3000 6000 E DataSheet 2-15-2017

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Data Sheet

OMNI 3000E & 6000E
Flow Computer

statement, but actual field performance data.

OMNI FLOW COMPUTER We have documented cases of exposure to
lightning strikes, hurricanes, water
For more than 25 years, OMNI flow
immersion, and even a car crash.
computer has been considered to be the
best flow computer available for
OMNI serial numbers 001, 002, 003, and
performance, reliability, support, and
004, produced in 1991, are still in daily
operation. Although they are somewhat
different to today’s OMNI in certain areas of
functionality, they can be upgraded to
OMNI flow computers are designed to meet current factory specifications at any time.
the measurement needs of the oil and gas We believe we are the only flow computer
industry. When AC or DC power is applied manufacturer who can make this claim.
to the OMNI, it is available and ready for
measurement in less than one second. The SECURITY
OMNI is not hindered by inefficient, slow
There are always at least two parties to a
loading, memory-hungry operating systems,
measurement transaction, which might
intended for the PC, mobile phone, tablets,
include: buyer, seller, field owners, or
or other devices. The OMNI’s highly
government regulator. It does not matter
efficient firmware integrates with bulletproof
what task your flow computer is performing
hardware and is designed solely for
– custody transfer, allocation, royalty,
measurement of custody transfer
pipeline, ship loading, utilities, or LACT –
applications. The OMNI exceeds all
compliance to the contractually agreed
requirements for data processing, accuracy,
measurement standards is the responsibility
and calculation cycle time for all recognized
of the system operator. Even the slightest
standards bodies, including API, ISO, OIML,
discrepancy over time can cost hundreds of
and AGA. Coupled with the largest flow
man-hours, or at a minimum, hundreds of
computer specialist support team and
thousands of dollars.
unique on-line support tools and
documentation, the OMNI continues to be When flow computers have an “open” or
the first choice of industry experts. “programmable” architecture it opens the
door for the manufacturer’s calculations to
be compromised, edited, or modified in a
The OMNI has mean time between failures variety of ways. The traceability to any
(MTBF) of greater than 8,000 days. This is approvals a device may have previously
not a theoretical calculation or an arbitrary obtained can be overwritten, manipulated, or


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Data Sheet
OMNI® 3000E & 6000E Flow Computer
simply avoided during application software developers and programmers. For
programming by the manufacturer or this reason, OMNI does the programming,
integrator. Even the simple audit of testing, and verification. Three quick steps
firmware revision and checksum for determine what standards and tasks the flow
compliance could require the complete computer is performing. Simple
verification of all the flow computer configuration, never programming, is all that
calculations and functions. Only OMNI is required to install, operate, and maintain
gives you the assurance that what is an OMNI. We take responsibility for our
implemented at the factory is what is being software implementation. We do not
used in the field for your measurement and delegate this to others, least of all our users.
applications. Buyer, seller, auditor, and This is the real significance of
regulator alike need to have the same ISO9001:2008 quality assurance.
assurance and peace of mind.
CONTINUITY The OMNI represents reliability, stability,
Without changing its familiar construction and security. Without constant design
and easy-to-use menu navigation, every part changes or frequent software updates, you
of the OMNI undergoes continuous don’t lose time, money and measurement as
development. OMNI manages all parts of its a result of manufacturer or integrator
product design, development, inexperience or product changes.
manufacturing, and distribution 100% under
one roof. This guarantees that all advances APPLICATIONS
in technology are incorporated by specialists  Crude oil
and are backward compatible. You do not  Refined products
have to buy a new computer every few  LPGs
years with the hidden engineering costs,  Anhydrous ammonia
training and adoption time associated with
 Ethylene
buying an all new device nor with the costs
 Chemical
associated with obsolescence to your
control system. With an OMNI you simply  Natural gas
upgrade internal hardware and firmware.  NGLs
 Specialty gases
OMNI does not use a third-party PC  Water and steam product selection
operating system such as Windows® or
Linux. These operating systems were
intended for short lifetime consumer markets COMMUNICATIONS
such as PCs, mobile phones, and other
devices, and are not designed with a In today’s modern and changing IT
supported lifecycle of 15 or 20 years. OMNI environment, flexibility in communications is
users are not at the mercy of third-party an essential consideration for your choice of
suppliers of “freeware” who may decide to flow computer. Not only communication with
stop supporting key system utilities and higher level systems such as supervisory,
obsolete your flow computer overnight, long DCS, pipeline integrity and accounting
before its end of lifecycle. systems, but with lower level devices such
as secondary instrumentation on the
TRACEABILITY pipeline or the system PLC.
OMNI recognizes that most flow computer
manufacturers, integrators, and even users  Ethernet – 8 sockets/port
are not qualified and experienced embedded  RS232/485 - Configurable


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OMNI® 3000E & 6000E Flow Computer
 TCP/IP Encapsulated Modbus, Network printing is a standard feature that
Modbus/TCP, includes multiple printer IP address
 Modbus; ASCII, RTU + Modem identification with the additional feature of
compatibility, Master and Slave report assignment to each printer.
 Peer-to-Peer
 HART® Communication to smart devices installed
 Honeywell DE on the pipeline is simply achieved by
 Allen-Bradley DF1; Full and half selection of the appropriate OMNI hardware
Duplex module. Within the OMNI firmware, the
protocols and register maps will
 Direct plug and play compatibility to
automatically implement based on the
Ultrasonic and Coriolis flowmeters +
device type you select. Connection to
Gas Chromatographs
HART or Honeywell DE enabled transmitters
and multivariable (MV or MVS) units
The industry generally prefers Ethernet
requires specific modules as identified in the
communications wherever possible, but the
Mode Selection Guide of this Specification
communication protocols also need to
(Connections for Smart Transmitters, Flow
integrate with legacy equipment using serial
Meters and Multivariable Devices).
communications at the same time. OMNI
offers a mix-and-match ability to meet even
the most demanding system user’s needs.
A total of six (6) communications ports can
be set up in the OMNI – Up to six (6)
RS232/485 and up to two (2) Ethernet ports
in combination - up to six total.

OMNI Ethernet modules offer up to eight (8)

sockets per port for concurrent connections
with security enabled – Password, MAC
Address, IP Address or IP Range.


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Data Sheet
OMNI® 3000E & 6000E Flow Computer
OMNICOM is the companion PC Windows- OMNICOM features:
based software that enhances the use of  Online and offline configuration
OMNI 3000 and OMNI 6000 flow computers.  Administration of User Login and
It simplifies the configuration of an OMNI Passwords
either online or offline, allows the user to  Local and Remote access
perform operations such as quality  Multiple site access
monitoring in gas systems, batching, and  Extensive F1 help
proving in liquid systems.  Built in safety limits
 Extensive Communications logging
This single Windows program can perform
and debugging
any task on an OMNI. There are no high
level programs that permit back door  Customizable reports
changes to the core flow computer  Windows 7, (8 and 10 pending)
software/firmware in contravention to the supported
requirements of WELMEC software controls
for measuring instruments.


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OMNI® 3000E & 6000E Flow Computer
Some of the features that come with the
OMNI 3000E and 6000E include:

 Five-year limited warranty

 Stream, batch, & station totalization
 Multiple products with individual
product totalizers
 Multiple batch consolidation
 Batch recalculation
 Batch stack – product scheduling
 Automatic prove sequence control
 All meter types: DP, PD, turbine,
Coriolis, ultrasonic
 K-factor and meter-factor
OMNI 3000E AND 6000E FEATURES  Level A pulse fidelity
 Viscosity linearization
Often referred to as simply “The OMNI” and  All prover types
installed in over 90 countries worldwide, the
 Multiple I/O types, 4-20mA, 1-5V,
OMNI 3000E & 6000E flow computers
HART, Honeywell DE, Rosemount
continue to be selected for their industry
MV, Coriolis
leading standards in design, performance,
 Meter run and station densitometer
and value.
 Redundant gas chromatograph
With its fast one second power-up recovery, interface
field proven reliability, longevity, and  Run switching
usability, OMNI has the lowest cost of  Premium billing
ownership in the business. The result of  Maintenance mode
continuous end user requirement  Multiple Modbus/TCP and Modbus
development, the OMNI track record stands over Ethernet (multiple socket), as
alone protecting the interest of both buyer well as conventional RS232/485
and seller in custody transfer connections
measurements.  AC or DC powered
 Configure from keypad or PC
 Multiple metrological approvals
 Broad ambient temperature range
 Calculations performed to 64-bit
double precision accuracy
 PID control loop with primary and
secondary control parameters
 Virtual inputs for system simulation
and testing
 Unique on-board help
 Simple firmware upgrades
 Remote “Audit by Exception”
 Multiple Users with Name/Password


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OMNI® 3000E & 6000E Flow Computer
The audit log and alarm log have each been
3000E AND 6000E FIRMWARE expanded to 1,000 events. The audit log
ENHANCEMENT meets the requirements set out in API
MPMS Chapters 21.1 and 21.2.
Based on customer feedback, significant
enhancements have been added in the
Both Boolean and Variable programming
following areas:
statements have been increased from 64 to
 Audit/Traceability 128 each. Additionally, a new feature has
 Access security been added to the audit trail so that any
changes to the configuration initiated by a
 Doubling of many key features such programming statement are also captured
as Boolean and Variable statements
 Alarm and Audit logs. OMNICOM has also been enhanced to
 Products increased from 16 to 32. enable many of the changes indicated
 The unique transparency of an OMNI above and several new time-saving
features, including an all-new Modbus
configuration is also further improved
register browser that can directly paste
to be best in class. selected registers into lists and statements –
a manual is no longer needed!

Security Enhancements
Security enhancements have been
introduced, which can be optionally
implemented to control access to the OMNI
by both personnel and external data
systems (SCADA, PLC, etc.)

User Accounts can be administered and

access permissions controlled for multiple
named personnel. This includes the ability
to upload or download OMNICOM files and
change meter factors.

In addition to the customary multiple level

front panel security, it is now possible to
assign each device connected to a
communications port with its own user name
(PLC, SCADA, etc.) and password.
The results of Boolean and Variable
Auditing and Alarms statements can now be viewed live, in
Full auditing of all configuration changes real-time.
irrespective of the origin – including from
communication links, front panel, For further information on the OMNI 3000E
programming statement results, or and 6000E please contact OMNI Sales.
OMNICOM – are captured with date/time
stamp, the origin, and totals at the time of


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OMNI® 3000E & 6000E Flow Computer
OMNI pioneered flow computing based on maintaining a fixed calculation cycle time rather than
task loading. Today’s OMNI flow computer still maintains a measurement calculation cycle time
of 500mS that exceeds any industry requirements. Calculations are carried out in double-
precision (64-bit), floating point format for greatest accuracy. Totalization integrity is assured
through the well-established industry practice of triplicated (Tri-reg) storage and checking

The modular design lets you buy the hardware you need for any given application. A Model
Design document is available for further information. When you need to add an additional meter
run, simply add any other I/O modules you need.

“Future-Proof” is a term used freely by our competitors, yet subject to considerable doubt in
practice. OMNI has demonstrated “future-proof” since 1991. Even OMNI flow computers in long-
term service are backward compatible through upgrade paths to today’s specifications, approvals
and customer requirements.


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Data Sheet
OMNI® 3000E & 6000E Flow Computer

Flow Computer Isolation: All analog inputs and outputs are

optically isolated from computer logic
Specifications supply. Maximum common mode voltage on
any input or output is ± 250 VDC to chassis
Dimensions ground.
Panel Cut-out: 8.25 x 4.75 in (210 x 121 Transient/Over-voltage Protection:
mm) Current limiting, Transorbs and self-resetting
Behind Panel: OMNI 3000: 8.75 in (222 fuses.
mm). OMNI 6000: 15.5 in (394 mm)
Front Panel Bezel: 9 x 5 in (229 x 127 mm)
Weight: OMNI 3000: 9 lbs (4.08 kg), OPERATOR DISPLAY KEYPAD
OMNI 6000: 16 lbs (7.26 kg) Keypad Characteristics: 34-key, domed
membrane, with tactile and audio feedback
Data Entry Lockout: Internal switch and
Environmental software passwords
Operating Temperature: +14F to +140°F Display: Alphanumeric, 4 lines of 20
(-10C to +60 C) characters with backlight, viewing angle,
Storage Temperature: -4 to +158 F (-20 contrast and backlight adjustment.
to +70 C) Viewable Temperature: +32F to +122F
Relative Humidity: 90% non-condensing (0C to 50C)
Safety Classification: For use in a
classified safe electrical area. Operating Mode Indicator LEDs
EMC: Compliant with European Union Quantity: Four
Electro-Magnetic Coupling regulations: Dual Color: Red/Green
Emissions: EN55022-B Functions: Active Alarm, Diagnostic Mode,
Immunity: EN61000-4, IEC-EN 61000-6-2 Program Mode, Alpha Shift Mode.

Electromechanical Counters
Electrical Quantity: Three, with programmable
Supply Voltage: 90 to 264 VAC, (47 to 440 function
Hz) or 22 to 26 VDC. Display: 6-digit, non-resettable
Power: 10 to 20 Watts (excluding Maximum Rate: 10 counts per second
transducer loops) 10 to 35 Watts (including
transducer loops).
Maximum DC Offset from +DC or –DC to Security
Earth ground =120 VDC. Software: Multi-level password control
Transducer Output Power: 24 VDC at ~400 Hardware: Optional lock/seal on housing
mA for most configurations (when AC plus an internal keyboard program lockout
powered) switch.


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OMNI® 3000E & 6000E Flow Computer
Crude Oil & Refined Products:
Type: 32-bit, 150 MHz Maximum ASTM D1250(1952) Tables 5/6,
Flash: 4 MB 23/24,53/54,59/60; API MPMS Ch.11.1
Fast RAM: 4 MB (1980) & (2004-2007), API MPMS Ch.
RAM: 2 MB Battery Backed – 1.5 MB 11.2.1 (1983),11.2.2, 11.2.1M, 11.2.2 M, .
minimum available for archive data LPGs, NGLs incl: Ethane’s, Propane’s,
E/P Mixes: GPA TP15, GPA TP27, API
Real Time Clock: Battery backed-up, time MPMS Ch 11.1 (2004-2007) table 23/24E &
of day; programmable interval down to 10 53/54E
mS. Maintains time during power loss. Butadiene: ASTM D1550.
Reports downtime on power-up. Aromatics: ASTM D1555: Benzene,
RAM Battery Backup: 3.6 VDC NiMH Cumene, Cyclohexane, Ethybenzene, m-
Typical Memory Backup Period: 60 – 120 Xylene, o-Xylene, p-Xylene, Satyrene,
days (with power removed). Toluene, Aromatic hydrocarbon; 300-350 &
Typical battery life: 5-7 years. Olefins: Propylene API MPMS Ch.,
Clock Accuracy: Powered 0.05 seconds Ethylene IUPAC, Ethylene NIST1045,
per day. Ethylene API MPMS Ch.11.3.2
Misc: CO2PAC, WATER, Anhydrous
Calculations Ammonia.
Gas (Partial): AGA3 (US and Metric), Prover Types: Unidirectional, Bi-directional
AGA5, AGA7, AGA8 (all years), AGA10, Pipe, SVP/Compact (Daniel (Brooks),
AGA11, modified-AGA-NX19, GPA 2172, Honeywell (Calibron), FlowMD), Master
ISO 5167 (All years), ISO 6976, ISO12213- Meter, Double Chronometry.
3, S-GERG, NIST14, Steam NIST & ASME,
Redlich-Kwong. Approvals and Compliances
Specialty Gases: NIST 1048: Argon, UL, CSA,
Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Ethylene & Available with European CE Mark. MID,
Ethylene IUPAC European Directive 2004/22/EC, OIML
Specialist Meters: Cone Meters, R117-1, OIML D031, EN12405 Part 1;
Equimeter/Invensys Auto-Adjust Turbine WELMEC 7.2 & 8.8.
Additional approvals for:
NMi (Netherlands Measurement Institute),
Measurement Canada, INMETRO (Brazil),
GOST (Russia), PAC (China), Indian W&M,
LNE (France).


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OMNI® 3000E & 6000E Flow Computer
INPUT SPECIFICATIONS Loop Resistance: 900 Ohm with 24 VDC
Power, 1.2 k Ohm with 30 VDC Power
Analog Inputs Update Rate: Each 500 milliseconds
Input Type: 1-5 V or 4 - 20 mA Signal Level: 2 to 5 Volts Peak to Peak
Scan rate: All channels read every 500ms Frequency: 250 Hz to 6.7KHz (4000 – 150
Input Impedance: 1 Meg Ohm when 1-5V, micro second period)
(250 Ohms when 4-20 mA. selected by Accuracy: 10 ppm (Frequency)
installing shunt resistor)
Resolution: 14 Bits RTD Inputs
Accuracy: ±0.025% of reading +/- 2 counts RTD Configuration: 4-wire Bridge (strongly
41F to 122F (+5C to +50C) recommended for fiscal accuracy)
Common Mode Voltage: ±250 VDC to RTD Resistance: 100 Ohm @ 32F (0C)
chassis ground Excitation Current: 3.45 mA Nominal (+/-
0.02 mA)
Flowmeter Pulse Inputs Maximum Field Wiring Resistance: 1k
Input Frequency: DC to 15 kHz. Square Ohm per wire
Wave, DC to 12 kHz Sine Wave Resolution: 0.008 Ohms
Type: Dual Pulse or Single Pulse optically Range: -229F to 293F (-145C to +145C)
isolated. Accuracy: ±0.025% of reading +/- 2 counts
Signal Level: Positive Going Trigger 41F to 122F (+5C to +50C)
Threshold: +4.2 Volts +/- 0.2 volts (Nominal Common Mode Voltage: ±250 VDC to
@ 1kHz) chassis ground
Negative Going Trigger Threshold: +3.2
Volts +/- 0.2 volts (Nominal @ 1kHz) Detector Switch Inputs
Input impedance: 1 M Ohm (Nominal @ (Non-Double Chronometry)
1kHz) Input Type: Voltage
Common Mode Voltage: 250 VDC to Gating Transition: Voltage toggle
chassis ground starts/stops prove counts.
Fidelity Checking: API MPMS OL55 Level Minimum Time Pulse High: 1 msec
A. Minimum Time Pulse Low: >2 seconds
Input Impedance: 4.7 k Ohms
Densitometer Pulse Inputs Input On Voltage: >10 V On, <4 VDC+ Off
Densitometers: Micro Motion (Solartron), (referenced to DC Power Return)
Chandler (UGC), ThermoFisher (Sarasota). Debounce: 2 sec in Software
Positive Trigger Threshold: +1.6 Volts +/- Common Mode Voltage: ±250 VDC to
0.2 volts chassis ground
Negative Trigger Threshold: +1.2 Volts +/-
0.2 volts
Accuracy: ±0.05 % of reading +/- 2 counts
32F to 122F
Analog Outputs
Resolution: 12 Binary Bits
Output: Current source 4-20 mA
(referenced to transducer power return
Common Mode: ±250 Volts to chassis
Max./Min. Working Loop Voltage: 30 VDC
to 18 VDC


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OMNI® 3000E & 6000E Flow Computer
(12 per module)
Configuration: Open emitter Darlington or
FET transistor source (Referenced to
transducer power return terminal)
(Configured as an Output)
Current Capacity: 200 mA max. per point,
500 mA per digital I/O module
Output Voltage: +DC – 1v nominal
(Configured as an Input)
Input Impedance: 4.7 k Ohms in series with
2 LEDs
Input Voltage: Input voltages > 8 VDC
to < DC+ will be recognized as on.
Input voltages < +2 VDC will be recognized
as off.
LEDs: Operating and Fuse open circuit
indicators on each channel
Common Mode: ±250 Volts to chassis
Scan Rate: Outputs may be pulsed at 50Hz


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OMNI® 3000E & 6000E Flow Computer
RS-232 Mode Short Circuit Current: 20 mA Limited
Quantity: Two ports per S module. Input Low Threshold: 0.8 Volts
Maximum 6 ports in OMNI 6000, maximum Baud Rate: Software selectable, Range
4 ports in OMNI 3000 1.2, 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 38.4 k bps
Serial Data Output Voltage: ±7.5 Volts Common Mode Voltage: ±250 Volts DC to
typical chassis ground
Recommended Load Impedance: 1.5 k LEDs: Indicator LEDs for each channel
Ohm input, output and handshaking signals
Short Circuit Current: 10 mA limited
Input Low Threshold: Vl = -3.0 Volts
Input High Threshold: Vh = +3.0 Volts Ethernet
Baud Rate: Software Selectable Range: Quantity: One port per SE module.
0.3, 0.6, 1.2, 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 38.4 kbps Maximum 2 ports in OMNI 6000, maximum
Common Mode Voltage: ±250 Volts DC to 1 port in OMNI 3000
chassis ground Connections: 8 simultaneous (Sockets)
LEDs: Indicator LEDs for each channel per port
input, output and handshaking signals Physical: 10Base-T
Speed: 10MBits/Sec
RS-485 Protocols: Modbus, Modbus/TCP, LPD,
Quantity: Two ports per S module. Syslog, Telnet, TCP, UDP
Maximum 6 ports in OMNI 6000, maximum
4 ports in OMNI 3000
Serial Data Output Voltage: 5 Volts HART
differential driver Physical: FSK
Recommended Load Impedance: 120 Networks: 4 per Module – 16 Max
Ohm (located on module) Sensors: 4 per Network – 64 Max per


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Data Sheet
OMNI® 3000E & 6000E Flow Computer

OMNI Flow Computers, Inc., pursuant to a policy of product development and improvement, may make any necessary changes to
these specifications without notice.

The OMNI Flow logo, “OMNI”, “OMNICOM”, “OMNIVIEW” and” Measure the Difference”, are registered trademarks of OMNI Flow
Computers, Inc., in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

OMNI Flow Computers, Inc.

12320 Cardinal Meadow Dr.
Suite 180
Sugar Land, Texas, 77478-6218, USA

Sales and Service: +1 281-240-6161

Facsimile: +1 281-240-6162


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