PROBLEM-CASE STUDY-Financial Statement Analysis.-Word
PROBLEM-CASE STUDY-Financial Statement Analysis.-Word
PROBLEM-CASE STUDY-Financial Statement Analysis.-Word
Financial Analysis – Window Dressing
they are not indispensable people”. He went on to argue further that “we can replace them
easily because there are other professionals looking for work”.
According to the employment contract of the three wise men, they were paid a basic
salary plus they also benefited with a 2% commission on the net profit of the company
each year after the accounts have been finalized by the external auditors. The Internal
Auditor, Miss Wen always queried this employment terms that it favours mostly these
three managers at the detriment of the other hard-working employees. One day in a
management meeting, Miss Wen expressed her frustration of the favourable treatment of
the three managers because she felt that they are working very close and perhaps,
manipulating the figures so that they can benefit a hefty remuneration every year.
Chairman Wan felt every uneasy during this meeting and closed the meeting earlier than
expected. After the meeting, Miss Wen wrote a memo to the Chairman of the Board of
Directors to complain that the external auditors come on the premises of the company for
a very short time to perform the audit. They do not carry out an efficient audit and the
Pifco-Zen Chen Company Limited runs the risk of facing a corporate collapse, when
those three managers had left.
Financial Analysis – Window Dressing
In the abridged version of the financial statement of Pifco-Zen Chen Company Limited,
the following item appears at the end of the financial year 2005.
Net Fixed Assets 45
Investment in Subsidiaries 30
Current Assets (miilion)
Stocks 125
Debtors 90
Prepaid Expenses 40
Bank Deposits (7 Day Call Account) 60
Cash at Banks 30
Petty Cash 1
Less: Current Liabilities
Creditors 45
Accrued Expenses 30
Short-Term Debt 55
Overdraft Balance 75
Net Current Assets/(Liabilities) 141
Financed by:
Long-term Debts 80
Capital 90
Accumulated Profit until 1975 46
Financial Analysis – Window Dressing
Financial Analysis – Window Dressing
1. In reading this case study, what is your first impression of the state of affairs with
Pifco-Zen Chen Company Limited?
2. Is the company on the right track after you have read the financial statement?
3. Have you identify any problem with this company?
4. If you were to correct the financial statement using the supplementary notes
given, what will be the final outcome, in terms, of the company’s Net Worth?
5. Who is responsible for the sad state of affairs, which the company finds itself?
6. What are the responsibilities of the External Auditors?
7. What are the responsibilities of the Internal Auditors?
8. What actions can the company take with the three managers?
9. What lessons can the Chairman, Dr Wan take from this scenario?
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