5 Years Integrated M.SC Applied Physics
5 Years Integrated M.SC Applied Physics
5 Years Integrated M.SC Applied Physics
Sc Applied Physics
Applied Physics
(up to 6th semester)
Canonical or Contact transformations, Advantage of Canonical transformation, example of
canonical transformation Solution of simple harmonic oscillator problem Condition for
transformation to be canonical.
Equations of First order but of Higher Degree : Equations solvable for p, Equation solvable for y,
Equation solvable for x,
Text Books:
1. A Course on Ordinary and Partial Differential Equation by J. Sinha Roy, S Padhy, Kalyani
Chapters:1(1.1-1.4),2(2.1-2.7),3(3.1-3.4)4(4.1-4.6),6(6.1,-6.3),7(7.1,7.2,7.3(7.3.1),7.4(7.4.1)),10 (10.1,10.2).
Reference Books:
Gaseous state: Postulates of Kinetic theory of gases, derivation from ideal behavior, van der walls equation
of state. Critical phenomena: PV isotherm of real gases, continuity of states, the isotherms of van der walls
equation, relationship between vanderwals constant and critical constants, the law of corresponding states,
reduced equation of state [5hrs]
Liquid state: Intermolecular forces, structure of liquids (qualitative description), liquid crystals: difference
between liquid crystal, solid and liquid. [2hrs]
Solid state: space lattice and unit cell. Qualitative description of X-ray diffraction in crystals. Derivation of
Braggs eqn., [2hrs]
Atomic structure: de-Broglie matter waves, Uncertainty principle, Schrodinger wave equation, quantum
numbers and its significance, shape of s, p, d orbitals, electronic configuration of elements.
Periodic properties: Screening effect, effective nuclear charge, size of atoms and ions, ionization potential,
electron affinity, electronegativity, variable valency and oxidation states, horizontal, vertical and diagonal
relationship. [4hrs]
Chemical bonding: Ionic bond, polarizability, Fajan‟s rule , lattice energy and Born- Haber cycle, solvation
energy and solubility of ionic compounds, [3hrs]
Covalent bond: Lewis theory, dipole moment and its application, percentage ionic character from dipole
moment and electronegativity, VBT, hybridization,VSEPR theory, MOT(homo and heteronuclear diatomic
molecule), Resonance [5hrs]
Metallic bond(free electron and band theories) H-bond, Vanderwaals force. [3hrs]
Detailed syllabus of 5 Year Integrated M.Sc Applied Physics
The elements of communication [ 6 hrs]
1.1 the importance of communication through English at the present time
1.2 the process of communication and factors that influence communication : sender, receiver, channel,
code, topic, message, context, feedback, „noise‟, filters and barriers
1.3 the importance of audience and purpose
1.4 the information gap principle : given and new information ; information overload
1.5 verbal and non-verbal communication : body language
1.6 comparing general communication and business communication
Module-II The sounds of English [ 14 hrs]
2.1 vowels, diphthongs, consonants, consonant clusters
2.2 the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) ; phonemic transcription
2.3 problem sounds
2.4 syllable division and word stress
2.5 sentence rhythm and weak forms
2.6 contrastive stress in sentences to highlight different words
2.7 intonation : falling, rising and falling-rising tunes
2.8 varieties of Spoken English : Standard Indian, American and British (Note : This unit should be taught in
a simple, non-technical manner, avoiding technical terms as far as possible. )
Review of English grammar [10 hrs]
3.1 stative and dynamic verbs
3.2 the auxiliary system ; finite and non-finite verbs
3.3 time, tense and aspect
3.4 voice: active and passive
3.5 modality
3.6 negation
3.7 Interrogation ; reported and tag questions
3.8 conditionals
3.9 concord
3.10 Phrasal verbs (Note The teaching of grammar should be treated as a diagnostic and remedial activity
and integrated with communication practice. The areas of grammar in which errors are common should
receive special attention when selecting items for review. Teaching need not be confined to the topics listed
Essential readings:
1. An Introduction to Professional English and Soft Skills by B.K.Das et al., Cambridge University
Detailed syllabus of 5 Year Integrated M.Sc Applied Physics
Text Books:
Reference Books:
J. P. Hayes “Computer Architecture and Organization" McGraw Hill Education India.
H. Schildt – “C the complete Reference” McGraw-Hill
K.R. Venugopal, S.R. Prasad, “ Mastering C, McGraw-Hill Education India
Detailed syllabus of 5 Year Integrated M.Sc Applied Physics
i pronunciation practice (for accent neutralization), particularly of problem sounds, in isolated words as
well as sentences ii practising word stress, rhythm in sentences, weak forms, intonation ii reading aloud
of dialogues, poems, excerpts from plays, speeches etc. for practice in pronunciation
d. Grammar and usage
The focus will be on the elimination of common errors. Some writing activities (e.g. writing of short
paragraphs on assigned topics) can be used to identify these errors. Project Work Students will be
required to produce and submit by the end of Semester 1 a 350-500 word project report on a topic of
their choice. The project should involve data collection, analysis and reporting.
Experiment No. 2
a) Write a C program to calculate the following Sum:
/2! +x4
b) Write a C program to find the roots of a quadratic equation.
Experiment No. 3
a) Write C programs that use both recursive and non-recursive functions
i) To find the factorial of a given integer.
ii) To find the GCD (greatest common divisor) of two given integers.
iii) To solve Towers of Hanoi problem.
Experiment No. 4
a) Write a C program to find both the larges and smallest number in a list of integers.
b) Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following:
i) Addition of Two Matrices
ii) Multiplication of Two Matrices
Experiment No. 5
a) Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations:
i) To insert a sub-string in to given main string from a given position.
ii) To delete n Characters from a given position in a given string.
b) Write a C program to determine if the given string is a palindrome or not
Experiment No. 6
a) Write a C program to construct a pyramid of numbers.
b) Write a C program to count the lines, words and characters in a given text.
Experiment No.7
a) Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations:
i) Reading a complex number
ii) Writing a complex number
iii) Addition of two complex numbers
iv) Multiplication of two complex numbers
(Note: represent complex number using a structure.) 21
Experiment No. 8
a) Write a C program which copies one file to another.
Detailed syllabus of 5 Year Integrated M.Sc Applied Physics
Central force motion, reduction of two body problems into an equivalent one body problem,
general characteristics of central force motion. Derivation of Kepler‟s laws of planetary motion
from gravitational force.
Relation between elastic constants. Torsion of a cylinder, bending of beams, expression for
bending moment, equation for bending, depression occurring at nth e free ends of a light, heavy
cantilever. Viscosity of liquids, laminar flow through a narrow tube and poisseuille‟s formula
surface tension-pressure difference across curved membrane. (12)
Electromagnetic induction and transient current: Motional emf and flux rule, Faraday‟s law of
electromagnetism induction, Faraday‟s law in integral and differential forms, Calculation of
induced electric field due to an infinite long wire carrying a slowly varying current, Self
inductance and mutual inductance, Self inductance of a solenoid and of a straight conductor,
energy stored in an inductor in the electromagnetism field, Transient currents, Growth and Decay
of current in series R-L, R-C and RLC circuits.
Coulomb‟s law, electric field, field at a point due to (electric dipole), discrete charge distribution
and continuous charge distribution, flux of electric field, Gauss‟ law of electrostatics, field due to
linear, spherical and cylindrical charge distribution curl of electrostatic field, Electrostatic
potential, Gauss law in magnetism, Ampere‟s circuital law and its modification.
Alternating currents, Power in ac circuits, Wattless current, Series and Parallel resonant circuits,
Sharpness of resonance, Q-factor.
Maxwell‟s equations, Displacement current and their physical significance, Maxwell‟s equations
inside matter, Boundary conditions, Scalar and Vector potentials, Gauge transformation, Coulomb
gauge and Lorentz Gauge, Lorentz force law in potential form, Electromagnetic waves,
Poynting‟s theorem.
Interference: Coherent sources, division of wave front, Biprism,Interference in thin film due to
reflected and transmitted light, Newton‟s ring by reflected light, determination of wavelength of
light by Newton‟s rings experiment, Michelson interferometer – construction, measurement of
wavelength. Febry-perot interferometer experiment and determination of wavelength
Diffraction: Introduction, Fresnel‟s half period zones and rectilinear propagation of light, zone
plates, diffraction due to straight edge. Fraunhoffer diffraction, single slit and transmission
grating. (5)
Resolving power-Rayleigh‟s power,limit of resolution of eye,resolving power of optical
instruments, resolving power of telescope,resolving power of microscope, resolving power of a
plane transmission grating. (5)
Polarisation : Polarized and non polarized light.Polarization by reflection refraction and
scattering, Brewster‟s law, Malus law, double refraction, ordinary and extra-ordinary rays,Nicol
prism.,Production of elliptically polarised light,Production of circularly polarised light, Babinet
compensator, half wave and quarter wave plate, Laurent polarimeter,optical rotation,specific
rotation,Freshnel‟s explanation,Biquartz,PhotoelasticityElectro-optic effect,magneto-optic effect.
Bounded and unbounded sets, Infimum and Supremum of a set and their properties, Order completeness
property of R, Archimedian property of R, Density of rational and irrational numbers in R.
Neighbourhood, Open set, Interior of a set, Limit point of a set, Closed set, Countable and uncountable sets,
Derived set, closure of a set, Bolzano- Weierstrass theorem for sets.
Sequence of real numbers, Bounded sequence, limit points of a sequence, limit interior and limit superior
convergent and non-convergent sequences, Cauchy‟s sequence, Cauchy‟s general principle of convergence
.Infinite series and its convergence, Test for convergence of positive term series, Comparison test, Ratio
test, Cauchy‟s root test.
Preliminary Notations, Group Theory : Algebraic structures, Groups, Some Examples of Groups,
Subgroups, A Counting Principle, Cosets, Normal Subgroups and Quotient Groups,
Ch. 1, Ch. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.10, Ch. 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
1.. R. G. Bartle and D.R. Sherbert, Introduction to Real Analysis ( 4 th Edition), Wiley. 2.. K. A. Ross,
Elementary Analysis: The Theory of Calculus, Under graduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer ( SIE), Indian
reprint, 2004.
3. Sudhir R Ghorpade and Balmohan V. Limaye, A course in Calculus and Real Analysis, Undergraduate
Text in Math., Springer (SIE). Indian reprint, 2004.
Chemical Kinetics and catalysis: Rates of reactions, factors influencing rates of reaction- conc., temp,
press, solvent, light, catalyst. (Arrehenius eqn. concept of activation energy), collision theory of reaction
rates, Order and molecularity, mathematical characteristics of simple chemical reactions-zero order, first
order, second order, pseudo order, half and mean life. Determination of the order of reaction (differential
method, half life period method,method of isolation and integration)
Catalysis: characteristic of catalysed reactions, classification of catalysis [10hrs]
Detailed syllabus of 5 Year Integrated M.Sc Applied Physics
Module – I
The Elements of Business Communication (10 hours) 1.1 patterns of communication in the business world:
upward, downward, horizontal, grapevine etc 1.2 internal and external channels of communication; formal
and informal channels. 1.3 Introduction to cross-cultural communication. 1.4 avoiding gender, racial and
other forms of bias in communication 1.5 common forms of oral and written communication in the business
world: Oral presentations, interviews and group discussions Memos, reports, summaries and abstracts, e-
Reading and writing (15 hours) 2.1 the importance of developing reading skills 2.2 the sub-skills of reading :
a. understanding the main idea and supporting details b. reading between the lines : inferential reading c.
understanding the writer‟s point of view d. making predictions e. guessing the meanings of unfamiliar words
f. skimming and scanning g. note-making 2.3 the importance of writing skills 2.4 the differences between
speech and writing 2.5 the qualities of effective writing : coherence, cohesion, logical structuring and
organization, clarity of language, stylistic variation etc. 2.6 the writing process : pre-writing, drafting, re-
writing 2.7
Module –III
Soft skill development (5 hours) 4.1 soft skills: becoming a good leader and team-player 4.2 inter-relating
soft skills and communication skills
Text Books:
1. Business Communication Today by Bovee et al ( Pearson)
2. Business Communication by Meenakshi Raman and Prakash Singh (Oxford)
RecommendedBooks :
1. Crash Course in Personal Development by Brian Clegg ( Kogan Page)
2. Activities for Developing Emotional Intelligence by Adele B.Lynn (HRD Press)
3. Lateral Thinking by Edward De Bono (Penguin)
Detailed syllabus of 5 Year Integrated M.Sc Applied Physics
Module I
Introduction to object oriented programming, user defined types, structures, unions, polymorphism,
encapsulation. Getting started with C++ syntax, data-type, variables, strings, functions, default values in
functions, recursion, namespaces, operators, flow control, arrays and pointers.
Module II
Abstraction mechanism: Classes, private, public, constructors, destructors, member data, member functions,
inline function, friend functions, static members, and references.
Inheritance: Class hierarchy, derived classes, single inheritance, multiple, multilevel, hybrid inheritance, role
of virtual base class, constructor and destructor execution, base initialization using derived class
Polymorphism: Binding, Static binding, Dynamic binding, Static polymorphism: Function Overloading,
Ambiguity in function overloading, Dynamic polymorphism: Base class pointer, object slicing, late binding,
method overriding with virtual functions, pure virtual functions, abstract classes.
Operator Overloading: This pointer, applications of this pointer, Operator function, member and non member
operator function, operator overloading, I/O operators.
Exception handling: Try, throw, and catch, exceptions and derived classes, function exception declaration.
Module III
Dynamic memory management, new and delete operators, object copying, copy constructor, assignment
operator, virtual destructor.
Template: template classes, template functions.
Namespaces: user defined namespaces, namespaces provided by library.
Essential readings:
FPYC-251 Electrical Lab
1. Determination of magnifying power of a telescope.
2. Resistance of a resister using meter bridge (applying end correction)
3. Determination of a resistor high resistance using Galvanometer.
4. Charging and discharging of a capacitor through resister.
5. Reduction factor of tangent Galvanometer.
6. Figure of merit of a moving coil Galvanometer.
7. Calibration of millimeter.
Detailed syllabus of 5 Year Integrated M.Sc Applied Physics
a. Communication Practice 30 hours i Speaking : oral communication in social and 10 hours work-related
situations, e.g.: Greeting an acquaintance/ friend, introducing oneself, introducing a friend to another friend,
breaking off a conversation politely, leave-taking; making and responding to inquiries; expressing an opinion;
expressing agreement/ disagreement, contradicting/ refuting an argument; expressing pleasure, sorrow,
regret, anger, surprise, wonder, admiration, disappointment etc. Narrating or reporting an event; Describing
people, objects, places, processes etc. Ordering / directing someone to do something Making requests;
accepting / refusing a request Expressing gratitude; responding to expressions of gratitude Asking for or
offering help; responding to a request for help Asking for directions (e.g. how to reach a place, how to
operate a device etc.) and giving directions asking for and granting/ refusing permission prohibiting someone
from doing something suggesting, advising, persuading, dissuading, making a proposal praising,
complimenting, felicitating expressing sympathy (e.g. condolence etc.) Complaining, criticizing, reprimanding
ii Reading 10 hours Students will be given practice in reading and comprehending 6-8 simple passages of
100-300 words each, on topics of general as well as professional interest. The texts will be supported by
suitable exercises designed to foster comprehension skills and vocabulary enrichment, together with study
skills (note making) and reference skills (using a dictionary). Practice will be provided in the important sub-
skills of reading which are introduced in Module 2 of the theory component. iii Writing 10 hours Writing short
paragraphs on given topics or topics of one‟s choice; social and business letters; reports; applications ;
resumes ; summaries The principles of „Process Writing‟ should be used to teach writing skills. i pre-writing :
generating ideas, brain-storming, idea mapping, outlining ii writing : generating a first draft ; reviewing,
redrafting, editing iii post-writing : making a presentation ; discussion and feedback, preparing the final draft
b. Soft skills practice 10 hours Activities designed to highlight leadership and „team‟ skills ; Group discussion
Detailed syllabus of 5 Year Integrated M.Sc Applied Physics
Scalar and vector triple product. Differentiation of a vector with respect to a scalar. The
gradient operator. The divergence and curl of vector. Gauss divergence theorem, Strokes theorem.
Gauss law in electrostatics and application, Computation of fiel due to linear spherical and plane
charge distribution, Differential form of Gauss law, the energy of a point charge, discrete and
continuous distribution,
10. Determination of refractive index of a prism by I-D curve method using spectromethod.
Detailed syllabus of 5 Year Integrated M.Sc Applied Physics
Central force motion, reduction of two body central force of motion into equivalent one body
motion, general features of central force motion, differential equation of orbit, Kepler‟s laws of
planetary motion, virial theorem, Unbound motion ,Rutherford scattering Centre of mass and
Laboratory co-ordinates.
Motion of a system of particles:- conservation of linear momentum ,angular momentum and total
energy of a system of particles, Kinematics of rigid body motion, moment of inertia-parallel axes
and perpendicular axes theorem, Rotational kinetic energy and angular momentum of rigid body
about a fixed axis, Torque free motion of a rigid body.
Stable and unstable equilibrium, small oscillation about an equilibrium configuration, review of
the one dimensional problem. Normal mode analysis of couple oscillator, properties of T,V &ω
forced and damped oscillator, Normal co-ordinates, parallel pendulum, double pendulum. (4)
5. Classical mechanics-Simon
Flow of liquid and viscosity: Rate of flow of a liquid, energy of the liquid, Bernoulli‟s theorem
and its applications, critical velocity, Poiseuille‟s equation for flow of liquid through a tube,
Motion in a viscous medium , determination of coefficient of liquid , Stoke‟s method, variation of
viscosity of a liquid with temperature. (7)
Surface tension: Molecular range, Sphere of influence, surface tension, surface film and surface
energy, free energy of a surface, pressure difference across a liquid surface, Drops and Bubbles:
excess pressure inside a liquid drop, excess pressure inside a soap bubble, determination of the
surface tension of a bubble.(5)
Capillarity: Layer of liquid between two plates, Shape of liquid meniscus in a capillary tube,
Angle of contact, measurement of angle of contact, rise of liquid in a capillary tube, energy
required to raise a liquid in a capillary tube, raise of liquid between two parallel plates. (5)
Properties of matter: Stress and strain, Hook‟s law, three types of elasticity, Poisson‟s ratio, effect
of a suddenly applied load, twisting couple on a cylinder, alternative expression for strain energy
in terms of stress, Torsional pendulum , determination of moment of inertia with the help of a
Torsional pendulum, bending of Beams, Bending moment, cantilever, transverse vibration of a
loaded cantilever, Searle‟s method for comparison of young‟s modulus and coefficient of rigidity
in a given material.(7)
Asymptotes in Cartesian coordinates, intersection of curve and its asymptotes, asymptotes in polar
coordinates, curvature, radius of curvature for Cartesian curves, polar curves, Newton‟s method, centre of
curvature, circle of curvature .
MODULE-II(13 Hours)
Points of inflexion, Multiple points, Cusp, Nodes & conjugate points, Types of cusps, Tracing of curves in
Cartesian, Parametric, and Polar coordinates .Trace (Folium of Descartes, Strophoid, Astroid, Cycloid,
Cardioids, Lemniscates of Bernoulli)
MODULE-III(13 Hours)
General equation of the Sphere, intersection of a sphere and a plane, intersection of two spheres, family of
spheres, Intersection of a sphere and a line, Tangent plane ,condition of tangency, equation of a cone ,
Enveloping cone of a sphere ,cylinder, Enveloping cylinder of a sphere, Right circular cone & cylinder.
Essential readings:
1. Differential Calculus by Shanti Narayan & P K Mittal , S.Chand Publication Chapters: 14 (14.1-
14.5), 15, 16, 17
2. Analytical Geometry of Quadratic Surfaces by B P Acharya & D C Sahu Chapters: 2 ,3
3. Analytical Solid Geometry by Shanti Narayan
4. Topics in Calculus by Panda Satapathy
Detailed syllabus of 5 Year Integrated M.Sc Applied Physics
Text Books :
1. Keith Davis, Organisational Behaviour, McGraw-Hill.
2. K.Aswathappa, Organisational Behaviour, Himalaya Publishing House.
Reference Books :
1. Stephen P. Robbins, Organisational Behaviour, Prentice Hall of India
2. Pradip N. Khandelwal, Organizational Behaviour, McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
3. Uma Sekaran, “Organizational Behaviour”, TATA McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
4. Steven L McShane, Mary Ann Von Glinow, Radha R Sharma” Organizational
Behaviour” , TATA McGraw- Hill.
5. D.K. Bhattachayya, “Organizational Behaviour”, Oxford University Press
6. K.B.L.Srivastava & A.K.Samantaray, “Organizational Behaviour” India Tech
7. Kavita Singh, “Organizational Behaviour”, Pearson
Detailed syllabus of 5 Year Integrated M.Sc Applied Physics
3. Pai: ”Data Structures & Algorithms; Concepts, Techniques & Algorithms ”Tata McGraw Hill.
Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of data structure in C” Horowitz, Sahani & Freed, Computer Science Press.
2. “Fundamental of Data Structure” ( Schaums Series) Tata-McGraw-Hill.
Detailed syllabus of 5 Year Integrated M.Sc Applied Physics
6. Specific resistance of the given material of the wire using carey foster bridge
Experiment No.1
Write a C program to perform matrix multiplication using array.
Experiment No.2
(a) Write a C program to create a stack using an array and perform
(i) push operation (ii) pop operation
(b) Write a C program to create a queue and perform
i) Push ii) pop iii) Traversal
Experiment No. 3
Write a C program that uses Stack operations to perform the following:
i) Converting infix expression into postfix expression
ii) Evaluating the postfix expression
Experiment No. 4
Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations on Single linked list:
i) Creation ii) Insertion iii) Deletion iv) Traversal in both ways
Experiment No. 5
Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations on Double linked list:
i) Creation ii) Insertion iii) Deletion
Experiment No. 6
Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations on Binary Treei)
Creation ii) Insertion iii) Deletion
Experiment No. 7
Write C programs that use both recursive and non recursive functions to perform the Linear
search operation for a Key value in a given list of integers:
i) Linear search
Experiment No. 8
Write C program that use both recursive and non recursive functions to perform the Binary
searchoperation for a Key value in a given list of integers:
Experiment No.9
Write a C program that implement Bubble Sort method to sort a given list of integers in
descending order.
Experiment No.10
Write a C program that implement Quick Sort method to sort a given list of integers in ascending
Book:- “Data structure using C” by Sudipta Mukherjee, TMH Publication
Detailed syllabus of 5 Year Integrated M.Sc Applied Physics
Thermodynamic system and thermodynamic equilibrium, Reversible and irreversible process
,internal energy, first law of thermodynamics, difference between molar specific heat of an ideal
gas, Derivation of relation 𝑃𝑉 𝛾 =constant for adiabatic process, work done in isothermal and
adiabatic process.Entropy change in various processes.T-S diagram, Carnot cycle , Carnot engine
and its efficiency ,Carnot theorem, second law of thermodynamics-Kelvin plank and Clausius
formulation, their quivalence, thermodynamic scale of temperature. (7)
Thermodynamic co-ordinates P.V.T and1st Tds equation, 2nd Tds equation . Clausius- Clapeyron
equation, effect of pressure on melting point and boiling point,thermal conductivity,differential
equation of heat flow in one dimension,experimental determination of of thermal conductivity by
Ingen-Haus and Searl‟s method.
Vandewall‟s equation of state for real gases, critical constants, reduced equation of state.(7)
Black body radiation,Stefans law, energy distribution in the blackbody spectrum.
Wien‟ displacement law,Wein‟s formula and Rayleigh –jeans formula (only statement and
discussion).Planck‟ radiation formula, derivative of Rayleigh-jeans formula.Wein‟s formula and
Stefan Boltzmann law using Planck‟s formula.
Rutherford‟s atomic model and its short coming, Bohr‟s theory of hydrogen atom. Energy
levels,explanation of
spectra,correction for nuclear motion,Bohr‟s correspondence principal.Frank-Hertz experiment,
critical potential. Photoelectric effect, Photon,Einstein‟s photoelectric effect, photon ,Einstein‟s
photoelectric equation, Compton effect. Particle nature of radiation.(8)
The atomic nucleus:its size,mass,charge, spin,magnetic moment, Mass defect ,binding energy,
stability of nuclear force-its characterstics,Radioactive decay law, activity decay law,activity,half-
life, average life, elementary idea of nuclear fission and fusion. Linear accelerator, cyclotron. (8)
1. Heat and Thermodynamics-A.B.Gupta& H.B. Ray(New Central)
2. Sound-M.Ghosh (S.Chand)
3. Physics for degree students-vol-I, II, M.Das
4. Modern Physics-R.Murugeshan
5. Introduction to Modern physics-H.S. Mani, G.K. Mehta (Affiliated East West)
6.Atomic physics-G.P.Harnwerll & W.E. Stephens.Mc Graw-HILL book company,Inc.
7.Atomic and nuclear physics-Satyapraksh
8.Atomic and nuclear physics-Shatendra Sharma (pearson publication)
9.Atomic and nuclear physics-Gupta Ghosha
Detailed syllabus of 5 Year Integrated M.Sc Applied Physics
5. Specific resistance of the given material of the wire using Carey foster
Radioactivity and nuclear reactions: Introduction, radioactivity, exponential decay law, Beta
decay and neutrino. Natural radioactive series, nuclear reactions, Accelerators: Van De Graph,
Tandem, linear accelerator, cyclotron, Betatron.
Lasers: purity of spectral line, coherence length and coherence time, Einstein‟s A and B
coefficients, Types of emission, metastable state, population inversion, 3 and 4 level lasers and its
application, ruby laser, He-Ne laser, semiconductor laser, uses of laser .
Electron spin: Introduction, spin angular momentum, magnetic moments, Zeeman Effect, Spin
magnetic moment, anomalous Zeeman effect, stark effect, fine structures, Magnetic Resonance
Nano material: Introduction to nano materials, Basic principles of Nano science and technology,
Fabrication of nano materials, Physical and chemical properties of nano materials, carbon nano
tubes, application of nano technology.
Text Books
2. Modern physics for scientists and Enginners- John R. Taylor, Chris D. zafiratos, Michael A.
Dubson. (Pearson)
Single stage transistor amplifier with its practical circuit, phase reversal, D.C. and A.C. equivalent
circuit, load line analysis of single stage transistor amplifier, multi-stage transistor amplifiers, role
of capacitors in transistor amplifiers, gain, frequency response, decibel gain with its advantages
and properties, band width, RC coupled amplifier, transistor audio power amplifier, classification
of power amplifiersand efficiency comparison, push-pull amplifier.
Modulation and demodulation: A.M. and F.M. Modulation index and its significance, Principle of
demodulation –linear diode detector, Integrated circuits –advantages, fabrication of monolithic
ICS, Digital electronics, binary and decimal number system. Logic gates AND, OR, NOT,
NAND, NOR gates, truth table.
MODULE-II(14 Hours)
Interpolation and Approximations: Introduction ,Langrages and Newton Interpolation, Least Square
Approximation, Uniform Approximation.Differentiation .
MODULE-III(12 Hours)
Numerical Integration : Newton Cotes Algorithm, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson‟s rule, Gauss – Legendre
Integration Method, Ordinary Differential Equations: Euler‟s Method ,Euler Modified Method, Runge -kutta
Essential readings:
1. Numerical Mathematics and Computing : by W. Cheney, David Kincaid, Cengage.
2. Numerical Methods by B.P. Acharya & R.N. Das.
3. Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computation; M.K. Jain,S.R.K. Iyengar, R.K. Jain.
4. A Introduction to Numerical Analysisby K.Aitkinson ,Wiley
Detailed syllabus of 5 Year Integrated M.Sc Applied Physics
FHMF409 Economics
UNIT -I: (7 hours)
Economics – Nature and scope, General concepts on micro & macro economics. The Theory of
demand, Demand function, Law of demand and its exceptions, Elasticity of demand, Law of
supply and elasticity of supply, Determination of equilibrium price under perfect competition
(Simple numerical problems to be solved), Theory of production, Law of variable proportion,
Law of returns to scale.
Time value of money – Simple and compound interest, Cash flow diagram, Principle of economic
equivalence. Evaluation of engineering projects – Present worth method, Future worth method,
Annual worth method, internal rate of return method, Cost-benefit analysis in public projects.
Text Books:
1. Riggs, Bedworth and Randhwa, “Engineering Economics”, McGraw Hill Education India.
2. D.M. Mithani, Principles of Economics. Himalaya Publishing House
Reference Books :
1. Sasmita Mishra, “Engineering Economics & Costing “, PHI
2. Sullivan and Wicks, “ Engineering Economy”, Pearson
3. R.Paneer Seelvan, “ Engineering Economics”, PHI
4. Gupta, “ Managerial Economics”, TMH
5. Lal and Srivastav, “ Cost Accounting”, TMH
Detailed syllabus of 5 Year Integrated M.Sc Applied Physics
Relation Query Languages, Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus, SQL. Relational
Database Design: Domain and Data dependency, Armstrong's Axioms, Normal Forms,
Dependency Preservation, Lossless design. Query Processing Strategy.
Transaction processing: Recovery and Concurrency Control. Locking and Timestamp based
Database Recovery System: Types of Data Base failure & Types of Database Recovery, Recovery
techniques .
Text Books:
(1) Database System Concepts by Sudarshan, Korth (McGraw-Hill Education )
(2) Fundamentals of Database System By Elmasari & Navathe- Pearson Education
References Books:
(1) An introduction to Database System – Bipin Desai, Galgotia Publications
(2) Database System: concept, Design & Application by S.K.Singh (Pearson Education)
(3) Database management system by leon &leon (Vikas publishing House).
(4) Fundamentals of Database Management System – Gillenson, Wiley India
(5) Database Modeling and Design: Logical Design by Toby J. Teorey, Sam S. Lightstone, and
Tom Nadeau, “”, 4th Edition, 2005, Elsevier India Publications, New Delhi
Detailed syllabus of 5 Year Integrated M.Sc Applied Physics
13 To measure voltage and Frequency of a sinusoidal wave form using a CROand to find
unknown frequency by producing Lissajous figure.
1. Use of SQL syntax: insertion, deletion, join, updation using SQL. (1 class)
2. Programs on join statements and SQL queries including where clause. (1 class)
Wave theory of light,Huygen‟s principle, reflection and refraction at plane surfaces, condition of
interference, division of wave front,biprism,interference by plane parallel thin film illuminated by
a point source, colour of thin films, Newton‟s ring, determination of wave length of
monochromatic light by Newton‟s ring.
Diffraction of light, Fresnel and Fraunhoffer diffraction, Fresnel‟s half period zones, Zone plate
act as a convex lens. Fraunhoffer diffraction by a single slit, double slit Plane transmission
Electromagnetic nature of light, Polarized and unpolarized light. Plane polarized, circularly
polarized and elliptically polarized light. Polarization by reflection and refraction, Brewster‟s law,
Malus‟s law. Double refraction, ordinary and extraordinary rays, construction, working and uses
of Nicol prism. Half wave plate and quarter wave plate.
Inadequacy of classical physics: review of black body radiation. Particle nature of wave,
photoelectric effect, Compton effect, dual nature of radiation. Wave nature of particle – De
Broglie hypothesis and wave-particle duality. Superposition of two waves, group velocity and
phase velocity, wave packet. Experimental confirmation of matter waves (Davisson – Germer
experiment). Heisenberg‟s uncertainty principle and applications (Ground state energy of
harmonic oscillator and hydrogen atom. Time dependent Schrodinger equation in one and three
dimension. The wave function, equation of continuity, probability current density and probability
density. Normalization of the wave function, Expectation value of an observable (6)
9. To measure voltage and Frequency of a sinusoidal wave form using a CRO and to find
unknown frequency by producing Lissajous figure.
Unit – I
Ecological Concepts and Natural Resources: Ecological perspective and value of environment.
Environmental auditing, Biotic components, Ecosystem Process: Energy, Food Chain, Water
cycle, Air cycle etc., Environmental gradients, Tolerance levels of environment factor, EU, US
and Indian Environmental Law, Global Perspective. Chemistry and Microbiology in
Environmental Engineering : Physical and chemical properties of water, Atmospheric chemistry,
Soil chemistry, Microbiology, Chemical and biochemical reactions, Material balances and
Reactor configurations. Concept in Hydrology : Hydrological cycle, Water balance, Energy
budget, Precipitation, Infiltration, evaporation and evapotranspiration, Rainfall-runoff
relationships, Urban hydrology, Ground water, Ground water chemistry, Water contamination and
pollution prevention.
Unit – II
Water Pollution : water quality standards and parameters, Assessment of water quality, Aquatic
pollution, Freshwater pollution, Estuarine water quality, Marine pollution, Organic content
parameters, DO and BOD demand in streams, Transformation process in water bodies, Oxygen
transfer by water bodies, Turbulent mixing, Water quality in lakes and preservers , Ground water
quality. Air Pollution : Air pollution and pollutants, criteria pollutants, Acid deposition, Global
climate change –green house gases, non-criteria pollutants, emission standard form industrial
sources, air pollution metereology, Atmospheric dispersion. Noise Pollution: Physical Properties
of sound, Noise criteria, Noise Standards, Noise measurement, Noise control.
Unit – III
Water Treatment : Water quality standards, Water sources and their quality, Water treatment
processes, Pretreatment of water, Conventional process, Advanced water treatment process. Waste
Water Treatment : Water flow rate and characteristics, Design of waste water network, Waste
water treatment process, pretreatment, primary and secondary treatment of waste water, Activated
sludge treatment : Anaerobic digestion and its microbiology, Reactor configurations and methane
production. Application of anaerobic digestion. Bio-solids regulations, Characteristics and
processing of bio-solids, first and second stage processing of sludge. Sludge disposal,. Integrated
sewage and sludge management. Solid Waste Management : Source classification and
composition of MSW : properties and separation, storage and transportation, MSW Management,
Waste minimization of MSW, Reuse and recycling, Biological treatment, Thermal treatment,
Detailed syllabus of 5 Year Integrated M.Sc Applied Physics
Landfill, Integrated waste management. Hazardous Waste Management, Hazardous waste and
their generation, Medical hazardous waste, Household waste, Transportation and treatment of
hazardous waste: Incinerators, Inorganic waste treatment, Treatment systems for hazardous waste,
handling of treatment plant residue. 38 Industrial Air Emission Control: Characterization of air
stream, Equipment selection, Equipment design, Special Methods: Flue gas desulphurization,
NOx removal, Fugitive emissions.
Unit – IV
Waste Minimization: Concept, Life Cycle Assessment, Elements of waste minimization strategy,
Benefits of waste minimization, Elements of waste minimization programme, Waste reduction
techniques. Environment impact Assessment, Origin and procedure of EIA, Project Screening for
EIA, Scope studies, Preparation and review of EIS.
Calculus of functions of more than one variable: Partial derivatives, exact and inexact
differentials. Integrating factor, with simple illustration. Constrained Maximization using
Lagrange Multipliers. (4 Lectures)
Dirac Delta function and its properties:
Definition of Dirac delta function. Representation as limit of a Gaussian function and rectangular
function. Properties of Dirac delta function. (3 Lectures)
Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates:
Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates. Derivation of Gradient, Divergence, Curl and Laplacian in
Cartesian, Spherical and Cylindrical Coordinate Systems. Comparison of velocity and
acceleration in cylindrical and spherical coordinate system. (7 Lectures)
Vector Calculus:
Recapitulation of vectors: Properties of vectors under rotations. Scalar product and its invariance
under rotations. Vector product, Scalar triple product and their interpretation in terms of area and
volume respectively. Scalar and Vector fields. (5 Lectures)
Vector Differentiation: Directional derivatives and normal derivative. Gradient of a scalar field
and its geometrical interpretation. Divergence and curl of a vector field. Del and Laplacian
operators. Vector identities, Gradient, divergence, curl and Laplacian in spherical and cylindrical
coordinates. (8 Lectures)
Vector Integration: Ordinary Integrals of Vectors. Multiple integrals, Jacobian. Notion of
infinitesimal line, surface and volume elements. Line, surface and volume integrals of Vector
fields. Flux of a vector field. Gauss' divergence theorem, Green's and Stokes Theorems and their
applications (no rigorous proofs). (13 Lectures)
Reference Books:
Mathematical Methods for Physicists, G.B. Arfken, H.J. Weber, F.E. Harris, 2013,7th Edn.,
An introduction to ordinary differential equations, E.A. Coddington, 2009, PHI learning.
Differential Equations, George F. Simmons, 2007, McGraw Hill.
Mathematical Tools for Physics, James Nearing, 2010, Dover Publications.
Mathematical methods for Scientists and Engineers, D.A. McQuarrie, 2003, Viva Book
Advanced Engineering Mathematics, D.G. Zill and W.S. Wright, 5 Ed., 2012, Jones and
Bartlett Learning
Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kreyszig, 2008, Wiley India.
Essential Mathematical Methods, K.F.Riley & M.P.Hobson, 2011, Cambridge Univ. Press
Mathematical Physics and Special Relativity--M. Das, P.K. Jena and B.K. Dash
(Srikrishna Prakashan) 2nd Edition 2009
Mathematical Physics--H. K. Dass, Dr. Rama Verma (S. Chand Higher Academics)
6th Edition 2011.
Mathematical Physics –C. Harper, (Prentice Hall India) 2006.
Mathematical Physics-Goswami (Cengage Learning) 2014
Mathematical Method for Physical Sciences -- M. L. Boas (Wiley India) 2006
Detailed syllabus of 5 Year Integrated M.Sc Applied Physics
Origins of Quantum Physics: Historical Perspective, Particle Aspect of Radiation, Wave Aspect
of Particles, Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, Probabilistic Interpretation, Atomic Transitions
and Spectroscopy, Wave Packets
Mathematical Tools of Quantum Mechanics: The Linear Vector Space, The Hilbert Space,
Dimension and Basis of a Vector Space, Square-Integrable Functions, Dirac Notations,
HermitianOperator, Projection Operator, Commutation Algebra, Uncertainty Relation between
Two Operators,
Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: The Basic Postulates of Quantum Mechanics, The State of a
System, Observables and Operators, Measurement in Quantum Mechanics, Time Evolution
Operator, Stationary States, Schrödinger Equation, The Conservation of Probability, Time
Evolution of Expectation Values, Symmetries and Conservation Laws, Connecting Quantum to
Classical Mechanics
1. Quantum Mechanics S. Gasiorowicz
2. Quantum Mechanics J. Sukurai
3. Quantum Mechanics R. Shankar
4. Quantum Mechanics S.N. Biswas
5. Quantum Mechanics A. Das
6. Quantum Mechanics A. Ghatak and S. Lokanath
7. Quantum Mechanics (Non Relativistic theory) L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz
8. Principles of Quantum Mechanics P.A.M. Dirac
9. Quantum Mechanics, concepts and application, N Zettili
Detailed syllabus of 5 Year Integrated M.Sc Applied Physics
1. Statistical physics - K. Huang
2. Statistical physics - R.K. Pathria
3. Statistical physics - F. Mohling
4. Elementary Statistical physics - C.Kittel
5. Statistical physics - Landau and Lifsitz
6. Physics Transitions & Critical Phonomena H.E. Stanly
7. Thermal Physics C. Kittel
8. Fundamental of statistical & Thermal physics- F. Reif
9. Statistical physics –B.B Laud
Detailed syllabus of 5 Year Integrated M.Sc Applied Physics
Alfa particle scattering and Rutherford scattering formula, Rutherford model of atom, Atomic
spectra, Series spectra of H-atom Ritz-Rydberg combination principle. Bohr theory of H-atom and
explanation of series spectra. Correction of finite mass of the nucleus, Bohrs corresponding
principle. Sommer feld‟s modification of Bohr theory, fine structure H line. General
characteristics of Sommer field‟s orbits ,descret energy exchange by atoms and Frank-Hertz
experiment. Continuous X ray spectrum , characteristics of emission and absorption spectra,
comparision of optical and X ray spectra, Moseley‟s law
Qualitattive idea about wave mechanical solution of Hydrogen Atom and discussion of quantum
numbers , space quantization, Larmor‟s theorem , Magnetic moment and the Bohr magneton ,
Series spectra of alkali metals and elementary idea regarding double fine structure , spinning
electron and the vector atom model, Electron spin orbit interaction energy and fine structure
separations ( P, D,F levels) due to spin-orbit interaction . Normal Zeeman effect ,anomalous
Zeeman effect and Paschen – Black effect in one electron system
Unit -3
The atom model for two valence electrons ,l-l coupling and s-s coupling , L-S coupling ,jj
coupling and terms arising from the interaction of two electrons in these coupling schenes.
Pauli exclusion principle and quantization of vibrational and rotational energy in molecules. Pure
rotational and rotation- vibration spectra. Raman effect, stokes and anti stokes lines . Character of
Raman Spectra . Experimental arrangement of Raman Spectroscopy .
Reference Books
1. Introduction to Atomic spectra: Havery Elliott White ( Mc-Graw Hill Book Company)
2. Concepts of Physics : Arthur Beiser (TMH)
3. Fundamentals of Spectroscopy- Raj kumar (Pragati Prakasan)
Detailed syllabus of 5 Year Integrated M.Sc Applied Physics
1. To use a Multimeter for measuring (a) Resistances, (b) AC and DC Voltages, (c) DC Current,
and (d) checking electrical fuses.
2. Ballistic Galvanometer:
(i) Measurement of charge and current sensitivity
(ii) Measurement of CDR
(iii) Determine a high resistance by Leakage Method
(iv) To determine Self Inductance of a Coil by Rayleigh‟s Method.
3. To compare capacitances using De‟Sauty‟s bridge.
4. Measurement of field strength B and its variation in a Solenoid (Determine dB/dx)
5. To study the Characteristics of a Series RC Circuit.
6. To study a series LCR circuit LCR circuit and determine its (a) Resonant frequency, (b)
Quality factor
7. To study a parallel LCR circuit and determine its (a) Anti-resonant frequency and
(b) Quality factor Q
8. To determine a Low Resistance by Carey Foster‟s Bridge.
9. To verify the The venin and Norton theorems
10. To verify the Superposition, and Maximum Power Transfer Theorems .
1. To measure (a) Voltage, and (b) Frequency of a periodic waveform using a CRO
2. To verify and design AND, OR, NOT and XOR gates using NAND gates.
3. To minimize a given logic circuit.
4. Half adder, Full adder and 4-bit Binary Adder.
5. Adder-Subtractor using Full Adder I.C.
6. To design an astable multivibrator of given specifications using 555 Timer.
7. To design a monostable multivibrator of given specifications using 555 Timer.
8. To study IV characteristics of PN diode, Zener and Light emitting diode
9. To study the characteristics of a Transistor in CE configuration.
10. To design a CE amplifier of a given gain (mid-gain) using voltage divider bias.
11.Study of frequency response of LCR circuit.
Introduction, Principles of optical fibre: Acceptance angle and acceptance cone, Numerical
aperture, Types of optical fibres: Single and multimode fibres, Step index fibre, Step index fibre,
Graded index fibre, TE and TM modes, Dispersion, Attenuation in Optical Fibres: Scattering
losses, Absorption losses, Bending losses, Loss in decibel.
Fibre materials: Glass fibres, Plastic fibres, Optical fibres in communication: Light sources for
fibre optics, LEDs as light source, Lasers as light source, Modulation, Photodetectors,
Functioning of Fibre Optic Communication system, Advantages of Fibre Optic communication,
Application of Optical Fibres in Medicine and Sensors, Coherent and incoherent fibre –optic
Fourier Series: Periodic functions. Orthogonality of sine and cosine functions, Dirichlet
Conditions (Statement only). Expansion of periodic functions in a series of sine and cosine
functions and determination of Fourier coefficients. Complex representation of Fourier series.
Expansion of functions with arbitrary period. Expansion of non-periodic functions over an
interval. Even and odd functions and their Fourier expansions. Application. Summing of Infinite
Series. Term-by-Term differentiation and integration of Fourier Series. Parseval Identity.
(10 Lectures)
Some Special Integrals: Beta and Gamma Functions and Relation between them. Expression of
Integrals in terms of Gamma Functions. Error Function (Probability Integral). (4 Lectures)
Frobenius Method and Special Functions: Singular Points of Second Order Linear Differential
Equations and their importance, Frobenius method and its applications to differential equations:
Legendre & Hermite Differential Equations. Properties of Legendre & Hermite Polynomials:
Rodrigues Formula, Generating Function, Orthogonality. Simple recurrence relations. Expansion
of function in a series of Legendre Polynomials. Associated Legendre polynomials and spherical
harmonics. (12 Lectures)
Theory of Errors: Systematic and Random Errors. Propagation of Errors. Normal Law of Errors.
Standard and Probable Error. (4 Lectures)
Partial Differential Equations: Solutions to partial differential equations, using separation of
variables: Laplace's Equation in problems of rectangular, cylindrical and spherical symmetry.
Conducting and dielectric sphere in an external uniform electric field. Wave equation and its
solution for vibrational modes of a stretched string. (10 Lectures)
Reference Books:
Mathematical Methods for Physicists: Arfken, Weber, 2005, Harris, Elsevier.
Fourier Analysis by M.R. Spiegel, 2004, Tata McGraw-Hill.
Mathematics for Physicists, Susan M. Lea, 2004, Thomson Brooks/Cole.
Differential Equations, George F. Simmons, 2006, Tata McGraw-Hill.
Partial Differential Equations for Scientists & Engineers, S.J. Farlow, 1993, Dover Pub.
Mathematical methods for Scientists & Engineers,D.A. McQuarrie, 2003, Viva Books
Mathematical Physics and Special Relativity--M. Das, P.K. Jena and B.K. Dash
(Srikrishna Prakashan) 2nd Edition 2009
Mathematical Physics--H. K. Dass, Dr. Rama Verma (S. Chand Higher Academics)
Crystal structure: Types of lattices, unit cell, Wigner Seitz cell, simple cubic (SC), Body centered
cubic (BCC), face centered cubic (FCC), hexagonal closed packed (HCP) and miller indices,
elementary idea about symmetry elements.
Unit II
Crystal Binding: Inert gas crystals, vander waals- London interaction, Repulsive interaction,
cohesive energy, ionic crystals, electrostatic energy, Evaluation of Madelung constant, Covalent
binding, metallic binding, Hydrogen bonded crystals.
Unit III
Lattice Vibrations: Elastic and Atomic force constants, Dynamics of chains of atoms, monoatomic
and diatomic chains, optical and acoustic modes, interaction of light with ionic crystals.
Superconductivity: experimental survey, Zero resistivity, Meissner‟s effect, Type-I and Type-II
superconductors, specific heat and thermal conductivity.
1. Quantum Mechanics S. Gasiorowicz
2. Quantum Mechanics J. Sukurai
3. Quantum Mechanics R. Shankar
4. Quantum Mechanics S.N. Biswas
5. Quantum Mechanics A. Das
6. Quantum Mechanics A. Ghatak and S. Lokanath
7. Quantum Mechanics (Non Relativistic theory) L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz
8. Principles of Quantum Mechanics P.A.M. Dirac
9. Quantum Mechanics, concepts and application, N Zettili
Detailed syllabus of 5 Year Integrated M.Sc Applied Physics
Introduction to computer hardware and software , introduction to storage in computer
memory, stored program concepts, storage media computer operating system, LINUX,
Programming with C:
Programme solving on computers-algorithm and flow charts in PROGRAMMING IN “C” 77
data types,
Exercises for acquaintance:
1. To find the largest or smallest of a given set of numbers
2. To generate and print first hundred prime numbers
3. Sum of an AP series, GP series, Sine series, Cosine series
4. Factorial of a number
5. Transpose of a square matrix
6. Matrix multiplication and addition
7. Evaluation of log and exponentials 8.Solution of quadratic equation
9. Division of two complex numbers
10. To find the sum of the digits of a number
Detailed syllabus of 5 Year Integrated M.Sc Applied Physics
1. To determine the frequency of an electric tuning fork by Melde‟s experiment and verify λ2 –T
2. Familiarization with: Schuster`s focusing; determination of angle of prism.
3. To determine refractive index of the Material of a prism using sodium source.
4. To determine the dispersive power and Cauchy constants of the material of a prism using
mercury source.
5. To determine wavelength of sodium light using Fresnel Biprism.
6. To determine the thickness of a thin paper by measuring the width of the interference fringes
produced by a wedge-shaped Film.
7. To determine wavelength of (1) Na source and (2) spectral lines of Hg source using plane
diffraction grating.
4. To determine dispersive power and resolving power of a plane diffraction grating
10To measure (a) Voltage, and (b) Time period of a periodic waveform using CRO.
11. To test a Diode and Transistor using a Multimeter.
12. To design a switch (NOT gate) using a transistor.
13. To verify and design AND, OR, NOT and XOR gates using NAND gates.
14. Half Adder, Full Adder and 4-bit binary Adder.
15. Measurement of Planck‟s constant using black body radiation and photo-detector
Detailed syllabus of 5 Year Integrated M.Sc Applied Physics
7. Trace of a matrix
8. Matrix invertion