Possessive determiners
Determiners are always placed before a noun and help Possessive determiners my, your, his, her, its, our
define it. and their are used before nouns to show
ownership. They should not be confused with
Articles are determiners, and other determiners work possessive pronouns-for example, mine, yours,
in much the same way: They are used in front of ours, and theirs-which replace, rather than precede,
nouns to indicate whether something specific or the noun.
something of a particular type is being referred to. their broomsticks
Many sentences do not make sense without The broomsticks (plural noun) belong to the
determiners. Adjectives, by contrast, are witches.
optional; they color the words rather than
Interrogative determiners
glue them together.
Interrogative determiners include which and what
Most noun phrases only use one determiner,
and are used before a noun to ask a question.
but there are exceptions: for example, “all the
bats” and “both my cats.” Which witch?
What noise?