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IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol.

6 Issue 8, August 2019

ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968

Design Calculation of Flywheel Free Energy

Generating System with Motor-Generator
June Tharaphe Lwin
Department of Electrical Power Engineering, Technological University(Loikaw), Kayah State,Myanmar

Abstract • Passive Systems

This study deals with the concept of free energy system and its • Gravity-Powered Systems
generation using flywheel system. The energy storing capacity of
flywheel is used to generate extra amount free energy. This extra
energy is used to run the other electrical home appliances. It
consists of A.C. motor of 1.5 horsepower capacity is used to drive a
2. Methodology
series of belt and pulley drive which form a gear-train and produces
Flywheels are around for about thousands of years. The
over double rpm at the shaft of an alternator. The intriguing thing
about this system is that greater electrical output power can be initial application is the potter’s wheel. Perhaps the most
obtained from the output of the alternator than appears to be drawn commonly used application in recent years is in internal
from the input motor. It is done with the help of gravity wheel. The combustion engines. A flywheel is a simple form of
gravity wheel or flywheel is coupled with the gear-train in order to mechanical energy storing device. Energy is stored by
produce more extra energy or free energy. The overall study is done rotating disc to spin about its axis. This energy is
with various parameters of flywheel to obtain the maximum free proportional to its mass and the square of its rotational speed.
energy output (4.167 kW= 5kW) of the system. • Advances in magnetic bearings, power electronics,
Keywords: Free energy system, Flywheel, Gravity, Gear-train, and flywheel materials coupled with integration of
mechanisms have resulted in DC supply flywheel energy
storage systems that can be used as a supplement or auxiliary
1. Introduction to Free Energy Generating to batteries in UPS systems.
• Introduction to Flywheel Energy Storage (Kinetic
System storages), also known as FES, are used in many technical
fields. The flywheel rotors are coupled with an integral
There is electricity everywhere present in limitless
motor–generator that is contained in the housing .The motor-
quantities and can drive the world’s equipment without the
generator is used to store and then harness energy from the
need for gas, coal or oil. Free energy means zero cost energy.
rotating flywheel. The use of flywheel power system can
Mechanical energy which drives windmill or Solar energy in
improve the overall life, replace batteries, regulate power
solar cell which is converts into DC current other energies are
frequency and provide a sustainable energy conversion.
obtained from wind power, water power and telluric power.
Free energy generator is a process to generate these types of • Flywheel energy storage systems (FES) are designed
energy. for regenerative braking applications, to supplement DC
Free energy suppression is the notion that corporate power in UPS (uninterruptible power system).Flywheel
energy interests intentionally suppress technologies that may braking systems utilize a regenerative brake or KERS
provide energy at very low cost. Other remaining untouched (Kinetic Energy Recovery System). Flywheel braking
forces of nature which are well familiar in the scientific systems reduce power consumption in mobile cranes, rail
literature include earth batteries, atmospheric electricity, transport, automobiles and in other significant load bearing
telluric currents, and pressure system changes. The energy rotary motors. Inertial mass is increase speed to a very high
from perpetual motion is considered fantastical forces. revolving speed and maintaining the energy in the system as
Free Energy generally means a method of drawing rotational energy. The energy is transformed back by slowing
power without fuel to be burnt from the local environment. down the flywheel. The available performance comes from
There are many different ways for doing this. These ways Inertia effect and rotational speed.
span many years and countries. The amount of power which • Flywheels are the primary load-bearing device
can be obtained can be very high and the few kW needed to inside flywheel power systems. The flywheel is commonly
power a household are most definitely within the reach. Some fabricated from steel or carbon fiber. Carbon fiber flywheels
of the methods which can be used as the free energy devices have a higher energy density due to the light weight and high
are as follows: strength. Steel , aluminum and composite rotors are an
• Battery-Charging Pulsed Systems economical alternative to the carbon fiber rotor.
• Moving Pulsed Systems • The flywheel consists of a heavy circular disc fitted
with a strong axle projecting on either side. The axle is
• Energy-Tapping Pulsed Systems
mounted on ball bearings onto fixed supports. There is a
• Aerial Systems and Electrostatic Generators
small peg on the axle. One end of a cord is loosely looped
• Motionless Pulsed Systems
around the peg and its other end carries the weight –hanger.
• Fuel-less Motors
• Magnet Power

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 6 Issue 8, August 2019
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968

3. Main Features of Flywheel Used In Free Input Out

Energy Generating System put
Fly- Generator
A flywheel is a mechanical device specifically Motor
designed to efficiency store rotational energy. Flywheels
resist changes in rotational speed by their moment of inertia.
The amount of energy stored in a flywheel is proportional to
the square of its rotational speed. The way to change a Fig .2 Basic components of Flywheel energy storage system
flywheel’s stored energy is by increasing or decreasing its
rotational speed applying a torque aligned with its axis of 3.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Flywheel
symmetry. Flywheels are not affected by temperature changes
as are chemical rechargeable batteries, nor do they suffer
Flywheels are typically made of steel and rotate on from memory effect. They are also less potentially damaging
conventional bearings; these are generally limited to a to the environment, being made of largely inert or benign
maximum revolution rate of a few thousand rpm. High energy materials. Another advantage of flywheels is that by a simple
density flywheels can be made of carbon fiber composites measurement of the rotation speed it is possible to know the
and employ magnetic bearings, enabling them to revolve at exact amount of energy stored. However, use of flywheel
speed up to 60000 rpm (1 kHz). In Figure 1, (a) is accumulators is currently hampered by the danger of
conventional flywheel and (b) is modern automobile engine explosive shattering of the massive wheel due to overload.
flywheel. One of the primary limits to flywheel design is the
tensile strength of the material used for the rotor. Generally,
the stronger the disc, the faster it may be spun, and the more
energy the system can store. When the tensile strength of a
flywheel is exceeded the flywheel will shatter, releasing all of
its stored energy at once, this is commonly referred to as
“flywheel explosion” since wheel fragments can reach kinetic
energy comparable to that of a bullet. Consequently,
(a) traditional flywheel systems require strong containment
vessels the total mass of the device.
Fig .1 (a) Conventional flywheel (b) Modern automobile engine flywheel [1] When used in vehicles, flywheels also act as
gyroscopes, since their angular momentum is typically of a
3.1 Applications of Flywheel similar order of magnitude as the forces acting on the moving
Flywheels are often used to provide continuous vehicle. This property may be detrimental to the vehicle’s
power output in systems where the energy source is not handling characteristics while turning. On the other hand, this
continuous. For example, a flywheel is used to smooth fast property could be utilized to keep the car balanced so as to
angular velocity fluctuations of the crankshaft in a keep it from rolling over during sharp turns. Conversely, the
reciprocating engine. In this case, a crankshaft flywheel effect can be almost completely removed by mounting the
stores energy when torque is exerted on it by a firing piston, flywheel within an appropriately applied set of gimbals,
and returns it to the piston to compress a fresh charge of air where the angular momentum is conserved without affecting
and fuel. the vehicle. A single gimbal, for instance, could free a car for
A flywheel may also be used to supply intermittent the 360 degrees necessary for regular driving. However, for
pulses of energy at power levels that exceed the abilities of its instance, driving up-hill would require a new gimbals
energy source. This is achieved by accumulating energy in mechanism with a new degree of freedom.
the flywheel over a period of time, at a rate that is compatible
with the energy source, and then releasing energy at a much
higher rate over a relatively short time when it is needed. 4. Components of Flywheel Energy Generating
Flywheels are used in power hammers and riveting machines. System
Flywheels can be used to control direction and
oppose unwanted motions, gyroscope. Flywheels have a wide 4.1 Pulley
range of applications from gyroscope for instrumentation to A pulley is a wheel on an axel or shaft that is
ship stability and satellite stabilization (reaction wheel), to designed to support movement and change of direction of a
keep a toy spin spinning (friction motor), to stabilize taut cable. The supporting shells are called blocks. A pulley
magnetically levitated objects. Figure 2 shows the block may also be called a sheave or drum and may have a groove
diagram of basic components of flywheel storage system. or grooves between two flanges around its circumference.
The drive element of a pulley system can be a rope, cable,
belt or chain that runs over the pulley inside the groove or
grooves. Figure 3 shows the simple of three grooves pulley
but two grooves pulley is used in this designed system.

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 6 Issue 8, August 2019
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968

Fig .3 Three Grooves Pulley [3]

4.2 Belt Drive (a)

A belt drive is analogous to that of a chain drive,
however a belt sheave may be smooth so that the mechanical
advantage is approximately given by the ratio of the pitch
diameter of the sheaves only, not fixed exactly by the ratio of
the teeth as with gears and sprockets. In the case of a drum-
style pulley, without a groove or flanges the pulley often is
slightly convex to keep the flat belt centered. It is sometimes
referred to a crowned pulley. Though once widely used on
factory line shafts, this type of pulley is still found driving the
rotating brush in upright vacuum cleaners, in belt sanders and
band saws. Agricultural tractors build up to the early 1950s
generally had a belt pulley for a flat belt. It has been replaced (b)
by other mechanisms with more flexibility in methods of use,
such as power take-off and hydraulics. Fig .5 An Example constructions of (a) Motor and (b) generator [2]
Just as the diameter of determine a gear ratio and
thus the speed increases or reductions and the mechanical 5. Calculation of Output and Efficiency of the
advantage that they can deliver, the diameters of pulleys are a Designed System
way to provide multiple drive ratios in a belt and pulley
system that can be shifted as needed, just as a transmission (i) Calculation of Total Output and Efficiency
provides this function with a gear train that can be shifted. V For Motor,
belt step pulleys are the most common way hat drill presses Input voltage (system voltage) - 220 V
deliver a range of spindle speeds. Belt drive is shown in Rated voltage - 230 V
figure 4. Rated rpm - 1500 rpm
Input current – 230 V →21.8 A (measured
220 V →?
= 20.85 A
Input current = 20.85 A
Input power → P =VI cos ɵ
Fig .4 Belt drive [3] =
P = 3669.6 W
4.3 Motor/Generator Motor input = 3.7 kW
Flywheels are complex constructions where energy For Generator,
is stored mechanically and transferred to and from the Output voltage - 250 V
flywheel by the electrical machines such as motor and Rated voltage - 300
generator. The electrical machines should work as a motor to Rated rpm - 1500 rpm
transfer electrical energy to the flywheel and as a generator to Output voltage – 300 V→ 5 kW
restore the energy stored into the flywheel. When acting as a Output voltage − 250 V →?
motor, the electric energy supplied to the stator winding is
converted into mechanical energy, increasing the speed of the
flywheel. In generator mode, kinetic energy stored in the = 4166.67 W
rotor is transformed into electrical energy. The = 4.167 kW
motor/generator part has a large upgrade potential and its Alternator / Generator output = 4.167 kW
design is continuously improving. Shaft rpm = 750 rpm

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 6 Issue 8, August 2019
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968
ω= = 78.54 rad/s
Torque, T= P/ ω = (4166.67 W)/ (78.54) To Load
= 53.05 N-m
Total Efficiency (η) =
1500/1800 rpm
η= 5 kW 4

η = 0.113 % Generator
η ~ 100%
η = 100% Pulley II
Therefore, extra (100) % output is obtained from the system. B-64
Calculations for Energy stored (kinetic energy) in Flywheel ,
Where, Fly-
1.25 ″
N = angular speed of flywheel (N-m) Shaft wheel 8
v = velocity of flywheel (m/s) ″
E= kinetic energy stored in flywheel
(Joules or kgm2/s2)
m = mass of flywheel (kg) Pulley I
D = diameter of flywheel (m) B-74
For this project,
D = 10.16 cm AC 1.5 HP
= 10.16 × 10-2 m Supply AC 4
= 0.1016 m Motor ″
m = 185 kg
v = πDN/60
= (3.142×0.1016×750)/60 Fig.6 Layout of Designed Flywheel energy generating system
= 3.99 m/s
E = (mv^2)/2
= (185×〖 (3.99) 〗^2)/2
= 1472.61 J or kg m2 /s2
~ 1473 J or kg m2 /s2
The specific values (calculated values) of energy stored
(kinetic energy) in flywheel are shown in below Table 1.
Table .1 Energy Storage Data for Flywheel System

Mass Angular Energy stored

(kg) speed (rpm) (J or kgm2/s2)
185 kg 750 rpm 1473 kgm2/s2
100 kg 405.41 rpm 232.63 kgm2/s2
200 kg 810.81 rpm 1861 kgm2/s2

Figure .7.(a) The completely result of a designed system with 185 kg
flywheel and 5 kW output generator (b) Testing with three loads (running 1
hp motor, electric drilling machine and cutting machine (c) Output voltages
(250 V) of generator of the designed system .

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 6 Issue 8, August 2019
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968

4. Conclusions
Flywheels are one of the most promising
technologies for replacing conventional lead acid batteries as
energy storage systems for a variety of applications, including
automobiles, economical rural electrification systems, and
stand-alone, remote power units commonly used in the
telecommunications industry.
A recent advance in the mechanical properties of
composites has rekindled interest in using the inertia of a
spinning wheel to store energy. The state of charge can easily
be measured, since it is given by the rotational velocity. The
first rotation of flywheel rotors is suitable for direct
generation of high voltage.
It has obtained (100%) extra electrical output which
is free energy from our project. The AC generator have
produce (3.7) kW of electricity by using flywheel from (1.5)
HP motor. The other main advantages of conventional free
energy using flywheel is that it can generate without extra
equipment. It can be used in various applications like electric
fuel cars and increase the efficiency of traditional electrical


I would like to express my deep gratitude to our

Teachers and colleges from department of Electrical Power
Engineering, Technological University (Loikaw) which they
provide to complete this study. I would like to thank my
parents, for their endless love, kindness and supports they
provided for me for all. Last but not least, I want to thank my
husband, for being a supportive and loving and for the times I
spent away from him doing this study.

[1] Patrick J. Kelly, “A Practical Guide to Free Energy
Devices”, http://www.free-energy-info.co.uk/
[2] Dr.Mittle V.N. and Atvind Mittle.Design of Electrical
Machine, Standard Publishers Distributors , Fourth
[3] T. Zouaghi,F. Rezeg. And A.Bouazzi.“Design of an
electromechanical flywheel for purpose of renewable energy
storage”, in Proc. International Renewable Energy Congress,
Sousse, Tunisia, Nov.5-7, (2010).
[4] H. Huang, E. F. Fuchs, Z. Zak. “ Optimization of Single
Phase Induction Motor Design”, Part I + II, IEEE Trans. Vol.
EC-3, pp. 349-366, (1988).


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