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Volume-7 | Issue-9 | September-2017 | ISSN - 2249-555X | IF : 4.894 | IC Value : 79.

Original Research Paper



Mr. Avinash Msc (n) Kins, Karad Krishna Institute Of Nursing Sciences, Karad, Dist-satara
Shinde (maharashtra), India
Mr. Avinash H. Prof. Vice-principal ,.k Kins, Karad Krishna Institute Of Nursing Sciences, Karad,
Salunkhe Dist-satara (maharashtra), India.
DR. . Vaishali .R. Prof. Dean / Principal , Krishna Institute of Nursing Sciences Karad, Dist-Satara
Mohite (Maharashtra), India.
Msc (N) Lecturer, KINS, Karad, Krishna Institute of Nursing Sciences Karad, Dist-
Mr .N. R. Kakade Satara (Maharashtra), India.
Msc. (N) Assistant Professor , Krishna Institute of Nursing Sciences Karad, Dist-
Mrs. A.V.Katti Satara (Maharashtra), India.
ABSTRACT Aims & Objectives: To improve the knowledge regarding telemedicine among rural population. To assess the
knowledge on Telemedicine among rural population. To assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on
telemedicine among the rural population. To nd out association between selected socio demographic variables such as age, gender, education,
occupation, religion, and place of living.
Material and Methods Used for the study is evaluative approach with pre and post test control group design. Study was conducted on 100
subjects from Kole, Karad by using Simple Random Sampling Technique with randomly allocation of groups. It was observed that overall Mean
Knowledge regarding Telemedicine among the subjects was (52%) had good knowledge and (15%) had excellent knowledge. It was evident that
maximum number of subjects had good knowledge regarding Telemedicine. Calculated chi-squared test value shows there is association
between the socio demographic variables of subject and level of knowledge regarding Telemedicine among people residing rural area of Karad at
p<0.05 level of signicance.
Conclusion: The STP was useful to the subjects to increase knowledge regarding Telemedicine.

KEYWORDS : assess, effectiveness, structured teaching programme, telemedicine, rural population

INTRODUCTION: in india. Researcher implemented telemedicine in rural areas as 70% of
Maharashtra is the third largest state in India both in area and total population in India living in India. As a pilot project researcher
population. The state is bounded by the Arabian Sea in the west, established telemedicine technology at major 6 locations in India.
Gujarat in the northwest, Madhya Pradesh in the north and the east, These locations were connected to nearby district and primary health
Andhra Pradesh in the south east and Karnataka and Goa in the south. centers to make a telemedicine hub. Result indicated that the
The state of Maharashtra has an area of 307,713 sq. km. and a researcher could provide medical services to the rural areas of India.3
population of 96.88 million. There are 37 districts, 358 blocks and
43711 villages. The State has population density of 314 per sq. km. (as SECTION – I:
against the national average of 312). The decadal growth rate of the DESCRIPTION OF DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES
state is 22.73% (against 21.54% for the country) and the population of The most of 38 (38%) respondent of people residing rural area of
the state continues to grow at a much faster rate than the national rate.1 Karad Taluka were in the age group of 41-50 years followed by 31
(31%) who were in the age group of 31-40 years and 21 (21%)
The state of Maharashtra has well health infrastructure but, respondents of people residing rural area of Karad Taluka were 51-60
geographical area wise it is not able to satisfy the need of advanced years of age and 7 (7%) were <30 years of age and 3 (3%) were >60
medical care for peoples who are residing in hilly areas of years of age. Were most of 65 (65%) respondent of people residing
Maharashtra. Telemedicine is one of the options to reduce the gap rural area of Karad Taluka were males and the remaining 35 (35%)
between the geographical areas regarding health. A study was respondents of people residing rural area of Karad Taluka were
conducted to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching females.
programme on telemedicine among rural population in Karad Taluka.
The most of 38 (38%) respondent residing in rural area of Karad Taluka
LITERATURE SURVEY: were illiterate, 29 (29%) had completed primary education, 26 (26%)
A study conducted by Sushil.K.Mehar (2009) on awareness and had secondary education and 3 (3%) respondents had completed
attitudes to telemedicine from 143 doctors at 14 different hospitals in intermediate or post higher secondary education. And were graduates
India, and from 121 patients who had come to New Delhi for treatment each. Only 1 (1%) had completed professional education. 86 (86%) of
from other parts of India. Most doctors felt that telemedicine was people residing rural area of Karad Taluka were Hindus and 14 (14%)
important and their opinions were similar in all age groups. Only three Muslims.
of the 14 hospitals had not implemented telemedicine. A total of 86
doctors had used telemedicine. One hundred of the 121 patients were Majority of people residing rural area of Karad Taluka were Clerical,
not aware of telemedicine. However, when the concept was explained, shop owner of farmer i.e.36 (36%). skilled workers Then, 25 (25%)
most patients had a positive attitude towards telemedicine. The were semi profession, 22 (22%) were skilled workers,13 (13%) were
majority of patients who had previously used telemedicine (n = 7) unskilled workers. 3 (3%) were semi skilled workers. Whereas only 1
found it satisfactory. It is important that proper hospital training (1%) was professional. 49 (49%) monthly income was between
programmes should be organized for all doctors, which will assist in Rs.11,451 - Rs.17,150. 22 (22%) respondents family income was
future utilization of telemedicine. Further awareness programmes are between Rs.6,851 - Rs.11,450. 19 (19%) respondent had income
also required for patients.2 between Rs.17,151 - Rs.22,850. 8 (8%) respondent had income
between Rs.22,851 - Rs.45,750. 2 (2%) respondents family income
A study conducted by Jagat singh Bhatia (2006) on telemedicine was morethan Rs.45,751/-. Were 58 (58%) of live in joint family and
odyssey customized telemedicine solution for rural and remote areas 31 (31%) from nuclear family. And 11 (11%) live in extended family.
Volume-7 | Issue-9 | September-2017 | ISSN - 2249-555X | IF : 4.894 | IC Value : 79.96
The majority of people residing rural area of Karad Taluka i.e. 49 4 Religion
(49%) gained knowledge about Telemedicine from news paper Hindu 86 36 41 9 2.72 0.26
followed by 31 (31%) people gained knowledge from television.
Knowledge gained from health workers 15 (15%), only 5 (5%) got Muslim 14 3 8 3
information through radio. 5 Occupation
Profession 1 0 1 0 5.24 0.88
TABLE – I Classifications of people residing in rural area of Karad Semi- 25 10 10 5
Taluka on pre- test knowledge level Score regarding Telemedicine Profession
Clerical, 36 12 20 4
N=100 Shop-owner,
Level of knowledge Score Level of Respondents
Skilled 22 5 14 3
No % worker
Poor 1-9 39 39.0 Semi-skilled 3 1 1 1
Good 10-18 49 49.0 worker
Excellent 19-25 12 12.0 Unskilled 13 5 6 2
Total 100 100.0 worker
Majority 49.0 % of the subjects had Good knowledge, 39.0 % had poor 6 Family Income
knowledge, 12.0 % subjects excellent knowledge regarding > Rs.45751 2 1 1 0 6.77 0.56
Telemedicine. Rs.22851-
8 4 3 1
TABLE – II Classification of people residing rural area of Karad Rs.17151- 19 6 11 2
Taluka on post test knowledge level Score regarding Telemedicine Rs.22850
Rs.11451- 49 18 24 7
Level of knowledge Score Level of Respondents Rs.6851- 22 10 10 2
No % Rs.11450
Poor 1-9 33 33.0 7 Type of Family
Good 10-18 52 52.0 Nuclear 31 9 16 6 2.88 0.56
Excellent 19-25 15 15.0 Joint 58 21 31 6
Extended 11 3 5 3
Total 100 100.0
8 Source of Information
Majority 52.0 % of the subjects had Good knowledge, 33.0 % had poor News papers 49 13 29 7 2.88 0.56
knowledge, 15.0 % subjects excellent knowledge regarding
TV 31 10 15 6
Health care 15 7 6 2
TABLE – III: Association between demographic variables and workers
post test knowledge level of people residing rural area of Karad Radio 5 3 2 0
Taluka on Telemedicine N.S- Not significant S- Significant at P<0.05level
The above table depicts the association of knowledge level of people
[N=100] residing rural area of Karad Taluka regarding Telemedicine after
administering the Structured Teaching Programme with their selected
Sr. Socio No. Post Test Chi P-
demographical variables, using Chi –square test. The analysis revealed
No Demograph (%) Square value
Poor Good Excellent that there is signicant association was found with age, (p < 0.05) and
ic Variables statistic
no association could be found with other demographic variables of
No. (%) No. (%) No. (%) people residing rural area of Karad Taluka with post test knowledge.
1 Age
<30 7 5 2 0 15.76 0.04* DISCUSSION
31-40 31 12 16 3 Maximum of the subjects 38 (38%) were in the age group of 41-50
years Dr. Mrs. M. S. Vinsi, et,al. (2016) in their study observe that
41-50 38 9 24 5 4
Maximum of the subjects (42.5%) were in the age group of 31≤35yrs.
51-60 21 7 9 5 Majority of the subjects 65 (65%) respondent was males and the
>60 3 0 1 2 remaining 35 (35%) respondents of people were females. 38 (38%)
2 Sex subjects were illiterate, Dr. Mrs. M. S. Vinsi, et,al. (2016) in their study
Females 35 10 19 6 0.54 0.76 observe that maximum of the subjects (62.5%) were B.Sc and Post
Basic nurses . 4 Majority of people were 86 (86%) of people were
Males 65 23 33 9 Hindus and 14 (14%) Muslims. Majority of people were Clerical, shop
3 Educational Qualification owner or farmer i.e.36 (36%). Dr. Mrs. M. S. Vinsi, et,al. (2016) in their
Professional 1 study observe that Majority of the subjects (30%) were working in
0 0 1 9.52 0.48 ward and ICU. 4 Majority of people i.e, 49 (49%) monthly income was
or Honours
between Rs.11,451 - Rs.17,150. majority of people i.e. 58 (58%) of
Graduate or
live in joint family. Majority of people i.e. 49 (49%) gained knowledge
Post- 1 2 0 1
about Telemedicine from news paper. Dr. Mrs. M. S. Vinsi, et,al.
(2016) in their study observe that Majority of the staff nurses (62.5%)
Intermediate 0 3 0 0 had no experience of computer technology in clinical area.4
or Post-
High-School In the table it is noticeable that majority of people 49 (49%) had good
Diploma level of knowledge whereas 39 (39%) of people had poor level of
Middle 6 17 3 6 knowledge and only 12 (12%) people had Excellent knowledge
School regarding Telemedicine before administration of Structured Teaching
Certicate Programme. Dr. Mrs. M. S. Vinsi, et,al. (2016) in their study observe
Primary 12 19 4 12 that In pre test majority of the staff nurses (52.5%) had average
School or knowledge, (37.5%) had poor knowledge & (10%) staff nurses had
Literate good knowledge & no subjects were in the category of excellent
Illiterate 13 17 8 13 knowledge scores4


Volume-7 | Issue-9 | September-2017 | ISSN - 2249-555X | IF : 4.894 | IC Value : 79.96
The post-test level knowledge of people 52 (52%) had good level of
knowledge about Telemedicine. Whereas 33 (33%) of people had
poor level of knowledge and only 15 people (15%) had excellent
knowledge regarding Telemedicine after administration of Structured
Teaching Programme. Dr. Mrs. M. S. Vinsi, et,al. (2016) in their study
observe that In post test majority of the staff nurses (47.5%) had good
knowledge, (37.5%) were in the category of average knowledge and
(15%) were in the category of excellent knowledge. No subjects were
in poor category4

The comparison of pre test and post-test knowledge of people The pre-
test table depicts that majority of people 49(49%) had good level of
knowledge about Telemedicine, whereas 39(39%) of people had poor
level of knowledge and only 12 (12%) people Taluka had Excellent
knowledge regarding Telemedicine before administration of
Structured Teaching Programme

Majority of people 52 (52%) had good level of knowledge about

Telemedicine whereas 33(33%) of people had poor level of knowledge
and only 15(15%) people had excellent knowledge regarding
Telemedicine after administration of Structured Teaching Programme.

CONCLUSION: - The Structured Teaching Programme was effective

to increase the knowledge of rural population regarding telemedicine.
There was signicant association of the pre test knowledge scores
regarding telemedicine among rural population and their selected
demographic variables such as age, gender, education, occupation,
religion, and place of living.

NURSING EDUCATION: - To educate student nurses in enhancing
knowledge and skills in theory as well as in practice. Hence, it is an
opportunity for the nurse educator to develop effective training
modules in training the subjects in Telemedicine.

NURSING RESEARCH: - The research helps to plan new

interventional studies to improve knowledge regarding Telemedicine.
The study helps the nurse researcher to develop insight in to the
development of teaching module and for improving their knowledge
and nursing management in Telemedicine. One of the aims of nursing
research is to contribute the knowledge to the body of nursing, to
expand and broaden the scope of nursing. This is possible only if
nurses take initiative to conduct the further research.

NURSING ADMINISTRATION: - The present study has proven

effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme enhancing the
knowledge of student nurses regarding Telemedicine. So the nurse
administrator can take initiative to provide facilities to conduct
research such educational programmes in the hospital as well as in the
colleges.The nurse administrator should take part in the making of
health policies, development of protocols and standing orders with
respect to Telemedicine.

1. A similar study can be replicated on large sample to draw more denite conclusions.
2. A similar study can be conducted among medical staff.
3. A study can be conducted to assess the effectiveness of phone monitoring regarding
follow up among patients.


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