Gann's Astrological Method: Super Timing & Profitable Forecastin...
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go and/or Profitable Forecasting NOW! Super Timing Profitable Forecasting Super Timing : Gann's Astrological Method Trading Software This site establishes the link between W. D. Gann's use of astrological methods and the timing of Stock, Futures and Commodity Market price movements. W D Gann was one of the most successful traders of the twentieth century . While many people relate to gann swing trading, the gann wheel, the gann square of nine, the gann angle and the gann line not many appreciate that William Gann used Astrological methods for his trading.W. D Gann was a trader primarily in the first half of the twentieth century and Gann theory and Gann trading are still widely studied over fifty years later.Many of todays traders of the dow, nasdaq and commodities markets still rely on WD Gann Stock trading methods. Myles Wilson Walker has made a full and detailed W.D. Gann study of WD Gann and his trading success and has written a unique work establishing the link to Astrology . This link is as valid today as it was when Gann was trading stocks and commodities. Gann analysis and gann theory are a fundamental part of Trading Technical Analysis and stock market theory and Myles Wilson Walker’s research stands at the forefront of Gann books.
Profitable Forecasting: Master Course
The "Profitable Forecasting" Master Course reveals the secret and
principles of forecasting all markets. This essential method is presented here for the first time. Myles Wilson Walker is well known for his original concepts in the analysis of cycles of the Financial and Commodity markets. His books and courses have been consistently praised for their unique insights and practical application in the real world of trading.The "Profitable Forecasting Master Course" by Myles Wilson Walker teaches you how to forecast major turning points in all Stock Indexes. S+P, Dow, Currencies, Gold, Bonds, Soybean Futures, in fact any actively traded market.Unlike traditional cycle analysis which depends on analyzing previous waves the cycles discovered by Myles Wilson Walker can be calculated for any time period. This allows the cycle to be directly incorporated and back tested in a mechanical trading system.In Profitable Forecasting you will learn when to expect the biggest moves of any year. The daily cycles are listed until 2010.For very long-term traders, you can forecast the major bull and bear markets. They are already listed by year for the U.S. Stock Market, Soybeans, Gold, Currencies and Bonds until the year 2015. You will be taught the logic behind this so that it can be applied to any market.You will learn the secret of The Master Planet, which is the prime controller of a market at any time. The best way to explain would be to say that the big moves will involve the Master Planet. You know when is the more likely time to be trading for the bigger profits or if you should take quick profits.You will also learn W.D. Ganns real Master Time Factor.