Batery Force
Batery Force
Batery Force
The Japanese player may use HIP for one addi-
tional squad equivalent and all SMC/SW which
VICTORY CONDITIONS: The Allies win immediately if they have set up with it.
Exited ≥ 50 Victory Points off board 38 on/between I10 and A5 (see SSR
4), or at game end if they Control all non-hut buildings in the Japanese Add one 8-0 and one flamethrower to the initial
setup area. American force.
Elements of the 100th Infantry Division [ELR: 3] set up on board(s) 38/43, on/between hexrows Z and D: {SAN: 5}
8 8 6 2 2 3 2 2 12
6 4
Elements of the 21st Infantry Regiment [ELR: 3] enter on Turn 1 along the south/east edge(s) of board 43 on/between
GG6 and Q1: {SAN: 4}
6 9 2 2 2
Enter on Turn 2 along the south edge of board 38 Elements of the 107th Guerrilla Division [ELR: 5] enter on Turn
(see SSR 5): 2 along the north edge of board(s) 38/43:
2 2 6 9 2
SPECIAL RULES: 4. The Allies receive Exit Victory Points for U.S. units only. Each truck
1. EC are Moderate, with no wind at start. PTO Terrain (G.1) is in effect Exited is worth 5 VP.
[EXC: all roads exist, but the minimum Road Entry cost for vehicles is 1 5. The normal Inherent MF (A4.11; A17.2), and printed MP, allotment of all
MP]. Kindling attempts are NA. units of the 21st Infantry’s reinforcement group (only) is halved during their
2. All of the grain hexes on board 43 represents “Hemp Plantations.” These Turn 2 MPh. Due to being loaded with supplies for the partisans, all U.S.
are treated in all respects as Bamboo [EXC: Infantry enters a Hemp Planta- trucks have 0 PP available.
tion hex at a cost of 3 MF per hex (2 MF for partisans; G3.2 still applies for AFTERMATH: The area around Davao was a major hemp producer before the war and
Manhandling), and a +1 TEM applies even to Indirect/HE/DC attacks]. by 1945 most of the plantations had grown thick with neglect. These fields became
important to the Japanese defense, as there was no way around them and going through
3. The guerrillas are partisans (A25.24-.242), suffer from Ammunition Short- them was more difficult than the densest jungle. American troops found the going
age (A19.131), and may neither Deploy [EXC: A20.5], make Entrenching rugged, as the Japanese would be virtually invisible among the abaca. With the Navy
attempts, nor form multi-Location FG. The Guerrillas use Japanese LMG; preoccupied at Okinawa, however, every little airfield became important, including the
Captured-weapon penalties do not apply to such use (nor to partisan use of tiny Libby Airdrome. The 24th Infantry Division captured the Airdrome on May 5th,
American MG). The +2 drm of G1.63 does not apply to partisan Search drs. but could make almost no more progress for two weeks, eventually linking up with large
guerilla elements on May 24th.