History of Radar-Rawinfo-07
History of Radar-Rawinfo-07
History of Radar-Rawinfo-07
By the end of this Chapter, students will be able to explain the following:
a. History of Radar.
1. Neither a single nation nor a single person is able to say, that he (or
it) is the inventor of the radar method. One must look at the “Radar” than
an accumulation of many developments and improvements sooner, which
scientists of several nations made share in parallel. In the past there are
nevertheless some milestones with the discovery of important basic
knowledge and important inventions:
h. In 1936 the developement of the Klystron by Metcalf and
Hahn. This will be an important component in radar units as an
amplifier or an oscillator tube.
Figure 1: Wall painting from the Technical School of the Air Force in
Kaufbeuren (Germany). Beautifully pointing: The administration was in the
foreground at that time also!
2. Driven by the common war expiry and the general development of
the air forces to meaningful key players radar technology underwent a
strong development push during the 2nd World War and was used during
the cold war in large quantities along the german domestic border.
186,000 statute miles per second
Transmitted Signal
Echo Signal
8. Radar uses electromagnetic energy pulses in much the same way,
as shown in Figure 2. The radio-frequency (rf) energy is transmitted to and
reflected from the reflecting object. A small portion of the reflected energy
returns to the radar set. This returned energy is called an ECHO, just as it
is in sound terminology. Radar sets use the echo to determine the direction
and distance of the reflecting object.
R = CxT /2
Range is the distance from the radar site to the target measured
along the line of sight.
v = s/t in m/s
v = speed
s = range
t = time
v = 2xR/T in m/s
The factor of two in the formula comes from the observation that
the radar pulse must travel to the target and back before detection,
or twice the range.
R = CxT/2 in [m]
13. The True Bearing (referenced to true north) of a radar target is the
angle between true north and a line pointed directly at the target. This
angle is measured in the horizontal plane and in a clockwise direction
from true north. (The bearing angle to the radar target may also be measured in a
clockwise direction from the centerline of your own ship or aircraft and is referred to as
the relative bearing.)
1. The following figure shows the operating principle of a primary
radar. The radar antenna illuminates the target with a microwave signal,
which is then reflected and picked up by a receiving device. The electrical
signal picked up by the receiving antenna is called echo or return. The
radar signal is generated by a powerful transmitter and received by a
highly sensitive receiver.
EM signal
Echo signal
Transmitting path
Receiving path
display receiver duplexer antenna target
3. Radar systems work in a wide band of transmitted frequencies. The
higher the frequency of a radar system, the more it is affected by weather
conditions such as rain or clouds. But the higher the transmitted
frequency, the better is the accuracy of the radar system.
Precision approach radar
5. The information given in the diagram above can be tabulated in
detail as given below:
By the end of this Chapter, students will be able to explain the following:
b. Radar Parameters
1. The radar equation represents the physical dependences of the
transmit power, that is the wave propagation up to the receiving of the
echo-signals. Furthermore one can assess the performance of the radar
with the radar equation.
3. So we get the formula to calculate the Non-directional Power
Density Su
Sg = Su · G (2)
7. With this in mind we can say: The reflected power Pr at the radar
depends on the power density Su, the antenna gain G, and the variable
radar cross section σ:
Pr = reflected power
σ = radar cross section
R1 = range antenna - target [m]
PE = Se . AW (5)
10. The effective antenna area arises from the fact that an antenna
suffer from losses, therefore, the received power at the antenna is not
equal to the input power. As a rule, the efficiency of the antenna is around
0.6 to 0.7 (Efficiency Ka). Applied to the geometric antenna area, the
effective antenna area is:
AW = A · Ka (6)
AW = effective antenna area [m²]
A = geometric antenna area [m²]
Ka = efficiency
PE = Se x AW (5)
AW = Ax Ka (6)
PE = Se x Ax Ka (7)
PE = Pr x Ax Ka /4 π R22 (8)
12. The transmitted and reflected waves have been seen separately.
The next step is to consider both transmitted and reflected power: Since R2
(Target - Antenna) is the distance R1 (Antenna - Target) then:
as R2= R1
13. Another equation, which will not be derived here, describes the
antenna gain G in terms of the wavelength λ:
G = 4 π .A. Ka/ λ2 (10)
14. Solving for A, antenna area, and replacing A into equation 9; after
simplification it yields:
16. The smallest received power that can be detected by the radar is
called PEmin. Smaller powers than PEmin aren't usable since they are lost
in the noise of the receiver. The minimum power is detect at the maximum
range Rmax as seen from the equation:
17. All considerations, when calculating the radar equation, were made
assuming that the electromagnetic waves propagate under ideal conditions
without disturbing influences. In the practice a number of losses should be
considered since they reduce the effectiveness of the radar considerably.
The radar equation is extended by including the loss factor Lges :
18. Remember: the most important feature of this equation is the
fourth-root dependence!. Other then the transmit power we assume all
other factors are constant. Calling all of them the coefficient (Kx), so the
maximum range equation becomes:
R max = Kx . 4√Ps
wavelength. At low frequencies, wavelengths are long and, as a
consequence, radar components tend to be proportionally large and
antennas, in particular can be very big and heavy. This presents
little problem for a radar, which will be used on the ground, or on a
large ship; however, such a radar could not be used in an aircraft or
in the nose of a missile. Size and weight considerations, therefore,
dictate that radars, which will be carried on small platforms, must,
for the reasons just stated, use high frequencies. At 10 GHz, and
above, atmospheric absorption and attenuation are high; for that
reason, high frequency radars
PRF = 106 Hz
PRI (in µsec)
Runambiguous = 300,000 Km
2 x PPF
anything from a fraction of a µsec (106 sec) to several µsec.
Exceptionally,, in a technique known as Pulse Compression, very
long PW are used; Pulse Compression will be covered in greater
detail in a later lesson. The total amount of energy in a single
pulse is proportional to its PW. Long-range radars tend to have a
long PW, 3 - 5 µsec is typical, and short-range radars have a much
shorter PW, 0.2 - 1.0 µsec. The PW determines the ability of the
radar to discriminate between two targets close together on the
same bearing. If the targets are separated by a distance equivalent
to half the PW or less the echoes will merge to give a single target
on the display; targets separated by a distance equivalent to greater
than half the PW, will appear as two separate targets.
Where PW is in microseconds.
= 5 x 300 metres
= 750 metres
d. Power: There are two different measurements
commonly used to describe the power output of a pulse radar: Peak
Power and Average Power.
produce a target on the display. The power from many
echo pulses is added together, in a technique called Signal
Integration, to produce a good Signals-to-Noise Ratio
(SNR). It is important then, that during the time the radar
scans past the target, known as the dwell time, a sufficient
number of radar pulses strike the target to give the
integration processor the required number of echo pulses to
produce a good SNR. This requirement to strike the target
with a number of pulses during dwell time puts a limit on
the scanning rate for a given PRF. Figure 20 summarizes
the terminology associated
Duty Factor = τ
= 5
= 0.00125
= 0.125%
(1) Increasing Peak Power: Increasing
peak power will also increase the power averaged
over the PR1; however, as has already been stated,
increasing peak power also increases the risk of
sparking in the wave guide which could lead to loss
of transmitted power.
(2) Increasing PRF: Increasing the PRF
shortens the PRI, so for a given peak power the
average power will increase. Increasing the PRF,
however, reduces the maximum unambiguous range
of the radar, or, conversely, increases the risk of
second-time-around targets.
(3) Increasing Pulse Width: Increasing the
radar pulse width, increases the total power
averaged over the PRI: however increasing the
pulse width degrades the range resolution capability
and increases the minimum range. A technique
called Pulse Compression enables a very long pulse
width to be used without loss of range resolution;
this will be described in detail in a later lesson.
Pulse Compression cannot restore the minimum
- R max = Kx . 4√Ps
1. The antenna system of radar is designed to form the transmitted energy
into a highly directional beam and collect energy contained in the
reflected signals. This information is then used to determine the target
position in two co-ordinates; azimuth and elevation.
The objective of this chapter is to describe the scanning and different
scan types that are used by modern radar systems.
What is Scanning?
1. Scanning can be described as the search pattern of a radar to detect
targets. It may involve physically moving the antenna to change the
orientation of the transmitted beam or alternatively alter the direction of
the radar beam by electronic means.
2. Scanning is different from tracking. Tracking involves the precise
and continuous measurement of a target’s range, angle and/or velocity to
determine its flight path and predict its future position. Some radar
systems, particularly airborne radars, can perform both the tracking and
scanning functions at the same time these are called track-while-scan
Currently no radar system can cover 360º in azimuth and elevation
to detect targets. To ensure maximum coverage wide beam widths are
used, this results in poor angular resolution. Narrow beam widths have
good resolution, but less space is searched, therefore the radar beam must
be scanned in order to detect targets.
Scan Duration
Different radar functions require different types of antenna, which
produce different beam shapes that are scanned in different ways. Not
only are the methods of scanning different, but also the duration of the
scan differs. The following terms may be used to describe the scan
a. Scan Period. The time taken to complete a scan pattern and return
to the starting point, expressed in seconds.
d. Scan Rate. The number of complete scans in one minute or per
second. Scan rate is often used to describe non-circular scanning
Types of scan
Circular Scan
1. Search radars, which normally provide hemispherical coverage,
use a fan-shaped beam consisting of a single beam or several overlapping
smaller beams rotating regularly through 3600
Fig 1
Sector Scan.
2 1
2. A good example of a bi-directional sector scanning radar is the
height finder and an example of a uni-directional sector scan, in
orthogonal planes, is the track-while-scan radar known as FAN SONG.
Conical Scan
1. Conical scan is achieved by rotating a pencil beam with a small
offset angle known as the squint angle, as shown in Figure 3. The radar
beam thus searches a conical volume of airspace. If the target is on the
axis of rotation, the amplitude of the signals will be constant and received
at the PRF rate, as shown in Figure 4. If, however, the target is displaced
from the axis of rotation, the signals will fluctuate at the rotation rate of
the conical scanning beam; the amplitude of the signals will be amplitude
modulated at the scanning rate and the this modulation will be
superimposed on the PRF, as shown in Figure 5. The depth of the
modulation will be a function of the displacement from the axis of rotation
and the phase of the modulation will depend on the directional of angular
displacement from the rotation axis. Conical scanning radars use this
modulation amplitude and phase to correct its position with respect to the
target. When the target is back on the axis of rotation, the modulation
disappears and the signals will return to those shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Signal Plot - Target on Boresight
Raster Scan
1. Some radar, particularly airborne intercept (AI) radars, search the
volume of interest by sector sweeping a pencil beam which is stepped up
or down to cover the required airspace. This technique is referred to as a
raster scan and is shown in Figure 7. The raster scan is described by the
angular size of the sector, by the number of levels through which the beam
is stepped and whether the transmission is bi-directional or uni-directional.
The raster pattern can be achieved by accomplished in a series of
sequential steps, as in Figure 7a, or in variations of this sequence, as
shown in Figure 7b. The observed signal from a raster scan will vary
according to the raster pattern.
Spiral Scan.
Spiral scan is one in which a pencil beam is made to move in a
circular pattern while the radius of the circle is gradually increased out to the
required maximum displacement, as shown in Figure 8. Some older Russian
AI radars employ spiral scan.
Figure 8: Spiral Scan
Helical Scan.
Helical scan is one in which the elevation angle of a circularly scanning
pencil beam is gradually increased, as shown in Figure 9.
Palmer Scan.
Figure 10: Palmer Raster Scan
Continuous-wave radar system is a radar system
where a known stable frequency continuous wave radio energy is
transmitted and then received from any reflecting objects. The return
frequencies are shifted away from the transmitted frequency based on
the Doppler effect if they are moving.
The main advantage of the CW radars is that they are not pulsed and
simple to manufacture. They have no minimum or maximum range
(although the broadcast power level imposes a practical limit on range)
and maximize power on a target because they are always broadcasting.
However they also have the disadvantage of only detecting moving
targets, as stationary targets (along the line of sight) will not cause a
Doppler shift and the reflected signals will be filtered out. CW radar
systems are used at both ends of the range spectrum; e.g., as radio-
altimeters at the close-range end (where the range may be a few feet),
and early warning radars at long range.
a strong return. Most modern air combat radars, even pulse Doppler
sets, have a CW function for missile guidance purposes.
a. CW radars transmit their peak power continuously. This means power levels can
be as high as the transmitter and wave-guide limitations will allow.
e. CW radars transmit coherent signals, allowing for the
measurement of a target’s velocity, azimuth and elevation.
This kind of radar is used as „radar altimeter” often. The radar altimeter is
used to measure the exact height during the landing procedure of aircraft.
Radar altimeters are also a component of terrain avoidance warning
systems, telling the pilot that the aircraft is flying too low or that terrain is
rising to meet the aircraft.
Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) Radar
Figure 3. FMCW theory of operation.
Dt = T Df/(f2-f1) where:
f2 = maximum frequency
f1 = minimum frequency
T = period of sweep from f1 to f2,
and Df = the difference between transmitted and received.
There is a slight problem which occurs when the sweep resets the frequency
and the frequency difference becomes negative (as shown in the plot of Df vs.
time). The system uses a discriminator to clip off the negative signal, leaving
only the positive part, which is directly proportional to the range. Here is a
system diagram:
R = 2cTDf/(f2 - f1)
Runamb = cT/2
FMCW systems are often used for radar altimeters, or in radar proximity
fuzes for warheads. These systems do not have a minimum range like a
pulsed system. However, they are not suitable for long range detection,
because the continuous power level they transmit at must be considerably
lower than the peak power of a pulsed system. You may recall that the peak
and average power in a pulse system were related by the duty cycle,
25. In a pulse radar, the radar signal consists of very short pulses of radio
frequency (RF). The time delay between the transmission of each pulse and the
reception of the echo is proportional to the target range. The phase of the echo
signal also depends on the target range. If the phase of the transmitted signal is
stable from pulse to pulse, the phase of the echo signal received from a
stationary target will also be stable since the target range is constant, (figure 8).
26. If the target is moving, the phase of the echo signal will change at a rate
that depends on the targets radial velocity. The rate of change of the phase is
the Doppler frequency, Id. The Doppler shift, in radar, can be calculated from
the following equation:
fd = 2 ft v cos Hz
27. For the fixed target, the pulse amplitude is constant from pulse to pulse.
For the moving target, the pulse amplitude varies as the phase of the received
signal varies. The Doppler shift can be used to allow the radar to reject fixed
targets (clutters) and display only moving targets. One way of accomplishing
MTI is to use pulse-to-pulse change in amplitude at the output of the phase
detector to differentiate between fixed and moving targets using a delay line
canceller (figure 9).
28. The delay line consists of a delay line and a summer. The delay
line delays the video signal by a time equal to the pulse repetition interval
(PRI). The delay line operates by sampling the video signal at a high rate
and storing each sample for the required time. The delayed video signal is
subtracted from the undelayed video signal by the summer. The output of
the delay-line canceller consists of the differences between the successive
pulses in the video signal. If the target is not moving, the amplitude of
each pulse is the same as that of previous pulse. The result of the
subtraction is zero. If the target is moving, the pulse amplitude changes
from pulse to pulse. The result of' the subtraction is not zero; a residue
remains in the form of a bi-polar pulse train. Since only moving targets
produce a residue, only these targets will be displayed. The delay-line
canceller in figure 9 is a single delay line canceller. Multiple delay line
cancellers, having more than one delay, are sometimes used for improved
cancellation performance.
29. There are occasions when target, though moving, does not produce
Doppler shift. An aircraft moving tangentially to the radar beam has no radial
component towards the radar, hence no Doppler shift. This condition is referred
to as tangential fade. This condition will only exist for a short period because, as
the target continues moving, it will begin to have a Doppler component away
from the radar and will reappear. Another, more serious, condition occurs when
a moving target has a radial velocity such that the target moves half the radar
wavelength, or any multiple of half the wavelength, between successive radar
pulses; this is known as the blind speed and can be calculated. Blind speed can
be calculated as follows:
31. Example: find the blind speeds for a radar, which has a
wavelength of 30 cm, and a PRF of 800 Hz.
33. In practice, fading may occur within about 10kt of a blind speed.
The blind speed problem in radars employing MTI processing is usually
overcome by the use of more than one PRF. This is normally done in a
scheduled manner and is referred to as staggered PRF (figure 11). Since
the target speed would have to be such that it was blind at both PRFs, the
risk is considerably reduced; the use of 3 PRFs or more reduces the risk to
an acceptable level. Since stationary targets are mostly at short range, it
is normal practice for MTI to be used only over the first 20 to 40 nm from
the radar; it is usually adjusted in 10 nm steps until only a very light fringe
of clutter, through which targets can be detected, is left on the display.
concentrate only on moving targets, removing the sometimes confusing
clutter from the operator’s display. This capability is called moving target
indication (MTI).
When the range to a target is changing, the phase comparison output will
be varying between its extreme values, as well as moving in range. One
full cycle of phase shift is completed as the range changes by one-half
wavelength of the radar. This is because the radar signal travels both to
and from the target, so that the change total distance traveled by the radar
pulse changes by a factor of two. For a typical radar wavelength of 3 cm,
it is clear that the phase comparison output will be rapidly varying for
targets whose range is changing.
The fact that stationary targets have a fixed value of phase difference can
be exploited to remove them from the display. This is accomplished by a
cancellation circuit. The MTI processor takes a sample from the phase
comparison output and averages it over a few cycles. Moving targets will
average to zero, while stationary targets will have non-zero averages. The
average signal is then subtracted from the output before it is displayed,
thereby canceling out the stationary targets.
Figure 3. Cancellation circuit of MTI processor
What is meant by stationary targets are those returns which are not
changing in range. For moving transmitters, of course, returns from fixed
objects on the ground will be changing in range and therefore displayed.
MTI systems for moving transmitters must provide a modified input to the
phase comparator, which includes the phase advance associated with the
motion of the transmitter.
Figure 4. Pulsed Doppler radar system.
Pulsed Doppler radar systems are used in numerous miltary applications. THEY
display of a tornado will show the two colors which correspond to opposite
directions of motion side-by-side.
The only useable portion of this spectrum is the interval between the main
lobe and the first harmonic at fc + PRF. Therefore only Doppler shifts that
fall within this range can be measured unambiguously. Therefore the
condition when the Doppler shift is equal to the PRF defines the maximum
unambiguous speed that can be measured. From this we derive the
maximum unambiguous speed:
Sunamb = PRF/2
You will note that this is also the same condition described for MTI
systems, namely when the target moves one-half wavelength in the period
From the spectrum, it is also apparent that the Doppler shift must be larger
than the bandwidth of the main lobe in order to be detectable. This defines
a minimum detectable speed:
smin = /(8PW).
This system operates at 3 GHz (= 10 cm) and uses a 325 Hz PRF in its
normal mode, find the maximum unambiguous speed this system can
Sunamb = (0.1 m)(325)/2
sunamb = 16.25 m/s or about 37 mph.
There are two ways to fix this problem. The first is to increase the PRF. Of
course, this will reduce the maximum unambiguous detection range
accordingly. The other is to vary the PRF. Ambiguous returns will vary
either in range or velocity, while accurate ones will not. This does not
solve the problem, but can be used to identify conditions where the target
range is beyond Runamb or when the target radial speed is beyond sunamb.