Chapter 3 Fuzzy Membership Functions
Chapter 3 Fuzzy Membership Functions
Chapter 3 Fuzzy Membership Functions
The membership function of a fuzzy set is a generalization of the indicator function in classical
sets. In fuzzy logic, it represents the degree of truth as an extension of valuation. Degrees of truth
are often confused with probabilities, although they are conceptually distinct, because fuzzy truth
represents membership in vaguely defined sets, not likelihood of some event or condition.
Membership functions were introduced by Zadeh in the first paper on fuzzy sets (1965).
In fuzzy sets, each elements is mapped to [0,1] by membership function. That is, μA : X €[0, 1],
where [0,1] means real numbers between 0 and 1 (including 0,1). Consequently, fuzzy set is with
‘vague boundary set’ comparing with crisp set.
©Debasis Samanta, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
If X is continuous then A = ʃ μA(x) / x
Here, μA (x) is the “membership function”. Value of this function is between 0 and 1. This value
represents the “degree of membership” (membership value) of element x in set A. The members
of a fuzzy set are members to some degree, known as a membership grade or degree of
membership. The membership grade is the degree of belonging to the fuzzy set. The larger the
number (in [0, 1]) the more the degree of belonging. (N.B. This is not a probability).The
translation from x to µA(x) is known as fuzzification.
In the fuzzy theory, fuzzy set A of universe X is defined by function µA(x) called the
membership function of set A. We already discussed this point.
µA(x) = 0 if x is not in A;
This set allows a continuum of possible choices. For any element x of universe X, membership
function µA(x) equals the degree to which x is an element of set A. This degree, a value between
0 and 1, represents the degree of membership, also called membership value, of element x in set
Core: The core of a fuzzy set A is the set of all xX such that A(x) = 1.
Mathematically we can express core (A) = {x X | A(x) = 1}
Crossover: A crossover point of a fuzzy set ‘A’ is a point x X at which A(x) = 0.5
Mathematically we can express Crossover (A) = {x X | A(x) = 0.5}
Normality: A fuzzy set ‘A’ is a normal if its core is non-empty, i.e. core (A) A is a normal fuzzy
Mathematically we can express Normality (A) =1 if A(x) =1, for all xX and (x, A(x)) A
©Debasis Samanta, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Fuzzy singleton: A fuzzy set ‘A’ whose support is single point in x with A(x) =1 is called fuzzy
|A|=| {(x, A(x))| A(x) =1}|
- cut: A = {x X | A(x) }
Strong - cut: A = {x X | A(x) >}. In this case ‘A’ is defined as Crisp set.
Convexity of Fuzzy Sets: A fuzzy set A is convex if and only if for any x1, x2 X and there exists x =
[0, 1] such that
A (x1 (1 ) x2 ) min( A ( x1 ), A ( x2 ))
Alternatively, A is convex if all its -cuts are convex.
Bandwidths: for a normal & convex set, the bandwidth is the distance between two unique crossover
points Bandwidth (A) = |x2 – x1| where A(x1) = A(x2) = 0.5.
Symmetry: A fuzzy set A is symmetric if it’s MF around a certain point x = c, satisfies the following
criteria i.e. A(x + c) = A(c – x) x X.
Figure 3.3: Various type of Fuzzy membership functions
1.0 0 if x a
x a
if a x b
A ( x) b a
μ (x)
A c x if b x c
c b
0 if x c
a b c
©Debasis Samanta, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Trapezoidal membership function:
Trapezoid(x; a, b, c, d) = 0 if x a;
= (x-a)/ (b-a) if a x b
= 1 if b x c; 1.0
= 0, if d x.
a b c d
xa d x
μ trapezoid = max min ,1, ,0
ba d c
The Gaussian membership function is usually represented as Gaussian(x:c,s) where c, s represents the
mean and standard deviation.
1 xc m
A ( x, c, s, m) exp
2 s
Here c represents centre, s represents width and m represents fuzzification factor.
0.8 1
0.7 0.9
0.6 0.7
0.5 0.6
0.4 0.5
0.3 0.4
0.1 0.1
0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
c=5, s=0.5, m=2 c=5, s=2, m=2 c=5, s=5, m=2
Figure 3.4: Different shapes of Gaussian MFs with different values of s and m.
©Debasis Samanta, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Generalized Bell membership function:
A generalized bell membership function has three parameters: a –responsible for its width, c –
responsible for its center and b –responsible for its slopes. Mathematically,
gbellmf ( x; a, b, c) 2b
Figure 3.5: Different shapes of Gaussian MFs with different values of s and m.
©Debasis Samanta, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Figure 3.6: A general structures of sigmoid MF.
A sigmoidal MF is inherently open right or left & thus, it is appropriate for representing concepts
such as “very large” or “very negative”. Sigmoidal MF mostly used as activation function of
artificial neural networks (NN).A NN should synthesize a close MF in order to simulate the
behavior of a fuzzy inference system.
FL , x c
LR ( x ; c , , )
F R x c , x c
F L ( x ) m ax ( 0 ,1 x 2
) ,F R ( x ) exp( x )
c=65 c=25
a=60 a=10
©Debasis Samanta, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
2-D membership function
In this case, there are two inputs assigned to an MF: this MF is a two dimensional MF. A one
input MF is called ordinary MF.
C ( A)
X *Y
A ( x ) | ( x, y )
Projection of fuzzy sets (decrease dimension): Let R be a two-dimensional fuzzy set on X*Y.
Then the projections of R onto X and Y are defined as:
R X max R ( x, y ) | x
RY max R ( x, y ) | y
©Debasis Samanta, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Composite anf non-composite MFs
Suppose that the fuzzy A = “(x,y) is near (3,4)” is defined by:
x 3 2
A ( x, y ) exp y 4
x 3 2 y 4 2
exp exp
2 1
G ( x;3,2) * G ( y;4,1)
These two statements are respectively defined as: near 3 (x) = G(x;3,2) & near 4 (x) = G(y;4,1)
Let trap(x) = trapezoid (x;-6,-2,2,6) ,trap(y) = trapezoid (y;-6,-2,2,6) be two trapezoidal MFs on
X and Y respectively. By applying the min and max operators, we obtain two-dimensional MFs
on X*Y.
Figure 3.9: Two dimensional MFs defined by the min and max operators
©Debasis Samanta, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
©Debasis Samanta, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur