Effects of Geopathic Stress and Vastu

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9/18/2019 Effects of Geopathic Stress and Vastu

Effects of Geopathic Stress and Vastu


May 30, 2014

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Understanding Geopathic Stress

Geopathic Stress as the study of earth energies and their effect on human health. There are
various types of earth energies, some very beneficient for human health, and some detrimental.It
is important to understand that none of the earth energies we are dealing with are dangerous or
malevolent, there is no need for fear. The reason these energies are challenging for human health
is because their strong vibrations can weaken a person's immune system if one is exposed to them
for a long period of time. So, it is wise to avoid spending too much time. Bio-electromagnetic
radiations emanating from earth’s natural sources — magnetic grid lines, underground water
streams, fossil deposits; from some building materials such as granite, and from man made
sources — mobile phones, computers, transmission towers, server rooms etc are harmful for the
health of human beings and impact the performance of machines at the workplace. Geopathic
Stresses, emitted from earth’s natural sources, are 200 times stronger than the average energy
level of the human body and are also ‘negative’ in nature. These radiations start affecting the
health of an individual if subjected to them over a period of time.If one is sleeping on a bed or
working in a particular cabin in their office, which is cut by a magnetic grid line or an underground
water stream, then it causes a negative impact on one’s health. The extent of damage will depend
on the immunity level of the person.

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Earth energies can be bad, good or neutral

Geopathic Stress is the Earths vibrations which rise up through the Earth and are distorted by
weak electromagnetic fields created by subterranean running water, certain mineral
concentrations, fault lines and underground cavities.The vibration distorted becomes abnormally
high and harmful to living organisms. Geopathic Stress is the term used for natural or man-made
energies emanating from the earth and which are detrimental to human health.Geopathic
energies do not recognize boundaries, as they can pass through walls, windows and closed doors.
The effects of GS weakens a person’s life force, thus causing low immunity and ill health.The
reasons for GS are disturbances caused by underground water (either flowing or stagnant), but
also natural calamities like earth quakes, geological structures such as ore deposits and man-made
structures such as mining or large buildings, foundations, sewage and water pipes, underground
transport systems. These things create harmful radiations and generate heat which affects the
person’s health who sleeps on GS. The electro-magnetic pollution in the form of overhead or
underground cables, phone masts and electricity generating stations or sub-stations also has a
harmful impact on human body and mind. The inner earth vibrations are 8Hz (Lamda) as it rotates.
But the vibrations of the place where the GS locates has much higher frequencies. If the inner
earth’s vibration of 8Hz (Lamda) crosses a water vein 80 – 160 meters underground, stress lines
are created which vibrate up to 250Hz. Such frequency anomalies are said to cause disturbances in
the immune system, behavioral pattern and cell structure of a person similar to the effects of
EMFs. Many times the reason for sickness is not found as per Vastu or Feng Shui. That time the
reason lies in Geopathic Stress. When a house or a building is having Geopathic Stress, it gives
sickness to the occupant. This stress is diagnosed scientifically. Over the past century we have
developed technologies, such as mobile phones, that pose a direct threat to our future health, but
there is an equally harmful radiation that comes from the earth and could be responsible for many
of the health problems facing the modern world. It is called 'Geopathic Stress'. Geopathic Stress is
a form of Naturally occurring radiation which comes from the earth itself and as it rises to the
surface it is disturbed by the weak electro magnetic field of underground running water and or
mineral field or crystals deposits and fault lines. Hartmann lines named after Dr Ernest Hartmann
a German medical practicioner who discovered these naturally occurring lines orientated from
North to South. Hartmann lines can cause symptoms of the organs on their crossing points. Curry
lines named after an American doctor who discovered these naturally occurring lines. Curry lines
can cause symptoms of the organs on their crossing points. Benker zones are a system of
alternating magnetic and electronic zones.The molecules of moving underground water interact
with the structure of the strata it is flowing through, producing a positive vertical electric field, a dc
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generated magnetic field, radio frequencies ranging from 87 - 101 MHz and ultra-short waves
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which are organized into narrow bands about 6-8 cm wide.Water veins in the ground such as
rivers, water falls, all of which have to be running water to cause problems. Water runs often lead
to rheumatic symptoms, to feel tired the morning, to allergies and frequent dreaming.


Electromagnetic Waves & GS

Electrical ground current is can be a factor that causes Geopathic stress. Electrical current
returning to the substation through the earth can act as “stray voltage.” Electrical ground currents
occur when the utility's wire is overloaded and returns back to the substation “off the wire,”
traveling through the earth conducted by soil, water, plumbing lines. Electro-pathological energy
created by modern technology can also contribute to geopathic stress in the form of high and low
frequency energy from telecommunication towers, electricity pylons, transformers, radar and
radio towers. As well as electromagnetic fields that emanate from such structures as high tension,
or satellite towers, electrical street poles, or circuit breakers.Some scientists have measured the
current received by a photodiode from a laser placed at the other side of the measurement setup.
The purpose was to have the photons of the beam cross the geopathic stress zone, and ‘interfere’
with its subtle energy field. Instead, the energy from the geopathic stress zone interfered with the
photons! compared to a normal zone (without GS), the current received by the photodiode is
clearly inferior when the measurement setup is placed above the GS. This means that the
Geopathic Zone has a specific type of energy, whatever it is, capable of interfering with
photons.This shows that the energy of a GS zone is directional. The effect is maximum when the
beam was parallel to the GS line, ie when it spends the most time above it. Science only begins to
understand the phenomenon of Geopathic stress, but it is proven that it is real, measurable.This
study also proves that dowsing is effectively a very sophisticated detection method.


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Understanding Geopathic Stress...

The Earth has a natural electromagnetic field that is at a frequency of roughly 7.8 Hz, the
Schumann Resonances. This field gets distorted as it passes through underground streams,
mineral deposits and other obstructions, and the frequency changes to a level that is harmful to
most humans. In worst cases it is understood to go as high as 250Hz. This is what we know as
Geopathic Stress and this is why it typically occurs along lines that follow the course of
underground rivers.Other factors such as natural geological fault lines. Man-made fault lines from
nuclear testing, and building projects that disturb the land, can also create conditions where the
earth’s natural electro-magnetic forces are distorted and result in Geopathic Stress lines. The most
common cause of Geopathic Stress lines is underground streams, and as a rule, wetter climates
have more underwater rivers and therefore more Geopathic Stress lines.The earths
Electromagnetic field is essential for life and there is a strong correlation between Schumann
Resonance and the alpha brain rhythms 7-12 Hz . Research shows that when there is a high level of
alpha brainwave frequencies we are more likely to be healthy. This is why NASA has installed
Schumann Resonators in it's space shuttles. There are many other types of Geopathic Stress and
two of the most commomly established are; Hartmann lines form a grid that generally follow the
lines of longitude and latitude, and are roughly 6 feet apart, and the Curry Grid that straggles the
equator stretching into both the northern and southern hemispheres. Where underground water
and these two grids occur in the same place, the electromagnetic energy that they produce will
interact and can produce even more harmful conditions for us.The higher frequency of Geopathic
Stress is not only out of sync with our brain's frequency, but it is often in a range that other
organisms thrive in. For example, Bacteria and paracites thrive in the 150 to 180 Hz range, and
likewise Mould and Viruses prosper at these higher rates.Geopathic Stress lines can be located in
many ways including the use of Magnetometers and other devices to locate electromagnetic levels.
However, the most effective, the easiest, and most widely accepted way of locating these lines is by
using a Diviner or Dowser.

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Regular Cat sleeping area is negative GS.

Some animals and plants are attracted to Geopathic Stress lines and thrive on them. Animals that
like Geopathic Stress lines include cats, bees, wasps, and ants. Beekeepers will benefit from having
Geopathic Stress lines moved to pass through their hives. Many plants also thrive in Geopathic
areas but they tend to be plants like mould, lichen, moss and ferns. Bacteria and paracites also
thrive in areas of Geopathic stress Besides ourselves, creatures that react poorly include sheep,
cattle, horses pigs, hens and dogs. Most animals will naturally avoid areas of Geopathic Stress but
when they are penned in they cannot make that choice.For centuries farmers have had a Diviner
select a location for a shed or sleeping horsebedding area for their livestock, and it is notable that
very few old farm buildings that I examine are on Geopathic Stress. In many parts of the world that
practice ended and buildings were erected without considering the consequences.It would appear
like common sense; if you observe a location that animals will not naturally settle, don't build your
shed there. We now know the science behind this tradition of devining for a location and/or
observing our livestock, and know how to cure the problem. The good news is that Geopathic
Stress lines can be identified and removed so buildings located on Geopathic Stress lines can be
treated.anyone confining horses, sheep, cattle, pigs, hens or dogs in a confined space to check for
Geopathic Stress. Unlike us, they sense it clearly and it continually agitates them. The symptoms
are easy to spot; Agitated animals, escape artists, the barking dog syndrome, animals that do not
settle, animals that will not bed in a particular place, illness and poor fertility. You can prevent this
stress by removing Geopathic lines form where your animals are penned. It is a once-off
proceedure and is inexpensive to do. Your animals will be healthier and more settled, and It will
pay for itself many times over.

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Bio-electromagnetic Waves & GS

Underground displacements Due to Earthquakes, ore deposits (like Arsenic, Lead. Uranium),
mineral deposits, caves and faults also cause Geopathic Stress. All these obstacles alter the
wavelength (frequency) of the natural energy by reversing spinning of electrons create harmful
frequencies.Geological gaps, the cracks and the faults such as crystals deposits, mineral deposits
etc. Gaps, cracks and faults can frequently be found in cases of sleeping disorders, in case of
nightmares, quarrelling, sweating at night, extreme fatigue, also with symptoms concerning the
eyes, the forehead and the jaws. They also can increase other symptoms.Dulwich Health Society
(USA) Over several year studied twenty five thousand people who had health problems. There
finding on people with Cancer where that One Hundred Percent of people with Cancers where
sleeping in a Geopathic Stress area at the time they got Cancer.Dr Ernst Hartmann, MD, wrote that
"Cancer is a disease of location triggered off by geopathic stress. We all produce cancerous cells on
a regular basis, but they are continuously destroyed by our body's immune system. Geopathic
stress does not cause cancer, but weakens our immune system."GS covers naturally occurring
phenomena that causes problems for us and our homes. Geopathic Stress or harmful earth
energies is natural radiation that rises up through the earth and is distorted by weak
electromagnetic fields created by underground subterranean running water, certain mineral
concentrations, and geological faults.Geopathic Stress has been found to be the most common
factor in most serious long term illnesses and psychological conditions. It can cause sleep
disturbances, headaches, anxiety and behavior problems in children. Stronger Geopathic Stress
has been linked to wasting diseases (e.g. Motor Neurone, Parkinson’s, and Multiple Sclerosis),
mental disorders (e.g. addictions, suicides, depression and obsessions), bowel disorders (e.g. IBS
and Chrons disease), ME, anxiety, migraines, cot death, infertility and miscarriages.It does not
mean the Geopathic Stress causes these debilitating diseases, but if people have a weak
constitution, and are exposed to strong Geopathic Stress for long periods of time then it can be the
ultimate trigger that makes it happen. Women are more likely to be at risk from Geopathic Stress
because their hormonal systems are more susceptible. After detecting Geopathic stress it becomes
necessary to treat the affected zone. Generally sleeping area is the most afflicted place as during
sleep we are stationary and at this time period geopathic waves make their work possible on
individual. Geopathic influences may indeed be among the most neglected contributing or
causative agents for cancer and other disease. Contrary to what some may assume, geopathic
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stress is not partially a “question of belief”, but an area which has been studied in-depth over
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such as the following: electrosmog (electrical field, magnetic field, electromagnetic fields as those
emanating from high-voltage power lines, electric cables, electrical appliances and synthetic
materials) and high frequency pollution (mobile [cell] phone antenna, mobile [cell] phone
radiation, DECT telephones, hotspot/WLAN, radar).95 Percent of people with Secondary Cancer
where sleeping in a Geopathic Stress area or were working in one at the time of that they got
cancer.Geopathic Stress does not cause Cancer directly but indirectly by lowering the immunity of
the individual. Depending on the strength of the Geopathic Stress it may take years for illness to
develop or only months in very strong areas.Children and Babies are more sensitive than adults
and an unborn baby even more so. Therefore pregnant women should be careful where they
sleep.It is very important to sleep in a Safe Place.Geopathic Stress will reduce your ability to get
pregnant. It has been shown that 50% of women were unable to conceive while sleeping in
Geopatic Stress line. Also sleeping in Geopathic Stress line while pregnant can be a contributory
factor in miscarriage; it negatively affects fetal development and can lead to an unhealthy newborn
baby.When kids/babies don’t feel right, they react. And this is simply detected by watching their
sleep pattern. If they move around a lot, or don’t settle easily, or always move to some “funny”
position, wake up grumpy and irritable or with headache, or wetting the bed…these are all signs
that they could be affected by Geopathic Stress.We need to ensure that their start on life is not
being detrimentally affected, when we think they are peacefully sleeping in their beds.


Effect of Electromagnetic Waves on GS

The most accurate definition of geopathic stress is the study of earth energies and their effect on
human well-being. You will find that sometimes there will be more topics included under the same
"geopathic stress" umbrella, such as the sick building syndrome, or the EMF pollution. This is not
exactly accurate, so we will stay with the original definition of geopathic stress as the study of earth
energies and their effect on human health. There are various types of earth energies, some very
beneficient for human health, and some detrimental. In ancient times the feng shui masters and
geomancers were familiar with the earth currents; they knew which sites to recommend for
building, and which sites to avoid. We have lost interest in this knowledge in the modern times,
and are coming back to it now because there is an increase in the number of geopathic stress
related diseases. Basically, various underground formations, such as subterranean water currents,
specific mineral deposits, or different fault lines emit specific electromagnetic fields that can be
harmful for a human dwelling. If you are just passing through an area with geopathic stress, there
will be little or no concern. However, if your house is located in a geopathic stress area, you really
need to understand what is happening and find appropriate solutions to protect your health.
Understanding the location and movement of the unseen earth energies and how they influence
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humans' well-being is called geomancy. It is basically the knowledge of utilizing healing earth
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directional science that combines all the Nature five Elements and balances them with our
structures and nature, man and material. It creates agreeable atmosphere to live or work, by
taking advantage of the benefits bestowed by the Panchabhuthas of the nature. The Panchabuthas
means the five basic and essential elements of the nature (Natural Powers) Vayu (Air), Agni (Fire),
Jal (Water), Bhoomi (Earth) and Akash (Space). Almost and every thing on earth is built from these
elements, Phanchabuthas. The science of Vastu Shastra has been an integral part of business
success and progress. But in modern times, this system needs to be utilised for ensuring cordial
employee-employer relationships. In offices, inter-personal relationship issues are triggered due to
incompatibility in human and space energies. Earth disconnection and geopathic stress provoke
negative vibrations among team members. If global energies are calibrated at high levels, they can
help in maintaining positive working relationships and ethical respect, especially towards female
members. In general, we should concentrate on the northwest and southeast directions inside the
office and try to maintain energy flow from the former to the latter. We should also ensure that the
‘vastulogical’ norms for sitting arrangement, orientation and location are maintained according to
office hierarchy. Architects and designers should incorporate the traditional wisdom of Indian
vastu vidya of space energies into their practice. German Bau Biology and French Acmo Habitat
have also provided scientific remedies to enhance the energies of pre-built workplaces and offices.
One’s house is regarded as an extension of the inhabitant. So, it is essential that the house be so
aligned that the positive energies overcome the negative energies. The relationship between the
Earth and us has always been reciprocal: we are connected through an omnipresent universal
energy. Unfortunately, our modern lifestyle and widespread pollution have contaminated the
earth on which we live.


Bio-electromagnetic Waves & GS...

Every atom in the Universe has a frequency. Whether it's a grain of sand, a piece of steel, a plant,
animal or an organ in your body, each cell resonates, or vibrates, at a specific frequency or
oscillation. Your body consists of a variety of atoms, which contain photons, electrons & an overall
bio-electric energy that runs through it. The way you take care of your body physically, emotionally
and mentally determines how many negative frequencies or toxins are being built up in it. There
are four general ways imbalance in the body is created. Through toxic substances we eat, pollution
we breathe, exposure to a negative energetic environment (geopathic stress zone), and how we
process information in our thinking & feeling.The human body is the aggregates of a large number
of cells which are in continuous growth, development, differentiation, regeneration and apoptosis,
and the cells constantly self-renew through its own division. 25 million cells are divided at one
second in an adult’s body, and the body's blood cells constantly renew at the rate of about 100
million per minute. In the process of cell division and growth, those charged bodies of atomic
nucleuses constituting atoms as the basic unit of cell and the electrons outside the nucleus are in
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constant high-speed movement and changing, thereby constantly emitting electromagnetic waves.
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human body, and the emitted electromagnetic wave signals are different under the different
conditions of the human body, such as health, sub-health, disease, etc. If we can determine these
specific electromagnetic wave signals, we can determine the status of the body's life. Then, How
Can A Specific Earth Energy Weaken Human Health? To answer it, imagine having a house right
above the highway (the energy equivalent of a ley line), or above a rushing river (an underground
water current). How does that feel? How does your body feel? We are talking about underground
formations, so it might be hard to understand the relation between invisible factors, but just
because we cannot see it does not mean it's not there! The vibrations emitted by various earth
energies do not cause a specific illness, but rather lower a person's immunity to fight diseases. If
your bed is placed above an underground water current, all your body can do is try hard to keep
its basic balance. It does not have enough energy left to focus on regenerating and replenishing
itself.You might have an underground water stream, for example, as well as a crossing of Benker
lines; maybe even some geologic anomalies or vortexes. The more you know about geopathic
stress including specific earth grid lines, such as Hartmann, Benker, Curry lines and other, the
more effective your solutions will be. The influence of earth energies might not be constant, but
rather cyclical. More often than not, the intensity of an underground river flow will change with the
seasons, as well as with the lunar tides. In most cases, it does not really make a difference if you
live in a house or in an apartment building with many floors. Some earth energies can be felt just a
strong, if not even stronger, on the 12th floor (as compared to the ground floor) because of
specific building materials.


Understanding Geopathic Stress....

It is important to understand that none of the earth energies we are dealing with are dangerous or
malevolent, there is no need for fear. The reason these energies are challenging for human health
is because their strong vibrations can weaken a person's immune system if one is exposed to them
for a long period of time. So, it is wise to avoid spending too much time (or let alone having your
bed!) in an area where there is a strong presence of earth energies such as an underground water
stream, for example, or a crossing of Hartmann or Benker lines. The house symptoms of geopathic
stress can express themselves anywhere from constant water leakages to cold and damp areas, or
in more subtle ways, such as a very restless energy in your bedroom, for example. If you or your
family members experience any bad symptoms frequently and/or any of the occurrences, then
you can safely assume that you are sleeping in a Geopathically stressed bedroom and you need to
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immune system, so you have less chance of fighting any illness. Symptoms and/or occurrences
experienced when sleeping in a Geopathically Stressed room include: " Restlessness, insomnia,
difficulty in getting to sleep, excessive dreaming, excessively heavy sleep, waking un refreshed ,
waking up with head ache or back pain , Cold or restless feet and legs in bed, Asthma and
respiratory difficulties in night, fatigue and lethargy in daytime, unexplained mood changes,
aggression and depression, children bed wetting, children continuously crying, infertility ,
miscarriage, marital disharmony, premature death, cot deaths, aids, not responding to
medications, prolonged illness and CANCER " It is vitally important for a human-made structure to
honour and make connections with the physical environment. This creates stability, acceptance by
the spirit of the land, and very real anchor lines which allow energy flow between the structure and
surrounding landscape.” CANCER is the most notorious of these, and tumours are known to
develop almost always at exactly the spot where two or more GS lines cross a person’s body as
they lie asleep in their bed. Other possible Effects of Geopathic Stress include : Poor workmanship,
Hostile staff relations, Difficulty selling a property, Martial Disharmony, Infertility, Premature
Death, Frequent Fights in the Family, Cot Deaths, Deadly Diseases like cancer, coma etc.,
Continuous loss in Business, Murders & Robberies, Accidents and many more such problems
which are harmful to us. The interaction between a Geopathic stress line and your body falls into
three principal categories. Chronic diseases. There is much more formal research on the effects of
Geopathic Stress on our ability to fight disease, with compelling statistics on Cancer. Geopathic
Sress effects the functioning of the Lymph gland and in turn reduces our bodies ability to protect
itself. This is why chronic diseases can take hold more readily with people (or animals) who sleep
on Geopathic Stress lines. Geopathic stress does not make you ill or cause Cancer, it simply
reduces your defenses and makes you more prone to develop the condition. Also, by not
addressing Geopathic Stress, treatment for conditions may not be as effective as they could be
because of the negative effect of the Geopathic Stress. Others get a deep sense of unease or
depresion and feel that they do not belong. They may have an unreasonable sense of uneasiness
or unhappiness. They often do not sleep well, have fertility problems or recurring minor illnesses.
Although there may be other contributing factors to these symptoms, they are often as a result of
Geopathic Stress. It is well documented that Geopathic Stress can contribute to attention deficit
disorders, bedwetting and other stress related synptoms in children. You can sense a presence.
When somebody comes close to you can often sense it. If your home has a Geopathic Stress line
you many sense something is there. Some houses just feel cold, some people simply do not settle
in a home, and others sense that there are spirits there. Children may complain of being scared at
night, or that they are spooked. Small children have a greater sense of Geopathic Stress lines and
may end up in a particular corner of their cot. Our bodies can sense something there and many
myths have grown to explain this, but it nothing more than a Geopathis Stress line. You cannot
hear, see or touch Geopathic Stress lines, but they are very real. These lines interact with your
body’s electrical system and aura, and all of the effects described above are as a direct result of

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Solutions to help you neutralize the geopathic stress

Reposition Your Furniture. If your bed, your desk or your living room furniture (where you tend to
spend a lot of time) happens to be in a geopathic stress area, you need to reposition it. If this is not
possible, or if the geopathic stress area is too big/covers most of your house, explore further
solutions for geopathic stress. There are many instruments on the market that are designed to
clear a home or an office from harmful vibrations. Geopathic tools such as Space Harmonizers,
Pyramids, Energy Plates, Geo Resonators, Crystals and even devices that employ laser beams are
used to protect the energy of a home. One popular, and very simple, method is to place copper,
brass or steel rods (you can also use rings or wires) at specific points in the ground around your
house, or in specific areas inside your home. The points where they need to be placed can be
identified by dowsing. In order to make this method work, you have to know the direction of the
flow of earth lines you need to block/neutralize, as well as the distance between them. Basically,
when you place specific tools in specific areas of your home, you are creating a grid of safe
energy.There is a wide variety of personal energy tools to help strengthen your energy and protect
from geopathic stress (as well as EMF radiation). These tools are made by using various type of
technologies, materials and designs. You can find them under various names, from Personal
Protection Pendants to Bio-Shield or Bio-Resonance Pendants, Tesla Pendants, and other.Reduce
the use of electrical equipment close to your bed, as well as close the areas where you spend a lot
of timeMost of the geopathic stress personal protection tools come as pendants made with
crystals, silver or gold. Some look very attractive and can be worn as jewelry, and some are worn
unnoticed.Oak trees developed a resistance to Geopathic Lines by growing a cork. Placing cork tiles
under a bed will reduce the effect of Geopathic Stress lines. Cork tiles from most DIY shops should
work fine. This is a short term fix and not a real solution.Because this is a relatively new field, be
sure to research it well and compare not only the prices but also the effectiveness of each tool that
might help you.

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