking, lab topology, 560–561

607–610 network discovery policy configura-
malware cloud lookup, 603–607 tion, 561–564
packet drops operational architecture, 555–556
with real packets, 342–344 prerequisites, 558–560
with simulated packets, verification
340–342 application discovery analysis,
traffic inspection 564–566
connection events with block host discovery analysis,
action, 362–365 566–567
intrusion events with inline undiscovered new hosts,
results, 366–370 567–570
trust rules, 432–440 application IDs, mapping to names,
advanced analysis tools, 575
430–432 application package, 60
counters for trusted Telnet Application Statistics dashboard,
connection, 440 564–565
event logs, 433 Application Visibility and Control.
firewall and Firepower engine See AVC (Application Visibility and
behavior, 433–435 Control)
first packet of trusted Telnet architecture
connection, 435–437 Firepower 4100 series, 57–58
subsequent packets of trusted Firepower 9300 series, 57–58
Telnet connection, 437–439 ASA 5500-X Series hardware, FTD
Anti-Malware Testfile, 607 on, 13
Appliance Status Summary, 713 ASA engines, capturing traffic from
application blocking, 570 capture command, 289
configuration, 570–572 clear command, 290–291
verification/troubleshooting tools, HTTP service, enabling, 293–297
572–575 .pcap files, downloading,
application IDs, mapping to 291–293
names, 575 show capture command,
messages for application 289–290
identification, 574–575 show nameif command, 288–289
messages generated by firewall FTD installation
engine, 573–574
boot image, 26–32
application detectors, 553–555
firmware upgrades, 18–26
application discovery, 553
prerequisites, 16–18
application detectors, 553–555
system software, 32–44
best practices, 557
blacklisting addresses 725

management network configuration, operational architecture,

186 555–556
configure network command, prerequisites, 558–560
186–187 verification, 564–570
management interface
numbering, 189
troubleshooting, 187–190
verification, 187–190 Backup Management Page (FMC),
rebooting, 36–37 106–107
reimaging best practices, 13–15 Backup/Restore tool, 140
reloading, 21, 27–28 Balanced Security and Connectivity
verification policy, 626, 633
CLI (command-line interface), Base license, 202
44–46 batteries (RAID), determining status
files, deleting from storage of, 124–125
devices, 48 Blacklist IP Now option, 466,
free disk space, 47–48 478–479
FTD software version, 46–47 Blacklist Now button, 478
ROMMON software version, blacklisting addresses, 463–465.
50–51 See also whitelists
storage devices availability, automatic blacklisting with Cisco
48–50 Intelligence Feed, 468–472
auto NAT rules, 670, 679–681 best practices, 468
automatic blacklisting with Cisco blacklisted DNS addresses, viewing,
Intelligence Feed, 468–472 512–513
availability of storage devices, bypassing blacklists, 482–485
determining, 48–50 immediate blacklisting with
AVC (Application Visibility and connection events, 477–480
Control) input methods, 466–467
application blocking, 570 manual blacklisting with custom
configuration, 570–572 intelligence lists, 472–477
verification/troubleshooting monitoring blacklists, 480–482
tools, 572–575 prerequisites, 468
application discovery, 553 verification
application detectors, 553–555 Health Module, 485–486
best practices, 557 latest file downloads,
lab topology, 560–561 486–489
network discovery policy loading of addresses into
configuration, 561–564 memory, 489–491
726 blacklisting addresses

specific addresses in lists, 491 network analysis policy

URL-based Security configuration, 637–641
Intelligence rules, 491–494 preprocessors, 619–621
blacklisting files, 610–615 system-provided policies,
.blf files. See blacklisting addresses 626–632
Block action, 362–365 system-provided variables,
Block All Tunnel Traffic setting, 391
Block Files action, 588
tools, 654–664
Block Malware action, 589
malware with file policy, 577–578,
blocking 607–610
applications, 570 applying, 592–593
configuration, 570–572 best practices, 583–584
verification/troubleshooting creating, 586–590
tools, 572–575
file events, analyzing, 594–598
DNS queries, 497–498
file type control, 582
best practices, 506
file type detection technology,
configuration, 508–510 579
prerequisites, 507 licensing capability, 582–583
rule actions, 500–502 malware analysis technology,
sources of intelligence, 579–581
504–505 malware events, analyzing,
traditional access rule 599–610
limitations, 499–500 prerequisites, 584–585
verification, 511–520 traffic. See Inline interface mode;
encapsulated traffic transparent mode
packet flow analysis, 395–397 traffic flow analysis with, 303–307
policy configuration, 391–392 boot image
policy verification, 392–395 downloading, 26
intrusion attempts, 617 explained, 14
access control policy configura- installation on ASA 5500-X Series
tion, 650–654 hardware, 26–32
intrusion policy and Snort bootup process with FTD boot
rules, 621–624 image, 31–32
intrusion policy best practices, downloading boot image, 26
632–637 downloading file from TFTP
intrusion policy configuration, server, 30–31
641–649 FTD boot CLI commands, 32
network analysis policy, interrupting bootup process, 28
Cisco Intelligence Feed 727

network settings, 29
ping test, 30
reloading ASA hardware, -c option (tcpdump), 280
27–28 capture command, 289, 314, 328,
ROMMON configuration mode 362, 421, 660
commands, 28–29 capture icmp_traffic, 304
system software, installing, 32–44 capture inside_telnet trace, 342
bootup process, interrupting, 28 capture ssh_traffic_inside trace, 685
BPF (Berkeley Packet Filter), 280 capture ssh_traffic_outside trace,
BVI (Bridge Virtual Interface), 251, 314 690
bypassing blacklists, 482–485 capture-traffic command, 279–280,
bypassing inspection, 409 305, 422, 424–425, 433–434
best practices, 412 capturing traffic. See traffic capture
encapsulated traffic cat command, 602
access control policy settings, cat /var/sf/run/fans.status, 130
401–402 cat /var/sf/run/power.status, 125
custom prefilter policy, 397–400 cat /var/sf/sidns_download/dns.rules,
packet flow analysis, 405–406 514
policy verification, 403–404 cat /var/sf/siurl_download/url.rules,
Fastpath, 413 493
advanced analysis tools, chassis, verifying, 87–90
421–422 checklists (power supply unit), 129
analysis of, 422–427 Choose the Transport Protocol option
definition of, 409–410 (FMC), 114–116
prefilter policy configuration, CIMC (Cisco Integrated Management
413–419 Controller), 101–103
prefilter policy verification, Cisco acquisition of Sourcefire, 1–2
420–421 Cisco Firepower Appliance
tunnel rule, 409 Configuration menu (FMC), 113
prerequisites, 412 Cisco Integrated Management
Controller (CIMC), 101–103
trust rules, 417–427
Cisco Intelligence Feed, 466
advanced analysis tools,
430–432 automatic blacklisting with,
Allow action, 440–442
analyzing, 432–440
latest file downloads,
configuration, 427–429 486–489
definition of, 410–411 loading of addresses into mem-
verification, 429–430 ory, 489–491
728 Cisco Intelligence Feed

specific addresses in lists, 491 malware events, analyzing

URL-based Security FMC unable to communicate
Intelligence rules, 491–494 with cloud, 599–604
Cisco Smart Software Manager malware cloud lookup,
(CSSM), 200–201 603–607
Cisco Unified Communication System CloudAgent, 504
(UCS) C220 M3 chassis, 101, 603
cisco-ftd. file, 60 commands. See individual command
Class License, 199 names
Clean disposition, 605 Common Vulnerability Scoring
Clean file list, 610 System (CVSS) scores, 628
clear command, 290–291 complete power cycle, performing,
clear asp drop, 462
configuration. See also
clear capture, 379, 382, 392, 403,
421, 431
application blocking, 570–572
clear service-policy interface
INSIDE_INTERFACE, 462 blacklisting
clear snort statistics, 422, 431 automatic blacklisting with
Cisco Intelligence Feed,
clear xlate, 672
CLI (command-line interface). See
immediate blacklisting with
also individual command names
connection events, 477–480
copying troubleshooting files with,
manual blacklisting with
custom intelligence lists,
FTD on ASA 5500-X Series 472–477
hardware, 44–46
CIMC (Cisco Integrated
FTD on FXOS (Firepower eXtensible Management Controller),
Operating System), 79–81 101–103
generating troubleshooting files with destination NAT (Network Address
FMC CLI, 719–720 Translation)
FTD CLI, 717–718 lab topology, 695–696
client detectors, 554 static NAT rules, configuring,
clients (DHCP), FTD as, 241–242 695
cloning, 141 verifying operation of,
DNS query blocking
cloud lookup
DNS policy, invoking, 510
Cloud Lookup Timeout,
599–604 lab topology, 508
malware, 603–607 new DNS rules, adding,
unknown URLs, 544–546
configuration 729

file policy FTD software image, upload-

applying, 592–593 ing, 72–73
best practices, 583–584 interfaces, 67–71
creating, 586–590 logical devices, 73–77
prerequisites, 584–585 port channels, 70–71
Firepower virtual appliances, HTTP service, 293–297
141–142 Inline interface mode
appliance initialization, best practices, 316
160–163 fault tolerance features,
OVF template deployment, 333–336
154–160 inline set configuration,
post-deployment best practices, verifying, 321–324
140–141 inline set creation, 317–321
pre-deployment best practices, lab topology, 317
packet flow verification with
prerequisites, 142–143 packet-tracer, 324–327
virtual networks, creating, packet flow verification with
144–153 real packet capture, 328–333
FMC (Firepower Management port blocking, 336–340
prerequisites, 317
installation, running, 117–120
licensing, 203–204
ISO files, mounting, 116
Evaluation Mode, 205–206
network settings, 114
registration with CSSM,
overview of, 110–111 206–209
prerequisites, 109–110 verification, 209–211
system initialization, 120–122 management interface, 180
System_Restore image, loading, management network on ASA
111–113 hardware, 186
transport protocols, 114–116 configure network command,
FTD on ASA 5500-X Series hardware 186–187
boot image installation, 26–32 management interface
firmware upgrades, 18–26 numbering, 189
prerequisites, 16–18 troubleshooting, 187–190
system software installation, verification, 187–190
32–44 management network on FMC
FTD on FXOS (Firepower eXtensible hardware, 180
Operating System) with command-line interface,
EtherChannel, 70–71 183–184
FTD initialization, 77–79
730 configuration

with GUI during first login, rate limiting

180–182 configuration, 449–454
with GUI on demand, 182–183 prerequisites, 448–449
troubleshooting, 184–186 registration
verification, 184–186 FMC (Firepower Management
management network on on Center) setup, 212–215
Firepower security appliance, 190 FTD setup, 211–212
FTD management interface routed mode
configuration, 192–194
best practices, 231–232
FTD management interface
DHCP services, 238–243
verification, 194–197
DHCP settings, 246–249
FXOS management interface
configuration, 190 firewall mode, 234–235
FXOS management interface host/FTD device
verification, 191–192 communication, 231–232
network application discovery during initialization, 233
best practices, 557 interface configuration,
verifying, 243–246
lab topology, 560–561
prerequisites, 234
network discovery policy
configuration, 561–564 routed interface, 235–239
prerequisites, 558–560 troubleshooting tools, 243
NGIPS (next-generation intrusion source NAT (Network Address
prevention system) Translation)
access control policy, 650–654 dynamic NAT rules,
intrusion policy, 632–637,
641–649 inside to outside operation,
verifying, 683–690
network analysis policy,
637–641 lab topology, 676–677
policies to analyze encapsulated outside to inside operation,
traffic verifying, 690–695
access control policy settings, verifying, 681–683
381–382 traffic bypassing
prefilter policy settings, prefilter policy, 413–419
379–380 trust rules, 427–429
policies to block encapsulated traffic, traffic inspection
Inline Tap mode, 353
policies to bypass inspection,
Passive interface mode,
CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System) score 731

transparent mode Connection Events page, 306

best practices, 252–253 Connectivity over Security
configuration during policy, 626
initialization, 253 coordinated universal time (UTC),
firewall mode, 254–255 602
host/FTD device copy tftp://
communication, 251–252 firmware-1108.SPA disk0
command, 19–20
Layer 2 networks, 255–267
Layer 3 networks, 267–271
.pcap files to external computers,
prerequisites, 254
URL Filtering
ROMMON software file to ASA
access rules, 532–534 hardware, 19–20
best practices, 529–531 troubleshooting files, 719
debugging, 546–548 core software, 7
specific URLs, allowing, 538–543 counters
unknown URLs, querying, allowed connection, 442
Fastpath action, 423–424
Configuration Export Page
resetting, 431
(Firepower Chassis Manager), 63
trusted Telnet connection, 440
configure firewall routed command,
234–235 Create and Edit Policy button, 643,
configure firewall transparent
command, 254–255 Create Intrusion Policy window,
configure manager add command, 212
Create Network Analysis Policy
configure network command,
window, 637
CSSM (Cisco Smart Software
configure network ipv4 command, 186
Manager), 200–201
configure-network command,
gaining access to, 200
registration with, 206–209
connect ftd command, 77, 80, 196
satellite deployment, 201
connect module 1 console command,
77, 80 tokens, generating, 207
connection and translation table custom application detectors, 554
(NAT), 683–684 Custom detection file list, 610
connection events custom intelligence lists, blacklisting
analyzing addresses with, 472–477
live traffic, 362–364 CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring
System) score, 628
simulated packets, 364–365
immediate blacklisting with, 477–480
732 dashboard of file events

D addresses from blacklist, 479–480
dashboard of file events, 596 files from storage devices, 48
data interfaces, enabling, 68–69 logical devices, 64–65
dd NAT Rule window, 679 traffic captures from ASA engines,
debug command, 238–239
Deploy OVF Template window, 154
debug dhcpd packet, 248
deployment (Firepower)
debug http 255, 293
routed mode, 231, 311
debug icmp trace
best practices, 231–232
routed mode, 243
configuration during
transparent mode, 263–267
initialization, 233
debug snort event, 461
DHCP services, 238–243
DHCP settings, verifying,
application blocking 246–249
messages for application firewall mode, 234–235
identification, 574–575
host/FTD device
messages generated by firewall communication, 231–232
engine, 573–574
interface configuration,
connections to uncategorized URLs, verifying, 243–246
prerequisites, 234
debugging logs
routed interface, 235–239
DNS policy, 512
troubleshooting tools, 243
SFTunnel, 227–229
transparent mode
disabling, 297
best practices, 252–253
firewall engine, 384, 422
compared to Inline mode, 314
QoS rule-related events, 461
configuration during
Smart Licensing issues, 209–211 initialization, 253
URL Filtering, 534–537 firewall mode, 254–255
default shell (FTD), 44 host/FTD device
default username/password communication, 251–252
FMC (Firepower Management Layer 2 networks, 255–267
Center), 181 Layer 3 networks, 267–271
FMC Virtual, 161 prerequisites, 254
FTD on ASA 5500-X Series design, management network,
hardware, 42 176–179
FTD Virtual, 162 destination NAT (Network Address
delete flash command, 48 Translation)
DNS query traffic 733

lab topology, 695–696 operational architecture, 555–556

static NAT rules, configuring, 695 prerequisites, 558–560
verifying operation of, 696–705 verification
captured packet analysis, application discovery analysis,
700–705 564–566
matching of connection in host discovery analysis,
reverse direction, 698 566–567
real-time translation status, 698 undiscovered new hosts,
SSH traffic capture, 698–699 567–570
Detect Files action, 588 Discovery, Offer, Request, and
Acknowledgement (DORA), 248
Detection Enhancement Settings, 558
disk provisioning options, 137–138
Detection-Only mode, 352
disk space, determining free space in,
detectors, 553–555
device deployment. See deployment
DNS Lists and Feeds settings,
Device Editor page, 236
DNS query blocking, 497–498
Device Management page (FMC)
best practices, 506
Inline interface mode configuration,
DNS policy, invoking, 510
Inline Tap mode configuration, 353
lab topology, 508
Passive interface mode configuration,
357 new DNS rules, adding,
DHCP services, 238–239
DHCP settings, verifying, 246–249
configuration, 336–338
FTD as DHCP client, 241–242
verification, 339–340
FTD as DHCP server, 240–241
prerequisites, 507
dir command, 47–48
rule actions, 500–502
sources of intelligence, 504–505
traditional access rule limitations,
/var/sf/siurl_download directory,
489, 492
disabling debugging, 297
DNS policy configuration,
discovering network applications, 553
application detectors, 553–555
DNS policy operation,
best practices, 557 515–520
lab topology, 560–561 DNS query traffic. See transparent
network discovery policy mode
configuration, 561–564
734 DNS Rule Editor window

DNS Rule Editor window, 509–510 Edit License button, 208

DNS traffic. See Inline interface mode Edit Physical Interface window,
$DNS_SERVERS variable, 625 318–319, 357
domain names, resolving, 519–520 EICAR (European Institute for
Computer Antivirus Research),
Domain Not Found action, 501–502
DORA (Discovery, Offer, Request,
Enable Profile Updates feature, 650
and Acknowledgement), 248
Encapsulated Remote Switched Port
Download and Mount ISO option
Analyzer (ERSPAN), 348
(FMC), 116
encapsulated traffic, 373–375
analyzing, 379
boot image, 26
packet flows, 385–390
FTD system software, 35
policy settings, 379–382
ISO files, 116
policy verification, 382–385
.pcap files
from ASA engines, 291–293
packet flow analysis, 395–397
from Firepower engines, 285
policy configuration, 391–392
from FMC, 299–301
policy verification, 392–395
ROMMON software, 18
bypassing inspection
troubleshooting files, 717–718
access control policy settings,
Drop action, 500
dropped packets due to QoS policy,
custom prefilter policy,
dynamic malware analysis, 581
packet flow analysis, 405–406
dynamic NAT (Network Address
policy verification, 403–404
Translation), 669, 677–681
encapsulation protocols, 373
GRE (Generic Routing
E Encapsulation), 373
prefilter rules, 373–375
-e option (tcpdump), 280
prerequisites, 375–377
E1000 network adapters, 166
traffic capture on firewall engine,
echo-reply packets
simulated packets, 326–327
encrypted SFTunnel, analyzing
tracing, 332–333
debugging logs, 227–229
echo-request packets tool, 226
simulated packets, 325–326 tool, 224–225
tracing, 329–331
sftunnel-status command, 221–224
Edit Inline Set window, 353
file formats 735

end user license agreement. See

EULA (end user license agreement) F
ERSPAN (Encapsulated Remote FailSafe, 334–335
Switched Port Analyzer), 348
fans, verifying
ESXi template deployment, 136
FMC (Firepower Management
EtherChannel configuration, 70–71 Center), 129–132
EULA (end user license agreement) FTD on FXOS (Firepower eXtensible
FMC (Firepower Management Operating System), 92–94
Center), 181–182 Fastpath, 413
FTD on ASA 5500-X Series advanced analysis tools, 421–422
hardware, 42
analysis of, 422–427
European Institute for Computer
Antivirus Research (EICAR), 607 event logs and counters,
Evaluation Mode, 205–206
firewall and Firepower engine
events behavior, 424–425
connection events, immediate black- packet flow, 425–427
listing with, 477–480
definition of, 409–410
file events, analyzing, 594–598
Fastpath action, 271,
malware disposition, overriding, 399–402, 404
prefilter policy
malware events, analyzing, 599
configuration, 413–417
FMC unable to communicate
with cloud, 599–604 deployment in access control
policy, 418–419
FTD malware blocking,
607–610 verification, 420–421
malware cloud lookup, tunnel rule, 409
603–607 fault tolerance, 333–336
QoS (quality of service), FDM (Firepower Device Manager),
458–462 97, 173
dropped packets due to QoS Feed, Cisco Intelligence, 466
policy, 459 file delete command, 288, 719
rate-limited connection status, File Download page (FMC), 285–287,
460 300, 718
rule-related event debugging, file events, analyzing, 594–598
461 file formats. See also file policy
evolution of Firepower technology, 2 .blf. See blacklisting addresses
existing logical devices, deleting, ISO, mounting, 116
.lf, 492
$EXTERNAL_NET variable, 625
736 file formats

MSEXE malware disposition, overriding,

blocking, 596–597 610–615
magic number, 579 malware events, analyzing, 599
.pcap FMC unable to communicate
with cloud, 599–604
downloading from ASA
engines, 291–293 FTD malware blocking,
downloading from Firepower
engines, 285–288 malware cloud lookup,
downloading from FMC,
299–301 prerequisites, 584–585
PDF, detecting, 596–597 whitelisting files, 610–615
Security Intelligence files, verifying file secure-copy command, 288, 718,
download of, 486–489 719
troubleshooting files File Summary page, 595
copying with CLI, 719 files. See also file policy
downloading with GUI, copying from TFTP servers, 19–20
717–718 deleting from storage devices, 48
generating with FMC CLI, downloading from TFTP servers,
719–720 30–31
generating with FTD CLI, downloading with FMC GUI,
717–718 285–287
generating with GUI, 713–715 log files
.wlf. See whitelists DNS policy, 512
file ftd-boot- command, PSU (power supply unit) status,
30 125–126
file list command, 718 SFTunnel, 227–229
file policy, 577–578 traffic bypassing, 423–424
applying, 592–593 trusted connection event logs,
architecture, 577–578 433
best practices, 583–584 urldb_log file, 549
blacklisting files, 610–615 Files Dashboard, 596
creating, 586–590 filtering URLs, 523
file events, analyzing, 594–598 access rules
file type control, 582 configuration, 532–534
file type detection technology, 579 verification/troubleshooting
tools, 534–537
licensing capability, 582–583
best practices, 529–531
malware analysis technology,
579–581 operational architecture, 525–526
Firepower engines, traffic capture from 737

prerequisites, 526–529 verifying

specific URLs, allowing, 538–543 fan modules, 92
configuration, 538–539 PSU (power supply unit), 90
verification/troubleshooting security modules, 84–87
tools, 540–543 Firepower deployment
uncategorized URLs, querying, routed mode, 231, 311
best practices, 231–232
debugging, 546–548
configuration during
FMC configuration, 544–546 initialization, 233
verification/troubleshooting DHCP services, 238–243
tools, 548–550
DHCP settings, verifying,
WRI (Web Reputation Index), 246–249
firewall mode, 234–235
finding addresses in Cisco Intelligence
host/FTD device
Feed, 491
communication, 231–232
interface configuration,
versus FTD (Firepower Threat verifying, 243–246
Defense), 6–7
prerequisites, 234
rebranding to Firepower, 3
routed interface, 235–239
Firepower 4100 series
troubleshooting tools, 243
architecture, 57–58
transparent mode
software images, 58–60
best practices, 252–253
specifications, 55–57
compared to Inline mode, 314
web user interfaces, 61
configuration during
Firepower 9300 series initialization, 253
architecture, 57–58 firewall mode, 254–255
software images, 58–60 host/FTD device
specifications, 55–57 communication, 251–252
web user interfaces, 61 Layer 2 networks, 255–267
Firepower Chassis Manager, 61 Layer 3 networks, 267–271
FTD software image, uploading, prerequisites, 254
72–73 Firepower Device Manager. See FDM
FXOS software updates, 65–67 (Firepower Device Manager)
hardware chassis, verifying, 87–90 Firepower engines, traffic capture
interface configuration, 67–70 from
logical devices capture-traffic command, 279–280
adding, 73–77 .pcap files, downloading, 285–288
deleting, 64–65 tcpdump command, 280–285
738 Firepower eXtensible Operating System

Firepower eXtensible Operating firmware upgrades on ASA 5500-X

System. See FXOS (Firepower Series hardware, 18–26
eXtensible Operating System), copying file to ASA hardware, 19–20
FTD on
downloading ROMMON software, 18
Firepower Linux shell, 45
reloading ASA hardware, 21
Firepower Management Center. See
upgraded firmware version, 25–26
FMC (Firepower Management
Center) hardware upgrading ROMMON software,
Firepower management network.
See management network FMC (Firepower Management
configuration Center) hardware, 97. See also file
policy; FMC Virtual; URL Filtering
Firepower NAT Policy, 677–681
on-box managers, 98–99
Firepower security appliance, 190
CIMC (Cisco Integrated
FTD management interface
Management Controller),
configuration, 192–194 101–103
verification, 194–197 component essentials, 97–98
FXOS management interface default username/password, 181
configuration, 190 evolution of, 3–6
verification, 191–192 FMC login, 124
Firepower System generating troubleshooting files with,
accessories, 10–11 719–720
hardware platforms, 9–10 internal USB storage for System_
software components, 7–9 Restore image, 104
Firepower-based application protocol licensing
detectors, 554 Class License, 199
FireSIGHT System, 2 Smart Licensing architecture,
firewall engine 199–201
debugging, 384, 422, 573–574 management network configuration,
traffic capture on, 375–377
with command-line interface,
firewall mode
routed mode configuration, 233,
with GUI during first login,
transparent mode configuration,
with GUI on demand, 182–183
troubleshooting, 184–186
firewall-engine-debug command, 384,
392, 403, 423, 517–518, 535–537, verification, 184–186
FTD on ASA 5500-X Series hardware 739

Object Management FMC Virtual, 135

Global-Blacklist category, disk provisioning options, 137–138
479–481 ESXi Versus VI, 136
Network Lists and Feeds post-deployment best practices,
option, 474 140–141
off-box managers, 99–101 pre-deployment best practices,
registration 138–140
configuration, 212–215 supported virtual environments,
CSSM (Cisco Smart Software 135–136
Manager), 206–209 verification
verification, 215–221 network adapter status,
reimaging 165–166
installation, running, 117–120 network adapter upgrades,
ISO files, mounting, 116
resource allocations, 164–165
network settings, 114
virtual appliance installation,
overview of, 110–111
post-installation best practices,
appliance initialization,
pre-installation best practices,
OVF template deployment,
prerequisites, 109–110
prerequisites, 142–143
system initialization, 120–122
virtual networks, creating,
System_Restore image, loading, 144–147
VMware installation package,
transport protocols, 114–116 136–137
traffic capture from free disk space, determining, 47–48
ifconfig command, 298 FTD on ASA 5500-X Series
.pcap files, downloading, hardware, 13
299–301 FTD installation
tcpdump command, 298–299 boot image, 26–32
user interfaces, 104–105 firmware upgrades, 18–26
verification prerequisites, 16–18
fans, 129–132 system software, 32–44
hardware/software details, 124 reimaging best practices, 14–15
identification of FMC on rack, reimaging essentials, 13–14
PSU (power supply unit) status,
CLI (command-line interface),
RAID battery status, 124–125
740 FTD on ASA 5500-X Series hardware

files, deleting from storage fan modules, 92–94

devices, 48 FXOS software status, 81–82
free disk space, 47–48 hardware chassis, 87–90
FTD software version, 46–47 PSU (power supply unit) status,
ROMMON software version, 90–92
50–51 security application status,
storage devices availability, 82–83
48–50 security modules, 84–87
FTD on FXOS (Firepower eXtensible switch fabric, 86–87
Operating System), 55
FTD Virtual, 135
Firepower 4100 series
disk provisioning options, 137–138
architecture, 57–58
ESXi Versus VI, 136
software images, 58–60
post-deployment best practices,
specifications, 55–57 140–141
web user interfaces, 61 pre-deployment best practices,
Firepower 9300 series 138–140
architecture, 57–58 supported virtual environments,
software images, 58–60 135–136
specifications, 55–57 verification
web user interfaces, 61 network adapter status,
FTD installation
network adapter upgrades,
FTD initialization, 77–79
FTD software image, upload-
resource allocations, 164–165
ing, 72–73
virtual appliance installation,
logical device configuration,
appliance initialization,
management interface
configuration, 67–71, 190
OVF template deployment,
upgrading, 65–67 154–160
verification, 191–192 prerequisites, 142–143
prerequisites virtual networks, creating,
existing logical devices, delet- 148–152
ing, 64–65 VMware installation package,
FXOS upgrades, 65–67 136–137
interface configuration, 67–71 $FTP_PORTS variable, 625
verification FXOS (Firepower eXtensible
adapters, 86 Operating System), FTD on, 55,
CLI (command-line interface),
79–81 best practices, 62–63
grep -i alert /var/sf/run/fans.status command 741

Firepower 4100 series

architecture, 57–58
software images, 58–60 Gartner Magic Quadrant for IPS, 1
specifications, 55–57 Generate and Use Recommendations
web user interfaces, 61 button, 644
Firepower 9300 series Generate Troubleshooting Files
architecture, 57–58 button, 713
software images, 58–60 generator IDs (GIDs), 622
specifications, 55–57 Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE),
web user interfaces, 61 348, 373. See also encapsulated
FTD installation
GeoDB (geolocation database), 8
FTD initialization, 77–79
GIDs (generator IDs), 622
FTD software image,
uploading, 72–73 GigabitEthernet1/1 configuration
logical device configuration,
73–77 routed mode, 236–239
management interface DHCP settings, verifying,
configuration, 67–71, 190
interface configuration, verify-
upgrading, 65–67
ing, 244–246
verification, 191–192
show interface GigabitEthernet 1/1
prerequisites command, 307–308
existing logical devices, transparent mode, 257–261
deleting, 64–65
GigabitEthernet1/2 configuration
FXOS upgrades, 65–67
interface configuration, 67–71
routed mode, 236–239
DHCP settings, verifying,
adapters, 86 246–249
CLI (command-line interface), interface configuration, verify-
79–81 ing, 244–246
fan modules, 92–94 transparent mode, 257–261
FXOS software status, 81–82 Global-Blacklist category, 479–481
hardware chassis, 87–90 Global-Whitelist object, 484–485
PSU (power supply unit) status, GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation),
90–92 348, 373. See also encapsulated
security application status, traffic
82–83 grep [domain_name] /var/sf/sidns_
security modules, 84–87 download/*.lf command, 516
switch fabric, 86–87 grep -i alert /var/sf/run/fans.status
fxos-k9. file, 59 command, 131
742 hardware chassis, verifying

H Firepower virtual appliances, 160–161
hardware chassis, verifying, 87–90 FMC Virtual appliances,
hardware platforms, 9–10
FTD Virtual appliances, 162–163
hash sign (#), 473, 505
FMC (Firepower Management
Health Monitor page
Center), 120–122
Appliance Status Summary, 713
FTD on ASA 5500-X Series
File Download page, 718 hardware, 38–42
URL Filtering Monitor. See URL FTD on FXOS (Firepower eXtensible
Filtering Operating System), 77–79
help command, 28 routed mode configuration, 233
$HOME_NET variable, 625 transparent mode configuration, 253
host discovery. See also application Inline interface mode, 311–312
best practices, 316
analyzing, 566–567
compared to Passive mode, 312–313
network discovery policy configura-
compared to transparent mode, 314
tion, 561–564
fault tolerance features, 333–336
undiscovered new hosts, 567–570
inline sets
Hosts page, 566–567
creating, 317–321
HTTP service, enabling in FTD,
293–297 packet flow verification with
packet-tracer, 324–327
packet flow verification with
$HTTP_SERVERS variable, 625
real packet capture, 328–333
HV (hypervisor), 109
verifying configuration of,
I packet drops
analysis with real packets,
ICMP traffic. See traffic blocking; 342–344
traffic capture
analysis with simulated pack-
IDs, mapping to application names, ets, 340–342
tracing, 314–316
ifconfig command, 185–186, 298
port blocking
images (boot). See boot image
configuration, 336–338
immediate blacklisting with
verification, 339–340
connection events, 477–480
prerequisites, 317
Import/Export page (FMC), 107, 141
installation 743

inline results, intrusion events with, configuration, 353

366–370 verification, 354–357
inline sets Passive interface mode
creating, 317–321 configuration, 357–359
packet flow verification with packet- verification, 359–361
tracer, 324–327
passive monitoring technology,
packet flow verification with real 347–350
packet capture, 328–333
prerequisites, 352
verifying configuration of, 321–324
installation. See also configuration
show inline-set command, 322
Firepower virtual appliances,
show interface 141–142
appliance initialization,
command, 323–324
show interface ip brief
OVF template deployment,
command, 322–323
Inline Tap mode, 312
post-deployment best practices,
compared to Passive mode, 350–352 140–141
configuration, 353 pre-deployment best practices,
verification, 354–357 138–140
inside to outside operation (NAT), prerequisites, 142–143
verifying, 683–690 virtual networks, creating,
captured packet analysis, 685–690 144–153
connection and translation table, FMC (Firepower Management
683–684 Center)
show nat detail command, 684–685 installation, running, 117–120
SSH traffic capture, 685 ISO files, mounting, 116
INSIDE_OUTSIDE_PAIR inline set, network settings, 114
Tap mode enabled on, 355–356 overview of, 110–111
inspecting traffic, 347. See also traffic prerequisites, 109–110
system initialization, 120–122
analysis of
System_Restore image, loading,
connection events with block 111–113
action, 362–365
transport protocols, 114–116
intrusion events with inline
FTD on ASA 5500-X Series hardware
results, 366–370
boot image, 26–32
best practices, 347–350
firmware upgrades, 18–26
Inline Tap mode
prerequisites, 16–18
compared to Passive mode,
350–352 system software, 32–44
744 installation

FTD on FXOS (Firepower eXtensible configuration, 353

Operating System) verification, 354–357
best practices, 62–63 Passive, 312
FTD initialization, 77–79 compared to Inline mode,
FTD software image, upload- 312–313
ing, 72–73 compared to Inline Tap mode,
logical device configuration, 350–352
73–77 configuration, 357–359
prerequisites, 64–65 verification, 359–361
integration, 9 Passive (ERSPAN), 312
intelligence, sources of, 504–505 interfaces. See also interface modes
Intelligent Platform Management FXOS configuration, 67–71
Interface (IPMI), 101
management interface
interface modes
configuration, 192–194
Inline, 311–312
enabling, 68–69
best practices, 316
Management0, 189
compared to Passive mode,
Management0/0, 189
Management1/1, 188
compared to transparent mode,
314 verification, 194–197
fault tolerance features, packet processing by, 306–308
333–336 routed interface configuration,
inline set configuration, 235–239
verifying, 321–324 routed mode
inline set creation, 317–321 configuration, 235–239
packet drop analysis with real verifying, 238–239
packets, 342–344 showing overview of, 188
packet drop analysis with transparent mode
simulated packets, 340–342
configuration, 256–261
packet drop tracing, 314–316
connectivity and operations,
packet flow verification with verifying, 264–267
packet-tracer, 324–327
interface status, verifying,
packet flow verification with 256–261
real packet capture, 328–333
Interfaces page (Firepower Chassis
port blocking, 336–340 Manager), 68–69
prerequisites, 317 internal detectors, 554
Inline Tap, 312 interrupting bootup process, 28
compared to Passive mode, intrusion attempts, blocking, 617
Layer 3 networks, transparent mode configuration on 745

access control policy configuration, system-provided policies, 626–637

650–654 system-provided variables, 624–626
intrusion policy variable sets, 648–649
best practices, 632–637 invoking DNS policy, 510
configuration, 641–649, 517
creating, 641–642 IP addresses. See also masquerading
Firepower recommendations, IP addresses; NAT (Network
642–646 Address Translation)
intrusion rules, enabling/ configuration
disabling, 646–647 FTD management interface,
Snort rules, 621–624 187
system-provided policies, FXOS management interface,
626–632 190
system-provided variables, determining, 265
624–626 private IP addressing, 669
variable sets, 648–649 static IP addresses, configuring
network analysis policy, 619–621 interfaces with, 235–239
creating, 637–638 IPMI (Intelligent Platform
modifying default settings of, Management Interface), 101
639–640 ipmitool command, 89, 131
preprocessors, 619–621 ISO files, mounting, 116
verification/troubleshooting tools,
lab topology, 655–656
Snort drops, 663–664 KVM (keyboard, video, and mouse)
Telnet server connection console, 102
attempts, 656–657 LACP (Link Aggregation Control
traffic capture with tracing Protocol), 68
information, 661–663 Layer 2 networks, transparent mode
intrusion events, analyzing, 366–370 configuration on, 255–256
intrusion policy connectivity and operations,
verifying, 264–267
best practices, 632–637
interface status, verifying, 256–261
configuration, 641–649
physical and virtual interfaces,
creating, 641–642
Firepower recommendations,
Layer 3 networks, transparent mode
configuration on, 267–268
intrusion rules, enabling/disabling,
ACLs (access control lists), verifying,
Snort rules, 621–624
default action, 268–269
746 Layer 3 networks, transparent mode configuration on

OSPF access rules, 269–271 traffic bypassing, 423–424

SSH access rules, 272–273 trusted connection event logs, 433
LED states (power supply unit), urldb_log file, 549
124–125 logical devices
less command, 602 adding, 73–77
.lf file extension, 492 deleting, 64–65
licensing Logical Devices page (Firepower
best practices, 203 Chassis Manager), 64
Class License, 199 logical management interface br1,
configuration, 203–204 verifying, 187–188
Evaluation Mode, 205–206 login to FMC (Firepower
Management Center), 124
registration with CSSM,
206–209 ls command, 719
verification, 209–211 ls -halp /dev/shm/ | grep -i bcdb, 550
feature licenses, 202–203 ls -halp /dev/shm/ | grep -i reputation,
FMC (Firepower Management
Center), 181–182 ls -halp /var/sf/cloud_download/
Malware licenses, 582–583
ls -halp /var/sf/iprep_download/
Smart Licensing architecture,
ls -halp /var/sf/sidns_download/
subscription options, 202–203
Threat licenses, 582–583
ls -halp /var/sf/siurl_download/
URL Filtering, 526–529 492–493
LILO Boot Menu (FMC), 112
Link Aggregation Control Protocol
(LACP), 68
live traffic, analyzing, 362–364 MAC addresses, determining, 265
loading System_Restore image, magic numbers, 579
Magic Quadrant for IPS, 1
local rules, 622
Malware & File Policy page, 586
Log at Beginning of Connection
Malware Cloud Lookup action, 589,
option, 337, 416, 429
Log at End of Connection option,
Malware disposition, 605
416, 429
Malware licenses, 202, 582–583
log files
malware protection with file policy,
DNS policy, 512
PSU (power supply unit) status,
applying, 592–593
architecture, 577–578
SFTunnel, 227–229
masquerading IP addresses 747

best practices, 583–584 on Firepower security appliance, 190

blacklisting files, 610–615 FTD management interface
creating, 586–590 configuration, 192–194
file events, analyzing, 594–598 FTD management interface
verification, 194–197
file type control, 582
FXOS management interface
file type detection technology, 579
configuration, 190
licensing capability, 582–583
FXOS management interface
local malware analysis, 581 verification, 191–192
local malware detection, 9 on FMC hardware, 180
malware analysis technology, with command-line interface,
579–581 183–184
malware disposition, overriding, with GUI during first login,
610–615 180–182
malware events, analyzing, 599 with GUI on demand, 182–183
FMC unable to communicate troubleshooting, 184–186
with cloud, 599–604
verification, 184–186
FTD malware blocking,
management interface, 173–175,
malware cloud lookup,
management network design,
prerequisites, 584–585
Management0 interface, 189
whitelisting files, 610–615
Management0/0 interface, 189 tool, 226
Management1/1 interface, 188
management interface, 173–175
manifest (.mf) files, 137
configuration, 192–194
manual blacklisting with custom
enabling, 68–69 intelligence lists, 472–477
Management0, 189 manual NAT rules, 671
Management0/0, 189 mapping application IDs to
Management1/1, 188 application names, 575
verification, 194–197 masquerading IP addresses. See
management network configuration, also NAT (Network Address
173 Translation)
on ASA hardware, 186 destination addresses
configure network command, lab topology, 695–696
186–187 static NAT rules, configuring,
management interface 695
numbering, 189 verifying operation of,
troubleshooting, 187–190 696–705
verification, 187–190
748 masquerading IP addresses

source addresses configuration during

dynamic NAT rules, configur- initialization, 253
ing, 677–681 firewall mode, 254–255
inside to outside operation, host/FTD device
verifying, 683–690 communication, 251–252
lab topology, 676–677 Layer 2 networks, 255–267
outside to inside operation, Layer 3 networks, 267–271
verifying, 690–695 prerequisites, 254
verifying configuration of, Module Status Summary, 713
Monitor action, 502
Maximum Detection policy, 627
monitor session 1 destination
mbps (megabits per second), 452 interface g0/8 command, 359
MBps (megabytes per second), 452 monitor session 1 source interface
MegaCLI command, 124–125 gigabitEthernet 0/1 command, 359
memory, verifying addresses loaded monitor session 1 source interface
into, 489–491 gigabitEthernet 0/2 command, 359
.mf (manifest) files, 137 monitoring, passive, 347–350
Microsoft executable (MSEXE) files monitoring blacklists, 480–482
blocking, 596–597 Monitor-only (do not block) option,
magic number, 579 481
mirroring, port, 348 mounting ISO files, 116
modes, 517
routed mode configuration, 231 MSEXE (Microsoft executable) files
best practices, 231–232 blocking, 596–597
DHCP services, 238–243 magic number, 579
DHCP settings, verifying,
246–249 N
firewall mode, 234–235
host/FTD device -n option (tcpdump), 280
communication, 231–232 name resolution, 519–520
during initialization, 233 NAP (network analysis policy),
interface configuration, 619–621
verifying, 243–246 creating, 637–638
prerequisites, 234 modifying default settings of,
routed interface, 235–239 639–641
troubleshooting tools, 243 preprocessors and, 619–621
transparent mode configuration NAPT (Network Address and Port
Translation), 669
best practices, 252–253
NGIPS (next-generation intrusion prevention system) 749

NAT (Network Address Translation), verification

178, 667–669 application discovery analysis,
best practices, 672–673 564–566
destination NAT host discovery analysis,
lab topology, 695–696 566–567
static NAT rules, configuring, undiscovered new hosts,
695 567–570
verifying operation of, Network Lists and Feeds option, 474
696–705 network objects, creating, 559
prerequisites, 673–675 network processing unit (NPU), 58
private IP addressing, 669 network setup process (FTD on ASA
rule types, 670–671 hardware), 33–34
source NAT Network Trajectory page, 614
dynamic NAT rules, New File Policy window, 586
configuring, 677–681 New Network Objects window, 416
inside to outside operation, New Policy window, 213, 397–398,
verifying, 683–690 413
lab topology, 676–677 New Token command, 207
outside to inside operation, New Variable Set configuration
verifying, 690–695 window, 648
verifying configuration of, next-generation intrusion prevention
681–683 system. See NGIPS (next-generation
types of, 669–670 intrusion prevention system)
NAT Rules After category, 671 Next-Generation Intrusion Prevention
System Virtual (NGIPSv), 6
NAT Rules Before category, 671
NGIPS (next-generation intrusion
network adapters
prevention system), 617
determining status of, 165–166
access control policy configuration,
upgrading, 166–170 650–654
Network Address and Port intrusion policy
Translation (NAPT), 669
best practices, 632–637
Network Address Translation.
configuration, 641–649
See NAT (Network Address
Translation) creating, 641–642
network analysis policy. See NAP Firepower recommendations,
(network analysis policy) 642–646
network application discovery. See intrusion rules, enabling/
application discovery disabling, 646–647
network discovery policy Snort rules, 621–624
configuration, 561–564
750 NGIPS (next-generation intrusion prevention system)

system-provided policies, objects (network), creating, 559

626–632 off-box managers, 99–101
system-provided variables, offline analysis of .pcap files,
624–626 291–293
variable sets, 648–649 downloading from Firepower
network analysis policy, 619–621 engines, 285
creating, 637–641 downloading from FMC, 299–301
modifying default settings of, on-box managers, 98–99
639–640 Open Virtual Format (OVF)
preprocessors, 619–621 templates
verification/troubleshooting tools, definition of, 136
654–664 deploying, 154–160
lab topology, 655–656 OpenAppID, 554
Snort drops, 663–664 operational architecture, 555–556
Telnet server connection OSPF (open shortest path first) access
attempts, 656–657 rules, 269–271
traffic capture with tracing outbound connections, source
information, 661–663 NAT For
NGIPSv (Next-Generation Intrusion dynamic NAT rules, configuring,
Prevention System Virtual), 6 677–681
no capture http_traffic command, inside to outside operation, verifying,
297 683–690
no capture ssh_traffic command, 431 captured packet analysis,
non-encapsulated Telnet packets 685–690
analyzing, 386–388 connection and translation
retrieving, 386 table, 683–684
NPU (network processing unit), 58 show nat detail command,
nslookup command, 519–520
SSH traffic capture, 685
numbering management interfaces,
189 lab topology, 676–677
outside to inside operation, verifying,
O captured traffic on FTD
Object Management (FMC)
Add Network menu, 674
connection to masqueraded IP
Global-Blacklist category, 479–481 of internal host, 691–692
Network Lists and Feeds option, 474 connection to original IP of
network objects, creating, 559 internal host, 692–695
URL objects, configuring, 538–539 SSH traffic capture, 690
PAT (Port Address Translation) 751

verifying configuration of, 681–683 encapsulated GRE packets,

show interface ip brief 388–390
command, 682–683 Fastpath action, 425–427
show nameif command, non-encapsulated Telnet
682–683 packets, 385–388
show nat detail command, 682 policies to bypass inspection,
show running-config nat 405–406
command, 681–682 packet drops, tracing
show running-config object analysis with real packets,
command, 682 342–344
outside to inside operation (NAT), analysis with simulated
verifying, 690–695 packets, 340–342
captured traffic on FTD OUTSIDE_ tracing, 314–316
INTERFACE, 690–691 verifying
connection to masqueraded IP of capture command, 328
internal host, 691–692
packet-tracer command,
connection to original IP of internal 324–327
host, 692–695
packet-tracer command, 314–316,
SSH traffic capture, 690 324–327, 340–342, 362, 364–365
overriding malware disposition, Passive (ERSPAN) interface mode,
610–615 312
OVF (Open Virtual Format) templates Passive interface mode, 312
definition of, 136 compared to Inline mode, 312–313
deploying, 154–160 compared to Inline Tap mode,
P configuration
on FTD device, 357–358
packet capture. See traffic capture SPAN ports on switches, 359
packet drops verification, 359–361
tracing passive monitoring technology,
analysis with real packets, 347–350
342–344 passwords, default
analysis with simulated pack- FMC (Firepower Management
ets, 340–342 Center), 181
tracing, 314–316 FMC Virtual, 161
packet flows. See also traffic FTD on ASA 5500-X Series
inspection hardware, 42
analyzing, 385–390 FTD Virtual, 162
blocked traffic, 395–397 PAT (Port Address Translation), 669
752 patches

patches, 7 best practices, 583–584

.pcap files, downloading creating, 586–590
from ASA engines, 291–293 file events, analyzing,
from Firepower engines, 285–288 594–598
from FMC, 299–301 file type control, 582
PDF (portable document format) files, file type detection technology,
detecting, 596–597 579
Pick Device window (FMC), 114 licensing capability, 582
ping tests, 265 malware analysis technology,
FTD on ASA 5500-X Series
hardware, 30, 35 malware disposition, overrid-
ing, 610–615
FXOS management interface
configuration, 191 malware events, analyzing,
management network connectivity
on ASA hardware, 189–190 prerequisites, 584–585
management network connectivity intrusion policy
on FMC hardware, 184–185 best practices, 632–637
transparent mode, 265 configuration, 641–649
platform bundle, 59 creating, 641–642
Platform Settings window, 293–296, Firepower recommendations,
673 642–646
policies intrusion rules, enabling/
access control policy configuration, disabling, 646–647
650–654 Snort rules, 621–624
analyzing encapsulated traffic with system-provided policies,
access control policy settings, 626–632
381–382 system-provided variables,
prefilter policy settings, 624–626
379–380 variable sets, 648–649
verification, 382–385 NAT (Network Address Translation),
blocking encapsulated traffic with 677–681
policy configuration, 391–392 network analysis policy, 619–621
policy verification, 392–395 creating, 637–638
bypassing inspection with. modifying default settings of,
See traffic bypassing 639–640
file policy, 577–578 network discovery policy
applying, 592–593 configuration, 561–564
architecture, 577–578 verification, 564–570
QoS (quality of service) 753

QoS (quality of service) prefilter policy

best practices, 447–448 analyzing encapsulated traffic with,
configuration, 449–454 379–380
events and statistics, 458–462 best practices, 373–375
prerequisites, 448–449 bypassing inspection with, 397–400
verification, 454–456 deployment in access control
policy, 418–419
ways of enabling, 445–447
policy configuration, 413–417
Port Address Translation (PAT), 669
policy verification, 420–421
port channel configuration, 70–71
Prefilter Policy page, 379,
port mirroring, 348
391, 397, 413
portable document format (PDF) files,
preprocessor rules, 622
detecting, 596–597
preprocessors, 619–621
port-based application protocol
detectors, 554 private IP addressing, 669
ports Promiscuous mode, 152–153, 347
blocking Propagate Link State, 334–335
configuration, 336–338 PSUs (power supply units),
determining status of
verification, 339–340
FMC (Firepower Management Center)
management port status,
verifying, 217 CLI logs, 125–126
port-based application protocol complete power cycle, 129
detectors, 554 GUI alerts, 127–128
SPAN ports LED states, 124–125
configuration, 359 PSU checklist, 129
port mirroring, 348 FTD on FXOS (Firepower eXtensible
post-deployment best practices Operating System), 90–92
Firepower virtual appliances,
140–141 Q
FMC (Firepower Management
Center), 108 QoS (quality of service)
power cycle, performing, 129 best practices, 447–448
power keyword, 91 configuration, 449–454
Power On the Virtual Machine events and statistics, 458–462
option, 161 dropped packets due to QoS
power supply units. See PSUs (power policy, 459
supply units), determining status of rate-limited connection status,
pre-deployment best practices 460
(Firepower virtual appliances), rule-related event debugging,
138–140 461
754 QoS (quality of service)

prerequisites, 448–449 prerequisites, 448–449

verification, 454–456 QoS events and statistics, 458–462
ways of enabling, 445–447 dropped packets due to QoS
QoS Policy Editor page, 450–453 policy, 459
quality of service. See QoS (quality rate-limited connection status,
of service) 460
queries (DNS), blocking, 497–498 rule-related event debugging,
best practices, 506
verification, 454–456
ways of enabling, 445–447
DNS policy, invoking, 510
rate-limited connection status,
lab topology, 508
identifying, 460
new DNS rules, adding,
reboot command, 111–112
rebooting ASA hardware, 36–37
prerequisites, 507
registration, 211
rule actions, 500–502
best practices, 203
sources of intelligence, 504–505
configuration, 211
traditional access rule limitations,
499–500 FMC (Firepower Management
Center) setup, 212–215
FTD setup, 211–212
DNS policy configuration,
511–515 CSSM (Cisco Smart Software
Manager), 206–209
DNS policy operation,
515–520 encrypted SFTunnel, analyzing
Query Cisco CSI for Unknown URLs tool, 226
option, 544–546 tool,
querying unknown URLs, 543–544 224–225
debugging, 546–548 sftunnel-status command,
FMC configuration, 544–546
verification, 215–221
verification, 548–550
management port status, 217
question mark (?), 32
packet transaction after
adding FMC on FTD CLI,
R 218–219
packet transaction after adding
RAID battery, determining status of, FTD on FMC GUI, 219–220
registration status from FTD
rate limiting traffic CLI, 216
best practices, 447–448 Telnet connection from FMC to
configuration, 449–454 FTD, 221
Rule Update 2016–03–28–001-vrt 755

reimaging prerequisites, 109–110

ASA 5500-X Series hardware system initialization, 120–122
best practices, 14–15 System_Restore image, loading,
boot image installation, 26–32 111–113
firmware upgrades, 18–26 transport protocols, 114–116
prerequisites, 16–18 Retry URL Cache Miss Lookup
option, 546
reimaging essentials, 13–14
rm command, 720
system software installation,
32–44 ROMMON software
FMC (Firepower Management configuration mode commands,
Center) 28–29
installation, running, 117–120 copying to ASA hardware, 19–20
ISO files, mounting, 116 determining version of, 50–51
network settings, 114 downloading, 18, 30–31
overview of, 110–111 explained, 13–14
post-installation best practices, network settings, 29
108 upgrading, 20–25
pre-installation best practices, routed interface configuration,
105–108 235–239
prerequisites, 109–110 routed mode configuration, 231, 311
system initialization, 120–122 best practices, 231–232
System_Restore image, loading, DHCP services, 238–239
111–113 DHCP settings, verifying,
transport protocols, 114–116 246–249
reload command, 27–28 FTD as DHCP client, 241–242
reloading ASA hardware, 21, 27–28 FTD as DHCP server, 240–241, 517 firewall mode, 234–235
Reputation Index, 523–525 host/FTD device communication,
Reset Connection option, 588 231–232
resolving domain names, 519–520 during initialization, 233
resource allocations (Firepower interface configuration, verifying,
virtual appliances), 164–165 243–246
restoring FMC (Firepower prerequisites, 234
Management Center) routed interface, 235–239
installation, running, 117–120 troubleshooting tools, 243
ISO files, mounting, 116 routing table verification, 185
network settings, 114 Rule Update 2016–03–28–001-vrt,
overview of, 110–111 629
756 Rule Update 2017–06–15–001-vrt

Rule Update 2017–06–15–001-vrt, settings, 504–510. See also DNS

630–631 query blocking
rules. See access rules verification
Run the Install option (FMC), Health Module, 485–486
117–120 latest file downloads, 486–489
loading of addresses into
S memory, 489–491
specific addresses in lists, 491
-s option (tcpdump), 280 URL-based Security
satellite deployment (CSSM), 201 Intelligence rules, 491–494
saving packets into .pcap files, 285 whitelists, 483–485
scope chassis command, 123 security modules, 57, 84–87
scope command, 81–82 Security over Connectivity policy,
SCP (Secure Copy) protocol, 300 627
scp command, 720 servers
scp /var/common/fmc_traffic.pcap DHCP servers, FTD as, 240–241
admin@ TFTP servers
command, 301 copying files from, 19–20
Secure Copy (SCP) protocol, 300 downloading files from, 30–31
Secure Hash Algorithm, 580 set locator-led command, 123
Secure Shell. See SSH (Secure Shell) set out-of-band command, 190
security engines, 57 command, 719
Security Intelligence, 463–465 sfcli command, 124
best practices, 468 SFTunnel, analyzing
blacklists debugging logs, 227–229
automatic blacklisting with tool, 226
Cisco Intelligence Feed, tool, 224–225
sftunnel-status command, 221–224
bypassing, 482–485 tool, 224–225
immediate blacklisting with
connection events, 477–480 sftunnel-status command, 221–224
manual blacklisting with SHA-256 hash values, 580
custom intelligence lists, shared object (SO) rules, 622
472–477 show access-control-config command,
monitoring, 480–482 382–383
input methods, 466–467 show access-list command
prerequisites, 468 encapsulated traffic, 385, 394, 404
Security Intelligence Feed, 8 Inline interface mode, 339–340
show inline-set command 757

traffic bypassing show capture ssh_traffic_outside_

Fastpath action, 420–421 masked packet-number 1 trace,
trust rules, 429–430
show capture telnet_inside, 661
transparent mode, 274–275
show capture telnet_inside packet-
show app-instance detail command,
number 1 trace, 368–370,
show arp command, 266, 267
show capture telnet_traffic, 386,
show asp drop command, 459, 664 434–435
show capture command, 289–290, show capture telnet_traffic packet-
292, 342, 362–364, 377–378, 421, number 1 trace, 386–388,
430, 660, 685, 690, 699 435–437
show capture gre_traffic, 388, show capture telnet_traffic packet-
396–397, 405 number 3 trace, 437–439
show capture gre_traffic packet- show chassis detail command, 87–88
number 1 trace, 389–390, 405–406
show chassis environment command,
show capture http_traffic, 292–293 90
show capture icmp_traffic, 304 show chassis psu detail command,
show capture inside_icmp, 328–329 91–92
show capture inside_icmp packet- show configuration command,
number 1 trace, 329–331 194–195
show capture inside_icmp packet- show conn detail command, 460,
number 2 trace, 332–333 683–684
show capture inside_telnet, 343 show conn flow-rule qos 268442624
show capture inside_telnet packet- command, 460
number 2 trace, 343–344 Show Details button, 623
show capture ssh_traffic, 425 show dhcpd binding command, 248
show capture ssh_traffic show fabric-interconnect command,
packet-number 1 trace, 425–427 192
show capture ssh_traffic_inside, 686 show fabric-interconnect environment
show capture ssh_traffic_inside command, 87
packet-number 1 trace, 686–690 show fan-module command, 93
show capture ssh_traffic_outside, show fan-module detail command,
690–691 93–94
show capture ssh_traffic_outside show fault command, 89, 90, 92
packet-number 1 trace, 691–692, show firewall command, 255
show flash command, 47
show capture ssh_traffic_outside
show inline-set command, 322, 335,
packet-number 5 trace, 692–695
show capture ssh_traffic_outside_
masked, 699
758 show interface command

show interface command, 195–196, show running-config object, 682

245, 359 show running-config policy-map,
show interface brief, 188 454–455
show interface GigabitEthernet 1/1, show running-config service-policy,
307–308, 356, 360–361 455
show interface GigabitEthernet 1/2, show sel command, 89–90, 91
356 show server command, 85–86
show interface GigabitEthernet1/1, show service-policy police
323–324, 336 command, 459
show interface ip brief, 322–323, show snort statistics
682–683 command, 424, 440, 442
routed mode, 244, 246–247 show version command, 47
transparent mode, 263
show xlate detail command,
show inventory command, 49 684, 698
show ip command, 244 SIDs (Snort rule IDs), 622
show logical-device command, 82 simulated packets
show managers command, 211 analysis of, 364–365
routed mode configuration, 234 analyzing packet drops with,
transparent mode configuration, 254 340–342
show mgmt-port command, 191 echo-reply packets, 326–327
show module command, 51 echo-request packets, 325–326
show monitor session 1 command, Sinkhole action, 502–503, 507
361 Smart License Management page
show nameif command, 288–289, (FMC), 107–108
359–360, 682–683
Smart Licensing architecture,
show nat detail command, 199–201, 203–204
682, 684–685, 698
Evaluation Mode, 205–206
show network command
registration with CSSM, 206–209
management network on ASA
verification, 209–211
hardware, 187–188
Smart Software Satellite
transparent mode, 263–264
page, 209
show running-config command, 233,
snapshots, 141
252, 681–682
Snort, 1–2, 579
routed mode, 245–246
show running-config | include capturing traffic from, 422
monitor, 361 counters
show running-config http, 293 allowed connection, 442
show running-config interface, 262 Fastpath action, 423–424
routed mode, 247 resetting, 431
transparent mode, 262 trusted Telnet connection, 440
static IP addresses, configuring interfaces with 759

intrusion policy, 621–624 connection to original IP of

best practices, 632–637 internal host, 692–695
system-provided intrusion SSH traffic capture, 690
policies, 626–632 verifying configuration of, 681–683
system-provided variables, show interface ip brief
624–626 command, 682–683
rules, 7 show nameif command,
SIDs (Snort rule IDs), 622 682–683
SO (shared object) rules, 622 show nat detail command, 682
software images show running-config nat
command, 681–682
FTD on FXOS (Firepower eXtensible
Operating System), 58–60 show running-config object
command, 682
FTD software image, uploading,
72–73 Sourcefire
software patches, 7 FireSIGHT System, 2
software version, finding history of, 1–2
FTD software, 46–47 Sourcefire Defense Center, 2
ROMMON software, 50–51 Sourcefire_Defense_Center_S3–6.1.0–
330-Restore.iso file, 106
solid state drives (SSDs), 16
SPAN ports
source NAT (Network Address
Translation) configuration, 359
dynamic NAT rules, configuring, port mirroring, 348
677–681 Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), 316
inside to outside operation, verifying, specific URLs, allowing, 538–543
683–690 configuration, 538–539
captured packet analysis, verification/troubleshooting tools,
685–690 540–543
connection and translation Spero analysis, 580
table, 683–684
SSDs (solid state drives), 16
show nat detail command,
SSH (Secure Shell)
access rules, 272–273
SSH traffic capture, 685
traffic capture, 690
lab topology, 676–677
captured packet analysis,
outside to inside operation, verifying,
initiating, 698–699
captured traffic on FTD
OUTSIDE_INTERFACE, standard text rules, 622
690–691 static IP addresses, configuring
connection to masqueraded IP interfaces with, 235–239
of internal host, 691–692
760 Static NAT (Network Address Translation)

Static NAT (Network Address FTD on ASA 5500-X Series hard-

Translation), 669, 695 ware, 38–42
statistics (QoS), 458–462 System Initialization Page (FMC), 181
dropped packets due to QoS policy, system install–
459 330.pkg command, 35
rate-limited connection status, 460 system registration. See registration
rule-related event debugging, 461 system software
storage devices explained, 14
deleting files from, 48 installation on ASA 5500-X Series
determining availability of, 48–50 hardware, 32–44
STP (Spanning Tree Protocol), 316 deployment type and mode
configuration, 43–44
subscriptions, Firepower license,
202–203 downloading FTD system
software, 35
sudo grep -i dns /var/log/messages
command, 511 entering default login
credentials, 42
sudo ipmitool sdr command, 126
EULA (end user license agree-
sudo ipmitool sdr list command, 132
ment), 42
sudo ipmitool sel list command, 126
FTD initialization, 38–42
sudo MegaCLI -AdpBbuCmd -aAll
network configuration after
command, 125
first login to FTD, 43
sudo ping command, 184–185
network setup process, 33–34
sudo reboot command, 111–112
ping test, 35
sudo scp command, 720
rebooting ASA hardware,
sudo shutdown -h now command, 167 36–37
sudo tail -f /var/log/messages starting upgrade process, 36
command, 227, 489–490, 511–512
system support application-
sudo tail -f /var/log/sam.log identification-debug command,
command, 210 574–575
supervisors, 57 system support diagnostic-cli
switch fabric, verifying, 86–87 command, 80
sync command, 30 system support firewall-engine-debug
system generate-troubleshoot all command, 384, 393, 403–404,
command, 717 422, 423–424, 432, 433, 461,
536–537, 541–543, 547–548,
system generate-troubleshoot
573–574, 596–598,
command, 717
system initialization
System Updates page (Firepower
FMC (Firepower Management Chassis Manager), 67
Center), 120–122
traffic bypassing 761

System_Restore image Thick Provision Lazy Zeroed, 137

internal USB storage for, 104 Thin Provision, 137
loading, 111–113 Threat Defense NAT Policy, 677–681
system-provided detectors, 553 Threat Defense Settings option, 293
system-provided variables Threat licenses, 202, 582–583
intrusion policy, 624–626 timestamps, 602
system-provided policies, 626–632 TLD (top-level domain), 498
tokens, generating, 207
T top-level domain (TLD), 498
trace keyword, 314, 329, 342, 362,
Table View of File Events page, 385, 660
595–596 traceroute command, 185
TAC (Technical Assistance Center), tracing
15, 105
echo-reply packets, 332–333
tail command, 602–603
echo-request packets, 329–331
Talos, 466, 504
packet drops, 314–316
TAP devices, 349
Telnet traffic, 362–364
tarball file format, 136–137
Snort drops, 663–664
.tar.gz file format, 136–137
traffic capture with tracing
tcpdump command, 298–299 information, 661–663
BPF traffic-filtering syntax, 280 traffic blocking. See Inline interface
capturing traffic with, 281–282 mode; transparent mode
displaying additional packet data traffic bypassing, 409. See also
with, 282–285 traffic inspection
options, 280 best practices, 412
Technical Assistance Center (TAC), encapsulated traffic
15, 105 access control policy settings,
Telnet traffic, capturing. See traffic 401–402
capture custom prefilter policy,
$TELNET_SERVERS variable, 624 397–400
templates, OVF, 154–160 packet flow analysis, 405–406
text-based user interface (TUI), 104, policy verification, 403–404
113 Fastpath, 413
TFTP servers advanced analysis tools,
copying files from, 19–20 421–422
downloading files from, 30–31 analysis of, 422–427
tftpdnld command, 30 definition of, 409–410
Thick Provision Eager Zeroed, 137
762 traffic bypassing

prefilter policy configuration, .pcap files, downloading,

413–419 285–288
prefilter policy verification, tcpdump command, 280–285
420–421 on firewall engine, 375–377
tunnel rule, 409 from FMC
prerequisites, 412 ifconfig command, 298
trust rules, 417–427 .pcap files, downloading,
advanced analysis tools, 299–301
430–432 tcpdump command, 298–299
Allow action, 440–442 high-level overview, 277
analyzing, 432–440 ICMP traffic, 328
configuration, 427–429 lab topology, 278–279
definition of, 410–411 packet drops, tracing
verification, 429–430 analysis with real packets,
traffic capture 342–344
from ASA engine analysis with simulated pack-
ets, 340–342
capture command, 289
tracing, 314–316
clear command, 290–291
packet processing by interface,
HTTP service, enabling, 306–308
packet transaction after adding FMC
.pcap files, downloading, on FTD CLI, 218–219
packet transaction after adding FTD
show capture command, on FMC GUI, 219–220
from Snort engine, 422
show nameif command,
source NAT (Network Address
best practices, 278
captured packet analysis,
destination NAT (Network Address 685–690
initiating, 685
captured traffic on FTD
690–691 access rules to block ICMP
traffic, 302–304
connection to masqueraded IP
of internal host, 691–692 traffic flow analysis with block
rule, 303–307
connection to original IP of
internal host, 692–695 traffic encapsulation, 373–375
initiating, 690 analyzing, 379
from Firepower engine packet flows, 385–390
policy settings, 379–382
capture-traffic command,
279–280 policy verification, 382–385
transparent mode 763

blocking traffic rate, limiting

packet flow analysis, 395–397 best practices, 447–448
policy configuration, 391–392 configuration, 449–454
policy verification, 392–395 prerequisites, 448–449
bypassing inspection QoS events and statistics, 458–462
access control policy settings, dropped packets due to QoS
401–402 policy, 459
custom prefilter policy, rate-limited connection status,
397–400 460
packet flow analysis, rule-related event debugging,
405–406 461
policy verification, 403–404 verification, 454–456
encapsulation protocols, 373 ways of enabling, 445–447
GRE (Generic Routing translating addresses. See NAT
Encapsulation), 373 (Network Address Translation)
prefilter rules, 375 transparent keyword, 253
prerequisites, 375–377 transparent mode
traffic capture on firewall engine, best practices, 252–253
377–379 compared to Inline mode, 314
traffic inspection, 347. See also configuration during initialization,
traffic bypassing 253
analysis of firewall mode, 254–255
connection events with block host/FTD device communication,
action, 362–365 251–252
intrusion events with inline Layer 2 networks, 255–256
results, 366–370
connectivity and operations,
best practices, 347–350 verifying, 264–267
Inline Tap mode interface status, verifying,
compared to Passive mode, 256–261
350–352 physical and virtual
configuration, 353 interfaces, 256–261
verification, 354–357 Layer 3 networks, 267–268
Passive interface mode ACLs (access control lists),
configuration, 357–359 verifying, 274–275
verification, 359–361 default action, 268–269
passive monitoring technology, OSPF access rules, 269–271
347–350 SSH access rules, 272–273
prerequisites, 352 prerequisites, 254
764 transport protocols, FMC configuration

transport protocols, FMC debugging, 546–548

configuration, 114–116 FMC configuration, 544–546
troubleshooting files verification/troubleshooting tools,
copying with CLI, 719 548–550
downloading with GUI, 717–718 undebug all command, 297, 461
generating undiscovered new hosts, 567–570
with FMC CLI, 719–720 universally unique identifiers (UUIDs),
with FTD CLI, 717–718 494
with GUI, 713–715 Unknown disposition, 605
Troubleshooting Options window, Updates page (Firepower Chassis
713–715 Manager), 66
Trust action, 271 upgrade rommon disk0:/asa5500-
firmware-1108.SPA command, 20
trust rules, 417–427
advanced analysis tools, 430–432
FXOS (Firepower eXtensible
Allow action, 440–442
Operating System), 65–67
analyzing, 432–440
network adapters, 166–170
counters for trusted Telnet
ROMMON software, 20–25
connection, 440
Upload Image button (Firepower
event logs, 433
Chassis Manager), 65, 72
firewall and Firepower engine
uploading FTD software image,
behavior, 433–435
first packet of trusted Telnet
URL Filtering, 523
connection, 435–437
access rules
subsequent packets of trusted
Telnet connection, 437–439 configuration, 532–534
configuration, 427–429 verification/troubleshooting
tools, 534–537
definition of, 410–411
best practices, 529–531
verification, 429–430
license, 202
trusted connection event logs, 433
operational architecture, 525–526
TUI (text-based user interface), 104,
113 prerequisites, 526–529
tunnel rule, 409 specific URLs, allowing, 538–543
tunneling protocols, 373 configuration, 538–539
tools, 540–543
U uncategorized URLs, querying,
uncategorized URLs, querying,
543–544 debugging, 546–548
verification 765

FMC configuration, 544–546 verification

verification/troubleshooting application blocking, 572–575
tools, 548–550 application IDs, mapping to
URL filtering database, 8 names, 575
WRI (Web Reputation Index), messages for application iden-
523–525 tification, 574–575
URL Lookup, 523–525 messages generated by firewall
engine, 573–574
URL tab (Security Intelligence),
491–492 ASA 5500-X Series hardware
URL-based Security Intelligence CLI (command-line interface),
rules, verifying, 491–494 44–46
urldb_log file, 549 files, deleting from storage
devices, 48
url.rules file, 493–494
free disk space, 47–48
USB storage for System_Restore
image, 104 FTD software version, 46–47
user interfaces, 104–105 ROMMON software version,
user-created detectors, 554
storage devices availability,
usernames, default
FMC (Firepower Management
blacklisting addresses
Center), 181
Health Module, 485–486
FMC Virtual, 161
latest file downloads, 486–489
FTD on ASA 5500-X Series hard-
ware, 42 loading of addresses into
memory, 489–491
FTD Virtual, 162
specific addresses in lists, 491
UTC (coordinated universal time),
602 URL-based Security
Intelligence rules, 491–494
UUIDs (universally unique identifiers),
494 destination NAT (Network Address
Translation), 696–705
captured packet analysis,
V 700–705
matching of connection in
-v option (tcpdump), 280
reverse direction, 698
/var/common/ directory, 719
real-time translation status, 698
variable sets, creating, 648–649
SSH traffic capture, 698–699
/var/sf/siurl_download directory, 489,
DNS query blocking
verification of DNS policy con-
VDB (Vulnerability Database), 7–8,
figuration, 511–515
766 verification

verification of DNS policy FXOS management interface configu-

operation, 515–520 ration, 191–192
file policy Inline interface mode
file events, analyzing, 594–598 inline sets, 321–324
lab topology, 593–594 packet flow verification with
malware disposition, overrid- packet-tracer, 324–327
ing, 610–615 packet flow verification with
malware events, analyzing, real packet capture, 328–333
599–610 port blocking, 339–340
Firepower virtual appliances management network configuration
network adapter status, on ASA hardware, 187–190
165–166 management network configuration
network adapter upgrades, on FMC hardware, 184–186
166–170 network application discovery
resource allocations, 164–165 application discovery analysis,
FMC (Firepower Management 564–566
Center) host discovery analysis,
fans, 129–132 566–567
hardware/software details, 124 undiscovered new hosts,
identification of FMC on rack,
122–123 NGIPS (next-generation intrusion
prevention system), 654–664
PSU (power supply unit) status,
124–129 lab topology, 655–656
RAID battery status, 124–125 Snort drops, 663–664
FTD management interface, 194–197 Telnet server connection
attempts, 656–657
FTD on FXOS (Firepower eXtensible
Operating System) traffic capture with tracing
information, 661–663
adapters, 86
policies to analyze encapsulated
CLI (command-line interface),
traffic, 382–385
policies to block encapsulated traffic,
fan modules, 92–94
FXOS software, 81–82
policies to bypass inspection,
hardware chassis, 87–90 403–404
PSU (power supply unit) status, rate limiting, 454–456
registration, 215–221
security application status,
management port status, 217
packet transaction after adding
security modules, 84–87
FMC on FTD CLI, 218–219
switch fabric, 86–87
Virtual Machine Properties window 767

packet transaction after adding Version 4.x (Sourcefire), 2

FTD on FMC GUI, 219–220 Version 5.x (Sourcefire), 2–5
registration status from FTD VI (virtual infrastructure) template
CLI, 215–221 deployment, 136
Telnet connection from FMC to virtual appliances, 135
FTD, 221
disk provisioning options,
routed mode, 243–246 137–138
DHCP settings, 246–249 ESXi Versus VI, 136
troubleshooting tools, 238–239 installation, 141–142
Smart Licensing, 209–211 appliance initialization,
source NAT (Network Address 160–163
Translation) OVF template deployment,
inside to outside operation, 154–160
683–690 prerequisites, 142–143
outside to inside operation, virtual networks, creating,
690–695 144–153
verifying configuration, post-deployment best practices,
681–683 140–141
traffic bypassing pre-deployment best practices,
Fastpath prefilter policy, 138–140
420–421 supported virtual environments,
trust rules, 427–429 135–136
traffic capture verification
access rules to block ICMP network adapter status,
traffic, 302–304 165–166
traffic flow analysis with block network adapter upgrades,
rule, 303–307 166–170
traffic inspection resource allocations, 164–165
Inline Tap mode, 354–357 VMware installation package,
Passive interface mode, 136–137
359–361 virtual environments, support for,
transparent mode 135–136. See also VMware,
Firepower System on
ACLs (access control lists),
264–267 virtual infrastructure (VI) template
deployment, 136
connectivity and operations,
264–267 Virtual Machine Disk (.vmdk) files,
interface status, 256–261
Virtual Machine Properties window,
URL Filtering, 534–537, 548–550
768 virtual networks, creating

virtual networks, creating, 144–145 VMware installation package,

for FMC Virtual, 145–147 136–137
for FTD Virtual, 148–152 VMXNET3 adapters, upgrading to,
promiscuous mode, 152–153
vSwitch0 Properties window, 146
VM Network Properties window,
146–147 Vulnerability Database (VDB), 7–8,
.vmdk files, 137
vMotion, 141
VMware, Firepower System on, 135 W-X-Y-Z
disk provisioning options, 137–138
-w option (tcpdump), 280
ESXi Versus VI, 136
web application detectors, 554
post-deployment best practices,
Web Reputation Index (WRI),
pre-deployment best practices,
Whitelist action, 502
Whitelist IP Now option, 483
supported virtual environments,
135–136 whitelists
verification adding addresses to, 483–484
network adapter status, adding files to, 610–615
165–166 adding URLs to, 538–539
network adapter upgrades, deleting addresses from, 484–485
166–170 URL-based Security Intelligence
resource allocations, 164–165 rules, 491–492
virtual appliance installation, whitelisted DNS addresses, viewing,
141–142 512–513
appliance initialization, .wlf files. See whitelists
160–163 WRI (Web Reputation Index),
OVF template deployment, 523–525
154–160 -X option (tcpdump), 280
prerequisites, 142–143
virtual networks, creating,

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