LGOO II Affidavit of Indertaking
LGOO II Affidavit of Indertaking
LGOO II Affidavit of Indertaking
2. That I will defray the expenses not covered by the Regional Office and
LGA during the training;
3. That I will strictly comply with and adhere to all policies, rules, regulations,
training standards and requirements prescribed by the DILG
Memorandum Circular No. 2016 - 51 dated April 8, 2016 Policy on the
Training for Local Government Operations Officers II & III. Any violation
thereof shall be a ground for disciplinary action by the DEPARTMENT
against me or dismissal from the training after due process without,
however, prejudice to whatever civil/criminal liability that I may have
incurred under the circumstances;
4. That I willingly accept assignment in any LGU of my region for the Field
Immersion as may be determined by the DILG
5. That I will render services in the DILG for a period of two (2) successive
years as specified in Section 2 of Executive Order No. 367 dated 21
August 1989 and DILG Circular No. 2016 - 51 dated April 8, 2016. In the
event of my failure to render services for the full period owing to certain
causes like voluntary resignation, transfer to another Department or
Office, separation or abandonment of duty, I will bind myself to
immediately reimburse any and all expenses which the DEPARTMENT
have incurred or spent for my training; and
6. That I will pay the DEPARTMENT in addition to what may have been
spent for my training, attorney’s fee, damages and other costs should it be
necessary to go to court to collect such training expenses.
7. That these statements are issued for whatever legal purpose it may serve.
Affiant Signature