How Walmart and P and G Can Enhance Supp PDF
How Walmart and P and G Can Enhance Supp PDF
How Walmart and P and G Can Enhance Supp PDF
CPFR Initiatives
Alexander Harsono
STMIK Pontianak, Indonesia
successful collaboration is blocked by many barriers. purchase orders, shipment updates, invoices and others [5].
Despite that fact that such numbers indicate that truly cohesive The process of data exchange is straightforward, beginning
and collaborative supply chain teams are the exception and not with a trading partner’s business system, traveling through the
the rule, today’s advanced supply chain leaders P&G and Wal- internet, and arriving securely to your system. EDI has the
Mart are winning and outdistancing the competition because capacity to transmit data in the exact way it was received. EDI
they understand their success rests on seeing themselves as the uses a common language that is shared amongst businesses,
drivers of value chain collaboration [1]. allowing for companies with dissimilar computer-based
CPFR is a set of business processes that entities in a supply systems to communicate with each other. Although the
chain can use for collaboration on a number of language must initially be translated, once it has been
retailer/manufacturer functions towards overall efficiency in completed, no further encoding must be done. Many
the supply chain [2]. The Council of Supply Chain companies have used EDI to send business information to
Management Professionals (CSCMP) describes CPFR as a suppliers and customers as illustrated in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2
concept that aims to enhance supply chain integration by illustrated exchange of information through CPFR in SCM.
supporting and assisting joint practices. CPFR seeks
cooperative management of inventory through joint visibility
and replenishment of products throughout the supply chain. Exchange of information in SCM through EDI & CPFR
Information shared between suppliers and retailers aids in
planning and satisfying customer demands through a
supportive system of shared information. This allows for
continuous updating of inventory and upcoming requirements,
essentially making the end-to-end supply chain process more Fig. 1. Information flows via EDI
efficient. Efficiency is also created through the decreased
expenditures for merchandising, inventory, logistics, and
transportation across all trading partners [3].
The objective of CPFR is to optimize the supply chain by
improving demand forecast accuracy, delivering the right
Fig. 2. Information flows via CPFR
product at the right time to the right location, reducing
inventories across the supply chain, avoiding stockouts and In most cases, this information was limited to orders,
improving customer service. This can be achieved only if the quotations, invoices, and similar documents. In supply chain
trading partners are working closely together and willing to cooperation, information exchanged between the partners, or
share information and risk through a common set of processes. granted access to, is much more detailed and often rather
Using CPFR, companies are working together to develop sensitive. It includes sales plans and forecasts, inventory levels,
mutually agreeable plans and are taking responsibility for their resource utilization, status of orders, shipments, and more. For
actions. The collaborative effort leads to benefits that are example, if the customer sees that the supplier’s inventory level
greater than if each partner were to go at it independently. is too high, they might use this information to negotiate a price
According to VICS, the CPFR concept is consumer driven reduction that the supplier otherwise would not have given.
without losing focus on best practices within the supply chain. Two prominent approaches that unleash the benefits of
Setting common goals for organizations pulls individual efforts information exchange between two partners are VMI and
together into a cohesive plan, supports better execution of the CPFR [6]
plan and invites improved planning in the next business SCM is defined as the integrated, process-oriented design,
planning exercise. The improved planning drives sales gains planning and control of goods, information, and cash flows
through to the consumer and lowers costs throughout the along the entire value chain from customer to the raw-material
supply chain [4]. Besides P&G and Walmart, other companies supplier with the aims of improving customer orientation,
using CPFR initiatives include Eastman Kodak, Federated synchronizing supply with demand, making the production
Department Stores, Hewlett-Packard, JC Penney, Kimberly more flexible and responsive to the demand, and downsizing
Clark, Kmart, Nabisco, Procter & Gamble, Target, Walmart of the inventory along the value chain [7]. The better the supply
and Warner-Lambert. The industries that are most involved chain member collaborates, the better the supply chain works.
with CPFR are consumer products and food & beverage. And the better the supply chain works, the stronger the
partners’ competitive position on the market. SCM seeks to
A. EDI and Supply Chain Management
develop the collaborative aspects of integrative information
SCM needs technology-based drivers to make it working. technologies to better manage networked customers and
Technology is the driver of SCM, and technology tools enable inventories.
companies to automate supply chain functions to remove
redundancies and cost, generate information and assists supply B. Evolution of SCM or E-SCM Systems
chain activities. The earliest technology is electronic data
Today supply managers expect powerful solutions to their
processing (EDI) where companies can exchange simple and business problems. However, organizations did not always have
similar information within and across-organizations. sophisticated systems at their disposal. Table 1 traces the
EDI is computer-to-computer exchange of routine business evolution of e-SCM systems [8]. Early uses of information
documents, using an approved, standard format, without systems were in the accounting and financial areas. However,
human intervention. These documents include things like
beginning in the 1970s more IT resources and software
solutions were allocated to purchasing, operations, and sharing a common vision of the supply chain, and constructing
distribution. Organizations installed systems such as material the technical and social architectures, thereby enabling whole
requirements planning (MRP) and distribution requirements channel networks to achieve marketplace leadership.
planning (DRP). These systems were used to improve the
planning and control of inventory in manufacturing (MRP) and
distribution (DRP). Because MRP and DRP systems were
primarily internal, an electronic linkage to suppliers and
customers was needed.
ERP systems became the rage of the 1990s and they
continue today. The goal of ERP systems is to integrate all
business function planning and processing, and to avoid data
interruption in order to make better business decisions and run
the business more effectively and efficiently. Ideally, all the
different functions in the organization have access to and are
working with the same data. Supply managers were at the
center of this trend and were challenged to develop accurate
databases to improve their decision making.
CPFR is an approach for the collaboration of manufacturers trading partners to develop a consensus forecast that begins at
and retailers that starts with sales planning. Instead of planning the retail level and makes it way all the way back to the
separately, both sides exchange their forecasts in the planning manufacturer. This plan of supply chain demand and
phase and discuss diverging estimates in order to come to a replenishment describes what will be sold and when, how it
single forecast. Later, when the sales processes are running, will be merchandized and promoted, in what marketplaces, and
both sides actively work together, allowing them to quickly during what time period.
recognize and correct planning mistakes [11]. CPFR was
initiated in 1995 in a pilot project by Walmart, the world’s E. Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI) and CPFR
largest chain of department stores, and one of their suppliers. In VMI has advantages for both partners: Important demand
this project, the partners realized that further benefits from and sales information is available to both the retailer and the
industry-trade collaboration would require a standardization of supplier, transmission errors are reduced, stockouts are
business processes. For this reason, Walmart initiated the CPFR avoided, the service level is improved, etc. [15]. VMI is a
Committee of VICS. process through which the supplier rather than the customer
The mission of the CPFR committee is “ develop manages the flow of product into the customer’s operations.
business guidelines and roadmaps for various collaborative This flow is driven by frequent exchanges of information about
scenarios, which include upstream suppliers, suppliers of the actual off-take or usage of the product by the customer.
finished goods and retailers, which integrate demand and With this information the supplier is able to take account of
supply planning and execution [12].” By integrating processes current inventories at each level in the chain, as well as goods
on the sides of supply and demand, CPFR aims to improve the in transit, when determining what quantity to ship and when to
efficiency, increase revenue, lower tied-up capital, and reduce ship it. The supplier is in effect managing the customer’s
inventory levels throughout the entire supply chain. inventory on the customer’s behalf. In a VMI environment
In order to achieve these goals, a reference model is there are no customer orders; instead the supplier makes
provided, as shown in Fig. 4. This model defines eight major decisions on shipping quantities based upon the information it
activities where the parties involved should cooperate. It receives direct from the point-of-use or the point-of-sale, or
includes important steps such as creating a common sales more usually from off-take data at the customer’s distribution
forecast and how to handle exceptional situations, namely: center. The supplier can use this information to forecast future
Sales forecasting; Order planning/forecasting; Order requirements and hence to utilize their own production and
generation; Order fulfillment; Exception management; logistics capacity better. This is what Walmart and P&G
Performance assessment; Collaboration arrangement; Joint collaborate in managing their supply chain and inventory
business plan. control. CPFR is the name given to a partnership-based
Today, software vendors offer solutions and support for approach to managing the buyer-supplier interfaces across the
VMI and CPFR, although CPFR does not depend on specific supply chain. The idea is a development of VMI [16].
software. However, since CPFR partners normally exchange VMI is an approach for close cooperation between a
information in electronic form, they should employ common supplier and a vendor, based on trust. The supplier takes on the
standards (e.g., XML-based standards such as EAN.UCC or responsibility for the customer’s inventory, making a
EDIFACT [13]. commitment to act in the interest of the customer. In the VMI
Large manufacturers of consumer goods, such P&G has approach, the supplier monitors and maintains the customer’s
superb supply chains resulting from their use of CPFR. As part inventory at an appropriate level [17]. This requires the
of a pilot project, P&G shared strategic plans, performance customer to allow the supplier to access their inventory data
data, and market insights with Walmart. The company realized and provide the supplier with up-to-date point-of-sales data.
that it could benefit from Walmart’s market knowledge, just as The customer also entrusts the supplier with creating the
Walmart could benefit from P&G’s product knowledge as purchase orders. This means that the supplier is in control of
illustrated in Fig. 5 [14] the customer’s stock quantities, the replenishment time, and
delivery of the goods to the customer. Coordination tools focus
Walmart P&G
on supply event management and performance management
whereas collaboration tools focus on sharing information to
achieve supply goals through CPFR, support for VMI, and
support for Supplier Managed Inventory (SMI).
F. RFID Enhances VMI and Affects CPFR
Continuous replenishment is a supply chain relationship in
which a vendor continuously monitors the inventory of a
retailer and distributor and automatically replenishes their
Fig. 5. Model of CPFR [13] inventory when levels hit the re-order point. In Walmart’s case,
The mission of CPFR is for all partners in a supply channel P&G manages the inventory of its Walmart and eliminates the
network to develop collaborative planning processes based on need for customers to send purchase orders [18]. Continuous
the timely communication of forecasts and inventory replenishment is a supply chain relationship in which a vendor
replenishment data to support the synchronization of activities continuously monitors the inventory of a retailer or distributor
necessary to effectively respond to total supply chain demand. and automatically replenishes their inventory when levels hit
CPFR begins with the development of an agreement between the re-order point. In this vendor managed inventory (VMI)
situation, P&G manages the inventory of its Walmart As the previous research journal “How RFID boosts
eliminating the need for customers to send purchase orders. Walmart’s SCM” suggested that this survey covered potential
The advantage to the vendor is having more advanced notice benefits of RFID technologies in supply chains; cost reduction
of product demand. The advantage to the retailer or distributor and value creation, particularly related to inventory inaccuracy
is minimizing inventory costs. Having the correct item in stock and the bullwhip effect which RFID technologies can provide
when the end-customer needs it benefits all partners. A good several advantages in supply chain management through better
example of logistics partnership is the growing use of VMI. traceability and improved visibility of products and processes
The underlying principle of VMI is that the supplier rather than all along the chains. Increase of efficiency and speed of
the customer assumes responsibility for the flow of product processes, improvement on information accuracy, reduction of
into the customer’s operations [19]. inventory losses are some of these advantages. There have been
The concepts of continuous replenishment and important implementations conducted by pioneer companies
collaboration evolved into the more comprehensive model such as Wal-Mart and Procter & Gamble. However, real
known as CPFR. CPFR is a set of data-driven business applications of RFID technologies are still limited because the
processes designed to improve the ability to predict and costs of RFID are still often much larger than the costs of
coordinate with supply chain partners. With CPFR, suppliers current identification technologies.
and retailers collaborate in planning and demand forecasting in The primary method of data collection in this case study
order to ensure that members of the supply chain will have the were based on secondary data sources such as articles, journals,
right amount of raw materials and finished goods when they etc. related to the research purpose. Most of the data required
need them. Supply chain monitoring and control is through internet and Web browsing (
implemented using smart labels (such as passive RFID for Walmart Stores, Inc., based in Bentonville, Arkansas founded
tracking and active RFID for cold chains) and VMI [20]. by Sam Walton in 1962. Walmart was the world’s largest
retailer with more than 6,500 stores worldwide, including
G. CPFR Reduces Bullwhip Effect stores in all 50 states. Its sales volume reached $ 312, 4 billion
Bullwhip effect occurs as orders are placed from retailers, in 2006. One of Walmart’s major suppliers in this CPFR is
to wholesalers, to manufacturers, with fluctuations increasing P&G. “With Walmart selling over $245 billion worth of goods
at each step in the sequence. The “bullwhip” fluctuations in the in fiscal year 2003, a 1% improvement in stockouts issue could
supply chain increase the costs associated with inventory, generate nearly $2.5 billion in very profitable sales.”
transportation, shipping, and receiving while decreasing
customer service and profitability. Bullwhip effect is the IV. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS
increasing in orders that often occurs as orders move through
Walmart and P&G had initiated its plan to employ CPFR
the supply chain [21]. P&G found that although the use of
technology in its supply chain in 1995. Subsequently Walmart
pampers diapers was steady and the retail-store orders had little
reinforced its plans and actively asserted on defining the CPFR
fluctuation, as orders moved through the supply chain,
standards it would be implementing. By means of CFPR, P&G
fluctuation increased. By the time orders were initiated for raw
logistics executives could easily examine the order patterns for
materials, the variability was substantial. Walmart succeeded one of their bestselling products “pampers diapers” at any
in adopting CPFR together with RFID to boost its supply chain minute at Walmart shelves to real-time inventory monitoring.
has caused reducing the bullwhip effect and improving At retail stores, Pampers sales were fluctuating, but the
opportunities in the supply chain. variability was not excessive. However, as they examined
orders of distributors, the executives were surprised by the
higher degree of variability. When they looked at P&G’s orders
Exploratory research was conducted to explore the CPFR of materials—the manufacturing level—to its suppliers such as
technology and the supply chain through related case studies; 3M, they discovered that the variability in the size of orders
literatures and textbooks survey related to CPFR, VMI, EDI were even greater. Economists call it a bullwhip because even
and supply chain management. The literatures and books used small increases in demand can cause a big increase in the need
in this paper were based on a wide range of online industry for parts and materials further down the supply chain. The
sources including P&G and Walmart’s official Web sites, and bullwhip has broad implications as companies rush to fill
whitepaper and press releases. The online sources were orders while also restocking warehouse shelves.
complemented by hardcopy documentation including CPFR has transformed the way Walmart ran its retail store.
academic papers such articles and research journals. The The movement of goods along the supply chain was reflected
relevant material was gathered, categorized and sorted into like by corresponding movements of information sent by RFID
themes which formed the basis for analyzing how CPFR and reader, and then proceeded to P&G for managing the inventory.
related technology boosts and enhances supply chain Walmart's collaboration with P&G meant that P&G would
management. Second, descriptive research was conducted to assume more responsibility for inventory management,
describe characteristics of CPFR technology and supply chain something retailers had traditionally done on their own. When
management that have been implemented in Walmart giant P&G's products ran low at the distribution centers, the system
sent an automatic alert to P&G to ship more products. In some
store. Lastly, the aim of this research is to delve deeply into
cases, the system went all the way to the individual Walmart
how the CPFR boosts and enhances Walmart’s supply chain
store. It let P&G monitor the shelves through real-time satellite
management, and analyze the objective.
link-ups that sent messages to the factory whenever a P&G item
swooped past a scanner at the counter and register. With this In Fig. 6 Box 3: RFID has transformed the way Walmart
kind of minute-to-minute information, P&G knew when to runs its retail store. The movement of goods along the supply
make, ship and display more products at the Walmart stores. It chain is reflected by corresponding movements of information
did not need to keep products piled up in warehouses awaiting sent by RFID reader. This information is captured via a bar
Walmart's call. Invoicing and payments happened code reader and can then be read immediately anywhere in the
automatically too. The system saved P&G so much in time, distribution chain. Wal-Mart systems are linked to the P&G
reduced inventory and lowered order processing costs that it supply chain management system. Demand spikes reported by
could afford to give Walmart "low, everyday prices" without RFID tags are immediately visible throughout the supply chain.
putting itself out of business. In Fig. 6 Box 4: After the deployment of RFID
P&G used EDI and CPFR for keeping Walmart’s shelves technologies, Procter & Gamble and Wal-Mart simultaneously
stocked. Its supply chains worked smoothly when sales were reduced inventory levels by 70%, improved service levels from
ready, but often broke down when confronted by a sudden 96% to 99%. They also reduced administration costs by re-
surged in demand, especially when Walmart campaigned a engineering their supply chains. P&G’s logistics software
special promotion that caused its shoppers snapped up all the tracks its trucks with GPS locators, and tracks their contents
promotional items. The RFID tags that supported CPFR could with RFID tag readers. Regional managers can reroute trucks
change that by providing real-time information about what was to fill urgent needs.
happening on store shelves. In Fig. 6 Box 5: P&G logistics executives examined the
Here’s in Fig. 6 below shows as an example how the system order patterns for one of their best-selling products, Pampers
works for P&G’s pampers: diapers. P&G’s suppliers also use RFID tags and readers on
their raw materials, giving P&G visibility several tiers down
the supply chain, and giving the suppliers the ability to
accurately forecast demand and production.
Walmart and P&G have successfully implemented CPFR
where is an approach that addresses the requirements for good
2 3 demand management. Walmart has harvested the benefits of
CPFR include the following:
however. Walmart also is a leader in pioneering technologies its products, however, is not only a function of its efficiency or
to achieve operational efficiencies that ultimately bring savings lack of it but also the efficiency/inefficiency of its suppliers.
for its customers. Because of the volume of products sold by Walmart, it has a
great influence over its suppliers and often pressures its
suppliers to find ways to lower costs. Sharing benefits and costs
in, instead of mandating the use of technology implementations
The inception of EDI, had made Walmart and P&G using is an effective way for Walmart to cultivate a mutually
EDI-enabled to leverage existing technology investments to beneficial relationship with P&G.
quickly launch CPFR initiatives. By the end of the 1990s, The real challenge to widespread adoption of CPFR is that
however, the high cost of EDI technologies and the ubiquitous it requires a fundamental change in the way buyers and sellers
deployment of the Internet enabled even the smallest retailer work together. Companies must ensure that their information
and manufacturer to leverage the collaborative power of CPFR. technology systems, organizational structures, business
In addition, Web-based applications provided business processes and internal data are conducive to implementing
partners to escape from the one-way transmission of data CPFR. For instance, many organizations are hampered by
in favor of an interoperable toolset enabling open two-way legacy systems that will have to be replaced, lack of executive
conversation in real-time supported by formal standards. management support and an unwillingness to share sensitive
Nevertheless, VMI has failed to become widely information.
implemented. This is due to several reasons where on one hand,
no one can decide on appropriate inventory levels as well as REFERENCES
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