Taj Madikeri Resort and Spa Coorg-Chapter-4
Taj Madikeri Resort and Spa Coorg-Chapter-4
Taj Madikeri Resort and Spa Coorg-Chapter-4
Front Office Department: At Taj madikeri resots and spa it has been maintained two
well-maintained reception, one is Manor reception and other is Tower reception. Manor
reception is the main reception which is in main entrance of the hotel. Tower reception is
in towers.
FOOD AND BEVERAGE DEPARTMENT: At Taj madikeri resots and spa F&B
department brings a highly profit to the hotel. In Food and Beverage Production and
Food and Beverage Service is classified under this section.
Food and Beverage Production: At Taj madikeri resorts and spaHACCP (Hazard
Analysis Critical Control Point) is well maintained Food wastage is well controlled an
hygiene is highly maintained. The sensation of flavor perceived in the mouth and throat
on contract with a substance is well given as promised way from the entire kitchen in Taj
madikeri reots and spa.
Food and Beverage Service: At Taj madikeri resots and spa all the restaurants are well
maintained in a standard way. Hygiene is well maintained as maintained in other
department. The sensation of lavor perceived in the mouth and throat on contract with a
substance is well served as promised way from the each restaurant.
astitute of Hotel Management
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Personnel Manager (Human Resource): He is responsible for the overall personnel in the hotel
and looks after their very needs. He also supervises all the aspects of the personnel department and
coordinates with the various department heads for allotting of personnel
Training Manager (Learning services): He is responsible for training new staff in the
organization, inducting them and showing the various policies and procedures followed by the
hotel. He also provides the hotel with vocational trainers in each department by contacting
various institutions regarding training and is responsible for their actions.
Sales and Marketing: When it requires the cooperative effort of sales, advertising and public
relations, people to seek out good business prospects and develop them into good customers, they
are really sold on the hotel unless they enjoy a quality guest experience. Thus everyone is involved
in the marketing function and it is not done by the sales person alone. It involves the cooperation
of a united staff, working at every position in ITC Windsor.
Engineering and Maintenance: The engineering and maintenance department in Windsor holds
great importance because it maintains the smooth functioning of every department within Windsor
by maintaining its building, machinery, equipment etc. It repairs and develops new techniques or
methods to do work. It is mainly responsible for back of the house activities and preventive
maintenance of all the items within the hotel:
Purchase and Stores: This is a non-revenue producing area. This department is responsible for
all the commodities required for the hotel Thus, it is a non-revenue producing area. It purchases
the raw materials for the kitchen restaurants, housekeeping etc.
The stores are located on the ground floor next to the receiving department. It is also quite close
to the service lift. The stores are divided into racks, which are further subdivided into small spaces.
These divisions are based on the way they are packed in the food stores e.g. cans, bottles, packets,
boxes, tins etc.
* Accounts and Finance: This department is headed by an accountant and keeps track of all the
financial transactions taking place with the Windsor Manor. The accounts department makes
provision for uniform classification of income, expenditure, assets, liabilities and it presents the
financial results of the operation to the management
The accounting division is divided into various sub-divisions controlled under one supervisor, the
unit financial controller. This division is setup in ITC Windsor hotel to keep track of all
transactions of the hotel.
Security Department: Security can be defined as the protection against sabotage or espionage. The
security department in Windsor hotel deals with overall security i.e. maintaining peace and order
and control of the hotel.
Spa and Gym: a Sanskrit word called “Kaya Kalp” meaning rejuvenation of body, mind and soul
recaptures the spiritual and medicinal legacies of India through a majestic land of ancient customs
and rituals,