Recruiting Materials
Recruiting Materials
Recruiting Materials
Events Dates
Visiting classes to pass out information papers as well as parent permission slips.
Also announce that interested students can sign up for instrument testing.
Student Instrument Testing Fri, Sept. 7 and Mon – Thu, Sept. 10-13
Having a small group of students test out instruments. Testing periods will happen before
and after school. For students that show up I will send home a little paper that notes what
instrument I think the child would be most successful with. That paper will need to be
Last day for students to give me the permission forms that will be filled out by students,
I will send a little note to students as well as an email to their parents with information of
learn as well as what is expected. (renting instruments, practicing, care for instruments)
Students will learn to hold instruments and care for them. They will be given the chance
First day students will get to touch there instruments. Parents should request that the
music store deliver the instrument to the school by the day before. Instruments will be
waiting with me ready for the students unless they own their own. Remind students how
This concert is only for the beginning band and strings. Students will perform for there
families’ what they have learned so far. I will also encourage everyone to go to the
middle school and high school concerts to listen to what the students could play if they
continue playing.
Students will perform one to two small pieces in a concert that during school featuring all
music ensembles. After this all students will be invited to participate in an instrument
petting zoo where students will share their knowledge with other music and non-music
students. Show some cellist the double bass and tell them they can play it next year.
Beginning Strings Class at Elementary School
Thank you students and parents for showing an interest in music and considering letting
your child to learn a new skill of playing a string instrument. Your child is being given the
chance to learn new skills and take part of large team dynamic that will have two performances
for the school year. Students will be given the chance to learn how to play the violin, viola, or
cello, and at the beginning of the next year students will be offered the chance to learn the double
bass. This form is should be filled out returned to Mr. Marquez by Friday September 14, 2019.
Parents will receive a separate letter explaining instrument rentals, performance dates, and other
important information. I invite parents to attend the parent meeting Tuesday September 18. For
any burning questions feel free to email be at
Physical Considerations:
Instrument Choices
Violin- Highest sounding sting instrument that also gets most of the fast passages. The most
competitive instrument for strings because many students want to play.
Viola- The viola’s sound is one of the closest instruments to the human voice and because of
these instruments get some of the most beautiful lyrical passages. Violas are the most needed in
all orchestras: in middle school, high school, and college.
Cello- A low sounding instrument that provides the base for the entire string orchestra with a rich
sound. Cellist will have a variety of passages that will show off the rich sound of the cello to the
low rhythmic passages that they can layout. Cello is also a great instrument to start on if students
would like to switch to the Double Bass.
Double Bass- NOT AVALIBLE TO BEGIN ON. The double bass is the lowest sounding
instrument that is needed to always provide the foundation that all instruments will build on. At
times the bass will play the same passages as cello but double basses are always needed and
could lead to more opportunities like the viola.
Instrument Testing
Students are welcome to sign up for instrument testing where they will get the chance to hold
and try playing the three available instruments to begin with. Students could sign up for one slot
either before school or after school starting Friday September 7 through Thursday September 13.
1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
*Students will be assigned their instrument Monday September 17 by letter sent to their class
and an email sent to their parents. Mr. Marquez will choose the best instrument for students
making sure they have the greatest chance to succeed.
Student’s Signature:
Parent’s Signature:
*To be filled out by Mr. Marquez at Instrument Testing to help find the best instrument for the
Recently your child was introduced to the wonderful world of music and had the chance
to attend an assembly that showed off several of the high school music groups including the
string orchestra. Your child has expressed an interest in learning a string instrument now is a
perfect time to let them learn new skills. Students will have the chance to learn one of three
instruments: violin, viola, or cello. Students will have the chance to learn the double bass after
one year on one of the other string instruments.
With in the year students will be working towards two performances. The first
performance will be Wednesday, December 5 at 5:30 P.M. Students will perform simple pieces
that they have learned. Because this is their first performance it is required that you are their to
support them. Family and friends are also invited and the concert will be short. Their second
concert is going to be Friday, May 3rd at 2:00 P.M. This concert is going to be during school and
parents are invited to attend but are not required. Students will be performing more difficult
pieces that will show how much they have grown within the year. Along with the beginning
strings, other instrumental groups will be performing to show what they will one day sound like.
If your child decides to join beginning stings there are expectations and requirements for
both them and you parents. Your child is expected to show up to class on time with the
willingness to learn. They are also required to take care of their instrument and practice. Class
time is not practice time. Your child is also required to play in the two concerts. As already
mentioned, parents are required to attend the 1st concert. This is part of parents’ requirement to
be supportive and encouraging. You should also help plan when to practice and check that it is
good practice. Finally parents are required to provide their child with a good instrument with
required materials.
If the required forms are filled out and turned in by the due day, you child will be
assigned an instrument that will suit their strengths. The instrument that I choose for them you
might own already but it may not meet the standards to show your child’s full potential. For
parents that do not own the instrument assigned, do not worry. You can rent a instrument from
one of the following music stores.
Make sure to ask questions when considering renting from any retailer. Make sure violins
and violas are coming with shoulder rest or that cellos have endpins and rock stops. Other great
questions to ask any retailer is:
Be sure to read the contract thoroughly when renting an instrument. Stay on top of the
payments and request that the dealer delivers the instrument with items to the element school by
Tuesday, October 2. Having the instrument delivered to the school ensures that your child will
learn how to properly hold and care for the instrument before taking it home.
Other required materials are rosin, a cleaning cloth, and book one of String Explorer for
their instrument. Cellist should also have a rock stop to prevent the cello from sliding.
I am looking forward to teaching your child the exiting world of string instruments and if
you have any questions feel free to contact me at More information
will be handed out later with sign forms to sign and letters about assigned instruments.
Mr. Bryan Marquez
Instrument/Equipment List
Students joining the beginning strings class are expected to rent the instrument that is assigned to
them. Most retailers offer a rent-to-own program were students could one day own the
instrument. It is also expected that students will have all necessary additional items to guaranty
their success as a string player.
DO NOT BY INSTRUMENTS ONLINE. Although you can find instruments online at a good
cost that does not mean that the instruments will sound good. This can affect your child’s ability
to learn and will be frustrating for everyone. You get what you pay for. This also applies to
getting instruments in stores. Some times low cost instruments need a lot of adjustments or
repairs that could end up costing more than the instrument itself.
List of Retailers
Important Questions
The last question is one of the most important because having it delivered to the school ensures
that your child will not be tempted to take the instrument out at home before learning how to
properly hold and care for it.
Additional Items
• Rosin
• Four fine tuners
• Shoulder rest
• Cleaning cloth
• Extra strings
• Book one of Sting Explorer
• Rosin
• Four fine tuners
• Rock stop
• Cleaning cloth
• Extra strings
• Book one of String Explorer
Recommended Brands
For any additional questions feel free to email Mr. Marquez at
The following page is a checklist that should be taken to any music shop to make sure your child
has the greatest chance to succeed.
Assigned Instrument
Violin, Viola, or Cello
Working Bow
Cleaning Cloth
Extra Stings
7-13 Sep
Interested in playing a string instrument?
Sign up to test out what instrument would be perfect for you.
Sign up sheet is on Mr. Marquez’s classroom door. Room P 103
Choose to sign up before school 7:30 or after 3:00.