Sanskrit Chapter 3
Sanskrit Chapter 3
Sanskrit Chapter 3
Sanskrit literature begins with epics and puranas. These have served as
a source and inspiration for writing to later poets. Kalidasa wrote his
works based on the plot taken from these works, which also influenced
The Rdmdyana
The Ramayana (RM)of Valmiki is considered as the Adihvya and
woman, brother, friend and servant. Rama is the ideal son, husband,
king and man while Laksmana, the ideal brother and Hanuman, the
was the abandoned royal princess, royal wife and royal queen lived in
forest. Tars was a victim wife of the rivalry of king brothers, who was
husband, children and everything due to the over desire of her husband
protection from another man in life and even in humiliation in the royal
and frailties, society imposed strict moral code upon woman, the failure
Vayul and the parents advised them to pardon.' The status of woman in
the RM was not satisfactory. As a child, she had no history because she
Her life in childhood was only a training period in her home, serving
elders so as to equip them with the small world of house without any
in the house, which limited her dreams only to romantic wedded life. If
it was a failure, there was nothing to her for onward journey other than
endless miseries.
All role models of woman are wives. The concept of wife of that
sacrifice his power, riches and even his life for her.' Manthara in
Rama, the perfect man. With out him she was nothing, though she
served and loved her husband reverently and sincerely and succeeded
in the existence of the race. She made her wifehood thus complete by
performing the religious rites and by the family affection, the only
became famous as the slave wife and the slave mother of a slave son,
accompanying Rama and Sita in exile as their dutiful servant. She had
bright future. In Indian tradition, the duty of the younger brothers was
represent the model wives, who serve their master, even when they
Kaikeyi, the valorous woman leads the story of the RM, like Sita.
The beautiful queen, who enjoyed all the favours from the king, though
not necessary as a wife, accompanied him in a battle, saved his life, and
obtained two boons. She, as mother to protect the rights of her son,
was also aware of the fact, because he says Laksmana that the state was
her as viras'ulka. She was endowed with all the qualities like chastity,
faithfulness, moral courage, self control and heroic fortitude. She was
popularised as the model for even gods. She was described as pativrata,
mahdbhdgn, chdyevdnugatd and was given to become a sahadharmini. She
diverted the flow of the story by the abduction and was attributed by
follow, when she reminded him about his cowardliness of leaving her
under the rival king. Urmila is a character, who was compelled to serve
parents-in-law behind the curtain and remain under the rival king. She
leaving her without uttering a word. She gives a picture of the status of
wife in a royal family. Valmiki hints to, though not expressed, her
eternal union with her husband after exile and she became luckier than
~rutakirti,wife of ~ a t r u ~ h n a .
apsaras, became the wife of Ravana on the condition that he would not
act against her will. It was easy to him as the will of a wife and husband
was the same. But wise Mandodari opposed him not even his relation
Tara, the beloved and respected wife of Bali and his inspiration,
tried to retreat him from the battle with Sugriva as she was aware of the
duty and fate of the wife of valorous persons. Ruma was captured and
kept as his wife, which was a practice in ancient India. Repenting on his
considered as his ideal wife, minister and master. Her diplomacy was
Initially, though both were punished, Indra was rescued by gods, but
war. The difference is that in the RM,it was between two different
tribes while in the MB, it was between two branches of the same
to take revenge, as she could not survive in the society of male heroes.
son but not a daughter was eligible to expiate their family from the
sacrificed their lives for their family to help the survival of the k ~ a t r i y a
Devayani,' Kunti 4and Savitri were lucky as parents trained them. After
house5. Husband was another preceptor who taught the moral codes.
Draupadi was an expert in political science, nitisara, law and ethics and
could study from guests also. Kunti was taught Atharvamantra by the
used Sanskrit. During that period, the aim of education was to develop
through which they could help heroes. So they were acquainted with
Conjugal life
Wife had a relatively high status and the relation of couples was
helping hand in all the fields of life2. The house without wife and
forest3. Women were lived in husband's house or with sons. Kunti had
to lead a wanderer's life with her sons. But, unlike Sita, Damayanti and
virtuous and dutiful and also keen about the welfare of her family.
' MB. 111. 222. 40-42, 11. 48. 67-41,111. 32. 11-12,180. 1-2
MB. IV. 2-4,l. 45. 31,111. 58.27-28 and MP. I . 180
MB. XXII. 142. 4. fn. 364, I. 68. 50.4
Some codes were prescribed for men also. They were advised not
of the family.' Like chastity of the wife, husbands were also insisted to
follow Bh~yGvrata~
and worthy sons were born only if both father and
keep them happy and he was punished for not protecting wife or
without the consent of his wife. There were some restrictions in travel
was a status symbol. Almost all heroes had more than one wife. Only
Kamsa had two wives; Asti and Prapti, daughters of Jarasandha. Krsna
love into devotion. Characters like Janaka, with eighty wives, Sanaka
polyandry. Viksi was described as the wife of ten Pracetasas and mother
of Yaksi.' Paficali was the most famous polyandrist. This was accepted
belonging to higher castes. The money earned by women was not used
household extras and luxury. There was no prohibition for lower caste
servants, dancers, singers and beauticians. Since their social status was
that of the MS. Women owned the right of property and gifts received
political discussion and even took decisions. But they never deviated
from their duties as wives and mothers. Protection of wife was the duty
strictly barred. It is very interesting to note that though the caste system
rank and caste was not condemned but even reputed as the founder
some sort of freedom but this was not the condition in a place out of the
front of the elder members of the royal family. This state of a woman in
women artists and artisans, whose chastity was not insisted was very
pitiable, which can be inferred from the instances of the attack of Kicaka
information about the life of common people and their living condition.
Even male characters are popularised who go along with the ideologies
of male dominated society. ParaSurama was praised for even killing his
mother at the instance of father. But Cirakari, son of Gautama, who
acted only after thinking well was not mentioned even in narration of
the story of the MB The story of Cirakari, which is just opposite of the
story of ParaSurama, was kept unknown or not popularised. This might
husband and father blindly, avoiding mother. There are some heroic
She was born in a royal family and bought up in another, that of king
Kuntibhoja and the wife of the crowned king Pandu and lived as the
mother of five brave sons. This intelligent queen, who was famous as
the responsibility of her sons also. She kept her sons together joining
helped to regain the lost kingdom to her sons but loosing grand sons.
ridiculed the women folk as a whole. After regaining the power for her
sons as a mother, she led a life in forest with Gandhari and Dhrtarasfra.
shadow and was the spirit and inspiration behind the victory of them.
Even if they could not protect her from the humiliation met from their
members of the family and her will power helped her to overcome
tragedies and even questioned the right of husband to sell her with out
her consent. She remained as a wife in the way prescribed in the code of
Gandhari, was extolled as a model wife, who kept away from all
the pleasures denied to her blind husband. This blind couple under this
blind husband and her sons, she acted as 'blind'; not only that, her
brother ~ a k u nhelped
i her in the attainment of reign in a crooked way.
If she were a real pativrata she would not remain blind, instead direct
rejected her and on return, her father was also not ready to accept her.
Then to take revenge upon Bhisma, who caused her destitute, she
performed penance in the forest and it is said that she was born as
caused the death of Bhisma. She was pictured as a eunuch as she acted
woman to kill a hero like Bhisma, though it was not impossible in that
age of trained heroic girls, to defeat a valorous person like Bhisma and
royal family and so she became courageous, wise, gentle, adept [in the
marry this educated and courageous girl, she chose prince Satyavan,
son of exiled king Dyumatsena, as desired by her father. After one year,
when Satyavan died, she followed Yama until ultimately Yama gave
Satyavan back to her. The story of this noble wife shows that anything
is to be noted that no story of a man who devoted his life to his wife
was famous in any work in Indian literature. This story also hints to the
fact that education was a drawback to woman for marriage and thus
she followed him in his exile, he abandoned her in a lonely forest. After
long sufferings, she reached her parental house and with their help,
regained Nala, her husband. The importance of this story is that in that
age daughters were allowed to stay in their house in a crisis. The story
sport loving character. She enjoyed more freedom as the sister of Krsna
Purwas are considered as the historical work dealing with all the
subjects in the three worlds. In number and subjects, they are very
The society being patriarchal, son was placed in the highest heaven.
included in them.
the education for women was not completely denied during the
P ~ r i i n a s Women
.~ like Parvati and Aditi practicing penance and austere
heaven or s a l v a t i ~ nConcept
.~ of wife is similar to that in Dharrna~iistra.~
She is the wife, who is clever and efficient in house hold duties, who
or soul and who is chaste. The ideal wife should act according to the
the family. Submission to wife was censured; at the same time, the
conjugal life, which nourishes women, and by which she would not go
was not accepted, however niyoga was not prohibited, but women were
pure and whatever sexual sin they might have committed would be
and glance at her and her blessings were not considered as auspici~us.~
flowers, sandal paste, like that of a god Visnu2. She was barred from
to her husband and should not express her emotion before him.3 She
should remain well adorned and well dressed in the presence of her
that there were anti and favourable tendencies prevalent in the society
The life of widow was pitiable and she was expected to lead a life
with out worldly pleasures engaged in the worship of gods and not
bhayfl, but not a ruler. Her world is strictly confined to his house and
life in household.
and then Kalidasa. Works of Bhasa contain very few female characters.
BP. I. 58.106
VP. striuadhe tuam mahdpapam kim ...
PP. bhumikhapda. 30-33
GP. 57.13
not known now. So among the predecessors of Kalidasa, only Bhasa is
from stereotypes.
to the camp in the absence of Udayana and convinced him that his
name Avantika. The king married Padmavati and could regain Vatsa
truth to Udayana.
respected and beloved wife endowed with all expected qualities. She, as
her husband marriage; even to wreath wedding garland for her CO-wife.
This silent suffering and the great sacrifice of this woman were
she had no other alternatives. This is clear from the expression of her
depicts the harmonious life of CO- wives. But, Bhasa expresses his
the woman character is Hidimba, a raksasi. Bhasa chose her to avoid the
Bhima, she approached him and had a child. Though they are generally,
her union with Rama as ideal.' Sita finds happiness not in attaining the
status of kingship, but in their happy life. Thus Bhasa, deviating from
Mothers are revered. Kausalya reproached herself for giving birth not to
a loving son, when Rama left her alone.' However, this reverence
the attitude of mother to children that there is no mother, who will not
pardon the fault of son. But generally Bhasa depicted women without
who was depicted as chaste, was ordered by Bali to follow his words.5
Gandhari and Pauravi are appeared on the stage as proud mother and
PN. 1.29
PN. 111. 9
PN. 111. 18
A N . dharmasnehntare nyasya
AN.-mama vassdnugamini bhava
UB. aharnabhitaputraprasavini
back Pauravi saying that heroic wives of heroic persons do not cry.'
this study giving a picture of antahpura and women connected with men
man when he went for outing and detached himself from the worldly
emerged out of existing world and moulded according to the mind and
imagination of the writer. In every age, the way of putting woman has
been seen primarily as wife, mother and sex object and their roles in
existent nor rear. In short feminist and anti feminist approaches were
U B I. 52
Buddhacarita. 111. 48-49
CO-existent,but the general trend was to suppress women in all spheres
of life. These may be the reason for the absence of women as writers or