Civil Engineering PDF
Civil Engineering PDF
Civil Engineering PDF
Elective I (Traffic Management –CIV507/ Adv Construction Methodology & Equipments- CIV508/ Disaster Mangt. – AAA507)
Total Marks : Theory : Practical : Sessional :
L : Lecture, T : Tutorial P : Practical
Note: 1. Period of Class hours should be of 1 hrs duration as per AICTE norms.
2. Remaining Hrs every week has been marked for students for Library and Student Centered Activities.
3. Drawing / Graphics / Practical / Sessional examinations will be held at parent institution.
4. Board will depute examiner for Practical examination.
5. Regarding sessional examination the parent institution will form a three member committee and this committee will examine the sessional records and
hold viva of the examinee for 60 % marks allotted to the subject. Marks for remaining 40 % will be provided by the Faculty concerned on the basis of
evaluation of each job / work throughout the semester.
6. Inplant Traning of 04 weeks duration to be undertaken after 4th semester Exam and before start of 5th semester classes.
SUBJECT : Irrigation Engineering
HOURS : 42
FULL MARKS : 80+20=100
Introduction Definition:
Irrigation and irrigation engineering, advantages of irrigation, ill effects of over irrigation,
types of irrigation project (purpose wise and administrative wise), Methods of irrigation [3Hrs]
Hydrology: Definition of rainfall , rain gauge and rain gauge station , types of rain gauges (names
only) average annual rain fall and its calculation , definition of run off , factor affecting run off,
calculation of run off by run of coefficient, Inglis’ formula , Stranges and Binnie’s tables and curves.
Maximum food discharge and methods of calculation. Yield and Dependable yield and methods
calculation [5 Hrs]
Investigation And Reservoir Planning ,Survey for irrigation project, data collected for irrigation
project. area capacity curve, silting of reservoir, rate of silting , factors affecting silting , methods to
control, levels and respective storage in reservoir . Fixing control levels.
[5 Hrs]
Dams And Spillways::Types of dams –Earthen dams and Gravity dams (masonry and
concrete) Comparison of earthen and gravity dams with respect to foundation, seepage,
construction and maintenance,
[3 Hrs]
Earthen Dams –Components and their function, typical cross section seepage through embankment
and foundation seepage control though embankment and foundation. Methods of constructions, types
of failure of earthen dams and remedial measures.
[4 Hrs]
Gravity Dams Theoretical and practical profile, typical cross section, stability analysis, drainage
gallery, joint in gravity dam, high dam and low dam Spillways-Definition, function, location and
components. Emergency and services, ogee spillway and bar type spillway, discharge over
spillway. Spillway with and without gates
Diversion Head Works: Weirs –components parts, layout of diversion head works & its components
and their function, canal head regular, silt excluders and slit ejectors. Barrages –components and their
function. Difference between weir and barrage. [5 Hrs]
CANALS –classification of canals according to alignment and position in the canal network. Design
of most economical canal section. Design of canal section by Lacey & Kennedy method, Canal lining
–Definition, purpose, types of canal lining advantages of canal lining properties of good canal lining
material. CD. works-different C.D. works, canal falls, escapes, cross regulators and canal outlets.
[7 Hrs]
This subject is an applied engineering subject. Diploma holders in Civil Engineering will be
required to supervise RCC construction and fabrication. He may also be required to design simple
structural elements, make changes in design depending upon availability of materials (bars of
different diameters). He must be able to read and interpret structural drawings of different elements.
This subject thus deals with elementary design principles as per BIS code of practice and their
relevant drawings.
7. Draw and appreciate the proper reinforcement detailing of R.C. structural member and their
connection using SP-34 & IS 13920.
8. Prepare the detailed drawing of structural elements with key plans and schedule of reinforcement
9. Design singly reinforced, Doubly reinforced and flanged section of beams, simply supported one
way & two way slabs, cantilevers slab, axially loaded columns & footings by LSM.
Reinforced cement concrete-Concept of composite material-Purpose of providing
reinforcement materials used in R.C.C and their requirement -different grades of cement and steel-
Characteristic strength and grades of concrete-modular ratio, types of loads on structures as per
Analysis, Design & Detailing : Methods of design-working stress method, limit state method –
Introduction of IS 456 and SP-16. I.S.
Classification of slabs - Effective spans- Imposed loads on slabs (IS: 875) - strength and
stiffness requirements - minimum and maximum permitted size, spacing and area of main and second
reinforcement as per IS 456 - 2000 Design of cantilever, simply supported, slabs and sunshades limit
state method Design of continuous slabs using B.M. coefficients - check for shear and stiffness -
curtailment of tension reinforcement .
Introduction to two way slab - Effective span - thickness of slab for strength and stiffness
requirements Middle and edge strips -B.M. coefficients - design B. Ms. - simply supported and
restrained slabs - tension and torsion reinforcement requirement - design of two way slabs using B.M.
coefficients curtailment of reinforcement - check for stiffness.
Types of stairs according to geometry and structural behaviour planning a staircase – effective
length of stairs - effective breadth of flights - design of cantilever stairs – design steps of doglegged
and open well stairs spanning parallel to the flight. (No numerical Problem)
Limit state of collapse in compression - assumptions - limiting strength of short axially loaded
compression members effective length of compression members - slenderness limits for columns -
classification of column minimum eccentricity for column loads longitudinal and transverse
reinforcement as per IS 456 - 2000 . Design of axially loaded short columns with lateral ties/ helical
Types of footings - Footings with uniform thickness and sloped footings - minimum thickness
- critical sections minimum reinforcement, distribution of reinforcement , development length
anchorage , cover , minimum edge thickness requirements as per IS 456 - 2000 - Design, of isolated
footing (square and rectangular) with uniform / varying thickness by limit state method.
1. Jai Krishna and Jain. OP; "Plain and Reinforced Concrete". Vol.1. Roorkee. Nem Chand and Bros.
2. Handoo ,BL: Mahajan. VM and Singla. DR; "Elementary- of RCC Design" New Delhi Satya
3. Mallick. SK: and Gupta, AP; "Reinforced Concrete’’ New Delhi. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co.
4. Punmia BC; ‘‘Reinforced Concrete Structure Vol. I Delhi Standard Publishers Distributors.
5. N. Subramanian “ design of Rainforced concrete structure” oxford University Press.
6. A.K Jain” Limit State Methods of design” .
Sketch book:
Sketch book consists of approximately ten plates from R.C.C. Design shall include important
information of clauses of IS 456-2000 code. Typical sketches of components members/stress
distribution & strain distribution diagrams R.C.C. section/detailing of reinforcement in
joints/members. Design of R.C.C structural components by LSM.
The students should make detailed simple design and drawing of reinforcement detailing on
two full imperial size sheets finished in pencil on any five of the following R.C.C. component
members of a two storied building with detailing of reinforcement (G+1) at the joints as per
requirements & IS 13920
This is an applied technology Course Which is intended to teach Students application off acts,
Concepts, Principles, and procedures in surveying. It is also intended to teach students the odolite
traversing and u s e o f Modern Surveying equipments. With this knowledge and skill, He will be
able to choose appropriate survey depend in gon requirement to carry out survey works for various
civil engineering activities
Topic/Sub topic
1. Curves: 12 hrs
Simple Circular Curves:
Need and definition of a simple circular curve; Elements of simple circular curves-
Degree of the curve, radius of curve, tangent length, point of intersection (Apex point,
tangent point length of curve, long chord, Deflection angle, Apex distance and Mid-
ordinate, Elements of Simple Circular Curves. Setting out of simple circular curve.
Compound Curves:
Elements and Parts of compound curve. Relation between parts of compound curve
and methods of setting.
Reverse Curve:
Types and elements.
Vertical curves:
Types and length of vertical curve, setting out of vertical curve by tangent correction
and Chord Gradient.
Transition Curves:
Introduction: Different cases with base accessible and inaccessible for distance and
elevation measurement, curvature and refraction corrections, axis signal correction, method
of single and reciprocal observations, calculation of R.L’s.
Components and Use of one second Micro Optic Theodolite, Digital Theodolite. Features of
Electronic Theodolite
Principle and use of Electromagnetic Distance Measurement (E.D.M ).
Components and Use of Auto level , Digital Level & Total Station
Components and Use of G.P.S (Global Positioning System)
Penta Graph and Digital Plannimeter,
GIS: Introduction and Uses
List of Experiment-
Text Books:
A. Water Supply
Public water supply system -Planning - Objectives -Design period - Population forecasting -Water
demand -Sources of water and their characteristics -Surface and Groundwater- Impounding Reservoir
Well hydraulics -Development and selection of source - Water quality - Characterization and
standards-Impact of climate change.
Pipe layout ( Radial and Grid System )and its components ( different types of joints and accessories)
capacity design of pump & pipes, materials of pipe.
Treatment plants: Components and Layout, functions, design and drawing of sedimentation tank and
filtration tanks, Disinfection. Aeration - Iron and manganese removal, De-fluoridation and
demineralization -Water softening - Desalination- Membrane Systems - Recent advances.
B. Sewage Treatment.
Sewerage – Hydraulics of flow in sewers – Objectives – Design period - Design of sanitary and storm
sewers, Laying, joining & testing of sewers – appurtenances – Pumps – selection of pumps and pipe
Drainage -.
Objective – Selection of treatment processes – Principles, Functions, Design and Drawing of Units -
Onsite sanitation - Septic tank with dispersion - Grey water harvesting – Primary treatment –
Principles, functions design and drawing of screen, grit chambers and primary sedimentation tanks –
Construction, operation and Maintenance aspects.
Standards for Disposal - Methods – dilution – Self purification of surface water bodies – Oxygen sag
curve – Land disposal – Sludge characterization – Thickening – Sludge digestion – Biogas recovery –
Sludge Conditioning and Dewatering – disposal – Advances in Sludge Treatment and disposal.
4. B.O.D. test
5. C.O.D. test
6. Nitrate in wastewater.
7. Phosphate in wastewater.
1. Garg, S.K., "Environmental Engineering", Vol.1 Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2005.
2. Modi, P.N. "Water Supply Engineering", Vol. I Standard Book House, New Delhi, 2005. 3.
Punmia, B.C., Ashok K Jain and Arun K Jain, "Water Supply Engineering", Laxmi Publications Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi, 2005 REFERENCES: 1. Government of India, "Manual on Water Supply and
Treatment", CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, 2003 2. Syed R. Qasim and
Edward M. Motley Guang Zhu, "Water Works Engineering Planning", Design and Operation,
Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2006.
TEXTBOOKS: 1. Garg, S.K., "Environmental Engineering" Vol. II, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi,
2003. 2. Punmia, B.C., Jain, A.K., and Jain. A., "Environmental Engineering", Vol.II, Lakshmi
Publications, News letter, 2005.
2. Metcalf & Eddy, "Wastewater Engineering" – Treatment and Reuse, Tata McGraw Hill Company,
New Delhi, 2003.
3. Karia G L & Christian R A, "Wastewater Treatment", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2013.
Subject : Traffic Management (Elective-I)
Subject Code : CIV507
Full Marks : 80+20=100
Hours : 42
UNIT 1. Traffic Surveys ( to obtain traffic data for the organization and management )
Introduction, Area Traffic Management System – Traffic System Management (TSM) with IRC
standards , Traffic Regulatory Measures-Travel Demand Management (TDM), Direct and Indirect
methods – Congestion and parking pricing , All segregation methods, Coordination among different
agencies, Intelligent Transport System for traffic management, enforcement and education.
Scope of traffic management measures, Restriction of turning moments, one way streets-advantages
and disadvantages, Tidal flow operation, Closing side – streets, its advantages and disadvantages,
Exclusive bus lanes
Subject : Traffic Management Lab (Elective-I)
Subject Code : CIV512
List of Experiments
Unit I [6 Hrs]
1. Fibres And Plastics: Types of fibres, Steel, Carbon, Glass fibres. Use of fibres as construction
materials. Properties of fibres. Types of Plastics-: PVC, RPVC, HDPE, FRP, GRP etc.
Coloured plastic , sheets. Use of plastic as construction Material.
2. Artificial Timber: Properties and uses of artificial timber. Types of artificial timber
available in market, strength of artificial timber.
3. Miscellaneous materials: Properties and uses of acoustics materials, wall claddings,
plaster boards, Micro, silica, artificial sand, bonding agents, adhesives etc.
1. Formwork: Steel Formwork, H frames, Steel plates, Steel props, Telescopic props,
Girders or trestles. Tubular form work. Slip formwork meaning, use of slip formwork.
Process of concreting with slip forms.
2. Construction of Multi-storeyed Buildings, Use of lifts, belt conveyors, Pumped concrete,
Equipments and machinery required for construction of Multi-storeyed Buildings.
Precautions and safety measures.
3. Prefabricated Construction: Meaning of prefabrication and precast. Methods of
prefabrication plant prefabrication and site prefabrication. Linear members, rigid
frames, roofing and flooring members, R.C. Doors and windows, wall panels,
Jointing of structural members.
4. Soil Reinforcing techniques Necessity of soil reinforcing, Use of wire mesh and
Geo synthetics. Strengthening of embankments, slope stabilization in cutting
and embankments by soil reinforcing techniques.
Unit 4 [3 Hrs]
Hoisting and Conveying Equipments
1. Hoisting Equipments Principle and working of Tower cranes, Crawler cranes, Truck
mounted cranes, gantry cranes, Mast cranes, Derricks.
2. Conveying Equipments :Working of belt conveyors. Types of belts and conveying
mechanism. Capacity and use of dumpers, tractors and trucks.
Unit 5 [3 Hrs]
Earth Moving machinery
1. Excavation Equipments Use, Working and output of bulldozers, scrapers, graders,
and power JCB, draglines.
2. Compacting Equipments Use of rollers, Roller types Plain rollers, Sheep footed rollers,
Vibratory rollers, pneumatic rollers. Rammers use and working.
Unit 6 [5 hrs]
1. Concreting Equipments
2. Concrete Mixers Types of concrete mixers. Weigh batching equipments, Equipments
for transportation of concrete trollies, lifts. Transit mixers, Concrete vibrator Needle vibrators,
Screed vibrators. Automatic concrete plants layout, process and working.
3. Stone Crushers Types of stone crushers, capacities and working. Equipments
for production of artificial sand.
Unit 7 [3 Hrs]
List of Experiments
Course Objectives:
Introduce concepts and terms of disaster assistance examine tools and methods, and learn some
technology appropriate to the field.
Develop knowledge on various types of disasters, acquire techniques for lessening impact of
disaster and be all to involve community in disaster preparedness.
Contemporary, Natural & Man-made Disaster: Fundamentals of Disaster, Dimension & typology of
Disaster, Phases of Disaster, Social & Political imperatives, Scale of Disaster, Causes of Disaster, and
Disaster Cycle.
Agencies in Relief: Organisations dealing with disaster, UNDRO’s mandate in Disaster relief and
management, Role of UN in emergencies, IDNDR. Risk assessment & Analysis: Estimation of Risk,
Problems with risk assessment, Risk perception and communication, instruments and equipments
involved, Objectives of assessment, Type of risk.
Earthquakes: Causes, Plate tectonic and seismic waves, Magnitude and Intensity of earthquake,
Seismic Zones, BIS provisions on earthquake resistant built environment for non-engineered and
reinforced concrete buildings. Fundamentals of ductile detailing.
Planning Considerations for mitigation : Study of disaster and effects on settlements, disaster atlas,
Intervention into land use plan. Post disaster action, Community rehabilitation, Temporary and
permanent basis, Institutional involvement and policy legislation organization
Capacity building of disaster management teams, Role of Financial Institutions in Mitigation Effort,
Group Dynamics, Concept of Team Building, Motivation Theories and Applications, School
Awareness and Safety Programmes.
Remote-sensing and GIS applications in real time disaster monitoring, prevention and rehabilitation,
Laser Scanning Applications in Disaster Management, Quick Reconstruction Technologies, Role of
Media in Disasters, Management of Epidemics, Forecasting / Management of Casualties.
Subject : Disaster Management Lab
Subject Code- : AAA514
List of Experiments
In today’s competitive world, the nature of i n d i v i d u a l a n d organizations is
changing at very rapid speed. In this situation the responsibility of diploma holder is not
unique. After completing his course work he has to face the world and seek
meaningful employment also. Merely having knowledge is not sufficient these
days. He has to show his communicative skill also. As such the individual skills
with capability to show his strength and communicate his willingness new skills for
further advancement with to impart his ability and acquiring has to be displayed and
1. Social understanding for group discussion, imaginative thinking and develop free
2. SWOT Analysis – Concept, and know himself in details. Learn how to make
use of SWOT.
5. Presentation Skills
Body language --
Dress like the audience, Posture, Gestures, Eye contact and facial expression. STAGE
Voice and language – Volume, Pitch, Inflection, Speed, Pause, Pronunciation, Articulation,
Language, Practice of speech. Use of presentation aids, Summarizing the facts
6. Group discussion –
Necessity, Techniques to influence interviews and giving directions, Tips for handling
common questions.
8. Working in Teams
Understand and work within the dynamics of a groups.
Tips to work effectively in teams,
Establish good rapport, interest with others and work effectively with them to meet
common objectives,
Tips to provide and accept feedback in a constructive and considerate way ,
Leadership in teams, Handling frustrations in group.
9. Task Management
Introduction, Task identification, Task planning ,organizing and execution, Closing the
Title of the book Author Publisher
1 Adams Time management Marshall Cooks Viva Books
2 Basic Managerial Skills for All E.H. Mc Grath , S.J. Pretice Hall of India
3 Body Language Allen Pease Sudha Publications Pvt.
4 Creativity and problem solving Lowe and Phil Kogan Page (I) P Ltd
Decision making & Problem
5 by Adair, J Orient Longman
6 Develop Your Assertiveness Bishop , Sue Kogan Page India
7 Make Every Minute Count Marion E Haynes Kogan page India
Steven L McShane and
8 Organizational Behavior Tata McGraw Hill
Mary Ann Glinow
Pretice Hall of India, Pvt
9 Organizational Behavior Stephen P. Robbins
Michael Hatton
10 Presentation Skills ( Canada – India ISTE New Delhi
Stress Management Through
11 -- Sterling Publisher Pvt Ltd
Yoga and Meditation
Target setting and Goal Richard Hale ,Peter
12 Kogan page India
Achievement Whilom
13 Time management Chakravarty, Ajanta Rupa and Company
14 Working in Teams Harding ham .A Orient Longman