CS501 - Handouts
CS501 - Handouts
CS501 - Handouts
Table of Contents
Appendix A ......................................................................................................................... 4
FALSIM.......................................................................................................................... 4
Lecture No. 1 .................................................................................................................... 17
Introduction................................................................................................................... 17
Lecture No. 2 .................................................................................................................... 30
Instruction Set Architecture .......................................................................................... 30
Lecture No. 3 .................................................................................................................... 42
Introduction to SRC Processor ..................................................................................... 42
Lecture No. 4 .................................................................................................................... 48
ISA and Instruction Formats......................................................................................... 48
Lecture No. 5 .................................................................................................................... 62
Description of SRC in RTL .......................................................................................... 62
Lecture No. 6 .................................................................................................................... 71
RTL Using Digital Logic Circuits ................................................................................ 71
Lecture No. 7 .................................................................................................................... 85
Design Process for ISA of FALCON-A ....................................................................... 85
Lecture No. 8 .................................................................................................................... 89
ISA of the FALCON-A................................................................................................. 89
Lecture No. 9 .................................................................................................................. 101
Description of FALCON-A and EAGLE using RTL ................................................. 101
Lecture No. 10 ................................................................................................................ 118
The FALCON-E and ISA Comparison....................................................................... 118
Lecture No. 11 ................................................................................................................ 137
CISC and RISC........................................................................................................... 137
Lecture No. 12 ................................................................................................................ 138
CPU Design ................................................................................................................ 138
Lecture No. 13 ................................................................................................................ 144
Structural RTL Description of the FALCON-A ......................................................... 144
Lecture No. 14 ................................................................................................................ 150
External FALCON-A CPU......................................................................................... 150
Lecture No. 15 ................................................................................................................ 158
Logic Design and Control Signals Generation in SRC............................................... 158
Lecture No. 16 ................................................................................................................ 169
Control Unit Design.................................................................................................... 169
Lecture No. 17 ................................................................................................................ 178
Machine Reset and Machine Exceptions .................................................................... 178
Lecture No. 18 ................................................................................................................ 183
Pipelining .................................................................................................................... 183
Lecture No. 19 ............................................................................................................... 190
Pipelined SRC ............................................................................................................ 190
Lecture No. 20 ................................................................................................................ 196
Hazards in Pipelining.................................................................................................. 196
Lecture No. 21 ................................................................................................................ 201
Instruction Level Parallelism ...................................................................................... 201
Lecture No. 22 ................................................................................................................ 205
Microprogramming ......................................................................................................................... 205
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Appendix A
Reading Material
1. Introduction to FALSIM
2. Preparing source files for FALSIM
3. Using FALSIM
4. FALCON-A assembly language techniques
1. Introduction to FALSIM:
FALSIM is the name of the software application which consists of the FALCON-A
assembler and the FALCON-A simulator. It runs under Windows XP.
FALCON-A Assembler:
The FALCON-A Assembler has two main modules, the 1st-pass and the 2nd-pass.
The 1st-pass module takes an assembly file with a (.asmfa) extension and
processes the file contents. It then creates a Symbol Table which corresponds to
the storage of all program variables, labels and data values in a data structure at the
implementation level. If the 1st-pass completes successfully a Symbol Table is
produced as an output, which is used by the 2nd-pass module. Failures of the 1st-
pass are handled by the assembler using its exception handling mechanism.
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The 2nd-pass module sequentially processes the .asmfa file to interpret the
instruction opcodes, register opcodes and constants using the symbol table. It then
produces a list file with a .lstfa extension independent of successful or failed pass.
If the pass is successful a binary file with a .binfa extension is produced which
contains the machine code for the program in the assembly file.
FALCON-A Simulator:
FALSIM Features:
The FALCON-A Assembler provides its user with the following features:
Select Assembly File: Labeled as “1” in Figure 1, this feature enables the user to
choose a FALCON-A assembly file and open it for processing by the assembler.
List File: Labeled as “3”, in Figure 1, the List File feature gives a detailed insight
of the FALCON-A listing file, which is produced as a result of the execution of the
1st and 2nd-pass. It shows the Program Counter value in hexadecimal and decimal
formats along with the machine code generated for every line of assembly code.
These values are printed when the 2nd-pass is completed.
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Error Log: The Error Log is labeled as “4” in Figure 1. It informs the user about
the errors and their respective details, which occurs in any of the passes of the
Search: Search is labeled as “5” in Figure 1 and helps the user to search for a
certain input with the options of searching with “match whole” and “match any”
parts of the string. The search also has the option of checking with/without
considering “case-sensitivity”. It searches the List File area and highlights the
search results using the yellow color. It also indicates the total number of matches
Load Binary File: The button labeled as “11” in Figure 6, allows the user to choose
and open a FALCON-A binary file with a (.binfa) extension. When a file is being
loaded into the simulator all the register, constants (if any) and memory values are
Registers: The area labeled as “12” in Figure 6. enables, the user to see values
present in different registers before during and after execution.
Instruction: This area is labeled as “13” in Figure 6 and contains the value of PC,
address of an instruction, its representation in Assembly, the Register Transfer
Language, the op-code and the instruction type.
I/O Ports: I/O ports are labeled as “14” in Figure 6. These ports are available for
the user to enter input operation values and visualize output operation values
whenever an I/O operation takes place in the program. The input value for an input
operation is given by the user before an instruction executes. The output values are
visible in the I/O port area once the instruction has successfully executed.
Memory: The memory is divided into 2 areas and is labeled as “15” in Figure 6, to
facilitate the view of data stored at different memory locations before, during and
after program execution.
Processor’s State: Labeled as “16” in Figure 6, this area shows the current values
of the Instruction register and the Program Counter while the program executes.
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Search: The search option for the FALCON-A simulator is labeled as “17” in
Figure 6. This feature is similar to the way the search feature of the FALCON-A
Assembler works. It offers to highlight the search string which goes as an input,
with the “All “ and “ Part “ option. The results of the search are highlighted in the
color yellow. It also indicates the total number of matches.
The following is a description of the options available on the button panel labeled
as “18” in Figure 6.
Single Step: “Single Step” lets the user execute the program, one instruction at a
time. The next instruction is not executed unless the user does a “single step”
again. By default, the instruction to be executed will be the one next in the
sequence. It changes if the user specifies a different PC value using the Change PC
option (explained below).
Change PC: This option lets the user change the value of PC (Program Counter).
By changing the PC the user can execute the instruction to which the specified PC
Execute: By choosing this button the user is able to execute the instructions with
the options of execution with/without breakpoint insertion (refer to Fig. 5). In case
of breakpoint insertion, the user has the option to choose from a list of valid
breakpoint values. It also has the option to set a limit on the time for execution.
This “Max Execution Time” option restricts the program execution to a time frame
specified by the user, and helps the simulator in exception handling.
Change Register: Using the Change Register feature, the user can change the value
present in a particular register.
Change Memory Word: This feature enables the user to change values present at a
particular memory location.
Change I/O: Allows the user to give an I/O port value if the instruction to be
executed requires an I/O operation. Giving in the input in any one of the I/O ports
areas before instruction execution, indicates that a particular I/O operation will be a
part of the program and it will have an input from some source. The value given by
the user indicates the input type and source.
Display I/O: Display I/O works in a manner similar to Display Memory. Here the
user specifies the starting index of an I/O port. This features displays the I/O ports
stating from the index specified.
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In order to use the FALCON-A assembler and simulator, FALSIM, the source file
containing assembly language statements and directives should be prepared
according to the following guidelines:
• The source file should contain ASCII text only. Each line should be
terminated by a carriage return. The extension .asmfa should be used with each file
name. After assembly, a list file with the original filename and an extension .lstfa,
and a binary file with an extension .binfa will be generated by FALSIM.
• Comments are indicated by a semicolon (;) and can be placed anywhere in the
source file. The FALSIM assembler ignores any text after the semicolon.
• Variables: These are defined using the .equ directive. A value must also be
assigned to variables when they are defined.
• Addresses in the “data and pointer area” within the memory: These can be
defined using the .dw or the .sw directive. The difference between these two
directives is that when .dw is used, it is not possible to store any value in the
memory. The integer after .dw identifies the number of memory words to be
reserved starting at the current address. (The directive .db can be used to reserve
bytes in memory.) Using the .sw directive, it is possible to store a constant or the
value of a name in the memory. It is also possible to use pointers with this directive
to specify addresses larger than 127. Data tables and jump tables can also be set up
in the memory using this directive.
• Use the .org 0 directive as the first line in the program. Although the use of
this line is optional, its use will make sure that FALSIM will start simulation by
picking up the first instruction stored at address 0 of the memory. (Address 0 is
called the reset address of the processor). A jump [first] instruction can be placed
at address 0, so that control is transferred to the first executable statement of the
main program. Thus, the label first serves as the identifier of the “entry point” in
the source file. The .org directive can also be used anywhere in the source file to
force code at a particular address in the memory.
• Address 2 in the memory is reserved for the pointer to the Interrupt Service
Routine (ISR). The .sw directive can be used to store the address of the first
instruction in the ISR at this location.
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• Address 4 to 125 can be used for addresses of data and pointers1. However,
the main program must start at address 126 or less2, otherwise FALSIM will
generate an error at the jump [first] instruction.
• The last line in the source file should be the .end directive.
• The .equ directive can be used anywhere in the source file to assign values to
• It is the responsibility of the programmer to make sure that code does not
overwrite data when the assembly process is performed, or vice versa. As an
example, this can happen if care is not exercised during the use of the .org directive
in the source file.
3. Using FALSIM:
• Select one or both assembler options shown on the top right corner of the
assembler window labeled as “2”. If no option is selected, the symbol table and the
instruction table will not be generated in the list (.lstfa) file.
• Click on the select assembly file button labeled as “1”. This will open the
dialog box as shown in the Figure 2.
• Select the path and file containing the source program that is to be assembled.
• Click on the open button. FALSIM will assemble the program and generate
two files with the same filename, but with different extensions. A list file will be
generated with an extension .lstfa, and a binary (executable) file will be generated
with an extension .binfa. FALSIM will also display the list file and any error
messages in two separate panes, as shown in Figure 3.
Any address between 4 and 14 can be used in place of the displacement field in load or store
instructions. Recall that the displacement field is just 5 bits in the instruction word.
This restriction is because of the face that the immediate operand in the movi instruction must
fit an 8-bit field in the instruction word.
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• To start the simulator, click on the start simulation button labeled as “6”. This
will open the dialog box shown in Figure 6.
• Select the binary file to be simulated, and click open as shown in Figure 7.
• This will open the simulation window with the executable program loaded in
it as shown in Figure 8. The details of the different panes in
• this window were given in section 1 earlier. Notice that the first instruction at
address 0 is ready for execution. All registers are initialized to 0. The memory
contains the address of the ISR (i.e., 64h which is 100 decimal) at location 2 and
the address of the printer driver at location 4. These two addresses are determined
at assembly time in our case. In a real situation, these addresses will be determined
at execution time by the operating system, and thus the ISR and the printer driver
will be located in the memory by the operating system (called re-locatable code).
Subsequent memory locations contain constants defined in the program.
• Click single step button labeled as “19”. FALSIM will execute the jump
[main] instruction at address 0 and the PC will change to 20h (32 decimal), which
is the address of the first instruction in the main program (i.e., the value of main).
• The execution of the call instruction simulates the event of a print request by
the user. This transfers control to the printer driver. Thus, when the call r4, r6
instruction is single stepped, the PC changes to 32h (50 decimal) for executing the
first instruction in the printer driver.
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• Double click on memory location 000A, which is being used for holding the
PB (printer busy) flag. Enter a 1 and click the change memory button. This will
store a 0001 in this location, indicating that a previous print job is in progress. Now
click single step and note that this value is brought from memory location 000E
into register r1. Clicking single step again will cause the jnz r1, [message]
instruction to execute, and control will transfer to the message routine at address
0046h. The nop instruction is used here as a place holder.
• Click again on the single step button. Note that when the ret r4 instruction
executes, the value in r4 (i.e., 28h) is brought into the PC. The blue highlight bar is
placed on the next instruction after the call r4, r6 instruction in the main program.
In case of the dummy calling program, this is the halt instruction.
• Double click on the value of the PC labeled as “20”. This will open a dialog
box shown below. Enter a value of the PC (i.e., 26h) corresponding to the call r4,
r6 instruction, so that it can be executed again. A “list” of possible PC values can
also be pulled down using, and 0026h can be selected from there as well.
• Change memory location 000A to a 0, and then single step the first instruction
in the printer driver. This will bring a 0 in r1, so that when the next jnz r1,
[message] instruction is executed, the branch will not be taken and control will
transfer to the next instruction after this instruction. This is mivi r1, 1 at address
• Notice that a 1 has been stored in memory location 000A, and r1 contains 11h,
which is then transferred to the output port at address 3Ch (60 decimal) when the
out r1, controlp instruction executes. This can be verified by double clicking on the
top left corner of the I/O port pane, and changing the address to 3Ch. Another way
to display the value of an I/O port is to scroll the I/O window pane to the desired
• Continue single stepping till the int instruction and note the changes in
different panes of the simulation window at each step.
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• When the int instruction executes, the PC changes to 64h, which is the address
of the first instruction in the ISR. Clicking single step executes this instruction, and
loads the address of temp (i.e., 0010h) which is a temporary memory area for
storing the environment. The five store instructions in the ISR save the CPU
environment (working registers) before the ISR change them.
• Single step through the ISR while noting the effects on various registers,
memory locations, and I/O ports till the iret instruction executes. This will pass
control back to the printer driver by changing the PC to the address of the jump
[finish] instruction, which is the next instruction after the int instruction.
• Double click on the value of the PC. Change it to point to the int instruction
and click single step to execute it again. Continue to single step till the in r1,
statusp instruction is ready for execution.
• Change the I/O port at address 3Ah (which represents the status port at
address 58) to 80 and then single step the in r1, statusp instruction. The value in r1
should be 0080.
• Single step twice and notice that control is transferred to the movi r7, FFFF3
instruction, which stores an error code of –1 in r1.
Figure 1
The instruction was originally movi r7, -1. Since it was converted to machine language by
the assembler, and then reverse assembled by the simulator, it became movi r7, FFFF. This is
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because the machine code stores the number in 16-bits after sign-extension. The result will be the
same in both cases.
Figure 2
Figure 3
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Figure 4
Figure 5
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Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
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• If a signed value, x, cannot fit in 5 bits (i.e., it is outside the range -16 to +15),
FALSIM will report an error with a load r1, [x] or a store r1, [x] instruction. To
overcome this problem, use movi r2, x followed by load r1, [r2].
• If a signed value, x, cannot fit in 8 bits (i.e., it is outside the range - 128 to
+127), even the previous scheme will not work. FALSIM will report an error with
the movi r2, x instruction. The following instruction sequence should be used to
overcome this limitation of the FALCON-A. First store the 16-bit address in the
memory using the .sw directive. Then use two load instructions as shown below:
• A similar technique can be used with immediate ALU instructions for large
values of the immediate data, and with the transfer of control (call and jump)
instructions for large values of the target address.
• Large values (16-bit values) can also be stored in registers using the mul
instruction combined with the addi instruction. The following instructions bring a
201 in register r1.
movi r2, 10
movi r3, 20
mul r1, r2, r3 ; r1 contains 200 after this instruction
addi r1, r1, 1 ; r1 now contains 201
• Moving from one register to another can be done by using the instruction addi
r2, r1, 0.
• Bit setting and clearing can be done using the logical (and, or, not, etc)
• Using shift instructions (shiftl, asr, etc.) is faster that mul and div, if the
multiplier or divisor is a power of 2.
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Lecture No. 1
Reading Material
• Distinction between computer architecture, organization and design
• Levels of abstraction in digital design
• Introduction to the course topics
• Perspectives of different people about computers
• General operation of a stored program digital computer
• The Fetch-Execute process
• Concept of an ISA(Instruction Set Architecture)
This course is about Computer Architecture. We start by explaining a few key terms.
The General Purpose Digital Computer
How can we define a ‘computer’? There are several kinds of devices that can be termed
“computers”: from desktop machines to the microcontrollers used in appliances such as a
microwave oven, from the Abacus to the cluster of tiny chips used in parallel processors, etc. For
the purpose of this course, we will use the following definition of a computer:
“An electronic device, operating
under the control of instructions stored in
its own memory unit, that can accept data
(input), process data arithmetically and
logically, produce output from the
processing, and store the results for
future use.” [1]
Thus, when we use the term computer, we
actually mean a digital computer. There
are many digital computers, which have
dedicated purposes, for example, a
computer is used in an automobile that
controls the spark timing for the engine.
This means that when we use the term
computer, we actually mean a general-purpose digital computer that can perform a variety of
arithmetic and logic tasks.
Now we examine the notion of a system, and the place of digital computers in the general
universal set of systems. A “system” is a collection of elements, or components, working
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together on one or more inputs to produce one or more desired outputs. There are many types of
systems in the world. Examples include:
• Chemical systems
• Optical systems
• Biological systems
• Electrical systems
• Mechanical systems, etc.
These are all subsets of the general universal set of “systems”. One particular subset of interest is
an “electrical system”. In case of electrical systems, the inputs as well as the outputs are
electrical quantities, namely voltage and current. “Digital systems” are a subset of electrical
systems. The inputs and outputs are digital quantities in this case. General-purpose digital
computers are a subset of digital systems. We will focus on general-purpose digital computers in
this course.
Now that we understand the term
“computer” in our context, let us focus on
the term architecture. The word architecture, as defined in standard dictionaries, is “the art or
science of building”, or “a method or style of building”.[2]
Computer Architecture
This term was first used in 1964 by Amdahl, Blaauw, and Brooks at IBM [3]. They defined it as
“The structure of a computer that a machine language programmer must understand to write
a correct (time independent) program for that machine.”
By architecture, they meant the programmer visible portion of the instruction set. Thus, a family
of machines of the same architecture should be able to run the same software (instructions). This
concept is now so common that it is taken for granted. The x86 architecture is a well-known
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On the other hand, organization refers to the operational units of a computer and their
interconnections that realize the architectural specifications. These include
It is an architectural issue whether a computer will have a specific instruction or not, while it is
an organizational issue how that instruction will be implemented.
Computer Architect
We can conclude from the discussion above that a computer architect is a person who designs
Design is defined as
“The process of devising a system, component, or process to meet desired needs.”
Most people think of design as a “sketch”. This is the usage of the term as a noun. However, the
standard engineering usage of the term, as is quite evident from the above definition, is as a verb,
i.e., “design is a process”. A designer works with a set of stated requirements under a number of
constraints to produce the best solution for a given problem. Best may mean a “cost-effective”
solution, but not always. Additional or alternate requirements, like efficiency, the client or the
designer may impose robustness, etc.. Therefore, design is a decision-making process (often
iterative in nature), in which the basic sciences, mathematical concepts and engineering sciences
are applied to convert a given set of resources optimally to meet a stated objective.
At this point, we need to realize that it is not the job of a single person to design a computer from
scratch. There are a number of levels of computer design. Domain experts of that particular level
carry out the design activity for each level. These levels of abstraction of a digital computer’s
design are explained below.
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Input-output (I/O):
• I/O interface design
• Programmed I/O
• Interrupt driven I/O
• Direct memory access (DMA) Term Exam – II
Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit (ALSU) implementation:
• Addition, subtraction, multiplication & division for integer unit
• Floating point unit
Memory subsystems:
• Memory organization and design
• Memory hierarchy
• Cache memories
• Virtual memory
[1] Shelly G.B., Cashman T.J., Waggoner G.A., Waggoner W.C., Complete Computer
Concepts: Microcomputer and Applications. Ferncroft Village Danvers, Massachusetts: Boyd &
Fraser, 1992.
[2] Merriam-Webster Online; The Language Centre, May 12, 2003 ( http://www.m-
[3] Patterson, D.A. and Hennessy, J.L., Computer Architecture- A Quantitative Approach,
2 ed., San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kauffman Publishers Inc., 1996.
[4] Heuring V.P. and Jordan H.F., Computer Systems Design and Architecture. Melano Park,
CA: Addison Wesley, 1997.
A brief review of Computer Organization Perceptions of Different People about Computers
There are various perspectives that a computer can take depending on the person viewing it. For
example, the way a child perceives a computer is quite different from how a computer
programmer or a designer views it. There are a number of perceptions of the computer, however,
for the purpose of understanding the machine, generally the following four views are considered.
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o Debuggers
o Compilers
o Emulators
o Hardware-level debuggers
o Logic analyzers, etc.
Difference between Higher-Level Languages and Assembly Language Higher-level
languages are generally used to develop application software. These high-level programs are
then converted to assembly language programs using compilers. So it is the task of a compiler
writer to determine the mapping between the high-level-language constructs and assembly
language constructs. Generally, there is a “many-to-many” mapping between high-level
languages and assembly language constructs. This means that a given HLL construct can
generally be represented by many different equivalent assembly language constructs. Alternately,
a given assembly language construct can be represented by many different equivalent HLL
High-level languages provide various primitive data types, such as integer, Boolean and a string,
that a programmer can use. Type checking provides for the verification of proper usage of these
data types. It allows the compiler to determine memory requirements for variables and helping in
the detection of bad programming practices.
On the other hand, there is generally no provision for type checking at the machine level, and
hence, no provision for type checking in assembly language. The machine only sees strings of
bits. Instructions interpret the strings as a type, and it is usually limited to signed or unsigned
integers and floating point numbers. A given 32-bit word might be an instruction, an integer, a
floating-point number, or 4 ASCII characters. It is the task of the compiler writer to determine
how high-level language data types will be implemented using the data types available at the
machine level, and how type checking will be implemented.
The Stored Program Concept
This concept is fundamental to all the general-purpose computers today. It states that the
program is stored with data in computer’s memory, and the computer is able to manipulate it as
data. For example, the computer can load the program from disk, move it around in memory, and
store it back to the disk.
Even though all computers have unique machine language instruction sets, the ‘stored program’
concept and the existence of a ‘program counter’ is common to all machines. The sequence of
instructions to perform some useful task is called a program. All of the digital computers (the
general purpose machine defined above) are able to store these sequences of instructions as
stored programs. Relevant data is also stored on the computer’s secondary memory. These stored
programs are treated as data and the computer is able to manipulate them, for example, these can
be loaded into the memory for execution and then saved back onto the storage.
Note that the length of the instruction is not determined in the case of RISC machines, as the
instruction length is fixed in these architectures, and so the program counter is always
incremented by a fixed number. In case of branch instructions, the contents of the PC are
replaced by the address of the next instruction contained in the present branch instruction, and
the current status of the processor is stored in a register called the Processor Status Word
(PSW). Another name for the PSW is the flag register. It contains the status bits, and control bits
corresponding to the state of the processor. Examples of status bits include the sign bit, overflow
bit, etc. Examples of control bits include interrupt enable flag, etc. When the execution of this
instruction is completed, the contents of the program counter are placed on the address bus, and
the entire cycle is repeated. This entire process of reading memory, incrementing the PC, and
decoding the instruction is known as the Fetch and Execute principle of the stored program
computer. This is actually an oversimplified situation. In case of the advanced processors of this
age, a lot more is going on than just the simple “fetch and execute” operation, such as pipelining
etc. The details of some of these more involved techniques will be studied later on during the
The Concept of Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)
Now that we have an understanding of some of the relevant key terms, we revert to the assembly
language programmer’s perception of the computer. The programmer’s view is limited to the set
of all the assembly instructions or commands that can the particular computer at hand execute
understood/, in addition to the resources that these instructions may help manage. These
resources include the memory space and the entire programmer accessible registers. Note that we
use the term ‘memory space’ instead of memory, because not all the memory space has to be
filled with memory chips for a particular implementation, but it is still a resource available to the
This set of instructions or operations and the resources together form the instruction set
architecture (ISA). It is the ISA, which serves as an interface between the program and the
functional units of a computer, i.e., through which, the computer’s resources, are accessed and
Similarly, the implementation domains used for gate, board and module interconnections are
• Poly-silicon lines in ICs
• Conductive traces on a printed circuit
• Electrical cable
• Optical fiber, etc.
At the lower levels of logic design, the designer
is concerned mainly with the functional details
represented in a symbolic form. The
implementation details are not considered at
these lower levels. They only become an issue at
higher levels of logic design. An example of a
two-to-one multiplexer in various
implementation domains will illustrate this point.
Figure (a) is the generic logic gate (abstract
domain) representation of a 2-to-1 multiplexer.
Figure (b) shows the 2-to-1 multiplexer logic
gate implementation in the domain of TTL (VLSI
on Silicon) logic using part number ‘257, with
interconnections in the domain of printed circuit
board traces.
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Figure (c) is the implementation of the 2-to-1 multiplexer with a fiber optic directional coupler
switch, which has an interconnection domain of optical fiber.
31 0
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Figure (b) illustrates the logic designer’s view of a 32-bit program counter, implemented as an
array of 32 D flip-flops. It shows the contents of the program counter being gated out on ‘A bus’
(the address bus) by applying a control signal PCout. The contents of the ‘B bus’ (also the
address bus), can be stored in the program counter by asserting the signal PCin on the leading
edge of the clock signal CK, thus storing the address of the next instruction in the program
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Lecture No. 2
Instruction Set Architecture
Reading Material
• A taxonomy of computers and their instructions
• Instruction set features
• Addressing modes
• RISC and CISC architectures
In general purpose register machines, a number of registers are available within the CPU. These
registers do not have dedicated functions, and can be employed for a variety of purposes. To
identify the register within an instruction, a small number of bits are required in an instruction
word. For example, to identify one of the 64 registers of the CPU, a 6-bit field is required in the
CPU registers are faster than cache memory. Registers are also easily and more effectively used
by the compiler compared to other forms of internal storage. Registers can also be used to hold
variables, thereby reducing memory traffic. This increases the execution speed and reduces code
size (fewer bits required to code register names compared to memory) .In addition to data,
registers can also hold addresses and pointers (i.e., the address of an address). This increases the
flexibility available to the programmer.
A number of dedicated, or special purpose registers are also available in general-purpose
machines, but many of them are not available to the programmer. Examples of transparent
registers include the stack pointer, the program counter, memory address register, memory data
register and condition codes (or flags) register, etc.
We should understand that in reality, most machines are a combination of these machine types.
Accumulator machines have the advantage of being more efficient as these can store
intermediate results of an operation within the CPU.
An instruction set is a collection of all possible machine language commands that are understood
and can be executed by a processor.
Type of operation
In module 1, we described three ways to list the instruction set of a machine; one way of
enlisting the instruction set is by grouping the instructions in accordance with the functions they
perform. The type of operation that is to be performed can be encoded in the op-code (or the
operation code) field of the machine language instruction. Examples of operations are mov, jmp,
add; these are the assembly mnemonics, and should not be confused with op-codes. Op-codes are
simply bit-patterns in the machine language format of an instruction.
The table provides examples of assembly
language commands and their machine
language equivalents. In the instruction
add cx, dx, the contents of the location dx
are added to the contents of the location
cx, and the result is stored in cx. The
instruction type is arithmetic, and the op-
code for the add instruction is 0000, as
shown in this example.
We can classify instructions according to the format shown below.
• 4-address instructions
• 3-address instructions
• 2-address instructions
• 1-address instructions
• 0-address instructions
The distinction is based on the fact that some operands are accessed from memory, and therefore
require a memory address, while others may be in the registers within the CPU or they are
specified implicitly.
4-address instructions
The four address
instructions specify the
addresses of two source
operands, the address of the destination operand and the next instruction address.
4-address instructions are not very common because the next instruction to be executed is
sequentially stored next to the current instruction in the memory. Therefore, specifying its
address is redundant. These instructions are used in the micro-coded control unit, which will be
studied later.
3-address instruction
A 3-address instruction specifies the addresses of two operands and the address of the destination
2-address instruction
A 2-address instruction has three fields; one for
the op-code, the second field specifies the address
of one of the source operands as well as the destination operand, and the last field is used for
holding the address of the second source operand. So one of the fields serves two purposes;
specifying a source operand address and a destination operand address.
1-address instruction
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A 1-address instruction has a dedicated CPU register, called
the accumulator, to hold one operand and to store the result.
There is no need of encoding the address of the accumulator
register to access the operand or to store the result, as its usage is implicit. There are two fields in
the instruction, one for specifying a source operand address and a destination operand address.
0-address instruction
A 0-address instruction uses a stack to hold both the operands and the result.
Operations are performed on the operands stored on the top of the stack and the
second value on the stack. The result is stored on the top of the stack. Just like
the use of an accumulator register, the addresses of the stack registers need not be specified, their
usage is implicit. Therefore, only one field is required in 0-address instruction; it specifies the
We make a few assumptions, which are
• A single byte is used for the op code, so 256 instructions can be encoded using these 8
bits, as 28 = 256
• The size of the memory address space is 16 Mbytes
• A single addressable memory unit is a byte
• Size of operands is 24 bits. As the memory size is 16Mbytes, with byte-addressable
memory, 24 bits are required to encode the address of the operands.
• The size of the address bus is 24 bits
• Data bus size is 8 bits
4-address instruction
• The code size is 13
bytes (1+3+3+3+3 = 13
• Number of bytes
accessed from memory is
22 (13 bytes for instruction
fetch + 6 bytes for source operand fetch + 3 bytes for storing destination operand = 22 bytes)
Note that there is no need for an additional memory access for the operand corresponding to the
next instruction, as it has already been brought into the CPU during instruction fetch.
3-address instruction
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1-address instruction
• The code size is 4 bytes (1+3= 4 bytes)
• Number of bytes accessed from memory is 7 (4 bytes for
instruction fetch + 3 bytes for source operand fetch + 0 bytes
for storing destination operand = 7 bytes)
0-address instruction
• The code size is 1 byte
• Number of bytes accessed from memory is 10 (1 byte for instruction
fetch + 6 bytes for source operand fetch + 3 bytes for storing destination
operand = 10 bytes)
In the preceding discussion we have talked about memory addresses. This discussion also applies
to CPU registers. However, to specify/ encode a CPU register, less number of bits is required as
compared to the memory addresses. Therefore, these addresses are also called “half-addresses”.
An instruction that specifies one memory address and one CPU register can be called as a 1½-
address instruction
mov al, [34h]
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The SPARC, MIPS, Power PC, ALPHA: 0 memory addresses, max operands allowed = 3
X86, 68x series: 1 memory address, max operands allowed = 2
Register-memory machines
In register-memory machines, some operands are in the memory and some are in registers. These
machines typically employ 1 or 1½ address instruction format, in which one of the operands is an
accumulator or a general-purpose CPU registers.
Register-memory operations use one memory operand out of a total of two operands. The
advantages of this instruction format are
• Operands in the memory can be accessed without having to load these first through a
separate load instruction
• Encoding is easy due to the elimination of the need of loading operands into registers first
• Instruction bit usage is relatively better, as more instructions are provided per fixed
number of bits
• Operands are not equivalent since one operand may have two functions (both source
operand and destination operand), and the source operand may be destroyed
• Different size encoding for memory and registers may restrict the number of registers
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• The number of clock cycles per instruction execution vary, depending on the operand
location operand fetch from memory is slow as compared to operands in CPU registers
Memory-Memory Machines
In memory-memory machines, all three of the operands (2 source operands and a destination
operand) are in the memory. If one of the operands is being used both as a source and a
destination, then the 2-address format is used. Otherwise, memory-memory machines use 3-
address formats of instructions.
• The memory-memory instructions are the most compact instruction where encoding
wastage is minimal.
• As operands are fetched from and stored in the memory directly, no CPU registers are
wasted for temporary storage
• The instruction size is not fixed; the large variation in instruction sizes makes decoding
• The cycles per instruction execution also vary from instruction to instruction
• Memory accesses are generally slow, so too many references cause performance
Example 1
The expression a = (b+c)*d – e is evaluated with the 3, 2, 1, and 0-address machines to provide a
comparison of their advantages and disadvantages discussed above.
The instructions shown in the table are the minimal instructions required to evaluate the given
expression. Note that these are not machine language instructions, rather the pseudo-code.
Example 2
The instruction z = 4(a +b) – 16(c+58) is with the 3, 2, 1, and 0-address machines in the table.
Functional classification of instruction
Instructions can be classified into the
following four categories based on their
• Data processing
• Data storage (main memory)
• Data movement (I/O)
• Program flow control
• Data processing
Data processing instructions are the ones
that perform some mathematical or logical operation on some operands. The Arithmetic Logic
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Unit performs these operations; therefore the data processing instructions can also be called ALU
• Data storage (main memory)
The primary storage for the operands is the main memory. When an operation needs to be
performed on these operands, these can be temporarily brought into the CPU registers, and after
completion, these can be stored back to the memory. The instructions for data access and storage
between the memory and the CPU can be categorized as the data storage instructions.
Addressing modes are the different ways in which the CPU generates the address of operands. In
other words, they provide access paths to memory locations and CPU registers.
Effective address
An “effective address” is the address (binary
bit pattern) issued by the CPU to the memory.
The CPU may use various ways to compute
the effective address. The memory may
interpret the effective address differently
under different situations.
Some commonly used addressing modes are explained below.
Example: lda R2
This load instruction specifies the address of the register and the operand is fetched from this
register. As is clear from the diagram, no memory access is involved in this addressing mode.
In the register indirect mode, the address of
memory location that contains the operand is
in a CPU register. The address of this CPU
register is encoded in the instruction. A large
address space can be accessed using this
addressing mode (2register size locations). It
involves fewer memory accesses compared
to indirect addressing.
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Displacement addressing mode
The displacement-addressing mode is also called based or indexed addressing mode. Effective
memory address is calculated by adding a constant (which is usually a part of the instruction) to
the value in a CPU register. This addressing mode is useful for accessing arrays. The addressing
mode may be called ‘indexed’ in the situation when the constant refers to the first element of the
array (base) and the register contains the ‘index’. Similarly, ‘based’ refers to the situation when
the constant refers to the offset (displacement) of an array element with respect to the first
element. The address of the first element is stored in a register.
Example: jump 4
The constant offset (4) is a part of the
instruction, and it is added to the address
held by the Program Counter.
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Lecture No. 3
Introduction to SRC Processor
Reading Material
Vincent P. Heuring & Harry F. Jordan Chapter2, Chapter 3
Computer Systems Design and Architecture 2.3, 2.4, 3.1
• Measures of performance
• Introduction to an example processor SRC
• SRC Notation
• SRC features and instruction formats
Measures of performance:
Performance testing
To test or compare the performance of machines, programs can be run and their execution times
can be measured. However, the execution speed may depend on the particular program being
run, and matching it exactly to the actual needs of the customer can be quite complex. To
overcome this problem, standard programs called “benchmark programs” have been devised.
These programs are intended to approximate the real workload that the user will want to run on
the machine. Actual execution time can be measured by running the program on the machines.
Commonly used measures of performance
The basic measure of performance of a machine is time. Some commonly used measures of this
time, used for comparison of the performance of various machines, are
• Execution time
• Whetstones
• Dhrystones
Execution time
Execution time is simply the time it takes a processor to execute a given program. The time it
takes for a particular program depends on a number of factors other than the performance of the
CPU, most of which are ignored in this measure. These factors include waits for I/O, instruction
fetch times, pipeline delays, etc.
The execution time of a program with respect to the processor, is defined as
Execution Time = IC x CPI x T
IC = instruction count
CPI = average number of system clock periods to execute an instruction T = clock period
Strictly speaking, (IC×CPI) should be the sum of the clock periods needed to execute each
instruction. The manufacturers for each instruction in the instruction set usually provide such
information. Using the average is a simplification.
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MIPS (Millions of Instructions per Second)
Another measure of performance is the millions of instructions that are executed by the processor
per second. It is defined as
MIPS = IC/ (ET x 106)
This measure is not a very accurate basis for comparison of different processors. This is because
of the architectural differences of the machines; some machines will require more instructions to
perform the same job as compared to other machines. For example, RISC machines have simpler
instructions, so the same job will require more instructions. This measure of performance was
popular in the late 70s and early 80s when the VAX 11/780 was treated as a reference.
Whetstone is the first benchmark program developed specifically as a benchmark program for
performance measurement. Named after the Whetstone Algol compiler, this benchmark program
was developed by using the statistics collected during the compiler development. It was
originally an Algol program, but it has been ported to FORTRAN, Pascal and C. This benchmark
has been specifically designed to test floating point instructions. The performance is stated in
MWIPS (millions of Whetstone instructions per second).
Developed in 1984, this is a small benchmark program to measure the integer instruction
performance of processors, as opposed to the Whetstone’s emphasis on floating point
instructions. It is a very small program, about a hundred high-level-language statements, and
compiles to about 1~ 1½ kilobytes of code.
SPEC, System Performance Evaluation Cooperative, is an association of a number of computer
companies to define standard benchmarks for fair evaluation and comparison of different
processors. The standard SPEC benchmark suite includes:
• A compiler
• A Boolean minimization program
• A spreadsheet program
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• A number of other programs that stress arithmetic processing speed the latest version of
these benchmarks is SPEC CPU2000.
• It provides for ease of publication.
• Each benchmark carries the same weight.
• SPEC ratio is dimensionless.
• It is not unduly influenced by long running programs.
• It is relatively immune to performance variation on individual benchmarks.
• It provides a consistent and fair metric.
SRC Introduction
Attributes of the SRC
• The SRC contains 32 General Purpose
Registers: R0, R1, …, R31; each
register is of size 32-bits.
• Two special purpose registers are
included: Program Counter (PC) and
Instruction Register (IR)
• Memory word size is 32 bits
• Memory space size is 232 bytes
• Memory organization is 232 x 8 bits,
this means that the memory is byte
• Memory is accessed in 32 bit words ( i.e., 4 byte chunks)
• Big-endian byte storage is used
SRC Notation
We examine the notation used for the SRC with the help of some examples.
• R[3] means contents of register
• 3 (R for register)
• M[8] means contents of memory location 8 (M for memory)
• A memory word at address 8 is defined as the 32 bits at address 8,9,10 and 11 in the
memory. This is shown in the figure.
• A special notation for 32-bit memory words is M[8]<31…0>:=M[8] M[9] M[10] M[11]
is used for concatenation.
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Some more SRC Attributes
• All instructions are 32 bits long (i.e., instruction size is 1 word)
• All ALU instructions have three operands
• The only way to access memory is through load and store operations
• Only a few addressing modes are supported
Type B
Type B format includes three instructions;
all three use relative addressing mode.
These are
• The ldr instruction, used to load register from memory using a relative address.
(op-code = 2).
ldr R3, 56
This instruction will load the register R3 with the contents of the memory location M
• The lar instruction, for loading a register with relative address (op-code = 6)
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Example: lar R3, 56
This instruction will load the register R3 with the relative address itself (PC+56).
• The str is used to store register to memory using relative address (op-code = 4)
Example: str R8, 34
This instruction will store the register R8 contents to the memory location
M [PC+34]
The effective address is computed at run-time by adding a constant to the PC. This makes the
instructions ‘re-locatable’.
Type C
Type C format has three load/store
instructions, plus three ALU instructions. These load/ store instructions are
• ld, the load register from memory instruction (op-code = 1)
Example 1:
ld R3, 56
This instruction will load the register R3 with the contents of the memory location M
[56]; the rb field is 0 in this instruction, i.e., it is not used. This is an example of direct
addressing mode.
Example 2:
ld R3, 56(R5)
The contents of the memory location M [56+R [5]] are loaded to the register R3; the rb
field ≠ 0. This is an instance of indexed addressing mode.
• la is the instruction to load a register with an immediate data value (which can be an
address) (op-code = 5 )
la R3, 56
The register R3 is loaded with the immediate value 56. This is an instance of immediate
addressing mode.
Example 2:
la R3, 56(R5)
The register R3 is loaded with the indexed address 56+R [5]. This is an example of
indexed addressing mode.
Example 1: st R8, 34
This is the direct addressing mode; the contents of register R8 (R [8]) are stored to the
memory location M [34]
• R3 is loaded with the immediate logical AND of the contents of register R4 and 56
(constant value)
1. Since the constant c2 field is 17 bits,
For direct addressing mode, only the first 216 bytes of memory can be accessed (or the
last 216 bytes if c2 is negative)
In case of the la instruction, only constants with magnitudes less than ±216 can be
During address calculation using c2, sign extension to 32 bits must be performed
before the addition
• The shl instruction is for shift left by using value in (5-bit) c3 field (op-code = 28)
o Example: shl R8, R5, 6
shift R5 left 6 times in to R8. Immediate addressing mode is used.
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Lecture No. 4
ISA and Instruction Formats
Reading Material
Vincent P. Heuring & Harry F. Jordan Chapter 2
Computer Systems Design and Architecture 2.3, 2.4, slides
• Introduction to ISA and instruction formats
• Coding examples and Hand assembly
SRC Notation
We examine the notation used for the
SRC with the help of some examples.
• R[3] means contents of
register 3 (R for register)
• M[8] means contents of
memory location 8 (M for memory)
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• A memory word at address 8 is defined as the 32 bits at address 8,9,10 and 11 in the
memory. This is shown in the figure below.
• A special notation for 32-bit memory words is M[8]<31…0>:=M[8] M[9] M[10]
M[11] is used for concatenation.
Type A
Type A is used for only two instructions:
Type B
Type B format includes three instructions;
all three use relative addressing mode.
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These are
• The ldr instruction, used to load register from memory using a relative address.
(op-code = 2).
o Example: ldr R3, 56
This instruction will load the register R3 with the contents of the memory location
M [PC+56]
• The lar instruction, for loading a register with relative address (op-code = 6)
o Example: lar R3, 56
This instruction will load the register R3 with the relative address itself (PC+56).
• The str is used to store register to memory using relative address (op-code = 4)
o Example: str R8, 34
This instruction will store the register R8 contents to the memory location M
• The effective address is computed at run-time by adding a constant to the PC. This makes
the instructions ‘re-locatable’.
Type C
Type C format has three load/store
instructions, plus three ALU instructions.
These load/ store instructions are
• ld, the load register from memory instruction (op-code = 1)
o Example 1:
ld R3, 56
This instruction will load the register R3 with the contents of the memory location M
[56]; the rb field is 0 in this instruction, i.e., it is not used. This is an example of direct
addressing mode.
o Example 2: ld R3, 56(R5)
The contents of the memory location M [56+R [5]] are loaded to the register R3; the
rb field ≠ 0. This is an instance of indexed addressing mode.
• la is the instruction to load a register with an immediate data value (which can be an
address) (op-code = 5 )
o Example1: la R3, 56
The register R3 is loaded with the immediate value 56. This is an instance of
immediate addressing mode.
o Example 2: la R3, 56(R5)
The register R3 is loaded with the indexed address 56+R [5]. This is an example of
indexed addressing mode.
• The st instruction is used to store register contents to memory (op-code = 3)
o Example 1: st R8, 34
This is the direct addressing mode; the contents of register R8 (R [8]) are stored to the
memory location M [34]
o Example 2: st R8, 34(R6)
An instance of indexed addressing mode, M [34+R [6]] stores the contents of R8 (R
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1. Since the constant c2 field is 17 bits,
• For direct addressing mode, only the first 216 bytes of memory can be accessed
(or the last 216 bytes if c2 is negative)
• In case of the la instruction, only constants with magnitudes less than ±216 can be
• During address calculation using c2, sign extension to 32 bits must be performed
before the addition
2. Type C instructions, with some modifications, may also be used for shift
instructions. Note the modification in the following figure.
• The shl instruction is for shift left by using value in (5-bit) c3 field (op-code = 28)
o Example: shl R8, R5, 6
Shift R5 left 6 times in to R8 and shifts zeros in from the right as the value is shifted left.
Immediate addressing mode is used.
• shc, shift left circular by using value in c3 field (op-code = 29)
o Example: shc R3, R4, 3
Shift R4 circular 3 times in to R3 and copies the value shifted out of the register on the
left is placed back into the register on the right. Immediate addressing mode is used.
Type D
Type D includes four ALU instructions, four register based shift instructions, two logical
instructions and two branch instructions.
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• sub , the instruction for 2’s complement register subtraction (op-code = 14)
o Example:
sub R3, R5, R6
R3 will store the 2’s complement subtraction, R[5] - R[6]. Register addressing mode is
• and, the instruction for logical AND operation between registers (op-code = 20)
o Example:
and R8, R3, R4
R8 will store the logical AND of registers R3 and R4. Register addressing
mode is used.
• or, the instruction for logical OR operation between registers (op-code = 22)
o Example:
or R8, R3, R4
R8 is loaded with the value R[3] v R[4], the logical OR of registers R3 and
R4. Register addressing mode is used.
The two logical instructions also use a modified form of the Type D, and are the following.
• neg stores the 2’s complement of
register rc in ra (op-code = 15)
o Example: neg R3, R4
Negates (obtains 2’s complement) of R4 and stores in R3. 2-address format and
register addressing mode is used.
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• br , the instruction to branch to address in rb depending on the condition in rc. There are
five possible conditions, explained through examples. (op-code = 8). All branch
instructions use register-addressing mode.
o Example 1:
brzr R3, R4
Branch to address in R3 (if R4 == 0)
o Example 2:
brnz R3, R4
Branch to address in R3 (if R4 ≠ 0)
o Example 3:
brpl R3, R4
Branch to address in R3 (if R4 ≥ 0)
o Example 4:
brmi R3, R4
Branch to address in R3 (if R4 < 0)
o Example 5:
br R3, R4
Branch to address in R3 (unconditional)
o Example 1:
brlzr R1,R3, R4
R1 will store the contents of PC, then branch to address in R3 (if R4 == 0)
o Example 2:
brlnz R1,R3, R4
R1 stores the contents of PC, then a branch is taken, to address in R3 (if
R4 ≠ 0)
o Example 3:
brlpl R1,R3, R4
R1 will store PC, then
branch to address in R3 (if
R4≥ 0)
o Example 4:
brlmi R1,R3, R4
R1 will store PC and then
branch to address in R3 (if
R4 < 0)
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o Example 5:
brl R1,R3, R4
R1 will store PC, then it will ALWAYS branch to address in R3
o Example 6:
brlnv R1,R3, R4
R1 just stores the contents of PC but a branch is not taken (NEVER BRANCH)
In the modified type D instructions for branch, the bits <2...0> are used for specifying the
condition; these condition codes are shown in the table.
Some examples are studied in this section to
enhance the student’s understanding of the SRC.
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Solution A: Notice that the SRC does not have a multiply instruction. We will make use of the
fact that multiplication with powers of 2 can be achieved by repeated shift left operations. A
possible solution is give below:
ld R1, c ; c is a label used for a memory location
addi R3, R1, 58 ; R3 contains (c+58)
shl R7, R3, 4 ; R7 contains 16(c+58)
ld R4, a
ld R5, b
add R6, R4, R5 ; R6 contains (a+b)
shl R8, R6, 2 ; R8 contains 4(a+b)
sub R9, R8, R7 ; the result is in R9
st R9, z ; store the result in memory location z
The memory labels a, b, c and z can be defined by using assembler directives like .dw or
.db, etc. in the source file.
A semicolon ‘;’ is used for comments in assembly language.
Solution B:
We may solve the problem by assuming that a multiply instruction, similar to the add instruction,
exists in the instruction set of the SRC. The shl instruction will be replaced by the mul
instruction as given below.
Solution C:
We can perform multiplication with a multiplier that is not a power of 2 by doing addition in a
loop. The number of times the loop will execute will be equal to the multiplier.
This program uses memory labels a,b,c and z. We need to define them for the assembler by using
assembler directives like .dw or .equ etc. in the source file.
Assembler Directives
Assembler directives, also called pseudo op-codes, are commands to the assembler to direct the
assembly process. The directives may be slightly different for different assemblers. All the
necessary directives are available with most assemblers. We explain the directives as we
encounter them. More information on assemblers can be looked up in the assembler user
.ORG 400 ; start the code at address 400 ; all numbers are in decimal unless otherwise stated
ld R1, c ; c is a label used for a memory location
addi R3, R1, 58 ; R3 contains (c+58)
shl R7, R3, 4 ; R7 contains 16(c+58)
ld R4, a
ld R5, b
add R6, R4, R5 ; R6 contains (a+b)
shl R8, R6, 2 ; R8 contains 4(a+b)
sub R9, R8, R7 ; the result is in R9
st R9, z ; store the result in memory location z
This is the way an assembly program will appear in the source file. Most assemblers require that
the file be saved with an .asm extension.
Observe the first line of the program
.ORG 200 ; start the next line at address 200
This is a directive to let the following code/ variables ‘originate’ at the specified address of the
memory, 200 in this case.
Variable statements and another .ORG directive follow the .ORG directive.
a: .DW 1; reserve one word for the label a in the memory
b: .DW 1; reserve a word for b, this will be at address 204
c: .DW 1; reserve a word for c, will be at address 208
z: .DW 1; reserve one word for the result
.ORG 400 ; start the code at address 400
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We conclude the following from the above statements: The code starts at address 400 and each
instruction takes 32 bits in the memory. The memory map for the program is shown in given
ld R1, c
Notice that this is a type C instruction with the rb field
1. We pick the op-code for this load instruction
from the SRC instruction tables given in the SRC
instruction summary section. The op-code for the load
register ‘ld’ instruction is 00001.
2. Next we pick the register code corresponding to register R1 from the register table
(given in the section ‘encoding of general purpose registers’). The register code for R1 is 00001.
3. The rb field is missing, so we place zeros in the field:
4. The value of c is provided by the assembler, and
should be converted to 17 bits. As c has been assigned the
memory address 208, the binary value to be encoded is 00000
0000 1101 0000.
5. So the instruction ld R1, c is 00001 00001 00000
00000 0000 1101 0000 in the machine language.
6. The hexadecimal representation of this instruction is
0 8 4 0 0 0 D 0 h.
We can update the memory map with these values.
We consider the next instruction,
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Advance Computer Architecture – CS501
4. The value of label b is provided by the assembler, and should be converted to 17 bits.
It has been assigned the memory address 204, so the binary
value is: 00000 0000 1100 1100
5. The complete instruction is: 00001 00101 00000
00000 0000 1100 1100
6. The hexadecimal value of this instruction is 0 9 4
Memory map is then updated with this value.
The next instruction is a type D-add instruction, with the
constant field missing:
add R6,R4,R5
The steps followed to obtain the assembly code for this
instruction are
1. The op-code of the instruction is obtained from the
SRC instruction table; it is 01100
2. The register codes for the registers R6, R4 and R5 are obtained from the register
table; these are 00110, 00100 and 00101 respectively.
3. The 12 bit constant field is unused in this
instruction, therefore we encode zeros in its place: 0000 0000
4. The complete instruction becomes: 01100 00110
00100 00101 0000 0000 0000
5. The hexadecimal value of the instruction is 6 1 8 8
Memory map is then updated with this value.
The instruction shl R8,R6, 2 is a type C instruction with the rc
field missing. The steps taken to obtain the machine code of
the instruction are
1. The op-code of the shift left instruction ‘shl’,
obtained from the SRC instruction table, is 11100
2. The register codes of R8 and R6 are 01000 and 00110 respectively
3. Binary code is used for the immediate data 2: 00000 0000 0000 0010
4. The complete instruction becomes: 11100 01000 00110 00000 0000 0000 0010
5. The hexadecimal equivalent of the instruction is E 2 0 C 0 0 0 2
Memory map is then updated with this value.
The instruction at the memory address 428 is sub R9, R7, R8.
This is a type D instruction.
We decode it into the machine language, as follows:
1. The op-code of the subtract instruction ‘sub’ is
2. The register codes of R9, R7 and R8, obtained from
the register table, are 01001, 00111 and 01000 respectively
3. The 12 bit immediate data field is not used, zeros
are encoded in its place: 0000 0000 0000
4. The complete instruction becomes: 01110 01001
00111 01000 0000 0000 0000
5. The hexadecimal equivalent is 7 2 4 E 8 0 0 0 h We
again update the memory map
The last instruction is is a type C instruction with the rb field missing:
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st R9, z
The machine equivalent of this instruction is obtained through the following steps:
1. The op-code of the store instruction ‘st’, obtained from the SRC instruction table, is
2. The register code of R9 is 01001
3. Notice that there is no register coded in the 5 bit rb
field, therefore, we encode zeros: 00000The value of the label z is
provided by the assembler, and should be converted to 17 bits.
Notice that the memory address assigned to z is 212. The 17 bit
binary equivalent is: 00000 0000 1101 0100
4. The complete instruction becomes: 00011 01001
00000 00000 0000 1101 0100
5. The hexadecimal form of this instruction is 1 A 4 0 0
The memory map, after the conversion of all the instructions, is
We have shown the memory map as an array of 4 byte cells in the
above solution. However, since the memory of the SRC is
arranged in 8 bit cells (i.e. memory is byte aligned), the real representation of the memory map
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Lecture No. 5
Description of SRC in RTL
Reading Material
Handouts Slides
• Reverse Assembly
• Description of SRC in the form of RTL
• Behavioral and Structural description in terms of RTL
Reverse Assembly
Typical Problem:
Given a machine language instruction for the SRC, it may be required to find the equivalent SRC
assembly language instruction
Reverse assemble the following SRC machine language instructions:
68C2003A h
E1C60004 h
61885000 h
724E8000 h
1A4000D4 h
084000D0 h
1. Write the given hexadecimal instruction in binary form 68C2003A h → 0110 1000 1100
0010 0000 0000 0011 1010 b
2. Examine the first five bits of the instruction, and pick the corresponding mnemonic
from the SRC instruction set listing arranged according to ascending order of op-codes 01101 b
→ 13 d → addi → add immediate
3. Now we know that this instruction uses the type C format, the two 5-bit fields after the op-
code field represent the destination and the source registers respectively, and that the remaining
17-bits in the instruction represent a constant
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We can do it a bit faster now! Step1: Here is step1 for all instructions
The meaning of the remaining fields will depend on the instruction type (i.e., the instruction
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Note: rest of the fields of above given tables are left as an exercise for students. Using RTL to
describe the SRC
RTL stands for Register Transfer Language. The Register Transfer Language provides a formal
way for the description of the behavior and structure of a computer. The RTL facilitates the
design process of the computer as it provides a precise, mathematical representation of its
functionality. In this section, a Register Transfer Language is presented and introduced, for the
SRC (Simple ‘RISC’ Computer), described in the previous discussion.
Behavioral RTL
Behavioral RTL is used to describe the ‘functionality’ of the machine only, i.e. what the machine
Structural RTL
Structural RTL describes the ‘hardware implementation’ of the machine, i.e. how the
functionality made available by the machine is implemented.
Behavioral versus Structural RTL:
In computer design, a top-down approach is adopted. The computer design process typically
starts with defining the behavior of the overall system. This is then broken down into the
behavior of the different modules. The process continues, till we are able to define, design and
implement the structure of the individual modules. Behavioral RTL is used for describing the
behavior of machine whereas structural RTL is used to define the structure of machine, which
brings us to the some more hardware features.
Using RTL to describe the static properties of the SRC
In this section we introduce the RTL by using it to describe the various static properties of the
Specifying Registers
The format used to specify registers is
Register Name<register bits>
For example, IR<31..0> means bits numbered 31 to 0 of a 32-bit register named “IR”
(Instruction Register).
“Naming” using the := naming operator:
The := operator is used to ‘name’ registers, or part of registers, in the Register Transfer
Language. It does not create a new register; it just generates another name, or “alias” for an
already existing register or part of a register. For example,
Op<4..0>: = IR<31..27> means that the five most significant bits of the register IR will be called
op, with bits 4..0.
Fields in the SRC instruction
In this section, we examine the various fields of an SRC instruction, using the RTL.
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op<4..0>: = IR<31..27>; operation code field
The five most significant bits of an SRC instruction, (stored in the instruction register in this
example), are named op, and this field is used for specifying the operation. ra<4..0>: =
IR<26..22>; target register field
The next five bits of the SRC instruction, bits 26 through 22, are used to hold the address of the
target register field, i.e., the result of the operation performed by the instruction is stored in the
register specified by this field.
rb<4..0>: = IR<21..17>; operand, address index, or branch target register
The bits 21 through 17 of the instruction are used for the rb field. rb field is used to hold an
operand, an address index, or a branch target register.
rc<4..0>: = IR<16..12>; second operand, conditional test, or shift count register
The bits 16 through 12, are the rc field. This field may hold the second operand, conditional test,
or a shift count.
c1<21..0>: = IR<21..0>; long displacement field
In some instructions, the bits 21 through 0 may be used as long displacement field. Notice that
there is an overlap of fields. The fields are distinguished in a particular instruction depending on
the operation.
c2<16..0>: = IR<16..0>; short displacement or immediate field
The bits 16 through 0 may be used as short displacement or to specify an immediate operand.
c3<11..0>: = IR<11..0>; count or modifier field
The bits 11 through 0 of the SRC instruction may be used for count or modifier field.
Describing the processor state using RTL
The Register Transfer Language can be used to describe the processor state. The following
registers and bits together form the processor state set.
PC<31..0>; program counter (it holds the memory address of next
instruction to be executed)
IR<31..0>; instruction register, used to hold the current instruction
Run; one bit run/halt indicator
Strt; start signal
R [0..31]<31..0>; 32, 32 bit general purpose registers
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Difference between our notation and notation used by the text (H&J)
Displacement address
disp<31..0> := ((rb=0) : c2<16..0> {sign extend},
(rb≠0) : R [rb] + c2<16..0> {sign extend}),
The displacement (or the direct) address is being calculated in this example. The “,” operator
separates statements in a single instruction, and indicates that these statements are to be executed
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simultaneously. However, since in this example these are two disjoint conditions, therefore, only
one action will be performed at one time.
Note that register R0 cannot be added to displacement. rb = 0 just implies we do not need to use
the R [rb] field.
Relative address
rel<31..0> := PC<31..0> + c1<21..0> {sign extend},
In the above example, a relative address is being calculated by adding the displacement after sign
extension to the contents of the program counter register (that holds the next instruction to be
executed in a program execution sequence).
Range of memory addresses
The range of memory addresses that can be accessed using the displacement (or the direct)
addressing and the relative addressing is given.
• Direct addressing (displacement with rb=0)
o If c2<16>=0 (positive displacement) absolute addresses range from 00000000h to
o If c2<16>=1 (negative displacement) absolute addresses range from FFFF0000h
• Relative addressing
o The largest positive value of C1<21..0> is 221-1 and its most negative value is -
221, so addresses up to 221-1 forward and 221 backward from the current PC value
can be specified
Instruction Interpretation
(Describing the Fetch operation using RTL)
The action performed for all the instructions before they are decoded is called ‘instruction
interpretation’. Here, an example is that of starting the machine. If the machine is not already
running (¬Run, or ‘not’ running), AND (&) it the condition start (Strt) becomes true, then Run
bit (of the processor state) is set to 1 (i.e. true).
instruction_Fetch := (
! Run & Strt: Run ← 1 ; instruction_Fetch
Run : (IR ← M [PC], PC ← PC + 4; instruction_Execution ) );
The := is the naming operator. The ; operator is used to add comments in RTL. The , operator,
specifies that the statements are to be executed simultaneously, (i.e. in a single clock pulse). The
; operator is used to separate sequential statements. ← is an assignment operator. & is a logical
AND, ~ is a logical OR, and ! is the logical NOT. In the instruction interpretation phase of the
fetch-execute cycle, if the machine is running (Run is true), the instruction register is loaded with
the instruction at the location M [PC] (the program counter specifies the address of the memory
at which the instruction to be executed is located). Simultaneously, the program counter is
incremented by 4, so as to point to the next instruction, as shown in the example above. This
completes the instruction interpretation.
Instruction Execution
(Describing the Execute operation using RTL)
Once the instruction is fetched and the PC is incremented, execution of the instruction starts. In
the following, we denote instruction Fetch by “iF” and instruction execution by “iE”.
iE:= (
(op<4..0>= 1) : R [ra] ← M [disp],
(op<4..0>= 2) : R [ra] ← M [rel],
(op<4..0>=31) : Run ← 0,); iF);
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As shown above, Instruction Execution can be described by using a long list of conditional
operations, which are inherently “disjoint”.
One of these statements is executed, depending on the condition met, and then the instruction
fetch statement (iF) is invoked again at the end of the list of concurrent statements. Thus,
instruction fetch (iF) and instruction execution statements invoke each other in a loop. This is the
fetch-execute cycle of the SRC.
Concurrent Statements
The long list of concurrent, disjoint instructions of the instruction execution (iE) is basically the
complete instruction set of the processor. A brief overview of these instructions is given below.
Load-Store Instructions
(op<4..0>= 1) : R [ra] ← M [disp], load register (ld)
This instruction is to load a register using a displacement address specified by the instruction, i.e.
the contents of the memory at the address ‘disp’ are placed in the register R [ra].
(op<4..0>= 2) : R [ra] ← M [rel], load register relative (ldr)
If the operation field ‘op’ of the instruction decoded is 2, the instruction that is executed is
loading a register (target address of this register is specified by the field ra) with memory
contents at a relative address, ‘rel’. The relative address calculation has been explained in this
section earlier.
(op<4..0>= 3) : M [disp] ← R [ra], store register (st)
If the op-code is 3, the contents of the register specified by address ra, are stored back to the
memory, at a displacement location ‘disp’.
(op<4..0>= 4) : M[rel] ← R[ra], store register relative (str)
If the op-code is 4, the contents of the register specified by the target register address ra, are
stored back to the memory, at a relative address location ‘rel’.
(op<4..0>= 5) : R [ra] ← disp, load displacement address (la)
For op-code 5, the displacement address disp is loaded to the register R (specified by the
target register address ra).
(op<4..0>= 6) : R [ra] ← rel, load relative address (lar)
For op-code 6, the relative address rel is loaded to the register R (specified by the target register
address ra).
Branch Instructions
(op<4..0>= 8) : (cond : PC ← R [rb]), conditional branch (br)
If the op-code is 8, a conditional branch is taken, that is, the program counter is set to the target
instruction address specified by rb, if the condition ‘cond’ is true.
(op<4..0>= 9) : (R [ra] ← PC,
cond : (PC ← R [rb]) ), branch and link (brl)
If the op field is 9, branch and link instruction is executed, i.e. the contents of the program
counter are stored in a register specified by ra field, (so control can be returned to it later), and
then the conditional branch is taken to a branch target address specified by rb. The branch and
link instruction is useful for returning control to the calling program after a procedure call
The conditions that these ‘conditional’ branches depend on are specified by the field c3 that has
3 bits. This simply means that when c3<2..0> is equal to one of these six values. We substitute
the expression on the right hand side of the : in place of cond These conditions are explained
here briefly.
cond := (
c3<2..0>=0 : 0, never
If the c3 field is 0, the branch is never taken.
c3<2..0>=1 : 1, always
If the field is 1, branch is taken
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c3<2..0>=2 : R [rc]=0, if register is zero
If c3 = 2, a branch is taken if the register rc = 0.
c3<2..0>=3 : R [rc] ≠ 0, if register is nonzero
If c3 = 3, a branch is taken if the register rc is not equal to 0.
c3<2..0>=4 : R [rc]<31>=0 if positive or zero
If c3 is 4, a branch is taken if the register value in the register specified by rc is
greater than or equal to 0.
c3<2..0>=5 : R [rc]<31>=1), if negative
If c3 = 5, a branch is taken if the value stored in the register specified by rc is
Shift instructions
(op<4..0>=26): R [ra]<31..0 > ← (n α 0) © R [rb] <31..n>,
If the op-code is 26, the contents of the register rb are shifted right n bits times. The bits that are
shifted out of the register are discarded. 0s are added in their place, i.e. n number of 0s is added
(or concatenated) with the register contents. The result is copied to the register ra.
(op<4..0>=27) : R [ra]<31..0 > ← (n α R [rb] <31>) © R [rb] <31..n>,
For op-code 27, shift arithmetic operation is carried out. In this operation, the contents of the
register rb are shifted right n times, with the most significant bit, bit 31, of the register rb added
in their place. The result is copied to the register ra.
(op<4..0>=28) : R [ra]<31..0 > ← R [rb] <31-n..0> © (n α 0),
For op-code 28, the contents of the register rb are shifted left n bits times, similar to the shift
right instruction. The result is copied to the register ra.
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(op<4..0>=29) : R [ra]<31..0 > ← R [rb] <31-n..0> © R [rb]<31..32-n >,
The instruction corresponding to op-code 29 is the shift circular instruction. The contents of the
register rb are shifted left n times, however, the bits that move out of the register in the shift
process are not discarded; instead, these are shifted in from the other end (a circular shifting).
The result is stored in register ra.
n := (
(c3<4..0>=0) : R [rc],
(c3<4..0>!=0) : c3 <4..0> ),
α means replication
© Means concatenation
Miscellaneous instructions
(op<4..0>= 0) , No operation (nop)
If the op-code is 0, no operation is carried out for that clock period. This instruction is used as a
stall in pipelining.
(op<4..0>= 31) : Run ← 0, Halt the processor (Stop)
); iF );
If the op-code is 31, run is set to 0, that is, the processor is halted.
After one of these disjoint instructions is executed, iF, i.e. instruction Fetch is carried out once
again, and so the fetch-execute cycle continues.
Flow diagram
Flow diagram is the symbolic representation
of Fetch-Execute cycle. Its top block
indicates instruction fetch and then next
block shows the instruction decode by
looking at the first 5-bits of the fetched
instruction which would represent op-code
which may be from 0 to 31.Depending upon
the contents of this op-code the appropriate
processing would take place. After the
appropriate processing, we would move back
to top block, next instruction is fetched and
same process is repeated until the instruction with op-code 31 would reach and halt the system.
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Lecture No. 6
RTL Using Digital Logic Circuits
Reading Material
Handouts Slides
Using Behavioral RTL to Describe the SRC (continued)
Implementing Register Transfer using Digital Logic Circuits
Once the instruction is fetched and the PC is incremented, execution of the instruction starts. In
the following discussion, we denote instruction fetch by “iF” and instruction execution by “iE”.
iE:= (
(op<4..0>= 1) : R [ra] ← M [disp],
(op<4..0>= 2) : R [ra] ← M [rel],
(op<4..0>=31) : Run ← 0,); iF);
As shown above, instruction execution can be described by using a long list of conditional
operations, which are inherently “disjoint”. Only one of these statements is executed, depending
on the condition met, and then the instruction fetch statement (iF) is invoked again at the end of
the list of concurrent statements. Thus, instruction fetch (iF) and instruction execution statements
invoke each other in a loop. This is the fetch-execute cycle of the SRC.
Concurrent Statements
The long list of concurrent, disjoint instructions of the instruction execution (iE) is basically the
complete instruction set of the processor. A brief overview of these instructions is given below:
Load-Store Instructions
(op<4..0>= 1) : R [ra] ← M [disp], load register (ld)
This instruction is to load a register using a displacement address specified by the instruction,
i.e., the contents of the memory at the address ‘disp’ are placed in the register R [ra].
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If the op-code is 3, the contents of the register specified by address ra, are stored back to the
memory, at a displacement location ‘disp’.
Branch Instructions
(op<4..0>= 8) : (cond : PC ← R [rb]), conditional branch (br)
If the op-code is 8, a conditional branch is taken, that is, the program counter is set to the target
instruction address specified by rb, if the condition ‘cond’ is true.
(op<4..0>= 9) : (R [ra] ← PC,
cond : (PC ← R [rb]) ), branch and link (brl)
If the op field is 9, branch and link instruction is executed, i.e. the contents of the program
counter are stored in a register specified by ra field, (so control can be returned to it later), and
then the conditional branch is taken to a branch target address specified by rb. The branch and
link instruction is useful for returning control to the calling program after a procedure call
The conditions that these ‘conditional’ branches depend on, are specified by the field c3 that has
3 bits. This simply means that when c3<2..0> is equal to one of these six values, we substitute
the expression on the right hand side of the : in place of cond. These conditions are explained
here briefly.
cond := (
c3<2..0>=0 : 0, never
If the c3 field is 0, the branch is never taken.
c3<2..0>=1 : 1, always
If the field is 1, branch is taken
c3<2..0>=2 : R [rc]=0, if register is zero
If c3 = 2, a branch is taken if the register rc = 0.
c3<2..0>=3 : R [rc] ≠ 0, if register is nonzero
If c3 = 3, a branch is taken if the register rc is not equal to 0.
c3<2..0>=4 : R [rc]<31>=0 if positive or zero
If c3 is 4, a branch is taken if the register value in the register specified
by rc is greater than or equal to 0.
c3<2..0>=5 : R [rc]<31>=1), if negative
If c3 = 5, a branch is taken if the value stored in the register specified by
rc is negative.
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If the op-code is 13, the content of the register rb is added with the immediate data in the field
c2, and the result is stored in the register ra.
(op<4..0>=14) : R [ra] ← R [rb] – R [rc],
If the op-code is 14, the content of the register rc is subtracted from that of rb, and the result is
stored in ra.
(op<4..0>=15) : R [ra] ← -R [rc],
If the op-code is 15, the content of the register rc is negated, and the result is stored in ra.
(op<4..0>=20) : R [ra] ← R [rb] & R [rc],
If the op field equals 20, logical AND of the contents of the registers rb and rc is obtained and
the result is stored in register ra.
(op<4..0>=21) : R [ra] ← R [rb] & c2<16..0> {sign extended},
If the op field equals 21, logical AND of the content of the registers rb and the immediate data in
the field c2 is obtained and the result is stored in register ra.
(op<4..0>=22) : R [ra] ← R [rb] ~ R [rc],
If the op field equals 22, logical OR of the contents of the registers rb and rc is obtained and the
result is stored in register ra.
(op<4..0>=23) : R [ra] ← R [rb] ~ c2<16..0> {sign extended},
If the op field equals 23, logical OR of the content of the registers rb and the immediate data in
the field c2 is obtained and the result is stored in register ra.
(op<4..0>=24) : R [ra] ← !R [rc],
If the op-code equals 24, the content of the logical NOT of the register rc is obtained, and the
result is stored in ra.
Shift instructions
(op<4..0>=26): R [ra]<31..0 > ← (n α 0) © R [rb] <31..n>,
If the op-code is 26, the contents of the register rb are shifted right n bits times. The bits that are
shifted out of the register are discarded. 0s are added in their place, i.e. n number of 0s is added
(or concatenated) with the register contents. The result is copied to the register ra.
(op<4..0>=27) : R [ra]<31..0 > ← (n α R [rb] <31>) © R [rb] <31..n>,
For op-code 27, shift arithmetic operation is carried out. In this operation, the contents of the
register rb are shifted right n times, with the most significant bit, i.e., bit 31, of the register rb
added in their place. The result is copied to the register ra.
(op<4..0>=28) : R [ra]<31..0 > ← R [rb] <31-n..0> © (n α 0),
For op-code 28, the contents of the register rb are shifted left n bits times, similar to the shift
right instruction. The result is copied to the register ra.
(op<4..0>=29) : R [ra]<31..0 > ← R [rb] <31-n..0> © R [rb]<31..32-n >,
The instruction corresponding to op-code 29 is the shift circular instruction. The contents of the
register rb are shifted left n times, however, the bits that move out of the register in the shift
process are not discarded; instead, these are shifted in from the other end (a circular shifting).
The result is stored in register ra.
n := (
(c3<4..0>=0) : R [rc],
(c3<4..0>!=0) : c3 <4..0> ),
α means replication
© means concatenation
Miscellaneous instructions
(op<4..0>= 0) , No operation (nop)
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If the op-code is 0, no operation is carried out for that clock period. This instruction is used as a
stall in pipelining.
(op<4..0>= 31) : Run ← 0, Halt the processor (Stop)
); iF );
If the op-code is 31, run is set to 0, that is, the processor stops execution.
After one of these disjoint instructions is executed, iF, i.e. instruction Fetch is carried out once
again, and so the fetch-execute cycle continues.
We have studied the register transfers in the previous sections, and how they help in
implementing assembly language. In this section we will review how the basic digital logic
circuits are used to implement instructions register transfers. The topics we will cover in this
section include:
1. A brief (and necessary) review of logic circuits
2. Implementing simple register transfers
3. Register file implementation using a bus
4. Implementing register transfers with mathematical operations
5. The Barrel Shifter
6. Implementing shift operations
There are various types of flip-flops; most common type, the D flip-flop is shown in the figure
given. The given truth table for this positive-edge triggered D flip-flop shows that the flip-flop is
set (i.e. stores a 1) when the data input is high on the leading (also called the positive) edge of the
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clock; it is reset (i.e., the flip-flop stores a 0) when the data input is 0 on the leading edge of the
clock. The clear input will reset the flip-flop on a low input.
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Waveform/Timing diagram
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Timing waveform
Tri-state buffers
The tri-state buffer, also called the three-state buffer, is another important component in the
digital logic domain. It has a single input, a single output, and an enable line. The input is
concatenated to the output only if it is enabled through the enable line, otherwise it gives a high
impedance output, i.e. it is tri-stated, or electrically
disconnected from the input These buffers are available both
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The truth table further clarifies the working of a non-inverting tri-state buffer.
We can see that when the enable input (or the control input) c is low (0), the output is high
impedance Z. The symbol of a 4-bit tri-state buffer unit is shown in the figure. There are four
input lines, an equal number of output lines, and an enable line in this unit. If we apply a high on
the input 3 and 2, and a low on input 1 and 0, we get the output 1100, only when the enable input
is high, as shown in the given figure.
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This means that if the condition ‘Cond’ is true, the contents of the register named RS (the source
register) are copied to the register RD (the destination register). The following figure shows how
the registers may be interconnected to achieve a conditional transfer. In this circuit, the output of
the source register RS is connected to the input of the destination registers RD. However, notice
that the transfer will not take place unless the enable input of the destination register is activated.
We may say that the ‘transfer’ is being controlled by the enable line (or the control signal). Now,
we are able to control the transfer by selectively enabling the control signal, through the use of
other combinational logic that may be the equivalent of our condition.
The condition is, in general, a Boolean expression, and in this example, the condition is
equivalent to LRD =1.
Two-way transfers
In the above example, only one-way transfer was possible, i.e., we could only copy the contents
of RS to RD if the condition was met. In order to be able to achieve two-way transfers, we must
also provide a path from the output of the register RD to input of register RS. This will enable us
to implement
Cond1: RD ← RS
Cond2: RS ← RD
A bus is a device that provides a shared data path
to a number of devices that are connected to it,
via a ‘set of wires’ or a ‘set of conductors’. The
modern computer systems extensively employ
the bus architecture. Control signals are needed
to decide which two entities communicate using
the shared medium, i.e. the bus, at any given
time. This control signals can be open collector
gate based, tri-state buffer based, or they can be
implemented using multiplexers.
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It lets the contents of the register R3 to be loaded on the bus. At the same time, applying a logical
high input to LA enables the load for the register A. This lets the binary number on the bus (the
contents of register R3) to be loaded into the register A. The next step is to enable R2out to load
the contents of the register R2 onto the bus. As can be observed from the figure, the output of the
register A is one of the inputs to the 4-bit adder; the other input to the adder is the bus itself.
Therefore, as the contents of register R2 are loaded onto the bus, both the operands are available
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to the adder. The output can then be stored to the register RC by enabling its write. So a high
input is applied to LC to store the result in register RC.
The third and final step is to store (transfer) the resultant number in the destination register R4.
This is done by enabling Cout, which writes the number onto the bus, and then enabling the read
of the register R4 by activating the control signal to LR4. These steps are summarized in the
given table.
The shift functionality can be incorporated into the register file circuit with the bus architecture
we have been building, by introducing the barrel shifter, as shown in the given figure.
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The first step is to activate R3out, nb1 and LC. Activating R3out will load the contents of the
register R3 onto the bus. Since the bus is directly connected to the input of the barrel shifter, this
number is applied to the input side. nb1 and nb0 are the barrel shifter’s control lines for
specifying the number of shifts to be applied. Applying a high input to nb1 and a low input to
nb0 will shift the number two places to the right. Activating LC will load the shifted output of
the barrel shifter into the register C. The second step is to transfer the contents of the register C
to the register R4. This is done by activating the control Cout, which will load the contents of
register C onto the data bus, and by activating the control LR4, which will let the contents of the
bus be written to the register R4. This will complete the conditional shift-and-store operation.
These steps are summarized in the table shown below.
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Lecture No. 7
Design Process for ISA of FALCON-A
Reading Material
Handouts Slides
• Outline of the thinking process for ISA Design
• Introduction to the ISA of FALCON-A
Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) Design: Outline of the thinking process
In this module we will learn to appreciate, understand and apply the approach adopted in
designing an instruction set architecture. We do this by designing an ISA for a new processor.
We have named our processor FALCON-A, which is an acronym for First Architecture for
Learning Computer Organization and Networks (version A). The term Organization is intended
to include Architecture and Design in this acronym.
Elements of the ISA
Before we go onto designing the instruction set architecture for our processor FALCON-A, we
need to take a closer look at the defining components of an ISA. The following three key
components define any instruction set architecture.
1. The operations the processor can execute
2. Data access mode for use as operands in the operations defined
3. Representation of the operations in memory
We take a look at all three of the components in more detail, and wherever appropriate, apply
these steps to the design of our sample processor, the FALCON-A. This will help us better
understand the approach to be adopted for the ISA design of a processor. A more detailed
introduction to the FALCON-A will be presented later.
The operations the processor can execute
All processors need to support at least three categories (or functional groups) of instructions
– Arithmetic, Logic, Shift
– Data Transfer
– Control
ISA Design Steps – Step 1
We need to think of all the instructions of each type that ought to be supported by our processor,
the FALCON-A. The following are the instructions that we will include in the ISA for our
add, addi (and with an immediate operand), subtract, subtract-immediate, multiply, divide
and, and-immediate, or, or-immediate, not
shift left, shift right, arithmetic shift right
Data Transfer:
Data transfer between registers, moving constants to registers, load operands from memory to
registers, store from registers to memory and the movement of data between registers and
input/output devices
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Jump instructions with various conditions, call and return from subroutines, instructions for
handling interrupts
Miscellaneous instructions:
Instructions to clear all registers, the capability to stop the processor, ability to “do nothing”, etc.
ISA Design Steps – Step 2
Once we have decided on the instructions that we want to add support for in our processor, the
second step of the ISA design process is to select suitable mnemonics for these instructions. The
following mnemonics have been selected to represent these operations.
add, addi, sub ,subi ,mul ,div
and, andi, or, ori, not
shiftl, shiftr, asr
Data Transfer:
load, store, in, out, mov, movi
jpl, jmi, jnz, jz, jump, call, ret, int.iret
Miscellaneous instructions:
nop, reset, halt
ISA Design Steps – Step 3
The next step of the ISA design is to decide upon the number of bits to be reserved for the op-
code part of the instructions. Since we have 32 instructions in the instruction set, 5 bits will
suffice (as 25 =32) to encode these op-codes.
ISA Design Steps – Step 4
The fourth step is to assign op-codes to these instructions. The assigned op-codes are shown
add (0), addi (1), sub (2), subi (3), mul (4),div (5)
and (8), andi (9), or (10), ori (11), not (14)
shiftl (12), shiftr (13), asr (15)
Data Transfer:
load (29), store (28), in (24), out (25), mov
(6), movi (7)
jpl (16), jmi (17), jnz (18), jz (19), jump
(20), call (22), ret (23), int (26), iret (27)
Miscellaneous instructions:
nop (21), reset (30), halt (31)
Now we list these instructions with their op-
codes in the binary form, as they would
appear in the machine instructions of the
Data access mode for operations
As mentioned earlier, the instruction set architecture of a processor defines a number of things
besides the instructions implemented; the resources each instruction can access,
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the number of registers available to the processor, the number of registers each instruction can
access, the instructions that are allowed to access memory, any special registers, constants and
any alternatives to the general-purpose registers. With this in mind, we go on to the next steps of
our ISA design.
ISA Design Steps – Step 5
We now need to select the number and types of operands for various instructions that we have
selected for the FALCON-A ISA.
ALU instructions may have 2 to 3 registers as operands. In case of 2 operands, a constant (an
immediate operand) may be included in the instruction.
For the load/store type instructions, we require a register to hold the data that is to be loaded
from the memory, or stored back to the memory. Another register is required to hold the base
address for the memory access. In addition to these two registers, a field is required in the
instruction to specify the constant that is the
displacement to the base address.
In jump instructions; we require a field for
specifying the register that holds the value that is
to be compared as the condition for the branch, as
well as a destination address, which is specified as
a constant.
Once we have decided on the number and types of
operands that will be required in each of the
instruction types, we need to address the issue of
assigning specific bit-fields in the instruction for
each of these operands. The number of bits
required to represent each of these operands will eventually determine the instruction word size.
In our example processor, the FALCON-A, we reserve eight general-purpose registers. To
encode a register in the instructions, 3 bits are required (as 23 =8). The registers are encoded in
the binary as shown in the given table.
Therefore, the instructions that we will add support for FALCON-A processor will have the
given general format. The instructions in the
FALCON-A processor are going to be
variations of this format, with four different
formats in all. The exact format is dependent on the actual number of operands in a particular
FALCON-A: Introduction
FALCON stands for First Architecture for Learning Computer Organization and Networks. It is a
‘RISC-like’ general-purpose processor that will be used as a teaching aid for this course. Although
the FALCON-A is a simple machine, it is powerful enough to explain a variety of fundamental
concepts in the field of Computer Architecture.
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Lecture No. 8
Reading Material
Handouts Slides
• Introduction to the ISA of the FALCON-A
• Examples for the FALCON-A
FALCON-A Features
The FALCON-A processor has fixed-length instructions, each 16 bits (2 bytes) long. Addressing
modes supported are limited, and memory is accessed through the load/store instructions only.
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Type I instruction format is shown in the
given figure. In it, 5 bits are reserved for the
op-code (bits 11 through 15). The rest of the
bits are unused in this instruction type, which
means they are not considered.
Type IV instructions contain the op-code field, two 3-bit register fields, a constant filed on
length 3 bits as well as two unused bits. This
format is shown in the given figure.
Encoding of registers
We have a register file comprising of eight
general-purpose registers in the CPU. To
encode these registers in the binary, so they
can be referred to in various instructions, we
require log2 (8) = 3 bits. Therefore, we have
already allocated three bits per register in
the instructions, as seen in the various
instruction formats. The encoding of
registers in the binary format is shown in
the given table.
It is important to note here that the register
R0 has special usage in some cases. For
instance, in load/ store operations, if register
R0 is used as a second operand, its value is
considered to be zero. R0 has special usage
in the multiply and divide (mul & div)
instructions as well.
Type II
There are nine FALCON-A instructions that belong to this type. These are listed below.
1. movi (op-code = 7 )
The movi instruction loads a register with the constant (or the immediate value)
specified as the second operand. An example is
movi R3, 56 R[3] ← 56
This means that the register R3 will have the value 56 stored in it as this instruction is
2. in (op-code = 24)
This instruction is to load the specified register from input device. An example and its
interpretation in register transfer language are
in R3, 57 R [3] ← IO [57]
4. ret (op-code=23)
This instruction is to return control from a subroutine. This is done using a register,
where the return address is stored. As shown in the example, to return control, the
program counter is assigned the contents of the register.
ret R3 PC ← R [3]
5. jz (op-code= 19)
When this instruction is executed, the value of the register specified in the field ra is
checked, and if it is equal to zero, the Program Counter is advanced by the
jump(value) specified in the instruction.
jz r3, [4] (R[3]=0): PC← PC+ 4;
In this example, register r3’s value is checked, and if found to be zero, PC is
advanced by 4.
6. jnz (op-code= 18) This instruction is the reverse of the jz instruction, i.e., the jump (or
the branch) is taken, if the contents of the register specified are not equal to zero.jnz
r4, [variable] (R[4]≠0): PC← PC+ variable;
7. jpl (op-code= 16) In this instruction, the value contained in the register specified in
the field ra is checked, and if it is positive, the jump is taken.
jpl r3, [label] (R[3]≥0): PC ← PC+ (label-PC);
8. jmi (op-code= 17) In this case, PC is advanced (jump/branch is taken) if the register
value is negative
jmi r7, [address] (R[7]<0): PC← PC+ address;
Note that, in all the instructions for jump, the jump can be specified by a constant, a variable, a
label or an address (that holds the value by which the PC is to be advanced). A variable can be
defined through the use of the ‘.equ’ directive. An address (of data) can be specified using the
directive ‘.db’ or ‘.dw’. A label can be specified with any instruction. In its usage, we follow the
label by a colon ‘:’ before the instruction itself. For example, the following is an instruction that
has a label ‘alfa’ attached to it alfa: movi r3 r4
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Labels implement relative jumps, 128 locations backwards or 127 locations forward (relative to
the current position of program control, i.e. the value in the program counter). The compiler
handles the interpretation of the field c2 as a constant/ variable/ label/ address. The machine code
just contains an 8-bit constant that is added to the program counter at run-time.
This instruction instructs the processor to advance the program counter by the
displacement specified, unconditionally (an unconditional jump). The assembler
allows the displacement (or the jump) to be specified in any of the following ways
Type III
There are nine instructions of the FALCON-A that belong to Type III. These are:
1. andi (op-code = 9)
The andi instruction bit-wise ‘ands’ the constant specified in the instruction with
the value stored in the register specified in the second operand register and stores
the result in the destination register. An example is:
andi r4, r3, 5
This instruction will bit-wise and the constant 5 and R[3], and assign the value
thus obtained to the register R[4], as given .
R [4] ← R [3] & 5
2. addi (op-code = 1)
This instruction is to add a constant value to a register; the result is stored in a
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destination register. An example:
addi r4, r3,4 R [4] ← R [3] + 4
3. subi (op-code = 3)
The subi instruction will subtract the specified constant from the value stored in a
source register, and store to the destination register. An example follows.
subi r5, r7, 9 R [5] ← R [7] – 9
4. ori (op-code= 11)
Similar to the andi instruction, the ori instruction bit-wise ‘ors’ a constant with a
value stored in the source register, and assigns it to the destination register. The
following instruction is an example.
ori r4, r7, 3 R[4] ← R[7] ~ 3
5. shiftl (op-code = 12)
This instruction shifts the value stored in the source register (which is the second
operand), and shifts the bits left as many times as is specified by the third
operand, the constant value. For instance, in the instruction
shiftl r4, r3, 7
The contents of the register are shifted left 7 times, and the resulting number is
assigned to the register r4.
6. shiftr (op-code = 13)
This instruction shifts to the right the value stored in a register. An example is:
shiftr r4, r3,9
7. asr (op-code = 15)
An arithmetic shift right is an operation that shifts a signed binary number stored in the
source register (which is specified by the second operand), to the right, while leaving
the sign-bit unchanged. A single shift has the effect of dividing the number by 2. As
the number is shifted as many times as is specified in the instruction through the
constant value, the binary number of the source register gets divided by the constant
value times 2.
An example is asr r1, r2, 5
This instruction, when executed, will divide the value stored in r2 by 10, and
assign the result to the register r1.
5. and (op-code= 8)
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This ‘and’ instruction will obtain a bit-wise ‘and’ of the values of two registers and
assigns it to a destination register. For instance, in the following example, contents of
register r4 and r5 are bit-wise ‘anded’ and the result is assigned to the register r1.
and r1, r4, r5
In RTL we may write this as
R[1] ← R[4] & R[5]
6. or (op-code= 10)
To bit-wise ‘or’ the contents of two registers, this instruction is used. For instance,
or r6, r7,r2
In RTL this is denoted as
R[6] ← R[7] ~ R[2]
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The solution to this problem is quite straightforward. The types of these instructions, as well as
the fields, have already been discussed in the preceding sections.
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We can also find the machine code for these instructions. The machine code (in the hexadecimal
representation) is given for these instructions in the given table.
Example 2:
Identify the addressing modes and Register Transfer Language (RTL) description (meaning) for
the given FALCON-A instructions
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Addressing modes relate to the way architectures specify the address of the objects they access.
These objects may be constants and registers, in addition to memory locations.
Example 3: Specify the condition for the branch instruction and the status of the PC after the
branch instruction executes with a true branch condition
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We have looked at the various jump instructions in our study of the FALCON-A. Using that
knowledge, this problem can be solved easily.
Example 4: Specify the binary encoding of the different fields in the given FALCON-A
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We can solve this problem by referring back to our discussion of the instruction format types.
The op-codes for each of the instructions can also be looked up from the tables. ra, rb and rc
(where applicable) registers’ values are obtained from the register encoding table we looked at.
The constants C1 and C2 are there in instruction type III and II respectively. The immediate
constant specified in the instruction can also be simply converted to binary, as shown.
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Lecture No. 9
Description of FALCON-A and EAGLE using RTL
Reading Material
Handouts Slides
• Use of Behavioral Register Transfer Language (RTL) to describe the FALCON-A
• The Modified EAGLE
Specifying Registers
In RTL, we will refer to a register by its abbreviated, alphanumeric name, followed by the
number of bits in the register enclosed in angle brackets ‘< >’. For instance, the instruction
register (IR), of 16 bits (numbered 0 to 15), will be referred to as, IR<15..0>
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Naming of the Fields in a Register
We can name the different fields of a register using the := notation. For example, to name the
most significant bits of the instruction register as the operation code (or simply op), we may
op<4..0> := IR<15..11>
Note that using this notation to name registers or register fields will not create a new copy of the
data or the register fields; it is simply an alias for an already existing register, or part of a
Fields in the FALCON-A Instructions
We now use the RTL naming operator to name the various fields of the RTL instructions.
Naming the fields appropriately helps us make the study of the behavior of a processor more
op<4..0>:= IR<15..11>: operation code field
ra<2..0> := IR<10..8>: target register field
rb<2..0> := IR<7..5>: operand or address index
rc<2..0> := IR<4..2>: second operand
c1<4..0> := IR<4..0>: short displacement field
c2<7..0> := IR<7..0>: long displacement or the immediate field
We are already familiar with these fields, and their usage in the various instruction formats of the
Describing the Processor State using RTL
The processor state defines the contents of all the register internal to the CPU at a given time.
Maintaining or restoring the machine or processor state is important to many operations,
especially procedure calls and interrupts; the processor state needs to be restored after a
procedure call or an interrupt so normal operation can continue. Our processor state consists of
the following:
PC<15..0>: program counter (the PC holds the memory address of the next
IR<15..0>: instruction register (used to hold the current instruction)
Run: one bit run/halt indicator
Strt: start signal
R 8 general purpose registers, each consisting of 16 bits
FALCON-A in a black box
The given figure shows what a processor appears as to a user. We see a start button that is
basically used to start up the processor, and a run indicator that turns on when the processor is in
the running state.
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There may be several other indicators as well. The start button as well as the run indicator can be
observed on many machines.
Using RTL to describe the dynamic properties of the FALCON-A
We have just described some of the static properties of the FALCON-A. The RTL can also be
employed to describe the dynamic behavior of the processor in terms of instruction interpretation
and execution.
Conditional expressions can be specified using the RTL. For instance, we may specify a
conditional subtraction operation employing RTL as
(op=2) : R[ra] ← R[rb] - R[rc];
This instruction means that “if” the operation code of the instruction equals 2 (00010 in binary),
then subtract the value stored in register rc from that of register rb, and store the resulting value
in register ra.
Effective address calculations in RTL (performed at runtime)
The operand or the destination address may not be specified directly in an instruction, and it may
be required to compute the effective address at run-time. Displacement and relative addressing
modes are instances of such situations. RTL can be used to describe these effective address
Displacement address
A displacement address is calculated, as shown:
disp<15..0> := (R[rb]+ (11α c1<4>)© c1<4..0>);
This means that the address is being calculated by adding the constant value specified by the
field c1 (which is first sign extended), to the value specified by the register rb.
Relative address
A relative address is calculated by adding the displacement to the contents of the program
counter register (that holds the instruction to be executed next in a program flow). The constant
is first sign-extended. In RTL this is represented as, rel<15..0>:=PC+(8αc2<7>)©c2<7..0>;
We will now employ the notation that we have learnt to understand the fetch-execute cycle of the
FALCON-A processor.
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instruction_Fetch := (
!Run&Strt : Run ← 1,
Run : (IR ← M[PC], PC ← PC + 2;
instruction_Execution) );
This is how the instruction-fetch phase of the fetch-execute cycle for FALCON-A can be
represented using RTL. Recall that “:=’ is the naming operator, “!” implies a logical NOT, “&”
implies a logical AND, “←” represents a transfer operation, “;” is used to separate sequential
statements, and concurrent statements are separated by “,”. We can observe that in the
instruction_Fetch phase, if the machine is not in the running state and the start bit has been set,
then the run bit is also set to true. Concurrently, an instruction is fetched from the instruction
memory; the program counter (PC) holds the next instruction address, so it is used to refer to the
memory location from where the instruction is to be fetched. Simultaneously, the PC is
incremented by 2 so it will point to the next instruction. (Recall that our instruction word is 2
bytes long, and the instruction memory is organized into 1-byte cells). The next step is the
instruction execution phase. Difference between “,” and “;” in RTL
We again highlight the difference between the “,” and “;”. Statements separated by a “,” take
place during the same clock pulse. In other words, the order of execution of statements separated
by “,” does not matter.
On the other hand, statements separated by a “;” take place on successive clock pulses. In other
words, if statements are separated by “;” the one on the left must complete before the one on the
right starts. However, some things written with one RTL statement can take several clocks to
We return to our discussion of the instruction-fetch phase. The statement
!Run&Strt : Run ← 1
is executed when ‘Run’ is 0, and ‘Strt’ is 1, that is, Strt has been set. It is used to set the Run bit.
No action takes place when both ‘Run’ and ‘Strt’ are 0.
The following two concurrent register transfers are performed when ‘Run’ is set to 1, (as ‘:’ is a
conditional operator; if the condition is met, the specified action is taken).
IR ← M[PC]
PC ← PC + 2
Since these instructions appear concurrent, and one of the instructions is using the value of PC
that the other instruction is updating, a question arises; which of the two values of the PC is used
in the memory access? As a rule, all right hand sides of the register transfers are evaluated before
the left hand side is evaluated/updated. In case of simultaneous register transfers (separated by a
“,”), all the right hand side expressions are evaluated in the same clock-cycle, before they are
assigned. Therefore, the old, un-incremented value of the PC is used in the memory access, and
the incremented value is assigned to the PC afterwards. This corresponds to “master-slave” flip-
flop operation in logic circuits.
This makes the PC point to the next instruction in the instruction memory. Once the instruction
has been fetched, the instruction execution starts. We can also use i.F for
instruction_Fetch and i.E for instruction_Execution. This will make the Fetch operation easy to
iF := ( !Run&Strt : Run ← 1, Run : (IR ← M[PC], PC ← PC + 2; iE ) );
Once an instruction has been fetched from the instruction memory, and the program counter has
been incremented to point to the next instruction in the memory, instruction execution
commences. In the instruction fetch-execute cycle we showed in the preceding discussion, the
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entire instruction execution code was aliased iE (or instruction_Execution), through the
assignment operator “:=”. Now we look at the instruction execution in detail.
iE := (
(op<4..0>= 1) : R[ra] ← R[rb]+ (11α c1<4>)© c1<4..0>,
(op<4..0>= 2) : R[ra] ← R[rb]-R[rc],
(op<4..0>=31) : Run ← 0,); iF );
As we can see, the instruction execution can be described in RTL by using a long list of
concurrent, conditional operators that are
inherently ‘disjoint’. Being inherently disjointed
implies that at any instance, only one of the
conditions can be met; hence one of the
statements is executed. The long list of statements
is basically all of the instructions that are a part of
the FALCON-A instruction set, and the condition
for their execution is related to the operation code
of the instruction fetched. We will take a closer
look at the entire list in our subsequent
discussion. Notice that in the instruction execute
phase, besides the long list of concurrent, disjoint
instructions, there is also the instruction fetch or iF sequenced at the end. This implies that once
one of the instructions from the list is executed, the instruction fetch is called to fetch the next
instruction. As shown before, the instruction fetch will call the instruction execute after fetching
a certain instruction, hence the instruction fetch-execute cycle continues.
The instruction fetch-execute cycle is shown schematically in the above given figure. We now
see how the various instructions in the execute code of the fetch-execute cycle of FALCON-A,
are represented using the RTL. These instructions form the instruction set of the FALCON-A.
Jump instructions
Some of the instructions listed for the instruction execution phase are jump instruction, as shown.
(Note ‘. . .’ implies that more instructions may precede or follow, depending on whether it is
placed before the instructions shown, or after).
iE := (
If op-code is 20, the branch is taken unconditionally (the jump instruction).
(op<4..0>=20) : (cond : (PC ← R[ra]+C2(sign extended)),
If the op-code is 16, the condition for branching is checked, and if the condition is being met, the
branch is taken; otherwise it remains untaken, and normal program flow will continue.
(op<4..0>= 16) : (cond : (PC ← PC+C2 (sign extended ))
Arithmetic and Logical Instructions
Several instructions provide arithmetic and logical operations functionality. Amongst the list of
concurrent instructions of the iE phase, the instructions belonging to this category are
iE := (
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If op-code is 0, the instruction is ‘add’. The values in register rb and rc are added and the result is
stored in register ra
(op<4..0>=0) : R[ra] ← R[rb] + R[rc],
Similarly, if op-code is 1, the instruction is addi; the immediate constant specified by the
constant field C1 is sign extended and added to the value in register rb. The result is stored in the
register ra.
(op<4..0>=1) : R[ra] ←R[rb] + (11α C1<4>)© C1<4..0>,
For op-code 2, value stored in register rc is subtracted from the value stored in register rb, and
the result is stored in register ra.
(op<4..0>=2) : R[ra] ← R[rb] - R[rc],
If op-code is 3, the immediate constant C1 is sign-extended, and subtracted from the value stored
in rb. Result is stored in ra.
(op<4..0>=3) : R[ra] ← R[rb]- (11α C1<4>)© C1<4..0>,
For op-code 4, values of rb and rc register are multiplied and result is stored in the destination
(op<4..0>=4) : R[ra] ← R[rb] * R[rc],
If the op-code is 5, contents of register rb are divided by the value stored in rc, result is
concatenated with 0s, and stored in ra. The remainder is stored in R0.
(op<4..0>=5) : R[ra] ← R[0] ©R[rb]/R[rc],
R[0] ← R[0] ©R[rb]%R[rc],
If op-code equals 8, bit-wise logical AND of rb and rc register contents is assigned to ra.
(op<4..0>=8) : R[ra] ← R[rb] & R[rc],
If op-code equals 8, bit-wise logical OR of rb and rc register contents is assigned to ra.
(op<4..0>=10) : R[ra] ← R[rb] ~ R[c],
For op-code 14, the contents of register specified by field rc are inverted (logical NOT is taken),
and the resulting value is stored in register ra.
(op<4..0>=14) : R[ra] ← ! R[rc],
Shift Instructions
The shift instructions are also a part of the instruction set for FALCON-A, and these are listed in
the instruction execute phase in the RTL as shown.
iE := (
If the op-code is 12, the contents of the register rb are shifted right N bits. N is the number
specified in the constant field. The space that has been created due to the shift out of bits is filled
with 0s through concatenation. In RTL, this is shown as:
(op<4..0>=12) : R[ra]<15..0> ← R [rb]<(15-N)..0>©(Nα0),
If op-code is 13, rb value is shifted left, and 0s are inserted in place of shifted out contents at the
right side of the value. The result is stored in ra.
(op<4..0>=13) : R[ra]<15..0> ← (Nα0)©R [rb]<(15)..N>,
For op-code 15, arithmetic shift right operation is carried out on the value stored in rb. The
arithmetic shift right shifts a signed binary number stored in the source register to the right, while
leaving the sign-bit unchanged. Note that α means replication, and © means concatenation.
(op<4..0>=15) : R[ra]<15..0> ← Nα(R [rb]<15>)© (R [rb]<15..N>),
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Data transfer instructions
Several of the instructions belong to the data transfer category.
iE := (
Op-code 29 specifies the load instruction, i.e. a memory location is referenced and the value
stored in the memory location is copied to the destination register. The effective address of the
memory location to be referenced is calculated by sign extending the immediate field, and
adding it to the value specified by register rb.
(op<4..0>=29) : R[ra]← M[R[rb]+ (11α C1<4>)© C1<4..0>],
A value is stored back to memory from a register using the op-code 28. The effective address in
memory where the value is to be stored is calculated in a similar fashion as the load instruction.
(op<4..0>=28) : M[R[rb]+ (11α C1<4>)© C1<4..0>] ← R [ra],
The move instruction has the op-code 6. The contents of one register are copied to another
register through this instruction.
(op<4..0>=6) : R[ra] ← R[rb],
To store an immediate value (specified by the field C2 of the instruction) in a register, the op-
code 7 is employed. The constant is first sign-extended.
(op<4..0>=7) : R[ra] ← (8αC2<7>)©C2<7..0>,
If the op-code is 24, an input is obtained from a certain input device, and the input word is stored
into register ra. The input device is selected by specifying its address through the constant C2.
Miscellaneous instructions
Some more instruction included in the FALCON-A are
iE := (
The no-operation (nop) instruction, if the op-code is 21. This instructs the processor to do
(op<4..0>= 21) : ,
If the op-code is 31, setting the run bit to 0 halts the processor.
(op<4..0>= 31) : Run ← 0, Halt the processor (halt)
At the end of this concurrent list of instructions, there is an instruction i.F (the instruction fetch).
Hence when an instruction is executed, the next instruction is fetched, and the cycle continues,
unless the processor is halted.
); iF );
(Original version)
Another processor that we are going to study is the EAGLE. We have developed two versions of
it, an original version, and a modified version that takes care of the limitations in the original
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version. The study of multiple processors is going to help us get thoroughly familiar with the
processor design, and the various possible designs for the processor. However, note that these
machines are simplified versions of what a real machine might look like.
The EAGLE is an accumulator-based machine. It is a simple processor that will help us in our
understanding of the processor design process. EAGLE is characterized by the following:
• Eight General Purpose Registers of the CPU. These are named R0, R1…R7. Each
register is 16-bits in length.
• Two 16-bit system registers transparent to the programmer are the Program Counter
(PC) and the Instruction Register (IR). (Being transparent to the programmer implies
the programmer may not directly manipulate the values to these registers. Their usage
is the same as in any other processor)
• Memory word size is 16 bits
• The available memory space size is 216 bytes
• Memory organization is 216 x 8 bits. This means that there are 216 memory cells, each
one byte long.
• Memory is accessed in 16 bit words (i.e., 2 byte chunks)
• Little-endian byte storage is employed.
EAGLE Features
The following features characterize the EAGLE.
• Instruction length is variable. Instructions are either 8 bits or 16 long, i.e., instruction
size is either 8-bits or 16-bits.
• The instructions may have either one or two operands.
• The only way to access memory is through load and store instructions.
• Limited addressing modes are supported
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Type Z
There are four type Z instructions,
• halt(op-code=250)
This instruction halts the processor
• nop(op-code=249)
nop, or the no-operation instruction stalls the processor for the time of execution of a
single instruction. It is useful in pipelining.
• init(op-code=251)
This instruction is used to initialize all the registers, by setting them to 0
• reset(op-code=248)
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This instruction is used to initialize the processor to a known state.In this instruction the
control step counter is set to zero so that the operation begins at the start of the instruction
fetch and besides this PC is also set to a known value so that machine operation begins at
a known instruction.
Type Y
Seven instructions of the processor are of type Y. These are
• add(op-code=11)
The type Y add instruction adds register ra’s contents to register R0. For example, add r1
In the behavioral RTL, we show this as
R[0] ← R[1]+R[0]
• and(op-code=19)
This instruction obtains the logical AND of the value stored in register specified by field
ra and the register R0, and assigns the result to R0, as shown in the example:
and r5
which is represented in RTL as R[0] ← R[1]&R[0]
• div(op-code=16)
This instruction divides the contents of register R0 by the value stored in the register ra,
and assigns result to R0. The remainder is stored in the divisor register, as shown in
div r6
In RTL, this is
R[0] ← R[0]/R[6]
R[6] ← R[0]%R[6]
• or (op-code=21)
The or instruction obtains the bit-wise OR of the operand register’s and R0’s value, and
assigns it back to R0. An example,
or r5
R[0] ← R[0] ~ R[5]
• sub (op-code=12)
The sub instruction subtracts the value of the operand register from R0 value, assigning it
back to register R0. Example:
sub r7
In RTL: R[0] ← R[0] – R[7]
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Type X
Only one instruction falls under this type. It is the ‘mov’ instruction that is useful for register
• mov (op-code = 0)
The contents of one register are copied to the destination register ra.
Example: mov r5, r1
RTL Notation: R[5]← R[1]
Type W
Again, only one instruction belongs to this type. It is the branch instruction
• br (op-code = 252)
This is the unconditional branch instruction, and the branch target is specified by the 8-bit
immediate field. The branch is taken by incrementing the PC with the new value. Hence
it is a ‘near’ jump. For instance,
br 14
PC ← PC+14
Most of the instructions of the processor EAGLE are of the format type V. These are
• addi (op-code = 13)
The addi instruction adds the immediate value to the register ra, by first sign-extending
the immediate value. The result is also stored in the register ra. For example,
addi r4, 31
In behavioral RTL, this is
R[4] ← R[4]+(8αc<7>)©c<7…0>;
• andi (op-code = 20 )
Logical ‘AND’ of the immediate value and register ra value is obtained when this
instruction is executed, and the result is assigned back to register ra. An example, andi r6,
R[6] ← R[6] &1
• in (op-code=29)
This instruction is to read in a word from an IO device at the address specified by the
immediate field, and store it in the register ra. For instance,
in r1, 45
In RTL this is
R[1] ← IO[45]
• load (op-code=8)
The load instruction is to load the memory word into the register ra. The immediate field
specifies the location of the memory word to be read. For instance,
load r3, 6
R[3] ← M[6]
• brn (op-code = 28)
Upon the brn instruction execution, the value stored in register ra is checked, and if it is
negative, branch is taken by incrementing the PC by the immediate field value. An
example is
brn r4, 3
In RTL, this may be written as if R[4]<0, PC ← PC+3
• brnz (op-code = 25 )
For a brnz instruction, the value of register ra is checked, and if found non-zero, the PC-
relative branch is taken, as shown in the example,
brnz r6, 12 Which, in RTL is
if R[6]!=0, PC ← PC+12
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• brp (op-code=27)
brp is the ‘branch if positive’. Again, ra value is checked and if found positive, the PC-
relative near jump is taken, as shown in the example:
brp r1, 45
In RTL this is
if R[1]>0, PC ← PC+45
• brz (op-code=8)
In this instruction, the value of register ra is checked, and if it equals zero, PC-relative
branch is taken, as shown,
brz r5, 8
if R[5]=0, PC ← PC+8
• loadi (op-code=9)
The loadi instruction loads the immediate constant into the register ra, for instance,
loadi r5,54 R[5] ← 54
• ori (op-code=22)
The ori instruction obtains the logical ‘OR’ of the immediate value with the ra register
value, and assigns it back to the register ra, as shown,
ori r7, 11 In RTL,
R[7] ← R[7]~11
• out (op-code=30)
The out instruction is used to write a register word to an IO device, the address of which is
specified by the immediate constant. For instance,
out 32, r5
In RTL, this is represented by IO[32] ← R[5]
• shiftl (op-code=17)
This instruction shifts left the contents of the register ra, as many times as is specified
through the immediate constant of the instruction. For example: shiftl r1, 6
• shiftr( op-code=18)
This instruction shifts right the contents of the register ra, as many times as is specified
through the immediate constant of the instruction. For example: shiftr r2, 5
• store (op-code=10)
The store instruction stores the value of the ra register to a memory location specified by
the immediate constant. An example is,
store r4, 34
RTL description of this instruction is M[34] ← R[4]
• subi (op-code=14)
The subi instruction subtracts the immediate constant from the value of register ra,
assigning back the result to the register ra. For instance,
subi r3, 13
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The notation that is employed for the
study of the modified EAGLE is the
same as the original EAGLE processor.
Recall that we know that:
Enclosing the register name in square
brackets refers to register contents; for
instance, R [3] means contents of register
Enclosing the location address in square
brackets, preceded by ‘M’, lets us refer
to memory contents. Hence M [8]
means contents of memory location 8.
As little endian storage is employed, a memory word at address x is defined as the 16
bits at address x+1 and x. For instance, the bits at memory location 9,8 define the
memory word at location 8. So employing the special notation for 16-bit memory words,
we have
Where © is used to represent concatenation
The memory word access and copy to a
register is shown in the figure.
The following features characterize the
modified EAGLE processor.
• Instruction length is variable. Instructions
are either 8 bits or 16 long, i.e.,
instruction size is either half a word or 1
• The instructions may have either one or
two operands.
• The only way to access memory is
through load and store instructions
• Limited addressing modes are supported
Note that these properties are the same as the
original EAGLE processor
Instruction formats
There are four instruction format types in the modified EAGLE processor as well. These are
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The encoding for the eight GPRs is shown in the table. These are binary codes assigned to the
registers that will be used in place of the ra, rb in the actual instructions of the modified processor
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Lecture No. 10
The FALCON-E and ISA Comparison
Reading Material
Handouts Slides
• Instruction Set Architecture Comparison
FALCON stands for First Architecture for Learning Computer Organization and Networks. We
are already familiar with our example processor, the FALCON-A, which was the first version of
the FALCON processor. In this section we will develop a new version of the processor. Like its
predecessor, the FALCON-E is a General-Purpose Register machine that is simple, yet is able to
elucidate the fundamentals of computer design and architecture.
The FALCON-E is characterized by the following
• Eight General Purpose Registers
(GPRs), named R0, R1…R7. Each
registers is 4 bytes long (32-bit
• Two special purposes registers,
named BP and SP. These registers
are also 32-bit in length.
• Two special registers, the Program
Counter (PC) and the Instruction
Register (IR). PC points to the next
instruction to be executed, and the
IR holds the current instruction.
• Memory word size is 32 bits (4 bytes).
• Memory space is 232 bytes
• Memory is organized as 1-byte cells, and hence it is 232 x 8 bits.
• Memory is accessed in 32-bit words (4-byte chunks, or 4 consecutive cells)
• Byte storage format is little endian.
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Memory contents (or the memory location) can be referred to in a similar way. Therefore, M[8]
means contents of memory location 8.
A memory word is stored in the memory in the little endian format. This means that the least
significant byte is stored first (or the little end comes first!). For instance, a memory word at
address 8 is defined as the 32 bits at addresses 11, 10, 9, and 8 (little-endian). So we can employ
a special notation to refer to the memory words. Again, we will employ © as the concatenation
operator. In our notation for the FALCON-E, the memory word stored at address 8 is represented
The shown figure will make this easier to understand.
FALCON-E Features
The following features characterize the FALCON-E
• Fixed instruction size, which is 32 bits. So the instruction size is 1 word.
• All ALU instructions have three operands
• Memory access is possible only through the load and store instructions. Also, only a
limited addressing modes are supported by the FALCON-E
Type B instructions
The type B instructions also have 5 bits (27 through 31) reserved for the op-code. There is a
register operand field, ra, and an immediate or displacement field in addition to the op-code field.
Type C instructions
Type C instructions have the 5-bit op-code field, two 3-bit operand registers (rb is the source
register, ra is the destination register), a 17-bit immediate or displacement field, as well as a 3-bit
function field. The function field is used to differentiate between instructions that may have the
same op-code, but different operations.
Type D instructions
Type D instructions have the 5-bit op-code field, three 3-bit operand registers, 14 bits are unused,
and a 3-bit function field.
There are two more special registers that we need to represent; the SP and the BP. We will use
these registers in place of the operand register rb in the load and store instructions only, and
therefore, we may encode these as
Type A instructions
Four instructions of the FALCON-E belong to type A. These are
• nop (op-code = 0)
This instruction instructs the processor to do nothing. It is generally useful in pipelining.
We will study more on pipelining later in the course.
• ret (op-code = 15)
The return instruction is used to return control to the normal flow of a program after an
interrupt or a procedure call concludes
• iret (op-code = 17)
The iret instruction instructs the processor to return control to the address specified by
the immediate field of the instruction. Setting the program counter to the specified
address returns control.
• near jmp (op-code = 18)
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A near jump is a PC-relative jump. The PC value is incremented (or decremented) by the
immediate field value to take the jump.
Type B instructions
Five instructions belong to the type B format of instructions. These are:
• push (op-code = 8)
This instruction is used to push the contents of a register onto the stack. For instance, the
push R4
will push the contents of register R4 on top of the stack
• pop (op-code = 9)
The pop instruction is used to pop a value from the top of the stack, and the value is read
into a register. For example, the instruction
pop R7
will pop the upper-most element of the stack and store the value in register R7
• ld (op-code = 10)
This instruction with op-code (10) loads a memory word from the address specified by
the immediate filed value. This word is brought into the operand register ra. For example,
the instruction,
ld R7, 1254h
will load the contents of the memory at the address 1254h into the register R7.
• st (op-code = 12)
The store instruction of (opcode 12) stores a value contained in the register operand into
the memory location specified by the immediate operand field. For example, in
st R7, 1254h
the contents of register R7 are saved to the memory location 1254h.
Type C instructions
There are four data transfer instructions, as well as nine ALU instructions that belong to type C
instruction format of the FALCON-E. The data transfer instructions are
• lds (op-code = 4)
The load instruction with op-code (4)loads a register from the memory, after calculating
the address of the memory location that is to be accessed. The effective address of the
memory location to be read is calculated by adding the immediate value to the value
stored by the register rb. For instance, in the example below, the immediate value 56 is
added to the value stored by the register R4, and the resultant value is the address of the
memory location which is read
lds R3, R4(56)
In RTL, this can be shown as
R [3] ← M[R [4]+56]
• sts (op-code = 5)
This instruction is used to store the register contents to the memory location, by first
calculating the effective memory address. The address calculation is similar to the lds
instruction. An example:
sts R3, R4 (56)
In RTL, this is shown as
M[R [4]+56] ← R [3]
• in (op-code = 6)
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This instruction is to load a register from an input/output device. The effective address of
the I/O device has to be calculated before it is accessed to read the word into the
destination register ra, as shown in the example:
in R5, R4(100)
R[5] ← IO[R[4]+100]
• out (op-code = 7)
This instruction is used to write / store the register contents into an input/output device.
Again, the effective address calculation has to be carried out to evaluate the destination I/O
address before the write can take place. For example,
out R8, R6 (36)
RTL representation of this is IO[R [6]+36] ← R [8]
Type D Instructions
Four of the instructions that belong to this instruction format type are the ALU instructions
shown below. There are other instructions of this type as well, listed in the tables at the end of
this section.
• add (op-code = 1)
This instruction is used to add two numbers. The numbers are stored in the registers
specified by rb and rc. Result is stored into register ra. For instance, the instruction, add
R3, R5, R6
adds the numbers in register R5, R6, storing the result in R3. In RTL, this is given by R
[3] ← R [5] + R [6]
• sub (op-code = 1)
This instruction is used to carry out 2’s complement subtraction. Again, register
addressing mode is used, as shown in the example instruction
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sub R3, R5, R6
RTL representation of this is R[3] ← R[5] - R[6]
• and (op-code = 1)
For carrying out logical AND operation on the values stored in registers, this instruction
is employed. For instance
and R8, R3, R4
In RTL, we can write this as R [8] ← R [3] & R [4]
• or (op-code = 1)
For evaluating logical OR of values stored in two registers, we use this instruction. An
example is
or R8, R3, R4
In RTL, this is
R [8] ← R [3] ~ R [4]
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Instruction Length
With reference to the instruction lengths in a particular ISA, there are two decisions to be made;
whether the instruction will be fixed in length or variable, and what will be the instruction length
or the range (in case of variable instruction lengths).
Instruction Length
The required instruction length mainly depends on the number of instruction required to be in the
instruction set of a processor (the greater the number of instructions supported, the more bits are
required to encode the operation code), the size of the register file (greater the number of
registers in the register file, more is the number of bits required to encode these in an
instruction), the number of operands supported in instructions (as obviously, it will require more
bits to encode a greater number of operands in an instruction), the size of immediate operand
field (the greater the size, the more the range of values that can be specified by the immediate
operand) and finally, the code density (which implies how many instructions can be encoded in a
given number of bits). A summary of the instruction lengths of our processors is given in the
table below.
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Explicit operand specification in an instruction gives flexibility in storage. Implicit operands like
an accumulator or a stack reduces the instruction size, as they need not be coded into the
instruction. Instructions of the processor EAGLE have implicit operands, and we saw that the
result is automatically stored in the accumulator, without the accumulator being specified as a
destination operand in the instruction.
Memory specifications
Memory design is an integral part of the processor design. We need to decide on the memory
space that will be available to the processor, how the memory will be organized, memory word
size, memory access bus width, and the storage format used to store words in memory. The
memory specifications for the processor under comparison are:
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Following are the data transfer instructions included in the instruction sets of our processors.
• A register’s contents can be loaded into another register via memory. First storing the
content of a register to a particular memory location, and then reading the contents of the
memory from that location into the register we want to copy the value to can achieve this.
However, this method is very inefficient, as it requires memory accesses, which are
inherently slow operations.
• A better method is to use the addi instruction with the constant set to 0.
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Register to memory
EAGLE has instructions to load values from memory to the special purpose register, names the
accumulator, as well as saving values from the accumulator to memory. Other register to
memory transfers is not possible in the EAGLE processor. FALCON-A, FALOCN-E and the
SRC have simple load, store instructions and all register-memory transfers are supported.
Memory to memory
In any of the processors under study, memory-to-memory transfers are not supported.
However, in other processors, these may be a possibility.
Conditional Branches
Whereas jumps, calls and call returns changes the control flow in a specific order, branches
depend on some conditions; if the conditions are met, the branch may be taken, otherwise the
program flow may continue linearly. The branch conditions may be specified by any of the
following methods:
• Condition codes
• Condition register
• Comparison and branching
Condition codes
The ALU may contain some special bits (also called flags), which may have been set (or raised)
under some special circumstances. For instance, a flag may be raised if there is an overflow in
the addition results of two register values, or if a number is negative. An instruction can then be
ordered in the program that may change the flow depending on any of these flag’s values. The
EAGLE processor uses these condition codes for branch condition evaluation.
Condition register
A special register is required to act as a branch register, and any other arbitrary register (that is
specified in the branch instruction), is compared against that register, and the branching decision
is based on the comparison result of these two registers. None of the processors under our study
use this mode of conditional branching.
Size of jumps
Jumps are deviations from the linear program flow by a specified constant. All our processors,
except the SRC, support PC-relative jumps. The displacement (or the jump) relative to the PC is
specified by the constant field in the instruction. If the constant field is wider (i.e. there are more
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bits reserved for the constant field in the instruction), the jump can be of a larger magnitude.
Shown table specifies the displacement size for various processors.
Addressing Modes
All processors support a variety of addressing modes. An addressing mode is the method by
which architectures specify the address of an object they will access. The object may be a
constant, a register or a location in memory.
Common addressing modes are
• Immediate
An immediate field may be provided in instructions, and a constant value may be given in
this immediate field, e.g. 123 is an immediate value.
• Register
A register may contain the value we refer to in an instruction, for instance, register R4
may contain the value being referred to.
• Direct
By direct addressing mode, we mean the constant field may specify the location of the
memory we want to refer to. For instance, [123] will directly refer to the memory
location 123’s contents.
• Register Indirect
A register may contain the address of memory location to which we want to refer to, for
example, M [R3].
• Displacement
In this addressing mode, the constant value specified by the immediate field is added to
the register value, and the resultant is the index of memory location that is referred to,
e.g. M [R3+123]
• Relative
Relative addressing mode implies PC-relative addressing, for example, [PC+123] will
refer to the memory location that is 123 words farther than the memory index currently
stored in the program counter.
• Indexed or scaled
The values contained in two registers are added and the resultant value is the index to the
memory location we refer to, in the indexed addressing mode. For example, M
[[R1]+[R2]]. In the scaled addressing mode, a register value may be scaled as it is added
to the value of the other register to obtain the index of memory location to be referred to.
• Auto increment/ decrement
In the auto increment mode, the value held in a register is used as the index to memory
location that holds the value of operand. After the operand’s value is retrieved, the
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register value is automatically increased by 1 (or by any specified constant). e.g. M
[R4]+, or M [R4]+d. In the auto decrement mode, the register value is first decremented
and then used as a reference to the memory location that referred to in the instruction, e.g.
-M [R4].
As may be obvious to the reader, some of these addressing modes are quite simple, others are
relatively complex. The complex addressing modes (such as the indexed) reduce the instruction
count (thus improving code density), at the cost of more complex implementation.
The given table lists the addressing modes supported by the processors we are studying. Note
that the register-addressing mode is a special case of the relative addressing mode, with the
constant equal to 0, and only the PC can be used as a source. Also note that, in the shown table,
relative implies PC-relative.
purpose processors. Some other modes such as the indexed based plus index, scaled and register
indirect are all slightly modified forms of the displacement-addressing mode. The size of
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displacement plays a key role in efficient address calculation. The following table specifies the
size of the displacement field in different processors under study. The given table lists the size of
the immediate field in our processors.
The following tables list the assembly language instruction codes of these common instructions
for all the processors under comparison.
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There is only one instruction unique to the FALCON-A processor;
• ret
This instruction is used to return control to a calling procedure. The calling procedure
may save the PC value in a register ra, and when this instruction is called, the PC value is
restored. In RTL, we write this as
PC R [ra];
The instructions unique to the FALCON-E processor are listed:
• push
To push the contents of a specified general purpose register to the stack
• pop
To pop the value that is at the top of the stack
• ldr
To load a register with memory contents using displacement addressing mode
• str
To store a register value into memory, using displacement addressing mode
• bl
To branch if source operand is less than target address
• bg
To branch if source operand is greater than target address
• muli
To multiply an immediate value with a value stored in a register
• divi
To divide a register value by the immediate value
• xor, xori
To evaluate logical ‘exclusive or’
• ror, rori
Following are the instructions that are unique to the SRC processor, among of the processors
under study
• ldr
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To load register from memory using PC-relative address
• lar
To load a register with a word from memory using relative address
• str
To store register value to memory using relative address
• brlnv
This instruction is to tell the processor to ‘never branch’ at that point in program. The
instruction saves the program counter’s contents to the register specified
• brlpl
This instruction instructs the processor to branch to the location specified by a register
given in the instruction, if the condition register’s value is positive. Return address is
saved before branching.
• brlmi
This instruction instructs the processor to branch to the location specified by a register
given in the instruction, if the condition register’s value is negative. Return address is
saved before branching.
• brlzr
This instruction instructs the processor to branch to the location specified by a register
given in the instruction, if the condition register’s value equals zero. Return address is
saved before branching.
• brlnz
This instruction instructs the processor to branch to the location specified by a register
given in the instruction, if the condition register’s value does not equal zero. Return
address is saved before branching.
Problem Comparison
Given is the code for a simple C statement:
The given table gives its implementation in all the four processors under comparison. Note that
this table highlights the code density for each of the processors; EAGLE, which has relatively
fewer specialized instructions, and so it takes more instructions to carry out this operation as
compared with the rest of the processors
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Advance Computer Architecture – CS501
Lecture No. 11
Reading Material
Vincent P. Heuring & Harry F. Jordan Chapter 3
Computer Systems Design and Architecture 3.3, 3.4
• A CISC microprocessor:The Motorola MC68000
• A RISC Architecture:The SPARC
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Advance Computer Architecture – CS501
Lecture No. 12
CPU Design
Reading Material
Vincent P. Heuring & Harry F. Jordan Chapter 4
Computer Systems Design and Architecture 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
• The design process
• A Uni-Bus implementation for the SRC
• Structural RTL for the SRC instructions
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During the design procedure we specify the implementation details at an advanced level. These
details can affect the clock cycle per instruction and the clock cycle time. Hence following things
should be kept in mind during the design phase.
• Effect on overall performance
• Amount of control hardware
• Development time
Processor Design
Let us take a look at the steps involved in the processor design procedure.
1. ISA Design
The first step in designing a processor is the specification of the instruction set of the processor.
ISA design includes decisions involving number and size of instructions, formats, addressing
modes, memory organization and the programmer’s view of the CPU i.e. the number and size of
general and special purpose registers.
2. Behavioral RTL Description
In this step, the behavior of processor in response to the specific instructions is described in
register transfer language. This abstract description is not bound to any specific implementation
of the processor. It presents only those static (registers) and dynamic aspects (operations) of the
machine that are necessary to understand its functionality. The unit of activity here is the
instruction execution unlike the clock cycle in actual case. The functionality of all the
instructions is described here in special register transfer notation.
3. Implementation of the Data Path
The data path design involves decisions like the placement and interconnection of various
registers, the type of flip-flops to be used and the number and kind of the interconnection buses.
All these decisions affect the number and speed of register transfers during an operation. The
structure of the ALU and the design of the memory-to-CPU interface also need to be decided at
this stage. Then there are the control signals that form the interface between the data path and the
control unit. These control signals move data onto buses, enable and disable flip-flops, specify
the ALU functions and control the buses and memory operations. Hence an integral part of the
data path design is the seamless embedding of the control signals into it.
4. Structural RTL Description
In accordance with the chosen data path implementation, the structural RTL for every instruction
is described in this step. The structural RTL is formed according to the proposed micro-
architecture which includes many hidden temporary registers necessary for instruction execution.
Since the structural RTL shows the actual implementation steps, it should satisfy the time and
space requirements of the CPU as specified by the clocking interval and the number of registers
and buses in the data path.
5. Control Unit Design
The control unit design is a rather tricky process as it involves timing and synchronization issues
besides the usual combinational logic used in the data path design. Additionally, there are two
different approaches to the control unit design; it can be either hard-wired or micro-programmed.
However, the task can be made simpler by dividing the design procedure into smaller steps as
a) Analyze the structural RTL and prepare a list of control signals to be activated during the
execution of each RTL statement.
b) Develop logic circuits necessary to generate the control signals
c) Tie everything together to complete the design of the control unit.
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Processor Design
A Uni-bus Data Path Implementation for the SRC
In this section, we will discuss the uni-bus implementation of the data path for the SRC. But
before we go onto the design phase, we will discuss what a data path is. After the discussion of
the data path design, we will discuss the timing step generation, which makes possible the
synchronization of the data path functions.
2. MAR
The Memory Address Register takes input from the ALSU as the address of the memory location
to be accessed and transfers the memory contents on that location onto the memory sub-system.
3. MBR
The Memory Buffer Register has a bi-directional connection with both the memory sub-system
and the registers and ALSU. It holds the data during its transmission to and from memory.
4. PC
The Program Counter holds the address of the next instruction to be executed. Its value is
incremented after loading of each instruction. The value in PC can also be changed based on a
branch decision in ALSU. Therefore, it has a bi-directional connection with the internal
processor bus.
5. IR
The Instruction Register holds the
instruction that is being executed. The
instruction fields are extracted from the IR
and transferred to the appropriate registers
according to the external circuitry (not
shown in this diagram).
6. Registers A and C
The registers A and C are required to hold
an operand or result value while the bus is
busy transmitting some other value. Both
these registers are programmer invisible.
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There is a 32-bit Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit, as shown in the diagram. It takes input from
memory or registers via the bus, computes the result according to the control signals applied to it,
and places it in the register C, from where it is finally transferred to its destination.
Timing Step Generator To ensure the correct and controlled execution of instructions in a
program, and all the related operations, a timing device is required. This is to ensure that the
operations of essentially different instructions do not mix up in time. There exists a ‘timing step
generator’ that provides mutually exclusive and sequential timing intervals. This is analogous to
the clock cycles in the actual processor. A possible implementation of the timing step generator
is shown in the figure.
Each mutually exclusive step is carried out in one timing interval. The timing intervals can be
named T0, T1…T7. The given figure is helpful in understanding the ‘mutual exclusiveness in
time’ of these timing intervals.
Processor design
Structural RTL descriptions of selected SRC
Structural RTL for the SRC
The structural RTL describes how a
particular operation is performed using a
specific hardware implementation. In order
to present the structural RTL we assume that
there exists a “timing step generator”, which
provides mutually exclusive and sequential
timing intervals, analogous to the clock cycles in actual processor.
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carried out at the ALSU, and control signal to allow only the instruction-specified destination
register to read the result value from the data bus.
The table shown outlines these steps for the instruction: not ra, rb
Again, the first three time steps are for the instruction fetch. Next, the first operand is brought into
ALSU in step T3 through register A. The step T4 is of interest here as the second operand c2 is
extracted from the instruction in IR register, sign extended to 32 bits, added to the first operand
and written into the result register C. The execution of instruction completes in step T5 when the
result is written into the destination register. The sign extension is assumed to be carried out in
the ALSU as no separate extension unit is provided.
Sign extension for 17-bit c2 is the same as:(15αIR<16> ©IR<16..0>)
Sign extension for 22-bit c1 is the same
as:(10αIR<21> ©IR<21..0>)
The given table outlines the time steps for the
instruction addi:
Other instructions that have the same structural
RTL are subi, andi and ori.
RTL for the load (ld) and store (st) instructions
The syntax of load instructions is:
ld ra, c2(rb)
And the syntax of store instructions is:
st ra, c2(rb)
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Advance Computer Architecture – CS501
Lecture No. 13
Structural RTL Description of the FALCON-A
Reading Material
Vincent P. Heuring & Harry F. Jordan Computer Systems Design and Chapter 4
Architecture 4.2.2, slides
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Comparing the uni-bus implementation of FALCON-A with that of SRC results in the
following differences:
• FALCON-A processor bus
has 16 lines or is 16-bits
wide while that of SRC is
32-bits wide.
• All registers of FALCON-
A are of 16-bits while in
case of SRC all registers
are 32-bits.
• Number of registers in
FALCON-A are 8 while in
SRC the number of
registers is 32.
• Special registers i.e.
Program Counter (PC) and
Instruction Register (IR) are 16-bit registers while
• in SRC these are 32-bits.
• Memory Address Register (MAR) and Memory Buffer Register (MBR) are also of 16-bits
while in SRC these are of 32-bits.
• MAR and MBR are dual port registers. At one side they are connected to internal bus and
at other side to external memory in order to point to a particular address for reading or
writing data from or to the memory and MBR would get the data from the memory.
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In FALCON-A, the number of conditional jumps is more than in SRC. Some of which are shown
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Lecture No. 14
Reading Material
Handouts Slides
In the case of a constant, variable, an address or (label-PC) the jump ranges from –128 to 127
because of the restriction on 8-bit constant c2. Now, for example if we have jump [r0+a], it
means jump to a. On the other hand if we have jump [– r2] that is not allowed by the assembler.
The target address should be even because we have each instruction with 2 bytes. So the types
available for the un-conditional jumps are either direct, indirect, PC-relative or register relative.
In the case of direct jump the constant c2 would define the target address and in the case of
indirect jump constant c2 would define the indirect location of memory from where we could
find out the address to jump. While in the case of PC-relative if the contents of register ra are
zero then we have near jump and the type of jump for this would be PC-relative. If ra is not be
zero then we have a far jump and the contents of register ra will be added with the constant c2
after sign-extension to determine the jump address.
c2 is computed by sign extending the constant, variable, address or (label-PC)
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Structural RTL for the mov instruction
mov ra, rb
In mov instruction the data in register
rb, which is the source register, is to be
moved in the register ra, which is the
destination register. In first three steps,
mov instruction is fetched. In step T3
the contents of register rb are placed in
buffer register C through the ALSU
unit while in step T4 the buffer register C transfers the data to register ra through internal uni-
Structural RTL for the mov immediate instruction
movi ra, c2
In this instruction ra is the destination
register and constant c2 is to be moved in
the ra. First three steps would fetch the
move immediate instruction. In step T3
we would take the constant c2 and place
it into the buffer register C. Buffer
register C is 16-bit register and c2 is 8-bit
constant so we need to concatenate the remaining leftmost bits with the sign bit which is bit ‘7’
shown within angle brackets. This sign bit which is the most significant bit would be ‘1’ if the
number is negative and ‘0’ if the number is positive. So depending upon this sign bit the
remaining 8-bits are replicated with this sign bit to make a 16-bit constant to be placed in the
buffer register C. In step T4 the contents of C are taken to the destination register ra.
In case of FALCON-A, ‘in’ and ‘out’ instructions are present which are not present in the SRC
processor. So, for this we assume that there would be interconnection with the input and output
addresses up to 0..255.
Structural RTL for the in instruction
in ra, c2
First three steps would fetch the
instruction In step T3 we take the IO
[c2] which indicates that go to IO
address indicated by c2 which is a
positive constant in this case and then
data would be taken to the buffer
register C. In step T4 we would transfer the data from C to the destination register ra.
Structural RTL for the out instruction
out ra, c2
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instruction is just opposite to the ‘in’ instruction.
Structural RTL for the call instruction
call ra, rb
In this instruction we need to give the control
to the procedure, sub-routine or to another
address specified in the program. First three
steps would fetch the call instruction. In step
T3 we store the present contents of PC in to
the buffer register C and then from C we
transfer the data to the register ra in step T4.
As a result register ra would contain the
original contents of PC and this would be a
pointer to come back after executing the sub-
routine and it would be later used by a return
instruction. In step T5 we take the contents
of register rb, which would actually indicate
to the point where we want to go. So in step
T6 the contents of C are placed in
PC and as a result PC would indicate the position in the memory from where new execution has
to begin.
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Example Problem
(a) What will be the logic levels on the external FALCON-A buses when each of the given
FALCON-A instruction is executing on the processor? Complete the table given. All numbers are in
the decimal number system, unless noted otherwise.
(b) Specify memory-addressing modes for each of the FALCON-A instructions given.
For this particular example we will assume that all memory contents are properly aligned, i.e.
memory addresses start at address divisible by 2.
PC= C348h
This table contains a partial memory map showing the addresses and the corresponding data
The next table shows the register map showing the contents of all the CPU registers.
Another important thing to note is that memory storage is big-endian.
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In this table the second column contains the RTL descriptions of the instructions. We have to
specify the address bus and data bus contents for each instruction execution. For load instruction
the contents of register r5+12 are placed on the address bus. From register map shown in the
previous table we can see that the contents of r5 are 1234h. Now contents of r5 are added with
displacement value 12 in decimal .In other words the address bus will carry the hexadecimal
value 1234h+ Ch = 1240h.Now for load instruction, the contents of memory location at address
1240h will be placed on the data bus. From the memory map shown in the previous table we can
see that memory location 1240h contains 785h. Now to read this data from this location, MRead
control signal will be activated shown by 1 in the next column and MWrite would be 0.Similarly
RTL description is given for the 2nd instruction. In this instruction, only registers are involved so
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there is no need to activate external bus. So data bus, address bus and control bus columns will
contain ‘?’ or ‘unknown’. The next instruction is jump. Here PC is incremented by the jump
offset, which is 52 in this case. As before, the external bus will remain inactive and control
signals will be zero. The next instruction is store. Its RTL description is given. For store
instruction, the register contents have to be placed at memory location addressed by R [3] +17.
As this is a memory write operation, the MWrite will be 1 and MRead will be zero. Now the
effective address will be determined by adding the contents of R [3] with the displacement value
17 after its conversion to the hexadecimal. The resulting effective address would be C300h. In
this way we can complete the table for other instructions.
Addressing Modes
This table lists the addressing mode for each instruction given in the previous example.
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Advance Computer Architecture – CS501
Lecture No. 15
Logic Design and Control Signals Generation in SRC
Reading Material
Vincent P. Heuring & Harry F. Jordan Chapter 4
Computer Systems Design and Architecture 4.4
• Logic Design for the Uni-bus SRC
• Control Signals Generation in SRC
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Advance Computer Architecture – CS501
that the control signals for successive time slots are activated in sequence. If a particular control
signal is not shown, its value is zero.
As shown in the Table: 1, some control signals are to let register values to be written onto buses,
or read from the buses. Similarly, some signals are required to read/ write memory contents onto
the bus. The memory is assumed to be fast enough to respond during a given time slot; if that is
not true, wait states have to be inserted. We require four control signals to be issued in the time
step T0:
PCout: This control signal allows the contents of the Program Counter register to be
written onto the internal processor bus.
LMAR: This signal enables write onto the memory address register (MAR), thus the
value of PC that is on the bus, is copied into this register
INC4: It lets the PC value to be incremented by 4 in the ALSU, and result to be stored in
C. Notice that the value of PC has been received by the ALSU as an operand. This
control signal allows the constant 4 to be added to it. The ALSU is assumed to include an
INC4 function
LC: This enables the input to the register C for writing the incremented value of PC onto
During the time step T1, the following control signals are applied:
LMBR: This enables the “write” for the register MBR. When this signal is activated,
whatever value is on the bus, can be written into the MBR.
MRead: Allow memory word to be gated from the external CPU data bus into the MBR.
MARout: This signal enables the tri-state buffers at the output of MAR.
Cout: This will enable writing of the contents of register C onto the processor’s internal
data bus.
LPC: This will enable the input to the PC for receiving a value that is currently on the
internal processor bus. Thus the PC will receive an incremented value.
At the final time step, T2, of the instruction fetch phase, the following control signals are
MBRout: To enable the tri-state buffers with the MBR.
LIR: To allow the IR read the value from the internal bus. Thus the instruction stored in
the MBR is read into the Instruction Register (IR).
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how the control signals in mutually exclusive time steps will allow the coordinated working of
instruction fetch cycle.
Similar control signals will allow the instruction execution as well. We have already mentioned
the external CPU buses that read from the memory and write back to it. In the given figure, we
had not shown these external (address and data buses) in detail. Fig.2 will help us understand this
external interface.
Example problem:
(a) What will be the logic levels on the external SRC buses when each of the given SRC
instruction is executing on the processor? Complete Table: 2. all numbers are in the decimal
number system, unless noted otherwise.
(b) Specify memory addressing modes for each of the SRC instructions given in Table: 2.
Table 2
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• All memory content is aligned properly.
In other words, all the memory accesses start at addresses divisible by 4. Value in the PC =
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* Relative addressing is always PC relative in the SRC
*** Displacement addressing mode is the same as Based or Indexed in the SRC. It is also
the same as Register Relative addressing mode
Register connections
The register file containing the General Purpose Registers is programmer visible. Instructions
may refer to any of these registers, as source operands in an operation or as the destination
registers. Appropriate circuitry is needed to enable the specified register for read/ write.
Intuitively, we can tell that we require connections of the register to the CPU internal bus, and
we need control signals that will enable specified registers to be read/ write enabled as a
corresponding instruction is decoded. Fig.8 illustrates the register connections and the control
signals generation in the uni-bus data path of the SRC. We can see from this figure that the ra, rb
and rc fields of the Instruction Register specify the destination and source registers. The control
signals RAE, RBE and RCE can be applied to select any of the ra, rb or rc field respectively to
apply its contents to the input of 5-to-32 decoder. Through the decoder, we get the signal for the
specific register to be accessed. The BUS2R control signal is activated if it is desired to write
into the register. On the other hand, if the register contents are to be written to the bus, the
control signal R2BUS is activated.
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In this alternate circuitry, there is a separate 5-to-32 decoder for each of the register fields of the
instruction register. The output of these decoders is allowed to be read out and enables the
decoded register, if the control signal (RAE, RBE or RCE) is active.
At time step T3, the control RBE is applied, which will enable the register rb to write its contents
onto the internal CPU bus, as it is decoded. The writing from the register onto the bus is enabled by
the control signal R2BUS. Control signal LA allows the bus contents to be transferred to the register
A (which will supply it to the ALSU). At time step T4, the control signals applied are RCE, R2BUS,
ADD, LC, to respectively enable the register rc, enable the register to write onto the internal CPU
bus (which will supply the second operand to the ALSU from the bus), select the add function of the
ALSU (which will add the values) and enable register C (so the result of the addition operation is
stored in the register C). Similarly in T5, signals Cout, RAE and BUS2R are activated.
Sign extension
The table shows that the control signals for the addi instruction are the same as the add
instruction, except in the time step T4. At this time step, the control signals that are applied are
c2out, ADD and LC, to respectively do the following:
Enable the read of the constant c2 (which is sign extended) onto the internal processor bus. Add
the values using the ALSU and finally assign the result to register C by enabling write for this
Note that, by default, the value of register R0 is 0 in some cases. So, when the selected register
turns out to be 0 (as rb field is 0), the line connecting the output of the register R0 is not enabled,
and instead a hardwired 0 is output from the tri-state buffer onto the CPU internal bus. An
alternate circuitry for achieving the same is shown in the Fig.12.
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RBE is issued to allow the register rb value to be read R2BUS to allow the bus to read from the
selected register
LA to allow write onto the register A. This will allow the CPU bus contents to be written to the
register A.
At step T4 the control signals are:
c2out to allow the sign extended value of field c2 to be written to the internal CPU bus ADD to
instruct the ALSU to perform the add function.
LC to let the result of the ALSU function be stored in register C by enabling write of register C.
Control signals issued at step T5:
Cout is to read the register C, this copies the value in C to the internal CPU bus.
LMAR to enable write of the Memory Address Register (which will copy the value present on
the bus to MAR). This is the effective address of memory location that is to be accessed to read
(load) the memory word.
During the time step T6:
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MARout to read onto the external CPU bus (the address bus, to be more specific), the value
stored in the MAR. This value is an index to memory location that is to be accessed.
MRead to enable memory read at the specified location, this loads the memory word at the
specified location onto the CPU external data bus.
LMBR is the control signal to enable write of the MBR (Memory Buffer Register). It will obtain
its value from the CPU external data bus. Finally, the control signals issued at the time step T7
MBRout is the control signal to allow the contents of the MBR to be read out onto the CPU
internal bus.
RAE is the control signal for the destination register field ra. It will let the actual index of the ra
register be encoded, and
BUS2R will let the appropriate destination register be written to with the value on the CPU
internal bus.
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Advance Computer Architecture – CS501
Lecture No. 16
Control Unit Design
Reading Material
Vincent P. Heuring & Harry F. Jordan Chapter 4
Computer Systems Design and Architecture 4.2.2, 4.6.1
This is the branch and zero instruction we looked at earlier. The control signals for this
instruction are:
As usual, the first
three steps are for
the instruction
fetch phase. Next,
the following
control signals
are issued:
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LCON to enable the CON circuitry to operate, and instruct it to check for the appropriate
condition (whether it is branch if zero, or branch if not equal to zero, etc.) RCE to allow the
register rc value to be read.
R2BUS allows the bus to read from the selected register.
At step T4:
RBE to allow the register rb value to be read. rb value is the branch target address.
R2BUS allows the bus to read from the selected register.
LPC (if CON=1): this control signal is issued conditionally, i.e. only if CON is 1, to enable the
write for the program counter. CON is set to 1 only if the specified condition is met. In this way,
if the condition is met, the program counter is set to the branch address.
Branch and link instructions
The branch and link instruction is similar to the branch instruction, with an additional step, T4.
Step T4 of the simple conditional branch instruction becomes the step T5 in this case.
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Control signals for the shift right instruction
The given table illustrates the RTL and the control signals for the shift right ‘shr’ instruction.
This is implemented by applying the five bits of n (nb4, nb3, nb2, nb1, nb0) to the select inputs
of the barrel shifter and activating the control signal SHR as explained in an earlier lecture.
The control unit is responsible for generating control signals as well as the timing signals. Hence
the control unit is responsible for the synchronization of internal as well as external events. By
means of the control signals, the control unit instructs the data path what to do in every clock
cycle during the execution of instructions.
Hardwired approach is relatively faster, however, the final circuit is quite complex. The micro-
programmed implementation is usually slow, but it is much more flexible.
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“Finite-state machine” concepts are usually used to represent the CU. Every state corresponds to
one “clock cycle” i.e., 1 state per clock. In other words each timing step could be considered as
just 1 state and therefore from one timing step to other timing step, the state would change. Now,
if we consider the control unit as a black box, then there would be four sets of inputs to the
control unit. These are as follows:
1. The output of timing step generator (There are 8 disjoint timing steps in our example T0-
2. Op-code (op-code is first given to the decoder and the output of the decoder is given to
the control unit).
3. Data path generated signals, like the “CON” control signal,
4. Signals from external events, like “Interrupt” generated by the Interrupt generator.
The accompanying block diagram shows the inputs to the control unit. The output control signals
generated from control unit to the various parts of the processor are also shown in the figure.
The following figure shows how the operation code (op-code) field of the Instruction Register is
decoded to generate a set of signals for the Control unit.
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This is an example for the FALCON-A processor where the instruction is 16-bit long. Similar
concepts will apply to the SRC, in which case the instruction word is 32 bits and IR <31...27>
contains the op-code. Similar concepts will apply to the SRC, in which case the instruction word
is 32 bits and IR<31..27> contains the opcode. The most significant 5 bits represent the op-code.
These 5-bits from the IR are fed to a 5-to-32 decoder. These 32 outputs are numbered from 0-to-
31 and named as op0, op1 up to op31. Only one of these 32 outputs will be active at a given time
.The active output will correspond to instruction executing on the processor.
To design a control unit, the next step is to write the Boolean Equations. For this we need to
browse through the structural descriptions to see which particular control signals occur in
different timing steps. So, for each instruction we have one such table defining structural RTL
and the control signals generated at each timing step. After browsing we need to check that
which control signal is activated under which condition. Finally we need to write the expression
in the form of a logical expression as the logical combination of “AND” and “OR” of different
control signals. The given table shows Boolean Equations for some example control signals.
For example, PCout would be active in every T0 timing step. Then in timing interval T3 the
output of the PC would be activated if the op-code is 20 or 22 which represent jump and sub-
routine call. In step T4 if the op-code is 16, 17, 18 or 19, again we need PCout activated and
these 4 instructions correspond to the conditional jumps. We can say that in other words in step
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T1, PCout is always activated “OR” in T3 it is activated if the instruction is either jump or sub-
routine call “OR” in T4 if there is one of the conditional jumps. We can write an equation for it
In the form of logic circuit the implementation is shown in the figure. We can see that we “OR”
the op-ode 20 and 22 and “AND” it with T3, then “OR” all the op16 up to op19 and “AND” it
with T4, then T0 and the “AND” outputs of T3 and T4 are “OR” together to obtain the PCout.
In the same way the logic circuit for LPC control signal is as shown and the equation would be :
We can formulate Boolean equations and draw logic circuits for other control signals in the same
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The details are explained in the text with reference to Fig 4.10. Thus, the maximum clock
frequency based on this transfer will be 1/tmin. Students are encouraged to study example 4.1 of
the text.
In the previous sections, we studied the uni-bus implementation of the data path in the SRC.
Now we present a 2-bus implementation of the data path in the SRC. We observe from this
figure that there is a bus provided for data that is to be written to a component. This bus is named
the ‘in’ bus. Another bus is provided for reading out the values from these components. It is
called the ‘out’ bus.
Structural RTL for the ‘sub’ instruction using the 2-bus data path implementation
Next, we look at the structural RTL as well as the control signals that are issued in sequence for
instruction execution in a 2-bus implementation of the data path. The given table illustrates the
Register Transfer Language representation of the operations for carrying out instruction fetch,
and execution for the sub instruction.
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The first three steps belong to the instruction fetch phase; the instruction to be executed is
fetched into the Instruction Register and the PC value is incremented to point to the next-in-line
instruction. At step T3, the register R[rb] value is written to register A. At the time step T4, the
subtracted result from the ALSU is assigned to the destination register R[ra]. Notice that we did
not need to store the result in a temporary register due to the availability of two buses in place of
one. At the end of this sequence, the timing step generator is initialized to T0.
Control signals for the fetch operation
The control signals for the instruction fetch phase are shown in the table. A brief explanation is
given below:
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• PCout: Again, this will enable read of the Program Counter, and so its value will be
transferred onto the CPU internal ‘out’ bus
• INC4: To instruct the ALSU to perform the increment-by-four operation.
• LPC: This control signal will enable write of the Program Counter, thus the new,
incremented value can be written into the PC if it is made available on the “in” bus. Note
that the ALSU is assumed to include an INC4 function.
• MRead: To enable memory word read.
• MARout: To supply the address of memory word to be accessed by allowing the
contents of the MAR (memory address register) to be written onto the CPU external
(address) bus.
• LMBR: The memory word is stored in the register MBR (memory buffer register) by
applying this control signal to enable the write of the MBR.
At time step T3, the execution may begin, and the control signals issued at this stage depend on
the actual instruction encountered. The control signals issued for the instruction fetch phase are
the same for all the instructions.
Note that, we assume the memory to be fast enough to respond during a given time slot. If that is
not true, wait states have to be inserted. Also keep in mind that the control signals during each
time slot are activated simultaneously, while those for successive time slots are activated in
sequence. If a particular control signal is not shown, its value is zero.
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Lecture No. 17
Machine Reset and Machine Exceptions
Reading Material
Vincent P. Heuring & Harry F. Jordan Chapter 4
Computer Systems Design and Architecture 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.8
We now consider how instructions are fetched and executed in 3-bus architecture. For this
purpose, the same ‘sub’ instruction example is followed.
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is done in the initial phase of the time step T0. Then, the Memory Buffer Register receives the
memory word indexed by the MAR, and the PC value is incremented. At time step T1, the
instruction register is assigned the instruction word that was loaded into the MBR in the previous
time step. This concludes the instruction fetch and now the instruction execution can commence.
In the next time step, T2, the instruction is executed by subtracting the values of register rc from
rb, and assigning the result to the register ra.
At the end of each sequence, the timing step generator is initialized to T0
The reset instruction is mainly used for debugging purposes, as most processors halt operations
immediately or within a few cycles of receiving the reset instruction. The processors state may
then be examined in its halted state.
Some processors have two types of reset operations. Soft reset implies initializing PC and
interrupt flags. Hard reset initializes other processor state registers in addition to PC and
interrupts enable flags. The software reset instruction asserts the external reset pin of the
Hard Reset
The SRC should perform a hard reset upon receiving a start (Strt) signal. This initializes the PC
and the general registers.
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Soft Reset
The SRC should perform a soft reset upon receiving a reset (rst) signal. The soft reset results in
initialization of PC only.
The reset signal in SRC is assumed to be external and asynchronous.
PC Initialization
There are basically two approaches to initialize a PC.
1. Direct Approach
The PC is loaded with the address of the startup routine upon resetting.
2. Indirect Approach
The PC is initialized with the address where the address of the startup routine is located. The
reset instruction loads the PC with the address of a jump instruction. The jump instruction in turn
contains the address of the required routine.
An example of a reset operation is found in the 8086 processor. Upon receiving the reset
instruction the 8086 initializes its PC with the address FFFF0H. This memory location contains a
jump instruction to the bootstrap loader program. This program provides the system initialization
During all these steps if the Rst signal is asserted, the value of PC is set to 0 and the value of the
step counter is also set to zero.
Machine Exceptions
• Anything that interrupts the normal flow of execution of instructions in the processor is
called an exception.
• Exceptions may be generated by an external or internal event such as a mouse click or an
attempt to divide by zero etc.
• External exceptions or interrupts are generally asynchronous (do not depend on the
system clock) while internal exceptions are synchronous (paced by internal clock)
• The exception process allows instruction flow to be modified, in response to internal or
external events or anomalies. The normal sequence of execution is interrupted when an
exception is thrown.
Exception Processing
A generalized exception handler should include the following mechanisms:
1. Logic to resolve priority conflicts. In case of nested exceptions or an exception
occurring while another is being handled the processor must be able to decide which
exception bears the higher priority so as to handle it first. For example, an exception
raised by a timer interrupt might have a higher priority than keyboard input.
2. Identification of interrupting device. The processor must be able to identify the
interrupting device that it can to load the appropriate exception handler routine. There are
two basic approaches for managing this identification: exception vectors and
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“information” register. The exception vector contains the address of the exception
handling routine. The interrupting process fills the exception vector as soon as the
interruption is acknowledged. The disadvantage of this approach is that a lot of space
may be taken up by vectors and exception handler codes.
3. In the information register, only one general purpose exception handler is used. The PC is
saved and the address of the general purpose register is loaded into the PC. The
interrupting process must fill the information register with information to allow
identification of the cause and type of exception.
4. Saving the processor state. As stated earlier the processor state must be saved before
jumping to the exception handler routine. The state includes the current value of the PC,
general purpose registers, condition vector and external flags.
5. Exception disabling during critical operation. The processor must disable interrupts
while it is switching context from the interrupted process to the interrupting process, so
that another exception might not disrupt the transition.
Examples of Exceptions
• Reset Exception
Reset operation is treated as an exception by some machines e.g. SPARC and MC68000.
• Machine Check
This is an external exception caused by memory failure
• Data Access Exception
This exception is generated by memory management unit to protect against illegal
• Instruction Access Exception
Similar to data access exception
• Alignment Exception
Generated to block misaligned data access
Types of Exception
• Program Exceptions
These are exceptions raised during the process of decoding and executing the instruction.
Examples are illegal instruction, raised in response to executing an instruction which
does not belong to the instruction set. Another example would be the privileged
instruction exception.
• Hardware Exceptions
There are various kinds of hardware exceptions. An example would be of a timer which
raises an exception when it has counted down to zero.
• Trace and debugging Exceptions
Variable trace and debugging is a tricky task. An easy approach to make it possible is
through the use of traps. The exception handler which would be called after each
instruction execution allows examination of the program variables.
• Non-Maskable Exceptions
These are high priority exceptions reserved for events with catastrophic consequences
such as power loss. These exceptions cannot be suppressed by the processor under any
condition. In case of a power loss the processor might try to save the system state to the
hard drive, or alert an alternate power supply.
• Interrupts (External Exceptions)
Exception handlers may be written for external interrupts, thus allowing programs to
respond to external events such as keyboard or mouse events.
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Lecture No. 18
Reading Material
Correction: Please note that the phrase “instruction fetch” should be used where the speaker has
used “instruction interpretation”.
The following tables on the next few pages summarize the changes needed in the SRC
description for including exceptions:
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PC ← PC + 4;
R[rb] ← IPC<31..0>;
IPC<31..0> ← R[rb];
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T1 MD ← M[MA], PC ← C;
T2 IR ← MD;
T3 Instruction_Execution;
RTL Event
Introduction to Pipelining
Pipelining is a technique of overlapping multiple instructions in time. A pipelined processor
issues a new instruction before the previous instruction completes. This results in a larger
number of operations performed per unit of time. This approach also results in a more efficient
usage of all the functional units present in the processor, hence leading to a higher overall
throughput. As an example, many shorter integer instructions may be executed along with a
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longer floating point multiply instruction, thus employing the floating point unit simultaneously
with the integer unit.
1. Instruction fetch
As the name implies, the instruction is fetched from the
instruction memory in this stage. The fetched instruction bits are
loaded into a temporary pipeline register.
3. ALU5 operation
In this stage, the fetched operand values are fed into the ALU
along with the function which is required such as addition,
subtraction, etc. The result is stored into temporary pipeline
registers. In case of a memory access such as a load or a store
instruction, the ALU calculates the effective memory address in
this stage.
4. Memory access
For a load instruction, a memory read operation takes place. For a store instruction, a memory
write operation is performed. If there is no memory access involved in the instruction, this stage
is simply bypassed.
The ALU is also called the ALSU in some cases, in particular, where its “shifting” capabilities need to be
highlighted. ALSU stands for Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit.
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5. Register write
The result is stored in the destination register in this stage.
Remember that the performance gain in a pipeline is limited by the slowest stage in the pipeline.
There is a data-dependence among the above two instructions. The register R3 is being written to
in the instruction S1, while it is being read from in the instruction S2. If the instruction S2 is
executed before instruction S1 is completed, it would result in an incorrect value of R3 being
1. Pipeline stalls
These are inserted into the pipeline to block instructions from entering the pipeline until some
instructions in the later part of the pipeline have completed execution. Hence our modified code
would become
S1: add r3, r2, r1
S2: sub r4, r5, r3
A pipeline stall can be achieved by using the nop instruction.
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2. Data forwarding
When using data forwarding, special hardware is added to the processor, which allows the results
of a particular pipeline stage to be transferred directly to another stage in the pipeline where they
are required. Data may be forwarded directly from the execute stage of one instruction to the
decode stage of the next instruction. Considering the above example, S1 will be in the execute
stage when S2 will be decoded. Using a comparator we can determine that the destination
operand of S1 and source operand of S2 are the same. So, the result of S1 may be directly
forwarded to the decode stage.
Other complications include the “branch delay” and the “load delay”. These are explained below:
Branch delay
Branches can cause problems for pipelined processors. It is difficult to predict whether a branch
will be taken or not before the branch condition is tested. Hence if we treat a branch instruction
like any normal instruction, the instructions following the branch will be loaded in the stages
following the stage which carries the branch instruction. If the branch is taken, then those
instructions would need to be removed from the pipeline and their effects if any, will have to be
undone. An alternate method is to introduce stalls, or nop instructions, after the branch
Load delay
Another problem surfaces when a value is loaded into a register and then immediately used in the
next operation. Consider the following example:
S1: load r2, 34(r1)
S2: add r5, r2, r3
In the above code, the “correct” value of R2 will be available after the memory access stage in
the instruction S1. Hence even with data forwarding a stall will need to be placed between S1
and S2, so that S2 fetches its operands only after the memory access for S1 has been made.
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1. Adapting the instructions to pipelined execution
The instruction set of a non-pipelined processor is generally different from that of a pipelined
processor. The instructions in a pipelined processor should have clear and definite phases, e.g.,
add r1, r2, r3. To execute this instruction, the processor must first fetch it from memory, after
which it would need to read the registers, after which the actual addition takes place followed by
writing the results back to the destination register. Usually register-register architecture is
adopted in the case of pipelined processors so that there are no complex instructions involving
operands from both memory and registers. An instruction like add r1, r2, a would need to
execute the memory access stage before the operands may be fed to the ALU. Such flexibility is
not available in a pipelined architecture.
For the instruction add r1, r2, r3: Instruction Fetch – Register Read – Execute – Register Write,
Whereas for the instruction add r1, r2, a (remember a represents a memory address), we have
Instruction Fetch – Register Read –Memory Access– Execute – Register Write,
The data path is defined in terms of registers placed in between these stages. It specifies how the
data will flow through these registers during the execution of an instruction. The data path
becomes more complex if forwarding or bypassing mechanism is added to the processor.
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Advance Computer Architecture – CS501
Lecture No. 19
Pipelined SRC
Reading Material
Vincent P. Heuring & Harry F. Jordan Chapter 5
Computer Systems Design and Architecture 5.1.3
In this lecture, a pipelined version of the SRC is presented. The SRC uses a five-stage pipeline.
Those five stages are given below:
1. Instruction Fetch
2. Instruction decode/operand fetch
3. ALU operation
4. Memory access
5. Register write
As shown in the next diagram, there are several registers between each stage.
After the instruction has been fetched, it is stored in IR2 and the incremented value of the
program counter is held in PC2. When the register values have been read, the first register value
is stored in X3, and the second register value is stored in Y3. IR3 holds the opcode and ra. If it is
a store to memory instruction, MD3 holds the register value to be stored.
After the instruction has been executed in the ALU, the register Z4 holds the result. The op-code
and ra are passed on to IR4. During the write back stage, the register Z5 holds the value to be
stored back into the register, while the op-code and ra are passed into IR5. There are also two
separate memories and several multiplexers involved in the pipeline operation. These will be
shown at appropriate places in later figures.
The number after a particular register name indicates the stage where the value of this register is
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1. ALU Instructions
2. Load/Store instructions
3. Branch Instructions
We will now discuss how to design a common pipeline for all three categories of instructions.
1. ALU instructions
In the diagram shown, X3 and Y3 are temporary registers to hold the values between pipeline
stages. X3 is loaded with operand value from the register file. Y3 is loaded with either a register
value from the register file or a constant from the instruction. The operands are then available to
the ALU. The ALU function is determined by decoding the op-code bits. The result of the ALU
operation is stored in register Z4, and then stored in the destination register in the register write
back stage. There is no activity in the memory access stage for ALU instructions. Note that Z5,
IR3, IR4, and IR5 are not shown explicitly in the figure. The purpose of not including these
registers is to keep the drawing simple. However, these registers will transfer values as
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instructions progress through the pipeline. This comment also applies to some other figures in
this discussion.
2. Load/Store instructions
The instruction is loaded into IR2 and the incremented value of the PC is loaded in PC2. In the
next stage, X3 is loaded with the value in PC2 if the relative addressing mode is used, or the
value in rb if the displacement addressing mode is used. Similarly, C1 is transferred to Y3 for
the relative addressing mode, and c2 is transferred to Y3 for the displacement addressing mode.
The store instruction is completed once memory access has been made and the memory location
has been written to. The load instruction is completed once the loaded value is transferred back
to the register file. The following figure shows the schematic for a load instruction. A similar
schematic can be drawn for the store instruction.
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3. Branch Instructions
Branch Instructions usually involve calculating the target address and evaluating a condition.
The condition is evaluated based on the c2 field of the IR and by using the value in R[rc]. If the
condition is true, the PC is loaded with the value in R[rb], otherwise it is incremented by 4 as
usual. The following figure shows these details.
The pipelined data path implementation diagrams shown earlier for the three SRC instruction
categories must be combined and refined to get a working system. These details get complicated
very quickly. A detailed combined diagram is shown in Figure 5.7 of the text book.
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In most cases, the signals defined above are used in the same stage where they are generated. If
that is not the case, a number used after the signal name indicates the stage where the signal is
Using these definitions, we can develop RTL statements for describing the pipeline activity as
well as the equations for the multiplexer select signals for different stages of the pipeline. This is
shown in the next diagram.
Consider the RTL description of the Mp1 signal, which controls the input to the PC. It simply
means that if the branch and cond signals are not activated, then the PC is incremented by 4,
otherwise if both are activated then the value of R1 is copied in to the PC.
The multiplexer Mp2 is used to decide which registers are read from the register file. If the store
signal is activated then R[rb] from the instruction bits is read from the register file so that its
value may be stored into memory, otherwise R[rc] is read from the register file.
The multiplexer Mp3 is used to decide which registers are read from the register file for operand 2. If
either rl or branch is activated then the updated value of PC2 is transferred to X3, otherwise if dsp or
alu is activated, the value of R[ra] from the register file is transferred to the x3. In the same way,
multiplexer Mp4 is used to select an input from Y3.
In the same way, multiplexer Mp4 is used to select an input for Y3.
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The multiplexer MP5 is used to decide which value is transferred to be written back to the
register file. If the load signal is activated data from memory is transferred to Z5, however if the
load signal is not activated then data from Z4 (which is the result of ALU) is transferred to Z5
which is then written back to the register file.
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Advance Computer Architecture – CS501
Lecture No. 20
Hazards in Pipelining
Reading Material
Vincent P. Heuring & Harry F. Jordan Computer Systems Design and Chapter 5
Architecture 5.1.5, 5.1.6
Instruction Fetch
IR2 ← M [PC];
PC2 ← PC+4;
ALU operation
Memory access
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Write back
Consider the following SRC code segment flowing through the pipeline. The instructions along
with their addresses are
Add instruction moves to the execute stage, the results are written to Z4 on the trailing edge of
the clock. Ld instruction moves to decode stage. The operands are fetched to calculate the
displacement address. Br instruction enters the pipeline. The value in PC is incremented from
208 to 212.
Add does not access memory. The result is written to Z5 at the trailing edge of clock. The
address is being calculated here for ld. The results are written to Z4. Br is in the decode stage.
Since this branch is always true, the contents of PC are modified to new address. Str instruction
enters the pipeline. The value in PC is incremented from 212 to 216.
The result of addition is written into register r1. Add instruction completes. Ld accesses data
memory at the address specified in Z4 and result stored in Z5 at falling edge of clock. Br
instruction just propagates through this stage without any calculation. Str is in the decode stage.
The operands are being fetched for address calculation to X3 and Y3. The instruction at address
400 enters the pipeline. The value in PC is incremented from 400 to 404.
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Pipeline Hazards
The instructions in the pipeline at any given time are being executed in parallel. This parallel
execution leads to the problem of instruction dependence. A hazard occurs when an instruction
depends on the result of previous instruction that is not yet complete.
Classification of Hazards
There are three categories of hazards
1. Branch Hazard
2. Structural Hazard
3. Data Hazard
Branch hazards
The instruction following a branch is always executed whether or not the branch is taken. This is
called the branch delay slot. The compiler might issue a nop instruction in the branch delay slot.
Branch delays cannot be avoided by forwarding schemes.
Structural hazards
A structural hazard occurs when attempting to access the same resource in different ways at the
same time. It occurs when the hardware is not enough to implement pipelining properly e.g.
when the machine does not support separate data and instruction memories.
Data hazards
Data hazard occur when an instruction attempts to access some data value that has not yet been
updated by the previous instruction. An example of this RAW (read after write) data hazard is;
The register r2 is written in clock cycle 5 hence the sub instruction cannot proceed beyond stage
2 until the add instruction leaves the pipeline.
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Designing a data forwarding unit requires the study of dependence distances. Without
forwarding, the minimum spacing required between two data dependent instructions to avoid
hazard is four. The load instruction has a minimum distance of two from all other instructions
except branch. Branch delays cannot be removed even with forwarding.
Table 5.1 of the text shows numbers related to dependence distances with respect to some
important instruction categories.
Pipeline stalls
Consider the following sequence of instructions going through the SRC pipeline
200: shl r6, r3, 2
204: str r3, 32
208: sub r2, r4,r5
212: add r1,r2,r3
216: ld r7, 48
There is a data hazard between instruction three and four that can be resolved by using pipeline
stalls or bubbles
When using pipeline stalls, nop instructions are placed in between dependent instructions. The
logic behind this scheme is that if opcode in stage 2 and 3 are both alu, and if ra in stage 3 is the
same as rb or rc in stage 2, then a pause signal is issued to insert a bubble between stage 3 and 2.
Similar logic is used for detecting hazards between stage 2 and 4 and stage 4 and 5.
Data Forwarding
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By adding data forwarding mechanism to the SRC data path, the stalls can be completely
eliminated at least for the ALU instructions. The hazard detection is required between stages 3
and 4, and between stages 3 and 5. The testing and forwarding circuits employ wider IRs to store
the data required in later stages. The logic behind this method is that if the ALU is activated for
both 3 and 5 and ra in 5 is the same as rb in 3 then Z5 which hold the currently loaded or
calculated result is directly forwarded to X3. Similarly, if both are ALU operations and
instruction in stage 3 does not employ immediate operands then value of Z5 is transferred to Y3.
Similar logic is used to forward data between stage 3 and 4.
The following RTL expression detects data hazard between stage 2 and 3, then stalls stage 1 and
2 by inserting a bubble in stage 3
(pause2, pause1, op3←0)
If opcode in stage 2 and 3 are both ALU, and if ra in stage 3 is same as rb or rc in stage 2, issue a
pause signal to insert a bubble between stage 3 and 2.
Following is the complete RTL for detecting hazards among ALU instructions in different stages
of the pipeline
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Advance Computer Architecture – CS501
Lecture No. 21
Instruction Level Parallelism
Reading Material
Vincent P. Heuring & Harry F. Jordan Computer Systems Design and Chapter 5
Architecture 5.2
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Dependence RTL
(ra5=rc3)&!imm3: Y ← Z5);
Stage 3-4 alu4&alu3:((ra4=rb3):X←Z4,
(ra4=rc3)&!imm3: Y ← Z4);
Instruction-Level Parallelism
There are two ways to increase the number of instructions executed in a given time by a
• By increasing the clock speed
• By increasing the number of instructions that can execute in parallel
• Increasing the clock speed is an IC design issue and depends on the advancements in chip
• The computer architect or logic designer can not thus manipulate clock speeds to increase
the throughput of the processor.
The computer architect cannot increase the clock speed of a microprocessor however he/she can
increase the number of instructions processed per unit time. In pipelining we discussed that a
number of instructions are executed in a staggered fashion, i.e. various instructions are
simultaneously executing in different segments of the pipeline. Taking this concept a step further
we have multiple data paths hence multiple pipelines can execute simultaneously. There are two
main categories of these kinds of parallel instruction processors VLIW (very long instruction
word) and superscalar.
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Throughput increased by overlapping the Instructions are not overlapped but executed in
instruction execution parallel in multiple functional units
Multiple functional units within the CPU are
Very little extra hardware required to required
implement pipelining
Superscalar Architecture
As stated earlier the superscalar design uses multiple pipelines to implement instruction level
• BPU calculates the branch target address ahead of time to save CPU cycles
• Branch instructions are routed from the queue to the BPU where target address is
calculated and supplied when required without any stalls
• BPU also starts executing branch instructions by speculating and discards the results if
the prediction turns out to be wrong
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Superscalar Design
The superscalar architecture uses multiple instruction issues and uses techniques such as branch
prediction and speculative instruction execution, i.e. it speculates on whether a particular branch
will be taken or not and then continues to execute it and the following instructions. The results
are not written back to the registers until the branch decision is confirmed. Most superscalar
architectures contain a reorder buffer. The reorder buffer acts like an intermediary between the
processor and the register file. All results are written onto the reorder buffer and when the
speculated course of action is confirmed, the reorder buffer is committed to the register file.
Superscalar Processors
• PowerPC 601
• Intel P6
• DEC Alpha 21164
VLIW Architecture
VLIW stands for “Very Long Instruction Word” typically 64 or 128 bits wide. The longer
instruction word carries information to route data to register files and execution units. The
execution-order decisions are made at the compile time unlike the superscalar design where
decisions are made at run time. Branch instructions are not handled very efficiently in this
architecture. VLIW compiler makes use of techniques such as loop unrolling and code reordering
to minimize dependencies and the occurrence of branch instructions.
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Lecture No. 22
Reading Material
• Microprogramming
• Working of a General Microcoded Controller
• Microprogram Memory
• Generating Microcode for Some Sample Instructions
• Horizontal and Vertical Microcode Schemes
• Microcoded 1-bus SRC Design
• The SRC Microcontroller
In the previous lectures, we have discussed how to implement logic circuitry for a control unit
based on logic gates. Such an implementation is called a hardwired control unit. In a micro
programmed control unit, control signals which need to be generated at a certain time are stored
together in a control word. This control word is called a microinstruction. A collection of
microinstructions is called a microprogram. These microprograms generate the sequence of
necessary control signals required to process an instruction. These microprograms are stored in a
memory called the control store.
As described above microprogramming or microcoding is an alternative way to design the
control unit. The microcoded control unit is itself a small stored program computer consisting of
• Micro-PC
• Microprogram memory
• Microinstruction word
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A microcoded controller works in the same way as a small general purpose computer.
1. Fetch a micro-instruction and increment micro-PC.
2. Execute the instruction present in micro-IR.
3. Fetch the next instruction and so on…
C Bits
These form the control signal
M Bits
These form the branch address
B Bits
These form the branch control
Microprogram Memory
• This small memory contains micro routines for all the instructions in the ISA
• The micro-PC supplies the address and it returns the control word stored at that address
• It is much faster and smaller than a typical main memory
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• The control word for an instruction is used to generate the equivalent microcode sequence
• Each step in RTL corresponds to a microinstruction executed to generate the control
Each bit in the control words in the microprogram memory represents a control signal.
The value of that bit decides whether the signal is to be activated or not.
The first three addresses from 100 to 102 represent microcode for instruction fetch and the last
three addresses from 203 to 205 represent microcode for sub instruction. In the first cycle at
address 100, the control signal PCout, LMAR, LC, and INC4 are activated and all other signals
are deactivated. All these control signals are for the SRC processor. So, if the micro-PC contains
100, the contents of microprogram memory are copied into the micro IR. This corresponds to the
structural RTL description of the T0 clock during instruction fetch phase. In the same way, the
content of address 101 corresponds to T1, and the content of address 102 corresponds to T2.
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• Microprogram controller
controls the sequence of the
flow of microinstructions.
• The inputs to the
microcontroller are from the
branch control fields
specified in the microcode
• Its output controls the 4 to 1
multiplexer inside the
microcoded control unit.
• It implements conditional
execution and both
conditional and
unconditional branch
If a branch instruction is encountered within the microprogram hardwired logic selects the
branch address as the source of micro-PC using 4 to 1 mux. This hardwired logic caters for all
branch instructions including branch if zero.
4-1 Multiplexer
The multiplexer supplies one of the four possible values to the micro-PC
The incremented value of the micro-PC is used when dealing with the normal flow of
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The opcode from the instruction is used to set the micro-PC when a microroutine is initially
being loaded.
• A branch can be implemented by choosing one alternative from each of the following two
• This scheme provides flexibility in choosing branches as we can form any combination of
conditions and addresses.
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• Any high level construct such as if-else, while, repeat etc. can be implemented using
• A variety of microcode compilers similar to the high level compilers are available that
allow easier programming in microcode
• This similarity between high level language and microcode simplifies the task of
controller design.
In horizontal microcode schemes, there are no intermediate decoders and the control word bits
are directly connected to their destination i.e. each bit in the control word is directly connected to
some control signal and the total number of bits in the control word is equal to the total number
of control signals in the CPU.
Vertical microcode schemes employ an extra level of decoding to reduce the control word width.
From an n bit control word we may have 2n bit signal values.
However, a completely vertical scheme is not feasible because of the high degree of fan out.
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In the SRC the bits from the opcode in the instruction register are decoded to fetch the address of
the suitable microroutine from the microprogram memory. The microprogram controller for the
SRC microcoded control unit employs the logic for handling exceptions and reset process. Since
the SRC does not have any condition codes, we use the CON and n signals instead of N and Z
flags to control branches in case of branch if equal to zero or branch if less than instructions.
• The microprogram controller for the SRC microcoded control unit employs the logic for
handling exceptions and reset process
• Since the SRC does not have any condition codes, we use the CON and n signals instead
of N and Z flags to control branches
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Assume the first control word at address 300. The RTL of this instruction is MAR PC combined
with C PC+4. To facilitate these actions the PCout signal bit and the LMAR signal bit are set to
one, so that the value of the PC may be written to the internal processor bus and written onto the
MAR. The instructions at 300, 301 and 302 form the microcode for instructions fetch. If we
examine the RTL we can see all the functionality of the fetch instruction. The value of PC is
incremented, the old value of PC is sent to memory, the instruction from the sent address is
loaded into memory buffer register. Then the opcode of the fetched instruction is used to invoke
the appropriate microroutine.
• Bit ORing
• Nanocoding
• Writable Microprogram Memory
• Subroutines in Microprogramming
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Lecture No. 23
I/O Subsystems
Reading Material
This module is about the computer’s input and output. As we have seen in the case of memory
subsystems, that when we use the terms “ read” and “write”, then these terms are from the CPU’s
point of view. Similarly, when we use the terms “input” and “output” then these are also from
the CPU’s point of view. It means that when we are talking about an input cycle, then the CPU is
receiving data from a peripheral device and the peripheral device is providing data. Similarly,
when we talk about an output cycle then the CPU is sending data to a peripheral device and the
peripheral device is receiving data. I/O Subsystems are similar to memory subsystems in many
aspects. For example, both exchange bits or bytes. This transfer is usually controlled by the CPU.
The CPU sends address information to the memory and the I/O subsystems. Then these
subsystems decode the address and decide which device should be involved in the transfer.
Finally the appropriate data is exchanged between the CPU and the memory or the I/O device.
2. Asynchronous activity:
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Memory subsystems are almost always synchronous. This means that most memory transfers are
governed by the CPU’s clock. Generally this is not the case with I/O subsystems. Additional
signals, called handshaking signals, are needed to take care of asynchronous I/O transfers.
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It can be easily seen that over seven years, the I/O time will become more than 50 % of the total
time under these conditions. Therefore, the improvement of I/O performance is as important as
the improvement of CPU performance. I/O performance will also be discussed in detail in a later
Computer Interface
In other words, an interface is an electronic circuit that matches the requirements of the two
subsystems between which it is connected. An interface that can be used to connect the
microcomputer bus to peripheral devices is called an I/O Port. I/O ports serve the following three
• Buffering (i.e., holding temporarily) the data to and from the computer bus.
• Holding control information that dictates how a transfer is to be conducted.
• Holding status information so that the processor can monitor the activity of the interface
and its associated I/O element.
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map I/O devices. The benefit will be that all the instructions which access memory can be used
for I/O devices. There is no need for including separate I/O instructions in the ISA of the
processor. However, the disadvantage will be that the I/O interface will become complex. If
partial decoding is used to reduce the complexity of the I/O interface, then a lot of memory
addresses will be consumed. The given figure shows the memory address space as well as the
I/O address space for the Pentium processor. The I/O space is of size 64 Kbytes, organized as
eight banks of 8 Kbytes each.
A similar diagram for the FALCON-A was shown earlier and is repeated here for easy reference.
The next question to be answered is how the
CPU will differentiate between these two
address spaces. How will the system
components know whether a particular transfer
is meant for memory or an I/O device? The
answer is simple: by using signals from the
control bus, the CPU will indicate which
address space is meant during a particular
transfer. Once again, using the Pentium as an
example, if the in instruction is executing on
the processor, the IOR# signal will become
active and the MEMR# signal will be
deactivated. For a mov instruction, the control
logic will activate the MEMR# signal instead
of the IOR# signal.
Data synchronization:
This means that the CPU should input data from an input device only when the device is ready to
provide data and send data to an output device only when it is ready to receive data.
There are three basic schemes which can be used for synchronization of an I/O data
Synchronous transmission
Semi-synchronous transmission
Asynchronous transmission
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Synchronous transmission:
This can be understood by looking at the waveforms shown in Figure A. M stands for the bus
master and S stands for the slave device on the bus. The master and the slave are assumed to be
permanently connected together, so that there is no need for the selection of the particular slave
device out of the many devices that may be present in the system. It is also assumed that the
slave device can perform the transfer at the speed of the master, so no handshaking signals are
At the start of the transfer operation, the master activates the Read signal, which indicates to the slave that it
should respond with data. The data is provided by the slave, and the master uses the Enable signal to latch
it. All activity takes place synchronously with the system clock (not shown in the figure). A
familiar example of synchronous transfer is a register-to-register transfer within a CPU.
Figure A Figure B
Semi-synchronous transmission:
Figure B explains this type of transfer. All
activity is still synchronous with the system
clock, but in some situations, the slave
device may not be able to provide the data
to the master within the allotted time. The
additional time needed by the slave, can be
provided by adding an integral number of
clock periods to Figure A the master’s
cycle time.
The slave indicates its readiness by
activating the complete signal. Upon
receiving this signal, the master activates
the Enable signal to latch the data provided
by the slave. Transfers between the CPU
and the main memory are examples of
semi-synchronous transfer.
Figure C
Asynchronous transmission:
This type of transfer does not require a common clock. The master and the slave operate at
different speeds. Handshaking signals are necessary in this case, and are used to coordinate the
data transfer between the master and the slave as shown in the Figure C. When the master wants
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to initiate a data transfer, it activates its Ready signal. The slave detects this signal, and if it can
provide data to the master, it does so and also activates its Acknowledge signal. Upon receiving
the Acknowledge signal, the master uses the Enable signal to latch the incoming data .The
master then deactivates its Ready line, and in response to it, the slave removes its data and
deactivates its Acknowledge line.
In all the three cases discussed above, the waveforms correspond to an “input” or a “read” operation.
A similar explanation will apply to an “output” or a “write” operation. It should also be noted
that the latching of the incoming data can be done by the master either by using the rising edge
of the Enable signal or by using its falling-edge. This will depend on the way the intermediate
circuitry between the master and the slave is designed.
• Special bit patterns separate the characters.
• "Dead time" between characters can be of any length.
• Clocks at both ends need not have the same frequency (within permissible limits).
Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter.
8 Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter.
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• Characters are sent back to back.
• Must include special "sync" characters at the beginning of each message.
• Must have special "idle" characters in the data stream to fill up the time when no
information is being sent.
• Characters must be precisely spaced.
• Activity at both ends must be coordinated by a single clock. (This implies that the clock
must be transmitted with data).
The "maximum information rate" of a synchronous line is higher than that of an asynchronous
line with the same "bit rate", because the asynchronous transmission must use extra bits with
each character. Different protocols are used for serial and parallel transfer. A protocol is a set of
rules understood by both the sender and the receiver. In some cases, these protocols can be
predefined for a certain system. As an alternate, some available standard protocols can be used.
Figure 1
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• Overrun Error: means that the prior character that was received, was not yet read from the
USART's "receive data register" by the CPU, and is overwritten by the new received
character. Thus the first character was lost, and should be retransmitted. [A]
I/O Buses
The block diagram of a general purpose computer system that has been referred to repeatedly in
this course has three buses in addition to the three most important blocks. These three buses are
collectively referred to as the system bus or the computer bus9. The block diagram is repeated
here for an easy reference in Figure 1.
Example # 1
Problem statement:
Consider an I/O bus that can transfer 4 bytes of data in one bus cycle. Suppose that a designer is
considering to attach the following two components to this bus:
In some cases, the external CPU bus is the same as the dedicated systems. However, for most systems,
there is a “bus interface unit” between the CPU and the system bus. The bus interface unit is not shown in the figure.
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Hard drive, with a transfer rate of 40 Mbytes/sec Video card, with a transfer rate of 128
Mbytes/sec. What will be the implications?
The maximum frequency of the bus is 30 MHz10. This means that the maximum bandwidth of
this bus is 30 x 4 = 120 Mbytes/sec. Now, the demand for bandwidth from these two components
will be 128 + 40 =168 Mbytes/sec which is more than the 120 Mbytes/sec that the bus can
provide. Thus, if the designer uses these two components with this bus, one or both of these
components will be operating at reduced bandwidth.
Bus arbitration:
Arbitration is another issue in the use of I/O buses. Most commercially available I/O buses have
protocols defining a number of things, for example how many devices can access the bus, what
will happen if multiple devices want to access the bus at the same time, etc. In such situations, an
“arbitration scheme” must be established. As an example, in the SCSI11 specifications, every
device in the system is assigned an ID which identifies the device to the “bus arbiter”. If multiple
devices send a request for the bus, the device with the highest priority will be given access to the
bus first. Such a scheme is easy to implement because the arbiter can easily decide which device
should be given access to the bus, but its disadvantage is that the device with a low priority will
not be able to get access to the bus12. An alternate scheme would be to give the highest priority
to the device that has been waiting for the longest time for the bus. As a result of this arbitration,
the access time, or the latency, of such buses will be further reduced. Details about the PCI and
some other buses will be presented in a separate section.
Example # 2
Problem statement:
If a bus requires 10 nsec for bus requests, 10 nsec for arbitration and the average time to
complete an operation is 15 nsec after the access to the bus has been granted, is it possible for
such a bus to perform 50 million IOPS?
For 50 million IOPS, the average time for each IOP is 1 / (50 x 106) =20 nsec. Given the
information about the bus, the sum of the three times is 10 + 10 + 15 = 35 nsec for a complete
I/O operation. This means that the bus can perform a maximum of 1 / (35 x 10-9) = 28.6 million
Thus, it will not be able to perform 50 million IOPS.
These numbers correspond to an I/O bus that is relatively old. Modern systems use much faster buses
than this.
Small Computer System Interface.
Such a situation is called “starvation”.
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Lecture No. 24
Designing Parallel Input and Output Ports
Reading Material
Handouts Slides
This section is about designing parallel input and output ports. As you already know from the
previous discussion, an interface that is used to connect the computer bus with I/O devices is
called an I/O port. This I/O port can be connected directly to the computer bus (also called the
system bus) or through an intermediate bus called the I/O bus. This intermediate bus is also
called the expansion bus or the peripheral bus. In any case, the following general information
about I/O bus cycles on a typical CPU should be kept in mind: At the start of a particular bus
cycle (which will be an I/O bus cycle in this case), the CPU places an address on its address bus.
This address will identify the I/O device to be involved in the transfer. After some time the CPU
will activate certain control signals, which will indicate whether the particular I/O bus cycle, is
an I/O read or an I/O write cycle. Based on these control signals, in case of I/O read cycle, the
CPU will be expecting data from the selected input device over the data bus, and for an I/O write
cycle the CPU will provide data to the selected device over the data bus. At the end of this I/O
bus cycle, the address (and data) information will be removed from the buses and the control
signals will be reset. It can be easily understood from this discussion that we must match the
timing requirements of the I/O ports to be designed with the timing parameters of the given CPU.
Additionally, the voltage and current requirements of the I/O ports must be matched with the
voltage and current specifications of the CPU. For simplicity, we ignore the voltage and current
matching details in this discussion and only focus on the logic levels and timing aspects of the
design. Voltage and current related discussions are the topic of an electronics course.
Thus, there are two important functions which should be built into I/O ports.
1. Address decoding
2. Data isolation for input ports or data capturing for output ports.
1. Address decoding: Since every I/O port has a unique identifier associated with it, (which
is called its address, and no other port in the system should have the same address), by monitoring
the system address bus, the I/O port knows when it is its turn to participate in a transfer. At this time,
the address decoder within the I/O port generates an asserted output which can be applied to the
enable input of tri-state buffers in input ports or the latch enable input of latches in output ports.
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Our definition of an address decoder:
An "Address Decoder" is a combinational (logic)
circuit with n + r inputs and a single output, where
n = the number of address lines into the decoder, and
r = the number of control lines into the decoder.
The output fD is active only when the corresponding
address is present on the n address lines and the
corresponding r control lines hold the "proper"
(active or inactive) value. fD is inactive for all other
2. Data isolation or capturing: For input ports, the incoming data should be placed on
the data bus only during the I/O read bus cycle. At all other times, this data should be isolated
from the data bus otherwise it will cause “bus contention”. Tri-state buffers are used for this
purpose. Their input lines are connected to the peripheral device supplying data and their output
lines are connected to the data bus. The common enable line of such buffers is driven with the
output of the SAD. If this enable is active low, the output of the big AND gate in the SAD should
be inverted, as described earlier.
For output ports, data is made available for the peripheral device at the data bus during the I/O
write bus cycle. During other bus cycles, this data will be removed from the data bus by the
processor. Latches (or registers) are used for this purpose. Their input lines are connected to the
system data bus and their output lines are connected to the peripheral device receiving data. The
common clock (or latch enable) line of such latches is driven with the output of the SAD. If this
clock is active low, the output of the big AND gate in the SAD should be inverted.
Example # 1
Problem Statement:
Design a 16-bit parallel output port mapped on address DEh of the I/O space of the
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Using the guidelines mentioned above, we start with a
“big AND gate” (SAD) and write the address to be
decoded (DEh) in binary.
Thus, DEh → 1101 1110 b. Associating one CPU address
line with each bit, we get A0 = 0, A1=1, etc as shown in
the table below.
Because the I/O space on the FALCON-A is only 256
bytes, address lines A15 .. A8 are don’t cares, and will
not be used in this design.
1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0
A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0
Thus, A0 and A5 will be applied to the “big AND gate” after inversion. The remaining address
lines will be connected directly to the inputs of the SAD.
Next, we look at the relevant control signals. The only signal
which should be used in this case is IOW#. A logic 0 (zero) on
this line indicates that it is active. Thus, it should be inverted
before being applied to the input of the SAD.
We can easily see that our SAD intuitively conforms to the way
we defined an address decoder. Its output is a 1 only when the
address (xxxx xxxx 1101 1110 b) is present on the FALCON-A’s
address bus during an I/O write cycle (By the way, this will take
place when the instruction out reg, addr with addr=DEh or
222d is executing on the FALCON-A). At all other times, its
output will be inactive.
Our SAD in this design is an AND gate with 9 inputs. Using SSI chips, we can implement this
SAD using an 8-input AND gate and a 2-input AND gate as shown in the figure shown below.
Displaying output data using LED branches:
An “LED branch” is a combination of a resistor and a light emitting diode (LED) in series.
Sixteen LED branches can be used to display the output data captured by the registers as shown
in the figure below.
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Example # 2
Problem statement:
Given a 16-bit parallel output port attached with the FALCON-A CPU as shown in the figure.
The port is mapped onto address DEh of the FALCON-A’s I/O space. Sixteen LED branches are
used to display the data being received from the FALCON-A’s data bus. Every LED branch is
wired in such a way that when a 1 appears on the particular data bus bit, it turns the LED on; a 0
turns it off. Which LEDs will be ON when the instruction
Since r2 contains 1234h, the bit pattern corresponding to this value will be sent out to the output
port at address 222 (or DEh). This is the address of the output port in this example. Writing the
bit pattern in binary will help us determine the LEDs which will be ON.
Now 1234h gives us the following bit associations with the data bus
0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
MSB at address DEh LSB at address DFh
Note that the 8-bit register which uses lines D15 .. D8 of the FALCON-A’s data bus is actually
mapped onto address DEh of the I/O space.
Depending on the way the assembler is written, the syntax of the out instruction may allow only the
decimal form of the port address, or only the hexadecimal form, or both. Our version of the assembler for the
FALCON-A allows the decimal form only. It also requires that the port address be aligned on 16-bit “word
boundaries”, which means that every port address should be divisible by 2.
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This is because the architect of the FALCON-A had chosen a “byte-wide” (i.e., x8) organization
of the address space, a 16-bit data bus width, and the “big-endian” data format at the ISA design
stage. Additionally, data bus lines D15...D8 will transfer the data byte of higher significance
(MSB) using address DEh, and D7...D0 will transfer the data byte of lower significance (LSB)
using address DFh. Thus the LEDs at L12, L9, L5, L4 and L2 will turn on.
It can be easily understood from the previous example that the big-endian format results in the
least significant byte being transferred over the most significant side of the data bus, and vice
versa. The situation will be exactly opposite when the little-endian format is used. In this case,
the least significant byte will be transferred over the least side of the data bus. Now imagine a
computer using the little-endian format exchanging data with a computer using the big-endian
format over a 16-bit parallel port. (this may be the case when we have a network of different
types of computer, for example). The data transmitted by one will be received in a “swapped”
form by the other, eg., the string “UN” will be received as “NU” and the string “IX” will be
received as “XI”. So UNIX changes to NUXI --- hence the name NUXI problem. Special
software is used to resolve this problem.
The implementation of the address decoder shown in Example #1(lec24) assumes that the
FALCON-A does not allow the use of some part of its data bus during an I/O (or memory)
transfer. Another restriction that was imposed by the assembler was that all port addresses should
be divisible by 2. This implies that address line A0 will always be zero. If the FALCON-A
architect had allowed the use some of part of its data bus (eg, 8-bits) during a transfer, the
situation would be different.
The logic diagram shown in the next figure is a 16-bit parallel output port at the same address
(DEh) for the FALCON-A assuming that part of its data bus (D15..D8) or (D7..D0) can be used
independently during an I/O transfer. Note that the enable inputs of the two 8-bit registers are not
connected together in this case. Moreover, since the 16-bit port uses two addresses, address line
A0 will be at a logic 0 for address DEh, and at a logic 1 for address DFh. This means that it
cannot be used at the input of the big AND gate. So, A0 has been used in a different position
with the two 2-input AND gates. The 2-input AND gate where A0 is applied after inversion will
generate a 1 at its output when A0 = 0. Thus, this output will enable the 8-bit register mapped on
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the even address DEh. In case of the other AND gate, A0 is not inverted. So the corresponding 8-
bit register will be mapped on the odd address DFh. The input that became available after
removing A0 from its old position can be used for the IOW# control signal. The rest of the
circuit is the same as it was in the previous figure.
We can understand from the above discussion that the decisions made at the time of ISA design
have a strong bearing on the implementation details and the working of the computer. Suppose
we assume that the assembler developer had decided not to restrict the port addresses to even
values, then what will be the implications?
As an example, consider the execution of the instruction out r2, 223 assuming r2 contains
1234h. This is a 16-bit transfer at address 223 (DFh) and 224 (E0h).
For the output port (shown in the first figure) where the CPU does not allow the use of some part
of its data bus in a transfer, none of the registers will be enabled as a result of this instruction
because the output of the 8-input AND gate will be a zero for both addresses DFh and E0h. Thus,
that output port cannot be used.
In the second figure, where the CPU has allowed to use a portion of its data bus in an I/O
transfer, the register at the address DEh will not be enabled. The CPU will send the high data
byte(12h) to the register at the address DFh (because it will be enabled at that time due to the
address DFh) over data lines D7…D0. The fact that data lines D7…D0 should be used for the
transfer of high byte, will be taken care of by the hardware, internal to the CPU.
Now the question is where the low data byte (i.e. 34h) present at D15…D8 data lines would be
placed? If there exists an output port at address E0h in the system, then 34h will be placed there
(in the next bus cycle), otherwise it will be lost. Again, it is the CPU’s responsibility to check
whether the next address in the system exists or not and if exists then enable that port so that the
low byte of data can be placed there.
A possible option for the architect in this case would be to revisit the design steps and allow the
use of part of the CPU registers (or at least for some of them) for I/O transfers. The logic
diagram shown below shows an 8-bit parallel output port at address FEF2h of the Pentium’s I/O
address space. Since the Pentium allows the use of some part of its data bus during a transfer, we
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can use the BE2# signal in the address decoder to enable the 8-bit register. The following
instructions will access this output port.
mov dx, 0FEF2h
mov al, 12h
out dx, al
The Pentium does allow the use of some part of its 32-bit accumulator register EAX. In case
only 8-bits are to be transferred, register AL can be used, as shown in the program fragment
above. The data byte 12h will be sent to the 8-bit register over lines D23..D16. Since 12h
corresponds to 0001 0010 in binary, this will cause the LEDs L4 and L1 to turn on.
Example # 3
Problem statement:
Write an assembly language program to turn on
the 16 LEDs one by one on the output port of
Example #1(lec24). Each LED should stay on
for a noticeable duration of time. Repeat from
the first LED after the last LED is turned on.
The solution is shown in the text box with a
filename: Example_3.asmfa. The working of
this program is explained below:
The first two instructions turn all the LEDs off
by sending a 0 to each bit of the output port at
address 222.
mov r1,0
out r1,222
This is necessary because the immediate operand with the movi instruction of the FALCON-A has a range of
0h to FFh. This will not give us the large loop counter that we need here. So we use the above software trick. An alternate
way would be to use nested loops, but that will tie up additional CPU registers.
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shiftl r1,r1,1
out r1, 222
After the left most LED is turned on, the process starts all over again because of the last jump
instruction. The outermost loop executes indefinitely.
To make things simple, assume that the FALCON-A is operating at a clock frequency of 1 MHz.
Also, assume that the subi and the jnz instructions take 3 and 4 clock periods, respectively, to
execute. Since these two instructions execute 65,535 times each, we can use the following
formula to compute the execution time of this loop:
ET = CPI x IC x T = CPI x IC / f
CPI = clocks per instruction
IC = instruction count
T = time period of the clock,
f = frequency of the clock.
Since the movi r2, 0 instruction executes only once, the time it takes to execute is negligible and
has been ignored in this calculation.
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Advance Computer Architecture – CS501
Lecture No. 25
Input Output Interface
Reading Material
Handouts Slides
Example # 1
Problem statement:
Design an 16-bit parallel input port mapped on address 7Eh of the I/O space of the
The process of designing a parallel input port is very similar to the design of a parallel output
port except for the following differences:
1. The address in this case is 7Eh, which is different from the previous value. Hence, the
address decoder will have the inputs A7 and A0 inverted, while the other address lines at
its input will not be inverted.
2. Control bus signal IOR# will be used instead of the signal IOW#.
3. A set of sixteen tri-state buffers will be used for data isolation. Their common enable line
will be connected to the output of the big AND gate (in the figure, fD is being inverted
because Enable is active low). The input of these buffers can be connected to the input
device and the output is connected to the FALCON-A’s data bus.
In this example, switches S15...S0 are used to simulate the input data. The complete logic circuit
is shown in the next two figures.
In the second figure, the CPU is assumed to allow the use of some part of its data bus during a
transfer, while in the first figure it is not allowed.
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Example # 2
Problem statement:
Given a FALCON-A processor with a 16-bit parallel input port at address 7Eh and a 16-bit
parallel output port at address DEh. Sixteen LED branches are used to display the data at the
output port and sixteen switches are used to send data through the input port. Write an assembly
language program to continuously monitor the input port and blink the LED or LED(s)
corresponding to the switch (es) set to logic 1. For example, if S0 and S2 are set to 1, then only
the LEDs L0 and L2 should blink. If S7 is also set to logic 1 later, then L7 should also start
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The program is shown in the text box
with filename: Example_2. It works as
explained below;
The first two instructions read the input
port at address 7Eh and send this bit
pattern to the output port at address DEh.
This will cause the LEDs corresponding
to the switches that are set to a 1 to turn
on. Next, the program waits for a
suitable amount of time, and then turns
all LEDs off and waits again.
After the second wait, the program reads
the input port again. The LEDs that will
be turn on at the output port will now be
according to the new switch settings at
the input port. The process repeats
indefinitely. Please see the flowchart
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... A10, unconnected, then we will still have a
“wrap around”, but of a different type. Now a 1
Kbyte (= 210) address area will wrap around
itself 64 times (= 26 ).
Consider the situation where an 8-bit peripheral is to be interfaced with a CPU that has a 16-bit
(or larger) data bus, but a byte-wide address space. Each byte transferred over the data bus will
have a separate address associated with it. For such CPUs, data bus multiplexing can be used to
attach 8-bit peripherals requiring a block of addresses. Tri-state buffers can be used for this
purpose as shown in the attached figure. The logic circuit shown is for an 8-bit parallel output
port using addresses DCh and DDh of the FALCON’s I/O address space. It is assumed that the
CPU allows the use of a part of its data bus during a transfer, and that each 16-bit general
purpose register can be used as two separate 8-bit registers, e.g., r1 can be split as r1L and r1H
such that
r1L<7..0> := r1<7..0>, and
r1H<7..0> := r1<15..8>
The LED branches and the 8-bit register shown in the diagram serve as a place holder, and can
be replaced by a peripheral device in actual practice. For an even address, A0=0, and the upper
group of the tri-state buffers is enabled, thereby connecting D<15..8> of the CPU to the
peripheral, while for an odd address from the CPU, A0=1, and the lower group of the tri-state
buffers is enabled. This causes D<7..0> of the CPU to be connected with the peripheral device.
In such systems the instruction out r1H,220 will access the peripheral device using D<15..8>,
while the instruction out r1L,221 will access it using D<7..0>. The instruction out r1,220 will
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send r1H to the peripheral and the contents of r1L will be lost. Why? This is left as an exercise
for the student. The advantage of data bus multiplexing is that all addresses are utilized and none
of them is wasted, while the disadvantage is the increased complexity and cost of the interface.
The Centronics Parallel Printer Interface is an example of a real, industry standard, set of signal
specifications used by most printer manufacturers. It was originally developed for Centronics
printers and can be used by devices having a uni-directional, byte-wide parallel interface. Table 1
shows the important signals and their functions as defined by the Centronics standard. Note that
the direction of the signals is with respect to the printer and not with respect to the CPU.
Typically, the printer (or any other similar device) is connected to the CPU via a cable which has
a 25-pin connector at the CPU side and a 36-pin connector at the printer side. Every data bit in
the 8-bit data bus D<7…0> uses a twisted pair for suppressing transmission-line effects, like
radiation and noise. The return path of these pins should always be connected to signal ground.
Additionally, the entire printer cable should be shielded, and connected to chassis ground on
each side. The three signals STROBE#, BUSY and ACKNLG# form a set of handshaking
signals. By using these signals, the CPU can communicate asynchronously with the printer, as
shown in the accompanying timing waveforms. When the printer is ready for printing, the CPU
starts data transfer to the printer by placing the 8-bit data (corresponding to the ASCII value of
the character to be printed) on the printer’s data bus (pin 2 through 9 on the 36-pin connector, as
shown in Table 1). After this, a negative pulse of duration at least 0.5µs is applied to the
STROBE# input (pin1) of the printer. The minimum set-up and hold times of the latches within
the printer are specified as 0.5µs each, and these timing requirements must be observed by the
CPU (the interface designer should make sure that these specifications are met). As soon as
STROBE# goes low, the printer activates its BUSY line (pin 11) which is an indication to the
CPU that additional bytes cannot be accepted. The CPU can monitor this status signal over an
input port (a detailed assignment of these signals to I/O port bits is given in Table 2).
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Table 1: The Centronics Parallel Printer Interface
(power and ground signals are not shown)
Pin# Pin#
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1-bit control signal
The printer cannot read data due to one of the following reasons:
1. During data entry
2. During data printing
3. In offline state
4. During printer error status
When the printer is in one of the following
1. Paper end state
2. Offline state
3. Error state
Logical Descripti
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Address on
output D<5
0 D<7> D<6> D<4> D<3> D<2> D<1> D<0>
port for >
1 input port PE# SLCT Unused
Y G# # d d
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output Auto
2 port for Unused 5 INIT# Feed
ed N IN# E#
Example # 3:
Problem statement:
Design a Centronics parallel printer interface for the FALCON-A CPU. Map this interface
starting at address 38h (56 decimal) of the FALCON-A’s I/O address space. Solution:
The Centronics interface requires at least three I/O addresses. However, since the FALCON-A
has a 16-bit data bus, and since we do not want to implement data bus multiplexing (to keep
things simple), we will use three contiguous even addresses, i.e., 38h, 3Ah and 3Ch for the
address decoder design. This arrangement also
conforms to the requirements of our
Moreover, we will connect data bus lines
D7...D0 of the FALCON-A to the 8-bit data
bus of the printer (i.e. pins 9, 8, ... , 2 of the
printer cable) and leave lines D15...D8
unconnected. Since the FALCON-A uses the
big-endian format, this will make sure that the
low byte of CPU registers will be transferred
to the printer. (Recall that these bytes will
actually be mapped on addresses 39h, 3Bh and
3Dh). The logic diagram of the address
decoder for this interface is shown in the
given figure.
This bit, when set, enables the bidirectional mode.
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Lecture No. 26
Programmed I/O
Reading Material
• The Centronic Parallel Printer Interface(Cont.)
• Programmed Input/Output
• Examples of Programmed I/O for FALCON-A and SRC
• Comparisons of FALCON-A, SRC examples
Pin# Pin#
The printer cannot read data due to one of the following
5. During data entry
6. During data printing
7. In offline state
8. During printer error status
When the printer is in one of the following states:
4. Paper end state
5. Offline state
6. Error state
When this character is completely received, the ACKNLG# signal (pin 10) goes low, indicating
that the transfer is complete. Soon after this, the BUSY signal returns to logic zero, indicating
that a new transfer can be initiated. The BUSY signal is more suitable for level-triggered
systems, while the ACKNLG# signal is better for edge-triggered systems.
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The interface will typically use two eight bit parallel output ports of the CPU, one for the ASCII
value of the character byte and the other for the control byte. It also specifies an 8-bit parallel
input port for the printer’s status information that can be checked by the CPU.
Logical Descripti
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Address on
output D<5
0 D<7> D<6> D<4> D<3> D<2> D<1> D<0>
port for >
input port BUS ACKNL ERROR Unuse Unuse
1 PE# SLCT Unused
for Y G# # d d
output Auto
2 port for Unused 5 INIT# Feed
ed N IN# E#
Example # 1
Problem statement:
Assuming that a Centronics parallel printer is
interfaced to the FALCON-A processor, as shown
in example 3 of lecture 25, write an assembly
language program to send an 80 character line to
the printer. Assume that the line of characters is
stored in the memory starting at address 1024.
The flowchart for the solution is shown in given
figure and the program listing is shown in the
textbox with filename: Example_1.
The first thing that needs to be done is the
initialization of the printer. This means that a
“reset” command should be sent to the printer.
Using the information from Table 1, this can be
done by writing a 0 to bit 2 (i.e., INIT#) of the
control register having logical address 2. In our
example, this maps onto address 60 of the
FALCON-A. (Remember to set this bit to logic 1
for normal operation of the printer). Then we
make STROBE# high by
placing logic 1 in bit 0 of the control register. Bit 1 and bit 3 should be 0 because we want to
activate auto line feed and keep the printer in selected mode. Additionally, bit 4 and bit 5 should
be 0 so that interrupts are disabled and the bi-directional mode is not selected. The complete
control word is 0000 0001 and this value has been assigned to the variable reset in the program.
The following instruction pair performs the reset operation:
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movi r1, reset
out r1, controlp
As it is given that the starting address of the printer buffer is 102417, so we place this address in
r5. The mask to test the BUSY flag is placed in r3. The value for the mask is 80h. This
corresponds to a logic 1 in bit 7 and logic zeros elsewhere for the status register having address
58 (logical address 1 in Table 1). Then the program enters a loop, called the polling loop, to test
the status of the printer. If the printer is busy, the loop repeats. The following three instructions
form the polling loop:
in r1, statusp
and r1, r1, r3
jnz r1, [again]
The status of the printer is placed in register r1, and bit 7 is tested for logic 0. If not so, the
program repeats the status check operation.
When the printer is ready to accept a new character, it clears bit 7 (i.e., the BUSY bit) of the
status register. At this time, the program picks the next character from the memory and sends it
to the printer. The STROBE# line is activated and then it is deactivated to generate the necessary
pulse on this input of the printer. Finally, the buffer pointer is advanced, the loop counter is
decremented and the process repeats. When all the characters have been printed, the program
A number of equates have been used in the program to make it flexible as well as easily
readable. The program is shown on the next page.
The mul instruction is used for this purpose because the 8-bit immediate operand in the movi instruction
can only be within the range –128 and +127. Using the mul instruction in this way overcomes the limitation of the
FALCON-A. Similarly, the shiftl instruction is used to bring 80h in register r3.
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I/O techniques:
There are three main techniques using which a CPU can exchange data with a peripheral device,
• Programmed I/O
• Interrupt driven I/O
• Direct Memory Access (DMA).
Programmed Input/Output
Programmed I/O refers to the situation when all I/O operations are performed under the direct
control of a program running on the CPU. This program, which usually consists of a “tight loop”,
controls all I/O activity, including device status sensing, issuing read or write commands, and
transferring the data18. A subsequent I/O operation cannot begin until the current I/O operation
to a certain device is complete. This causes the CPU to wait, and thus makes the scheme
extremely inefficient. The solution to Example # 3(lec24), Example #2(lec25), and Example
#1(lec26) are examples of programmed input/output. We will analyze the program for Example
#1(lec26) to explain a few things related to the programmed I/O technique.
The execution time for these two instructions is 2+3 = 5 clock periods. Therefore, STROBE#
stays at logic1 for at least 5 clock periods i.e., during these two instructions. For a 10MHz
FALCON-A CPU, this will correspond to 5x100 = 500nsec = 0.5lsec.
The I/O device has no direct access to the memory or the CPU, and transfer is generally done by using
the CPU registers.
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Since the data to the printer is being sent by the CPU using the two instructions (load r1, [r5]
and out r1, datap) which are before the first movi instruction, the printer’s data setup time
requirement is satisfied as long as we do not increase the clock frequency beyond 10MHz.
After these two instructions, the next two instructions in the program cause STROBE# to go to
logic 1 again.
These two instructions also take 5 clock periods, or 0.5lsec, to execute. Thus, the timing
requirement of the STROBE# pulse width will also be satisfied as long as we do not increase the
clock frequency beyond 10MHz. In case the frequency is greater than 10MHz, other instruction
can be used in between these two pairs of instructions.
The printer’s data hold time requirement is easily satisfied because there are a number of
instructions after this out instruction which do not change the control port, and the character
value is already present in the data register within the interface since the end of the out r1, datap
form what is called a “polling loop”. The process of periodically checking the status of a device
to see if it is ready for the next I/O operation is called “polling”. It is the simplest way for an I/O
device to communicate with the CPU. The device indicates its readiness by setting certain bits in
a status register, and the CPU can read these bits to get information about the device. Thus, the
CPU does all the work and controls all the I/O activities. The polling loop given above takes 10
clock periods. For a 10MHz FALCON-A CPU, this is 10x100=1lsec. One pass of the main loop
takes a total of 3+3+4+5+3+2+3+2+3+3+3+4 = 38 clock periods which is 38x100 = 3.8lsec. This
is the time that the CPU takes to send one character to the printer. If we assume that a 1000
character per second (cps) printer is connected to the CPU, then this printer has the capability to
print one character in every 1msec or every 1000lsec. So, after sending a character in 3.8lsec to
the printer, the CPU will wait for about 996lsec before it can send the next character to the
printer. This implies that the polling loop will be executed about 996 times for each character.
This is indeed a very inefficient way of sending characters to the printer.
An improved way of doing this would be to include a memory of suitable size within the printer.
This memory is also called a buffer, as explained earlier. The CPU can fill this buffer in a single
“burst” at its own speed, and then do something else, while the printer picks up one character at a
time from this buffer and prints it at its own speed. This is exactly the situation with today’s
printers. The task of generating the STROBE# pulse will also be done by the electronic circuits
within the printer. In effect, a dedicated processor within the printer will do this job. However, if
the buffer within the printer fills up, the CPU will still not be able to transfer additional data to it.
A different handshaking scheme will then be needed to make the CPU to communicate
asynchronously with the buffer in the printer, resulting in an inefficient operation again. This is
explained below.
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Assume that the printer has a FIFO type buffer of size 64 bytes that can be filled up without any
delay at the time when the printer is not printing anything. When one or more character values
are present in the buffer, the printer will pick up one value at a time and print it. Remember we
have a 1000 cps printer, so it takes 1msec to print a character. The program for Example
#1(lec26) is modified for this situation and is given below. All the assumptions are the same,
unless otherwise mentioned.
Note that while the instructions for generating the STROBE# pulse have been eliminated, the
polling loop is still there. This is necessary because the BUSY signal will still be present,
although it will have a different meaning n now. In this case, BUSY =1 will mean that the buffer
within the printer is full and it cannot accept additional bytes.
The main loop shown in the program has an execution time of 28 clock periods, which is 2.8lsec
for a 10MHz FALCON-A CPU. The polling loop still takes 10 clock periods or 1lsec. Assuming
that this program starts when the buffer in the printer is empty, the outer loop will execute 64
times before the CPU encounters a BUSY=1 condition. After that the situation will be the same
as in the previous case. The polling loop will execute for about 996 times before BUSY goes to
logic 0. This situation will persist for the remaining 16 characters (remember we are sending an
80 character line to the printer).
One can argue that the problem can be solved by increasing the buffer size to more than 80
bytes. Well, first of all, memory is not free. So, a large buffer will increase the cost of the printer.
Even if we are willing to pay more for an improved printer, the larger buffer will still fill up
whenever the number of characters is more than the buffer size. When that happens, we will be
back to square one again.
A careful analysis of the situation reveals that there is something wrong with the scheme that is
being used to send data to the printer. This problem of having a larger overhead of polling was
recognized long ago, and therefore, interrupts were invented as an alternate to programmed I/O.
Interrupt driven I/O will be the topic of the next lecture.
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lar r3, wait
ldr r2, char
wait: ld r1, COSTAT
brpl r3, r1
st r2, COUT
A 10 MIPS, SRC would execute 10,000 instructions waiting for a 1,000 character/sec printer.
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Lecture No. 27
Interrupt Driven I/O
Reading Material
• Programmed I/O Driver for SRC
• Interrupt Driven I/O
Please refer to Figure 8.10 of the text and its associated explanation.
The basic purpose of interrupts is to divert CPU processing only when it is required. As an
example let us consider the example of a user typing a document on word-processing software
running on a multi-tasking operating system. It is up to the software to display a character when
the user presses a key on the keyboard. To fulfill this responsibility the processor can repeatedly
poll the keyboard to check if the user has pressed a key. However, the average user can type at
most 50 to 60 words in a minute. The rate of input is much slower than the speed of the
processor. Hence, most of the polling messages that the processor sends to the keyboard will be
wasted. A significant fraction of the processor’s cycles will be wasted checking for user input on
the keyboard. It should also be kept in mind that there are usually multiple peripheral devices
such as mouse, camera, LAN card, modem, etc. If the processor would poll each and every one
of these devices for input, it would be wasting a large amount of its time. To solve this problem,
interrupts are integrated into the system. Whenever a peripheral device has data to be exchanged
with the processor, it interrupts the processor; the processor saves its state and then executes an
interrupt handler routine (which basically exchanges data with the device). After this exchange is
completed, the processor resumes its task. Coming back to the keyboard example, if it takes the
average user approximately 500 ms to press consecutive keys a modern processor like the
Pentium can execute up to 300,000,000 instructions in these 500 Ms. Hence, interrupts are an
efficient way to handle I/O compared to polling.
Advantages of interrupts:
• Useful for interfacing I/O devices with low data transfer rates.
• CPU is not tied up in a tight loop for polling the I/O device.
Types of Interrupts:
The general categories of interrupts are as follows:
• Internal Interrupts
• External Interrupts
• Hardware Interrupts
• Software Interrupts
Internal Interrupts:
• Internal interrupts are generated by the processor.
• These are used by processor to handle the exceptions generated during instruction
Internal interrupts are generated to handle conditions such as stack overflow or a divide-by-zero
exception. Internal interrupts are also referred to as traps. They are mostly used for exception
handling. These types of interrupts are also called exceptions and were discussed previously.
External Interrupts:
External interrupts are generated by the devices other than the processor. They are of two types.
• Hardware interrupts are generated by the external hardware.
• Software interrupts are generated by the software using some interrupt instruction.
As the name implies, external interrupts are generated by devices external to the CPU, such as
the click of a mouse or pressing a key on a keyboard. In most cases, input from external sources
requires immediate attention. These events require a quick service by the software, e.g., a word
processing software must quickly display on the monitor, the character typed by the user on the
keyboard. A mouse click should produce immediate results. Data received from the LAN card or
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the modem must be copied from the buffer immediately so that pending data is not lost because
of buffer overflow, etc.
Hardware interrupts:
Hardware interrupts are generated by external events specific to peripheral devices. Most
processors have at least one line dedicated to interrupt requests. When a device signals on this
specific line, the processor halts its activity and executes an interrupt service routine. Such
interrupts are always asynchronous with respect to instruction execution, and are not associated
with any particular instruction. They do not prevent instruction completion as exceptions like an
arithmetic overflows does. Thus, the control unit only needs to check for such interrupts at the
start of every new instruction. Additionally, the CPU needs to know the identification and
priority of the device sending the interrupt request.
Maskable Interrupts:
• These interrupts are applied to the INTR pin of the processor.
• These can be blocked by resetting the flag bit for the interrupts.
Non-maskable Interrupts:
• These interrupts are detected using the NMI pin of the processor.
• These can not be blocked or masked.
• Reserved for catastrophic event in the system.
Software interrupts:
Software interrupts are usually associated with the software. A simple output operation in a
multitasking system requires software interrupts to be generated so that the processor may
temporarily halt its activity and place the data on its data bus for the peripheral device. Output is
usually handled by interrupts so that it appears interactive and asynchronous. Notification of
other events, such as expiry of a software timer is also handled by software interrupts. Software
interrupts are also used with system calls. When the operating system switches from user mode
to supervisor mode it does so through software interrupts. Let us consider an example where a
user program must delete a file. The user program will be executing in the user mode. When it
makes the specific system call to delete the file, a software interrupt will be generated, this will
cause the processor to halt its current activity (which would be the user program) and switch to
supervisor mode. Once in supervisor mode, the operating system will delete the file and then
control will return to the user program. While in supervisor mode the operating system would
need to decide if it could delete the specified file without harmful consequences to the systems
integrity, hence it is important that the system switch to supervisor mode at each system call.
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I/O Software System Layers:
The above diagram shows the various software layers related to I/O. At the bottom lies the actual
hardware itself, i.e. the peripheral device. The peripheral device uses the hardware interrupts to
communicate with the processor. The processor responds by executing the interrupt handler for
that particular device. The device drivers form the bridge between the hardware and the software.
The operating system uses the device drivers to communicate with the device in a hardware
independent fashion, e.g., the operating system need not cater for a specific brand of CRT
monitors, or keyboards, the specific device driver written for that monitor or keyboard will act as
an intermediary between the operating system and the device. It would be clear from the
previous statement that the operating system expects certain common functions from all brands
of devices in a category. Actually implementing these functions for each particular brand or
vendor is the responsibility of the device driver. The user programs run at top of the operating
Non-vectored Interrupts:
In non-vectored interrupts, the branch address of the interrupt service routine is fixed. The code
for the ISR is loaded at fixed memory location. Non-vectored interrupts are very easy to
implement and not flexible at all. In this case, the number of peripheral devices is fixed and may
not be increased. Once the interrupt is generated the processor queries each peripheral device to
find out which device generated the interrupt. This approach is the least flexible for software
interrupt handling.
Vectored Interrupts:
Interrupt vectors are used to specify the address of the interrupt service routine. The code for ISR
can be loaded anywhere in the memory. This approach is much more flexible as the programmer
may easily locate the interrupt vector and change its addresses to use custom interrupt servicing
routines. Using vectored interrupts, multiple devices may share the same interrupt input line to
the processor. A process called daisy chaining is then used to locate the interrupting device.
Interrupt Vector:
Interrupt vector is a fixed size structure that stores the address of the first instruction of the ISR.
Interrupt Vector Table:
• All of the interrupt vectors are stored in the memory in a special table called
Interrupt Vector Table.
• Interrupt Vector Table is loaded at the memory location 0 for the 8086/8088.
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Interrupts in Intel 8086/8088:
• Interrupts in 8086/8088 are vector interrupts.
• Interrupt vector is of 4 bytes to store IP and CS.
• Interrupt vector table is loaded at address 0 of main memory.
• There is provision of 256 interrupts.
Branch Address Calculation:
• The number of interrupt is the number of interrupt vector in the interrupt vector
• Since size of each vector is 4 bytes and interrupt vector starts from address 0,
therefore, the address of interrupt vector can be calculated by simply multiplying the number by
Interrupt Handling:
The CPU responds to the interrupt request by completing the current instruction, and then storing
the return address from PC into a memory stack. Then the CPU branches to the ISR that
processes the requested operation of data transfer. In general, the following sequence takes place.
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• CPU pushes the program status word (flags) on the stack along with the current value of
program counter.
• The CPU starts executing the ISR.
• After completion of the ISR, the environment is restored; control is transferred back to
the main program.
Interrupt Latency:
Interrupt Latency is the time needed by the CPU to recognize (not service) an interrupt request. It
consists of the time to perform the following:
• Finish executing the current instruction.
• Perform interrupt-acknowledge bus cycles.
• Temporarily save the current environment.
• Calculate the IVT address and transfer control to the ISR.
If wait states are inserted by either some memory module or the device supplying the interrupt
type number, the interrupt latency will increase accordingly.
Interrupt Latency for external interrupts depends on how many clock periods remain in the
execution of the current instruction.
On the average, the longest latency occurs when a multiplication, division or a variable-bit shift
or rotate instruction is executing when the interrupt request arrives.
Response Deadline:
It is the maximum time that an interrupt handler can take between the time when interrupt was
requested and when the device must be serviced.
Interrupt Precedence:
Interrupts occurring at the same time i.e. within the same instruction are serviced according to a
pre-defined priority.
• In general, all internal interrupts have priority over all external interrupts; the single-step
interrupt is an exception.
• NMI has priority over INTR if both occur simultaneously.
• The above mentioned priority structure is applicable as far as the recognition of
(simultaneous) interrupts is concerned. As far as servicing (execution of the related ISR)
is concerned, the single-step interrupt always gets the highest priority, then the NMI, and
finally those (hardware or software) interrupts that occur last. If IF is not 1, then INTR is
ignored in any case. Moreover, since any ISR will clear IF, INTR has lower "service
priority" compared to software interrupts, unless the ISR itself sets IF=1.
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Daisy-Chaining Priority:
• The daisy-chaining method to resolve the priority consists of a series connection of
the devices in order of their priority.
• Device with maximum priority is placed first and device with least priority is placed
at the end.
If the higher priority devices are going to interrupt continuously then the device with the lower
priority is not serviced. So some additional circuitry is also needed to introduce fairness.
Parallel Priority:
• Parallel priority method for resolving the priority uses individual bits of a priority
• The priority of the device is determined by position of the input of the encoder
used for the interrupt.
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Lecture No. 28
Interrupt Hardware and Software
Reading Material
• Comparison of Interrupt driven I/O and Polling
• Design Issues
• Interrupt Handler Software
• Interrupt Hardware
• Interrupt Software
Interrupt driven I/O is better than polling. In the case of polling a lot of time is wasted in
questioning the peripheral device whether it is ready for delivering the data or not. In the case of
interrupt driven I/O the CPU time in polling is saved.
Now the design issues involved in implementation of the interrupts are twofold. There would be
a number of interrupts that could be initiated. Once the interrupt is there, how the CPU does
know which particular device initiated this interrupt. So the first question is evaluation of the
peripheral device or looking at which peripheral device has generated the interrupt. Now the
second important question is that usually there would be a number of interrupts simultaneously
available. So if there are a number of interrupts then there should be a mechanism by which we
could just resolve that which particular interrupt should be serviced first. So there should be
some priority mechanism.
Design Issues
There are two design issues:
1. Device Identification
2. Priority mechanism
Device Identification
In this issue different mechanisms could be used.
• Multiple interrupt lines
• Software Poll
• Daisy Chain
This is the most straight forward approach, and in this method, a number of interrupt lines are
provided between the CPU and the I/O module. However, it is impractical to dedicate more than
a few bus lines or CPU pins to interrupt lines. Consequently, even if multiple lines are used, it is
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likely that each line will have multiple I/O modules attached to it. Thus on each line, one of the
other technique would still be required.
2. Software Poll
CPU polls to identify the interrupting module and branches to an interrupt service routine on
detecting an interrupt. This identification is done using special commands or reading the device
status register. Special command
may be a test I/O. In this case,
CPU raises test I/O and places the
address of a particular I/O module
on the address line. If I/O module
sets the interrupt then it responds
positively. In the case of an
addressable status register, the
CPU reads the status register of
each I/O module to identify the
interrupting module. Once the correct module is identified, the CPU branches to a device service
routine which is specific to that particular device.
For above two techniques the implementation might require some hardware. The hardware
would be specific to the processor which is being used. For example, for the case of SRC, simple
hardware machanism is indicated. Now the basic technique is handshaking and in this case of
handshaking, the peripheral device would initiate an interrupt. This interrupt needs to be enabled.
We will have a mechanism of ANDing the two signals. One is interrupt enable and other is
interrupt request. Now these two requests would be passed on the CPU. The CPU passes on the
acknowledge signal to the device. The acknowledge signal is shared and it goes on to different
The information about interrupt vector is given in 8-bits, from bit 0 to 7, which is translated to bit
16 to 23 on the data bus. Now the other 16-bits, from 0 to 15 are mapped to the data lines from 0
to 15. Now both of these are available through the tri-state buffers, which would be enabled
through interrupt acknowledge.
3. Daisy Chain
The wired or interrupt signal allows several devices to request interrupt simultaneously.
However, for proper
operation one and only
one requesting device
must receive an
acknowledge signal,
otherwise if we have
more than one devices,
we would have a data
bus contention and the
interrupt information would not be resolved. The usual solution is called a daisy chain. Assuming
that if we have jth devices requesting for interrupt then first device 0 would receive the
acknowledge signal, so therefore, iack0=iack. The next device would only receive an
acknowledge i.e., the jth device would receive an acknowledge if the previous device that means
j-1 does not have an enabled interrupt request, that means interrupt was not initiated by the
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previous device. Now the figure shows this concept in the form of a connection from device 0 to
1. From 0, we see the acknowledge is generated for device 1, device 1 generates acknowledge
for device2 and so on. So this signal propagates from one device to other device. Logically we
could write it in the form of equation:
iackj = iack j-1^(reqj-1^enb j-1)
As we said that the previous device should not have generated an interrupt, that means its
interrupt was not enabled and therefore, it passes on the acknowledge signal from its
output to he next device.
The software poll has a disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of time, while the daisy chain is
more efficient. The daisy chain has the disadvantage that the device nearest to the CPU would
have highest priority. So, usually those devices which require higher priority would be connected
nearer to the CPU. Now in order to get a fair chance for other devices, other mechanisms could
be initiated or we could say that we could start instead of device 0 from that device where the
CPU finishes the last interrupt and could have a cyclic provision to different devices.
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As an example of interrupt-driven I/O, consider an output device, such as a parallel printer
connected to the FALCON-A CPU. Now suppose that we want to print a document while using
an application program like a word processor or a spread sheet. In this section, we will explain
the important aspects of hardware and software for implementing an interrupt driven parallel
printer interface for the FALCON-A. During this discussion, we will also explain the differences
and similarities between this interface and the one discussed earlier. To make things simple, we
have made the assumption that only one interrupt pin is available on the FALCON-A, and only
one interrupt is possible at a given time with this CPU. Implications of allowing only one
interrupt at a time are that
• No NMI is possible
• No nesting of interrupts is possible
• No priority structure needed for multiple devices
• No arbitration needed for simultaneous interrupts
• No need for vectored interrupts, therefore, no need of interrupt vectors and interrupt
vector tables
• Effect of software initiated interrupts and internal interrupts (exceptions) has to be
ignored in this discussion
Along with the previous assumption, the following assumptions have also been used:
• Hardware sets and clears the interrupt flag, in addition to handling other things like
saving PC, etc.
• The address of the ISR is stored at absolute address 2 in memory.
• The ISR will set up a stack in the memory for saving the CPU’s environment
• One ASCII character stored per 16-bit word in the FALCON-A’s memory and one
character transferred during a 16-bit transfer.
• The calling program will call the ISR for printing the first character through the printer
• Printer will activate ACKNLG# only when not BUSY.
Interrupt Hardware:
Interrupt Software:
Our software for the interrupt driven printer example consists of three parts:
1). Dummy calling program
2). Printer Driver
3). ISR
We are assuming that normal processing is taking place19 e.g., a word processor is executing.
The user wants to print a document. This document is placed in a buffer by the word processor.
This buffer is usually present somewhere else in the memory. The responsibility of the calling
program is to pass the number of bytes to be printed and the starting address of the buffer where
these bytes are stored to the printer driver. The calling program can also be called the main
Since only one interrupt is possible, a question may arise about the way the print command is presented
to the word processor. It can be assumed that polling is used for the input device in this case.
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Suppose that the total number of bytes to be printed are 40. (They are placed in a buffer having
the starting address 1024.) When the user invokes the print command, the calling program calls
the printer driver and passes these two parameters in r7 and r5 respectively. The return address of
the calling program is stored in r4. A dummy calling program code is given below. Bufp, NOB,
PB, and temp are the spaces reserved in memory for later use in the program. The first
instruction is jump [main]. It is stored at absolute memory address 0 by using the .org 0
directive. It will transfer control to the main program. The first instruction of the main program is
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placed at address “main”, which is the entry point in this example. Note that the entry point is
different in this case from the reset address, which is address 0 for the FALCON-A. Also note
that the address of the first instruction in the printer driver is stored at address “a4PD” using the
.sw directive. This value is then brought into r6. The main program calls the printer driver by
using the instruction call r4, r6. In an actual program, after returning from the printer driver, the
normal processing resumes and if there are any error conditions, they will be handled at this
point. Next, consider the code for the printer driver, shown in the attached text box.
The printer driver is loaded at address 50. Initialization of the variables includes setting of port
addresses, variables for the STROBE# pulse, initializing the printer and enabling its IRQEN. The
variables can be defined anywhere in the program because they reserve no memory space. When
the printer driver starts, the PB flag is tested to make sure that a previous print job is not in
progress. If so, the ISR is not invoked and a message is returned to the main program indicating
that printing is in progress. This may display a “printer busy” icon on the user’s screen, or cause
some other appropriate action. If the printer is available, it is initialized by the driver.
The following activities are also performed by the driver (see the attached flow chart also).
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We have assumed that the address of the ISR is stored at absolute memory address 2 by the
operating system. One way to do that is by using the .sw directive (as done in the dummy calling
program). The symbol sw stands for “storage of word”. It enables the user to identify storage for
a constant, or the value of a variable, an address or a label at a fixed memory location during the
assembly process.
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These values become part of the binary file and are then loaded into the memory when the binary
file is loaded and executed. In response to a hardware interrupt or the software interrupt int, the
control unit of the FALCON-A CPU will pick up the address of the first instruction in the ISR
from memory location 2, and transfer control to it. This effectively means that the behavioral
RTL of the int instruction will be as shown below:
The IPC register in the CPU is a holding place for the current value of the PC. It is invisible to
the programmer. Since the iret instruction should always be the last instruction in every ISR, its
behavior RTL will be as shown below:
iret PC ← IPC, IF ← 1
The saving and restoring of the other elements of the CPU environment like the general purpose
registers should be done within the ISR. The five store instructions at the beginning are used to
save these registers into the memory block starting at address temp, and the five load
instructions at the end are used to restore these registers to their original values.
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After setting the mask to 80h in r3, the current value of the buffer pointer and the number of
bytes to be printed are brought from the memory into r5 and r7 respectively. After a byte is
printed, these values are updated in the memory for use by the ISR when it is invoked again. The
rest of the code in the ISR is the same as it was in case of the programmed I/O example. Note
that we are testing the printer’s BUSY flag within the ISR also. However, the difference here is
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that this testing is being done for a different reason, and it is done only once for each call to the
The memory map for this program is as shown in the Figure. The point to be noted here is that
the ISR can be loaded anywhere in the memory but its address will be present at memory
location 2 i.e. M[2].
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Lecture No. 29
Reading Material
Handouts Slides
• Introduction to FALSIM
• Preparing source files for FALSIM
• Using FALSIM
• FALCON-A assembly language techniques
Introduction to FALSIM:
FALSIM is the name of the software application which consists of the FALCON-A assembler
and the FALCON-A simulator. It runs under Windows XP.
FALCON-A Assembler:
Figure 1 shows a snapshot of the graphical user interface (GUI) for the FALCON-A Assembler.
This tool loads a FALCON-A assembly file with a (.asmfa) extension and parses it. It shows the
parsed results in an error log, lets the user view the assembled file’s contents in the file listing
and also provides the features of printing the machine code, an Instruction Table and a Symbol
Table to a FALCON-A listing file. It also allows the user to run the FALCON-A Simulator.
The FALCON-A Assembler source code has two main modules, the 1st-pass module and the
2nd-pass module. The 1st-pass module takes an assembly file with a (.asmfa) extension and
processes the file contents. It then generates a Symbol Table which corresponds to the storage of
all program variables, labels and data values in a data structure at the implementation level. The
Symbol Table is used by the 2nd-pass module. Failures of the 1st-pass are handled by the
assembler using its exception handling mechanism.
The 2nd-pass module sequentially processes the .asmfa file to interpret the instruction op-codes,
register op-codes and constants using the Symbol Table. It then produces a list file with a .lstfa
extension independent of successful or failed pass. If the pass is successful a binary file with a
.binfa extension is produced which contains the machine code for the program contained in the
assembly file.
FALCON-A Simulator:
Figure 6 shows a snapshot of the GUI for the FALCON-A Simulator. This tool loads a
FALCON-A binary file with a (.binfa) extension and presents its contents into different areas of
the simulator. It allows the user to execute the program to a specific point within a time frame or
just executes it, line by line. It also allows the user to view the registers, I/O port values and
memory contents as the instructions execute.
FALSIM Features:
The FALCON-A Assembler provides its user with the following features:
Select Assembly File: Labeled as “1” in Figure 1, this feature enables the user to choose a
FALCON-A assembly file and open it for processing by the assembler. Assembler Options:
Labeled as “2” in Figure 1.
• Print Symbol Table
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This feature, if selected, writes the Symbol Table (produced after the execution of the 1st-pass of
the assembler) to a FALCON-A list file with an extension of (.lstfa). The Symbol Table includes
variables, addresses and labels with their respective values.
• Print Instruction Table
This feature, if selected, writes the FALCON-A instructions along with their op-codes at the end
of the list file.
List File: Labeled as “3”, in Figure 1, the List File feature gives a detailed insight of the
FALCON-A listing file, which is produced as a result of the execution of the 1st and 2nd-pass. It
shows the Program Counter value in hexadecimal and decimal formats along with the machine
code generated for every line of assembly code. These values are printed when the 2nd-pass is
Error Log: The Error Log is labeled as “4” in Figure 1. It informs the user about the errors and
their respective details, which occurs in any of the two passes of the assembler. The size of this
window can be changed by dragging the boundary line up or down.
Highlight: This feature is labeled as “5” in Figure 1 and helps the user to search for a certain
input with the options of searching with “match whole” and “match any” parts of the string.
The search also has the option of checking with/without considering “case-sensitivity”. It
searches the List File area and highlights the search results using the yellow color. It also
indicates the total number of matches found.
Start Simulator: This feature is labeled as “6” in Figure 1. The FALCON-A Simulator is run
using the FALCON-A Assembler’s “Start Simulator” option. Its features are detailed as follows:
Load Binary File: The button labeled as “11” in Figure 6, allows the user to choose and open a
FALCON-A binary file with a (.binfa) extension. When a file is being loaded into the simulator
all the register, constants (if any) and memory values are set.
Registers: The area labeled as “12” in Figure 6. enables, the user to see values present in
different registers before, during and after execution.
Instruction: This area is labeled as “13” in Figure 6 and contains the value of PC, address of an
instruction, its representation in Assembly, the Register Transfer Language, the op-code and the
instruction type.
I/O Ports: I/O ports are labeled as “14” in Figure 6. These ports are available for the user to enter
input operation values and visualize output operation values whenever an I/O operation takes
place in the program. The input value for an input operation is given by the user before an
instruction executes. The output values are visible in the I/O port area once the instruction has
successfully executed.
Memory: The memory is divided into two areas and is labeled as “15” in Figure 6, to facilitate
the view of data stored at different memory locations before, during and after program execution.
Processor’s State: Labeled as “16” in Figure 6, this area shows the current values of the
Instruction Register and the Program Counter while the program executes.
Highlight: The highlight option for the FALCON-A simulator is labeled as “17” in Figure 6.
This feature is similar to the way the highlight feature of the FALCON-A Assembler works. It
offers to highlight the search string which is entered as an input, with the “All “ and “ Part “
option. The results of the search are highlighted using the yellow color. It also indicates the total
number of matches.
The following is a description of the options available on the button panel labeled as “18” in
Figure 6.
Single Step: “Single Step” lets the user execute the program, one instruction at a time. The next
instruction is not executed unless the user does a “single step” again. By default, the instruction
to be executed will be the one next in the sequence. It changes if the user specifies a different PC
value using the Change PC option (explained below).
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Change PC: This option lets the user change the value of PC (Program Counter). By changing
the PC the user can execute the instruction to which the specified PC points. The value in the PC
must be an even address.
Execute: By choosing this button, the user is able to execute the loaded program with the options
of execution with/without breakpoint insertion. In case of breakpoint insertion, the user has the
option to choose from a list of valid breakpoint values. It also has the option to set a limit on the
time for execution. This “Max Execution Time” option restricts the program execution to a time
frame specified by the user.
Change Register: Using the Change Register feature, the user can change the value present in a
particular register.
Change Memory Word: This feature enables the user to change values present at a particular
memory location.
Display Memory: Display Memory shows an updated memory area, after a particular memory
location other than the pre-existing ones is specified by the user.
Change I/O: Allows the user to give an I/O port value if the instruction to be executed requires
an I/O operation. Giving in the input in any one of the I/O ports areas before instruction
execution, indicates that a particular I/O operation will be a part of the program and it will have
an input from some source. The value given by the user indicates the input type and source.
Display I/O: Display I/O works in a manner similar to Display Memory. Here the user specifies
the starting index of an I/O port. This features displays the I/O ports stating from the index
3. Using FALSIM:
• To start FALSIM (the FALCON-A assembler and simulator), double click on the
FALSIM icon. This will display the assembler window, as shown in the Figure 1.
• Select one or both assembler options shown on the top right corner of the assembler
window labeled as “2”. If no option is selected, the symbol table and the instruction table
will not be generated in the list (.lstfa) file.
• Click on the select assembly file button labeled as “1”. This will open the dialog box as
shown in the Figure 2.
• Select the path and file containing the source program that is to be assembled.
• Click on the open button. FALSIM will assemble the program and generate two files with
the same filename, but with different extensions. A list file will be generated with an
extension .lstfa, and a binary (executable) file will be generated with an extension .binfa.
FALSIM will also display the list file and any error messages in two separate panes, as
shown in Figure 3.
• Double clicking on any error message highlights and displays the corresponding
erroneous line in the program listing window pane for the user. This is shown in Figure 4.
The highlight feature can also be used to display any text string, including statements
with errors in them. If the assembler reported any errors in the source file, then these
errors should be corrected and the program should be assembled again before simulation
can be done. Additionally, if the source file had been assembled correctly at an earlier
occasion, and a correct binary (.binfa) file exists, the simulator can be started directly
without performing the assembly process.
Any address between 4 and 14 can be used in place of the displacement field in load or store instructions.
Recall that the displacement field is just 5 bits in the instruction word.
This restriction is because of the fact that the immediate operand in the movi instruction must fit an 8-bit
field in the instruction word.
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• To start the simulator, click on the start simulation button labeled as “6”. This will open
the dialog box shown in Figure 6.
• Select the binary file to be simulated, and click Open as shown in Figure 7. (It is also
possible to open the file by double clicking on the file name in the “Open” window).
• This will open the simulation window with the executable program loaded in it as shown
in Figure 8. The details of the different panes in this window were given in section 1
earlier. Notice that the first instruction at address 0 is ready for execution. All registers
are initialized to 0. The memory contains the address of the ISR (i.e., 64h which is 100
decimal) at location 2 and the address of the printer driver at location 4. These two
addresses are determined at assembly time in our case. In a real situation, these addresses
will be determined at execution time by the operating system, and thus the ISR and the
printer driver will be located in the memory by the operating system (called re-locatable
code). Subsequent memory locations contain constants defined in the program.
• Click single step button labeled as “19”. FALSIM will execute the jump [main]
instruction at address 0 and the PC will change to 20h (32 decimal), which is the address
of the first instruction in the main program (i.e., the value of main).
• Although in a real situation, there will be many instructions in the main program, those
instructions are not present in the dummy calling program. The first useful instruction is
shown next. It loads the address of the printer driver in r6 from the pointer area in the
memory. The registers r5 and r7 are also set up for passing the starting address of the
print buffer and the number of bytes to be printed. In our dummy program, we bring these
values in to these registers from the data area in the memory, and then pass these values
to the printer driver using these two registers. Clicking on the single step button twice,
executes these two instructions.
• The execution of the call instruction simulates the event of a print request by the user.
This transfers control to the printer driver. Thus, when the call r4, r6 instruction is single
stepped, the PC changes to 32h (50 decimal) for executing the first instruction in the
printer driver.
• Double click on memory location 000A, which is being used for holding the PB (printer
busy) flag. Enter a 1 and click the change memory button. This will store a 0001 in this
location, indicating that a previous print job is in progress. Now click single step and note
that this value is brought from memory location 000E into register r1. Clicking single
step again will cause the jnz r1, [message] instruction to execute, and control will
transfer to the message routine at address 0046h. The nop instruction is used here as a
place holder.
• Click again on the single step button. Note that when the ret r4 instruction executes, the
value in r4 (i.e., 28h) is brought into the PC. The blue highlight bar is placed on the next
instruction after the call r4, r6 instruction in the main program. In case of the dummy
calling program, this is the halt instruction.
• Double click on the value of the PC labeled as “20”. This will open a dialog box shown
below. Enter a value of the PC (i.e. 26h) corresponding to the call r4, r6 instruction, so
that it can be executed again. A “list” of possible PC values can also be pulled down
using, and 0026h can be selected from there as well.
• Change memory location 000A to a 0, and then single step the first instruction in the
printer driver. This will bring a 0 in r1, so that when the next jnz r1, [message]
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instruction is executed, the branch will not be taken and control will transfer to the next
instruction after this instruction. This is movi r1, 1 at address 0036h.
• Continue single stepping till the int instruction and note the changes in different panes of
the simulation window at each ste
• When the int instruction executes, the PC changes to 64h, which is the address of the first
instruction in the ISR. Clicking single step executes this instruction, and loads the address of
temp (i.e., 0010h) which is a temporary memory area for storing the environment. The five
store instructions in the ISR save the CPU environment (working registers) before the
ISR change them.
• Single step through the ISR while noting the effects on various registers, memory
locations, and I/O ports till the iret instruction executes. This will pass control back to the
printer driver by changing the PC to the address of the jump [finish] instruction, which is
the next instruction after the int instruction.
• Double click on the value of the PC. Change it to point to the int instruction and click
single step to execute it again. Continue to single step till the in r1, statusp instruction is
ready for execution.
• Change the I/O port at address 3Ah (which represents the status port at address 58) to 80
and then single step the in r1, statusp instruction. The value in r1 should be 0080.
Figure 1
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• Single step twice and notice that control is transferred to the movi r7, FFFF
instruction, which stores an error code of –1 in r1.
Figure 2
Figure 3
The instruction was originally movi r7, -1. Since it was converted to machine language by the assembler,
and then reverse assembled by the simulator, it became movi r7, FFFF. This is because the machine code stores the
number in 16-bits after sign-extension. The result will be the same in both cases.
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Figure 4
Figure 5
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Figure 6
Figure 7
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Figure 8
• If a signed value, x, cannot fit in 8 bits (i.e., it is outside the range -128 to +127), even the
previous scheme will not work. FALSIM will report an error with the movi r2, x instruction.
The following instruction sequence should be used to overcome this limitation of the
FALCON-A. First store the 16-bit address in the memory using the .sw directive. Then use
two load instructions as shown below:
a: .sw x load r2, [a]
load r1, [r2]
This is essentially a “memory-register-indirect” addressing. It has been made possible by the
.sw directive. The value of a should be less than 15.
• A similar technique can be used with immediate ALU instructions for large values of the
immediate data, and with the transfer of control (call and jump) instructions for large values
of the target address.
• Large values (16-bit values) can also be stored in registers using the mul instruction
combined with the addi instruction. The following instructions bring a 201 in register r1.
movi r2, 10
movi r3, 20
mul r1, r2, r3 ; r1 contains 200 after this instruction
addi r1, r1, 1 ; r1 now contains 201
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• Moving from one register to another can be done by using the instruction addi r2, r1, 0.
• Bit setting and clearing can be done using the logical (and, or, not, etc) instructions.
• Using shift instructions (shiftl, asr, etc.) is faster that mul and div, if the multiplier or
divisor is a power of 2.
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Advance Computer Architecture – CS501
Lecture No. 30
Interrupt Priority and Nested Interrupts
Reading Material
• Nested Interrupts
• Interrupt Mask
Nested Interrupts
(Read from Book, Jordan Page 391)
Interrupt Mask
(Read from Book, Jordan Page 391)
Priority Mask
(Read from Book, Jordan Page 392)
Example # 123
Assume that three I/O devices are connected to a 32-bit, 10 MIPS CPU. The first device is a hard
drive with a maximum transfer rate of 1MB/sec. It has a 32-bit bus. The second device is a
floppy drive with a transfer rate of 25KB/sec over a 16-bit bus, and the third device is a keyboard
that must be polled thirty times per second. Assuming that the polling operation requires 20
instructions for each I/O device, determine the percentage of CPU time required to poll each
The hard drive can transfer 1MB/sec or 250 K 32-bit words every second. Thus, this hard drive
should be polled using at least this rate.
Adopted from [H&P org]
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The floppy disk can transfer 25K/2= 12.5 x 210 half-words per second. It should be polled with
at least this rate. The number of CPU instructions required will be 12.5 x 210 x 20 = 256,000
instructions per second.
It is clear from this example that while it is acceptable to use polling for a keyboard or a floppy
drive, it is very risky to use polling for the hard drive. In general, for devices with a high data
rate, the use of polling is not adequate.
Example # 22
a. What should be the polling frequency for an I/O device if the average delay
between the time when the device wants to make a request and the time when it is polled, is to be
at most 10 ms?
b. If it takes 10,000 cycles to poll the I/O device, and the processor operates at
100MHz, what % of the CPU time is spent polling?
c. What if th24e system wants to provide an average delay of 1msec?
a. Assuming that the I/O requests are distributed evenly in time, the average time
that a device will have to wait for the processor to poll is half the time between polling attempts.
Therefore, to provide an average delay of 10 ms, the processor will have to poll every 20 ms, or
50 times per second.
b. If each polling attempt takes 10,000 cycles, then the processor will spend 500,000
cycles polling each second. The % of CPU time spent in polling is then
c. To provide an average delay of 1ms, the polling frequency must be increased. The
processor will have to poll every 2ms, or 500 times per second. This will consume 5,000,000
cycles for polling. The % of CPU time spent polling then becomes 5/100=5%.
Example # 325
What percentage of time will a 20MIPS processor spend in the busy wait loop of an 80-character
line printer when it takes 1 msec to print a character and a total of 565 instructions need to be
executed to print an 80 character line. Assume that two instructions are executed in the polling
Adopted from [Schaum]
25 Adopted from [H&J]
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Out of the total 565 instructions executed to print a line, 80x2=160 are required for polling. For a
20MIPS processor, the execution of the remaining 405 instructions takes 405/ (20x106) =
20.25∝sec. Since the printing of 80 characters takes 80ms, (80-0.02025) =79.97msec is spent in
the polling loop before the next 80 characters can be printed. This is 79.97/80=99.96% of the
total time.
Example # 426
Consider a 20 MIPS processor with several input devices attached to it, each running at 1000
characters per second. Assume that it takes 17 instructions to handle an interrupt. If the hardware
interrupt response takes 1∝sec, what is the maximum number of devices that can be handled
A service for one character requires 17/ (20x106) +1∝sec=1.85∝sec. Since each device
runs at 1000 characters per second, 1.85 ms of handling time is required by each device
every second. Therefore the maximum number of devices that can be handled is 1/ (1.85x10-3) =
Example # 527
Assume that a floppy drive having a transfer rate of 25KB per second is attached to a 32 bit,
10MIPS CPU using an interrupt driven interface. The drive has a 16-bit data bus. Assume that
the interrupt overhead is 20 instructions. Calculate the fraction of CPU time required to service
this drive when it is active.
Since the floppy drive has a 16-bit data bus, it can transfer two bytes at one time. Thus its
transfer rate is 25/2 = 12.5K half-words (16-bits each) per second. This corresponds to an
overhead of 20 instructions or 12.5K x 20 = 12.5 x 210 x 20 = 256000 instructions per second.
Example # 628
A processor with a 500 MHz clock requires 1000 clock cycles to perform a context switch and
start an ISR. Assume each interrupt takes 10,000 cycles to execute the ISR and the device makes
200 interrupt requests per second. Also, assume that the processor polls every 0.5msec during the
time when there are no interrupts. Further assume that polling an I/O device requires 500 cycles.
Compute the following:
a. How many cycles per second does the processor spend handling I/O from the
device if only interrupts are used?
b. What fraction of the CPU time is used in interrupt handling for part (a)?
c. How many cycles per second are spent on I/O if polling is also used with
d. How often should the processor poll so that polling incurs the same overhead as
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a. The device makes 200 interrupt requests per second, each of which takes 10,000 +
2x1000 (context switching to the ISR and back from it)
= 12,000 cycles.
Thus, a total of 200x12,000=2,400,000 cycles per second are spent handling I/O using interrupts.
b. The percentage of the processor time used in interrupt handling is 2,400,000/(500x10 or
c. There are 200 interrupt requests per second, or one interrupt request every 5 ms.
Every interrupt consumes a total of 12,000 cycles, as calculated in part (a). For a 500 MHz CPU,
this is
For 200 interrupts per second, this is 4.8 msec. This leaves 1000 - 4.8 = 995.2 msec for polling.
Since the processor polls once every 0.5 msec during the time when there is no interrupt, this
corresponds to
Thus, the total time spent on I/O when using polling with interrupts is
2,400,000 + 995,000 = 3,395,000 cycles per second.
d. The interrupt overhead is 1000 cycles per second for a context switch to the ISR
and 1000 cycles per second back from it. This is a total of 2 x 1000 cycles per second. With 200
interrupts per second, this is
200 x 2000 = 400,000 cycles per second.
The polling overhead is 500 cycles per second. Thus, for the same overhead as interrupts, the
polling operation should be performed
400,000 / 500 = 800 times per second,
or 1/800 = every 1.25 msec.
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Advantage of DMA
The transfer rate is pretty fast and conceptually you could imagine that through disabling the tri-
state buffers, the system bus is isolated and a direct connection is established between the I/O
subsystem and the memory subsystem and then the CPU is free. It is idle at that time or it could
do some other activity. Therefore, the DMA would be quite useful, if a large amount of data
needs to be transferred, for example from a hard disk to a printer or we could fill up the buffer of
a printer in a pretty short time.
As compared to interrupt driven I/O or the programmed I/O, DMA would be much faster.
What is the consequence? The consequence is that we need to have another chip, which is a
DMA controller. “A DMA controller could be a CPU in itself and it could control the total
activity and synchronize the transfer of data”. DMA could be considered as a technique of
transferring data from I/O to memory and from memory to I/O without the intervention of the
CPU. The CPU just sets up an I/O module or a memory subsystem, so that it passes control and
the data could be passed on from I/O to memory or from memory to I/O or within the memory
from one subsystem to another subsystem without interaction of the CPU. After this data transfer
is complete, the control is passed from I/O back to the CPU.
Now we can illustrate further the advantage of DMA using following example.
Example of DMA
If we write instruction load as follows:
load [2], [9]
This instruction is illegal and not available in the SRC processor. The symbols [2] and [9]
represent memory locations. If we want to have this transfer to be done then two steps would be
required. The instruction would be:
load r1, [9]
store r1, [2]
Thus it is not possible to transfer from one memory location to another without involving the
CPU. The same applies to transfer between memory and peripherals connected to I/O ports. For
example we cannot have:
out [6], datap
It has to be done again in two steps:
load r1, [6]
out r1, datap
Similar comments apply to the “in” instruction. Thus the real cause of the limited transfer rate is
the CPU itself. It acts as an unnecessary middle man. The example illustrates that in general,
every data word travels over the system bus twice and this is not necessary, and therefore, the
DMA in such cases is pretty useful.
DMA Approach
The DMA approach is to turn off i.e. through tri-state buffers and therefore, electrically
disconnect from the system bus, the CPU and let a peripheral device or a memory subsystem or
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any other module or another block of the same module communicate directly with the memory
or with another peripheral device. This would have the advantage of having higher transfer rates
which could approach that of limited by the memory itself.
Disadvantage of DMA
The disadvantage however, would be that an additional DMA controller would be required, that
could make the system a bit more complex and expensive. Generally, the DMA requests have
priority over all other bus activities including interrupts. No interrupts may be recognized during
a DMA cycle.
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Lecture No. 31
Direct Memory Access (DMA)
Reading Material
• Direct Memory Access (DMA)
• Memory to memory
• Memory to peripheral
• Peripheral to memory
• Peripheral to peripheral
The DMA approach is to "turn off" (i.e., tri-state and electrically disconnect from the system
buses) the CPU and let a peripheral device (or memory - another module or another block of the
same module) communicate directly with the memory (or another peripheral).
ADVANTAGE: Higher transfer rates (approaching that of the memory) can be achieved.
DISADVANTAGE: A DMA Controller, or a DMAC, is needed, making the system complex and
Generally, DMA requests have priority over all other bus activities, including interrupts.
No interrupts may be recognized during a DMA cycle.
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Thus, the real cause of the limited transfer rate is the CPU itself. It acts as an unnecessary
"middleman". The above discussion also implies that, in general, every data word travels over
the system bus twice.
Some Definitions:
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DMA Configurations:
• Single Bus Detached DMA
• Single Bus Integrated DMA
• I/O Bus
IO Bus
In this configuration we integrate the DMA and
I/O modules through an I/O bus. So it will cut
the number of I/O interfaces required between
DMA and I/O module.
An I/O device transfers data at a rate of 10MB/s over a 100MB/s bus. The data is transferred in
4KB blocks. If the processor operates at 500MHz, and it takes a total of 5000 cycles to handle
each DMA request, find the fraction of CPU time handling the data transfer with and without
Without DMA
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The processor here copies the data into memory as it is sent over the bus. Since the I/O device
sends data at a rate of 10MB/s over the 100MB/s bus, 10 % of each second is spent transferring
data. Thus 10% of the CPU time is spent copying data to memory. With DMA
Time required in handling each DMA request is 5000 cycles. Since 2500 DMA requests are
issued (10MB/4KB) the total time taken is 12,500,000 cycles. As the CPU clock is 500MHZ, the
fraction of CPU time spent is 12,500,000/(500x10 or 2.5%.
A hard drive with a maximum transfer rate of 1Mbyte/sec is connected to a 32-bit, 10MIPS CPU
operating at a clock frequency of 100 MHz. Assume that the I/O interface is DMA based and it
takes 500 clock cycles for the CPU to set-up the DMA controller. Also assume that the interrupt
handling process at the end of the DMA transfer takes an additional 300 CPU clock cycles. If the
data transfer is done using 2 KB blocks, calculate the percentage of the CPU time consumed in
handling the hard drive.
Since the hard drive transfers at 1MB/sec, and each block size is 2KB, there are
This would be the case when the hard drive is transferring data all the time. In actual situation,
the drive will not be active all the time, and this number will be much smaller than 0.4%.
Another assumption that is implied in the previous example is that the DMA controller is the
only device accessing the memory. If the CPU also tries to access memory, then either the
DMAC or the CPU will have to wait while the other one is actively accessing the memory. If
cache memory is also used, this can free up main memory for use by the DMAC.
Cycle Stealing
The DMA module takes control of the bus to transfer data to and from memory by forcing the
CPU to temporarily suspend its operation. This approach is called Cycle Stealing because in this
approach DMA steals a bus cycle.
I/O processors
When I/O module has its own local memory to
control a large number of I/O devices without the involvement of CPU is called I/O processor.
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I/O Channels
When an I/O module has a capability of executing a specific set of instructions for specific I/O
devices in the memory without the involvement of CPU is called I/O channel.
Selector Channel
It is the DMA controller that can do block
transfers for several devices but only one at a
Multiplexer Channel
It is the DMA controller that can do block transfers for several devices at once.
Byte Multiplexer
• Byte multiplexer accepts or transmits
• Interleaves bytes from several devices.
• Used for low speed devices.
Block Multiplexer
• Block multiplexer accepts or transmits block of characters.
• Interleaves blocks of bytes from several devices.
• Used for high speed devices.
Virtual Address:
Virtual address is generated be the logical by the memory management unit for translation.
Physical Address:
Physical address is the address in the memory.
One solution to the problem is that all the I/O transfers are made through the cache to ensure that
modified data are read and updated in the cache on the I/O write. This method can decrease the
processor performance because of infrequent usage of the I/O data.
Another approach is that the cache is invalidated for an I/O read and for an I/O write, write-back
(flushing) is forced by the operating system. This method is more efficient because flushing of
large parts of cache data is only done on DMA block accesses.
Third technique is to flush the cache entries using a hardware mechanism, used in
multiprogramming system to keep cache coherent.
SOME clarifications:
• The terms "serial" and "parallel" are with respect to the computer I/O ports --- not with
respect to the CPU. The CPU always transfers data in parallel.
• The terms "programmed I/O", "interrupt driven I/O" and "DMA" are with respect to the
CPU. Each of these terms refers to a way in which the CPU handles I/O, or the way data
flow through the ports is controlled.
• The terms "simplex" and "duplex" are with respect to the transmission medium or the
communication link.
• The terms "memory mapped I/O" and "independent I/O" are with respect to the mapping
of the interface, i.e., they refer to the CPU control lines used in the interface.
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Lecture No. 32
Magnetic Disk Drives
Reading Material
• Hard Disk
• Static and Dynamic Properties
• Examples
• Mechanical Delays and Flash Memory
• Semiconductor Memory vs. Hard Disk
Hard Disk
Peripheral devices connect the outside world with the central processing unit through the I/O
modules. One important feature of these peripheral devices is the variable data rate. Peripheral
devices are important because of the function they perform.
A hard disk is the most frequently used peripheral device. It consists of a set of platters. Each
platter is divided into tracks. The track is subdivided into sectors. To identify each sector, we
need to have an address. So, before the actual data, there is a header and this header consisting of
few bytes like 10 bytes. Along with header there is a trailer. Every sector has three parts: a
header, data section and a trailer.
Static Properties
The storage capacity can be determined from the number of platters and the number of tracks. In
order to keep the density same for the entire surface, the trend is to use more number of sectors
for outer tracks and lesser number of sectors for inner tracks.
Dynamic Properties
When it is required to read data from a particular location of the disk, the head moves towards
the selected track and this process is called seek. The disk is constantly rotating at a fixed speed.
After a short time, the selected sector moved under the head. This interval is called the rotational
delay. On the average, the data may be available after half a revolution. Therefore, the rotational
latency is half revolution.
The time required to seek a particular track is defined by the manufacturer. Maximum, minimum
and average seek times are specified. Seek time depends upon the present position of the head
and the position of the required sector. For the sake of calculations, we will use the average value
of the seek time.
• Transfer rate
When a particular sector is found, the data is transferred to an I/O module. This would depend on
the transfer rate. It would typically be between 30 and 60 Mbytes/sec defined by the
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• Overhead time
Up till now, we have assumed that when a request is made by the CPU to read data, then hard
disk is available. But this may not be the case. In such situation we have to face a queuing delay.
There is also another important factor: the hard disk controller, which is the electronics present in
the form of a printed circuit board on the hard disk. So the time taken by this controller is called
over head time.
The following examples will clarify some of these concepts.
Example 1
Find the average rotational latency if the disk rotates at 20,000 rpm.
The average latency to the desired data is halfway round the disk so
Average rotational latency = 0.5 / (20,000 / 60)
Example 2
A magnetic disk has an average seek time of 5 ms. The transfer rate is 50 MB/sec. The disk
rotates at 10,000 rpm and the controller overhead is 0.2 msec. Find the average time to read or
write 1024 bytes.
Average Tseek=5ms
Average Trot=0.5*60/10,000=3 ms
The total time taken= Tseek +Trot+ Ttsfr +Tctr
=8.22 ms
Example 3
A hard disk with 5 platters has 1024 tracks per platter,512 sectors per track and 512 bytes/sector.
What is the total capacity of the disk?
512 bytes x 512
0.2MB x 1024 tracks=0.2GB/platter
Therefore the hard disk has the total capacity of 5 x 0.2=1GB
Example 4
How many platters are required for a 40GB disk if there are 1024 bytes/sector, 2048 sectors per
track and 4096 tracks per platter
The capacity of one platter
= 1024 x 2048 x 4096
= 8GB
For a 40GB hard disk, we need 40/8
= 5 such platters.
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Example 5
Consider a hard disk that rotates at 3000 rpm. The seek time to move the head between adjacent
tracks is 1 ms. There are 64sectors per track stored in linear order.
Assume that the read/write head is initially at the start of sector 1 on track 7.
a. How long will it take to transfer sector 1 on track 7 to sector 1 on track 9?
b. How long will it take to transfer all the sectors on track 12 to corresponding sectors on
track 13?
Time for one revolution=60/3000=20ms
a. Total transfer time=sector read time+head movement time+rotational delay+sector write time
After reading sector 1 on track 7, which takes .31ms, an additional 19.7 msrotational delay is
needed for the head to line up with sector 1 again. The head movement time of 2 ms gets
included in the 19.7 ms. transfer
Total time=0.31ms+19.7ms+0.31ms=20.3ms
b. The time to transfer all the sectors of track 12 to track 13 can be computed in the similar way.
Assume that the memory buffer can hold an entire track. So the time to read or write an entire track is
simply the rotational delay for a track, which is 20 ms. The head movement time is 1ms, which is
also the time for 1/0.3=3.3Η 4 sectors to pass under the head. Thus after reading a track and
repositioning the head, it is now on track 13, at four sectors past the initial sector that was read on
track 12. (Assuming track 13 is written starting at sector 5) therefore;
Total transfer time = 20+1+20 = 41ms.
If writing of track 13 start at the first sector, an additional 19 ms should be added, giving a total
transfer time = 60 ms
Example 6
Calculate time to read 64 KB (128 sectors) for the following disk parameters.
–180 GB, 3.5 inch disk
–12 platters, 24 surfaces
–7,200 RPM; (4 ms avg. latency)
–6 ms avg. seek (r/w)
–64 to 35 MB/s (internal)
–0.1 ms controller time
Disk latency = average seek time + average rotational delay + transfer time + controller overhead
= 6 ms + 0.5 x 1/(7200 RPM) /(60000ms/M)) + 64 KB / (64 MB/s) + 0.1 ms
= 6 + 4.2 + 1.0 + 0.1 ms = 11.3 ms
Mechanical movement is involved in data transfer and causes mechanical delays which are not
desirable in embedded systems. To overcome this problem in embedded systems, flash memory
is used. Flash memory can be thought of a type of electrically erasable PROM. Each cell consists
of two MOSFET and in between these two transistors, we have a control gate and the
presence/absence of charge tells us that it is a zero or one in that location of memory.
The basic idea is to reduce the control overheads, and for a FLASH chip, this control overhead is
low. Furthermore flash memory has low power dissipation. For embedded devices, flash is a
better choice as compared to hard disk. Another important feature is that read time is small for
flash. However the write time may be significant. The reason is that we first have to erase the
memory and then write it. However in embedded system, number of write operations is less so
flash is still a good choice.
Example 7
Calculate the time to read 64 KB for the previous disk, this time using 1/3 of quoted seek time,
3/4 of internal outer track bandwidth
Disk latency = average seek time + average rotational delay + transfer time + controller overhead
= (0.33* 6 ms) + 0.5 * 1/(7200 RPM) + 64 KB / (0.75* 64 MB/s) + 0.1 ms
= 2 ms + 0.5 /(7200 RPM/(60000ms/M)) + 64 KB / (48 KB/ms) + 0.1 ms
= 2 + 4.2 + 1.3+ 0.1 ms = 7.6 ms
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Lecture No. 33
Error Control
Reading Material
• Operating System Interface
• Error Control
Error Control
There are two main issues in error control:
1. Detection of Error
2. Correction of Error
For detection of error, we just need to know that there exists an error. When the error is detected
then the next step is to ask the source to resend that information. This process is called automatic
request for repeat. In some cases there is also possibility that redundancy is enough and we
reconstruct and find out exactly which particular bits are in error. This is called error correction.
There are three schemes commonly used for error control.
1. Parity code
2. Hamming code
3. CRC mechanism
1. Parity code
Along with the information bits, we add up another bit, which is called the parity bit. The
objective is the total number of 1’s as even or odd. If the parity at the receiving end is different,
an error is indicated. Once error is found, CPU may request to repeat that data. The concept of
parity bit could be enhanced. In such a case, we would like to increase the distance between
different code words. Consider a code word consists of four bits, 0000, and second code word
consists of 1111. The distance between two codes is four. So the distance between the two codes
would be the number of bits in which they differ from each other. So the concept of introducing
redundancy is increase this distance. Larger the distance, higher will be the capacity of the code.
For single parity, the distance is two, we can only detect the parity. But if the distance is three,
we could also correct these single errors.
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If D= minimum distance between two code words then D-1 errors could be detected and D/2
errors could be corrected.
2. Hamming code
Hamming code is an example of block code. We have an encoder which could be a program or a
hardware device. We feed k inputs to it. These are k information input bits. We also feed some
extra bits. Let r be the number of redundant bits. So at output we have r+k = m bits. As an
example, for parity bit, we have k=7 and r=1 and m=8. So for 7 bits we get eight output bits.
For any positive integer m<=3, a Hamming code with following parameters exists:
3. CRC
The basic principle for CRC is very simple. We divide a particular code word and make it
divisible by a prime number, and if it is divisible by a prime number then it is a valid code word.
CRC does not support error correction but the CRC bits generated can be used to detect multi-bit
errors. At the transmitter, we generate extra CRC bits, which are appended to the data word and
sent along. The receiving entity can check for errors by re computing the CRC and comparing it
with the one that was transmitted.
CRC has lesser overhead as compared to Hamming code. It is practically quite simple to
implement and easy to use.
The main advantage of having an array of disks is that we could have a simultaneous I/O request.
Latency could also be reduced...
RAID Level 0
RAID Level 4
RAID Level 5
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Lecture No. 34
Number Systems and Radix Conversion
Reading Material
• Introduction to ALSU
• Radix Conversion
• Fixed Point Numbers
• Representation of Numbers
• Multiplication and Division using Shift Operation
• Unsigned Addition Operation
Introduction to ALSU 29
ALSU is a combinational circuit so inside an ALSU, we have AND, OR, NOT and other
different gates combined together in different ways to perform addition, subtraction, and, or, not,
etc. Up till now, we consider ALSU as a “black box” which takes two operands, a and b, at the
input and has c at the output. Control signals whose values depend upon the opcode of an
instruction were associated with this black box.
In order to understand the operation of the ALSU, we need to understand the basis of the
representation of the numbers. For example, a designer needs to specify how many bits are
required for the source operands and how many will be needed for the destination operand after
an operation to avoid overflow and truncation.
Radix Conversion
Now we will consider the conversion of numbers from a representation in one base to another.
As human works with base 10 and computers with base 2, this radix conversion operation is
important to discuss here. We will use base c notion for decimal representation and base b for
any other base. The following figure shows the algorithm of converting from base b to base c:
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In our discussion we have used ALU and ALSU for the same thing. We use ALSU when the shift aspect
also needs to be emphasized.
Example 1
The following figure shows the algorithm of converting from base c to base b:
Example 2
The following figure shows the algorithm of converting a base b fraction to base c:
Example 3
F = (0+13)/16=0.8125
F = (0.8125+12)/16=0.80078125
F = (0.80078125+4)/16=(0.3000488) 10
The following figure shows the algorithm of converting fraction from base c to base b:
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Example 4
0.24*2=0.48, f-1=0
0.48*2=0.96, f-2=0
0.96*2=1.92, f-3=1
0.92*2=1.84, f-4=1
0.84*2=1.68, f-5=1,…
Thus 0.2410 =(0.00111) 2
Representation of Numbers
There are four possibilities to represent integers.
Table 6.1 of the text book shows the complement representation of negative numbers for radix
complement and diminished radix complement form:
Table 6.2 of the text book shows the base 2 complement representation for 8-bit 2’s and 1’s
complement numbers.
Example 5
The following table shows the decimal values in 2’s complement, 1’s complement, sign
magnitude, 16’s complement and in unsigned form:
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Example 6
• 6x4
001102 x 410 =110002=2410
Overflow would occur if we will use 4 bits instead of 5 bits here.
• 60/16
01111002 / 1610 = 00000112 = 310
The fractional portion of the result is lost.
Example 7
• -6x4
-6 = (11010) 2
-6x4 = (01000) 2=8 which is wrong!
using less no. of bits might change sign
So, -6 = (111010) 2
-6x4 = (101000) 2 = -24
Example 8
-24= (101000) 2
-24x2= (010100)2 = 20 -24x2= (110100)2 = -12 Changing the size of the number,
24= 011000 (n=6) to 00011000 (n=8)
-24= 101000 (n=6) to 11101000 (n=8)
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Example 9
The situation, when addition of unsigned m-bit numbers results in an m+1 bit number, is called
overflow. Overflow is treated as exception in some processors and the overflow flag is used to
record the status of the result.
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Lecture No. 35
Multiplication and Division of Integers
Reading Material
• Overflow
• Different Implementations of the adder
• Unsigned and Signed Multiplication
• Integer and Fraction Division
• Branch Architecture
When two m-bit numbers are added and the result exceeds the capacity of an m-bit destination,
this situation is called an overflow. The following example describes this condition:
Example 1
Overflow in fixed point addition:
In these three cases, the fifth position is not allowed so this results in an overflow.
Complement Adder/Subtractor
Unsigned Multiplication
The general schema for unsigned multiplication in base b is shown in Figure 6.5 of the text book.
Parallel Array Multiplier
Figure 6.6 of the text book shows the structure of a fully parallel array multiplier for base b
integers. All signal lines carry base b digits and each computational block consists of a full adder
with an AND gate to form the product xiyj. In case of binary, m2 full adders are required and the
signals will have to pass through almost 4m gates.
A combination of parallel and sequential hardware is used to build a multiplier. This results in a
good speed of operation and also saves the hardware.
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Signed Multiplication
The sign of a product is easily computed from the sign of the multiplier and the multiplicand.
The product will be positive if both have same sign and negative if both have different sign.
Also, when two unsigned digits having m and n bits respectively are multiplied, this results in a
(m+n) –bit product, and (m+n+1)-bit product in case of sign digits. There are three methods for
the multiplication of sign digits:
If numbers are represented in 2’s complement form then the following three modifications are
1. Provision for sign extension
2. Overflow prevention
3. Subtraction as well as addition of the partial product
Booth Recoding
The Booth Algorithm makes multiplication simple to implement at hardware level and speed up
the procedure. This procedure is as follows:
• Start with LSB and for each 0 of the original number, place a 0 in the recorded number
until a 1 in indicated.
• Place a 1 for 1in the recorded table and skip any succeeding 1’s until a 0 is encountered.
• Place a 0 with 1 and repeat the procedure.
Example 2
Original number:
Recoded Number:
_ __
Bit-Pair Recoding
Booth recoding may increase the number of additions due to the number of isolated 1s. To avoid
this, bit-pair recoding is used. In bit-pair recoding, bits are encoded in pairs so there are only n/2
additions instead of n.
• Integer division
• Fraction division
Integer division
1. Clear upper half of dividend register and put dividend in lower half. Initialize quotient
counter bit to 0
2. Shift dividend register left 1 bit
3. If difference is +ve, put it into upper half of dividend and shift 1 into quotient. If – ve,
shift 0 into quotient
4. If quotient bits<m, goto step 2
5. m-bit quotient is in quotient register and m-bit remainder is in upper half of dividend
Example 3
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Fraction Division
1. Clear lower half of dividend register and put dividend in upper half. Initialize quotient
counter bit to 0
2. If difference is +ve, report overflow
3. Shift dividend register left 1 bit
4. If difference is +ve, put it into upper half of dividend and shift 1 into quotient. If
negative, shift 0 into quotient
5. If quotient bits<m, go to step 3
6. m-bit quotient has decimal at the left end and remainder is in upper half of dividend
Branch Architecture
The next important function perform by the ALU is branch. Branch architecture of a machine is
based on
1. Condition Codes
2. Conditional Branches
Condition Codes
Condition Codes are computed by the ALU and stored in processor status register. The
‘comparison’ and ‘branching’ are treated as two separate operations. This approach is not used in
the SRC. Table 6.6 of the text book shows the condition codes after subtraction, for signed and
unsigned x and y. Also see the SRC Approach from text book.
Usually implementation with flags is easier however it requires status registers. In case of branch
instructions, decision is based on the branch itself.
Note: For more information on this topic, please see chapter 6 of the text book.
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Lecture No. 36
Floating-Point Arithmetic
Reading Material
The figure shows an NxN crossbar design for barrel rotator. x indicates the input. So
x0,x1,…,xn-1 are applied to the rows. The vertical lines are indicated by y1, y2,…yn-1 where y
shows the output. So this forms a cross of x and y and the number of cross points are NxN. There
is also a connection between each input and output using a tri-state buffer. At the input, we have
a decoder which is used to select the shift count. Each output from the decoder is connected
diagonally to the tri-state buffers. This arrangement requires N2 gates.
ALU Design
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ALU is a combination of arithmetic, logic and shifter unit along with some multiplexers and
control unit. The idea is that based on the op-code of an instruction, appropriate control signals
are activated to perform required ALU operation. Figure 6.13 of the text book
The diagram shows two inputs x and y and one output z. All these are of n-bits. The inputs x and
y are simultaneously provided to arithmetic, logic and shifter unit. There is a control unit which
accepts op-code as input. Based on the op-code, it provides control signals to arithmetic, logic
and shifter unit. The control unit also provides control signals to the two multiplexers. One mux
has three inputs; each from arithmetic, logic and shifter unit and its output is z. The second mux
provides status output corresponding to condition codes.
-0.5 × 10-3
Sign = -1
Significand= 0.5
Exponent= -3
Base = 10= fixed for given type of representation
Significant is also called mantissa.
In computers, floating-point representation uses binary numbers to encode significant, exponent
and their sign in a single word.
The diagram on Page 293 of the text shows an m-bit floating point number where s represents the
sign of the floating point number. If s = 1 then the floating-point number will be a positive
number; if s= 0 then it will be a negative number. The e field shows the value of exponent. To
represent the exponent, a biased representation is used. So we represent e^ instead of e to show
biased representation. In this technique, a number is added to the exponent so that the result is
always positive. In general floating point numbers are of the form.
(-1)s × f × 2e
A normalized, non-zero floating point number has a significand whose left-most digit is non-zero
and is a single number.
0.56 × 10-3……….. (Not normalized)
5.6 × 10-3……….. (Normalized form)
Same is the case for binary.
In table 6.7 of the text book, e^= 255, denotes numbers with no numeric value including + ∞ and
- ∞ and called Not-a-Number or NaN. In computers, a floating-point number ranges from 1.2 ×
10-38 ≤ x ≤ 3.4 × 1038 can be represented. If a number does not lie in this range, then overflow
can occur.
Overflow occurs when the exponent is too large and can not be represented in the exponent field.
Example 1
Perform addition of the following floating-point numbers.
0.510, -0.437510
0.510 = 1/210= 0.12= 1.000 x 2-1
-0.437510= -7/1610 = -7/24= -0.01112 = - 1.110 x 2-2
Normalization of Sum:
0.001 2 x 2-1 = 0.0102 x 2-2
= 1.000 2 x 2-4
Hardware Structure for Floating-Point Add and Subtract Figure 6.17 of the text book.
Floating-Point Multiplication
The floating-point multiplication uses the following steps:
• Unpack sign, exponent and significands
• Apply exclusive-or operation to signs, add exponents and then multiply significands.
• Normalize, round and shift the result.
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Floating-Point Division
The floating-point division uses the following steps:
• Unpack sign, exponent and significants
• Apply exclusive-or operation to signs, subtract the exponents and then divide the
• Normalize, round and shift the result.
• Check the result for overflow.
• Pack the result and report exceptions.
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Lecture No. 37
Components of Memory Systems
Reading Material
A memory cell provides four functions: Select, DataIn, DataOut, and Read/Write. DataIn means
input and DataOut means output. The select signal would be enabled to get an operation of
Read/Write from this cell.
Figure 7.3 of the text book.
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single data line. The lower order 8-address lines select one of the 256 rows using an 8-to-256 line
row decoder. Thus the selected row contains 256 bits. The higher order 8-address lines select one
of those 256 bits. The 256 bits in the row selected flow through a 256-to-1 line multiplexer on a
read. On a memory write, the incoming bit flows through a 1-to-256 line demultiplexer that
selects the correct column of the 256 possible columns.
Dynamic RAM
As an alternate to the SRAM cell, the data can be stored in the form of a charge on a capacitor (a
charging/discharging transistor that can become a valid memory element), and this type of
memory is called dynamic memory. The capacitor has to be refreshed and recharged to avoid
data loss.
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Lecture No. 38
Memory Modules
Reading Material
• Memory Modules
• Read Only Memory (ROM)
• Cache
Memory Module
Static RAM chips can be assembled into systems without changing the timing characteristics of a
memory access. Dynamic RAM chips, however, have enough timing complexity that a memory
module built from dynamic RAM chips will have complex control. The cause of timing
complexity is the time-multiplexed row and column addresses, and the refresh operation.
The PROM stands for Programmable Read only Memory. It is also nonvolatile and may be
written into only once. For PROM, the writing process is performed electrically in the field.
PROMs provide flexibility and convenience.
Erasable Programmable Read-only Memory or EPROM chips have quartz windows and by
applying ultraviolet light erase the data can be erased from the EPROM. Data can be restored in
an EPROM after erasure. EPROMs are more expensive than PROMs and are generally used for
prototyping or small-quantity, special purpose work.
EEPROM stands for Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-only Memory. This is a read-
mostly memory that can be written into at any time without erasing prior contents; only the byte
or bytes addressed are updated. The write operation takes considerably longer than the read
operation. It is more expensive than EPROM.
Flash Memory
An entire flash memory can be erased in one or a few seconds, which is much faster than
EPROM. In addition, it is possible to erase just blocks of memory rather than an entire chip.
Cache by definition is a place for safe storage and provides the fastest possible storage after the
registers. The cache contains a copy of portions of the main memory. When the CPU attempts to
read a word from memory, a check is made to determine if the word is in the cache. If so, the
word is delivered to the CPU. If not, a block of the main memory, consisting of some fixed
number of words, is read into the cache and then the word is delivered to the CPU.
Spatial Locality
This would mean that in a part of a program, if we have a particular address being accessed then
it is highly probable that the data available at the next address would be highly accessed.
Temporal Correlation
In this case, we say that at a particular time, if we have utilized a particular part of the memory
then we might access the adjacent parts very soon.
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Lecture No. 39
The Cache
Reading Material
• Cache Organization and Functions
• Cache Controller Logic
• Cache Strategies
Cache Management
To manage the working of the cache, cache control unit is implemented in hardware, which
performs all the logic operations on the cache. As data is exchanged in blocks between main
memory and cache, four important cache functions need to be defined.
• Block Placement Strategy
• Block Identification
• Block Replacement
• Write Strategy
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Determine and Comparison Unit: For determining and comparisons of the different parts of
the address and to evaluate hit or miss.
Tag RAM: Second part consists of tag memory which stores the part of the memory address
(called tag) of the information (block) placed in the data cache. It also contains additional bits
used by the cache management logic.
Data Cache: is a block of fast memory which stores the copies of data and instructions
frequently accessed by the CPU.
Cache Strategies
In the next section we will discuss various cache functions, and strategies used to implement
these functions.
Block Placement
Block placement strategy needs to be defined to specify where blocks from main memory will be
placed in the cache and how to place the blocks. Now various methods can be used to map main
memory blocks onto the cache .One of these methods is the associative mapping explained
Associative Mapping:
In this technique, block of data from main memory can be placed at any location in the cache
memory. A given block in cache is identified uniquely by its main memory block number,
referred to as a tag, which is stored inside a separate tag memory in the cache. To check the
validity of the cache blocks, a valid bit is stored for each cache entry, to verify whether the
information in the corresponding block is valid or not. Main memory address references have
two fields.
• The word field becomes a “cache address” which specifies where to find the word in the
• The tag field which must be compared against every tag in the tag memory.
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Direct Mapping
In this technique, a particular block of data from main memory can be placed in only one
location into the cache memory. It relies on principle of locality. Cache address is composed of
two fields:
• Group field
• Word field
Valid bit specifies that the information in the selected block is valid.
For a direct mapping example, refer to the book Ch.7, Section 7.5, Figure 7.33 (page 352
– 353).
Only one tag entry needs to be compared with the part of the address called group field.
Only a single block from a given group is present in cache at any time. Direct map Cache
imposes a considerable amount of rigidity on cache organization.
In this mapping scheme, a set consisting of more than one block can be placed in the cache
The main memory address is divided into two fields. The Set field is decoded to select the
correct group. After that the tags in the selected groups are searched. Two possible places in
which a block can reside must be searched associatively. Cache group address is the same as that
of the direct-mapped cache.
For details of the Set associative mapping example, refer to the book Ch.7, Section 7.5, Figure
7.35 (Page 354-355).
Replacement Strategy
For a cache miss, we have to replace a cache block with the data coming from main memory.
Different methods can be used to select a cache block for replacement. Always Replacement:
For Direct Mapping on a miss, there is only one block which needs replacement called always
For associative mapping, there are no unique blocks which need replacement .In this case there
are two options to decide which block is to be replaced.
• Random Replacement: To randomly select the block to be replaced
• LFU: Based on the statistical results, the block which has been least used in the recent
past, is replaced with a new block.
Write Strategy
When a CPU command to write to a memory data will come into cache, the writing into the
cache requires writing into the main memory also.
Write Through: As the data is written into the cache, it is also written into the main memory
called Write Through. The advantages are:
• Read misses never result in writes to the lower level.
• Easy to implement than write back
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Write Back: Date resides in the cache, till we need to replace a particular block then the data of
that particular block will be written into the memory if that needs a write, called write back. The
advantages are:
• Write occurs at the speed of the cache
• Multiple writes with in the same block requires only one write to the lower memory.
• This strategy uses less memory bandwidth, since some writes do not go to the lower
level; useful when using multi processors.
Cache Coherence
Multiple copies of the same data can exist in memory hierarchy simultaneously. The Cache
needs updating mechanism to prevent old data values from being used. This is the problem of
cache coherence. Write policy is the method used by the cache to deal with and keep the main
memory updated.
Dirty bit is a status bit which indicates whether the block in cache is dirty (it has been modified)
or clean (not modified). If a block is clean, it is not written on a miss, since lower level contains
the same information as the cache. This reduces the frequency of writing back the blocks on
Writing the cache is not as easy as reading from it e.g., modifying a block can not begin until the
tag has been checked, to see if the address is a hit. Since tag checking can not occur in parallel
with the write as is the case in read, therefore write takes longer time.
Write Stalls: For write to complete in Write through, the CPU has to wait. This wait state is
called write stall.
Write Buffer: reduces the write stall by permitting the processor to continue as soon as the data
has been written into the buffer, thus allowing overlapping of the instruction execution with the
memory update.
Write Strategy on a Cache Miss
On a cache miss, there are two options for writing.
Write Allocate: The block is loaded followed by the write. This action is similar to the read
miss. It is used in write back caches, since subsequent writes to that particular block will be
captured by the cache.
No Write Allocate: The block is modified in the lower level and not loaded into the cache. This
method is generally used in write through caches, because subsequent writes to that block still
have to go to the lower level.
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Lecture No. 40
Virtual Memory
Reading Material
• Virtual Memory Introduction
• Virtual Memory Organization
Virtual Memory
Virtual memory acts as a cache between main memory and secondary memory. Data is fetched
in advance from the secondary memory (hard disk) into the main memory so that data is already
available in the main memory when needed. The benefit is that the large access delays in reading
data from hard disk are avoided.
Pages are formulated in the secondary memory and brought into the main memory. This process
is managed both in hardware (Memory Management Unit) and the software (The operating
systems is responsible for managing the memory resources).
The block diagram shown (Book Ch.7, Section 7.6, and figure 7.37) specifies how the data
interchange takes place between cache, main memory and the disk. The Memory Management
unit (MMU) is located between the CPU and the physical memory. Each memory reference
issued by the CPU is translated from the logical address space to the physical address space,
guided by operating system controlled mapping tables. As address translation is done for each
memory reference, it must be performed by the hardware to speed up the process. The operating
system is invoked to update the associated mapping tables.
In segmentation, memory is divided into segments of variable sizes depending upon the
requirements. Main memory segments identified by segments numbers, start at virtual address 0,
regardless of where they are located in physical memory.
In pure segmented systems, segments are brought into the main memory from the secondary
memory when needed. If segments are modified and not required any more, they are sent back to
secondary memory. This invariably results in gap between segments, called external
fragmentation i.e. less efficient use of memory. Also refer to Book Ch.7 , Section 7.6, Figure
In this scheme, we have pages of fixed size. In demand paging, pages are available in secondary
memory and are brought into the main memory when needed.
Virtual addresses are formed by concatenating the page number with the word number. The
MMU maps these pages to the pages in the physical memory and if not present in the physical
memory, to the secondary memory. (Refer to Book Ch.7, Section 7.6, and Figure 7.41)
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Page Size: A very large page size results in increased access time. If page size is small, it may
result in a large number of accesses.
The main memory address is divided into 2 parts.
• Page number: For virtual address, it is called virtual page number.
• Word Field
If the presence bit indicates a hit, then the page field of the page table entry contains the physical
page number. It is concatenated with the word field of the virtual address to form a physical
Page fault occurs when a miss is indicated by the presence bit. In this case, the page field of the
page table entry would contain the address of the page in the secondary memory. Page miss
results in an interrupt to the processor. The requesting process is suspended until the page is
brought in the main memory by the interrupt service routine.
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Dirty bit is set on a write hit CPU operation. And a write miss CPU operation causes the MMU
to begin a write allocate (previously discussed) process. (Refer to book Ch.7, Section 7.6, and
Figure 7.42)
Paging scheme results in unavoidable internal fragmentations i.e. some pages (mostly last pages
of each process) may not be fully used. This results in wastage of memory.
Processor Dispatch -Multiprogramming
Consider the case, when a number of tasks are waiting for the CPU attention in a
multiprogramming, shared memory environment. And a page fault occurs. Servicing the page
fault involves these steps.
Scheduling: If there are a number of memory interactions between main memory and secondary
memory, a lot of CPU time is wasted in controlling these transfers and number of interrupts may
To avoid this situation, Direct Memory Access (DMA) is a frequently used technique. The Direct
memory access scheme results in direct link between main memory and secondary memory, and
direct data transfer without attention of the CPU. But use of DMA in virtual memory may cause
coherence problem. Multiple copies of the same page may reside in main memory and secondary
memory. The operating system has to ensure that multiple copies are consistent.
Page Replacement
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On a page miss (page fault), the needed page must be brought in the main memory from the
secondary memory. If all the pages in the main memory are being used, we need to replace one
of them to bring in the needed page. Two methods can be used for page replacement.
Random Replacement: Randomly replacing any older page to bring in the desired page. Least
Frequently Used: Maintain a log to see which particular page is least frequently used and to
replace that page.
Translation Lookaside buffer
Identifying a particular page in the virtual memory requires page tables (might be very large)
resulting in large memory space to implement these page tables. To speed up the process of
virtual address translation, translation Lookaside buffer (TLB) is implemented as a small cache
inside the CPU, which stores the most recent page table entry reference made in the MMU. It
contents include
• A mapping from virtual to physical address
• Status bits i.e. valid bit, dirty bit, protection bit It may be implemented using a fully
associative organization
Operation of TLB
For each virtual address reference, the TLB is searched associatively to find a match between the
virtual page number of the memory reference and the virtual page number in the TLB. If a match
is found (TLB hit) and if the corresponding valid bit and access control bits are set, then the
physical page mapped to the virtual page is concatenated. (Refer to Book Ch.7, Section 7.6, and
Figure 7.43)
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To reduce the work load on the CPU and to efficiently use the memory sub system, different
methods can be used. One method is separate cache for data and instructions.
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Lecture No. 41
Numerical Examples of DRAM and Cache
Reading Material
Numerical Examples related to
• Pipelining, Pre-charging and Parallelism
• Cache
• Hit Rate and Miss Rate
• Access Time
Example 1
If a DRAM has 512 rows and its refresh time is 9ms, what should be the frequency of row
refresh operation on the average?
Refresh time= 9ms
Number of rows=512
Therefore we have to do 512 row refresh operations in a 9 ms interval, in other words one row
refresh operation every (9x10-3)/512 =1.76x10-5seconds.
Example 2
Example 3
Consider a memory system having the following specifications. Find its total cost and cost per
byte of memory.
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Total cost of system
256 KB( ¼ MB) of SRAM costs = 30 x ¼ = $7.5
128 MB of DRAM costs= 1 x 128= $128
1 GB of disk space costs= 10 x 1=$10
Total cost of the memory system
= 7.5+128+10=$145.5 Cost per byte
Total storage= 256 KB + 128 MB + 1 GB
= 256 KB + 128x1024KB + 1x1024x1024KB =1,179,904 KB
Total cost = $145.5
Cost per byte=145.5/(1,179,904x1024)
= $1.2x10-7$/B
Example 4
Find the average access time of a level of memory hierarchy if the hit rate is 80%. The memory
access takes 12ns on a hit and 100ns on a miss.
Example 5
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Consider a memory system with a cache, a main memory and a virtual memory. The access
times and hit rates are as shown in table. Find the average access time for the hierarchy.
Average access time for requests that reach the main memory
= (100ns*0.99)+(8ms*0.01)
= 80,099 ns
Average access time for requests that reach the cache =(5ns*0.8)+(80,099ns*0.2) =16,023.8ns
Example 6
Given the following memory hierarchy, find the average memory access time of the complete
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For each level, average access time=( hit rate x access time for that level) + ((1-hit rate) x
average access time for next level)
Average access time for the complete system
= (0.8x5ns) + 0.2 x((0.8x60ns) + (0.2)(1x10ms))
= 4 + 0.2(48+2000000)
= 4 + 400009.6
= 400013.6 ns
Example 7
Find the bandwidth of a memory system that has a latency of 25ns, a pre charge time of 5ns and
transfers 2 bytes of data per access.
Example 8
Consider a cache with 128 byte cache line or cache block size. How many cycles does it take to
fetch a block from main memory if it takes 20 cycles to transfer two bytes of data?
The number of cycles required for the complete transfer of the block
=20 x 128/2
= 1280 cycles
Using large cache lines decreases the miss rate but it increases the amount of time a program
takes to execute as obvious from the number of clock cycles required to transfer a block of data
into the cache.
Example 9
Find the number of cycles required to transfer the same 128 byte cache line if page-mode DRAM
with a CAS-data delay of 8 cycles is used for main memory. Assume that the cache lines always
lie within a single row of the DRAM, and each line lies in a different row than the last line
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Only the first fetch require the complete 20 cycles, and the other 63 will take only 8 clock cycles.
Hence the no. of cycles required to fetch a cache line =20 + 8 x 63
= 524
Example 10
a. Determine the number of bits in the address that refer to the byte within a cache line.
b. Determine the number of bits in the address required to select the cache line.
Address breakdown
a. For the given cache, the number of bits in the address to determine the byte within the
line= n = log232 = 5
b. There are 64K/32= 2048 lines in the given cache. The number of bits required to select
the required line = m =log22048 = 11
Example 11
Consider a 2-way set-associative cache with 64KB capacity and 16 byte lines.
a. A 64KB cache with 16 byte lines contains 4096 lines of data. In a 2-way set
associative cache, each set contains 2 lines, so there are 2048 sets in the cache.
b. Log2 (2048) = 11. Hence 11 bits of the address are required to select the set.
c. The cache with 64KB capacity and 16 byte line has 4096 lines of data. For a 4-way
set associative cache, each set contains 4 lines, so the number of sets in the cache
would be 1024 and Log 2 (1024) =10. Therefore 10 bits of the address are required to
select a set in the cache.
Example 12
Consider a processor with clock cycle per instruction (CPI) = 1.0 when all memory accesses hit
in the cache. The only data accesses are loads and stores, and these constitute 60% of all the
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instructions. If the miss penalty is 30 clock cycles and the miss rate is 1.5%, how much faster
would the processor be if all instructions were cache hits?
= IC x (l + 0.6) x 0.015 x 30
= IC x 0.72
Where the middle term (1 + 0.6) represents one instruction access and 0.6 data accesses per
instruction. The total performance is thus
CPU execution time cache = (IC x 1.0 + IC x 0.72) x Clock cycle = 1.72 x IC x Clock cycles
Example 13
Consider the above example but this time assume a miss rate of 20 per 1000 instructions. What is
memory stall time in terms of instruction count?
Example 14
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Example 15
Assume a fully associative write-back cache with many cache entries that starts empty.
Below is a sequence of five memory operations (the address is in square brackets):
What is the number of hits and misses when using no-write allocate versus write allocate?
For no-write allocate, the address 300 is not in the cache, and there is no allocation on write, so
the first two writes will result in misses. Address 400 is also not in the cache, so the read is also a
miss. The subsequent write to address 400 is a hit. The last write to 300 is still a miss. The result
for no-write allocate is four misses and one hit.
For write allocate, the first accesses to 300 and 400 are misses, and the rest are hits since 300 and
400 are both found in the cache. Thus, the result for write allocate is two misses and three hits.
Example 16
32 KB 1.5 40 42.2
64 KB 0.7 38.5 41.2
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First let's convert misses per 1000 instructions into miss rates.
Miss rate = 1000 Instructions
Memory accesses
Since every instruction access has exactly one memory access to fetch the instruction, the
instruction miss rate is
Since 40% of the instructions are data transfers, the data miss rate is
The unified miss rate needs to account for instruction and data accesses:
Miss Rate 64 kb unified = 42.2 /1000 = 0.031
1.00+ 0.4
As stated above, about 75% of the memory accesses are instruction references. Thus, the overall
miss rate for the split caches is
(75% x 0.0015) + (25% x 0.1) = 0.026125
Thus, a 64 KB unified cache has a slightly lower effective miss rate than two 16 KB caches. The
average memory access time formula can be divided into instruction and data accesses:
Average memory access time
= % instructions x (Hit time + Instruction miss rate x Miss Penalty) + % data x (Hit time + Data
miss rate x Miss Penalty)
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Hence split caches have a better average memory access time despite having a worse effective
miss rate. Split cache also avoids the problem of structural hazard present in a unified cache.
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Lecture No. 42
Performance of I/O Subsystems
Reading Material
• Introduction
• Performance of I/O Subsystems
• Loss System
• Single Server Model
• Little’s Law
• Server Utilization
• Poisson distribution
• Benchmarks programs
• Asynchronous I/O and operating system
Consider a producer-server model. A buffer (or queue) is present between them. Tasks are being
received and when one task is finished (i.e. served) then the second task is taken up by the
server. Now latency and the response time depend upon how many tasks are present in the queue
and how quickly they are served. If there is no task, ahead in the queue the latency would be low
and response time would be shorter.
Through put depends upon the average number of calls and the service time taken by a particular
Loss System
Loss system is a simple system having no buffer so it does not have any provision for the
queuing. In a loss system, provision is time in term of how many switches we do need, then
provide some redundancy how many individuals I/O controllers we do need, then how many
CPUs are there. It is also called dimension of a loss system.
Delay System
This system provides additional facilities. If we find some call party busy, we can have provision
of call waiting. If we have more than one call waiting, then once we finish the first call, we may
receive the second call.
Consider a black box. Suppose it represents an I/O controller. At the input, we have arrival of
different tasks. As one task is done, we have a departure at the output. So in the black box, we
have a server. Now if we expand and open-up the black box, we could see that incoming calls are
coming into the buffer and the output of the buffer is connected to the server. This is an example
of “single server model”.
Little’s Law
For a system with multiple independent requests for I/O service and input rate equal to output
rate, we use Little’s law to find the mean number of tasks in the system and Time sys such that
Server Utilization
Server utilization is also called traffic intensity and its value must be between 0 and 1.
Server utilization depends upon two parameters:
1. Arrival Rate
2. Average time required to serve each task
So, we can say that it depends on the I/O bandwidth and arrival rate of calls into the system.
Example 1
Suppose an I/O system with a single disk gets (on average) 100 I/O requests/second. Assume that
average time for a disk to service an I/O request is 5ms. What is the utilization of the I/O system?
Time for an I/O request = 5ms
Server utilization = 100 x 0.005
= 0.5
Poisson distribution
In order to calculate the response time of an I/O system, we make the following assumptions:
1. Arrival is random
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2. System is memory less. It means that incoming calls are not correlated.
For characterize random events, according to above two assumptions, we use Poisson
Probability (k)= (e-k x ak ) /k!
C = -----------------------------------
(Arithmetic mean time) 2
Average Residual Service Time = ½ x weighted mean time x (1+C2 )
Example 2
For the system of previous example having server utilization of 0.5, what is the mean number of
I/O requests in the queue?
(Server utilization) 2
Lengthq = ---------------------------
(1- Server utilization)
Example 3
Suppose a processor sends 10 disks I/O per second, these requests are exponentially distributed,
and the average service time of an older disk is 10ms. Answer the following questions:
Suppose instead of a new, faster disk, we add a second slow disk, and duplicate the data so that read
can be serviced by either disk. Let’s assume that the requests are all reads. Recalculate the answers to
the earlier questions, this time using an M/M/m queue.
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Benchmarks programs
In order to measure the performance of real systems and to collect the values of parameters
needed for prediction, Benchmark programs are used.
• Synchronous I/O
• Asynchronous I/O
Synchronous I/O
In this approach, operating system requests data and switches to another process. Until the desire
data arrived. Then the operating system switches back to the requesting process.
Asynchronous I/O
This model is of the process to continue after making a request and it is not blocked until it tries
to read requested data.
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Advance Computer Architecture - CS501
Lecture No. 43
Reading Material
Connection of components with in a single computer follows the same principles used for the
connection of different computers. It is important for the computer architect to know about
connectivity for better sharing of bandwidth
Sharing of resources
Consider a lab with 50 computers and 2 printers using a network, all these 50 computers can
share these 2 printers.
A set of rules followed by different components in a network. These rules may be defined for
hardware and software.
It is a computer with a modem, LAN card and other network interfaces. Hosts are also called
nodes or end points. Each node is a combination of hardware and software and all nodes are
interconnected by means of some physical media.
In distributed computing, all elements which are interconnected operate under one operating
system. To a user, it appears as a virtual uni-processor system.
In a computer network, the user has to specify and log in on a specific machine. Each machine
on the network has a specific address. Different machines communicate by using the network
which exists among them.
Classification of Networks
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Interconnectivity in WAN
1. Circuit switching
It is normally used in a telephone exchange. It is not an efficient way.
2. Packet switching
A block (an appropriate number of bits) of data is called a packet. Transfer of data in the form
packets through different paths in a network is called packet switching. Additional bits are
usually associated with each packet. These bits contain information about the packet. These
additional bits are of two types: header and trailer. As an example, a packet may have the form
shown below:
Error detection
The trailer can be used for error detection. In the above example, a 4 bit checksum can be used to
detect any error in the packet. The errors in the message could be due to the long distance
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transmission. If the error is found in some message, then this message will be repeated. For a
reliable data transmission, bit error rate should be minimum.
Performance Issues
1. Bandwidth
It is the maximum rate at which data could be transmitted through networks. It is measured in
2. Latency
In a LAN, latency (or delay) is very low, but in a WAN, it is significant and this is due to the
switches, routers and other components in the network
3. Time of flight
It is the time for first bit of the message to arrive at the receiver including delays. Time of the
flight increases as the distance between the two machines increases.
4. Transmission time
The time for the message to pass through the network, not including the time of flight.
5. Transport latency
Transport latency= time of flight + transmission time
6. Sender overhead
It is the time for the processor to inject message in to the network.
7. Receiver overhead
It is the time for the processor to pull the message from the network.
8. Total latency
Total latency = Sender overhead + Time of flight + Message size/Bandwidth + Receiver overhead
9. Effective bandwidth
Effective bandwidth = Message size/Actual Bandwidth Actual bandwidth may be larger than the
effective bandwidth.
Assume a network with a bandwidth of 1500Mbits/sec. It has a sending overhead of 100µsec and
a receiving overhead of 120µsec. Assume two machines connected together. It is required to
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send a 15,000 byte message from one machine to the other (including header), and the message
format allows 15, 00 bytes in a single message. Calculate the total latency to send the message
from one machine to another assuming they are 20m apart (as in a SAN). Next, perform the same
calculation but assume the machines are 700m apart (as in a LAN). Finally, assume they are
1000Km apart (as in a WAN). Assume that signals propagate at 66% of the speed of light in a
conductor, and that the speed of light is 300,000Km/sec.
Physical Media
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Twisted pair does not provide good quality of transmission and has less bandwidth. To get high
performance and larger bandwidth, we use co-axial cable. For increased performance, better
performance, we use fiber optic cables, which are usually made of glass. Data transmits through
the fiber in the form of light pulses. Photo diodes and sensors are used to produce and receive
electronic pulses.
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Advance Computer Architecture - CS501
Lecture No. 44
Communication Medium and Network Topologies
Reading Material
• Physical Media (Continued)
• Shared Medium
• Switched Medium
• Connection Oriented vs. Connectionless Communication
• Network Topologies
• Seven-layer OSI Model
• Internet and Packet Switching
• Fragmentation
• Routing
To interconnect different computers by using twisted pair copper wire, an interface is used which
is called modem. Modem stands for modulation/demodulation. Modems are very useful to utilize
the telephone network (i.e. 4 KHz bandwidth) for data and voice transmission.
Multimode fiber
This fiber has large diameter. When light is injected, it disperses, so the effective data rate
Wireless Transmission
This is another effective medium for data transfer. Data is transferred in the form of
electromagnetic waves. It has the following features:
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Example 1
Suppose we have 20 magnetic tapes, each containing 40GB. Assume that there are enough tape
readers to keep any network busy. How long will it take to transmit the data over a distance of
5Km? The choices are category 5 twisted-pair wires at 100Mbits/sec, multimode fiber at
1500Mbits/sec and single-mode fiber at 3000Mbits/sec. (Adapted from CA3: H&P)
Shared/Switched Medium
Shared Medium
If a number of computers are connected with a single physical medium (i.e. coaxial or fiber), this
situation is called shared medium. Because of many computers, collision takes place and affects
the data transfer rate. As the number of machines on a physical medium increases, the data
transfer rate decreases.
Switched Medium
To increase the throughput, a switched medium is used.
Example 2
Compare 20 nodes connected in three different ways: a single 100Mbits/sec shared medium; a
switch connected via cat5, each segment running at 100Mbits/sec; and a switch connected via
optical fiber, each segment running at 1500Mbits/sec. The shared medium is 700m long, and the
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average length of each segment to a switch is 55m. Both switches can support full bandwidth.
Assume each switch adds 6µsec to the latency, and the average message size is 200bytes. Ignore
the overhead of sending or receiving a message and contention for the network.
Transport time shared = ---------------------- x 106µsec + (200 x 8bits / 100Mbits/sec)
(2/3 x 300,000)Km
Transport time switch = 2x ---------------------- x 106µs
(2/3 x 300,000)Km
+ 6µsec + (200 x 8bits / 100Mbits/sec)
Transport time fiber = 2x ---------------------- x 106µs
(2/3 x 300,000)Km
+ 6µsec + (200 x 8bits / 1500Mbits/sec)
= 0.55µsec + 6µsec +1.06µsec
= 7.61µsec
Although the bandwidth of the switch is many times that of the shared medium, the latency for
unloaded networks is comparable.
• In this method, same path is always taken for the transfer of messages.
• It reserves the bandwidth until the transfer is complete. So no other server could use that
path until it becomes free.
• Telephone exchange and circuit switching is the example of connection oriented
Network Topologies
Computers in a network can be connected together in different ways. The following three
topologies are commonly used:
• Bus topology
• Star topology
• Ring topology
Bus Topology
In this arrangement, computers are connected via a single shared physical medium.
Star topology
Computers are connected through a hub. All messages are broad cast because the hub is not an
intelligent device.
Ring Topology
All computers are connected through a ring. Only one computer can transmit data at one time,
having a pass called “Token”.
When a packet is lost in the network, it is re-transmitted. If the size of the packet is large then
retransmission of packet is wastage of resources and it also increases the delay in the network.
To minimize this delay, a large packet is divided into small fragments. Each fragment contains a
separate header having destination address and fragment number. This fragmentation effectively
reduces the queuing delay. At destination, these fragments are re-assembled and data is sent to
the application layer.
Routing works on store-and-forward policy. There are three methods used for routing:
• Source-based routing
• Virtual Circuit
• Destination-based routing
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Internet uses TCP/IP protocol. In the TCP/IP model, session and presentation layers are not
present, so Store-Forward routing is used.
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Lecture No. 45
Reading Material
Handouts Slides
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