P. D. Shere, Et Al

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Sci (2018) 7(6): 1618-1628

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 7 Number 06 (2018)
Journal homepage: http://www.ijcmas.com

Original Research Article https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2018.706.193

Studies on Production of Functional Noodles with

Incorporation of Spinach Puree

P. D. Shere*, A. N. Devkatte and V. N. Pawar

MIT College of Food Technology, MIT Art, Design and Technology University,
Lonikalbhor, Pune, India

*Corresponding author


The objective of this study was to explore the possibility of adding spinach puree in
Keywords preparation of vegetable noodles. The vegetable noodles were studied for its sensorial
qualities, cooking qualities and proximate composition. The spinach puree was added at
Spinach puree, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 gm per 100gm of wheat flour. The results showed that spinach puree
Noodles, Cooking can be added successfully in wheat flour up to 40 gm /100gm of wheat flour. The sensorial
quality, Colour, qualities with respect to colour, flavour and texture were greatly improved with addition of
Sensory qualities
spinach puree. The cooking time was found to be decreased with increase in level of
Article Info spinach puree in noodles. The cooking weight and water absorption were also found to be
increased with increase in level of spinach puree. The studies on color estimation revealed
Accepted: that green color of the product was slightly reduced during cooking of noodles, color loss
17 May 2018 in cooking water was negligible. The proximate composition results showed that with
Available Online:
increase in level of spinach puree in noodle, there was progressive increase in moisture,
10 June 2018
fiber and ash content, fat and protein content increased non-significantly whereas
carbohydrate content was decreased significantly as compared to control noodles.

Introduction vitamins and minerals. Over the last decades

consumer food demands have changed
Noodles are very thin form mostly made of considerably. For these reason foods today are
wheat flour, water, egg and salt. Noodles have not only intended to satisfy the hunger and
been increasingly important food commodity necessary nutrients, but also to prevent
worldwide. 97.5 billion servings of instant nutritional related diseases and enhance
noodles were eaten in 2016, by simple physical and mental well-being of consumer
arithmetic as many as 270 millions servings Betoret et al., (2011). In this regard functional
are eaten every day (World Instant Noodle foods offer an outstanding opportunity to
Association, 2016). The consumption level of improve the quality of the product. Noodles in
noodles has become one of the fastest growing particular are an important basic food widely
sectors in Asian countries, due to their ease of consumed across the world and is among first
cooking and long shelf life. Traditional food to be authorized by food and drug
noodles are claimed to lack dietary fiber, administration as a good vehicle for addition

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(6): 1618-1628

of bioactive compounds, However, noodles enriched foods. Spinach is one of the

enriched with bioactive compounds of important vegetable rich in vitamins, minerals
vegetable origin is still limited Rekha et al., and antioxidants, Enriching noodles with
(2013) and Deep et al., (2014). Worldwide, ingredients, like spinach vegetables paste,
people’s lifestyle is continuously changing represents challenges since the incorporation
and with respect to eating habits, it is of fresh purees rather than dried powder as
changing in an unhealthy direction Caballero, other researches used elsewhere will enhance
(2007). Both developed and developing the color intensity and distribution of pigments
countries are experiencing a nutrition in the dough. Thus improving the quality of
transition. noodles. This also avoids drying of vegetable
purees prior to their addition to the flour. The
This phenomenon is characterized by a major purpose of this research is to develop a
decrease in physical activity and a too low functional herbal noodles with incorporation
consumption of vegetables and grains. Eating of spinach puree in preparation of instant
habits are now characterized by an increase in noodles.
the consumption of high energy-dense foods,
i.e. foods with a high amount of calories per Materials and Methods
gram of food. This lifestyle is one of the
factors for the development of diseases such Preparation of instant noodles
as obesity, which is now acknowledged as a
global epidemic. In turn, obesity has been Preparation of spinach puree
linked to the development of other chronic
diseases such as type II diabetes, hypertension, Fresh spinach leaves were procured from local
coronary heart disease and several types of market. Leaves were washed, sorted, stalks
cancer. When it comes to childhood obesity, were removed and leaves were cut into pieces,
concerns increase, since there are strong steam cooked and ground in grinder. The mass
indications that it will persist into adulthood was passed through muslin cloth to get the
Wang et al., (2010). homogenous spinach puree.

One of the most effective strategies to fight Noodle preparation

this problem involves the combination of
physical activity and the consumption of low Noodles were prepared according to a method
energy-dense foods, such as vegetables, at an described by Collado and Corke (1996) with
early age. A hurdle for implementing this some modifications. The noodles were
strategy is the fact that children often dislike prepared in a automatic laboratory Kent
vegetables. Vegetables are known to have noodle maker. Dry ingredients were first
health benefits but are often non-appealing to mixed for about 5 minutes, followed by
children/adolescents due to their bitterness, addition of whole egg, oil, spinach puree and
undesired texture, and their low satiating water to form a crumbly mass and then
capacity Zeinstra et al., (2010). One of the extruded through a die with 12 outlets of 0.8
possible solutions to increase vegetable intake mm in diameter. The noodles were cut and
by children is to incorporate vegetables in a cooked in steam for 5 minutes and dried at
food matrix that they do like. Several studies 500C for 5 hours and packed in polyethylene
have shown that noodles are very much pouches. The noodles produced from different
appreciated by children, making it an ideal blends of spinach and carrot with wheat flour
candidate for the development of vegetable- are shown in table 1.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(6): 1618-1628

Chemical analysis Dried residue in cooking water

Cooking Loss (%) = ----------------------- x 100
All the chemicals used in the present research Noodle weight before cooking
work were of analytical grade. The proximate
composition (Moisture, crude fat, crude Water absorption
protein, total ash and fiber) were analyzed
using AOAC (2000). The total carbohydrates The water absorption was determined by the
were determined by difference method. ratio of the weight of cooked noodles to the
weight of noodles before cooking as described
Sensory evaluation by AACC method AACC (2005).

All dried noodles samples were prepared for Weight of cooked noodles –
sensory evaluation by cooking in soup Weight of raw noodles
solution before testing. The cooking was Water absorption (%) = ------------------- x 100
carried for optimum cooking time and served Weight of raw noodles
the hot for the panel members to evaluate for
its colour, flavour texture and overall Swelling index
acceptability using 10 semi trained panel
members with 9- point hedonic rating where The swelling index of cooked noodles was
9= like extremely and 1= dislike extremely. determined according to the procedure
described by Cleary and Brennan (2006). The
Cooking characteristics Swelling index was expressed as weight of
cooked noodle,
Optimum cooking time
Weight of cooked noodles –
To determine optimum cooking time, 250 gm Weight of noodles after drying
of noodles were dispersed in 250ml boiling Swelling Index = ----------------------------------
water. For every 30 seconds, a piece of noodle Weight of noodles after drying
was held between a plastic paper and pressed
gently until the white color of noodle at Colour measurement
central portion of strand disappears. Optimum
cooking time was achieved when the centre of The colour values of cooked and uncooked
noodles become transparent. noodles were measured using Hunter lab
colour measurement system using method of
Cooking loss Jyotsna et al., (2004). (Colour measuring lab
scan XE system, USA). A standard white tile
Cooking loss was determined by measuring of barium sulphate (100 % reflectance) was
the amount of solid substance lost to cooking used as a perfect white surface for calibration
water. A 10 gm sample of noodles was placed of instrument with the illuminant.
into 300 ml boiling distilled water in a 500 ml
beaker. Cooking water was collected in an Noodles samples were placed in the sample
aluminum dish and placed in oven at 105 0C holder and reflectance was auto recorded for
and evaporated to dryness. the wave length from 360 – 800nm. The
values were recorded in terms of lightness L
The residue was weighed and reported as a (Lightness: 0 = black, 100= white) and colour
percentage of starting material. (+a: red; -a: green; +b: yellow and –b: blue).

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(6): 1618-1628

Statistical analysis The maximum score was allotted to the

sample Sp 30 and Sp 40 as compared to
The data obtained from the laboratory control. Flavour, texture and overall
experiment was analyzed using completely acceptability were also significantly improved
randomized design and appropriately with addition spinach puree in noodles.
interpreted as per the methods described in” Overall acceptability was greatly improved in
Statistical methods for agricultural workers” Sp 30 and Sp 40 samples. However, the results
by Panse and sukhatme (1985). Appropriate pertaining to taste were not encouraging as the
standard error (S.E) and critical differences spinach imparts its vegetable taste to the
(C.D.) at 5% level were worked out as and product therefore, taste parameter obtained
when necessary and used for data fewer score. The similar results with respect to
interpretation. colour were obtained Rekha et al., (2013).
Similar results of increasing parameters with
Results and Discussion respect to appearance were reported by
Keyimu (2013) with addition of sea weed
The proximate composition of refined wheat puree in noodles up to 3% level. Yadav et al.,
flour, spinach puree and egg is shown in (2014) also reported that the spinach
table.1. incorporated pasta was most acceptable than
other pastas.
The wheat flour contained 10.86% moisture,
1.56% crude fat, 11.6% protein, 1.67% fibre Cooking qualities
and 0.59% ash. Spinach was rich in moisture
(90.70%) ash (1.40%), fibre (1.67%) and fat Cooking qualities affected by addition of
(0.28%). Egg was also rich in fat, protein and spinach puree are presented in table 3.
ash. The results are in agreement with several
workers. Cooking time refers to the time in minutes to
gelatinize the starch marked by disappearance
Sensory evaluation of spinach puree added of central white core in the noodles strand De
noodles pilli et al., (2013). The results indicated that
there were significant differences in time
Results pertaining to the sensory qualities of required to cook the control noodles and
noodles added with spinach puree are spinach noodles. Addition of spinach reduced
presented in table.2. the cooking time progressively from 6.24
(control) to 5.15 minutes (50gm spinach
Spinach puree was added in refined wheat noodles). This might be due to dilution of
flour at 10,20,30,40 and 50 gm per 100gm gluten in dough. Gluten is primarily
flour and noodles were prepared and sensory responsible for the development of
evaluation was carried out. The significance starch/protein complex; which in term
differences were found in various parameters. determines the noodles structure and cooking
The colour of the product greatly improved properties. The dilution of these constituents
with the addition of spinach puree. The colour by addition of spinach puree might be
is the first quality parameter customer reducing the cooking time Rekha et al.,
identification in food. It is the most important (2013). The results are in agreement with
attribute used by customer to evaluate the those described by Petitot et al., (2010) and
quality of the product and it is the only test Kuchtowa et al., (2016) in supplementation of
carried out without touching to the product. wheat flour in pasta with faba bean flour and

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(6): 1618-1628

pumpkin powder. Reduction in cooking time holding capacity therefore spinach puree
was also observed by Padalino et al., (2017) in added noodle samples had more water
fortification of tomato peel flour in pasta. absorption as compared to control. Vegetable
noodles had higher fiber content than control
Cooking loss noodles, which resulted in higher water
absorption due to strong water binding ability
Cooking loss is amount of solids that dissolve of fibers. Chen et al., (1998). The present
in water during cooking and may be an results are in accordance with the results of
indicator of noodles structure integrity during Rekha et al., (2013).
cooking Li et al., (2015). Cooking loss is
commonly used as predictor of overall noodle Swelling index
cooking performance Tudorica et al., (2002).
Concerning swelling index the noodles
Type of ingredients added directly affect the samples with spinach puree recorded slightly
loss of soluble solids during cooking and has lower values as compared with control
been reported that a compact texture of samples. The results can be interpreted in
noodles often results in less cooking loss than terms of competition between fiber and starch
the loose textured noodle Krishnan et al., for water absorption means starch components
(2012). From the results it can be clearly seen might have absorbed less water at optimum
that cooking loss was maximum (14.33 %) in cooking time giving rise to lower swelling
control. There was a progressive reduction in indices. Therefore increasing the amount of
cooking loss with increasing level of spinach fiber thus generally resulted in lower swelling
puree in formulation. This could be due to of starch and consequently lower swelling
better binding of starch granules with added index. Padalino et al., (2017) also reported
vegetable puree in gluten matrix Rekha et al., lower swelling index in spaghetti incorporated
(2013) also reported decrease in gruel loss for with tomato peel flower.
vegetable paste in incorporated pasta.
Colour measurement
Water absorption
Colour is a major factor for assessing the
Water absorption is indication of quantity of visual quality and market value of a product.
water absorbed by the noodles during cooking, Colour values were measured for cooked and
an important characteristics in deciding the uncooked noodles and control sample with
cooking quality Li et al., (2015). Results 100% flour was used to compare the colour.
indicated that, there was slight increase in
water absorption and consequently in cooking The table 4 represents the colour
weight of noodles. characteristics of cooked and uncooked
noodles. The control sample had the highest L
The water absorption for control was value both in cooked and uncooked samples.
minimum and with increase in spinach puree During cooking lightness was slightly
water absorption was progressively increased increased. In general lightness decreased
from 150.27 (control) to 162.6 (Sp 50). The continuously and progressively with increase
addition of vegetable puree enhances the in spinach level in the noodle. It was also
interaction between starch granules and observed that there was some loss of colour
protein matrix resulting in better quality during cooking and therefore corresponding
noodles. Since, vegetables have greater water increase in L value.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(6): 1618-1628

Fig.1 Flow sheet for production of spinach puree

Fresh spinach leaves




Steam Cooking


Passed through muslin cloth

Spinach puree

Plate.1 Spinach puree

Plate.2 Spinach Puree Added Noodles

Control SP 10 SP 20

SP 30 SP 40 SP 50

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(6): 1618-1628

Table.1 Formulation of instant noodles with spinach puree and carrot puree

Ingredients Sp0 Sp10 Sp20 Sp30 Sp40 Sp50

Wheat flour(g) 100 100 100 100 100 100
Spinach puree (g) - 10 20 30 40 50
Whole egg (g) 8 8 8 8 8 8
Water (g) 30 30 30 30 25 20
SP0 = Control 100% wheat flour noodles
SP10 = 10g spinach puree in 100g flour
SP20 = 20 g spinach puree in 100g flour
SP30 = 30 g spinach puree in 100g flour
SP40 = 40 g spinach puree in 100g flour
SP50 = 50 g spinach puree in 100g flour

Table.2 Chemical composition of raw material

Sample Moisture Fat (%) Protein Carbohydrate Fibre Ash (%)

(%) (%) (%) (%)
Refined wheat 10.86 1.56 11.6 71.38 1.67 0.59
Spinach puree 90.70 0.28 1.8 4.15 1.67 1.40
Egg 73.30 11.20 12.5 0.20 Trace 2.8
SE ± 0.5151 0.1056 0.5172 0.3865 0.1155 0.1007
CD at 5% 1.6798 0.3444 1.6867 1.2604 0.3997 0.3284

Table.3 Sensory evaluation of spinach puree noodles

Sample Colour Flavor Taste Texture Overall acceptability

SP0 6.5 7.5 7.50 7.5 7.5
SP 10 7.50 7.25 7.50 7.75 7.75
SP 20 8.0 7.50 7.50 8.00 8.25
SP 30 9.0 8.0 7.00 8.50 8.50
SP 40 9.0 8.0 7.00 8.75 8.75
SP 50 8.50 8.0 6.5 8.25 8.0
SE ± 0.1196 0.1394 0.1146 0.1222 0.1644
CD at 5% 0.3686 0.4296 0.3531 0.3766 0.5066
SP0 = Control 100% wheat flour noodles
SP10 = 10g spinach puree in 100g flour
SP20 = 20 g spinach puree in 100g flour
SP30 = 30 g spinach puree in 100g flour
SP40 = 40 g spinach puree in 100g flour
SP50 = 50 g spinach puree in 100g flour

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(6): 1618-1628

Table.4 Cooking qualities of spinach puree added noodles

Sample Cooking time (min) Cooking weight Cooking loss (%) Swelling index (ml/g) Water absorption
(%) (%)
Control 6.24 250.31 14.33 1.85 150.27
SP10 5.45 252.29 8.5 1.82 152.2
SP 20 5.25 254.45 7.65 1.82 154.4
SP 30 5.20 255.65 7.60 1.84 155.6
SP 40 5.18 260.75 7.40 1.89 160.7
SP 50 5.15 262.26 6.8 1.91 162.6
SE ± 0.1426 1.9391 0.3278 0.1058 1.2085
CD at 5% 0.4394 5.9755 1.0101 0.3260 3.7241
SP0 = Control 100% wheat flour noodles
SP10 = 10g spinach puree in 100g flour
SP20 = 20 g spinach puree in 100g flour
SP30 = 30 g spinach puree in 100g flour
SP40 = 40 g spinach puree in 100g flour
SP50 = 50 g spinach puree in 100g flour

Table.5 Color values of raw and cooked spinach noodles

Sample L a b
Raw Cooked Raw Cooked Raw Cooked
Control 69.29 69.44 2.43 0.87 24.63 13.58
Sp10 51.49 55.21 - 0.35 -1.76 29.57 20.83
Sp20 43.73 50.37 _.95 -1.78 27.39 19.03
Sp30 35.30 49.62 -1.00 -1.86 26.34 21.42
Sp40 37.52 46.11 -1.36 -1.98 26.63 24.79
Sp50 36.39 43.92 -1.41 -1.98 26.74 23.28
SP0 = Control 100% wheat flour noodles; SP10 = 10g spinach puree in 100g flour
SP20 = 20 g spinach puree in 100g flour; SP30 = 30 g spinach puree in 100g flour
SP40 = 40 g spinach puree in 100g flour; SP50 = 50 g spinach puree in 100g flour

Table.6 Proximate composition of spinach puree noodles

Sample Moisture (%) Fat (%) Protein (%) Carbohydrate Fiber (%) Ash (%)
SP0 6.83 4.30 13.85 69.93 1.85 1.57
SP10 8.50 4.28 13.65 67.62 3.10 2.85
SP 20 8.70 4.26 13.55 67.08 3.20 3.21
SP 30 8.75 4.27 13.40 66.86 3.40 3.32
SP 40 8.98 4.26 13.20 66.51 3.60 3.45
SP 50 9.50 4.25 13.05 65.80 3.80 3.60
SE ± 0.4255 0.237 0.5424 0.7781 0.2422 0.2739
CD at 5% 1.3407 NS NS 2.3978 0.7464 0.8444
SP0 = Control 100% wheat flour noodles; SP10 = 10g spinach puree in 100g flour
SP20 = 20 g spinach puree in 100g flour; SP30 = 30 g spinach puree in 100g flour
SP40 = 40 g spinach puree in 100g flour; SP50 = 50 g spinach puree in 100g flour

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(6): 1618-1628

Uncooked and cooked spinach pasta had was in the range of 4.30(control) to 4.25
green colour as seen from negative “a” that (Sp50) and protein content was 13.85
indicates green shade. It also had some (control) to 13.05 (Sp50). In general fat and
yellowness as indicated by its “b” value. protein content slightly decreased with
These values indicated that the noodles had increase in level of spinach puree in noodles.
green natural colour of spinach used. The This might be due to lower percentage of fat
colour of cooked sample was slightly less and protein in spinach puree.
green than corresponding uncooked sample.
Leaching of colour during cooking was There was a significant difference in
almost negligible and all noodles had carbohydrate content of noodles and control.
attractive green colour after cooking also. The In general carbohydrate content decreased
results of present investigation were in progressively with addition of spinach puree
accordance with the finding of Rekha et al., in noodles. Fiber and ash content was found
(2013). to be increased significantly in spinach
noodles than control noodles.
Chemical Characteristics
There was a progressive increase in both the
Chemical characteristics of spinach noodle constituent with increase in level of spinach
are presented in table 5. puree in noodle formulation. Fiber and ash
content were almost double in Sp40 and Sp50
The moisture content of different noodles as compared to control noodles. Increase in
significantly affected with addition of spinach fiber and ash content was also noted by Eko
puree. Addition of spinach puree increased Nurcahya (2011) in substitution of seaweed
moisture content progressively and it was puree in noodles.
significantly different (P<0.05) to the control.
Moisture content of control noodle was lower The spinach puree can be added up to 40gm
as compared to other noodles. There was a per 100gm of wheat flour. The sensorial
progressive increase in moisture content of parameters were improved with addition of
noodles with increase in proportion of spinach spinach puree. The cooking time and cooking
puree in wheat flour from 6.83 % (Control) to loss was reduced with increase in level of
9.50 (Sp 50). The higher moisture content in spinach puree in formulation. Whereas
spinach noodles may be due to higher water cooking weight, swelling index and water
holding capacity of fibers in spinach puree absorption was increased with increase in
during dough formation. Spinach puree was level of spinach puree in the noodle
comprised of small fine particles of cellulosic formulation.
matters and hence when it was mixed with
wheat flour to form dough it resulted in The green colour in cooked and uncooked
unhomogenous dough and which caused in sample was progressively increased with
increased moisture adsorption Lahaye (2001). increase in level of spinach. Moisture was
The increase in moisture content with significantly increased with increase in level
addition of seaweed puree in noodles was also of spinach puree. Fiber percent and ash
reported by Eko Nurcahya (2011). content was also progressively increased with
increase in level of spinach puree in
The results pertaining to fat and protein formulation. The carbohydrate content was
content were found to be non-significant with significantly decreased as compared to control
that of control. The fat and protein content noodles.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(6): 1618-1628

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How to cite this article:

Shere P. D., A. N. Devkatte and Pawar V. N. 2018. Studies on Production of Functional

Noodles with Incorporation of Spinach Puree. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 7(06): 1618-1628.
doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2018.706.193


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