Series Quiet Cooling Tower
Series Quiet Cooling Tower
Series Quiet Cooling Tower
Cooling Tower
Stainless Steel
Base 4
Performance 6
Construction 7
Mechanical Equipment 8
Control Systems 15
Control Options 16
Miscellaneous Options 18
Sound Control 19
Miscellaneous Options 21
Fill, Louvers and
Drift Eliminators
Drift Eliminator
separate from fill
on some models.
Distribution System
and Fan Deck
Access and
Cold Water Basin
Guardrail and
Guardrail and
Extension Access Door Platform
Convenience and
Safety Options
Control System
Control Options
Specifications: Electric Water Level Control: The Trane basin heater components
described at left represent our
Control Options Para. 11.1: Replace this paragraph
recommendation for a reliable
with the following: The collection
Vibration Limit Switch: basin shall be heavy-gauge series 300 automatic system for the prevention
Para. 6.5: Add the following paragraph stainless steel and shall include the of basin freezing. They are normally
in the Mechanical Equipment section: number and type of suction connections shipped separately for installation at
A single-pole, double-throw vibration required to accommodate the out-flow the jobsite by the installing contractor.
limit switch in a NEMA 4 housing piping system shown on the plans. When purchased in conjunction with
shall be installed on the mechanical Suction connections shall be equipped the enhanced Control System option,
equipment support for wiring into with stainless steel debris screens. A however, they are customarily factory-
the fan motor shutdown circuit. The solid-state water level control system mounted and tested.
purpose of this switch will be to to monitor the water level with a Submerged in basin water, in which
interrupt power to the motor in the multi-relay control panel pre-wired and zinc ions are present, copper immersion
event of excessive vibration. It shall mounted in a NEMA 4X nonmetallic heaters must not be used. Insist upon
be adjustable for sensitivity, and shall enclosure shall be provided. The system stainless steel.
require manual reset. shall consist of water level sensing
Basin Heater: and control units in quantities and
locations as indicated on the drawings.
Para. 11.2: Add the following paragraph An overflow and drain connection shall
in the Cold Water Basin section: be provided in each cell of the cooling
Provide a system of electric immersion tower. The basin floor shall slope
heaters and controls for each cell of toward the drain to allow complete
the tower to prevent freezing of water flush out of debris and silt which may
in the collection basin during periods accumulate. Towers of more than one
of shutdown. The system shall consist cell shall include stainless steel flumes
of one or more stainless steel electric for flow and equalization between
immersion heaters installed in threaded cells. The basin shall be accessible and
couplings provided in the side of maintainable while water is circulating.
the basin. A NEMA 4 enclosure shall
house a magnetic contactor to energize
heaters; a transformer to provide 24-volt Specification Value The ambient air temperature that you
control circuit power; and a solid-state Unless specified otherwise, a Metrix insert in the specifications should be the
circuit board for temperature and low switch will be provided. A double- lowest 1% level of winter temperature
water cut-off. A control probe shall be pole, double-throw model is also prevalent at site.
located in the basin to monitor water available. If purchased in conjunction Solid-state liquid level controls provide
level and temperature. The system with the Control System, it is also you with state of the art systems to
shall be capable of maintaining 40°F factory-wired. The requirement for control and monitor the water level in
water temperature at an ambient air manual reset assures that the cooling your cooling tower collection basin.
temperature of _____ °F. tower will be visited to determine the Relays operating in conjunction with
cause of excess vibration. suspended stainless steel electrode
probes monitor basin water levels,
providing simple solenoid-valve water
makeup or discrete on/off signals to
more sophisticated automation controls.
Optional configurations might include
makeup along with high and low water
level alarm and cutoff, or pump cutoff.
Packaged systems including any of
these variations are available.
Variable Speed
Specifications Trane Premium VFD System The cooling tower manufacturer shall
supply VFD start-up assistance. Tower
Control Options Para. 6.4: Add the following paragraph
vibration testing throughout the speed
in the Mechanical Equipment section
Fan Motor Variable Speed Drive: when VFD is used as a stand alone range is required to identify and lockout
Trane TR200 System system: A complete UL listed Variable any natural frequency vibration levels
Speed Drive system in a NEMA 12 indoor which may exceed CTI guidelines.
Para. 6.4: Add the following paragraph
in the Mechanical Equipment section or NEMA 3R outdoor enclosure shall Specification Value
when VFD is used with customers be provided. The VFD shall use PWM Trane Variable Speed Drive systems
Building Management System: A technology with IGBT switching and are designed to combine absolute
complete UL listed Variable Speed Drive integrated bypass design. VFD output temperature control with ideal energy
system in a NEMA 1 indoor, NEMA 12 switching shall not cause mechanical management. The cooling tower user
indoor or NEMA 3R outdoor enclosure issues with gearbox teeth or drive shafts. selects a cold water temperature and
shall be provided. The VFD shall use The VFD shall catch a fan spinning in the the drive system will vary the fan speed
PWM technology with IGBT switching reverse direction without tripping. The to maintain that temperature. Precise
and integrated bypass design. VFD out panel shall include a main disconnect temperature control is accomplished
put switching shall not cause mechanical with short circuit protection and external with far less stress to the mechanical
issues with gearbox teeth or drive shafts. operating handle, lockable in the off equipment components. The improved
The VFD shall catch a fan spinning in the position for safety. The system shall energy management provides fast
reverse direction without tripping. The include a solid state, PI temperature payback to the user.
panel shall include a main disconnect controller to adjust frequency output of
with short circuit protection and external the drive in response to the tower cold-
operating handle, lockable in the off water temperature. The temperature
position for safety. The VFD system shall of the cold water and set point shall be
receive a speed reference signal from the displayed on the door of the control panel.
Building Management System monitoring The bypass shall include a complete
the tower cold-water temperature. As an magnetic bypass circuit with capability
option to receiving the speed reference to isolate the VFD when in the bypass
signal from a building management mode. Transfer to the bypass mode shall
system, the drive must have the capability be automatic in the event of VFD failure or
to receive a 4-20 ma temperature signal for specific trip conditions allowing safe
from an RTD transmitter. The VFD transfer of utility voltage to the motor.
shall have an internal PI regulator to Automatic bypass with an earth ground
modulate fan speed maintaining set point condition is not allowed. The bypass
temperature. The drive’s panel display contactor shall be cycled on and off while
shall be able to display the set-point operating in bypass, to maintain the
temperature and cold-water temperature set-point temperature of the cold water.
on two separate lines. The bypass shall The drive design shall be operated as a
include a complete magnetic bypass stand- alone system without the need for TR200 Series drives support standard
circuit and with capability to isolate the a BMS system. Operator controls shall open protocols and are compatible with
VFD when in the bypass mode. Transfer be mounted on the front of the enclosure virtually all HVAC equipment and building
to the bypass mode shall be manual in and shall consist of start and stop control, automation systems
the event of VFD failure. Once the motor bypass/VFD selector switch, Auto/Manual
is transferred to the by-pass circuit the fan selector switch, manual speed control,
motor will run at constant full speed. The and solid-state temperature controller. An
bypass circuit will not modulate ON and emergency bypass selector switch internal
OFF based on cold-water temperature. to the panel allowing the cooling tower
The application must be able to handle fan motor to be run at full speed shall be
very cold water while VFD is in a by-pass furnished. To pre vent heating problems
mode. Operator controls shall be mounted in the cooling tower fan motor the VFD
on the front of the enclosure and shall system shall de energize the motor once
consist of start and stop control, bypass/ 25% motor speed is reached and cooling
VFD selection, Auto/Manual selections, is no longer required. The VFD shall
manual speed control. include de-icing logic with auto canceling
and adjustable time. Speed in De-Ice
mode shall not exceed 50 % motor speed.
Sound Control
Low Noise Fan
Literature Order Number COOL-PRC003-EN
Date August 2009 Supersedes PL-RF-000-COOL-PRC003-EN-808
For more information, contact your local Trane Trane has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement and reserves the right to
office or e-mail us at change design and specifications without notice.