Effects of Geopathic Stress and Vastu
Effects of Geopathic Stress and Vastu
Effects of Geopathic Stress and Vastu
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9/18/2019 Effects of Geopathic Stress and Vastu
which are organized into narrow bands about 6-8 cm wide.Water veins in the ground such as
rivers, water falls, all of which have to be running water to cause problems. Water runs often lead
to rheumatic symptoms, to feel tired the morning, to allergies and frequent dreaming.
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9/18/2019 Effects of Geopathic Stress and Vastu
such as the following: electrosmog (electrical field, magnetic field, electromagnetic fields as those
emanating from high-voltage power lines, electric cables, electrical appliances and synthetic
materials) and high frequency pollution (mobile [cell] phone antenna, mobile [cell] phone
radiation, DECT telephones, hotspot/WLAN, radar).95 Percent of people with Secondary Cancer
where sleeping in a Geopathic Stress area or were working in one at the time of that they got
cancer.Geopathic Stress does not cause Cancer directly but indirectly by lowering the immunity of
the individual. Depending on the strength of the Geopathic Stress it may take years for illness to
develop or only months in very strong areas.Children and Babies are more sensitive than adults
and an unborn baby even more so. Therefore pregnant women should be careful where they
sleep.It is very important to sleep in a Safe Place.Geopathic Stress will reduce your ability to get
pregnant. It has been shown that 50% of women were unable to conceive while sleeping in
Geopatic Stress line. Also sleeping in Geopathic Stress line while pregnant can be a contributory
factor in miscarriage; it negatively affects fetal development and can lead to an unhealthy newborn
baby.When kids/babies don’t feel right, they react. And this is simply detected by watching their
sleep pattern. If they move around a lot, or don’t settle easily, or always move to some “funny”
position, wake up grumpy and irritable or with headache, or wetting the bed…these are all signs
that they could be affected by Geopathic Stress.We need to ensure that their start on life is not
being detrimentally affected, when we think they are peacefully sleeping in their beds.
directional science that combines all the Nature five Elements and balances them with our
structures and nature, man and material. It creates agreeable atmosphere to live or work, by
taking advantage of the benefits bestowed by the Panchabhuthas of the nature. The Panchabuthas
means the five basic and essential elements of the nature (Natural Powers) Vayu (Air), Agni (Fire),
Jal (Water), Bhoomi (Earth) and Akash (Space). Almost and every thing on earth is built from these
elements, Phanchabuthas. The science of Vastu Shastra has been an integral part of business
success and progress. But in modern times, this system needs to be utilised for ensuring cordial
employee-employer relationships. In offices, inter-personal relationship issues are triggered due to
incompatibility in human and space energies. Earth disconnection and geopathic stress provoke
negative vibrations among team members. If global energies are calibrated at high levels, they can
help in maintaining positive working relationships and ethical respect, especially towards female
members. In general, we should concentrate on the northwest and southeast directions inside the
office and try to maintain energy flow from the former to the latter. We should also ensure that the
‘vastulogical’ norms for sitting arrangement, orientation and location are maintained according to
office hierarchy. Architects and designers should incorporate the traditional wisdom of Indian
vastu vidya of space energies into their practice. German Bau Biology and French Acmo Habitat
have also provided scientific remedies to enhance the energies of pre-built workplaces and offices.
One’s house is regarded as an extension of the inhabitant. So, it is essential that the house be so
aligned that the positive energies overcome the negative energies. The relationship between the
Earth and us has always been reciprocal: we are connected through an omnipresent universal
energy. Unfortunately, our modern lifestyle and widespread pollution have contaminated the
earth on which we live.
human body, and the emitted electromagnetic wave signals are different under the different
conditions of the human body, such as health, sub-health, disease, etc. If we can determine these
specific electromagnetic wave signals, we can determine the status of the body's life. Then, How
Can A Specific Earth Energy Weaken Human Health? To answer it, imagine having a house right
above the highway (the energy equivalent of a ley line), or above a rushing river (an underground
water current). How does that feel? How does your body feel? We are talking about underground
formations, so it might be hard to understand the relation between invisible factors, but just
because we cannot see it does not mean it's not there! The vibrations emitted by various earth
energies do not cause a specific illness, but rather lower a person's immunity to fight diseases. If
your bed is placed above an underground water current, all your body can do is try hard to keep
its basic balance. It does not have enough energy left to focus on regenerating and replenishing
itself.You might have an underground water stream, for example, as well as a crossing of Benker
lines; maybe even some geologic anomalies or vortexes. The more you know about geopathic
stress including specific earth grid lines, such as Hartmann, Benker, Curry lines and other, the
more effective your solutions will be. The influence of earth energies might not be constant, but
rather cyclical. More often than not, the intensity of an underground river flow will change with the
seasons, as well as with the lunar tides. In most cases, it does not really make a difference if you
live in a house or in an apartment building with many floors. Some earth energies can be felt just a
strong, if not even stronger, on the 12th floor (as compared to the ground floor) because of
specific building materials.
immune system, so you have less chance of fighting any illness. Symptoms and/or occurrences
experienced when sleeping in a Geopathically Stressed room include: " Restlessness, insomnia,
difficulty in getting to sleep, excessive dreaming, excessively heavy sleep, waking un refreshed ,
waking up with head ache or back pain , Cold or restless feet and legs in bed, Asthma and
respiratory difficulties in night, fatigue and lethargy in daytime, unexplained mood changes,
aggression and depression, children bed wetting, children continuously crying, infertility ,
miscarriage, marital disharmony, premature death, cot deaths, aids, not responding to
medications, prolonged illness and CANCER " It is vitally important for a human-made structure to
honour and make connections with the physical environment. This creates stability, acceptance by
the spirit of the land, and very real anchor lines which allow energy flow between the structure and
surrounding landscape.” CANCER is the most notorious of these, and tumours are known to
develop almost always at exactly the spot where two or more GS lines cross a person’s body as
they lie asleep in their bed. Other possible Effects of Geopathic Stress include : Poor workmanship,
Hostile staff relations, Difficulty selling a property, Martial Disharmony, Infertility, Premature
Death, Frequent Fights in the Family, Cot Deaths, Deadly Diseases like cancer, coma etc.,
Continuous loss in Business, Murders & Robberies, Accidents and many more such problems
which are harmful to us. The interaction between a Geopathic stress line and your body falls into
three principal categories. Chronic diseases. There is much more formal research on the effects of
Geopathic Stress on our ability to fight disease, with compelling statistics on Cancer. Geopathic
Sress effects the functioning of the Lymph gland and in turn reduces our bodies ability to protect
itself. This is why chronic diseases can take hold more readily with people (or animals) who sleep
on Geopathic Stress lines. Geopathic stress does not make you ill or cause Cancer, it simply
reduces your defenses and makes you more prone to develop the condition. Also, by not
addressing Geopathic Stress, treatment for conditions may not be as effective as they could be
because of the negative effect of the Geopathic Stress. Others get a deep sense of unease or
depresion and feel that they do not belong. They may have an unreasonable sense of uneasiness
or unhappiness. They often do not sleep well, have fertility problems or recurring minor illnesses.
Although there may be other contributing factors to these symptoms, they are often as a result of
Geopathic Stress. It is well documented that Geopathic Stress can contribute to attention deficit
disorders, bedwetting and other stress related synptoms in children. You can sense a presence.
When somebody comes close to you can often sense it. If your home has a Geopathic Stress line
you many sense something is there. Some houses just feel cold, some people simply do not settle
in a home, and others sense that there are spirits there. Children may complain of being scared at
night, or that they are spooked. Small children have a greater sense of Geopathic Stress lines and
may end up in a particular corner of their cot. Our bodies can sense something there and many
myths have grown to explain this, but it nothing more than a Geopathis Stress line. You cannot
hear, see or touch Geopathic Stress lines, but they are very real. These lines interact with your
body’s electrical system and aura, and all of the effects described above are as a direct result of
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