Aerospace Parts Manufacturing Report 1.0
Aerospace Parts Manufacturing Report 1.0
Aerospace Parts Manufacturing Report 1.0
The aerospace industry comprises companies producing aircraft, guided missiles, space vehicles, aircraft
engines, propulsion units, and related parts. Aircraft overhaul, rebuilding, and parts also are included.
Firms producing transport aircraft make up the largest segment of the civil (non-military) aircraft portion
of the industry. Civil transport aircraft are produced for air transportation businesses such as airlines and
cargo transportation companies. These aircraft range from small turboprops to jumbo jets and are used
to move people and goods all over the world. Another segment of civil aircraft is general aviation
aircraft. General aviation aircraft range from the small two-seaters designed for leisure use to corporate
jets designed for business transport. Civil helicopters, one of the smallest segments of civil aircraft, are
commonly used by police departments, emergency medical services, and businesses such as oil and
mining companies that need to transport people to remote worksites.
Military aircraft and helicopters are purchased by governments to meet national defense needs, such as
delivering weapons to military targets and transporting troops and equipment around the globe. Some
of these aircraft are specifically designed to deliver a powerful array of ordnance to military targets with
tremendous maneuverability and low detectability. Aircraft engine manufacturers, not the aircraft
manufacturers, produce the engines used in civil and military aircraft. These manufacturers design and
build engines according to the aircraft design and performance specifications of the aircraft
manufacturers. Aircraft manufacturers may use engines designed by different companies on the same
type of aircraft.
Firms producing guided missiles and missile propulsion units sell primarily to military and government
organizations. Although missiles are viewed predominantly as offensive weapons, improved guidance
systems have led to their increased use as defensive systems. This part of the industry also produces
space vehicles and the rockets for launching them into space. Consumers of spacecraft include the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD),
telecommunications companies, television networks, and news organizations. Firms producing space
satellites are discussed with the computer and electronic product manufacturing industry in this
publication because satellites are primarily electronic products.
In 2002, about 2,800 establishments made up the aerospace industry. In the aerospace parts industry,
most establishments were subcontractors that manufacture parts and employ fewer than 100 workers.
Nevertheless, 64 percent of the jobs in aerospace manufacturing were in large establishments that
employed 1,000 or more workers.
The Federal Government traditionally has been the aerospace industry’s biggest customer. The vast
majority of Government contracts to purchase aerospace equipment are awarded by DOD. NASA also is
a major purchaser of the industry’s products and services, mainly for space vehicles and launch services.
The aerospace industry is dominated by a few large firms that contract to produce aircraft with
Government and private businesses, usually airline and cargo transportation companies. These large
firms, in turn, subcontract with smaller firms to produce specific systems and parts for their vehicles.
Government purchases are largely related to defense. Typically, DOD announces its need for military
aircraft or missile systems, specifying a multitude of requirements. Large firms specializing in defense
products subsequently submit bids, detailing proposed technical solutions and designs, along with cost
estimates, hoping to win the contract. Firms may also research and develop materials, electronics, and
components relating to their bid, often at their own expense, in order to enhance their chance of
winning the contract. Following a negotiation phase, a manufacturer is selected and a prototype vehicle
is developed and built, and then tested and evaluated. If approved by DOD, the program enters
production. This process usually takes many years.
Commercial airlines and private businesses typically identify their needs for a particular model of new
aircraft based on a number of factors, including the routes they fly. After specifying requirements such
as range, size, cargo capacity, type of engine, and seating arrangements, the airlines invite
manufacturers of civil aircraft and aircraft engines to submit bids. Selection ultimately is based on a
manufacturer’s ability to deliver reliable aircraft that best fit the purchaser’s stated market needs at the
lowest cost and at favorable financing terms.
The way in which commercial and military aircraft are designed, developed, and produced is undergoing
significant change in response to the need to cut costs and deliver products more quickly. Firms
producing commercial aircraft have reduced development time drastically through computer-aided
design (CAD), which allows firms to design an entire aircraft, including the individual parts, solely by
computer. The drawings of these parts can be sent electronically to subcontractors who use them to
program their machinery. Product development teams are increasingly being used through every phase
of development, bringing customers, engineers, and production workers together to make decisions
concerning the aircraft. Additionally, the military has changed its design philosophy, using available
commercially available, off-the-shelf technology when appropriate, rather than developing new
customized components.
Aerospace parts manufacturers play a vital role in the industry, ensuring that aerospace companies have
the parts they need for aircraft, aircraft components, missiles, and space vehicles. Some manufacture all
of these parts, while others specialize in one area. There is typically a high demand for the work
performed by aerospace parts manufacturers, driven largely by military budgets and commercial airline
traffic. The combined annual revenue of US aerospace parts manufacturers and product manufacturers
is around $245 billion. There are many aerospace parts manufacturers that are based out of the US,
ranging from small suppliers to large-scale companies like Boeing. Here are our top 12 picks in the US
and beyond.
The global aerospace parts manufacturing market size is expected to reach USD 1.14 trillion by 2025.
The market is anticipated to register a CAGR of 3.8% over the forecast period. Increasing fleet
replacement rates are expected to lead to a surge in aircraft production, which is expected to boost the
Rising demand for fleet expansion in emerging economies from Asia Pacific, such as China and India is
expected to provide growth opportunities to the Maintenance, Repair and Operations (MRO) service
providers. A number of established players are expanding their manufacturing facilities to Asia to cater
to the increasing demand from MRO service providers, which is anticipated to boost the regional market
The aerospace manufacturing industry has witnessed an upward trend in the use of additive
manufacturing technology, for designing parts with advanced materials and unique geometries. A
number of companies adopt the technology owing to its superior designing abilities. Airbus is using it to
manufacture over a 1,000 different parts for its A350 aircraft.
o Empennage
Control surfaces
o Vertical stabilizer and rudder
o Horizontal stabilizer and elevator
o Aileron
o Trim tab
Lift control devices
o Flap
o Slat
o Spoiler
Powerplant and propulsion devices
o Propeller
o Piston engine
o Jet engine
o TurboProp
Landing gear
o Nose gear
o Main gear
o Controls
o Information devices
o Navigation devices
o Communication devices
o Hydraulic
o Electric
o Pneumatic (Bleed)
Navigation lights
Pressure information intakes
o Pitot tube
o Static port
o Struts
o Fuel vent
o Airframe
o Landing Gear
Lifting Systems
o Rotor
o Wings
The ailerons are located at the rear of the wing, typically one on each side. They work opposite to each
other, meaning that when one is raised, the other is lowered. Their job is to increase the lift on one wing
while reducing thelift on the other. By doing this, they roll the aircraft sideways, causing the aircraft to
turn. This is the primary method of steering a fixed-wing aircraft.
There are numerous radio antennas located around an aircraft, their size and position corresponding to
the type of work each antenna must perform and the frequencies being transmitted or received. The
GPS antenna, for example, is always mounted to the top of an airplane. This is because the GPS satellites
are in Space, and therefore always above the aircraft. As a general rule, longer antennas are used for
radio communication and navigation (VHF frequencies), while shorter antennas are reserved for higher
frequency data such as the GPS signals and the transponder, which provides air traffic control with
information about the aircraft’s position and altitude.
The cockpit, sometimes referred to as the Flight Deck, is where the pilots sit. It contains the flight
controls, which move the airplane, as well as all the buttons and switches used to operate the various
As the name implies, the elevator helps “elevate” the aircraft. It is located on the tail of the aircraft and
directs the nose of the aircraft either upwards or downwards (pitch) in order to make the airplane climb
and descend.
This name stems from the French word “empenner,” meaning “to feather an arrow”. The empennage is
the name given to the entire tail section of the aircraft, including both the horizontal and vertical
stabilizers, the rudder and the elevator. As a combined unit, it works identically to the feather on the
arrow, helping guide the aircraft to its destination.
An airplane has at least one, or as many as eight engines, which provide the thrust needed to fly. There
are many different makes and models on aircraft today but all perform the same basic function of taking
the air that’s in front of the aircraft, accelerating it and pushing out behind the aircraft. Jet powered
aircraft perform this function by compressing the air using turbines, while propeller-powered aircraft
use a propeller mounted to the engine. In general, the propeller works like a big screw, pulling the
aircraft forward while pushing the air behind it.
Flaps are a “high lift / high drag” device. Not only do they improve the lifting ability of the wing at slower
speeds by changing the camber, or curvature of the wing, but when extended fully they also create
more drag. This means an aircraft can descend (or lose altitude) faster, without gaining airspeed in the
process. Flaps come in 4 main varieties: plain, split, slotted and fowler.
The fuselage, from the French word “fuselé” meaning “spindle shaped”, is the portion of the airplane
used to literally join, or fuse, the other parts together. It is commonly thought of as the body of the
aircraft and holds the passengers and cargo safely inside.
Horizontal Stabilizer
The horizontal stabilizer is quite simply an upside-down wing, designed to provide a downward force
(push) on the tail. Airplanes are traditionally nose-heavy and this downward force is required to
compensate for that, keeping the nose level with the rest of the aircraft. Some aircraft can control the
angle of the stabilizer and therefore the level of downward force while in flight, while others are fixed in
The rudder is attached to the vertical stabilizer, located on the tail of the aircraft. It works identically to a
rudder on a boat, helping to steer the nose of the aircraft left and right; this motion is referred to as
yaw. Unlike the boat however, it is not the primary method of steering. Its main purpose is to counteract
certain types of drag, or friction, ensuring that the aircraft’s tail follows the nose, rather than sliding out
to the side.
A slat is a “high lift” device typically found on jet-powered aircraft. Slats are similar to the flaps except
they are mounted on the leading edge of the wing. They also assist in changing the camber, or curvature
of the wing, to improve lifting ability at slower speeds.
The spoiler’s function is to disrupt, or spoil, the flow of air across the upper surface of the wing. They are
usually found on larger aircraft, which can have two types installed. The in-flight spoilers are small and
designed to reduce the lifting capability of the wing just enough to allow the aircraft to descend quicker
without gaining airspeed. Although the flaps can also perform this function, the spoiler is intended to
be used temporarily, while the flaps are typically used for longer durations such as during the approach
and landing. The ground spoilers (Img. 1) typically deploy automatically on landing and are much larger
than their in-flight cousins. They are used to completely destroy the lifting ability of the wing upon
landing, ensuring that the entire weight of the airplane rests firmly on the wheels, making the brakes
more effective and shortening the length of runway needed to stop the aircraft.
The struts are part of the undercarriage, more commonly known as the landing gear. There are two
main types -
straight leg (Img. 2) and trailing link (Img. 3) - but their function is the same: to absorb the impact of the
landing as the aircraft touches the ground. Each strut contains a shock absorber (a collection of springs),
hydraulic oil and gasses which work together to reduce the impact felt by the passengers.
Vertical Stabilizer
The vertical stabilizer is designed to stabilize the left-right motion of the aircraft. While most aircraft use
a single stabilizer, some models, such as the Lockheed C-69 Constellation (Img. 5), use multiple, smaller
The wheels are another part of the undercarriage, or landing gear. While most aircraft have a minimum
of three wheels, larger aircraft require many more to support the immense weight (Img. 6). Typically
aircraft wheels are filled with nitrogen instead of air. This is because the pressure of nitrogen gas
changes very little with changes in altitude or temperature, which is something aircraft constantly
The windshield on smaller aircraft is usually made from polycarbonate, a type of plastic, while
pressurized airplanes use a sandwich of plastic and glass layers, called a laminate, up to 20mm thick.
This is necessary to absorb the impact of birds, insects and other debris that may collide with the
windshield as the airplane flies at close to the speed of sound.
The wing provides the majority of the lift an airplane requires for flight. Its shape is specifically designed
for the aircraft to which it is attached. On most aircraft, the interior of the wing is also used to store the
fuel required to power the engines.
Some aircraft wings have an additional component called a winglet, which is located at the end of each
wing. Its purpose is to reduce the drag (or air resistance) the wing produces as it pushes through the air.
This not only allows the airplane to fly faster, but also means it burns less fuel, allowing it to fly longer
distances without refuelling.