Homework 4
Homework 4
Homework 4
The team of five software developers is new and they have not worked together
before. The project manager has over ten years experience, but none on a
project with an iPad. One of the programmers owns an iPad and has done some
minor applications work for the iPhone. The average number of years of software
experience per person for the team is six.
While the team is new, the market for iPad developers is hot. It is hard to acquire
more people. The members of the team are clamoring for training on the iPad
software development kit. The cost of training is high since it is in high demand.
The client would like to get an early prototype of the system within two months.
The final delivery of the software product has been agreed to be in seven
months. Since the application is for the medical community, the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements apply (meaning more
stringent documentation and testing). The first build (two months) is to build client
confidence and will not be judged according to the HIPAA. However, the final
product will need to be demonstrably HIPAA compliant.
The contract for the project is develop the new iMedView@Rose application for
$720,000 if delivered on time. If the application is delivered a month early, there
is a bonus of $150,000. If it is delayed, there is a $10,000 per week penalty.
1. Read through the abbreviated project scenario above and identify the
potential risks that may become reality in the iMedView@Rose project.
2. Using the Template/Example that follows this task description, develop a
risk table that includes the above risks, a short description of each, their
impact, their probability of occurrence, and their resulting risk value. List
the risks in highest risk score order.
3. For those identified risks in the risk table that have a risk value (RV) over
1.0, develop a risk sheet with the information that is cited in the example
provided (if you do not have three, you should select the first three for this
part of the exercise).
Risk Categorization
1. Performance Risk:
This risk concerns whether software will meet its requirements and fit for
its intended use.
2. Cost Risk:
This risk concerns whether budget will be maintained for project.
3. Support Risks:
This risk concerns whether end product will be easy to maintain.
4. Schedule Risk:
This risk concerns whether project schedule will be maintained and
deadline met.
Risk Table
The following table lists the top 12 risks associated with the iMedView@Rose
project. Each risk has been categorized with its probability of occurrence (P) and
impact (I) on project and sorted by its risk value (RV = P*I).
Subcondition 1: Database may not be in SQL standard format.
Subcondition 2: Database vernacular not understood correctly by software engineer.
Subcondition 3: Database may not have direct symptom/diagnosis/treatment linkage
necessary to support requirement R2.
1) Contact Database owner to determine format of database
2) If format is not SQL based, determine if conversion is possible to a relational database
3) Upon receipt of database from vendor, run preliminary data checks and reports to
ascertain integrity of data
4) Have all members of project attend one day seminar on canine medical terms
5) Contact Database owner to determine if there is symptom/diagnosis/treatment linkage
Management/Contingency Plan/Trigger
If the understanding of the database is proceeding slowly (longer than a week), hire expert
Veterinarian to help understand database. The risk exposure cost is approximately $2000
(RE=40%*$5000). $5000 is the cost of obtaining the services of veterinarian for 5 days.
Allocate this amount into project contingency cost.
If transition of data over to new system database is bogged down, have 2 developers attend
needed training to import non-standard formatted database into system database.