Critical Analysis On Taximan's Story
Critical Analysis On Taximan's Story
Critical Analysis On Taximan's Story
Assignment: Write a critical essay (stance) on the taximan’s story. What are
the linguistic deviations and how justified are these deviations to emphasize the
message of the story?
The story contains a linguistic deviation specifically grammatical deviation or also known as
‘syntactic deviations’. Accordingly, there are two types of syntactic deviation, first is bad or
incorrect grammar and the second one is syntactic rearrangement or hyperbaton. Majority of the
sentences found in the story contains the former type of syntactic deviation or simply
ungrammatical. Examples of which are the following:
(1) Today, young people not like us when we are young.
(2) Today, young people they are very trouble to their parents.
(3) My father cane me, I was big enough to be married, and still, got caning.
Although these sentences are grammatically incorrect, still, these sentences were able to exhibit
the intention of the speaker and captured the emotions needed to convey. The sentence (1) shows
how the taximan compared their generation to the new ones and how different they are back then.
Sentence (2) shows how the younger generations, referred by the taximan, act or how much they
give trouble to their parents. Though, again, the sentence is ungrammatical but as we read it, it’s
very realistic and accurate, it speaks out something significant and relevant views to the
generations we have nowadays. The sentence (3) shows what the taximan experienced from his
father. This sentence indicates how much discipline his parents, particularly his father, gave him
which reflects to his overall disposition.
The story also has a syntactic rearrangement or hyperbaton. According to Nordquist (2018),
hyperbaton is a kind of figurative language that disrupts and inverts customary word orders to
produce a distinctive effect. Example of this is the sentence, “on one day alone I make nearly one
hundred and fifty dollars!” The syntactic rearrangement indicates how much emphasis is given to
the prepositional phrase on one day alone.
Aside from the ungrammatical sentences, I also have noticed that there is a Null subject in
sentences while the taximan is having his conversation with her Madam.
According to Nordquist (2019), “A null subject is the absence (or apparent absence) of a subject
in a sentence. In most cases, such truncated sentences have an implied or suppressed subject that
can be determined from the context.” In other words, null subject simply means subject dropping.
The highlighted phrases indicates the existence of a null subject. The first highlighted phrase (1)
“cannot wait for you to finish your meeting” has a null subject, and that null subject is the actor or
the taximan, which simply means that he can no longer wait for her Madam. The same goes with
the second and the third highlighted phrase. Both contains a phrasal verb, the former indicates that
the taximan needs to leave and go somewhere else for a particular purpose. The latter explicitly
indicates a specific place to where the taximan is going.
Nordquist, R. (2018). Hyperbaton (Figure of Speech). Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.