Black Magic Course in Theory and Practice
Black Magic Course in Theory and Practice
Black Magic Course in Theory and Practice
(A Publication of the Temple of the Princeps
First part.
How would we define the concept of Magic? The scholar,
Magician and Doctor Stephen E. Flowers in his book "Lords of the
Left Hand Path", defines Magic as "... It is the application through
the will of symbolic methods to cause prevent changes in the
universe through symbolic actions related to paranormal factors.
These factors could exist outside or within the subjective
universe of the operator.” Magic is the way to make things
happen, that in ordinary circumstances would not happen... In
magic, the individual will is of vital importance and is considered
to have a real and independent existence. Well ... here we find the
important aspect and the concept of a conscious will that has a
real and independent existence. Compare the importance of the
prominent factor of the concept of the will to that defined by the
English Ipsissimus and Magus Aleister Crowley: "Magic is the
science and art of causing change according to the will." All this
fits the general axiom of an LHP practitioner operating with the
Black Magic "Do My Will", instead of the axiom of White Magic
"Thy will be done."
The problem with White Magic is that the operator really needs
to have a strong and independent will to practice magic
successfully, practice the ritual that is practiced, the individual
always isolates himself from everything that does not have to do
with his goal. Therefore, it focuses on its "Conscious I", and from
this conscious "I" spills its will as if it were a laser towards its
objective, the operator cannot have at that moment another will
that his. White Magicians may believe that by joining "God" and
proclaiming His will, that will is not theirs but that of "God." This
is a gigantic mistake! The magical will can have no other source
than the Conscious I, the White Magician simply and hypocritically
disguises its "I" imaginatively from "God" (the objective universe
and its imaginary consciousness of it) ; While casting its spells in
the name of this God. However, there is no other god there who
does his magic more than he or she, the individual who every
morning sees his reflection in the mirror! Said artifice, is fine for
an individual completed and under the weight of the myth of
"original sin", giving responsibility to an imagined God, instead of
making himself, as does the mature Black Magician, charge of any
consequence that manifests through its ritual or magic action.
The truth is that it does not matter that the White Magician prays
and invokes a God, a goddess, or a herd of gods and goddesses,
the psychological attitude is the same. "Please dad God or mama
goddess take care of me and make me feel that I belong to
something, support me, take care of me, accept me, that nothing
bad happens to me ... "(" ad nauseam! ").
The Black Magician has no such psychology of guilt or childishness.
The Black Magician does not seek this kind of immersion of the "I."
We do not seek for any god or "superior being" to approve our
decisions and our morality! We ourselves assume such
responsibility! Magic itself is an operative factor of the will of an
individual and isolated intelligent consciousness. Yourself! We do
not pray to the Princeps Tenebrarum (The Prince of Darkness), nor
do we invoke him to bless us, nor help us, nor to curse our enemies,
either inside or outside. The Princeps gave us its own Essence, our
individual and isolated intelligent consciousness (which does not
belong to and is not part of the objective universe), from this
consciousness there forms an independent and proper will, and
from that same consciousness originates the magic, Prince of
Darkness will not do the work we must do for ourselves. This is
because we have all the tools in our unnatural configuration or
intelligent individual consciousness, to become immortal beings
with a powerful power to transform and change things "outside"
and "inside" of us. Like the Princeps Tenebrarum, his Essence is in
us, in a few words… The Initiate strives through the gifts of his
conscience, intelligence and independent will, to attain self-
deification, and access to greater divine states by discovering the
way of living forever and becoming a shining star in the firmament.
The Ipsissimus of the Temple of Seth, Dr. Michael Aquino,
illustrates very well in one of his erudite writings the purpose of
the Black Magician: "The good Magician must develop and
ultimately master the ability to become constant, and all Other
than the variable, subject to their will ". For this, in part, there are
the "tools" of the Temple of the Princeps Tenebrarum. Therefore,
you must strive to achieve this sublime goal. The rituals given in
this lesson are a beginning. It is in your hands and in accordance
with your will to develop these principles, to learn and understand
them in your praxis, making them real in yourself and your life! At
the beginning you will copy or rely on our written rituals here, but
we hope that as your personal understanding of Black Magic
increases, as well as your readings and researches of other Temple
materials, you will be able to create your own rituals, Getting what
we call the degree of "Adept", the second degree of recognition
within the TPT initiatory ladder.
This is very necessary to purify the will when it comes to doing
Black Magic. The concept of "antinomianism," which means
"against the norm," the values of the masses, whether instilled by
conventional religions or directed advertising media, must be
recognized as obstacles to the individual spiritual development of
the Black Magician. Also as ways to make your will weak when
doing Black Magic. You must find, as Aleister Crowley would put
it, your true "Thelema" (a word taken from the Greek and meaning
"will"), your own will, and free from what others want for you,
what do you really want to achieve? What kind of life do you want
to live according to your own personality and essence? To achieve
Black Magic, your will must remain isolated from the
"contamination" of other profane and advertising media designed
precisely so that you do not find your own will, but rather be
following their will. That is why an introspective process of
debugging your being, of all false programming and making you a
slave is necessary. What desires are truly yours? What desires in
you have been instilled by others? (Family, couples, friends, co-
workers, religious movements that may have been in the past,
professional colleagues, salespeople, etc.). Not all these things are
your true "Thelema". Thelema is what contributes to give meaning
to your personal existence.
If an individual chooses to remain throughout his existence
governed by primitive and instinctive emotions of fear, shame, or
ardent desire for social recognition, he will never become a
Prodigious Adept of Black Magic.
Conventional society instinctively fears and often hates
everything it cannot easily understand. If you seek Initiation in the
Temple of the Princeps Tenebrarum, and make known its
membership to profane, you can be accused of all kinds of popular
ills: sexism, racism, homophobia, etc. When you can see for
yourself that the Temple does not promote such things, you will
have a clearer picture of the instinctive antipathy with which
society contemplates any manifestation of an independent
intellectual consciousness. Hence our initiatory motto: See,
awaken and act!
Therefore, your conscious and independent will must be in the
objective universe as strong upon yourself as it is the will of the
masses. Only then will it succeed with Black Magic, as a
metaphysical (initiatory) and operative concept.
Let us make the philosophical definition of the concept of Black
Magic even more crystal-clear: it is a methodology by which the
configuration of the subjective or objective universe is altered
through an act of will originating within the psyche, or the center
of the individual subjective universe. Therefore, it is a
methodology for the exercise of the independence of the “I”
from the Universe with the purpose of obtaining goals chosen by
the individual himself as subject and operator. This is a true
definition of Black Magic in its philosophical context of the Path of
the Left Hand. The objective universe is characterized, from the
magical point of view, by its "cosmic inertia." To overcome this
cosmic inertia, the Black Magician resorts to his center of power
(the Psychocentric Self, the independent and isolated psyche; the
gift of the Princeps Tenebrarum). Depending on how exact the
magical link he uses (the medium), between the subjective and
objective universe, and the amount of passion and precision
spilled from his center of power, more exact and defined in the
objective universe will be his Black Magic.
Another interesting definition by Ipsissimus of Aeon of Seth, Don
Webb, found in his famous book entitled "Uncle Sethnakt's
Essential Guide to the Left Hand Path", is this:
"Magic is the art or science of causing Change in the microcosm
(subjective universe), so that a proportional change can be caused
in the macrocosm (objective universe) depending on the passion
and precision of the Magician."
This definition is important because it makes us see that magic
must first be generated from within the Magician, and then can
be externalized as a result. Its magic (of change or transformation)
must take place first in its interior; for later reflection on the
outside; the objective universe; the initiatory Magic of the Temple
works the same way!
To conclude with the definitions of The Black Magic, I will refer to
the exquisite dialogue that Ipsissimus Mocata establishes with
Lady Eaton to explain the details of the Black Magic, at the same
time that it has under its power, in the famous film of the Hammer
production, "The Devil Rides Out", 1968, speaks so Mocata:
"- ... It is not my intention to discuss with you the advantages and
disadvantages of practicing the art of Magic. I will merely say that I am an
expert practitioner, Mr. Richleau will have described me as an evil one, but
it is not so Magic is neither good nor bad, it is only a science, the science
of making changes happen through self-will. "The sinister reputation that
accompanies it has no foundation and is based on superstition rather than
observations. The power of the will is something misunderstood for the
people, and they are credited with mysterious qualities that it does not
possess. It is only the power of the mind over matter, or more often the
power of one mind over another mind, just as His mind now submits to
mine ...”
When I saw this scene in my teens for the first time, I knew what
I wanted to be! No matter what ... I wanted to be a Black Magician!
According to Don Webb there are four types of Black Magic:
Metacommunication, sorcery, divination and Initiation Magic
(Major Black Magic). Although perhaps the four types are
somewhat "encapsulated", and "rigid." Even so, they will be useful
for glimpsing the different types of Black Magic.
Metacommunication: Hidden methodology that tries to send
messages that are less obvious than they seem. For example the
movement of Neuro-linguistic Programming. Through certain
subliminal physiological and psychological messages, it is possible
to make other human wills receive the message without
objectively filtering it first. So the individual to drive believes that
they are their own natural thoughts or impulses, and do not be
defensive when it comes to fulfilling them. The Temple of Seth
called this type of metacommunication, Minor Black Magic. We in
the Temple do not see that this kind of discipline has any
paranormal-magical factor unknown to modern science or
psychology. Therefore, for us it is not a type of magic, but it is
something that a good psychologist and physiologist will detect
quickly. Because it is based on certain images, attitudes and body
movements influence the psychology of individuals who react
"obeying" the message encrypted or symbolic: either the image,
the word, or the body. Politicians use metacommunication all the
time, the Nazis made use of it, the advertising media too, speakers,
actors etc. A study bibliography pertinent to such things is
supplied to the Adepts, the second initiatory degree of the Temple.
The Temple refers to this strictly as Metacommunication; since we
see nothing magical that advanced modern science or psychology
cannot understand. The Black Magician usually makes use of it
because it saves the time and energy to him to reach its ends.
Although, learning this method requires a lot of practice, and it is
crucial to the powerful interaction of any relationship between
one individual and another or others. The Temple is an
organization in search of truth and transparency,
metacommunication exercises against others initiated inside the
Temple to obtain personal advantages (whether sexual,
initiatory, economic or otherwise); Will have as reward the
direct expulsion of that individual from the Temple; Without
Witchcraft: is the manipulation of certain materials and words
(enchantments) to achieve a change in consciousness so that
effects are translated into the objective universe, according to our
will. Ninety percent of the practical material in this course falls
under this section! Conjurations, evocations of spirits, possessions,
sympathetic magic etc., all fall into this section in broad outline,
while the goal is to achieve some object, circumstance, being, or
physical condition. This is what the T.P.T. truly denominates
Minor Black Magic.
Divination: the process of discovering information about yourself,
others, or the universe, by means of signals and their proper
interpretation. For example, divination through Tarot cards, runes,
geomancy, crystal sphere, fire, the entrails of an animal in ancient
times, etc. When phonies use this technique or people did not
know in any way to make others do their will, it can become a form
of metacommunication. Doing it for legitimate purposes to
ascertain the fate of a person or the likely future of an event is
Minor Black Magic. In addition, if the same technique is elevated
to the concept of Major Black Magic, we would no longer have a
vulgar divination to know good or bad luck, but we would be
participating in a Profession. That is, the symbolic message, but
essentially spiritual content of a preternatural entity, such as a
God or Goddess, or the highest principle in you. For example, "The
Book of the Law" by Aleister Crowley, transmitted to him by the
intelligence Aiwaz, or "The Book of The Apparition in the Night"
transmitted to Michael A. Aquino by the God Seth. The concept of
divination and Prophecy as magical techniques in themselves, are
studied in the degree of Adept within our Temple, although
probably only a Magister Templi or another higher degree, can
certainly handle with proficiency a magical work of Prophecy.
Initiation Magic: Initiation magic is what the T.P.T. denominates
Major Black Magic, in its operative as well as illustrative aspect.
Both concepts of Major Black Magic will be explained more fully
in another writing, to avoid lengthening this introduction. In this
course, you will find a few examples of this type of Black Magic.
Initiative Magic could be defined as the creation, preservation,
understanding or development of a desired metaphysical
perception. The Master of this type of Black Magic is the Magis of
the Temple, the fifth degree of initiation, but can be practiced with
some proficiency by the Adepts and Adepts of the Temple also,
being the third degree of the Temple, the Priest or Priestess of the
Princeps Tenebrarum, magical bonds in themselves; between
them and the Prince of Darkness.
It is through the Initiative Magic, through which the individual
achieves a true initiation. In L.H.P of T.P.T., we recognize its
initiatory state: Initiate, Adept, Priest, Magister Templi, Magus
and Ipsissimus (the six initiatory degrees in our Temple, a general
description of each degree will be obtained in another writing).
Therefore, you initiate yourself in your personal search! We do not
initiate it we only recognize it. This can be formalized in a ritual
chamber, but the work is yours and yours alone. We do not
believe that by appearing before you in tunics, swords and torches,
in a psychodramatic rite, you will achieve initiatory enlightenment
in some area! This is characteristic of Masons or pseudomasons,
magical schools and orders of the R.H.P; our opinion is that they
are a fraud with respect to what the true Initiation entails.
Initiation at L.H.P. Is individual! It is you who through your
personal magical experience, your intelligence, metaphysical
abilities, and the wise use of Temple tools and the lessons learned
in your life, who will attain Initiation. Initiation is not a narrowing
of hands, secret passwords, or "initiatory greetings," and other
psychodramatic pantomimes; this is nothing more than fraud
compared to a true Initiation. Initiation is the pass of "true secret
information" not necessarily verbal, from a higher Entity (can be
the Princeps or can be for example your essential Being) to you. It
could also be compared to the concept of Anamnesis ("memory"),
as written by the philosopher Plato, of First Essential and True
Principles; we will extend this explanation further in another
Initiative Magic consists of four aspects, generally speaking, which
are purification, intensification, consummation and realization.
Purification: this is not a process that is necessarily fulfilled only
by avoiding sex or practicing fasting. However, in turn it
encompasses two processes. First, the Initiate seeks an existential
or metaphysical question to answer. He turns it in his head, reads
appropriate bibliographies, and begins to study the subject from
a Socratic reductionist point of view. Talk to other people or
Prinquepsian Initiates about the question, link his question to
what science can say (maybe quantum science has something to
say about it?), Use his logic first to answer the question, to pass
later to other metaphysical means: divination, professed etc...
That is rationally treats the question from all its possible angles,
until it can no longer by way of reason. It is the solipsist, who runs
the risk of self-delusion, that is why our Temple exists as a means
of communicating initiatory ideas, and the Prinquepsian Adept is
encouraged to communicate with other members.
Secondly, it requires the Initiate, so long as he is focused on this
Work, and temporarily close any mundane "channel" that would
distract him. For a handful of Prinquepsians, this can be to
disconnect their cell phones, stop watching TV, suspend social life,
stop surfing on the web, meditate at certain hours of the night or
day at work in question, avoiding Certain drinks or foods that
would muddy the senses, etc., for an occasional time, or more or
less long. These are just some general ideas, and may or may not
serve to the Initiate in question and the specific Work he wants to
carry out. Being able to create, if his want, his own. The
Prinquepsian Black Magician voluntarily isolates himself from all
that would distract him and would distance himself from this
Work. (No one in the Temple told him that Initiation was as easy
as reading Temple theory and going after a few months to a ritual
ceremony of tunics, swords, torches and staff with his
Prinquepsian colleagues, in which the High Priest I would declare
Ipsissimus !!!, such frauds we leave to others).
Intensification: this process allows one's senses (physical and
metaphysical) to focus on objects, things, ornaments, symbols,
actions, etc., that stimulate the creation of the proper psychic
atmosphere, and stimulate (or "transfigure") the senses towards
the work in question. This may involve the choice of a specific
piece of music, a work of art, a special type of clothing, a specific
setting for the ritual chamber, or other personal aesthetic
decisions. This process allows the consciousness to slip into a
divine level, what we call "self-deification." This is the state sought
by the Path of the Left Hand, such a glimpse of the divine state
partially or more broadly, occurs in this step, and constitutes a
kind of "journey" for the soul. The ultimate aim of L.H.P. Is that
the Initiate becomes an immortal consciousness or psyche, which
can act or not act in the material world as it wishes.
Consummation: The desired state or consciousness of being. It is
obtained through symbolic actions, the external condensation of
that mental state could be as simple as drinking a few meows of a
horn, if the ritual has a magical context Odian (with Odin).
Meaning this, obtaining the wisdom and insight required to arrive
intuitively at the answer to the chosen Magical Work. This phase
uses the physical body so that "the mind is worked or enlightened
by Mind." The change or transformation of the Initiate, after
obtaining the Intuitive Understanding of his work is recorded at
this stage, and such change or transformation will be manifested
first in all the psychic levels of the Initiate. To later, manifest in the
objective universe (Black magic with results!).
Realization or objective action: The initiatory magic is not
automatic in itself. That is, the Initiate will not leave his ritual
chamber after finishing the Black Magic Major Work being
immediately a new man or woman with omnipotent powers to
knock the world at his feet. Therefore, the next day the Initiate
plans to act in some direction in the objective universe that is in
harmony with what he came to glimpse at the stage of
consummation and attuned to his new state of being. This could
be leaving his current job to open his own business on specific
products, writing a book, starting in criminal law classes, starting
an artist career, promoting a new hobby, etc. This is a secret to
manifest the Magic, which few occultists will want to carry out. If
after doing your Initiation Magic you continue to do the same
things, and thinking the same things, your Initiation Magic has
been a psychodramatic self-deception and a failure. A simple
respite from the tensions of a frustrated life. A Black Magician
from L.H.P. Materialize their visions in the world of the five senses,
taking risks and enjoying the process and change, as well as
learning even more. Black Magic not only changes the objective
universe, but yourself. So think carefully about what you want to
transform before you act! It is not in vain that the following has
been said: "that fear is the mother of Initiation!"
Finally speaking of another matter ... How could we simplify with
a formula the requirements for Black Magic in general to work?
From my personal experience, I have worked very well with the
following formula (but you could find a better one that works for
you throughout your development and magic career) there is no
success formula written in stone, but it can help in the process
that begins:
Where M means "Magic." W, "Will." T, "trance." I, "Imagination."
C, "concentration."
Then ... Magic (M) occurs when the will (W) accompanied by a
state of trance (T) added to an imagination (active or passive,
depending on the case and the type of ritual), added to the
sufficient concentration of mind (T); Converge into a whole. By
provoking its effect first on the psyche, where the magical work
must mature as a seed, and then flourish in the Objective Universe,
through hidden synchrony.
In esoteric traditions of the Path of the Right Hand, "the soul" has
a greater prominence in activity (or supposed activity) than the
body. In my personal opinion, this is a mistake, since to separate
rigidly the body of the soul and to do more incapacitating in one
than in another is to ensure a psychic imbalance.
This course is a beginning; although one full of practical and usable
information, therefore the Black Magician must, work at all levels
physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The greater emphasis
on working with one aspect, neglecting one or the other, may
have unbalanced consequences for the psyche. Therefore, in
addition to these exercises, I recommend training manuals that
take into account and work with all aspects of being. Among them,
I recommend in the first place the book "Apophis" by Michael
Kelly, works all aspects to focus on draconian magic; the author
was a Magister Templi in the Temple of Seth. Therefore, his
writings are strongly focused on that Aeon, but his body-mind
exercises and emotions are accurate and adequate. If you have
already practiced magic, and have some training - formidable! -
but if you are new to the practice of Black Magic, you will need
not be distracted by your body, know how to use your body for
magical purposes, have a decent mental concentration, Purging
negative emotions or making them work for you, etc. Talking
about all those exercises here would lengthen these lessons
inordinately. Therefore, this course will not do the initial basic
work of training for a person who starts from zero, nevertheless it
will explain exhaustively the exact way to perform all the exercises
contained in this course.
Therefore, I recommend the magic manual, mentioned above.
Other manuals that are good but do not belong to L.H.P. are
“Initiation into Hermetics" by Franz Bardon, and "Exercises and
Hidden Practices" by Gareth Knight. In them you will find exercises
such as learning to remain seated in the same position without
discomfort for ten or thirty minutes, focusing the mind on a single
thought for ten minutes, or emptying it absolutely of all thinking
etc. However, although all these wisdoms will be necessary if you
really want to be a Black Magician, you can get good results with
the magic proposed in this course. An important attitude when it
comes to practicing these rituals is to have the attitude of a child
who discovers a new universe of possibilities. It is a surprise
attitude and game, that will help you to walk the path expelling
the powerful enemy called "tedium", if you have this ability to
"play", and "believe it yourself", your path will be easier in the
practice of Magic. Trust yourself, pay attention to your intuition
or "fits", try, experiment. The Black Magic used with responsibility
is an exciting adventure like no other can offer this world.
Having myself worked extensively with Mr. Kelly's manual, I
recommend it first. We will therefore see some positions of this
manual, and others created by me; we will call them "positions of
power.” A posture of power is a magical posture that has a
symbolic position. It is a position that serves to influence the
psyche causing even altered states of consciousness, that allow us
to focus on magical attitudes that affect not only the body but also
the emotions and the mind. Many of these positions are suitable
to have in a very short time (after practicing those many times,
they become automatic) a magical attitude or a state of mind and
emotions suitable to begin a magical task or a magical work. The
posture of power, practicing only five to ten minutes each day, by
itself can trigger magic effects, which we will call "synchronicities".
For example, the posture of power of the sign of Apophis and
Typhon (Seth) invokes in itself, the Sethian energy, and makes us
aware of the magical energy of this god. Comes a little to replace
what in other traditions they call "divine assemblages." That is, the
Initiate assumes the astral form
(Imaginary) of a god to be that god for a time more or less long.
Accomplishing the posture of the victory of Seth and Typhon (to
be explained below) I have discovered that my energy levels, if
they are low, increase formidably. I have discovered that it is a
magnificent position to be rehearsed by the individual who lacks
self-esteem, or for the timid and fearful. The sense of victory and
power can be obtained after only a few trials of this stance.
On another occasion, in doing this, and after going out into the
streets to perform my daily activities, people would come to me
to get encouragement, good courage, courage, or just to enjoy my
presence. At another time, after positioning myself in this position,
an aggressive battle or discussion took place on the other side of
the wall of my apartment by my neighbors... -yes, this is all I call
"Synchronicities!" - That is, they are phenomena that are related
to the archetype of the god Seth or Typhon, and with their energy,
and that collide in the objective universe. Seth is the god of
strength, of vitality, the cause of chaos. Although it can also cause
order in the midst of chaos, the disappearance of fear, the
victorious will that is reaffirmed again and again, no matter how
great the obstacles. Chaos as purification or element necessary to
bring our wills against the inertia of the objective universe, and
especially the crystallization of a psyche as an unnatural and
intelligent phenomenon isolated from the objective universe.
More information about the god e.g., Seth will be provided in
another writing, suffice for now the indication of the named
attributes. Typhon is the name that the Greeks gave Seth.
This posture and others will be more effective and powerful if
accompanied by an "enchantment", an emotional expression
making use of a known or unknown verbal language that affirms
our magical will. Are important because they contribute even
more to an altered state of consciousness where the physical body
and the subconscious united or fused to an important scale
capable of producing a magical effect.
Then we will deal with the "seeds words", these are a very basic
kind of mantra. A mantra is a sound formula that seeks to awaken
one or more energetic centers of consciousness, usually harmonic
and with a specific purpose. In the case of "seeds words", it is the
use of vowels and consonants united with defined purposes to
obtain not only a specific state of consciousness, but also with
magical results. They repeat several times, making use of
inhalation and exhalation, so that the magician easily obtains a
specific opening of consciousness (Magic). Perhaps the most
useful purpose of a mantra is the energizing and harmonizing of
the psyche.
Finally, we will discuss the importance of meditation, which is a
technique to reassure and sedate the physical body, with the
purpose of opening the mind to other subjective perceptual states
and states of consciousness. Being a very good technique that
goes from the objective to the subjective in an initially controlled
Why is meditation important? Often the Black Magician deals with
very intense and dissonant energies for a normal psyche, which
for the unexperienced magician can cause energetic and harmonic
imbalances Meditation not only helps us to recover the "right
perspective" of things, but to gradually develop and become
accustomed to the phenomenon of the psyche. It is a matter of
correcting disharmonies in order to achieve a harmonized body-
mind. Many types of meditation, those that excite, those that
calm, and those awaken a certain psychic center of energy, etc.
The meditation that we will explain here is in harmony with our
philosophy, and intends to intensify the psyche of the
Prinquepsian as a detectable isolated phenomenon. We will call it
"Psychoentral Meditation in the Dark".
I recommend writing a "Magic Journal" with your experiences
with each of these exercises, and with all of the remaining
exercises in this course. So that you are not only aware of your
progress and progress, but of subtle body-mind changes.
Let us start with the positions of power:
This posture is very easy. It is a question of sitting in a straight-
backed chair, as the pharaohs sitting in Egyptian art are presented,
his right hand would make a gesture of carrying a scepter.
No spell accompanies this posture of power; you just concentrate
on your inhalation and exhalation as you execute it. It is a posture
that generates, calm, serenity and balance, the majesty of a
sovereign god or goddess.
This posture comes from yoga and illustrates a dragon lying in
watchful attitude. It is a great posture to stay alert. For example
during a spiritual vigil, and awakens the Kundalini energy,
responsible for opening the chakras or psychic energy centers.
If the posture is painful to maintain, make the time that is
comfortable for you. The hands are supported on the thighs, and
the buttocks rest on the heels. The attitude would be vigilant. You
can concentrate while running in the brow or the chakra "ajna."
The posture is performed in a kneeling position, swinging back and
forth. The arms are raised on the head and curved forward (like
forming a snake) the hands would remain raised on the head with
the palms of the hands face down and united (as if it were the
head of the snake). The sound to imitate would be the hissing of a
snake, like this: “Sssssssss…” On exhalation.
The curious effect of this posture is that consciousness goes to the
height of the raised hands. It is a magnificent posture to raise
kundalini energy up to the head and higher.