3998 F (P2)
3998 F (P2)
3998 F (P2)
W ith a view to ensuring th e o ptim al use o f public funds and to use the available m anpow er in the
m ost productive and effe ctive w ay in the event o f re stru ctu ring or w in d in g up o f several entities nam ely -
Companies, Corporations, U ndertakings, S tatutory Bodies etc. w h o lly o r p a rtia lly ow ned o r controlled by
the G overnm ent o f W est B en g afo r by any Body, which is funded w h o lly or p artia lly by th e G overnm ent o f
W est Bengal, it was decided in term s o f m em o No. 3967-F(P) dated 01-08-2014 to redeploy the excess
co ntra ctu a l/ca su a l/p ie ce -ra te d /d a ily rated w orkers engaged by those e n titie s/orga n isa tion s to o th e r
entities/organisations and in G overnm ent Offices under any pro ject/sch em e w h e reve r necessary on the
same rate o f rem uneration as th e y received in parent e n titie s/o rg a n isa tio n s/o ffice s.
The question o f im p ro vin g the conditions o f service o f such co n tra ctu a l/ca su a l/p ie ce -ra te d /d a ily
rated workers has been under active consideration o f th e G overnm ent fo r some tim e past.
A fte r careful consideration o f the m a tter, the undersigned is d irected by o rd e r o f the G overnor to
(i) Such w orkers w ho have rendered 10 years o f service co ntin u ou sly in the previous organisation and
present organisation taken to g e th e r w ith at least 240 days attendance each year may rem ain
engaged in the same status and capacity till th e ir a tta in in g th e age o f 60 years.
(ii) Consolidated re m u n era tio n per m onth o f above categories o f w orkers w ill be as follo w s :-
C ontd........ P/2
In case, the re exists o th e r categories o f such w orkers nam ely Group-B o r Group-A, fo r
d ete rm ina tio n o f re m u n era tio n o f such w orkers each individual case may be referred to Finance
Departm ent.
(iii) Enhancement o f re m u n era tio n @ 3% rounded o ff to nearest rupee on 1st July every
(v) Medical fa cility : All such w orkers and th e bonafide m em bers o f fa m ily
w ill be covered und e r Swasthya Sathi Scheme.
(vi) Leave fa cility : 30 o ff days in a year and in add itio n 10 days leave on
m edical ground in a year. A fem ale such w o rk e r may
be allow ed M a te rn ity Leave of 180 days when
(vii) The service o f such w o rk e r may be te rm in a te d at once because o f in vo lvem en t in crim inal
ca se/m iscon d uct/d elinq u en cy/in cap a citatio n etc. Such a w o rke r may also o p t o ut o f the engagem ent on
h is/h e r own.
(viii) During the period o f engagem ent, if any such w o rke r is fo u n d to have involved in m is
a pp ro p ria tion o f public m oney d ire ctly or in d ire ctly or in any fo rg e ry o r in ta m p e rin g any records o f the
(ix) In the event o f death o f any such w o rke r before a tta in in g th e age o f 60 years, the legal heirs o f
such w o rke r shall be paid an a m o u n t o f Rs.2 Lakhs as one tim e death b en e fit. This may be allowed by the
Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi
3) The Principal Accountant General (A & E), West Bengal, Treasury Buildings, Kolkata-700 001.
6) The District Magistrate,_______________________
9) The Pay and Accounts Officer, Kolkata Pay and Accounts Office—I,
81/2/2, Phears Lane, Kolkata-700 012.
10) The Pay and Accounts Officer, Kolkata Pay and Accounts Office-ll
P-1, Hyde Lane, Jawahar Building, Kolkata-700 073.
11) The Pay and Accounts Officer, Kolkata Pay and Accounts Office-Ill,
Subhanna, DF-9, Sector-I, 5th & 6lh Floor, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 064.