Undergraduate Studies Calendar - University of Waterloo
Undergraduate Studies Calendar - University of Waterloo
Undergraduate Studies Calendar - University of Waterloo
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11/18/2019 Undergraduate Studies Calendar | University of Waterloo
Term Course and Title Cls Tut Lab
ENGL 192/SPCOM 192 Communication in the Engineering Profession 3 0 0
GENE 123 Electrical Circuits and Instrumentation 3 1 1.5
MSCI 121 Introduction to Computer Programming 3 2 0
MSCI 131 Work Design and Facilities Planning 3 1 1.5
MATH 118 Calculus 2 for Engineering 3 2 0
PHYS 125 Physics for Engineers 3 2 0
2A MSCI 200A Seminar 1 0 0
Fall MSCI 211 Organizational Behaviour 3 0 0
MSCI 240 Algorithms and Data Structures 3 1 0
MSCI 251 Probability and Statistics 1 3 1 1.5
MSCI 261 Engineering Economics: Financial Management for Engineers 3 1 0
MSCI 271 Advanced Calculus and Numerical Methods 3 2 0
ME 235 Materials Science and Engineering 3 1 3
2B MSCI 200B Seminar 1 0 0
Spring MSCI 245 Databases and Software Design 3 1 1.5
MSCI 253 Probability and Statistics 2 3 1 1.5
MSCI 263 Managerial Economics 3 1 0
MSCI 331 Introduction to Optimization 3 1 0
ME 219 Mechanics of Deformable Solids 1 3 1 0
ME 250 Thermodynamics 1 3 1 0
3A MSCI 300A Seminar 1 0 0
Winter MSCI 311 Organizational Design and Technology 3 0 0
MSCI 334 Operations Planning and Inventory Control 3 1 1.5
MSCI 342 Principles of Software Engineering 3 0 3
MSCI 431 Stochastic Models and Methods 3 1 0
MSCI 391 Work-term Report
3B Fall MSCI 300B Seminar 1 0 0
MSCI 332 Deterministic Optimization Models and Methods 3 1 0
MSCI 333 Simulation Analysis and Design 3 1 1.5
MSCI 343 Human-Computer Interaction 3 1 1.5
MSCI 392 Work-term Report
4A MSCI 400A Seminar 1 0 0
Spring MSCI 401 Management Engineering Design Project 1 3 0 0
MSCI 434 Supply Chain Management 3 1 1.5
MSCI 436 Decision Support Systems 3 1 0
MSCI 491 Work-term Report
4B MSCI 400B Seminar 1 0 0
Winter MSCI 402 Management Engineering Design Project 2 3 0 0
Elective Courses
List I: Technical Elective Courses with Large Engineering Science or Design Content
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11/18/2019 Undergraduate Studies Calendar | University of Waterloo
Department Course Title
Chemical Engineering CHE 211 Fluid Mechanics
CHE 572 Air Pollution Control
CHE 574 Industrial Wastewater Pollution Control
Civil Engineering CIVE 230 Engineering and Sustainable Development
CIVE 343 Traffic Simulation Modelling and Applications
CIVE 375 Environmental Engineering Principles
CIVE 440 Transit Planning and Operations
Electrical and ECE 361 Power Systems and Components
Engineering ECE 467 Power Systems Analysis, Operations and Markets
Mechanical ME 212 Dynamics
Engineering ME 220 Mechanics of Deformable Solids 2
ME 262 Introduction to Microprocessors and Digital Logic
ME 269 Electromechanical Devices and Power Processing
ME 340 Manufacturing Processes
ME 351 Fluid Mechanics 1
ME 353 Heat Transfer 1
ME 354 Thermodynamics 2
ME 362 Fluid Mechanics 2
ME 435 Industrial Metallurgy
ME 456 Heat Transfer 2
ME 459 Energy Conversion
ME 533 Non-metallic and Composite Materials
ME 559 Finite Element Methods
ME 566 Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineering Design
MTE 241 Introduction to Computer Structures & Real-Time Systems
Statistics STAT 435 Statistical Methods for Process Improvements
STAT 443 Forecasting
Systems Design SYDE 522 Machine Intelligence
Engineering SYDE 531 Design Optimization Under Probabilistic Uncertainty
SYDE 542 Interface Design
Course Title
MSCI 411 Leadership and Influence
MSCI 421 Strategic Management of Technology
MSCI 422 Economic Impact of Technological Change and Entrepreneurship (CSE List A, Impact)
MSCI 423 Managing New Product and Process Innovation
MSCI 442 Impact of Information Systems on Organizations and Society (CSE List A, Impact)
MSCI 454 Technical Entrepreneurship
MSCI 597 Complementary Studies Topics in Management Sciences
MSCI 598 Special Topics in Management Engineering
RULE 1. At least six of the nine electives must be from List I. Students can count other Engineering courses
toward List I (subject to associate chair approval).
RULE 2. At least one of the nine electives must be from List A of the Complementary Studies Requirements for
Engineering Students, i.e., a course on the impact of technology on society.
All engineering students are required to take Complementary Studies courses, as described in Complementary
Studies Requirements for Engineering Students. Most of these requirements are satisfied in the core
curriculum, namely, ENGL 192, MSCI 211, MSCI 261, MSCI 263, MSCI 311, together with satisfactory
evaluations on three work-term reports. The requirement for studies on the impact of technology on society is
met by RULE 2, above.
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11/18/2019 Undergraduate Studies Calendar | University of Waterloo
Professional Development (PD) Courses
Professional development courses are required as described in the BASc and BSE Specific Degree Requirements
section on Work Terms. Management Engineering students are also required to take PD 22 Professionalism and
Ethics in Engineering Practice. This course replaces one of the PD electives such that for Management
Engineering students, PD 22 is an additional core PD course, and the number of PD electives required is
reduced by one. Management Engineering students are automatically enrolled in the required core PD courses
and PD 22, but must enrol in the elective PD courses using the normal Quest enrolment process.
Several Faculty Designated Options are available to Engineering students. These are listed and described
elsewhere in this section of the Calendar. If a student satisfies the option requirements (usually seven or eight
courses), the appropriate designation will be shown on the student's transcript. The course requirements for
some options can be partially met by taking Management Engineering electives, but students may have to take
extra courses to complete the requirements.
The Management Sciences Option will not be awarded to any Management Engineering student.
Minors are sequences of courses that are arranged in conjunction with another department and lead to an
appropriate designation on the transcript and diploma. Approval from both Management Sciences and the other
department is required. Usually a student must take extra courses to complete a minor. See the discussion in
this section of the Calendar under the heading Options, Specializations and Electives for Engineering Students.
Term-by-Term Structure
The Management Engineering plan follows the eight-stream schedule (i.e., beginning with terms 1A and 1B in
the fall and winter terms, followed by alternating work and academic terms). In accordance with Faculty rules,
in order to complete their degree, students must have at least five work terms, and they must submit three
work-term reports, in academic terms following three work terms.
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