Bhavat Bhavam
Bhavat Bhavam
Bhavat Bhavam
There is an interesting concept in Vedic Astrology that we often forget to apply while reading charts.
Proper use of this technique is sure to improve prediction rates. It will also unravel aspects of a birth
chart that are not so easily visible through a plan vanilla reading.
Now what do mean by that? Before getting into explanations, we should recap what the 12 houses of a
chart actually mean.
Now that we know the significations or karaktatwas of the 12 houses of a birth chart, it is time to deeply
understand what bhavat bhavam means.
In this method, we fix a house which is to be studied. For example, the 5th house. Now note the number
5. From the 5th house, we count exactly 5 places in the birth chart to reach the 9th house. Here is how it
In other words, we count EXACTLY as many number of houses from a particular house as that particular
house is from the lagna or ascendant. Now it may seem confusing, but TRUST US, it is very simple.
If you want to study the 8th, then because the 8th house is 8 houses away from the ascendant, we will
count 8 houses again but this time from the 8th house itself. We will then reach the 3rd house.
As an illustration, the 5th house represents children. There the 5th House from the 5th House, 9th House
can be thought of as the children of children, i.e. grandchildren. To know more about such houses and
what they would mean in your birth chart, check out this link below:
Method 2:
There is another method by which we can understand the concept of Bhavat Bhavam.
We consider one house and understand the rest of the 11 houses by keeping this one house as a pivot.
Let us take the 2nd House or Dhan Bhava for an individual and understand some houses by applying
bhavat bhavam only to the second house.
2nd House is 4th from Natural 11th House = Home Environment and Conveniences of Friends and Elder Brother
2nd House is 5th from Natural 10th House = Creativity and Speculation in Career Related Matters
2nd House is 6th from Natural 9th House = Debts, Enemies, Competition, Health and Daily Income Matters of Father
2nd House is 7th from Natural 8th House = Inheritance from Spouse
2nd House is 8th from Natural 7th House = Death or Secret Matters of Spouse / Marriage
2nd House is 9th from Natural 6th House = Long Distance Travel, General Luck of Mother's Siblings
2nd House is 10th from Natural 5th House = Career Life, Profession and Public Image of One's Children
2nd House is 11th from Natural 4th House = Gains, Network Circle of Mother
2nd House is 12th from Natural 3rd House = Loss and Short Distance Foreign Travel of Younger Siblings and Neighbours