B.pharm 5th SEM Question Papers
B.pharm 5th SEM Question Papers
B.pharm 5th SEM Question Papers
Q1 Answer the following questions: multiple type or dash fill type (2x10)
a) Granule density is ____________ in‘high shear paddle mixer’,whereas granule
density is ____________ in ‘fluidized granulator’.
b) For acidic compounds,
pH = pKa + log (_______________drug) / [______________ drug]
For basic compounds,
257 257 pH = pKa257+ log (_____________drug)
257 / [______________
257 drug]
257 257 257
g) Finished capsules from all filling equipments require some sort of dusting and
/or polishing operation such as _______ ________ and __________
,________ _______ and ______ __________.
h) Carr’s index (%) = [(____ ______ - Pored density)/_____ ______ ]*100
257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257
andHausner ratio = ______ density/________ density.
i) Barium sulfate in presence of sodium laurate (at pH 12) favors ________ type
emulsions, whereas barium sulfate coated with sodium dodecyl sulfate will
favor ________ type emulsions.
j) Weak acids with a pKa ______ 4.3 and weak bases with pKa ________ 8.5 are
generally readily absorbed in the system.
Answer 257
the following questions:Short
answer type
257 257 257 257
a) Classify liquid dosage forms according to vehicles. (2x10)
b) What is intrinsic solubility?
c) Write about chewable tablet with example.
d) Why pKa of drug is important parameter for drug selection?
e) Why flowability of powder is important and how is it characterized?
257 257 f) What is HLB
257 value and how
257 is it useful in 257
formulation? 257 257 257
Q3 a) Describe with a flow sheet diagram, the method of tablet manufacturing by ‘dry (10)
granulation method’.
a) What are257
the problems 257
associated with257the manufacturing
of liquid dosage
(10) 257
b) Discuss in brief on various types of monophasic liquid dosage forms. (5)
Q5 a) Discuss Glass and Plastic as packaging system for liquid formulations. (10)
b) Write on ideal properties of packaging materials. (5)
Q9 a) Describe manufacturing method and quality control tests of soft gelatin (10)
b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of hard and soft gelatin capsules? (5)
Registration No:
b. Benzimidazole
c. Imidazole
d. None of the above
Q5 a) Define and classify cholinergic and anticholinesterase drugs with examples. (10)
257 257 What are257muscarinic and nicotinic
257 effects? 257 257 257 257
b) Outline the synthesis and uses of Carbachol and Neostigmine. (5)
Q6 a) Discuss the SAR and mode of action of adrenergic and antiadrenergic drugs. (10)
b) -adrenergic blockers with their uses. (5)
Q8 a) Define and classify diuretics with examples. Outline the mode of action and (10)
SAR of thiazide diuretics.
b) Mention the synthesis and chemical name of Ibuprofen and Diclofenac (5)
Q9 a) Define and classify antihypertensive drugs with examples. Outline the (10)
257 257
synthesis257of Clonidine and257Methyldopa. 257 257 257 257
b) Write a note on anthelmintics. (5)
Q3 a) Discuss the significance of solubility products and common ion effect on gravimetric (10)
assay. Define the following:- Co- precipitation, Post-precipitation, and peptization.
b) What are the characteristics of precipitating substance and washing solution. (5)
Q6 a) What is the principle involved in the diazotization titrimetry? Mention the condition (10)
required for diazotization titrimetry.
257 257
257 257 257
Write a note on Kjeldal method of nitrogen estimation.
257 257
Q7 a) Explain the principle involved in the Zone electrophoresis, gel lectrophoresis and (10)
capillary eletrophoresis. Discuss the instrumentation of electrophoresis.
b) What is the principle and procedure involved in Radioimmunoassay? (5)
…………….. it occur.
d) ……………. Ion fluidizes the axonal membrane during neutrotransmitter release.
Phenylephrine is used as nasal decongestant acts by ……………….. agonism.
e) Lithium is used for ……………… and it is excreted in ……………..
f) Bromocriptine is effective in …………. . L-dopa stimulate …………….. type of
g) ……………… appropriate antidote for the treatment of Pentazocine overdose.
257 257 Opoid mediated
257 flushing and257warming of the 257
skin is due to ……………..
257 257 257
Q8 a) Describe about the different types of administration along with their merits and (10)
b) Explain about the different types of adrenergic receptors along with their location (5)
and function.
257 Q9 a)
257 What is epilepsy,
257 write about257the types. How257anticonvulsant 257
drugs act generally
257 on (2+3+5)257
different types of seizures? Give some examples?
b) What is endogenous opoid peptides. Write about the central pharmacological (2.5+2.5)
effects of Morphine.
BRANCH: B.Pharma
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 100
Q.CODE: B116
Answer Question No.1 and 2 which are compulsory and any four from the rest.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.
257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257
Q1 Multiple Choice Questions :
a) Rhein is a (2 x 10)
A) Sterol B) Anthraquinone C) Coumarin D) Phenol.
b) Keller-Kiliani test is performed for the detection of …………………………
c) Anthranilic acid is an intermediate in the biosynthesis of
A) Tryptophan B) Tyrosine C) Phenyl alanine D)
257 257
d) Under UV 257
radiation gentian
extract shows257
…………………….. 257
257 257
e) Cassia obovata is commonly known as
A) PaltheSenna B) Mecca Senna C) Egyptian Senna D)
Dog Senna
f) Glycyrrhiza belongs to the family of
Liliaceae B) Leguminosae C) Solanaceae D)
g) Strophanthus glycosides + 80 % H2SO4
257 257 A) Violet 257 B) 257
Crimson red 257 C) Emerald
257 green D)
257 257
h) Bitter wood obtained from dried stem wood of ………………………….
i) BAP is a
Gibberalin B) Synthetic auxin C) Natural auxin D) Cytokinin
j) Panaxquinquefolium represents
American B) Chinese C) Korean D) Japanese
variety of ginseng.
257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257
Q2 Answer the following questions : (2 x 10)
a) Distinguish between Cardenoloides and Bufadienolides.
b) Give examples of two cytotoxic compounds obtained from marine source.
c) Write down the biological source of Senega.
d) Define the term ‘totipotency’.
e) Write down the biological sources of Trypsin and Pepsin.
f) How would you detect anthraquinone glycoside in a crude specimen?
257 257 g) Write down
257 the biological257
source, chemical
257constituents and
257 uses of Red Squill.
257 257
h) Give examples of two probiotics.
i) Write down the uses of Psoralea.
j) What down the name of the precursors involved in the biosynthesis of Tropane
c) Write down the applications of plant tissue culture in the production of bioactive (4)
plant metabolites.
b) Write down the biological sources, chemical constituents and uses of Chirata (10)
and Rhubard.
Q7 a) Describe the biosynthetic pathways for the bio-production of indole alkaloids (5 x2 =10)
257 257 257
and steroidal aglycones. 257 257 257 257 257
b) Describe schematically the biosynthesis of different amino acids via. shikimic (5)
acid pathway.
Q8 a) Write down the biological sources, method of preparation, physical properties (10)
and uses of papain and diastase.
b) Write note of poisonous plants of India. (5)
257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257
Q9 a) Give an account on marine drugs with special emphasis on antimicrobial (10)
agents and marine toxins.
b) Write short note on nutraceuticals. (5)
Q7 a) Differentiate between Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria with suitable (10)
b) Write down the different types of mutation. (5)
257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257
Q8 a) Write a note on Phenol Coefficient. What is its significance? (10)
b) Write down the different modes of action of important antibiotics. (5)
Registration no.
Time : 3 Hours
Max Marks :70
Q. Code: B118
Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest .
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.
g) What type of problems may arise if lubricant is not added during tablet
h) Differentiate between cream and paste.
i) Write advantage of lanolin as ointment base.
j) How suspending agents act in a suspension ?Give some examples of
suspending agents.
Q2 a) Write short notes on Mouth dissolving tablet and Chewable tablet with (5)
257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257
example of each.
b) Explain defects found in tablet dosage form during manufacturing ,and what (5)
are the reasons?
Q3 a) Write about the types and rationale of different coating processes. (5)
b) Explain equipments involved in coating. (5)
Q4 a) What are the problems associated with the manufacturing of liquid dosage (5)
257 257 forms? 257 257 257 257 257 257
Registration No:
BRANCH : B.Pharma.
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 70
Q.CODE: B120
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.
257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257
Q1 Answer the following questions : (2 x 10)
a) What does generation time mean? What is incubation period ?
b) What is the difference between ‘stain’ and ‘strain’?
c) What is the meaning of mutation? Give one example of a mutagen.
d) Name one thermophilic and one mesophilic microorganism.
e) Why does the microbial growth curve plateau at the stationary phase?
f) Differentiate between transformation and transduction.
257 257 g) What is the
257 other name of257
vitamin B12 and257
which microorganism
257 can produce
257 257
h) Penicillin and Streptomycin are produced by which fungi?
i) What is dimorphic fungus? Give an example.
j) What is exotoxin? Define pyrogen.
Q6 a) Describe the principle of Zeihl Neelsen staining. Which organisms can be (5)
viewed using this staining technique?
b) Differentiate between plasmid and genomic DNA. (5)
Registration No:
Q3 a) How do cholinergics interact with binding sites, discuss with an example. (5)
b) Discuss on SAR of cholinergic drugs. (5)
257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257
Q4 a) Define and classify antihistamine with examples. (5)
b) Outline the mode of action and SAR of classic antihistamines (5)
Q7 Discuss in brief the antipyretic and analgesic drugs and mention their mode of (10)
action and SAR of Salicylic acid derivatives & heteroarylacetic acid
Q8257 Write short
answer on any
TWO : 257 257 257
(5 x 2) 257
a) Antiulcer drugs.
b) Neuromuscular blocking agents.
c) Physicochemical aspects of drug design.
d) Free wilson model and Hansch analysis.
Registration No:
a) Drug metabolism
b) Blood brain barrier
c) Tolerance
d) Teratogenicity
e) Therapeutic index
f) Idiosyncrasy
g) Plasma t1/2
257 257
h) 257
Bioavailability 257 257 257 257 257
i) Prodrug
j) Apparent volume of distribution
b) Antagonism (5)
Registration No:
Q5 a) What are the differences between zone electrophoresis and gel (5)
b) Discuss the process involved in gel electrophoresis. (5)
257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257
Q7 Explain the principle and procedure involved in Kjeldahl method for nitrogen (10)
Registration No:
Total Number of Pages: 01 B.Pharma.
5th Semester Back Examination 2017-18
Community Pharmacy and Health Education
257 257 257 257
BRANCH : B.Pharma.
257 257 257 257
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 70
Q.CODE: B119
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.
Q1257 Answer 257the following questions
: 257 257 257
(2x10) 257
a) What are the objectives of first aid?
b) What is Shock ?
c) Define physical health and mental health.
d) What is Epidemiology ?
e) What do you mean by balanced diet? Give example.
f) Write the two diseases occur due to malnutrition.
g) Write two live vaccines along with diseases in which they are used.
h) Which organ is affected in trachoma? What is causative organism of it?
257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257
i) Differentiate between tuberculoid and lepromatous leprosy.
j) What is trace elements? Give examples.