The entrepreneurial history of handloom production in the country has been traced
back to even as early as Rig Veda, when the hiranya (gold cloth) existed in the
society. Village industries and handlooms were well integrated into the rural
economy and the whole organisation was a part and parcel of socio-cultural fabric
of the society. The social traditions, ethos and values were reflected in the
handloom products. The handloom products, which have survived against the
competition from machine made cloth, represent the rich artistic traditions of our
country. Globalised economy has contributed to the ever-increasing competition
among the developing nations. Due to this, the traditional crafts of the country are
under threat from the neighboring countries by way of replication of the traditional
items. Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) as a part of agreement
signed under the World Trade Organisation (WTO) show a way to safeguard the
interest of the producers. The study has been arranged in nine chapters the
Chapter-1 principally elaborates the overall handloom sector of the country and
Orissa. The Chapter-2 brings about the craft history. The Chapter-3 identifies the
geographical location wherein the craft exists at the district level. Chapter-4
discusses the production process involved in making the world famous Ikat sarees
and fabrics. An attempt has been made to cover all parts of the production process
and to provide the illustrations. An in-depth profile of the artisans and their
lifestyle in Maniabandh based on the survey done is discussed in Chapter-5. The
impacts of globalization on the craft are detailed in Chapter-6.
Chapter 1: Handloom Sector in India –An Overview 05
Handlooms in India
Handlooms in Orissa
Chapter 2: Origin and History of Maniabandh Handloom 06
Evaluation of Maniabandh Cluster
History of Maniabandh
Chapter 3: Geographical Location
Location of the Cluster
People Lining in Maniabandh
Significance of the Products made there
Chapter 4: Production Process
Post Production & Marketing
Chapter 5: Research Analysis and Survey of the artisans and their Lifestyle
Maniabandh Artisans
Challenges Faced while Continuing the Craft
Socio Economic Profile
Chapter 6: Impact of Globalization
Changes Due to Globalization
Threats Faced
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my subject teacher Ms. Zia Gulshafan
for giving me this opportunity to research on such a topic, the research on which
have immensely helpful. It has not only made me more knowledgeable about the
lifestyle and the work ethics of the artisans living in Maniabandh but also an in-
depth understanding of how the age old industry of handlooms are working in
Indian today,their condition, their utility and their importance. I would like to
thank my mentor Mr.Neeraj Sinha for guiding me through the process and would
like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the artisans in Maniabandh for showering
their love and allowing me to experience a journey, so insightful and full of
learning about their life, their work and their culture. I thank my parents for their
moral support and the Director of NIFT Bhubaneswar for his overall supports to
make this journey possible.
Chapter – 5
Research, Analysis and Socio Economic Profile of the
1.0 Introduction:
The adoption of a focused, yet flexible, holistic approach for the handloom sector
has been long felt in an environment of free trade opportunities and growing
competition from the machine woven fabric industry. A need has also been felt to
empower weavers to chart out a sustainable way for growth and sustainable way
for growth and diversification, in line with the emerging market trends. Orissa's
rich & diverse cultural heritage is aptly reflected in is hand-woven. Vibrant and
innovative, the design elements revolve around the purity and simplicity of life of
its people. Orissan hand woven is known around the world for the tie and dye
technique, fine fabric and vegetable dyes. Hand weaving as practiced in different
parts of the state are uniquely distinct and inspiring.
Chapter – 2
Origin and History of Maniabandh Handloom
The first wave of migration is supposed to have occurred in the 7th century AD.
Under the reign of the 12th century Hindu king Ballal Sen, persecutionof
Buddhists hit a peak spurring migrant outflow. The last exodus from Bengal
resulted from Muslim atrocities on Buddhists. It happened when Prataparu
Devacharakan ruled Odisha in the 15th century.
Termed as one of the oldest “living Buddhist sites” in the country, where weaving
is continuing for centuries, Maniabandha was mentioned in Chinese traveller and
writer Hieun Tsang’s narration when he visited India in the 7th Century AD.
According to “Madala Panji” of Lord Jaganath, the tie and dye technique in this
area, as per history belongs to Ramchandra King th of Puri in 1719 A.D. and also
Jaydev the great poet. During 12 century, Jaydev desired to offer this Gitagovind to
Lord Jaganath .He find the silk fabric as a medium. He decided to write the lyrics
of Gita Govind using the tie and dye technique at this village Kenduli Birth place
of Jaydev) and advocated them to Lord Jaganath, Balabhadra and Devi subhadra.
The art of weaving in this area is more than 800 years old and is linked with the
temple of Lord Jagannath at Puri.
Chapter - 3
Geographical Location
Chapter - 5
Production Process
Tools Used:
The age-old tradition of Ikat weaving is being survived today at the skilled hands
of the interior rural handloom weavers and that Ikat process of weaving in the
Local Names: Maniabandh area of Cuttack district.
Reed Pania The raw materials are brought from
Warp Tana the local market and are stored in
Weft Bana cupboards.
Shuttle Manku
Loom Tanta
Tie & Dye Frame Dhada
Small Bobbin Wali
Winder Arat
Bobbin Nall
Spindle Nattai
5.7 Winding:
The process of weaving involves a number of activities like winding, warping
design setting drafting, denting and weaving. The artisans used traditional
charakha for winding the yarn in notai or bobbin. There is no winding M/C. for this
process mostly done by the ladies. They get Rs. 3.00 for winding a hank.
5.8 Warp Preparation:
After getting silk yarn (2 ply mulberry silk) by the weavers the yarn is soaked in
cold water for at least 12 hours before degumming. Generally, for production of 16
pieces of sari, 2 Kgs of silk yarn is required. Then Degumming is carried out for 1
hr. After rinsing the yarn in hot water and then in cold water, the yarn is dyed with
desired shade. Then stick cage winding (Hank stand or shift and stick cage or
Natai) of dyed yarn is carried out which takes 8-10 days. The hanks so obtained are
passed through sizing process (using, fried rice) and wound to a stick cage, which
takes further 8-10days. The yarn on the stick cage is dried. This stick cage process
is too laborious, it adds a lot to the cost price of the product. Automatic winders
can be introduced to do this job, first in experimental basis and then in commercial
basis till subgrouping of ikat process.
Using horizontal warping Drum carried out the warping process:
This process takes about 4 days.
After getting the warp and the
Warp beam, the Drafting &
Denting processes are taken
up which takes 2 days. Then
the warp is taken to the loom
and other arrangements such
as head tie-up, Harnessing of
coloured yarn for border using,
dobby/jacquard are carried out
on the loom which take 4 days.
5.9 Weft preparation:
Mulberry charkha silk (filament Malda) are used for weft. For16pcs. Of sari, the
weaver get yarn about 5Kgs. but the processes are carried out in phased manner. In
the cluster, for designing the sari, Tie & Dye is the traditional process. For getting
design prominently & exact to the desired motif, the weft yarn is processed in
phased manner, i.e. for 2 pcs. 600 gms and for 4pcs-1200 gms). The weft yarn is
available in single form in the market. So, yarn is first plied to 3-4 threads by
winding onto a stick cage in two stages, which takes 5-8 days.
Then the yarn twisted in a local process, which takes one day. The process
followed here is purely traditional, manual and laborious also. It is interesting that
though the plied weft yarn at present is available in the open market, these weavers
do not use it in order to avoid duplication in quality of raw material. Plying or
blending process has ample scope for adulteration in the quality of silk yarn, which
is not noticed in the naked eye. If low quality silk yarn is mixed in this plying
process, protrudes in the resultant yarn develop pilling effect during end use.
Therefore it is better to procure single yarn in pure form. But automatic plying
machine here also can be experimentally introduced to reduce the too much add on
labor cost. The yarn is soaked in water for 8-10hrs before degumming. The
degumming is carried out for 1 hr. followed by rinsing with hot water and then
cold water. Then yarn is left for drying within one two days.
The yarn is again made to 2 ply by winding on to a stick cage which takes two
days and after that the yarn treated with sizing material (fried rice-lia) in a day and
again plied by rewinding on to a stick cage which also takes one day and then left
for drying.
Here, the weavers have a practice of doing the tie-dyeing on the Weft i.e Bharani
in their local language. The Warp beam yarn is generally a single colour plain dyed
one, which is done independently at each and every household. But the main art
and skill is in generating a good tie-dye design on the weft. The Tie & Dye activity
for some of the routine normal traditional motifs are being practiced by almost all
the weaver households but the activity of tie & dye for some specific designs has
been taken up by persons as a full time work on cost basis. There are 20 different
exclusive Warp dyers and 20 Different Weft Dyers. The charges for dyeing
activities changes as per the Colour, Season and the tie-dye pattern.
The material in hank form (degummed silk yarn) entered into the dye bath with 0
desired liquor, dye solution. The temperature is gradually increased to 40 c within
5 minutes. Then Glauber salt is added and the material is stirred continuously by
steel rod 0 0 for further 45 minutes at a 90 -95 C. For effective exhaustion 2% of
acetic acid is added and worked for 15 minutes. After complete exhaustion, the
material is withdrawn, squeezed mildly, washed in warm water followed by cold
water then squeezed dried in open air. However for better fastness properties dying
machines should be introduced here. Here the skill of the dyer/weaver is very
much essential to get the desired design which woven in the fabric. They also use
Vat & Azoic dyeing process for cotton dyeing.
Distinguishing a Good Product from a Bad One:
The finishing is kept in mind, there is a notable
difference in the finesse of the design w.r.t to
the master line or the pattern.
The color combination is kept harmonious
While weaving Picks per Inch i.e. how much
yarn will come in inch of the fabric is
considered for a good product
• Starching- Most of the sarees are starched using rice water (water that is left
after boiling the rice). The starched sarees are tightly wrapped over a wooden roll
and left to dry in the sun. This gives the fabric some stiffness and sheen. Then
these are carefully folded and sent to the buyers.
• Quality check- once the saree is ready, it is carefully examined for its quality and
any defects.
• Calendaring- At this stage the pieces are ironed out again for the final time. In
this process there is a set of two heated rollers above and below a beam roller. As
the beam roller rotates, the heating roller rotates as well, which facilitates the
passing of the material across the roller and is hence pressed by heating rollers.
The products are then sold in local markets with products made according to the
local market demand with the help of Mahajans. However few artisans associated
with Antaran, a training house for the artisans developed by Tata Trust, the artisans
trained there have already taken their next step and have been selling their products
in exhibitions held in Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore with product designs that are
trendy and appealing to the market outside their locality.
List of products:
Name of products Product particulars Price(in rs.)
Stoles 2/80s 700-2000
Handerchief 2/80s 60
Tablecloth 2/10s;2/40s 1200
Cushion Cover 2/10s 6020
Dress Material 2/80s;2/60s 400-650
The exquisite sarees, salwars and other material produced here are elegant
creations clad in beauty. It is through nearly thirty-seven co-operative societies,
mostly profitable, that these artifacts are sold. One such society is named after the
Dalai Lama, after he visited that institution. Its members still recall with gratitude
the financial help from the venerable one to construct a building. The Odisha-
government run ‘Boyanika’ chain markets the produce.
Motifs are the decorative intricate images or designs and a recurring idea in an
artistic work. In Maniabandha, Ikat sarees motifs are developed from generations
by following traditional tie and dye techniques. Each motif carries its own
authentic,historical story which adds more emphasis to the product developed. The
technique used to develop motifs is commonly known as ‘bandha’. There are
different famous motifs which have continued throughout the ages but nowadays
some artisans are making changes to it and coming up with the fusion of traditional
and present demand of market i.e. design intervention. The price of sarees varies
according to the intricacy of the design and time consumed.
The master artisans usually uses the traditional motifs in their design .Newer
motifs developed are inspired from the houses , leaves ,the surroundings and also
influenced by those having high demand in the market.The craft was traditionally
religious. Khandua sarees were specially made to gift Lord Jagannath.With passing
time it has been used for socio cultural reasons too, like gifting in marriages
(Tarabani sarees).In most recent times it is used for day to day utility.
Some of the most famous motifs that are being implemented are : Jhoti motif
(inspired from the wall art of odisha), Kumbha motif (inspired from the
architectural silhouette of temples), Khandwa motif variations, Zig-Zag motif,
Chess motif, Tree motif ,Pasapalli motif, Box motif with line, Matsya
motif(inspired from fish), Jhili motif, Tira bandha(inspired from arrow), Patra
(inspired from leaves), Floral motifs, Boonti, Rudraksh motif, Chakki phul,
Brahmakami, Bari bandha and many more.
5.3 Socio Economic Profile :
The average working day of a weaver is 280 to 300 days per annum.
The Weavers earning vary from Rs. 5000 to 7500 per month an average
wages per day is Rs. 50 to 60 per loom.
Majority of the population are illiterate and semi-literate.
Most of the families among weavers have more than five members.
50% of the weavers belong to BPL category.
30% of the weavers cover by Health Insurance Scheme.
There is no water supply to the cluster, and the water available is hard water
that affect on dyeing.
Most of them leaving in Katchha house. The main problem in rainy season
that there are some leakage on the roof so that they can't work.
60% of the weavers are well connected in electricity and rests are depending
upon Sun for their work.
25% are connected by telephone.
Due to continuous weaving and chemical dyeing most of them suffered in
eye diseases and skin diseases accompanied by backache..
Some of them have landed property they get themselves engaged for
agriculture and partly weaving during rainy season.
Maximum weavers are belong to OBC category, approximately 98
It is found that more than 42 percentage male are working in the in this area
in weaving, pre-weaving and post weaving activities.
More than 36 percentage female are also helping in the above three
mentioned categories of activities.
Out of the total children 22 percentages of children are helping to their
parents in the pre loom activities.
Primary School
College Graduates
Secondary School
More than 10000 7%
32% 32%
Chapter – 6
Impact of Globalization
The impacts are can be discussed precisely as weakness of Orissa handloom sector:
1. Orissa handloom designs are not branded /patented, ethic is very much
essential in this globalisation competitive market.
2. Craft of tie and dye needs high skill.
3. No sufficient literature' publications area available to reach it to new
weavers even if to technologist.
4. Process is with very low productivity.
5. Process is less scientific, having less or no control on the quality of product
with no assurance on fastness properties like colour, rubbing, washing and
light fastness.
6. Bleeding of one colour over other is a common problem.
7. Production with matching colour is impossible which limits the bulk
production and also exportability.
8. No after treatments are done to improve the fastness properties of Ikat
9. Handlooms are placed indecent realized manner in different remote areas of
10.Closure of most of spinning mills provides hindrances on availability of raw
material as it is bound to purchase yarn at higher price from Madurai,
Coimbatore, Kolakat etc.
11.No. Information technology system and design package are applied in the
industry till date.
12.Dormancy of most of handlooms& PWCS due to dearth of working capital.
13.Not a single garment/ apparel house is established to make the products
garment oriented.
14.Uniform quality control system for the products of the state and awareness
of ISO9000 is not established.
1. Duplication of design patterns by the printing industries influences harshly
to Ikaat designs.
2. The present product level does not satisfy the quality norms to compete in
international market during quota free post WTO period.
3. The continuance of Ikat textiles production without after treatments and use
of banned dye-staffs having carcinogenic effects will be more fatal to
foreign market.
4. Production of handloom fabrics in Orissa is with less scope in absence of
textile policy by Govt. of Orissa including financial assistance for
a) Liberalization of raw materials (in absence of spinning mills)
b) Price competitiveness
c) Compensation to stat export business.
d) Setting of Apparel park
e) Research & development cell for handloom industry.
To sum up it may be said that there is scope for the growth of handloom sector in
the state especially in the cotton production, yarn production and processing units.
Only steps are to be taken to overcome certain hurdles. Also efforts need to be
given to educate human resources through various training programme, workshop
and meeting, publication local language journals, magazines etc. to motivate them
regarding the present needs, upgradation of technology, management of financial
resources required to set up industries.
Maniabandha areas have a rich tradition of hand weaving single Ikat designs in
cotton. The governmental assistance appears to be insufficient as per the survey
data reveals. Thus, the study reaches at the conclusion that neither there is much
diversification in the craft process or product, nor there is a qualitative leap in the
plights of the weavers. This creates a major challenge to the sustainability of the
craft and the livelihood options of the weavers in the long run and the export
potential of the state. More financial assistance, regular supply of quality raw
material, adequate marketing support, technological and design intervention with
plans for product development are some of the areas along with strengthening of
the cooperative sector which need urgent attention for sustaining the craft and to
preserve the culture and tradition of the hand weaving craft of the area.