Series Quiet Cooling Tower

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Series Quiet

Cooling Tower

Stainless Steel

August 2009 COOL-PRC003-EN

© 2009 Trane All rights reserved. COOL-PRC003-EN

Base 4

Performance 6

Construction 7

Mechanical Equipment 8

Fill, Louvers and Drift Eliminators 9

Distribution System and Fan Deck 10

Access and Cold Water Basin 11

Guardrail and Ladder 12

Convenience and Safety Options 14

Control Systems 15

Control Options 16

Variable Speed Drive 17

Miscellaneous Options 18

Sound Control 19

Low Noise Fan 20

Miscellaneous Options 21


Series Quiet Stainless Steel towers operation—and maintenance-enhancing

are factory assembled, crossflow accessories and features that are usually
cooling towers, designed to serve desired by those persons who are
air conditioning and refrigeration responsible for the continued operation
systems as well as industrial process of the system of which the tower is
loads and power applications on part. It will also iSeries Quietorporate
clean water. The Series Quiet has those standard materials which testing
been designed specifically for sound and experieSeries Quiete has proven to
control and tonnage density and provide acceptable longevity in normal
represents the current state of the art operating conditions.
in this cooling tower category. Pages 12 thru 22 provide paragraphs
This booklet not only relates the intended to add those features,
language to use in describing an components and materials that will
appropriate Series Quiet cooling customize the tower to meet the user's
tower—but also defines why certain requirements.
items and features are important Space does not permit definition and
enough to specify with the intention explanation of all of the possible options
of insisting upon compliance by all that can be applied to the
bidders. Specifications column of pages Series Quiet. We realize that you,
5 thru 22 provides appropriate text for the purchaser, must be happy with
the various specification paragraphs, the tower's characteristics, and we
whereas the Specification Value column are prepared to provide—or provide
comments on the meaning of the for—any reasonable enhancement that
subject matter and explains its value. you are willing to define and purchase.
Pages 5 thru 11 indicate those Your needs will become part of the
paragraphs which will result in the continuing evolution of this Trane
purchase of a basic cooling tower—one product line.
that accomplishes the specified thermal
performance, but which will lack many


Specifications Specification Value

1.0 Base: Your specification base establishes
the type, configuration, base material
1.1 Provide an induced draft, crossflow and physical limitations of the
type, factory assembled, film fill, cooling tower to be quoted. During
industrial duty, stainless steel the planning and layout stages of
cooling tower situated as shown your project, you will have focused
on the plans. The limiting overall your attention on a cooling tower
dimensions of the tower shall be selection that fits your space
_____ wide, _____ long, and _____ allotment, and whose power usage
high. Total operating horsepower is acceptable. Limitations on physical
of all fans shall not exceed ____ size and total operating horsepower
hp, consisting of ___ @ _____ hp avoid the introduction of unforeseen
motor(s). Tower shall be similar and operational and site-related
equal in all respects to Trane Model influences. Specifying the number of
____________. cells, and the maximum fan hp/cell
will work to your advantage.
The benefit of crossflow towers is that
they are inherently easy to operate,
access and maintain. Compared to
counterflow towers, crossflow towers
have a spacious plenum between banks
of fill for easy access to all of the tower’s
internal components, plus the water
distribution system is adjacent to the
fan deck and can be maintained during
The Series Quiet is also available
unassembled for on-site assembly.


Specifications 4.0 Design Loading: It is important to understand the

2.0 Thermal Performance and 4.1 The tower structure, anchorage and distinction between structure and
Efficiency: all its components shall be designed anchorage. Specifying that only the
by licensed structural engineers anchorage meet these requirements
2.1 The tower shall be capable of means the tower can become
cooling _____ GPM of water from per the International Building Code
to withstand a wind load of 30 non-functional, even fall down, yet
____ °F to _____ °F at a design remain attached to the foundation.
entering air wet-bulb temperature psf, as well as a .3g seismic load.
The fan deck and hot water basin Specifying structure will require the
of _____ °F, and its thermal rating tower to remain operational.
shall be Certified by the Cooling covers shall be designed for 50 psf
live load or a 200 lb. concentrated The indicated design values are the
Technology Institute. minimum allowables under accepted
load. Guardrails, where specified,
2.2 The tower shall be capable of a shall be capable of design standards. They give you
minimum _____ GPM/hp efficiency withstanding a 200 assurance that the tower can be
per ASHRAE Standard 90.1. lb. concentrated shipped, handled, hoisted—and
live load in any ultimately operated in a normal cooling
2.3 CTI Certification notwithstanding, tower environment. Most Series Quiet
the cooling tower manufacturer direction, and shall
be designed in models will withstand significantly
shall guarantee that the tower higher wind and seismic loads. If your
supplied will meet the specified accordance with OSHA guidelines.
geographic location dictates higher
performance conditions when Specification Value wind load or seismic load values,
the tower is installed according to CTI Certification means that the tower please make the appropriate changes,
plan. If, because of a suspected has been tested under operating after discussion with your Trane sales
thermal performance deficiency, conditions and found to perform representative.
the owner chooses to conduct as rated by the manufacturer
an on-site thermal performance under those circumstances. It Note: Some countries and states, like
test under the supervision of a assures the buyer that the tower is Florida, require structure and anchorage
qualified, disinterested third party not intentionally or inadvertently to meet a given loading. Check with you
in accordance with CTI or ASME undersized by the manufacturer. local officials.
standards during the first year of 30 psf windload, .3g seismic load—
operation; and if the tower fails to The minimum efficiency per ASHRAE
Standard 90.1 for induced draft open applicable for most applications but
perform within the limits of test consult the local code official for actual
tolerance; then the cooling tower cooling towers applied to comfort
cooling is 38.2 GPM/hp @ 95/85/75. requirements.
manufacturer will pay for the cost
of the test and will make such There are no efficiency requirements for 50 psf live load, 200 lb concentrated
corrections as are appropriate non-comfort cooling applications. If you load—ensures the tower can be safely
and agreeable to the owner to want greater efficiency you can require accessed for routine maintenance when
compensate for the performance it by specifying a higher ASHRAE a guardrail is installed as well ensuring
deficiency. Standard 90.1 GPM/hp. the end user complies with government
CTI certification alone is not sufficient safety laws.
3.0 Warranty:
to assure you that the tower will
3.1 The entire tower, including structure, perform satisfactorily in your
casing, basins, decking, fan(s), situation. Certification is established
motor(s), and all mechanical drive under relatively controlled conditions,
components (including belts, if used) and towers seldom operate under
shall be warranted against failure such ideal circumstances. They are
due to defects in materials and affected by nearby structures,
workmanship for a period of five machinery, enclosures, effluent from
(5) years from the date of shipment other towers, etc. Responsible and
to the job. Towers not covered by knowledgeable bidders will take such
a warranty of this scope will not be site-specific effects into consideration
accepted. in selecting the tower—but the specifier
must insist by the written specification
that the designer/manufacturer
guarantee this “real world”
performance. Any reluctance on the
part of the bidder should cause you
some concern.


Specifications  pecification Value

S is relatively immune to poor water
5.0 Construction: For pure resistance to corrosion— quality. Where such conditions do exist,
coupled with the capability to meet however, thought should be given to the
5.1 Except where otherwise specified, stringent fire and building codes— prevention of such carryover—or to the
all components of the cooling tower there is no substitute for stainless use of a Trane splash-fill product. Please
shall be fabricated of heavy-gauge, steel! No paints or electrostatically- discuss your situation with your Trane
series 300 stainless steel. The tower applied coatings, however exotic they sales representative.
shall be capable of withstanding may be, can match stainless steel’s
water having a chloride content ability to withstand adverse operating
(NaCl) up to 750 ppm; a sulfate conditions.
content (SO4) up to 1200 ppm; a
calcium content (CaCO3) up to 800 Although Trane makes use of many
ppm; silica (SiO2) up to 150 ppm; and structural FRP components in various
design hot water temperatures up other product lines, they are held to a
to 125°F. The circulating water shall relative minimum in the Series Quiet
contain no oil, grease, fatty acids, or Stainless line. This is to assure that
organic solvents. there will be no question as to the
structural integrity, fire resistance and
5.2 The specifications, as written, are life expectancy in the mind of the owner.
intended to indicate those materials
that will be capable of withstanding Except for those unusual operating
the above water quality in situations where the circulating water
continuing service, as well as the may be so laden with suspended solids,
loads described in paragraph algae, fatty acids, product fibers, active
4.1. They are to be regarded as organisms reflected in BOD, and the
minimum requirements. Where like that plugging of film type fill is a
component materials peculiar to probability, the Series Quiet Stainless
individual tower designs are not
specified, the manufacturers shall
take the above water quality and
load carrying capabilities into
account in the selection of their
materials of manufacture.
5.3* The tower shall include all Factory Assembly
design and material modifications
necessary to meet the fire rating
requirements of Factory Mutual.
The product proposed shall be
listed in the FM Approval Guide,
latest edition.
*Available as an option on all


Specifications Specification Value Ideal for owners concerned about

6.0 Mechanical Equipment: The Trane Series downtime or maintenance costs.
Quiet is the only Currently available on Series Quiet
6.1Fan(s) shall be propeller-type, crossflow cooling models up to 60 hp, the Trane Power
incorporating wide-chord aluminum tower approved Belt drive system features all-aluminum
alloy blades and galvanized for single-cell sheaves, power band belts and long-life
hubs. Blades shall be individually FM installations. bearings for dependable service.
adjustable. Maximum fan tip speed This could have
shall be 13,000 ft/min. Fan(s) shall TEFC motors offer additional benefits
a very beneficial effect upon your over TEAO motors whose only source
be driven through a right angle, fire insurance premiums. Towers
industrial duty, oil lubricated, geared of cooling is the flow of air produced
not able to meet FM requirements by the cooling tower fan. This air rate is
speed reducer that requires no oil may require the inclusion of a fire
changes for the first five (5) years not always ideal due to motor position,
protection sprinkler system to achieve blockage, etc. TEFC ensures the motor
of operation. The gearbox bearings a comparable level of insurance
shall be rated at an L10A service life will always be cooled properly.
premium cost. Even if you are not
of 100,000 hours or greater. insured by FM, this requirement Unless otherwise specified, motor
6.1 (alternate)* Fan(s) shall be ensures that each cell will contain speed will be 1800 RPM in 60 Hertz
propeller-type, incorporating wide- any fire that may occur without losing areas and 1500 RPM in 50 Hertz areas
chord aluminum alloy blades and the ability of limited operations and on standard models. Low sound models
galvanized hubs. Blades shall be capacity. will use motor speeds appropriate
individually adjustable. Fan(s) shall for the specific model. If you prefer
Propeller-type fans require only half the operating flexibility of two-speed
be driven through a one-piece the operating hp of blower-type fans.
multi-groove, solid back V-type belt, operation, please specify two-speed,
However, they should be readily single-winding or double-winding
pulleys and tapered roller bearings. adjustable to permit compensation for
Bearings shall be rated at an L10A motors which offer full and half
jobsite conditions. speeds for maximum energy savings.
service life of 40,000 hours or
greater. With Series Quiet, the choice is Incidentally, two speed, double-winding
yours. The exclusive Trane System5 motors are a better choice than separate
*Currently available on Series Quiet Geareducer® requires no oil changes “pony” motors which simply double the
models up to 60 hp. for five years, offering you unmatched problems indicated above and induce
6.2 Motor(s) shall be ____ hp maximum, reliability and low maintenance. parasitic loads during operation for
TEFC, 1.15 service factor, variable lower than nameplate efficiency.
torque, and specially insulated for
cooling tower duty. Speed and
electrical characteristics shall be
______ RPM, single-winding, ___
phase, ____ hertz, ____ volts. Motor
shall operate in the shaft-horizontal
position, and nameplate horsepower
shall not be exceeded at design
6.3 The complete mechanical
equipment assembly for each
cell shall be supported by a rigid
steel structural support that resists
misalignment between the motor
and the gear reducer.

Fill, Louvers and
Drift Eliminators

Specifications Specification Value  rift rate varies with design water

7.0 Fill, Louvers and Drift Eliminators: Louvers integral with the fill keep the loading and air rate, as well as drift
flowing water within the confines eliminator depth and number of
7.1 Fill shall be film type, thermoformed of the fill. The separate external directional changes. A drift rate of
of 15 mil thick PVC, with louvers louvers used by others permit 0.001% is readily available on many
formed as part of each fill sheet. Fill water to escape the fill and form ice standard models. If a lower rate is
shall be suspended from stainless or produce an unsightly situation required, please discuss with your Trane
steel structural tubing supported adjacent to the tower and waste sales representative.
from the tower structure, and shall water. If you plan to use your tower
be elevated above the floor of Keep in mind
in the wintertime, particularly for free • Drift for towers with three-pass high
the cold water basin to facilitate cooling, integral louvers will put your
cleaning. Air inlet faces of the tower efficiency eliminators constitute a
operating concerns to rest. Integral small percentage of water usage.
shall be free of water splash-out. Fill louvers offer the best available
shall be capable of withstanding a technology for winter operation and • Unlike thermal performance, drift
hot water temperature of 125°F. water conservation. rates are not certified and field drift
7.2 Drift eliminators shall be PVC, triple- tests are cost prohibitive for most
Fill options are available for hot water applications.
pass, and shall limit drift losses to temperatures up to 140°F.
0.005% or less of the design water • Drift rates below 0.001 are difficult to
flow rate. measure in the field.
• Certain water treatment chemicals
can impact the drift rate.

Drift Eliminator
separate from fill
on some models.



Distribution System
and Fan Deck

Specifications Specification Value

8.0 Hot Water Distribution System: Gravity-flow distribution basins
are a feature of crossflow type
8.1 Two stainless steel open basins (one towers, resulting in operating pump
above each bank of fill) shall receive heads of 10 to 20 feet less than that
hot water piped to each cell of the encountered in counterflow towers
tower. These basins shall be installed with pressurized spray systems.
and sealed at the factory, and shall Also, these basins are located where
be equipped with removable, they can be easily inspected—even
stainless steel covers capable of maintained—while the tower is in
withstanding the loads described in operation.
paragraph 4.1. All components of
these basins, with the exception of Some manufacturers require shutting
the nozzles, shall be stainless steel. down the tower to clean the distribution
The water distribution system shall system. Can you afford to do that?
be accessible and maintainable Variable flow nozzles are for the water
during tower fan and water distribution basin for application where
operation. reduced flowrate is required for variable
8.2 Each basin shall include an inlet flow chiller applications. Variable flow
hole and bolt circle to accept a nozzles also help prevent ice formation
125# flange connection per ANSI on the fill during cold weather.
B16.1. Removable, interchangeable Materials other than heavy-gauge steel
polypropylene nozzles installed for fan decks may be unable to meet
in the floor of these basins shall your specified loading requirements.
provide full coverage of the fill by See remarks Guardrail and Ladder on
gravity flow. page 13.
8.3 The water distribution system shall In addition steel is excellent at resisting
be accessible and maintainable damage, cracking, UV and fire.
while tower is operating. The heavy construction of the Trane fan
8.4 Variable Flow Nozzles - guard generally precludes the need for
Cooling Tower to accept variable stainless steel material. If you would
flow, the hot water distribution prefer these to be stainless steel, please
system shall employ variable flow adjust the wording of the last sentence
nozzles to assure even distribution accordingly.
of hot water over the fill area during
reduced flow conditions.
9.0 Casing, Fan Deck and Fan Guard:
9.1 The casing and fan deck shall be
heavy-gauge stainless steel, and
shall be capable of withstanding
the loads described in paragraph
4.1. The top of the fan cylinder
shall be equipped with a conical,
non-sagging, removable fan guard,
fabricated of welded 5/16" and 7
gauge rods, and hot dip galvanized
after fabrication. Fan cylinders 5'-0"
in height and over shall not be
required to have a fan guard.

Access and
Cold Water Basin

Specifications Specification Value

10.0 Access: The
10.1 A large stainless steel, rectangular doors on
access door shall be located on both TQ8401
end panels for entry into the cold and
water basin. Doors shall provide TQ8402
access to the fan plenum area towers
to facilitate inspection and allow are 30"
maintenance to the fan drive system. wide
11.0 Cold Water Collection Basin: by 33"
high. On
11.1 The collection basin shall be heavy- TQ8403
gauge S300 stainless steel, and thru
shall include the number and type TQ8414
of suction connections required to the access doors are 48" high. Small
accommodate the outflow piping access doors are prohibitive and
system shown on the plans. Suction discourage maintenance, which
connections shall be equipped with in turn can impact your operation.
stainless steel debris screens. A Specifying the size of the door
factory-installed, float-operated, will cause some bidders to take
mechanical make-up valve shall be exception, alerting you to a potential
included. An overflow and drain maintenance headache. Two doors
connection shall be provided in each are standard on all Series Quiet Class
cell of the cooling tower. The basin towers—one in each endwall.
floor shall slope toward the drain to
allow complete flush out of debris The Series Quiet tower design offers
and silt which may accumulate. side-suctions, side-outlet sumps and
Towers of more than one cell shall bottom outlets to accommodate a
include stainless steel flumes for significant variety of piping schemes.
flow and equalization between Unless so specified, the tower you
cells. The basin shall be accessible may be asked to approve may only
and maintainable while water is be available with one type of suction
circulating. connection, requiring you to redesign
your piping layout.

Guardrail and

Specifications Specification Value

The Series Quiet cooling tower
Convenience and Safety has been designed to minimize the
Options need for maintenance personnel to
Guardrail and Ladder: get on top of the tower to perform
maintenance and inspections.
Para. 10.2: Add the following paragraph
in the Access section: The top of the For the comfort and safety of your
tower shall be equipped with a sturdy operating
guardrail, complete with kneerail personnel, we
and toeboard, designed according to recommend that
OSHA guidelines and factory welded you specify a ladder
into subassemblies for ease of field and guardrail—and
installation. Posts, toprails and kneerails that you require
shall be 1.5 " square tubing. The it of all bidders!
guardrail assembly shall be hot dipped Although not
galvanized after welding and capable of required for safe
withstanding a 200 pound concentrated operation by OSHA many user's own
live load in any direction. Posts shall be safety rules may dictate these options.
spaced on centers of 8'-0" or less. A 1'-6" Outside the tower, stainless steel
wide aluminum ladder with 3" I-beam guardrail material is not normally
side rails and 1.25" diameter rungs shall considered necessary. If your air quality
be permanently attached to the endwall is sufficiently poor to warrant stainless
casing of the tower, rising from the base steel, change the specification wording
of the tower to the top of the guardrail. accordingly.
Ladder Extension: Many towers are installed such that the
Para. 10.2: Add the following to the base of the tower is 2'-0" or more above
end of the above paragraph: Provide a the roof or grade level. This makes
ladder extension for connection to the it difficult to get up to the foot of the
foot of the ladder attached to the tower attached ladder. The ladder extension
casing. This extension shall be long alleviates this problem. Trane ladder
enough to rise from the roof (grade) extensions are available in standard 5'-
level to the base of the tower. The 0" and 11'-0" lengths.
installing contractor shall be responsible To meet OSHA guidelines, towers
for cutting the ladder to length; whose fan decks are 20'-0" or more
attaching it to the foot of the tower above roof or grade, and which are
ladder; and anchoring it at its base. equipped with ladders, should have
Ladder Safety Cage: safety cages surrounding the ladders,
but with approximately 7'-0" clear
Para. 10.3: Add the following paragraph headroom.
in the Access section: A heavy gauge
aluminum safety cage shall surround Outside the tower, stainless steel
the ladder, extending from a point safety cage material is not normally
approximately 7'-0" above the foot of considered necessary. If you air quality
the ladder to the top of the guardrail. is sufficiently poor to warrant stainless
steel, change the specification wording
Ladder Safety Gate: accordingly.
Para. 10.3: Add the following paragraph A galvanized self-closing gate located
in the Access section: A galvanized at the guardrail level of the fan deck,
steel, self-closing gate shall be provided exterior motor access platform and
at the guardrail level of the ladder. access door platform. Stainless steel
is available with the stainless guardrail

Guardrail and



Extension Access Door Platform

Convenience and
Safety Options

Specifications Specification Value Note: OSHA and other concerned

Where towers are installed on an authorities are in the process of
Convenience and Safety elevated grillage or piers, it is often developing guidelines regarding the
Options difficult to get to—and through—the safety procedures and protective
Access Door Platform: access door conveniently. This equipment that should be provided
platform provides easy, safe and maintenance personnel who are
Para. 10.2: Add the following paragraph comfortable access to that door. It required to go inside cooling towers.
in the Access section: There shall be an also extends beyond the door to We feel it advisable to provide for as
access platform at the base of the tower provide ready access to the optional much maintenance as possible from
extending from the vertical ladder to the Control System. See drawing on page outside the cooling tower and, to that
endwall access door. The platform shall 13 and photo on page 15. end, offer such options as Guardrail and
be surrounded by a guardrail, kneerail Ladder—pg 12, Ladder Extension—pg
and toeboard. Outside the tower, stainless steel
platform material is not normally 12, Ladder Safety Cage—pg 12, Access
Plenum Walkway: considered necessary. If you air quality Door Platform—pg 14, and Motor
Para. 10.2: Add the following paragraph is sufficiently poor to warrant stainless Out of the Airstream—pg 18. Such
in the Access section: Provide a factory- steel, change the specification wording interior convenience options as Plenum
installed, stainless steel walkway accordingly. Walkway—pg 14, that are offered are
extending from one endwall access not meant as an invitation to perform
door to the other endwall. This walkway inside maintenance. They are intended
shall be supported by a stainless steel solely to maximize the comfort and
framework, and the top of the walkway safety of maintenance personnel during
shall be at or above the cold water basin the performance of any inside work may
overflow level. become necessary.

Interior Mechanical Equipment

Access Platform TQ8402 thru TQ8409
Para. 10.2: Add the following paragraph
in the Access section: A factory-
installed, elevated stainless steel grating
platform convenient to the care and
maintenance of the tower's mechanical
equipment shall be provided.
Interior Mechanical Equipment
Access Platform TQ8411 thru TQ8414
Para. 10.2: Add the following paragraph
in the Access section: An internal ladder
shall extend upward from the plenum
walkway to an elevated fiberglass bar
grating platform convenient to the
care and maintenance of the tower's
mechanical equipment. The platform
shall be surrounded by a sturdy
guardrail and kneerail system.

Control System

Specifications wired to terminal points inside the terminal

box. Optional tower components which
Control Options ship loose, including the oil level switch and
Fan Motor Starter Control Panel: immersion heaters shall be field wired to
Para. 6.4: Add the following paragraph the terminal box. Enclosure shall be NEMA
in the Mechanical Equipment section: 4X fiberglass with hinged and lockable door
Each cell of the cooling tower shall be meeting UL 508, CSA and IEC standards.
equipped with a UL / CUL 508 listed Terminal box shall include lockable stainless
control panel in a NEMA 3R or 4X outdoor steel snap-latch door fasteners, terminal
enclosure capable of controlling single- blocks marked with wire numbers, sub-pan
speed or two-speed motors as required, and a wiring diagram. Complete assembly
and designed specifically for cooling tower shall be built to UL 508A standards. Conduit
applications. The panel shall include a main entry and exit points shall be the bottom of
circuit breaker or main fused disconnect the enclosure preventing water collection in
with an external operating handle, the enclosure.
lockable in the off position for safety. Full Specification Value
voltage non-reversing magnetic starter If it is your opinion that the control
shall be controlled with a thermostatic system for the cooling tower be
or solid-state temperature controller. part of the tower manufacturer’s
Door mounted selector switches shall be responsibility, we are in wholehearted
provided to enable automatic or manual agreement with you. Who better to
control and wired for 120VAC control. determine the most efficient mode
Control circuit to be wired out to terminal and manner of a cooling tower’s
blocks for field connection to a remote operation—and to apply a system
vibration switch, overload trip alarms and most compatible with it—than the
remote temperature control devices. The designer and manufacturer of the
temperature controller shall be adjustable cooling tower?
for the required cold-water temperature.
If a thermostatic controller is used it shall
be mounted on the side of the tower with
the temperature sensing bulb installed in
the cold water basin using a suspension
mounting bracket. If a solid-state
temperature controller is used the controller
will be door mounted on the control panel.
The solid-state temperature controller will
display two temperatures, one for outgoing
water and the other for set point. Water
temperature input shall be obtained using
a three-wire RTD with dry well in the outlet
water piping and wired back to the solid-
state temperature controller in the control Trane variable speed drives are also
panel. available for the ultimate in temperature
Trane TF Terminal Box: control, energy management and
mechanical equipment longevity. See
Para. 6.4: Add the following paragraph specifications on page 17.
in the Mechanical Equipment section:
AFurnish a factory installed terminal box
mounted to the outside of the tower where
applicable. The fan motor and optional
components including the vibration switch
and water level probes shall be factory

Control Options

Specifications: Electric Water Level Control: The Trane basin heater components
described at left represent our
Control Options Para. 11.1: Replace this paragraph
recommendation for a reliable
with the following: The collection
Vibration Limit Switch: basin shall be heavy-gauge series 300 automatic system for the prevention
Para. 6.5: Add the following paragraph stainless steel and shall include the of basin freezing. They are normally
in the Mechanical Equipment section: number and type of suction connections shipped separately for installation at
A single-pole, double-throw vibration required to accommodate the out-flow the jobsite by the installing contractor.
limit switch in a NEMA 4 housing piping system shown on the plans. When purchased in conjunction with
shall be installed on the mechanical Suction connections shall be equipped the enhanced Control System option,
equipment support for wiring into with stainless steel debris screens. A however, they are customarily factory-
the fan motor shutdown circuit. The solid-state water level control system mounted and tested.
purpose of this switch will be to to monitor the water level with a Submerged in basin water, in which
interrupt power to the motor in the multi-relay control panel pre-wired and zinc ions are present, copper immersion
event of excessive vibration. It shall mounted in a NEMA 4X nonmetallic heaters must not be used. Insist upon
be adjustable for sensitivity, and shall enclosure shall be provided. The system stainless steel.
require manual reset. shall consist of water level sensing
Basin Heater: and control units in quantities and
locations as indicated on the drawings.
Para. 11.2: Add the following paragraph An overflow and drain connection shall
in the Cold Water Basin section: be provided in each cell of the cooling
Provide a system of electric immersion tower. The basin floor shall slope
heaters and controls for each cell of toward the drain to allow complete
the tower to prevent freezing of water flush out of debris and silt which may
in the collection basin during periods accumulate. Towers of more than one
of shutdown. The system shall consist cell shall include stainless steel flumes
of one or more stainless steel electric for flow and equalization between
immersion heaters installed in threaded cells. The basin shall be accessible and
couplings provided in the side of maintainable while water is circulating.
the basin. A NEMA 4 enclosure shall
house a magnetic contactor to energize
heaters; a transformer to provide 24-volt Specification Value The ambient air temperature that you
control circuit power; and a solid-state Unless specified otherwise, a Metrix insert in the specifications should be the
circuit board for temperature and low switch will be provided. A double- lowest 1% level of winter temperature
water cut-off. A control probe shall be pole, double-throw model is also prevalent at site.
located in the basin to monitor water available. If purchased in conjunction Solid-state liquid level controls provide
level and temperature. The system with the Control System, it is also you with state of the art systems to
shall be capable of maintaining 40°F factory-wired. The requirement for control and monitor the water level in
water temperature at an ambient air manual reset assures that the cooling your cooling tower collection basin.
temperature of _____ °F. tower will be visited to determine the Relays operating in conjunction with
cause of excess vibration. suspended stainless steel electrode
probes monitor basin water levels,
providing simple solenoid-valve water
makeup or discrete on/off signals to
more sophisticated automation controls.
Optional configurations might include
makeup along with high and low water
level alarm and cutoff, or pump cutoff.
Packaged systems including any of
these variations are available.

Variable Speed

Specifications Trane Premium VFD System The cooling tower manufacturer shall
supply VFD start-up assistance. Tower
Control Options Para. 6.4: Add the following paragraph
vibration testing throughout the speed
in the Mechanical Equipment section
Fan Motor Variable Speed Drive: when VFD is used as a stand alone range is required to identify and lockout
Trane TR200 System system: A complete UL listed Variable any natural frequency vibration levels
Speed Drive system in a NEMA 12 indoor which may exceed CTI guidelines.
Para. 6.4: Add the following paragraph
in the Mechanical Equipment section or NEMA 3R outdoor enclosure shall Specification Value
when VFD is used with customers be provided. The VFD shall use PWM Trane Variable Speed Drive systems
Building Management System: A technology with IGBT switching and are designed to combine absolute
complete UL listed Variable Speed Drive integrated bypass design. VFD output temperature control with ideal energy
system in a NEMA 1 indoor, NEMA 12 switching shall not cause mechanical management. The cooling tower user
indoor or NEMA 3R outdoor enclosure issues with gearbox teeth or drive shafts. selects a cold water temperature and
shall be provided. The VFD shall use The VFD shall catch a fan spinning in the the drive system will vary the fan speed
PWM technology with IGBT switching reverse direction without tripping. The to maintain that temperature. Precise
and integrated bypass design. VFD out panel shall include a main disconnect temperature control is accomplished
put switching shall not cause mechanical with short circuit protection and external with far less stress to the mechanical
issues with gearbox teeth or drive shafts. operating handle, lockable in the off equipment components. The improved
The VFD shall catch a fan spinning in the position for safety. The system shall energy management provides fast
reverse direction without tripping. The include a solid state, PI temperature payback to the user.
panel shall include a main disconnect controller to adjust frequency output of
with short circuit protection and external the drive in response to the tower cold-
operating handle, lockable in the off water temperature. The temperature
position for safety. The VFD system shall of the cold water and set point shall be
receive a speed reference signal from the displayed on the door of the control panel.
Building Management System monitoring The bypass shall include a complete
the tower cold-water temperature. As an magnetic bypass circuit with capability
option to receiving the speed reference to isolate the VFD when in the bypass
signal from a building management mode. Transfer to the bypass mode shall
system, the drive must have the capability be automatic in the event of VFD failure or
to receive a 4-20 ma temperature signal for specific trip conditions allowing safe
from an RTD transmitter. The VFD transfer of utility voltage to the motor.
shall have an internal PI regulator to Automatic bypass with an earth ground
modulate fan speed maintaining set point condition is not allowed. The bypass
temperature. The drive’s panel display contactor shall be cycled on and off while
shall be able to display the set-point operating in bypass, to maintain the
temperature and cold-water temperature set-point temperature of the cold water.
on two separate lines. The bypass shall The drive design shall be operated as a
include a complete magnetic bypass stand- alone system without the need for TR200 Series drives support standard
circuit and with capability to isolate the a BMS system. Operator controls shall open protocols and are compatible with
VFD when in the bypass mode. Transfer be mounted on the front of the enclosure virtually all HVAC equipment and building
to the bypass mode shall be manual in and shall consist of start and stop control, automation systems
the event of VFD failure. Once the motor bypass/VFD selector switch, Auto/Manual
is transferred to the by-pass circuit the fan selector switch, manual speed control,
motor will run at constant full speed. The and solid-state temperature controller. An
bypass circuit will not modulate ON and emergency bypass selector switch internal
OFF based on cold-water temperature. to the panel allowing the cooling tower
The application must be able to handle fan motor to be run at full speed shall be
very cold water while VFD is in a by-pass furnished. To pre vent heating problems
mode. Operator controls shall be mounted in the cooling tower fan motor the VFD
on the front of the enclosure and shall system shall de energize the motor once
consist of start and stop control, bypass/ 25% motor speed is reached and cooling
VFD selection, Auto/Manual selections, is no longer required. The VFD shall
manual speed control. include de-icing logic with auto canceling
and adjustable time. Speed in De-Ice
mode shall not exceed 50 % motor speed.


Specification Specification Value Extensions are available in 1’-0

For many years, a feature of Trane increments to a maximum height
Miscellaneous Options cooling towers was that the electric equal to the diameter of the fan.
Motor out of the Airstream: motors were located outside the fan Such extensions may be considered
Para. 6.1: Add the following to the cylinders, where they were easily necessary in order to elevate the
end of this paragraph: The motor shall accessible, and where they were not discharge beyond the bounds of an
be mounted outside the casing of subjected to the constant humidity enclosure. Discuss applicability with
the tower, and shall be connected to that exists inside the tower plenum. your local Trane sales representative.
the gear reducer by a dynamically-  rane flow-control valves remain
balanced, stainless steel tube and serviceable for the life of the tower
flange driveshaft. and provide a continuing means of
Fan Cylinder Extensions: flow-regulation between hot water
basins—and between cells of multicell
Para. 9.1: Insert the following after the towers as well.
first sentence: Fan cylinder extensions
shall be provided to elevate the fan
discharge to a height of ___ ft above the
fan deck level.
Inlet Flow Control Valves:
Para. 8.2: Add the following to the end
of the paragraph: Heavy-duty flow
regulator valves shall be provided at
the hot water inlet connections. These Although improved motor designs
valves shall be disc-type, with cast iron (insulation, bearings, seals, and
bodies and stainless steel operating lubricants) have now made it feasible
stems. There shall be a locking handle for us to locate the motor inside the
to maintain the valve setting in any tower in close-coupled proximity to
position. Valves shall be right-angle the Geareducer® (page 8), many users
configuration, precluding the need for still prefer the motor to be located
inlet elbows. outside the humid airstream. If you
are among those users—or are among
those who see the wisdom of their
thinking—please specify this option. If
you do, however, please require it of all

Sound Control

Specifications Specification Value • A Trane Variable Speed Drive

automatically minimize the tower’s
Miscellaneous Options • Where it is your intention to be
noise level during periods of reduced
able to operate both cells of the
Equalizer Flume Weir Gates: tower while the flume cover plate is load and/or reduced ambient
Para. 11.2: Add the following paragraph installed, separate outlet connections, temperature without sacrificing
under Cold Water Collection Basin: float valves and overflows must be the system’s ability to maintain a
The interconnecting flume between provided for each cell. Likewise, this constant cold water temperature.
cells shall be equipped with a would require separate sensors and This is a relatively inexpensive
removable cover plate to permit the controls for basin heater systems, if solution, and can pay for itself
shutdown of one cell for maintenance installed. quickly in reduced energy costs.
purposes, or to permit independent cell • Sound produced by a standard Series
operation. Quiet Cooling Tower operating in
Sound Control an unobstructed environment will
meet all but the most restrictive noise
63 125 250 500 1000
limitations—and will react favorably
Air Inlet
to natural attenuation. Where the
Cased cooling tower has been sized to
operate within an enclosure, the
Location 2000 4000 8000 Overall dB(A) enclosure itself will have a damping
Discharge effect on sound. Sound also declines
Air Inlet with distance—by about 5 or 6 dB(A)
Cased each time the distance doubles.
Para. 1.2: Add the following paragraph Where noise at a critical point is likely
under Base: The cooling tower shall be to exceed an acceptable limit, you
quiet operation, and shall produce an have several options—listed below in
ascending order of cost impact: • The most extreme cases may require
overall level of sound not higher than inlet and discharge sound attenuator
_______ dB(A) measured at _______ ft • Where only a slight reduction in sections—however, the static
from the locations in the table below. noise will satisfy—and the source of pressure loss imposed by discharge
All low noise options and combinations concern is in a particular direction— attenuators may necessitate an
shall be CTI Certified for thermal merely turning the cooling tower increase in tower size. Two stages
performance. may be the answer. Less sound of inlet or discharge attenuators
Inlet Sound Attenuation: emanates from the cased face of the supported by the tower and designed
cooling tower than does from the air and tested for the most stringent
Para. 1.3: Add the following paragraph intake face. requirements are available as an
under Base: The cooling tower shall be option.
equipped with inlet sound attenuation • In many cases, noise concerns are
baffles positioned and spaced vertically. limited to nighttime, when ambient
The baffles will be spaced across the noise levels are lower and neighbors
entire length and extend the full height are trying to sleep. You can usually
of the air inlet. The baffles will be resolve these situations by using
constructed of perforated sheet metal two-speed motors—operating the
and contained within a steel box which fans at reduced speed without
is self supporting. The inlet attenuation cycling “after hours”. The natural
will not be allowed to impact the nighttime reduction in wet-bulb
thermal performance efficiency of the temperature makes this a very
basic tower configuration. feasible solution in most areas of
the world, but the need to avoid
cycling may cause the cold water
temperature to vary significantly.

Low Noise Fan

Specifications Ultra Quiet Fan Tip Speed—unlike thermal performance,

no certification program exists for
Miscellaneous Options Para. 6.1: Replace paragraph 6.1
sound. While Trane conducts actual
with the following: Fan(s) shall be
Outlet Sound Attenuation: propeller-type, incorporating wide- sound tests on all its configurations
Para. 1.4: Add the following paragraph chord forward-swept FRP blades there are only a few ways for the client
under Base: The cooling tower and galvanized hubs. Blades shall be to ensure they get a quiet tower.
shall be equipped with outlet sound individually adjustable. Maximum • One is to conduct a field sound test
attenuation baffles positioned and fan tip speed shall be 10,000 ft/min. after installation. On-site testing
spaced horizontally across the entire fan Fan(s) shall be driven through a right after installation can however
opening. The baffles will be constructed angle, industrial duty, oil lubricated, be inaccurate depending on the
of perforated sheet metal and contained geared speed reducer that requires no environment.
within a steel box which is self oil changes for the first five (5) years • Another is to conduct a sound test at
supporting. of operation. The gearbox bearings the factory. However both can be cost
Quiet Fan shall be rated at an L10A service life of prohibitive for smaller applications.
100,000 hours or greater. Available on
Para. 6.1: Replace paragraph 6.1 with Models TQ8402 through TQ8414. • Specifying fan blade tip speed is one
the following: Fan(s) shall be propeller- way to physically force the tower
type, incorporating a minimum of seven Specification Value selection to be quiet. Tip speed is
wide-chord aluminum alloy blades Falling water sound—unlike easily checked by multiplying the
and galvanized hubs. Blades shall be counterflow towers which allow the fan rpm by the fan circumference at
individually adjustable. Maximum water to free-fall and splash into the the blade tip (π fan dia). Over 12,000
fan tip speed shall be 11,000 ft/min. cold water collection basin, PVC film-fill ft/min is considered high by most
Fan(s) shall be driven through a right crossflow towers have no splashing. people. 10,000-12,000 is considered
angle, industrial duty, oil lubricated, This allows a crossflow tower much typical and expected. 8,000-10,000
geared speed reducer that requires no lower sound levels at the air inlet would be considered low noise.
oil changes for the first five (5) years than a counterflow tower—especially Below 8,000 is difficult to hear above
of operation. The gearbox bearings induced draft counterflow towers. Even the water noise.
shall be rated at an L10A service life of with the “splash-matting” option in a  or more severe cases requiring the
100,000 hours or greater. counterflow cold water collection basin, lowest possible fan sound levels the
6.1 (alternate)* Fan(s) shall be propeller- a crossflow tower air inlet is still quieter. Trane “Ultra Quiet” fan option is now
type, incorporating a minimum of Plus you do not have to worry about available on all but the TQ8401 TQ
seven wide-chord aluminum alloy clogging the splash matting. Yet another models. Tower height may increase
blades and galvanized hubs. Blades maintenance and operation advantage slightly—obtain current sales drawings
shall be individually adjustable. of the crossflow configuration. from your Trane sales representative
Fan(s) shall be driven through a one-  he Trane “Quiet Package” includes
T for accurate dimensions. If your
piece multi-groove, solid back V-type the affordable Quiet Fan mechanical requirement calls for inlet and outlet
belt, pulleys, and tapered roller option, optimized to achieve the lowest attenuation, you might consider the
bearings. Bearings shall be rated at possible sound levels while maintaining Ultra Quiet fan in lieu of attenuation.
an L10A service life of 40,000 hours efficiency. In combination with a Trane Outlet attenuators are not available with
or greater. Variable Speed Drive, this package is the Ultra Quiet Fan option.
*Currently available on models 60hp or capable of meeting all but the most
less. restrictive noise limitations.


Specifications Specification Value

This option reduces what might
Miscellaneous Options otherwise be a complex hot water
Single Hot Water Inlet piping layout to a simple, single
Connection per Cell: connection per cell. It also avoids an
Para. 8.2: Replace this paragraph with unsightly (perhaps unsafe) maze of
the following: Each cell of the tower pipe exposed above the top deck of
shall include a single hot water inlet the tower.
connection located as shown on the The single inlet connection can be
plans. An internal system of piping shall located either in the tower’s endwall
deliver water equally to the distribution casing, or below the cold water basin.
basins without the need for balancing The endwall entry point is suitable for
valves. This internal piping system shall single-cell towers, and for those that
require no scheduled maintenance, might be installed in groups of two cells
and shall be located such that it does each. Bottom inlet piping lends itself
not interfere with normal maintenance to close-spaced, multicell installations
access. The internal piping must extend and to those situations where it is
to the tower exterior. Removable, appropriate to keep all pipework below
interchangeable polypropylene nozzles the level of the tower.
installed in the floor of these basins Be sure to specify that the internal pipe
shall provide full coverage of the fill by extends to the tower exterior panel,
gravity flow. either the casing panel or collection
Air Inlet Screens: basin floor. Some manufacturers
Para. 9.1: Add the following paragraph require the contractor to complete the
to the Casing, Fan Deck and Fan Guard internal piping adding to your cost.
section: The air inlet faces of the tower In wooded or windy areas, these
shall be covered by 1” mesh hot-dipped screens help to keep leaves or blowing
galvanized welded wire screens. debris out of the cooling tower and
Screens shall be secured to removable circulating water system.
galvanized U-edge frames. Screens High wind load designs greater than
shall be designed so bottom half can 30 psf are available up to 100 psf. It
be removed for easy access to the cold is important to consult the local code
water basin. official for actual requirements. Some
High Wind Load/Seismic Designs: manufacturers will claim their tower is
Para. 4.1: Replace this paragraph with capable but have never had the design
the following: The tower structure, reviewed by a licensed structural
anchorage and all its components shall engineer. Not requiring this review
be designed by licensed structural for high wind and seismic regions is
engineers per the international building dangerous to you and the public.
code to withstand a wind load of ______
psf, as well as a ______ seismic load.
The fan deck and hot water basin covers
shall be designed for 50 psf live load or
a 200 lb. concentrated load. Guardrails,
where specified, shall be capable of
withstanding a 200 lb. concentrated
live load in any direction, and shall be
designed in accordance with OSHA


Specifications Specification Value

Used as water level equalizers
Miscellaneous Options between multicell towers. Not
Multicell Basin Equalizer Outlets: intended for water migration. Piping
Para. 11.1: Add the following paragraph and attachment hardware by others.
in the Access section: A hole and bolt Flat faced flange required.
circle shall be provided in the depressed PVC sweeper piping and nozzles.
section of the basin for equalizer piping The dipstick option is accessible from
between cells. A full-face, .25” thick, 50 a portable maintenance ladder on one
durometer gasket shall be provided at and two cell towers only. Maintenance
each equalizer location. considerations recommends this option
Basin Sweeper Piping: be combined with the ladder and
Para. 11.1: Add the following paragraph guardrail option on installations of three
in the Access section: The cold water or more cells since the dipstick cannot
basin shall be equipped with PVC be reached without accessing the fan
sweeper piping with plastic eductor deck.
nozzles. The piping should create a
grid under the fill and force all dirt and
debris to the depressed section of the
collection basin.
Extended Geareducer Lube Line with
Para. 6.1: Add the following paragraph
in the Mechanical Equipment section:
An external oil level dipstick shall be
located adjacent to the motor at the fan
deck surface and shall be accessible
from a portable maintenance ladder.

Literature Order Number COOL-PRC003-EN
Date August 2009 Supersedes PL-RF-000-COOL-PRC003-EN-808

For more information, contact your local Trane Trane has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement and reserves the right to
office or e-mail us at change design and specifications without notice.

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