Macros For Wow 66
Macros For Wow 66
Macros For Wow 66
abilities by name. In fact, Blizzard had to change the name of the Mage
elemental's Frost Nova to Freeze because there was no way to use it in a macro.
:P But as everyone with a pet is aware, that's nowhere near the end of the line for
pet control. Luckily the Burning Crusade patches brought us a host of new pet
Sends your pet to attack your target. You can also specify a name or unit ID and
your pet will attack that instead.
Causes your pet to follow you, cancelling its attack if necessary.
Causes your pet to hold at its current location until given another command.
Causes your pet to stay at a specified location.
/petpassive, /petdefensive, /petaggressive
Sets the reaction mode of your pet just like the buttons on your pet bar.
/petautocaston, /petautocastoff, /petautocasttoggle
These commands manipulate the auto-cast of a given pet spell. The first will
always turn auto-cast on, and the second will turn it off. Example:
/petautocaston Torment
/petautocastoff Suffering
Making a macro
First, open up the macro window. You can do this either by opening the main
menu and selecting Macros, or by typing /macro (/m) in the chat box. At the top
of the window, you'll see two tabs: General Macros and Yourname Specific
Macros. General macros are stored on an account-by-account basis and are
shared by all your characters. Character specific macros are, well, I think you can
figure this one out yourself. :P Immediately under the tabs is a grid of 18 boxes
where the macros are displayed. Under those, there is a single box which
displays your currently-selected macro with a Change Name/Icon button next to
it. Below that is the edit box where you actually type the macro. Finally, at the
bottom you have a number of self-explanatory buttons.
To create a macro, click the New button at the bottom of the window. This brings
up another small window off to the side where you choose the icon and type a
name for the macro. If you choose the question mark icon (), WoW will
automatically pick an icon for your macro based on what spells or items are listed
in the macro. Once you have chosen an icon and a name, click the Okay button.
A few notes: You can control what icon is shown in place of the question mark
with the #show commands. Although you can name two macros the same, it is
better to avoid this since some functions of addons or even certain macro
commands reference macros by name. You can also add custom icons to the list
(see the Part III).
Now you will notice that the macro icon you chose has been added to the 18
boxes mentioned earlier (as much of the name as will fit is also displayed on the
icon). The newly created macro will also be selected so now it's time to start
writing your macro. Click in the edit box of the macro window to start typing.
Note: Macros have a 255 character limit. Rumor has it that this is because they
store macros on the servers (since patch 3.0.2).
When you are done typing your macro, simply drag its icon from the grid and
place it on an action button. The macro will be automatically saved when you first
try to use it or when you close the macros window. Click the button, and there
you have it!
Casting Spells
During the normal course of play, you aren't likely to type many slash commands
that are generally useful for macros. Sure, the occasional emote macro can
make for some interesting role playing, but c'mon...There's got to be more to it
than that...
There is. Enter /cast, the most common command you will see in macros. The
/cast command allows you to cast any spell from your (or your pet's) spell book
by name. The simplest case is a command like:
/cast Shadow Word: Pain