1. If 5.0 m3 of oil weighs 3,900 kgf, calculate its specific weight, density, specific volume and specific gravity?
Use kilo-Newtons for force, kilograms for mass and cubic meters for volume. Answer: 7.7 kN/m3, 780 kg/m3,
1.3x10-3 m3/kg, 0.78
2. Calculate the density, specific weight and weight of one liter of petroleum product of specific gravity
0.700. Answer: 700. kg/m3, 6870 N/m3, 6.87 N
3. An ideal gas has its pressure doubled and its specific volume decrease by
two-thirds. If the initial temperature is 80 deg.F, what is the final
temperature? Answer: -100 deg.F
5. Solve for the gage pressure at point A. Express answer in psig. Answer: 13.0 psig
6. What force is required to lift a thin wire ring 6 cm in diameter from a water surface at 20 deg.C? Use
surface tension equal to 0.0728 N/m. Answer: 0.0274N
9. Determine the percentage change in the volume of water if its pressure is increased by 30,000 psi. Use
bulk modulus of elasticity equal to 300,000 psi. Find the new specific volume at this condition if initial
density is 998 kg/m3. Answer: -10% or 10% decrease, 9.018x10-4 m3/kg
10. An unknown initial volume of water is compressed to 5000 psig resulting to final volume of 4.630 cubic
feet. What is the volume decrease and the initial volume if the temperature is 60 deg.F? Assume average
bulk modulus of elasticity of 2.34 GPa. Answer: 1.47% decrease, 4.70 ft3
11. Mercury at 20 deg.C has a viscosity of 1.58x10-2 Poise. What is the force necessary to maintain a relative
velocity of 2 m/s between two plates that are separated by 10 cm and whose area is 0.10 m2?
Answer: 3.16x10-3 N
12. If the viscosity of water at 68 deg.F is 0.01008 poise, compute its absolute viscosity in pound-seconds per
square foot. If the specific gravity at 68 deg.F is 0.998, compute its kinematic viscosity in square feet per
second. Answer: Answer: 2.11x10-5 lb-s/ft2 ; 1.09x10-5 ft2/s