Shell Deutschland
Since the mid 1960s, natural gas has been transported across the world’s oceans in the form of Liquefied Natural Gas
(LNG). More recently, interest has been growing in LNG in the transport sector, particularly as a new fuel for shipping and
heavy‑duty trucks. A key question is what role LNG will be able to play in future as a final energy and fuel in the transport
sector, and what impact it has on energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions as well as local emissions.
Shell has been a leader in the global LNG industry for decades. Working together with the Institute of Transport Research
at the German Aerospace Center, and the Department of Marine Engineering at Hamburg University of Technology, Shell
has authored a new energy source study that looks at LNG’s current status and long-term perspectives, especially as a
new energy for shipping and for long-haul road transport with heavy-duty vehicles.
The Shell LNG Study explains the production of LNG from natural gas by means of liquefaction, and describes its
technical properties. The sources of natural gas, including alternative gas resources (from renewable energies), supply,
demand and trade with natural gas and LNG are analysed as foundation for making LNG available.
The whole LNG supply chain from Well to Wake resp. Wheel is outlined: on the one hand, contemporary large-scale
industrial production, transport and regasification of LNG, on the other the new small-scale infrastructure and supply for
mobile applications on ships and in heavy-duty vehicles. The potential for utilization of LNG in shipping and long-distance
road transport is detailed. To this end, fleets of ships and vehicles are investigated. LNG engine applications as well as
their emission advantages compared to diesel powertrains are assessed.
Possible pathways for phasing in LNG are developed with the aid of the scenario technique, as part of an ambitious
Pro‑LNG scenario for global maritime shipping and EU long-haul road transport. The differential impact of maritime LNG
ships and LNG heavy-duty vehicles used in long-haul transport on fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions for
these modes of transport is estimated.
Physical characteristics • LNG storage • Chemical properties • Fuel standards
Alternative gas resources • Natural gas trade and LNG • Natural gas and LNG prices
Supply chain • Natural gas liquefaction • LNG carriers •
Regasification • Retail infrastructure
Shipping fleet • Ship powertrains • Emissions
4 32
5 46
Scenario for maritime shipping • Scenario for heavy-duty vehicles in the EU
Shell has published a series of scenario studies on important energy issues. These include, on the one hand, studies for the consumer
sectors of transport and domestic heating and, on the other, studies looking at the status and perspectives of individual energy sources
and fuels – most recently studies on hydrogen and Power-to-Liquids (PtL), and now Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). The energy source
liquefied natural gas has been used on a major industrial scale for several decades now. In recent years, however, LNG has been
attracting increasing interest in the energy industry and beyond, as a new energy for applications at consumer level.
Since the 1960s, Shell has been a leading player in the global LNG industry and operates its own business unit (Shell Integrated Gas)
which deals with the production, transport and marketing of LNG. Working together with the Institute of Transport Research at the
German Aerospace Center, and the Department of Marine Engineering at Hamburg University of Technology, Shell has produced a
new energy source study on the topic of LNG.
The study looks at the current status of LNG production, the role of LNG in the global energy industry and the provision of LNG.
In particular, it investigates the long-term perspectives for new end-user applications of LNG in the transport sector, specifically in
shipping and long-haul road transport with heavy-duty vehicles.
NEW ENERGY – LNG the natural gas grid or used for electricity role will LNG play in the global natural
Technical processes to turn gases into generation. Due to the ongoing increase gas industry? In line with a global energy
liquids have been known for over 100 in the availability of LNG, and also to industry with lower and lower emissions,
years. They are state of the art when it its environmental advantages, interest is alternative gas resources from renewable
comes to provision of technical gases. growing in using it as product respectively sources must also be included in longer-
In the last 50 years, the liquefication of fuel for final energy consumption. However, term perspectives.
natural gas into cryogenic liquefied natural as a small-scale technology in the transport
sector, LNG is still a new energy. Although To date, the LNG supply chain has
gas and transport and trade with LNG
LNG technology is mature and has been consisted predominantly of large-scale
have developed into an important supply
tried and tested, possible users do not yet industrial generation, transport and
channel for the global energy industry, but
have sufficient experience in handling it. regasification. However, for direct use
above all for the gas sector.
among final users, for example for mobile
Today (2017), approximately 323 billion RESEARCH OBJECTIVES applications on ships and in heavy-duty
(bn) m3 or 230 million (mln) metric tonnes AND KEY QUESTIONS trucks, a new small-scale infrastructure is
(t) of LNG are traded and transported. The current Shell LNG Study ties into the required. What does the present LNG
Since 2000 (with a converted figure of previous Shell studies of energy sources. supply chain to date look like, and how will
136 bn m3 of LNG), international trade in An important objective of the Shell LNG the new small-scale infrastructure be built?
LNG has more than doubled. Almost all Study is to provide facts, trends and And what stage has the buildup of the LNG
energy scenarios and forecasts are based perspectives for this new energy source, small-scale infrastructure currently reached?
on the assumption that natural gas and, in compact form.
more particularly, liquefied natural gas will Furthermore, new technologies for direct
increase in importance within the global The first priority is to prepare plain usage of LNG must be developed and
energy mix (for example IEA 2018c). In information on the production of LNG introduced to the relevant user markets.
order to satisfy the growing global demand from natural gas, and on its characteristic Important potential areas of application
for natural gas in the coming decades, a technical properties: How is LNG for LNG as a final energy are shipping,
greater amount of LNG will be available produced, and using which processes? particularly maritime shipping, and the
worldwide. And what are the characteristic properties heavy-duty vehicles that are used in long-
with regard to its use as an energy source? distance road freight transport.
To date, LNG has principally been
used as a transport medium for the The basis for the provision of LNG is Accordingly, the focus of the Shell LNG
international trade in natural gas. Once formed by sufficient natural gas resources Study is investigation of the usage potential
the gas has reached its destination, the and adequate natural gas supply. But how of LNG in shipping and heavy-duty trucks.
LNG is generally regasified and fed into large is this natural gas supply? And what In order to estimate the potential for
2018 Shell PtL Study 2017 Shell Hydrogen Study 2016 Shell Commercial Vehicle 2014 Shell Passenger Car Scenarios
(in English) (in English) Study (summary in English) (summary in English)
mobile LNG applications, fleets of ships AUTHORS AND SOURCES Friedrich Wirz; he was supported in this
operating internationally and the European When drawing up the Shell LNG Study, work by Märtha-Luise Wendland, B.Sc. The
heavy-duty vehicle fleet, respectively, were Shell worked together closely with the following authors at Shell also contributed
investigated firstly with regard to their Institute of Transport Research at the to the scientific preparation of the study:
suitability for LNG applications. In addition, German Aerospace Center and the Dr. Max Kofod for technical and scientific
the technical level of LNG applications for Department of Marine Engineering at questions concerning truck powertrains and
ship and truck engines was considered, Hamburg University of Technology. truck emissions, and Dr. Christoph Balzer
before advantages of the relevant LNG for establishing energy source-specific
powertrain technology in terms of emissions The Institute of Transport Research deals greenhouse gas factors.
were investigated. with a wide range of questions in the field
of transport science; among other things, The statistical analysis relating to ships is
In order to show the development and it has its own in-house truck fleet model based, in particular, on ships’ data from
impact of new energy technologies, Shell to estimate the future development of (UNCTAD 2017), (UNCTADstat 2018)
studies make use of scenario technique. markets for alternative fuels and powertrain and (SEA 2017), while the statistical
As part of quantitative scenario forecasts, technologies in commercial vehicle fleets. analysis relating to vehicles is based on
possible LNG phase-in pathways are With its research, the Department of vehicle data from (ACEA 2017, 2018)
determined for global maritime shipping, Marine Engineering aims to increase the and (Eurostat 2018a-d). Greenhouse gas
on the one hand, and EU long-distance efficiency of ships’ propulsion units and of balances were created with the aid of
road freight transport, on the other. Finally, the “ship” as a complete system. energy source-specific greenhouse gas
the differential effects of LNG ships and factors, which were drawn up on the basis
LNG trucks on the fuel consumption and The Shell LNG Study was project-managed of (JEC 2013, 2014a-d) and updated with
greenhouse gas emissions of these two and coordinated by Dr. Jörg Adolf, for further sources.
modes of transport are determined in an Shell Germany, and by Andreas Lischke
(Dipl.-Ing.) for the German Aerospace Finally, a large number of experts, decision
ambitious Pro-LNG scenario.
Center. The work was created under the makers and stakeholders were consulted
Although application technologies have scientific leadership of Prof. Dr. Barbara in the course of drawing up the Shell LNG
made significant advances recently, LNG Lenz. Analyses of vehicle statistics and trend Study, and Shell would like to take this
is still at the beginning of wider commercial projections were established by Gunnar opportunity to express its thanks to these
usage. In conclusion, the study therefore Knitschky (Dipl.-Volkswirt) contributors once again. A selection of
considers which accompanying policy relevant data and sources can be found at
measures can be used to develop LNG into The section on the use of LNG in ships, the end of the study.
an important component in the supply of including the creation of LNG scenarios
energy for ships and trucks. for shipping, was drawn up by Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is a product of natural gas. LNG
is not a natural source of energy, but is produced from natural
gas by technical processes. LNG has specific characteristics; it is
primarily a cryogenic liquid. However it shares characteristics with
its base material natural gas and its main component methane, that do
not depend on its physical state.
Finally, the status with regard to the standardisation of LNG as a fuel for trucks and ships, and the safety
of LNG are discussed. A separate account is also given of standardisation and the market development of
current standard fuels for trucks and ships.
1.1 NATURAL GAS AND natural gas is the saturated hydrocarbon a very high methane content, while L-gas
SUBSTITUTES methane (CH4). It also contains higher from Germany contains more nitrogen.
hydrocarbons such as ethane, propane
LNG is produced from natural gas by Biomethane, synthetic natural gas from
and butane, other non-combustible
technical processes. Natural gas is biomass (Bio-SNG) or synthetic Power-
a gaseous substance, since at room components such as nitrogen, carbon
to-Gas (PtG) are renewable alternatives
temperature (20 °C) and normal dioxide, oxygen, water, traces of noble to fossil natural gas. Biomethane is
atmospheric pressure (1013 hPA) it is gases and some sulphur (DVGW 2013). produced by fermenting biomass to create
neither a solid nor a liquid (Wiegleb 2016). Variations in the composition can also biogas. The composition of biogas varies
produce technically relevant differences considerably depending on the type of
Natural gas is a fossil energy source –a
in the natural gas transported in the biomass used (the substrate). The methane
mixture of substances formed from organic
gas network, which has already been content varies between 50 and 75 %.
materials long ago. Its composition can
vary considerably depending on where processed. There are two types of natural Biogas has a high CO2 content (25 to
it is found (and how it is treated). The gas in Europe: High Calorific Gas 45 %) and a relatively high water content
composition of natural gas formed as a (H-gas) and Low Calorific Gas (2 to 7 %) and contains hydrogen sulphide,
by-product of oil production, for example, (L-gas). H-gas has a higher methane oxygen, nitrogen and other components
is quite different from the gas from a natural content and a higher calorific value than and impurities such as siloxanes. Biogas
gas field. The main component (> 85 %) of L-gas. H-gas from Russia, for example, has is cleaned and treated to obtain network
quality gas with a high methane than those of liquids. This is impractical Before it is sent to a liquefaction plant the
content so that it can be fed for some applications, particularly in the feed gas is cleaned and treated in technical
into the natural gas network mobility sector. One way of increasing facilities. Here, it passes a measuring point
or used by consumers, the density, and therefore also the energy where its pressure is checked and adjusted.
hence its other name, density, of natural gas is to compress The first stage of gas cleaning and treatment
biomethane (FNR it. Mechanical compression is used to is to remove water, dirt and particulates,
2010). produce Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and gas condensates.
for CNG vehicles. Another option for
Bio-SNG (Synthetic Gas condensates are long-chain
“compressing” the gas is liquefaction by
Natural Gas), hydrocarbons which are undesirable
based on biomass, in LNG. The acid and corrosive gases
is produced by Methane from any source – fossil natural hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and carbon
the gasification of gas, biogas/biomethane, Bio-SNG or dioxide (CO2) along with water (H2O),
biomass and, like Power-to-Gas – can be liquefied. nitrogen (N) and other impurities are then
biogas, is cleaned Biomethane is then called Bio-LNG, removed by various processes.
and treated so Bio-SNG is called synthetic LNG and
that it is the same PtG is called PtG-LNG. Unlike fossil LNG, Hydrocarbons with five or more carbon
quality as fossil the other alternatives can have a higher atoms, also known as “pentanes plus”
natural gas. methane content (EU-COM / DGM 2014, (C5+), are stripped out during the next
2018). stage (pre-cooling). While high nitrogen
Another method of and CO2 contents reduce the energy
producing natural gas content of the gas, the fuel gases ethane,
fuel substitutes is Power- propane and butane have scarcely any
Liquefaction is the process of cooling
to-Gas (PtG). In the first effect on the energy content of LNG, as
natural gas to very low temperatures, i.e.
stage of this process hydrogen their calorific value is almost the same
below the boiling point of natural gas.
(H2) is produced from water (H2O) as that of methane (EIA 2006; GIIGNL
This results in a phase transition which
with electricity (power) by electrolysis. 2009; Camron 2018).
changes the physical state of the gaseous
The hydrogen can be combined with
natural gas from gas to liquid. An important Following the natural gas treatment,
carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide and
objective of natural gas treatment and the gas consists mainly of methane.
converted to a synthetic natural gas with a
liquefaction is to provide a product (LNG) Methane is a saturated hydrocarbon
with consistent technical characteristics and (alkane) containing one carbon atom
Gaseous substances such as natural gas to make it easier to transport. This requires and four hydrogen atoms (CH4). The
and its substitutes have a far lower density multi-stage treatment processes. four hydrogen atoms are arranged as a
100 %
90 %
80 %
FNR 2010, IGU 2012, DVGW 2013,
70 %
Butane +
60 %
50 % Methane
H-Gas H-Gas L-Gas Biogas LNG LNG LNG LNG Bio-LNG
Russia North Sea Germany Algeria Qatar Nigeria Norway
Natural gas
production LNG storage
Raw gas
Pressure control
measuring point
Pre-cleaning Removal of Dehydration Nitrogen Pre-cooling and Cryogenic
Stripping out of CO2 and H2S extraction fractionation heat exchanger
condensates cooling
Diesel 190º
at the end of the process. Propane (for 1.3 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS
pre-cooling), ethylene, methane itself and Mass density is an important parameter
nitrogen are the main refrigerants. Mixed when considering energy sources. It Water 100º
refrigerants do not have a boiling point but describes the mass per unit volume, for
a boiling curve. example kilograms per cubic metre
Simple, less complex cooling processes, (kg/m3). The density of a gas depends on Pentane
such as the nitrogen expander process, the pressure and temperature conditions. 30º
have the advantage that they are
Methane, the main constituent of LNG, 4 BOILING 20º
inexpensive and easy to use. However,
is 0.7 kg/m3 under standard conditions, POINTS
with single-component coolants, the boiling in ˚Celsius
making it lighter than air (approx. 1 kg/m3)
temperatures at each pressure produce
and rapidly evaporates in the open air. 0
stepped cooling curves. Butane
Depending on its composition, LNG has
Figure 3 shows the cooling curves for a density of 430 to 470 kg/m3 and an
treated natural gas, a cascaded cooling average density of 450 kg/m3. LNG is -20º
process with single-component coolants therefore less than half as heavy as heavy
and the multi-stage C3-MR process (Uhlig/ fuel oil (970 kg/m3) and slightly less than
Wohlgemuth 2012). Cooling processes half as heavy as diesel (832 kg/m3) or Propane
with mixed refrigerants are able to adapt synthetic Fischer-Tropsch diesel produced -50º
to the natural gas cooling curve more from natural gas, also called Gas-to-Liquids
effectively by continuously transferring heat resp. GTL (780 kg/m3). sulfide
methane, the more efficient the cooling time. However, it quickly evaporates
Ethane -90º
process. Natural gas liquefaction plants when heated or under ambient conditions,
predominantly use multi-stage cooling cooling the surrounding air so that the -100º
processes because of the efficiency moisture in the air condenses into water
benefits they provide. vapour. When LNG is spilled in or on
the water, it floats upwards until it has -120º
Natural gas liquefaction is an energy- evaporated. This behaviour also prevents
intensive process, but, unlike pipeline gas, -130º
LNG from contaminating soil.
very little energy is required to transport -140º
LNG over long distances. LNG is more The transition from the liquid to the gas
energy-efficient than pipeline transport, phase is determined by the boiling point -150º
to improve the efficiency of natural gas (1 bar pressure), it condenses and passes
liquefaction. from the gas to the liquid phase. Very
few gases have a lower boiling point -190º
Liquefaction requires electricity, particularly, than methane, but those that do include
and this is often produced from the hydrogen and nitrogen. These low-
available natural gas itself in special temperature gas condensates are also -210º
power plants. The energy actually required called cryogenic liquids because they -220º
for liquefaction depends, among other can be used for special cooling purposes.
things, on the composition of the feed gas, -230º
the liquefaction process and the ambient The behaviour described above applies at
temperatures. Around 0.08 megajoule normal pressure, but the picture gets more
(MJ) of energy is required to liquefy 1 MJ complex if pressure changes are factored -250º
of natural gas, in other words about 8 % in. The behaviour of the substances then is
of the LNG produced (JEC 2014a; IEA illustrated with pressure-temperature phase
2018c). diagrams (Mortimer/Müller 2010). Absolute zero point
-273,15° = 0K
compared to just under 36 MJ/l). It should LNG grade. This is an index similar to the of fuel gases. To protect components and
nevertheless be borne in mind that the octane number, which provides information reduce combustion-related sulphur oxide
energy content of CNG per sales unit about the knock-resistance of different emissions, the sulphur content of fuel must
(kilogram) is about a third higher than that grades of LNG. Pure methane has, by be reduced to the absolute minimum
of a sales unit of diesel (litre). However, definition, a methane number of 100; (EUROMOT 2017).
because of the tank size required, the hydrogen has a methane number of 0.
volumetric energy density of compressed If the content of higher alkanes, such as In the EU, road transport and inland
natural gas is still too low for it to be used ethane, propane, butane and pentane, navigation fuels have been sulphur-free
in ships and heavy-duty trucks. in the natural gas increases, the methane (sulphur content of less than 10 ppm) for
number falls significantly. The addition of a long time. Natural gas has a very low
LNG has around 60 % of the volumetric hydrogen also produces lower methane sulphur content compared to sulphur-
energy content of a litre of diesel, i.e. numbers. The following relationship holds: containing marine fuels. In the interests of
around 21 MJ/l LNG as compared with The heavier the gas and the higher the gas safety, odorants, most of which contain
around 36 MJ/l for diesel. The energy Wobbe index, the lower the methane sulphur (up to 30 ppm), are added to
content per sales unit of LNG (in kilograms) number. pipeline natural gas for detection purposes
is almost 40 % more than that of diesel (Wiegleb 2016). Liquefied natural gas
(in litres). The volumetric energy density Almost all LNG supplied to Europe has a generally has a very low sulphur content
of LNG is only just over half (53 %) that methane number (MN) of at least 65, but of 2 ppm.
of heavy fuel oil (39.7 MJ/l), while for only 12 % of the LNG manages an MN
synthetic GTL fuel it is 34.3 MJ/l. of over 80 (GIIGNL 2015a). This must
be taken into consideration for engine
Overall, the volumetric energy density A whole raft of standards have been
development. The alternative sources of
of LNG is therefore much closer to that introduced for handling LNG as a
methane referred to above (biomethane,
of liquid fuels than compressed natural substance, but there are not yet any
Bio-SNG and PtG methane) have high
gas (CNG). However, here too, the specific LNG fuel standards. In the EU,
methane numbers of 100.
advantages in terms of gravimetric energy LNG used as a road transport fuel is
density are counterbalanced by the Engine manufacturers state the admissible covered by the fuel standard EN 16723-2
heavier fuel tanks required for cryogenic methane number for their engines (often for natural gas and biogas, adopted in
liquids. MN 80 or at least MN 70) (EUROMOT 2017. This sets limits for a whole range
2017). However the amount of natural of fuel components such as amines (from
High knock-resistance is ultimately very gas/LNG used in engines is still small. the amine wash, a possible stage in the
important for engine combustion. Knocking Further obstacles are the higher cost of Bio-LNG production process), hydrogen,
occurs when the unburned gas/air mixture secondary LNG treatment (to remove water (dew point) and sulphur, and
auto-ignites; it produces high-frequency more of the higher hydrocarbons) and requires a minimum methane number
gas oscillations and causes high thermal relatively moderate engine efficiency gains of 65. It also contains other restrictions
stress of components. This can adversely (GIE 2012). relevant to biogases, such as a maximum
affect engine performance, increase silicon content.
engine emissions or even damage the Methane number calculators or software
engine (ASUE 1992; EUROMOT 2011, packages which calculate the methane In addition to this, natural gas for fuel
2017; DNV GL O&G 2017). number of different LNG grades are now use must not contain any other impurities
available online. However, these work which would preclude its use in motor
Natural gas/methane has better knock- by different methods and consequently vehicles. LNG fuel must also comply with
resistance than petrol and can reach produce different results. Intelligent gas a maximum particulate concentration of
octane numbers of up to 130. Very engine control systems (feed-forward 10 mg/l to protect the LNG engine from
knock-resistant petrol has an octane fuel-adaptive engine control systems) are wear.
number of around 100. LNG internal being developed to avoid unnecessary
combustion engines are optimised to utilise Annex D to EN 16723-2 states that
engine performance losses and increased
the high knock-resistance of methane. This stricter voluntary specifications may be
gas treatment costs (DNV GL O&G
is reflected in the engine efficiency, which agreed beyond those contained in the
is unusually high for petrol engines. standard. This applies particularly to the
An important combustion-related sulphur content of LNG, since odorants
A new parameter, the methane number specification for engine applications is containing sulphur are not added to LNG,
(MN), was introduced to describe the the sulphur content of fuels and thus also as they are to pipeline natural gas for
The fuels used in international shipping are called bunker fuels. oil, except for the ignition temperature. Heavy fuel oil (HFO) is a
The consumption data for shipping vary depending on whether residual fuel from crude processing. Unlike MGO, heavy fuel oil
the top-down (IEA 2018c) or bottom-up method (IMO 2015, must be heated before it can be used. Another category is marine
2016) is used to record them. However, the annual global diesel oil (MDO), a blend of HFO and MGO. Seagoing ships
consumption of marine bunker fuels is currently estimated at can use both heavy fuel oil and marine gasoils; since 2011, only
around 300 mln t. diesel has been permitted for inland waterway vessels in the EU.
Marine fuels normally have to comply with particular requirements More than three quarters of the bunker fuels are heavy fuel oils;
for viscosity, specific gravity, sulphur content, ignition point etc. nearly half (46 %) of the global heavy fuel oil demand comes from
The main international standard for marine fuels is ISO 8217, shipping. Just under a quarter of bunker fuels are marine gasoil
which divides marine fuels into two categories, distillate and (MGO). The largest consumers of bunker fuels are coming from
residual fuels, which are subdivided into six or seven further fuel Asia and Europe.
To reduce sulphur oxide emissions, the permitted sulphur content
Marine gasoil (MGO), like diesel, is a product of crude of bunker fuels was repeatedly reduced under MARPOL Annex VI.
distillation. MGO has similar product characteristics to heating The sulphur content of bunker fuels was limited to 4.5 % from
∅ 2018 2.7 %
∅ 2018 2,7 %
IGU 2017; IMO 2016
ECA from
IGU 2017; IMO 2016
2015 LNG
36 233 39 12
ECA ab 2015 0,1 %
Diesel for
Passenger cars 0.001 % 50 100 150 200 250 300 mln t
and trucks Diesel für
0,001 %
Pkw und Lkw
1997 and to 3.5 % from 2012. After a review of the global fuel, because it contains, so to speak, only “homoeopathic”
availability of heavy fuel oil (IMO 2016), the IMO decided to amounts of sulphur. In 2012, 8 mln t of the global bunker fuel
reduce the sulphur content of marine fuels to 0.5 % worldwide demand was consumed in the form of LNG, primarily by LNG
from 2020. carriers (LNGC); this could change if more and more ships are
equipped to use LNG as a fuel. The IMO is expecting maritime
This fuel quality requirement can be met either by marine gasoil,
LNG consumption to increase to around 12 mln t in the short term
very low sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO) or suitable blends of gasoil and
heavy fuel oil. Alternatively, exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS), (IMO 2016).
also called scrubbers, can be installed. However, at the moment However, there are other regulatory developments which
they can only be installed in a small proportion of the shipping encourage the use of LNG as a marine fuel. Since 2015, only
fleet, so only a few thousand ships will be able to continue using
marine fuels with an ultra low sulphur content of 0.1 % (ultra low
heavy fuel oil with a sulphur content above 0.5 % from 2020;
sulphur fuel oil, ULSFO), heavy fuel oil combined with scrubbers,
most will have to use VLSFO (IMO 2016).
or low-emission LNG have been permitted in Emission Control
Thus, sulphur emissions from shipping will have to be capped. Areas (ECA) such as the North Sea and the Baltic. LNG would be
LNG is therefore an interesting and relevant alternative marine an even better low-emission marine fuel for ECAs.
LNG has been transported safely across the world’s oceans for LNG. Systems and components that come into contact with LNG
around 50 years, but it has not been used widely as a fuel, except should be designed for very low temperatures.
in LNG carriers. Consequently, neither potential users nor the wider
LNG also consists of natural gas, and mainly of methane. Although
public know very much about its hazardous characteristics or how
methane only auto-ignites at high temperatures, it still forms a highly
to handle it safely. Questions that frequently arise are how safe is
flammable and explosive gas on evaporation. As a consequence,
LNG, and what factors have to be taken into account to handle it
natural gas is sorted into hazard category 1.
A second feature of LNG vapour that is relevant to safety is its
To protect human beings and the environment from harm when
extreme flammability, for which LNG gets physical H-statement
handling chemical substances, all chemicals must comply with
H220 according to the CLP-Regulation.
classification and labelling requirements before they are put onto
the market. The EU Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP)
Regulation EC/1272/2008 distinguishes between physical
hazards, hazards to human health and hazards to the environment.
Until now, natural gas, and particularly LNG, have played only a almost exclusively sulphur-free. However the most recent revisions
minor role in the European fuel market. 257 bn litres, or 72 % of of the EU fuel quality directive in 2009 and 2015 focus less on the
the fuel consumed in the EU is diesel. Germany is by far the largest constituents of fuels than they did in the past. Instead, they target the
market for diesel sales in Europe, followed by France. Diesel sales fuel manufacturing process and particularly its sustainability.
have continued to increase in most countries in recent years. Overall Under the existing fuel quality directive, by 2020, anyone bringing
diesel sales in the EU are currently more than 10 bn litres higher fuels onto the market will have to make a 6 % greenhouse gas
than they were in 2010 (EEA 2018c). saving on the fuels sold. While requirements for fuel-specific
The proportion of the diesel consumption accounted for by road greenhouse gas savings will continue to apply, the greenhouse gas
freight transport varies from country to country, depending on quota will in principle be replaced by a renewable energies quota
the size and mileage of the truck fleet. Road freight transport is for the transport sector of 14 % of final energy consumption up to
estimated to consume around half of the diesel in Germany (BMVI 2030 (EP/Council 2018a).
2018). Around 80 % of the diesel demand of all commercial The paraffinic fuels specified in EN standard 15940, which include
vehicles operating in Germany is accounted for by heavy-duty a natural gas-based synthetic Fischer-Tropsch fuel called Gas-to-
vehicles (Shell 2016). Liquids (GTL), are one type of replacement or supplementary liquid
Standard European fuel requirements are specified by the EU fuel; the other is biofuels. A blended fuel composed of 93 % fossil
fuel quality directive 98/70/EC, which was last amended by diesel and 7 % biodiesel (B7) is now established as standard fuel
Directive 1513/2015/EU (EP/Council 2015a). Other minimum across almost the entire EU diesel sector.
requirements, such as the cetane number, density, polyaromatics In addition to diesel, modern Euro VI diesel trucks require an
and sulphur content, flash point etc. are defined by the EU diesel Aqueous Urea Solution (AUS, sold under the brand name AdBlue®)
standard EN 590. for exhaust aftertreatment by selective catalytic reduction (SCR);
The diesel specification has become significantly stricter over the this is not a fuel additive but an exhaust treatment fluid.
years. For example, the diesel fuels marketed in the EU today are
EV 2017; EEA 2018. Latest available figures for Netherlands from 2014
2016, in billion litres
30 30.2
6.7 8
The flammable range of methane-air mixtures (4.4 – 16.5 %) is air or in enclosed spaces with good aeration and ventilation. Safety
almost twice that of petrol (7.4 – 1.6 %) and diesel (0.6 – 7.5 %). can also be increased by using gas sensors.
However, methane only ignites at higher concentrations in a blend.
There are many international codes and standards, particularly ISO
An oxidant (air/oxygen) and an ignition source are needed to standards, for the safe handling and storage of LNG in LNG plants
burn methane. For safe handling of LNG vapours, this means that and on LNG carriers. ISO 16903:2015 (Petroleum and natural
LNG must be stored and transported in closed (i.e. sealed) air- and gas industries – Characteristics of LNG, influencing the design, and
oxygen-tight systems and tanks. Cryogenic pressure tanks should material selection) deals with fundamental health and safety matters
in the LNG industry. Standards for LNG infrastructure and LNG
have high safety margins and be fitted with relief valves. Ignition
applications in the retail sector are often more recent or are still
sources must be avoided.
being developed. The comprehensive ISO 16924:2016 (Natural
As methane is lighter than air, it rapidly escapes upwards. Methane, gas fuelling stations – LNG stations for fuelling vehicles), for
like all other gases, should therefore either be stored in the open example, deals with safe fuelling station design (GIIGNL 2015b).
The global energy demand could almost double
in the first half of the century. More energy,
and particularly more clean energy, is needed
to mitigate the effects of this increasing energy
consumption. What role could natural gas, the
cleanest fossil energy source with the lowest
carbon content, and its liquefied derivative LNG,
play in the future global energy mix?
2.1 GLOBAL ENERGY DEMAND, share is 25 %, but it is by far the largest natural gas consumption is industry, which
NATURAL GAS AND LNG natural gas importer, with imports of around uses natural gas to generate process heat
350 bn m3 (2017). On the other hand the or, in the case of the chemical industry,
According to almost all long-term global natural gas share in many emerging and as a feedstock. The dynamic of natural
energy scenarios, natural gas is the fossil developing countries is still relatively small: gas consumption in the building sector is
fuel whose share of the global energy mix just 7 % in China, for example, and 5 % in slower, and consumption in the transport
will increase the most. The International India. sector is still relatively low. Electricity
Energy Agency's (IEA) central energy production and industry are seen as growth
In its New Policies Scenario, the
scenario, the New Policies Scenario (IEA areas for natural gas in the coming years
International Energy Agency expects the
2018c), puts the average growth in the also, as is the transport sector, particularly
natural gas share of the global energy mix
gas demand at 1.6 % a year; the annual shipping and road freight transport.
to rise to 25 % by 2040; the IEA Current
growth in the global primary energy
Policies Scenario (5,847 bn m3) and the With over 100 mln t of oil equivalent (toe)
demand is around 1 % a year.
ambitious IEA Sustainable Development worldwide and a share of about 5 %,
The global gas demand has risen from Scenario (4,184 bn m3) predict the same natural gas is in fact the main alternative
around 2,500 bn m3 in 2000 to 3,752 bn increase, although at different absolute energy source in the transport sector,
m3 today (2017). The USA, followed by levels. It should be borne in mind that none ahead of biofuels. Although it is used
the EU, Russia, China and Japan, are by far of these scenarios is a “high gas scenario” predominantly for pipeline transport
the largest natural gas-consuming nations. like the earlier “Golden Age of Gas” (around 60 mln t of oil equivalent is used
The global gas demand is expected to rise scenario (IEA 2011). to operate pipeline compressor stations)
by around 45 %, or 1,647 bn m3 to around around 42 mln t of oil equivalent is still
The main driver of gas consumption is
5,400 bn m3 by 2040. consumed by road transport, primarily as
electricity generation, where natural gas
compressed natural gas (CNG). Relatively
The natural gas share of the global energy is increasingly used as a replacement
little natural gas is used as an alternative
mix currently (2017) stands at just under for coal, and occasionally for nuclear
fuel in shipping – currently (2016) around
22 % (figure 11). Russia has the highest energy. The use of natural gas for electricity
150,000 t of oil equivalent (IEA 2018b).
share, with over 50 %, followed by the USA production worldwide has risen by about
with around 30 %. In the EU, the natural gas two thirds since 2000. A second driver of
22 EU
IEA 2018c
12 G
in thousand billion m3
Coalbed methane
North America Latin America Europe Africa Middle East Eurasia Asia-Pacific
2.2 GLOBAL GAS RESOURCES Global natural gas resources, currently World gas production is dominated by
AND GAS SUPPLY estimated at around 800,000 bn m3, are conventional gas, with a share of just under
World natural gas resources are plentiful, a better indicator of future natural gas 80 % of total production (IEA 2018c).
and have the potential to cover the rising production. At the current production level,
demand for many decades to come. At the technically available gas resources will 2.3 ALTERNATIVE GAS RESOURCES
current global consumption levels, the therefore be sufficient to meet gas demand
Other potential alternative sources of natural
recoverable conventional natural gas for over 210 years (IEA 2018c).
gas, and therefore LNG, besides fossil
reserves will last for just under 60 years. sources include renewable gases. These
Advances in exploration and production
technologies have increased our ability to are natural gas substitutes from renewable
13 THE LARGEST NATURAL GAS develop gas resources, particularly from energies which are treated to bring them
PRODUCERS unconventional reserves. Unconventional to the same quality as natural gas; they
2017, in billion m3 gas resources currently account for include biomethane produced from biogas,
approximately 46 % of global natural gas synthetic natural gas (SNG) and Power-to-
USA 760
reserves (IEA 2018c). These include shale Gas fuels (PTG). These gaseous substitutes
gas, tight gas (from rock formations with can also be liquefied into Bio-LNG or
Russia 694
low permeability) and coalbed methane PTG-LNG. The production and supply
(CBM); shale gas accounts for around costs, which are still considerably higher
Iran 214
70 % of the unconventional gas reserves. than those of fossil gases and fuels, are still
a challenge for all renewable natural gas
Canada 184 Natural gas resources are distributed
substitutes, such as biomethane, Bio-LNG
geographically across large parts of the
and PTG (DLR et al. 2015).
Qatar 169 world, and much more widely than oil
reserves. The largest conventional gas Supported by state subsidies, renewable
China 142 resources are in Russia and the Middle gases in the form of biogas and
East. The largest unconventional gas biomethane have gained their first shares
EU 132 reserves are in major gas-consuming of the electricity and gas market. According
regions such as North America and Asia- to the most recent figures (2016) for
Norway 128 Pacific (particularly China). the EU 28, a total of around 16.7 mln t
of oil equivalent of primary energy was
The main gas producing regions are
Australia 105 generated in the form of biogases;
North America, particularly the USA
that is more than the current EU biofuel
with around 760 bn m3, the Middle East
Algeria 94 consumption of 14.2 mln t of oil equivalent
and the area of the former Soviet Union,
(EurObserv’ER 2018).
including Russia (just under 700 bn m3).
Saudi-Arabia 94
The largest conventional gas producers The equivalent amount of natural gas
are Russia, Iran and Qatar, while the USA of biogenic origin (just under 20 bn m3)
Turkey 80 IEA 2018c is the largest unconventional gas producer. corresponds to about 4 % of the current
EU natural gas consumption of 482 bn m3 2.4 NATURAL GAS TRADE the future, not least because its own natural
(2017). However, the 17,700 or so EU AND LNG gas production continues to decline. Within
biogas plants have mainly been used for Although the global gas resources are the next decade, China will become the
electricity production; only 1.5 bn m3 of more evenly distributed between the second largest gas importer. The USA, in
biomethane, or 0.3 % of natural gas regions than the oil reserves, at present particular, is expected to become a major
consumption, was fed into the EU gas the large gas-consuming regions generally gas exporter in the future because of the
network (EBA 2018). There are also very use far more natural gas than they can shale boom (IEA 2018c).
few pilot projects for direct production of produce. If the production and consumption If natural gas is traded, it must also be
liquefied biomethane (EU-COM 2015). of natural gas deviate from each other, physically transported. The majority of the
the gas must either be imported or natural gas destined for the international
In the medium term, European biogas and
exported. Around 770 bn m3 of natural gas market is now transported via large
biomethane resources could increase to
gas are traded internationally at present international pipelines, most of which pass
50 bn m3, equivalent to around 10 % of
(2017), which is about one fifth of global through several countries. Nearly 60 % of
total EU gas consumption, although only a
consumption. the interregional gas trade is conducted by
part of this will be available as a substitute
for natural gas in the natural gas network. pipeline.
With imports of around 350 bn m3, the EU
However, if the consumption sector is small is now the world’s largest gas importer, However it is sometimes impossible, or
(a part of the LNG-fuelled truck fleet, for followed by China, Japan and Korea. too expensive, or the production and
example) a significant proportion of LNG Russia, the Middle East, the Caspian consumption locations are too far apart to
consumption could be endowed with region and Australia, on the other hand, transport the gas by pipeline. This is often
certified renewable gas (EU-COM 2015). are major gas exporters. The EU will the case when the production location and
remain the world’s largest gas importer in the centre of consumption are separated
Until now the use of Power-to-Gas fuels
by long sea routes. In such cases, the
has been investigated mainly in concept
natural gas can be liquefied and traded as
studies, analyses of technical potentials and
14 THE LARGEST LNG EXPORTERS liquefied natural gas (LNG) allowing these
a few pilot projects (dena/LBST 2017;
AND IMPORTERS gas resources to be developed. At present
Agora/FE 2018). When considering the
2017, in million tonnes (2017) more than 40 % of the international
supply of LNG for electricity production,
gas trade is physically conducted by
it should be borne in mind that there are
Exporters means of LNG; that is over 320 bn m3, or
still many financial and technological
Qatar more than 230 mln t of LNG.
challenges to be overcome. The renewable
electricity must be supplied cheaply. More Australia LNG is currently exported by 18 states.
efficient electrolysers must be developed Malaysia Qatar, with exports of over 80 mln t, is
and used on a large scale. The carbon Nigeria
the world's largest LNG producer and
required can initially be obtained from exporter, followed by Australia with 56
concentrated industrial sources of CO2, but mln t (IGU 2018). The rest of the exporters
for a genuinely renewable solution, it will are much smaller and the USA is both an
USA exporter and an importer. LNG carriers
have to be obtained from the air in future
(direct air capture, DAC). Russia transported around 4,600 LNG cargoes in
Trinidad 2017. The average distance covered was
Electricity-based LNG pathways are around 8,400 nautical miles or 15,500
ultimately still competing with direct kilometres (IGU 2018).
hydrogen applications, as PTLNG requires Importers
one more chemical reaction than hydrogen
for use in vehicles with a fuel cell or internal Japan
Spain France UK
combustion engine. The methanation Europe 12.2 7.8 7.5 6.0 4.9 2.8
or Sabatier process is described by the Turkey Italy Portugal
following reaction: CO2 + 4 H2 → CH4 +
South Korea
2 H2O. In practice, another 20 % of the
initial energy is lost during this exothermic India
IGU 2018
IEA 2018c
2000 2016 2025 2040
IEA 2018c
The number of countries that import LNG The trend indicates that demand for cost of the primary energy source. For LNG
has now increased to 36. The largest LNG liquefied natural gas is growing much faster that means the cost of buying natural gas
importer is Japan with 85 mln t – about the than that for natural gas overall. In its New on the international gas market.
same as Qatar’s exports. Overall, LNG Policies scenario, the IEA predicts the global
imports are dominated by Asian countries: natural gas trade IEA
grow by around The gas markets are not yet as fully
25 $/MBtu
Japan, followed by China and South two-thirds by 2040, and LNG will account integrated and liquid as the markets
20 Nordseeöl
Korea. By 2040, emerging countries in for over 80 % of growth (IEA 2018c). for crude and oil products. That is
15 Japan LNG
Asia will have absorbed over 80 % of the partly because more crude is traded
10 The trade in LNG, and hence itsDeutschland
availability, internationally and freely, and partly
growth in the international LNG trade (IEA Erdgasimport
5 would therefore increase by a factor because it has been traded for many years.
0 of two-and-a-half in less than 25USA Henry Hub
But Europe as a whole2005
2000 (including Turkey) 2010 In 2040, LNG2015would account for 60 % There are still considerable differences in
is now also importing substantial LNG of the natural gas traded globally, and the gas price in the major consumer regions
volumes – around 47 mln t in total. Spain around 14 % of the natural gas consumed Europe, North America and Asia. The gas
major LNG importer in Europe, worldwide, as compared
IEA 2018a with 8 to 9 % prices are highest in Asia and lowest in
followed by Turkey and France. The LNG today. the USA, with Europe in the middle. From
share of the EU’s natural gas imports is 2015 to 2017, wholesale gas prices in the
15 15 % and is expected to increase 2.5 NATURAL GAS & LNG PRICES USA were below $3 per mln British thermal
further by 2040 (IEA 2018c). The majority The deciding factor for competitive units (MBtu; 1 million British thermal units is
10 Japan
of Europe’s LNG comes from Qatar, pricing, and hence ultimately for the LNG
actual equivalent to 1,055 MJ or 0.29 megawatt
Algeria and Nigeria (IGU 2018). Deutschland
consumption of a final energy source, is the hours). In continental Europe (in this case
5 Erdgasimport
North Sea oil
Japan LNG
Germany natural
5 gas import
USA Henry Hub
PwC 2013
reference price (Henry Hub) has been well Alternatives for LNG suppliers: natural gas
below the price in Europe or Asia for over
ten years.
Variable Kosten
incl. regasifi-
electricity and heat supply (PwC 2013).
crude price and the price of gasoils and liquefaction, the cost of transport by LNG
2 Verflüssigung cation
marine diesel is generally slightly higher. carrier and (for small-scale LNG) the cost
US LNG Russische Pipeline US LNG Katar LNG
Europa Asien
However the LNG process chain is distinguished from pipeline gas by liquefaction, transport in liquid form, and re-gasification. Consumers
also increasingly use LNG as an end product in liquid form; this new stage in the value chain is also called retail or small-scale LNG.
The stages in the LNG supply chain will be described in general below. This will be followed by a description of the elements of the
supply and value chain for liquefied natural gas, from liquefaction to possible special uses of LNG as final energy. The stages are: natural
gas liquefaction, LNG transport including temporary storage, regasification and distribution, taking account of the end user infrastructure
specific to small-scale LNG.
Exploration of
natural gas
On- and offshore
3.1 LNG-SUPPLY CHAIN the required quality. It can then be liquefied LNG-specific supply chain has ended
If LNG is of fossil origin, the natural gas is in special liquefaction plants to produce with transport to the destination and its
first produced from natural gas resources; cryogenic liquefied natural gas at -162 °C. regasification.
some of it is also associated gas from oil This is where the LNG-specific supply chain
begins, which has become established However, more recently, LNG has been
resources. In principle, the renewable LNG
worldwide since the 1960s. used increasingly as an end product,
substitutes Bio-LNG or PTLNG can also
instead of being transported as a
be obtained from biomass or electricity.
Large quantities of natural gas in liquid wholesale technical intermediate. For this
In the medium term this could be used to
form are transported to their destination application, LNG is not regasified, but
supplement or replace some of the fossil
over great distances in special ships called is stored in liquid form in cryotanks. From
LNG, but so far almost all LNG comes from
LNG carriers. The LNG is then usually there, it is then used as a fuel for shipping
fossil natural gas reserves.
returned to its gaseous state in large (not only in special LNG carriers), short
As a naturally occurring gas, the regasification plants, before being supplied sea shipping and inland navigation, for
composition of natural gas can vary, so it is directly to consumers or fed into the public heavy-duty trucks for road freight transport
treated in special facilities to bring it up to gas network. Until now the large-scale or for buses and coaches.
198 Portugal
Belgium Regasification
159 Netherlands
Italy 129 127
IGU 2018
Spain 27 17 16
Japan in mln t Europe USA South Korea China India Mexico Egypt
IGU 2018
29.3 26.5 25.3
21.9 19.5
Feeding into the gas network
or supply to industrial customers
This requires the large volumes of the via “compression” natural gas becomes a industrial facilities, transport and onward
international LNG trade to be broken product that can be traded worldwide and distribution (GIIGNL 2015b).
down into smaller quantities for consumers, filled into vessel or vehicle tanks and used
as fuel. These large industrial natural gas
which is done in breakbulk terminals.
liquefaction facilities are called LNG
Other infrastructure facilities such as bunker
Liquefaction plants vary in size depending trains. Two, or even more, LNG trains are
stations and refuelling stations must be
on whether they are centralised plants often built alongside each other to ensure
provided to supply short sea shipping,
liquefying gas on a large-scale at the place continuous and safe operation. The LNG
inland navigation and heavy-duty trucks.
of production, or decentralised plants trains are either large-scale base load
liquefying gas from the natural gas network plants with a liquefaction capacity of 3 to
3.2 LIQUEFACTION close to the point of consumption or from 8 mln t of LNG a year, medium-sized
Natural gas is liquefied because this smaller-scale local natural gas resources. plants with a capacity of 0.5 to 2.5 mln t
reduces its volume significantly, in fact by At present the dominant LNG supply model a year or small plants with a capacity of
a factor of 600; that is far more than the is the hub-and-spoke model, which 0.3 to 0.5 mln t a year. The latter are often
reduction achieved by compression. Only involves centralised liquefaction in large used as peak shaving plants to even out
fluctuations in consumption in the natural There are FLNG facilities both for natural The order of the major LNG exporters
gas network. More than 100 peak shaving gas production sites and for LNG receiving correlates with their natural gas liquefaction
plants were built in the USA in the 1960s terminals. Floating units which can take capacities, depending on how much of that
and 1970s (DOE/NETL 2005). natural gas from current production, capacity is utilised. Qatar and Australia
liquefy it to produce LNG and store it, are have by far the largest liquefaction
An even newer category is mini or micro called floating production storage capacities. In Europe, only Norway has
liquefaction plants, which are used for local and offloading units (FPSOU). They a gas liquefaction terminal at the moment,
liquefaction of biogas or biomethane (Bio- have been used in oil production since with an annual capacity of 4.3 mln t (GIE
LNG) or to supply LNG in isolated areas the1980s and 1990s. In gas production 2018a).
to which it cannot be transported (Wartsilä this is still new technology, which allows
2016). smaller, more remote natural gas resources 3.3 LNG-CARRIER (LNGC)
Large-scale plants in particular use to be developed more cost-effectively. The LNG is transported from the gas
complex, efficient liquefaction processes; first FPSOU began to export LNG in 2017 liquefaction terminal to a receiving terminal
(IEA 2017; IGU 2018). in special ships, called LNG carriers
simpler processes can also be used in
small plants, but they rely on electricity The nominal global capacity of LNG (LNGC). LNG was first transported across
from the grid (AP 2009; GIIGNL 2015b) liquefaction plants is around 370 mln t the Atlantic by ship in 1959. Transport
Liquefaction terminals can be installed of LNG. With global LNG exports of of LNG by ship has grown rapidly since
permanently as onshore facilities. However, 293 mln t, LNG liquefaction plants were the 1960s, not least because of the
floating LNG facilities (FLNG) are therefore operating at 84 % capacity in technological development of the LNG
a more flexible and cost-effective option. 2017. carriers.
75 m
150 m
290 m
350 m
LNG carriers are classified in category 3 of The LNG in these carriers must be kept at material and the thickness of the insulation.
the International Maritime Organisation's a very low temperature during transport. As The best LNGCs have boil-off rates of
(IMO) International Gas Carrier Code LNG carriers have no active refrigeration, 0.08 % of transported gas per transport
(IGC), called refrigerated gas carriers. the tank systems have external insulation, day. So if a transoceanic LNG transport
These are carriers which transport which protects the ship’s hull from lasts 10 days, only around 1 % of the
cryogenic gases at atmospheric pressure cryogenic temperatures and keeps LNG LNG cargo will boil off. The boil-off gas is
(Wartsilä 2015). There are currently boil-off low. Most LNG tank systems are generally used to power the ship; if it does
around 230 LNG carriers worldwide designed for a boil-off rate of 0.15 % per not provide sufficient fuel, boil-off can also
(UNCTAD 2017). transport day; this can be controlled by the be forced.
The first transatlantic LNG transport, from the US Gulf Coast to the UK, took
place in 1959. The LNG prototype, the Methane Pioneer, was a converted
World War II cargo ship with a capacity of only 7,000 m3 of LNG.
The first purpose-built commercial LNG transport ship, the Methane Princess,
was launched in 1964 to ply the route between Algeria and the UK. It had a
LNG transport capacity of 27,400 m3. The Methane Princess had a sister ship,
the Methane Progress. The Methane Princess was about half the length and
width (189 m by 25 m) of a modern large LNG carrier and had around a tenth
of the capacity of the largest LNG carriers today. It was scrapped in 1997
(MarEx 2014).
If the LNG carrier does not need all of the largest are equipped with membrane networks in the consuming region. The
the boil-off gas, because it is powered by tanks which reduce the amount of dead floating LNG option is nevertheless
a slow-speed diesel engine or a dual/ space. They can now transport over restricted to regions with access to the
tri fuel engine, the boil-off gas can also 260,000 m3 of LNG. However, because sea. There are already 30 FSRU terminals
be reliquefied and fed back into the LNG of their size, the largest LNG carriers are worldwide and more under construction
tanks. Ultimately, the boil-off gas can also unable to enter some seaways; these (IEA 2017; IGU 2018).
be burned in a gas combustion unit (GCU) include canal systems like the Panama
(Wartsilä 2015; IGU 2018). Canal (IGU 2018). The global LNG The global LNG regasification capacity of
carrier fleet has a total transport capacity the 120 or so receiving terminals is 850
There are two main types of LNG carrier,
of 76.6 mln m3 (LNG WS 2018). mln t. Which is more than twice the gas
depending on the type of storage system
liquefaction capacity. Cost-effectiveness
used: the Moss Rosenberg design and There are also smaller LNG carriers, is not always the main criterion;
carriers with membrane tank systems. called small-scale or mid-scale carriers, independence from the supplier is also
Moss Rosenberg tank systems are which have capacities of a few thousand an important consideration. Regasification
composed of several spherical tanks. to several tens of thousands of cubic units can be built to secure or maintain the
They are made of aluminium alloys with metres of LNG. These LNG carriers are gas supply, or to cover seasonal peaks.
additional insulation and have an internal used to supply LNG to regional storage The average utilisation of capacity is low,
diameter of 40 m or more. They are facilities (bunkering stations) or for direct
at only 35 %, and generally lower for the
positioned in a line in the ship’s hull and are fuelling of ships.
permanent onshore facilities than for the
separate from each other.
smaller, more flexible FSRU terminals (IGU
Moss Rosenberg Systems are relatively 2018).
safe and can be installed without a double
hull. Another advantage is that they can On arrival at the destination, LNG can be Japan, the USA and South Korea have
transport partial cargoes. For many years converted back into its gaseous state in very large LNG reception capacities.
they represented the leading technology special regasification units and supplied to South Korea and Japan have the largest
for tanks on board LNG carriers, but local consumers. LNG terminals, with reception capacities
they do have disadvantages: the spheres of 30 to 40 mln t for single terminals. The
Regasification units can also be installed
are heavy and do not fill the ship’s capacities in the USA are historical import
permanently onshore. These are large
hull adequately and they require high capacities from the period before the shale
units which can be used in a variety of
superstructures, which have an adverse gas boom, which are now little used. There
ways. They generally take longer and cost
effect on aerodynamics. are around 30 regasification terminals
more to build, but they also operate for
in Europe with a capacity of 160 mln t,
A better use of space can be achieved longer on site. Floating storage and
with membrane tank systems equivalent to about 20 % of the global
regasification units (FSRU) are an
arranged in a row, although they still take regasification capacity (IGU 2018).
up significantly more space than liquid Theoretically, the European regasification
tanks. Membrane tanks differ according to FSRUs have been developed since terminals alone could receive over half
the number of membrane layers and the the beginning of this century and are of the global LNG supply and convert it
type of membrane and insulation materials. significantly cheaper and quicker to build. back to natural gas. However the capacity
Unlike the spherical tanks, the membrane The first FSRUs were converted LNG utilisation of European terminals is actually
tank systems are not separate from the carriers but there are now purpose-built below the global average.
ship's hull, but are usually permanently carriers, which can be modified in different
Besides liquefaction and regasification
fixed to it (Uhlig/ Wohlgemuth 2012; ways. There are also floating storage
terminals, more and more LNG storage
Wartsilä 2015) units (FSUs), most of which are old LNG
capacities are also being built, although at
tankers not equipped for regasification,
Besides spherical and rectangular LNG present they only have a capacity of 30
tank systems, there are also prismatic or or smaller floating storage regasification
mln t (IGU 2018). They increase the supply
cylindrical systems. Important characteristics barges. Some FSRUs are also combined
security, serve as a platform for LNG
for the materials used to construct LNG tank with a power generation unit (OE 2017;
distribution or provide a basis for loading
systems include low thermal conductivity, Norrgård 2018).
and low-temperature ductility.
FSRUs allow simpler and more flexible
Most modern LNG carriers have storage access to the global LNG market without
capacities of 150,000 to 180,000 m3, and the need to construct extensive pipeline
198 Portugal
Belgium Regasification
159 Netherlands
Italy 129 127
IGU 2018
Spain 27 17 16
The Gas Access to Europe Terminal Liquefaction
(GATE terminal) is a large LNG import terminal in Rotterdam, which opened in 2011. GATE has three
IGU 2018
double-hull storage tanks each with a storage capacity of 180,000 m3 and is also able to receive LNG from the largest, Q-Max class of LNG
carrier. The LNG, which generally comes from the Middle East, Africa or Norway, is regasified and fed into the European natural gas distribution
network. With an average of 12 bn m325.3
29.3throughput26.5 of natural gas a year, GATE could cover about a third of the energy consumption of the
21.9 19.5
Netherlands. 15.5
LNG retail infrastructure has recently been added to GATE, with Shell as the first customer. This means that LNG can now be loaded onto LNG
Qatar Australia
bunker ships, ISO Malaysiaor LNG
containers Indonesia
tank trucks, Algeria
which in turnNigeria USA Trinidad
supply other LNG-fuelled vessels& and LNG vehicles (GIIGNL 2015b, GATE 2019).
GATE Terminal
> 1.0 mln t 0.4 – 1.0 mln t < 0.4 mln t
per year per year per year
35 – 56 m3 Truck
21– 45 m3 Containers
3.5 RETAIL INFRASTRUCTURE of the previously large-scale LNG activities Network for Transport (TEN-T), the EU has
LNG is produced, transported and stored is therefore called small-scale LNG or established the basis for the construction
almost exclusively in large-scale industrial retail LNG; for mobile applications it of an EU-wide LNG supply network for
units. Until now, LNG activities have been is called mobile LNG (GIIGNL 2015b; shipping and heavy-duty road freight
EMSA 2018). The size classification transport (EP/Council 2014).
described as large-scale LNG in terms
of stages in the LNG supply chain is
of their production, transport and storage The directive, also called the AFID,
summarised in Table 22; however the table
capacities. However new LNG activities, specifies as a guide that by 2025 LNG
does not show the new micro scale (<0.1
such as its use as final product in the bunkering stations should be built at major
MTPA) category of LNG liquefaction plants
mobility sector, are on a far smaller scale. ports of the TEN-T core network, and LNG
refuelling stations at 400-km intervals along
Therefore, these new LNG usage require For LNG to be used as a transport fuel, the TEN-T road network. The construction
much smaller LNG distribution and supply an extensive supply infrastructure must be of these national networks should be
units, in other words smaller temporary developed in ports and onshore. With coordinated between neighbouring
storage facilities, smaller supply stations the Alternative fuels infrastructure directive EU states. Each EU Member State must
with suitable access, smaller transport (2014/94/EU) for LNG in maritime produce a national strategy framework for
ships and tank trucks for distribution to the and inland navigation ports and along this, which must be updated continuously
consumer ship or truck. The miniaturisation the highways of the Trans-European (BMVI 2016).
13 5
LNG terminal
The EU states currently have around 200 LNG refuelling stations. Most of these are located in Italy (50) and Spain (41), followed by France (31), the
Netherlands (24) and the UK (13). The network is being developed under the EU AFID Directive and within EU- or government-supported projects such
as Blue Corridors and the BioLNG EuroNet.
There are also around 30 large-scale LNG import terminals in Europe, the country with the highest number of LNG terminals being Spain. LNG import
terminals generally have the capacity to store several hundreds of thousands cubic metres of LNG. The largest import terminal, with a storage capacity
of 1,000,000 m3, is on the Isle of Grain in the UK. There are more LNG import terminals at the planning or construction stage. There is also a large-scale
export terminal with a capacity of 4.3 mln t in Hammerfest in the far north of Norway, and a growing number of unrecorded, small-scale LNG import,
export and liquefaction facilities and bunkering stations and over 1,000 small storage facilities (GIE 2018a, b).
up to 20,000 m3 TRUCK-TO-SHIP
50 –100 m3
100 – 6,500 m3
Bunkering stations for ships it is impossible to operate an alternative connected to an LNG terminal. The ships
During LNG bunkering, ships take on LNG bunkering infrastructure cost-effectively and are fuelled by a loading arm instead of
which is used as fuel and for the on-board is a kind of entry-level option. a hose connection, allowing much higher
energy supply. There are basically three bunkering rates. The LNG bunkering
Bunkering of a ship from an LNG bunker
different bunkering concepts for seagoing volumes range from tank volumes of a
ship is called ship-to-ship. The bunkering
and inland navigation ships that can be few hundred m3 for RoRo/RoPax ships to
volumes here are higher, at 100 to
used to develop the LNG bunkering very large container ships or very large
6,500 m3. LNG bunker ships offer a certain
infrastructure. These are truck-to-ship, crude carriers with a tank volume of up to
degree of flexibility with regard to the
ship-to-ship and shore-to-ship. Each of the 20,000 m3.
bunkering location, as they can reach other
bunkering concepts has a different capacity sea or domestic ports and supply ships Besides supplying energy for ships, LNG
regarding bunkering volume or bunkering lying there with LNG. delivered in ISO containers, by bunker
speed (EMSA 2018). ship or tank truck can also be used to fuel
The shore-to-ship bunkering concept
power generators at the port.
With truck-to-ship, the LNG is supplied requires the construction of port
to the ship directly by truck. This option infrastructure. It makes direct fuelling In all, there are currently around 40 to 50
can be used as a temporary solution possible by providing seagoing or inland LNG bunker stations for ships in Europe,
or for small bunkering volumes of 50 to navigation ships with direct access to a some of which are located at LNG
100 m3. It lends itself to situations where stationary LNG tank or an LNG pipeline terminals. The majority of European bunker
Heat exchanger
Cryopump with unit
heat exchanger
stations are in Norway, but some are also Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) stations will consist of an LNG storage
in the Netherlands, Spain and France. (EP/Council 2014). tank with a volume of 20 to 80 m3 (DVGW
There are more LNG bunker stations at the 2017).
The fuelling station infrastructure for road
planning or construction stage. The global
freight transport can be developed in line An LNG refuelling facility can be
hotspots for LNG bunkering are in South-
with the demand for LNG. Mobile fuelling integrated into an existing refuelling station
East Asia, the Middle East and the Gulf of
facilities can be used to provide the fuel as an additional fuel offering. The main
Mexico (DNV GL 2018; GIE 2018b).
for the first operators while demand is still precondition for this is that there is sufficient
LNG refuelling stations low. These could be either 40- or 45-foot space for these facilities at the existing site
tanks or special trailers with a volume of 35 and that LNG can be delivered, stored
A requirement for the use of LNG in
to 56 m3 of LNG, which could be used for and dispensed alongside other liquid or
heavy-duty vehicles is the provision of LNG
direct fuelling (EMSA 2018). gaseous fuels, both from a technical and a
refuelling stations. These are usually the
regulatory perspective. Alternatively, new
starting point for truck journeys and the As demand grows, permanent LNG
LNG refuelling stations can also be built as
point to which the trucks have to return to refuelling stations, offering frequent
stand-alone facilities.
refuel after driving the distance allowed by refuelling opportunities for heavy-duty
one tank of fuel. To ensure the widespread vehicles along the TEN-T road network
availability of LNG, an LNG fuelling station or at logistics depots, for example, will
infrastructure must be established along the become economically viable. These
Despite being stored in insulated tanks, LNG slowly increases cryopump. From the dispenser, LNG is pumped into the vehicle
in temperature and produces boil-off gas, continuously tank through a hose designed for cryogenic liquids and a safety
increasing the pressure inside the tank. Precautions are taken coupling, which is connected to the vehicle. An additional
to prevent the build up of internal pressures that are critical connection returns any vapour in the vehicle tank to the LNG
for the tank. These include removing the boil-off gases for use storage tank.
as compressed natural gas, feeding them into the natural gas
As fuelling can only be carried out by trained staff, truck drivers
pipeline network (if available) or reliquefying them, which
must attend a short training course. Protective clothing must be
requires a compressor. A final option would be to release the
worn during fuelling, specifically protective goggles, protective
LNG in a controlled way through a safety valve, but is limited
gloves and clothing that covers the body, arms and legs,
to safety-critical situations.
because cryogenic liquids cause burns on contact with the skin.
The LNG is pumped from the LNG tank to the dispenser
through low-temperature resistant, insulated pipes with a
Shipping is one of the main sectors in which LNG will potentially be used as a fuel. In the past only the long distance LNG carriers were
fuelled by natural gas. Simply because this product was on board already. The use of natural gas as shipping fuel changes now. In the
face of increasingly strict air pollutant emission regulations, the shipping industry is looking for alternative fuels. LNG is currently the only
serious alternative to oil-based marine fuels for shipping (IMO 2016).
This chapter will begin with a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the merchant shipping fleet and an examination of current and future
LNG applications in shipping and inland navigation as well as in retrofitted ships. This will be followed by a general description of engine
designs and LNG gas engines for ships. To conclude, trends for powertrain-related emissions from ship engines, particularly gas engines,
and the relevant regulations will be discussed.
Container ships, for example, are described navigation vessels will be mentioned containers shipped today are double-
by the maximum number of twenty-foot separately. length (or forty-foot equivalent unit, FEU)
containers they can accommodate containers.
(twenty-foot equivalent unit or TEU), ferries Multi-purpose vessels
by the number of passengers they can Conventional multi-purpose vessels (also The capacity of container ships ranges from
carry (PAX), tugs by their bollard pull (tons called general cargo ships) are able to small feeder ships of 1,000 TEU to large
bollard pull or tbp) and bulkers and tankers transport a variety of packaged goods at ocean-going ships of 8,000 to 10,000
by their maximum deadweight tonnage the same time. Efficient on-board loading TEU (very large container ships or VLCS)
(DWT). Another important factor for ships gear allows them to unload packaged or even 22,000 TEU (ultra large container
is whether their load capacity is limited by goods, bulk goods and ISO containers vessels or ULCV). Container ships ply fixed
space (volume carriers like ferries or car no matter what the local circumstances. routes according to a strict timetable.
transporters) or by mass (weight carriers like Because of the increasing specialisation of
ships, multi-purpose vessels are gradually Punctual transport requires these ships to
bulkers or tankers).
being replaced by container ships and be capable of high speeds of 17 to 20
Some types of ship will be discussed in bulk carriers, but they are still in use all knots (kn), which is why they are usually
more detail below. They will be selected over the world because of their long designed with slim hulls. Low fuel costs
on the basis of their significance in service life. contributed to even higher speeds of
numerical terms, global fleet size and up to 30 kn, and this was a substantial
other aspects which are particularly Container ships factor in enabling ships’ engines to reach
relevant to the use of LNG. The descriptions Container ships specialise in the transport top installed power outputs of up to
all relate to seagoing ships but can also of internationally standardised containers. 80,000 kW. However, in recent years, the
be applied to inland navigation vessels. The size of these ships is given in TEU significant fuel price rises and an ongoing
Anything that relates particularly to inland (twenty-foot equivalent units). Most of the shipping crisis have led to a considerable
reduction in the speed of container Supramax bulkers up to 60,000 DWT, Passenger ships
shipping (slow steaming) and hence also a Panamax bulkers up to 100,000 DWT and Cruise liners and ferries are used for
return to low installed power outputs. Capesize bulkers from 100,000 DWT. passenger transport. However, there is
a significant difference between the two
Germany plays an important part in Oil tankers types of ship. While ferries, some of which
container shipping, as the biggest share The basic conditions for oil tankers are the carry only passengers and some both
of the world's container ship owners and same as for bulkers: The cargo is not a passengers and vehicles (RoPax), are
operators is registered there. fixed-deadline commodity, but a continuous means of transport, a cruise liner caters for
flow of goods to be maintained, which the leisure requirements of its passengers.
Bulk carriers
requires only low speeds and a high
About a third of worldwide sea transport Ferries are therefore designed to transport
deadweight tonnage.
is undertaken by bulk carriers. The their cargo quickly and efficiently, while
unpackaged goods such as ore, coal or However, there are special structural cruise liners operate energy-intensively to
grain are called bulk goods. As this form requirements for ships carrying liquids. provide a range of gastronomic options
of transport involves a continuous flow of The movement of liquids in partially filled and leisure activities, whereas locomotion
goods (individual pieces of ore do not tanks can have a very destabilising effect, can be of secondary importance.
have to arrive at their destination promptly), even at slight angle of list. Environmental
However, something common to both
high transport capacities and many ships and safety requirements must also be
types of ship is that they are directly
are required, but high speeds are not. Bulk taken into account. This is manifested in the
associated with the transport services they
carriers therefore reach average speeds of arrangement, design and filling of the tanks,
deliver to their customers. Therefore, they
13 to 15 knots. in double hulls and in adequate transverse
are under pressure to make progress on
strength and an enclosed upper deck.
Bulk carriers are designed with the environmental and health-related issues.
maximum possible displacement for the The tanker size classifications are similar A very important, even pioneering, role in
given dimensions, which results in very to those for bulk carriers: Coastal tankers the use of alternative means of propulsion
broad hulls. However, because of the low from 10,000 DWT, Aframax tankers up and fuels such as LNG is therefore
speeds, the required power outputs are to 119,000 DWT, Suez-Max tankers at assigned to this type of ship, even though
relatively low. Bulk carriers are classified approximately 240,000 DWT, very large the absolute number of these ships in the
by load capacity. Common categories are: crude carriers from 200,000 DWT and ultra total shipping fleet is rather small.
Handysize bulkers up to 40,000 DWT, large crude carriers from 320,000 DWT.
mln Tonnage in DWT Number of ships
mln 5206
Greece Japan China Germany Singapore Hong Kong South Korea USA Norway Uinited Kingdom
Global merchant fleet of its deadweight tonnage (UNCTADstat number of new ships indicates that there is
2018). Around half of the fleet falls into the a trend towards larger ships.
The global merchant fleet currently
category “others”, which includes 4,428
(2017) has a total deadweight tonnage The average age of the global merchant
passenger ships and ferries and 458 cruise
(DWT) of over 1.9 bn t distributed over fleet is around 20 years. Taking into
liners (DM 2017).
around 93,000 ships. Bulkers and tankers account that a large share of the total
combined account for about 23 % of the The number of ships has grown significantly fleet is newly built, a lifetime of 30 years
fleet and 71 % of the total deadweight in recent years. In the past 15 years the is therefore entirely possible for individual
tonnage (figure 26). Container ships deadweight tonnage has more than ships. Around 5,000 new ships are added
make up only 5 % of the merchant fleet, doubled (UNCTADstat 2018). The fact that to the fleet every year and fewer than
although they account for around 13 % the gross tonnage is rising faster than the 2,000 are scrapped.
98 111
4 125 125
The main ship-building nations are South Otto combustion engines. This is especially with a hybrid propulsion system (both
Korea, China and Japan, while scrapping is true for ships that operate primarily in Finland), small container ships (feeders),
concentrated in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan emission control areas (ECAs) and hence in smaller bulk carriers, special-purpose ships
and China. Since more ships are registered coastal waters. and RoRo ferries (DNV GL 2018).
than scrapped, the worldwide merchant
Taking tank construction (pressure- The world leader for the use of LNG-fuelled
fleet is growing, albeit with considerable
resistant tank for cryogenic liquids) into ships is Norway, with 61 ships in operation,
fluctuations (UNCTAD 2017).
consideration, the energy density per unit which is around half of the existing global
The major ship-owning nations by number volume of LNG is about a quarter that of a fleet. Norway is not only the largest gas
of ships are Greece, Japan and China comparable diesel fuel. This poses a major producer in Western Europe, but also
followed by Germany and Singapore challenge for the use of LNG as a fuel for already has the infrastructure for bunkering
(figure 27). China has the largest merchant ships, as it significantly reduces a ship’s LNG and, more importantly, statutory
fleet with 5,200 ships. The five largest usable volume. regulations and financial incentives for the
shipping nations control more than half use of LNG, which have been put in place
The tank volume required is determined
of the worldwide cargo ship capacity (in by the government.
essentially by the power of the engine and
DWT). the range of the ship. Passenger ferries, In addition to the Norwegian LNG fleet,
which travel short distances and thus only the EU-wide fleet of around 23 LNG
LNG ships
need small bunker capacities or tank ships accounts for about 18 % of existing
Compared to the size of the global volumes, are therefore a particular focus LNG-fuelled seagoing ships worldwide.
merchant fleet, the number of LNG ships for LNG. The number of LNG-powered ships in the
is still small (figure 28). What does the US maritime transport fleet has also risen to
LNG fleet look like today, and what are Around a quarter (33 ships) of the existing
17 since 2012. By contrast, there are only
the developments in the registration of new LNG-powered fleet are passenger ferries
seven LNG-powered ships operating in
LNG ships? operating primarily in Northern Europe.
Asian waters.
Tugs, which only operate within small
LNG ship fleet areas, are already represented on the
Construction of new LNG ships
125 LNG-fuelled ships, i.e. ships not market with ten ships. In addition to these,
136 orders have already been confirmed
transporting LNG but only using it as a there are also ten tankers and three multi-
for the construction of new ships with
fuel, were operating worldwide at the end purpose vessels fuelled by liquefied natural
an LNG propulsion system by 2026.
of 2018. Another 230 or so LNG tankers gas worldwide (DNV GL 2018).
Although the existing fleet is dominated by
or LNG carriers (LNGCs) are generally
The remaining LNG-powered ships are ferries operating regionally, the shipyards’
fuelled by boil-off gas, which forms during
other types of ship operating over short order books demonstrate a growing
the transport of LNG (UNCTAD 2017;
distances and are usually pilot projects. specialisation and a trend towards larger
DNV GL 2018).
These will help the customers, shipyards, ships such as oil and chemical tankers,
LNG is becoming increasingly attractive engine manufacturers and suppliers to gain container ships and cruise liners. 12 of
for shipping because of its low-emission experience with LNG. They include the first the 136 new orders already verified are
characteristics, particularly when used in LNG-fuelled patrol boats, the first icebreaker conversion projects, primarily ferries.
14 %
is 85 m long with a capacity of 1,500 t
Another market which opened up to LNG or 100 containers (CE Delft 2017; BVB
as an alternative fuel in 2018 is the cruise 2019).
liner sector. By 2024, 23 of the 270 or
so cruise liners operating globally (CLIA European inland navigation is focused
2017) will be powered by LNG; that is a primarily on the Rhine (85 %) and Danube Bulkers
(15 %) regions, with around 10,000 ships 73 %
significant share of new ships.
operating in the Rhine Basin and just over
Furthermore, interest in using LNG as a fuel 3,000 in the Danube Basin. More than half Inland navigation ships are generally very
is growing, particularly in the short-sea and of the Rhine fleet operates under the Dutch old. More than half of the ships in Belgium,
special-purpose shipping sector. In addition flag and more than half of the Danube fleet the Netherlands and Germany are older
to 14 special-purpose ships, such as under the Romanian flag. than 50 years and more than 15 % of them
dredgers, fishing boats, offshore installation
While a broad range of cargo, from are older than 75 years. The Danube fleet
vessels and coastguard and research
building materials and energy resources is slightly newer, although the average
vessels, the shipyards will deliver another
to containers, is transported on the Rhine, age varies considerably from country to
five LNG-powered tugs by 2020.
steel and agricultural products dominate country.
The outlook for new ships in the future is on the Danube. Consequently, nearly three The number of ships has declined slightly
influenced by the distribution or position quarters (73 %) of the EU fleet consists of
in recent years. However, as the new ships
of the Emission Control Areas (ECAs). cargo ships; the remaining 27 % is divided
are becoming larger, the tonnage per ship
The waters of Northern Europe are an almost equally between tankers and
has been increasing and currently stands at
ECA and hence subject to strict emission tugs and barges. Tankers are particularly
an average load capacity of 1,250 tons.
regulations. This explains why a total of common on the Rhine, because of the
73 additional newbuild orders have been chemical and petroleum industries located The annual number of new ships built in
placed for these shipping areas (including there (EU-COM/CCNR 2018, ZKR 2018). the last few years was well below one
Norway). In US coastal waters, the number
of LNG-powered ships in the fleet will
double to 28 by 2024 (DNV GL 2018).
The total number of ships operating
BVB 2019
hundred in some cases. Half of these were The cost of LNG propulsion systems must Furthermore, the limits for nitrogen oxides
passenger ships or cruise liners. There has fall significantly if they are to be used and greenhouse gases apply only to new
been a slight increase in the number of new more widely. The LNG infrastructure for ships, so the incentive for the operational
ships built recently. inland navigation is supported by Directive fleet to retrofit originates only from the
2014/94/EU on the deployment of reduction of sulphur oxide emissions.
The number of river cruise ships has
alternative fuels infrastructure (the EU AFID) However, the limits can also be achieved
doubled in the last 15 years and now
and the EU action programme NAIADES by using more expensive, but low-sulphur,
stands at around 350. More than two-fifths
for the promotion of European inland marine fuels (marine gasoil or low sulphur
of these cruise ships have been built since
navigation. The NAIADES programme, fuel oil). LNG retrofits are therefore most
2010; more than 150 of the European river
in particular, promotes LNG propulsion suitable for subsidised projects.
cruise ships are registered in Switzerland
systems for inland navigation, since they
(ZKR 2018).
promise to achieve the best results in
Investment in environmental measures relation to the future Stage V exhaust
emission standards under Directive The most common method of propulsion for
for new cruise ships, such as improved
2015/1628/EU (EU-COM 2013). ships to date has been the diesel engine
efficiency, exhaust gas cleaning or
powered by heavy fuel oil or marine gasoil.
alternative propulsion systems and fuels,
Retrofits This section will first discuss the principal
is also on the increase, with particular
New ships can be designed to be designs for today's ships’ engines before
attention being paid to air pollutant
“LNG-ready”. These ships have the examining more recent developments with
emissions. A combination of selective
on-board infrastructure to use LNG; besides LNG-powered gas engines.
catalytic reduction and particulate filters,
a suitable engine, that includes the ability
or alternatively an LNG propulsion system, Propulsion system designs
to store natural gas in liquid form, the
are needed to comply with the Stage
necessary pipe and monitoring systems The power required by ships for energy
V EU exhaust gas requirements which
and a safe structural ship design (see for provision and propulsion can be provided
are applicable from 2019 for inland
example ABS 2014). Thus subsequent essentially by three different energy
navigation vessels (2016/1628/EU;
conversion from heavy fuel oil or marine converters: slow speed two-stroke engines,
EP/Council 2016b). As with seagoing
diesel to LNG is facilitated. medium speed four-stroke engines and
ships, passenger ships are ahead of
turbines. Ships can also use combinations
cargo ships when it comes to investment in Besides building new ships, the fleet
of these types of propulsion.
environmental protection. of LNG-powered ships can also be
expanded by retrofitting. However, to date, Container ships, bulkers and tankers
At present, there are five LNG-powered
only around 1 % of the merchant fleet has are now almost exclusively powered by
inland navigation vessels in use
been classified as suitable for retrofitting, slow speed two-stroke engines.
on European waterways. Four of these
although there are more at the planning Since they operate at low speeds of 60
are chemical or LNG tankers and one is
stage (UNCTAD 2017). to 200 (revolutions per minute) rpm, these
an inland container ship (OEIN 2018).
engines are connected directly to the ship’s
The increased use of LNG in inland However, the conversion of existing ships to propeller by an intermediate shaftline.
navigation is beset by technical, regulatory, LNG-based propulsion systems is expensive On-board power is generated by smaller
infrastructural and financial obstacles. and will only make a small contribution auxiliary units (four-stroke engines with a
The binary operating profiles (inefficient to the environmental compatibility of the generator). With an efficiency level of over
use of dual fuel engines when travelling existing fleet. Besides the space required 50 %, slow-speed two-stroke engines are
downstream, high power demand when for the insulated and pressure-resistant tank, the most efficient, and thus consume the
travelling upstream) of inland navigation which is four times that of a conventional least fuel (figure 31). No other heat engine
are technically challenging. Standard diesel fuel tank, for the same energy known in engineering is more efficient.
guidelines for the use and transport content, the space required for gas
of LNG in inland navigation are still treatment and the additional conditions Medium-speed four-stroke engines
being developed. There are still too few imposted by the safety requirements for are more compact than two-stroke engines,
bunkering stations and, in addition, a the position of the tank, conversion of for the same power output. Where space
sector dominated (to approximately 80 %) the engines is an extremely challenging is limited, for example on ferries, large
by small and medium-sized enterprises is business. The retrofitting of diesel engines tugs and smaller container ships, a slightly
faced with the increased cost of building to run on natural gas requires fundamental higher fuel consumption is an acceptable
new ships or retrofitting old ones, with structural modifications and is generally trade-off for the small footprint of the
correspondingly long amortization periods. accompanied by a loss of power. construction. The rotational speed ranges
Two-stroke Four-stroke
plug or pilot injection, which is the common referred to above, and conventional diesel engine systems), but with diesel mode
method for large engines. This consists of a mode with liquid fuel. At present, this is providing back-up to ensure reliability. Pure
small amount of diesel, which is ignited by a major advantage for ships operating gas engines, on the other hand, must be
the hot, compressed air and supplies the worldwide, as the LNG bunkering duplicated to comply with the redundancy
energy to ignite the natural gas-air mixture. infrastructure is still patchy. requirements.
The latter process is particularly suitable for
However, on the down side, realization Table 32 gives an overview of the current
dual-fuel engines.
of both combustion processes requires a engine designs that can be used as marine
The low-pressure technology is now lot of technical and cost-intensive work. propulsion systems fuelled by natural gas.
commonly used in four-stroke engines and is The knock-resistance of natural gas There are two designs for large slow-speed
the closest to the Otto combustion process. in pre-mixed mode (i.e. Otto process) two-stroke engines, offered by two market
In gas mode, the natural gas is added necessitates somewhat lower compression competitors: The first is a dual-fuel (DF)
during the intake stoke, compressed and ratios than those required for optimum Otto engine, in which gas is added
then ignited by pilot injection. efficiency in diesel mode. In addition, to the charge air at low-pressure during
dynamic load changes are limited because gas exchange and the mixture is then
The same process can be used in two-stroke of the increased tendency to knocking compressed. Diesel fuel pilot injection is
engines, when gas intake occurs during and the dependence on the air-fuel ratio. then timed to producing combustion.
pressurised gas exchange. However there is The air-fuel ratio changes with every load
also a process closer to the diesel process, The second is a dual-fuel Diesel
change, which results either in misfiring with
in which the natural gas is compressed engine, which operates in a similar way
increased methane slip and even engine
with high-pressure compressors, to the diesel process: The natural gas is
failure, or a mixture that is too rich, causing
injected after compression and then ignited injected into the already compressed air
knocking and possibly engine damage.
immediately by pilot injection. under high pressure just before ignition is
However, current technology allows
required and ignited almost immediately
The two concepts have different seamless switching between gas and
by pilot injection. The principles of the
advantages and disadvantages in terms of diesel mode and mixed operation is also
premixed combustion process result in
efficiency, knock-resistance and nitrogen an option, particularly for LNG tankers.
nitrogen oxide values that are lower than
oxide and particulate emissions. While Dual-fuel engines, unlike pure gas engines with the diesel-like process, but the early
the low-pressure process has low nitrogen (which are Otto engines) can only be mix formation produces high levels of
oxide and particulate emissions because optimised for methane slip to a limited natural gas respectively methane slip. Both
a homogeneous mixture is formed, the extent, and therefore have higher rates of types of engine are able to operate in
high-pressure (diesel) process is notable for methane slip than gas engines. diesel mode alone, with liquid fuel, and in
its high efficiency and is independent of the combined mode with both natural gas and
knock resistance of natural gas. And, in the end, the classification bodies do
liquid fuel.
not consider gas mode to be as reliable as
Dual-fuel engines allow ships to operate in diesel mode. As a result, dual-fuel engines The first type of medium- and high-speed
natural gas mode by one of the processes can be used alone (particularly in single- four-stroke engines is the DF Otto engine,
which uses the premixed combustion of required methane numbers. Operation 4.3 EMISSIONS
process in gas mode (mix intake and at full power, on the other hand, generally Most ships today use Diesel engines and
external source of ignition); the external requires a minimum methane number of consume heavy fuel oil or marine gas oil as
source of ignition is provided by pilot around 80. fuel. They contribute a significant amount
injection. These DF Otto engines also
The most common engines on modern to the emission of transport-related air
produce a certain amount of methane
gas-fuelled ships are low-pressure, medium- pollutants. The sooty particulate emissions
slip because of the premixed combustion
speed, dual-fuel four-stroke engines, which from ships’ engines are particularly high,
principle, but the nitrogen oxide emissions
are used on all ships, but particularly as the presence of sulphur promotes the
are very low. They can also operate in
in the offshore sector. Small four-stroke formation of large (and hence high-mass)
diesel mode with conventional liquid fuel.
gas engines, which use a spark plug for particulates and there are currently no
The second type is pure gas engines,
ignition, are almost as common, particularly particulate filters capable of handling
which are designed according to the
on gas-powered ferries. This engine design them. Shipping also produces much higher
conventional SI combustion principle
is preferred in Norway after positive levels of other air pollutant emissions today
with a spark plug. These engines are
experiences (SINTEF 2017). than road transport or stationary facilities
consistently optimised for gas mode –
onshore, for example; this is because the
unlike the DF engines, which have to fulfil Ships have only recently started using
technical exhaust cleaning systems used
the requirements for both gas and diesel low-pressure two-stroke engines. However,
in power plants and road transport have
mode, which means that their methane slip like high-pressure two-stroke engines, they
only been promoted and implemented in
values are slightly lower. offer a good propulsion solution for large
container ships. shipping relatively recently.
Engines that operate by Otto process
must use natural gas with a minimum Gas turbines are rarely used on gas- Shipping also produces greenhouse gas
methane number to prevent knocking. The powered ships. Since the LNG supply emissions when burning primarily fossil
manufacturers specify different minimum infrastructure is still patchy, it will be energy sources. International maritime
values, but a reduction in power must be essential for ships to be able to run on transport is responsible for an estimated
expected when gas grades used fall short conventional liquid fuels for the time being. 2.8 to 3.1 % of global CO2 emissions
(IMO 2015). The current trends in the While the North and Baltic Sea region NOX emissions reduction compared to
main shipping-related air pollutant and is currently subject to sulphur oxide and diesel as a fuel. However, compression
greenhouse gas emissions and the relevant nitrogen oxide emission limits, which will of a homogeneous natural gas and air
regulations are discussed below. become even stricter in 2020, particulate mixture (SI combustion process) can
emissions have so far been unregulated. produce significantly lower nitrogen
Air pollutants This is partly due to the continuing oxides emissions. Depending on the
Since the end of the 1990s the Marine disagreement about whether the particulate engine design, additional measures such
Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) mass or the number of particularly fine as catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides
of the International Maritime Organisation particulates in this emission group should or exhaust gas recirculation are therefore
(IMO) has gradually introduced mandatory be limited and what method should be needed to comply with NOX limits. As
limits for emissions from seagoing ships. used to measure them. there is more time for combustion (fewer
The first compulsory regulations to limit combustion cycles per unit of time), and
In addition to the IMO rules under
pollutants in exhaust emissions were hence for nitrogen oxide formation, in
MARPOL Annex VI, the other European
established in 1997 in Annex VI to the low-speed engines, higher specific limits
coastal waters are subject to the Sulphur
International Convention for the are allowed for these engines; the limit
Directive (2016/802/EU) adopted
Prevention of Pollution from Ships therefore depends on the rated speed of
by the European Commission in 2012 to
(MARPOL); these exhaust regulations were an engine (see figure 34).
reduce the sulphur content in marine fuels
revised in 2008 to make them tougher. The from 3.5 to 0.5 % by January 2020. There are also two tiers of limits, which
exhaust emissions limited internationally
The nitrogen oxide emissions from ships’ depend on the region of operation and
include nitrogen oxides (NOX), particulate
main and auxiliary engines are limited the entry into force of the regulation
matter (PM) and sulphur oxide (SOX).
specifically in relation to their power respectively the date of commissioning or
Particularly densely populated coastal output. Nitrogen oxides are formed during construction of the vessel: The IMO TIER
areas must be protected from air pollution. combustion in an engine from oxygen and II emission standard (introduced in 2011)
Various global and local emission limits are the nitrogen added with the combustion is laid down in Regulation 13 of MARPOL
therefore already in place. The Emission air. The principle here is that the better the Annex VI and applies worldwide; the
Control Areas (ECAs) were designated combustion, the higher the temperatures emission requirements can be met by
by the IMO as special zones with stricter and the more NOX is formed. primary combustion measures.
environmental regulations, which place
The nitrogen oxide emissions are However, since 2016, the ECAs have
particularly tough restrictions on the
highly dependent on the temperature been subject to stricter nitrogen oxide
emission of sulphur oxides (sulphur ECA),
and homogeneity of the mixture in the emission limits which will also apply to
nitrogen oxides (nitrogen oxide ECA) and
combustion chamber. Direct, high-pressure the North Sea and the Baltic from 2021.
in some cases also particulate matter.
injection (the diesel process) with natural The limits laid down in TIER III are up
The ECAs currently include the whole of the gas as a fuel does not result in a significant to 70 % lower than those in TIER II and
North and Baltic Sea region (including the
English Channel), the waters off the east
and west coast of North America, including 34 NITROGEN OXIDE EMISSION LIMITS
Hawaii, Canada’s Great Lakes and the
coastal waters of Central America. NOX emissions in g/kWh
There are considerable differences between 18
the restrictions in each area: While the limits 16 TIER I new ships from 2000
for sulphur oxides are based on the sulphur 14 TIER II new ships from 2011
TIER III new ships from 2016 (NECA)
content of the fuel and apply to all ships 12
within the ECA, the limits for nitrogen oxides 10
are based on power output and apply only 8
to ships built after the limits came into effect, 6
which operate in the ECA. The particulate 4
limits currently apply only within US coastal 2
waters subject to restrictions imposed by the 0
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 500 1,000 1,500 2,000
and apply to all ships in those waters. Rated engine speed in 1/min
Initial impetus for the Emissions optimisation Evaluation of emissions data -40 % GHG -50 % GHG
possible reduction of protocols come into effect for the adjustment of the as compared as compared
greenhouse gases (EEDI, SEEMP) greenhouse gas strategy with 2008 with 2008
IMO 2018b
-100 % Reduction
emissions, to date. An oxidation catalyst greenhouse gas emissions. However, The emissions limited by the regulation
can be used as a secondary measure. locally, in port areas and along shipping include carbon monoxide (CO),
The exhaust gas of marine engines routes, it can be a major cause, particularly hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides
always contains oxygen that can be used of pollutant emissions (CE Delft 2017). combined (HC + NOX) and particulate
to oxidize methane slip and to reduce Emission limits in inland navigation differ matter. Retrofitting inland navigation
greenhouse gas emissions. Methane reacts depending on the area of operation. The ships with SCR systems is a possibility for
with water on the surface of precious metal pollutant emissions from the diesel engines significantly reducing NOX emissions from
catalysts to produce water and carbon of inland navigation ships are regulated by these ships. However, not all ships can
dioxide. These catalysts are not yet part of the European Union (EP/Council 2016b). be retrofitted because of the individual
current shipping technology and are not adaptations made to them.
There are five stages to Regulation
installed on any ship (SINTEF 2017).
2016/1628/EU: The first two stages were The introduction of low-sulphur diesel
Figure 38 gives a final overview of the introduced in 1999 and 2001 and were fuel with a maximum sulphur content of
emission performance of gas engines: All based on engine power. Stages III and IV 10 mg/kg by the EU fuel quality directive,
the different engine designs (low- and high- came into force in 2004 and applied only Directive 2009/30/EC (EP/Council
pressure, two- and four-stroke) for operating to new and converted ships. Stage V sets 2009a) in 2011 led to a significant
in gas mode on ships reduce particulate strict limits for European inland navigation reduction in sulphur oxide emissions from
and sulphur oxide emissions almost to zero. from 2019, primarily based on engine inland navigation ships. Until then, inland
A fundamental advantage of high-pressure, power, and applies to all engines with a navigation ships in Europe/Germany could
two-stroke, duel-fuel engines is the potential power output of more than 19 kW (table use heating oil with a sulphur content of up
improvement of greenhouse gas emissions. 39). to 1,000 mg/kg.
However, for the majority of propulsion
systems, a positive outcome in all pollutant
classes can only be achieved with the aid 39 EMISSION LIMITS FOR INLAND NAVIGATION SHIPS
of specific exhaust gas cleaning systems.
EP/Council 2016b
Further developments will be required
in the future to resolve the dichotomy Power CO HC NOX PM mass PN
kw g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh #/kWh
between reducing the majority of exhaust
gas emissions and possibly increasing 19 – 75 5.00 HC + NOX max 4.70 0.30 –
greenhouse gas emissions.
75 – 130 5.00 HC + NOX max 5.40 0.14 –
Besides shipping, road transport, and particularly long-haul road transport is another potential main application of LNG. The vehicles
used for long-haul road transport are rigid trucks and tractor units with a high or very high annual mileage. It is much harder to electrify
these vehicles than passenger cars, light goods vehicles or light- to medium-duty trucks.
Because of the high user requirements, heavy-duty vehicles (HDV) operating in long-distance road freight transport are almost exclusively
powered by efficient diesel engines (Shell 2016). Driven by the desire to diversify the fuel supply and reduce air pollutant and
greenhouse gas emissions, LNG is also being seen as a new powertrain and fuel option for heavy-duty vehicles in Europe.
This chapter begins with an analysis of the existing EU heavy-duty vehicle fleet (rigid trucks with or without trailers and tractor-semitrailer
combinations) to determine potential applications for LNG. This is followed by a description of current LNG engine designs for HDVs
and, finally, by a discussion of the status quo of powertrain-related HDV emissions, their regulation and the possible impact of LNG
powertrains on them.
5.1 HEAVY-DUTY VEHICLE FLEET Category N contains trucks up to 3.5 tractor unit bears a significant part of
tonnes (t) (N1), 3.5 to 12 t (N2) and the weight. The remaining tractors, such
over 12 t (N3) gross vehicle weight as road tractors (normal tractors) and
According to the European Union definition
(GVW). However, common usage only agriculture and forestry tractors on wheels,
(Council 1985), a Commercial Vehicle are not classified as vehicles for the
distinguishes between two categories,
is a type of vehicle built and equipped carriage of goods in category N (KBA
Light (up to 3.5 t GVW) and Heavy
to carry goods (vehicle category N) or 2018a).
(more than 3.5 t GVW), or uses the term
more than nine passengers including the
Medium for category N2 (3.5 to 12 t The common term duty vehicle is used
driver (vehicle category M). In Germany,
GVW), so the classification Heavy only on the one hand as a synonym for goods
these vehicles are generally described as
refers to the really heavy vehicles over vehicles (rigid trucks used to transport
“Nutzfahrzeuge” (KBA 2018a). Under the
12 t. In some cases, for example in the goods) and on the other also for vehicles
framework directive 2007/46/EC (EP/
statistics of the European Automobile designated for commercial use because
Council 2007) superseded by the current
Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA), the they are built on the same platform as
Regulation 2018/858/EU (EP/Council
Heavy category of heavy-duty trucks trucks for goods transport.
2018b), commercial vehicles are divided
begins at 16 t GVW.
into three size categories, depending on The term goods vehicle appears to be
the gross vehicle weight and the number Vehicle category N also includes tractor the most accurate description of vehicles
of seats. units for towing semitrailers, where the for the transport of goods and, when
used below, will include tractor units. The (80.1 mln), Japan (14.6 mln), India (11.3 include rigid trucks with and without trailers
following discussion focuses primarily on mln) and Mexico (11.0 mln) (VDA 2017). for the transport of goods and tractor units
the potential main applications of LNG, In Europe, the Russian Federation operates for towing semi-trailers. Other vehicles that
namely tractor units and rigid trucks with the largest fleet, with 7.1 mln vehicles, cannot be classified as passenger cars,
and without trailers for long-distance road followed by France and Spain with 6.7 buses or trucks are not included in this. The
freight transport. and 5.2 mln vehicles. Germany, with 3.5 category “others” includes, for example,
mln vehicles, lies in eighth position behind fire service, police and civil defence
2011 2015
Goods vehicle fleets 1,8 Poland (VDA 2017). vehicles. In the sections below, the terms
rigid trucks and tractor units are applied
In 2016, the European Union had a total
Eurostat 2018a, ACEA 2017, eigene Berechnung
2011 2015
Eurostat 2018a, ACEA 2017; own calculation
29.8 30.5
Rigid Truck
> 3.5 t
0.5 Accession
candidates „EU-10“
1980 1990 2000 2010 2016
new registration records for tractor units. the fleet, with around 12 % and 4.5 mln of these operate in the old EU Member
2,0 Mioin the data have been filled by vehicles
Eurostat (ACEA
2018a; 2017).
eigene Berechnung States (EU 12 or EU 15) and one third in
interpolation and obviously incorrect EU28 the new EU Member States in Eastern and
In the available statistics, goods EU27vehicles
outliers have been disregarded. South East Europe. Since 2010, the fleet
1,5 are classified as medium-dutyEU25 (3.5 – 16 t
has grown by an average of 3.8 % a year,
The Association of European Automobile GVW) and heavy-duty (over 16 t GVW).
primarily in Eastern EU countries and the
Manufacturers (ACEA) also keeps fleet The ratio, based on the shareEU15 of new
1,0 new accession states; the tractor unit fleet in
statistics which the EU publishes if it has no EG/EU12
registrations, is approximately one to five.
these states is growing by over 7 % a year.
suitable statistics of its own. However, in In other words: 6.3 mln or 17 % of goods
0,5 statistics, vehicles in the size category vehicles fall into the category above 16 t By contrast, it has increased by only 2.4 %
above 3.5 t (N2 and N3) are separated GVW. It is precisely these Heavy-Duty Beitrittskandidaten annually in the EU 12/EU 15 countries,
„EU10“ and was on decline until 2012.
at0 16 t GVW rather than 12 t GVW. Vehicles (HDV) that are characterised by a
1980 the statistics
1990published relate
2000 high average2010 mileage 2016and a relatively high Eurostat’s historical
11,4 data for official
primarily toAnteile
new registrations and not the average 10,9
SZM an den Neuzulassungen in % Anteile SZM am Bestand in % Tractor units,
fuel consumption.
European vehicle registrations do not
existing fleet in these categories. primarily, will be discussed below on the 8,4
seem plausible and should therefore be
EU10 und Nachfolger
400,000 40,000
1980 1990 2000 2010 2016 30,000
Eurostat 2018a, 2018b; own calculations
200,000 20,000
100,000 10,000
(2015) (2015)
2016, per billion EUR GDP
96.4 105.6 125.6
89.9 64.2
Italy Netherlands Romania (2015) United Kingdom Spain France Poland Germany EU-28
Poland has had the largest fleet of tractor 849,1 but also for Greece, with over 300 vehicles
units in the EU since 2010. Its fleet has 44 SHARE OF SIZE CATEGORIES IN per bn EUR of GDP, are far above those
grown by 9.3 % a year on average since NEW REGISTRATIONS, 2016 for the economically more advanced
1990, and continued to grow by 1.6 %, > 16 t states of the EU 12/EU 15.
even after the economic and financial 1.6 % Tractor
crisis in 2008, while shrinking in most EU 185,9 Rigids
units The values in the old EU states are well
10.5 % 125,6
96,4 105,6 3.5 89,9
– 16 t below 100 vehicles per bn EUR of GDP.
countries. In 2016 (figure 42) Poland 64,2
2.8 %
had a fleet of over Rumänien
vehicles. It is Spanien Frankreich Polen Deutschland EU-28 Sweden has the lowest value, with 19
Italien Niederlande
followed by Spain, Germany
(2015) and France vehicles per bn EUR GDP and Bulgaria
EU-COM 2018a, Eurostat 2018a; eigene Berechnung
with just over 200,000, then Italy with the highest with over 1,000 vehicles. This
162,000, the UK with 134,000, Romania clearly indicates that the vehicle fleets
with 106,000 (2015) and the Netherlands of the eastern accession states transport
LGV ≤ 3.5 t goods both in their home countries and in
with 74,000 vehicles. 85 %
the old EU 15 states.
However the high fleet numbers appear
a different
thsd light when the number of EC 2010-2017, Eurostat 2018b; own calculation
Eurostat 2018b; own calculation
New Registrations
vehicles is compared with the gross The number of vehicles in the fleet increases
200 TU
domestic product of the individual to their GDP, the values in the newer by the number of new registrations each
150 (figure 43). The gross domestic Eastern European states of the EU, such year, which is far more likely to respond to
product (GDP) is a measure of the as Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, economic changes, and therefore fluctuates
economic output of a country. In relation Poland, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia, far more than the fleet itself.
> 16 t
2010 >16 t AND TRACTOR2015
> 16 t
2005 2010 2015
ACEA 2018
largest share of these, with 85 % and 1.9
mln vehicles. Vehicles with a gross vehicle NL
weight of 3.5 to 16 t account for less than NL
3 %. The heavy-duty vehicles over 16 t DE
GVW account for 12 %, or just over a tenth, DE
≤ 3.5 t
of new registrations (figure 44). 8.1 UK
> 3.5 t
figures for tractor unit registrations. For in 2017. In addition to this, there are 5.2 NATURAL GAS ENGINES
HDV over 3.5 t GVW, figures are only around 100 dual-fuel LNG/diesel vehicles. FOR HDV
kept for ten countries. In 2016, France had In Belgium, a haulage company has There are currently two types of engine
the largest fleet with 349 LNG vehicles, introduced 150 LNG vehicles and the fleet technology for heavy-duty LNG vehicles,
followed by Spain with 25. There were still is set to rise by 350 vehicles to 500 LNG which comply with the current EURO VI
only 168 LNG trucks in France in 2013. vehicles by 2020. A car manufacturer used exhaust gas emission standards under
Eight countries had not a single LNG more than 100 LNG trucks in Northern Regulation 595/2009/EC (EP/Council
vehicle in 2016: Estonia, Cyprus, Hungary, Germany. Some of these fleets are 2009c). These engine technologies are
Malta, Poland, Portugal, Finland and supported by government subsidy schemes. described below and their characteristics
Sweden. Eurostat did not record figures for are compared with those of the diesel
The EU Blue Corridors Project provides
the other countries (Eurostat 2018c). engine. The two LNG engine technologies
further information (EU-COM/DGM
are the spark-ignition (SI) engine and the
Recorded new registrations are consistent 2018). 156 vehicles are currently
high-pressure direct injection (HPDI) engine.
with this picture. In France, the registration operating under the Blue Corridors Project,
of new LNG vehicles above 3.5 t GVW with 24 in Portugal, 21 in Spain, 15 in
rose from three in 2013 to 114 in 2016, France, 24 in Italy, 34 in Belgium, 4 in HDV with stoichiometric
while Spain registered 20 new LNG Sweden and 20 in Germany. spark-ignition (SI) engines
vehicles in 2016. No additional information In a typical SI engine, fuel is pre-mixed
There are other relevant fleets of LNG
can be obtained from Germany's national with air and the mixture is then compressed
vehicles, particularly in China and North
registration statistics, as the Federal Motor by the compression stroke and ignited by
America. In China, for example, there were
Transport Authority issues figures for CNG an external ignition spark. The power is
already 45,000 registered LNG vehicles
and LNG powertrains under the combined regulated by a throttle in the intake area.
in 2013 and by 2017, HDV with LNG
heading natural gas vehicles. The fuel is injected into the intake pipe
accounted for around 4 % of the total fleet
and should be as inignitable as possible
NGVA Europe cautiously estimates the of over 6 mln HDV; the LNG fleet therefore
to prevent uncontrolled combustion of the
size of the total European fleet at around comprised around 250,000 vehicles. The
mixture; in other words, the fuel must have
4,000 LNG vehicles, primarily rigid trucks number of new registrations of heavy-duty
a high octane or methane number. Since
and tractor units and also some buses. LNG vehicles in China, extrapolated to
natural gas has a high methane number, it
More than 1,500 new vehicles have 2017, amounted to 65,000 vehicles. In the
is a particularly suitable fuel for SI engines.
been registered recently, mainly in Spain, USA, over 100 LNG-powered HDV were
the Netherlands, Italy and the UK as the registered in 2016 (EIA 2019). In 2018, In stoichiometric spark-ignition engines,
EU’s leading LNG users. The UK is aiming the LNG vehicle fleet, comprising rigid formation of the mix is regulated
towards a fleet of 350 LNG vehicles. Italy trucks and refuse vehicles, was 4,000 units electronically to ensure that all of the
had a fleet of around 400 LNG vehicles strong. fuel is burned and that there is no excess
Exhaust gas
EGR cooler
LNG tank
air in the exhaust gas (figure 47). The A modern LNG vehicle with an Otto-cycle in LNG and CNG vehicles, although the
exhaust gas does not contain any oxygen engine requires 18 % more energy on ranges given are achieved only with LNG
(Lambda = 1). To reduce the formation average than a diesel vehicle. This is mainly and the maximum range is provided by the
of NOX, diesel engines also use exhaust due to the difference in the specific energy largest possible installed tank capacity.
gas recirculation (EGR). This reduces the consumption of the engine. Table 48 shows
temperature in the combustion chamber. how this is reflected in the fuel consumption. LNG HDV with an HPDI engine
The spark ignition engine is less efficient A diesel truck with a fuel consumption Diesel engines are efficient because the
than the diesel engine because of pressure of 30 l/100 km would consume 27 kg combustion air intake is not throttled and
losses at the throttle and limited maximum LNG/100 km if it were an LNG HDV with the engine can operate at the maximum
compression. However, with the Lambda = a spark-ignition engine. compression ratio. The fuel is injected in
1 combustion concept, three-way catalytic the maximum compression phase and
converters (TWC) can be used for exhaust only ignites then. This design only works
gas aftertreatment. Lambda = 1, combined because diesel is ignitable. LNG, or
with exhaust gas recirculation, reduces the methane, does not have the necessary
pollutants carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen Diesel LNG SI engine auto-ignition characteristics.
oxides (NOX) and unburned hydrocarbons
in the raw exhaust gas to an amount that 30 l/100 km 59 l/100 km The idea of the HPDI engine is to initiate
can be broken down by reaction with a auto-ignition with a small amount of diesel
25 kg/100 km 27 kg/100 km
single catalyst. This makes the stoichiometric fuel and to inject methane into the flame
engine design cost-effective. It can be used 1,070 MJ/100 km 1,328 MJ/100 km produced (figure 51). Two different fuels
not only with petrol, as in passenger cars are therefore used in sequence to operate
but, even more beneficially, with natural the engine. The amount of diesel is selected
Natural gas Otto-cycle engines with so that just enough energy is released to
gas or LNG for HDV.
a higher Lambda value (lean burn ignite the methane subsequently injected.
Fuel Consumption engines) would be more efficient and
require slightly less energy. These natural Diesel is injected before maximum com-
An engine’s efficiency, and hence its
gas SI engines were permitted under the pression (approximately -15° crankshaft
consumption, depends on the operating
Euro V emission limits. However, as yet, angle). When combined with the com-
conditions (torque, speed). Truck engines
there is no exhaust gas treatment system for pression, this significantly increases the
often operate under high torque (or high
these lean burn engines that complies with pressure and temperature. The gas is then
load) and varying speed conditions
the Euro VI emission standard. injected so that the majority of it can ignite
(acceleration). Equally, they may operate
after the crankshaft has reached an angle
under conditions of constant speed, but
Available trucks of 0°. This produces the maximum torque.
varying load (uphill and downhill) and
There are two manufacturers of heavy-duty
phases where the engine’s braking force is The structure of the fuel system is illustrated
LNG vehicles with spark-ignition engines in
used (negative torque). in figure 51. LNG (liquid) is brought to
Europe. Both of them offer a wide variety of
approximately 300 bar by a high-pressure
A spark-ignition engine cannot produce chassis (e.g. tractor unit or rigid trucks) with
pump integrated into the tank and
the same torque as a diesel engine with varying tank configurations.
immediately evaporates. The heat required
the same capacity, because the maximum
The engines available for the vehicles are for this is drawn from the engine's cooling
combustion pressures in the cylinder are
listed in Table 49. The 13 litre class can be system. This is a very efficient way of
lower. A larger spark-ignition engine is
used for the HDV. All engines can be used providing high pressure methane gas.
required to obtain the same power. A spark-
ignition engine consumes about 15 % more
energy at high torque than a diesel engine.
The lower the torque required, the higher
the additional energy consumption. They 49 AVAILABLE SI-GAS ENGINES FOR HEAVY-DUTY VEHICLES
are least efficient at low loads (35 % higher
energy demand than a diesel engine). Capacity Power Torque Maximum range
litres hp Nm km
The precise energy demand of an LNG
9 280 - 400 1,500 Up to 1,600
truck with a spark-ignition engine in
comparison with a diesel truck depends on 13 410 - 460 2,000 Up to 1,600
other factors (e.g. transmission type).
Dual-fuel rail
LNG Diesel
TOTAL COST OF OWNERSHIP The TCO elements comprise the fuel costs, depreciation of
the vehicle, road user charges, servicing, tyres, repairs, taxes
Although LNG offers an alternative supply of energy and
and insurance as well as driver costs. The key data of the
environmental advantages, it will only attract widespread
TCO calculation depend on numerous other factors, such
interest from haulage companies and other HDV fleet
as the finance model chosen (leasing versus purchase and
operators if the powertrain-fuel combination LNG is
competitive economically when compared with the dominant
powertrain-fuel combination diesel. The cost-effectiveness of Driver costs are identical for both types of powertrain (LNG
an LNG HDV in comparison with a reference vehicle can be and diesel) and hence do not affect the cost comparison.
described by the “total cost of ownership” (TCO). Besides the driver costs, depreciation and fuel costs are
÷ ÷ ÷ ÷
7 8 9 x
4 5 6 –
1 2 3 +
0 , =
transport has risen from 17 % to 42 % for regulation for heavy-duty vehicles similar hydrocarbons (HC) particulate mass (PM),
PM2.5 and from 30 % to 60 % for PM10 to that for newly registered passenger cars particulate number concentration (PN) and
since 2000 (EEA 2018a). and light goods vehicles is now being nitrogen oxides (NOX).
On the other hand, greenhouse gas Rigid trucks and tractor units (N3) are
emissions from the whole of the transport The most recent status of the relevant subject to exhaust emission limits per
sector have fallen only slightly, and EU regulations for the air pollutant and kilowatt hour of engine power (g/kWh).
only since 2008/2009. With regard to greenhouse gas emissions of heavy-duty In addition, the method used by the Euro
transport-related CO2 emissions, HDV are vehicles is summarised in table 52. VI driving cycles to measure the exhaust
responsible for around 5 % of total EU emissions of heavy-duty vehicles is based
Air pollutants
greenhouse gas emissions or one fifth of the on harmonised global driving cycles,
transport-related emissions. The greenhouse Binding, EU-wide exhaust emission namely the World Harmonised Stationary
gas emissions of all heavy-duty vehicles in regulations for rigid trucks and tractor units Cycle (WHSC) and the non-stationary
the EU grew by a quarter between 1990 (vehicle category N3) were introduced World Harmonised Transient Cycle
and 2016 (EEA 2018b). by the Euro I standard in 1993. The Euro (WHTC). The WHSC is an engine
VI stage of these regulations has been in test bench test under defined conditions;
The regulations for commercial vehicle- force since 2012. The exhaust emission the transient WHTC uses real driving
related air pollutants have not been regulations have become increasingly cycles and normal driving conditions for
tightened further in recent years, since strict over the years and the test conditions commercial vehicles.
commercial vehicles already have to have also continued to develop. Euro VI
comply with more demanding requirements reduced the limits for exhaust emissions Rigid trucks and tractor units must
than passenger cars under the latest of individual air pollutants by up to 97 % comply with the current exhaust emission
amendments to the emission standards as compared with Euro I (Table 52). The regulations when operating in practice.
(Euro standards). As a result of the dynamic exhaust emissions limited by law include, The exhaust emissions during operation in
development of road transport, a CO2 in particular, carbon monoxide (CO), practice are also measured with mobile
the largest components. At the moment, LNG vehicles cost are only intended to get the market up and running, are not
far more than diesel vehicles, because they involve more permanent and vary from country to country. In Germany, for
expensive technology (e.g. vacuum tanks for LNG, special example, there is currently a temporary reduction in energy
fuel injection). How much more an LNG vehicle costs also tax on natural gas fuels, a temporary subsidy programme
depends on the type of vehicle and the equipment. Only a for the purchase of lower-emission vehicles (EUR 12,000/
rough figure can be given here, but it is 25 to 50 % higher vehicle in 2019) and an emissions-based, limited exemption
than a comparable diesel vehicle. from German motorway tolls until 2020.
The additional costs of buying a vehicle are compensated An illustrative business case for a heavy-duty LNG vehicle
for by savings on fuel and additional financial incentives. The in long-distance road transport will be developed below,
fuel costs which, for haulage companies, are generally lower comparing possible fuel prices with the possible additional
with LNG vehicles, have the greatest impact because LNG costs of LNG vehicles and examining them on the basis of
is often cheaper to buy than diesel fuel. The price difference the distance travelled. It is assumed that an LNG vehicle with
between LNG and diesel is affected particularly by energy a spark-ignition engine currently costs EUR 30,000 more to
taxes on fuel. In many EU countries, energy taxes are lower buy than a comparable vehicle with a diesel powertrain and
for natural gas fuels (CE Delft et al. 2017). Other factors that will cost EUR 20,000 more in the future. It is also assumed
affect the TCO result are purchase subsidies, vehicle-related that the HPDI variant currently costs EUR 40,000 more and
charges such as vehicle tax and motorway tolls. will cost EUR 30,000 more in the future.
Before deciding for or against LNG, hauliers must collect as Over a five-year period of use, a difference of 30 % in the
much information as possible about it, in particular how far fuel costs per megajoule of energy between the LNG price
an LNG vehicle fits the intended use. The price differences and the diesel price is needed to break even (slightly less for
are not always the same. Financial incentives, most of which HPDI, slightly more for spark-ignition).
A reduction in additional LNG vehicle costs and the the SI-today is making a loss of around EUR 65,000, the
improved engine efficiency in the future could reduce the HPDI-today a loss of EUR 40,000, the SI-future a loss of EUR
break-even point to a price difference of around 20 % 30,000 and the HPDI-future a loss of EUR 20,000.
between LNG and diesel. These figures are based on a
hypothetical diesel price of EUR 1 per litre. A 30 % reduction The current LNG vehicles require an LNG price of at least
in the LNG price, in relation to the energy content, would 25% resp. 30 % lower than diesel to reach the profitability
correspond to a pump price of EUR 0.96 per kilogram. threshold. On the other hand, future powertrains will be
The effect of vehicle mileage on the economics and thus profitable at a fuel price difference of as little as 17 % (HPDI-
competitiveness should be borne in mind here. The assumptions future) and 19 % (SI-future). However, the savings made with
made require an LNG vehicle to travel an average of the LNG vehicle develop differently as the price difference
110,000 to 150,000 km a year to break even against a increases. The HPDI-future does not increase as sharply as
diesel vehicle. Future LNG vehicles will not need to travel as the SI-future. As a result, the savings made with the SI-future
far if engine efficiency, particularly of spark-ignition engines, are higher than those with the HPDI-future from a fuel price
increases and the purchase prices fall. In any case, LNG is difference of 35 % onwards.
financially attractive to haulage companies whose HDV are
The savings develop differently on the basis of the annual
used intensively, i.e. preferably for long-haul road transport.
mileage at a fixed fuel price difference. At an annual
At the end of the day, the break-even point is determined by mileage of 60,000 km, the SI-today and the HPDI-today
the way a vehicle is used. Figure 53 shows the savings from are both unprofitable, with a loss of roughly EUR 20,000.
an LNG vehicle in comparison with a vehicle equipped with The HPDI-future makes a loss of only EUR 5,000, while the
a diesel powertrain after five years’ use at a specific fuel SI-future is just above the profitability threshold. At slightly over
price spread and depending on the annual mileage of the 80,000 km a year, the HPDI-future also becomes profitable.
vehicle. As expected, the lowest savings are made with the The HPDI-today does not become profitable until it reaches
SI-today and HPDI-today engines. At LNG costs 5 % lower 110,000 km a year, while the SI-today has to travel well
than diesel and a fixed annual distance of 130,000 km a over 150,000 km a year to move into profit. At more than
year, it will not be possible to operate an LNG truck more 110,000 km a year, the saving with the HPDI-future will be
cheaply than a diesel truck in the future. After five years, higher than with the SI-future.
LNG vehicles with spark-ignition engines consumption or CO2 emission standards for large-scale volumes. Instead, there is a
are also much quieter than diesel vehicles commercial vehicles. wide variety of vehicles equipped for many
(3 to 6 decibels). Vehicles with these different uses. Variations in powertrain
Since heavy-duty vehicles account for a
engines can therefore offer advantages to technology, the number of axles or special
high proportion of the CO2 emissions of
logistics companies that deliver goods or bodies, for example, affect the specific
the EU transport sector, the focus of the
collect waste for disposal in urban areas in fuel consumption and vehicle-specific CO2
European CO2 emission regulations is
the evening or overnight. emissions, with the result that even the
on rigid trucks and tractor units over 16 t
GVW, which account for 65 to 70 % of the measurement and comparison of vehicle-
CO2 emissions of all commercial vehicles in specific consumption and CO2 emissions
Greenhouse gases
the EU. The CO2 emission regulations will presents a major challenge.
CO2 is the most relevant of the greenhouse
gases, but methane (CH4) and nitrous be extended to include lighter, or medium- To calculate the CO2 emissions of
oxide (N2O) are also taken into account, duty, heavy-duty vehicles, buses and heavy-duty vehicles, the European
although they have very little effect coaches at a later date (EU-COM 2018b). Commission therefore developed the
on overall vehicle emissions. As with The specific CO2 emissions of heavy- Vehicle Energy Consumption Calculation
the regulation of CO2 emissions from duty vehicles in the EU have never been Tool (VECTO) (JRC 2014). VECTO can
passenger cars and light goods vehicles, measured by a standard procedure and be used to calculate the specific energy
the European Commission is preparing a there is no valid data on the average consumption and CO2 emissions for any
mandatory CO2 regulation for commercial fuel consumption of commercial vehicles heavy-duty vehicle configuration and
vehicles above 3.5 t GVW. The USA, under different conditions of use. Nor defined use. The simulation program
Canada, Japan and China already have are heavy-duty vehicles manufactured in calculates the consumption values for
60,000 Savings after 5 years in EUR 60,000 Savings after 5 years in EUR
40,000 40,000
In summary, it can be said that all LNG powertrains can cheaper, in fact EUR 10,000 to EUR 15,000 cheaper
be operated profitably. With20,000
the current vehicle purchase 20,000
for each additional 10 % difference in the LNG price. The
price differences, a high fuel price difference of 25 to 30 % 0
profitability of the powertrains will also increase by EUR
in comparison with diesel will be required if they are to 5,000 to EUR 10,000 for each additional 10,000 km a
become profitable. The new powertrains will be profitable year travelled. At a high annual mileage of over 110,000
from a difference of less than-40,000
20 %. As the LNG fuel price km the HPDI is more profitable both now and in future,
difference increases, the powertrains
-60,000 are likely to become while at a low mileage only the future SI is.
-80,000 -80,000
10% 20% 30% 40% 10%
50% 20% 30% 40% 50%
20,000 20,000
10,000 10,000
0 0
-10,000 -10,000
20,000Assumptions: 7 % interest; 130,000 km/y, lifetime 5 years, diesel EUR 1/litre. LNG truck (SI): Today 20 % less efficient than diesel, in future 10 % less efficient
LNG truck (HPDI): Today 5 % less efficient and 5 % pilot diesel, in future as efficient as diesel and use of 5 % pilot diesel.
the -10,000
whole vehicle from measured data monitored in 2022. The procedures for only be achieved with an engine with a
for the main components relevant to calculating manufacturer-specific CO2 similar level of efficiency, such as a diesel-
consumption, namely the engine, tyres, emissions will take particular account of like HPDI engine. Only around 5 % of the
70,000 axles
bodywork, transmission, 90,000 110,000
and auxiliary 130,000
commercial 150,000
vehicles with very low or zero possible 23 % saving would be achieved
Annual distance travelled by truck (km/y)
components (EU-COM 2018b). emissions. with a modern spark-ignition engine, which
SI-today SI-future HPDI-today HPDI-future is 18 % less efficient on average. This shows
The CO2 emissions for newly registered VECTO (version takes how advantageous HPDI engines could
heavy-duty vehicles will be regulated in a account of the use of LNG or natural gas. potentially be.
second stage. In concrete terms, according No decision has yet been made about
to a European Commission proposal, a which emission factor will be used for It is often feared that the “methane slip”
15 % reduction in CO2 emissions should LNG. At the moment, natural gas is taken from LNG vehicles will be too high.
be achieved by 2025 as compared into account generally and has a CO2 Methane slip is the unburned methane
with the obligatory calculations for new emission advantage of around 23 % over emitted with the exhaust. Euro VI requires
heavy-duty vehicles to be carried out with diesel in energy terms, which means that, gas engines to comply with a limit of 0.5
VECTO in 2019; this target is broken down in engines of the same efficiency, 23 % of g/kWh, which ensures that methane
into grams of CO2 per tonne kilometre or CO2 emissions could be saved by using slip has virtually no impact on the truck
grams of CO2 per cubic kilometre for the natural gas, which would be a relatively greenhouse gas balance. VECTO does not
individual manufacturers. The objective simple way of achieving the majority of measure methane slip.
for CO2 emissions is to achieve a 30 % the CO2 saving target (JRC 2016). The
specific reduction in 2030 as compared emission factor for LNG may prove to be
with 2019; progress towards this will be even more advantageous. However, it can
This chapter will show how LNG could become an established powertrains will still form the backbone of ship and HDV
fuel for seagoing ships and heavy-duty vehicles in the goods propulsion by 2040. Instead, a substantial part of the existing
transport market by 2040 as part of an ambitious “Pro-LNG fleet will be exchanged for LNG vehicles and ships, in order
scenario”. Shipping will be examined on the basis of the global to determine the potential impact of LNG technology on
merchant fleet, and the goods vehicle fleet on the basis of heavy- fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The LNG
duty vehicles for long-distance road transport in the EU. implementation pathways considered can be achieved by
regular fleet turnover.
Inland navigation vessels will not be included in the scenario
analysis, firstly because there are too few of them – very few Other alternative powertrains and fuels, such as biofuels and
European countries have an inland navigation fleet to speak electrical powertrains, including hydrogen fuel cells, will not be
of – and secondly because their low-power engines consume examined in this scenario. The focus will be solely on the effect
less fuel than those of seagoing ships. Besides, there is not of LNG powertrain technology and LNG fuel on the
enough data on inland navigation vessels, at least for European dominant technology, in other words the diesel powertrain and
modelling. diesel fuel.
The Pro-LNG scenario describes possible future developments, Finally, it should be pointed out that the projection of possible
in which LNG will gain market share as a fuel for heavy- futures for LNG in ships and heavy-duty vehicles is a scenario
duty vehicles and ships, due to the creation of some of the and scenarios are not forecasts. Nor is the Pro-LNG scenario a
necessary conditions. Since an accelerated introduction of target scenario. Instead it aims to “explore” future powertrain
a new energy and powertrain technology is considered, the and fuel developments and to present a possible and plausible
scenario developed for LNG is not a trend scenario that merely development for LNG in shipping and road freight transport.
extrapolates trends from the recent past; it goes much further
In a first step, the method and approach used for the following
than this.
quantitative scenario analyses are presented. The fundamental
Therefore the scenario assumed should be regarded as an framework conditions and drivers for the Pro-LNG scenario are
alternative powertrain and fuel-specific scenario, which makes then described qualitatively. In the third step, the development
optimistic assumptions for establishment and market penetration of the future transport demand and transport tonnes-kilometres
of LNG. The results of this Pro-LNG scenario are compared (tkm) of ships and heavy-duty vehicles is illustrated on the basis
with a development in which LNG plays no part. of relevant international and European transport scenarios.
Although the share of LNG ships and LNG vehicles increases The expected transport trends and further assumptions are then
steadily in the Pro-LNG scenario, it cannot be assumed that used as a basis for developing Pro-LNG scenarios for shipping
the dominant powertrain technology – the diesel powertrain and heavy-duty vehicles. Finally, the main quantitative results of
– can be wholly replaced in the period considered, i.e. diesel the scenarios are presented.
As this is a differential analysis, it includes the possible replaced by LNG fuels, as well as the possible impact on the
substitution of LNG powertrains for diesel powertrains in greenhouse gas emissions of the use of LNG fuels by seagoing
ships and HDV in the respective fleets, the respective LNG ships and heavy-duty vehicles.
fuel consumption and the diesel or heavy fuel oil consumption
the ships for LNG propulsion systems and they do for propulsion and this energy is Trucks
LNG fuel. The total of all categories of also required when they are in port. The
ship examined provides an idea of the last relevant factor is the efficiency of the
development of the whole fleet of ships overall system. This includes the efficiency
and the share of LNG ships in that fleet. of the design (how much propulsion is
As seagoing ships have long service needed to reach a particular speed) and
lives, scrapping plays a minor role in fleet on-board operation (how power-saving
changes for a scenario horizon of 2040. measures are implemented in the hotel A model is produced for rigid trucks over
operation). 16 t GVW and tractor units in the EU 28,
The fuel consumption of ships is determined
by the power required under the particular in order to determine the age profile of the
The fuel consumption of the types of ship
fleet and to extrapolate it up to 2040. This
operating conditions and the specific fuel considered is estimated on the basis of
is based on country-specific data (EU 28)
consumption. The latter is as important empirical values for the average amount
from Eurostat’s (the statistical office of the
as the effectiveness and efficiency of the of power required for propulsion and
European Union) long-term data series for
propulsion system. Ships’ engines are by on-board operations. Simplified operating
the registration of new tractor units (Eurostat
far the most efficient prime movers and and power profiles are used to distinguish
2018b) and the size of the tractor unit fleet
there is very little potential for increasing between time at sea (propulsion and
(Eurostat 2018a) from 1979 onwards,
their efficiency. In addition, a further on-board power are required) and time and on the ACEA’s (European Automobile
increase in efficiency conflicts with the in port (only on-board power is required); Manufacturers Association) country-specific
targets for exhaust gas emissions such as the annual number of days in use is statistics for the registration of new rigid
nitrogen oxides. The scenario therefore also estimated (in a similar way to IMO trucks over 16 t GVW from 2003 onwards
assumes that there are no further efficiency 2015). Efficiency increases achieved by (ACEA 2017). The number of heavy-duty
increases or that any increases are the ship’s design and on-board electricity vehicles in the fleet is calculated simply
negligible. That also applies to the engines consumption are taken into account in as the difference between all commercial
or propulsion systems using LNG as a accordance with the guidelines of the vehicles and those vehicles of over 16 t
fuel. There is essentially no difference in Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI). GVW (Heavy Commercial Vehicles) and
efficiency between natural gas (LNG) and
tractor units.
diesel engines. The current efficiency and specific fuel
consumption are applied over the entire In the first stage of modelling, mortality
The power required by a ship is
scenario period. In the end, the annual curves are produced from the cohort-
fundamentally affected by its speed, as it
LNG consumption is derived from the related data for heavy-duty vehicles and
increases by a power of three to four with these are used to determine the number
share of the power requirements when
speed. This indicates that fast ships require of vehicles in each vehicle class that
at sea and in port and the specific fuel
considerably more power than slow ships are retired each year. The sum of these
consumption. The latter is converted into
of the same size. Containers and cruise cohort-related data is the current total
the respective amounts of fuel via the
liners, for example, require considerably number of heavy-duty vehicles from a
assumption of energy equivalence (equal
more power than bulk carriers and oil particular year in the fleet. In the second
specific energy consumption for diesel
tankers. The draught and displacement stage of modelling, the vehicle fleet for the
and natural gas engines) and the calorific
of a ship, weather conditions (including two classes of heavy-duty vehicle under
values of natural gas or liquid fuel. The
wind direction and the direction of the consideration with an LNG powertrain is
total amounts of LNG and the liquid fuel
current) and the condition (roughness) developed. The penetration of the LNG
replaced are determined.
of the outside of the hull and propellers powertrain throughout the vehicle fleet
also affect the energy consumption The greenhouse gas emissions of the fleet investigated is described by means of the
(Bialystocki/Konovessis 2016). of LNG ships examined are calculated annual difference between the fleet of all
by means of energy source-specific vehicle classes and the fleet of vehicles with
In addition to the power required to
greenhouse gas factors, taking account of an LNG powertrain.
propel a ship, the on-board electricity
the possible effects of methane slip. The
requirements must also be taken into In the next calculation stage, a steadily
resulting greenhouse gas emissions for
account, because this energy is also increasing share of LNG truck registrations
LNG ships are compared with those for
produced by the engines. Cruise liners, for up to 2040 is assumed on the basis of the
diesel-powered ships.
example, require almost as much energy number of heavy-duty vehicles registered in
for their complex hotel operations as 2016. This produces a fleet that contains
heavy-duty vehicles both with a diesel factors are used depending on whether the needed to supply the fuel. It is assumed
powertrain and with a gas engine fuelled LNG is produced from fossil or renewable that the use of LNG does not entail
by LNG. Both heavy-duty vehicles with a (bio) resources. The greenhouse gas any substantial disadvantages in terms
gas engine with a stoichiometric air-to-fuel calculation also takes account of methane of personnel, insurance, servicing and
ratio of Lambda = 1 (spark-ignition engine) slip. The resulting greenhouse gas emissions maintenance costs, in comparison with the
and heavy-duty vehicles with HPDI (High for the LNG truck fleet are compared with main competitors hitherto (diesel, marine
Pressure Direct Injection) gas engines those of heavy-duty vehicles fuelled by gasoil and heavy fuel oil), and these have
are phased in. Since the two types of diesel fuel (B7) instead of LNG. therefore not been considered here.
LNG engine are not equally efficient, the
assumed market penetration of each type Those using LNG as an alternative fuel
may result in differences in the expected ultimately want any remaining differences
6.2 FRAMEWORK AND DRIVERS between LNG and conventional fuels to
demand for LNG fuel.
Before moving on to the quantitative be balanced out by future developments
A specific, average fuel consumption for scenarios, the most important framework in the fuel infrastructure and technology.
each year is derived from the resulting conditions and determining factors for the It is also assumed that no restrictions on
vehicle fleet composition. This is based on launch of the LNG market are described the amount of goods transported will be
a specific, average fuel consumption for the in an analysis of the socio-economic imposed on users. Furthermore, the more
three types of HDV powertrain examined – environment. The factors influencing advantageous running costs in terms of
diesel and two alternative gas powertrains LNG development are divided into four energy and exhaust gas aftertreatment
– in the reference year 2016. The specific, categories: Society and politics, users and should make LNG a more attractive option
average diesel (in litres) and LNG (in kg) operators, technology and powertrains and for the user than petroleum-based fuels in
consumption of a fleet vehicle per 100 km energy and fuels. the long term, particularly for ships.
is then determined from this. This calculation
takes account of the fact that, as a result Firstly, society and politics establish Each of the four categories of influencing
of technological developments, new trucks important basic conditions which affect factors is described separately for shipping
with both diesel as well as gas powertrains the way people choose and use vehicles, and road transport, although some
will become more efficient from year to powertrains and fuels. Some political common frameworks are required for both
year, so the specific fuel consumption for and social trends are also enforced by modes of transport. For example, sufficient
newly registered heavy-duty vehicles will customer demand. In the end, transport availability and competitive pricing are
steadily fall. service providers must reflect their essential to the expansion of LNG.
customers’ requirements and expectations,
A specific, average consumption value for and these affect the selection of modes of As a baseline, it can be assumed that the
a HDV is used as a basis for calculating the transport or the choice of powertrain and LNG infrastructure will develop in line with
annual fuel demand of an LNG vehicle and energy source. the EU AFID Directive (EP/Council 2014)
the diesel fuel consumption it replaces. This but, in an LNG-specific scenario, will go
is done by multiplying the vehicle fleet for The decision to use particular configurations beyond this.
each year by the annual average distance of powertrain and fuel is made by the
travelled by each vehicle and the specific operators of heavy-duty vehicles and ships. An extensive network of large LNG import
average fuel consumption. The annual When making this decision, both the road terminals, from which tankers or trucks
average distance travelled is based on the freight transport and shipping operators can supply small storage terminals, from
German transport performance survey (IVT are guided first and foremost by technical which, in turn, bunkering barges or tank
2017). This bottom-up approach produces and economic criteria, and particularly the vehicles can supply LNG to smaller ships
the absolute demand for LNG fuel and the Total Cost of Ownership, to enable them to and fuelling stations, appears to be the
simultaneous diesel fuel saving for heavy- provide transport services efficiently. Other optimum solution from a macroeconomic
duty vehicles in the Pro-LNG scenario. It “soft” user preferences, which do not relate perspective. Supplying single ships under
can then be compared with the diesel fuel to technical or economic parameters, are individual contracts with LNG suppliers,
substituted. sometimes also considered. on the other hand, increases the bunkering
and logistics costs for the distribution
Finally, energy source-specific greenhouse The overall costs for heavy-duty vehicles of LNG to the consumer, because the
gas factors are used to determine the and ships are affected both by investment infrastructure is not sufficiently developed.
annual absolute greenhouse gas emissions in the technology and the availability
of the vehicle fleet from the absolute LNG and price of the fuel, which includes the
consumption. Different greenhouse gas cost of the infrastructure and logistics
Only slight improvements in efficiency reserves can be achieved in Diesel powertrain technology is also advancing. European
the backbone of international shipping, the slow-speed two-stroke regulations on fuel consumption, CO2 and exhaust emissions, and
engine. In the short term, no alternative propulsion systems and air pollution standards are continually moving forward. However,
fuels are available, particularly for sea shipping. The development the technological expense of additional efficiency measures
of natural gas-operated ship propulsion systems is therefore and exhaust gas aftertreatment in vehicles continues to rise in the
accelerated by international and, increasingly, regional regulations medium term.
with significant usage restrictions.
Given the steady rise in development and production costs, it is
Dual-fuel engines gain wide acceptance in shipping since they more difficult for the diesel powertrain to maintain its position as
are more efficient and reliable than diesel propulsion systems. the sole powertrain technology for all commercial vehicles and
Their air pollutant emissions are also much lower when operating commercial vehicle applications. While electrical powertrains are
in gas mode, which offers ship operators a genuine competitive gaining wider acceptance for lighter goods vehicle applications,
advantage, given the higher air pollution levels in the ECAs and in the use of LNG-natural gas technology in the heavy-duty vehicle
sea and inland navigation ports. class is growing.
Gas propulsion systems also have lower combustion-related CO2 A lot of progress is made with the technological development,
emissions than diesel engines because of the lower carbon content particularly of gas engines, for example. Gas powertrains for
of the fuel. Technological solutions for reducing operation-related spark ignition engines are able to reduce the efficiency gap with
methane emissions are developed and implemented in the medium diesel vehicles. For the registration of new vehicles, natural gas
term as a result of regulatory incentives for improved vehicle powertrains also offer the advantage of lower direct greenhouse
technology. gas emissions than diesel vehicles.
Global natural gas resources prove to be even larger than Global natural gas resources prove to be even larger than
expected today. The sharp increase in production and growing expected today. The sharp increase in production and growing
international trade in liquefied natural gas (LNG), coupled with international trade in liquefied natural gas from North America,
the rapid expansion of LNG terminals, ensures that LNG is widely Africa and the Middle East, provides the transport sector with
available. The number of LNG bunkering stations increases a new, competitively priced energy source. Home heating and
rapidly with the aid of government support. LNG can be bunkered electricity production also release natural gas for the European
at all major international sea ports and in ECAs. transport sector in the long term.
The wide availability and competitive pricing of LNG make it As long-distance road freight transport primarily uses long-distance
attractive to shipping, particularly when compared with the other transport corridors, a relatively small number of LNG refuelling
compliance options in the ECAs. LNG is therefore used much stations is needed to cover the network. Therefore, a suitable LNG
more frequently in the ECAs. Inland navigation benefits from the infrastructure can be established relatively quickly along the main
expansion of the LNG infrastructure for road freight transport. long-distance road freight transport routes.
Although shipping is under increasing pressure from stricter Under pressure from greenhouse gas regulations, fossil LNG
greenhouse gas regulations, there is as yet no real possibility of is blended with 30 % biogas, as is now the case with CNG
using alternative fuels other than LNG in shipping in the medium (Compressed Natural Gas) marketed in Germany. Power-to-Gas
term. Hence, only fossil variants of marine fuels are considered projects are occasionally also used to reduce emissions.
6.3 LONG-TERM TRANSPORT of transport mainly relevant to LNG – navigation) by a ratio of about 2 to 1
FORECASTS shipping, inland navigation and road freight (OECD/ITF 2017). Inland navigation has
Quantitative scenarios for freight transport transport – are summarised below. barely any significance internationally,
with LNG ships and HDV are based on the as very few countries have major inland
projected freight transport tonne-kilometres, Global freight transport navigation routes and the data for this is
which are determined essentially by the projections also incomplete. According to the most
distances travelled by the vehicle or ship. The basic scenario of the International recent figures (2016), inland navigation
The development of freight transport Transport Forum expects global freight accounted for 6.1 % of inland transport
tonne-kilometres correlates closely with transport performance to grow significantly volumes in the EU (Eurostat 2018e).
the development of economic activity. from around 112,000 to around 329,000 Compared to the other modes of transport
Economic growth and international trade bn tonne-kilometres in 2050 (OECD/ITF airfreight transport in tonne-kilometres is
determine the demand for transport 2017, figure 54). Shipping is particularly rather small.
services. important, since it accounts for 71 % of
The transport of maritime shipping is
today’s global freight transport in tonne-
Global reference scenarios for all expected to more than triple from around
kilometres. Road and rail transport follow
modes of transport are provided by the 80,000 bn tonne-kilometres to 245,000 by
with 18 % and 11 % respectively. The North
Organisation for Economic Cooperation 2050. But road and rail will also transport
Pacific, the Indian Ocean and the North
and Development’s (OECD) International two-and-a-half times more than today by
Atlantic are the major global routes.
Transport Forum (ITF) (OECD/ITF 2017); 2050; road freight transport will increase
for the EU, the European Commission In the OECD, road transport accounts globally by just under 20,000 to over
prepares an EU reference scenario for for the largest share of freight transport 50,000 bn tonne-kilometres (OECD/ITF
the transport sector (EU-COM 2016). The tonne-kilometres of land-based modes of 2017).
main assumptions and results for the modes transport (road and rail, excluding inland
ITF 2017
250,000 Water 250,000
3,000 Navigation
Road Inland
150,.000 150,000 Navigation
Rail 2,000
50,000 50,000 Rail
EU-COM 2016
2015 2030 2050 2015 2030
2015 2030 2050
European freight transport Road freight transport has a share of (OECD/ITF 2017). Shipping – marine
projection around 75 % of the European modal split transport within the EU and maritime trade
According to the current EU reference (excluding maritime transport, as at 2016, with
2015third countries outside the EU – will
Eurostat 2018e). Road transport will increase by around 70 % by 2050. Inland
EU-COM 2016
scenario for 2050, freight transport in 2030
the European Union will increase from increase from around 1,800 to over 2,800 navigation (including short sea shipping)
around 2,600 to just over 4,000 bn bn tonne-kilometres between 2010 and will increase from around 361 to 500 bn
tonne-kilometres, an increase of 58 %, in the 2050 – a rise of 57 %. The corresponding tonne-kilometres, or by 39 % (EU-COM
0 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000
period 2010 to 2050 (EU-COM 2016, share of road transport in the modal split 2016). In spite of the uncertainty about
Mrd. Tonnen-Kilometer
figure 55). This is due partly to higher will fall only very slightly (EU-COM 2016). long-term economic development, most
economic growth and the continuous The current ITF base scenario forecasts that economic and transport forecasts or
Binnenschiff Straße Schiene
expansion of the Trans-European Transport the transport performance of all land-based projections are based on the assumption
Networks (TEN-T). modes of transport will double by 2050 of economic growth, growing trade and
will be around five times higher than the demand for Rhine and Danube corridor at over 1.5 mln t of LNG a year,
inland navigation. In other words the LNG demand of by far the highest potential LNG demand being in the Lower
inland navigation alone will not be sufficient to provide the Rhine region. However, it must be said that the range of the
necessary LNG infrastructure along both of the river corridors. LNG scenarios is very wide because of the high level of
Instead, a broader LNG demand will be required, from uncertainty about price developments and basic regulatory
road transport, industry or short sea shipping. The reference conditions in the individual regions.
scenario puts the total demand of inland navigation along the
a corresponding increase in the demand gas factors will be used to determine needed, but the size of the large container
for freight transport volume and tonne- the greenhouse gas emissions resulting ships is increasing all the time. The same
kilometres. A steady increase in vehicle from the estimated fuel consumption for applies to cruise liners: although ever larger
mileage can therefore be assumed for the LNG, and these will be compared with cruise liners are being built for mass tourism,
quantitative estimation of future LNG use in the greenhouse gas emissions originating smaller ships are often also required for
ships and HDV. Even if further progress is from the marine gasoil and heavy fuel oil exclusive cruise market segments and
made on efficiency in logistics and vehicle consumption replaced. particular destinations. The assumptions for
powertrains, the question is how much the each type of ship are described below.
A separate quantitative analysis will not
demand for an alternative fuel such as
be carried out for inland navigation. It is assumed that the scrappage rate of
LNG could increase, given this growth in
Instead, the available quantitative scenario multi-purpose vessels is roughly equal to
forecasts for the possible expansion of the rate of construction of new vessels.
LNG in European inland navigation along However the renewal rate will increase
the Rhine and the Danube are summarised slightly from 1.5 to 3 %, as more than half
SCENARIO FOR in the box above. of the ships are currently over 20 years
SHIPPING old (UNCTADstat 2018). The growth of
After the framework conditions and drivers Fleet projection the multi-purpose vessel fleet will stagnate,
for the development of the shipping sector The forecast for the shipping fleet up to however, as an increasing amount of freight
have been discussed and scenarios for the 2040 is divided into the different types is transported in containers. It is assumed
future freight transport tonne-kilometres have of ship described in Chapter 4, namely that 100 new ships will be built each year
been presented, a quantitative scenario multi-purpose vessels, container ships, bulk in the period examined, 20 of which will
forecast for global shipping will be outlined carriers, oil tankers and passenger ships be equipped with LNG propulsion systems
in three stages: and cruise liners. (DNV GL 2018, SEA 2017).
In the first stage, the development of the The method used is to estimate the number The rate of construction of new container
global shipping fleet will be extrapolated of scrapped and new ships as a proportion ships will exceed the scrappage rate. At
up to 2040 on the basis of the main classes of the total number of ships of a particular present 150 to 200 ships are scrapped a
of ship. In the second stage, the absolute type. The average size of the reference year (SEA 2017). This is a relatively low
LNG fuel consumption and the marine ships is assumed to be constant, as both number, because the container ship fleet
gasoil and heavy fuel oil consumption smaller and ever larger ships are being is relatively new at the moment, with an
replaced will be estimated. And in the third built in each class. For example, larger average age of 10 years. The number of
stage, energy source-specific greenhouse numbers of smaller container feeders are scrappages is likely to increase again from
60,000 Total LNG 6,000
50,000 5,000
40,000 4,000
30,000 3,000
20,000 2,000
10,000 1,000
0 0
2018 2025 2030 2035 2040 2018 2025 2030 2035 2040
2025, and will include even relatively new i.e. 4 % a year. However, as fewer oil equipped with LNG propulsion systems
ships (SEA 2017). products will be transported in future, the (SEA 2017).
fleet will shrink by 1 % a year. At present The cruise industry, on the other hand, will
According to current figures, around 250
around 250 new ships are added to the grow relatively rapidly. The scrappage rate
new ships are built a year. However, this
fleet every year (SEA 2017). will be negligible as the fleet is relatively
number will rise in future, as a large number
of small and medium-sized feeders will be new. However, in absolute terms, the
In the long term, there are likely to be 200
needed for the large carriers. In the period figures for new and existing ships are low;
new tankers each year, 75 of which will
examined, it is assumed that 300 new ships 15 new ships are likely to be built a year,
be equipped with LNG propulsion systems
will be built a year, 100 of which will be 12 of which will be equipped with LNG
(DNV GL 2018). The large proportion
equipped with LNG propulsion systems. propulsion systems.
of LNG ships is explained by the fact
that public pressure persuades oil tanker The development of the fleet of each type
The scrappage rate for bulk carriers is
operators to spend effort on making their of ship overall, and of those with an LNG
assumed to be 4 % a year, corresponding
ships more environmentally friendly. propulsion system, is shown in figure 57.
to an average age of 25 years. The rate
The overall fleet of ships in the classes
for building new ships is slightly higher, The public pressure to reduce emissions examined will increase by more than a
at 5 %, which corresponds to an annual leads to the assumption that 75 % of new tenth and container vessels will be the
fleet growth of 1 %. This follows from the passenger ships and cruise liners will be most dynamic class of ship. LNG ships will
assumption that there will be an increase fuelled by LNG. A low scrappage rate is grow much more rapidly than the overall
in the shipping of bulk goods from 2020 also assumed, particularly for passenger fleet, but from a low base. Container ships
(SEA 2017), since the rising demand for ferries, as old ships usually continue to and cruise liners will also take the lead
real products is associated with a rising
operate in emerging and developing here. LNG penetration will be low in other
need for raw materials.
countries. sectors, such as multi-purpose vessels,
In 2016, orders for new ships hit a which have very low renewal rates.
New passenger ships will be built at a
historical low, at only 48 (SEA 2017). This
moderate rate, as passenger transport Fuel Consumption
scenario assumes that 500 new bulkers will
by ship falls in favour of air transport. It is The LNG consumption of each ship is
be built a year, 10 % of them (i.e. 50 ships)
assumed that the fleet will grow by 2 % calculated by type of ship. The ship-specific
equipped with LNG propulsion systems
a year, particularly on the European and consumption is estimated first on the basis
(DNV GL 2018).
North America markets (SEA 2017). In of the power demand and usage profiles,
It also assumes that oil tankers will be absolute figures, there are likely to be 20 selecting the order on the basis of the
scrapped at the same rate as bulk carriers, new ships each year, 15 of which will be complexity of the operating profiles.
Slow-speed two-stroke diesel engines The increases in the efficiency of the 3,000 m³ are therefore reasonable to
are taken as the reference engine for ships (propulsion system and on-board achieve a range of fourteen days. A cruise
container vessels, bulk carriers, oil tankers operation) specified in the EEDI are taken liner consumes just under 80,000 m³ LNG
and multi-purpose vessels; passenger ships into account. However, it is assumed that in around 350 operating days.
are powered by various medium-speed the average size of ships grows to the
four-stroke diesel engines. An average level same extent as their potential efficiency A modern container ship of approximately
of efficiency (over the whole power range) increases. This effect has been seen in 20,000 TEU has an installed propulsive
of 45 % is assumed for both engine types. container ships and cruise liners in recent power of around 55,000 kW. At an
This level of efficiency is also assumed in years, although the engine power has average propulsive power of 37,000 kW
natural gas mode. remained roughly the same. The energy, and an on-board power demand of 3,000
and hence fuel consumption per ship kW, the daily consumption is therefore
Taking account of the heating value of 400 m³ and the annual consumption,
therefore remains more or less the same in
LNG, this results in a calculated volumetric over 350 operating days, is 140,000 m³
the period examined.
demand of 8.7 m3/MWd (cubic metres of LNG. To achieve a reasonable range, a
LNG per megawatt of engine power per A modern cruise liner of approximately container ship requires a tank volume of at
day). To allow for fluctuations in the heating 6,000 PAX has a diesel- or gas-electric least 15,000 m3.
value and any additional consumption, propulsion system with an installed
a demand of 10 m3/MWd is taken into electrical power of approximately 60,000 The annual consumption for bulk carriers
account below. The consumption of liquid kW, around 35,000 kW of which is and oil tankers is estimated in a similar
fuel is estimated in a similar way; the required at sea and around 10,000 kW way. Both types of ship have an average
difference results from the lower heating in port. This assumes that all of the power propulsive and on-board power demand
value and significantly higher density. required is generated by the marine fuel, of approximately 8,000 kW and are at
The calculated heavy fuel oil demand and that no external on-shore power sea for around 250 days. They spend the
is 4.9 m3/MWd. To allow for the same supply, for example is used. If time is rest of the time in port, where the on-board
safety margin of about 15 %, a volumetric split equally between port and sea, the electricity demand is negligible (<1,000
demand of 5.6 m3/MWd is taken into resulting daily consumption is therefore kW). This produces an annual demand of
account below. approximately 225 m³. Tank volumes of 20,000 m³ LNG.
50 58.3
2025 2030 2035 2040
-250 mln t savings LS-HFO per year
Multi-purpose vessels require approximately This is due to the growth in the maritime above would have consumed the following
15,000 kW propulsive and on-board transport performance and the number amounts of heavy fuel oil in 2040: Cruise
power when at sea and 2,500 kW when of ships. Container ships are the main liners, 11 mln t, container ships 173 mln t,
in port. They spend roughly half of their reason for the high LNG consumption. They bulkers 12 mln t, oil tankers 19 mln t,
time at sea and half in port. This produces consume the most fuel not only because multi-purpose vessels 7 mln t and passenger
an annual demand of 30,000 m³ LNG. they have the most powerful engines, but ships around 4 mln t of heavy fuel oil a year.
Passenger ferries require about 10,000 kW also because the largest number of them
propulsive and on-board power when at In total, LNG ships replace up to 226 mln t
have LNG engines. They are also the
sea and approximately 1,000 kW when of marine fuels a year in 2040. It should
fastest-growing type of ship.
in port. Assuming a half-day operating be borne in mind here that ships with diesel
profile over the whole year, this produces a Container ships will therefore have the propulsion systems are still slightly more
demand of 20,000 m³ LNG. highest LNG consumption in 2040, at 140 efficient than LNG ships, so this should
mln t. Tankers (15 mln t), bulk carriers (10 be seen as the maximum estimate of the
Finally, the absolute fuel consumption of the mln t) and cruise liners (9 mln t) are some amount replaced.
individual categories of ship is calculated way behind this.
by combining it with the forecast number Greenhouse Gas Emissions
of ships and then compiled for the forecast LNG is replacing marine gasoil and heavy The differential impact of the use of LNG
total fleet of ships. fuel oil as a marine fuel. It should preferably on greenhouse gas emissions from shipping
be used in regions with high regulatory is determined from the consumption data
Figure 58 shows how much LNG is emission requirements (for example ECAs). for LNG ships and the amount of liquid fuel
consumed a year by all ships of each type However, as the supply of marine gas they replace.
in the period examined. The total LNG oil is limited (IMO 2016), LNG is mainly
consumption could reach 180 mln t by replacing heavy fuel oil. Figure 59 shows the greenhouse gas
2040. Given the current annual marine fuel savings achieved by burning LNG instead
consumption of approximately 330 mln t, Assuming that the LNG propulsion system of heavy fuel oil. A low-sulphur fuel oil
primarily of heavy fuel oil (IMO 2016), this is as efficient as the diesel propulsion (LSFO), which must be used by the majority
seems very high. system, the categories of ship referred to of seagoing ships from 2020 to comply
with the IMO sulphur limits, is taken as If engine methane slip can be reduced As fossil LNG causes slightly higher specific
a reference fuel for this. This produces even further, for example by future IMO greenhouse gas emissions in the upstream
annual savings of around 230 mln t of CO2 regulations and accelerated development chain than low-sulphur heavy fuel oil, the
emissions in 2040 from the use of LNG, of technical solutions, greenhouse gas absolute greenhouse gas savings in the
from a purely Tank-to-Wheel perspective. emissions can be reduced to even lower overall balance (Well-to-Wheel) will fall by
levels. However, from the perspective of around 43 mln t from 230 mln t Tank-to-
It is assumed here that the average
today's technology, it will not be possible Wheel to around 187 mln t in 2040.
methane or natural gas slip is around 1 %
to exploit the full theoretical potential for
of the quantity of LNG used. This shows Allowing for 1 % engine methane slip, a
eliminating methane slip completely.
that the effect of methane slip reduces the saving of 132 mln t of greenhouse gas
advantage of LNG in terms of greenhouse While only direct Tank-to-Wheel emissions will still be achieved in 2040 by
gas potential by less than a quarter greenhouse gas emissions have been using LNG.
(equivalent to around 54 mln t) to 176 mln t. taken into account until now, emissions in
The greenhouse gas advantage over the upstream chain – from the supply of
burning HFO is only cancelled out when LNG and LS-HFO (Well-to-Tank), will be
methane slip rises above 4 %. included in the next stage.
GREENHOUSE GAS FACTORS FOR FUEL are also taken into consideration in the overall greenhouse
gas balances. Where reference is made to CO2, the other
With regard to greenhouse gas emissions, a distinction
greenhouse gases are also included in CO2 equivalents. The
must first be made between Tank-to-Wheel emissions (TtW),
terms greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and CO2 emissions
which are produced when fuel is burned in the engine, and
are therefore used largely synonymously below.
Well-to-Tank emissions (WtT), which are caused by the
production and supply of the fuel. Well-to-Wheel or Well-to- The specific greenhouse gas emission factors were compiled
Wake emissions (WtW) are used to assess the entire supply on the basis of the fuel production pathways and fuel-specific
and usage chain of the fuel, from the source to conversion combustion factors from the last edition of the Well-to-Wheel
into kinetic energy. The energy usage chain of the fuel up to study by the Joint Research Centre (the European research
full combustion of an energy unit (MJ) without considering platform of the European Commission), Eucar and Concawe
engine efficiency is called Tank-to-Combusted (TtC) in (JEC 2014a, JEC 2014b). The European Commission
the discussion below, while the whole energy usage chain is also took account of the basic data from the JEC study
called Well-to-Combusted (WtC). when establishing typical and standard values for reducing
greenhouse gas emissions for biofuels in the EU Renewable
Burning fossil energy sources produces carbon dioxide,
Energy Directive (EP/Council 2009a, 2018b) and the EU
which largely determines the greenhouse gas balance of
Fuel Quality Directive (EP/Council 2009b) (ICCT 2014a).
internal combustion engines. Depending on the engine
technology, if natural gas is used as a fuel in internal Diesel fuel / marine gasoil The Well-to-Tank emission
combustion engines it can also escape in its unburned state factors of the JEC study (JEC 2014a) for diesel fuels were
and release the greenhouse gas methane (methane slip). adjusted in line with the recalculation of the greenhouse gas
Other greenhouse gases can also occur in the upstream intensity of crude imports into the EU (ICCT 2014b). The
chains of all fuel types or energy sources. The most important greenhouse gas intensity of the diesel fuel from an average
of these other greenhouse gases (methane and nitrous oxide) European refinery was taken into account according to the
SCENARIO FOR HEAVY- In the second stage, the absolute LNG vehicles every year. The number and
DUTY VEHICLES IN THE EU fuel consumption and the diesel fuel proportion of newly registered vehicles
After the basic conditions and drivers for the consumption replaced will be estimated. depends on the development of the vehicle
development of road freight transport have And in the third stage, energy source- fleet, the age of the vehicles and the
been discussed and scenarios for future specific greenhouse gas factors will be number of vehicles retired from service.
truck transport have been presented, a used to determine the greenhouse gas
Since rigid trucks and tractor units are the
quantitative scenario forecast for heavy-duty emissions resulting from the estimated
most likely vehicles to use LNG fuel, they
vehicles in the EU will be outlined in three fuel consumption for LNG, and these will
are the only vehicles considered in the
stages: First of all, the heavy-duty vehicles be compared with the greenhouse gas
Pro-LNG scenario.
fleet will be extrapolated up to 2040. It emissions from the diesel fuel consumption
comprises rigid trucks over 16 t and tractor replaced. There were 1.82 mln tractor units and
units with semitrailers. The discussion below 351,000 heavy-duty trucks of over 16 t
does not always distinguish between the Fleet projection GVW in the EU 28 in 2016. There are
two. For simplicity, heavy-duty vehicles are The need to renew the vehicle fleet currently no statistics for exactly how many
also taken to include tractor units. regularly results in the registration of new of these vehicles had a gas (CNG or
model developed by Concawe in 2017 (Concawe 2017). a residual sulphur content of 0.23 %, which is between the
The CO2 emission factors for combustion correspond to those global sulphur content limit of 0.5 % for bunker fuels (very
of the last JEC Tank-to-Wheel study (JEC 2013). The sulphur low sulphur fuel oil) which will come into force in 2020 and
content of the diesel is below 10ppm. The same greenhouse the sulphur content limit of 0.1 % which has applied in ECAs
gas emission factors were assumed for diesel for long- since 2015 (ultra low sulphur fuel oil). Thus, the influence of
distance transport and for marine gasoil over the total energy desulphurisation on the greenhouse gas intensities of heavy
supply and usage chain. fuel oil can therefore be taken into account principally in the
greenhouse gas calculations.
Heavy fuel oil (HFO) The Well-to-Tank and Tank-to-
Combusted greenhouse gas intensities of heavy fuel oil Liquefied natural gas (LNG) It is assumed that the
for use in shipping were calculated by LBST (LBST 2019) future LNG demand of long-distance transport and shipping
with the method used in the JEC study (JEC 2014a). The will be covered by direct imports and that the LNG will be
greenhouse gas intensities of refinery products were based distributed to vehicles and ships in liquid form. However, the
on the recalculation of the greenhouse gas intensity of crude Well-to-Wheel values of the JEC study (JEC 2014a, JEC
imports into the EU (ICCT 2014b) and the Concawe model 2014b) were recalculated by the same method on the basis
(Concawe 2017). that liquefaction plants are becoming more efficient (it was
assumed that the LNG is imported from the Middle East).
Low-sulphur heavy fuel oil (LS HFO) The Well-to-Tank
The decentralised liquefaction of natural gas (EU mix) from
and Tank-to-Combusted greenhouse gas intensities of low-
the natural gas network at the dispensing point was also
sulphur heavy fuel oil are based on the calculations for heavy
examined as a variant (LBST 2019).
fuel oil but include an additional hydrotreating stage for
desulphurisation. It is assumed that the hydrogen is produced Biogenic fuels (liquid and gaseous) These fuels can
either from natural gas steam reforming or from renewable be obtained from a variety of plants and substances and
electricity by electrolysis. Heavy fuel oil is assumed to have produced by different methods; the Well-to-Tank emissions
Well-to-Tank Tank-to-Wheel
2.5 250
2.0 200
With LNG
1.5 150
Without LNG
1.0 100
0.5 50
LNG) powertrain. Experts estimate that In the Pro-LNG scenario, the numbers The Pro-LNG scenario assumed that 10 %
more than 4,000 LNG heavy-duty vehicles of existing and newly registered tractor of new registrations of trucks over 16 t
are now in use in the EU 28. 1,642 new units are extrapolated up to 2040. The GVW in 2040 will be LNG trucks and that
LNG vehicles were registered in the EU in number of new rigid vehicles and tractor one in four newly registered tractor units
2018 alone (NGVA 2018). In all, around units registered annually rises to 307,000 will have LNG tanks and a gas engine. On
225,000 new tractor units and 88,000 in 2040. This results in a fleet of 2.42 mln the basis of these assumptions, the heavy-
new rigid trucks of over 16 t GVW were tractor units (figure 60). Including rigid trucks duty LNG vehicle fleet will be around
registered in the EU in 2016. > 16 t, the fleet numbers 2.76 mln vehicles. 480,000 in 2040. Around 17 % of all rigid
can therefore vary significantly. For the production of by photosynthesis in the growth phase as it subsequently
biofuels, combinations of plant varieties and production releases during combustion. This amount of CO2 is included
processes were selected to ensure that the minimum CO2 in Well-to-Tank emissions as a negative CO2 emission (as
savings and the mandatory CO2 reduction rate required in ifeu 2012). The CO2 emissions produced by burning
by the EU Renewable Energy Directive 2001/2018/ biofuels are fully included in the Tank-to-Wheel emissions,
EC (EP/Council 2018b) and the EU Fuel Quality Directive i.e. according to their fuel-specific characteristics (JEC
30/2009/EC (EP/Council 2009b) can be fulfilled by all 2014b). Methane and N2O emissions from gas engines
of the fuels. Biogas from waste has Well-to-Tank greenhouse were converted into CO2 equivalents with the respective
gas intensities considerably below the minimum CO2 savings global warming potential factors of 30 and 265 (IPCC
required (JEC 2014a). By contrast with fossil fuels, biomass 2013). Figure 61 shows CO2 factors for selected fuels over
absorbs the same amount of CO2 from the atmosphere their energy supply and usage chain. A distinction is made
80 Well-to-Combusted
40 Well-to-Tank (CO2
absorbed by biomass)
Diesel Diesel B7 HFO HFO HFO LNG LNG Bio-LNG
fuel oil 0.23 % S 0.23 % - H2 from Central, Decentral 30 % Biogas from
renewable sources import biogenic waste
trucks and tractor units will have an LNG According to the latest survey of vehicle vehicles for use in long-distance road
powertrain: 20,000 rigids trucks of over mileage in Germany (IVT 2017), tractor freight transport because of the total cost of
16 t GVW and 460,000 tractor units. units drive an average of 110,864 km a ownership TCO (see box on TCO), so that
year. Assuming that long-distance road the LNG trucks, which are more expensive
Fuel Consumption freight transport develops similarly in the to buy than diesel vehicles, are worth the
To determine the LNG fuel demand, EU, because of the integration of the investment considering all of the costs over
vehicle mileage in the potential main area European economy and transnational their operating life.
of use of LNG, long-distance road freight logistics concepts, this was taken to be
transport, must be estimated first of all. the annual mileage driven by all heavy- Another factor for the calculation of the
As separate statistics are not kept for the duty vehicles with LNG engines in the EU energy or fuel demand is the specific fuel
mileage of heavy-duty vehicles in the EU, a over the whole of the period covered by consumption of rigid trucks and tractor units.
plausible assumption had to be made. the scenario. Users will also prefer LNG The assumptions of (thinkstep 2017) shown
in table 62 were adopted for this.
62 SPECIFIC FUEL CONSUMPTION OF HEAVY-DUTY VEHICLES IN 2016 The comparison of the energy demand
highlights the efficiency differences
Otto-cycle / gas between the powertrains. The diesel is the
Parameter HPDI Diesel
with Lambda 1 most efficient, followed by the LNG vehicle
22 kg/100 km plus variant with HPDI (around 4 % less efficient)
Fuel Demand 26.7 kg/100km 1.8 l Diesel/100 km 31.5 l/100km and with SI (around 15 % less efficient).
for ignition
thinkstep 2017
Another parameter for the calculation
Energy demand of fuel consumption is the development
1,314 MJ/100 km 1,171 MJ/100 km 1,125 MJ/100 km
of fuel-saving technologies, in particular;
between the CO2 emissions produced by combustion of combustion are counterbalanced by lower greenhouse
an amount of fuel with an energy content of 1MJ (Tank-to- gas emissions in the upstream chain (WtT), which are due
Combusted) and those released during the production and primarily to the simplicity, and hence low energy use, of
supply of fuels (Well-to-Tank). The negative Well-to-Tank production in the refinery. The desulphurisation of heavy fuel
CO2 emissions shown in the figure represent the amount of oil to a residual sulphur content of 0.23 % in a hydrotreatment
CO2 absorbed from the atmosphere by the biomass during stage increases the Well-to-Tank emissions by 7 % because
growth. The greenhouse gas emissions over the whole supply of the use of hydrogen from steam reforming of natural gas.
and usage chain (Well-to-Wheel/Wake) take account of the However, if the hydrogen for hydrotreatment is produced
negative and positive greenhouse gas emissions. from renewable electricity by electrolysis, the Well-to-
Combusted greenhouse gas intensities of low-sulphur heavy
When using standard commercial diesel fuels (B7 with a
fuel oil are around the same as those of the heavy fuel oil in
7 % vol. biodiesel content), around four fifths of the CO2
its former state, with a high sulphur content.
emissions are produced during combustion and only one fifth
during fuel production and supply. The Well-to-Combusted The CO2 emissions of LNG per unit of energy over the
greenhouse gas intensities for a B7 fuel are around 4 % lower whole energy supply and usage chain are lower than those
than those of a diesel fuel with no biofuel content, but the of diesel. The distribution between the upstream chain and
Tank-to-Combusted greenhouse gas intensity is slightly higher direct CO2 emissions of LNG is similar to that of diesel fuel;
because of the higher carbon content of the added biodiesel. compared to heavy fuel oil LNG's upstream greenhouse
However, over the whole Well-to-Combustion balance, the gas emissions are higher. If LNG is not liquefied until it
CO2 absorbed from the atmosphere by the biomass during reaches the refuelling station, in other words production is
growth in the Well-to-Tank phase compensates for these decentralised, the Well-to-Tank greenhouse gas intensity is
increased greenhouse gas emissions. around 5 % higher than that of LNG produced centrally in the
country of origin and imported into Europe. A 30 % content
The Well-to-Combusted emissions of heavy fuel oil are lower of biogas from waste materials can reduce the Well-to-
than those of diesel fuel. Here, higher emissions during Combusted greenhouse gas intensity by around 23 %.
-10 -11,5
-12 Einsparungen in Mrd. Liter Diesel pro Jahr
Otto-cycle/gas HPDI
-2 -2.3 -2.2
-5.1 -4.8
-8 -7.8 -2.2
-12 Savings in billion litres of diesel per year
efficiency improvements can be achieved demand of the Otto-cycle/gas engine is centrally and therefore has specific
both in the vehicle powertrain and in the generally higher and rises from 2 mln t in greenhouse gas emissions of 3.53 kg CO2
construction of the vehicle and the way it is 2025 to around 9.7 mln t in 2040 (figure per kg LNG burned (Well-to-Wheel). It
operated. Possible technological options 63). was also assumed that, from 2030, around
for commercial vehicles were described 20 % of the LNG will be supplied by local
The demand of the HPDI variant is lower, at
in detail in the Shell Commercial Vehicle liquefaction plants, which liquefy natural
around 1.5 mln t in 2025 and 8.2 mln t in
Study (Shell 2016). gas from the pipeline network directly
2040, because the engine is around 11 %
at refuelling stations. This change in the
In the Pro-LNG scenario it was assumed more efficient. However, since it is a dual-
method of supplying LNG increases the
that new vehicles would be 20 % more fuel technology, the HPDI gas engine also
greenhouse gas emissions to 3.56 kg CO2
efficient by 2030 and 30 % more efficient requires diesel fuel for ignition. Around 134
per kg LNG (Well-to-Wheel).
by 2040 than they are today (2018); mln litres of diesel fuel are required for this
the same assumptions were made for in 2025 and around 644 mln litres in 2040 The annual greenhouse gas emissions of
Otto-cycle/gas engines and for diesel and in addition to the LNG fuel. The diesel fuel heavy-duty vehicles are calculated from
HPDI powertrains. The Pro-LNG scenario saving of the HPDI engine is reduced by the respective annual fuel demand of the
also investigated two engine technology the amount injected as pilot fuel to 10.9 mln LNG vehicles variants with Otto-cycle/
variants: one for vehicles with an Otto-cycle litres in 2040. SI gas engine and with HPDI engine.
gas engine or an SI engine operated at The annual CO2 emission saving is then
The 480,000 heavy-duty LNG vehicles
a stoichiometric combustion air ratio of determined by factoring in the diesel fuel
replace the annual fuel consumption of
Lambda = 1, and one for vehicles with an (B7) saved by replacing heavy-duty diesel
480,000 heavy-duty diesel vehicles in
HPDI gas engine similar to a diesel. The vehicles with heavy-duty LNG vehicles.
2040. These 480,000 diesel vehicles
aim of this is to work out the differences This calculation is made both for a 100 %
would have consumed 11.5 bn litres of
in the fuel consumption and greenhouse fossil natural gas and, as an alternative,
diesel fuel in 2040. The diesel fuel saving
gas emissions of the two variants caused for an LNG containing 30 % Bio-LNG. The
of the HPDI variant with a mix of LNG and
by the efficiency differences between specific greenhouse gas emissions then fall
diesel burning is slightly lower.
the two types of powertrain: the vehicle to 2.80 kg CO2 per kg LNG (WtW) and,
with an HPDI engine consumes 11 % less from 2030, to 2.83 kg CO2 per kg LNG
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
final energy than with an Otto-cycle/gas (WtW).
The greenhouse gas emissions of
heavy-duty vehicles can be determined Using purely fossil LNG in Otto-cycle/gas
The LNG fuel demand of rigid trucks and by combining the absolute LNG fuel engines produces a saving of 3.7 mln t of
tractor units increases steadily for both consumption with energy source-specific direct CO2 emissions (TtW) or 1.2 mln t
variants, with the same assumptions for greenhouse gas factors. For this calculation, of CO2 emissions over the whole LNG
LNG market establishment. The LNG it was assumed that fossil LNG is liquefied fuel chain (WtW) in 2040. Using HPDI
-12 mln t GHG savings per year WtW GHG TtW CO2 lower reduction
with Bio-LNG due to methane slip
gas engines increases the potential CO2 of the CO2 absorbed by the biomass 2040 with a Bio-LNG share of 30 %.
savings in 2040 to 6.2 mln t Tank-to-Wheel from the atmosphere during the growth Therefore, EU-wide Bio-LNG demand in
and 4.7 mln t Well-to-Wheel. stage. The addition of 30 % biogas from the Pro-LNG scenario remains below the
biogenic waste can produce a further Bio-LNG potential calculated in the project
In addition, methane slip (the escape of
significant reduction in the Well-to-Wheel study.
unburned methane into the atmosphere)
CO2 emissions of heavy-duty vehicles.
may also occur in the gas engines, and Nitrous oxide (N2O) is another highly
Using 30 % Bio-LNG, with high specific
low levels of nitrous oxide emissions have potent greenhouse gas which, according
greenhouse gas savings, increases the
also been reported (thinkstep 2017). to the latest research, is emitted at low
greenhouse gas savings obtained with
Methane emissions must therefore be levels during combustion in both heavy-duty
LNG over the whole LNG fuel chain to
included as greenhouse gases in the LNG vehicle variants (thinkstep 2017).
8.4 mln t or 10.7 mln t a year in 2040,
emission balance of any comparison As the amounts are very small for both
again depending on the engine variant; this
between gas engines and vehicles with a gas engine variants, they are not relevant
is equivalent to an additional greenhouse
diesel powertrain. to the quantitative comparison and are
gas emissions saving of slightly under 20 %
not included in the calculation. Low levels
The value of 0.349 g methane per when using Bio-LNG in the HPDI variant
of CO2 emissions from exhaust gas
kilometre for LNG trucks in the Pro-LNG and slightly over 20 % in Otto-cycle/SI gas
aftertreatment in an SCR (selective catalytic
scenario applies both to Otto-cycle/ engines in comparison with fossil LNG.
reduction) system are not included either
SI gas engines and to HPDI engines Adding more Bio-LNG could produce even
(TNO 2014).
(thinkstep 2017). This is slightly below higher greenhouse gas savings than those
the Euro VI emission limit for methane. It achieved with fossil LNG and hence also With a 30 % Bio-LNG share, the 480,000
is important to consider methane as an with diesel fuel and diesel powertrains. or so heavy-duty LNG vehicles in 2040
additional greenhouse gas because it has therefore reduce the annual greenhouse
To ensure that the CO2 emissions can be
a significantly higher global warming factor gas emissions of the HPDI engine variant
reduced by using Bio-LNG, sufficient Bio-
(30) than CO2 (1). by up to 10.7 mln t Well-to-Wheel, which
LNG must be available. The EU LNG Blue
is around 29 %, compared with the same
Both HPDI engines and SI engines have Corridors project investigated the EU-wide
number of heavy-duty diesel vehicles.
a total methane slip of 0.5 mln t of green- potential for the production of Bio-LNG,
When using Otto-cycle/SI gas engines
house gas in 2040, as shown in figure 64 and estimated that it would amount to
these greenhouse gas emission savings
for TtW emissions. 72 petajoules of Bio-LNG in 2030 (EU
are slightly lower, at just under 8.4 mln t, or
COM/DGM 2015).
LNG offers the possibility of adding a 24 %, Well-to-Wheel.
large amount of biogas, thereby In the Pro-LNG scenario a maximum of
significantly reducing the balance of 27.5 petajoules will be required in 2030
Well-to-Tank emissions by the amount and a maximum of 61.5 petajoules in
Water 100º
In the past years, Shell has produced a number of scenario The study examines current LNG production, the role of
studies on important future energy issues. As a new energy for LNG in the global energy sector and LNG supply. It focuses
applications in the transport sector, LNG (Liquefied Natural particularly on the prospects for new
Propaneend-user applications of
Gas) is generating an increasing amount of interest in the LNG in the transport sector, especially in shipping and-50º long-
energy and transport industries, but also beyond them. In view distance road freight transport withsulfide
heavy-duty vehicles.-60º
Transport Research and Hamburg University of Technology’s shipping and road transport. -110º
LNG is not a natural source of energy, Natural gas has a low density and a low liquefaction plants use multi-stage cooling
but is produced from natural gas. energy content per unit volume - much processes with mixed refrigerants because
As it is a cryogenic liquid, LNG has lower than that of liquids. Natural gas has of the efficiencyHydrogen
benefits they provide.
specific properties. However it shares to be “compressed” for some applications, These processes cool the gas to -161°C.
Absolute zero point
characteristics with its base material particularly in the mobility sector. One Natural-273,15°
gas liquefaction
= 0K
is an energy-
natural gas and its main component way of doing this is to liquefy it. During intensive process. Around 0.08 megajoules
methane, that do not depend on its liquefaction, natural gas is cooled to of energy are expended to liquefy one
physical condition. a point where its physical state changes megajoule of natural gas.
from the gas phase to the liquid phase,
LNG is produced from natural gas which has a high density and a high energy Methane gas, the main constituent of LNG,
by technical processes. Natural gas is a is 0.7 kg/m3 under standard conditions,
content per unit volume.
gaseous substance. Its composition can making it lighter than air (approx. 1 kg/m3)
vary depending on where it is found and A series of processing stages is required and rapidly evaporates in the open air.
how it is processed. The main component to obtain a product (LNG) with consistent LNG has an average density of 450 kg/m3.
of natural gas is the saturated hydrocarbon technical characteristics. First, the feed This makes it half as heavy as heavy fuel oil
methane (CH4). The composition of gas must be purified and treated. After (970 kg/m3) and slightly less than half as
renewable alternatives to fossil natural treatment the gas consists mainly (usually heavy as diesel fuel (832 kg/m3).
gas, such as biomethane, Synthetic up to 90 %) of methane.
Natural Gas from biomass (Bio-SNG) or Methane has a very low boiling point.
synthetic Power-to-Gas (PTG) diverges to Purification and treatment is followed by Only a few gases have a lower boiling
some extent from that of fossil natural gas. liquefaction. Today, most natural gas point. The normal boiling point of methane
is -161.5°C and 1.013 bar. The critical phenomenon, which has an adverse effect heavy fuel oil (39.7 MJ/l). So LNG is
temperature above which methane cannot on the quality of the fuel, is also known considerably closer to the liquid fuels than
be liquefied is -82.6°C. The volume of as LNG ageing. To avoid LNG ageing, compressed natural gas (CNG) at around
liquid methane at 1 bar is 600 times LNG evaporation and evaporation losses 7 MJ/l. But a drawback of LNG is that
less than it is at atmospheric temperature must be minimised by insulating tanks and cryogenic liquids have to be stored in
and pressure. LNG is used industrially at making intensive use of LNG vehicles. heavy, insulated fuel tanks.
different pressures. There is “cold LNG”
and “saturated LNG”, which is stored at Based on its gravimetric heating Another advantage of natural gas/
slightly higher pressure. value, natural gas, and hence also LNG, methane is that it has much better knock-
has a higher energy content than diesel resistance than gasoline and can reach
LNG is stored and transported as a fuel. For pure methane it is 50 MJ/kg and octane numbers of up to 130. Petrol
boiling cryogen (very low-temperature for natural gas (in the EU mix) around 45 engines can achieve high levels of
liquid). To minimise pressure increases, MJ/kg, while diesel fuel has only 43 MJ/ efficiency with methane. Finally, liquefied
cryogenic liquefied gases must be stored kg. The marine fuels marine gasoil and natural gas has a low sulphur content of
in well-insulated tanks. If heat from outside distillates are close to diesel; heavy fuel oil, around 2 ppm.
penetrates the storage tank, some of the with a density of about 1kg/l, is heavier
liquid evaporates (boil-off gas). The boil- and has an energy content of only 40.5 In 2012 the shipping industry consumed
off rate for large tanks is generally 0.1 % MJ/kg. 8 mln t of LNG, primarily in LNG carriers
a day; for smaller, poorly insulated LNG (LNGC); that figure could rise to as much
tanks it will be 1 % a day. The boil-off gas As regards volumetric energy as 12 mln t of LNG by 2020.
can be used to cool the rest of the liquid, it density, LNG has around 60 % of the
can be re-liquefied or used as fuel. energy content of a litre of diesel fuel, i.e. So far, LNG has played very little part
around 21 MJ/l LNG as compared with in European long-distance road freight
As LNG is a mixture of substances, the around 36 MJ/l diesel. The energy content transport, as it fuels only a few thousand
composition of the liquid phase varies per sales unit of LNG (in kilogrammes) heavy-duty vehicles. There is a whole raft
depending on the boiling point of its is around 40 % higher than that of diesel of standards for safe handling of LNG as a
individual components; during boil-off (in litres). The volumetric energy density substance, but as yet no specific standard
the methane content is reduced. This of LNG is just over half (53 %) that of for LNG as a fuel.
Almost all long-term global energy Gas currently accounts for 22 % of the There is an abundance of gas resources
scenarios indicate that gas is the fossil world’s energy mix, and 25 % of the EU's. worldwide. Global gas resources are
fuel whose share in the global energy mix By 2040 its share of the global energy mix currently estimated at 800,000 bn m3.
will increase the most. The importance of is expected to rise to 25 % as well. At the current production level the gas
LNG as an energy source for the global resources technically available will suffice
The main drivers of gas consumption
energy industry will increase even more to meet gas demand for over 210 years.
are power generation and industry. Gas
consumption is still relatively low in the The main gas producing regions are
The global gas demand currently (2017) transport sector. However, transport, North America, particularly the USA at
stands at 3,752 bn m3 and is expected to particularly shipping and road transport, around 760 bn m3, Russia, at 650 bn m3
increase by around 45 %, or 1,647 bn m3 is seen as a growth area for gas and and the Middle East at 620 bn m3. The
by 2040 to around 5,400 bn m3. especially for LNG. largest conventional gas producers are
Russia, Iran and Qatar. The country with 350 bn m3, the EU is the world’s largest a factor of two-and-a-half in less than 25
the largest unconventional gas production gas importer, followed by China, Japan years. In 2040, almost 60 % of the global
is the United States. Conventional gas and Korea. Russia, the Middle East, the gas trade would take the form of LNG,
accounts for the lion’s share of world Caspian region and Australia, on the other which would account for approximately
production, at just under 80 %. hand, are major gas exporters. 14 % of global gas consumption, as
compared with 8 to 9 % today.
Besides fossil sources, renewable gases are 60 % of the international gas trade runs
also possible alternatives to LNG. These through pipelines. Over 40 % is traded as There are still considerable gas price
include biomethane produced from biogas, LNG; most recently (2017) that amounted differences between the major consumer
Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) and Power- to just over 330 bn m3 or around 230 mln t regions Europe, North America and Asia.
to-Gas (PTG) fuels. The high production and of LNG. All in all, the LNG imports of Gas prices are highest in Asia and lowest
supply costs present a major challenge to Asiatic countries are dominant. Europe in the USA, with Europe in the middle.
all renewable gas substitutes. Their share imports around 47 mln t of LNG in total. The price differences are due primarily to
of gas supply is correspondingly small: availability and access to gas resources.
Just under 20 bn m3 of biogenic gas was The trend indicates that demand for The boom in North American shale gas
produced in the EU 28 in 2016, equivalent liquefied natural gas is growing much is having a considerable impact on gas
to just over 4 % of the current EU gas faster than that for natural gas overall. markets and prices.
consumption of 463 bn m3. The International Energy Agency (IEA)
expects the global gas trade to grow by The liquefaction of natural gas is an
Around 770 bn m3 of natural gas are around two-thirds by 2040; and LNG important factor in LNG supply costs.
traded internationally at present (2017), will account for over 80 % of this The consumer price will also include
corresponding to about one fifth of global growth. The trade in LNG, and hence its transport and storage costs and,
gas consumption. With imports of around availability, would therefore increase by particularly, national energy taxes.
The first and last stages of the LNG supply model is the dominant LNG supply model, The nominal global capacity of LNG
chain – up to raw gas treatment and after which involves centralised liquefaction liquefaction plants is around 370 mln t
regasification – are virtually identical to in large industrial facilities (LNG trains), of LNG. Qatar (77 mln t) and Australia (66
those for natural gas in gaseous form. transport and distribution. Large-scale LNG mln t) have by far the largest liquefaction
However it is distinguished from pipeline trains have LNG liquefaction capacities of capacities. In Europe, only Norway has
gas by liquefaction, transport in liquid 3 to 8 mln t a year. a gas liquefaction terminal at the moment,
form, and re-gasification. Consumers also with a capacity of 4.3 mln t.
There are now also much smaller gas
increasingly use LNG as an end product
liquefaction facilities with annual capacities The LNG is transported from the gas
in liquid form; this is a new stage in the
of less than 0.5 mln t (mini scale) or 0.1 mln t liquefaction terminal to a receiving terminal
value chain.
(micro scale). Floating LNG facilities, in special ships, called LNG carriers
Liquefaction transforms gas into a product which take gas directly from production, (LNGC). Since it began in 1964, the
that can be transported and traded liquefy it to form LNG and store it, are a shipping of LNG has developed at a
worldwide. At present the hub-and-spoke more flexible and cost-effective variant. startling pace. There are now around 230
LNG carriers worldwide. The LNG in At the destination, the gas is converted transport and storage capacities. However,
these carriers must be kept at a very low back into the gaseous state in special new LNG activities, such as consumer
temperature during transport. As the carriers regasification units. These are mainly applications in the mobility sector, require
have no active cooling on board, the tank fixed units, but flexible floating storage much smaller LNG distribution and supply
systems have extensive insulation, which and regasification units (FSRU) can units. The terms used to describe the scaling
minimises evaporation of LNG (boil-off). be used as an alternative. down (miniaturisation) of the hitherto
Most LNG tank systems are designed for large-scale LNG activities are smallscale
a boil-off rate of 0.15 % per transport day; There are currently 140 regasification LNG, or retail LNG.
the best LNGCs achieve boil-off rates of units and around 30 FRSUs worldwide,
0.08 % of transported gas per transport providing global LNG regasification The EU’s alternative fuels infrastructure
day. The boil-off gas is generally used to capacities of 850 mln t. This is more than directive, formally Directive 94/2014/
power the ship. twice the gas liquefaction capacity. EU (the AFID) states that LNG bunkering
stations should be put in place at major
There are two types of LNG carrier, Japan has the largest LNG reception maritime and inland ports, and LNG
depending on the type of storage system capacities, with just under 200 mln t, refuelling stations at 400-km intervals along
used. The Moss Rosenberg design, followed by Europe with 30 regasification the roads, of the core Trans-European
which has several spherical tanks and units and capacities of 160 mln t. The Transport Network (TEN-T) by 2025.
the membrane tank system, which is more European regasification units alone are
space-efficient. therefore able to receive over half of The EU Member States currently have
the global LNG supply. In addition to around 150 LNG refuelling stations,
Most modern LNG carriers have storage liquefaction and regasification units, an the majority of which are in Spain (41)
capacities of 150,000 to 180,000 m3 and increasing number of LNG storage facilities and Italy (50). There is also a growing
the largest are equipped with membrane is being built, although they currently have number of small-scale LNG import, export
tanks which reduce the amount of dead a capacity of only 30 mln t. and liquefaction facilities, and over 1,000
space. They can now transport over small storage facilities. For shipping, there
260,000 m3 of LNG. The global LNG LNG is produced, traded internationally, are currently 40 to 50 LNG bunkering
carrier fleet has a total transport capacity transported and stored almost exclusively stations in Europe.
of 76.6 mln m3. There are also smaller in large industrial units. Until now, LNG
carriers which are used to supply smaller activities have been described as large-
amounts of LNG or for fuelling. scale LNG in terms of their production,
Shipping is one of the main sectors in looking for alternative fuels. At present roughly 93,000 ships. Bulkers and tankers
which LNG will potentially be used as a LNG is the only serious, marketable combined account for about 23 % of
fuel. Although in the past it has been used alternative to oil-based marine fuels. the fleet and 53 % of the total capacity.
almost exclusively to power long-distance The most dynamic ships in the industry,
LNG carriers, the picture is changing Maritime fleet with the most powerful engines, are the
for LNG in shipping. In the face of The global merchant fleet currently (2017) container ships. These account for
increasingly strict air pollutant emission has a total capacity (deadweight tonnage, just over 5 % of the merchant fleet, but for
requirements, the shipping industry is DWT) of over 1.9 bn t distributed among around 13 % of its capacity. Because of
the direct relationship between the user steam turbines. The main reason for this is caused by humans. Unlike nitrogen oxide
and the transport service, 4,428 passenger the fuel savings. Experience from using gas emissions, sulphur dioxide emissions are
ships and 458 cruise liners are taking as a fuel on LNG carriers is now being put mainly limited by regulating the constituents
a pioneering role in the use of low- to good use in gas-fuelled ships. of the fuels. Alternatively, the sulphur limits in
emission engines and fuels. force since 2015, and those that will apply
The most common of the current gas-fuelled
from 2020, can also be met by using
However the number of LNG ships is still ships are the low-pressure medium speed
exhaust gas scrubbers or LNG.
small compared with the merchant fleet. In dual-fuel four-stroke engines. High- and
addition to the aaprox. 230 LNG carriers low-pressure low speed two-stroke engines There have not so far been any direct
(LNGCs), 125 LNG-fuelled ships were have also been gaining a foothold as restrictions on greenhouse gases
operating worldwide at the end of 2018. powertrain solution for LNG-powered caused by marine transport. However,
Around a quarter (33 ships) of the LNG ships. The use of gas turbines is an the energy efficiency of ships is regulated
fleet are passenger ferries which operate exception among gas-powered ships. by the IMO Energy Efficiency Design
mainly in Northern Europe. Index (EEDI). This also helps to reduce
Emissions greenhouse gas emissions.
LNG ships are found particularly in
Ships contribute a significant amount to the
emission control areas in the EU and North Based on a greenhouse gas study
emission of transport-related air pollutants.
America. The world leader, with around published by the IMO in 2015 CO2
International maritime transport is also
half of the global fleet of LNG-fuelled emission reductions of at least
responsible for around 2.8 to 3.1 % of
ships, is Norway. The order books 40 % by 2030 and at least 50 %
global CO2 emissions.
indicate a trend towards larger ships like by 2050 in comparison with 2008
tankers, container ships and cruise liners. Since the end of the 1990s the levels are aspired.
By the mid-2020s the LNG shipping fleet International Maritime Organisation (IMO)
Gas engines are receiving particular
is expected to have increased to around has gradually introduced mandatory limits
attention in connection with shipping-
400 ships. for emissions from ships. In addition to this,
related greenhouse gas emissions,
Emission Control Areas (ECAs) have
The European inland fleet currently has since combustion of methane, the main
also been established. These are special
a total of 13,500 ships with a loading zones with particularly tight restrictions constituent of natural gas, produces up to
capacity of 17 mln t. At present, there are on the emission of sulphur oxides (sulphur 32 % less direct CO2 emissions than heavy
five LNG-fuelled inland ships in use on ECA), nitrogen oxides (nitrogen oxide fuel oil (HFO). However this advantage is
European waterways. Four of these are ECA) and in some cases also particulate reduced by methane slip in the engine.
chemical or LNG tankers and one is an matter. The ECA areas currently include Current technical engine developments are
inland container ship. the whole of the North and Baltic Sea attempting to restrict methane slip. Another
area, the waters off the east and west possible solution is to reduce the amount of
Ship engines coast of North America, including Hawaii,
methane in the exhaust gas with catalytic
Ships are basically powered by three Canada’s Great Lakes and the coastal
exhaust aftertreatment. These technical
types of engine: Container ships, bulkers waters of Central America.
solutions would reduce the greenhouse
and tankers are almost exclusively driven The nitrogen oxide emissions from gas emissions of LNG-powered ships
by two-stroke slow speed engines. ships’ engines are limited specifically in further and help to make shipping more
These are the most efficient, at over 50 %, relation to the unit of energy generated. climate-friendly.
and thus consume the least fuel. Four- Current NOX emission limits, particularly
Inland shipping can be a significant cause
stroke medium speed engines are for ECA zones, require exhaust gas
of local air pollutant emissions in ports and
preferred where space is limited. Turbine recirculation, special exhaust gas treatment
along waterways. EU Non-Road Mobile
engines, on the other hand, are a niche or alternative engine designs. Gas is a
Machinery Regulation 2016/1628/
solution. particularly suitable fuel to comply with
EU has introduced tight regulations of air
NOX regulations. The emission values
Since the turn of the millennium, an engine pollutant emissions from inland shipping.
achieved by gas combustion comply with
design has been developed for LNG Here too, LNG engines offer an additional
the strict requirements of IMO TIER III
tankers, which allows them to burn diesel solution to selective catalyst reduction
emission regulations.
fuel and gas alternately (dual fuel (SCR) exhaust gas purification systems.
engines). This design has gradually Ships also generate an estimated 5 to 10 %
replaced the conventional gas-powered of the sulphur dioxide emissions
Besides shipping, long-distance road Poland have the biggest tractor markets, on average. Lean burn SI engines would
freight transport is another potential with just over 11 % and over 36,000 newly be more efficient, but there is no Euro VI
main application of LNG. The vehicles registered vehicles respectively each. The exhaust gas aftertreatment system for these
used for road freight transport are rigid average age of the heavy-duty vehicles engines as yet.
trucks and tractor units (HDV) with a high (over 3.5 t GVW) in Europe is around
Two manufacturers will be marketing
annual mileage. Because of the high user 12 years. Tractors are much newer on
heavy-duty LNG vehicles with SI engines in
requirements, HDV used for long-distance average.
Europe; the 13-litre class will be used for the
goods transport are almost exclusively
According to the latest expert estimates, highest performance HDV. All engines can
powered by efficient diesel engines.
there are currently around 4,000 LNG be used both in LNG and CNG vehicles.
Driven by the desire to diversify the fuel
vehicles in the EU, most of which are rigid
supply and reduce air pollutant and The idea of the HPDI engine is to initiate
trucks and tractor units, as well as some
greenhouse gas emissions, LNG is also auto-ignition with a smaller amount of diesel
buses and coaches. More than 1,500 new
being seen as a new powertrain and fuel fuel and to inject methane into the flame
vehicles have been registered recently.
option for heavy-duty vehicles in Europe. produced. The LNG is pre-heated and
Spain, the Netherlands, Italy and the UK
then injected into the combustion chamber
Heavy-duty vehicle fleet are leading LNG users in the EU. China
at 300 bar, like diesel, only in gas form.
in particular (over 200,000 vehicles) and
There are currently (2016) 37.6 mln goods The amount of diesel is selected so that
North America (over 4,000) also have
vehicles on the roads in Europe, including just enough energy is released to ignite the
sizeable LNG truck fleets.
rigid trucks for goods transport and tractor methane subsequently injected.
units towing semi-trailers. Over 80 %, or
Gas engines for HDV Diesel accounts for 5 to 10 % of total fuel
30.8 mln, of these are light goods vehicles
There are currently two different engine consumption. Exhaust gas aftertreatment
up to a maximum permissible laden weight
technologies for heavy-duty LNG works in the same way as in a normal
or the equivalent term gross vehicle weight
vehicles that fulfil the European exhaust diesel engine (SCR with urea solution
(GVW) of 3.5 t. Around 12 %, or 4.5 mln
emission standard EURO VI. These are and particulate filter). As an HPDI engine
vehicles are over 3.5 t GVW.
the stoichiometric petrol/gas engine (also works in the same way as a diesel engine,
Rigid Trucks and tractor units have a high a vehicle with an HPDI engine needs
spark ignition or SI engine) and the high-
annual mileage and fuel consumption. The only about 3 to 4 % more energy than a
pressure direct injection (HPDI) engine.
vehicles in which LNG could be used are: conventional diesel engine. The first HPDI
350,000 rigid trucks over 16 t GVW and Stoichiometric SI engines can be engine was unveiled in 2006. There is
1.8 mln tractor units. With over 360,000 designed very easily for gas or LNG currently only one series production HPDI
vehicles, Poland has the largest tractor (because of the high methane number). truck on the market in Europe.
fleet, followed by Spain with 200,000, Three-way catalysts can be used for
Germany and then France. cost-effective exhaust gas aftertreatment in Emissions
SI engines.
2.3 mln new rigid trucks and tractor units At present almost all heavy-duty vehicles
were registered in the EU in 2016. The SI engines are not as efficient as diesel use diesel engines and emit both air
heavy-duty vehicles (rigid trucks over 16 t engines. A larger SI engine is required pollutants and greenhouse gases. From
GVW and tractor units) account for just to obtain the same performance as a 1990 to 2016, the specific air pollutant
over a tenth of newly registered vehicles. comparable diesel engine because of emissions of road transport in the EU were
European long-distance road freight the lower compression ratio. An LNG reduced significantly, while the greenhouse
transport is dominated by tractor-semitrailer vehicle with an SI engine would need up gas emissions of all heavy-duty vehicles
combination vehicles. Germany and to 18 % more energy than a diesel vehicle rose by a quarter in the same period.
The EU Euro VI exhaust regulations have powered by diesel engines. The Euro VI developed the Vehicle Energy Consumption
applied to rigid trucks and tractor units exhaust standard also sets a limit of 0.5 g/ Tool (VECTO) with European vehicle
since 2012. The exhaust limits are set per kWh for methane emissions, which ensures manufacturers. VECTO calculations will
kilowatt hour engine work (mg/kWh). Like that methane slip has virtually no impact on now be used to reduce the CO2 emissions
stoichiometric SI engines, all LNG trucks the truck greenhouse gas balance. of new vehicles by 15 % by 2025 and
with high pressure direct injection fulfil the As with the regulation of CO2 emissions 30 % by 2030.
Euro VI standard. from passenger and light-duty vehicles, VECTO allows for a 23 % reduction in
The manufacturers of LNG vehicles with SI the European Commission is preparing a greenhouse gas emissions when using
engines point to further significant emission mandatory CO2 regulation for vehicles LNG or natural gas as a fuel. A 23 % CO2
reductions against the Euro VI standard. above 3.5 t GVW, which account for 65 to emissions saving could be achieved with
SI engines would be able to meet the 70 % of CO2 emissions from all commercial gas, with the same engine efficiency (HPDI
requirements of even stricter exhaust vehicles in the EU. engine); a saving of about 5 % would be
emission limits. LNG vehicles with SI To calculate the CO2 emissions of heavy- achieved by using a current SI engine.
engines are also much quieter than those duty vehicles, the European Commission
Finally, scenario technique is applied Scenario for shipping the penetration of LNG into the different
to show how LNG could become The development of the global shipping classes of ship depends both on the
an established fuel for shipping and fleet is predicted up to 2040 on the number of newly registered ships in each
heavy-duty vehicles by 2040. LNG for basis of the main classes of ship. These class and on how many of them are LNG
shipping is examined in the context of the are general cargo ships, container ships, ships. According to the figures for new
global merchant fleet, and LNG for road dry bulk cargo carriers, oil tankers and LNG ships, container ships are number
transport in that of heavy-duty vehicles in passenger ships and cruise liners. New one, with tankers and bulk cargo ships
the EU. Inland shipping is not examined LNG ships will be phased into this fleet. coming second and third.
in any more detail in the scenario Container ships (2,200 units) will account
analysis. An ambitious, powertrain/fuel- The total number of ships in the classes for the peak value of the LNG units in the
specific alternative scenario (Pro-LNG examined will rise by just over a tenth from fleet in 2040, followed by tankers (1,660
scenario) is assumed for each transport 51,000 to over 56,000 by 2040. While units) and bulk carriers (approximately
sector considered. there will be an increase in all categories 1,100 units). A substantial share of
of ship, the number of general cargo ships passenger ships and cruise liners will also
Fleet development up to 2040 is will fall significantly as a result of increasing be LNG ships, although in total there will
predicted in the light of the long-term containerisation. Container ships, which will only be 600 LNG-powered PAX ships in
transport forecasts for global shipping grow by approx. 5,200 to around 8,500 2040.
and European road transport; a units, are the most dynamic class.
substantial proportion of each fleet is The fuel consumption of each ship
gradually replaced by new LNG ships/ LNG ships will grow much more rapidly will be calculated by type of ship by
vehicles. The relative impact of LNG than the overall fleet to just over 6,000 estimating the average annual ship-specific
technology on the fuel consumption and units in 2040, and more than a tenth of consumption on the basis of power
greenhouse gas emissions of ships and the global shipping fleet examined will demand and operating profiles, assuming
heavy-duty vehicles is then estimated. then be powered by LNG. The speed of average efficiency levels for each type
of engine. Container ships have the Scenario for heavy-duty lower, at 8.2 mln t. The 480,000 heavy-
highest fuel consumption at approximately vehicles in the EU duty LNG vehicles will replace the annual
140,000 m3 LNG a year, followed by The development of the fleet of heavy- fuel consumption of 480,000 heavy-duty
cruise liners at 80,000 m3 LNG a year; the duty vehicles in the European Union is diesel vehicles in 2040. These 480,000
other classes of ship considered consume extrapolated up to 2040. Rigids trucks heavy-duty diesel vehicles would otherwise
15,000 to 20,000 m3 LNG a year. (above 16 t GVW and tractor units) are have consumed 11.5 bn litres (SI engines)
the most likely to use LNG as a fuel, so we or 10.9 bn litres (HPDI engines) of diesel
Total maritime LNG consumption could in that year. In addition to this, the HPDI
will confine our analysis to them.
reach 180 mln t by 2040. Given the engine will still need diesel for ignition and
current annual marine fuel consumption of There were 1.82 mln tractor units and this will account for 644 mln litres in 2040.
approximately 330 mln t, this seems high. 351,000 rigid trucks in the EU 28 in 2016.
This is due to the growth in the shipping fleet Around 4,000 heavy-duty vehicles run on The differential impact of LNG on
and in the transport performance in maritime LNG. If the current trend in registrations greenhouse gas emissions from
traffic. However container ships are the continues, there will be 307,000 newly road transport is determined from the
main reason for the high LNG consumption. registered rigid trucks and tractor units in consumption data for heavy-duty LNG
Their fuel consumption is the highest not 2040. This produces a total vehicle fleet vehicles and the amount of liquid fuel they
only because they have the most powerful of 2.76 mln units comprising 2.42 mln replace. Energy source-specific global
engines but also because they have the tractor units and 360,000 rigid vehicles warming factors for pure fossil LNG, for
largest number of LNG engines. over 16 t GVW. LNG containing 30 % biomethane and for
diesel fuel containing 7 % biodiesel (B7)
As a result, container ships will have the We have assumed that LNG vehicles are used for this.
highest LNG consumption in 2040, at 140 will account for 10 % of newly registered
rigid vehicles in 2040 and that one in four Using pure fossil LNG in SI engines
mln t. Tankers (15 mln t), bulk carriers (10
newly registered tractor units will be an delivers savings of 3.7 mln t of direct CO2
mln t) and cruise liners (9 mln t) are some
LNG vehicle, which results in a total of emissions (Tank-to-Wheel); methane slip
way behind this. LNG ships could account
75,000 newly registered LNG vehicles which translates into around 0.5 mln t of
for up to 226 mln t of marine fuel in total in
in that year. This ultimately produces a greenhouse gas should be deduced.
fleet of around 480,000 heavy-duty LNG Greenhouse gas emissions over the whole
The differential impact of the use of LNG vehicles comprising 20,000 rigid trucks LNG chain (Well-to-Wheel) are 1.2 mln t
on greenhouse gas emissions from and 460,000 tractor units. Around 17 % less than those of heavy-duty diesel vehicles.
shipping is determined from consumption of all heavy-duty vehicles in 2040 would
Using HPDI vehicles increases the potential
data for LNG ships and the amount of liquid therefore have an LNG engine.
2040 greenhouse gas savings to 6.2 mln t
fuel they replace. Energy source-specific of CO2, Tank-to-Wheel, minus around
The absolute LNG consumption
greenhouse gas factors for pure fossil LNG 0.5 mln t of methane slip. Well-to-wheel
and the consumption of diesel replaced
and low sulphur fuel oil are used for this. greenhouse gas savings amount to 4.7 mln t.
by LNG can be estimated on the basis
Replacing 226 mln t of low sulphur fuel oil of assumptions for typical road transport
Using 30 % Bio-LNG, with high specific
with just over 180 mln t of LNG in 2040 mileage and vehicle-specific fuel
greenhouse gas savings, increases the
would produce a saving of around 230 consumptions.
greenhouse gas savings obtained with
mln t of direct CO2 emissions. If we also In addition to the diesel engine as the LNG over the whole LNG fuel chain to 8.4
assume methane slip of around 1 % of standard power unit, two types of LNG mln t or 10.7 mln t a year in 2040, again
the LNG used, the benefit of LNG for the engine were considered: a petrol/gas depending on the type of vehicle; this is
global warming potential falls by roughly or SI engine and an HPDI engine similar equivalent to an additional greenhouse
a quarter, equivalent to around 54 mln t, to to a diesel. A heavy-duty vehicle with an gas saving of about 20 %. Higher Bio-
176 mln t. HPDI engine currently has a final energy LNG contents can achieve even higher
consumption around 11 % less than a heavy- greenhouse gas savings in comparison with
If we include the greenhouse gas emissions
duty vehicle with a petrol/gas engine. fossil LNG and hence also in comparison
from the production respectively provision
with diesel engines.
of LNG and HFO (Well-to-Tank), the If we assume similar market development
absolute greenhouse gas savings of the for both engine types, the LNG demand for With an HPDI engine, this equates to
overall Well-to-Wheel balance fall to petrol/gas engines will reach about 9.7 a maximum emission saving of 29 % in
approximately 132 mln t of greenhouse mln t in 2040. The LNG demand for HPDI comparison with the same number of
gas emissions in 2040. engines in the same year will be slightly heavy-duty diesel vehicles.
LNG application technologies have made significant progress in recent years. However LNG has only just started
on the pathway to broad commercial use in the retail sector. Retail applications therefore need further support and
funding from the government and society. What actions and measures would be needed to develop LNG into an
important component of the supply of energy for ships and heavy-duty vehicles?
Important Policy Asks are formulated below, which may help to create and improve the framework conditions for a
low-emission LNG retail economy in the future.
engines both for ships and heavy-duty vehicles are still much LOW-EMISSION AND RENEWABLE LNG
more expensive than standard diesel engines. To generate further To ensure that low-emission LNG can be used economically, it
economies of scale for production, the production numbers of is essential to create long-term, reliable basic conditions for fuel
LNG engines must be increased significantly. producers and marketers.
There may be a case for introducing subsidies for LNG- These could include regulatory incentives for different
applications in small- and medium-sized enterprises, which do technologies, such as setting increasing quotas for the content
not have the budget for purchasing LNG engines; this applies to of renewable fuels (such as Bio-LNG) or fuel-specific greenhouse
both hauliers and inland navigation companies, but particularly gas quotas (as specified in the EU Renewable Energies
the latter, as these fleets have a long service life and hence do not Directive), because these provide incentives to invest in facilities
need to be replaced as often. for the production and supply of LNG produced from renewable
There are two available engine designs for heavy-duty LNG For the development of LNG in the mobility sector it is essential
vehicles (SI-petrol/gas and HPDI) with different environmental to ensure that it offers users more benefits than the standard
benefits in terms of fuel consumption and air pollutant, powertrain. User benefits can be created primarily by economic
greenhouse gas and noise emissions. The methane slip problem or regulatory incentives. For LNG, these also include
is regulated by Euro VI, so users can choose the solution that is environmental regulation.
best for them.
For LNG in the shipping industry, regulatory incentives could
include more extensive ECAs and basing port fees on emissions.
Methane slip in ships has not yet been adequately addressed.
Environmental zones and port fees are also a possible incentive
Here too, methane slip should be reduced as far as possible by
for promoting the use of LNG in inland navigation.
technical measures, for example by developing catalyst systems.
Regulatory incentives could also be introduced. For heavy-duty vehicles environmental zones are only a
moderate measure of promoting LNG, as they mainly operate
SUPPORTING FISCAL MEASURES on the national motorways. However, experience has shown
For the introductory phase, energy tax measures can support that motorway tolls have a significant impact on the choice of
engine technology for long haul heavy-duty vehicles; in other
LNG as a fuel for road transport. This can also be justified by
words this is an argument for a heavy-duty
the fact that LNG, like other gas fuels, generally produces fewer
vehicle toll that depends, at least in
emissions than diesel fuels from combustion.
part, on emissions. CO2 limits for
If greenhouse gas emissions are to be priced in the long term, new heavy-duty vehicles could
low-emission fuels, particularly from renewable sources, would also affect the spread of LNG in
be more competitive, as they produce lower CO2 emissions. the vehicle fleet, because LNG
Fossil LNG would also benefit from this because of its low energy offers benefits over diesel engines
source-specific greenhouse gas emissions. in terms of direct greenhouse gas
Fiscal measures do not affect shipping. In the first place, most emissions.
EU Member States grant shipping a reduction or exemption
from energy tax, and in the second place, bunker fuel for
international shipping is not subject to energy tax. One long-term
option for the fuel consumption of shipping would be to include
it in a global emissions trading system; as this would take a
considerable lead-time to prepare, it is not expected to have
any impact on the development of marine LNG in the short- or
medium term.
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