Invert Level

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Invert level

1.0 Table of content

1.0 Table of content----------------------------------------------------------------------

2.0 Table of figure------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.0 Information Background-----------------------------------------------------------
4.0 Introduction of invert level
4.1 Definitions of Invert level--------------------------------------------------
4.2 Basic definitions of the terms in invert level---------------------------
5.0 Aim--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6.0 Objective-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.0 Apparatus------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8.0 Precaution-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9.0 Procedure------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10.0 Result
10.1 Rise and Fall method---------------------------------------------------
10.2 Height of Collimation method----------------------------------------
10.3 Calculation for gradient-----------------------------------------------
10.4 Gradient table-----------------------------------------------------------
11.0 Drawing---------------------------------------------------------------------------
12.0 Discussion-------------------------------------------------------------------------
13.0 Conclusion------------------------------------------------------------------------
14.0 References------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.0 Table of Figure

Figure 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Figure 2-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Figure 3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Figure 4-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Figure 5-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Figure 6-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Figure 7-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Figure 8-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Figure 9-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Figure 10-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Figure 11-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Figure 12-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Figure 13-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Figure 14-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Figure 15-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Figure 16-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Figure 17-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.0 Information Background

Drainage is an artificial system of pipework which function as a system to

remove the water from the surface of ground level. Drainage is usually installed below
the ground level where it collects rainwater, storm water to a suitable disposal system.
The common method of disposal of water is by connecting the pipework to the public
sewer. The main function of a drainage is to remove the excess of surface runoff of
rainwater and also to prevent flooding that will cause damages such as damages to the
car engine. Other than that, a proper drainage system is also able to avoid water
accumulation which would lead to the cause of mosquitos’ issue. Drainage will stop the
gathering of stagnant water, which encourages the breeding of mosquitoes. A perfect
drainage will be able to drain away the still water and this would reduce the occurrence
of soil erosion. This is because when still water stays for longer time on ground, it
causes the soil to become muddy which would lead to soil erosion. Hence, a drainage
system is installed to balance the water content in the garden.

A proper drainage system is defined as system which has high strength and
durability with the correct pipe gradient. A drainage should also be laid on an adequate
gradient. This is because a steep pipe gradient will cause the water to flow faster than
the solids such as mud and result in leaving the solids stranded in the drainage. All the
solids stranded in the drainage will affect the drainage system and might block the pipe
which prevent the liquids to flow away. This issue might lead to flooding. However, if
the pipe gradient is not steep enough, the drainage pipe might get blocked as the solids
will slow down and get stranded in the drainage. Hence, it is able to determine that the
best pipe gradient which allows the flow of liquids and prevent the solid from stranded
in the drainage is 1in 40 to 1 in 100.

In short, fly levelling is used to determine the slope gradient of the drainage.
With the value obtained, it is able to determine the invert level of a pipe. Invert level of
a pipe is the level taken from the bottom of the inside of the pipe. The formula to
calculate the gradient can be defined as fall divided by distance.

4.0 Introduction of invert level
4.1 Definitions of invert level

Invert level is defined as the height above or below a benchmark of the lowest
part of the drainage at a given point. In general, it is the lowest point of internal diameter
of the drain. Drainage is an artificial removal of surface water from an area of excess
water. It collects runoff from rainfall and transfer the water to the nearest water bodies.
Drainage is usually designed in a slope or steep shape as the disposal of surface water
is governed by gravity and it is calculated in gradient. Gradient of the drainage is known
as the amount of rise or fall in height above a fixed point over given distance. The
difference in height between two points is expressed as the rise or fall while the distance
is referred as run. Gradient can be expressed in term of ratio and percentage. For
example, 1 in 50 means that there is 1 unit of fall or rise when the run is 50 units.
Drainage is not allowed to be designed vertically or horizontally as it is not an ideal
way to remove the surface water. In contrast, a suitable slope is required when
designing the drainage so that surface water can flow from highest point to lowest point
at a normal rate. In order to set out required gradient, sight rails are erected at a regular
intervals along the drain. If the total length of the drain is too long and the gradient
remain constant, manholes must be built and sight rails are erected in each of the

Gradient of the drain can be determined by using fly levelling method. The staff
is held along the drain according to the chainage that had been fixed. An auto level is
set up to observe the upper stadia, middle stadia and lower stadia of each staff being
held in the drainage and the data obtained is recorded and tabulated. Also, the angles of
the auto level is adjusted and recorded. With this, calculation can be done using several
formula to find the gradient of the drainage.

It is important to consider several factors while designing the drainage in order

to prevent excess flow of surface water run-off. In this stage, research has to be carried
out on the topography of the area by collecting data and making analysis. Surveyor has
to find out the location of manholes and sewer so that the engineers can have a proper
plan to connect the drainage with other sewerage system and this allows the storm water
to flow to the water bodies. Besides, the intensity of the rainfall has to be taken note to
predict the amount of rainfall on that given area. A table of record showing the return

period of the rainfall is needed so that a proper design of drainage is created for
maximum rate of rainfall.

4.2 Basic definitions of the terms in invert level

a) Sum Cover Level (SCL): is the height of the cover above a benchmark level.
b) Sum Invert Level (SIL): is the lowest point on the internal diameter of the
c) Drainage Invert Level (DIL): the height above or below a benchmark of
the lowest part of the drainage at a given point.
d) Chainage (CH): is the horizontal distance as measured along a straight line or
curves between two points.

5.0 Aim

The main purpose of levelling the drainage is to determine the slope of the drain.
Adequate slope is essential to make sure the surface water flow in a normal rate in the
drain. Besides, it helps to check the suitability of the design of the drainage. A proper
design of drainage is needed so that surface water can flow along the drain without any
blockage which can cause flooding.

6.0 Objective
a) To determine whether the misclosure error in the levelling process is
acceptable or not.
b) To do arithmetic check to ensure the rise and fall are correctly calculated.
c) To learn the correct method of setting up the equipment.
d) To find out the gradient of the drainage using formula.
e) To organise and compute required data into table
f) To determine the reduced level at each of the staff location.
g) To execute fly levelling observation along the drain throughout the

7.0 Apparatus
Auto Level

Figure 1: The picture above shows an automatic level.

Auto level is an optical instrument used to measure the horizontal level of the
staff by establishing a line of sight automatically. It consist of a telescope and a bubble
tube which located at the side of it. The auto level should be placed on top of the tripod
in vertical position to get a precise reading. The bubble tube at the side of it helps to
ensure that auto level is not at inclined position. Before taking reading on the staff, auto
level is adjusted using focusing screw to get a clear and magnified image. Besides, the
bottom part of telescope have a rotating plate which show the angles of the auto level.
With this, surveyor able to determine angles of auto level for each of the staff location.


Figure 2: The picture above shows a tripod stand.

A tripod is a three-leg device used to support the auto level in the levelling
process. The legs of the tripod is planted firmly to the get a rigid base. After
that, the height of the tripod is adjusted to the chest level by loosening the screw of the
legs. When it reached the required height, the auto level is placed on top of it in correct
position. The screw then is pushed up and screw tightly to secure the position of auto


Figure 3: The picture above shows a staff.

Levelling staff is a rectangular rod having graduations used to indicate the

height at each of the staff location. The graduation pattern used on the surface of the
staff may varied, and the common pattern is the ‘E’ pattern as it is easier for surveyor
to read the value. There are many types of staff, including solid staff, telescopic staff,
folding staff and target staff. During the experiment, folding staff is used as it is easy
to carry. The height of the folding staff can be extended until 5m long and it is divided
into five part of 1m each. The pieces of the staff can be connected by folding joint to

reach required height. A lock is provided so that the pieces will not fall down

Pole staff bubble

Figure 4: The picture above shows a pole staff bubble.

A bubble is filled with liquid inside of it to determine whether the staff is held
vertically in position. The liquid usually is alcohol as it will not stick to the surface of
the bubble tube. To increase the visibility of the bubble, colorant will be added into it.
The pole staff bubble is placed at the corner of the staff to ensure the staff is in plumb
position. If the bubble is moved away from its centre, it indicates that the staff is not
held vertically.

Measuring tape

Figure 5: The picture above shows a steel tape.

Measuring tape is a flexible ruler used in surveying to measure horizontal,

vertical, and slope distances. There are many types of measuring tape such as steel tape,
metal tape and invar tape. In the experiment, steel tape is used to measure the distance
of each drainage. Steel tape is made of stainless steel and have a protective coating to

prevent rust. Steel tape can be graduated into metres, centimetres and decimetres. The
tape can be pulled out to the required length with the metallic ring. Once the experiment
is done, the tape wins back automatically by pressing a button on the case.

8.0 Precautions

 Angle of auto level should be adjusted to 0.

 Tripod should be placed on the exact length to avoid any error.
 Tripod should be adjusted approximately to the chest level of surveyor in order
to ease the process of readings.
 The auto level’s screw should be tighten before the survey starts.
 Staff should be always vertical and perpendicular by using bubble. Auto level
should be handled and shifted carefully from station to station.
 Sets of equipment must be brought along while moving to other stations.
 Bubble should be used to ensure vertical upright of the staff.
 Legs of tripod must be driven into the earth to ensure the stability of the Auto
 All the data should be carefully recorded on the field book.

9.0 Procedure

Figure 6 : The tripod is adjusted to chest level.

Step 1: The height of tripod is adjusted to chest level at a suitable position.

Figure 7: The Auto Level is tightened on the tripod by adjusting the screw below.

Step 2: The Auto Level is set on the tripod. The screw below the tripod is adjusted to
tighten the level on the tripod.

Figure 8: The bubble is adjusted to the centre of the round bubble level.

Step 3: The levelling screws of the Auto Level is adjusted to enable the bubble to stay
in the centre of the round bubble level.

Figure 9: The horizontal circle is adjusted to 0º.

Step 4: The horizontal circle of Auto Level is adjusted to 0º before any readings are

Figure 10: Measuring tape is extended and placed in the drainage.

Step 5: The measuring tape is extended and placed in the drainage to measure the
distance between each staff.

Figure 11: The first three staffs being held at SCL 1, SIL 1 and DIL 1.

Step 6: Three levelling staffs are held at beginning of the drainage. The first staff is
being held at the Sum Cover Level 1 (SCL 1), followed by the second staff at Sum
Invert Level 1 (SIL 1) and the third staff at Drainage Invert Level 1 (DIL 1).

Figure 12: Staff is held at every 3 meters.

Step 7: Levelling staff is held at every 3 meter in the drainage and the distance between
two consecutive points at which the staff is held at is known as chainage.

Figure 13: A surveyor is taking readings of each staff

Step 8: Reading of upper stadia, middle stadia and lower stadia is taken for each staff
from CH 0 to CH 75.54. The angle from the Auto Level to the staff in the drainage is
also measured.

Figure 14: The horizontal circle is reset to 0º.

Step 9: Auto Level is moved to another position and the horizontal circle is reset to
0º. One reading before is taken as new back sight.

Figure 15: The picture above shows the last chainage and last three
points (DIL 2, SIL 2 and SCL 2) at the end of the drainage.

Step 10: Levelling staffs are held at every 3 meters until the end of the drainage. The
last three points at the end are Drainage Invert Level 2 (DIL 2), followed by Sum Invert
Level 2 (SIL 2) and lastly Sum Cover Level 2 (SCL 2).

Figure 16: All the data are recorded neatly in a table.

Step 11: All of the data obtained through the practical is recorded and tabulated.

10.0 Result

Station Upper Stadia Middle Stadia Lower Stadia Angle

SCL 1.680 1.600 1.520 0
SIL 3.240 3.160 3.085 2.0
DIL 3.145 3.068 3.000 0.5
CH 3 3.115 3.055 2.990 3.0
CH 6 3.098 3.050 3.005 10.0
CH 9 3.067 3.032 3.000 21.0
CH 12 3.006 2.979 2.954 41.0
CH 15 2.986 2.964 2.942 71.0
CH 18 2.979 2.952 2.925 110.0
CH 21 2.950 2.918 2.888 137.0
CH 24 2.953 2.920 2.888 163.0
CH 27 2.927 2.891 2.856 187.0
CH 27 (BS) 2.769 2.736 2.704 0
CH 30 2.736 2.716 2.696 16.5
CH 33 2.713 2.701 2.689 63.0
CH 36 2.692 2.674 2.656 115.0
CH 39 2.702 2.670 2.640 133.0
CH 42 2.688 2.644 2.600 141.0
CH 45 2.688 2.628 2.568 144.0
CH 48 2.688 2.630 2.570 150.0
CH 51 2.681 2.593 2.505 147.0
CH 54 2.690 2.586 2.483 149.0
CH 57 2.700 2.580 2.465 149.5
CH 60 2.715 2.580 2.445 150.0
CH 63 2.656 2.536 2.411 151.0
CH 63 (BS) 2.618 2.588 2.557 0
CH 66 2.585 2.562 2.548 10.5
CH 69 2.573 2.563 2.553 69.5
CH 72 2.561 2.544 2.526 122.5
CH 75 2.554 2.522 2.492 139.5
CH 75.54 2.550 2.517 2.485 141.0
SIL 2.489 2.454 2.419 142.0
SCL 1.531 1.493 1.456 144.0

10.1 Rise and Fall method
Station Back Intermediate Fore Rise Fall Reduced Remark
sight Sight (IS) sight Level
(BS) (FS)
1 1.600 39.000 SCL 1
3.160 1.560 37.440 SIL 1
3.068 0.092 37.532 DIL 1
(CH 0)
3.055 0.013 37.545 CH 3
3.050 0.005 37.550 CH 6
3.032 0.018 37.568 CH 9
2.979 0.053 37.621 CH 12
2.964 0.015 37.636 CH 15
2.952 0.012 37.648 CH 18
2.918 0.034 37.682 CH 21
2.920 0.002 37.680 CH 24
2 2.736 2.891 0.029 37.709 CH 27
2.716 0.020 37.729 CH 30
2.701 0.015 37.744 CH 33
2.674 0.027 37.771 CH 36
2.670 0.004 37.775 CH 39
2.644 0.026 37.801 CH 42
2.628 0.016 37.817 CH 45
2.630 0.002 37.815 CH 48
2.593 0.037 37.852 CH 51
2.586 0.007 37.859 CH 54
2.580 0.006 37.865 CH 57
2.580 0 37.865 CH 60
3 2.588 2.536 0.044 37.909 CH 63
2.562 0.026 37.935 CH 66
2.563 0.001 37.934 CH 69
2.544 0.019 37.953 CH 72
2.522 0.022 37.975 CH 75
2.517 0.005 37.980 CH
2.454 0.063 38.043 SIL 2
1.493 0.961 39.004 SCL 2
∑ BS ∑ FS ∑ Rise ∑ Fall
= = = =
6.924 6.920 1.569 1.565

Arithmetic check

∑Rise- ∑Fall= Last Reduced Level- First Reduced level= ∑Backsight- ∑Foresight
∑ Rise - ∑ Fall = 1.569 – 1.565 = 0.004
Last Reduced level – First Reduced level = 39.004 – 39.000 = 0.004
∑ Backsight – ∑ Foresight = 6.924 – 6.920 = 0.004

10.2 Height of Collimation method
Station Backsight Intermediate Foresight Height of Reduced Remark
(BS) Sight (IS) (FS) instrument Level
1 1.600 40.600 39.000 SCL 1
3.160 37.440 SIL 1
3.068 37.532 DIL 1
(CH 0)
3.055 37.545 CH 3
3.050 37.550 CH 6
3.032 37.568 CH 9
2.979 37.621 CH 12
2.964 37.636 CH 15
2.952 37.648 CH 18
2.918 37.682 CH 21
2.920 37.680 CH 24
2 2.736 2.891 40.445 37.709 CH 27
2.716 37.729 CH 30
2.701 37.744 CH 33
2.674 37.771 CH 36
2.670 37.775 CH 39
2.644 37.801 CH 42
2.628 37.817 CH 45
2.630 37.815 CH 48
2.593 37.852 CH 51
2.586 37.859 CH 54
2.580 37.865 CH 57
2.580 37.865 CH 60
3 2.588 2.536 40.497 37.909 CH 63
2.562 37.935 CH 66
2.563 37.934 CH 69
2.544 37.953 CH 72
2.522 37.975 CH 75
2.517 37.980 CH
2.454 38.043 SIL 2
1.493 39.004 SCL 2
∑ BS = ∑ FS =
6.924 6.920

Arithmetic check

Last Reduced Level- First Reduced level= ∑Backsight- ∑Foresight

Last Reduced level – First Reduced level = 39.004 – 39.000 = 0.004

∑ Backsight – ∑ Foresight = 6.924 – 6.920 = 0.004

10.3 Gradient Calculation

a) Distance = ms
m = 100
s = upper stadia – lower stadia

𝑳𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝑴𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒂−𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝑴𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒂

b) Gradient = 𝑳𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆−𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆

1. CH 0 to CH 9
37.568 − 37.532
0.036 ÷ 0.036
9 ÷ 0.036
= 1 in 250

2. CH 9 to CH 18
37.648 − 37.568
18 − 9
0.080 ÷ 0.080
9 ÷ 0.080
= 1 in 113

3. CH 18 to CH 27
37.709 − 37.648
27 − 18
0.061 ÷ 0.061
9 ÷ 0.061
= 1 in 148

4. CH 27 to CH 36
37.771 − 37.709
36 − 27
0.062 ÷ 0.062
9 ÷ 0.062
= 1 in 145

5. CH 36 to CH 45
37.817 − 37.771
45 − 36
0.046 ÷ 0.046
9 ÷ 0.046
= 1 in 196

6. CH 45 to CH 54
37.859 − 37.817
54 − 45
0.042 ÷ 0.042
9 ÷ 0.042
= 1 in 214

7. CH 54 to CH 63
37.909 − 37.859
63 − 54
0.050 ÷ 0.050
9 ÷ 0.050
= 1 in 180

8. CH 63 to CH 72
37.953 − 37.909
72 − 63
0.044 ÷ 0.044
9 ÷ 0.044
= 1 in 205

9. CH 72 to CH 75.54
37.980 − 37.953
75.54 − 72.00
0.027 ÷ 0.027
3.54 ÷ 0.027
= 1 in 131

10.4 Gradient

Station Upper Middle Lower Distance Angle Gradient Remark

Stadia Stadia Stadia (Meter)
1 1.680 1.600 1.520 16.000 0 SCL (TBM)
3.240 3.160 3.085 15.500 2.0 SIL
3.145 3.068 3.000 14.500 0.5 1 in 250 DIL (CH 0)
3.115 3.055 2.990 12.500 3.0 CH 3
3.098 3.050 3.005 9.300 10.0 CH 6
3.067 3.032 3.000 6.700 21.0 CH 9
3.006 2.979 2.954 5.200 41.0 1 in 113 CH 12
2.986 2.964 2.942 4.400 71.0 CH 15
2.979 2.952 2.925 5.400 110.0 CH 18
2.950 2.918 2.888 6.200 137.0 1 in 148 CH 21
2.953 2.920 2.888 6.500 163.0 CH 24
2.927 2.891 2.856 7.100 187.0 CH 27
2 2.769 2.736 2.704 6.500 0 CH 27 (BS)
2.736 2.716 2.696 4.000 16.5 1 in 145 CH 30
2.713 2.701 2.689 2.400 63.0 CH 33
2.692 2.674 2.656 3.600 115.0 CH 36
2.702 2.670 2.640 6.200 133.0 1 in 196 CH 39
2.688 2.644 2.600 8.800 141.0 CH 42
2.688 2.628 2.568 12.000 144.0 CH 45
2.688 2.630 2.570 11.800 150.0 1 in 214 CH 48
2.681 2.593 2.505 17.600 147.0 CH 51
2.690 2.586 2.483 20.700 149.0 CH 54
2.700 2.580 2.465 23.500 149.5 1 in 180 CH 57
2.715 2.580 2.445 27.000 150.0 CH 60
2.656 2.536 2.411 24.500 151.0 CH 63
3 2.618 2.588 2.557 6.100 0 CH 63 (BS)
2.585 2.562 2.548 3.700 10.5 1 in 205 CH 66
2.573 2.563 2.553 2.000 69.5 CH 69
2.561 2.544 2.526 3.500 122.5 CH 72
2.554 2.522 2.492 6.200 139.5 1 in 131 CH 75
2.550 2.517 2.485 6.500 141.0 CH 75.54
2.489 2.454 2.419 7.000 142.0 SIL 2
1.531 1.493 1.456 7.500 144.0 SCL 2

11.0 Drawing

12.0 Discussion

A temporary benchmark (TBM) is fixed at a reduced level (R.L) of 39.00m

before the invert level practical is carried out near around the drainage of TARUC. Rise
and Fall Method (RF) and Height Collimation Method (HPC) are the two methods that
used to calculate the reduced level. The accuracy and quality of the calculation can be
check by using arithmetic check and the formula is given as ∑Rise - ∑Fall= ∑BS - ∑FS
= Last RL - First RL

Based on the data collected, the last reduced level that we obtained is 39.000m
while the first reduced level that we obtained is 39.004m. Therefore, there is an
+0.004m error. The differences between initial and last reduced level is still within the
value of misclosure. There shouldn’t have any difference in the first and last reduced
level. The difference that occurred indicates that there is some error during the practical.
If the value of misclosure is greater than the acceptable misclosure, surveyor is required
to repeat the practical again to obtain an accurate data. Besides that, a gradient table is
required in this report, which is used to calculate the gradient for every 9.00m. The
formula of gradient calculation is given as last middle stadia- first middle stadia divide
last distance- first distance. From the gradient table, it is able to found out that some
gradient have rise and fall value. Normally, a drain should have a consistent slope but
not both rise and fall along the drain.

Throughout this practical, our group found that there is some error may be
occurred during invert level practical such as personal errors or systematic error which
causes inaccuracy in data. The most common error that occur in this practical is
personal errors. The personal error that occurred during this practical is the person who
holding the staff moved the staff away from its original position while others are taking
the reading of the staff. This will cause surveyor miss out some station and inaccuracy
of data occurred. Therefore, the person who holding the stuff should wait for every
surveyor done their survey then only move the staff to next position. The bubble should
also be checked before reading is take, this is to ensure it remains in the centre all the
time to obtain the correct reading of staff.

Next, parallex error is made by the surveyor where the surveyor tends to read a
wrong value of data from the auto level. It can be avoided by move the eye up and down.
Objective focus on the Auto Level is one of the factors that cause inaccuracy of data.
When the objective focus is not adjusted well, the reading that obtained may different
from the actual value during the reading of data. This error can be solve by double
check the value obtained. Next, when the staff is not held vertically, and the bubble is
not in the middle will cause inaccuracy in the reading of middle stadia, upper stadia,
lower stadia and angle There are around 6 groups of students were doing the invert level
practical together. Every group conduct the invert level practical at the same location
and sharing the same staff. Therefore, it is possible that one group blocked another
group’s vision when they take the reading of the staff. This will cause inefficient of
works and inaccuracy of data.

13.0 Conclusion

In conclusion, it is able to conclude that fly levelling is one of the methods that
use to determine the slope of the drainage and the data obtained can be used to
determine the invert level of a pipe. Based on this practical, the first data that obtained
is backsight (BS) while the last data is foresight(FS). Sum Cover Level (SCL), which
is the height of the cover above a benchmark level is also known as temporary
benchmark. There are two methods to calculate the result which is Rise and Fall method
and Height of Collimation method. Rise and Fall method are used to find the difference
of elevation between consecutive points by comparing each point. On the others hand,
Height of Collimation method is used to determine the elevation no of the plane of
collimation for every set up of the instrument, and obtain the reduced level of point
with reference to respective plane of collimation. Arithmetic check can be done in order
to determine the accuracy the calculation.

However, there is some problems throughout this invert level practical when
taking an accurate result. For instance, there are many groups involved in this practical,
problems such as views obstruction and inaccuracy of readings are likely to happen that
will which will affect the accuracy of the reading and efficiency of practical task. Next,
the person who holding the staff should check the bubble position to make sure it is in
the middle. Besides that, the person who holding the stuff should wait for every
surveyor done their survey then only move the staff to next position. This is to make
sure they do not miss out any station which may cause inaccuracy in data. Throughout
this practical, it helps student to become more experienced and efficient when
conducting this practical. Other than that, it allows student to be have more
understanding and familiar upon the invert level of pipe and gradient of drainage which
will be apply in the construction field in future.

14.0 References

 (2019). Pavingexpert - Gradients and Falls. [online]

Available at: [Accessed
19 Nov. 2019].
 (2015). Fisco Pacer Steel Tape - Length: 50m. [online]
Available at:
50m.html [Accessed 19 Nov. 2019].


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